How geese are raised on a farm. Breeding geese as a business - profitable or not

Breeding geese is not a very popular poultry industry, although they are a source of dietary meat. The article discusses how profitable it is to engage in goose breeding: a business plan for breeding geese is given, recommendations on where to start. In addition, a video was posted about a farm where goose breeding is practiced.

Geese are not only profitable to breed, but they are interesting to watch. They are very smart birds that treat their owner with respect. Another advantage is the ease of maintenance: these birds are unpretentious in terms of conditions and food. Geese, unlike other birds, can find their own food.

Geese are great business

Growing geese is beneficial not only in the household, but also for sale on the market. This could very well be a family business. One adult goose yields approximately 6 kilograms of meat, with an average of 2.5 kilograms of high-quality goose fat. Its liver is highly regarded by culinary experts as a delicacy. Goose liver pate is comparable in nutritional value and price to black caviar.

Feathers and down of birds have water-repellent and heat-conducting qualities, which can be compared even with eider down. If you grow a goose for 2 months, you can get up to a kilogram of young goose meat. Geese are not picky about food, they can pluck grass all day and eat food waste.

How to start organizing a farm for growing geese? The main thing is to understand the basics of breeding technology. This, of course, is a long and laborious process, but the possibility of preparing your own goose for the New Year is worth the effort.

Goose farm business plan

A goose farm starts with a business plan. First you need to draw up a project, calculate income and expenses. The drawn up business plan can be guided by the further organization of the farm.

Land for maintenance

To grow healthy geese, it is advisable to breed them far from the city. To do this, it is recommended to buy a land plot that is located as far as possible from the city limits. If you plan to walk the herd, then the area should be large. It is also desirable that there is some kind of reservoir nearby. If you have about 300 individuals, then you need about 40 meters of land that overlooks the meadow.

Buying a bird

In order to prevent raising geese from becoming an oppressive duty instead of pleasure, you need to decide which breed you want to breed on a goose farm. To date, there are more than 35 breeds that differ not only in egg production and productivity, but also in conditions favorable for their breeding.

For example, the Arzamas breed is one of the oldest breeds, originally bred for fighting. Over time, instead of a fighting direction, the breed acquired qualities that were perfect for the meat direction.

The Chinese breed stands out, first of all, for its small size. But, despite their size, they have high egg production and increased endurance. The offspring obtained from the crossing of the Chinese goose and the Italian, Kholmogory or Toulouse gander has high fattening characteristics and a rate of weight gain. This combination of characteristics in the breed gives an advantage over representatives of other breeds. They can be grown under special conditions like broiler geese.

The Italian breed is very popular in Western countries, but it appeared on the territory of the CIS during the Soviet era thanks to Czechoslovakia. When fattening, the breed shows high characteristics, both for meat and liver. Active growth is noticed in young animals, and good hens are obtained from geese.

Feeding goslings must begin from the first days of life. The first days you need to feed at least 6 times a day. The diet may consist of good quality feed. Ideally, if it has already been tested. Also, a ground grain mixture of wheat, hercules, peas, corn and buckwheat can be suitable for feeding. Chopped boiled eggs or cottage cheese can be added to this mixture. You can add chopped clover, nettle and other herbs. The ratio of grain and herbs should be 1:1.

After 4 days, cake and root crops can be added to the diet. The most important thing is that wet food is given, while avoiding stickiness that can clog the nostrils and cause inflammation. Small gravel should be poured into separate feeders, and ground shells and chalk should be added to the food.

If you plan to breed geese for meat, then you need to feed them intensively and not let them walk. Both greens and fortified food should be given. Mineral additives, such as chalk, shell and salt, must be added to the grain part. If you stick to such feeding, then one 70-day-old goose has up to 12 kilograms of grain and 24 kilograms of greenery. In summer, geese can be grown in the wild. Why should you build a corral: sow grass, equip with feeders to give additional feed. You should also put drinking bowls and bathing containers.

Sales of finished products

There are no problems with the sale of ready-made goose products. Although this area of ​​business is in demand, there are still few competitors on the market. You can not be afraid of competition and count on profitable and fast trading. Goose meat can be sold to the kitchen of restaurants or delivered to store shelves.

The most profitable would be to open your own outlet, where it will be possible to sell eggs and goose meat. If you install the appropriate equipment on the farm, you can expand the range of products from goose meat, liver and fat.

A goose farm is a profitable business that can bring in big profits.

Video "Daniil Penchalov about the goose farm"

In this video, the owner of the goose farm, Daniil Penchalov, talks about his farm and the benefits of breeding geese.

From time immemorial, geese were considered symbols of prosperity and well-being of the rural yard. Now breeding geese is not only a sign of a good owner, but also a rather profitable business that has two main directions. The first option is egg incubation. Goslings are sold daily or already a little grown up (three days or weeks old), which, of course, are more expensive. Geese are unimportant mothers. In addition, no more than 5-7 eggs can be laid under one hen. Therefore, the business of selling goslings is not possible without a good incubator. He, in turn, can be foreign or domestic production. The difference in price is very noticeable, although domestic models are not inferior in quality and, moreover, are much more spacious. But we should not forget that geese are primarily meat birds. Therefore, the second business option is raising birds for meat. The weight of a ten-week-old goose reaches 4.5-5.5 kg. The price for 1 kg ranges from 200 to 350 rubles. Having calculated the business plan of a goose farm, we can conclude that this direction is much more profitable than the previous one.

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Necessary conditions for raising birds

Geese are unpretentious birds, they need a lot of greenery, juicy food and water.

They spend most of the daylight hours (up to 90%) outdoors. For a profitable goose herd (at least 1,000 heads), about two hectares of pasture (meadows, wastelands, ravines, slopes) and a reservoir (from 200 sq.m) with overgrown banks will be required. Attention should be paid to the fact that Rospotrebnadzor prohibits the use of natural reservoirs near housing for the needs of a goose farm, as well as organizing a goose farm within settlements. This limitation is due to the fact that the goose is a noisy, strong, and in some cases also aggressive bird. A herd of irritated geese can maim an adult or peck a child to death.

Breeding such a large bird is impossible without a large room (at least 150 sq.m), which must be constantly heated (recommended temperature is not lower than 8 degrees). Despite the fact that these are northern birds, in order to produce good products, they must sleep in warmth, because their paws and beak can very easily get frostbite. An abandoned barn or poultry house is best suited. After all, it is much cheaper to repair and restore communications than to build everything from scratch.

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Organization of a farm for breeding geese

Goose meat and liver are on the list of products that are subject to mandatory certification. Therefore, when starting to breed birds, you will have to collect a lot of information. The first step is to register as an individual entrepreneur. In the course of doing business, you will need a lot of permits that are simply not issued to individuals. Then Rospotrebnadzor and firefighters must give permission to open (of course, not for free). After that, it is the turn of the veterinary service. There you need to get a certificate for products and a certificate of veterinary well-being of the enterprise (premises, equipment, grounds). Only having all the listed documents in hand, you can start raising poultry.

From the foregoing, it follows that goslings must be purchased only from certified suppliers. Otherwise, how to get a certificate for something that does not exist yet? But then we will need to certify our products separately.

As for young animals, suppliers most often offer goslings prepared for fattening. It is pointless to try to breed such birds and form your own breeding herd from them, since they are bad producers. Given the difficulties with product certification, at first it is better to limit ourselves to growing. Over time, having gained experience, the formation of your own herd will become a priority, as it will ensure independence from the suppliers of young animals.

For a successful business, it is very important to choose the right breed of bird. There are many of them, large gray and Kholmogory are recommended for starting. They are hardy and resistant to diseases, their geese are good hens. Gorky and Roman breeds are suitable for the southern regions. For a temperate zone with high humidity - Ural (Shadrin). There are not so many suppliers of pure breeds of geese in Russia, mainly Priirtyshsky, Pyatnitsky and Lindovsky plants.

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Goose farm payback

Below is a possible calculation of the costs and payback of a goose farm from a herd of 800 geese and 200 ganders, where one goose breeds from 6 to 8 goslings per year. They, in turn, give meat for 500-1000 rubles, liver - for 500 rubles, feathers and down - for 20 rubles. Of course, these figures can vary greatly depending on the region and local prices.

Estimated costs:

  • purchase (rent) of premises - 250-300 thousand rubles;
  • repair, purchase of necessary equipment - 150-200 thousand rubles;
  • registration of a package of necessary documents and permits - about 20,000 rubles;
  • purchase of goslings (1000 heads) - 10-50 thousand rubles. This range is due to the fact that a daily gosling costs about 10 rubles, a three-day or weekly one (the one that is ready for fattening) - about 50 rubles;
  • feed - 600-750 thousand rubles. (per year).

If an individual is raised up to 75 days of age, during this period about 15 kg of feed (including 12 kg of cereals) and 30 kg of greens are spent on it.

Kira Stoletova

Agriculture has always been considered not only an excellent platform for growing certain crops, but also a space for doing business. Yes, you can start your own business not only by opening boutiques in huge cities. Breeding geese as a business is considered an excellent project for beginners who dream of doing a profitable business.

However, before moving on to active actions, preparing the land, acquiring birds, it is necessary to consider whether such an investment of money and effort is profitable or not. Despite the fact that the usual cultivation of geese does not bring huge troubles, it is necessary to prepare properly for breeding birds. It will take a lot of effort to achieve the maximum benefit from this business. You can find out how the preparation for breeding geese takes place by looking at the video or by reading the article below.

What can a goose "offer"?

To understand what geese breeding as a business can offer a person can only be understood by understanding the origin and characteristics of bird life. It should be noted in advance that such a business project can hardly bring much profit. This is due to the fact that birds need constant supervision and good equipment, despite the ease of maintenance. The owner must not only constantly keep the life of the birds under control, but also invest in the purchase of equipment for their breeding. Without these two points, you should not expect financial well-being.

In addition to equipment and free time, an entrepreneur must be aware of the love of geese for fresh air and pastures, so providing them with their own or rented walking area is essential. Success in the goose business is possible only after acquiring several hectares of meadow or any wasteland. By providing the birds with the listed benefits, various positive moments can be achieved.

  1. Get enough meat to sell, which brings in most of the profit. Even though you can’t build a business on goose eggs, however, meat can start making money after 2 months from grazing. 1 hectare of pasture, on average, provides a person with two tons per year.
  2. Protect yourself from buying freezer equipment and expired food storage. This is possible due to the length of the geese grazing season and the fact that the “harvesting” takes place throughout the season, gradually meeting the demand.
  3. Start selling meat at a higher price than small farms do.
  4. Start selling goose liver, which is considered not only an exquisite delicacy, but also a high-quality healing product. And foie gras or goose pate are considered an expensive and worthwhile delicacy for a long time. Due to the demand for such a product, geese breeding as a business is considered a profitable business. Some farmers specifically buy exclusively "liver" breeds in order to fatten them up and get a quality liver. Foie gras is perfectly stored at home due to the possibility of canning and transportation.
  5. Make a profit with goose down, which is considered an excellent and valuable industrial product. They warm clothes, and the price is much more attractive than the cost of similar products. By the way, you should look for possible candidates for the purchase of down when planning a goose farm as a business.

A worthy plus of geese is their resistance to diseases and the ability to consume any kind of feed, therefore, when thinking about farming, it is necessary to give preference to breeding geese so as not to spend money on financial insurance against diseases.

Requirements for rearing poultry

It is difficult to answer the question of whether or not to grow geese, because it is almost impossible to find a definite answer. Experienced poultry farmers believe that only a person who not only understands agriculture, but also has a profitable business that generates income can afford to breed geese. For beginners, according to professionals, breeding will seem difficult. However, why not take a chance? The goose breeding business will become possible after fulfilling the basic requirements.

  1. Acquisition of a large, high-quality heated premises. It is desirable that the goose farm be equipped with an insulated floor. To breed geese, a room equal to 150 square meters is suitable. m per 1000 birds. Heating is an unusually necessary criterion for rearing, because, having frostbitten limbs and beak, the bird will lose its commercial qualities, and will not provide the necessary “output”. Breeding geese in a barn will not work due to the large size of the bird and the need for a production permit from special sanitary authorities, veterinarians, and the fire department. A goose farm cannot be considered as such without permission from the authorities.
  2. Registration of an individual as an individual entrepreneur.
  3. Providing birds with a reservoir with a size of 200 square meters. m, where the birds will be provided with grass and water. If there are no such ponds in the village or the selected area, then you will have to spend energy and money on digging and filling it.
  4. The location of the goose farm away from settlements and their homes due to the aggressiveness of the birds and their noisy and loud behavior. Growing geese should take place away from children, because irritated birds can peck a child or even a person to death.
  5. Providing the birds with a sufficient number of insulated bedding, feeders, nests, incubators, drinkers. Making feeders and drinkers can be done independently at home to save money.
  6. Search for factories specializing in animal feed. In summer, costs are reduced due to constant grazing and visiting lakes and ponds.

You can implement a business idea for breeding geese after purchasing or renting an abandoned poultry house, cowshed. By the way, the repair and restoration of abandoned buildings with broken communications is much cheaper than building from scratch. In addition, a goose farm on the site of another poultry house proves that the chosen site is suitable. About how the right goose farms look like, they tell and show more than one video.

Breed selection

The breed of the bird largely determines how successful the business will be, and therefore the plan should also include careful selection of the breed. Geese differ in purpose and place of breeding, in what weather conditions this or that bird will be forced to live. In addition, it is necessary to start a breeding business with a solution to the issue of regular offspring.

Geese are considered unimportant "moms", and a goose egg cannot be incubated in a made incubator. Up to 7 eggs are laid under 1 mother hen. The purchase of a branded incubator in this case is justified, however, you only need to choose models with a large capacity, for which the purchase of domestic incubators is better suited.

Based on the described physiological characteristics of birds, farmers recommend growing large gray species, after which they can be supplemented with common Kholmogory. Birds are suitable for breeding because of good incubation of eggs and breeding of young, as well as due to endurance and stability. A goose farm in the south may consist of Gorky and Roman geese, and in the temperate zone it is better to breed Ural geese.



Breeding geese//Where to start

Goose business of Pavel Postevoy. Geese breeding. Lindow goose

Business idea. Goose business, 10,000 geese!!!

Opening a goose farm: standards and requirements

When making a breeding plan, you need to prepare yourself in advance to go through and fill out a huge amount of paperwork and certificates. Since goose meat and foie gras are considered products in need of certification, you will definitely visit more than one relevant authority. Therefore, before you start making a profit, you will have to visit several instances.

  1. Tax office, in which the registration of an individual entrepreneur takes place. Be sure to indicate the type of your activity, in this case, it is the sale of meat, eggs, etc. After that, a special certificate will be provided, which serves as the main document for further procedures.
  2. Rospotrebnadzor and the fire service, who need to provide a previously received document, acquire a permit to open.
  3. veterinary service. Birds must be certified, because goose meat grown at home cannot be sold without documents even in the markets. Veterinarians will provide you with several documents, including a certificate and a veterinary certificate indicating that the enterprise is safe and contains the necessary equipment, attributes and land.

It will be possible to breed geese only after a ready-made package of documents has been collected and a plan for ongoing veterinary measures has been approved with veterinarians. Very often, it is at the stage of paperwork that many entrepreneurs ask themselves the question: “Is breeding really that profitable?” In the case of renting a room for a goose house, it is unlikely that it will be possible to obtain a certificate, the same applies to the purchase of young stock not from trusted suppliers.

Certification of young animals occurs immediately, however, your birds must be certified again after. Buying young animals from unverified suppliers at a nice price is not always profitable, because they were mainly prepared for fattening. Their cultivation will bring nothing but losses and waste of time. Due to the difficulties that appear at the certification stage, it is not necessary to immediately start forming your own breeding herd - you should limit yourself to growing. When the plan has already been “worked out”, you can proceed to the independent formation of your own herd of breeding geese. Finding suppliers is quite problematic, since there are only a few factories in Russia. The purchase can be carried out in Pyatnitsky, Priirtyshsky and Lindovsky. When making any purchase of birds, it is important to carefully consider all existing quality certifications and standards.

About business prospects

It is quite convenient to do calculations and draw up an approximate business plan both at home and in the office. The following data only roughly reflects the commercial prospects for cultivation:

  • more than one ruble will have to be spent on the purchase of premises, on average it costs up to 300 thousand rubles;
  • it is possible to repair and provide equipment for a ready-made goose coop within 200 thousand rubles;
  • draw up a document, on average, it is possible for 20 or more thousand rubles;
  • you can buy young animals from 1000 heads within 10-50 rubles apiece, ready for fattening costs up to 50 thousand rubles;
  • spending on food and other expenses will amount to 800 thousand rubles.

Growing geese requires an initial investment of at least 1 million rubles. Having calculated the income that a herd with 1000 heads, including 800 geese, can give, we get about 1.5 million rubles. (including the sale of liver, fluff, feathers, eggs). If there are geese weighing 4 kg or more on the farm, it will be possible to sell them for 600-1200 rubles, and down and feathers are suitable for ateliers and industries. In addition, we must remember about constant checks and unexpected situations, which will have to spend part of the profits.

Subtleties of feeding and keeping birds

The maintenance and fattening of birds is not particularly difficult and is described in detail in almost every reference book. The only thing that is important and needs to be remembered is the love of birds for dense meals, greens, succulent feeds and liquids. Getting a high income also depends on how often the grazing of goose herds will be. It is better to use "stalls" exclusively in industry, raising birds for canned food or for feeding birds for future cooking on the table.

Thus, it is impossible to say that breeding geese is extremely profitable, but this business cannot be called unprofitable. If the goose farm meets all standards and requirements, as well as produces high-quality meat and products, there will be no need to talk about losses. Using a serious approach to business, carefully doing calculations, you can easily provide yourself with a stable income even at home. Goose farm as a business is profitable and promising!

Modern realities in Russia show an increased cost of meat products. The increase in prices is influenced by external and internal factors. The direction of the country towards food security provides new opportunities for farmers and poultry farmers.

Breeding geese at home is now becoming a business for land owners. This is not only meat (dietary), if you approach it correctly, but also eggs and fat. In addition, goose down is an excellent filler. How to open your own business and the intricacies of goose breeding is described in this article.

Breeding geese at home when there is a prepared business plan and feasible opportunities created, the business is profitable.

Consider what you need to start your own business:

    Availability of land for organizing a farm.

    Bird breeding skills.

    Room for a goose.

    Necessary equipment.

Breeding geese is a business that novice businessmen can easily master, it pays off quickly. Chicks grow quickly and by 60 days have a weight of up to 4 kilograms, the cost of food is relatively small. Experts determine the ratio: for 1 kilogram of weight, 3 kilograms of feed will have to be spent.

Consider what income you can get from a goose farm, since it is recognized that this bird has no waste:

    delicate meat;

    eggs for sale;

    goose fat for pharmacists;

    feathers and down as natural fillers.

A large selection of goose breeds makes it possible to breed them in different regions. Experts recommend to start a business to acquire a herd of 400-500 heads, then make a choice on a specific breed of geese.

Positive Factors

Gourmets know how much goose liver is valued, there are breeds that are grown specifically for this purpose, when a special feed technology is used. Breeding geese as a business is profitable or not, such doubts often come when a novice entrepreneur does not understand the issue. This bird lives for a long time, which has a positive effect on the increase in the number of goose herds.

Geese that are three years old carry eggs better, and life expectancy allows you to evenly distribute the herd. The cost of deli meat will cost the farmer less than beef, but a little more expensive than pork.

Geese differ from other birds in such zero-waste factors as:

    the ability of livestock to seek their own food;

    an adult gives up to 6 kilograms of meat and up to 3 kilograms of fat;

    goose liver pate in its usefulness will not yield to black caviar;

    feathers and goose down are used as natural fillers for mattresses, pillows;

    rapid growth of the young.

If one of the start-up entrepreneurs with a land plot doubts a promising goose business, we will reveal secrets for beginners. These birds get used to a new place of residence very well, besides, they naturally have good immunity, for this reason they almost do not need to be treated, they do not need financial insurance. Consider how experts offer business directions for future goslings:

    Breeding geese as a business for the meat industry.

    Tribal breeding of geese.

The first way of business development is preferable for medium and small farms, but with the prospect of poultry breeding.

It is not necessary to start a business infusion of funds, large sums of money, and the return is relatively high immediately.

The second direction involves egg incubators with the sale of young animals. For business in this area, it is preferable to combine both directions of development.

    how many competitors in this industry in the region;

    what is the demand for meat products of this category in the region;

    mandatory assessment of future income.

In order to correctly assess the situation, it is first necessary to draw up a business plan, according to whichbreeding geese for meat, and for this you need to choose the right breed of geese.

Preparing a business plan

It should be noted for novice businessmen that in Russia now there is no industrial way to grow geese, this is done exclusively by farms. What should be indicated in the business plan to receive regional business subsidies? Here are some options:

    Implementation of the marketing of products (you can sell it to the distribution network, have your own points of sale).

    What equipment will be used for the production of young animals.

A business plan for breeding geese requires careful study, which we indicate in the table:

Annual plan

Start and end of stage implementation

Required amount of funds

Preparing the farm to receive geese

April May

Not required, there is a country house

Purchase of equipment


About 120,000 rubles

Buying young animals


Up to 100,000 rubles

Growth stage of young geese


260-300 thousand rubles

Slaughter for meat

November December

Not required

Sale (implementation) of meat

December - January

60000 rubles


    necessary expenses - 400,000 rubles;

    planned profit for the year 200,000 rubles;

    payback of the project, predicted for 24 months.

Cost estimate:

What do we spend money on?

Amount in rubles

Source of funds


Purchase of young animals

100 000

Regional Grant

Young growth up to 5 days, the cost of one individual is 100 rubles (1000 chicks)

Food for chicks

About 150-200 thousand

Regional Grant

1 individual consumes up to 40 kilograms of grain and 120 kilograms of grass, 500 grams of additives

Purchase of refrigerators

120 000

Regional Grant

We buy industrial refrigerators - 4 pieces

Car expenses

60 000

Own contribution

Delivery of products to the point of sale


120 000

Own contribution

For helper and family members



Own contribution

30% to the fund (PHOT)



Own contribution

Fuel costs

25-26 thousand

Own contribution

Total own expenses:

About 400,000

General expenses:

687 000


    when organizing a farm, your own tool will be used;

    poultry feed is purchased from trusted manufacturers;

    grass is harvested independently.

When preparing a business plan for breeding geese, you must take into account your regional characteristics, only generally accepted costs are shown here.

Choosing a goose breed

For goose breeding, there are many bred breeds of geese that differ in various parameters,what breed of geese is best for breeding for meat, To do this, we present some popular types, namely:

    If the entrepreneur will continue to focus on raising young animals, then the Kuban breed is distinguished by an increased ability to lay eggs. According to the qualifications of specialists, these are light birds (the female gains up to 5 kilograms of weight, the gander up to 6 kilograms as much as possible), the goose is able to lay up to 90 eggs.

    The Arzamas breed of geese is resistant to temperature fluctuations and diseases. They have excellent meat, which is appreciated by experts for its taste, an adult gains up to 7 kilograms of weight.

    Edmenn geese are heavy birds, it is a large amount of meat and fat, the goose gains up to 8 kilograms of weight, and the male of this breed gains up to 10 kilograms in weight.

    The Italian white goose breed is considered a good breed to start breeding, they quickly put on weight, can gain 9 kilograms and have a relatively good ability to lay eggs, up to 50 pieces per female.

    Toulouse geese are bred by connoisseurs of liver pate, this breed is sensitive to cold, has a lot of weight and low mobility, the gander gains up to 12 kilograms.

    Meat of excellent taste can be obtained from geese of the Rhine, white breed, which reach up to 6.5 kilograms of weight and can carry up to 45 eggs relative to the environment.

    Profitability of breeding geese, depends on the goal set by the entrepreneur, the Gorky breed is suitable for meat, which belongs specifically to this, meat, category of geese. The male gains 10 kilograms, and the female 8 kilograms of weight, egg production up to 50 pieces.

    The meat breed includes gray geese, these are large individuals with a strong body structure, the male of this breed is gaining up to 10 kilograms, and the female is eight kilograms of weight.

    The Kholmogory breed for a goose breeder, as applied to a large herd, individuals gain up to 10 kilograms of weight, a female weighing 8 kilograms is capable of carrying up to 40 eggs.

    Experts recommend starting a business to consider geese for breeding ─ Danish legart, they are well bred, I consume 20% less feed compared to other birds. The weight of young individuals, two months old, can gain up to 6 kilograms.

Experts recommend the breed of Gorky geese in the southern regions of Russia, and the Shadrin breed in the Urals. Starting a business can be done with a breed, the Danish Legart, gradually diluting the parent flock with large gray geese. Gradually, with experience, you can cross geese, increasing the ability to carry eggs.

What are the requirements for the premises

Geese do not require special care, they are in the air for most of the day, but for them to live, it is necessary to properly equip the room. For these purposes, you can use any outbuilding (barn, old cowshed), which have walls with a thickness of at least 30 millimeters.

Pasture for grazing ideally should be located nearby, as well as a place where geese can satisfy their thirst, a reservoir. The size of the house depends on the planned herd of geese. It is very simple to calculate, for one individual you need 1 square meter of area. It is necessary to provide passages between the paddocks. It is desirable that the room was not lower than 1500-2000 millimeters.

What parameters must be observed in the goose house, these are:

    the room must be dry;

    get rid of the free movement of air (drafts);

    keeping geese in winter, this is the presence of bedding on a dry floor.

Geese have weaknesses in health, these are beak and paws, so the litter should be at least 30 centimeters high, usually hay. It must be taken into account that its consumption will be large, so it must be harvested with a margin. Hay can be bought, it will be an additional cost of about 30,000 rudders. For a herd of 1000 heads, about 1 ton of hay is needed.

Goose droppings on the farm are collected and processed into fertilizers; for this, the litter should be sprinkled with superphosphate to prevent the release of ammonia. Be sure to clean the house according to the schedule.

It is necessary to provide indoor enclosures in which young animals will be kept and for “fighter” birds. For geese, nests are equipped, they must be located separately from the main herd.

Important! Females in nests for better incubation should not see each other. Improving the ability to lay eggs can be achieved by additional enclosures for females.

How to breed geese

Features of breeding geese lies in their late puberty, as well as in creating the necessary conditions for this, these are:

    Establishment of a parent stock. It should include the best individuals from the entire goose family. All indicators of the heredity of the breed, the individual characteristics of the geese are taken into account.

    Conducting culling of geese for daily weight gain, this is done after 8 weeks. It is advisable to take geese into the herd, which give a weight gain a few percent higher than the entire goose family on average per bird.

    It is recommended to complete the herd with specialists according to the age of the individuals. It should contain geese from 1 year to 3 in approximately equal percentages. Approximately 30% of young animals are needed. A prerequisite is the ratio of geese to ganders, they should be 3 times less.

The goose herd consists of families that live and graze together.

Organization of nests for geese

Nests for geese are made in advance, about 30 days in advance, one individual can lay several eggs in the nest. To equip nests, you need to choose a place on the floor, in corner rooms where there is little light. A prerequisite is the absence of a draft. The female begins to rush from February to May.

For 30-40 days, males are transferred to enhanced feeding with oats, ground grain, and also give animal feed. Obesity of ganders is not allowed.

When a goose starts acting restless, it means she is ready to lay eggs. The frequency of laying eggs is 1 time in two days. When it's cold outside, you need to collect eggs in a timely manner. For long-term storage, the eggs must be turned over periodically.

How to select eggs for an incubator

Breeding geese in an incubator at home begins with the selection of eggs. To do this, they must meet the following parameters:

    the egg must be fertilized, it turns out by transillumination on the 7th day - 80%;

    the ability to hatch chicks - 60%;

The results of egg incubation largely depend on its external condition, namely:

    a dirty egg in the litter spoils faster;

    dirty eggs have an increased percentage of goose embryo death;

    low hatchability in eggs with droppings.

To eliminate these shortcomings, "dirty" eggs must be treated with hydrogen peroxide. Conduct a selection of substandard eggs, which can be determined by the following parameters:

    a large egg (2 yolks or one, but it is mobile);

    egg geometry is wrong;

    cracked eggs;

    there is a visual inferiority of the shell;

    the presence of blood clots when we look at the egg through the light;

    the airbox is not positioned correctly.

When the eggs are selected, you can start hatching the chicks.

artificial way

This type of geese breeding is used when it is not possible to keep a sufficient parent flock. Breeding of geese, egg incubation is carried out in special equipment (incubator). Its sizes can be different, there are also for home breeding, they are small. It creates all conditions for the hatching of chicks. The main parameter is maintaining the temperature regime, which is set within 37.5-37.7 degrees. A lower temperature provides for a longer period of egg incubation, the chicks that appear are weak, they are less viable. If the temperature is raised, then at first the growth of the chicks will be rapid, then their departure will also be rapid. It is necessary to keep the temperature recommended by experts.

Humidity should be optimal and maintained during the incubation process within 62-66%. It is also necessary to take into account good ventilation in the incubator room. Gosling embryos consume 10 times more oxygen than other birds. For this purpose, forced ventilation is installed in the room. The eggs in the incubator automatically turn, this ensures uniform heating of it with warm air and prevents the embryo from sticking to the walls of the egg.

After 2 weeks, the incubator eggs begin to be forcibly cooled to 30 degrees once a day, this removes excess heat. Chicks in the incubator begin to break out of the shell on the 30th day.

Natural growth of young

When the goose nest is covered with down, this is a sure sign that the geese have finished laying eggs. During this period, they sit on the nest more. For hatching chicks, preference is given to an adult goose, but for testing, you can put a young individual on the nest, for this, conditions are created for it:

    it is necessary to create peace and quiet for 3 days;

    the goose should not get up from the nest for 3 days;

    when she tries to drive the man away from the nest, the test is passed.

Natural incubation involves organizing several nests and creating conditions for them, this is peace and quiet. The main thing is that these nests must be separated by opaque partitions. The clutches are examined twice during the incubation period on the 11th and 28th day. During the examination, unfertilized eggs are selected, they are determined in the light, when there is no dark spot of the embryo. If there are dark rings inside the egg, this indicates a dead embryo, such an egg is also removed. At the last viewing of the masonry, eggs with a dead embryo are removed, it can be seen through the light as a single dark mass.

The anxiety of the goose on the 30th day indicates the end of the period of incubation of eggs, it should not be removed from the nest until the chicks that have appeared are dry. If a heavy breed of geese is naturally hatched, the hen is removed from the nest in 1-2 days, otherwise it will crush the goslings by weight.

Starting a goose farming business can be started with the purchase of young animals, that is, day-old chicks, from the nearest farm. It must be remembered that goslings are sensitive to external temperature, therefore, in the room where they are kept, there should be a constant positive temperature in the range of 27-29 degrees.

An important factor in raising goslings is crowding, this is the opportunity for everyone to get to the feeder. Experts recommend organizing a room at the rate of 10 goslings per 1 square meter, until they reach the age of 30 days. Then the area is increased at the rate of 4 individuals per 1 square meter, until they reach the age of 2.5 months.

It must be remembered that geese actively consume water, climb into the drinker, so at the initial stage it is necessary to monitor the cleanliness of the litter and the amount of water in the drinker.

Consider what needs to be done when raising day old chicks:

    the first week, feed 7 times a day (mixed feed, buckwheat, corn), you can add chopped boiled finely eggs;

    feed is given wet on day 4, a root crop or cake is added;

    in the feeder there must be fine chalk or crushed gravel;

    goslings can walk after the first week for 30 minutes, after 2 weeks goslings can walk for the whole day.

How to sell products

The goose business is now considered a profitable business, the cost of breeding geese usually pays off in 2 years of doing business. When the average weight of a goose in your herd is up to 8 kilograms, then according to the sale, one individual can bring 1000-1200 rubles, and also add profit from goose down.

Goose farms conclude contracts for the supply of natural filler to pillow factories. In addition to feathers and down, goose droppings are used as a fertilizer in agriculture. Preliminary contracts are concluded for the supply of poultry meat, fat to pharmacies. You can sell meat through the market network or on regular deliveries to cafes and restaurants.

How to calculate profitability

It is necessary to start the calculation based on individual capabilities, namely:

    the presence of a courtyard;

    what premises you can use for the farm;

    how far is the pasture;

    construction of aviaries.

We also take into account:

    If everything needs to be equipped, then on average it will take about 150 thousand rubles to start a business.

    It is also better to buy goslings in bulk, it is cheaper for a population of 500 geese, it will cost 35 thousand rubles.

Feed for geese is also on the list of expenses for a livestock of 500 pieces, you can buy grain at a price of 500 rubles. for 50 kilograms. It is necessary to think about an incubator and other equipment that can be bought for 50 thousand rubles.

The health of the herd is an important issue, and it is better to spend money on vaccination for birds, for one goose it will cost an average of 30 rubles in the region. Registration of certificates and certificates will add about 30 thousand rubles to the expense item.

The goose flock is gaining weight quickly, so after 4 months you can already think about selling products. Experts consider the payback of a goose herd of 500 heads in one year.

Self-confidence is the basis for starting any business, and organizing a goose farm requires patience and a competent approach. You need to immediately decide what you want to get in the end, is it breeding geese or fattening for meat? The main thing, according to experts, is drawing up a business plan, correctly assessing the risks of this business. Poultry farming, according to experts, should also bear love for geese, make all the conditions for successful reproduction and breeding for them. This business can be both basic and good help for the family economy, goose meat is a delicacy. It is impossible not to note the ease of this business for beginner businessmen. In the regional administration, you must definitely find out about the benefits that are presented in the organization of the farm. Which local producers make bird food, consider pre-demand options for goose meat, liver fluff and feathers. Having assessed all your capabilities, you can draw up a business plan and receive a grant for breeding geese in your region.

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