The effectiveness of team activities. Fgbou vpo "Siberian State Technological University" Faculty: Economics Department: Personnel Management Effective teamwork depends on

The format of teamwork has a significant impact on its effectiveness and efficiency. A built team helps the company achieve incredible performance, and every business owner, top manager or HR dreams of a reliable and stable team of managers and ordinary employees.

There is a big BUT in this issue: a team does not form by itself, a push is needed to create it. The concentration of people in one room and the issuance of a task to them is not enough, because not every group of people can bear the proud name of "Team".

How good is the team?

Failures in the interaction in the team and its work seriously affect strategic plans companies. At present, it is almost impossible to avoid the need for teamwork, and the ability to build effective interaction in it cannot be called an elementary skill, it requires.

In order to form a high-quality team of employees, it is necessary to soberly assess its starting level, to know the strengths and weak sides team and the format of interaction in it. The assessment reveals common problems that need to be corrected to create an effective team or improve it. The results of the assessment will guide which of the following methods to choose to develop collective work capacity, improve and develop its important skills.

Instructions for the test

For each statement, you need to choose the score of the most appropriate answer. When answering questions, it is important to describe the real situation, not the desired or correct one. It must be remembered that by laying a false starting estimate, it is impossible to change the effectiveness of the team, time will be wasted. It's okay if some of the statements do not fully correspond to the existing situation in the team, they just give the right direction for work. At the end of the test, simply add up the scores.


15 statements Never Rarely Sometimes Usually Often
1 The team is well aware of the stages of team development, it can be expected to be able to go through them. 1 2 3 4 5
2 Team members are provided with constant feedback on their work. 1 2 3 4 5
3 Team members want to work for the common good of the organization, they develop this competence. 1 2 3 4 5
4 There are a lot of complaints, morale in the team is low. 5 4 3 2 1
5 Team members don't understand decisions taken or disagree with them. 5 4 3 2 1
6 People develop a desire to be part of a team and build friendships within it. 1 2 3 4 5
7 Team members are provided with opportunities for development. 1 2 3 4 5
8 Meetings are often ineffective, there are sabotaging participants. 5 4 3 2 1
9 All team members are given obligations for teamwork, leaders help to understand the role and significance of these tasks in achieving results. 1 2 3 4 5
10 Team members are often given the opportunity to work on tasks that are interesting to them, to apply their knowledge and abilities. 1 2 3 4 5
11 The team clearly understands its goal and has all the resources necessary to achieve success. 1 2 3 4 5
12 Conflicts and animosity between employees is a common problem that doesn't seem to get better. 5 4 3 2 1
13 People feel that good job is not remunerated and are not sure that they fully meet the expectations of the employer. 5 4 3 2 1
14 The interaction of team members is balanced, they understand how they can help each other. 1 2 3 4 5
15 The working relationship between management and staff leaves much to be desired and there is a lack of coordination. 5 4 3 2 1

Test interpretation

15 — 30 The situation is worrying. The good news is that there is a great opportunity to improve team performance.
31 — 45 The effectiveness of the team is ambiguous. There are successful development processes, but there is room for improvement. Ignoring the existing problems in the team can lead to a decrease in its effectiveness. Below is what the team needs to work on in the near future to increase performance.
46 — 75 The team is working efficiently. But there is no limit to perfection, and if not all test scores are maximum, then there are areas for improvement. You should study the description of the key collaboration features below and determine which tools will help you build a stronger team.

Team level growth (questions 1, 11)

Teams are not created overnight. is a process that requires due attention and care. If you miss important stages of development, there is a risk that a solid foundation will not be laid. For this reason, problems or failures at work most often occur. Building a strong and effective team requires understanding the stages of its development. Bruce Tuckman describes the phases of the team in detail, he says that the team must go through 4 stages of development to reach the highest performance.

Two other factors that greatly increase a team's chances of being effective are a well-thought-out management process and the development of a clear team charter. Both will help set rules and expectations. Until at least one member of the team is fully aware of what is expected of him and how he should act, the team will not be able to be effective. A clear understanding will give the team a head start on peak performance.

Feedback (questions 2, 13)

One of better ways improving people's productivity is to provide information to team members about the level of success of their individual work and the overall performance of the team. After all, how do people know what is working effectively and what is not, if no one gives an objective assessment?

The team most often has employees who are ready to express their opinion on any issue, but, unfortunately, this information is often transmitted in a way that causes outrage and hostility. To effect feedback be positive and inspiring, it should be carefully thought out and reflect not only a negative assessment, but also praise for successful moments.

Understanding the goal, awareness of its significance (questions 3, 9 10)

Awareness of the importance of their actions for the overall result leads to the development of the utmost diligence of each member of the team. This vision motivates the desire not to let the team down and be sure to achieve their goal.

The best teams invest a lot of time and energy into learning and understanding their common goal. From this vision comes, which helps to focus on their implementation.

Conflict management (questions 4, 12,14)

is an inevitable consequence of working with other people. Opinions, values, styles, and a host of other differences provide more than enough room for disagreement. This discrepancy is actually part of the reason why teams can be so effective. The more opinions that go against others, the better the end result. Usually!

But there is also a downside: differences cause disruption of the contact of the participants in the conversation and lead to "accidents" in the working relationship. Team leaders and team leaders must take on the task of managing conflicts, because people can be taken out of a confrontation on any issue without loss. Of course, this skill requires separate study and training.

Roles and structure in the group (questions 6, 8, 15)

Differences between the format of work and views of the world make conversations interesting and teams dynamic. An effective team capitalizes on these natural differences and maximizes performance by delivering the right people in the right roles.

Development of team members (question 7)

No matter what role a person plays in a team, or what tasks they are assigned to, there is almost always room for a . When team members work at their maximum capacity and have high expertise, the team also thrives.

Understanding and cooperation (question 5)

The final area of ​​team functioning explored by this test covers the ability to collaborate and understand the key issues facing the team. This goes back to the idea of ​​cohesion. Members of successful teams look in the same direction and work towards the same goals. When priorities and goals diverge, tension appears within the team, this is a fundamental problem for large teams. Consensus, alignment and acceptance are vital to working together effectively.

Effective team much more than a bunch of people planted together to achieve a goal. Since good team communication is an integral part of high-quality results, it is necessary to constantly work on improving its effectiveness. Sometimes there is an erroneous feeling that everything is built correctly, which is why it is necessary to systematically conduct an objective assessment of indicators.

With this test, you can easily identify areas for improvement that will help improve the performance of any team.

1.3 Methods for evaluating the effectiveness of teamwork

An effective team can be characterized by generally accepted criteria for the effectiveness of any organizational structure, however, there are specific features that are unique to the team. First of all, it is the focus of the whole team on the final result, initiative and creative approach to solving problems. High performance and focus on the best option solutions, active and interested discussion of emerging problems complete its characterization.

According to Douglas McGregor, who considered the qualitative characteristics of the effectiveness of the functioning of teams, such a team can be called effective in which: an informal and relaxed atmosphere; the task is well understood and accepted; members listen to each other; there is a discussion related to the task in which everyone participates; people express both their ideas and feelings; conflicts and disagreements are present, but expressed and centralized around ideas and methods, not personalities; the group is aware of what it is doing; the decision is based on consent, not majority vote 9 .

It is not always possible for a manager to objectively assess the effectiveness of a team, only by observing it. Of course, you can judge the effectiveness on the basis of the results obtained, but in this way it is impossible to determine the problems and weak spots teams if the results are below the expected level. However, there are many methods for assessing both long-established teams and newly created ones. The purpose of these methods is to identify problems in the initial stages of the functioning of the team, to evaluate each of the employees individually, in order to increase cohesion and work efficiency in a team environment. As well as identifying problems in the structure of an already established team, explaining inefficient functioning, or identifying internal team problems that are most difficult for a leader to identify and evaluate.

TO modern methods personnel assessments include the interview method, questioning, comparison method, classification, testing, etc. each of them helps to solve their problems.

Often, in order to identify company problems and develop recommendations for solving them, management invites consultants from their third-party organizations who specialize in assessing personnel and the level of teamwork. These organizations offer a variety of employee appraisal methods and trainings that address team performance issues.

The most popular and effective are: a questionnaire that allows you to determine the positioning of the employee in the organization (Appendix A); methodology for determining value orientations (Appendix B ), to determine the life position of an employee (determined by the criteria of the level of involvement inthe world of work, V family and household And leisure activity); 360 degree questionnaire (Appendix C ), allowing the manager to see the strengths and weaknesses of each of his employees, to assess the potential for further growth and development; questionnaire "Evaluation of the effectiveness of the team" (Appendix D ), which helps the manager to determine those aspects of team activity that should be given attention; socionic test (Appendix E ), allowing the employer to study the personality of the employee and establish his type, in order to, in the future, determine the environment suitable for the employee, the pace of work and the type of activity in which maximum efficiency will be achieved.

Testing the above methods allowed specialists to identify the most popular problems of Russian teams today. They can be shown by the following classification 10 .

Broken Landmarks:

Lack of an agreed position. While listening to the CEO's lengthy speeches about his vision for the company's goals, CEOs may nod in unison, but this does not mean that they have a common opinion on how to turn this vision into reality. More often, their ideas about the values ​​of the company and the methods of managing it differ significantly. Members of the management team often cannot agree with each other on how to evaluate the performance of the company and its departments, who performs best, and how to reward employees for special achievements.

Lack of deep understanding. Even if team members reach agreement on plans, their next actions do not always correspond to the decisions made. This shows the habit of leaders, when making a decision, not to go into details and not to analyze the rationale for these decisions.

Lack of focus on solving strategic problems. Not sticking to a common direction, leadership teams spend most of their time on day-to-day activities and “fire” measures, rather than identifying tasks and work that only they can do. Teams focused on strategic goals, care about the development of talented employees and the implementation of initiatives that contribute to the growth of the company, and lacking such a "focus" - they spend time double-checking the decisions made by line managers and get bogged down in the details.

Ineffective interaction:

Lack of dialogue. Even if members of the same team spend a lot of time talking with each other, this does not mean that they often manage to reach an agreement. They don't share important information, do not express critical remarks and agree with dubious strategies only because they are afraid of "strike back". All this increases mutual irritation and gives rise to many hidden problems, especially if team members do not know each other well and therefore there is no trust between them or there are conflicts between individual divisions of the company.

Non-constructive behavior. By failing to communicate openly, teams often do not benefit from the diversity of viewpoints and experiences of their colleagues, and as a result, their ability to work creatively and adapt to market changes is reduced. Finally, like any other group, the top management team sometimes behaves in an unacceptable way, for example, publicly insulting one of their colleagues. Naturally, such behavior causes fear and a readiness to defend themselves, and if individual members of the team turn into scapegoats, then without that acute problems are only getting worse. And since the boss sets the tone for everything, this style can spread throughout the organization.

Failure to update:

personal dissatisfaction. Many members of management teams, despite successful career and an enviable position - people are disappointed in the depths of their souls: their current work no longer requires great effort from them and therefore does not completely capture. Both individually and as a team, top managers prefer not to delve into the essence of problems and not burden themselves new information and experience, that is, they try to avoid everything that could disturb their peace. As a result, these top managers become frankly bored and their productivity drops. This is why CEOs often complain that a once-strong team is losing its ability to energize others and adapt to change.

Isolation. As a rule, leadership teams do not pay due attention to information coming from the outside - from other organizations or industries, although it is this information, if processed in time, that can influence key strategic and organizational decisions. Moreover, team members rarely have time to analyze information and assess its implications for the company's future. Without establishing a process for collecting and analyzing information, most teams do not identify strategically important areas of their activity.

Lack of individual skills. In most companies, there is no institution of experienced "mentors" and no one teaches top managers how to make changes in the corporation.

False psychological compatibility. A friendly, long-established team may turn out to be inefficient and lose in competition. The reason is the substitution of concepts. External non-conflict and conciliation may be a sign of apathy and disinterest in the activities of the company. Leaders often make the mistake of relying on non-confrontational and friendly people, resulting in an uncompetitive team.

Real psychological compatibility is not only goodwill towards colleagues, but also concern for the company, identification of one's interests with the aspirations of the team. The personnel atmosphere in the team should not relax employees, but set them up for vigorous activity in which there is no place interpersonal conflicts and intrigue.

Research has identified several strategies to increase cohesion, work efficiency and analysis quality.

Work in several directions. Top managers should focus on those urgent tasks that only they can solve. At the same time, it is very important to obtain tangible results in several directions. The best activities to bring a team together are developing a company strategy, planning performance improvement activities, building relationships with interest groups, and nurturing a new generation of talented managers. The team must perform this work, regardless of whether it sets itself the task of increasing the efficiency of its work or not. It is on this activity that it depends whether the right course of development of the company is found and whether it can be updated, and the analysis of the results of their work allows team members to establish closer interaction.

Equality for the best. Successful teams take on tough challenges, are always ready to take on the competition, and measure their performance against industry leaders or major competitors—discussions only make sense when the real state of the company is openly and honestly discussed.

Minimal outside interference. It is difficult for any team to restructure its activities without outside help. Consultants should observe the teams in the process of work (in no way guiding it), and not during meetings and presentations, and make sure that in the process of reforming the team's activities, it really starts to work better. The team itself must understand why this is happening. You cannot simply tell it how to solve its problems - this will only undermine the already poor mutual understanding and weaken the interaction of its members.

Encourage inquisitiveness and a tendency to think. Most CEOs spend little time analyzing the causes of a company's problems. They believe that they can draw correct conclusions on business issues simply because they have solid experience, which means that they do not need any special techniques. However, shareholders are increasingly demanding to limit the term of office CEOs. But if we speed up the process of the top team going through the “action - comprehension” cycle, then the results will appear in three months.

Warn Negative consequences psychological incompatibility. Compatibility of employees consists of several factors. In small groups (from 3 to 7), the compatibility of characters is important, expressed in the similarity of the natural properties of people.

Gender and age indicators deserve special attention. Women's teams are more dynamic, easier to adapt to changing external conditions. They are more emotional, situational, they often have rivalry, intrigue, role conflicts with personal overtones. Male groups are more rational and pragmatic. Competition and conflicts arise mainly on a business basis. The age of people working together is an important, often determining factor psychological compatibility. Combining into friendly groups at work most often occurs precisely on this basis. Among employees of the same age, especially young ones, benevolent interpersonal relationships, sympathy and mutual understanding are more likely to form. But, against the background of emotional restraint and rationality of middle-aged people, youth teams are expansive and prone to conflicts. Many teams experience difficulties in combining staff of different ages, but a unifying idea can come to the rescue, giving all employees a sense of security and belonging to one team.

In general, efficiency is something like a habit, a set of practical methods which can always be learned, but which are difficult to apply correctly in practice. They must be memorized like a multiplication table and trained all the time - constant practice is necessary. So is the business team.

There are several basic elements to improve the efficiency of your team.

Firstly, it is knowledge of the entire cycle of work in a team. From start to finish. In this cycle, all stages (admission to the team, training, attitude to the result ....) are important and require careful study and application in practice.

Secondly, an effective team controls its time. Time management is important for the work of both the team itself and its members. The ability to manage your time is an essential element of productive work.

Third, with excellent management, effective teams are focused on overachieving. They should be focused not on the fulfillment of the goals as such, but on the final result. “What results do I and the team need to achieve?”.

Fourth, effective teams build their activities on their strengths.

team health

As a leader, you need the tools to keep your team up and running. It is important to take care of the "health" of the company. Follow a few rules. These rules are simple. And it will not cost you much work to fulfill them - the main thing is to always apply the "stethoscope" to the "chest" of the company, that is, to its employees.

Rule number 1. Be sure to praise people for a job well done.

According to Frederick Herzberg's theory of motivation, wages and working conditions are just hygienic factors. The well-being of your employees, in addition to money, is greatly influenced by the recognition of their merits. One material motivation is a stumbling block for many new companies.

You can bring a game element to the work, for example, establish the title " the best employee day, week, month…”, who receives a certain prize for his work. The prize can be a bottle of excellent wine, a box of chocolates, flowers or a ticket to a Sting concert. Also, the prize can be a lunch at the restaurant "White Sun of the Desert" or, for example, a rest in a good local sanatorium: "Bumps and Bears". If funds allow, there is such a way - every month the seller, who will bring the company the largest revenue, will receive a trip for two to hot countries at the expense of the company.

Another motivation factor is trainings and seminars, at the expense of your company. It's not expensive, but effective. If you do not educate people, then they "stew in their own juice", and as a result, many of them will leave you. Training changes the way people approach a profession. There is interest and excitement.

Rule number 2. Your employees must see the future and appreciate it! Must know exactly the goals of your company. See the future, if possible. Ask your employees what company they want to work for? No one is interested in working for a one-day company. Well, except for the sick. For dark money. However, are you building your business for yourself and your children? If so, then it is worth, as I said above, to develop a company strategy. Know its mission and have a Vision. Moreover, to tell all this to people even when hiring them. Let them see how your vision and attitude towards the company's prospects correlate with their goals. Maybe your values ​​do not match the values ​​of the applicants? Why then hire such people to work? These people will just ruin your life. Moreover, there are few people in small business. Choose carefully.

Rule number 3. Involvement in the personal lives of your employees. Solving their personal problems. How to organize a wedding or funeral (sad, but such is life). Help solve the problem and take an active part in it. Look, your company does not have many employees. And your participation in solving their personal problems is worth a lot. You strengthen the team and create loyalty. On the other hand, you are laying "straws" - there will be less staff turnover, as they say.

One of the first researchers who studied the effectiveness of work in a group was E. Mayo. In the 1930s, Kurt Lewin focused on the study of organizational behavior in groups, group dynamics. After 20 years, D. McGregor and his colleagues began to study the improvement of managers in industry. Another scientist who contributed significantly to the development of knowledge about effective groups in management was R. Likert, who singled out the characteristics of effective teams, focusing on the process and on the internal dynamics of the team. K. Argyris focused on the impact of the type of work situation on personal development an individual in an organization.

It is impossible to come up with a set of rules that will necessarily lead to the creation of an effective team. The reasons for a team's success are much more complex and cannot be reduced to just fulfilling a set of prescriptions. What do we mean by efficiency? Is it only the achievement of goals? How do the individual achievements of team members fit together? How does the personal satisfaction of team members contribute to its effectiveness?

Key elements of effective teamwork include:

Meeting the personal interests of team members;

Successful teamwork;

Solving the tasks assigned to the team.

The effectiveness of the team also depends on the next step - on what happens after the achievement of the goals. Observations of the work of teams in organizations show that most, if not all, of the energy is directed to solving the external problem (what needs to be obtained, when, with what means and resources).

Naturally, this is important, but we must not forget about the process (how the team will work) and that conflicts are not ruled out. For example, even a team that has achieved its goals can hardly be considered effective if its members have conflicting views and are so disillusioned with their organization that they intend to look for another job.

Therefore, as additional indicators of the effectiveness of the team, we can consider the degree of readiness of its members to perform new tasks and their desire to continue working together.

The teamwork assessment system combines 25 assessment categories. The methodology for assessing teamwork is borrowed from the works of D. Maslov, who proposed using a functional model for self-assessment in an organization.

Table 3.2.1. Summary and criteria structure

The main six barriers that reduce efficiency:

Unclear goals of the project and directions of its implementation;

Insufficient resources;

Power struggle and conflicts;

Disinterest in the project of the top management of the organization;

Low level of labor safety;

Changing goals and priorities.

Summing up what has been said, it can be noted that thanks to the good organized work commands can achieve the following results:

Realistic, achievable goals are set for the team and individuals, because those who are responsible for doing the work contribute to building them.

Team members and leaders strive to support each other in order to make the team successful.

Team members understand each other's priorities and help or support when difficulties arise.

Communication is open. New ideas, new methods of improving work, posing new problems, etc. are welcome.

Problem solving is more efficient because the experience of all team members is used.

The return on work is more significant, as team members understand what is expected of them, and can independently control their activities beyond expectations.

Conflict is understood as a normal event and seen as an opportunity to solve problems. Problems, if they are openly discussed, can be solved before they become destructive.

A balance is maintained between the productivity of the team and the satisfaction of the needs of individual members.

The team as a whole and individual participants are rewarded for outstanding results and effort.

It is welcome when participants try out their possibilities and ideas. It becomes contagious and encourages individuals to become more efficient.

Team members understand the importance of disciplined work and strive to behave in accordance with team standards.

Learning to work effectively as a team in one organization is good preparation for teamwork with other organizations. This is good preparation for promotion as well.

According to some researchers, the generalized model of teamwork, if using the frame approach, can be represented as a five:

PT= ,

where PT is the effectiveness of the team (efficiency, productivity);

E - organizational environment;

T - tasks facing the team;

P - workflows;

RP - responsibility and authority;

S - command structure.

Each element of the model is a set of sub-elements, the disclosure of which can be used both in team building and in business self-assessment processes.

The effectiveness of the team depends on the management of the quantitative composition of the team; managing the functional responsibilities of team members; distribution of functional and team roles.

By managing these types of teamwork, you can monitor the effectiveness of teams, increasing efficiency and achieving change success.

Impact on the effectiveness of the team by managing its quantitative composition. From general considerations, it is clear that the effectiveness of very small and very large teams will be less than when a certain optimum size is reached, although the desire to both reduce the number of team members and increase it is justified. In the first case, the speed of intra-team communication increases and, consequently, the speed of task completion. In the second, the inclusion of a larger number of specialists in the team will ensure an increase in the quality of the task. The most reasonable thing would be to have a team as small as possible in number, but large enough so that the competence of its members corresponds to the requirements of the task.

It is easiest to work in a team consisting of two people, due to the ease of communication. In larger teams, members are prone to messy communications, leading to disorganization and the feeling that a lot of time is wasted. With the increase in the size of the team, the number of interactions between its members increases dramatically. If we keep in mind that every interaction contains potential conflict between its participants, with the expansion of the team, a greater likelihood of organizational difficulties becomes apparent.

If the team has more than 12 people, it would be reasonable to break it into two subgroups, giving each of them an integral part of the overall task and retaining the overall leadership of the group. If this is not done, the team will divide into informal groups in an arbitrary way (for example, based on the sympathies of team members for each other), which will make it difficult to coordinate the task and reduce the effectiveness of team work. Therefore, the process of dividing a large group into subgroups, bearing in mind the achievement of team goals, is best managed consciously and carefully.

Influence functional duties team members on the effectiveness of its work. The effectiveness of a team is largely determined by the personal qualities of its members and the relationships between them. Everyone should be ready to direct all their abilities and knowledge to the solution of the team task.

The level of competence, which includes the knowledge, understanding, skills and personal qualities that team members must possess, is determined by the tasks and methods for achieving the goal.

It is important to assess the correlation between the results of the team’s work and the requirements for the level of competence as often as possible in order to detect emerging problems in time and make the necessary changes, organize appropriate trainings, etc. Improving the efficiency of teams by distributing functional and team roles.

When selecting people for a team, we usually make our choice based on their skills, knowledge and experience. But to achieve team effectiveness, not only skills, knowledge and experience are important, but equally personal qualities and personal characteristics of team members.

When people work as part of the same group or team, each of them performs two types of roles: functional, based on professional skills, and practical experience, and command, which is based on personal characteristics. The team role can be viewed as a characteristic of the quality of the application of individual skills and experience that make up the content of the functional role being performed.

There are nine team roles (Table 19.1). Research has shown that each team member plays not one, but often two, even three or four team roles. It should be noted that they can be considered equally important for the effectiveness of teamwork, provided that they are used in the team at the right time and in the best possible way. For example, during the period when the team is just starting to consider a problem or develop a project, first of all, innovative ideas(needs a thinker), followed by the need to evaluate how these ideas can be translated into practical actions and achievable tasks (doer). In these stages, success is achieved on the condition that the team has a good coordinator (chairman), whose task is to ensure the greatest return from team members in right time. The team acquires driving forces and incentives thanks to the activity of an energetic shaper. When it comes to complex negotiations with other groups, the qualities of the resource researcher become important. To contain excessive displays of enthusiasm that distract from the main activities of the team, an evaluator should be included in the composition of the team.

All kinds of sources of friction and misunderstanding between team members are eliminated by the collectivist, and thanks to the presence of a specialist, the team has at its disposal rare skills and knowledge that are periodically needed.

The role of the closer is not to lose sight of even the smallest details of the implementation of the decisions made and to achieve the consistent implementation of all planned actions. It is clear that in order for the team to derive maximum benefit from the whole variety of team roles, each member must be aware of the features of team roles their colleagues. Only in this case can it be established whether among these nine roles there are those that do not belong to the natural strengths of the team members. If this is the case, then those team members for whom the missing natural team roles are secondary will have to try to fill this gap. Obviously, this will require an atmosphere of frankness and trust. Sometimes managers speak out in the sense that they are tasked with leading teams that are imbalanced in terms of team roles and have to deal with what they have. Most modern organizations There is a constant turnover of staff. When selecting and hiring new employees, managers who have adopted the concept of team roles will purposefully select their staff.

Much of the working day effective leaders settle conflicts between their supporters and opponents, between subordinates, explaining to them that differences of opinion are an integral part of public life.

The fastest and most reliable way to change the course of a company is to change the process manager. Leadership or leadership of a team is very important for the effectiveness of its work. Let's take a closer look at how good management team leadership leads to a well-functioning team and a more complete and faster implementation of the strategic plan.

Table 19.1

Team Roles



Permissible deficiencies


Creative orientation, rich imagination, originality of thinking. Striving for innovation. Source original ideas for the team

Lack of experience in interpersonal communication Psychological instability Can take a long time to consider "interesting ideas"


Turns ideas into practical actions. Turns decisions into easy-to-do tasks. Brings order to the team

Lack of flexibility. Rejection of fantastic ideas Dislike of frequent changes of plans


Diligence and conscientiousness. Ensures that tasks are completed in full. Tracks the timeliness of tasks

Excessive concern about the state of affairs. Tendency to inner experiences. Unwillingness to delegate their responsibilities. Rejection of the frivolous attitude to his duties by others

Confesses an impartial critical analysis of the situation, insight in assessments. Accuracy of judgment, the desire to consider everything possible options solutions. Underestimation of the factors of stimulation and inspiration

Lack of inspiration and creative imagination. The ability to overwhelm the initiative of others



Possession of the art of negotiation, a variety of contacts. Talent improviser, exploring opportunities. Enthusiasm, communication skills

Loses interest as enthusiasm wanes. Jumps from one task to another. Needs outside pressure


Constant focus on solving the problem; stimulates the work of the whole team. Contributes to the implementation of decisions made; encourages employees to work harder. Energetic, striving for excellence and working with full dedication

Turns easily into a state of irritability and frustration Impulsiveness and impatience Intolerance of vague wording and indecision in behavior



Required personal qualities and contribution to the team

Permissible deficiencies


Contributes to the harmonization of relations in the team and the elimination of disagreements. Listens carefully to the interlocutor; relies on the opinions of others. Sensitivity, lack of overconfidence

Indecision in crisis situations. The desire to avoid escalation of situations. Can prevent action at a crucial moment


Clearly formulates goals; performs well as a facilitator during discussions. Promotes effective decision making. Has good communication skills; social leader

May give the impression of a manipulative person. Tendency to shift their responsibilities to others. Can take credit for the entire team


Possesses rare skills and knowledge Purposefulness and ability to concentrate efforts. Initiative and ability to devote oneself to work

Useful only in a narrow professional field. Often has poor communication skills. Often "can't see the forest for the trees"

As a rule, in the course of the work of the team, the leader does not seek to clearly dominate the others. On the one hand, there is no particular need for this - the level of consciousness and interaction of employees is high enough not to stand above them with a whip, on the other hand, an efficiently working team will not tolerate overly authoritarian leadership.

The best way to manage a team is to reasonably involve them in management, create conditions for normal work and help in case of problems. The leader, using Western terminology, "governs by walking around", i.e. does not get involved in the details of the work, taking the lead only in difficult or non-standard situations. By the way, this leadership will not necessarily be carried out by the same person. It is quite possible that the functions of the leader are transferred for some time to one of the team members who is best in command of this issue. After all, for such a group it is important not who controls, but how the work is carried out.

A less effective group usually needs a permanent leader, who often has to act as a distributor of roles, tasks and resources, an arbitrator in conflict situations tracking even the smallest aspects of work performance. At the same time, it is possible that the group will be dissatisfied with their boss, believing that he is not doing his job well enough.

Caring for team members and paying attention to personal relationships are essential to team performance. Team leaders should be interested in their subordinates not only on duty. Improvement in change management outcomes occurs when managers take an active interest in the team's ability to perform its job competently. This is a consequence of the fact that the effectiveness of the team depends on both the implementation of plans and personal relationships.

Let's consider these features in more detail (Table 19.2). First, in a group, the performance of the work usually depends on individual activities its members. The result of the team's work depends on the personal contribution of each of its members to the achievement of the goal, in close cooperation.

Table 19.2

Options for working in groups and teams

Prefer to work alone or in groups

Prefer to work in teams

To solve simple problems or "puzzles"

To solve complex problems or "problems"

When cooperation is satisfactory

When is consensus required to make a decision?

When Diversity is Limited

When there is uncertainty and multiple solutions

When a problem needs to be solved urgently

When high commitment is needed

When a narrow range of competence is enough

When a wide range of competencies is required

When an organization prefers working with individuals

When an organization intends to use the results of teamwork to develop strategy and vision

When you need the best result

When a Diversified Approach Is Necessary (However, Keep Groupthink in Mind)

The second difference is related to the place given to responsibility for the work performed. Usually the members of the groups pool their resources to achieve a goal, although it is also the work of each individual, which is taken into account when it comes to issuing bonuses. Group members most often are not responsible for the overall result of the work, but are responsible only for their personal activities. Commands, on the other hand, give meaning as individual work each of its members, and the overall result. Its members work together to achieve a result (for example, the release of a product, the provision of a service, or the development of solutions), which is the joint contribution of the team to the work, and each of the team shares responsibility for the result. The main difference is this: in groups, people who control the organization require a personal report on the work done from everyone, while team members exercise self-control.

Thirdly, at a time when group members can only share common goal, team members, among other things, share a common obligation to achieve the goal. Moreover, these goals are often viewed as an opportunity to win in the implementation of a particular goal (to be the first or the best in something). For example, when working in the factory of a company that is having financial difficulties, the team may strive to make that company a leader in their industry. A private public school team may strive to prepare its graduates to a higher standard of excellence than any other school in the area. Team members concentrate on the joint achievement of higher goals, which, combined with the specifics of completing tasks, makes them highly interested in the results of their activities. It can be said that teams have “ownership” of goals and usually spend a lot of time setting them. Like groups, teams strive to demonstrate the level of their skills and knowledge through the set goals. They set themselves broader goals, which are a significant source of emotional energy that acts as an incentive for their active implementation.

Fourth, teams differ from groups in the nature of their association with management. Usually, management sets a goal for the team and does not interfere in the process of planning intra-team work, i.e. teams should have different levels of self-management. They must have a high degree of freedom and be able to independently set intermediate goals, calculate the time to complete the work and be able to bring the results as close as possible to the goal. All these actions should take place without interference from the management or with minimal involvement in the process of the teams.

Team building in this case refers to the development from a formal management structure approved by the management into a working group with a subculture. Researchers distinguish five stages of team development.

  • 1. Adaptation. From the point of view of business activity, it is characterized as a stage of mutual information and analysis of tasks. At this stage, the members of the group search for the optimal way to solve the problem. Interpersonal interactions are cautious and lead to the formation of dyads, the stage of verification and dependence begins, which involves the orientation of group members regarding the nature of each other's actions and the search for mutually acceptable behavior in the group. Team members come together with a sense of alertness and compulsion. The effectiveness of the team at this stage is low, since its members do not yet know each other and are not confident in each other.
  • 2. Grouping. This stage is characterized by the creation of associations (subgroups) according to sympathies and interests. Its instrumental content consists in the resistance of group members to the requirements imposed on them by the content of the task, due to the identification of a discrepancy between the personal motivation of individuals and the goals of group activity. There is an emotional response of group members to the requirements of the task, which leads to the formation of subgroups. When grouping, group self-awareness begins to take shape at the level of individual subgroups that form the first intragroup norms. The features of the existence of groups at this stage are typical for working management groups with subcultures of the "clique" type. There is an association of all members of the subgroup around its leader, which can cause an uncritical perception of the latter by individual members of the group.
  • 3. Cooperation. At this stage, there is an awareness of the desire to work on solving the problem. It is more open and constructive communication than in the previous stages, elements of group solidarity and cohesion appear. Here, for the first time, an established group with a distinctly expressed sense of "we" appears. The instrumental activity becomes the leading one at this stage, there is a good preparedness of the group members for its implementation, and organizational unity is developed. However, there are no sufficiently pronounced psychological connections in such a group.
  • 4. Rationing of activities. At this stage, the principles of group interaction are developed. The sphere of emotional activity becomes dominant, the importance of the "I - you" relationship increases sharply, personal relationships become especially close. One of the characteristic features of this stage of group development is the absence of intergroup activity. The process of isolation of a cohesive, well-prepared, united in organizational and psychological terms, a group can turn it into an autonomy group, which is characterized by isolation on its own goals, selfishness.
  • 5. Functioning. From the point of view of business activity, it can be seen as a decision-making stage characterized by constructive attempts successful solution tasks. The stage of functional-role correlation associated with the formation of the team's role structure, which is a kind of resonator through which the group task is played. The group is open to the manifestation and resolution of the conflict. A variety of styles and approaches to problem solving are recognized. At this stage, the group reaches the highest level of socio-psychological maturity, distinguished by a high level of preparedness, organizational and psychological unity, characteristic of a command subculture.
  • 6. Disbandment. Sooner or later, the most successful groups, committees and project teams, intensive social relations their members are gradually disappearing.

Thus, teams are inherently self-managed or partially managed units of an organization. However, it would be wrong to assume that the teams have complete independence from the top management of the company and from the control of the relevant bodies of the organization. They are required to meet the requirements of higher levels of corporate management, which can also be organized on the basis of a command principle.

Questions and tasks for self-control

  • 1. Name the difference between the goals and reasons for the formation of formal and informal groups and organizations.
  • 2. What dangers and benefits can arise from the activities of informal groups in an organization?
  • 3. Describe the problems of communication in the activities of an organization in which numerous formal groups operate.
  • 4. What actions should the leader take to control and manage the activities of informal groups?
  • 5. What are the main factors that affect team performance?
  • 6. Under what conditions can a team's work be ineffective?
  • 7. What team roles can exist and what are their characteristics?
  • 8. Describe the options for working in groups and teams.
  • 9. What is the algorithm for building and developing a team?
  • 10. What are the modern techniques and ways of building effective groups and teams?