What is a library and how to open your own business. Business idea: how to open a private library Calculations of the economic and financial component of the business plan for a literary cafe in the library

It would seem that “business” and “library” are completely incompatible concepts. Libraries mainly have the status of state and municipal institutions. Therefore, opening a commercial library or commercializing existing libraries seems, at first glance, an absurd idea. Meanwhile, it is quite possible that it will be implemented in the near future at the state level.

For now, however, the changes will only affect Moscow libraries, but some entrepreneurs in the regions are already considering opportunities to develop their business in this area. The library system has enormous potential, experts say. It still remains socially oriented, designed to popularize reading among the country's population. The main problem is that modern libraries are not in the best condition, especially when it comes to regions. Their modernization requires a lot of money, although, according to experts, the return on investment for such a project is quite high.

The main idea behind commercializing libraries is to turn them into public places, which will become one of the centers of city cultural life. Municipal libraries are essentially closed from society. It is quite difficult to sign up there if, for example, you do not have a residence permit in the area where a particular library is located. Library collections are rarely updated. Although libraries save on rent, paying only utility costs, they spend up to 70% of the money on paying their employees. With rare exceptions, funds are not updated at all, or are updated not quickly enough, at prices that are much higher than the market, and not well thought out.

Meanwhile, library services are in great demand among a large number of the population. And not only among people with low incomes, as is commonly thought. For example, library regulars are lovers of modern literature and parents of preschool and younger children school age. They keep an eye on what's new on the book market and can afford to purchase publications that interest them. However, they have nowhere to store such a number of books that can be read at most once. Surveys show that they would willingly borrow books to read at home for a small fee if they could find them in libraries.

Western entrepreneurs have long noticed the potential of libraries and are actively using this model to develop their business. For example, on the island of Koh Samui in Thailand there is an expensive hotel called Library, which offers its guests a new intellectual type of resort holiday. Instead of the usual bar or restaurant, this hotel has a large library with a wide selection of literature near the pool. Oddly enough, the unusual hotel is in great demand among vacationers.

There are also mobile libraries on buses (Business Idea No. 634). One of the authors of such a project, called the Library Bus Project, even won an award from the Swedish Library Society, and his idea received the title of “Project of the Year.” The purpose of such a library on wheels is to provide services to the population, popularize books and the idea of ​​reading. In addition to lending books, the library provides visitors with the opportunity to communicate on the Internet and hold meetings on interests. There is a cinema, a section for computer games and music, and an Internet access point.

Of course, opening even a small commercial library is not as easy as it seems.

This will require a separate room in the city center ( best option for a city with a population of less than 500 thousand people) or in a large residential area. Unlike ordinary libraries, the interior of a private library must be thought out to the smallest detail. After all, this is not just a place where people can “rent” a book. First of all, it is a club of interests, a place for work, communication and meetings for residents of the area where your library is located.

It is desirable that the room be spacious enough (with an area of ​​at least 60-70 square meters), or consist of two separate parts - a small reading room and an area for bookshelves. Furniture can be purchased inexpensively. The main thing is that it is comfortable. For example, many book clubs and similar public institutions buy tables, chairs, sofas and armchairs from IKEA.

Of course, such furniture is quite similar and recognizable, but if desired, it can be given uniqueness without high costs. Some turn to companies that make custom-made furniture. In certain cases, it turns out to be even cheaper than purchased.

In the “assortment” of a private library (unless it has narrow specialization), a large selection of classic literature should be presented. There will be no problem with this: books can be taken from your own home library, bought in second-hand bookstores or at bookstores, or purchased for next to nothing through advertisements on the Internet. But get ready for the fact that most visitors will come to the library in search of new books that cannot yet be found and read for free in electronic format in the Internet. Therefore, it is necessary to constantly monitor the appearance of interesting literature on the book market and purchase 2-3 copies of new publications that may be of interest to your audience.

The collection of an average-sized library contains about 20-30 thousand books. A private library may have ten times fewer books, but these should mostly be publications in demand by readers. With an average price of 300-500 rubles for a new book, only the purchase of 100 new book releases will require an average of 40 thousand rubles. Moreover, book collections must be replenished regularly so that regular readers have an incentive to constantly use the services of a paid library.

To make it easier to use the services of your library, you need to create a convenient catalog. If you are opening your own book club in a large city, it makes sense to think about creating a website with an electronic catalog and the ability to book books online. For example, your regular readers can look on the site if a book of interest is available and ask that it be put aside for them for a while.

A private library may offer other non-standard services, for example, delivering a book to a reader’s office or home for additional fee. In addition, the library website can provide users with the opportunity to express their wishes about what new books they would like to read. This will allow you to purchase popular new items that will definitely not sit on the shelves.

A commercial library with book club status has two main sources of income. Firstly, the owner of such a club makes a profit from renting out books. Let's say a new book costs 350 rubles. It is issued to the reader on security in the amount of the cost of the book. After reading, it is returned to the library, and the deposit amount is returned to the client minus a small percentage (for example, 50 rubles) plus a fine if the book was returned after the agreed upon date. Or the reader signs up for a paid subscription, which allows him to take a certain amount of books for a month, six months or a year without additional payment.

By the way, Western city libraries also operate on a semi-commercial basis. For example, city residents can use the library’s services for free, while others pay a subscription fee of about 1,000 rubles per quarter. Moreover, in addition to books, in such libraries you can borrow magazines, newspapers and even DVDs, use electronic storage of music and films, and rent a laptop for work or access to the Internet.

For Russian private library clubs, the second source of income is of particular interest - renting premises for meetings, meetings, trainings, seminars, master classes, friendly conversations or work. In fact, the library operates in an anti-cafe format with hourly rate for your stay. True, in the latter, although they do not offer food, they nevertheless allow you to bring it with you or order it from a nearby cafe. It is not customary to bring food to libraries, although if the rented reading room is isolated from the room with books, then it is quite possible to offer visitors tea or coffee with sweets. Establishing such a private library will require large expenses.

If funds allow, you can purchase 1-2 laptops for work (in this case, the library can act as an alternative to a home office), install a WiFi access point, purchase e-book readers, several board games.

Commercial libraries have a big advantage over public libraries: they have the opportunity to hire students, which allows them to significantly save on labor costs. Young people, for example, can work in a library in shifts, receiving payment for hours worked rather than a fixed salary. The library's normal opening hours are weekdays from 9 a.m. to 6-7 p.m. Commercial libraries are open to visitors from 8-9 am to 7-8 pm, including one or even two days off.

A specialized library is the best option for a commercial establishment. For example, such a library may offer exclusively business literature (as a rule, it operates in a cafe format) or be intended only for children. In the latter case, it is something between a library and a children's leisure center. By the way, large municipal libraries also conduct paid classes for children (literary clubs, art, creation). The amount per lesson is usually symbolic.

Paid book clubs can also conduct classes not only with children of preschool and primary school age, but also with teenagers. Last option seems quite promising. There are more than enough centers for children, which mainly provide services to prepare a child for school, conduct developmental classes, offer classes with speech therapists and psychological consultations, even in small towns. But there are much fewer options for activities for teenagers, although these services are just as in demand.

If you position your club as a leisure center, then there is no need to obtain a license to provide educational services. However, if your center’s training program includes words such as “developmental,” “educational,” or the name of a specific technique, you will need to obtain a license and NOU status. This is associated with certain difficulties: higher requirements for the chosen premises, for the methodology and for the teachers who work for you. if you have Teacher Education and you plan to work independently, then you can register an individual entrepreneur and carry out your activities alone, without involving additional workers. In this case we are talking about tutoring activities. You can simply rent a separate room and conduct classes with children. A library with children's and teenage literature can be an additional way to attract customers.

Cost effectiveness depends on the format of your library. On average, such a center can recoup all expenses within 4-6 months from the start of its operation, and by the end of the first year it will begin to generate a stable profit (according to forecasts, it can amount to about 100-150 thousand rubles per month in large cities). Experts advise opening a private library in early autumn, as there is a significant decline in the summer. Adults go on vacation, children go out of town, to grandma's, or to the sea. Another quiet period occurs during the winter holidays - from mid-December to mid-January.

This article will discuss the features of the establishments Catering For example business plan for a literary cafe in the library. In the era of the development of the Internet and electronic sources of information, traditional books and those who like to read them are given undeservedly little attention. Meanwhile, the flow of visitors to libraries and literary clubs is large, and the creation of an institution that unites these people will make it possible to occupy a promising market niche.

The specifics of the industry do not imply high competition, since the segment is far from widespread. To enter this market, you need to carefully consider the concept and atmosphere of the establishment, designed to gather a club of people with the same interests and give them the opportunity to eat and discuss the latest literature in a relaxed atmosphere.

Key Features business plan for a literary cafe library

Prerequisites for applying a business plan to commercial projects

The main commercial part of the projects assumes a similar nature of the processes and components of the projects - only the scale and industry specifics differ. That is why use allows you to approach creative process designing with a specific effective tool.

The approach will allow you to collect and combine all available data and the results of their analysis, structure the information and present it in the proper form and logical sequence. In addition, unified economic documents imply facilitating the processes of agreeing on the volume of project financing and obtaining funds from independent investment sources.



Features and stages of entrepreneurship and their consideration in the business plan of a literary cafe in the library

Our establishment will be a non-classical type of cafe, which will combine what at first glance seems incompatible - the opportunity to have a tasty and inexpensive lunch or dinner, as well as read and discuss your favorite works and authors.

Target segment literary cafe business plan in the library - middle-aged and older people from intelligent social strata of society.

Key stages of business processes in this area:

  • choosing a library with space that allows you to open a cafe;
  • purchase and installation necessary equipment, furnishings and decor;

opening and attracting first visitors.

1 – Summary

1.1. The essence of the project

1.2. Amount of investment to launch a literary cafe

1.3. Work results

2 – Concept

2.1. Project concept

2.2. Description/Properties/Characteristics

2.3. Goals for 5 years

3 – Market

3.1. Market size

3.2. Market dynamics

4 – Staff

4.1. Staffing table

4.2. Processes

4.3. Wage

5 – Financial plan

5.1. Investment plan

5.2. Financing plan

5.3. Sales plan for the development of a literary cafe

5.4. Spending Plan

5.5. Tax payment plan

5.6. Reports

5.7. Investor income

6 – Analysis

6.1. Investment analysis

6.2. The financial analysis

6.3. Risks of a literary cafe

7 – Conclusions

The business plan for a literary cafe is provided in MS Word format - it already contains all the tables, graphs, diagrams and descriptions. You can use them "as is" because it is already ready to use. Or you can adjust any section to suit you.

For example: if you need to change the name of the project or the region where the business is located, this can be easily done in the “Project Concept” section.

Financial calculations are provided in MS Excel format - the parameters are highlighted in the financial model - this means that you can change any parameter, and the model will automatically calculate everything: it will build all the tables, graphs and diagrams.

For example: if you need to increase your sales plan, then just change the sales volume for a given product (service) - the model will recalculate everything automatically, and immediately all the tables and diagrams will be ready: monthly sales plan, sales structure, sales dynamics - all this will be ready .

A special feature of the financial model is that all formulas, parameters and variables are available for change, which means that any specialist who knows how to work in MS Excel can adjust the model to suit themselves.


Reviews from our clients

Feedback on the business planbar opening

As a result of fruitful cooperation with Plan-Pro a loan of 10.3 million rubles was agreed upon. A business plan, which contained detailed calculations and their rationale, as well as detailed analysis, helped us implement the project of opening a sports bar.

Kravtsov Igor Ivanovich, Rostov region

Feedback on a sports bar business plan

What was especially pleasing about the business plan that we bought on the website was that there was no “water”. Everything is short, clear and to the point. The calculations are detailed, but at the same time capacious and simple. You can make changes: we have slightly adjusted the investment plan and the cost of food. The business plan helped us analyze a new direction and improve our development strategy for the future.

Tamara and Dmitry Mikhailets, Moscow region.

Feedback on a business plan for opening a hookah bar

Received private investments in the amount of 57 million rubles .. The business plan was made in just 8 days, all our wishes and requirements were taken into account.

Sumyatin O.V., individual entrepreneur, Novosibirsk region

The essence of the project

Opening literary cafe based on one of libraries for XXX visitors targeting middle-aged and older people.

The first stage of the business plan for a literary cafe in the library

Initially, a brief essence of the project is described, its strategic goals and tasks, information about the performing company is provided. The following text describes the stages and essence of all the main blocks.

Organizational preparation

This concept includes all the actions that can be carried out before the implementation of the main stages begins. business plan for a literary cafe in the library:

  1. Shape selection legal entity and its registration in accordance with current legislation.
  2. Registering the company with the tax office and opening a bank account for settlements.
  3. Selecting the library on which the institution will open, conducting preliminary negotiations.
  4. Obtaining permits and licenses.
  5. Formation of a menu and a list of possible product suppliers.
  6. Determining the range of potential sources of financing and investment.

Structural composition of a business plan for a literary cafe in a library

Any commercial processes have a structure. The fate of the structure largely depends on the quality of the description of the structure and the nature of the interaction of its elements. business plan for a literary cafe in the library.

Approximate structure and content of the project description:

  • An overview analysis of the market for such establishments, the dynamics of its indicators and a forecast of future conditions;
  • calculation of the amount of external financing ;
  • technological components of business processes and necessary equipment;
  • costs within current activities;
  • revenue;
  • labor issues;
  • marketing support;
  • calculation of self-sufficiency.

Overview market analysis

As a result of an overview market analysis, the entrepreneur draws in his head a complete picture of interaction with competitors and clients, based on an analysis of the dynamics of general industry indicators and individual analytical studies.

For successful implementation business plan for a literary cafe in the library, let's highlight the main competitive advantages project:

  • interior design and cozy atmosphere;
  • the opportunity to combine your favorite activities with relaxation and rest;
  • menu related to the history of literature;
  • recreation and discussion areas;
  • proper live music;
  • low cost for regular library visitors.

Another interesting option for a startup you will find in . All features of the project and the necessary calculations are contained in the specified document.

Investment part of the business plan for a literary cafe in the library

The implementation of specific projects related to cultural objects and limited audiences always carries with it the risks of non-return on investment. And future investors will definitely pay attention to this. To convince them otherwise and highlight all the advantages of the project, download a sample from our website business plan for a literary cafe in the library, with all the main financial and economic indicators. This will remove most of the presentation risks of your entrepreneurial idea.

Composition of investment costs:

  • repair and re-equipment of the premises - XXX rub.
  • furniture and decorative elements – XXX rub.
  • kitchen equipment modern tools and devices for preparing and serving dishes – XXX rub.
  • selection and internship of employees - XXX rub.;
  • force majeure fund – XXX rub.

In total, we get an investment amount of 50 million rubles. up to 120 million rubles

Technological aspects and equipment

The sequence of stages in the implementation of the technology: creating a menu, ordering the necessary products, preparing dishes, taking orders and serving them to customers in the hall.

In order for ours to be provided from a technical point of view, we will describe the necessary equipment:

  • set for cooking, including all necessary components, utensils and tools;
  • ventilation;
  • refrigerators and freezers;
  • air conditioners;
  • bar counter and equipment for storing and dispensing drinks;
  • fire and security alarm;
  • cash registers and other office equipment.

Calculations of the economic and financial components of the business plan for a literary cafe in the library

Operating expenses

Operating expenses are formed in accordance with balance sheet items according to the system adopted by the company accounting. In the process of working on business plan for a literary cafe in the library It is important to understand the total amount of expenses and determine the sources of their repayment.

Operating expenses structure:

  • rent - XXX rub.;
  • utilities – XXX rub.;
  • maintenance and repair of buildings and equipment – ​​XXX rub.;
  • promotion expenses – XXX rub.;
  • pay wages and all mandatory contributions to government agencies - XXX rubles;
  • other operating expenses – XXX rub.

The total amount of expenses within the framework of current activities will be XX rubles.

Volumes and structure of sales of products and services in the business plan of a literary cafe in the library

Revenue is formed under the influence of many external and internal factors which are important to consider when drawing up business plan for a literary cafe in the library:

  • classic interior design and intimate atmosphere;
  • comfortable sofas, armchairs and tables in the relaxation and conversation area;
  • historical menu;
  • unobtrusive musical accompaniment;
  • discounts regular customers libraries.

Profit structure:

  1. Main menu – XXX rub.
  2. Bar card – XXX rub.
  3. Special events – XXX rub.

The proceeds will be XXX rub. per month

Requirements for staff and the amount of the wage fund

The establishment does not require any special characteristics of employees, except for the classic clothing of waiters and the absence of bright and annoying details of appearance, such as tattoos, piercings and brightly colored hair.

To implement the business plan for a literary cafe in the library, you will need the following staff of workers with the appropriate salary level:

  • director - XXX rub.;
  • administrator - XXX rub.;
  • chef - XXX rub.;
  • accountant and HR manager – XXX rub.;
  • cooks - XXX rub.;
  • bartender and waiters – XXX rub.;
  • administrative and economic personnel – XXX rub.;
  • marketing specialist - XXX rub.;
  • supply specialist – XXX rub.

Payback period for a business plan for a literary cafe

The payback period will be from 3 to 5 years, depending on the achievement of planned indicators.

The business plan has a clear structure, contains detailed financial calculations, and the financial model allows you to flexibly change any business parameter. This is the optimal solution for those who plan to attract investments, want to get a loan or have ready-made template to develop your business plan.

The financial model is a separate file in MS Excel format - essentially it is
a separate product designed for business planning and calculation of all its
indicators. Each of the parameters of the financial model can be changed manually.
There are no macros in the financial model. All formulas are transparent and accessible to

Cash flow statement - the most important document any business plan. Contains comprehensive information about the company's operating, investment and financial inflows and outflows, and also allows you to evaluate the overall picture of the company's performance.

The benefits of a professionally prepared business plan

People associated with culture and art are not always capable of mathematical and economic calculations and financial analysis. Therefore, so that preparing a justification for the effectiveness of the project does not become an insurmountable barrier, it is better to apply for assistance professional services writing new business development projects.

If you have made such a decision, download a full-fledged ready-made business plan for a literary cafe in the library with all important financial and economic indicators. Another solution may be to order an individual “turnkey” business plan, taking into account the specific specifics of your company. This will allow you to realize creative ideas and provide investors with a high-quality justification for the project.

A literary cafe is an undeservedly forgotten form of organizing leisure time for creative people. Its revival and development can have a beneficial effect on the cultural aspects of the life of our society as a whole. And if the organizer makes a profit, then the undertaking is doubly justified. And to meet expectations from the project, use high-quality and professional business plans.

Question 24. Planning the library's working time budget. Business plan Working time fund - this is the number of working days of the library, structural unit, individual employee, calculated from the total number of days in a year minus weekends and holidays, loss of working time due to temporary disability, etc., and converted into quantity working hours per year.

2. Planning a library working time budget involves the following activities: :

defining the scope of work libraries based on calculated working hours - includes:

compiling a list of works, which will be carried out by the library throughout the year by each employee, structural unit and the library as a whole;

counting the amount of working time, necessary to perform both each type and the entire volume of work based on library work standards;

comparison the result obtained with working time fund:

equal distribution of work between structural units and individual employees. In this case, you may find that the number of hours required to complete the planned amount of work is more or less annual fund working hours, in connection with which it is necessary to adjust compliance of the planned volume of work with the working time fund by :

Increasing or decreasing the volume of work planned for completion;

Introduction of new processes and operations “or abandonment of operations included initially;

Application of more progressive production standards;

Additional attraction of readership, etc.;

comparison of the working time fund and its planned consumption by structural divisions;

Acceptance of relevant management decisions in order to distribute work evenly between departments and branches.

Planning according to standards in accordance with the working time fund will make the library plan realistically feasible and will contribute to better organization labor, reducing lost working time.

The problem of rational planning should not be limited to matching the volume of work with the working time of the library staff. The essence of using business planning principles :

Learn to succeed by avoiding failure;

Anticipate possible positive and negative aspects of the library’s activities;

Organize the labor process rationally;

Distribute responsibilities between employees.

3. Business plan represents economic justification development and implementation of new and/or improvement of quality and modernization of existing services from the point of view of technical and economic positions (including determining the level of potential demand); document that analyzes production, economic and sales activities library and ways to optimize it.

His goal is the design and development strategies for entrepreneurial activity of libraries for a certain period of time, which includes :

introduction of paid services. How non-profit organization library does not set itself the task of maximizing material profit from providing paid services users, but it needs additional sources of funding;

entrepreneurial activity based on marketing research:

External environment;

User needs;

Behavior of competitors, etc.;.

attracting money to the library funds charitable organizations, individuals, etc. - for this purpose they are used :

grant - gift, help library from sponsors, business stakeholders;

fundraising - search extra-budgetary sources of funding for the library for charitable purposes;

patronage - patronage of the library is not only financial, but also organizational, provided on a stable and long-term basis.

The business plan allows the library.

Rank actions by importance And continuously, follow step by step towards achieving the goal. A business plan is a tool with which it is possible constant control and management:

V production of library services;

Marketing activities of the library;

Identify strengths and weak sides its activities;

Correlate expenses for the implementation of the project with available resources, available in the budget, based on quantity data :

Intended customers of paid services (firms, institutions, organizations and individuals);

Ordered library products; . materials to be sold;

(estimated) funds that will come to the library account from the sale of paid services;

Estimate quality level offered and planned services - for this purpose the following are defined:

Required volume of services;

Terms of provision of services;

Circle of potential users;

Possible systems of discounts, benefits, etc.;

Predict capacity market and prospects for its development;

provide final results its activities;

Determine possible ways out unforeseen situations, searching for additional extra-budgetary sources of funding;

Install criteria for evaluating the implemented marketing concept;

Justify processes segmentation(division) of the market into separate groups of users with similar structured needs;

Define circle of specialists(employees) - capable of achieving the set goal. This reflects the library’s connections with scientific and industrial teams

4. The basic rule when preparing a library business plan is that it needs to reflect all elements that may interest the user of this information.

A business plan will help raise the prestige of the library in the business world and act as a kind of guarantor of its importance and usefulness.

By developing and implementing this form of planning, the library will establish itself as a reliable partner and a full-fledged market entity.

Specialists take part in the process of developing a business plan sheets of different levels.



A business plan can be current(1 year) or promising(for 3-5 years) plan.

In the process of preparing a library business plan and compilers


On analysis of library realities, facilitating or hindering the implementation of this project;

Availability of necessary resources(material and technical, personnel, etc.);

specifics of services, offered to readers;

Development market niche;

Possibilities competitors, sponsors, business partners;

employee potential libraries;

Prospects for improvement technology;

Social and psychological climate in the team, etc.

5. In the business plan :

Reveals main idea planned project;

Fits requisites libraries (name and address, names and addresses of founders, bank account number);

Description is entered proactive economic activity, including characteristics of forms of ownership.

Depending on the nature of the proposed project, the business plan may contain sections reflecting its specific features. Document Sections :

title page;

summary, which is interpreted as independent advertising document, containing the main provisions of the entire business plan;

general information about the library and the goals set for the business plan. The information presented in this section should inspire confidence in the library among those for whom the business plan is intended;

Products & Services. It is necessary to give the user a deep understanding of the features and benefits of the library's products and/or services (if this does not happen, then it is impossible to objectively evaluate the business plan);

market. This section contains information that helps the consumer of information understand the market in which the library operates or wants to enter, and allows him to evaluate the library's competitors;

marketing strategy. This section should show why consumers benefit from using the library's products and/or services and how the library's pricing and promotion policies promote their choice;

organization of production of services with a description of the implementation technology project. Filling this section depends on the goal to achieve which the business plan is being drawn up. Information provided reveals the following main aspects:

What resources and at what level are required to achieve the goal (finance, premises, equipment, personnel, information resources);

what is the technology for executing the project (how and when will the starting conditions for the implementation of this or that activity be achieved and how will further work be structured; what is the technological chain for manufacturing the product and/or providing the service);

What methods are expected to carry out quality control;

What are the library's operating hours?

personnel and organizational structure. Information is provided about those who will carry out this project;

risk. Problems that may arise during the implementation of the project are highlighted, and the actions that will be taken to minimize the likely risk are listed;

financial management. The cash requirements needed to implement the project are reported and the balance between the objectives and financial capabilities is demonstrated (maximum and minimum cash requirements, information about how quickly debts can be paid, etc.). When compiling this section, you must indicate:

How is the project supposed to be financed - from funds received from outside or only from internal funds;

What is the share of each funding source if funds from different sources are used?

The library business plan should answer the following questions::




How will the personal sale of library services to specific users be organized (organization of the consumer service process);

Which effective methods efforts should be made to promote the sale of library services;

What public relations activities are planned (meetings with local administration, representatives of commercial structures, political parties and public associations);

what needs to be done to create corporate identity library (development of a library sign, name, logo, slogan/motto, souvenirs, printed products, business cards, postcards, etc.).

It hardly occurs to anyone that it is possible to combine such concepts as a library and business. Most often, libraries are either state-owned or municipal institutions. This is why many people think that the idea of ​​opening a commercial library is quite ridiculous. And yet, for the implementation of this ideas most likely they will soon rebel at the state level, no matter how strange it may be.

However, these reforms so far only apply to libraries located in Moscow. However, regional entrepreneurs are already beginning to think about opening their own library business. Experts believe that this system has great potential. The library still continues to be socially oriented and is designed to increase the popularity of reading among the country's residents. Experts also say that the main problem in the library sector is that current institutions are not in very good condition, especially regional libraries. In order to restore them, large funds are needed. However, experts believe that such projects will pay off quite highly.

The main idea of ​​making libraries commercial is to turn them into public places where people will come, and thus they will turn into significant centers of cultural life. It is obvious that municipal libraries are quite isolated from society. Sometimes it's even difficult to get into them. For example, if there is a library in your area, but you do not have a residence permit, you will not be able to register there. The collections of such libraries are updated extremely rarely. In addition, almost three-quarters of the funds go to salaries for those who work there. It very rarely happens that library collections are updated. Basically, this is done too slowly, poorly thought out and at prices that are much higher than market prices.

However, it should be noted that a large number of the population needs library services. And this applies not only to those people who have low incomes. For example, libraries are often visited by those who like modern literature or by parents of young children who attend kindergarten and schools. Sometimes they are aware of what new products are coming out in bookstores and allow themselves to buy what interests them. But they don't have enough space to store books that are unlikely to be re-read. Opinion polls say that such parents will be happy to take such a book home for a low fee if they can find it in the library.

It should be noted that foreign businessmen have long determined that libraries bring good profits and are now using them to develop own business. For example, in Thailand, on the island of Koh Samui, there is a rather expensive hotel called Library and offers visitors a modernized resort vacation. Here you will not find an ordinary bar, restaurant or disco. And near the pool of this hotel there is a fairly large library where you can find a lot of interesting literature. No matter how strange it may seem, this hotel is quite popular among those who come to relax.

In addition, libraries traveling by bus have been invented relatively recently. One author of a similar idea, which he called the Library Bus Project, was awarded by the Swedish Library Society, and his project won the title of "Project of the Year". The purpose of the mobile library on wheels is to provide library services to the population, popularize books and reading, and instill in citizens a love of intellectual work. This library not only provides interesting books, but also provides the opportunity to communicate on the Internet, as well as organize clubs based on interests and meet new friends. Here you can find both a cinema and computer games, as well as go online.

It is clear that it is quite difficult to open your own commercial library, even a small one.

To implement such a project, you will need premises in the city center (this will be the most suitable option for a city with a population of less than half a million) or simply in a residential area. In addition, the interior of a private library must be unique and carefully thought out to every detail. After all, here people will not only take books and leave, but also meet, work, and communicate. Therefore, you must understand that it will be like a cultural club.

In addition, the room should be quite spacious, about 100 square meters. Or it may consist of two parts - this will be a small reading room and an area where bookshelves will be located. It is advisable to buy inexpensive furniture for the library. The essential point is that it should be comfortable. Some book clubs and public libraries often purchase sofas, tables and chairs from specialty stores such as IKEA. It is clear that such furniture is quite the same type, and it is very easy to recognize it, but if you want, then it is quite possible to make it unique without spending a lot of money. Many businessmen turn to companies that can make custom-made furniture. Sometimes this turns out to be even more profitable than buying ready-made furniture in a store.

If the library is not a highly specialized institution, its assortment must necessarily include a fairly wide selection of classical literature. It is unlikely that any problems will arise with this. Such books can be found in home library, buy in a second-hand bookstore or at bookstores, which are now quite popular, as well as purchase through advertisements on forums. However, you should know that many visitors will come to the library to read new books here that cannot yet be found and read for free on the Internet. That is why you need to monitor the appearance of interesting new products on the book market and regularly purchase some copies that may be of interest to your readers.

An average-sized library provides readers with about thirty thousand books. A private library may contain many fewer items, but all of them must be in demand by the general public. If on average a new book now costs about 400 rubles, it turns out that in order to purchase 100 new books, you will need at least 40 thousand rubles. In addition, it should be taken into account that the book fund must be regularly replenished. This creates an incentive for readers to use the services of this library.

In order to make it convenient to use the services of the library that you create, it is advisable to make a catalog. If you have a plan to open your own book club in a big city, you need to think about how to create a website with an electronic catalog, as well as provide the ability to book a book online. Thus, regular readers will certainly be able to find out directly on the site whether the book they need is available at the moment and try to ask for it to be postponed for a while.

In addition, a private library sometimes offers other services that are not available in regular libraries. For example, they may deliver books to your home or office for a fee. In addition, some library websites offer topics in which readers can express what they would like to read. And this will let you understand what new products are in demand now, and what books are best to buy so that they do not gather dust on the shelves.

Now it’s worth saying a few words about the commercial library. Such a library, which has book club status, makes money in two ways. The first source of income is renting out books. Suppose the cost of a new book is about 400 rubles. The owner of the book club issues it to the reader as a deposit, which is equal to the original cost of the book. After the reader returns the book, the deposit amount is returned to him, from which a small percentage is deducted (let’s say 10% of the cost, that is, 40 rubles). In addition, the library has the right to charge a fine if a book is returned later than the appointed date. The second method is that the reader has the opportunity to sign up for a paid subscription, in which he can borrow a certain number of books for a certain time - a month, six months or a year, without paying additionally for books.

By the way, city libraries in the West do not operate entirely on a commercial basis. For example, residents of this city use library services free, while others pay for a subscription, for example, 1000 rubles per quarter. It is worth noting that libraries often offer to borrow not only books, but also various periodicals, magazines, newspapers, CDs, as well as rent a laptop in order to do your work or access the Internet.

Another source of income is of particular interest to some private libraries in Russia. They rent premises in order to hold various thematic meetings, meetings, seminars, conversations, interest clubs, seminars. It can also be said that such libraries operate on the principle of anti-cafes, and you need to pay for the time that a person plans to spend there. Although, if the anti-cafe does not offer food, it is usually allowed to bring it or you can order it from a cafe located nearby. It is clear that you should not bring food to the library. However, if such a reading room is located separately from the book storage, then visitors may well be offered tea or coffee. In order to organize such a library, you need a lot of money.

If you have the funds, you can also buy several more laptops for work. Then the library can easily compete with an ordinary home office. There you can install WiFi and buy several e-books, which are now quite popular among readers.

Commercial libraries have one advantage over public libraries. It lies in the fact that you can hire students to work, and this allows you to save quite a lot of money. Let's say a student can work shifts, therefore, he will receive a salary for the hours he worked, and not some specific payment. The library is often open on weekdays from nine in the morning until six in the evening. A commercial library may well be open from eight in the morning until eight in the evening. She can take one day off, or maybe two.

Very good options in order to open a commercial library, there will be a specialized one. It can only offer literature of a certain style; most often it operates as a cafe. Or you can open a library that only children can visit. In this case, it will be something between a children's entertainment center and an ordinary library. By the way, large municipal libraries often offer classes for children for a fee. This includes various clubs, creative activities. As a rule, the payment here is not very high.

Very often book clubs on a paid basis deal not only with younger preschoolers And younger schoolchildren, but also with teenagers. Experts say that this option is very promising. Nowadays there are a lot of such centers for children, which prepare the child for school, conduct various classes that promote the child’s development, and provide the services of a speech therapist or psychologist. There are quite a few teenagers who would like to use the same services. But, as a rule, in cities there are much fewer such establishments specifically for them.

If you are planning to turn your club into a leisure center, then you do not have to purchase a license that will allow you to provide services in the educational field. But if you are going to create training programs such as developmental, educational, or use any specific methods, then you will need to purchase a license and, in addition, the status of a non-state educational institution. This is due to the fact that you will have to spend much more effort on organizing such an event. After all, you will need to make quite high demands on the premises you have chosen, the methodology and the teachers and psychologists who are going to work for you. However, if you have graduated from a pedagogical institute or any pedagogical courses, you have the opportunity to work on your own without hiring anyone else. Then you should register as an individual entrepreneur, which will help significantly reduce costs. If you want to become a tutor, then you can simply rent a room and teach children there. And having a library with literature intended for teenagers and children will allow you to open a source of additional income and attract customers.

If you decide to open a commercial library, then you should know that the amount of money invested directly depends on what topic and format your institution will have. The main thing you will have to spend money on is renting premises (this depends on where in the city you will rent the building, it will take approximately 30 thousand rubles, this also includes utility bills), renovation work, equipment - furniture and bookshelves plus various armchairs, tables and chairs, computers, books that you are going to offer to visitors. You should think about how much you will pay your employees, on average it will cost about 15 thousand per person. In addition, you can In addition, you should know that advertising will help you attract potential clients. To do this, you will need to spend additional funds on leaflets, posting advertisements, a thematic website, forums, and advertising on social networks.

The income of your library will directly depend on the format. If the project is successful, then it will be able to cover all expenses within almost six months from the start of work. And at the end of the first year, you will be able to receive quite large and stable profits. Experts say that in large cities it can reach up to 150 thousand per month. They also advise opening such a library in the fall. In the summer, few people go to libraries, since adults often spend time on vacation, and children go to camps, to dachas, and to visit elderly relatives. In addition, you should not start librarianship from mid-December to mid-January. This time falls during the winter holidays, and almost no one goes to the library.