GCD role-playing game “All professions are important. Synopsis of a role-playing game on the topic: “All work is good, all professions are important” for children of the middle group lesson plan (middle group) on the topic Role-playing games for children about professions

Parnikova Vera Eremeevna
Job title: educator
Educational institution: MBDOU TsRR No. 7 "Tullukchaan"
Locality: Namsky ulus, village Namtsy
Material name: Methodical development
Subject:"Familiarization of children with the work of adults on the basis of the organization of role-playing games"
Publication date: 17.10.2016
Chapter: preschool education

Familiarization of children with the labor of adults on the basis of the organization of plot-

role playing
Completed by: educator: Parnikova Vera Eremeevna
Table of Contents Introduction ……………………………………………………………………. 3
Chapter I Theoretical basis studying role-playing games

children preschool age
................................................. .................... 9 ................................................. 9 1.2. Characteristics of the types, structure and levels of role-playing games………………………………………………........... ......................................... 19 1.3 Analysis of the literature on familiarizing preschoolers with the work of adults………………………………………… ……………..................... 30 Conclusions on Chapter I…………………………………...... ..…...................... 35
Chapter 2

................................................. ....... 36 2.1. Preparatory stage of conducting role-playing games .............................................................. ................................................. ....................... 36 2.2. Conducting role-playing games in different groups Kindergarten ……………………………………………………........................... ...... 42 2.3 Conducting an experimental study of the role-playing game of children of senior preschool age.…...…………………......... 64 Conclusions on Chapter II ……………………………………………………...................... 70 Conclusion………………………………………… ………………................. 71 List of used literature…………………………............. ....... Appendix ………………………………………………… .................... 73 77

Relevance of the topic
. In modern times, in the system of preschool education, in connection with the introduction of a new federal state educational standard, great importance is given to the upbringing and development of children. It is aimed at the development of the individual in various types of communication and activities, taking into account age, individual and physiological characteristics. Federal Law on Education No. 273 entered into force on September 1, 2013, opening a new era of relationships in the field of education of the younger generation and adult citizens. This legislative act corresponds to the current processes and requirements of the education system, which has become much more efficient and civilized since the adoption of the law. All provisions of this document were developed with a focus on the features and traditions of the education system in Russia. As a result, an effective legal instrument was obtained to regulate relations and phenomena in one of the most important areas of modern society. Article 64. Preschool education. 1. Preschool education is aimed at the formation of a general culture, the development of physical, intellectual, moral, aesthetic and personal qualities, the formation of the prerequisites for educational activities, the preservation and strengthening of the health of preschool children. 2. Educational programs of preschool education are aimed at the versatile development of children of preschool age, taking into account their age and individual characteristics, including the achievement by children of preschool age of the level of development necessary and sufficient for their successful mastering of educational programs of primary general education, based on an individual approach to preschool children and activities specific to preschool children. In the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child (Article 29), one of the goals of education is "to develop respect for the child's parents, their cultural identity, language and values ​​of the country in which the child lives." There are various forms of labor that develop the ability and mind
child of preschool children. There are games directly aimed at physical education (moving), aesthetic (musical), mental (didactic and plot). The game of a preschool child develops under the influence of education and training, depends on the acquisition of knowledge and skills, on the education of interests. In play, the individual characteristics of the child are manifested with particular force, and it can be observed that the same child exhibits a different level of play creativity depending on the content of the game, the role played, and relationships with comrades. Today, the most relevant is the implementation of modern developing pedagogical technologies in the educational process. As mentioned above, the leading activity of preschool children is the game. Therefore, in Lately The most urgent problem is the introduction of modern gaming technologies into the educational practice of preschool institutions. At the age of 3 to 7 years, the child in the game begins to imitate the activities of adults. Therefore, the theme of the certification work "
Introducing children to work

adults based on the organization of role-playing games"
is up to date.
From the history of the study of the issue
. Many researchers note that the role-playing game is the most well-known approach to teaching, educating and developing preschool children. In domestic science, there is a sufficient number of works on the study of role-playing games. These include R.I. Zhukovskaya, A.V. Zaporozhets, A.N. Leontiev, D.V. Mendzheritskaya, A.P. Usova, D.B. topics such as the psychological foundations of creativity in a role-playing game (E. A. Arkin, L. A. Venger, O. M. Dyachenko, E. E. Kravtsova, N. I. Nepomnyashchaya, N. N. Poddyakov, A A. Royak and others), the specifics of creative manifestations and the development of creativity of older preschoolers in a role-playing game (T.V. Antonova, L.I. Bochkareva, 0. K. Vasilyeva, V. Ya. Voronova, 0. M. Gostyukhina, N. T. Grinyavechene, D. A. Kolesov, N. N. Krivova, E. N. Litvinova, D. B. Lukov, A. A. Lyublinskaya, Ya. Z. Neverovich, B. P. Nikitin, S. L. Slavina, D. V. Smirnova, E. N. Sokolov, F. I. Fradkina and
others), pedagogical guidance of the role-playing game in the interests of the development of children's creativity (N.M. Aksbrina, L.I. Bozhovich, A.K. Bondarenko, N.A. Vetlugina, R.I. Zhukovskaya, E.V. Zvorygina , N. N. Korotkova, 3. V. Lishtvan, T. A. Markova, S. A. Marutyan, A. I. Matusik, D. V. Mendzheritskaya, N. Ya. , N. P. Samorukova, E. A. Flerina and others). Substantiating the regularity of the child's creative manifestations in the role-playing game, the researchers point to the specifics of the structure of the game and the conditions of the game action that "generate" the imagination. This specificity is described in detail in the works of research teachers, where the motives of the role-playing game were studied (O.M. Gostyukhina, E.V. Zvorygina, R.I. Zhukovskaya, N.Ya. Mikhailenko, A.A. Royak, A. P. Usova), its content and plot (A. K. Bondarenko. V. Ya. Voronova, R. I. Zhukovskaya, D. V. Mendzheritskaya), the implementation of the idea in the game image and role behavior (L. P. Bochkareva, N. N. Korotkova, E. N. Litvinova, A. A. Lyublinskaya, D. V. Mendzheritskaya, N. Ya. Mikhailenko, S. L. Slavina), special play independence of the child (N. A. Vetlugina, N. S. Krivova, S. A. Marutyan, A. I. Matusik, E. O. Smirnova). "Indirect" methods make it possible to use in developing children's creativity purposes, the specifics of the structure of the role-playing game, not suppressing the independent creative manifestations of children, but supporting and stimulating them (L. A. Venger, R. I. Zhukovskaya, E. V. Zvorygina, D. V. Mendzheritskaya, N. Ya. Mikhailenko , S.L. Novoselova, P.G. Samorukova, etc.) The effectiveness of such methods and methods that generalize them has been proven by the positive experience of implementing the "complex method of managing the formation of a plot-role-playing game" (S.L. Novoselova. B.V. Zvorygina, etc.), programs "Rainbow" (a team of authors led by T.N. Doronova), "Kindergarten - a house of joy" (N.M. Krylova. V.T. Ivanova). "Golden Key" (G.G. Kravtsov, E.E. Kravtsova) .V general theory role-playing game, especially the work of R.I. Zhukovskaya, E.V. Zvorygina, D.V. Mendzheritskaya, N. Ya.
Object of study
– familiarization of children with the work of adults
Subject of study
– organization of role-playing games in kindergartens in order to get acquainted with the work of adults
The purpose of certification work
to study the role and significance of role-playing games in the labor education of preschool children
To achieve the goal, the following
: - to consider the main legislative documents in the system of preschool education in Russian Federation and GEF DO; - consider the work of researchers of role-playing games for the development of preschool children; - to characterize the types, structure and levels of role-playing games; - to determine the role of role-playing games in the labor education of preschool children; - conducting and analyzing role-playing games in different age groups of the kindergarten.
Methodology and methodology of certification work
. When considering the system of additional education in the Russian Federation, we relied on the main legislative documents: the federal law"On Education" and the Federal State Educational Standard for Preschool Education. Home methodological basis work is a holistic approach that allowed us to consider the role of role-playing games in the education of preschool children. The Charter and the Program for the Development of Children under the program "Childhood" were studied. We relied on the works of well-known researchers of role-playing games. In writing the thesis, we used the method of description, structural and functional methods. Analysis of philosophical, psychological and pedagogical literature; observation of the behavior and activities of children (outside the game and in the game); diagnostic methods (questionnaires, individual conversations with educators and children); setting game problems, pedagogical experiment, methods of statistical and mathematical processing of research results
Theoretical and practical significance of certification work
is that the results of the work can be used in the study of issues of labor education of preschool children, the development of author's programs of education and upbringing. The materials and results of the study can be used in the system of education of preschool specialists in the context of implementation
new state standards; at the Faculty of Preschool Education, at advanced training courses for educators.
Work structure.
The thesis consists of an introduction, two chapters, four paragraphs, a conclusion, a list of references and appendices.
Chapter 1. Theoretical foundations for the study of role-playing games

preschool children

1.1. The impact of role-playing games on development

preschool children
Diligence is one of the main qualities of a person, which helps not only in its development, but is also necessary throughout life. They believe that work is the basis of life, because it is associated with the family, housekeeping and professions, so a child from a young age should respect work and appreciate workers of various types of work. The child must also be prepared for labor activity- to acquire certain knowledge, skills and abilities. IN kindergarten there is no method of "live" display and example of the work of adults, therefore, teachers of preschool education use the "game method" of introducing children to work. In our opinion, this is the most effective method obtaining knowledge, skills and abilities, when each of the children through the game "role-playing behavior" deepens into the process of certain actions. At the same time, not only the method of showing for the smallest is used, but also the verbal method - a story and a conversation. Labor education is of great importance in the moral education and intellectual development of preschool children. It is necessary to prepare a child for work by familiarizing himself with the work of adults at an early age. Psychologists define this as - "psychological readiness for work", i.e. the child receives specific knowledge that will be useful to him in the future for mastering certain types of labor activity. Different researchers define the functions of the game in their own way, but in our work the following functions of game activity are distinguished:
its inclusion in the system of social relations, there is a development by man and the transmission of culture, transmitted from generation to generation, the recreation of cultural values, etc. 2) a cognitive-learning function, where a person acquires certain knowledge and skills in the process of playing, comprehends something new, learns the world around, etc.; 3) communicative - communication between themselves or objects, things, attributes and building relationships with them for the assimilation of spiritual and socio-cultural values ​​in society; 4) sign-symbolic - mastering the world through peculiar symbols or signs, modeling life or the future, where there is a deep understanding of what is comprehended and the formation of a broad worldview; 5) entertaining and leisure - a person spends his leisure time through the game, enjoys and relaxes; 6) therapeutic - this is when a person in the process of playing overcomes various difficulties and obstacles that arise in his life, their correction and change in order to improve health; 7) relaxation function - when, in the process of playing, a person restores strength in the body in order to achieve a state of harmony of body and spirit; 8) educational and developmental function - when in the course of the game certain qualities of a person develop, form him as a person, instill moral and aesthetic values, etc. According to A.A. Tokarev “there are a number of theories that consider play from two points of view: 1) play as an activity in which the child develops holistically, harmoniously, comprehensively; 2) the game as a means of acquiring and developing knowledge [Tokarev, 2012, p. 520-523].
This means that the essence and functions of the game are deep and it is of great importance in a person’s life, as well as in shaping him as a person, the pedagogical role of the game in the education, upbringing and development of the child is especially great. A number of scientists and practitioners-teachers for the education, upbringing and development of preschool children distinguish role-playing games. Let's consider them. “Role-playing game” is the organization and conduct of games where roles are distributed among children, and on behalf of this role they perform game actions according to a certain plot and course of action. The plot reveals the content of the game - the nature of the actions and the relationship between the characters, which are reproduced by the children themselves. They introduce knowledge and familiarization with the content of the work of adults, can form certain labor skills and abilities, teach them responsibility and independence. It is an activity in which children take on the roles (functions) of adults and in a generalized form (in specially created playing conditions) reproduce the activities of adults and their relationships. These conditions are characterized by the use of various objects that replace the actual objects of adult activity [Kolominsky, Panko, 1999]. Each age period is characterized by its own characteristics and signs of the game. After all, the game is aimed at the comprehensive development of the child, introduces him to knowledge about work, brings up responsibility and discipline, the ability of an organizer and doer, the development of mental processes (attention, imagination, thinking, memory, etc.). Famous psychologist L.S. Rubinshtein said that in the process of play, a child not only reincarnates into someone else's personality, but, entering into a role, expands, enriches, deepens one's own [Rubinshtey, 2003, p. 454-510] Also, according to L.I. Bozhovich, the game provides the child with the allocation and understanding of socially accepted moral norms of behavior,
formation of the main driving motive personal development child - to be like an adult. Thus, a new form of motives develops in the game: from conscious, from affectively colored immediate desires to generalized intentions [Bozhovich, 2008]. Also on scientific work Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences V.I. Loginova, “knowledge about work, attitudes of adults towards it, motives, orientation of work, reflected in the images, begin to regulate the actions of children, rebuild their motives and attitudes towards their own work, the work of adults, objects created by people. Hence, knowledge about the work of adults should occupy one of the leading places in the educational work of the kindergarten ... ”[Loginova, 1978]. Further, the author identifies five levels of knowledge about labor as a phenomenon of social reality, since interest in work, the development of cognitive activity and the ability to perform available labor processes depend on the level of knowledge about labor. Another researcher N.S. Pryazhnikov raises the issue of a person’s career guidance back in early childhood. He gives the following arguments: “Early (children's) vocational guidance is carried out in advance, when there are still many years before the direct choice of a profession. She mostly wears informational character(general acquaintance with the world of professions), and also does not exclude the joint discussion of the dream and experience of the child acquired by him in some types of labor activity (in terms of self-service, when working in the country, classes in a circle, etc.) [Pryazhnikov, 1996]. Another author, N.N. Zakharov, who defines the goal of early career guidance as the formation of a child's emotional attitude to the professional world [Zakharov, 1988].
1.2. Characteristics of the structure, types and levels of role-playing games

The role-playing game has its own specific structure, different types and levels. Of these, the structure of the game is each individual parts, which are usually called components (structural division). Researchers identify the following structural components of the game: 1) the motives of the game (inducing the need to play); 2) a game plan that includes a game task; 3) the content of the game; 4) storyline for building the game (multiple stories can be selected); 5) performance of role actions and interaction of roles; 6) performing game actions with objects or with their substitutes. The motive of the game is the reason that prompts the child to perform actions of the game. You can change them during the game. The idea in the game comes from their playing environment and given conditions, it can also arise on the initiative of the player himself, in our case, the child, according to the proposed scheme. Here it is necessary to verbally explain to the children the game tasks and the content of the game. The content of the game is the main essence of the game, its internal and external qualities, the plot that the child reproduces with the game and builds a kind of relationship. It is set in the game plan, it can also be determined by the child's personal experience and the level of his attention, imagination and memory. Here you need game items or their substitutes, certain actions with them, building relationships. The game must be built according to the plot, which is the source of the gaming experience and activities. Usually, preschool children take the plot from everyday life or you can play based on the plot of fairy tales or stories. Role-playing behavior for the game is one of the main properties of role-playing games, which is indicated by speech - dialogues. Here it is necessary to make sure that the child has the opportunity to convey the characteristic features of the role and individual characteristics. Roles are major and minor. Here, children are taught role-playing interaction on behalf of the roles performed in the game.
So, game activity has several components of the structure: the theme and motive of the game, the purpose and objectives of the game, the game plan, the means for implementing the game, the performance of certain game actions, and the result is also important. The researcher T.A. Kulikova distinguishes the following structural components in the plot-role-playing game: plot, content, roles, game actions. The plot of the game is a reflection by the child of certain actions, events, relationships from the life and activities of others. The plots of the games are diverse: household games in the family, kindergarten, industrial games, reflecting the professional work of people, games in the hospital, shop, etc., public games in celebration of the birthday of the city, etc. One of the main means of implementing the plot are game actions [Kozlova, Kulikova, 2000]. According to domestic teachers and psychologists, the main content of role-playing games is the social and everyday life of adults in its various manifestations. Interesting are the performance of actions and the construction of relationships between adults to various subjects, the content of labor, communication between people during the labor process. In the game, the role is the main core of the role-playing game. The presence of a role in the game means that in his mind the child identifies himself with this or that person and acts in the game on his behalf, appropriately using certain objects, entering into various relationships with other players [Loginova, Samorukova, 1991, p. 54-72]. Interesting, according to the authors V.I. Yadeshko and V.Ya. Sokhin, are such components of a role-playing game as a game plan and rules. Play intent is a general definition of what and how children will play: in the store, in kindergarten, etc. And the rules during the game are set by the children themselves, and in some games by adults, they
designed to determine and regulate the behavior and relationships of players. They give the game organization, stability, reinforce the content and define further development, complication of relationships and relationships [Preschool Pedagogy, 1986]. In addition, the following structural components can be distinguished in role-playing games: structure, game rules, imaginary situation, game plan, plot, content, roles, game actions. Based on the theme and content, the following types of role-playing games are distinguished: 1) Games played on everyday subjects are a game of “family”, “holidays”, “birthdays”, etc. toys - dolls. 2) Games on industrial and social topics, in which the work of adults is played out. The content includes scenes from the surrounding life - school, shop, post office, hairdresser, hospital, riding public transport, playing police and firefighters, visiting the circus, theater, working in a factory, building structures, etc. 3) Games on patriotic themes- acting out scenes from military service, about astronauts and their flights, etc. 4) Games played on the themes of folklore and literary works from famous cartoons (about the turnip, crocodile Gena and Cheburashka, lion cub, Uncle Styopa, Moidodyr, etc. 5) "Director's" games can usually be played with dolls, where the child performs actions and speaks on behalf of the puppets, i.e. acts on behalf of the puppets and on its own behalf. In this game, the plot of the game must be foreseen in advance - taken from the plot of fairy tales, stories, or from life itself [Boichenko, 2008].
On the basis of functions, games are divided into the following types: cognitive-educational, instructive, entertaining and organizational. There are also three main types of role-playing games: 1) games with various objects; 2) board games; 3) word games. Of these, toys are used in games with various objects, as well as objects and paraphernalia, because. playing with them, children learn to establish similarities and differences between toys, and, accordingly, objects. Their signs and properties. For example, we can cite introductory games with professions. Sets of toy items are provided for a hairdresser (scissors, combs, hair dryer, curlers, varnish, etc.), a doctor (fanendoscope, etc.), a builder (hammer, screwdriver, etc.), a seller (a set of dishes, books, various items, etc. .). For this game, you can put on special clothes for children in accordance with the chosen profession, i.e. children analyze and draw conclusions about what profession requires a set of items and clothes [Boichenko, 2008]. Also, games for children need to be organized and conducted in accordance with their age characteristics. Let's consider them. 1) Games for children from 1 to 2 years old is a display activity. They include the development of instrumental activity, the transfer of display actions from one object to another, the first play actions with toys, etc. The main thing is to create conditions for the game and teach them to act independently with toys. 2) Games for children from 2 to 3 years old are already called “display game”, because play activities are performed with toys. The main condition for this game is the combination of game actions according to the plot using objects - substitutes that encourage game action. 3) For children from 3 to 4 years old, "role-playing games" are available, where the child takes on a role, leads his role in the course of the plot. Here
the main condition is the organization and holding of joint children's games. 4) Games for children from 4 to 6 years old can include a "role-play" game with creative elements. 5) Games for children from 6 to 7 years old are already creative games [Management of children's games in preschool institutions, 1986]. According to the concept of N.Ya. Mikhailenko, the development of the story game at different age stages can be seen in the following table:






Plot development


From 3 to 4 years Separate game actions that are of a conditional nature The role is actually carried out, but is not called A chain of two actions, where the imaginary situation is held by the teacher From 4 to 5 years Interrelated play activities that have a clear role-playing character The role is called, children can change roles as a game 4 interrelated actions where children independently hold an imaginary situation From 5 to 6 years old Transition to role-playing actions that reflect the social functions of people Roles are distributed before the start of the game. Children adhere to their role throughout the game The chain of game actions is united by one plot that corresponds to the logic of the teacher’s actions From 6 to 7 years old Displaying relations between people in game actions (cooperation) The technique of game actions is conditional and the role , as well as the ideas of the game are spoken to the children and up to the e The plot is based on an imaginary situation, the actions are varied and correspond
the beginning of real relationships between people [Mikhailenko, 2010, p. 180].
2. The role of role-playing games of preschool children in

familiarization with the work of adults

2.1. The preparatory stage of the role-playing games
Familiarization with the work of adults aims to give children concrete knowledge and ideas about work and to cultivate respect for the work of adults, to teach to appreciate it, to arouse interest and love for work. At the same time, the task of influencing the behavior of children is being solved - to arouse a desire to work, to work conscientiously, carefully. When familiarizing yourself with the work, it is very important to observe gradual expansion of information. It should be borne in mind that the abundance of impressions leads to the fact that children receive fragmentary, superficial information that has little effect on the formation of the right attitude to work, on the development of skills and abilities. In the process of observation, it is necessary to give a small amount of information, gradually expanding and deepening it , supplementing the known with new knowledge, fixing the old. Only with such a gradual deepening of children into a cognizable phenomenon, it is possible to develop in them the correct ideas about work, the correct attitude towards it. Work is closely related to play. In the game, children reflect the work of adults. Games, and primarily role-playing games, are indispensable in the education of preschoolers. They bring an element of creativity into the actions of children. One of the main types of play, where children get acquainted with the work of adults, is a role-playing game. Play as a reflective activity is a secondary stage in the child's cognition of reality. However, in the role-playing game, the knowledge and impressions of the child do not remain unchanged: they are replenished and refined, qualitatively changed, transformed. This makes the game a form of practical knowledge of the surrounding reality.

Conducting role-playing games in different groups of kindergarten.
Role-playing games successfully develop the personality of the child, his intellect, will, imagination and sociability, but most importantly, this activity gives rise to the desire for self-realization, self-expression. It is necessary to create conditions for the game to become an exciting activity. Arrange a place for the game that is appropriate for the age and number of children playing on it. Think over the selection of toys, materials, manuals and steadily monitor their updating in accordance with the demands of the developing game process and the overall development of children.
The goal of the educator
: to help create a game environment, to establish interaction between those who have chosen certain roles. Our task is to teach children to play role-playing games, observing the rules and the course of the game, developing their interest and active participation. Be sure to acquaint parents with the structure of role-playing games, its educational tasks, and ways of presenting to children. Collection of material, purchase of books and equipment for decoration, consultations with parents, design of stands, production of props for role-playing games. After all, it is necessary to instill respect for work in a child from an early age. For this, the following tasks are set: 1) familiarization-story about professions 2) familiarization with everyday work in everyday life 3) familiarization with work on housekeeping - 4) familiarization with the main tools 5) organization of role-playing games 6) familiarization with professions - doctor, seller, cook, carpenter, familiarization with - sewing, cleaning, laundry Games held in kindergarten are planned by the "Kindergarten Education Program", indicating the age dynamics of the education of preschoolers, including the nature of role-playing games. Long-term planning of role-playing games in the 2nd junior group Quarter 1 Role-playing games
Kindergarten. Family. Visiting matryoshka. Shop.


Collection of information

Role dialogue

Subject environment
Kindergarten Daily routine moments in kindergarten D / and with a doll Excursion in kindergarten Conversation “What do we know about kindergarten?” Stories about the professions of kindergarten workers Visiting a neighboring group Examining illustrations about a kindergarten Lesson in S / M “We are adults' helpers” Creating an album “Kindergarten” parent - child parent - educator educator - children educator - nanny nanny - children child - children educator - music worker music worker - children cook - nurse dolls, toy dishes, furniture, substitute items, medical instruments (thermometer, syringe, cotton wool, vitamins), musical instruments,

ie games

Collection of information

Role dialogue

Subject environment
Family Talk to children about their families. Looking at family photos, story pictures Painting “Our Family” Listening and reading lullabies Reading the Russian folk tale “Turnip”, “Three Bears” Lesson “My Family” C / R game “Kindergarten” D / and “Mom and Dad”, “Grandfather and grandmother”, “Who is older?”, “Who is mom - dad mom - child dad - child grandmother - grandfather child - child mom - doctor mom - grandmother dad - grandfather grandma - child grandfather - child Dolls, strollers, doll sets clothes for different seasons, bedding, furniture (tables, chairs, beds of different sizes), washing sets, irons, telephones, sets of doll, tea and tableware, handbags, clothes for dressing up (hats, ties, scarves, capes), household appliances (toys): refrigerator, washing machine, vacuum cleaner.
younger?”, “Call by names” October November

e games

Collection of information

Role dialogue

Subject environment
Visiting the nesting dolls Games with nesting dolls Reading poems and nursery rhymes Examining beautiful handkerchiefs Learning songs D / and “Which nesting doll hid?”, “Decorate a sundress for a nesting doll” Classes in K-yu “Teremok for nesting dolls” educator - nesting doll nesting doll - child educator - child matryoshka - matryoshka nesting dolls, Matryoshka costume, baskets, furniture (tables, chairs) rugs, a house, a set of tea and tableware, models: fruits, vegetables, "Pick up the key to the door", "Spread out by color", construction material, a set of handkerchiefs Shop watching a video presentation “About the work of the seller” Conversation “How I went to the store with my mother (vegetable, grocery, household goods, household)” The story of the educator about the profession of the seller Examining pictures or photo illustrations about the work of the store D / I “Who is more will name items for shops: “Toys”, “Food”, “Dishes”, “Clothes”, “Who will name more actions”, “Lotto” Consideration of attributes for the game: scales, cap, apron, abacus seller - buyer seller - seller seller - store manager buyer - buyer cashier - buyer seller - supplier of goods counter or display case, several sets of products: dairy products, packages of juice, yogurt, tea, coffee, sweets, vegetables and fruits, groceries or deli, cash register and bills , handbags, a bathrobe, an apron, a cap, scales, a cash register for a cashier, tokens with numbers instead of money, checks, bags for customers, baskets.
2 quarter Role-playing games: Kindergarten. Family. Shop. Hospital. Salon. December

e games

Collection of information

Role dialogue

Subject environment
Kindergarten Daily routine moments in kindergarten D / and with a doll Excursion in kindergarten Conversation “What do we know about kindergarten?” Stories about the professions of kindergarten workers Visiting a neighboring group Examining illustrations about a kindergarten Lesson in S / M “We are adults' helpers” Creating an album “Kindergarten” parent - child parent - educator educator - children educator - nanny nanny - children child - children educator - music worker music worker - children cook - nurse dolls, toy dishes, furniture, substitute items, medical instruments (thermometer, syringe, cotton wool, vitamins), musical instruments, Family Talking with children about their families. Looking at family photos, plot pictures Painting “Our Family” Listening and reading lullabies Reading the Russian folk tale “Turnip”, “Three Bears” Lesson “My Family” С\Р game “Kindergarten” mom - dad mom - child dad - child grandmother - grandfather child - child mother - doctor mother - grandmother father - grandfather grandmother - child grandfather - child dolls, strollers, sets of doll clothes for different seasons, bedding, furniture (tables, chairs, beds of different sizes), washing sets, irons , telephones, sets of doll, tea and tableware, handbags, clothes for dressing up (hats, ties, scarves, capes), household appliances (toys): refrigerator, washing machine,
D \\ and "Mom and Dad", "Grandfather and Grandmother", "Who is older?", "Who is younger?", "Call by name" vacuum cleaner. January


Collection of information

Role dialogue

Subject environment
Family Talk to children about their families. Examining family photos, story pictures Painting “Our Family” Listening and reading lullabies Reading the Russian folk tale “Turnip”, “Three Bears” Lesson “My Family” C / R game “Kindergarten” D / and “Mom and Dad”, “Grandfather and grandmother”, “Who is older?”, “Who is younger?”, “Say by name” mom - dad mom - child dad - child grandmother - grandfather child - child mom - doctor mom - grandmother dad - grandfather grandma - child grandfather - a child of dolls, strollers, sets of doll clothes for different seasons, bedding, furniture (tables, chairs, beds of different sizes), washing sets, irons, telephones, sets of doll, tea and tableware, handbags, clothes for dressing up (hats , ties, scarves, capes), household appliances (toys): refrigerator, washing machine, vacuum cleaner. Shop watching a video presentation “About the work of the seller” Conversation “How my mother and I went to the store (vegetable, grocery, electrical household goods, household)” The story of the educator about the profession of the seller Examining pictures or photo illustrations about the work of the store stores: seller - buyer seller - seller seller - store director buyer - buyer cashier - buyer seller - supplier of goods groceries or deli, cash register and abacus, handbags, bathrobe, apron, cap, scales, cashier's cash register, tokens with numbers instead of money, checks, bags for customers, baskets
“Toys”, “Products”, “Dishes”, “Clothes”, “Who will name the most actions”, “Lotto” Consideration of attributes for the game: scales, cap, apron, abacus February

Collection of information

Role dialogue

Subject environment
Hospital Excursion to the medical office Observation of the work of a nurse, a doctor A conversation about the profession of a doctor, a nurse. Examination of paintings from the series "Professions": "Doctor", "Nurse". Conversation with children “How my mother and I went to see a doctor” Reading K. Chukovsky “Doctor Aibolit” Puppet theater “Aibolit” D / I “Who needs what for work”, “Who will name more actions” Acquaintance with attributes: stethoscope, thermometer, syringes, vitamins, spatulas, etc. Conversation "What is a treatment room?". sick - doctor sick - nurse doctor - doctor sick - sick doctor - nurse sick - orderly toy attributes (stethoscope, spatulas, thermometers, disposable syringes without needles, vitamins, yellow paper mustard plasters, bandage, cotton wool or cotton pads, cotton swabs), doctor's gown, nurse's gown, caps with a red cross, prescription forms, doctor's bag with a cross different types combs (from
skai A story about the profession of a hairdresser, about work in a hairdresser's Examining the items necessary for the work of a hairdresser: scissors, a hair dryer, bowls and a brush for dyeing hair, hairpins, curlers, etc. Examining an album with samples of hairstyles: men's, women's and children's, fashion magazines Conversations “How I went with my mother to the hairdresser”, “What is the hairdresser for?” Reading nursery rhymes about washing, combing, K. I. Chukovsky "Moidodyr", guessing riddles on the topic D \ I "Who needs what for work?" “Who will name more actions”, “What are these items for”, “Good-bad”. hairdresser - child hairdresser-cashier mother - cashier hairdresser - cleaning lady hairdresser - hairdresser linoleum, wood, with non-sharp teeth, short, rounded handles), shampoo bottles are bright, unusual shape (children's theme), scissors (plastic); hair dryer (toy or non-working real), curlers (toy), bowl and brush for coloring hair, cape for a client, apron cape for a hairdresser, towels, hairpins, rubber bands, bows, magazines with hairstyles, 3rd quarter Role-playing games: Family. Shop. Hospital. Salon. A toy shop. Bus. Steamboat. Zoo.

Collection of information

Role dialogue

Subject environment
Families Talk to children about their families. Examining family photos, story pictures Painting “Our Family” Listening and reading lullabies Reading the Russian folk tale “Turnip”, “Three Bears” Lesson “My Family” C / R game “Kindergarten” D / and “Mom and Dad”, “Grandfather and grandmother”, “Who is older?”, “Who is younger?”, “Say by name” mom - dad mom - child dad - child grandmother - grandfather child - child mom - doctor mom - grandmother dad - grandfather grandma - child grandfather - a child of dolls, strollers, sets of doll clothes for different seasons, bedding, furniture (tables, chairs, beds of different sizes), washing sets, irons, telephones, sets of doll, tea and tableware, handbags, clothes for dressing up (hats , ties, scarves, capes), household appliances (toys): refrigerator, washing machine, vacuum cleaner. Ma gas in watching the video presentation “About the work of the seller” Conversation “How my mother and I went to the store (vegetable, grocery, household goods, household)” The story of the educator about the profession of the seller Examining pictures or photo illustrations about the work of the store D / I “Who will name more items for shops: “Toys”, “Food”, “Dishes”, “Clothes”, “Who will name more actions”, “Lotto” Consideration of attributes for the game: scales, cap, apron, abacus seller - buyer seller - seller seller - store manager buyer - buyer cashier - buyer seller - supplier of goods counter or showcase, several sets of products: dairy products, packages of juice, yogurt, tea, coffee, sweets, vegetables and fruits, groceries or gastronomic products, cash machine and abacus, handbags, dressing gown, apron, cap, scales, cash register for the cashier, tokens with numbers instead of money, checks, bags for customers, baskets Auto shoes Listening to Mikhalkov’s song “We are going, we are going, we are going” Looking at the album “transport”. A conversation about professions. Replenishment
Bus driver
- drive carefully, carefully,
pro gives tickets. The bus delivers people: on a visit, to work, home. Children's chairs, hats for the driver, tickets, a bag for the conductor, steering wheels.
March, April

e games

Collection of information

Role dialogue

Subject environment
Hospital Excursion to the medical office Observation of the work of a nurse, doctor A conversation about the profession of a doctor, a nurse. Examination of paintings from the series "Professions": "Doctor", "Nurse". Conversation with children “How my mother and I went to see a doctor” Reading K. Chukovsky “Doctor Aibolit” Puppet theater “Aibolit” D / I “Who needs what for work”, “Who will name more actions” Acquaintance with attributes: stethoscope, thermometer, syringes, vitamins, spatulas, etc. Conversation "What is a treatment room?". sick - doctor sick - nurse doctor - doctor sick - sick doctor - nurse sick - orderly toy attributes (stethoscope, spatulas, thermometers, disposable syringes without needles, vitamins, yellow paper mustard plasters, bandage, cotton wool or cotton pads, cotton swabs), doctor's gown, nurse's gown, caps with a red cross, prescription forms, a doctor's pouch with a cross. Hairdressing salon Watching a video presentation “About the work of a hairdresser” A story about the profession of a hairdresser, about work in a hairdressing salon Examining the items necessary for the work of a hairdresser: scissors, a hair dryer, bowls and a brush for hair coloring, hairpins, curlers and mother - child mother - hairdresser hairdresser - child hairdresser-cashier mother - cashier hairdresser - cleaning lady hairdresser - Mirror, bedside table for storing attributes, different types of combs (made of linoleum, wood, with non-sharp teeth, short, rounded handles), shampoo bottles are bright, unusual shape (children's theme) , scissors (plastic); hair dryer (toy or
etc. Examining an album with samples of hairstyles: men's, women's and children's, fashion magazines Conversations "How I went to the hairdresser's with my mother", "What is the hairdresser for?" Reading nursery rhymes about washing, combing, K. I. Chukovsky "Moidodyr", guessing riddles on the topic D \ I "Who needs what for work?" “Who will name more actions”, “What are these items for”, “Good - bad”. non-working real hairdresser), curlers (toy), bowl and brush for hair coloring, drape for a client, apron cape for a hairdresser, towels, hairpins, rubber bands, bows, magazines with hairstyle samples, Toy store D \\ and "Wonderful Pouch", "Generalization" (about professions), "Who does what?" Consideration of illustrations about the store, “Professions” Games with toys GCD “Compilation of descriptive stories about toys” acquaintance with professions: seller, packer, driver, delivery man conversations with children “About professions”, “What parents do” children's stories “How we went to store "creation of folders:" Riddles about professions", "To whom, what Parents - child Seller - mother Seller - buyer packer of goods - driver packer of goods - delivery man a set of toys: dolls, bears, cars, and several pictures depicting familiar objects, bell, counter, books, "ATM", "money", packages, cash desk.
needed for work?" production of attributes Reading poems by A. Barto "Toys", S. Baruzdin "Mom's work", V. Lifshits "And we will work", S. Mikhalkov "What do you have?", V. Mayakovsky "Who to be?" riddles May

Collection of information

Role dialogue

Subject environment
Steam walk Reading stories about sailors, about water transport. Examination of illustrations about water modes of transport. Viewing slides or the cartoon "In the Port" about steamships and the operation of river transport. A conversation about the work of sailors, about the work of water transport. D \ and "On land, in the sky, on the water" Board game-lotto "Transport" Application "Steamboat on the river" Manual labor: making binoculars, a horn, colored flags for a mast, a life buoy. Reading by A. Pushkin “The wind is walking on the sea. A. Barto "Ship" Examination The steamer is built from cubes, blocks, bricks, rope, chairs.
go on a trip down the river.
gives commands, looks through binoculars.
Steering wheel
drives the ship, turns the steering wheel. At stops, everyone goes ashore, walks, goes on excursions.
the ladder is removed on the ship, the deck is washed, and the captain's commands are carried out.
prepares lunch for the team. Captain-passenger; Captain - sailors. Captain's cap, peakless caps, binoculars, steering wheel, large outdoor builder, collars, caps, anchor on a rope, signal flags (red, yellow), map.
illustrations on the theme: “Water transport”, make an album (folder) Zoop ark Excursion to the zoo or menagerie in order to get acquainted with the life of animals in captivity. A conversation about the zoo, why they were created, how animals live there. Reading - S.Ya. Marshak “Where the sparrow dined”, “Children in a cage”, etc. Memorizing poems about wild animals. Examination of illustrations about the zoo, about wild animals. Modeling "Zoo Animals" Drawing "What I saw at the zoo" Construction of the building material of the zoo, cages for animals Zoo construction: we put cages for animals from cubes, bricks, we settle animals, we make aviaries, we plant trees. Animal feeding, animal training.
Ras says
about animals. Comes
, examines animals, prescribes treatment to sick animals, gives them medicines. Figurines of animals by areas of residence (North, Africa, desert, forest), enclosures or cages from boxes, silhouettes of trees, cones, shells, pebbles, plates with the names of animals, birds, equipment for caring for animals (bucket, scoop, broom) the following methods are used to achieve this goal: observation; excursions; meetings with people of different professions; reading literature; a story about the relationship of people, about the activities of people of different professions using photographs, films; dramatizations. IN senior group games showing the work of institutions (shop, pharmacy, clinic) are encouraged. Games are being improved that reflect individual professions (seller, postman, actor, doctor, policeman, driver, sailor, pilot). Children learn to fulfill their plans, to play in accordance with the role. In games, children try to portray the professions of their parents. Ideas about different specialties are expanding and deepening: pilots fly on an airplane; there is a captain, navigator, sailor, etc. on the ship. develops the ability of children to outline the topic themselves
games, children learn to combine their immediate life experiences with knowledge acquired from stories, paintings, books. Perspective plan of role-playing games preparatory group program "Childhood" Month Title, content Methodological work
1. "School" Purpose: To provide familiarity with the school: what is done at school, what are the lessons, what does the teacher teach. Awaken the desire to study at school, respect for the work of the teacher. Excursion to the school, conversation with school employees: teacher, director, janitor, cleaner, barmaid, observing their work. 2. "Cannery" Purpose: To promote the development of the ability to jointly draw up the plot of the game and acting out; assign roles; maintain role-playing dialogue during the game. Conversation with children about the cannery with looking at illustrations. D / game "How apple juice was made" Drawing and application "Labels for canned food" 3. "Journey through the steppe" Purpose: Formation of the ability to creatively develop the plot of the game. To promote the development of creative imagination. To ensure the consolidation of knowledge about the vegetation of the steppe. Maintaining role-playing dialogue by introducing new characters into the game. Consideration of illustrations, conversations with children about the steppe natural zone. Reading and viewing books from the series "Plants and Animals of the Steppe", an encyclopedia of the plant world. D / game "What is superfluous." 4. "Street" Purpose. To promote the development of children's ability to implement and develop the plot of the game. Ensure the fixing of the names of cars, the rules of conduct on the street and in public transport. Thematic walks - excursions along the street. Conversations using illustrative material. Watching films and fragments on the theme "Street". Game roles. Pedestrians, drivers, policeman, janitor, etc.
1. "Journey through Russia" Purpose: To promote the development of the ability to expand the plot based on the knowledge gained in the classroom and in Reading: A. Prokofiev "Motherland", N. F. Vinogradova "My country Russia", S. Baruzdin "The country where we are we live" etc.
Everyday life. To form interest in the Motherland. To promote the development of the ability to use the map: show the cities of Russia on the map. Expand ideas about various natural objects, about life on earth, in earth, in water and air. To ensure the development of the ability to coordinate the topic, distribute roles, and prepare the necessary conditions for the game before the start of the game. Develop friendly relationships in the game. Conversations with children, examination of illustrative material (cities of Russia). 2. "Toy Factory" Purpose: To promote the development of the ability to distribute roles and discuss role interaction. Maintaining the multi-darkness of the game: factory - kindergarten - toy store; introduction of new plots of the game. Excursion to the toy store. Conversations with children about toys, their diversity, purpose, material for manufacturing. Organization of an exhibition in the group “My favorite toy. D / game "Who makes toys." Production of attributes for games. 3. "Post" Purpose: To ensure the expansion of children's understanding of the work of postal workers, about different forms postal communication: mail, telegraph, telephone, radio. Formation of role-playing interaction: sorter - postman - postmaster - driver - customers. Develop imagination, thinking, speech; the ability to jointly deploy the game, negotiate and discuss the actions of all the players. Cultivate goodwill, willingness to help. Excursion to the post office, a brief conversation with postal workers, observing their work. Examination and reading of children's books: N. Grigorieva "You lowered the letter", E. S. Ya. Marshak "Mail". Screening of a film or cartoon on the topic "Mail". Conversation on the painting "At the post office". 4. "House of Fashion" Purpose: To form in children a conscious attitude towards observing the rules of role-playing interaction, directing children's attention to the quality of the roles they play. To improve the ability of children to compose short stories about Examining illustrations. D / games: “Clothes or shoes”, “What girls wear”, “What boys wear”. Productive activity clothes for dolls.
clothing models, expressing their thoughts clearly for others. To develop the ability of children to display knowledge about the surrounding life in the game. To foster a sense of collectivism, cooperation and mutual assistance. 5. "Library" Purpose: To expand children's ideas about the professions of library workers, stimulate cognitive interest, lead to an understanding of the importance of the work of a librarian; To develop in children creative imagination, the ability to deploy the game, coordinating their own game plan with the plans of their peers; continue to teach children to perform various roles in accordance with the plot of the game, using attributes; Build relationships of cooperation and mutual assistance; to cultivate goodwill, the ability to reckon with the interests and opinions of teammates in the game. Excursion to the library, reading room. Conversations with children, looking at illustrations. Making books - homemade, reader's forms and other attributes. D / game "Library".
1. "Typography" Purpose: To promote the development of the ability to take on various roles in accordance with the plot of the game. Encourage creative use in games of ideas about the surrounding life. Develop the ability to cooperatively deploy the game, coordinating one's own game plan with the plan of peers. Awaken respect for the book. Conversations with children about professions, about the first books, about creating books, looking at illustrations. Excursion to the library. Conducting experiments. Making books - homemade 2. "Polyclinic", "Hospital" Purpose: To ensure the interaction of all services to help sick people: polyclinic - pharmacy - ambulance– hospital – sanatorium – dentistry. Instill in children a sense of gratitude for their work. To ensure the consolidation of knowledge about social relations, training in behavior skills in the clinic and an excursion to the medical office of the kindergarten. Examining illustrations. Conversation: "How a doctor works." The teacher's story "How I was at the doctor's appointment"
hospital. To promote the development of game dialogue, game interaction. 3. “A friend has a birthday” Purpose: To promote the development of sensitivity, attention. Provide reinforcement of cultural skills. To promote the development of game dialogue, game interaction. Conversation about the organization of the birthday. Learning poems, inventing games, attractions. Game roles. Birthday boy, mom, dad, grandmother, grandfather, teacher, brothers, sisters, guests. 4. "Beauty Salon" Purpose: Encourage children to independently distribute roles, prepare the necessary conditions; to promote the establishment of role-playing interaction in the game and the assimilation of role-playing relationships; to form the skills of cultural behavior in public places, respect for the employees of the salon. D / games: “What is needed for work”, “The fourth extra”, “What is beautiful and what is not”, etc. Excursion to the hairdresser. Production of attributes for games.
1. "Atelier" Purpose: To ensure the expansion of children's knowledge about the work of atelier workers, coherence in their work, assistants - machines; consolidation of ideas about the qualities and properties, purpose and function of clothing items. Awaken friendly relationships in a collective game. Contribute to the development of aesthetic taste. Observation of the work of the housekeeper in kindergarten Reading works: S. Mikhalkov "The tailor's hare", Sh. Perot "Cinderella", Viktorov "I sewed a dress for my mother" Examination of fabric samples. Looking at fashion magazines. Application "Doll in a beautiful dress." 2. "Theater" Purpose: To continue to form in children realistic ideas about the work of people of different professions. To ensure the consolidation of children's ideas about cultural institutions, their social significance; about the theater, types of theater, about the troupe of the theater, theater workers, to show the collective nature of work in the theater. Contribute to the development of dialogic speech, expressiveness Conversations with children about types of theater, theater workers. Visiting theater performances. Making attributes for the game (poster, tickets, programs, drawing masks, making costume elements. Dramatization games based on fairy tales.
role performance. 3. "Children's TV" Purpose: Enriching children's gaming experience through familiarity with the surrounding reality. To ensure the consolidation of the ability to adhere to the chosen role, to perform appropriate actions. Contribute to the development of dialogical speech. To awaken a benevolent attitude towards partners in the game and the people around them. Conversation with children on the topic "Television". Production of a "logo" of the program in the form of an application, badges - determinants for the participants in the shooting (hosts, cameraman, reporters, guests of the program). Preparing the space for decorating the studio, watching fragments of several programs. 4. " New Year in the family” Purpose: To promote the development of the ability to discuss the plot of the game and distribute roles. To form the ability to creatively develop the plot of the game. Conversation about the organization of the new year. Learning poems, inventing games, attractions.
1. "Cafe" Purpose: To form in children realistic ideas about the work of workers in canteens, cafes. To promote the development of interest and respect for the professions of a cook, a waiter. Enforce the rules of conduct in public places. To contribute to the development of the ability to independently develop the plot of the game; agree on a topic distribute roles. To promote the establishment of role-playing interaction in the game and the assimilation of role-playing relationships. Cultivate goodwill, willingness to help. Conversation about professions: bartender, confectioner, waiter, cloakroom attendant, administrator. Coming up with the name of a cafe, menu, making wallets, money. D / and “Who needs what for work?” Excursion to a cafe with parents. 2. "At the car service station" Purpose: To promote the development of design skills, the manifestation of creativity, to find a good place to play, mastering a new role - a car repairman. Examine the illustrations and talk about them.
3. "Zoo - zoo hospital" Purpose: To promote the formation in children of an expanded understanding of the humane work of zoo workers, about the basic labor processes for servicing animals. Awaken love for animals, desire to take care of them. To form the ability to creatively develop the plot of the game. Conversation about wild and domestic animals, reading stories by E. Charushin, B. Zhitkov, S. Baruzdin and other writers about animals, looking at illustrations, watching the TV show "Dialogues about animals"
1. "Family" Purpose: To contribute to the joint inventing of the plot of the game. Facilitate a change of roles during the game, the introduction by the educator of new game problem situations such as: “Guests have come”, “Sister is sick”, etc. relationships. To ensure that the ability of children to take on a role and perform actions in accordance with this role is reinforced; Conversation on lexical topics: professions, transport. Reading fiction on the topics: S. Sakharny "The best ship", K. Chukovsky "Doctor Aibolit", V. Suteev "Koroablik". Watching the cartoons “Captain Vrungel”, “Ship”, “Stepa sailor” Examining illustrations and paintings on the subject 3. “We are military intelligence officers” Purpose: To provide the ability to develop the theme of paramilitary games, to promote the development of the ability to accurately perform tasks, to be attentive, careful , to cultivate respect for military professions, the desire to serve in the army. Examining illustrations. Conversation about the professions of the military. Reading poetry, stories about the army. 4. "Daughters - mothers" (for girls) Purpose: Formation of role interaction. To contribute to the development of the ability to reflect in a role-playing game a variety of everyday conversations: “My family”, “How do I help my mother”, “Who works for whom? ". Consideration of plot pictures, photographs on the topic.
stories. To ensure the development of the ability to determine the topic, plot, distribute roles, engage in various role-playing dialogues. Develop positive relationships among children. "Builders" (for boys) Purpose: To promote the development of the ability to distribute roles, change them and introduce new ones during the game. To promote the expansion of role interaction. Reading fiction: N. Zabila "Yasochkin's garden", A. Barto "Mashenka", B. Zakhoder "Builders", "Driver", D. Gabet from the series "My Family": "Mom", "Brother", "Work ”, E. Yanikovskaya “I go to kindergarten”, A. Kardashova “Big wash”. D / game "Who needs what for work?", "We are builders." Construction tour.
1. "Family" Purpose: to promote the development of the ability to beat family situations, to distribute responsibilities among family members. Cultivate friendships. Conversation: "Who cares for children at home, who loves children", "How we congratulate mothers and grandmothers." 2. "Telephone communication" Purpose: To ensure that children are familiar with the professions of employees of the telephone communication center department. To ensure the development of the ability to change game interaction and behavior depending on the change in the intent and plot of the game, to comply with agreements regarding the accepted rules during the game. Develop children's positive communication skills and friendly relationships in the group. Excursion to the telegraph. Production of attributes for the game. 3. "Pharmacy" Purpose: To ensure the expansion of ideas about the professions of pharmacy workers: a pharmacist - the head of a pharmacy orders the necessary herbs and other preparations for the manufacture of medicines; pharmacist makes medicines, pharmacist - sales assistant sells them, expand lexicon children: “drugs”, “pharmacist”, “pharmacist”, “order”, “medicinal plants”. To form the ability to coordinate their actions with the actions of the excursion. Conversation "What we saw in the pharmacy" Productive activity: making "drugs" for the game.
partners, observe role-playing interactions and relationships in the game. Awaken respect for the work of medical workers, consolidate the rules of the culture of communication in institutions, develop friendly relationships in the team. 4. "Ambulance" Purpose: To reflect the work of medical workers in the game. Encourage to imitate in the game not only the external side of the actions of adults, but also their attitude towards people, to work. To form the ability to unite in the game, distribute roles. To develop friendly relations between children, the ability to take into account the interests of comrades, to provide them with all possible assistance. Target walk down the street. Examining illustrations. Conversation “03 is an ambulance”. Reading: "Doctor Aibolit"
1. "We are firefighters" Purpose: To expand children's ideas about the profession of a firefighter, about primary fire extinguishing means, to consolidate knowledge about the causes of a fire, to arouse respect and interest in the profession of a firefighter, to develop the ability to use the knowledge gained in practice. Formation of children's ability to distribute roles and act according to the role they have assumed, develop the plot, and interact during the game. Formation of positive relationships between children. Examining illustrations. TV viewing. Conversation "How firefighters work." Reading: S. Marshak "Cat's House", "Fire". 2. "Flight into space" Purpose: To promote the development of the ability to apply their knowledge and skills in practice, to create a friendly atmosphere between children. To ensure the development of their interest in space. Examining illustrations. Reading: S. Baruzdin "The first man in space" Productive activity: "In-flight magazine", "Maps of the starry sky." 3. "Museum" Purpose: Formation of skills to create a plot of the game, deploy actions related to the profession of a guide, Conversation about the professions of museum workers. Excursion to the art
expert appraiser, restorer, artist, museum curator; acceptance of the role and game situation, image; construction of the plot according to the topic. To form a friendly attitude towards people working in the museum. To accustom to observance of norms and rules of behavior in society. museum. Production of attributes for the role-playing game "Museum". Conversation with children about the rules of behavior in public places. 4. "Street traffic" Purpose: To stimulate positive play relationships of children during the game: pedestrians calmly cross the street, the driver complies with the requirements of the traffic inspector. Thematic walks - excursions along the street. Conversations about the rules of the road. Productive activity "Road signs" 5. "Border guards" Purpose: To continue to acquaint children with military professions, clarify the daily routine of military personnel, what their service consists of, cultivate courage, dexterity, and the ability to clearly follow the orders of the commander. Examining illustrations. A conversation about border guards. Reading poetry, stories about the army.
1. "Russian army" Purpose: Formation of the ability to creatively develop the plot of the game. Formation of specific ideas about the hero - a warrior, the moral essence of his feat in the name of his Motherland. To develop in children a sense of patriotism, pride in their homeland, admiration for the heroism of people. Conversation about the Russian army, about the Great Patriotic War. Examining illustrations. Reading fiction. 2. "Circus" Purpose: To form in children the ability to creatively develop the plot of the game. To promote the development of the ability to distribute roles. To ensure the consolidation of children's ideas about circus performers: gymnasts, clowns, trainers, magicians, entertainers. Develop friendly relations in the game, positive emotions. Circus visit. Circus talk. Making circus attributes and preparing circus performances by individual children. Reading poems about the circus$ of the story by V. Dragunsky "The Girl on the Ball", E. Uspensky "School of Clowns". 3. "Journey along the river" Examination of illustrations.
Objective: To help create a game environment based on the theme of the game and the imaginary situation. To form friendly relations in the game, interaction between those who have chosen certain roles (bartender, cashier, captain, navigator, passengers, guide). To develop feelings of humanism, activity, responsibility, pride in our Siberian region, the city in which we live Teacher's story "How they travel along the rivers" 4. "School" Purpose: To form the ability to creatively develop the plot of the game. To promote the development of the ability to fairly distribute roles in the game. Make you want to go to school. Excursion to the school. D / games: “The fourth extra” (school supplies), “Collect a portfolio”, “School”, etc. A conversation about the school with looking at illustrations.
Familiarization with the work of adults aims to give children concrete knowledge and ideas about work and to cultivate respect for the work of adults, to teach to appreciate it, to arouse interest and love for work and to cultivate respect for the work of adults, to teach to appreciate it, to arouse interest and love for work. Labor education is of great importance in the moral education and intellectual development of preschool children. It is necessary to prepare a child for work by familiarizing himself with the work of adults at an early age. This means that the essence and functions of the game are deep and it is of great importance in a person’s life, as well as in shaping him as a person, the pedagogical role of the game in the education, upbringing and development of the child is especially great. Diligence is one of the main qualities of a person, which helps not only in its development, but is also necessary throughout life. They believe that work is the basis of life, because it is connected with the family, housekeeping and professions, so a child from a young age should respect work and appreciate workers various kinds labor. The child must also be prepared for
labor activity - to master certain knowledge, skills and abilities.
List of used literature:
1. Bozhovich L.I. Personality and its formation in childhood. - St. Petersburg: Peter, 2008. - 400 p.; ill. – (From the series “Masters of Psychology”). 2. Boychenko N.A. Role-playing games for preschoolers / N.A. Boychenko. - Kyiv: "Radyanskaya school", 2008. - 654 p. 3. Bondarenko A.K. Didactic games in kindergarten / A.K. Bondarenko. – M.: Enlightenment, 2009. – 433 p. 4. Volnaya T.Yu. Role-playing game as the main type of games for preschoolers // 5. Voronova V.Ya. Creative games for older preschoolers. - M., 1981 6. Vygotsky L.S. Psychology of child development. – M.: Smysl-Eksmo, 2003 7. Davydov V.V. mental development in primary school age // Age and pedagogical psychology: Textbook for students ped. Institutes / Ed. A.V. Petrovsky. - 2nd ed., Rev. and additional M.: Enlightenment, 1979. - 288 p. 8. Doronova T.N., Karabanova O.A., Solov'eva E.V. Play at preschool age. – M.: Ed. house "Education of a preschooler", 2002. - 9. Preschool pedagogy: Tutorial/ Ed. IN AND. Yadeshko, F.A. Sokhin. - 2nd ed., corrected. and additional - M.: Enlightenment, 1986. - 413 p. 10. Zaporozhets A.V. Selected psychological works: in 2 volumes. - Volume 1. - M .: Pedagogy, 1986. - 320 p. 11. Zakharov N.N. Professional orientation of preschoolers / N.N. Zakharov. - M .: Education, 1988 12. Kozlova S.A., Kulikova T.A. Preschool Pedagogy. - 2nd ed., revised. and additional - M.: Academy, 2000. - 405 p. 13. Kolesnik N.P. Self-education of children of senior preschool age in a creative role-playing game. Abstract for the degree of candidate of pedagogical sciences. - M., 2000. - 18 p. 14. Kolominsky Ya.L., Panko E.A. Psychology of children of six years of age. - Minsk: University, 1999. - 234 p.
15. Korotkova N.A. Formation of ways to jointly build the plot of the game in children of senior preschool age. Abstract for the degree of Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences. - M., 1982 16.Leontiev A.N. Psychological foundations of preschool play // Psychological science and education. - 1996. - No. 3. - P. 25-27 17.Leontiev A.N. Activity. Consciousness. Personality / A.N. Leontiev. - M .: Education, 2000. 18. Leontiev A.N. Needs, motives, emotions. - M., 2007. - 257 p. 19. Loginova V.I. Formation of ideas about the work of adults / V.I. Loginova, L.A. Misharina // Preschool education. - 1978. - No. 10 20. Loginova V.I., Samorukova P.G. Preschool Pedagogy. – M.: Enlightenment. - 21. Makarenko A.S. About education / Comp. and the author of the intro. Art. V.S. Helemendic. - M.: Politizdat, 1990. - 415 p. 22. Markova T.A. For a kindergarten teacher [Text] / T.A. Markov. - M.: Enlightenment, 1992. - 108 p. 23. Mendzheritskaya D.V. Educator about children's play / Ed. T.A. Markova. - M.: Enlightenment, 1982. - 128 p. 24. Mikhailenko N.Ya. Theory of role-playing games. – M.: UNITI, 2010. – 365 p. 25. Mikhailenko N.Ya., Korotkova N.Ya. Formation of a plan in a joint plot-role-playing game // Preschool education. - 1981. - No. 11. - P. 14-28 26. Mikhailenko N.Ya., Korotkova N.A. Organization of a plot game in kindergarten. - M., 1997. - 127 p. 27. Murzina E.B. Psychological views in the creative heritage of I.A. Sikorsky. Abstract for the degree of candidate of psychological sciences. - M., 2011. - 20 p. 28. Pavlenko G.V. Pedagogical conditions for the development of creative abilities of children of senior preschool age in a role-playing game. Abstract of the dissertation for the degree of candidate of pedagogical sciences. - M., 1998 29. Pryazhnikov N.S. Professional and personal self-determination / N.S. Pryazhnikov. - Voronezh, 1996
30. Rubinstein L.S. Fundamentals of General Psychology. - St. Petersburg: Peter, 2003. - 713 p. 31. Leadership of children's games in preschool institutions / Comp. E.I. Tveritina, L.S. Barsukov; ed. M.A. Vasiliev. - M., 1986. - 236 p.

The game is the leading activity of a preschooler. Role-playing games reflect children's ideas about the world around them, relationships and professional duties of people. The child is transferred from the daily routine: trying on an interesting role, using images of memory and fantasy to act in a fictional situation. The role-playing game not only entertains the child, but is also an element educational process in kindergarten.

Goals and objectives of the role-playing game in kindergarten

The essence of the role-playing game is the child inventing a fictional situation, choosing attributes and acting in accordance with the plan.

The children are playing in the toy store. Goods (toys) are placed on the table, price tags are attached to them (provided that the children are already familiar with numbers and numbers; these can be ready-made stickers or self-signed leaflets). On the "counter" there is a toy cash register with banknotes and coins. Children are assigned roles: seller, cashier, buyers. A fictitious situation should be played out: the choice of goods by buyers, the help of the seller, making a purchase at the checkout.

According to child psychologists and teachers, interest in a role-playing game arises by the age of three. This is due to the fact that in the first years of life the child accumulates ideas about the world, learns to act with objects, and develops coordination of movements. However, the initial elements of the role-playing game can be traced in the independent activities of children aged 2–3 years, when the kids reproduce what they see in everyday life in actions with toys.

The initial role-playing game consists of reproducing the actions of adults seen by the baby in everyday life.

When the author of this article became a mother for the second time, the first son was barely a year and a half. Naturally, the older child watched the baby and how the parents take care of him: bathe, swaddle, bottle feed, put to bed. And at the age of two, the son repeated scenes of everyday life with toys. He rocked the bear cub in his arms and hummed a lullaby, gave him a pacifier and a rattle, rolled him in a stroller. That is, the child tried on the role of a parent.

In preschool childhood, the game is educational in nature: with its help, important personal qualities are formed and mental abilities develop. The role-playing game is one of the main teaching methods: a culture of relationships within the team is laid, respect for the work of adults is instilled and various professions, simple social competencies are laid (how to behave in society). The purpose of conducting role-playing games with preschoolers is the versatile development of the child's personality in a fictional situation.

Play has been a form of learning since ancient times.

Jan Amos Comenius


Table: objectives of the role-playing game

Age category of children Tasks
3–4 years
  • Formation of the ability to act in accordance with the proposed scenario.
  • The development of fantasy, the ability to come up with a simple plot in a fictional situation.
  • Enrichment of active vocabulary.
4–5 years
  • Development of communication skills.
  • Formation of the ability to independently distribute roles, select items for the game.
  • Enrichment social experience children (rules of conduct in the library, store, public transport, clinic, etc.).
  • Development of the skill of dialogic speech.
5–6 years
  • Development of the ability to independently determine the rules, improvise during the game.
  • Encouragement to use images and plots of works of art in games (from fairy tales and stories, films and cartoons).
  • Activation of dialogic speech.
6–7 years
  • Development of children's creative abilities: the desire to use musical instruments in the game, add elements of dance, singing.
  • Creating sustainable interest in professional activity adults (games of police officers, rescuers, doctors, astronauts, scientists, etc.).
  • Creating motivation to make scenery and attributes for future games.

In a role-playing game, children consolidate knowledge about the profession (salesperson-cashier) and learn the culture of shopping

Types of role-playing games

According to the direction of the learning goal and ways to achieve it, role-playing games are divided into creative, story-didactic and interactive.

According to the theme, role-playing games are conditionally divided into business, modern, games for the interests of boys and girls.

When to Role Play

Role-playing games are usually held between classes and during free time in the afternoon. You can play the game while walking.

Often role-playing games are included in the structure of speech and creative activities. The role of the educator is to pronounce the conditions and plan of the game and to control the actions of the children, since the game in this case is a learning tool.

Role-playing game acts as a means of speech development. At the speech lesson, children study visual materials on the named topic, talk with the teacher, learn new words and explain their meaning. The teacher offers to immerse in the topic and play, actively using new words in the dialogues.

The role-playing game "At the doctor's appointment" is used in a speech lesson on the topic "Polyclinic" in the middle group. Children assign roles: dentist, pediatrician, optometrist, patients. The teacher gives the task: in the dialogue between the doctor and the patient, words on the topic of the lesson should be used (names of medical specialties, “examination”, “symptoms”, “diagnosis”, “prescription”).

In a role-playing game, children apply the knowledge gained in a speech lesson on medical topics.

To activate imagination and develop talents, role-playing games are held in creative classes: music, choreography and theatrical activities. After introducing children to a particular group musical instruments they are invited to play the game "Wind / string / folk ensemble", in preparatory group role-playing in a musical lesson becomes more complicated.

Playing in the preparatory group "Symphonic Orchestra" assumes that the pupils know the professional duties of a conductor and his interaction with all members of the orchestra. To play the roles of musicians (violinists, flutists, drummers, etc.), children must be familiar with all groups of instruments and how to play them.

Musical lessons and especially choreographic classes include role-playing dance games. Children perform movements to the music in accordance with the theme of the composition: “On the edge of the forest” - children depict bunnies, foxes, cubs, “Saber Dance” - improvisation on a military plot, “Lumberjacks”, “Mowers” ​​- modeling in the dance of labor activity.

To the music, children move in accordance with the plot of the dance: the wolf catches the rabbits

Also, the role-playing game is the first step in the theatrical activity of preschoolers. With children, dramatization games are held on literary works (in a theater corner or a circle of additional education): “Teremok”, “Turnip”, “Fox and Hare”, “Moydodyr”, etc.

A dramatization game is based on a fairy tale known to children

Conducting role-playing games in kindergarten

The organization of role-playing games begins with the preparation of attributes and toys. For younger preschoolers items for specific games are selected by the educator and placed in the play area in free access, which stimulates interest in developing independent activities. For children 4–7 years old, attributes are stored in the play area in sections / boxes by topic (“Dishes”, “Tools”, “Medicine”). The children of the older groups are happy to make materials for games with their own hands: cardboard swords, plasticine products, drawn substitute pictures.

The play activity of younger preschoolers is activated using a ready-made set for a role-playing game

Methodology for organizing a role-playing game

The teacher gets acquainted with a long-term plan for the development and enrichment of play activities, reveals the personal interests of children and the ability to independently think through the plot. Taking into account the received data, he proceeds to organize a role-playing game in a group.

  1. The choice of the theme of the game, drafting approximate plan games with possible plot options.
  2. Preparation of the game environment: furniture items, game attributes and substitutes, costume details, materials for self-manufacturing objects by design.
  3. Creating motivation and starting the game:
    • the educator creates a play or problem situation(“Guys, Cheburashka has never been to the circus, shall we show him a performance?”, “The inhabitants of the island of Chunga-Changa invite us to visit!”, “The dolls have accumulated a lot of dirty clothes, we’ll arrange a laundry for them!”);
    • holding a short conversation on the topic of the game (“What numbers are performed in the circus?”, “What is needed for a sea voyage?”, “What Appliances is there in the laundry?");
    • a guide to the game (for younger preschoolers - direct, for older children - indirect): distribution of roles, designation of an approximate plot;
  4. Maintaining the game situation: control over the emotional state of all participants in the game, tips to enrich the plot, encouragement;
  5. Completion of the game: analysis of the roles performed, the embodiment of the plot idea, praise for initiative and the manifestation of fantasy.

Video: organizing a role-playing game in kindergarten at all age stages

https://youtube.com/watch?v=RQ_AAg7vfdE Video can't be loaded: Role-playing game in a modern kindergarten (https://youtube.com/watch?v=RQ_AAg7vfdE)

Card index of role-playing games - table

Age group Methodological techniques Approximate topic
First junior (nursery) Role-playing pair interaction: the educator as a partner in the game develops the child's abilities, plays a "leading" role.
  • Everyday subjects: “Home”, “Family”, “Mom and Baby”, “Family Tea Party”, “Animal Exhibition” (with plush toys), “Dinner for Dolls”.
  • Professions of people: "Shop", "Post", "Driver and Passenger", "Builders", "At the hairdresser's".
Second junior Role Dialogue:
  • with a teacher;
  • with a classmate.
  • Household: “Birthday”, “Holiday with the family”, “Going for a walk”, “Zoo” (with substitute toys or animal masks).
  • Business: "At the doctor's appointment", "Hospital for dolls", "Chefs", "Toy store", "Postman".
  • On the themes of literary works: plots of folk tales "The Mitten", "The Fox and the Hare", "Teremok", "Gingerbread Man", based on the author's fairy tales "Journey with Aibolit", "Moydodyr visiting the guys."
Medium The construction of the game is based on the ability to change the role of the same child during one game:
  • at the initial stage of mastering a new way of playing, the educator is a partner, helping the children (“Now I am also a bus passenger. Now I am a conductor / traffic inspector / gas station worker / car mechanic”);
  • games with a partner and in small subgroups.
  • Household: “We have a baby in our family”, “Mom's holiday”, “Big wash” / “General cleaning”, “Bath day” (with dolls), “In the subway”.
  • Business: "Truck drivers", "Department store", "Construction" (houses, bridges, towers, fortresses), "Ambulance", "At the pharmacy", "Veterinary center", "Sailors and fishermen", "At the circus ".
  • Literary: "Postman Pechkin in Prostokvashino", "Journey to Cheburashka at home", "Holiday on the island of Chunga-Changa".
  • Heroic-patriotic: "Firefighters".
Older Children develop the ability to act in a role-playing game according to the “Semantic Bush” principle: one child changes several roles per game. An educational element in the game for older preschoolers is the introduction of a non-standard character (Baba Yaga in the hairdresser, Gena the crocodile in the museum, Cheburashka in space, etc.).
  • Household: “Moving to a new apartment” / “Housewarming”, “Rules of the road”.
  • Business: “In kindergarten” (dolls replace pupils, children play professional roles - educator, manager, nanny, supply manager, etc.), “Procedure room” / “Trauma center”, “In the savings bank” / “Bank”, “Designer studio”, “Autoservice”, “Fashion Studio”, “Photo Salon”, “Beauty Salon”/“Manicure Studio”, “Library”.
  • Literary: "The Gray Neck", "The Frog Princess", "Dunno in the Flower City".
  • Heroic-patriotic: "Rescuers", "Border", "Fortress Defense", "Satellite Launch".
preparatory Role-playing games are built by children 6–7 years old according to the principle of inventing:
  • "loosening" the plot of a familiar fairy tale;
  • inventing a new fairy tale;
  • telephone conversations;
  • inventing real stories from life.
  • Household: "Walk around the city", "Excursion to the museum", "New Year with the family", "Repair in the apartment", "Participate in a subbotnik", "Our pets".
  • Business: "Correspondents", "Cafe", "In the theater", "City of masters", "In the office", "Travel agency", "Communication salon", "Fashionista - atelier for a lady", "On television", "School" , "Railway station" / "At the airport".
  • Literary: "Wintering", "Chuk and Gek", "In Search of Snowdrops", "The Princess and the Pea".
  • Heroic-patriotic: “Rescue Service” / “Ministry of Emergency Situations”, “Police Station”, “GIBDD”, “Yuri Gagarin's Flight”, “Landing on the Moon”.
  • Directing: children teach the characters of the puppet or finger theater to play their roles.

Temporary game plan in kindergarten

The provisions of SaNPin on the organization of the work regime in the preschool educational institution do not contain direct instructions on the duration of the play activity of preschoolers. Since the role-playing game organized by the teacher is considered a form of education in kindergarten, we equate its duration to the temporary norms of educational and physical education classes.

Table: approximate time plan of games

Subject, group Beginning of the game Main part of the game End of the game Total duration
"At the reception in the clinic", the first junior group The teacher invites the children to play the "Polyclinic", shows the doctor's office, assigns roles (doctor, patients waiting in line with various complaints), speaks exemplary partner dialogues with the children.
2-3 minutes
Children in pairs act out dialogues (“What are you complaining about?”, “Doctor, it hurts ...”, “Let's conduct an examination”, “I prescribe you ...”); the role of the doctor is transferred several times to different pupils.
9–10 minutes
The teacher praises the children, asks about the moments they like, asks to put the toys in their places.
2-3 minutes
15 minutes
"Ride on the Subway" middle group The primary distribution of roles, the guys try to think over the plot on their own, select the attributes.
3–4 minutes
The teacher prompts the pupils to change roles, directs the plot, suggests using additional game materials.
12–14 minutes
Discussing the game as a whole, expressing impressions, planning options to enrich the story
2–5 minutes
20 minutes
"On the Border", preparatory group The distribution of roles, drawing up a game plan, preparing the place, making some attributes for the game, reincarnation in the dressing corner.
4–7 minutes
Building a story according to the ideas of the students.
Analysis of the game: what attributes were missing, how to improve, diversify the plot, what to add in costumes.
3–5 minutes
30 minutes

If the teacher sees the interest of the children in a longer game and does not observe signs of overwork or excessive overexcitation, it is worth slightly increasing the time for the game.

Video: role-playing game "Journey into space" in the preparatory group (30 minutes)

Synopsis of the role-playing game "Beauty Salon" in the middle group - table

  • To improve the ability of children to unite in the game, distribute roles, perform game actions.
  • Develop the ability to select items and attributes for the game.
  • Raise respect for the work of beauty salon workers.
  • To form the ability to communicate kindly with peers, to reckon with the interests of comrades.
  • To expand children's ideas about the work of adults (hairdresser, manicurist, cleaner).
Equipment Substitute items, waste material, sets of special toys "Children's hairdresser", towels, aprons, peignoirs, children's toys for cleaning, a screen, a tape recorder, badges.
preliminary work Excursion to a beauty salon, conversation with employees, viewing illustrative material, making attributes for the game.
Game Guide - Children, today we will go to a very interesting event that will take place in our beloved city of Serpukhov. Let's put on jackets, hats (showing), stand in pairs. Be careful and attentive on the street (phonogram "Street noise" sounds).
- Here we come. Here, on this beautiful day, a new beauty salon "Cinderella" opens. And we will be its first visitors.
- Tell me, children, why do we need beauty salons? (children's answers)
- What do people do in a beauty salon? (children's answers) Who works in the salon? (hairdresser, manicurist, cosmetologist, massage therapist, cleaner). Let's go to Cinderella. The doors are open for visitors to the salon! (sounds solemn music).
- Look, what a beautiful and cozy salon! This is a comfortable waiting room for customers, where you can look at fashion magazines and choose a beautiful haircut and hairstyle. This is the hall where hairdressers work. What kind of work do hairdressers do? What do they need to work? (children's answers)
- Liza told about the work of a hairdresser better than others. You will work as a master behind this chair (showing). And the second master will be Kostya. I noticed that he really likes this profession. Here is yours workplace behind this chair (showing). Remember? Let's get through
further. This is a nail salon. What is the name of the master who works here? (manicurist) What is she doing? Who among you could work as a manicurist?
- Okay, Katya, you will work in a manicure parlour. You told me that there is also a cleaning lady working in the salon. What she does is very important. The cleaning lady keeps the salon clean and tidy. And when the salon is clean and tidy, customers like it. It's always nice to be in a place like this. Hairdressers are grateful for her work. Which one of you guys could fill this role? Who can be entrusted with this responsible task? You, Arina, will be the cleaner. And with your permission, I will become the mistress of the Cinderella salon. I will watch your work and help.
- So, our hairdressers are Liza and Kostya, the manicurist is Katya, the cleaner is Arina, and the rest are visitors. Sit in armchairs and on the sofa, look at magazines. Remember to be quiet and calm, wait for the master to invite you. And you take everything you need for work and go to your chairs. Be attentive, polite and friendly with customers. Handle equipment with care. Our salon is up and running! (music plays).
Perform game actions.
- Children, the working day ends, it's time for us to close the beauty salon. Tomorrow he will surely open his doors to you.
What roles did you like to play?
- What was interesting in the game?
- Which of you would like to work in a beauty salon when you become adults?

In a role-playing game, children learn to master the elements of new professions, for example, a nail service master

Attributes and visual material for games

There are many ideas on how to diversify children's games with the help of various attributes and design options. Items and substitute toys for a role-playing game are easy to make with your own hands, including from waste material. Pupils and parents should be involved in replenishing the material base of the play corner.

Video: attributes for role-playing games

https://youtube.com/watch?v=CyranziRHJw Video can’t be loaded: Attributes for role-playing games in kindergarten (https://youtube.com/watch?v=CyranziRHJw)

Photo gallery: ready-made sets for games

Overalls and tools for building games Phonendoscope, other tools and vials for playing the role of a doctor Cash register, basket and goods for playing in a supermarket / store Menu and set of products for playing in a cafe Set of dishes for playing in a family, kitchen, restaurant

Tools for haircuts, styling and hairstyles

The toys in ready-made sets are functional: a calculator is built into the cash register, burners on the stove light up, the hair dryer makes noise and blows, the drill rotates at the drill, etc. These attributes for games are the most accurate copies of real appliances and tools, they are bright and comfortable.

Photo gallery: attributes from waste material

Attributes for playing a space journey Attributes for playing a grocery store or cafe Attribute for playing a building or repairing an apartment Attributes for playing correspondents Attribute for playing an office, agency Attributes for playing a kitchen, cafe, farm Attribute for playing a polyclinic Attribute for beauty/nail salon games

The use of homemade items in games creates genuine interest in children and stimulates the imagination. Children often create simple substitute items for games themselves: sticks as sabers, elements from the designer as construction tools, etc. Waste material is used to enrich the playing environment: bubbles and jars - for playing in a pharmacy and treatment room, empty bottles and boxes with labels - for filling shelves grocery store, bottles of shampoos, nail polishes - for a beauty salon.

Photo gallery: role-playing costumes

Ready-made costumes for role-playing games can be placed in a dressing corner or a play area A simple version of do-it-yourself role-playing costumes: decorate aprons with special designations of professions Attributes and elements of costumes for playing on a sea voyage Do-it-yourself astronaut costume

Children love to transform, try on elements of overalls: caps, construction helmets, aprons, hats. Role-playing costumes for children's games are easy to make on your own: add a symbolic designation of professions to the aprons, make hats or masks of heroes for story-based dramatization games.

A case from the life of the author of the article: children came up with a game about superheroes. There were no special masks or clothes at home, and the imagination immediately turned on! Superhero mask turned out from a cut dark fabric with holes for the eyes. The wonder girl costume is made up of a mother's T-shirt and a plastic sheet hat.

Children are incredible dreamers, they make costumes from simple things and can imagine themselves as anyone.

Photo gallery: design of the gaming environment

Windowed pharmacy display case handmade using printed images of medicines (flyers available at any pharmacy) Filling with real items (fabric samples, sewing supplies, magazines with patterns) encourages children to get to know the atelier's device. for a modern game can be made from an ordinary box. The most important thing in the gaming environment on nautical theme- the presence of a ship The game environment consists of home-made items with the symbols of the Russian Post For a modern role-playing game, technical items are used, and children's drawings are used to decorate the game office The game environment is filled with real objects (tools and devices) and an important home-made attribute - a table for assessing vision

As mentioned above, gaming activity is booming with the use of real objects and junk material. Children try to bring their games as close to reality as possible. Therefore, in the design of the gaming environment, it is desirable to use non-working household and technical appliances, magazines and books, empty containers with labels, plates with logos of existing companies.

Analysis of the role-playing game

In order to identify the effectiveness of the organizational abilities of the educator in role-playing games and adjust the plan for further activities, the teacher analyzes the game.

The protocol is drawn up according to the following criteria:

  1. Correspondence of the theme and content of the game to the interests of the pupils and the level of their playing skills.
  2. Correspondence of the preparatory stage of the age category of children.

    The playing environment, the choice of attributes and the plot plan are thought out by the educator - for younger children. Children independently selected attributes from the proposed ones and outlined a game plan - the middle age. In accordance with the theme of the game, the pupils themselves prepared the subject conditions, made the material and attributes, assigned roles and unfolded the plot - older preschoolers.

  3. Description of methods for managing the course of gaming activities, their effectiveness.
  4. What tasks were implemented in the game.
  5. Evaluation of the activities of pupils:
    • means of embodying roles (use of costumes, facial expressions, gestures, expressiveness of speech);
    • use of attributes;
    • communicative aspect in the game (interaction with a partner, help, absence of conflict situations).
  6. Completion of the game: the logical ending of the game plot, the emotional state of the children (signs of overwork, high spirits, desire to develop the plot of the game in the future).
  7. The direction of the subsequent work of the educator: adjustment / improvement of the methodology for conducting the game, by what means to enrich the playing experience of children.

Competent organization of gaming activities in kindergarten contributes to the development personal qualities pupils. In role-playing games, children expand their understanding of adult relationships, form primary professional competencies, imbued with respect for human work. Children show initiative in developing stories on everyday and fantastic topics, reveal creative potential, reincarnating in the assigned role.

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Subject:"Journey Through the Country of the Masters"

Target: Introduce children to adult professions through play activities.


  • To consolidate the knowledge of children about professions.
  • Ability to generalize and classify concepts.
  • Increase motivational interest in professions through the game.
  • Develop the communicative function of speech, develop cognitive interest.
  • Develop motor coordination in children.
  • Assign tools to the appropriate professions. Raise interest and respect for the work of adults.

Government, deputies, ranger, traffic controller, fashion designer, border guards, oil workers.

Equipment: Pictures of professions, costumes, lotto, music, flower, photo album, houses with attributes, suns, family tree, matryoshka.

Preliminary work: Reading poems, riddles, proverbs, sayings. Conversations about professions. Excursion to kindergarten, excursion to work with parents. Photos from the work of parents. Tailoring of costumes in the corner of the plot-role-playing games. Exhibition of drawings on the theme "Profession"

Role-playing game on the theme "Professions"
"Journey Through the Country of Masters"

Organizing time:
Today we welcome everyone who came to visit us
We will travel through the country of all masters
We give people smiles like sparks of kindness
And we want to wish you to always smile.

Magic Fairy:- Guys, today we will not have an ordinary trip.
We are going to the "Land of Masters". And we will travel with a magic flower. This country is not simple guys, everyone in it does something. And so our flower will help us in this.
- We will play with you in the Land of Masters.
(Children stand in a semicircle, all dressed in the costumes of their profession)

And so you need to say magic words and our flower will tell us which master we will get to. And the magic words are:
- “Magic flower help us, bring us to the master's house. (Children repeat the magic words). (The flower is spinning, and there is a riddle on the petal)
- Guys, the flower tells us that we must solve the riddle

Riddle: This sorceress,
This artist
Not brushes and paints
A comb and scissors.
She possesses
Mysterious power:
Who will touch
He will become handsome.

Guys, here is some kind of envelope. Let's read what the master wrote to us.
(V.F opens the envelope and reads the task of the game)

Guys Master asks us to play the game "Name the profession"
(Pictures with professions hang on the wall, children come up one by one and name the profession)

V.F- Guys, do you know any proverbs and sayings about work.
(Children read sayings and proverbs about work)
(After the game, the children sit on the chairs)

V.F You guys are so small, but you know so much.
And so our journey continues. Let's say the magic words to the flower together. (Children say magic words, the flower spins)
(There is a riddle on the petal):
Tell me who's so delicious
Prepares cabbage soup
smelly meatballs,
salads, vinaigrettes,
All breakfasts, lunches? (Cook)
(Children guess and find the master's house)
- The guys of the master of this house, they want us to talk about the Tree of Professions.
- Who will tell? (One child comes out and talks about the professions of his relatives and friends)

V.F- Guys, who remembered the profession of his grandmother or his grandfather. (Children call)
- It is very remarkable that you know the professions of your relatives and friends.

Child:- “Magic flower help us, bring us to the master’s house” (the flower is spinning)

V.F- Guess the riddle
Riddle: Who teaches kids to read and write,
Love nature, respect the elderly?
“And so, where is this Master’s house………
The teacher wants us to play the game “Who does what?” (Children answer with a full answer), and now tell me the guys of the profession who help us protect nature, create laws, etc. (Children name modern professions)

V.F:- Children, did you pay attention to the flower. What a fun he is with us - he smiles, he probably likes to have fun. And let's have some fun too. The game is called 1,2,3,4, (Children stand in a circle and perform rhythmic movements to the music)

VF: - The flower smiles, the games continue.

Child: Magic fairy, and which master are we going to now?

V.F:- This must be learned from our flower. You (Child's name) help me say the magic words and we'll find out. (A flower is spinning, children guess a riddle)
Riddle: Who is the most useful in the days of illness
And cures us of all diseases? (Doctor)
Guys, the Doctor is wondering if you know "The Attributes and Tools of the Masters!?" Now we will play a lotto "Pick up a tool".
We will have two teams: a team of girls and boys. Each team has two professions, you must pick up tools and attributes related to their profession for them. (Children at the table collect lotto, then each team names their professions and what they picked up for them)

V.F: - You all grow years
There will be seventeen
Where do you work then and what do you do.
What do you children want to become, answer us as soon as possible: a magic flower will help you say. (Children pass a flower to each other, say who they dream of becoming and read poems about that profession)
All children pronounce magic words to a flower
Riddle: We must fight fire,
We are partners with water.
We are very much needed by all people,
Answer quickly, who are we?

V.F: Guys, here is a magic nesting doll, and she wants us to play with her. Mobile game matryoshka. (Children stand in a circle and say the words: “You run, run nesting doll, right, right in a round dance, whoever has a nesting doll in his hands will call the movement”

V.F: The journey continues: "Magic flower help us to the master's house"
Riddle: Just the right size
He will make a suit for you.
Everything will be done according to science, And walk your hands in trousers (tailor)
This Master has a poem:
Stroke what kind of house, how many bright rooms are in it
Bears, bunnies, nesting dolls, dolls, balls, balls
You will not find a better house, this house is very good.
We all love our kindergarten, everyone around knows it.
That Bobek is everyone's best friend!
Guys, let's tell who and who works in our kindergarten.
(Photos of all employees were taken, and from the photo they name the profession and name, patronymic)

V.F.- We learned many professions, one more interesting than the other. We learned that it is not easy to become a master of your craft. To do this, you need to know and be able to do a lot. And you also need to love your job and work hard. There is a lot of useful work in the world. The main thing is to choose what you like. And remember the guys "The earth is painted by the sun, and man's work."

And I want to offer you guys, to give our guests
"Suns", so that in their profession it was always light, warm and cozy.
(Children give guests suns)

V.F.: - It was fun for all of us and the flower played.
But it's time for you to come back and enjoy the surprise.
Goodbye guys.
(Children go to the group with a treat)

Purpose: To consolidate knowledge about the profession of a doctor, seller, hairdresser.


  1. To help create a game environment, to establish interaction between those who have chosen certain roles.
  2. To form in children the ability to play according to their own plan, to stimulate the creative activity of children in the game.
  3. To form friendly relations in the game, activity, responsibility, friendliness.

game progress:

Children enter the group, stand around the teacher.

Educator: For you, for everyone, years grow. There will be seventeen.

Where do you work then, what do you do?

Educator: Children, let's talk with you about what professions you know

Children: doctor, salesman...

Educator: But in order to work as a doctor, hairdresser, salesman, you must first grow up, finish school, get a specialty. But how long to wait. And so I want right now to become an adult and work. Is it true?

Educator: And let's go on a trip to a magical town. It is called "City of masters" . All children, getting there, immediately become adults and can choose a profession for themselves. Do you want to go there?

Educator: And we will go there on this bus. (There are chairs in a row of three in a group). You will be the passengers and I will be the driver.

Kachu, I'm flying at full speed.
I am the driver and the motor itself!
I press the pedal and the car rushes into the distance.
And so, let's go!

Teacher: Everyone is here! Come out, please. Here is our magical city "City of masters" . You look at each other. Everyone has grown up. That would work, right? And where you can work, I'll show you now.

Here we have "Salon"

It's bright and interesting here.
Mirrors, perfumes and armchairs, a large hall,
But apparently, even
Better than your trellis.

Now we are in the store - All products on display:
Tea, sweets, sausage - Eyes run wide.
Come buy
Give money to the cashier.


Always attentive, loving. Our doctor treats you guys.
When He improves your health - He is most happy!

Educator: Now you see how many interesting things are in our town. You can work wherever you like.

During the game, the educator helps to create a game environment, to establish relationships between those who have chosen certain roles; helps to realize in the game the impressions received by children earlier.

Educator: Evening has come in our town, the working day is over, the hospital and the store are closing. Everyone gets on the bus and returns to the kindergarten.

And if you guys liked the town, you and I will go there every day.

Role-playing game "Professions"

(2nd junior group of kindergarten)

Teacher Elena Viktorovna Teslya

Program content:

To develop in children an interest in role-playing games, to help create a game environment.
Develop speech, enrich vocabulary, consolidate sound pronunciation.
To form in children the ability to use building floor material, to act with it in a variety of ways.
To consolidate previously acquired knowledge about the work of a doctor, seller, hairdresser.
Cultivate friendships in the game.

preliminary work

Conversations about professions using illustrations, viewing the album "Professions";
Making riddles, memorizing poems about the profession, about the game;
Excursion to the kitchen, medical office;
Reading fiction: nursery rhymes, songs, Russian folk tales"Gingerbread Man", "The Fox and the Hare", "The Cockerel with the Family" by Ushinsky, "Masha the Confused" by Voronkova, "How We Went to the Zoological Garden" by Zhitkov, "How Masha Got Big" by Permyak, "Peter the Piglet and the Shop" by Petrushevskaya, "Toys" by A. Barto, "Aibolit" by K. Chukovsky, "Moydodyr";
Finger games, word game "Guess what profession a person has";
Consideration of the question "Game" on parent meeting.

Working with parents:

Production of attributes for the role-playing game "Mothers and Daughters" (tailoring of doll bed linen, clothes for dolls); design of the album "Professions"; production and exhibition of homemade toys.

Game progress:

A little chat in the dressing room.


What professions do you know?

(children's answers.)


But in order to work as a doctor, hairdresser, salesman, you must first grow up, graduate from school, get a specialty. But how long to wait. And so I want right now to become an adult and work. Is it true? And let's go on a journey to a magical town. All children, getting there, immediately become adults and can choose a profession for themselves. Do you want to go there? What are we going to?

Children offer (children choose one of three options):

By train

To make the train go, knock on the wheels. What wheels? With corners? (No, round, without corners.) Round wheels spun (movement with arms bent at the elbows), buzzed woo, hissed, steam comes out shhh. The locomotive says "I'll run away", and the cars answer "I'll catch up."

Music sounds, children sing:

Here our train rides, the wheels are knocking,
And the guys are sitting on our train.
Choo-choo-choo - the locomotive is buzzing,
Far, far away he took the guys.

By plane

We'll fly by plane.
Pump the plane's tires - shhh.
Pour kerosene into the tanks - ssss.
Start the engines - d-d-d.
The planes have taken off!

Music sounds, children fly and sing:

The plane is flying, the plane is buzzing
Landed and silent.

By car

Open the tank - chi-chi-chi.
Pour gasoline - ssss.
Close the tank - chik-chik-chik.
We rock, we rock
We inflate the tires with air.
We check every time
And we don't have accidents.
Passengers, hurry up
Sit two side by side.
The driver is driving
He looks at the traffic light.
Flashing red traffic light:
There is no passage - stop the driver.
Shines yellow - so wait,
Green light ahead.
The driver presses the pedal
And the car rushes off into the distance.

Music sounds, children sing:

The car, the car goes, buzzes,
In the car, the driver sits in the car.
Here is a field, here is a river, here is a dense forest,
The driver has arrived, stop the car!


Here is our magical city. You look at each other. Everyone has grown up. That would work! And where you can work, let's see.

Here is our store. Sellers goods know!

1 child:

Don't waste time for nothing
This is their usual work!

And here we have a "Beauty Salon".

The master will do the hair
Hairdryer, brush and comb.

2 child:

Magnificent curls will curl,
Shake the bangs with a brush.
Everything in his hands burns -
He will change appearance!


Look, what is this red cross? What is there? That's right, the hospital.

3 child:

If your ear hurts
If your throat is dry
Don't worry and don't cry
After all, a doctor will help you!
And here we live

4 child:

Dolls, hares, bears,
Waiting for them to come
Baby Moms!


There are so many things to do in our town.

We play in the profession
We choose them to our liking.
And we dream soon
Mom and dad get older
Not just to dream
Who do you want to be today Elina? (children's answers.)

The game starts.


We build cribs, a chair, a tap for washing hands, we set the table. We carry the cubes one at a time, without interfering with anyone. The doctor, the hairdresser and the salesman go to work. And the rest of the guys take care of their children. ( I help to develop the game, to establish relationships between those who have chosen certain roles, I help to realize in the game the impressions received by children earlier.)

A certain amount of time passes.


In our town, evening has come, the working day is over, the hospital, hairdresser, shop are closing. We put everything in place.

With children who have already put everything in place, I spend finger games:

1. Finger on finger
Knock-knock-knock (2x)
Clap your hands (2 times)
Like springs we dance
How to jump balls (2 times)
Dancing hands, dancing beautifully,
twirled, twirled
And then they stopped.

2. patties, patties,
Where were you? By Grandma!
Gathered in wrinkles
And grandmother's hands -
Everyone worked their hands
For many years.
Warm palms smell
Schami, pies.
Your curls will be stroked
Good palms.
And with any sadness they will cope
Warm hands.
almonds, almonds,
Where were you? By Grandma!

3. This finger is a grandfather,
This finger is a grandmother,
This finger is daddy
This finger is mommy
This finger is me
That's my whole family!

4. Dot, dot,
Two hooks.
Nose, mouth, back.
Stick, stick
Rock, rock.
Cucumber - here comes the little man


All the guys did it, tell me, who were you today, Vanya? How did you take care of your son? Where did you go with him? Dasha, what did you feed your daughter? Julia, what bed did you put your daughter to sleep on? What kind of doctor was Cyril? Hairdresser? Salesman?


Well done, today everyone was kind, attentive, caring.

Together with children.

We quarreled, reconciled,
And sometimes they argued.
But very friendly
For our game.
The game is replaced by the game,
The game ends.
And friendship never ends!
Hooray! Hooray! Hooray!


To quickly return to kindergarten, we will fly by plane.

Children "fly" into the dressing room. Game over.

Natalia Zolotova
GCD role-playing game "All professions are important"

GCD role-playing game"All professions are important»

Target: arouse interest in the work of adults of different professions;


Learning tasks:

To form children's ideas about the types professions;

Clarify, summarize and expand children's knowledge about the features barber profession, doctor, nurse, salesman, builder, architect, conductor.

Development tasks:

To consolidate the ability of children to plan a game and independently select

game material, necessary attributes;

To promote the development of coherent speech, thinking, memory, curiosity, observation, to activate and enrich the vocabulary of children with nouns, adjectives, verbs on the topic of the lesson;

To form the need for children to respond with full common sentences.

Improve the skills of role-playing interaction, in accordance with the norms of etiquette;

Educational tasks:

Cause respect and desire to imitate adults, to work

constantly and in good faith;

Create conditions for a good attitude towards people of different professions.

Integration: "Cognitive Development", "Artistic and aesthetic development", "Social and communicative development", "Physical development", "Reading Fiction".

game material:

1. "Family"

Attributes for room equipment

2. "Construction"

Construction material

Construction plan

Substitute Items

3. "Salon"

Hairdresser's clothes

Cape for the client

Hairdresser's tools

Hair swatch album

4. "Shop"

Seller's clothes



5. "Polyclinic"

Medical spatula

6."Souvenir shop"



corrugated paper

Velvet paper

Dictionary activation: Hairdresser, shirtfront, hairstyle, seller, buyer, pay at the cashier, cashier, counter, bijouterie, foreman, plan, cement, souvenir, medical spatula.

Preparing for the game:

Compiling an album "All professions are important» ;

Conversations about professions people using illustrations;

Didactic a game“Who needs what to work?”;

Production of attributes for the game;

Conversations about the culture of behavior in public places;

Reading Vasiliev-Gangnus "ABC of courtesy";

plot- role-playing games with children "Family", "Salon", "Shop", "Polyclinic", "Construction" "Souvenir shop".

Game progress.

caregiver: Children enter the group, stand around the teacher.

You, everyone is growing years

You will be seventeen.

Where do you work then

What to do?

When you grow up, what will you be doing? (Children's answers.)

Children read poetry:

I want to be a driver, DANIL

Carry different loads.

I dream of ballet, FAYA

Better not to have him in the world.

I want to become a great doctor, Vanya

I will treat everyone with medicine.

Delicious like candy

Ate it - there are no diseases!

In paints I do not have tea, TIMOTHEY

I dream of becoming an artist.

Order me a portrait

I'll do it, no doubt!

You are with me, friends, do not argue, EGOR

I want to be number one in sports.

To score a puck for me is a trifle,

I playing for"Spartacus"!

I want to become a pianist, ANIA K

wonderful artist,

Music has been with me since childhood

I love her with all my heart.

I dream of becoming KATYA S

Children's educator.

Sing with them, walk, play,

Celebrate birthdays.

caregiver: All professions are beautiful,

All professions are important,

Everyone knows that your hands

The Motherland will need.

But in order to work as a doctor, hairdresser, salesman, you must first grow up, graduate from school, get a specialty. But how long to wait. And so I want right now to become an adult and work. Is it true?

I know one such city where you can find your favorite job. All children, getting there, immediately become adults and choose for themselves profession. Do you want to go on a journey with me to the magical “City of Masters”? (Children's answers.)

What do you think about how you can go on a trip? (Children's answers.)

Children: Let's take the bus.

caregiver: Do not forget about the rules of conduct in public transport.

Children: While driving, do not touch the doors with your hands.

To talk loudly.

lean out the windows.

(There are two rows of chairs in the group).

caregiver: What are the names of those people who ride the bus?

Children: Passengers.

caregiver: Right. Passengers.

You will be passengers, and GOSH will be the driver, since only he knows the way. (I put on a cap.)

caregiver: Guys, who else works on the bus?

Children: Conductor.

caregiver: What does the conductor do?

(Children answer)

(The conductor takes the ticket bag and sells the tickets to the children).

caregiver: Today I will be a conductor.

And so, let's go!

The song sounds "Merry Travelers"

Kachu, I'm flying at full speed. GOSH

I am the driver and the motor itself!

I press the pedal

And the car rushes into the distance.

Conductor: Stop "City of masters".

caregiver: Look, here it is "City of masters".

Here we have arrived! Come out, please. Do not diverge far, in an unfamiliar city you can get lost. Everyone is ready for the city tour. (Children's answers.)

Oh, what's wrong with you? You have all grown up.

There are no workers in the “City of Masters”, but there are various organizations. Let's go and see what this city has.

Now I will introduce you where you can work in the magical city of craftsmen.

Here we have "Salon". She has a hairdresser. What does a hairdresser do? (children's answers).

It's bright and interesting here.: DASHA P

Mirrors, perfumes and armchairs

The hall is large, but you can even see

Better than our trellis.

The hairdresser cuts

Will wind hair on curlers,

Hair dryer will dry your hair

If necessary, you will be strangled.

Mom and daughters go to the hairdresser. At this time, the hairdresser is busy with the client.

Hairdresser: Good afternoon! Do you desire anything?

Mother: I would like to have my hair cut and styled.

Hairdresser: Please sit down and wait. Now I will be free and I will invite you .... Come in, please! Sit down.

The hairdresser serves my mother.

Mother: (looks in the mirror).

Hairdresser: You like?

Mother A: Thank you very much, I really like it. How much do I owe you?

Hairdresser: 100 rubles, please.

Mother: Pays the hairdresser.

Hairdresser: Thank you very much, come again. Goodbye.

Mother: Goodbye.

Here we have "Shop".

And now we are in the store - Dasha

All products on display:

Tea, sweets, sausage -

Eyes pop up.

Come buy

Give money to the cashier.

Salesman: Hello, dear customers! Our shop offers you different products (customer approaches the department sellers and asks about the freshness and price of the product). I need to buy fruit. Please show me what fruits you have. I like these ones. How much is a kilogram of apples?

Salesman: you put in the package?

Buyer: Yes

The seller breaks through all the goods and puts them in plastic bag: 50 rubles from you.

Salesman: Do we have cash or a card?

The buyer takes out a wallet from the bag and gives the money.

The seller takes the money: please take your change.

Buyer: Thank you!

Salesman: Thanks for purchase, come again!

Look, here we have "Polyclinic". A doctor and a nurse work there.

Always attentive, with love KARINA

Our doctor is treating you guys.

When your health improves

He is the happiest of all!

child doctor: "Hello, come in, sit down. What's your last name? Tell me exactly where your pain is concentrated?

sick child: "I have a sore throat".

Doctor: "Let's see you. Open your mouth, say "ah-ah-ah". I'll take a look at you with a spatula, don't be scared. Yes, the neck is red. Go to the nurse. She will take your temperature and write you a prescription.”

Doctor: Guys. Do you know what to do to avoid getting sick?

Children: Temper.

Doctor: And what else

Children: Exercise in the morning

caregiver: Let's do exercises "The sun is radiant"

caregiver: And here we have construction site. Who works in construction?

Children: builders, architects, drivers.

caregiver: What do builders do?

Children: are at home.

The whole area knows the builder, VOVA K

He is an excellent master.

With his team, he

Builds a brick house.

Greets workers.

Hello Anur! Anur works as a driver for us, he delivers the material.

Hello Gosh! Gosha works as an architect, develops schemes for buildings.

Today we are starting to build a new facility from building materials.

I ask the architect to carefully consider the plan - the construction scheme.

(The foreman and the workers are considering the construction plan. The foreman talks about the duties of each - distributes roles between children: some are Builders, they are building a house; others are Drivers, they deliver building materials to the construction site, discuss who will do what and who will do what. The driver delivers building material).

And here we live KATYA

Dolls, hares, bears,

waiting for them to come

Baby moms.

caregiver: Here we have a souvenir shop

Children, just take a look around.

Our whole life is the work of our hands.

Villages, bridges, cities. Viaducts.

All our hands, all our hands.

Skillful hands are the basis of success

Hands are the face of a person!

Hands, they say a lot.

The eye only sees, but the hands create.

Welcome dear guests!

We wish you fun and joy

We have been waiting for you for a long time

hostess: Admire my product, just don't bargain!

We have a word and a place for everyone.

(The hostess invites children to make souvenirs with their own hands)

caregiver: Now you see how many interesting things are in our town.

In our magical city of craftsmen, the evening has come, the working day is over, the clinic, the store are closing, they are finishing work at the construction site.

Bus signal. Is everyone gathered? See that no one is left here alone. Get on the bus and get comfortable. Everyone gets on the bus and returns to the kindergarten.

Guys, did you like the magical city of masters, we can go there every day. There you will meet others. professions and you can work.

Here is our kindergarten “Rossiyanochka”. Come out, please.

Look at each other, you are children again. (I call by name.)

I really liked how you are today were playing. We are with you more than once let's play and learn more about professions, make additional attributes, and a game will become even more interesting.

caregiver: We give everyone as a gift air balloons, there will be a festive disco for you.

Fun music sounds. All the children of the game are dancing.

Natalia Zolotova
GCD role-playing game "All professions are important"

GCD role-playing game"All professions are important»

Target: arouse interest in the work of adults of different professions;


Learning tasks:

To form children's ideas about the types professions;

Clarify, summarize and expand children's knowledge about the features barber profession, doctor, nurse, salesman, builder, architect, conductor.

Development tasks:

To consolidate the ability of children to plan a game and independently select

game material, necessary attributes;

To promote the development of coherent speech, thinking, memory, curiosity, observation, to activate and enrich the vocabulary of children with nouns, adjectives, verbs on the topic of the lesson;

To form the need for children to respond with full common sentences.

Improve the skills of role-playing interaction, in accordance with the norms of etiquette;

Educational tasks:

Cause respect and desire to imitate adults, to work

constantly and in good faith;

Create conditions for a good attitude towards people of different professions.

Integration: "Cognitive Development", "Artistic and aesthetic development", "Social and communicative development", "Physical development", "Reading Fiction".

game material:

1. "Family"

Attributes for room equipment

2. "Construction"

Construction material

shoulder blades

Construction plan

Substitute Items

3. "Salon"

Hairdresser's clothes

Cape for the client

Hairdresser's tools

Hair swatch album

4. "Shop"

Seller's clothes




5. "Polyclinic"

Medical spatula

6."Souvenir shop"



corrugated paper

Velvet paper

Dictionary activation: Hairdresser, shirtfront, hairstyle, seller, buyer, pay at the cashier, cashier, counter, bijouterie, foreman, plan, cement, souvenir, medical spatula.

Preparing for the game:

Compiling an album "All professions are important» ;

Conversations about professions people using illustrations;

Didactic a game“Who needs what to work?”;

Production of attributes for the game;

Conversations about the culture of behavior in public places;

Reading Vasiliev-Gangnus "ABC of courtesy";

plot- role-playing games with children "Family", "Salon", "Shop", "Polyclinic", "Construction" "Souvenir shop".

Game progress.

caregiver: Children enter the group, stand around the teacher.

You, everyone is growing years

You will be seventeen.

Where do you work then

What to do?

When you grow up, what will you be doing? (Children's answers.)

Children read poetry:

I want to be a driver, DANIL

Carry different loads.

I dream of ballet, FAYA

Better not to have him in the world.

I want to become a great doctor, Vanya

I will treat everyone with medicine.

Delicious like candy

Ate it - there are no diseases!

In paints I do not have tea, TIMOTHEY

I dream of becoming an artist.

Order me a portrait

I'll do it, no doubt!

You are with me, friends, do not argue, EGOR

I want to be number one in sports.

To score a puck for me is a trifle,

I playing for"Spartacus"!

I want to become a pianist, ANIA K

wonderful artist,

Music has been with me since childhood

I love her with all my heart.

I dream of becoming KATYA S

Children's educator.

Sing with them, walk, play,

Celebrate birthdays.

caregiver: All professions are beautiful,

All professions are important,

Everyone knows that your hands

The Motherland will need.

But in order to work as a doctor, hairdresser, salesman, you must first grow up, graduate from school, get a specialty. But how long to wait. And so I want right now to become an adult and work. Is it true?

I know one such city where you can find your favorite job. All children, getting there, immediately become adults and choose for themselves profession. Do you want to go on a journey with me to the magical “City of Masters”? (Children's answers.)

What do you think about how you can go on a trip? (Children's answers.)

Children: Let's take the bus.

caregiver: Do not forget about the rules of conduct in public transport.

Children: While driving, do not touch the doors with your hands.

To talk loudly.

lean out the windows.

(There are two rows of chairs in the group).

caregiver: What are the names of those people who ride the bus?

Children: Passengers.

caregiver: Right. Passengers.

You will be passengers, and GOSH will be the driver, since only he knows the way. (I put on a cap.)

caregiver: Guys, who else works on the bus?

Children: Conductor.

caregiver: What does the conductor do?

(Children answer)

(The conductor takes the ticket bag and sells the tickets to the children).

caregiver: Today I will be a conductor.

And so, let's go!

The song sounds "Merry Travelers"

Kachu, I'm flying at full speed. GOSH

I am the driver and the motor itself!

I press the pedal

And the car rushes into the distance.

Conductor: Stop "City of masters".

caregiver: Look, here it is "City of masters".

Here we have arrived! Come out, please. Do not diverge far, in an unfamiliar city you can get lost. Everyone is ready for the city tour. (Children's answers.)

Oh, what's wrong with you? You have all grown up.

There are no workers in the “City of Masters”, but there are various organizations. Let's go and see what this city has.

Now I will introduce you where you can work in the magical city of craftsmen.

Here we have "Salon". She has a hairdresser. What does a hairdresser do? (children's answers).

It's bright and interesting here.: DASHA P

Mirrors, perfumes and armchairs

The hall is large, but you can even see

Better than our trellis.

The hairdresser cuts

Will wind hair on curlers,

Hair dryer will dry your hair

If necessary, you will be strangled.

Mom and daughters go to the hairdresser. At this time, the hairdresser is busy with the client.

Hairdresser: Good afternoon! Do you desire anything?

Mother: I would like to have my hair cut and styled.

Hairdresser: Please sit down and wait. Now I will be free and I will invite you .... Come in, please! Sit down.

The hairdresser serves my mother.

Mother: (looks in the mirror).

Hairdresser: You like?

Mother A: Thank you very much, I really like it. How much do I owe you?

Hairdresser: 100 rubles, please.

Mother: Pays the hairdresser.

Hairdresser: Thank you very much, come again. Goodbye.

Mother: Goodbye.

Here we have "Shop".

And now we are in the store - Dasha

All products on display:

Tea, sweets, sausage -

Eyes pop up.

Come buy

Give money to the cashier.

Salesman: Hello, dear customers! Our shop offers you different products (customer approaches the department sellers and asks about the freshness and price of the product). I need to buy fruit. Please show me what fruits you have. I like these ones. How much is a kilogram of apples?

Salesman: you put in the package?

Buyer: Yes

The seller breaks through all the goods and puts them in plastic bag: 50 rubles from you.

Salesman: Do we have cash or a card?

The buyer takes out a wallet from the bag and gives the money.

The seller takes the money: please take your change.

Buyer: Thank you!

Salesman: Thanks for purchase, come again!

Look, here we have "Polyclinic". A doctor and a nurse work there.

Always attentive, with love KARINA

Our doctor is treating you guys.

When your health improves

He is the happiest of all!

child doctor: "Hello, come in, sit down. What's your last name? Tell me exactly where your pain is concentrated?

sick child: "I have a sore throat".

Doctor: "Let's see you. Open your mouth, say "ah-ah-ah". I'll take a look at you with a spatula, don't be scared. Yes, the neck is red. Go to the nurse. She will take your temperature and write you a prescription.”

Doctor: Guys. Do you know what to do to avoid getting sick?

Children: Temper.

Doctor: And what else

Children: Exercise in the morning

caregiver: Let's do exercises "The sun is radiant"

caregiver: And here we have a construction site. Who works in construction?

Children: builders, architects, drivers.

caregiver: What do builders do?

Children: are at home.

The whole area knows the builder, VOVA K

He is an excellent master.

With his team, he

Builds a brick house.

Greets workers.

Hello Anur! Anur works as a driver for us, he delivers the material.

Hello Gosh! Gosha works as an architect, develops schemes for buildings.

Today we are starting to build a new facility from building materials.

I ask the architect to carefully consider the plan - the construction scheme.

(The foreman and the workers are considering the construction plan. The foreman talks about the duties of each - distributes roles between children: some are Builders, they are building a house; others are Drivers, they deliver building materials to the construction site, discuss who will do what and who will do what. The driver delivers building material).

And here we live KATYA

Dolls, hares, bears,

waiting for them to come

Baby moms.

caregiver: Here we have a souvenir shop

Children, just take a look around.

Our whole life is the work of our hands.

Villages, bridges, cities. Viaducts.

All our hands, all our hands.

Skillful hands are the basis of success

Hands are the face of a person!

Hands, they say a lot.

The eye only sees, but the hands create.

Welcome dear guests!

We wish you fun and joy

We have been waiting for you for a long time

hostess: Admire my product, just don't bargain!

We have a word and a place for everyone.

(The hostess invites children to make souvenirs with their own hands)

caregiver: Now you see how many interesting things are in our town.

In our magical city of craftsmen, the evening has come, the working day is over, the clinic, the store are closing, they are finishing work at the construction site.

Bus signal. Is everyone gathered? See that no one is left here alone. Get on the bus and get comfortable. Everyone gets on the bus and returns to the kindergarten.

Guys, did you like the magical city of masters, we can go there every day. There you will meet others. professions and you can work.

Here is our kindergarten “Rossiyanochka”. Come out, please.

Look at each other, you are children again. (I call by name.)

I really liked how you are today were playing. We are with you more than once let's play and learn more about professions, make additional attributes, and a game will become even more interesting.

caregiver: We give everyone balloons as a gift, a festive disco will take place for you.

Fun music sounds. All the children of the game are dancing.

Subject:"Journey Through the Country of the Masters"

Target: Introduce children to adult professions through play activities.


  • To consolidate the knowledge of children about professions.
  • Ability to generalize and classify concepts.
  • Increase motivational interest in professions through the game.
  • Develop the communicative function of speech, develop cognitive interest.
  • Develop motor coordination in children.
  • Assign tools to the appropriate professions. Raise interest and respect for the work of adults.

Government, deputies, ranger, traffic controller, fashion designer, border guards, oil workers.

Equipment: Pictures of professions, costumes, lotto, music, flower, photo album, houses with attributes, suns, family tree, matryoshka.

Preliminary work: Reading poems, riddles, proverbs, sayings. Conversations about professions. Excursion to kindergarten, excursion to work with parents. Photos from the work of parents. Tailoring of costumes in the corner of the plot-role-playing games. Exhibition of drawings on the theme "Profession"

Role-playing game on the theme "Professions"
"Journey Through the Country of Masters"

Organizing time:
Today we welcome everyone who came to visit us
We will travel through the country of all masters
We give people smiles like sparks of kindness
And we want to wish you to always smile.

Magic Fairy:- Guys, today we will not have an ordinary trip.
We are going to the "Land of Masters". And we will travel with a magic flower. This country is not simple guys, everyone in it does something. And so our flower will help us in this.
- We will play with you in the Land of Masters.
(Children stand in a semicircle, all dressed in the costumes of their profession)

And so you need to say magic words and our flower will tell us which master we will get to. And the magic words are:
“Magic flower help us, bring us to the master’s house. (Children repeat the magic words). (The flower is spinning, and there is a riddle on the petal)
- Guys, the flower tells us that we must solve the riddle

Riddle: This sorceress,
This artist
Not brushes and paints
A comb and scissors.
She possesses
Mysterious power:
Who will touch
He will become handsome.

Guys, here is some kind of envelope. Let's read what the master wrote to us.
(V.F opens the envelope and reads the task of the game)

Guys Master asks us to play the game "Name the profession"
(Pictures with professions hang on the wall, children come up one by one and name the profession)

V.F- Guys, do you know any proverbs and sayings about work.
(Children read sayings and proverbs about work)
(After the game, the children sit on the chairs)

V.F You guys are so small, but you know so much.
And so our journey continues. Let's say the magic words to the flower together. (Children say magic words, the flower spins)
(There is a riddle on the petal):
Tell me who's so delicious
Prepares cabbage soup
smelly meatballs,
salads, vinaigrettes,
All breakfasts, lunches? (Cook)
(Children guess and find the master's house)
“Guys of the master of this house, they want us to talk about the Tree of Professions.
- Who will tell? (One child comes out and talks about the professions of his relatives and friends)

V.F- Guys, who remembered the profession of his grandmother or his grandfather. (Children call)
— It is very remarkable that you know the professions of your relatives and friends.

Child:- “Magic flower help us, bring us to the master’s house” (the flower is spinning)

V.F- Guess the riddle
Riddle: Who teaches kids to read and write,
Love nature, respect the elderly?
“And so, where is this Master’s house………
The teacher wants us to play the game “Who is doing what?” (Children answer with a full answer), and now tell me the guys of the profession who help us protect nature, create laws, etc. (Children name modern professions)

V.F:- Children, did you pay attention to the flower. What a fun he is with us - he smiles, he probably likes to have fun. And let's have some fun too. The game is called 1,2,3,4, (Children stand in a circle and perform rhythmic movements to the music)

VF: — The flower smiles, the games continue.

Child: Magic fairy, and which master are we going to now?

V.F:- This should be learned from our flower. You (Child's name) help me say the magic words and we'll find out. (A flower is spinning, children guess a riddle)
Riddle: Who is the most useful in the days of illness
And cures us of all diseases? (Doctor)
Guys, the Doctor is wondering if you know "The Attributes and Tools of the Masters!?" Now we will play a lotto "Pick up a tool".
We will have two teams: a team of girls and boys. Each team has two professions, you must pick up tools and attributes related to their profession for them. (Children at the table collect lotto, then each team names their professions and what they picked up for them)

V.F: - All of you grow years
There will be seventeen
Where do you work then and what do you do.
What do you children want to become, answer us as soon as possible: a magic flower will help you say. (Children pass a flower to each other, say who they dream of becoming and read poems about that profession)
All children pronounce magic words to a flower
Riddle: We must fight fire,
We are partners with water.
We are very much needed by all people,
Answer quickly, who are we?

V.F: Guys, here is a magic nesting doll, and she wants us to play with her. Mobile game matryoshka. (Children stand in a circle and say the words: “You run, run nesting doll, right, right in a round dance, whoever has a nesting doll in his hands will call the movement”

V.F: The journey continues: "Magic flower help us to the master's house"
Riddle: Just the right size
He will make a suit for you.
Everything will be done according to science, And walk your hands in trousers (tailor)
This Master has a poem:
Stroke what kind of house, how many bright rooms are in it
Bears, bunnies, nesting dolls, dolls, balls, balls
You will not find a better house, this house is very good.
We all love our kindergarten, everyone around knows it.
That Bobek is everyone's best friend!
Guys, let's tell who and who works in our kindergarten.
(Photos of all employees were taken, and from the photo they name the profession and name, patronymic)

V.F.- We learned many professions, one more interesting than the other. We learned that it is not easy to become a master of your craft. To do this, you need to know and be able to do a lot. And you also need to love your job and work hard. There is a lot of useful work in the world. The main thing is to choose what you like. And remember the guys "The earth is painted by the sun, and man's work."

And I want to offer you guys, to give our guests
"Suns", so that in their profession it was always light, warm and cozy.
(Children give guests suns)

V.F.: - It was fun for all of us and the flower played.
But it's time for you to come back and enjoy the surprise.
Goodbye guys.
(Children go to the group with a treat)

Oksana Gulyaeva

F. I. About the teacher - Gulyaeva Oksana Nikolaevna

Place of work:

Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution kindergarten "Caskil" With. Tuora-Kyuel MR "Tattinskiy ulus", Republic of Sakha (Yakutia)

Subject: «,»

« Introduction to the world of professions for preschoolers,through role-playing games»

The game is a means by which children show their independence during the distribution of roles and actions during the game. The child lives in the game. And our task is to become a guiding and connecting link in the child-play chain, tactfully supporting the leadership to enrich the play experience of kids.


Introduce children to several professions;

Show the importance of labor activity in human life;

Support at preschoolers interest in interacting with children different ages; Cultivate a respectful and kind attitude towards people of different professions. Start introducing children to different types professional labor necessary from preschool age. This helps to expand their ideas about the world of adults, arouse interest in their professional activity, to form respect for work and respect for things, enriches vocabulary.

And how to do it? This is where our job as educators lies.

One of the main tasks preschool education - the formation of a positive attitude towards work and primary ideas about the work of adults, its role in society and the life of every person.

For this, it is very important for the child - preschooler develop interest in different professions.

We attach particular importance to the formation in children of knowledge about the work of adults, an accessible understanding of its role in people's lives. IN preschool children need to show diversity professions and on the basis of this knowledge to form ideas that different types of labor can meet different needs of people. Labor is a manifestation of people's concern for each other.

Introducing children to the work of adults, we focus on one or another profession showing its importance and necessity. Excursions, observations, stories that are conducted in educational activities groups help to educate in children respect for working people, interest in the work of adults, respect for the results of labor. Since we live in a small village, we do not have large enterprises, various organizations are not understood by children and many are unknown. adult professions. To this end, I created conditions in the group to consolidate the knowledge of children and assimilate various professions.

In the group, she designed a subject-developing environment, taking into account gender-role education, which was constantly replenished in accordance with the age of the children. Together with children and parents

Made attributes for role-playing games: "Hospital", "Salon", "Shop", "Mail", "Pharmacy", "School", "Garage", "Steamboat"

designed albums: "Album professions» , « Professions kindergarten workers, "Kindergarten", "School", "Army".

Issued didactic games "Who needs what?", "Who's doing what?", "Puzzles", "What's wrong with the artist?", "Collect a picture", "Name profession» , "Whose subject?"

As a result of my work, the following will be achieved: results:

1. Children will be interested in self-acquaintance with a number professions.

2. Children will learn to reflect in plot-Role playing features professions.

3. Children will have an idea of ​​what is in demand in society professions.

4. Parents will become active assistants in the upbringing and education of children.

I believe that introducing children to the work of adults is not only a means of forming systemic knowledge, but also a significant social and emotional means of familiarizing them with the world of adults, acquiring children the experience of communicating with people. Attitude to professions is developed in the process of socialization of the individual, which covers and preschool period. The emotional attitude of an adult to work has a great influence on children. Children have the opportunity to expand and refine their knowledge of professions and enrich the vocabulary. In a casual conversation with children, I ensured the development of children's thinking, the ability to establish the simplest connections and relationships, aroused interest in the work activities of adults. Goodwill, an interested attitude to children's issues, encouragement of speaking in a dialogue made it possible to overcome isolation, shyness, and indecision in children. Acquaintance of children with the work of adults is not only a means of forming systemic knowledge, but also a significant social and emotional means of familiarizing with the world of adults, acquiring children the experience of communicating with people. Children have the opportunity to expand and refine their knowledge of professions and vocabulary. plot Role-playing is of great importance in familiarizing with the work of adults. In the game, children consolidate their knowledge, reproduce the actions of an adult. Thus, the formation of children's ideas preschool age about the world of professions- this is a necessary process, which, of course, we adults control, using in our activities all the possibilities of the learning process, while taking into account the age and psychophysical characteristics of children. The work carried out in this direction will allow unobtrusively to bring children to the important conclusion that the right choice professions determines success in life. Good job, interesting profession is a great blessing they should be treasured.


1. Kondrashov V.P. Introduction of preschoolers to the world of professions: Teaching aid. - Balashov: Publishing house "Nikolaev", 2004.

2. Zaitseva I. V., Vetrova I. N. plot-role-playing games // Educator preschool educational institution. 2009, No. 10. S. 48-56.

3. Ivanova N. V., Bardinova E. Yu., Kalinina A. M. social development children in DOW: Toolkit. - M .: TC Sphere, 2008.

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