Your own business - whether to open a takeaway coffee shop. Takeaway coffee: detailed plan for opening Sanitary standards for coffee to go

The first burning question for aspiring entrepreneurs who want to organize a profitable business based on the growing popularity of the aromatic drink is how to open a “Coffee to Go”? Step-by-step instructions, a business plan, an analysis of possible risks, a competent strategy - this is just a small amount of information that will be useful for the development of a successful and profitable enterprise.

Fresh, aromatic, invigorating coffee is a delicious alternative to banal tea or cocktails. This drink is preferred by young and creative students and strict teachers, successful businessmen and “freelance artists”, people of art and motivated office workers. But the noisy and active current of city life does not allow modern coffee lovers to sit in stationary cafes and enjoy every shade of their favorite delicacy.

Mobile coffee shops offering the best varieties of delicious drinks are not only an excellent alternative for those who want to escape the bustle of the city for a couple of minutes and relax with a glass of coffee, but also a good idea for a promising startup.

“Coffee to go”: about business and sales markets

In essence, “Coffee to Go” is a retail outlet that offers a service for preparing coffee in a disposable paper or plastic cup, which allows customers not to waste time on long sit-ins in a cafe and enjoy their favorite drink on the go - on the way to work or school or home. And this is the basis for the popularity of this format of coffee shops, because modern city residents simply do not have extra minutes.

The service implementation process looks like this:

  1. The barista prepares the type of drink ordered by the customer at a specially equipped counter.
  2. After paying for the order, the client receives coffee in a disposable cup with a lid (this accessory is necessary to maintain the temperature of the drink and prevent it from spilling while moving), a paper sachet with sugar, a napkin and a wooden or plastic stirrer.
  3. The buyer can drink coffee in any place comfortable for him.

The format of the establishments is presented in the following options:

  • mobile vans on wheels;
  • stationary kiosks with special equipment;
  • “islands” in shopping centers and entertainment complexes.

The assortment of a retail outlet can include different types of goods - from traditional coffee “classics” (latte, espresso, cappuccino, Americano), which brings in up to 90% of revenue, to branded mixes with syrups and toppings. The product line should include hit drinks that are popular among customers, and the “palette” can be supplemented with seasonal variations of coffee with additives, aromatic assorted teas and cocktails.

But, regardless of the assortment, you need to take care of the quality of raw materials and purchase good grades of coffee beans from trusted suppliers.

In addition, many coffee shops offer customers fresh baked goods, such as muffins, donuts, cookies or sandwiches. These snacks must be ordered separately as this business does not involve food preparation at the point of sale.

Expanding the services offered will proportionally increase the number of visitors to the coffee shop. The target audience of the project is very wide and is not limited by age category (with the exception of children under 16-17 years old) - these are students, office workers, vacationers, and tourists... The list can be continued endlessly and this means that a competently and creatively organized trade the point will most likely not go unnoticed by customers.

Advantages and risks of the enterprise

In order for a business to recoup its investment as early as possible and begin to generate a stable income, the owner must study all the nuances, correctly assess his financial capabilities, and compare the advantages and expected risks of the enterprise.

The fundamental factors that determine the “Coffee to Go” format of coffee shops as a profitable area of ​​entrepreneurship are:

  1. Compactness – to place a retail outlet you need an area of ​​20 square meters.
  2. There is no need for major renovations of premises or radical measures for the construction of buildings.
  3. Minimum costs for equipping a coffee shop with technical equipment.
  4. Effective advertising does not require expensive marketing campaigns; a catchy thematic exterior of the outlet and quality service are enough.
  5. Growing popularity and, accordingly, demand for services.

But there are also disadvantages, first of all, high competition and the human factor. To minimize risks, it is important to follow some rules:

  • Choose a retail location with good foot traffic and no competing coffee shops nearby.
  • Select friendly, friendly and qualified staff who provide customers with an excellent level of service.
  • Constantly monitor the market and maintain a price tag “a little lower” than that of competitors (an adequate pricing policy will ensure an increase in the number of visitors and allow you to remain in the black).
  • Monitor the quality and range of drinks offered to customers.
  • Organize supplies of fresh snacks.
  • Offer customers profitable current promotions (for example, “Sixth cup of coffee as a gift”).

For a business of this format, there are a large number of external threats that can damage the profitability of the enterprise. This is the use of unknown product brands, staff turnover, related products of dubious quality, and a rapid increase in the purchasing cost of ingredients.

To avoid such pitfalls, it is important not to rely on cheap equipment, low-quality drinks and unqualified personnel, and also to pay maximum attention to the operation of the coffee shop.

Beginning entrepreneurs can take the opportunity to buy a franchise of a well-known brand and start working under its name. Thus, you can minimize the risks of financial loss and gain quality experience in this field of activity.

Business organization

You need to open a “Coffee to Go” after you have carefully analyzed the sales market and identified the target audience, assessed the level of competition and your own financial capabilities, and based on the information received, create a detailed plan for the enterprise.

Perhaps objective reasons simply will not allow making the coffee business profitable, and the outlet will not only not break even, but will also turn out to be unprofitable.

To create and launch a “coffee-to-go” from scratch in the shortest possible time, you need solid initial capital. But without the ability to competently conduct business and coordinate processes, one cannot count on success either.

The following step-by-step instructions will help you organize your enterprise correctly and quickly bring it to the break-even point:

  1. Preparation of documents (registration of a company as an individual entrepreneur or LLC, registration with the tax authorities in the form of UNDV or LLC).
  2. Determining the location and renting a room/outdoor space for a coffee business.
  3. Installation of a rack and purchase/leasing of equipment for a retail outlet.
  4. Selection and, if necessary, training of employees.
  5. Organization of a promotional campaign for the opening of a point.

To open a “Coffee to Go” point, you can buy a ready-made franchise business from one of the well-known brands. This will save time and effort, but will require additional financial costs.

To reduce costs, you can organize and launch an effective and profitable enterprise yourself. The latter option will ensure minimization of capital investments. But with this approach, you need to pay maximum attention to each stage of creating a business.

Step 1. Documentary base

It is necessary to prepare the following documents:

  • Registration as an individual entrepreneur or LLC (depending on the size of the business and the owner’s plans for its development) with the tax service.
  • Selecting a taxation form (UTI form is recommended).
  • Permission to provide catering services from the sanitary inspection.
  • Conclusion of the fire safety service and territorial authorities (not issued for rented space).

Obtaining permits at the initial stage does not relieve owners from constant monitoring of the retail outlet’s compliance with sanitary standards and fire safety requirements. The relevant authorities at least once a year can check the condition of the coffee shop, the availability of certificates for the ingredients used and confirmation of the quality of the products offered.

Step 2: Location

A very important point! Choose a location with a high traffic volume of potential customers. These are, for example, office blocks, intersections of busy streets, nearby territories of universities, metro stations, and public transport stops.

Convenient location of retail outlets in large entertainment and shopping complexes, airports and train stations, and in park areas.

Step 3. Setting up the point

A client can drink an instant drink from a bag in almost any store or grocery stall, but enjoy high-quality and natural coffee to go from good varieties, and even amazingly tasty prepared using professional equipment - this is only possible in your coffee shop.

But to do this, it’s not enough to just open a business; you’ll have to spend a lot on a good coffee machine (preferably models from Italian brands), a powerful coffee grinder, a blender, and water purification filters. You will also need display cases for related products, a mini-fridge for dairy products, a bar counter and advertising pillars, a lighting system, menu design, etc.

Suppliers can also offer high-quality equipment on a free rental basis when purchasing large quantities of ingredients.

Step 4. HR Policy

Polite, friendly staff of professionals in their field is a significant part of the overall success of the enterprise. You can invite an experienced creative barista to work or find people who are ready to learn the art of making delicious coffee.

To operate the point effectively, it is enough to hire two people who will take turns according to a convenient system schedule.

Step 5. Promotion

It is important for an aspiring entrepreneur to know not only information on how to open a “Coffee to Go”, but also how to properly advertise your business and thereby attract more customers. This item will not incur special costs for large-scale campaigns; there are many ideas for effective and inexpensive marketing.

For example, this could be a creative name and logo of the brand, creation of pages on social networks, original promotions (“Bring a friend”, “Collect likes”, “Check in with us and get a tasty bonus”, etc.), placing banners around the city , distribution of flyers and advertising leaflets. This list is limited only by the imagination and financial capabilities of the owners.

But besides general organizational issues and a list of what is needed to open a retail outlet, businessmen are interested in the main information - how much it all costs and in what time frame the enterprise will fully recoup the investment.

Video: how to open a Coffee to Go coffee shop?

Financial background

Before drawing up a business plan, you need to critically evaluate all possible risks and make detailed calculations. Let's consider the approximate volumes of investment using the example of a retail outlet - an “island” in an entertainment center.

Considering the average cost of a glass of drink is 80 rubles and the approximate amount of daily revenue is 8,000 rubles, the outlet will fully pay for itself after just six months of effective operation. A properly organized work process and the use of high-quality equipment and raw materials can achieve an increase in profitability of up to 50-80%.

The modern rhythm of life of Russians is constantly increasing the popularity of the “coffee to go” business project. In an average Russian city today you can find several dozen (and in Moscow several hundred) specialized vans or mobile outlets (trailers) selling an invigorating drink in cardboard cups with lids.

Despite the increasing number of entrepreneurs selling coffee in this format, there is no direct fierce competition between them.

Largely due to the fact that business has been actively developing only for the last three years, because in each region there are still crowded places where it has not yet “reached”. And coffee lovers who cannot afford to drink it in the comfort of their home can easily switch to takeaway coffee. Fortunately, the quality of the service provided is quite high. Especially if you develop a detailed business plan before opening a point, describing all the necessary nuances.

Potential clients

The business plan describes the average “portrait” of a potential client as follows: a young or middle-aged person, a student or a business person, as well as someone who works on the street, is quite mobile, and does not consider drinking coffee in a car or even on the go, on the street, than something unnatural.

The plan for this enterprise assumes the following distribution of profits by season:

Winter Spring Summer Autumn
32% 27% 15% 26%

As can be seen from the table, there is a certain seasonality in this matter and it must be taken into account, for example, when planning business expansion: this should not be done before the summer heat.

Capital investment and payback calculation

The business plan of a mobile coffee outlet does not involve large capital investments, and therefore, in some cases, the sale of takeaway drinks begins to generate net profit within 1-2 months after opening. The costs of starting the business in question (maximum) are shown in the table:

Note that equipment can be purchased cheaper, but then there is a risk of losing some customers who buy takeaway coffee. Our business plan calculates that with an investment of 143,700 rubles, it is possible to sell 100-120 cups of coffee to go at a price of 40 rubles per cup. With daily operation of the point, the profit will be 120-144 thousand rubles per month. Thus, to recoup the investment and receive a net profit, you need to spend a little more than a month.

Taxes and salaries (together with contributions to the Pension Fund) to the seller of the mobile point should also be deducted from the amount of profit. These expenses will be approximately 24,000 rubles per month.

Capital investments may be slightly higher if you manage to find a good location, for example, in a recreation park, near cultural, entertainment and sports facilities, near transport stops, etc. The authors of the business plan do not recommend, however, opening a point for selling hot food. takeaway drinks near places where the main contingent is people of older generations: not all of them will like this business format, and the profit will be lower than expected.

Coffee offered to customers to take away must have excellent taste and aroma. To do this, you need traditional equipment for selling takeaway drinks. The business plan also regulates the knowledge and skills of the seller for the high-quality preparation of coffee drinks.

You may have to give him a master class before starting work. Your business development plan indicates which coffee machine is best to purchase: ideally, a two-pipe one with a milk frothing function. When purchasing such a machine, pay attention to the size of its boiler: 9-10 liters would be the best option.

Experts advise purchasing equipment for street trading with a minimum set of additional functions. This will bring three benefits at once: electricity consumption will noticeably drop, it will be possible to connect and configure it much faster, and, on the contrary, preventative maintenance can be carried out less often.

Since the beginning of 2016, prices for professional coffee making machines have risen sharply, therefore, if it is not possible to buy such a machine, professionals advise choosing an automatic one. The problem is that it is difficult to install it yourself, so it is recommended to contact a professional barista.

In order for takeaway drinks to meet the highest standards of coffee quality, you should, firstly, use only special purified water and, secondly, regularly (at least once a month) maintain and clean all components of the coffee machine.

Your customers will probably want to take different types of coffee with them on the road. To prepare them, it is advisable to purchase a machine with as high a seat as possible (ideally 15 cm). This way you can make drinks such as lattes, cappuccinos and others that require more water in the glass.

In some cases, when coffee is prepared from special capsules, you may also need a special device for whipping foam - a cappuccino maker.
The costs of purchasing this device are more than compensated for, because preparing coffee from beans is much less cost-effective than from capsules.

Takeaway coffee - description of the business + advantages and disadvantages + working as a franchise + step-by-step process on how to open a business.

Capital investments: depending on the chosen business format - from RUB 390,000.
Payback period: from 6 months
Return on sales: 50-60%

The fast and busy rhythm of life leaves its mark on all areas of life, including business.

And a striking example of this is the format, which is relatively new for post-Soviet countries - coffee to go.

Local entrepreneurs quickly picked up the Western idea, and many were already able to convince themselves of its profitability and profitability.

Takeaway coffee, or coffee to go as it is called, is a popular business in large and developed cities where the population leads an active lifestyle.

Therefore, for coffee lovers, this is a great opportunity to enjoy an aromatic and invigorating drink on the go, thereby saving their time and money that they could spend in.

So, today we will talk about all the nuances and features of opening such a promising and interesting business.

Description of takeaway coffee business

What is “coffee to go”?

This business is aimed at satisfying the needs of city residents related to the desire to drink a drink not while sitting in some establishment, but on the run.

In turn, the process associated with the sale of coffee looks like this:

  1. At a special counter, the barista brews the coffee ordered by the client.
  2. After payment, the client receives a drink in a disposable paper or plastic cup covered with a lid.
    This is necessary so that the coffee does not spill during movement.
    It comes with sugar in a paper sachet, a wooden stick and napkins.
  3. Then the client can drink coffee in any desired place.

There are currently three formats for running such a business on the market:

  • mobile coffee shops in the form of a van on wheels;
  • equipped stationary kiosks;

In terms of running such a business, it is important to pay attention to two points that are decisive:

  • favorable location;
  • the quality of the coffee offered and the variety of assortment.

There is a direct relationship between the chosen location, the quality of the brewed coffee and the profit margin.

The more people pass by your mini-establishment, and the tastier the drink that people want to return for, the more revenue you will earn.

I would also like to say that many consider the coffee business to be one of those that does not require huge investments.

In part, there is some truth here, because you don’t need to spend a lot of money on the interior and renovation of the premises, equipment, utensils and personnel.

But the size of the initial investment will depend on the chosen format of the establishment.

Advantages, Disadvantages and Risks of a Takeaway Coffee Business

If you are seriously thinking about starting a takeaway coffee business, you should be aware of the advantages, disadvantages and risks that may accompany you.

The main risks are related to:

    choosing a favorable location

    It is important to find a place that will ensure high traffic flow, but at the same time, so that competitors are not located nearby.


    Although there will be two people on staff, it is important that they do their job efficiently and provide excellent service to the buyer.

    established target policy

    Despite the fact that the cost of coffee in this business format is small, it is important to set an adequate price for the drink in order to stay in the black.

Franchising in the coffee to go business

There are two ways to open a coffee to go:
  1. own efforts;
  2. purchase .

This is not to say that opening and running a business on your own is something difficult, but many beginners want to play it safe, so they choose franchising.

Franchising is a type of cooperation in which one party, under certain conditions, buys the right to use a brand from the second.

Thus, the main company provides the individual with the use of its brand, concept and assistance in running the business.

As for franchising in the coffee-to-go business, there are now many franchises, whose representative offices can be found in almost all regions of the Russian Federation, as well as in the CIS countries.

Each company provides its own franchise package, so there is no single and correct version of the conditions.

But any franchisor should be interested in developing his network, because this is his name and reputation, so the more accompanying services he is ready to provide to his “wards”, the better.

In the table you can see five popular franchises.

As you can see, each of them works on its own terms.

Some companies provide basic and full packages.

Not only the initial investment, but also further support of the franchisee depends on them.

Coffee WoodsCheerful dayCoffee LikeGO!coffeeRoyals Club
Year of foundation2014 2013 2013 2014 2014
Amount of points57 more than 130245 more than 110more than 80
Lump sum payment, rub.175 000 100,000 or 490,000300 000 140 000 150 000 -
1 000 000
Investments, rub.200 000 from 120,000from 500,000from 65 00090 000 -
250 000
Royalty, rub.NoNo3% of revenue2,200 rub. per monthNo

Like any other cooperation, franchising has its advantages and pitfalls that must be taken into account when choosing a way of doing business.
Advantages of franchisingDisadvantages of franchising
Investments in a franchise are significantly less than when doing business independently.
After the deal is concluded, the franchisee receives all the “secrets” of doing business from the main company.
An open point of sale of takeaway coffee will be positively received in any region due to the already established popularity of the franchise.
Baristas are provided with training related to coffee preparation technology.
The franchisee will work only with certain and high-quality coffee.
There is no need to waste time on drawing up a brand book, advertising and searching for suppliers.
Lack of freedom of action within the framework of doing business.
Quite a large entry fee and monthly royalty.
There are penalties for deviation or non-compliance with the terms of the franchise.
The franchisee does not have the right to experiment with coffee varieties and flavors.
Ideas proposed by franchisees may get “lost” and not reach the main company due to lack of time.

How to open a takeaway coffee business?

As for the question of how to open a takeaway coffee shop, it will follow the standard pattern: market analysis, choosing a location, registration, purchasing equipment and supplies, recruiting staff and conducting an advertising campaign.

Let's go through each of these stages in more detail.

Market analysis

Interesting fact:
Coffee ranks second in the world ranking of the most sold goods. In the first position is oil.

Without market analysis, you risk opening an extremely unprofitable business.

Therefore, it is important not only to be ready to invest money and expect rapidly growing profits, but also to think through every organizational step.

Market analysis includes:

    Competition assessment

    The following situation has developed here: the takeaway coffee niche is quickly filling up, as it is famous for its prospects.

    There are many franchises operating successfully throughout the country, which have already won part of the clientele.

    But given that the number of coffee lovers is growing every year, and the consumer is becoming more spoiled, therefore he is in search of the ideal taste.

    Determining the target audience

    Takeaway coffee customers are people who are in a hurry to work and study: students and office workers.

    Also, the target audience includes all those who pass by the mini-coffee shop.

    The aroma of freshly brewed coffee has a beneficial effect on the sense of smell of passersby, who certainly will not be able to resist the opportunity to enjoy a cup of a delicious drink.

    The main age of consumers is 17-35 years old, but we don’t discount older people either, because the love for coffee does not depend on the number of years lived.

    Description of competitive advantages

    All such establishments compete with each other, so you need to differ from others in these parameters:
    • Price.

      It should be adequate, that is, you shouldn’t overestimate it and set it at the level of full-fledged coffee shops, but you shouldn’t underestimate it either.

      This is due to the fact that all people compare prices, and if yours does not differ much from the price for which you can buy coffee in a regular machine, then customers will choose the second option.

      Good location.

      Takeaway coffee should be located in a convenient, visible, and most importantly, crowded place.

      Quality and range of drinks.

      Of course, takeaway coffee is not a full-fledged coffee shop where you can enjoy many types of coffee, but the choice of 3-4 items is very small.

      It is also worth paying attention to the quality of coffee beans and other ingredients.

      Even in this business format, you can carry out various promotions to increase revenue through volumes.

      For example, when you buy 4 glasses of coffee, the fifth one is free, or the second one gets a 10% discount.


At this stage, a familiar situation arises - registering a business with the tax service as an individual entrepreneur or LLC.

Depending on your capabilities and personal ambitions, choose the form that will be relevant for you.

Then you need to decide on the form of taxation.

The takeaway coffee business is not subject to licensing, but requires the collection of certain documents:

  • permission to conduct activities in the sanitary and epidemiological service;
  • conclusion from the fire inspection;
  • permission from territorial authorities.

Choosing a location: half the battle

Half the success of a future takeaway coffee depends on a well-chosen location.

This should be a crowded area with good traffic.

  • To organize a stall, it is better to choose business areas of the city: near business centers, universities, gymnasiums.
    Also pay attention to train stations; almost all people can become potential clients.
  • To organize an “island” in a shopping center, choose a visible place so that people leaving the stores can notice you.
  • If you want to open a mobile mini-coffee shop, you have a chance to try your hand at different places.
    Choose the same places as for the first case, but also pay attention to bus stops, metro stations, and city parks.

Purchasing the necessary equipment for takeaway coffee

Despite the fact that takeaway coffee assumes the format of a mini-establishment, it is necessary to purchase special equipment that is used in regular cafes and restaurants.

The equipment must be professional, therefore it will not be cheap.

It is also worth taking care of the bar counter, advertising sign and other aspects.

Coffee equipmentCost, rub.
Total:275,000 rub.
Coffee machine
200 000
Coffee grinder
25 000
Small refrigerated display case
(for storing milk, cream)
20 000
Water purification filter
20 000
Blender and bar equipment
10 000

Equipment for a mini-coffee shopCost, rub.
Total:70,500 rub.
Bar counter
50 000
Pavement sign
Design with menu
Cash machine
10 000
5 000

As for organizing a business related to a mobile coffee shop, in addition to the equipment, the following work needs to be done:

  1. Buy a new or used car.
    Most often, Citroen Berlingo, Peugeut Partner or FIAT Doblo are used for these purposes.
  2. Convert the van into a coffee shop.
    This includes installation of a bar counter, equipment installation and car branding.


The second success factor for takeaway coffee is qualified and polite staff.

He must not only brew delicious coffee, but also advise visitors and serve them properly.

You can hire people who already have experience in a similar field, or find those who are willing to learn the basics of making coffee.

In total, you will need to hire two people who will work in shifts.

Takeaway coffee advertisement

As for advertising takeaway coffee, it does not require any expensive marketing tools, but you still need to think about the name of your brand and give it some specific concept.

The stall or car itself should attract attention, so you still need to make it stylish and attractive.

  • a bright sign and pointed out on the sidewalk;
  • creating pages on social networks: VKontakte and Instagram;
  • ordering placement of banners around the city;
  • distribution of leaflets.

How to open a coffee shop and quickly break even, you will learn from the video:

Financial indicators: initial investment and monthly expenses

As for investing in a business, the amount of starting capital will depend on the chosen format.

Thus, to open a stationary outlet, you do not need to spend money on purchasing premises and refurbishing it; it is enough to pay monthly rent.

But the investment in a coffee shop on wheels can be quite large.

Here, too, there is the option of renting a converted car, but it is not always possible to find a suitable option.

Therefore, many people prefer to buy a new or used car and refurbish it to their liking.

ExpensesKiosk / “island” in a shopping center
Total:from 390,500 rub.from RUB 1,273,500
Registrationfrom 10,000 rub.from 10,000 rub.
Purchasing premises- - Buying a car - from 700,000 rubles.
- Purchase of 2 batteries - 8,000 rubles.
- Branding and re-equipment of cars - 150,000 rubles.
Coffee making equipment270,000 rub.275,000 rub.
Equipment for organization70,500 rub.70,500 rub.
Advertising30 000 30 000
Purchasing uniforms for employees10,000 rub.10,000 rub.
other expenses20 000 20 000

As for monthly expenses, they also depend on the chosen format:

Monthly expensesKiosk / “island” in a shopping centerMobile coffee shop based on a car
Total:120,000 rub.98,000 rub.
Lease payments30,000 rub.-
Fuel- 8,000 rub.
Payment of utility services5,000 rub.5,000 rub.
Consumables (cups, napkins) and ingredients30,000 rub.44,000 rub.
Staff salaries44,000 rub.44,000 rub.
Advertising expenses8,000 rub.8,000 rub.
Other and unforeseen expenses3,000 rub.3,000 rub.

With an average cost of a glass of coffee of 80 rubles, and with daily revenue of 8,000 rubles, you can recoup your investment for:

  • 5-6 months when opening a stationary outlet;
  • 9-10 months when opening a coffee shop.

With proper business organization, the average profitability of takeaway coffee is 50-60%.

With an increase in sales, this figure can be increased to 80%.

Coffee to go is a promising small business that, if properly organized, can bring quite a lot of profit.

The main criteria for success are a favorable location, attractive design, high-quality and tasty coffee and excellent service.

Don’t be afraid to experiment, offer your customers something new and interesting, hold promotions, expand the range, and then people will want to buy coffee from your coffee shop on the way to work, school or a meeting.

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Coffee business from scratch: how to open a coffee shop, what income you can expect.

The coffee business is a very profitable business, judge for yourself, one espresso in a coffee shop costs on average $1, and the cost of preparing this coffee drink is about $0.20. The markup on one cup of coffee is 500%!


The coffee business is one of the top ten in terms of trade turnover in the world! More than 1 billion cups of coffee are consumed around the world every day, and this figure is growing steadily. Even a small coffee shop located in a walk-through location generates an average profit of $2,000 per month.

This article will talk about how to open a coffee shop with takeaway sales, that is, selling coffee in a small kiosk, where the client receives coffee in a disposable paper cup to take with him.

Why I want to focus on this particular format of a coffee shop, the answer is simple - a coffee kiosk has the lowest opening costs and quite high profitability and a quick return on investment, unlike café-type coffee shops, which require significant investments in the coffee business. Therefore, for a budding entrepreneur, the coffee kiosk format is the most suitable option to open your own small coffee business from scratch.

Until recently, takeaway coffee was not as popular here as in European countries; most of us prefer to drink coffee while sitting. But as the owners of cafe-type coffee shops with seating note, in recent years the average bill has decreased significantly. If previously, in addition to a cup of coffee, a visitor would also take cakes or pieces of cake, but now many limit themselves to only a cup of coffee. Coffee lovers would rather give up cakes than this drink.

In the coffee business, there is a trend and increasing demand for the purchase of takeaway coffee; according to experts, this is currently a promising direction in the catering industry.

Coffee business or how to open a coffee shop.

Opening a coffee shop begins with finding a place to place a sales kiosk; a good walk-through location is the key to a successful coffee business.

These are primarily places where people gather:

  • Terminus of intercity minibuses.
  • Public transport stops.
  • Business centers.
  • Near universities, college towns.
  • Near parks and recreation areas.
  • Underground passages.
  • At the entrances to supermarkets.
  • At entrances to markets, etc.

Of course, most of these hot spots have been occupied for a long time, and there is a serious struggle for them, and the rent is often harsh, but the game is worth the candle, if you manage to find such a hot spot, the profit will flow in the first days of sales.

The financial side of starting a coffee business.

The basis of the coffee business is high-quality equipment and raw materials; you cannot skimp on this. You can’t brew good coffee with cheap equipment, but lovers of this drink are very well versed in the subtleties of taste.

The main investment in the business will be the purchase of coffee equipment, in other words, a professional coffee machine (used cost from $1000) and the production of the kiosk itself, as an option, simply re-equipment and pasting with advertising.

Also purchase of raw materials and rental of space for the location of the point. But with successful placement, the business will pay off within six months. Of course, these are approximate calculations and in each case you need to develop your own business plan.

Coffee shop equipment.

The main equipment you will need is a professional coffee machine.

Coffee machines differ in the degree of automation into three types:

  • The car is automatic.
  • The machine is semi-automatic.
  • The car is super automatic.

For a small coffee shop, the best option would be to choose a semi-automatic coffee machine.

The coffee machine should be selected based on the required basic characteristics:

Productivity – number of groups, one group can prepare 2 cups of drink at the same time. The machine can have from 1 to 4 groups; for a small coffee shop, 1 to 2 groups are quite enough.

The volume of the water boiler is optimally 10 liters.

The presence of an additional boiler for steam, which allows you to reduce the time for frothing milk and ultimately prepare espresso and cappuccino at the same time.

Connection to the water supply system - if it is possible to connect to the water supply system and install a water filter, then it makes sense to choose a machine with this capability.

Cappuccino preparation system - the presence of a special nozzle or cappuccino maker (whipping milk into foam) will significantly speed up the preparation of this drink.

Cup warming platform - warming cups is a process that allows you to achieve the optimal temperature of coffee when served to the client.

The main characteristics of coffee machines are listed here, there are also additional characteristics, such as the presence of a display, etc., here everyone can choose a model based on their preferences.

If the coffee machine works with already ground coffee beans and does not have a built-in coffee grinder, then you will need to purchase one additionally.

Coffee shop business idea.

The coffee shop's opening hours should start at 7 am; not everyone has time to drink coffee at home, and they are all your clients.

The number of coffee drinks offered must be at least 10.

Sold in paper cups only, no plastic.

The salesperson's salary is usually the rate and + 5% of daily revenue.

During the day, the barista should check the taste of the drink at least 3 times.

With the high taste quality of the prepared drink, casual customers quickly become regulars.

Popular business ideas

Growing parsley all year round is a business idea.

In this material:

A relatively new but actively developing business, “coffee to go,” came to Russia quite recently. An example of such a project was set by Western countries, where the idea of ​​selling drinks and fast food to take away has long been implemented.

Street mobile coffee shop

If lemonade and juices are considered common “street” goods, since even in Soviet times it was possible to use soda fountains, then until recently it was customary to drink coffee and tea exclusively in special establishments, such as small cafes or pastry shops.

An example of the fact that hot drinks can be taken with you was first served to Russians by visitors to fast food restaurants. With their arrival in the country in the mid-90s, people began to look a little differently at how and where to eat.

In fast food chain establishments there are practically no empty seats during peak hours. Therefore, customers were given a choice: either wait their turn at a free table, or buy coffee and a sandwich and have a snack in the nearest park or at their workplace.

In conditions of constant lack of time, which most residents of megacities suffer from, the example of such a mini-lunch has become very relevant. Today, coffee to go is already a fashionable trend. This is a distinctive sign of a successful, busy modern young man who has good taste and lives in the fast rhythm of a big city.

The example of capital cities was quickly picked up in other regions. Although this niche in the hot drinks market has not yet been filled, competition in it is already quite high. Therefore, if an entrepreneur wants to start a similar activity, the business plan for the “coffee to go” project must be carefully worked out.

Options for outdoor coffee outlets

The aromatic drink has won the hearts of many people on the planet. Despite doctors' warnings against excessive consumption, every 3rd person in the country can call himself a real coffee lover. There are 3 ways to sell a drink on the street:

  1. Small coffee shops with open summer areas offer customers to pour the invigorating liquid into a plastic or paper glass and take it with them. This is convenient for those who dine at the establishment, but do not have enough time to fully finish their meal with a cup of aromatic coffee.
  2. A stationary point for selling hot drinks is set up on the street. This option is relevant during public events, especially in winter.
  3. A mobile coffee sales point, which is a car equipped with the necessary equipment.

A takeaway coffee business plan should be developed depending on what strategy the entrepreneur follows for developing his own business. Opening a coffee shop is expensive and impractical if the ultimate goal is to sell coffee to go.

In this case, it is better to consider the possibility of installing a small tent or purchasing a special car. Each option has certain nuances, but is quite suitable for starting a career as a private barista.

Selecting a location

Small mobile coffee shops should be located in crowded areas. This could be a square in front of a shopping center, a train station area, or a metro station. However, the choice of trading area must be chosen so that there are no competitors nearby. And this is already quite a difficult task.

It is more difficult to establish a stationary point of sale of coffee to go precisely for these reasons. A mobile coffee shop has a number of advantages. After all, she can move and be where it is most advantageous at any given moment. Often such mobile coffee stations can be found in parks and other city walking areas.

When developing a business plan, you need to take into account the cost of renting land in a certain area of ​​the city. To conduct business, you must obtain permission from the administration. To do this, you must draw up legal documents and obtain the status of an entrepreneur.

Registration of activities

Official registration of a business is one of the main conditions for its successful development. A novice coffee seller may limit himself to the status of an individual entrepreneur. The fee for registering an individual entrepreneur costs only 800 rubles. If the owner intends to perform the role of seller, driver, loader, accountant and barista himself, then annual contributions to various government funds may be minimal.

A limited liability company only makes sense when the business expands and a small mobile coffee shop turns into a popular chain. Many novice entrepreneurs prefer to buy a franchise from a well-known company. Today there are several major players in the “coffee business” in Russia.

On the one hand, starting your own business under a familiar and beloved brand is easier. The parent company supports the young enterprise with advertising and detailed instructions telling newcomers how to run the business.

On the other hand, the franchisee is deprived of freedom of action, since he is completely subordinate to the requirements of the company that provided its name. In addition to strict working conditions, in most cases a person must pay so-called “royalties” - compensation for using a well-known brand. Its size ranges from 3 to 10% of the revenue.

Selection of equipment and raw materials

The business plan must include the costs of setting up a point of sale and purchasing equipment. Particular attention should be paid to the choice of raw materials for preparing a delicious drink. Large expenses will be incurred for the purchase and installation of a permanent tent frame. If a business owner decides to open a mobile coffee shop, then it is necessary to buy and convert a small car.

To work you will need to have:

  • high-quality coffee machine;
  • filter for water purification;
  • blender;
  • refrigerated display case;
  • coffee grinder;
  • lighting;
  • pillar for advertising and menu placement.

Various types of coffee and other raw materials for preparing the finished product should be purchased only from trusted sellers. The success of the entire enterprise will directly depend on the quality of the drink, so you should not skimp on consumables. The assortment should be wide enough to satisfy the tastes of different categories of customers.

Advertising and business profitability

The main expenses should also include advertising costs. To accompany such activities, relatively inexpensive media are used:

  • a bright sign;
  • leaflets;
  • street signs;
  • banners;
  • promotion on social networks.

In general, opening a small outlet selling takeaway coffee costs approximately 600-900 thousand rubles, the profitability of the business is 50-60%, and its payback occurs within a year.

Coffee shop projects

Investments: Investments 700,000 - 1,000,000 ₽

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