Course work on the creation of a marketing department at an enterprise. Creation of a marketing service as the main marketing strategy How to properly organize the work of the marketing department

“No matter how good, dexterous and lucky you are, your business and its fate are in the hands of the people you hire.”

Akio Morita, founder of SONY. Annual turnover $86 billion.

Since relatively recently, a new time has come in the global economy - the time of the consumer. In order to succeed in a highly competitive market, it is not enough to understand the needs of the end customer. We need to act proactively. It becomes more profitable for participants in the race for the consumer to produce a high-quality differentiated product, the cost of which will be relatively low, and it will be sold in huge quantities. And it is precisely due to high brand loyalty and huge sales volumes that these companies continue to operate quite successfully. When developing a marketing plan for such products, it is worth considering the enormous competition and diversity in this market segment, as well as the incredible speed of change. Accordingly, much more effort is required to overcome competition and bring the product to higher positions in the desired market segment. The new economy requires making decisions in a new way - faster, bolder, more active.

There are many books on the topic of how to make a million. Has this helped many people? How to really create an incubator of marketing ideas - no, not just announce it at a meeting, but actually go and do it? Those directors who are younger are naively trying to master the tools of brainstorming. Walk into the marketing department and look at the floor. The floors of Russian companies are covered with dead ideas...

Not brainstorming give birth to ideas that explode the market, and attitude towards marketing. Everyone, every manager, and is responsible for this attitude CEO.

It will be difficult for Russian companies to abandon the traditional paramilitary management structure. It is difficult for us to imagine a general director who gives up his tight control, which paralyzes everything and everyone in the company, right down to approving invoices for office paper and layouts for tiny advertisements. It is difficult for us to imagine a CEO who thinks about owning the market, and not about owning equipment and factories. But you have to. Because it is new marketing-oriented, small, rapidly changing companies that gain an advantage over old-fashioned, albeit large ones. Remember where the mega-brands of the nineties are now: “Invite+”, “Love is”, “Flagman”, “Doshirak”. Where is such a colossus with feet of clay in the food industry as Russian Product? They are already a myth in the FMCG market. All of them were struck by an acute marketing failure. Charles Darwin said, “It is not the strongest or the most intelligent who survive, but the most receptive to change.”

Creation of marketing departments

How to create a marketing department in your enterprise, who to hire, why is there such a high turnover in marketing departments, what are the most common mistakes and how to avoid them, is “personnel really everything”?

Personnel turnover in the marketing departments of Russian companies has become the talk of the town - it has become the subject of mandatory questions during job interviews. There are several common mistakes when recruiting personnel for marketing departments. Let's look at those that you will definitely encounter in your work.

There is no understanding of the real functionality of the marketing department employees. This happens because there is a big gap between scientific theory, built mainly on Western models of management, and reality Russian business. Thus, in Russian companies, the strategic marketing functionality is almost always transferred to the managing owner. The functions of tactical marketing are reduced starting from the organization of advertising, smoothly flow into mythical sales support, and then completely fade away at the stage of preparing business cards for everyone.

Thus, the manager finds himself between the desired theoretical functionality, which, unfortunately, is not implemented in most companies at this stage of enterprise development, and the actual one: “girl - give it, bring it, get out.” To make it easier for you to consider the possible functionality of the marketing department, I have prepared a diagram illustrating possible directions. First, you should always decide on the functionality and structure and only then look at the candidates. In Russian companies, recruitment and interviews are often carried out first. And then they calculate the wage fund and make a decision about the efficiency of the unit.

The diagram below shows the most complete version of the structure and functionality of the marketing department. It will be better if you create it step by step. Of course, in relation to the available capabilities. It is most correct to form a department with an already approved strategic marketing plan, based on specific marketing objectives, and not because it is fashionable. Therefore, it is always wiser to start from the position of the leader, and not vice versa.

The choice is made based on incorrect selection parameters. When I see the list of requirements for the position of a marketer, I understand that they are planning to release these people into outer space without a spacesuit. Knowledge of French, Spanish and Ethiopian, crawl swimming skills, at least 30 years of experience in business exclusively in a management position, with an age of no more than 25 years - this is not a complete list of nonsense that I see in published vacancies today. Has the head of the company approved this list and considers it really important? And by what parameters should you select? The most dangerous of these parameters are marketing education and product knowledge.

It may seem to you that I am exaggerating too much, but believe me, the reality is even worse. Look at the job description I found today on the “hh” website: “Requirements: If it is undeniable for you that the Company’s income directly depends on the Marketing Director; Thanks to you, the companies you worked for began to sell much more and better (and we will check this); you yourself have successfully sold (preferably services) and will help our account managers with this; You are young, active, ambitious, purposeful, ambitious, ready to learn a lot; Are you lucky in life?...Then you are lucky once again - we really need a person who will lead the promotion in our Company - Marketing Director. We expect that, under your leadership, the Marketing Department will provide the Company with effective advertising campaigns that generate maximum sales; Effective promotional materials, incl. leading to clients understanding the value of each of the services and the Company as a whole, and, most importantly, you will be responsible for ensuring that the Company's income far exceeds expenses. Interesting?!... Then apply for the vacancy! In response, we will send you online tests. At the same time, we will give you the opportunity to work with your own hands and prove yourself in every area of ​​the Marketing Department, and we will pay you 25,000 rubles a month until you are ready.”

I had to shorten the text of this verbiage. I deliberately did not correct spelling errors. It is impossible to correct semantic errors, since there is no meaning in this nonsense. It turns out that the main task of the marketing director is to provide advertising materials, and not simple ones, but leading to an understanding of value, and not just simple value, but each one. Wow! Did you understand anything? Trust me - I copied and didn't change a word. As they say, comments are unnecessary.

Within the framework of a short article, it is not possible to talk in detail about the shortcomings in the level of higher marketing education and the teaching staff of most universities. Now, perhaps, only the lazy do not throw stones towards the gray-haired teachers of Marxist political economy, who in one night absorbed the basics market economy and proclaimed themselves marketing gurus the next morning. Can you imagine that a certified pilot could not fly, or a certified agronomist could not grow wheat? This happens all the time with marketers.

In my opinion, graduates of homegrown business schools stand out much more for their arrogance and boringness than for their dedication and hard work.

By the way, what should he be able to do and where is this taught? I want to give specific recommendations. Pay attention to the quantity and quality of additional education: courses, trainings. Use recommendations from company executives and fellow marketers. Do not use recommendations from recruiters. The latter are interested in you becoming their clients. Product knowledge is the most common mistake in recruiting. Let's look at a specific example. A company producing electronic components enters the market of electrical products for the end consumer, and hires a specialist with an engineering education without experience in working with consumer markets. The specialist knows well how to produce these products, but most likely will not achieve success in gaining market share. It is necessary to select specialists not based on the likeness of the final product, but on the basis of knowledge of methodologies for working with markets. I could still understand the logic of looking for people from my own industry if the industry was a leader in marketing innovation.

When recruiting, I am guided by the concepts of “seed”, “soil” and “climate”. A record harvest in Spain, in a Mediterranean climate, does not at all give you a guarantee even for the sprouting of shoots in permafrost conditions. A resume with an excellent education is just a “seed.” Some genetic potential. This is the amount of education and training that the candidate has invested in his own development. But “soil” and “climate” are the work of personnel and the owner. Unfortunately, HR departments have turned into a mechanistic department that issues a plan for the number of resumes of candidates who meet formal criteria. Sometimes these criteria include just salary and experience with the same product, and sometimes even worse - salary and education. As a rule, the conversation does not even come up with such things as MBTI. A simplified understanding of the role of HR, a lack of understanding of processes such as onboarding and familiarization corporate culture, a lack of understanding of the resources required to perform certain marketing tasks is guaranteed to lead to staff turnover in the marketing department, as well as to management disappointment in the marketing capabilities of the enterprise. We swam - we know!

Compare your “vision” on the shore. Try to clarify your position as much as possible and find out the candidate's point of view on key tasks. Ask yourself a key question: How will you feel when this person starts working for your direct competitor? It will be much better if you talk about your expectations from the candidate’s work. It is possible that your plans to double sales in two weeks are completely unrealistic in your industry, or perhaps sales occur every time before the New Year, regardless of marketing activity. By discussing your expectations with the candidate, you will be able to find out your and his assessments on key indicators, such as budget, execution time, deadlines. If your estimates differ by more than 30%, you will have to either reconsider your “wants” or look for other candidates. Do you want to hire a strong candidate? Be sure to spell out everything in the following terms: task - required resources - completion time. Don’t waste time talking about “your achievements at your previous job.” These achievements were possible under different “soils” and “climates”.

To generate a flow of new ideas, you need such an atmosphere that everyone feels that they have the right to make their proposal. To create it, you need a work environment in which psychological barriers are eliminated.

During my approximately twenty years of work in FMCG, I have been interviewed probably more than a hundred times (and still continue to do so). But ninety-seven times out of a hundred, I had to listen to the head of the company rant about how he created the company, how wonderful and successful it is, and how he thinks about seizing world domination in the near future.

The candidate for the position is apparently evaluated on the basis of how convincingly and expressively he nods his approval.

When forming a marketing department, there are many factors to consider. The company’s ability to induct new specialists into positions, the technical availability of specialists, the company’s ability to provide a competitive level of payment, distance from production, the availability of the necessary databases, the involvement of owners, types of employee motivation, the need for relocation, what we outsource and what we don’t, the effectiveness of our own design bureau and many, many others. Your first task when creating a marketing department is to say a resounding NO to marketing theorists. Well, unless, of course, you want your company to get bogged down in plans, reports, instructions, presentations, approvals, budgets. Of course, in this case, not a single trademark will be created, sales will not begin in new regions, you will not learn anything about the consumers of your products and will not receive a clear development strategy. Nothing. I recommend that you take a closer look at those marketers who made big mistakes. Why? The answer is obvious (at least to me). They see the target, they shoot. Whether they got there or not is a secondary question for me. But they were charging! They understand where to hit and how! They work, damn it! They operate despite all the obstacles of bureaucracy, lack of budget, lack of support from management, staff turnover, lack of analytical information, etc. They create marketing. They are the action, not a bureaucratic addition to your accounting department. Those who have not made mistakes, as a rule, have a very attractive, sleek resume, which is so popular with recruiters - girls at a tender age.

I am convinced that you, like me, believe that mistakes are only an opportunity to start initiatives again, but more competently. Steve Ross (Time Warner) said: “If an employee makes too few mistakes, he should be fired.”

Many marketing directors, trying at all costs to stay in their position, make a serious mistake. Initially, they make difficult promises to managers and thereby doom their quite good results to a negative assessment.

Who else would I be wary of? Mathematicians. Those who believe in the existence of the demand formula. For those who think that everything can be calculated, you just need to substitute the coefficients. Higher mathematics and physics are very good and highly accurate sciences. The only problem is that marketing is not one of them. In marketing, the old adage “measured is done” unfortunately takes on the form “measured is made.” “Not everything that can be counted matters, and not everything that matters can be counted!” It's hard to argue with Albert Einstein. Marketing is a way of thinking and approaching business. Customer oriented attitude. Marketing is an almost innate tendency to innovate and thirst for change. A desire to take on a challenge, a desire to learn. Ability to formulate ideas and thoughts. Passion and determination, backed by experience and confidence. According to the results of the study (Cooper, K Sawaf, F. Executive EQ. USA.1997) 82 out of 93 people who received over 16 years Nobel Prize, agreed that intuition played an important role in their discoveries. Marketing is, after all, a life position aimed at the fact that the main thing in the company is not the boss, but His Majesty the consumer. In Russian companies, the entire focus of employee behavior is concentrated, as a rule, on what the boss wants, and hence the entire staff is recruited from people “whatever you want” in a bent position. Such leaders formed new class pseudo-marketers whose main task is to print business cards for the boss on time, not to ask for a lot of money and to quietly expect a salary. They love them very much recruitment agencies— they have no breaks in their service.

What separates a solid, good marketer from a brilliant one? Only one thing: the ability to see the future. And how do you know The best way Foreseeing the future is designing it.

Always remember: when you change your head of marketing, it only means one thing - EVERYONE will have to wait about six months or more until new person will not get into the rhythm and understand the situation. Just as a smoker describes with pleasure the pleasure he gets from inhaling harmful smoke, and then gives you the reasons why he will not smoke again, so the manager describes how he solemnly expelled the parasite marketers, and is now looking for a real professional. I would not guarantee that his company will have a breakthrough in the market in the near future. It reminds me of the constant quest to find a new diet, exercise machine that will help you get fit, or the magic elixir of youth. The doctor in the hospital prescribes treatment and sees what needs to be adjusted if it does not produce results. A doctor in a clinic, having written out a prescription, as a rule, does not see the patient again. Hospital doctors are valued much more highly. Don't know why?

In 99% of cases, the marketer finds himself out of the company six months after the change and unable to see what impact his initiatives actually had. The inability to effectively complete projects in marketing is one of the reasons why the industry has such a low reputation.

According to Chicago recruiting firm Spencer Stuart, the average tenure of a CMO is just 23.6 months. The firm also found that among the top 100 U.S. companies, only 14 percent of their CMOs have been in their positions for more than three years, and half of all CMOs have been in their positions for less than a year. Average turnaround time varies by industry, from 10 months for apparel companies to 34.8 months for financial services companies. Greg Welch, a senior director at Spencer Stuart and author of the study, warns newly appointed CMOs to "understand that the fuse is already burning and the honeymoon period does not last longer than a few months."

When people ask me what criteria I use to select personnel for my department. I invariably answer: “In addition to all of the above, you need hard work.” It's so simple that people are always disappointed when they hear this answer. Kemmons Wilson (a travel entrepreneur who never earned a high school diploma) said it well in his high school graduation speech: “I didn’t get any degrees and I only worked half a day my whole life. Perhaps I will advise you to do the same. Work half a day every day. And it doesn’t matter what kind of half a day it is... the first twelve hours or the second twelve hours.” We all want to believe in Cinderella, but real success in marketing comes only with more experience. practical work. The best marketer is a combination of talent and experience. The fairy gave him talent, but he must gain experience on his own. Therefore, marketing is not a field for lazy people.

There is a common phrase: “Personnel decides everything.” If this were at least partially true, then HR departments would have the highest status in the enterprise.

Do you have to pay a lot? No. We must pay wisely and efficiently

Finally, dozens of candidates have been reviewed. Finally, “the spark jumped” and you managed to find the needle in the haystack. (More often it’s the other way around: “I molded him from what was, and then I fell in love with what was.”) You still decided to take the person. It will be an immense pity if your dreams of global marketing supremacy in the market do not come true simply because they are dashed by banal everyday life.

Most Russian companies, when recruiting personnel, as if by default, set themselves the task of “getting the most out of a candidate” in terms of salary. Never give such instructions to your HR department. Not only have they already screened out candidates, choosing the worst ones based on their resumes, but you are also trying to select the worst of the worst at the finish line. Top candidates They will definitely refuse when you offer them a lower salary than the one they expected. What savings does reducing the salary of a marketer give you? Let's say 20 or even 40 thousand rubles. How much can a properly executed advertising campaign increase sales? What if you launch a brand with a profit level twice the current level? What if research shows that it is economically feasible to abandon offices outside the Urals? How much can the company earn or, conversely, save? Perhaps millions of rubles, or perhaps tens of millions, it depends on the turnover of your company. The numbers are incomparable.

If you still managed to “squeeze out” the candidate (most likely, it was the worst), then now he is even more depressed (demotivated). I can imagine the mood that reigns in your marketing department. With this approach to marketing development, I wouldn’t bet a cent on the future development of your marketing.

The question "How much?" is discussed quite often. It's a shame. I would prefer to discuss not “How much?”, but “How?”. This, in my opinion, is where the huge savings, efficiency and long-term results lie. Not only how much to pay, but also how to pay?

The question is not in the eyebrow, but in the eye. In this question, I will not be afraid to seem to be avoiding a direct answer. I don't have a definite answer. At first glance, the most logical recommendation would be: “Pay more.” But no. Not so simple. Do you think that you can apply for best shots in branch. This is not entirely true. Your status as an employer in the industry always matters more. The higher your reputation as a reliable employer, the more opportunities you have. On the one hand, you have the opportunity to entice. On the other hand, the question arises - who, where and how this person will fit into the business system. (Sad experience shows that it most likely won’t fit in, but you are guaranteed to lose time.) The next question is how much more should you pay? By 3%? I guess not. A person perceives an increase in income by 25% or more as significant. By the way, how will your current directors react to the fact that a smart guy has appeared who has not yet done anything for the company, but receives twice as much? And I know how! No need to tell. Don't you think that information about salaries can be hidden? Make no mistake: what two girls in accounting know, after a while everyone knows.

Younger managers think that KPI (Key Performance Indicators) will solve all problems. key indicators activities. True, it seems to me that this term is defined much better by the words of the poet Galaktion Tabidze: “We multiplied nonsense by numbers.” Yes, I agree that this is a good help for increasing efficiency and evaluating production and sales performance. What is measurable is doable blah blah blah (hereinafter - everywhere). But my life has shown the opposite statement to be true: “Not everything that can be counted matters, and not everything that matters can be counted!” (Sorry, but it was not I who came up with this, but A. Einstein.) To a lesser extent, but still it is an effective tool for monitoring and assessing the work of finance and logistics. Tell me, what KPIs will you set for a musician to write a brilliant work, and for an athlete to set a record? (Were the hundreds of elite SUVs given to athletes at the last Olympics a big inspiration? It seems these were the worst results in the entire history of Russia?) I won’t even talk about the artist, the architect, the doctor. Tell me better, what KPIs will you set for firefighters? What if the firefighter has already completed a month-long plan to save lives? Apparently, the rest will have to burn alive. But maximum efficiency KPI achieved in the work of the traffic police. This is where such clear, measurable indicators (a plan for the number of protocols) lead to such incredible operational efficiency.

In my experience, KPIs have invariably been used not to inspire an employee, but to ensure that the CEO can easily pay out huge sums at the end of the year to his relatives or friends. EVERYTHING, nothing more. Talk about this topic with a consultant who specializes in managing people in companies, ask him whether it is actually possible to buy the desired behavior?

I see that you still insist that I answer the question: “How much should I pay?” I will answer. You will have to pay according to the market. A little less - if the company's reputation is good. Much more if your reputation is bad. Even more if the general is absurd. You need to constantly monitor specialized recruiting sites - they often publish summary tables on salaries.

Here are my tips that will help you pay wisely, and most importantly, not overpay in vain:

1. Set a fixed salary for a marketer in accordance with your industry data. Make allowances for the status of the company and the reliability of the employer (for Russian companies immediately add 20%, do not stroke your pride).

2. Set annual key goals for the employee. Moreover, the goals should be approved by you only together (inseparably) with the “Resources” section. Perfect option Also discuss such a concept as authority: how you understand it, and how the future employee understands it. (Please note that when setting goals, you must first work through the “ Strategic planning company” and communicate the company’s goals to employees; otherwise you will get a “swan, crayfish and pike” situation.)

3. It will be much better if the employee himself prepares his goals after a 2-3 month immersion in your “harsh reality”, and not on the second day of being in the company in a state of “traumatic shock”. Feel free to say that you expect something different from him if this is the case. It’s better to break up now than in nine months and start the selection from scratch. There should never be more than 6 goals. Ideally, less than 3. There may be weighting factors among the goals. Measurable, achievable, etc. - by itself.

4. Having a very large annual bonus for achieving goals is not at all necessary. But the presence of the goals and bonuses themselves is mandatory. (Please note the difference.) Practice has shown that in Russian companies an annual bonus is most often a demotivating factor. But in large Western companies, where everything is spelled out and detailed to the maximum, KPIs work successfully. It is mandatory that the size of the annual bonus (if you have entered it) should excite you when you achieve your goals. The employee, not you! Should a company, having fulfilled all its goals, gain such a lead in the market that paying an annual bonus will become only a tiny part of the profit received (and not necessarily for this particular year)? It would be too easy and understandable. But this doesn't happen often. In practice, everything will look much more complicated. Example: marketers spent a year implementing round-the-clock “ hotline quality 8,800.” Calculate how many years and to what extent the investment will pay off? Difficult? Almost impossible. Unfortunately, in marketing, “measured” always takes the form of “invented.”

5. In Russian companies, for some reason, employees are always fired several months before receiving their annual bonus. Apparently a coincidence.

If the HR department nevertheless persuaded you to follow this shaky path, then ensure maximum transparency. By the way, I created effective marketing departments in companies without using such a tool as annual bonuses at all. And I worked in companies where such a tool was available, but all department employees were looking for new job and dreamed of quitting. Interesting fact.

Most companies do all of the above. If you fulfill all five points, then you have only received the right to become one of the market players - nothing more. Do you want to overtake your competitors? Here's what you need to do to get around them:

6. Enter bonuses without prior notice. Give a bonus (preferably in the amount of salary) for good performance daily work. For example, for a well-prepared exhibition or a stunning result advertising campaign. If you cannot find a reason, this is a sign of your incompetence as a leader. There should be from two to three such bonuses during the year - no more! It is important. Give it (so beloved by you) in black cash in an envelope - right in the office - right now. The only way!

7. Use motivation with training. Send once every six months for training in the specialty: a brand manager - on brand architecture, an advertiser - on advertising effectiveness. There are a lot of such trainings now! But the main thing is to ask for a list of what will be implemented. This will be your pass to the next training. Don’t overdo it - no more than once every four months, otherwise you simply won’t have time to implement what they teach there (unfortunately, most of the bad stuff). For some reason, in my 17 years of work, I have not met a single manager who would tell his subordinates: “Go to training (the company will pay for it) and put into practice everything that they will teach you there.”

8. Actively use non-verbal communication and non-material motivation. Status is manifested not by the size of the salary, but by a workplace under the stairs and a parking lot in a vacant lot with stray dogs. Place marketers on your right hand. The first question with any proposal is: “What does the marketing department say?” Never use the marketing department either to congratulate anniversaries, or to prepare for the New Year, or to move. These are your intellectual elite, not unskilled workers.

9. Enter in the marketing department democratic style behavior and work. To generate a flow of new ideas, you need such an atmosphere that everyone feels that they have the right to make their proposal. To create it, you need a work environment in which psychological barriers are eliminated. You won’t have to pay for this at all, but people will want to work for you. Achieving this is not so easy; you need to select a leader very thoughtfully. But if this works out, ideas will flow like a fountain.

10. Give your HR department a strict and ultimatum task to make friends between the marketing department and the sales department. Let them think around the clock how. What tool they choose - night rafting on mountain rivers in kayaks, going to a pub on Fridays, putting everyone in one office - it doesn’t matter. Only one result is important for you - “They are friends and are friends with families!”, nothing else.

11. Insert one or two points from the sales area (preferably merchandising) into the key goals for the marketing manager, and add one or two points from the marketing area to the sales manager. Prove to them in practice that your demand to interact, and not to collect incriminating evidence, is not empty words. Everything is serious.

12. Demand that the marketing director (if “no,” then do it yourself) organize a library in the marketing department. Give reading assignments - organize meetings once a month, at which you demand a list of what will be implemented. This will be your approval to purchase new books. To help you, I made a section “My Marketing Library” so that you don’t have to buy everything.

13. Since your marketers have significantly advanced in terms of professionalism over the year, increase their salaries next year. In the first three years of operation, at least 10% per year plus industry average growth.

14. For the CMO and CCO, consider profit sharing. This is not at all necessary, but it “cements” it almost firmly - you won’t be afraid of any luring. The main thing is not to be late: it is always better to dig a well before you want to drink! By the way, how will your growth rates change if they work for your competitor?

15. Do not hesitate to use banal motivational tools: certificates, handshakes (kisses are best avoided). They cost nothing - but they work, damn it! Especially on ordinary employees who are not spoiled by the attention of management. Burst unexpectedly into the marketing department to ask the marketers whether they are doing well and whether they are giving enough money to develop the company. I am not kidding. Nothing makes marketers work more than feeling needed.

16. If suddenly some direction of marketing is closed, never fire a person, invite him to try himself in sales or somewhere else. Never declare (this is important), but try to fulfill the tenet of lifelong employment. Bear full moral responsibility for every employee you hire. This is the most powerful and long-lasting motivator I know. If you treat people like garbage (if you need it, take it, if you don’t need it, throw it away), then no salary will help you.

17. When hiring a manager, give preference to a man. According to my surveys, 90% of marketing department employees (90% of them women) would like to see a man as their leader. In my experience, 50% of candidates for a position at an interview cite a conflict with a newly arrived leader—a woman—as the reason for the transition. Even if you have to pay the man a higher salary, it will still pay off (that's it - now all women will hate me)!

18. In my experience, more than 50% of marketers want to see a leader who is extremely competent and want to learn from him, despite even a lower salary. If he is your star, then instruct him to read trainings for the marketing and sales department once every six months. Let everyone see how smart he is (or vice versa). By the way, it won’t cost you a penny either.

19. If your company pays twice as much for the same position, don’t immediately set that level. Increase your salary by 30% initially, after passing probationary period add another 30%, in another six months. Believe me, this approach is more stimulating. Over the years, salary levels have greatly lost their ability to inspire people.

Once in my practice there was a case when my salary was increased after about two weeks of work :-). I have never worked in any company for as long as I did there, and now I remember it with love!

This only happened once in my life :-(.

I don’t want to encourage you to pay more, but I noticed one interesting feature. Sam Welton, in his book “Made in America” (I’m sure you’ve read this amazing book), already suffering from cancer, wrote that he did not regret at all that out of his twelve aircraft only one was supersonic. Here's what he says: “When you look at all those satellite dishes on our buildings, or hear about all those computers, or watch some video of our laser-guided distribution centers, don't be fooled. Without our managers, each of whom is perfectly suited to his position, without our ordinary employees-companions dedicated to their work, without our drivers, all the equipment listed above is not worth a penny.”

But he sincerely regrets one thing in his book. He says that if he had the opportunity to live his life over again, he would repeat everything except one. He would pay ordinary employees more...

Selection of tops

If you intend to hire a marketing director based on salary, then it's a bit like looking through the wrong end of a telescope. You should not be concerned about how much you invest per month, but what will happen at the end, what processes will be initiated and what the result will be. Remember: if you can effectively use at least part of my recommendations, then the first and fifth points will have less and less importance for you, and then there will even be a queue of people who want to work in your marketing department.

The CMO must have exceptional strategic vision while also possessing effective tactical management skills. He must have the ability to perform analytical activities, analyze many marketing indicators, such as market share, price on the shelf, “leaving” from the shelf, brand recognition, percentage of repeat purchases, weighted and numeric distribution. It may seem that the marketing director is only studying and evaluating many parameters, but this is not the case. The basis of the work of a marketing director is making decisions based on the results of data analysis. Trend analysis alone is not enough to make decisions. It takes a lot of effort and time to study consumer behavior and describe target segments. You need to know the motives of consumer behavior, all of his choice parameters, and also be able to rank these criteria in order of importance for different target segments.

Not every person, even with an economic education, will be able to offer product differentiation. Simple, understandable, easily conveyed. This is more of a feeling and experience than a science. Knowledge is a mandatory parameter, but, alas, it is not sufficient. Ask a musician how he achieves a unique sound, an athlete how he overcomes the extra centimeters that separate him from the rest. The future is only for those companies whose marketing directors have: high division status, systems thinking, a thirst for novelty, high speed decision-making, healthy adventurism and a spirit of experimentation. As Edison said, “Genius is 99% perspiration and 1% inspiration.” Therefore, you can’t just sit and wait for an idea. You need to be able to create incubators of marketing ideas. Good idea- this is just the result of active management of the marketing department.

Times are rapidly changing, and now talent is becoming more important than capital. The marketing director often has very little tangible evidence efficient work. The producers produced so many tons of products. The sellers sold for such and such an amount. Financiers spent money. (Lee Iacocca affectionately called them “penny pinchers.”) Everyone worked hard, doing really “important things”: clearing customs, running around banks, transporting boxes from point A to point B. What did the marketing director do? He recruited talented marketers into his department and inspired them with his example. It may very well be that at this moment he brings much more benefit to the company than if he did anything else. He thinks and looks for alternatives. This is the most difficult and yet the most important task a leader can perform.

If you are able, encourage it. You pay your top team for seeing the big picture, not for executing a plan. You pay workers to carry out the plan. Don't be confused. Don't equate activity with efficiency. Don't let Tops get bogged down in meetings and business trips.

The marketing director conducted consumer research. He analyzed how competitive the company's product was in relation to other market participants. He analyzed various positioning options. No tons or kilograms. Unfortunately, these days there are very few immediate tangible results from a CMO's work. It can be difficult to appreciate the creation of something truly special. Something that delights clients. However, it is he, the marketing director, and often, unfortunately, only he, who is the champion of consumer interests in the company. And this determines whether the company can survive in long term. See for yourself, maximum production efficiency is achieved by producing one product. And the marketing director forces the company to produce more and more products narrowly tailored to customer needs. In any case, marketing becomes the number one enemy of production. From a financial perspective, marketing is a very expensive department, while sales brings in money every month. From a logistics point of view, it is more efficient to serve small but large clients, and marketing requires an individual approach to each. Well, how can we not suggest cutting down on “empty” expenses?

Frequent changes in personnel, as everyone recognizes, are one of the main reasons for the deterioration in the quality of products and services, the increase in customer dissatisfaction and the deterioration of brand image. High turnover means managers spend too much time hiring and training new employees instead of focusing on their core responsibilities. There's no denying that turnover impacts productivity and profits, at least when it comes to front-line employees. However, we do not know of a single company that would admit that similar problems arise when CMOs change frequently. We'd be willing to bet money that if we were given access to Spencer Stuart's information, we'd find a direct correlation between industry performance and the average "life expectancy" of its CMOs.

Most companies try their best to improve conditions to retain customer-facing employees, but when it comes to the CMO position, turnover is a given and almost institutionalized. To us, this turnover may be even more alarming than the rest of the Spencer Stuart study's findings. A revolving door in a CMO's office means a huge backlog of strategies and programs started and unfinished. This is bad for brands. This prevents marketing from becoming more accountable - directors are fired before the strategy can even begin to be put into practice. This is bad for business. Moreover, it shows a continued focus on immediate results among senior executives who demand radical improvements in one to two quarters. It's bad for everyone.

Some companies go so far as to have a policy of constantly searching for CMOs, continually screening candidates even if they don't currently have that need. There is no greater demotivating factor than expecting to be stabbed in the back every day. In this case, the potential of any working person is zero - you are simply wasting money every month.

The marketing department is an independent structural unit of the enterprise. Marketing is aimed at finding a more effective combination of traditional and new products, it is the basis for making decisions on expanding or reducing production volumes, modernizing products or withdrawing them from production, and contributes to the development and implementation of enterprise development plans.

The role of marketing is that it is designed to bring production into line with demand. The use of marketing is necessary when establishing trade relations with economically developed countries. One of the main conditions for the successful activities of domestic organizations in the world market is the need for a thoughtful systematic study of the entire arsenal of means of combating possible competitors in order, firstly, to know well their strengths and weak sides and take these factors into account when developing export policy; secondly, effectively use what is available in specific forms and methods of their activities. Marketing increases the validity of decisions made on various issues of production, financial, sales, scientific and production activities.

The role of the marketing department as a factor influencing management efficiency is proposed to be considered using the example of its creation at the Mostovdrev OJSC enterprise.

Creation of a marketing department at the OJSC Mostovdrev enterprise:

The planned composition of the marketing department will consist of: the head of the department, a marketing and sales specialist, and an advertising agent. Wage which will be (thousand rubles): 5600, 4500, 4500, 3000, respectively. If the implementation of this event is successful, the composition of the department will be expanded. In this case, the following will be implemented: analysts, designers, brand managers.

The cost of purchasing furniture is 11,992 thousand rubles. Since the main activities of the Mostovdrev OJSC enterprise are logging, sawmilling, furniture production, etc., the furniture will be purchased at the enterprise itself. Accordingly, the costs will not be significant, i.e. written off at cost.

The cost of purchasing equipment will amount to 27,948 thousand rubles. Prices for purchasing equipment were taken in accordance with the catalogue.

By setting the monthly salary for each employee, you can calculate the annual labor costs of the marketing department. These costs will amount to 319,000 thousand rubles. Salaries were calculated in accordance with the average monthly salary per employee.

The table shows the cost estimate for the implementation of the marketing department in the amount of 392,140 thousand rubles. The remuneration of workers involved in the assembly and installation of equipment amounted to 6,700 thousand rubles. Thus, the total costs for the acquisition and installation of equipment amounted to 392,140 thousand rubles. In table The costs of renting premises for the marketing department are not indicated, since the company already has the premises.

By calculating the capital costs of an event, you can predict economic effect from implementation. Based on statistical data, the planned revenue growth will be 7%. For further calculations we use the basic financial indicators.

For further calculations we use the main financial indicators. The data is given in table. 1.

Table 1 - Projected increase after implementation of the event

It is expected that the creation of a marketing department will increase sales of manufactured products, and, accordingly, sales revenue by 7%. Therefore, the estimated sales revenue for the year after the implementation of this improvement will be: 297462.14 million rubles.

Sales revenue for 2012 is 278,002 million rubles, respectively, 7% of sales revenue is 19,460.14 million rubles. The total cost of implementing the project is 392,140 thousand rubles. As you can see, the final costs of creating a marketing department are tens of times less than 7% of sales revenue. Therefore, we can confidently say that this innovation is cost-effective.

However, we should not forget that an increase in sales revenue by 7% does not mean an increase in net profit. In this case, when creating a marketing department, the cost of goods sold will increase, which will need to include the costs of operating the marketing department. The cost will increase by approximately 7%. In addition, the distribution costs (sales costs) of the enterprise under study will undoubtedly increase by approximately 5%.

These costs will pay off, however, it is impossible to accurately predict how effective the advertising company will be and how many new customers and buyers it will attract. Therefore, the implementation of this activity has a significant degree of risk.

Let's calculate the projected net profit: 297,462.14 million rubles (sales revenue increased by 7%) – 257,188.41 million rubles (cost of products sold increased by 7%) – 17,698.8 million rubles (distribution costs increased by 3%) – 392.140 million rubles (costs of creating and operating the marketing department) = 22182.79 million rubles. Then, income tax (18%) must be deducted from the profit received. 22182.79 million rubles – 3992.9 million rubles (profit tax 18%) = 18189.9 million rubles. The projected net profit taking into account inflation for 2012 will be 1157.1/1.218 = 14934.23 million rubles. In 20012, profit from current activities amounted to 12915 million rubles. The projected profit should increase by 2019.23 million rubles. This growth is not very significant, and yet, in combination with other measures, the creation of a marketing department will be an effective innovation. A significant effect from the introduction of a marketing department should be expected no earlier than after a year of its successful functioning.

Thus, the implementation of this event will improve the efficiency of activities existing system management. In addition, the implementation of this event should significantly affect financial results activities of JSC Mostovdrev and increase the main financial and economic indicators.


1. Churakova N.I., Sinyakova M.G., Lagutina E.E., Slobodchikova P.S. "Social and economic efficiency personnel management in the organization." - Ekaterinburg. "Adaptex", 2013.-151 p.

2. Kiselev V.A. Where does it begin? effective management enterprise?//Personnel Management.-2003.-No.5.-P.42-44.

Federal Agency for Education

Far Eastern State Technical University

(FEPI named after V.V. Kuibyshev)

Institute of economics and management

Department of Mass Communications



Topic: “Creation of a marketing department at an enterprise

(using the example of the company BEST Company LLC)"

Completed by: student of group No. U-6541

Mazikina Susanna Yurievna

Head: position, full name



should reflect the main content of the work performed. The annotation contains brief information about the work performed and the feasibility of project activities, information about the scope of work (quantity, nature of illustrations and tables). The text of the annotation may also include the essence of the work, research methods. The text contains about 500 printed characters. The abstract is presented in Russian and English.


1. Research of internal and external environment LLC "Company BEST"(analytical part)

1.1.Characteristics of LLC "Company BEST".………………………….….

1.2.Analysis of the problem of the company in question…………………….

1.3. Determination of the influence of the external environment……………………………

1.4. Customer Analysis

1.5. Competitor analysis

2. Marketing department modeling(design part)

2.1. Goals and functions of the marketing department

2.2. Department structure

2. 3. Interaction with companies

2.4. Functional responsibilities

3. Assessing the profitability of creating a department(economic part)

3.1. Designing a Marketing Plan




In this course work we will look at the model for creating a marketing department using the example of BEST Company LLC.

The topic is relevant for research, due to modern development a market with increased competition. Any company that sells consumer products or services must recognize that today's consumer has more choices than ever. Stores offer more goods and in a wider range than they did just a few years ago, and even when at home people have more choice, they can buy goods via the Internet, through television, catalogs, telephone, while competition The fight for consumer money is becoming fiercer, the number of buyers is not increasing. The population is not growing rapidly, and there are more stores than new customers. As a result, all experts unanimously agree that our society is overloaded with retail. No new stores are opening to serve the markets, and this is being done in order to take customers away from competitors. As competition intensifies, the need for a new approach to provide competitive advantage arises. For a growing number of companies, this new approach has been the creation of a marketing department. In BEST Company LLC, profits decreased by 61% over the past year; it is necessary to return to old indicators in order to avoid the closure of the company.

Target course work is to create an algorithm of actions for opening a marketing department.

The tasks are to work out organizational structure department, calculating the level of costs required to create, designing a marketing plan to achieve goals to increase sales.

LLC BEST Company's main activity is the sale, administration and training of BEST series programs. The company serves budget and commercial organizations in Primorsky Krai. Additional view activities include the sale of 1C series programs, system administration, accounting, preparation of reports to the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation, the Federal Tax Service, the Social Insurance Fund, Windows licensing, and the sale of Kaspersky Lab anti-virus programs.

The main problem of the enterprise in question is the low level of recognition, which entails a loss potential clients, which go to more well-known companies. A significant problem is also the outflow of users of BEST series programs. This is due to the fact that during the emergence of specialized programs for accounting in the Primorsky Territory the market was distributed between the two leaders 1C and BEST in a 50/50 ratio. Distributors of 1C series programs allocated money for advertising, as a result of which by 2009 they had 90% of clients in the market. Given the current situation, it is extremely difficult for BEST-DV to withstand such fierce competition. The absence of a marketing department indicates the absence of long-term goals, and they are pursuing only seasonal profit. These short-term goals resulted in lower sales.

Due to the above reasons, I believe that it is necessary to create a marketing department at BEST Company LLC, which would fully perform the functions of marketing, namely increasing sales by setting short-term goals, increasing recognition, winning customer loyalty, and developing long-term goals.

1.1. Characteristics of BEST Company LLC

Limited Liability Company LLC "Company BEST-DV" was registered on April 4, 2007 . Location: Vladivostok, st. Pushkinskaya, 115.

The main activity of the company is the sale, administration and training of BEST series programs. The company serves commercial and budgetary organizations in Primorsky Krai. An additional type of activity is the sale of 1C series programs, system administration, which includes subscriber administration and calling the system administrator to the client’s office, accounting, preparation of reports to the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation, the Federal Tax Service, the Federal Tax Service, Windows licensing, sale of Kaspersky Lab anti-virus programs , website development.

The company employs: Gen. director, financial director, 5 programmers, office manager, Chief Accountant, accountant, 3 security guards, cleaning lady.

1.2. Analysis of the problem of the company in question

The BEST company has recently appeared on the services market and is experiencing difficulties associated with low recognition and a low level of competitiveness; due to these factors, the company is suffering losses, and the company’s growth has stopped.

Working in a market economy requires BEST Company LLC to constantly introduce new technologies, improve service and increase competitiveness in the provision of services. Economic analysis plays an important role in solving this problem.

In order to most clearly identify the problem, it is necessary to consider this system using the BCG analytical model or the BCG matrix.

The BCG analytical model, which stands for the Boston Consulting Group matrix. It allows you to focus on the cash flow that is used to carry out operations in a particular business area or arises as a result of such operations.

Rice. 1. BCG matrix

X-axis: market area (relative market share)

Y-axis: market growth (market growth rate)

Thus, the BCG matrix consists of 4 quadrants:

· High market growth rates/high relative market share of the business area - STARS.

· Low market growth rates/high relative market share of the business area – CASH COWS

As a rule, “cash cows” are stars in the past who currently provide the organization with sufficient profits to maintain its competitive position in the market.

Difficult children (questions). These business areas compete in growing industries but have a relatively small market share. These business areas are where the biggest uncertainty lies: either they will become very profitable for the company in the future or they will not.

Dogs. Business areas have a relatively small market share in slow-growing industries; here the cash flow is very small, often negative. Only experience and skill can help an organization maintain such positions in the market.

The change in market growth rate was carried out based on industry data over the past two years. The relative share of the organization in question is the ratio of the sales volume of a company in a given business area to the sales volume of the leading company in that business. If the resulting coefficient exceeds one, then this is an indicator of market leadership, but in our case the coefficient is below one, which means that some companies have large competitive advantages compared to the company in question.

The following companies were taken for analysis: “BEST-DV”, “YUMANS”, “Alina”, “DTK-alliance”, “Voyage”, “It-com”, “Polezny Komputer”.

The BEST-DV company does not occupy a leading position in the market, but the position of “difficult children” gives reason to assume that when proper operation and proper investment will be able to find itself in the position of a “star” and occupy a profitable economic niche in the market.

YUMANS' position is declining, and there is every chance of overtaking this company, but it still occupies the majority of the market.

The decrease in demand for the services of the YUMANS company is due to economic crisis and high prices for the services provided by this company, which gives the BEST company an excellent chance to take a leading position and expand the area.

The Alina company is in the “star” position, but is close to the “cash cow” position; currently the organization has sufficient profit to maintain its competitive position in the market.

If the BEST-DV company cannot competently develop strategic plan and enter the “star” position, you will inevitably face strong competitors in the “dog” position. The number of competitors makes it possible to conclude that the BEST-DV company will not be able to cope and will cease to function.

Thus, thanks to this matrix, it became obvious that the BEST-DV company has some advantages and it is necessary to take advantage of the potential to become a “star”.

The main problem of the enterprise in question is the low level of recognition, which entails the loss of potential customers who go to more well-known companies. A significant problem is also the outflow of users of BEST series programs. This is due to the fact that during the emergence of specialized accounting programs in the Primorsky Territory, the market was distributed between the two leaders 1C and BEST in a 50/50 ratio. Distributors of 1C series programs allocated money for advertising, as a result of which by 2009 they had 90% of clients in the market. Given the current situation, it is extremely difficult for BEST-DV to withstand such fierce competition.

1.3. Determination of the influence of the external environment

The influence of the external environment is very large for this system. We will consider the economic factors of the external environment of the enterprise in the following order: changes in the VAT percentage, exchange rates, the global financial crisis.

Very important factor external marketing environment are the rates of taxes and fees. Thanks to the new amendment adopted by the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation, reducing VAT rates provides great opportunities for the development of small businesses.

The global financial crisis is also favorable for the BEST-DV company, since due to huge reductions at enterprises it is possible to acquire new clients in the field of providing accounting services and system administration. This is explained by the fact that maintaining a system administrator costs companies up to twenty-five thousand rubles per month. The BEST company offers an alternative to the ordinary employee: with subscription service, clients' computers are serviced in the same way, while receiving up to 9 free calls and unlimited service on the Internet. When concluding a contract for subscriber service the client saves about 14 thousand. But there is also a downside, since there is a crisis in the country and there are no funds, many budget organizations cannot pay the bills for the services provided by our company.

Exchange rates have a significant impact on the company because... As foreign currency increases, interest rates increase.

1.3. Customer Analysis

The BEST-DV company is multidisciplinary and the range of clients is very wide.

To analyze clients, we will divide the company into service areas:

1. Accounting, reporting to the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation, the Federal Tax Service, the Social Insurance Fund: large, small, medium-sized, commercial or budget organizations, with a general or simplified taxation system.

2. System administration: PC users, large, small and medium-sized organizations.

3. Website development: on modern stage development, every organization has a website, so our clients are all companies that need support, development and creation of a website.

4. Sales and support of 1C, BEST series programs:

large, small, medium, commercial or budget organizations, with a general or simplified taxation system. Sanatoriums, boarding houses, canteens Catering, buffets.

1.5. Competitor analysis

The main competitor for the sale and support of 1C series programs in the city of Vladivostok is the Youmans company. This company is a serious competitor, since it surpasses the BEST company not only in sales volumes, but also in the percentage of recognition. There are no major competitors in the field of system administration, since the service has recently become in demand, and there is an opportunity to become leaders in this area.

2.1. Goals and functions of the Marketing department

Together with other divisions of the enterprise and the management of the enterprise, the Marketing Department helps to develop a strategy for the market activity of the enterprise

The purpose of the marketing department is to develop recommendations and coordinate activities for the formation and implementation of purchasing, sales and service policies of enterprises.

The functions of the Marketing Department include analysis of the internal and external environment of enterprises, analysis of competitors, market segmentation and product positioning, pricing, assortment formation and formulation of requirements for product quality and customer service, product promotion, formation and maintenance of the image of the enterprise and brands,

2.2.Structure of the Marketing Department

The following specializations are distinguished within the marketing department (example): The number of members of the marketing department is 4 employees.

The department includes:

· Head of the Marketing Department

· Marketer/Marketing Manager

· Marketer/Analyst

· Marketer/Internet Marketing Manager


Sales departments provide the marketing manager with information about the nature and results of their activities. The marketing department provides all departments of the enterprise with the information necessary for their market orientation of their activities.

At the request of the heads of departments and product groups, the Marketing Department carries out certain types of marketing activities. The head of the marketing department plans and coordinates activities within the group.

The Marketing Department and enterprise marketing managers actively interact with the Head of the PR and Advertising Department to form an advertising company

All enterprises make decisions affecting the market orientation of the enterprise on the basis of recommendations and in agreement with the Marketing Department.

2.4. Functional responsibilities of the head and employees of the department Head of the Marketing Department

· Determines and submits for approval to the General Director the Annual Marketing Plan and the volumes and structure of the enterprise’s consolidated marketing budget (quarterly, annually and, if necessary, for a specified period) and is responsible for the implementation of marketing plans and for the efficiency of spending the Marketing Department budget funds

· determines the general directions of the department’s activities within the framework of the general goals and objectives established by the “Regulations on the Marketing Department”, as well as on the basis of the instructions of the General Director and bears full responsibility for the results of the department’s activities

· determines the structure of the department, makes the necessary changes and additions in accordance with emerging tasks; takes prompt measures to change the structure of the department to solve specific problems.

· determines the procedure for remunerating employees, rewards based on work results, is responsible for maintaining discipline in the department, etc.

· determines the strategy for promoting goods and services, organizes its implementation

· takes direct part in developing the strategy of the enterprise and improving its organized structure

· represents the enterprise in contacts with other enterprises and organizations, conducts business correspondence on behalf of the enterprise within its competence

· annually (and at the request of the General Director of the enterprise at any time for any period of time) provides them with information on the activities of the department

· if it is necessary to carry out special marketing activities, in agreement with management, involves employees from other departments of the enterprise to carry out this work, creates temporary groups of experts on certain marketing issues and manages their work

organizes a discussion of research results and practical activities in Marketing

· is engaged in improving the qualifications of department employees and their own qualifications

Marketer, Marketing Manager

· carries out research and executive functions:

· provides the head of the department with the information necessary to analyze and forecast the market situation

· organizes and takes personal part in studying the general state and conditions of markets and trends in their development

· organizes and takes personal part in conducting research to study the needs and attitudes of consumers and resellers to the company’s products

· organizes and takes part in market segmentation and study of segment parameters (demand volumes, attitude to prices, competitors in this segment, etc.)

· conducts a study of the activities of competitors, determines the position of the enterprise in competition

· organizes the receipt of data on specific product markets and scientific and technological progress in a specific area

· organizes the development of marketing plans for the enterprise, together with economic services carries out economic analysis and evaluation of marketing plans, develops recommendations for their improvement

Establishes contacts and organizes the receipt from organizations and individual specialists of information necessary to carry out the work

· carries out instructions of the General Director, Vice President

· identifies and analyzes information flows and relationships structural divisions enterprises participating in or influencing the implementation of marketing functions

· develops methods for analyzing and optimizing the structure and state of the marketing activity database

· carries out operational economic analysis of current marketing activities, in particular, analysis of sales progress, its compliance with planned indicators, studies the reasons for deviations in sales progress from the plan and makes adjustments to them

· based on statistical information and the results of special research, analyzes and forecasts market development

· develops proposals in the field pricing policy

· selects and organizes, with the participation of other divisions of the enterprise, the practical implementation of individual methods of sales promotion (fairs, exhibitions, sales at discounted prices, coupon sales, provision of product samples for testing, etc.)

· evaluates the effectiveness of the methods used to promote goods

· Organizes, together with employees of the sales department, the prompt collection of information relating to product sales

· organizes and carries out, together with sales department employees, an analysis of sales progress in all regions and market segments

· conducts an analysis of the state of the Moscow office and dealer network, develops recommendations for its development and improvement (creation of sales branches, offices, representative offices of the enterprise in various regions, expansion of the network of wholesale and retail trade enterprises, etc.)

Organizes and conducts research product range and consumer properties of manufactured goods

· identifies the main trends in production development (technical level, technology, production cost structure, etc.)

· develops a research program and, together with other divisions of the marketing department and the sales department, studies and forecasts demand for goods, assesses the need for manufactured and developed goods

· develops a research program and, together with other divisions of the marketing department and the sales department, organizes and conducts research consumer preferences And purchasing behavior in relation to goods of this product group

· together with other divisions of the marketing department and the sales department, collects and analyzes information about shortcomings and complaints in the use of goods, takes part in the consideration of complaints

· creates and maintains information base By product group

· monitors the implementation of the marketing plan for a certain group of goods, prepares proposals for making changes to it

· Participates in the development and coordination of plans for advertising events

· participates in determining the goals, methods, timing and effectiveness of measures to stimulate sales of goods

· replaces the head of the marketing department in case of his absence.

3.1. Designing a marketing plan.

Since the main problem is the low recognition of the BEST-DV company, it is necessary to model a marketing plan to increase recognition and the influx of new customers, which will ensure increased profits and growth of the company.

For development, we will highlight one of the areas where there is a chance to become market leaders - system administration.

The target audience has been identified and announced earlier. Means need to be determined mass communication, through which advertising will be carried out:

· Internet ( information Agency, yandex)

· Direct mail

Considering that the target audience is office workers with Internet access must be placed advertising banner on the most popular Internet sites, which will ensure recognition of the company. The cost of placing a flash banner is six thousand, for up to 1 month.

It is necessary to have a direct impact on the target audience interested in our services, therefore it is proposed to use direct mail, i.e. direct mail. But in order for this not to look intrusive, it is planned to deliver information booklets along with GlavBukh magazines, since this is the most popular magazine among our target audience.

Distribution will be carried out through the main post office and direct mail department. Booklets will be included in the magazine and delivered to subscribers individually. The cost of the service is 2.50 rubles for 1 booklet included in the magazine. The total number of subscribers to the GlavBukh magazine in Vladivostok is 500 people. It is worth considering the cost of printing services - this amount is 6,700 rubles.

But we must not forget that it is important not only to attract new customers, but also to retain old ones. To do this, it is proposed to conduct an advertising campaign, the essence of which is as follows:

Through existing clients, distribute information about our company (information booklets, business cards, banners, posters) to potential clients, the incentive for distribution is discounts on the provision of services for each new client who comes through such advertising.

This will ensure, on the one hand, an additional desire on the part of old customers to distribute and receive large discounts, and on the other, a sharp influx of new customers.

Also, new customers will be attracted through promotions (as an action), accompanied by discounts and bonuses. By reducing prices and accumulative bonuses, it is expected to attract and show clients the benefits of service in our company.

3.2. Analysis of the funds spent on creating a marketing department.

Total: 81,450 rubles.

Estimated amount of profit due to the creation of a marketing department.

On average, most offices have up to 7 computers. The cost of servicing 7 computers and 1 server at BEST Company LLC is…….Based on the expected number of clients, the profit from servicing…..clients will be…..

Successful startups are similar to each other, and so are failed ones. Several dozen such stories passed before my eyes: the founders began to think in big categories, rented an office “for the future,” quickly increased their staff, spared no money on PR, and after a year or two they discovered that their hard-won investments ended before sales took off. . Species characteristics do not play a big role here. If the product is doing well, the marketing team is to blame for the failure. And the principles of its formation in all areas are more or less the same, be it car sharing services, finance or dog food production.

No right to personnel error

Success or failure is determined by the five or six people who make up the core of the team. Even if the founder speaks in the public field (Pavel Durov is a striking example), there is always a team behind him, many of whose members are minority shareholders, but remain in the shadows.

Y Combinator President Sam Altman once said, “In a big company, mediocre people may cause some problems, but they usually don’t kill the business. In a startup, a single mediocrity can lead to the collapse of the project.” It's hard to disagree. When the project gets on its feet, you will have the opportunity to make personnel mistakes, but at the start it is important to guess with each person.

The classic model at the start is a founding duo consisting of a “producer” and a “developer”. The first invests in the project an idea and the ability to sell it, the second invests in a product prototype (or the ability to manufacture it). Best examples- Steve Jobs and Steve Wozniak (Apple) or Bill Gates and Paul Allen (Microsoft).

The next stage is polishing the idea, deeply studying the pain points of the target audience, and working on the alpha version. The project will need a “general”: a person who will take charge operational activities, technical support, logistics, delivery and more. When you find the “general”, you will have a structure of three Hs: Hustler, Hacker, Hipster. When a company is registered, they usually become CEO, CTO and COO.

Next comes the need for sales specialists. At this stage, the project grows commercially and financial directors. The first will be responsible for lead generation and traffic, the second will control costs and monitor metrics, and will also be in charge of the operation of payment systems.

Forming a marketing team should start with a digital CMO (Director of Digital Marketing - Note from The Secret), who will propose an Internet promotion strategy and begin to implement it. Ideally, there should be a document defining what the company is going to sell and to whom. The main requirement for an employee applying for this position is the absence of fear of trying new things. In addition, the CMO must have a background manual settings campaigns and have a good understanding of analytics. Even if he does the latter well, pretty soon the project will need a smart web analyst. This person should not only collect and process data, his task is to persistently offer solutions to improve the product and funnel. Therefore, it is important that he is angry, reckless and mischievous in a good way.

The last to join the team will be a manager for working with bloggers, a cross-promotion manager, a PR manager, and a media buyer.

In-house or outsourced?

Full-time employees are more expensive than remote employees, but they are always in front of you. It will be easier for you to control the pace of their work. Their weak spots will be found faster. Full-time employees are easier to motivate. On the other hand, while the team has less than 15 people, everyone perceives the company as a family, so the appearance of a newcomer is fraught with conflicts.

Obviously, there are business-critical processes that are preferable to be left in-house. If we are talking about marketing, then, in my deep conviction, a CMO and a web analyst should be on staff. It’s logical to outsource at the start manual labor: launching a context, working with targeted advertising.

When the need arises for a deeper and more thorough study of channels, you will open full-time positions. Gradually, the startup will grow with a targetologist, a specialist in contextual advertising, blogger relations manager. In any case, media purchases should be carried out through agencies that have more affordable inventory.

How to search for people

An impressive track record and an MBA do not guarantee that a person will be a good fit. Therefore, the ability to work in a chaotic startup environment becomes an important competency.

Most likely, the person you want will be considering multiple job offers at the same time (otherwise, he is not the person you want). Your task is to understand his motivation and offer Better conditions, and it’s not just about money. Today it is not uncommon for a programmer, during an interview for a position with a salary of more than 250,000 rubles per month, to ask: “Will there be fresh fruit in the office?”

You need to start selecting a team immediately after the idea arises. Keep in mind the point where you want to be in a year and a half. Take a closer look at those you meet at specialized conferences, make new contacts there. Good results brings a search for your own: friends, colleagues, former classmates. In the IT field, advertisements on special platforms in Spark or Slack give a good response.

The main thing to keep in mind: a startup founder does not need employees - he needs comrades. It sounds trivial, but too often this principle is neglected.

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Creating a marketing department makes sense when the work of all departments of the enterprise is subordinated to the interests of potential buyers. Without the support of the general director, it is impossible to build the work of the enterprise in accordance with the wishes of the market. First of all, the general director must take it as an axiom that only enterprises with well-organized marketing activities, possessing comprehensive and deep information about the market for their products, about their consumers and competitors and capable of making rational management decisions based on correct conclusions from this information, will be able to achieve success in a free market. It is advisable for a director who understands this to take the following steps to support marketing at his enterprise:

1. Appoint a head of the marketing department. Give him a task and give him broad powers. Consider it as one of the main participants in the production and marketing activities of the enterprise.

2. Develop a system of incentives for enterprise employees performing functions aimed at meeting the demand for the enterprise’s products.

3. Hire qualified professionals. These people are expensive, but the company also gets a great return from them.

4. Provide the marketing department with sufficient resources. If this department works with the expected output from it, then the output from the entire enterprise will increase.

What will the CEO and the enterprise as a whole gain from creating a marketing department?

Studying the desires of consumers will allow us to create the product they need. The more accurate and in-depth information about the market and consumers a company has, the more chances it has to outperform its competitors. The information provided by the marketing department is used in all main areas of the enterprise's activities.

Choosing the optimal production program is impossible without knowing the demand for specific types of goods and services. The price of products is dictated by the market. Therefore, the demand for a specific product (the maximum sales volume of this product in a given place over a certain period of time at a certain price) is a limitation that is largely dictated by the external environment and which must be taken into account when developing business plans.

The nature of the perception of the product by target customers determines its correct positioning, which includes several elements: product; price; sales; product promotion (communications). It is important to evaluate the potential profitability of the selected position. One of the simplest and most flexible ways to determine a position in the market is pricing.

Product promotion characterizes the activity of an enterprise in creating demand for the goods offered. Enterprises that have good regular marketing, as a rule, create marketing databases in which various information is collected and systematized. The task of systematizing and processing information is greatly facilitated by various software tools.

Understanding that the accuracy of demand forecasting depends on the information used for analysis and the methods for processing it, many Russian enterprises They try to obtain basic information about consumers and the market not only through the marketing department, but also through sales structures. Sometimes, depending on the organizational structure of the enterprise, financial services also contact customers regarding payment issues. As a rule, the tasks of the marketing department are to analyze consumers and competitors and develop a marketing strategy for the enterprise, while the sales department is engaged in direct sales and collecting first-hand information. Sales personnel typically have an accurate understanding of the sales potential their customers provide. Expert judgment, intuition and experience of marketing and sales staff, as well as consumers, can serve as the basis for a subjective assessment of demand.

Using various methods of processing received market data, the marketing department prepares proposals that influence the work of other departments and the entire enterprise.