World of warcraft guilds. Your role in the development of the guild. My own commander

An MMORPG game is a team game by definition. In addition to temporary associations such as groups for completing quests and completing instances, players unite in permanent communities - guilds. The question of whether it’s worth joining a gang in an MMORPG sooner or later confronts every player. So is it worth it? For someone new to the game, definitely yes. Membership in a guild provides many advantages that can make the game process more enjoyable and comfortable. They can, because if you choose the wrong guild, you will find yourself in the position of a “black sheep” and there will be enough disadvantages.

Rewards related to guild level and player reputation in the guild:

Heirloom armor (for characters level 1-85)
Required reputation level with the guild: respect

Non-combat companions and mounts

Reins of the Golden Lion /Reins of the Kor'kron Annihilator
Player reputation level with guild: exaltation
Guild level 25

Cooperative play is at the core of World of Warcraft's philosophy. It doesn't matter if you randomly met a new player and decided to wave at them, joined a one-off party to kill an elite monster, queued up for a dungeon or were invited to a raid - this game is based on the fact that you are in the world, flooded with other players. And there is no larger and more well-organized community of like-minded people in it than the guild.

Guilds have existed in World of Warcraft since the game's birth, but we've always wanted players who join them to work with their guildmates on more than just killing bosses, to better understand their own and others' strengths, and to be able to express themselves. Cataclysm introduces new features to help players achieve this goal: a new guild window interface, a system of levels, bonuses, achievements, reputation and special rewards. By playing with a guild, you gain guild experience, help the guild reach new levels, unlock bonuses, work toward guild achievements, earn reputation, and unlock rewards that can be purchased with money. All together this constitutes the progress of the guild.

Guild experience and bonuses

With the new development system, a guild can move to a new level in the same way that a character moves: by gaining experience. The guild gains this experience through the actions of one or more players. They can earn guild experience by completing regular and daily quests, defeating bosses in dungeons and raids, and winning rated battlegrounds as part of a guild group made up of at least 80% guild members.

The exception to the “80% rule” is groups of 5 people created for dungeons: for a guild to earn experience and achievements, it is enough for 3 people out of 5 * to belong to it. The experience received by the guild increases depending on how many guild members there are in the group: if there are 3 people, then the guild receives 50% of the standard experience, 4 bring it 100% and 5 - 125%. The amount of experience a guild receives from killing a boss also varies depending on the level of the boss. Bosses of dungeons completed on Heroic difficulty will give 1.5 times more experience, so killing them as part of a group consisting entirely of guild mates is quite profitable!

Another exception to the “80% rule” is classic 40-man raids, where only 25% of the members of one guild (which is 10 people) are required to gain experience and achievements.

With each new level your guild receives, it unlocks unique opportunities called bonuses, at the rate of one bonus per level. There are currently 25 guild levels, and at each of them you can unlock one bonus. Bonuses are available to every guild member and give him a wide variety of privileges: they allow you to gain more experience from killing monsters and get more gold from them, increase the speed of your vehicle, teach you the mass resurrection spell that saves the raid from inevitable failure - and that's just a few benefits. You can find out what bonuses are available to your character in the new tab of the spells and abilities window.

The system for a guild to gain new levels is similar to the system for a player to gain levels - in other words, at lower levels less experience is required, which is gained faster than at higher levels. However, there is a limit to the amount of experience a guild can earn per day. This restriction was introduced to ensure that small guilds did not lag too far behind the larger ones. The amount of experience available to the guild each day is shown by the blue section in the experience line or an arrow indicating the daily limit. A useful thing if the limit has already been reached. However, restrictions on the amount of experience gained daily are removed upon reaching level 23, which allows each guild to grow at its own pace until level 25*.

Reputation in the guild and special rewards

While the guild as a whole earns experience and receives "social" bonuses, your personal achievements improve your own reputation within the guild. Improving reputation in a guild follows the same pattern as improving reputation with any faction: you start with an indifferent attitude towards you and gradually reach exaltation by the guild (although there is one difference: in the guild there is a certain limit on the number of reputation points, which you can get per week). You can earn reputation by doing the same simple things you do to gain guild experience (by completing quests, killing bosses, and winning ranked matches), but also by earning guild achievements. As with Guild XP, the blue section or arrow on the XP bar indicates the limit on the number of reputation points you can earn per week*.

The higher your reputation in the guild, the more benefits you can receive in the form of special rewards that can be purchased from guild item merchants. They can be found in the guest quarters of the capitals of both factions next to the guild registrar. To purchase most rewards, you must either earn a certain achievement, wait until the guild reaches the required level, or achieve a certain reputation in the guild. Special rewards, which, unlike guild privileges, most often provide the player with material bonuses, also differ from guild privileges in that they are purchased with gold, and in order to obtain them you must achieve a certain reputation within the guild.

Special rewards purchased with gold are numerous: this can be the opportunity to purchase an additional slot for the guild bank, or guild capes that change your appearance and give bonuses to skills, or heirlooms, as well as recipes, companions, unique guild mounts - and much more.

Do not forget, however, that if you leave a guild and join another, your reputation with the old guild is reset, and in the new one it is set to “Indifference”. If you left a guild, but are in no hurry to join another, then you still have the opportunity to re-join your previous guild and maintain the reputation you earned in it. Regardless of whether you join a new guild or not, you will keep all the special rewards that you managed to purchase, but, of course, you will lose all guild bonuses.

Guild window interface

Along with the features of guild development, we have also completely changed and improved the guild window interface. The main guild window, called up by the J (O) key, contains almost all the information the player needs. Here you will find an overview of the latest events, guild level, bonuses and your reputation in the guild. For more detailed information about the latest events, you can left-click on the “News” tab in the guild window: you will see the history of the guild’s activities, including achievements received, names of killed bosses, epic equipment obtained and the general level of development of the guild.

The redesigned Roster tab allows guild members to easily find the players they're looking for and sort players based on a variety of parameters, including status, guild contributions, and (perhaps most useful) profession. Sorting by profession makes it easy for anyone to find guild members who are proficient in a profession, showing their skill level and listing the recipes they know. And they don’t even need to be online!

There have been plenty of other changes and improvements to the Guild Window interface, but be sure to also check out the Y (H) Achievements window for a new Guild tab. Obtaining achievements is an important part of unlocking new guild bonuses. Check if you can help the guild get a couple more?

We are not going to stop there and will continue to work on the guild development system, adding more and more new features over time. All you need to do is throw out a cry, gather a group and go strengthen the position of your guild. Now you and your guildmates can leave a simply gigantic mark on Azeroth!

*Available with the release of update 4.0.6

For more information regarding special perks and rewards, see the Cataclysm Guild Progression Guide on

A guild in the world of World of Warcraft is an association of players, the purpose of which is to achieve goals in pve, pvp, or just have a good time.

Basically, guilds are immediately created with a certain bias - in pve or pvp, rp - guilds (role playing) are also created. The number of people in a guild varies greatly. This could be one person who created a guild exclusively for himself, or several dozen people.
The guild has a system of ranks and titles. Immediately after creating a guild, it has 5 different titles, but you can change them at any time, create new ones so that they are more suitable specifically for your guild. Each rank can be assigned certain rights: the ability to exclude players from the guild, increase ranks, access to officer chat, access to guild bank tabs, etc.

Most guilds have their own guild cape. It is developed when creating a guild and is part of the character’s equipment.

Creating your guild

If you decide to create your own guild, you will need to contact the guild registrar in one of your faction's capitals. If you don't know where it is in the city, check with the guard.

We buy a charter from the guild registrar for 10 silver. Please note that you will immediately need to enter the name of the guild. It will be necessary to collect 9 more signatures from players who are not members of guilds. The most convenient way to do this is to agree with a friend who will create characters, and you will stand in the starting location and give the charter for signature. If you don’t know anyone, you will find many people willing to sign the charter for a fee. Or just pester passers-by :) When you collect signatures, you can register a guild.

Creating a Guild Cape

Next to the guild registrar there is a registrar and a seller of guild capes. You can create your own cape only after registering a guild. This pleasure costs 10 gold. First you need to go to the registrar and create a guild cape. Remember that it will continue to be the hallmark of the entire guild!

When the cape has been created and approved, go to the merchant and you can purchase your newly created one from him, it will be first on the list. If you buy it as a character without a guild, it will be just a gray rag.

Guilds in Cataclysm

Blizzard announced guild talents, but later abandoned them, or rather replaced them with bonuses that the guild would receive upon reaching a certain level.

  • Cash– every time you receive gold from an enemy, 5% of it is automatically created and transferred to the guild bank.
  • Cash Rank 2-every time you receive gold from an enemy, 10% of it is automatically created and transferred to the guild bank.
  • Supplies– Items take 5% less damage when a character dies.
  • Supplies, rank 2– Items take 10% less damage when a character dies.
  • Native home– reduces the cooldown of the Hearthstone by 15 minutes.
  • Chug-a-Lug– the duration of buffs from all guild cauldrons and food has been increased by 50%
  • Chug-a-Lug, rank 2– the duration of buffs from all guild cauldrons and food has been increased by 100%
  • Recycling– increases the chance to increase the skill of the profession by 10%
  • The quick and the dead– increases health and mana received upon revival by 50% and increases the speed of movement of the spirit by 100%. Does not work in battle, battlefields or arena.
  • Guild mail– letters sent to fellow guild members arrive instantly.
  • Everyone is a hero!– increases the heroism points received by 5%.
  • Everyone is a hero!, rank 2– increases heroism points received by 10%
  • Mobile bank– calls the guild bank, cooldown 1 hour.
  • Honor– increases received honor points by 5%.
  • Honor, rank 2– increases received honor points by 10%.
  • Barter– reduces the cost of items from merchants by 5%.
  • Barter, rank 2– reduces the cost of items from merchants by 10%.
  • Bottomless bags– Increases the amount of resources obtained by mining, skinning, collecting herbs and disenchanting by 15%.
  • I have a group and am ready to travel– calls all raid or group members to caster, 2 hour cooldown.
  • Mass revival– returns all party or raid members to life with 35 HP and 35 mana. Cannot be used in battle, there is no reload.

We will find out how this will all be implemented in the near future.

The Exorsus Guild won the race for 1st place in the Night Citadel. She defeated Guldan, everything is fine. But being a TOP guild is very difficult. Progressive raids mean hundreds of wipes, unplanned vacations, full-time work, the willingness to sit on a replacement for hours until the raid leader says: it’s time!

Therefore, many guilds cannot stand it and disband. Others simply give up and continue to play casually. They are forgotten, but once upon a time they were admired and honored... Let's take a look at the veterans of forgotten times in World of Warcraft.

Death and Taxes
It was a powerful progress guild that managed to be the first in the world to defeat one of the most difficult encounters in the game - the Four Horsemen in the classic Naxxramas. In The Burning Crusade, she also performed well, but she was not the first to defeat the final bosses of the raid content.

The guild disintegrated due to loss of interest in progress, loss of discipline among the leadership and officers, and lack of desire to move on.

It united the best of the best players, both in PvE and in the PvP aspect of the game. Mainly consisted of harsh Nords. She has the world's first kill of Kthun and KelThuzad, and the victory over Magtheridon, Lady Vashj and Keltas. They were responsible for the assault on the Black Temple and the overthrow of Illidan, as well as the defeat of Archimonde at Mount Hyjal.

The guild disbanded and later some of its members moved to Ensidia.

Curse (SK-Gaming)
This is the guild that is responsible for the emergence of the service. It was from her guild website that a huge database of addons and modifications began. Thanks to its popularity, Curse was able to join the PvE giant SK-Gaming and assemble a serious raid roster. And then won the world's 1st kill of Kiljaeden on the Sunwell Plateau.

Guild members subsequently transferred to Ensidia.

It was formed as the best and top guild by members of Curse, SK-Gaming and Nihilum. She simply destroyed the first raids in WotLK, killing KelThuzad, Yogg-Saron and Algalon first.

The guild disbanded due to key players being tired of World of Warcraft and problems recruiting new raiders.

A Taiwanese guild famous for being the first in the world to kill Yogg-Saron without the help of the Guardians of Ulduar. Now shows average progress: Helia in Mythic mode is not defeated, in the Night Citadel the score is 3/10.

One of the few Alliance guilds in the PvE race. She was the first in the world to complete the Trial of the Crusader without wipes or deaths. Doesn't raid anymore.

Happy Raid
The difficult to spell name of this Korean guild is translated exactly like this. She was the first in the world to defeat Deathwing in Heroica... But now she doesn’t raid at all.

Famous for her victory over the Lich King in Heroica. In the Cataclysm, it was one of the most effective guilds: Nefarian, Sinestra and Ragnaros were on its account. In Pandaria she showed her class by killing the Sha of Fear and Lei-Shen. In Warlord of Draenor, she was ultimately second in clearing the Hellfire Citadel.

I left big PvE because of difficulties in maintaining a normal raiding roster of Finnish-speaking players.

This is a brief history of the rise and fall of the best of the best - those whose victories were followed by millions of eyes of PvE fans. Who inspired Kuvaldych to heroic deeds when he was a hardcore raider =).

And those who reap laurels today may leave tomorrow and remain only in the screenshots of yesterday’s victories.

In the penultimate addition to WoW today, called Cataclysm, guilds finally received a number of serious advantages, thanks to which they finally ceased to be a collection of people united only by friendship or common interests.

The addition has seriously reworked the guilds, adding a lot of new things to them. This is what we will talk about now.

Guild experience and levels

Yes. Now guilds, like players, gain experience and level up. A reasonable question arises: how do they do this?

Let's answer the first one first. The guild's experience pool includes 10% of the experience gained by each member. This also takes into account the “conditional” exp that characters “gain” by killing bosses and completing daily tasks, as well as winning in PvP.

However, you cannot upgrade your guild 24/7. You can only gain a strictly certain amount of experience per day, and therefore fully pumping up a guild to the maximum level will take about 4-5 months at least.

Naturally, small guilds with low-level players will have problems gaining experience, but no one said it would be easy.

Guild bonuses

Now let's figure out why guilds need to gain levels at all. Each new level of the guild provides useful bonuses (perks) for all its members.

They are mostly aimed at gaining more reputation points, experience or PvP. Also, some bonuses speed up movement around the world, the cost of repairs and much more.

You can view the list of bonuses by clicking the “Expand all” button. When you click it, a corresponding list will appear on the screen.

Each guild has a warehouse where you can store items and gold, access is of course limited and each operation with the warehouse is recorded in a journal.

Reputation in the guild

Each player who joins a guild has their own reputation within it. It is also gained by players by performing actions that bring experience (mainly by turning in quests).

Reputation is displayed as a character's rank, showing his status with the guild. Something like “AAA Guild Recruit.” And this parameter is extremely important, at least for purchasing guild items (more about them below), which are difficult to acquire in any other way.

It should be noted that you won’t be able to maximize your reputation in a couple of days. Also, as in the case of guild experience, there is also an upper ceiling, although not daily, but weekly.

In simple terms, you can only earn a certain number of reputation points per week, and to raise it to the maximum you should be prepared to spend a good six months of real time.

Special Items

One of the main advantages of any guild is the availability of special goods, which can only be purchased from the guild merchant. You can find this guy in the capital near the guild registrar (you can ask the NPC guards for directions).

Naturally, at first all objects are blocked. To make them available to its members, the guild must earn a number of achievements. Yes, yes, you heard right. Guilds receive not only experience, but also achievements. Everything is like the characters.

If you collect the necessary achievements, you get the opportunity to buy valuable gear. It's simple. The achievements themselves can be quite simple, one might even say purely symbolic - gaining ten guild levels, for example.

But don't delude yourself. There are achievements that are so complex that all guild members will have to work hard to figure them out. For example, to get high-level raid food (similar to the old fish feast), you need to catch about 100,000 fish! You can independently calculate how much time it will take you, even if the guild has several dozen players with good online.

Care and its consequences

Players who decide to leave their guild and find a new one should remember the consequences of this step. Firstly, they will lose all bonuses from guild perks. Secondly, all items purchased from the registrar will be removed and returned to the merchant. And thirdly, all the accumulated reputation of the guild will be reset.

Therefore, when leaving for another group, a player may lose the achievements of several months of hard work, which forces him to approach such a step very, very carefully, because by moving to another guild he will have to spend several months to achieve the same position in it that he had in the guild old.

Seriously speaking, it is most profitable for players to join large and well-pumped guilds, which have a high level and can purchase most specialized goods.

In addition, it makes sense to keep your doubles in guilds, which is beneficial for both the players and the guild. However, pocket guilds that are not upgraded will also work perfectly for trade doubles - after all, merchants do not need perks.