Usergate is a static ip on the local network. Overview of the UserGate proxy server - a comprehensive solution for providing Internet access sharing. Installation and activation

Note: This article has been edited, supplemented with relevant data and additional links.

UserGate Proxy & Firewall is a UTM (Unified Threat Management) class Internet gateway that allows you to provide and control the general access of employees to Internet resources, filter malicious, dangerous and unwanted sites, protect the company network from external intrusions and attacks, create virtual networks and organize a secure VPN access to network resources from the outside, as well as manage bandwidth and Internet applications.

The product is an effective alternative to expensive software and hardware and is intended for use in small and medium-sized businesses, in public institutions, as well as large organizations with a branch structure.

All Additional information about the product you can find .

The program has additional paid modules:

  • kaspersky antivirus
  • panda antivirus
  • Avira Antivirus
  • Entensys URL Filtering

Each module is licensed for one calendar year. You can try out the operation of all modules in a trial key, which can be provided for a period of 1 to 3 months for an unlimited number of users.

You can read more about licensing rules.

For all questions related to the purchase of Entensys solutions, please contact: sal [email protected] or call the toll free line: 8-800-500-4032.

System requirements

To organize a gateway, you need a computer or server that must meet the following system requirements:

  • CPU frequency: from 1.2 GHz
  • RAM size: from 1024 Gb
  • HDD capacity: from 80 GB
  • Number of network adapters: 2 or more

The larger the number of users (relative to 75 users), the larger the server performance should be.

We recommend installing our product on a computer with a "clean" server operating system, the recommended operating system is Windows 2008/2012.
We do not guarantee correct operation of UserGate Proxy&Firewall and/or joint operation of third-party services and we do not recommend sharing it with services on the gateway, which performs the following roles:

  • Is domain controller
  • Is a virtual machine hypervisor
  • Is terminal server
  • Acts as a highly loaded DBMS/DNS/HTTP server, etc.
  • Acts as a SIP server
  • Performs business-critical services or services
  • All of the above

UserGate Proxy&Firewall may currently conflict with the following types of software:

  • All without exception third party Firewall/Firewall Solutions
  • Antivirus products from BitDefender
  • Anti-virus modules that perform the function of Firewall or "Anti-Hacker" of most anti-virus products. It is recommended to disable these modules
  • Anti-virus modules that check data transmitted via HTTP/SMTP/POP3 protocols, this may cause a delay when actively working through a proxy
  • third party software products, which are capable of intercepting data from network adapters - "speed meters", "shapers", etc.
  • Windows Server active role "Routing and Remote Access" in NAT/Internet Connection Sharing (ICS) mode

Attention! During installation, it is recommended to disable IPv6 protocol support on the gateway, provided that applications that use IPv6 are not used. The current implementation of UserGate Proxy&Firewall does not support the IPv6 protocol, and, accordingly, this protocol is not filtered. Thus, the host can be reached from the outside via the IPv6 protocol even if the firewall's deny rules are activated.

When properly configured, UserGate Proxy&Firewall is compatible with the following services:

Roles of Microsoft Windows Server:

  • DNS server
  • DHCP server
  • Print server
  • File(SMB) server
  • Applications server
  • WSUS server
  • WEB server
  • WINS server
  • VPN server

And with third party products:

  • FTP/SFTP servers
  • Messaging Servers - IRC/XMPP

When installing UserGate Proxy&Firewall, make sure that third-party software does not use the port or ports that UserGate Proxy&Firewall can use. By default, UserGate uses the following ports:

  • 25 - SMTP proxy
  • 80 - transparent HTTP proxy
  • 110 - POP3 proxy
  • 2345 - UserGate admin console
  • 5455 - UserGate VPN server
  • 5456 - UserGate authorization client
  • 5458 - DNS forwarding
  • 8080 - HTTP proxy
  • 8081 - UserGate web statistics

All ports can be changed using the UserGate admin console.

Installing the program and choosing a database for work

UserGate Proxy & Firewall Configuration Wizard

A more detailed description of setting up NAT rules is described in this article:

UserGate Agent

After installing UserGate Proxy&Firewall Necessarily reboot the gateway. After authorization in the system, in the Windows taskbar next to the clock, the UserGate agent icon should turn green. If the icon is gray, it means that an error occurred during the installation process and the UserGate Proxy&Firewall server service is not running, in this case, refer to the corresponding section of the Entensys knowledge base, or to technical support Entensys company.

The product is configured using the UserGate Proxy&Firewall administration console, which can be called either by double-clicking on the UserGate agent icon or by clicking on the shortcut from the Start menu.
When you start the administration console, the first step is to register the product.

General settings

In the General Settings section of the Administrator Console, set the password for the Administrator user. Important! Do not use Unicode special characters or the product PIN as a password to access the administration console.

The UserGate Proxy&Firewall product has attack protection mechanism, you can also activate it in the "General settings" menu. The attack protection mechanism is an active mechanism, a kind of "red button" that works on all interfaces. It is recommended to use this function in case of DDoS attacks or mass infection of computers with malware (viruses/worms/botnet applications) within the local network. The attack protection mechanism can block users using file-sharing clients - torrents, direct connect, some types of VoIP clients/servers that actively exchange traffic. To get ip addresses of blocked computers, open the file ProgramData\Entensys\Usergate6\logging\fw.log or Documents and Settings\All users\Application data\Entensys\Usergate6\logging\fw.log.

Attention! The parameters described below are recommended to be changed only if there are a large number of clients / high requirements for bandwidth gateway.

This section also contains the following settings: "Max connections" - the maximum number of all connections through NAT and through the UserGate Proxy&Firewall.

"Maximum number of NAT connections" - the maximum number of connections that UserGate Proxy&Firewall can pass through the NAT driver.

If the number of clients is not more than 200-300, then the "Maximum number of connections" and "Maximum number of NAT connections" settings should not be changed. Increasing these parameters can lead to a significant load on the gateway equipment and is recommended only if the settings are optimized for a large number of clients.


Attention! Before doing this, be sure to check the network adapter settings in Windows! The interface connected to the local area network (LAN) must not contain a gateway address! It is not necessary to specify DNS servers in the LAN adapter settings, the IP address must be assigned manually, we do not recommend obtaining it using DHCP.

The IP address of the LAN adapter must be a private IP address. it is acceptable to use an IP address from the following ranges: - (10/8 prefix) - (172.16/12 prefix) - (192.168/16 prefix)

The allocation of private network addresses is described in RFC 1918 .

Using other ranges as addresses for the local network will lead to errors in the operation of UserGate Proxy&Firewall.

An interface connected to the Internet (WAN) must contain an IP address, net mask, gateway address, and DNS server addresses.
It is not recommended to use more than three DNS servers in the WAN adapter settings, this can lead to network errors. First check the health of each DNS server using the nslookup command in the cmd.exe console, example:


where is the address of the DNS server. The response should contain the IP address of the requested server. If there is no response, then the DNS server is not valid, or DNS traffic is blocked.

You need to define the type of interfaces. The interface with an IP address that is connected to the internal network must be of type LAN; interface that is connected to the Internet - WAN.

If there are several WAN interfaces, then you need to select the main WAN interface through which all traffic will go by right-clicking on it and selecting "Set as the main connection". If you plan to use another WAN interface as a backup channel, we recommend using the "Setup Wizard".

Attention! When configuring a backup connection, it is recommended to specify not a DNS host name, but an IP address so that UserGate Proxy&Firewall periodically polls it using icmp(ping) requests and switches on the backup connection if there is no response. Make sure the DNS servers in the Network Backup Adapter settings in Windows are healthy.

Users and groups

In order for the client computer to be authorized on the gateway and access the UserGate Proxy&Firewall and NAT services, you need to add users. To simplify this procedure, use the scan function - "Scan local network". UserGate Proxy&Firewall will automatically scan the local network and provide a list of hosts that can be added to the list of users. Next, you can create groups and include users in them.

If you have a domain controller deployed, then you can set up synchronization of groups with groups in Active Directory, or import users from Active Directory, without constant synchronization with Active Directory.

We create a group that will be synchronized with a group or groups from AD, enter the necessary data in the "Synchronize with AD" menu, and restart the UserGate service using the UserGate agent. After 300 sec. users are automatically imported into the group. These users will have their authorization method set to AD.


For correct and safe work gateway needed Necessarily configure the firewall.

The following firewall operation algorithm is recommended: deny all traffic, and then add allowing rules in the necessary directions. To do this, the #NONUSER# rule must be set to the "Deny" mode (this will prohibit all local traffic on the gateway). Carefully! If you configure UserGate Proxy&Firewall remotely, disconnection from the server will follow. Then you need to create allow rules.

We allow all local traffic, on all ports from the gateway to the local network and from the local network to the gateway, by creating rules with the following parameters:

Source - "LAN", destination - "Any", services - ANY:FULL, action - "Allow"
Source - "Any", destination - "LAN", services - ANY:FULL, action - "Allow"

Then we create a rule that will open Internet access for the gateway:

Source - "WAN"; destination - "Any"; services - ANY:FULL; action - "Allow"

If you need to allow access of incoming connections on all ports to the gateway, then the rule will look like this:

Source - "Any"; destination - "WAN"; services - ANY:FULL; action - "Allow"

And if you need the gateway to accept incoming connections, for example, only via RDP (TCP:3389), and it can be pinged from outside, then you need to create the following rule:

Source - "Any"; destination - "WAN"; services - Any ICMP, RDP; action - "Allow"

In all other cases, for security reasons, you do not need to create a rule for incoming connections.

To allow client computers to access the Internet, you must create a network address translation (NAT) rule.

Source - "LAN"; destination - "WAN"; services - ANY:FULL; action - "Allow"; Select the users or groups you want to grant access to.

It is possible to configure firewall rules - to allow what is explicitly prohibited and vice versa, to prohibit what is explicitly allowed, depending on how you configure the #NON_USER# rule and what policy you have in the company. All rules have a priority - the rules work in order from top to bottom.

Options for various settings and examples of firewall rules can be viewed.

Other settings

Further, in the services - proxy section, you can enable the necessary proxy servers - HTTP, FTP, SMTP, POP3, SOCKS. Select the desired interfaces, enabling the "listen on all interfaces" option will be insecure, because the proxy in this case will be available both on LAN interfaces and on external interfaces. The "transparent" proxy mode routes all traffic on the selected port to the proxy port, in which case it is not necessary to specify a proxy on client computers. The proxy also remains available on the port specified in the settings of the proxy server itself.

If the transparent proxy mode is enabled on the server (Services - Proxy settings), then it is enough to specify the UserGate server as the main gateway in the network settings on the client machine. You can also specify the UserGate server as a DNS server, in this case it must be enabled.

If transparent mode is disabled on the server, then you need to specify the UserGate server address and the corresponding proxy port specified in Services - Proxy settings in the browser connection settings. You can see an example of setting up the UserGate server for such a case.

If your network has a configured DNS server, you can specify it in the UserGate DNS forwarding settings and the UserGate WAN adapter settings. In this case, both in NAT mode and in proxy mode, all DNS queries will be directed to this server.

Sharing Internet access among local network users is one of the most common tasks that system administrators have to face. Nevertheless, it still raises many difficulties and questions. For example - how to ensure maximum security and full manageability?


Today we will take a closer look at how to organize Internet sharing for employees of a hypothetical company. Let's assume that their number will be in the range of 50-100 people, and all the usual services for such information systems are deployed in the local network: Windows domain, own mail server, FTP server.

To provide sharing, we will use a solution called UserGate Proxy & Firewall. It has several features. Firstly, this is a purely Russian development, unlike many localized products. Secondly, it has more than ten years of history. But the most important thing is the constant development of the product.

The first versions of this solution were relatively simple proxy servers that could only share a single Internet connection and keep statistics on its use. The most widespread among them was build 2.8, which can still be found in small offices. The developers themselves no longer call the latest, sixth version, a proxy server. According to them, this is a full-fledged UTM solution that covers a whole range of tasks related to security and control of user actions. Let's see if that's the case.

Deploying UserGate Proxy & Firewall

During the installation, two stages are of interest (the remaining steps are standard for installing any software). The first one is the choice of components. In addition to the basic files, we are invited to install four more server components - a VPN, two antiviruses (Panda and Kaspersky Anti-Virus), and a cache browser.

The VPN server module is installed as needed, that is, when the company plans to use remote access for employees or to combine several remote networks. It makes sense to install antiviruses only if the appropriate licenses have been purchased from the company. Their presence will allow scanning Internet traffic, localizing and blocking malware directly on the gateway. Cache Browser will allow you to view web pages cached by the proxy server.

Additional functions

Ban on unwanted sites

The solution supports Entensys URL Filtering technology. In fact, it is a cloud-based database containing more than 500 million sites in different languages, divided into more than 70 categories. Its main difference is constant monitoring, during which web projects are constantly monitored and, when content changes, they are transferred to another category. This allows you to ban all unwanted sites with a high degree of accuracy, simply by selecting certain categories.

The use of Entensys URL Filtering increases the security of working on the Internet, and also improves the efficiency of employees (due to the prohibition social networks, entertainment sites, etc.). However, its use requires a paid subscription, which must be renewed every year.

In addition, the distribution includes two more components. The first one is "Admin Console". This is a separate application designed, as the name implies, to manage the UserGate Proxy & Firewall server. Its main feature is the ability to connect remotely. Thus, administrators or persons responsible for using the Internet do not need direct access to the Internet gateway.

The second additional component is web statistics. In essence, it is a web server that allows you to display detailed usage statistics global network company employees. On the one hand, it is, without a doubt, a useful and convenient component. After all, it allows you to receive data without installing additional software, including via the Internet. But on the other hand, it takes up extra system resources of the Internet gateway. Therefore, it is better to install it only when it is really needed.

The second step that you should pay attention to during the installation of UserGate Proxy & Firewall is the selection of a database. In previous versions, UGPF could only function with MDB files, which affected the performance of the system as a whole. Now there is a choice between two DBMS - Firebird and MySQL. Moreover, the first one is included in the distribution kit, so when choosing it, no additional manipulations are necessary. If you wish to use MySQL, then you must first install and configure it. After the installation of the server components is completed, it is necessary to prepare the workplaces of administrators and other responsible employees who can manage user access. It is very easy to do this. It is enough to install the administration console on their working computers from the same distribution kit.

Additional functions

Built-in VPN server

Version 6.0 introduced the VPN server component. With its help, you can organize secure remote access of company employees to the local network or combine remote networks of individual branches of the organization into a single information space. This VPN server has all the necessary functionality to create server-to-server and client-to-server tunnels and to route between subnets.

Basic setup

All configuration of UserGate Proxy & Firewall is carried out using the management console. By default, after installation, it already has a connection to the local server. However, if you are using it remotely, you will have to create the connection manually by specifying the Internet gateway IP address or hostname, network port (2345 by default) and authorization parameters.

After connecting to the server, the first thing to do is configure the network interfaces. You can do this on the "Interfaces" tab of the "UserGate Server" section. For the network card that "looks" into the local network, we set the type to LAN, and to all other connections - WAN. "Temporary" connections, such as PPPoE, VPN, are automatically assigned the PPP type.

If a company has two or more WAN connections, one of which is primary and the others are redundant, then you can set up automatic redundancy. To do this is quite simple. It is enough to add the necessary interfaces to the list of reserve ones, specify one or more control resources and the time of their check. The principle of operation of this system is as follows. UserGate automatically checks the availability of control sites at the specified interval. As soon as they stop responding, the product automatically, without administrator intervention, switches to the backup channel. At the same time, checking the availability of control resources on the main interface continues. And as soon as it is successful, the switch back is automatically performed. The only thing you need to pay attention to when setting up is the choice of control resources. It is better to take several large sites, the stable operation of which is almost guaranteed.

Additional functions

Network application control

UserGate Proxy & Firewall implements such an interesting feature as control of network applications. Its purpose is to prevent any unauthorized software from accessing the Internet. As part of the control settings, rules are created that allow or block the network operation of various programs (with or without version). They can specify specific destination IP addresses and ports, which allows you to flexibly configure software access, allowing it to perform only certain actions on the Internet.

Application control allows you to develop a clear corporate policy on the use of programs, and partially prevent the spread of malware.

After that, you can proceed directly to setting up proxy servers. In total, seven of them are implemented in the solution under consideration: for the HTTP protocols (including HTTPs), FTP, SOCKS, POP3, SMTP, SIP and H323. This is almost everything that may be needed for the work of company employees on the Internet. By default, only the HTTP proxy is enabled, all others can be activated if necessary.

Proxy servers in UserGate Proxy & Firewall can operate in two modes - normal and transparent. In the first case, we are talking about a traditional proxy. The server receives requests from users and forwards them to external servers, and passes the received responses to clients. This is a traditional solution, but it has its drawbacks. In particular, it is necessary to configure each program that is used to work on the Internet (Internet browser, mail client, ICQ, etc.) on each computer in the local network. This, of course, is a big job. Moreover, periodically, as new software is installed, it will be repeated.

When choosing a transparent mode, a special NAT driver is used, which is included in the delivery package of the solution in question. It listens on the appropriate ports (80th for HTTP, 21st for FTP, and so on), detects incoming requests on them and passes them to the proxy server, from where they are sent further. This solution is more successful in the sense that software configuration on client machines is no longer needed. The only thing that is required is to specify the IP address of the Internet gateway as the main gateway in the network connection of all workstations.

The next step is to set up DNS query forwarding. This can be done in two ways. The simplest of them is to enable the so-called DNS forwarding. When using it, DNS requests coming to the Internet gateway from clients are redirected to the specified servers (can be used as a DNS server from the settings network connection, or any arbitrary DNS servers).

The second option is to create a NAT rule that will receive requests on the 53rd (standard for DNS) port and forward them to the external network. However, in this case, you will either have to manually register DNS servers on all computers in the network connection settings, or configure sending DNS queries through the Internet gateway from the domain controller server.

user management

After completing the basic setup, you can proceed to work with users. You need to start by creating groups into which accounts will subsequently be combined. What is it for? First, for subsequent integration with Active Directory. And secondly, you can assign rules to groups (we'll talk about them later), thus controlling access for a large number of users at once.

The next step is to add users to the system. This can be done in three different ways. The first of them, the manual creation of each account, we do not even consider for obvious reasons. This option is only suitable for small networks with a small number of users. The second way is scanning corporate network ARP requests, during which the system itself determines the list of possible accounts. However, we choose the third option, which is the most optimal in terms of simplicity and ease of administration - integration with Active Directory. It is performed on the basis of previously created groups. First you need to fill in the general integration settings: specify the domain, the address of its controller, the username and password of the user with the necessary access rights to it, as well as the synchronization interval. After that, each group created in UserGate must be assigned one or more groups from Active Directory. In fact, the setup ends here. After saving all the parameters, synchronization will be performed automatically.

Users created during authorization will by default use NTLM authorization, that is, authorization by domain login. This is a very convenient option, since the rules and the traffic accounting system will work regardless of which computer the user is currently sitting on.

True, to use this authorization method, an additional software- special client. This program works at the Winsock level and passes user authorization parameters to the Internet gateway. Its distribution kit is included in the UserGate Proxy & Firewall distribution package. You can quickly install the client on all workstations using Windows group policies.

By the way, NTLM authorization is far from the only method of authorizing company employees to work on the Internet. For example, if an organization practices a hard binding of workers to workstations, then you can use an IP address, a MAC address, or a combination of both to identify users. Using the same methods, you can organize access to the global network of various servers.

User control

One of the significant advantages of UGPF is the wide scope for user control. They are implemented using a system of traffic control rules. The principle of its work is very simple. The administrator (or other responsible person) creates a set of rules, each of which represents one or more trigger conditions and the action to be taken. These rules are assigned to individual users or their entire groups and allow you to automatically control their work on the Internet. There are four possible actions in total. The first one is to close the connection. It allows, for example, to prohibit the download of certain files, prevent visiting unwanted sites, and so on. The second step is to change the tariff. It is used in the billing system, which is integrated into the product under consideration (we do not consider it, since it is not particularly relevant for corporate networks). The next action allows you to disable the count of traffic received within this connection. In this case, the transmitted information is not taken into account when summing up the daily, weekly and monthly consumption. And finally, the last action is to limit the speed to the specified value. It is very convenient to use it to prevent the "clogging" of the channel when downloading large files and solving other similar problems.

There are much more conditions in traffic control rules - about ten. Some of these are relatively simple, such as the maximum file size. This rule will be triggered when users try to upload a file larger than the specified size. Other conditions are tied to time. In particular, among them one can note the schedule (triggering by time and days of the week) and holidays (triggered on specified days).

However, the most interesting are the conditions associated with sites and content. In particular, they can be used to block or set other actions on certain types of content (for example, video, audio, executable files, text, pictures, etc.), specific web projects or their entire categories (for this, Entensys URL Filtering technology is used, see sidebar).

It is noteworthy that one rule can contain several conditions at once. At the same time, the administrator can specify in which case it will be executed - if all conditions or any one of them are met. This allows you to create a very flexible policy for the use of the Internet by employees of the company, taking into account a large number of all sorts of nuances.

Firewall Configuration

An integral part of the NAT UserGate driver is a firewall, with its help various tasks related to the processing of network traffic are solved. For configuration, special rules are used, which can be one of three types: network address translation, routing, and firewall. There can be any number of rules in the system. They are applied in the order in which they are listed in general list. Therefore, if incoming traffic matches several rules, it will be processed by the one that is located above the others.

Each rule is characterized by three main parameters. The first is the traffic source. This can be one or more specific hosts, the WAN or LAN interface of the Internet Gateway. The second parameter is the purpose of the information. The LAN or WAN interface or dial-up connection can be specified here. The last main characteristic of a rule is one or more services to which it applies. A service in UserGate Proxy & Firewall is a pair from a family of protocols (TCP, UDP, ICMP, arbitrary protocol) and a network port (or a range of network ports). By default, the system already has an impressive set of pre-installed services, ranging from common ones (HTTP, HTTPs, DNS, ICQ) to specific ones (WebMoney, RAdmin, various online games, and so on). However, if necessary, the administrator can also create his own services, for example, describing work with an online bank.

Also, each rule has an action that it performs with the traffic that matches the conditions. There are only two of them: allow or prohibit. In the first case, the traffic passes freely along the specified route, and in the second case, it is blocked.

Network address translation rules use NAT technology. With their help, you can configure Internet access for workstations with local addresses. To do this, you need to create a rule specifying the LAN interface as the source and the WAN interface as the destination. Routing rules are applied if the solution in question will be used as a router between two local networks (it implements such a possibility). In this case, routing can be configured for bidirectional transparent traffic.

Firewall rules are used to process traffic that does not go to the proxy server, but directly to the Internet gateway. Immediately after installation, the system has one such rule that allows all network packets. In principle, if the created Internet gateway will not be used as a workstation, then the action of the rule can be changed from "Allow" to "Deny". In this case, any network activity will be blocked on the computer, except for transit NAT packets transmitted from the local network to the Internet and vice versa.

Firewall rules allow you to publish any local services on the global network: web servers, FTP servers, mail servers, and so on. At the same time, remote users have the opportunity to connect to them via the Internet. As an example, consider publishing a corporate FTP server. To do this, the administrator must create a rule in which select "Any" as the source, specify the desired WAN interface as the destination, and FTP as the service. After that, select the "Allow" action, enable traffic translation, and in the "Destination Address" field, specify the IP address of the local FTP server and its network port.

After this configuration, all incoming connections to the network cards of the Internet gateway on port 21 will be automatically redirected to the FTP server. By the way, during the setup process, you can choose not only the “native”, but also any other service (or create your own). In this case, external users will have to contact not on the 21st, but on a different port. This approach is very useful in cases where information system there are two or more services of the same type. For example, you can organize external access to the corporate portal on the standard HTTP port 80, and access to UserGate web statistics on port 81.

External access to the internal mail server is configured in the same way.

An important distinguishing feature of the implemented firewall is an intrusion prevention system. It works fully automatically, detecting unauthorized attempts based on signatures and heuristic methods and leveling them by blocking unwanted traffic flows or dropping dangerous connections.

Summing up

In this review, we examined in sufficient detail the organization of joint access of company employees to the Internet. IN modern conditions this is not the easiest process, because you need to take into account a large number of different nuances. Moreover, both technical and organizational aspects are important, especially the control of user actions.

"UserGate Proxy & Firewall v.6 Administrator's Guide Contents Introduction About the program System requirements Installing UserGate Proxy & Firewall Registration Updating..."

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UserGate Proxy & Firewall v.6

Admin Guide


About the program

System requirements

Installing UserGate Proxy & Firewall


Update and removal

UserGate Proxy & Firewall Licensing Policy

Administration Console

Connection setup

Setting a connection password

UserGate Administrator Authentication

Setting a password for access to the UserGate statistics database

General NAT (Network Address Translation) settings

General settings

Interface setup

Traffic counting in UserGate

Backup channel support

Users and groups

Synchronization with Active Directory

Personal user statistics page

Terminal user support

Setting up services in UserGate

Configuring DHCP

Setting up proxy services in UserGate

Support for IP telephony protocols (SIP, H323)

SIP Registrar mode support

H323 protocol support

Mail proxies in UserGate

Using transparent mode

Cascading proxies

Port Assignment

Cache settings

Antivirus check

Scheduler in UserGate

DNS setting

Setting up a VPN server

Setting up an intrusion detection system (IDS)

Setting alerts

Firewall in UserGate

How a firewall works

ME event registration

Network Address Translation (NAT) Rules

Working with multiple providers

Automatic outgoing interface selection

Publishing network resources

Setting up filtering rules

Routing support

Speed ​​limit in UserGate

Application control

Cache Explorer in UserGate

Traffic management in UserGate

Traffic rules system

Restricting access to Internet resources

Entensys URL Filtering

Setting a traffic consumption limit

File size limit

Filtering by Content-type

Billing system

Internet access billing

Periodic events

Dynamic tariff switching

Remote administration UserGate

Setting up a remote connection

Remote restart of the UserGate server

Checking the availability of a new version

UserGate web statistics

Evaluating the effectiveness of traffic control rules

Evaluation of the effectiveness of the antivirus

SIP usage statistics


UserGate Integrity Control

Startup check

Debug information output

Getting technical support

Introduction A proxy server is a set of programs that acts as an intermediary (from the English "proxy" - "intermediary") between user workstations and other network services.

The solution transmits all user requests to the Internet and, having received a response, sends it back. If the caching function is available, the proxy server remembers workstations accessing external resources, and in case of a repeated request, returns the resource from its own memory, which significantly reduces the request time.

In some cases, a client request or server response may be modified or blocked by a proxy server to perform certain tasks, such as preventing viruses from infecting workstations.

About UserGate Proxy & Firewall is a comprehensive solution for connecting users to the Internet, providing full traffic accounting, access control and built-in network protection.

UserGate allows you to charge users' access to the Internet, both by traffic and by network time. The administrator can add various tariff plans, dynamically switch tariffs, automate the withdrawal / accrual of funds and regulate access to Internet resources. The built-in firewall and anti-virus module allow you to protect the UserGate server and check the traffic passing through it for malicious code. You can use the built-in VPN server and client to securely connect to your organization's network.

UserGate consists of several parts: server, administration console (UserGateAdministrator) and several additional modules. The UserGate server (usergate.exe process) is the main part of the proxy server, which implements all of its functionality.

The UserGate server provides access to the Internet, performs traffic counting, maintains statistics on user activity on the network, and performs many other tasks.

The UserGate Administration Console is a program designed to manage the UserGate server. The UserGate administration console communicates with the server part via a special secure protocol over TCP/IP, which allows remote server administration.

UserGate includes three additional modules: "Web Statistics", "Authorization Client" and "Application Control" module.

System Requirements UserGate Server is recommended to be installed on a computer with Windows XP/2003/7/8/2008/2008R2/2012 operating system connected to the Internet via modem or any other connection. Server hardware requirements:

–  –  –

Installing UserGate Proxy & Firewall The UserGate installation procedure comes down to launching the installation file and selecting the options of the installation wizard. When installing the solution for the first time, it is enough to leave the default options. After installation is complete, you will need to restart your computer.

Registration To register the program, start the UserGate server, connect the administration console to the server, and select the menu item "Help" - "Register product". When you connect the administration console for the first time, a registration dialog will appear with two available options: a request for a demo key and a request for a full-featured key. The key request is performed online (HTTPS protocol), by accessing the website.

When requesting a full-featured key, you need to enter a special PIN code, which is issued upon purchase by UserGate Proxy & Firewall or by the support service for testing. In addition, when registering, you will need to enter an additional personal information(username, address Email, country, region). Personal data is used solely to bind the license to the user and is not distributed in any way. After receiving the full or demo key, the UserGate server will be automatically restarted.

Important! In demo mode, the UserGate Proxy & Firewall server will work for 30 days. When contacting Entensys, you can request a special PIN code for advanced testing. For example, you can request a demo key for three months. It is not possible to re-obtain a trial license without entering a special extended PIN code.

Important! When UserGate Proxy & Firewall is running, the status of the registration key is periodically checked. For correct operation of UserGate, it is necessary to allow access to the Internet via the HTTPS protocol. This is required to check the status of the key online. If the key verification fails three times, the license for the proxy server will be reset and the program registration dialog will appear. The program implements a counter for the maximum number of activations, which is 10 times. After exceeding this limit, you will be able to activate the product with your key only after contacting the support service at:

Upgrading and Uninstalling The new version of UserGate Proxy & Firewall v.6 can be installed over previous versions of the fifth family. In this case, the installation wizard will offer to save or overwrite the config.cfg server settings file and the log.mdb statistics file. Both files are located in the directory where UserGate is installed (hereinafter referred to as “%UserGate%”). The UserGate v.6 server supports the UserGate v.4,5 settings format, so when the server is first started, the settings will be transferred to new format automatically.

Backwards compatibility of settings is not supported.

Attention! For the statistics file, only the transfer of current user balances is supported, traffic statistics itself will not be transferred.

The database changes were caused by performance issues with the old one and limits on its size. The new Firebird database does not have these drawbacks.

Uninstalling the UserGate server is done through the corresponding Start menu item Programs or through the Add/Remove Programs (Programs and Features in Windows 7/2008/2012) item in the Windows Control Panel. After uninstalling UserGate, some files will remain in the installation directory of the program, unless the delete all option has been set.

UserGate Proxy & Firewall Licensing Policy The UserGate server is designed to provide Internet access to LAN users. The maximum number of users who can simultaneously work on the Internet through UserGate is indicated by the number of "sessions" and is determined by the registration key.

The UserGate v.6 registration key is unique and does not match previous versions of UserGate. In the demo period, the solution works for 30 days with a limit of five sessions. The concept of "session" should not be confused with the number of Internet applications or connections that a user launches. The number of connections from one user can be anything, unless it is specifically limited.

The anti-virus modules built into UserGate (from Kaspersky Lab, Panda Security and Avira), as well as the Entensys URL Filtering module, are licensed separately. In the demo version of UserGate, built-in modules can work for 30 days.

The Entensys URL Filtering module, designed to work with categories of sites, provides the ability to work in demo mode for a period of 30 days. When purchasing UserGate Proxy & Firewall with a filtering module, the Entensys URL Filtering license is valid for one year. When the subscription expires, resource filtering through the module will stop.

Administration Console The Administration Console is an application designed to manage a local or remote UserGate server. To use the administration console, you must start the UserGate server by selecting the Start UserGate server item in the context menu of the UserGate agent (the icon in the system tray, hereinafter

- "agent"). You can start the administration console through the agent's context menu or through the Start Programs menu item if the administration console is installed on another computer. To work with settings, you need to connect the administration console to the server.

Data exchange between the administration console and the UserGate server is performed using the SSL protocol. When the connection is initialized (SSLHandshake), one-way authentication is performed, during which the UserGate server sends its certificate to the administration console, located in the %UserGate%\ssl directory. A certificate or password from the side of the administration console is not required for connection.

Configuring Connections On first launch, the administration console opens to the Connections page, which has a single connection to the localhost server for the Administrator user. The connection password has not been set. You can connect the administration console to the server by double-clicking on the localhost-administrator line or by clicking the Connect button on the control panel. You can create multiple connections in the UserGate administration console. Connection settings include the following options:

The server name is the name of the connection;

Username - login to connect to the server;

Server address – domain name or IP address of the UserGate server;

Port – TCP port used to connect to the server (port 2345 is used by default);

Password – password for connection;

Ask for password when connecting – this option allows you to display a dialog for entering a username and password when connecting to the server;

Automatically connect to this server – the administration console will automatically connect to this server at startup.

Administration console settings are stored in the console.xml file located in the %UserGate%\Administrator\ directory. On the UserGate server side, the username and md5 hash of the password for connection are stored in the config.cfg file located in the %UserGate_data directory, where %UserGate_data% is the folder for Windows XP - (C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\Entensys\UserGate6), for Windows 7/2008 folder – (C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Entensys\UserGate6) Setting a connection password You can create a login and password to connect to the UserGate server on the General Settings page in the Admin Settings section. In the same section, you can specify the TCP port for connecting to the server. For the new settings to take effect, you must restart the UserGate server (the Restart UserGate server item in the agent menu). After restarting the server, the new settings must also be specified in the connection settings in the administration console. Otherwise, the administrator will not be able to connect to the server.

Attention! In order to avoid problems with the functionality of the UserGate administration console, it is not recommended to change these settings!

Authentication of the UserGate administrator To successfully connect the administration console to the UserGate server, the administrator must pass the authentication procedure on the server side.

Administrator authentication is performed after an SSL connection of the administration console to the UserGate server is established. The console sends the login and md5 hash of the administrator password to the server. The UserGate server compares the received data with what is specified in the config.cfg settings file.

Authentication is considered successful if the data received from the administration console matches what is specified in the server settings. If authentication fails, the UserGate server terminates the SSL connection with the administration console. The result of the authentication procedure is logged in the usergate.log file located in the %UserGate_data%\logging\ directory.

Setting a password for access to the UserGate statistics database User statistics - traffic, visited resources, etc.

are recorded by the UserGate server in a special database. Access to the database is carried out directly (for the built-in Firebird database) or through the ODBC driver, which allows the UserGate server to work with databases of almost any format (MSAccess, MSSQL, MySQL). By default, the Firebird database is used - %UserGate_data%\usergate.fdb. Login and password to access the database - SYSDBA\masterkey. You can set a different password through the General settings Database settings item of the administration console.

NAT (Network Address Translation) General Settings The NAT General Settings item allows you to set the timeout value for NAT connections via TCP, UDP or ICMP protocols. The timeout value determines the lifetime of a user connection through NAT when data transfer over the connection is completed. The Output debug logs option is intended for debugging and allows, if necessary, to enable the mode of advanced logging of messages in the NAT UserGate driver.

The attack detector is a special option that allows you to use the internal mechanism to monitor and block the port scanner or attempts to seize all ports of the server. This module works in automatic mode, events will be written to the %UserGate_data%\logging\fw.log file.

Attention! The settings of this module can be changed through the configuration file config.cfg, section options.

General settings Block by browser string - a list of User-Agent's browsers that can be blocked by the proxy server. Those. you can, for example, prevent old browsers such as IE 6.0 or Firefox 3.x from accessing the Internet. Configuring interfaces The Interfaces section (Fig. 1) is the main one in the UserGate server settings, since it determines such things as the correctness of traffic counting, the ability to create rules for a firewall, limiting the width of the Internet channel for a certain type of traffic, establishing relationships between networks and the order in which packets are processed by the NAT (Network Address Translation) driver.

Figure 1. Configuring server interfaces The Interfaces section lists all available network interfaces of the server on which UserGate is installed, including Dial-Up (VPN, PPPoE) connections.

For each network adapter, the UserGate administrator must specify its type. So, for an adapter connected to the Internet, you should select the WAN type, for an adapter connected to a local network, select the LAN type.

You cannot change the type of Dial-Up (VPN, PPPoE) connection. For such connections, the UserGate server will automatically set the PPP interface type.

You can specify the username and password for the Dial-Up (VPN) connection by double-clicking on the corresponding interface. The interface at the top of the list is the main Internet connection.

Traffic counting in UserGate Traffic passing through the UserGate server is recorded on the local network user who is the initiator of the connection, or on the UserGate server if the server is the connection initiator. A special user is provided for server traffic in UserGate statistics - UserGate Server. The UserGate Server user's account is credited with the traffic for updating anti-virus databases for the built-in modules of Kaspersky Lab, Panda Security, Avira, as well as name resolution traffic via DNS forwarding.

Traffic is taken into account in full, together with service headers.

Additionally, the ability to take into account Ethernet headers has been added.

If the types of server network adapters (LAN or WAN) are correctly specified, traffic in the direction "local network - UserGate server" (for example, access to shared network resources on the server) is not taken into account.

Important! The presence of third-party programs - firewalls or antiviruses (with the function of checking traffic) - can significantly affect the correct calculation of traffic in UserGate. It is not recommended to install third-party network programs on a computer with UserGate!

Backup channel support The interfaces page contains the backup channel setting. By clicking on the Setup Wizard button, you can select the interface that will be used as a backup channel. The second page implements a selection of hosts that will be checked by a proxy server for Internet connectivity. At the specified interval, the solution will check the availability of these hosts with an ICMP Echo-request. If a response from at least one given host returns, the connection is considered active. If no response is received from any host, then the connection will be considered inactive, and the main gateway in the system will change to the gateway of the backup channel. If at the same time NAT rules were created with a special Masquerade interface specified as an external interface, then such rules will be recreated in accordance with the current routing table. The created NAT rules will start working through the backup channel.

Figure 2. Backup channel configuration wizard www. As a backup connection, the UserGate server can use both an Ethernet connection (dedicated channel, WAN interface) and a Dial-Up (VPN, PPPoE) connection (PPP interface). After switching to the backup Internet connection, the UserGate server will periodically check the availability of the main channel. If its performance is restored, the program will switch users to the main Internet connection.

Users and groups To provide access to the Internet, you need to create users in UserGate. For convenience of administration, users can be combined into groups by territory or by access level. Logically, it is most correct to combine users into groups according to access levels, since in this case it is much easier to work with traffic control rules. By default, UserGate has only one group - default.

You can create a new user through the Add new user item or by clicking the Add button in the control panel on the Users and groups page. There is another way to add users - scanning the network with ARP requests. You need to click on an empty space in the admin console on the users page and select Scan the local network. Next, set the parameters of the local network and wait for the scan results. As a result, you will see a list of users that can be added to UserGate. Mandatory user parameters (Fig. 3) are name, authorization type, authorization parameter (IP address, login and password, etc.), group and tariff. By default, all users belong to the default group. The username in UserGate must be unique. Additionally, in the user properties, you can define the level of user access to web statistics, set the internal phone number for H323, limit the number of connections for the user, enable NAT rules, traffic control rules, or rules for the Application Control module.

Figure 3. User profile in UserGate A user in UserGate inherits all the properties of the group to which he belongs, except for the tariff, which can be overridden.

The tariff specified in the user's properties will apply to the tariffication of all user connections. If Internet access is not charged, you can use an empty tariff called “default”.

Synchronization with Active Directory User groups in UserGate can be synchronized with Active Directory groups. To use synchronization with Active Directory, a machine with UserGate Proxy & Firewall does not have to be a member of a domain.

Synchronization is set up in two steps. At the first stage, on the "Groups" page of the UserGate administrator console (Fig. 4), enable the Synchronization with AD option and specify the following parameters:

domain name IP address of the domain controller login and password for accessing Active Directory (username in the UPN – User Principal Name format is allowed) synchronization period (in seconds) option "sync groups with AD" and select one or more groups from Active Directory.

During synchronization, users from Active Directory belonging to the selected Active Directory groups will fit into UserGate groups. The type of authorization for imported users will be “HTTP Imported User State (NTLM)”.

(enabled/disabled) is controlled by the state of the corresponding account in the Active Directory domain. Figure 4. Setting up synchronization with Active Directory Important! For synchronization, you need to ensure the passage of the LDAP protocol between the UserGate server and the domain controller. User's personal statistics page Each user in UserGate has the opportunity to view the statistics page. The personal statistics page can be accessed at, where for example is the local address of the UserGate machine and 8080 is the port on which the HTTP proxy server is running usergate. The user can view his personal extended statistics by logging in at -

Attention! In version 6.x, the listening interface was added, which is needed for web statistics to work when the UserGate HTTP proxy server is disabled. In this regard, port 8080 on interface will always be occupied by UserGate Proxy & Firewall while the usergate.exe process is running

By IP address By IP address range By IP+MAC address By MAC address Authorization via HTTP (HTTP-basic, NTLM) Authorization via login and password (Authorization Client) Simplified version of authorization via Active Directory To use the last three methods of authorization a special application must be installed on the user's workstation - the UserGate authorization client. The corresponding MSI package (AuthClientInstall.msi) is located in the %UserGate%\tools directory and can be used for automatic group policy installation in Active Directory.

The administrative template for installing the authorization client using Active Directory Group Policy is also located in the %UserGate%\tools directory. On the site there is a video instruction for deploying the authorization client through group policy.

If the UserGate server is installed on a computer that is not included in the Active Directory domain, it is recommended to use a simplified authorization option through Active Directory. In this case, the UserGate server will compare the login and domain name received from the authorization client with the corresponding fields specified in the user profile without contacting the domain controller.

Support for terminal users To authorize terminal users in the UserGate proxy server, starting from version 6.5, a special software module called "Terminal Authorization Agent" was added. The distribution kit of the Terminal Agent program is located in the %UserGate%\tools folder and is called TerminalServerAgent*.msi. For 32-bit systems, you need to take the version “TerminalServerAgent32.msi”, and for 64-bit systems, TerminalServerAgent64.msi”. The program is an agent that periodically, once every 90 seconds, sends authorization information about all clients of the terminal server to the proxy server, and a driver that provides port spoofing for each terminal client. The combination of the user information and the ports associated with the user allows the proxy server to accurately identify terminal server users and apply various traffic control policies to them.

When installing a terminal agent, you will be asked to specify the IP address of the proxy server and the number of users. This is necessary for optimal use of free TCP\UDP ports of the terminal server.

After installing the terminal server agent, it makes a request to the proxy server, and if everything goes well, three users are created on the server with the "AD login-password" authorization and the "NT AUTHORIY\*" login.

If you have such users in the console, then your terminal agent is ready to work.

The first way (synchronization with the Active Directory domain):

In the administrator console, on the page of user groups in the properties of the "synchronization with AD" option, you must specify the correct parameters for authorization with AD.

Then you need to create new group users, and in it specify which user group in AD should be synchronized with the current group in the Proxy Server. Your users will then be added to this local UserGate Proxy user group. This completes the proxy server setup. After that, you need to log in as an AD user to the terminal server, and it will automatically be authorized on the proxy server without requiring you to enter a login and password. Terminal server users can be managed as normal proxy server users with authorization by IP address. Those. they can apply different NAT rules and/or traffic control rules.

The second way (importing users from an Active Directory domain):

Use the "import" of users from AD, it is configured on the page with users by clicking on the appropriate button - "import", in the interface of the UserGate administrator console.

You need to import users from AD into a specific local group on the proxy server. After that, all imported users who will request access to the Internet from the terminal server will have access to the Internet with the rights defined on the UserGate proxy server.

The third way (using local terminal server accounts):

This method is convenient for testing the operation of a terminal agent or for cases where the terminal server is not located in an Active Directory domain. In this case, you need to create a new user with the authorization type Login domain-AD", and specify the name of the terminal server computer as the "domain address", and the name of the user who will log in to the terminal server as the login. All users that will be created on the proxy server will access the Internet from the terminal server, with the rights defined on the UserGate proxy server.

It should be understood that there are some limitations of the terminal agent:

Protocols other than TCP\UDP cannot be passed from the terminal server to the Internet. For example, it will not be possible to launch PING from this server anywhere on the Internet through NAT. The maximum number of users on a terminal server cannot exceed 220, while each user will be allocated no more than 200 ports for TCP\UDP protocols.

When restarting the UserGate proxy server, the terminal agent will not release anyone to the Internet until the first synchronization with the UserGate proxy server (up to 90 seconds).

HTTP authorization when working through a transparent proxy UserGate v.6 adds the possibility of HTTP authorization for a proxy server operating in transparent mode. If the browser on the user's workstation is not configured to use a proxy server, and the HTTP proxy in UserGate is enabled in transparent mode, then the request from an unauthorized user will be redirected to the authorization page, which requires you to specify a login and password.

After authorization, this page does not need to be closed. The authorization page is periodically updated through a special script, keeping the user session active. In this mode, the user will have access to all UserGate services, including the ability to work through NAT. To end the user session, you need to click Logout on the authorization page or simply close the authorization tab. and after 30-60 seconds authorization on the proxy server will disappear.

allow NetBIOSNameRequest (UDP:137) packets to pass between the UserGate server and the domain controller ensure NetBIOSSessionRequest (TCP:139) packets to pass between the UserGate server and the domain controller set the address and port of the UserGate HTTP proxy in the browser on the user's machine Important! To use NTLM authorization, a machine with UserGate installed may not be a member of an Active Directory domain.

Using the Authorization Client The UserGate authorization client is a network application operating at the Winsock level that connects to the UserGate server on a specific UDP port (port 5456 is used by default) and passes user authorization parameters: authorization type, login, password, etc.

When first launched, the UserGate authorization client looks in the HKCU\Software\Policies\Entensys\Authclient branch of the system registry. The settings obtained through the group policy of the Active Directory domain can be located here. If the settings in the system registry are not found, the address of the UserGate server will have to be specified manually on the third tab from the top in the authorization client. After specifying the server address, click the Apply button and go to the second tab. This page specifies the user authorization parameters. Authorization client settings are stored in the HKCU\Software\Entensys\Authclient key in the system registry. The authorization client service log is stored in the Documents and Settings\%USER%\Application data\UserGate Client folder.

Additionally, a link to the user's personal statistics page has been added in the authorization client. Change appearance authorization client is possible by editing the corresponding template in the form of *.xml file located in the directory where the client is installed.

Configuring services in UserGate Configuring DHCP The service allows DHCP (Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol) to automate the process of issuing network settings to clients in the local network. In a network with a DHCP server, each network device can be dynamically assigned an IP address, gateway address, DNS, WINS server, and so on.

You can enable the DHCP server through the Services section DHCP server Add interface in the UserGate administration console or by clicking the Add button in the control panel. In the dialog that appears, select the network interface on which the DHCP server will run. In the minimum configuration for the DHCP server, it is enough to set the following parameters: IP address range (address pool), from which the server will issue addresses to clients on the local network; netmask and lease time.

The maximum pool size in UserGate cannot exceed 4000 addresses. If necessary, one or more IP addresses can be excluded from the selected address pool (Exclusions button). You can assign a permanent IP address to a specific device on the network by creating an appropriate binding in the Reservations section. The constancy of the IP address when renewing or obtaining a lease is ensured by binding (Reservation) to the MAC address of the network device. To create a binding, you just need to specify the IP address of the device.

The MAC address will be determined automatically by clicking on the corresponding button.

Figure 6. Configuring the UserGate DHCP server

The DHCP server in UserGate supports importing Windows DHCP server settings. The Windows DHCP settings must first be saved to a file. To do this, on the server where Windows DHCP is installed, start the command line mode (Start Run, type cmd and press Enter) and in the window that appears, run the command: netsh dhcp server IP dump filename, where IP is the IP address of your DHCP server. Import settings

from the file is carried out through the corresponding button on the first page of the DHCP server configuration wizard.

The issued IP addresses are displayed in the lower half of the administration console window (Figure 8) along with information about the client (computer name, MAC address), start and end times of the lease. By highlighting the issued IP address, you can add a user to UserGate, create a binding by MAC address, or release an IP address.

Figure 7. Deleting issued addresses

The released IP address will be placed in the pool of free addresses of the DHCP server after some time. An IP address release operation may be required if the computer that previously requested an address from the UserGate DHCP server is no longer present on the network or has changed its MAC address.

The DHCP server has the ability to respond to client requests when requesting the "wpad.dat" file. Using this method to get proxy server settings, you need to edit the template file, which is located in the "C:\program files\entensys\usergate6\wwwroot\wpad.dat" folder.

More detailed information this method of obtaining proxy server settings is described in Wikipedia.

Configuring proxy services in UserGate The following proxy servers are integrated into the UserGate server: HTTP (with support for “FTP over HTTP” and HTTPS mode, - Connect method), FTP, SOCKS4, SOCKS5, POP3 and SMTP, SIP and H323. The proxy server settings are available in the Services section Proxy settings in the administration console. The main proxy server settings include:

interface (Fig. 9) and the port number on which the proxy is running.

Figure 8. Basic proxy server settings By default, UserGate only includes an HTTP proxy that listens on TCP port 8080 on all available network interfaces of the server.

To configure the client's browser to work through a proxy server, it is enough to specify the address and port of the proxy in the corresponding settings item. In Internet Explorer, proxy settings are specified in the Tools menu Internet Options Connection LAN Settings. When working through an HTTP proxy, you do not need to specify the gateway and DNS in the TCP / IP network connection properties on the user's workstation, since the HTTP proxy itself will resolve the names.

For each proxy server, the cascading mode to the upstream proxy server is available.

Important! The port specified in the proxy server settings is automatically opened in the UserGate firewall. Therefore, from a security point of view, it is recommended to specify only the server's local network interfaces in the proxy settings.

Important! For more information about the settings of various browsers for a proxy server, see a special article in the Entensys knowledge base.

Support for IP telephony protocols (SIP, H323) UserGate implements the SIP Registrar stateful proxy function. The SIP proxy is enabled in the Services section Proxy settings and always works in transparent mode, listening on ports 5060 TCP and 5060 UDP. When using a SIP proxy on

The Sessions page of the administration console displays information about the status of the active connection (registration, call, waiting, etc.), as well as information about the user name (or number), call duration, and the number of transmitted/received bytes. This information will also be recorded in the UserGate statistics database.

To use the UserGate SIP proxy in the TCP/IP properties on the user's workstation, you must specify the IP address of the UserGate server as the default gateway, and be sure to specify the address of the DNS server.

Let's illustrate the configuration of the client part using the SJPhone softphone and the Sipnet provider as an example. Launch SJPhone, select Options from the context menu and create a new profile. Enter the name of the profile (Fig. 10), for example, Set the profile type to Call through SIP-Proxy.

Figure 9. Creating a new profile in SJPhone In the Profile Options dialog box, you need to specify the proxy server address of your VoIP provider.

When you close the dialog, you will need to enter data for authorization on the server of your VoIP provider (username and password).

Figure 10. SJPhone profile settings Attention! If, when you enable the SIP proxy, your voice traffic does not pass in one direction or the other, then you need to either use a STUN proxy server or let traffic through NAT on all ports (ANY:FULL) for the necessary users. If you enable the NAT rule on all ports, the SIP proxy server will need to be disabled!

Support for SIP Registrar mode The SIP Registrar function allows using UserGate as a software PBX (Automatic Telephone Exchange) for a local network.

The SIP Registrar function works simultaneously with the SIP Proxy function. To authorize on the UserGate SIP Registrar in the SIP UAC (User Agent Client) settings, you need to specify:

UserGate address as SIP server address UserGate username (without spaces) any password H323 protocol support H323 protocol support allows using UserGate server as H323 Gatekeeper. The H323 proxy settings specify the interface on which the server will listen for client requests, the port number, and the address and port of the H323 gateway. To authorize on UserGate Gatekeeper, the user needs to specify the login (username in UserGate), password (any) and phone number specified in the user profile in UserGate.

Important! If UserGate GateKeeper receives a call to an H323 number that does not belong to any of the authorized UserGate users, the call will be redirected to H323 gateway. Calls to H323 gateway are made in CallModel: Direct mode.

Mail proxies in UserGate Mail proxies in UserGate are designed to work with POP3 and SMTP protocols and for anti-virus scanning of mail traffic.

When using the transparent POP3 mode and SMTP proxy, the mail client setting on the user's workstation is the same as the settings corresponding to the option with direct access to the Internet.

If the UserGate POP3 proxy is used in non-transparent mode, then in the settings of the mail client on the user's workstation, the IP address of the UserGate computer and the port corresponding to the UserGate POP3 proxy must be specified as the POP3 server address. In addition, the login for authorization on the remote POP3 server is specified in the following format:

email_address@POP3_server_address. For example, if the user has a mailbox [email protected], then as a login on

The UserGate POP3 proxy in the mail client will need to be specified:

[email protected] This format is required so that the UserGate server can determine the address of the remote POP3 server.

If the UserGate SMTP proxy is used in non-transparent mode, then in the proxy settings you need to specify the IP address and port of the SMTP server that UserGate will use to send emails. In this case, in the settings of the mail client on the user's workstation, the IP address of the UserGate server and the port corresponding to the UserGate SMTP proxy must be specified as the SMTP server address. If authorization is required for sending, then in the mail client settings you need to specify the login and password corresponding to the SMTP server specified in the SMTP proxy settings in UserGate.

Using transparent mode The Transparent mode function in the proxy server settings is available if the UserGate server is installed along with the NAT driver. In transparent mode, the UserGate NAT driver listens on standard ports for services: 80 TCP for HTTP, 21 TCP for FTP, 110 and 25 TCP for POP3 and SMTP on the network interfaces of the UserGate computer.

If there are requests, it passes them to the corresponding UserGate proxy server. When using transparent mode in network applications, users do not need to specify the address and port of the proxy server, which significantly reduces the work of the administrator in terms of providing local network access to the Internet. However, in the network settings of the workstations, the UserGate server must be specified as a gateway, and the address of the DNS server must be specified.

Cascading proxies The UserGate server can work with the Internet connection both directly and through superior proxy servers. Such proxies are grouped in UserGate under Services Cascading proxies. UserGate supports the following types of cascading proxies: HTTP, HTTPS, Socks4, Socks5. In the settings of the cascading proxy, the standard parameters are specified: address and port. If the upstream proxy supports authorization, you can specify the appropriate login and password in the settings. The created cascading proxies become available in the proxy server settings in UserGate. Figure 11 Parent proxies in UserGate Port assignment UserGate supports the Port mapping function. If there are rules for assigning ports, the UserGate server redirects user requests arriving at a specific port of a specified network interface of a computer with UserGate to another specified address and port, for example, to another computer on the local network.

The Port Forwarding feature is available for TCP and UDP protocols.

Figure 12. Port assignment in UserGate Important! If port assignment is used to provide access from the Internet to an internal company resource, you must select Specified user as the Authorization parameter, otherwise port forwarding will not work.

Configuring the cache One of the purposes of a proxy server is to cache network resources.

Caching reduces the load on your Internet connection and speeds up access to frequently visited resources. The UserGate proxy server performs HTTP and FTP traffic caching. Cached documents are placed in the local folder %UserGate_data%\Cache. The cache settings are:

cache size limit and cached document retention time.

Additionally, you can enable caching of dynamic pages and counting traffic from the cache. If the Read traffic from cache option is enabled, not only external (Internet) traffic will be recorded per user in UserGate, but also traffic received from the UserGate cache.

Attention! To see the current entries in the cache, you need to run a special utility to view the cache database. It is launched by right-clicking on the "UserGate Agent" icon in the system tray and selecting "Open Browser Cache".

Attention! If you have enabled the cache, and you still do not have any resources in the "cache browser", then you most likely need to enable a transparent proxy server for the HTTP protocol, on the "Services - Proxy Settings" page

Anti-virus scanning Three anti-virus modules are integrated into the UserGate server: Kaspersky Lab Anti-Virus, Panda Security and Avira. All anti-virus modules are designed to scan incoming traffic through HTTP, FTP and UserGate mail proxies, as well as outgoing traffic through SMTP proxies.

The anti-virus module settings are available in the Services Anti-virus section of the administration console (Fig. 14). For each anti-virus, you can specify which protocols it should check, set the frequency of updating anti-virus databases, and also specify URLs that are not required to be checked (URL filter option). Additionally, in the settings, you can specify a group of users whose traffic does not need to be subjected to anti-virus scanning.

Figure 13. Anti-virus modules in UserGate Before launching the anti-virus modules, start updating the anti-virus databases and wait for it to complete. In the default settings, Kaspersky anti-virus databases are updated from the Kaspersky Lab website, and for Panda anti-virus, they are downloaded from Entensys servers.

The UserGate server supports simultaneous operation of three anti-virus modules. In this case, Kaspersky Anti-Virus will be the first to scan the traffic.

Important! When anti-virus traffic scanning is enabled, the UserGate server blocks multithreaded file downloads via HTTP and FTP. Blocking the ability to download part of a file over HTTP can lead to problems with the Windows Update service.

Scheduler in UserGate The UserGate server has a built-in task scheduler that can be used to perform the following tasks: initializing and disconnecting a DialUp connection, sending statistics to UserGate users, executing an arbitrary program, updating anti-virus databases, clearing the statistics database, checking the database size.

Figure 14. Setting up the task scheduler The Run program item in the UserGate scheduler can also be used to execute a sequence of commands (scripts) from *.bat or *.cmd files.

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Today, the Internet is not only a means of communication or a way of spending leisure time, but also a working tool. Searching for information, participating in auctions, working with clients and partners require the presence of company employees on the Web. Most computers used both for personal purposes and for the interests of the organization have Windows operating systems installed. Naturally, all of them are equipped with mechanisms for providing access to the Internet. Starting with Windows 98 Second Edition, Internet Connection Sharing (ICS) is built into Windows operating systems as a standard feature, which provides group access from a local network to the Internet. Later, Windows 2000 Server introduced the Routing and Remote Access Service (routing and remote access) and implemented support for the NAT protocol.

But ICS has its drawbacks. So, this function changes the address of the network adapter, and this can cause problems on the local network. Therefore, it is preferable to use ICS only in home or small office networks. This service does not provide for user authorization, so it is undesirable to use it on a corporate network. If we talk about the application in the home network, then the lack of authorization by username also becomes unacceptable here, since IP and MAC addresses are very easy to fake. Therefore, although in Windows there is the possibility of organizing unified access to the Internet, in practice, either hardware or software independent developers. One such solution is the UserGate program.

First meeting

The Usergate proxy server allows you to provide local network users with access to the Internet and define an access policy, denying access to certain resources, limiting traffic or the time users spend on the network. In addition, Usergate makes it possible to keep separate traffic records both by user and by protocol, which greatly simplifies the control of Internet connection costs. IN Lately there is a tendency among ISPs to provide unlimited access to the Internet through their own channels. Against the backdrop of such a trend, it is the control and accounting of access that comes to the fore. To do this, the Usergate proxy server has enough flexible system rules.

The Usergate proxy server with NAT (Network Address Translation) support works on Windows 2000/2003/XP operating systems with the TCP/IP protocol installed. Without support for the NAT protocol, Usergate is able to work on Windows 95/98 and Windows NT 4.0. The program itself does not require special resources to work, the main condition is the availability of sufficient disk space for cache and log files. Therefore, it is still recommended to install a proxy server on a separate machine, giving it maximum resources.


What is a proxy server for? After all, any Web browser (Netscape Navigator, Microsoft Internet Explorer, Opera) already knows how to cache documents. But remember that, firstly, we do not allocate significant amounts of disk space for these purposes. And secondly, the probability of visiting the same pages by one person is much less than if tens or hundreds of people did it (and many organizations have such a number of users). Therefore, the creation of a single cache space for the organization will reduce incoming traffic and speed up the search for documents on the Internet that have already been received by any of the employees. The UserGate proxy server can be hierarchically connected to external proxy servers (providers), and in this case it will be possible, if not to reduce traffic, then at least to speed up the receipt of data, as well as reduce the cost (usually the cost of traffic from a provider through a proxy server is lower ).

Figure 1. Cache setup

Looking ahead, I’ll say that the cache setting is performed in the “Services” menu section (see screen 1). After switching the cache to the "Enabled" mode, you can configure its individual functions - caching of POST requests, dynamic objects, cookies, content received via FTP. The size of the disk space allocated for the cache and the lifetime of the cached document are also configured here. And for the cache to start working, you need to configure and enable the proxy mode. The settings determine which protocols will work through a proxy server (HTTP, FTP, SOCKS), on which network interface they will listen and whether cascading will be performed (the data required for this is entered on a separate tab of the services settings window).

Before you start working with the program, you need to make other settings. As a rule, this is done in the following sequence:

  1. Creating user accounts in Usergate.
  2. Setting up DNS and NAT on a system with Usergate. At this stage, the configuration is mainly reduced to configuring NAT using the wizard.
  3. Setting up a network connection on client machines, where you need to specify the gateway and DNS in the properties of the TCP / IP network connection.
  4. Creating an Internet access policy.

For convenience, the program is divided into several modules. The server module runs on a computer connected to the Internet and performs basic tasks. Usergate administration is carried out using a special Usergate Administrator module. With its help, the entire server configuration is performed in accordance with the necessary requirements. The client part of Usergate is implemented as the Usergate Authentication Client, which is installed on the user's computer and serves to authorize users on the Usergate server if authorization is used other than IP or IP + MAC authorizations.


User and group management is moved to a separate section. Groups are necessary to facilitate the management of users and their general access and billing settings. You can create as many groups as you need. Typically, groups are created according to the structure of the organization. What options can be assigned to a user group? Each group has an associated rate that will account for access costs. By default, the default tariff is used. It is empty, so the connections of all users included in the group are not charged unless the rate is overridden in the user profile.

The program has a set of predefined NAT rules that cannot be changed. These are access rules for the protocols Telten, POP3, SMTP, HTTP, ICQ, etc. When setting up a group, you can specify which of the rules will be applied to this group and users included in it.

The auto redial mode can be used when the connection to the Internet is via a modem. When this mode is enabled, the user can initiate a connection to the Internet when there is no connection yet - at his request, the modem establishes a connection and provides access. But when connected via a leased line or ADSL, this mode is not needed.

Adding user accounts is just as easy as adding groups (see Figure 2). And if the computer with the installed Usergate proxy server is included in an Active Directory (AD) domain, user accounts can be imported from there and then divided into groups. But both when entering manually and when importing accounts from AD, you must configure user rights and access rules. These include the authorization type, tariff plan, available NAT rules (if the group rules do not fully meet the needs of a particular user).

The Usergate proxy server supports several types of authorization, including user authorization through Active Directory and the Windows Login window, which allows you to integrate Usergate into your existing network infrastructure. Usergate uses its own NAT driver that supports authorization through a special module - the client authorization module. Depending on the chosen authorization method, in the user profile settings, you must specify either its IP address (or a range of addresses), or its name and password, or only its name. The user's e-mail address can also be specified here, to which reports on the use of access to the Internet will be sent.


The Usergate rules system is more flexible in settings compared to the Remote Access Policy capabilities (remote access policy in RRAS). Rules can be used to block access to certain URLs, limit traffic for certain protocols, set a time limit, limit the maximum file size a user can download, and much more (see Figure 3). Standard operating system tools do not have sufficient functionality to solve these problems.

Rules are created using the helper. They apply to the four main objects tracked by the system - connection, traffic, tariff and speed. And for each of them, one action can be performed. The execution of the rules depends on the settings and restrictions that are selected for it. These include the protocols used, the time by day of the week when this rule will be in effect. Finally, criteria are defined for the amount of traffic (incoming and outgoing), network time, balance on the user's account, as well as a list of source IP addresses of the request and network addresses of resources that are affected. Setting network addresses also allows you to define the types of files that users will not be able to download.

Many organizations do not allow instant messaging services. How to implement such a ban using Usergate? It is enough to create one rule that closes the connection when the site ** is requested, and apply it to all users. The application of the rules allows you to change the tariffs for access during the day or night, to regional or shared resources (if such differences are provided by the provider). For example, to switch between night and day rates, you will need to create two rules, one will switch in time from day to night rate, the second will switch back. What exactly are tariffs for? This is the basis of the built-in billing system. Currently, this system can only be used for reconciliation and trial calculation of expenses, but after the billing system is certified, system owners will have a reliable mechanism for working with their customers.


Now back to the DNS and NAT settings. DNS configuration consists in specifying the addresses of external DNS servers that the system will access. At the same time, on user computers, in the connection settings for the TCP / IP properties, specify the IP of the internal network interface of the computer with Usergate as the gateway and DNS. A slightly different configuration principle when using NAT. In this case, you need to add a new rule in the system, in which you need to define the receiver IP (local interface) and sender IP (external interface), port - 53 and UDP protocol. This rule must be assigned to all users. And in the connection settings on their computers, you should specify the IP address of the provider's DNS server as DNS, and the IP address of the computer with Usergate as the gateway.

Mail clients can be configured both through Port mapping and through NAT. If the organization is allowed to use instant messaging services, then the connection settings for them must be changed - you must specify the use of a firewall and proxy, set the IP address of the internal network interface of the computer with Usergate and select the HTTPS or Socks protocol. But keep in mind that when working through a proxy server, work in Chat rooms and Video Chat will not be available if Yahoo Messenger is used.

Operation statistics is recorded in a log containing information about the connection parameters of all users: connection time, duration, spent funds, requested addresses, the amount of information received and transmitted. You cannot cancel the recording of information about user connections in the statistics file. To view statistics, there is a special module in the system, which can be accessed both through the administrator interface and remotely. The data can be filtered by user, protocol and time and can be saved to an external Excel file for further processing.

What's next

If the first versions of the system were designed only to implement the proxy server caching mechanism, then the latest versions have new components designed to ensure information security. Today, Usergate users can use the built-in firewall and anti-virus module of Kaspersky. The firewall allows you to control, open and block certain ports, as well as publish company Web resources on the Internet. The built-in firewall processes packets that are not processed at the level of NAT rules. If the packet was handled by the NAT driver, it is no longer handled by the firewall. The port settings made for the proxy, as well as the ports specified in Port Mapping, are placed in automatically generated firewall rules (auto type). The auto rules also include TCP port 2345, which is used by the Usergate Administrator module to connect to the Usergate back end.

Talking about prospects further development product, it is worth mentioning the creation of your own VPN server, which will allow you to abandon the VPN from the operating system; implementation of a mail server with support for anti-spam function and development of an intelligent firewall at the application layer.

Mikhail Abramzon- Head of the marketing group of the company "Digt".

After connecting the local network to the Internet, it makes sense to set up a traffic accounting system, and the Usergate program will help us with this. Usergate is a proxy server and allows you to control the access of computers from the local network to the Internet.

But, first, let's remember how we previously set up the network in the video course "Creating and configuring a local network between Windows 7 and WindowsXP", and how we provided access to all computers to the Internet through one communication channel. Schematically, it can be represented as follows, there are four computers that we have combined into a peer-to-peer network, we have chosen the workstation work-station-4-7, with the Windows 7 operating system, as a gateway, i.e. connected an additional network card with Internet access and allowed other computers on the network to access the Internet through this network connection. The remaining three machines are Internet clients and they, as a gateway and DNS, have the IP address of the computer distributing the Internet. Well, now let's deal with the issue of controlling access to the Internet.

Installing UserGate does not differ from installing a regular program, after installation the system asks to reboot, reboot. After the reboot, first of all, let's try to access the Internet, from the computer on which UserGate is installed - it turns out, but not from other computers, therefore, the Proxy server started working and by default prohibits everyone from accessing the Internet, so you need to configure it.

Launching the admin console Start \ Programs \UserGate\ Admin Console) and here we have the console itself and the tab opens Connections. If we try to open any of the tabs on the left, a message is displayed (UserGate Admin Console is not connected to the UserGate Server), so at startup we open the Connections tab so that we can first connect to the UserGate server.

And so, the default Server Name is local; User – Administrator; The server is localhost, i.e. the server part is located on this computer; Port - 2345.

Double click on this entry and connect to the UserGate service, if the connection failed, check if the service is running ( ctrl+ alt+ Esc\ Services \UserGate)

Launches on first connection Setup WizardUserGate, press No, as we will configure everything manually so that it is more clear what and where to look for. And first of all, go to the tab ServerUserGate\ Interfaces, here we indicate which network card looks at the Internet ( - WAN), and which one to the local network ( - LAN).

Further Users and Groups \ Users, there is only one user here, this is the machine itself on which the UserGate server is running and it is called Default, i.e. default. Let's add all users who will access the Internet, I have three of them:

Workstation-1-xp -

Workstation-2-xp -

Work-station-3-7 -

We leave the group and the tariff plan by default, the type of authorization, I will use it through the IP address, since I have them manually registered, and remain unchanged.

Now let's configure the proxy itself, go to Services \ Proxy settings \http, here we select the IP address that we specified as the gateway on client machines, I have this and also check the box transparent mode, so as not to manually enter the proxy server address in browsers, in this case the browser will look at which gateway is specified in the network connection settings and will redirect requests to it.