What happens in the spreadsheet as a result. Questions and tasks

| Lesson planning and lesson materials | 8th grade | Planning lessons for the school year | Table calculations and spreadsheets

Lesson 29
Spreadsheet calculations and spreadsheets. Spreadsheet Structure
Data in spreadsheet: numbers, texts, formulas. Rules for filling out tables
Working with a finished spreadsheet: adding and deleting rows and columns, changing formulas and copying them

Main topics of the paragraph:

- spreadsheet structure;
- data in a spreadsheet;

What is a spreadsheet? Questions and tasks

What is a spreadsheet
Questions and tasks

Briefly about the main thing

Spreadsheets are intended for organizing tabular calculations on a computer. Application programs that work with spreadsheets are called table processors.

The smallest structural unit of a spreadsheet is a cell.. The cell name is the sum of the literal column name and the row number.

The cell can hold text (character sequence), number, formula.

The cells in which the user enters numbers contain the initial data for calculations. Cells with formulas display calculation results.

Changing the source data instantly leads to recalculation of the formulas which this data is included in.

Spreadsheets (as well as databases) can be thought of as information models of real objects.

Questions and tasks

1. What is a table processor?

2. What are table cells called? What information can be stored in cells?

3. What is the difference between formula display mode and value display mode?

4. What happens in a spreadsheet when you replace a number in a cell with a new value?

5. What is the significant difference between a spreadsheet and a relational database table? Prepare a message with examples.

Topic and lesson number in the topic: Tabular calculations on a computer, lesson No. 2

wehqiowueh2323f.doc Lesson topic: Introduction to spreadsheets. Rules for filling out the table.

Subject: Computer Science

Keywords: computer science, grade 9, spreadsheet, didactic material, handouts, visual aid, Microsoft Excel

Lesson type: lesson in the formation of new knowledge

Forms of work: frontal, individual work on the computer

The purpose of the lesson: to develop the ability to use spreadsheets for simple calculations.

Lesson objectives:


Formation of an idea about ET;

Formation of the simplest skills of entering data and obtaining results using formulas in electronic Microsoft Excel;


Development of thinking;

Developing the ability to act independently when performing practical work;


Development of cognitive interest in the subject;

Forming a desire for high quality labor results.

Necessary Technical equipment: teacher’s computer, interactive whiteboard, projector, student computers.

Necessary software: Microsoft Office Power Point, Microsoft Office Excel, Flash

Handout: (or see Appendix 1)

The lesson summary is posted on the website “Electronic educational resources”

    Formation of new concepts and methods of action.

    More recently, no more than 30 years ago, a slide rule was used to process the results of physical and other experiments. At school they are still learning to use the Bradis table. Then simple and engineering calculators appeared. As is known, the first computing devices, incl. and computers (computers) were invented to facilitate human computing work. Gradually these devices were improved. Programs began to be invented for computers that could be used to perform calculations.

    In 1979, Daniel Bricklin and Robert Frankston created the world's first spreadsheet, VIZICALK (visual calculator). People bought computers for this program. Economists wrote with delight that with its help you can almost instantly determine a company’s profit, calculate losses, etc. Based on it, the well-known Bill Gates created the Microsoft Excel program. What opportunities does it provide us?

    Let's look at example 1: payroll.

    Let's look at example 2: accounting for the sale of dairy products (p. 106) - Demo spreadsheet

    Introduce the concept of a spreadsheet.

ET is an interactive application that stores and processes data in rectangular tables

Compare with the definition in the textbook p. 107

    Introduce the concepts of input data and results based on the examples discussed above.

Source data – information that is entered into the table (independent information)

Results – data resulting from the execution of formulas (dependent information)

MAIN! When the source data changes, all results are automatically recalculated and changed right before your eyes.

(Using the example of “Accounting for the sale of dairy products”, show the change in results when the initial data changes)

    1. Microsoft Excel window view: similarities and differences with others Microsoft programs Office.

    1. A cell is the intersection of a column and a row. Introduce the concepts of cursor frame and fill marker (demonstration on a computer using an interactive whiteboard)

      ET structure (see textbook p. 107)

    1. Basic types and formats of data in cells:

    NUMBER (eg, 257; -145.2; 4.890) By default, numbers are aligned to the right in a cell.

### - the number does not fit in the cell.

    TEXT (eg, 22 MB, A2+C3) By default, text in a cell is aligned to the left.

    FORMULA (For example, =A2+C3, =A1*5)

    1. Formatting cells (demonstration by teacher using an interactive whiteboard): 1) Select cells; 2) Format... Cells...

    Formation of skills and abilities to work on a computer.

Each student receives a set of assignments (see Appendix - “Didactic material on ET” )

    Demonstration by the teacher of completing task No. 1.

    Students completing tasks No. 1, 2 on computers (Handout didactic material)

    Lesson summary. Purpose and capabilities of the spreadsheet.

    1. What is the significant difference between a spreadsheet and a relational database table?

      What is a table processor? (THIS)

      What is a cell? What are table cells called? What information can be stored in cells?

      What happens in a spreadsheet when you replace a number in a cell with a new value?

    Homework: p. 18-19, prepare information about payment for electricity by your family. (task No. 6 p. 19)

Appendix to the lesson plan

wehqiowueh2323f.doc“Introduction to spreadsheets. Rules for filling out the table"


Resource name

Type, type of resource

Information submission form(illustration, presentation, video clips, test, model, etc.)

Dairy Products Sales Demo Spreadsheet



Microsoft Excel spreadsheet window interface


flash animation

ET structure



Didactic material on spreadsheets

Purpose and capabilities of spreadsheets

information pps



Textbook Computer Science and ICT 9th grade I. G. Semakin, L. A. Zalogova, S. V. Rusakov, L. V. Shestakova

EER: Unified Collection of digital educational resources for general and primary institutions vocational education. A set of digital resources for the textbook “Informatics-basic course”, grade 9, Semakina I., Zalogova L., Rusakova S., Shestakova L. Chapter 4. Tabular calculations on a computer.

Lesson 4.

Subject: « Spreadsheets. Purpose and main functions . Basic spreadsheet parameters"

Lesson type: Lesson of new knowledge and skills development

The purpose of the lesson: Introduce students to the purpose and main functions of a spreadsheet and the structure of electronic information.

Introduce the concepts of row, column, cell, cell name, cell range.

Required TCO: video projector, screen, PC,

reference notes for students.

Requirements for knowledge and skills

The student must know:

    Applied software numerical information processing

    Purpose and main functions of ET

    ET structure

Students should be able to:

    Distinguish between dependent and independent fields in ET

    Be able to determine the range of cells

    Know the names of cells, rows and columns of ET

Lesson plan:

    Organizing time. 1 minute

    Examination homework 5 minutes

    Knowledge test 10 minutes

    Explanation of new material 20 minutes

    Consolidation of new material. 7 minutes

    Homework. 2 minutes

During the classes

    Organizing time(1 min)

The teacher greets the students.

    Checking homework(5 minutes)

    Doing homework at the blackboard

Discuss the solutions to problems that caused difficulty in solving at the board.

3. Check of knowledge(10 minutes)

    Working on performing arithmetic operations in binary SS

Students receive assignment options

    Presentation of new material(20 minutes)

The study of the topic is expected to begin with a presentation, detailed description which is presented in the table below.

Theoretical material of the lesson

Appearance slide

Notes for the slide


Topic of today's lesson« Spreadsheets. Purpose and main functions. ET structure"

The teacher asks you to write down the topic of the lesson in your notebook.


Pay attention to the abbreviations we will use in today's lesson.


In the modern world, most tables are created in in electronic format using a PC.

A number of application programs (AP) called spreadsheets (ET) have appeared. The purpose of ET is to make working with large amounts of numerical information convenient and less labor-intensive.

ETs are a convenient tool for engineers, scientists, economists, accountants, etc. These programs allow you to create dynamic tables, i.e. contain so-called calculated fields, the values ​​of which are automatically recalculated using specified formulas when the values ​​of the source data contained in other fields change.

More powerful ETs are called table processors (TP).


The main elements of ET are: cell, row and column.

As the teacher explains the topic, the hyperlink goes to slides that reflect information about each element separately, and then each time returns to the slide “Basic elements of ET”


The main element of ET is the cell.

The intersection of rows and columns forms cells called table cells. To identify a cell, it is used address , consisting of a column name and a row number. For example: the very first cell has address A 1; examples of other addresses of cells B 3, DL 25, etc.

The cell in which the cursor is located and which is highlighted with a frame is called active cell . Data is entered into the active cell via the keyboard.


The ET working field is divided horizontally by lines into lines (lines are designated by numbers 1, 2, 3, …, 65356).


The ET working field is divided vertically by lines into columns (columns are designated by Latin lettersA , B , C , …, AB , …< IV , there are 256 of them in total),


As a complete object you can use and cell range , which is denoted by the name of the top left cell and the name of the bottom right cell separated by a colon(eg A 1:B 5).


So, let's imagine that you and I are the owners of a small store that sells dairy products. You have to maintain a variety of forms of product accounting.

Let's imagine one of the accounting documents should look like this (look at the supporting summary and then at the screen). This is a regular rectangular table.

But pay attention to the peculiarity of this table. It contains fields whose value is calculated through the values ​​of other fields. Such fields are the “Revenue” and “Remaining” fields. We will call such fields calculated or dependent. The fields “Product”, “Price”, “Delivered”, “Sold” are independent. Independent fields contain the initial data for the calculation.


The main information objects processed by ET are the following types of data:





The numbers entered can be integer or real; in real numbers, the integer part from the fractional part is separated by a comma.

Before entering numbers, you must set the format of the entered numbers; for this you need:

    Select a range of cells;

    Choose FORMAT/CELLS;

    In the window that appears, set the necessary parameters.

For number formats, you can specify the number of decimal places, you can select monetary and financial formats, etc.

To handle data correctly, you must always set the cell format before entering numbers.


Text – a set of symbols used to design a table (headings, explanations, etc.)


Formula is an expression that gives instructions for mathematical calculations. An expression begins with an equal sign (=), which allows the program to distinguish the formula from other data.


Among users of IBM-compatible computers, the most famous are Microsoft Excel, Lotus 1-2-3, as well as tables from the integrated MS Works package.

ET is used for:

    Processing of numerical information presented in table form.

    Saving tables to disks.

    To print a document.

ET capabilities:

    Data entry and editing.

    Calculations using formulas.

    Table formatting.

    Construction of graphs and diagrams.

    Sorting data.

    Works like a database.

    Preview the document before printing.

    Printing, etc.

    Reinforcing the material learned(7 minutes)

Frontal survey

    1. What are ETs used for?

      What is the significant difference between electronic data and relational databases?

      What is a table processor?

      Which fields in ET are called dependent and which independent?

      What is the main element of ET?

      How is the cell address determined?

      What information can be stored in cells?

      What happens in ET as a result of replacing a number in a cell with a new value?

    Homework(2 minutes)

    Learn all the basic concepts you learned in class.

    N. D. Ugrinovich, Computer Science and ICT 9th grade, paragraph 3.2.1, 3.2.2

    Answer the questions at the end of paragraph p. 86, p. 89.

    Tasks for independent completion p. 86 No. 3.8 p. 89 No. 3.9