Legal regulation of advertising activities. Prohibited advertising Presentation of violation of the law on advertising

"The Development of Advertising" - XVIII century. – printing posters, calendars, leaflets, price lists. Ancient Greece. The advent of photozincography technology (illustrations and photographs in magazines). The first advertising campaigns. Ancient Egypt. TOPIC 2. The history of the emergence and development of advertising. Leading position in Russian market in the 1990s occupied by foreign advertising agencies.

"Advertising and Marketing" - Transition to marketing thinking. Mandatory advertising. Webinars (Internet seminars). Internet. Advertising Basics. Typical Russian situation. Purchase: simple or complex. Difficult purchase. Trade Internet. Electronic commerce. Marketing Thinking. Marketing is “done” in the mind of the Client! Selling moments.

"Product Advertising" - Everyone loves the "herd" effect, everyone uses it, and you? Index E - a threat to the body or food additives. Trademark. Barcode. Preservatives - inhibit the growth of microorganisms. Company logos. Information for the consumer. Product information. Marking - 4 groups of icons. Postal mailing. Shields. Catalogs.

"Factors of emergency situations" - Aims and objectives of the study. Factors that can lead to emergencies, %. Less significant factors leading to emergencies. Novosibirsk. Factors that caused real emergencies, %. The severity of accidents. Segment 3. Total sample size 1255 interviews. Segment 2 - 19%.

"Advertising and trade" - Retail. The advertisement is engine of the trade. Internal. Why do people exchange. wholesale. Product properties. Types of trade. External. Consumer value (utility, need for people. Exchange value (ability to exchange for other ES). Goals: Equivalent exchange? Why did trade arise? Needs?

"Language of Advertising" - Advertising is an integral part of our lives. Phone…” or “I will exchange a two-room apartment for two one-room apartments. Your car's engine will run longer." Model Nikolay Ershov (theatrical). “Our paper is for you! Metaphor can create a very clear advertising image. Only here. There are a lot of developments on the topic of advertising and announcements in modern media.

Norms, requirements, procedural documents

Features of legal regulation of advertising activities. The main rules of law applied in the regulation of advertising activities.

The most important regulations regulating relations in the field of advertising are:

Code Russian Federation about administrative offenses; Civil Code Russian Federation; Federal Law of March 13, 2006 No. 38-FZ "On Advertising";

Law of the Russian Federation of February 7, 1992 No. 2300-1 "On Protection of Consumer Rights"; Federal Law of July 26, 2006 No. 135-FZ "On Protection of Competition"

Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of June 30, 2004 No. 331 "On approval of the Regulations on the Federal Antimonopoly Service";

Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of August 17, 2006 No. 508 "On approval of the rules for consideration by the antimonopoly authority of cases initiated on the grounds of violation of the legislation of the Russian Federation on advertising"

GOST R 52044-2003. “Outdoor advertising on roads and territories of urban and rural settlements. Are common technical requirements to outdoor advertising. Placement Rules” (adopted by the Decree of the State Standard of the Russian Federation of April 22, 2003 N 124-st);

The decision of the Council of the urban district of the city of Ufa of the Republic of Bashkortostan "On a single tax on imputed income for certain types activities” dated November 15, 2007 No. 29/14 (as amended by the Decision of the Council of the city district of Ufa of the Republic of Belarus dated October 2, 2008 No. 8/5).

The main legislative act regulating relations in the field of advertising is The federal law of the Russian Federation "On Advertising" No. 38 - FZ of March 13, 2006.

The aims of the law are:

development of markets for goods, works and services based on the observance of the principles of fair competition;

ensuring the unity of the economic space in the Russian Federation;

realization of the right of consumers to receive fair and reliable advertising;

prevention of violation of the legislation of the Russian Federation on advertising; suppression of the facts of inappropriate advertising.

The law does not apply to:

information, disclosure or distribution or bringing to the consumer of which is mandatory in accordance with federal law;

reference, information and analytical materials (reviews of internal and foreign markets, results scientific research and tests) that do not have as the main goal the promotion of goods on the market and are not social advertising;

reports of authorities state power , others government agencies, messages from local authorities, messages municipal authorities, which are not included in the structure of local governments, if such messages do not contain information of an advertising nature and are not social advertising;

signboards and signs that do not contain information of an advertising nature;

ads individuals or legal entities not related to the implementation of entrepreneurial activities;

product information, its manufacturer, importer or exporter, placed on the product or its packaging;

any product design elements placed on the product or its packaging and not related to another product;

product mentions, means of its individualization, about the manufacturer or seller of the goods, which are organically integrated into the works science, literature or art.

Signs of false advertising

Signs of false advertising

The law provides a list of information to which this rule applies.

The previous rule that prohibited the use of undocumented superlative terms in advertising has been transformed new edition law in prohibition to indicate

over others if these advantages

do not correspond to reality.

Among the requirements for advertising in the Russian Federation The main ones are the following:

it is not allowed to demonstrate the processes of smoking and consumption of alcoholic products, as well as beer and drinks made on its basis;

it is not allowed to use images of pharmaceutical and medical workers with the exception of advertising of medical services, hygiene products;

Special advertising requirements

a ban on showing minors in dangerous situations;

addressing minors and using their images is prohibited in advertising of alcoholic products, beer and tobacco and weapons (in advertising medicines and games based on risk cannot be addressed to minors);

Advertising of certain types of goods

Advertising of alcoholic beverages and tobacco is allowed only inside newspapers and magazines for adults and at points of sale. A number of restrictions are imposed on the content of advertisements for these products, including the protection of minors. It is forbidden to use in advertising of these products statements that their use has importance to achieve social recognition, professional, sports or personal success, or contribute to the improvement of the physical or emotional state.

It is forbidden to use images of people and animals in beer advertising, including animation techniques. Advertising of beer is limited in time in television and radio programs, in film and video services, it is prohibited in print publications, in radio and television programs, audio and video products for minors, in media specializing in education, health and ecology, as well as in organizations of education, medicine, children's, sports institutions and so on.

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    Attention! The slide preview is for informational purposes only and may not represent the full extent of the presentation. If you are interested in this work, please download the full version.

    The purpose of the lesson:

    • Cognitive: to acquaint students with the history of advertising, arouse keen interest among schoolchildren;
    • Developing: To form a concept among students about information and, in general, about advertising, its types and forms, about unacceptable types of advertising, introduce the five main goals and the "golden rule" pursued by the advertising text. Teach students to find and select necessary information, think critically, develop the ability to analyze, compare and generalize.
    • Educational: to promote the economic education of schoolchildren on the basis of the acquired knowledge, the development of communicative and creative abilities of students.

    Didactic equipment:

    • presentation on the topic “Advertising”;
    • drawings: horseshoe, bagel, boot, cow;
    • test cards;
    • Federal Law “On Advertising” (page 38 of the reader on the basics of consumer culture, or printout of articles 6,7,8,9,10)

    During the classes

    I. Actualization of students' knowledge.

    The lesson begins with a question about the study of the topic. During the conversation, it turns out that this topic is “Advertising”. What would you like to know about advertising? Goals are being set.

    Lesson Objectives:

    • Familiarize yourself with the history of advertising.
    • Introduction to advertising forms.
    • Acquaintance with unacceptable types of advertising, namely with Articles 6,7,8,9,10 of the Law “On Advertising”.
    • Acquaintance with the five main goals pursued by the advertising text.

    II. Exploring a new topic.

    1. Today we will get acquainted with another source of information - advertising. The word "advertising" comes from the Latin - "to shout loudly". Initially, this word implied a desire to “shout” to attract attention, to report news, to provide information, including about the sale of any goods. How old do you think advertising has been?

    2. The history of advertising has several millennia. The researchers found that the appearance of the prototype of outdoor advertising dates back to the 1st millennium BC: it was an inscription carved on a stone found in the ruins of the ancient Egyptian city of Memphis: “I, Reno, from the island of Crete, interpret dreams by the will of the gods.” Under the volcanic ash of the city of Pompeii, preserved by lava in 73 AD, inscriptions-pointers were found,

    “ Passer-by, go from here to the twelfth tower. Circus keeps a wine cellar there. Look there. See you".

    “For eyes to shine, for cheeks to redden, for a girlish beauty to be preserved for a long time, a reasonable woman will buy cosmetics at reasonable prices from Ecliptos.”

    3. In the Middle Ages, in the 12th century, most of the street advertising was built on visual images: signs above the entrance were an image of a thing, reflecting the nature of a particular institution. So, an image of a kalach was placed above the bakery, and a large metal boot hung over the shoemaker's workshop.

    The townspeople, thus, were relieved of the need to read the inscriptions. In the medieval city, signs also served as signs to orient residents in space. Andersen even has a fairy tale called "How the storm outweighed the signs." According to the plot, a storm broke out in the city, which “played a joke” on the residents, swapping the signboards of all city institutions.

    4. Signs in Russia were intricate and long. The chambers board issued a decree on the reduction of signage in 1749.

    The situation on the Russian outdoor advertising market changed by the middle of the 19th century. It was at this time that the transition of outdoor advertising to high-quality new level: it becomes the decoration of the streets. The changes affected, first of all, large cities - Moscow, St. Petersburg, Yekaterinburg.

    Signboards were placed on the facades, between shop windows and on the sides of the entrance. In the early 1920s, the activity of window dressing artists aroused the interest of famous painters - M. Chagall, E. Konchalovsky, B. Kustodiev. There were sign collectors.

    5. A special period in the history of the development of outdoor advertising in Russia is associated with the name of Vladimir Mayakovsky. He has created many rhymed advertising texts for government organizations. He said that advertising is the name of the product. In 1923, a new method began to be used in advertising - photomontage, a new term arose - “illuminated advertising”.

    6. Pay attention to how advertising looked like in Soviet times (Slides in the presentation).

    7. Even the children's poet Sergei Mikhalkov created his own prototype of advertising. Let's remember the poem by S. Mikhalkov and the animated film. This is just one example of the impact of advertising on the consumer.

    A man was selling a cow in the market.
    Nobody gave a price for a cow,
    Although many needed a cow,
    But apparently people didn't like her.
    - Master, will you sell us your cow?
    - Selling, I'm standing with her in the market in the morning.
    - Are you asking too much, old man for her?
    Yes, where to make money, to return his own.
    Painfully your cow is thin.
    - Sick, cursed, but just trouble.

    - Yes, we have not seen milk yet!
    All day long the old man traded in the market,
    Nobody gave a price for a cow
    One boy took pity on the old man:
    - Dad, your hand is not easy.
    I will stand next to your cow.
    Perhaps we will sell your cattle.
    There is a buyer with a tight wallet,
    And now he is bargaining with the boy:
    - Will you sell a cow? - Buy if you are rich,
    Cow, look, not a cow, but a treasure.
    - Yes, is it? Looks painfully thin.
    - Not very fat, but good milk yield.
    How much milk does a cow give?
    - If you don't milk it in a day, your hand will get tired.
    The old man looked at his cow:
    Why am I, cow, selling you?
    I will not sell my cow to anyone,
    You need such a beast!

    8. Pay attention to the table, it reflects the "Short biography of advertising."

    9. And now we will get to know you with the forms of advertising, as well as their advantages and disadvantages:

    Start doing class work, for example, make a sample on TV, radio about the advantages and disadvantages of advertising:

    Independent work in groups. Selectively do in class and then continue at home.


    Possibility of wide coverage. The frequency of advertisements. Non-seasonal nature of demand. Fast execution of ads. Wide coverage. High hit rate. Great creative possibilities. Simultaneous visual and auditory impact. Entertaining nature. Low costs. High frequency. Minor seasonal fluctuations in the composition of the audience. Possibility of full coverage of a certain area. Possibility of selective appeal to potential customers. Flexibility in form and style. Absolute control over the release process and the number of announcements. Rich typographic possibilities. Regularity of advertisements. Ability to select a demographic group. Choice of local and regional markets. Authority and trust.


    Limited color performance. The inconvenience of visual perception due to the “thickness” of the text on the pages. Rare cases of re-reading. High cost of production and broadcast time. A sharp decrease in the number of viewers in the summer. Long preparatory period. “Short life” ads. The habit of people to use the radio as a sound background and not notice advertising messages. High costs per issue. Long delivery times. Difficulty getting the right mailing list. consumer resistance. Less opportunity to attract attention than other types of media. High costs.

    Ultimately your homework will look like this.

    1) newspapers:


    • Possibility of wide coverage.
    • The frequency of advertisements.
    • Non-seasonal nature of demand.
    • Fast execution of ads.


    • Limited color performance.
    • The inconvenience of visual perception due to the “thickness” of the text on the pages.
    • Rare cases of re-reading.

    2) television:


    • Wide coverage.
    • High hit rate.
    • Great creative possibilities.
    • Simultaneously visual and auditory
    • impact.
    • Entertaining nature.


    • High production cost and
    • broadcast time. A sharp decrease in the number of viewers in the summer.
    • Long preparatory period.

    3. Postal items.


    • Possibility of full coverage of a certain area.
    • Possibility of selective appeal to potential customers.
    • Flexibility in form and style.
    • Absolute control over the release process and the number of announcements.


    • High costs per issue.
    • Long delivery times.
    • Difficulty getting the right mailing list.
    • consumer resistance.

    4. Magazines.


    • Rich typographic possibilities.
    • Regularity of advertisements.
    • Ability to select a demographic group.
    • Choice of local and regional markets.
    • Authority and trust.


    • Less opportunity to attract attention than other types of media.
    • Long preparatory period.
    • High costs.


    • Average costs.
    • High frequency.
    • Minor seasonal fluctuations in the composition of the audience.


    • “Short life” ads.
    • The habit of people to use the radio as a sound background and not notice advertising messages.

    1) to attract the attention of a potential buyer;

    2) arouse the interest of a potential buyer;

    3) inspire confidence in the product and the company;

    4) increase the desire of a potential buyer to have a product;

    5) encourage a potential buyer to action.

    You take it out yourself now. I am giving you a task. Listen to the words, then, at my request, write down these words in any order.

    • Desk
    • Board
    • Briefcase
    • Bag
    • Teacher
    • Class

    Remember, I already told you that in 1749 the chambers - the board issued a decree on the reduction of words in advertising. We have found out that the maximum number of words that a person can remember at the same time in memory is 7 + - 2, from 5 to 9 words. From 5 to 9 words should be in an advertisement so that the advertisement has an impact on a person.

    12. Consolidation of the received material. Conducting the game “Implementation of creative mini-projects to create an advertising text” - a video.

    We found out that advertising on television has a great impact on a person. I want to draw your attention to the fact that one of the ways of advertising is such a type of advertising as a public offer, for example ... .. In the form public offer can be any document containing the essential terms of a future contract, with the express intention of the person who made the offer to conclude ...

    On TV, this type of advertising is rarely broadcast, such as social advertising, for example ... .. - this advertisement is very significant for our society. On Sunday, they show the program “So far, everyone is at home”. There is a social advertisement about children left without parents… “Let mom see, Let mom understand, mom will certainly find me…”




    knowingly false;


    Let's consider them in detail:

    Today we will focus on st. 9,10 pp. 38 reader on the basics of consumer culture.

    Unfair advertising is considered to be advertising that misleads consumers about the advertised product by imitation or copying of text, sound effects used in advertising of other products, or abuses the trust of individuals or their lack of experience and knowledge. False advertising is not allowed.

    An advertisement is false if it contains false information about the goods (its characteristics, purpose, consumer properties, cost of the goods, delivery, exchange, warranty and expiration dates, service, etc. An example of false advertising is the use of superlatives (“ the most", "only", "best", "absolute", "only"), in the case when it cannot be documented. There are quite a lot of examples of inaccurate advertising. Inaccurate advertising is not allowed.

    Unethical advertising is one that contains textual, visual, audio information that violates generally accepted norms of humanity and morality. These are cases of using offensive words, comparisons of images of race, nationality, professions, social category, age group, gender, language, beliefs of individuals. Or advertising denigrates objects of art constituting a national or world cultural heritage, state symbols, denigrates any physical or entity, activity, profession, product. Unethical advertising is not allowed.

    The use in radio, television, video, audio and film products and other methods of hidden advertising, which has an unconscious perception (mixing special video inserts, double sound recording), and the use of other methods is not allowed.

    III. Consolidation of the studied material. As a consolidation of the studied material, we will perform a test.


    a) unreliable;

    b) unethical;

    a) public offer;

    b) dishonest;

    c) obviously false.

    a) in the service sector;

    b) social;

    c) commodity.

    4. Which of the poets of the Soviet era played an important role in the development of advertising:

    a) S. Yesenin;

    b) A. Blok;

    c) V. Mayakovsky.

    III. Summary of the lesson. Have the learning objectives been achieved?

    House. exercise. Continue to complete the table.

    Literature was used in preparation for the lesson.


    1. The Law of the Russian Federation “On Advertising” has been in force since 1.08.1995.
    2. Additional literature:
    3. V.D. Simonenko, T.A. Stepchenko "Fundamentals of consumer culture", M., 2004.
    4. ON THE. Zaichenko "Economics 6-8 grade" book for teachers, St. Petersburg, 2000
    5. The group of authors I Vinogradova, R. Kokorev and others. “Fundamentals of consumer knowledge”, M., 1997.

    Labor is a value (For satisfaction from a job well done, against hack work in any workplace). For civil mutual respect against rudeness and rudeness. For the cleanliness of urban and natural reservoirs. For respect for elders in transport and on the streets, against age-related egoism. For self-education against the growth of ignorance among the population. For the purity of speech in public places, against obscene language. For civic self-respect (For a sense of one's own national dignity) Spare the planet (For saving communal resources (water, heat, gas). Advertising a certain lifestyle (advertising against smoking, drinking alcohol, against AIDS, for caring for the older generation) Civil rights and obligations , the revival of the national idea, patriotism (love your hometown, pay taxes, etc.) Prevention of the personal safety of citizens (observance of traffic rules).