Regulations on the marketing department. Regulations on the advertising, marketing and PR department Regulations on the marketing department of a construction company

Added to the site:

1. General Provisions

1.1. The marketing department, being an independent structural unit of the enterprise, is created and liquidated by the order of [name of the position of the head of the enterprise].

1.2. The department reports directly to [name of the position of the head of the enterprise].

1.3. The department is headed by a chief appointed to the position by order of [name of the position of the head of the enterprise].

1.4. The head of the marketing department has [fill in the required] deputy (s), whose duties are determined by the head of the department.

1.5. The deputy head (s) of the department and heads of structural divisions (bureaus, sectors, etc.) within the marketing department, other employees of the department are appointed and dismissed by order of [name of the position of the head of the enterprise] on the proposal of the head of the marketing department.

1.6. In its activities, the department is guided by:

The charter of the enterprise;

By this regulation;

The legislation of the Russian Federation;

1.7. [Enter what you want].

2. Structure

2.1. The structure and staffing of the department is approved by [the name of the position of the head of the enterprise], based on the specific conditions and characteristics of the enterprise, as advised by the head of the marketing department and in agreement with the [personnel department, organization and remuneration department].

2.2. The marketing department may include structural divisions (services, bureaus, groups, sectors, etc.).

For example: bureau (sector, group) for the study of the sales market and demand, bureau (sector, group) planning, bureau (sector, group) sales promotion, bureau (sector, group) of operational management.

2.3. The regulations on the divisions of the marketing department (bureaus, sectors, groups, etc.) are approved by the head of the marketing department, and the distribution of responsibilities between the employees of the divisions is carried out [by the heads of bureaus, sectors, groups; deputy head (s) of the department].

2.4. [Enter what you want].

3. Tasks

The marketing department is responsible for the following tasks:

3.1. Marketing strategy development.

3.2. Development of an enterprise development strategy.

3.3. Analysis of the position of the enterprise in the market, its financial and economic activities and the efficiency of enterprise management.

3.4. Identification of key internal and external problems of the enterprise and the development of optimal ways to solve them.

3.5. Analysis of the consumer properties of the products manufactured (sold) by the enterprise and the requirements imposed on them by buyers.

3.6. Study of existing distribution networks and supply systems.

3.8. Organization of after-sales service of products.

3.9. [Enter what you want].

4. Functions

The marketing department performs the following functions:

4.1. Organization of the marketing research process, including the following operations:

Determination of the problem related to the sale of products;

Obtaining primary information (external and internal);

Analysis of secondary information (external and internal);

Analysis of data characterizing the market for the type of product in question;

Using the results of marketing research;

- [write in what you want].

4.2. Search and systematization of information about:

Indicators of economic development of industries and regions, directions of state policy that determines the production and sale of products and consumed types of raw materials;

The existing level of domestic production, the volume of imports and exports of similar manufactured products and consumed raw materials, as well as the production and imports of substitute products;

Consumers and market segmentation;

The main characteristics of the market for each of its segments (elasticity of prevailing prices, potential and real market capacity, its saturation);

Geographic distribution of goods, their export markets;

- [write in what you want].

4.3. Collection of information about competitors in the following areas:

Sales volumes in general and by market segment;

Total market share;

Market objectives and behavior;


- [write in what you want].

4.4. Identifying the strengths and weaknesses of competitors by:

The quality of the products;

Pricing policy;

Product promotion;

Sales policy;

After-sales service;

Forms of settlements;

- [write in what you want].

4.5. Determination of the level of competition in the sector of the manufactured product (pressure through substitute products, the ability of buyers and suppliers to come to an agreement).

4.6. Based on the results of marketing research, compilation of optimistic, pessimistic and weighted average market development forecasts, which determine the phases and duration of the life cycle for each type of product manufactured by the enterprise, as well as an assessment of the potential risks of the enterprise.

4.7. Analysis of existing distribution networks, which includes:

Analysis of the effectiveness of the existing sales strategy;

Analysis of the effectiveness of using various sales channels (direct communications, retail sales, exchange or auction sales, distribution and dealer sales schemes, etc.), including export;

- [write in what you want].

4.8. Analysis of the existing supply system, which includes:

Analysis of the effectiveness of the existing procurement strategy;

Analysis of the effectiveness of using various supply channels (direct communications, through the exchange network, through intermediaries, etc.), including imports;

Analysis of the development of the market for consumed types of products;

Identifying more efficient suppliers;

- [write in what you want].

4.9. Conducting an economic analysis of the range of products, which includes:

Analysis of the existing organization of production processes, supply and sales for each type of product;

Analysis of production efficiency indicators for each type of product, including on the basis of determining direct costs, as well as the costs of organizing supply and sales, the structure of costs for production and sales, including in the context of fixed and variable costs;

Preparation of proposals for optimizing the range of products, taking into account the requirements of product certification, as well as antimonopoly legislation;

- [write in what you want].

4.10. Analysis of the financial condition of the company and the effectiveness of financial management, which includes:

Analysis of costs, their structure and dynamics;

Analysis of proceeds from sales of products, profits (including non-operating profits and losses), profitability;

Analysis of the ratio of the growth rates of the physical volume of production, the growth of wages and proceeds from the sale of products, stocks, their structure and dynamics;

Analysis of the effectiveness of pricing policy;

Analysis of accounts payable and receivable of the enterprise, identification of bad debts;

- [write in what you want].

4.11. Analysis of the effectiveness of the existing organizational structure of the enterprise and its compliance with the directions of the enterprise.

4.12. Identification of the strengths and weaknesses of the enterprise relative to its competitors in the following areas:

Marketing (market activity of an enterprise, pricing policy, product promotion, sales organization, level of effective demand, availability of export products, etc.);

Production (state and level of utilization of existing capacities, productivity, technological structure, availability of suppliers producing products that are affordable and acceptable in quality, etc.);

R&D (research activities, know-how, patents, licenses, etc.), new developments, issued by patents, copyright certificates, etc .;

Finance (capital and its structure, indicators of profitability, liquidity, stability, turnover, etc.), the state of settlements and payments;

Personnel (professional and qualification composition of the company's employees, motivation to work, relationships in the team, social partnership, social benefits, benefits, etc.);

Management and organization (organizational structure of the enterprise, information flows, planning and control, financial management, etc.); the presence and scale of non-production activities (objects of socio-cultural and domestic purposes and housing and communal services, etc.);

- [write in what you want].

4.13. Identification of key internal and external problems for the enterprise.

4.14. Creation of conditions and programs for the transition of enterprise management from a reactive form (making management decisions as a reaction to current problems) to a form of management based on analysis and forecasts.

4.15. Development of proposals for the efficient distribution and use of all resources - material, financial, labor and technology.

4.16. Development of an enterprise development strategy based on forecasts of the development of markets for manufactured products, an assessment of potential risks, an analysis of the financial and economic condition and efficiency of enterprise management, as well as an analysis of the strengths and weaknesses of the enterprise.

4.17. Drawing up a list of measures necessary to form a strategy for the behavior of an enterprise in the market, taking into account the following parameters;

The region or territory to which the sale of products is directed, the degree of geographical differentiation of this sale;

Market share to be taken;

The consumer group to which the products are sold;

Relationship "product-market" as the basis of the concept of marketing (choice between differential and niche marketing);

Basic pricing strategy (cost leadership, differentiation, niche, etc.);

The type of business strategy of the enterprise (competition strategy, market expansion strategy, etc.);

Personnel qualifications and practical experience required for successful competition;

Possibility of cooperation with other enterprises and organizations;

- [write in what you want].

4.18. Determination in accordance with the chosen strategy of the enterprise's behavior of an interconnected system, consisting of:

Supply and sales policy: the choice of marketing strategy and tactics all the way from the appearance of the product to its sale, after-sales service; monitoring of operational information about the market; transition to direct delivery of products; creation of a sales network;

Industrial, technological and innovation policy; minimization of production costs; bringing the quality of products in line with the needs of consumers; creation of an optimal system for providing service services; increasing competitiveness based on the improvement of manufactured products and existing production technology; creation of fundamentally new products and industries;

Pricing policy: setting prices for the company's products within the framework of its sales management policy in order to achieve the most profitable sales volumes, average production costs and the highest possible level of profit;

Financial policy: analysis and planning of cash flows; selection of a strategy for attracting external resources (loans, emission form of attracting capital); management of accounts receivable and payable; development of accounting and tax policies; cost control and management;

Investment policy: determination of the total investment of the enterprise; determination of ways of rational use of savings, combination of various sources of financing; debt raising programs;

Personnel policy: formation of ideology and principles of personnel work; planning, attraction, selection and release of employees; organization of work and personnel management; advanced training and training of employees of the enterprise; introduction of a system to stimulate their activities; development of social partnership.

4.19. Coordination of programs of measures to reduce costs, energy and material consumption of products, their certification, solving environmental problems.

4.20. Determination of consumer needs for products manufactured by the enterprise, as well as products manufactured by competitors; the likelihood of new customers emerging; consumers' solvency and their obligation to pay.

4.21. Coordination of the activities of all functional divisions for the collection and analysis of commercial and economic information, the creation of a data bank for the marketing of the company's products (supply requests, production contracts, stock availability, market capacity, etc.).

4.22. Identification of consumer needs for new types of products.

4.23. Participation in the development of proposals and recommendations for changing the technical, economic and other characteristics of products in order to improve their consumer qualities.

4.24. Organization of the development of a strategy for conducting advertising events in the media with the help of outdoor, light, electronic, postal advertising, advertising on transport.

4.25. Organization of the enterprise's participation in regional, all-Russian, international exhibitions, fairs, sales exhibitions, which includes the following stages:

Collection of information about planned exhibitions, fairs, trade exhibitions;

Analysis of participation costs;

Preparation of the necessary materials, documents for applications for participation in exhibitions;

Selection of product samples for presentation to consumers;

Planning of events for the offer of goods to customers (display, demonstration, provision of advertising materials (posters, brochures, booklets, posters, etc.), design of exhibition pavilions, direction signs for company representatives, etc.);

- [write in what you want].

4.26. Preparation of proposals for the formation of the corporate identity of the enterprise.

4.27. Development of proposals to improve the efficiency and quality of after-sales service of products. Management of the work of service centers for warranty maintenance and repair of the company's products, preparation of proposals for technically sound planning and production of spare parts (in terms of quantity and nomenclature).

4.28. [Enter what you want].

5. Rights

The marketing department has the right to:

5.1. Give instructions to the structural divisions of the enterprise on issues related to the competence of the department and arising from the functions that are listed in this regulation.

5.2. To demand and receive from the structural divisions of the enterprise the materials necessary for the implementation of the department's activities.

5.3. Conduct correspondence on issues that are within the competence of the department and do not require coordination with the head of the enterprise.

5.4. To represent in the prescribed manner on behalf of the enterprise on issues related to the competence of the department in relations with state and municipal organizations, as well as other enterprises, organizations, institutions.

5.5. In agreement with [name of the position of the head of the enterprise] or his deputy for commercial issues, attract experts and specialists in the field of marketing for consultations, preparation of conclusions, recommendations and proposals.

5.6. Submit proposals to the management of the enterprise on bringing the employees of the enterprise to material and disciplinary liability based on the results of inspections;

5.7. Submit proposals to the personnel department and the management of the enterprise on the movement of employees of the department, their encouragement for successful work, as well as proposals for the imposition of penalties on employees who violate labor discipline.

5.9. Participate in conferences, meetings on marketing issues.

5.10. The head of the marketing department endorses all documents related to the activities of the department (plans, contracts, reports, estimates, certificates, etc.).

5.11. [Enter what you want].

6. Relationships (service connections) **

To perform the functions and exercise the rights provided for by this regulation, the marketing department interacts:

6.1. With the chief accountant on the following issues:


Accounting data on movement, sales, stocks of products;

The results of the inventory of material and technical resources;

Standards for representation, travel and advertising expenses;

- [write in what you want].


Reports on the costs of marketing research;

Calculating the cost of after-sales service of products;

Information about the prices for material and technical resources from suppliers, tariffs for transportation services, advertising events;

- [write in what you want].

6.2. With the financial department on questions:


Agreed cost estimates for demand generation and sales promotion with the attachment of financial justifications;

Analysis of costs incurred per month (quarter, year);

Information about accounts payable and receivable;

- [write in what you want].


Generalized data on the demand for the products manufactured by the enterprise;

Marketing plans;

Cost estimates for demand generation and sales promotion, advertising campaigns, participation in exhibitions, fairs, sales exhibitions;

- [write in what you want].

6.3. With the planning and economic department on the issues:


Plans for the production of products (performance of work, provision of services) for a month, quarter, year;

Changes in production plans for individual items of the commodity nomenclature, introduced on the basis of marketing research;

Projects of wholesale and retail prices for products (tariffs for work and services) for marketing analysis;

- [write in what you want].


Generalized information on the demand for the products manufactured by the enterprise (work performed, services rendered), including on individual items of the nomenclature;

Information about the competitive environment on pricing policy, turnover volumes, competitiveness, speed of product sales;

Information about the state of the market for goods (works, services);

Data required for the formation of the company's product nomenclature;

Proposals for changes in prices for certain types of products in connection with changes in demand;

- [write in what you want].

6.4. With the departments of the chief technologist on the following issues:


Applications to search for information about a competitive product;

Inquiries about the conjuncture of production technologies;

Information about the scientific and technical capabilities of the enterprise;

Conclusions on samples of competitive products;

Conclusions on the possibility of introducing the production technology proposed by the product marketing department;

- [write in what you want].


Data on consumer demand for manufactured products;

Information about competitive products;

Proposals for the development of new product technology;

Proposals for the design of products;

Documents and materials for participation in exhibitions, fairs;

Information about new technological developments;

- [write in what you want].

6.5. With the quality control department on the following issues:


Information about defects in manufactured products;

Information about technological changes in products;

Information about measures to improve the quality of products;

Reports on verification of samples of products manufactured by competing enterprises;

- [write in what you want].

Information about the discrepancy between the declared product quality during the warranty period;

External acceptance certificates by contractors;

Representations about the statement or withdrawal from the warranty service of certain types of products;

Information of the after-sales and warranty service about the defects of the product identified in the course of its use or operation;

- [write in what you want].

6.6. With the production dispatch department on the following issues:


Production plans and production schedules;

Information about the norms of backlog in the areas and in the shops and their observance;

Information about disruptions in the production process and the reasons that caused them;

- [write in what you want].


Data on claims for product quality;

- [write in what you want].

6.7. With the transport department on questions:


Operational, monthly, quarterly and annual schedules of transportation of products manufactured by the enterprise and its transfer to buyers, as well as delivery of material and technical resources from suppliers;

Transport routes;

Calculations of transport costs for delivery;

Information about the routes and timing of delivery of products to buyers by competing enterprises;

- [write in what you want].


Proposals for changing delivery routes;

Proposals to change loading and unloading schedules;

Information about the wishes of buyers and suppliers regarding changes in delivery and shipment schedules;

Applications for the allocation of vehicles for the transportation of products, advertising materials, equipment for participation in exhibitions, fairs;

Data on the development of new types of loading and unloading facilities, the introduction of which will reduce downtime for loading and unloading vehicles;

- [write in what you want].

6.8. With the department of material and technical supply on the following issues:


Information about the concluded contracts for the supply of material and technical resources;

Reports of the quality control department, chief technologist, production departments on the quality of material and technical resources;

- [write in what you want].


Generalized information about the suppliers of materials, raw materials and semi-finished products required by the company;

Information on prices for the required material and technical resources of various suppliers, procurement organizations;

Information about the emergence of new types of materials, raw materials, semi-finished products, components with the attachment of technical characteristics;

Information about the demand for material and technical resources, its possible fluctuations and their reasons;

Information about large suppliers (estimated and actual turnover volumes, stability in the product market, etc.);

- [write in what you want].

6.9. With the sales department on questions:


Information about the concluded supply contracts;

Product sales plans for a month, quarter, year;

Reports on the implementation of plans for the sale of products;

Applications for marketing analysis of wholesale and retail prices for products sold;

Counterparties' reviews of supplied products;

Documents required for registration of participation in exhibitions, fairs;

- [write in what you want].


Generalized information on the demand for the products manufactured by the enterprise, including on individual items of the nomenclature and on the factors that determine it;

Information about the competitive environment on pricing policy, turnover volumes, competitiveness, speed of product sales;

Information about the state of the commodity market;

Information about large buyers of products (estimated and actual volumes of turnover, financial capacity, stability in the commodity market, etc.);

Information about the planned exhibitions, fairs;

- [write in what you want].

6.10. With the department of organization and remuneration, with the personnel department and with the personnel training department on the following issues:


Staffing tables and regulations on structural divisions of the enterprise for linking with marketing plans;

Staff Regulations;

Bonus regulations;

Work schedules of the enterprise;

Plans for training and advanced training of employees;

Reports on the execution of applications for the selection of personnel;

- [write in what you want].


Proposals for changing the organizational and managerial structure of the enterprise for consolidation in the staffing tables and regulations on the structural divisions of the enterprise;

Information about the quantitative and qualitative needs of the enterprise in personnel;

Recruitment applications for the department;

The list of measures, the implementation of which is necessary to improve the qualifications of employees of the enterprise in certain areas;

- [write in what you want].

6.11. With the legal department on the following issues:


Results of legal expertise for compliance with the current legislation of contracts, orders, orders, instructions submitted for approval;

Agreed claims and claims against counterparties for violation of their contractual obligations;

Explanations of the current legislation and the procedure for its application;

Analysis of amendments and additions to legislation;

- [write in what you want].


Orders, orders, instructions, draft agreements for approval and legal expertise;

Materials for making claims and claims against counterparties and buyers regarding their violation of contractual obligations;

Claims presented to the company by counterparties;

Available information about suppliers, buyers, other counterparties;

Applications for the search for the necessary regulatory legal documents and for clarification of the current legislation;

- [write in what you want].

6.12. From [name of structural unit] on issues:


- [enter what you want];

- [write in what you want].


- [enter what you want];

- [write in what you want].

7. Responsibility

7.1. The head of the marketing department is responsible for the proper and timely performance by the department of the functions provided for by this regulation.

7.2. The head of the marketing department is personally responsible for:

Compliance with the legislation of the Russian Federation issued by the department of instructions, orders;

Presentation of reliable information;

Providing the management of the enterprise with information on the work of the marketing department;

Timely, as well as high-quality execution of documents and orders of the company's management;

Safety of information that is a commercial secret;

Compliance with the work schedule by employees of the department.

7.3. The responsibility of employees of the marketing department is established by job descriptions.

7.4. [Enter what you want].

Head of structural unit

[initials, surname]


[day month Year]


[official with whom the regulation is agreed]

[initials, surname]


[day month Year]

Head of the legal department

[initials, surname]


[day month Year]

General Provisions

1. The advertising department is an independent structural unit of the enterprise (it can be part of the management or marketing department and be called a sector, bureau or department).
2. The department is created and liquidated by order of the director of the enterprise.
3. The department reports directly to the director of the enterprise (commercial director).
4. The department is headed by a chief appointed by the order of the director of the enterprise.
5. The head of the advertising department has ____ deputy (s).

1. The composition and staffing of the advertising department is approved by the director of the enterprise, based on the conditions and characteristics of the enterprise, as advised by the head of the advertising department and in agreement with ____________________ (personnel department; organization and remuneration department)
2. The department includes groups of specialists responsible for certain areas of the department's work (development of advertising campaigns; preparation of advertising texts; creative production; etc.)
3. The head of the advertising department distributes responsibilities between the department employees and approves their job descriptions.

1. Work on advertising products manufactured by the enterprise or services performed in order to promote them to sales markets.
2. Formation of an advertising strategy based on promising areas for further organizational development, innovation and investment activities.
3. Planning for advertising campaigns:
3.1. Study of the market segments in which it is planned to advertise the product.
3.2. Determination of the goals of the advertising campaign.
3.3. Development of the main idea of ​​the advertising campaign.
3.4. Determination of the types of specific advertising media (newspapers, magazines, commercials, etc.) and their optimal combination.
3.5. The choice of forms and methods of advertising in the media, their text, color and musical design.
3.6. Predicting the duration of advertising.
3.7. Determination of the costs required for the advertising campaign.
4. Study of the sales market and consumer demand in order to determine the best time and place for advertising, the scale and timing of advertising campaigns, the circle of people to which advertising should be directed, targeting advertising to target groups by profession, age, purchasing power, gender.
5. Development of advertising texts, sketches and layouts of catalogs, booklets, brochures, etc. and preparing them for approval by the director of the enterprise.
6. Ensuring, when developing advertising materials, compliance with the norms of public morality, the rules of competition, the Law of the Russian Federation "On Advertising".
7. Development of corporate identity for the company, preparation of souvenir advertising products of printing and industrial design (notebooks, calendars, stationery with company logos, etc.) for distribution among the employees of the company entering into business relations with contractors.
8. Planning of the company's participation in exhibitions, fairs:
8.1. Coordination with (chief technologist; chief designer; head of the sales department; others) the list of products that should be displayed.
8.2. Development together with (chief designer; foreman; others) plans of exhibition stands.
8.3. Conclusion of contracts with organizing committees of exhibitions, fairs.
8.4. Preparation of advertising and information materials.
8.5. Selection and training of personnel participating in exhibitions, fairs.
8.6. Registration of accreditations, invitations, passes to exhibitions for business partners.
9. Conclusion of contracts for advertising products or services with third-party organizations in cases of full-scale advertising on television, in the media, city public transport, etc.
10. Establishing relationships with business partners and expanding external relationships in order to improve advertising activities.
11. Collection and systematization of information on advertising products of competing enterprises.
12. Analysis of the impact of conducted and ongoing advertising activities on changes in demand for manufactured products or services provided.
13. Drawing up an estimate of advertising costs.

The advertising department has the right to:
1.1. Give instructions to the structural divisions of the enterprise on issues related to the competence of the department and arising from the functions that are listed in this Regulation.
1.2. Require and receive from the structural divisions of the enterprise materials necessary for the activities of the department.
1.3. Conduct correspondence on issues that are within the competence of the department and do not require coordination with the head of the enterprise.
1.4. To represent in the prescribed manner on behalf of the enterprise on issues related to the competence of the department in relations with state and municipal organizations, as well as other enterprises, organizations, institutions.
1.5. In agreement with the director of the enterprise, attract experts and specialists in the field of advertising for consultations, preparation of conclusions, recommendations and proposals.
1.6. Provide explanations and recommendations on issues within the competence of the department.
1.7. Conduct meetings on advertising in the enterprise and participate in conferences and seminars on advertising.
2. The head of the advertising department signs all documents related to the activities of the department (plans, contracts, reports, estimates, certificates, etc.).

Relationships (service connections)

1. To perform the functions and exercise the rights provided for by this regulation, the advertising department interacts:
1.1. With the chief accountant on the following issues:
- receiving: standards for representation, advertising and travel expenses; ____________________
- provision of: reports on the costs incurred for advertising developments, promotional activities; ____________________
1.2. With the financial department on questions:
- receiving: agreed cost estimates for advertising campaigns;
- analysis of the costs incurred by the department for the month (quarter, year) with the application of recommendations for the economical use of funds;
- in the preparation of documentation and participation in tender commissions for the purchase of advertising materials; ____________________
- providing: cost estimates for advertising campaigns and participation in exhibitions, fairs; advertising plans; the results of research on the effectiveness of advertising; ____________________
1.3. With the marketing department on issues (in the event that the advertising department is part of the marketing department, its interaction with line departments is determined (market research bureau, demand research bureau, marketing strategy formation bureau, etc.)):
- obtaining: generalized information about the demand for manufactured products;
- information about the competitive environment; information about the state of the commodity market;
- draft marketing plans for the advertising department to prepare sections related to product advertising;
- providing: plans for advertising campaigns;
- projects of sections of marketing plans in terms of advertising;
- information about the advertising policy of competitors;
- analysis of the effectiveness of promotional activities; ____________________
1.4. With the department of the chief technologist on the following issues:
- obtaining: technical documentation for the products of the enterprise;
- information about the features of the production technology;
- providing: proposals for the design of products and packaging;
- documents and materials for participation in exhibitions, fairs;
- applications for the allocation of workers, whose participation is necessary in exhibitions, fairs; ____________________
1.5. With the sales department on questions:
- obtaining: information about the main groups of consumers of products manufactured by the enterprise;
- data on the demand for products for individual items of the nomenclature (assortment); customer reviews of the supplied products;
- providing: samples of advertising products;
- souvenir advertising products of the enterprise; information about planned exhibitions, fairs; ____________________

1.6. For questions: (name of the structural unit)

- providing:
2. The advertising department maintains the necessary communication with other structural divisions of the enterprise in the process of developing and conducting advertising events.

A responsibility

1. Responsibility for the proper and timely performance of the functions of the department is borne by the head of the advertising department.
2. The head of the advertising department is personally liable in the event of:
2.1. Inconsistency with the legislation issued by the department of instructions, orders.
2.2. The release of advertising in violation of the law, the use of which led to a complication of relationships with contractors, a decrease in the company's profits, damage to the company's business reputation, as well as bringing the company to responsibility.
2.3. Failure to provide or improper provision of the company's management with information on the work of the advertising department.
2.4. Untimely, as well as poor-quality execution of documents and orders of the management of the enterprise.
2.5. Leaks of information that are trade secrets.
2.6. Non-observance of the labor schedule by the employees of the department.
3. The responsibility of the advertising department employees is established by the job descriptions.

1. General Provisions

1.1. The marketing department is an independent structural unit of the enterprise and is subordinate to the general director (at large enterprises - to the commercial director).

1.2. Creation, liquidation or reorganization of the department is carried out by order of the general director of the enterprise.

1.3. The department is headed by a chief appointed by the order of the general director of the enterprise.

2. Tasks

2.2. Analysis of the consumer properties of the products manufactured by the enterprise and the requirements for it by consumers.

2.3. Development, together with other departments, of proposals and recommendations for changing the technical, economic and other characteristics of products in order to improve its consumer qualities and stimulate sales.

2.4. Analysis of the quality of competing products, price-quality ratios, supply and demand for similar types of products.

2.5. Coordination of the activities of the divisions of the enterprise for the collection and analysis of commercial information, the creation of a data bank for marketing products (applications for a supplier, contracts for production, availability of stocks, market capacity, etc.).

2.6. Research of existing systems for promoting goods on the market.

2.7. Forecasting the volume of sales and the formation of consumer demand for the company's products.

3. Structure

3.1. The structure and staffing of the department is approved by the general director of the enterprise, taking into account the volume of work, the characteristics of the products (services provided).

3.2. A department may include divisions (sectors) or individual specialists in areas of activity: market conditions, management, sales promotion, marketing communications, marketing planning, information gathering and research.

3.3. The division of responsibilities between the employees of the department is carried out by the head of the department in accordance with the job descriptions and these Regulations.

4. Functions

4.1. Organization of work on conducting marketing research of the consumer market of manufactured products, improving the product range, identifying and developing new consumer properties of manufactured products.

4.2. Participation in the preparation of long-term and current plans for the production and sale of products.

4.3. Study of new sales markets and potential consumers of the company's products.

4.4. Studying the opinion of consumers about the products manufactured by the enterprise, its influence on the sale of products and preparing proposals to improve its consumer properties and competitiveness.

4.5. Organization of collection, study and analysis of information about the market, the structure of consumer demand, product promotion, price dynamics. Investigation of factors influencing the sale of products and important for its successful implementation. Study of the types of consumer demand (stable, active, short-term, etc.), the reasons for its increase or decrease, the differentiation of the purchasing power of the population.

4.6. Development of forecasts of consumer demand for products, production volumes and sales of products and services.

4.7. Study and generalization of domestic and foreign experience in the creation and functioning of marketing services of enterprises. Development of organizational, economic, investment and other marketing projects and programs; determination of the order and scheme of their implementation.

4.8. Participation in exhibitions, auctions, fairs, sales exhibitions to inform potential buyers about the company's products and expand sales markets. Development and implementation of new forms of product sales.

4.12. Preparation of proposals for technically sound planning and production of spare parts (in terms of quantity and nomenclature).

4.13. Collecting information and conducting research on competitors in terms of sales, total market share, speed of product sales, self-assessment, goals and objectives.

4.14. Identification of the strengths and weaknesses of competitors, opportunities and threats of the external environment in terms of the quality of their products, promotion of goods on the market, pricing policy, warranty service, forms of settlements with customers.

4.15. Supervision over the correct storage, transportation and sale of products.

5. Rights

5.1. Require subdivisions of the enterprise to provide information, documents (information, plans, reports, contracts, etc.) necessary to carry out work within the competence of the department.

5.2. Establish and control the forms and methods of selling the company's products, the rules for the transportation and storage of products.

5.3. Make proposals to the management of the enterprise for the development and organization of production of new products, modernization, improvement of quality, reliability and competitiveness of the products.

5.4. Participate in the work of the commissions for the acceptance of new products of the enterprise.

5.5. Determine the main directions of the department's activities; establish a range of priority issues requiring prompt resolution.

5.6. Make proposals to the management of the enterprise on research and development in the field of marketing, the introduction of new marketing standards, modern methods of certification and quality control of commercial products.

5.7. Coordinate the activities of the structural divisions of the enterprise for the organization of work in the field of marketing. Give instructions and instructions to the structural divisions of the enterprise on issues within the competence of the department.

5.8. Require the heads of structural divisions to comply with plans (schedules) for joint work.

5.9. Make proposals for the encouragement, as well as bringing to material and disciplinary responsibility of employees of the enterprise.

5.10. Engage, on a contractual basis, in agreement with the management of specialists and consultants of various organizations to prepare recommendations, conclusions, consultations for conducting marketing research, preparing marketing projects and programs, including on the basis of outsourcing.

5.11. To represent on behalf of the company on issues within the competence of the department in other organizations. Conduct and participate in meetings, seminars, conferences.

6. Responsibility

6.1. The head of the department bears full responsibility for the quality and timeliness of the tasks and functions assigned to the department.

6.2. The degree of responsibility of other employees of the department is established by the job descriptions.

7. Service contacts (service communication)

7.1. With the department of the chief designer for obtaining:

Information about the scientific and technical potential of the enterprise;

Information about the competitiveness of new products;

Applications for the research of the market of research and development work and possible areas of application of the enterprise's design and development developments;

Characteristics of promising product samples;

Development plans for new types of products.

For questions about presentation:

Information about the existing and potential demand for goods and services of the enterprise;

Information about competitors, consumer properties of similar products;

Information about the competitiveness of the new products of the enterprise;

Proposals for improving the technical characteristics of products, developing samples of new products, removing obsolete products from production.

7.2. With the department of the chief technologist for receiving:

The list of measures aimed at improving products and increasing sales, orders for the study of the technology market, proposals for services.

For questions about presentation:

Information about competing technologies and products;

Proposals for improving the technological characteristics of products.

7.3. With the department of technical control for receiving:

Information on the quality of products supplied by the enterprise;

List of measures to improve the quality of products.

For questions about presentation:

Summaries of defects identified at the enterprise during the manufacture of products;

Information about the operation of products, about failures and malfunctions.

7.4. With the planning and economic department for obtaining:

Information about the policy of the enterprise in the field of planning;

Adjustments to production plans for the release of products, changed on the basis of proposals from the marketing department;

Information about changes in the prices of products.

For questions about presentation:

Proposals for the range of products manufactured based on marketing research;

Information about its implementation in order to reduce distribution costs;

Marketing research plans and programs.

7.5. With the department of material and technical supply for obtaining :

Contracts for the supply of components;

Information about the purchased materials on applications and information about the availability of materials in the warehouse;

Marketing research applications;

Documents of structural divisions containing information about the quality and quantity of material and technical resources.

For questions about presentation:

Information about new types of raw materials, materials, components;

Information on the state of the commodity market;

Information about the demand for material and technical means, forecasts of fluctuations in demand and price levels;

Information about prices for material and technical resources from various suppliers;

7.6. With sales department for receiving:

Information about the concluded contracts for the supply of products;

Product sales plans (monthly, quarterly, annual);

Reports on the implementation of plans.

For questions about presentation:

Information about the demand for the company's products, information about its competitiveness;

Information about the state of the commodity market, information about competitors;

Information about the buyers of products (potential and actual), their financial capabilities, the stability of their demand in the market.

7.7. With the finance department for receiving:

Information on the financial conditions of the most important transactions of the enterprise, information on production costs;

Information about the costs of marketing research.

For questions about presentation:

Cost estimates for marketing work;

Forecasts of the development of the commercial activity of the enterprise.

I. General Provisions
1. The public relations department (PR) is an independent structural unit of an enterprise (organization). (The division may be given the name "Press Service", "Press Center", "Department of Information and Public Relations" etc. The tasks and functions of these structural entities may differ in volume and focus)
2. The department is created and liquidated by the order of the general director of the enterprise.
3. The department reports directly to the general director of the enterprise.
4. The department is headed by a chief appointed and dismissed by the order of the director of the enterprise.
5. In its activities, the department is guided by: the charter of the enterprise, this regulation.
II. Structure
1. The composition and staffing of the public relations department is approved by the general director of the enterprise based on the conditions and characteristics of the enterprise, as advised by the head of the department and in agreement with ____________________ (personnel department; department of organization and remuneration)
2. The department includes groups of specialists for interaction with state and municipal authorities, for work with the media and public organizations, citizens, a press center (PR specialists, editors, consultants, and other specialists).
3. The head of the public relations department distributes responsibilities between the department employees and approves their job descriptions.
III. Tasks
1. Information representation of the enterprise in state and municipal authorities.
2. Providing information on the activities of the enterprise to interested parties.
3. Interaction with the media, public organizations for timely informing the public about the most important events in the activities of the enterprise.
IV. Functions
1. Planning and organization of information programs related to the work of the enterprise.
2. Creation of a system of sources of business information.
3.Creates and replenishes a systematized fund of analytical, statistical and other materials on the main areas of activity enterprises. 4. Analysis and generalization of primary business information, development of forms for its presentation. 5. Formation of an objective view of the company with the help of the mass media. 6. Presentation through the media of the attitude of the enterprise to economic, environmental and social issues. 7. Distribution in print, on radio and television of materials on the main directions of the enterprise development, the socio-economic situation of the enterprise and the industry as a whole, the enterprise's achievements in scientific research. 8. Preparation of messages, comments and analytical reviews for the media on the content of decisions of the company's management, on the holding of seminars, conferences, forums. 9. Generalization, analysis and communication to the management of the enterprise of materials published in the press and devoted to the enterprise and the industry as a whole. 10. Responding to critical remarks about the enterprise (preparation of speeches, press conferences and messages in the media). 11. Organization of press conferences, round tables, meetings and interviews with representatives of the media on topical issues of the current activities of the enterprise. 12. Preparation of video films, creation and replenishment of video and music libraries about the activities of the enterprise and its divisions. 13. Ensuring interaction with centers for the study of public opinion and drawing up their own programs to study and determine the opinion of the public about the activities of the enterprise. 14. Carrying out activities to connect users to external and local information exchange networks. 15. Carries out information content of the enterprise's WEB-server, collects and coordinates information on the enterprise's website, provided by divisions 16. Consideration of letters from citizens, organization of their verification, preparation of relevant proposals, as well as organization of reception of citizens.
1. The Public Relations Department has the right to:
1.1. Request and receive from the structural divisions of the enterprise the documentation and information necessary for the department to perform its functions.
1.2. In agreement with the head of the enterprise, attract specialists to prepare materials for publication in the media.
1.3. Make proposals on the need to send department specialists.
1.4. Convene and hold meetings on issues within the competence of the department, attract employees of the enterprise to participate in them.
1.5. Participate in the formation of orders, the elaboration of contracts necessary to perform the functions assigned to the department.
2. The head of the public relations department signs and endorses documents related to the establishment of contractual relations with the media, public opinion research centers, etc.
3. The head of the public relations department is also entitled to:
3.1. Make proposals to relocate department employees, to reward them for successful work, as well as proposals to impose disciplinary sanctions on employees who violate labor discipline.

Vi. Relationships (service connections)
1. To perform the functions and exercise the rights provided for by this regulation, the public relations department interacts:
2.1. With all divisions of the enterprise on the following issues:
- preparation of materials in the media (obtaining clarifications from the company's specialists, technical consultations, reports on the implementation of plans, opinions of employees on messages in the media about the enterprise, etc.)
2.2. With the legal department on legal issues related to the preparation of materials for placement in the media, as well as bringing to justice the media that posted inaccurate information about the company.

Vii. A responsibility

1. Responsibility for the proper and timely performance of the functions provided for by this regulation is borne by the head of the public relations department.
2. The head of the public relations department is personally responsible for:
2.1. Organization of the department's activities to fulfill the tasks and functions assigned to the department.
2.2. Organization of prompt and high-quality preparation of materials for placement in the media.
2.3. Reliability of information provided to the media and other interested parties.
2.4. Compliance with the regime of access to information that is state, commercial and official secrets, as well as the use of this information by the employees of the department for official purposes.
2.5. Selection, placement and activities of department employees.
3. Responsibility of employees of the public relations department is established by job descriptions.


(name of the enterprise, organization, institution)

(head of an enterprise, organization, institution)



№ 00



Structural subdivision:

Marketing department


Head of the Marketing Department


  1. General Provisions
    1. This job description defines the functional duties, rights and responsibilities of the head of the marketing department.
    2. The head of the marketing department belongs to the category of managers.
    3. The head of the marketing department is appointed and dismissed in accordance with the procedure established by the current labor legislation by order of the director of the enterprise on the proposal of the deputy director for commercial issues.
    4. Relationships by position:


Direct subordination

Deputy Director for Commercial Affairs


Additional subordination

Director of the enterprise


Gives orders

Marketing department employees


The employee replaces

Deputy Director for Commercial Affairs


The employee replaces

Marketing Specialist

  1. Qualification requirements of the head of the marketing department:
  1. Documents regulating the activities of the head of the marketing department

3.1 External documents:

Laws and regulations concerning the work performed.

3.2 Internal documents:

Charter of the enterprise, Orders and orders of the director of the enterprise; Regulation on the marketing department, Job description of the head of the marketing department, Internal labor regulations.

  1. Job responsibilities of the head of the marketing department

Head of the Marketing Department:

4.1. Carries out the development of marketing policy at the enterprise based on the analysis of consumer properties of manufactured products and forecasting consumer demand for the company's products, technical and other consumer qualities of competing products.

4.2. Ensures the participation of the department in drawing up long-term and current plans for the production and sale of products, determining new sales markets and new consumers of products.

4.3. Coordinates the activities of all functional units for the collection and analysis of commercial and economic information, the creation of a data bank for the marketing of the company's products (applications for supply, contracts for production, stock availability, market capacity, etc.).

4.4. Organizes the study of the opinion of consumers about the products manufactured by the enterprise, its influence on the sale of products and the preparation of proposals to increase its competitiveness and quality.

4.5. Carries out control over the timely elimination of the deficiencies indicated in the complaints and claims received from consumers, the motivation of a certain attitude of consumers to the company's products.

4.6. Organizes the development of a strategy for advertising events in the media using outdoor, light, electronic, postal advertising, advertising on transport, participation in industry exhibitions, fairs, sales exhibitions to inform potential indicators and expand sales markets.

4.7. Prepares proposals for the formation of the corporate identity of the enterprise and the corporate design of advertising products.

4.8. Carries out methodical management of the dealer service and its provision with all the necessary technical and advertising documentation.

4.9. Participates in cooperation with other departments in the development of proposals and recommendations for changing the technical, economic and other characteristics of products in order to improve its consumer qualities and stimulate sales.

4.10. Provides management of the work of service centers for warranty maintenance and repair of the company's products, prepares proposals for technically sound planning and production of spare parts (in terms of quantity and nomenclature).

4.11. Supervises the correct storage, transportation and use of products.

4.12. Supervises the employees of the department.

  1. Rights of the head of the marketing department

The head of the marketing department has the right to:

5.1. To get acquainted with the projects of decisions of the company's management concerning the activities of the marketing department.

5.2. Submit proposals for improving the activities of the marketing department for consideration by the company's management.

5.3. To interact with the heads of all (individual) structural divisions of the enterprise.

5.4. To request personally and receive from the heads of departments and specialists information and documents necessary for the performance of their official duties.

5.5. Sign and endorse documents within their competence.

5.6. Submit for consideration by the director of the enterprise ideas about the appointment, relocation and dismissal of employees of the marketing department; proposals to encourage them or to impose penalties on them.

5.7. Require the management of the enterprise to assist in the performance of their duties and rights

  1. Responsibility of the head of the marketing department

The head of the marketing department is responsible for:

6.1. For improper performance or non-performance of their duties provided for by this job description - within the limits determined by the current labor legislation of Ukraine.

6.2. For offenses committed in the course of carrying out their activities - within the limits determined by the current administrative, criminal and civil legislation of Ukraine.

6.3. For causing material damage - within the limits determined by the current labor and civil legislation of Ukraine.

  1. Working conditions of the head of the marketing department

7.1. The mode of operation of the head of the marketing department is determined in accordance with
Internal labor regulations established at the enterprise.

7.2. Due to production needs, the head of the marketing department may be sent on business trips (including local ones).

7.3. To resolve operational issues, the head of the marketing department may be assigned official vehicles.

  1. Terms of remuneration

The terms of remuneration of the head of the marketing department are determined in accordance with the Regulations on the remuneration of personnel.

  1. Final provisions
    1. This Job Description has been drawn up in two copies, one of which is kept by the Enterprise, the other- from the employee.
    2. Tasks, Duties, Rights and Responsibilities can be clarified in accordance with the change in the Structure, Tasks and Functions of the structural unit and workplace.
    3. Changes and additions to this Job Description are introduced by order of the General Director of the enterprise.

Head of structural unit


(surname, initials)


Head of the legal department


(surname, initials)


I have read the instructions:


(surname, initials)


(signature) (surname, initials)

I. General Provisions

  • 1.1. The marketing department of the enterprise (hereinafter - the marketing department) is an independent structural unit of the enterprise and is created / liquidated by the decision of the general director of the enterprise.
  • 1.2. Direct management of the marketing department is carried out by the marketing director appointed by the general director of the enterprise and directly subordinate to the general director of the enterprise.
  • 1.3. In its activities, the marketing department is guided by the current legislation, orders and orders of the general director of the enterprise and the marketing director, approved work plans.

II. Structure

  • 2.1. The structure and staffing of the department is approved by the general director of the enterprise, based on the goals and strategies, conditions and characteristics of the enterprise, as advised by the marketing director and in agreement with the personnel service.
  • 2.2. The marketing department includes structural divisions (groups) according to the scheme below.

2.3. The functions of structural units are regulated by job descriptions.

III. Tasks

  • 3.1. Ensuring the sustainable position and development of the enterprise by creating competitive advantages based on a comprehensive analysis of the competitive environment, studying the consumers of the enterprise's products.
  • 3.2. Analysis of the sales market for the company's products and supply systems in the Russian Federation, CIS countries and far abroad.
  • 3.3. Analysis of the results and efficiency of the enterprise.
  • 3.4. Participation in the development of strategies, plans and programs for the development of the enterprise.
  • 3.5. Analysis of the competitive environment.
  • 3.6. Development of new brands, development of investment projects and business plans to create new brands and expand the range of products.
  • 3.7. Formation of a marketing budget, organization and holding of exhibitions, advertising and / ^ - events and activities to stimulate sales in the Russian Federation, the CIS and abroad.

IV. Functions

  • 4.1. Determination of market segments for the main product groups, their share and position of the enterprise in each market segment.
  • 4.2. Analysis, identification and forecasting of tendencies of a fundamental nature in the industry and in regional markets.
  • 4.3. Development and formation of short-, medium- and long-term forecasts for the sale of products by region and (or) market segments.
  • 4.4. Creation and operational maintenance of a database on the activities of competitors.
  • 4.5. Analysis of the actual sales of products of the enterprise and its main competitors in the group and expanded range, including:
    • analysis of the level and trends of demand;
    • the percentage of provision of categories of consumers with the products of the enterprise, the size of the unsatisfied demand in the whole in the Russian Federation, the CIS countries and far abroad and by regions separately.
  • 4.6. Analysis of the reasons for the unsatisfied demand for the company's products and the development of proposals to reduce its size.
  • 4.7. Analysis of pricing, sales, advertising strategies and sales promotion methods used by the main competitors in the Russian Federation and the CIS countries as a whole, in specific regions, identifying their strengths and weaknesses.
  • 4.8. Development of proposals for the concept of a pricing strategy, including a system of discounts within the framework of sales promotion programs.
  • 4.9. Development of proposals for the development of new markets / market segments and proposals for diversification, the formation of business plans.
  • 4.10. Development of proposals for the development of new types of products, withdrawal from production that do not meet the needs of consumers and the requirements of the markets.
  • 4.11. Item-by-item formation of the budget of the company's expenses for information, advertising and RL-activities for a year and with a breakdown by months.
  • 4.12. Development of an action plan for direct marketing and its practical implementation.
  • 4.13. Development and implementation of a set of activities for advertising, exhibitions and PP using the most effective advertising means, operational analysis of the effectiveness of their implementation and, if necessary, adjustments.
  • 4.14. Creation and support of a company website.
  • 4.15. Development of proposals for the formation of a positive image of the enterprise in the minds of consumers within the framework of a single corporate culture of the enterprise, direct participation in their practical implementation using advertising media.
  • 4.16. Development of / 435-materials and souvenirs, control of their consumption.
  • 4.17. Search for performers / co-performers for marketing and advertising work among third-party organizations, setting tasks for them, operational control and analysis of the work performed by them.
  • 4.18. Development of proposals on the procedure for information interaction between the marketing department and other structural divisions of the enterprise.
  • 4.19. Providing the structural divisions of the enterprise with information, analytical and advertising materials.
  • 4.20. Analysis of the consumer properties of the products manufactured by the enterprise and the requirements imposed on them by buyers.
  • 4.21. Development of proposals for improving the organizational structure of the enterprise in order to effectively solve problems in accordance with the adopted marketing plan.

The marketing department has the right to:

  • 5.1. To demand and receive from the structural divisions of the enterprise the materials necessary for the implementation of the department's activities.
  • 5.2. Conduct correspondence on issues that are within the competence of the department and do not require coordination with the head of the enterprise.
  • 5.3. To represent in the prescribed manner on behalf of the enterprise on issues related to the competence of the department, in relations with state and municipal organizations, as well as other enterprises, organizations, institutions.
  • 5.4. In agreement with the general director of the enterprise, involve experts and specialists in the field of marketing for consultations, preparation of conclusions, recommendations and proposals.
  • 5.5. Provide explanations and recommendations on issues within the competence of the department.
  • 5.6. Conduct and participate in thematic exhibitions, conferences, meetings, seminars on marketing.

Vi. Relationship

The marketing department interacts with other divisions of the enterprise in accordance with the performance of marketing functions: marketing research; development of new products; advertising and sales promotion; product brand development; sales; services to consumers; control of marketing activities. Interaction is carried out on the basis of a matrix method of assigning tasks, rights and responsibilities within the framework of obtaining consultations and information necessary according to his competence, as well as providing all available information upon written requests from divisions, certified by the general director of the enterprise or the general director of the commercial department. To perform functions and exercise rights, the marketing department interacts:

  • 6.1. With accounting for questions:
  • 6.1.1. Receipt:
    • - accounting data on movement, sales, stocks of products;
    • - the results of the inventory of material and technical resources;
    • - standards for representation, travel and advertising expenses.
  • 6.1.2. Provisions:
    • - reports on the costs of marketing research;
    • - calculations of costs for after-sales service of products;
    • - information on prices for material and technical means from suppliers, tariffs for transportation services, conducting promotional events.
  • 6.2. With the financial department of the Department of Economic Development on the following issues:
  • 6.2.1. Receipt:
    • - agreed cost estimates for the formation of demand and sales promotion with the attachment of financial justifications;
    • - analysis of costs incurred per month (quarter, year);
    • - information about accounts payable and receivable.
  • 6.2.2. Provisions:
    • - generalized data on the demand for the products manufactured by the enterprise;
    • - marketing plans;
    • - cost estimates for demand generation and sales promotion, advertising campaigns, participation in exhibitions, fairs, sales exhibitions;
    • - information about the competitive environment on pricing policy, turnover volumes, competitiveness, speed of product sales.
  • 6.3. With the planning and economic and planning and production departments on the following issues:
  • 6.3.1. Receipt:
    • - plans for the production of products (performance of work, provision of services) for a month, quarter, year;
    • - changes in production plans for individual items of the commodity nomenclature, introduced on the basis of marketing research;
    • - projects of wholesale and retail prices for products (tariffs for work and services) for marketing analysis.
  • 6.3.2. Provisions:
    • - generalized information on the demand for the products manufactured by the enterprise (work performed, services rendered), including on individual items of the nomenclature;
    • - information about the state of the market for goods (works, services);
    • - data required for the formation of the company's product range;
    • - proposals for changes in prices for certain types of products in connection with changes in demand.
  • 6.4. With the technological department and the department of quality control in production on the following issues:
  • 6.4.1. Receipt:
    • - requests to search for information about a competitive product;
    • - inquiries about the conjuncture of production technologies;
    • - information about the scientific and technical capabilities of the enterprise;
    • - conclusions on samples of competitive products;
    • - conclusions about the feasibility of the production technology proposed by the product marketing department;
    • - information about defects in manufactured products;
    • - generalized results of reclamation work;
    • - information about technological changes in products;
    • - information on measures to improve the quality of products;
    • - reports on the verification of samples of products manufactured by competing enterprises.
  • 6.4.2. Provisions:
    • - data on consumer demand for manufactured products;
    • - information about competitive products;
    • - proposals for the development of technology for new products;
    • - proposals for the design of products;
    • - documents and materials for participation in exhibitions, fairs;
    • - information about new technological developments;
    • - information on claims;
    • - acts of external acceptance by the counterparty.
  • 6.5. With production on questions:
  • 6.5.1. Receipt:
    • - production plans and production schedules;
    • - information about the norms of backlogs at sites and in workshops and their observance;
    • - information about disturbances in the course of the production process and the reasons that caused them.
  • 6.5.2. Provisions:
    • - data on claims made to product quality;
    • - information about claims for delay in deliveries of products to customers caused by violation of production plans.
  • 6.6. With the transport department on questions:
  • 6.6.1. Receipt:
    • - operational, monthly, quarterly and annual schedules of transportation and transfer to buyers of products manufactured by the enterprise, as well as material and technical resources from suppliers;
    • - transport routes;
    • - calculations of transport costs for delivery;
    • - information about the routes and timing of delivery of products to buyers by competing enterprises.
  • 6.6.2. Provisions:
    • - proposals for changing delivery routes;
    • - proposals for changing the loading and unloading schedules;
    • - information about the wishes of buyers and suppliers regarding changes in delivery and shipment schedules;
    • - applications for the allocation of vehicles for the transportation of products, advertising materials, equipment for participation in exhibitions, fairs;
    • - data on the development of new types of loading and unloading facilities, the introduction of which will reduce downtime for loading and unloading vehicles.
  • 6.7. With the supply department on questions:
  • 6.7.1. Receipt:
    • - information about the concluded contracts for the supply of material and technical means;
  • 6.7.2. Provisions:
    • - generalized information about the suppliers of materials, raw materials and semi-finished products required by the enterprise;
    • - information on prices for the required material and technical means from various suppliers, procurement organizations;
    • - information about the emergence of new types of materials, raw materials, semi-finished products, components with the application of technical characteristics;
    • - information about the demand for material and technical means, its possible fluctuations and their reasons;
    • - information about large suppliers (estimated and actual turnover volumes, stability in the commodity market, etc.);
  • 6.8. With the commercial department on questions:
  • 6.8.1. Receipt:
    • - information about the concluded supply contracts;
    • - plans for the sale of products for a month, quarter, year;
    • - reports on the implementation of plans for the sale of products;
    • - reports on the activities of competitors and clients according to separately developed questionnaires;
    • - applications for marketing analysis of wholesale and retail prices for products sold;
    • - reviews of contractors for the supplied products;
    • - documents required for registration of participation in exhibitions, fairs.
  • 6.8.2. Provisions:
    • - generalized information on the demand for the products manufactured by the enterprise, including for individual items of the nomenclature, and on the factors that determine it;
    • - information about the competitive environment on pricing policy, turnover volumes, competitiveness, speed of product sales;
    • - information about the state of the commodity market;
    • - information about large buyers of products (estimated and actual volumes of turnover, financial capacity, stability in the commodity market, etc.);
    • - information about the planned exhibitions, fairs.
  • 6.9. With the personnel service on issues:
  • 6.9.1. Receipt:
    • - staffing tables and regulations on structural divisions of the enterprise for linking with marketing plans;
    • - staff regulations;
    • - provisions on bonuses;
    • - work schedules of the enterprise;
    • - plans for training and advanced training of employees;
    • - reports on the implementation of applications for the selection of personnel.
  • 6.9.2. Provisions:
    • - proposals for changing the organizational and management structure of the enterprise to be fixed in the staffing tables and regulations on the structural divisions of the enterprise;
    • - information about the quantitative and qualitative needs of the enterprise in personnel;
    • - applications for the selection of personnel for the department;
    • - a list of measures, the implementation of which is necessary to improve the qualifications of employees of the enterprise in certain areas.
  • 6.10. With the legal department on the following issues:
  • 6.10.1. Receipt:
    • - the results of legal expertise for compliance with the current legislation of contracts, orders, orders, instructions submitted for approval;
    • - agreed claims and claims against counterparties regarding their violation of contractual obligations;
    • - explanations of the current legislation and the procedure for its application;
    • - analysis of amendments and additions to legislation.
  • 6.10.2. Provisions:
    • - orders, orders, instructions, draft agreements for approval and legal expertise;
    • - materials for making claims and claims against counterparties and buyers regarding their violation of contractual obligations;
    • - claims presented to the company by counterparties;
    • - available information about suppliers, buyers, other counterparties;
    • - applications for the search for the necessary regulatory documents and clarification of the current legislation.

Vii. A responsibility

  • 7.1. The marketing department is responsible for the quality and timeliness of the tasks and functions assigned to it by this regulation.
  • 7.2. The Marketing Department is responsible for the timely provision of advertising and research budget and its rational use.



I approve

General manager_