Mastering the production of new products at the enterprise. Creation and development of a new product (service). See what “Production Mastery” is in other dictionaries

An important stage of the “Research - Production” cycle is the development of new products. The development of new products is a production process during which the necessary debugging of the technological process, organization and planning of production takes place in order to produce new products in a given volume and achieve the planned economic indicators. A product is considered mastered if it is produced in the established volume and has the required technical and economic parameters. The term “mastered products” is usually used in relation to a specific enterprise. Products mastered at one enterprise, if they are transferred to another enterprise, also require development in relation to the characteristics of the latter, i.e. redevelopment.

The beginning of development should be considered the release of an installation series, which is produced according to serial production documentation in order to confirm the readiness of production to produce products in specified volumes and with established requirements. There are technical, industrial and economic development.

Technical development is carried out in the process of creating a new product during the pre-production period and is characterized by the achievement of technical parameters that are established for the product in technical specifications and standards. Design technical indicators must be achieved in pilot production during preparation for serial production of new products. Given the high demands currently placed on product quality, it is not practical to carry out technical development during mass production.

Production development is a production process during which the enterprise reaches the designed volume (quantity) of production of new products. At the same time, the economic development of product production is also carried out. It begins with the release of the first industrial series, but does not end with production reaching the planned volume of output in pieces. The end of economic development should be considered the achievement of the design level of economic indicators of new products, primarily labor intensity and cost of products. Theoretically, it can end earlier than production, but, as a rule, enterprises reach the target level of economic indicators later than they reach the design level of product output.

The development of new products is a stage of the production process. Therefore, during the development period, the basic principles of organizing the production process apply: specialization, proportionality, parallelism, direct flow, continuity, rhythm, etc. They also operate during the period of expanded production and during the reduction of output and discontinuation of obsolete products. In addition to general principles, the production process during development is based on specific principles that serve as the basis for its organization and are weakly manifested during the period of expanded production. These principles are: integration of developers, producers and consumers; readiness of production for development; production flexibility; complexity of development.

The principle of integration reflects the need to combine the efforts of workers throughout the entire “Research - Production” cycle. The principle of readiness presupposes comprehensive preparation of production. In order for acceleration to take place at the planned pace and with minimal losses, production readiness must be comprehensive, that is, all elements of the production system must be constantly ready for the release of new products. Comprehensive readiness includes design, technological, organizational, economic, social, psychological, environmental and legal readiness.

The principle of flexibility requires that production be mobile and dynamic. It must quickly respond to changes in consumer demand and switch to producing new products. Flexibility of production allows, without large losses, to stop the production of obsolete products that do not meet the required technical and economic level, have lost competitiveness and have lost demand, and makes it possible to avoid wasteful expenditure of resources.

The principle of completeness of efforts and actions means the rational combination of all parts of the process of creating and producing a new product, including related enterprises.

Ignoring the principles of organizing the accelerated development of new products inevitably leads to an increase in the periods of production and economic development, to an increase in production costs associated with the transition to the production of new machines, to loss of profit when selling outdated products instead of new ones.

Concept, stages of industrial development of products

Production development is the initial period of industrial production of new products, during which the achievement of the planned design technical and economic indicators is ensured (design output of new products per unit of time and the design labor intensity and unit cost of production corresponding to this output). Isolating this period is advisable only for conditions of mass and serial types of production, which are characterized by stability in the range of products produced by the enterprise for a certain time; in single production there is practically no development period, since the updating of the nomenclature is associated with the release of each new single product.

During this period, a significant number of design and technological changes occur, which not only require adjustments to the technical documentation, but also changes to already mastered technological operations, technological equipment, and sometimes processes in general. The scope of such changes can be quite significant.

During the period of mastery, many workers, especially those employed in the main workshops of mass production enterprises, have to re-master technological operations, serviced equipment, technological equipment, i.e. acquire professional skills in changing production and technical conditions.

In the process of mastering the production of new types of products, the following stages are distinguished: technical, production and economic development.

Beginning t technical development It is considered that the production unit receives technical documentation and a prototype of the product simultaneously with the task of starting its industrial production, and the end is the achievement of technical design parameters, certain standards or technical conditions.

Production development carried out in the process of setting up production and is completed in conditions when all production units of the enterprise ensure the fulfillment of established volumes of product output at a given quality and the necessary sustainable production. During the period of production development, bottlenecks are eliminated, workers fully master labor operations, and the load on equipment and labor is stabilized.

Economic development of production of new products assumes the achievement of the main design economic indicators of product production. As a rule, the costs of producing the first products are several times higher than the costs of mass-produced products. Subsequently, there is a sharp reduction in these costs. However, over time, the rate of decline slows down and then becomes insignificant.

Dynamics of production costs during the development of new products

Dynamics of production costs during the development period is determined by a number of factors, including the level of preparedness of the enterprise for the development of new products. This level reflects the degree of completion of various types of work in preparation for production, the ability of the enterprise to ensure the design output of products and can be characterized by a number of indicators. The most significant of them is the readiness ratio of fixed assets. At low values ​​of the readiness factor (0.2....03), the first products have increased labor intensity and cost, the development period extends over time for months, or even years. With coefficient values ​​close to unity, it is possible already at the beginning of the development period to reach a level of production costs close to the design one, and the development period itself can be reduced to a minimum. Enterprises that manufacture competitive products prefer to start production with high readiness coefficients. This strategy provides obvious benefits by reducing the development period, but requires significant investment before production begins. In addition, with such a strategy there is a high degree of economic risk, since the actual sales volume may be lower than the potential output.

The main characteristics of the development process - the duration of this period, the dynamism of costs - largely depend on the degree of preparedness of the enterprise to ensure extensive serial or mass production. With a high degree of readiness of special equipment and accessories for the start of full-scale production, it is possible to significantly shorten the development period and ensure a relatively small excess of the labor intensity of the first industrial products in comparison with the design labor intensity.

Organization of the transition to the production of new products

There are two main forms of transition to the production of new products: with a stop and without stopping production. In each of these forms, sequential, parallel and parallel-serial methods are distinguished.

Sequential transition method characterized by the fact that the production of new products begins after the complete cessation of production of discontinued products.

There are discontinuous-sequential and continuous-sequential versions of this method. In the discontinuous-sequential method, after the production of an old product has ceased, work on redevelopment and installation of technological equipment and vehicles is carried out on the same production areas, and upon completion, the development of production of a new product begins. The duration of these works determines the amount of production shutdown time - D T, during which there is no production as new, since losses in the total output are the highest here. They cannot be compensated for a long time, which does not allow the use of the discontinuous-sequential method in the practice of developing new products.

The continuous-sequential version of the sequential method is characterized by the fact that the production of the mastered product begins immediately after the cessation of production of the product being discontinued, i.e. D T= 0. Although this causes losses in the total output of products, they can be minimized due to the high rate of increase in the output of the product being mastered. This requires a high degree of completeness of work on the technological preparation of the production of a new product before the start of its development.

Parallel transition method characterized by the fact that, simultaneously with a reduction in the volume of production of old products, there is an increase in the production of new ones. The length of time it takes to combine the release of discontinued products and newly introduced products may vary. This method is most often used in mechanical engineering, both in mass and batch production.

Its main advantage compared to the sequential method is that it is possible to significantly reduce losses in the total output of products when mastering a new product.

At parallel-serial transfer method The enterprise creates additional capacity, where the development of a new product begins. Technological processes are being developed, personnel are being trained, and the first batches of new products are being produced. During this initial period of development, the main production continues to produce products to be replaced. After the completion of the initial development period, there is a short-term stop both in the main production and in the additional areas, during which the equipment is redesigned: the equipment of the additional areas is transferred to the main production workshops. Upon completion of these works, the production of new products is organized in the main production.

Organizing the production of new products involves restructuring the existing production process and all its constituent elements. The development of new types of products requires not only the development of new technological processes and the use of new technological means, but also changes in the forms and methods of organizing production and labor, the acquisition of new knowledge and skills by the personnel of the team, the restructuring of material and technical supplies, etc.

Under these conditions, it is necessary to carry out organizational preparation of production, that is, to implement a number of measures to restructure production processes to produce new products. The complex of works included in the organizational preparation of production is associated with solving problems of an internal and external nature. The level of organization of labor and production, material support for new production, and general technical and economic indicators of the enterprise largely depend on the quality of performance of these works.

Organizational preparation of production is a complex of processes and work aimed at developing and implementing a project for organizing the production process of manufacturing a new product, a system for organizing and remunerating labor, material and technical support for production, a regulatory framework for in-plant planning in order to create the necessary conditions for high-performance and accelerated development and release of new products of the required quality.

The organizational stage of production preparation is divided into a number of stages:

Development of a project for organizing the main production process.

Development of a main production maintenance project.

Development of organization and remuneration.

Organization of logistics and sales of new products.

Creation of a regulatory framework for in-plant technical, economic and operational production planning.

Organizational preparation of production is a combination of engineering and organizational-economic work and can be fully attributed to the field of engineering development. The most important requirements for comprehensive production preparation include socio-psychological preparation of production.

Social and psychological preparation of production is a system of measures aimed at organizing the propaganda, economic, psychological and social consequences of the introduction of new products for the team of the manufacturing enterprise, as well as for its consumers. Social and psychological problems of the production of new products are aimed at ensuring comprehensive intensification of production, increasing its efficiency and creating a favorable social climate in production. Currently, one of the most important aspects of the study of psychological problems is the “human factor”. A person’s labor activity is carried out on the basis of the functioning of his psyche, thinking, imagination, attention, psychomotor skills, motivation, etc.

When developing new types of products, it is necessary to develop a project for organizing the production of these products and ensure its implementation or reorganization of existing production. In general, when designing a production organization, the following areas of work can be distinguished: determining production capacities for organizing the production of new products; selection of rational forms of production organization; development or improvement of an operational production planning system; design of a production maintenance system; designing forms and methods of remuneration for all categories of workers; development and implementation of a project for the technical reconstruction of an enterprise or individual workshops.

One of the main works in designing the organization of the production process for manufacturing new products is calculating the required production capacity. When calculating, certain ratios between the capacities of workshops must be provided, a certain excess must be created to create inter-shop advances and create reserves to ensure rhythmic work.

When choosing forms of organization of production processes, the type of production structure of workshops and sections, the nature of the specialization of divisions, the flow or non-flow form of organization of the main production processes are determined, the flows of materials, semi-finished products and finished products are formed. Options for organizational structures, layouts, and routes for the movement of objects of labor are analyzed using analytical and simulation methods.

An important step is designing the development process over time. At the same time, work is being done to adapt the operational production planning system to the conditions for the release of new products, the sequence of launching them into production is established, the necessary backlog is determined, measures are provided to ensure better use of equipment and labor, and a reduction in the duration of the production cycle. The listed tasks are implemented based on the use of graphical and machine modeling of the movement of objects of labor, performing volumetric calculations, and using optimization methods.

At the next stages of designing the production organization, the functions of technical maintenance, the departments that implement them, and the relationships with production departments are determined; organizational systems for transport, instrumental and logistical support of workshops and sections are being developed; The number of service units is calculated, their structure is determined, and regulatory documents are developed. An independent design direction is the development of a quality control system for new products.

The final stage of developing a project for organizing the production of new types of products is the choice of forms of labor organization and wages. This takes into account the nature of the production process and the products produced; the composition and number of production teams, the nature of their specialization and cooperation, the qualification characteristics and structure of the workforce are determined, workplaces and their service systems are designed. At this stage, standard designs for organizing workplaces are used and maps of labor organization are developed, in which the content of labor processes is recorded, a list of jobs and a list of the organizational equipment used are compiled.

An integral part of organizational preparation of production is the development of standards for organizing and planning the production of new types of products: material, labor, calendar, cost standards, prices, own working capital.

An important stage of the “research-production” cycle is the development of new products. The development of new products is a production process during which the necessary debugging of the technological process, organization and planning of production takes place in order to produce new products in a given volume and achieve the planned economic indicators. A product is considered mastered if it is produced in the established volume and has the required technical and economic parameters. The term “mastered products” is usually used in relation to a specific enterprise. Products mastered at one enterprise, if transferred to another enterprise, also require development in relation to the characteristics of the latter, i.e. redevelopment.

The beginning of development should be considered the release of an installation series, which is produced according to serial production documentation in order to confirm the readiness of production to produce products in specified volumes and with established requirements. There are technical, industrial and economic development.

Technical development is carried out in the process of creating a new product during the pre-production period and is characterized by the achievement of technical parameters that are established for the product in technical specifications and standards. Design technical indicators must be achieved in pilot production during preparation for serial production of new products. Given the high demands currently placed on product quality, it is not practical to carry out technical development during mass production.

Production development is a production process during which the enterprise reaches the designed volume (quantity) of production of new products. At the same time, the economic development of product production is also carried out. It begins with the release of the first industrial series, but does not end with production reaching the planned volume of output in pieces. The end of economic development should be considered the achievement of the design level of economic indicators of new products, primarily labor intensity and cost of products. Theoretically, it can end earlier than production, but, as a rule, enterprises reach the target level of economic indicators later than the design level of product output is reached.

The development of new products is a stage of the production process. Therefore, during the development period, the basic principles of organizing the production process apply: specialization, proportionality, parallelism, direct flow, continuity, rhythm, etc. They also operate during the period of expanded production and during the reduction of output and discontinuation of obsolete products. In addition to general principles, the production process during development is based on specific principles that serve as the basis for its organization and are weakly manifested during the period of expanded production. These principles are: integration of developers, producers and consumers; readiness of production for development; production flexibility; complexity of development.

Organization of the transition to the production of new products

Domestic and foreign practice of enterprises provides many options for switching production to the production of new products. There are options with or without stopping production. The transition of enterprises to the production of a new product can be carried out using the following methods: sequential, parallel, complex-combined and aggregate.

A transition is called sequential when production development begins only after a previously produced product has been discontinued. Technical organizational preparation is carried out, as a rule, in advance, during the release of old products.

The parallel transition method involves the maximum combination of the production of newly mastered products with the final stage of production of the old model. It is usually used when enterprises have reserve capacities, create parallel operating sections, and conveyors. With sequential and parallel methods, the production of the entire new machine as a whole is mastered, with all components fully ready for production.

The complex-combined method is characterized by the combination of individual work on the preparation of production and the development of new products with a comprehensive solution of design, technological and production problems. Manufacturers participate in the production of the product, and developers participate in the development of its production. This method allows you to significantly speed up the process of creating and developing new products by reducing the procedure for preparing and approving technical documentation, eliminating unnecessary work, and making the transition to mass production without producing prototypes and pilot production batches.

The aggregate method involves the gradual replacement of individual units in the design produced by the old model. For some time, a transitional modified product has been produced, equipped only with individual new components. Upon completion of the planned replacement of old units with new ones, the model turns from a transitional model into a new product. Development is divided into several stages, the team of the enterprise. concentrates efforts on a relatively small area of ​​work and the transition occurs less painfully for the enterprise.

When choosing a transition method, factors characterizing the organizational and technical level of production, the design of the new product and production technology should be taken into account. When assessing organizational and technical conditions, it is necessary to take into account: the presence of a reserve of production capacity; availability of free production space; in-plant specialization; division of labor in workshops and areas; level of industry and inter-industry cooperation; availability of qualified personnel, level of organization of logistics, level of flexibility of the production apparatus, etc.

When assessing the design of a new machine, one takes into account its novelty, level of unification and standardization, design continuity and features of the new product in comparison with the machine being discontinued, dimensions, weight, material consumption, energy intensity, labor intensity and other technical and economic indicators.

Production technology is characterized by the use of standard and special technological processes, standardized and special tooling and equipment, the use of computer-controlled machines, industrial robots and flexible automated systems, the presence of production waste and the impact on the environment and other factors.

Methods and options for transition to the production of new products have a great impact on the timing and efficiency of production. It is necessary to carry out calculations of the reduction in production volume during the development period, increased resource costs, and also determine the time during which production and economic development will be completed.

Payments post-numerando business project are distributed by year as follows:

80000; 100000; 120000; 150000; 90000.

Find the net present value, profitability index, internal rate of return, return on investment and payback period at a discount rate of 20% per annum and a cost of capital of 11% per annum.

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"Organization of production at mechanical engineering enterprises"


“Mastering the production of new products»


The creation of new types of products is carried out in the process of pre-production, which is carried out outside the framework of the production process.

The pre-production process is a special type of activity that combines the development of scientific and technical information with its transformation into a material object - a new product.

The preparation process is divided into the following works: research, design, technological, production, economic.

Engineering works (research, technical and organizational developments) are the main ones for the preparatory stage.

The next stage is the process of manufacturing and testing prototypes, prototypes and series of machines. These are called experimental manufacturing processes.

The effectiveness of the process of updating manufactured products at machine-building enterprises is largely determined by the correctness and rationality of the chosen method of transition to the production of new products. The nature of product renewal depends on a number of factors:

Resources available to the enterprise that can be used to organize the development of new products (capital investments and their materialization in the form of production facilities, equipment, technological equipment, as well as human resources);

Differences in the degree of progressiveness of products being developed and those being discontinued;

The degree of preparedness of the enterprise for the development of new products (completeness and quality of technical documentation, degree of readiness of technological equipment and equipment, level of personnel qualifications, availability of additional production facilities, etc.);

Design and technological features of products;

Type of production;

Demand for products produced by the enterprise;

Level of unification of products being developed and discontinued.

The methods of transition to the production of new products used in mechanical engineering differ, first of all, in the degree to which the production time of the replaced and mastered models coincides (or the presence of a break between the end of the production of the replaced and the beginning of the production of the mastered model), as well as the ratio of the rate of decline in the output of the discontinued model and the rate of increase in output mastered products. However, with all the variety of options for the processes of updating mechanical engineering products, determined by the various manifestations of the factors listed above, it is possible to identify characteristic methods of transition to new products: sequential, parallel and parallel-sequential.

The sequential transition method is characterized by the fact that the production of new products begins after the complete cessation of production of discontinued products

The continuous-sequential option is characterized by the fact that the production of the product being mastered begins immediately after the cessation of production of the product being discontinued. Organization of development using this option is much more difficult from an organizational and technological point of view. A high degree of completeness of work on technological preparation for the production of a new product before the start of its development is required.

The parallel method is characterized by the gradual replacement of discontinued products with newly introduced ones. In this case, simultaneously with the reduction in production volumes of the “old” model, there is an increase in the production of the “new” model. The length of time for combining varies. This method is most often used in mechanical engineering, both mass and serial. Its main advantage in comparison with the sequential method is that it is possible to significantly reduce (and in some cases completely eliminate) losses in the total production output during the development period.

In mass production, a parallel-staged version of the parallel method is used. It is characterized by the fact that the process of updating manufactured products is carried out in several stages, during which the production of transitional models is mastered, differing from the previous model in the design of individual units and components. At each stage, it is not the final product of the enterprise that is updated, but only its individual components.

The parallel-sequential transition method is quite widely used in mass production when developing new products that are significantly different in design from those being removed. At the same time, the enterprise creates additional capacities (sites, workshops), where the development of a new product begins - technological processes are worked out, personnel are trained, and the production of products to be replaced is organized. After the completion of the initial development period, the main production continues to produce products to be replaced. After the completion of the initial development period, a short-term stop occurs, both in the main production and in additional areas, during which the equipment is redesigned. In this case, the equipment of additional sections is transferred to the main production workshops. Upon completion of work in these workshops, the production of new products is organized.

The disadvantage of this method is the obvious losses in the total output during the production stop and at the beginning of the subsequent period of mastering the new product in the workshops. However, carrying out the initial stages of development in additional (temporary) areas allows later, when launching production, to ensure high rates of increase in the production of a new product.

1. Organization of development of production of new products

1.1 Characteristics of the production development process

Production development is the initial period of industrial production of new products, during which the achievement of the planned design technical and economic indicators is ensured (primarily the design output of new products per unit of time and the design labor intensity and unit cost of production corresponding to this output). Isolating this period is advisable only for conditions of mass and serial types of production, which are characterized by stability in the range of products produced by the enterprise for a certain time; in single production there is practically no development period, since the updating of the nomenclature is associated with the release of each new single product or small batch.

During the development period, the design and technical refinement of the new product and the adaptation of the production itself to the production of new products continue. Therefore, one of the characteristic features of this period is the dynamism of technical and economic indicators of production.

During this period, a significant number of design and technological changes occur, which not only require adjustments to the technical documentation, but also changes to already mastered technological operations, technological equipment, and sometimes processes in general.

Making changes leads to a longer development period and higher costs. During the period of mastery, many workers, especially those employed in the main workshops of mass production enterprises, have to re-master technological operations, serviced equipment, technological equipment, i.e. acquire professional skills in changing production and technical conditions.

It takes some time to develop rational work practices.

In addition, the main characteristics of the development process - the duration of this period, the dynamism of costs - largely depend on the enterprise’s preparedness to ensure extensive serial or mass production. With a high degree of readiness of special equipment and accessories for the start of full-scale production, it is possible to significantly reduce the development period and ensure a slight excess of the labor intensity of the first industrial products in comparison with the design labor intensity.

If the level of technological equipment at the beginning of development does not correspond significantly to the level that is provided for ensuring the design production of products, the development period is delayed, and there is a significant excess in the labor intensity and cost of products in the first years of production in comparison with the design indicators. A high level of readiness of fixed assets for the start of production requires significant capital investments, which in some cases may be excessively large. There is also a risk of abandoning some part of the technological equipment due to the intensive flow of design changes during the equipment period. Therefore, for certain types of products, depending on the types of production, optimal volumes of equipment are usually established at the beginning of the development period.

1.2 Organizational and planned preparation of production

Organizing the production of new products requires not only the creation of new technological processes and changes in production technology, but also changes in the forms and methods of organizing labor and production, and changes in the structure of personnel.

Organizational preparation of production is a complex of works and processes aimed at developing a project for organizing in time and space the production process of manufacturing a new product, a system for organizing and remunerating labor, a logistics system, and a regulatory framework for in-plant planning for products being put into production for the first time.

Product life cycle and innovation

Most products that are able to satisfy the existing needs of many customers, with the implementation of a single correct solution, which is selected from many options. The changing level of demand for any product determines changes in sales volumes and profit generation over time. From a demand point of view, goods and services have their own natural life cycle, which consists of stages (phases): introduction, growth, maturity, saturation, decline. The concept of the product life cycle considers the dynamics of its competitive presence in the market. Regarding production, the life cycle of a product covers the period from its inception, the beginning of its industrial development, increase in output, stabilization, decline in output to the complete cessation of production. Thus, the life cycle of a product is a set of interconnected processes of creation and sequential changes in its state from the formation of emerging market requirements to the end of operation or consumption.

Increasing competition forces enterprises to pursue an active product policy, which takes into account the conditions of the market environment and technological progress. The concept of the product life cycle clearly shows that, regardless of success in the market, any product inevitably leaves the market after a certain time. In this regard, enterprises are forced to constantly carry out innovative activities, carry out a range of work with the preparation and release of new products or the provision of new types of services.

Competition forces independent firms to be interested in updating products, which necessitates market selection of competing innovations. It is known that economic life is based on innovative processes and their implementation in new products and new technology. The innovation process represents the preparation and implementation of constructive changes and consists of interconnected phases that create a single, complex whole. The result of such a process is change - an innovation that is implemented and used. With the increasing globalization of product markets, the requirements for products manufactured in different countries have increased significantly from consumers and intermediaries who would like to be confident in their quality. The likelihood that the created product will meet consumer requirements increases if the enterprise has an effective system for ensuring the quality of products or services. These circumstances have led to the inclusion in commercial contracts for the supply of products, along with traditional indicators, of requirements for quality systems and their verification by the supplier. This approach forces us to consider the product life cycle from the perspective of ensuring its competitiveness at 12 stages, starting from the marketing stage and ending with disposal.

The life cycle of a product covers the following stages: 1) marketing, searches and market research (it is necessary to establish what products the consumer needs, of what quality and at what price; 2) design and (or) development of technical requirements, product development (design preparation for production, designer establishes the possibility of manufacturing products, materials and estimated price); 3) logistics; 4) preparation and development of production processes (technological preparation of production); 5) production; 6) control, testing and inspection; 7) packaging and preservation; 8) sales and distribution of products; 9) installation and operation; 10) technical assistance in maintenance; 11) after sales service; 12) disposal after use.

A new product may be an innovation or modification of an existing product that the consumer considers significant. The advantages of a new product are determined by its unique properties, which distinguish it from products similar in purpose. The uniqueness of the properties of a product is characterized by the degree to which it embodies the functional parameters desired by the consumer and the quality of execution. For the commercial success of a new product, it is important that consumers have timely information about its characteristics. For the manufacturer, it is no less important to determine the timing of the start of modernization or design and the development of new products. The answer to these questions depends on the level of organization of a complex of interrelated works that cover the entire cycle of creation and development of products.

To develop and introduce into production a new product means to implement knowledge, a new idea in a material product that satisfies certain consumer needs. Materialization of knowledge and ideas will require a significant investment of time and financial resources. Market competition initiates an increase in the level of product novelty and the frequency of changes in its models, which, in turn, increases the need for investment in design and production. For example, only the costs of manufacturing a new product in the first year of its production are twice or more than the costs of the fifth year of production.

Therefore, it is important to ensure such a choice of the optimal period for changing product models so that the total costs of development and implementation in production, as well as the costs of demolition, are minimal, and the level of their economic efficiency is maximum. From the perspective of the time factor, the product life cycle covers the period from the beginning of the development of a new product, its further development, production and discontinuation.

Integrated production preparation system

At machine-building enterprises, the processes of creating and mastering the production of new products form a system of comprehensive production preparation, as an unknown part of the production process. Integrated production preparation is a set of interrelated marketing and scientific research, technical, technological and organizational solutions aimed at finding, through research, new opportunities to satisfy consumer needs for specific types of products or providing existing ones with the necessary functional properties; creation of new, modernization of existing equipment designs, consumer properties of goods, technological processes, methods of organizing and managing production, including the stages of operation and disposal of these products; ensuring the competitiveness of new products.

Comprehensive production preparation should be considered from the perspective of a systems approach. A systematic approach, due to the interaction of parts or elements that are part of the complex, ensures strengthening of its function aimed at achieving the goal and obtaining the effect. The integrated production preparation system covers certain interrelated stages of the life cycle of a new product: 1) research and development work; 2) development work; 3) design preparation for production; 4) technological preparation of production; 5) organizational preparation of production; 6) development of a new product in industrial production.

Research training subsystem

Covers work with comprehensive research of the market, buyers and competitors; study of foreign patent information; the search is underway (inventing) a new product; commercial analysis, evaluation and selection of ideas; development of the concept of a product of market novelty and determination of its competitiveness; creation of advanced, perfect, simplified product designs; conquering a piece of the market. The organization of this phase of production preparation at the enterprise is based on the marketing service. Research and development work on specific products can be carried out by relevant research departments and enterprises or specialized scientific and technical organizations.

The production preparation subsystem covers a set of processes of design, technical, technological and organizational nature, aimed at developing design documentation and mastering the production of new types of competitive products.

The main tasks of technical preparation of production include: creating a set of drawings of new products using the results of research work, ensuring functionality and a given level of quality of the design object; the use of advanced technological processes for the manufacture of new products; reducing the duration of the design-manufacturing production cycle; saving labor, material and financial resources; prompt response to changing consumer needs; preparation of all organizational and technical measures for the rhythmic and highly productive functioning of production.

All stages of complex production preparation require comprehensive information preparation, environmental preparation, as well as economic justification, thanks to which the divisions that carry out work on the creation and development of the production of a new product interact systematically and effectively to achieve the goal of satisfying consumers and making a profit.

Each stage of scientific and technical preparation of production is divided into certain stages, and the stages, in turn, into separate works.

The system for developing and mastering the production of new products depends on the range and technical level of the products that are produced; frequency and depth of changes in their design; the complexity of the technology that is used; technical level of equipment; material support; organization of labor and production; personnel qualifications, their motivation, etc. Enterprises of different industries have certain technical, technological, organizational and economic specifics, therefore each of them forms its own system of comprehensive production preparation, which provides for a certain composition of work and the order of its implementation within the product life cycle.

Organization of pre-production work

The process of manufacturing and development of new products has a number of features that must be taken into account during its organization: complexity, increasing complexity and scale of scientific research on objects that are being developed, the probable nature of the pre-production processes, which is determined by novelty, the degree of objectivity of the initial information and the uncertainty of the final results; uniqueness and dynamism of research and development work; human factor.

A large number of divisions of the enterprise take part in the scientific and technical preparation of the production of new products. According to the functions that are used, they are grouped into thematic, functional-thematic, production, service units, as well as functional management services.

Business in the scientific and technical field is always associated with risk in obtaining the expected scientific, technical and financial results. This influences the nature of innovative activity. The risky nature of the work is determined by the competition for the consumer.

In the system of creation and development of new types of goods and products, the following firms belong to the sphere of venture entrepreneurship: experienced ones, whose activities extend to the research and development stage; implemented, which specialize in the practical development of scientific and technical developments; servicing (service) specialists who specialize in technical maintenance of news; expert (analytical, advisory) who perform audit work, consult and provide other types of services.

Task No. 1

Determine the production task for the packaging department, if the caramel shop has 3 production lines, the capacity of each line is 6 tons of products per shift. Returnable waste for caramel wrapping is 2%. Packaging is carried out in packs of 10 kg.

1).Calculation of the production line task per shift:

Calculated using the formula:

Vp.l.= pp*rs-(pp*rs)*Cat, Where

Vp.l. - task of the production line,

Pp - number of production lines,

rs - line power per shift,

Cat - returnable waste

Vp.l.=3*6 - (3*6)*2%=18-0.36=17.64 (t)

2). Calculation of packs per shift:

17.64t=17640 kg

Mk - pack weight = 10 kg

17640/10=1764 (pieces) production task for the packaging department.

Answer: 1764 packs need to be packed by the packaging department.

Task No. 2

Determine the rhythmicity coefficient provided:

production according to plan - 470,480,450,470, pcs. Actual production output - 470,460,450,460 pcs.

Let's calculate the rhythmicity coefficient using the formula:

Critm=Afact / Aplan*100%

1). Crit = 470/470*100% = 100% no deviations from the plan

2). Crit = 460/480*100%=0.96*100%=96% 4% plan not met

3). Critm=450/450*100%=100% production is going according to plan

4). Crit = 460/470 * 100% = 0.98 * 100% = 98% deviation from the plan by 2%

Answer: 100%, 96%, 100%, 98%. There are small deviations from the plan, you need to monitor the work of the workshop and eliminate the deviations.