How to start working as a copywriter without experience. Professional view: who is really hiding under the guise of a copywriter? No work experience

Often on the Internet you can find this profession in the list of easy and quick earnings for everyone. This is true if we are talking about part-time work with low pay. In fact, becoming a sought-after specialist is not so easy. Such the job will do not for every person.

It requires a lot of commitment, constant learning and dedication. How do you know if you can learn this skill? We invite you to read our article to get an idea of ​​what awaits you and take the first steps in the chosen direction.

Where to start as a novice copywriter

The first thing to do is to get rid of the main illusion of beginners that this creative profession. In most cases this is not true. Especially at the beginning of your career. It is important to have, rather, not literary talent, but logical thinking. Other skills are honed through practice.

Second, do not agree to jobs that require you to make some kind of contribution. This is a lie. You can apply for office vacancies or collaborate with companies remotely. The second option is more suitable for beginners, since it will be difficult to find a web studio that will hire you without experience. If you don't know anything, you'll dive into SEO copywriting first. These are texts for sites in which certain words are entered. They are called keys. Thanks to them, people find the article in search.

It goes something like this. Imagine that you are writing a description of a sofa for a furniture company. You will be asked to add phrases to it: “buy a corner sofa”, “book sofa Moscow”. When a person looking for such a model enters one of the phrases into Google, he will be taken to the online store on a page with the product he needs.

You will write such articles according to technical specifications(TZ). It specifies all the requirements that must be met. Where to look for such customers?

Where to start as a novice copywriter: searching for orders

You can find a job anywhere. But the easiest way for beginners is to register on exchanges. They have a lot of offers even for people without experience. The downside is low prices. From 20 to 50/70 rubles per thousand characters. They also offer more expensive offers, but they are for regular performers or those who have already received a rating. The algorithm of actions is as follows:

  1. You register in the system. In some cases, you need to pass a test on your knowledge of the rules of the Russian language.
  2. Fill out information about yourself in detail. This is important because customers pay attention to the profile.
  3. Find an interesting order, carefully read the terms, leave a response and wait for the author to choose the artist he likes.
  4. If this is you, you will receive a notification. The terms and cost are indicated in the statement of work, there is a form of communication with the administration of the exchange and with the person for whom you are writing.

The most famous sites

  • Etxt. A large number of tasks for people with any level of knowledge.
  • There are also tasks that are suitable for beginners.
  • Advego. It is possible to immediately start applying for a suitable proposal using the “Get Started” button (there is no need to wait for the application to be approved).
  • Contentmonster. There is a blog for beginners, where the basic concepts and rules of copywriting are described in detail.
  • Textbroker. The minimum order value is 75/1,000 characters. Maximum – 750/1,000. Impeccable literacy and portfolio required.

There are several other freelance sites that often post tasks for web writers.

We advise you to leave many applications, as not all of them will receive a response. Write a competent, short, but succinct message. Please read the proposed terms and conditions carefully. Write about why you are interested in this proposal (for example, you are familiar with the topic), the reasons why you should be chosen.

Don't stay too long on low earnings. Consider the first month as an internship. Once you are comfortable with the basic concepts, get good feedback, start moving on and looking for new orders outside the exchange. After all, your goal is to achieve success, which means more highly qualified and income.

Useful tips for beginners

  • Equip workplace and remove all distractions. You should be comfortable.
  • Take breaks and days off. At first, enthusiasm helps you complete tasks 10-12 hours a day. You can’t do this – burnout will occur.
  • From the very beginning, read professional literature and thematic sites.

List of sources

  • "Webwriter's Handbook". Anastasia Orlovskaya.
  • Blog of the Textbroker exchange by Daniil Shardakov.
  • "Copywriter's Handbook." Elina Slobodyanyuk.
  • “SEO copywriting. Practical guide on creating the right texts." Kirill Khrapovitsky.

How to become a good, successful copywriter

At this stage, it is important to learn how to create other types of texts and find customers on your own. By this time, you will already have reviews and some examples of work on the stock exchange. Include all this in your resume. If for some reason you are unhappy with the quality of those articles, write new ones. You can fill out your portfolio in several other ways:

  • Come up with a project, a task and complete it. Design the page in PDF or in the free designer. For example, in Tilda.
  • Start blogging. An account or community on any social network will do.
  • Publish on other sites for free or for a small price. Find a resource with topics that interest you and offer your services.
  • Find a mentor. This could be a famous copywriter or web studio.

How to learn to write good articles

Daily practice is important. Create an account on Twitter or any other social network and write at least a small post to it every day. Learn to cut out unnecessary things and express thoughts clearly. The Glavred service will help with this. It highlights what can be improved. Don't follow his instructions blindly! The main thing is the task assigned to you. Use this program as a guide.

Watch other authors, think about the reader (will he be interested). Collect feedback from the client – ​​whether you brought him any benefit, whether there was a response to the texts (conversion, likes, etc.). Don't be afraid to ask for criticism. This is a mistake many authors make. Some of your customers will definitely not like your articles. And this will happen more than once. This doesn't mean you can't do anything. Consider edits as a learning experience, not a failure.

How to offer your services as a copywriter

Good examples of work are not enough; you need to respond to vacancies correctly. Even if you submit your completed resume to sites like covering letter. What should it contain:

  • Your skills and projects you have been involved in.
  • Links to the best texts with short explanations for them.
  • If the ad contains questions, be sure to answer them.
  • Message subject. This applies to correspondence by email.

Divide your response into meaningful paragraphs and check it for errors. You can use the Spelling service. Read the vacancy itself carefully so as not to ask questions that have already been answered. Be polite and don't use the same template for all resumes.

Where can a copywriter look for work?

Register accounts on FL.RU, Freelansim, Avito, Superjob, Another way is to create and promote a website or groups/publics in in social networks. There are communities on VK and FB where customers and contractors can find each other. Here is a list of them.

This article wouldn't exist. Because the topic is hackneyed and I already wrote an article - “”. If you haven’t read it yet and came to my site for the first time, then it’s better to start with it. Because this article will be difficult if you don’t read that one.

The reason for writing this article was this request from Anna. By the way, you can also ask your question about the profession or suggest a topic for an article. This can be done in my VK group or comments on the site.

Anna, thank you!

I won't beat around the bush. How do articles in the top do it? Now there you can find texts “test with a glass of water” or an article with a referral link to one of the exchanges. Some statements in such materials are hilariously funny.

What I'm talking about:

Let's rephrase. Copywriting should be understood as writing advertising. Absolutely any advertising:

  • We wrote the text of an advertisement on Avito (article,) to give away a kitten - this is copywriting;
  • We made an SEO article that shows that this site has useful information - copywriting;
  • Created text for advertising leaflet+ prototype (marking the place for pictures and graphics) - worked as a copywriter;
  • We built a sales funnel: text and prototype of the landing page, marketing kit, copywriting;

We wrote a selling text with SEO optimization for home page website, collected the USP for the company, brought out New Product to the market, helped an unknown SPA salon stand out in its niche - this is also a job for a copywriter.

Now that the magnitude of the task has become more clear, we can begin to answer the question: how to become a copywriter?

Becoming a copywriter or “work” is the basis of everything

Copywriting is a mini-business. Because it’s impossible without investments. You will have to invest great amount money.

For reference. An hour of your life has a price. YOU install it! But sometimes you stupidly sell for 150 - 200 rubles per hour. This is what a salesman or loader and engineer earn in the province.

What I'm talking about. You don’t know how to make websites or draw designs. But there are guys who can do it. They have the right to demand as much money as their personal time and skill is worth. But all this needs to be supported by the results of your work. Because otherwise you won’t be able to find a customer.

There are no brilliant copywriters who weren't newbies

The more serious the tasks and more complex the projects, the more you need to know and be able to do. To create a turnkey landing page you need: a copywriter, designer, layout designer and advertising specialist. Therefore, this pie is for everyone, not just for you.

HOW to achieve your goal - to become a copywriter. Learn to solve problems that clients will set for you

1. Get a regular job, where you will receive maximum money for a minimum of time or have the opportunity to do your own thing (at least 50% of the working day).

This is necessary for learning. First you need to learn how to transfer your thoughts onto a blank sheet of paper. Some people, most of them, have problems with this. Because they didn’t write anything from their university days. The maximum is a monthly report.

Therefore, I advise you to register on some “copywriting” exchange or on a freelance site and write a couple of texts (). This is necessary to learn how to make words from letters, and from words to form sentences that will be combined into a meaningful text.

A typical day at the content exchange

What happens if you immediately make copywriting your main income? There will be a person - a stock exchange machine (a slave of the stock exchange) who does not develop. Because any loss of a client means hungry children and bread as the first and second. And you will have to lose customers when you start raising prices.

2.Exploring the simplest service to date– writing articles for those interested in content marketing. Your clients will be: webmasters and resellers (from 10 to 50 rubles per 1000 characters), SEO optimizers (from 50 to 250 rubles per 1000 characters), marketers and content managers of companies (depending on their budget, your skills and the ability to sell your services).

How to become a copywriter - your own website, blog, social networks, books, webinars, etc.

I wrote the article “” a long time ago. As a result, I came to the conclusion that a website was needed. This is a virtual office on the Internet. It is not necessary to order a website from Artemy Lebedev. Because it's expensive. You can make a simple but functional website on WordPress, and when you have money, order a professional resource from the studio.

A website is definitely needed. But create it when you already know all the intricacies of SEO, so as not to mess things up. You can also drive traffic to the site from advertising, which will provide an additional source of orders.

Where can a copywriter look for clients? I have two large articles: “”, “”. This is without exchanges and freelance sites.

It is better to attach a blog to the site. Even if you publish your cases and several articles a month there, it will serve you well.

Creating a group on a social network is a necessity. Posting articles on social media is good for SEO. In addition, this way you will quickly boost your website and become part of the copywriting crowd. True, very soon there will be no time left for a party.

Copywriting is work, not life with a laptop on the beach

Webinars is one way to sell your expertise, which is what many trainers do. But it’s better, in my opinion, to make video content and engage in content marketing on your website.

Writing a book- another way to show yourself. But there is no need to create a book that will not carry new information. When will it appear practical experience, your techniques and successes, then you can think about the book.

Literally every few days, complete strangers knock on my PM and ask me to tell me more about what copywriting is, where a beginner can start, whether it’s really possible to make money on it, where to get orders, and so on. A variety of questions are asked. Therefore, the idea came to write a detailed guide for those who are really interested in how to become a good copywriter. Next there will be a lot of letters. Go!

I would like to immediately convey to readers the main idea of ​​the article: copywriting is a job. A full-time job that requires certain skills, diligence and responsibility. If you think that such activity is not serious, that you can take an order and forget about it or make a mistake, urgently change your mind or close the page and do not read further.

Copywriter – who is it and what does he do?

The job of a copywriter is to write advertising and promotional information texts for Internet pages, presentations, and printed publications. Web writers are called performers who specialize in preparing primarily informational articles, notes, descriptions, reviews, etc.

Copywriting is writing unique material from scratch.

Beginners sometimes believe that it is enough to copy text from another site or combine borrowed fragments (according to the principle of “copywriting” = “copy”). This is wrong! The work of copying materials - copy-paste - is practically not in demand, and if it is ordered, it costs several times less than a text written independently.

We found out who a copywriter is and what he does. Now it’s worth highlighting several formats of work - each of them has its own characteristics.

  • Copywriter on staff of the company (office work)– reports to the manager who issues orders. As a rule, the load is constant and uniform with a set minimum volume per day/week/month. The fee is a fixed monthly salary. There may be surcharges for exceeding the volume and fines for failure to comply.
  • Remote in-house copywriter– works outside the office, reports to one manager, fulfills a set volume of orders. Receives a fixed salary, the amount of which may fluctuate depending on the number of texts or characters written.
  • Freelance copywriter– does not report to anyone, is not registered in the company’s staff, independently looks for clients and negotiates cooperation. Earnings depend entirely on the number of orders and their cost.
  • Copywriter-entrepreneur- a person who has organized his own company, through which he receives orders from clients. Often work is performed under a contract. May have a team of employees subordinate to him, including a manager, full-time assistants, and specialists in related fields.

Depending on the format of the work, the responsibilities of a copywriter differ. Office and remote staff employees, as a rule, only need to prepare the text according to the provided technical specifications.

In order to receive a larger fee, freelancers often take on additional responsibilities: collecting keywords for a page, searching for images and videos on a topic, preparing prototypes, posting text on a website, etc.

Entrepreneurs often offer clients not only the writing of texts of all types, regardless of volume, but also a number of related services: semantics collection, layout, design, and even turnkey website creation.

Of course, any text must be written in accordance with the technical specifications and/or brief and sent to the customer within the agreed time frame. If this happens, you must contact the client, otherwise there is a risk of losing him and being left without payment.

What kind of texts are there?

Before you decide where to start learning the profession as a copywriter, it’s worth understanding what types of texts are most in demand.

  • Informational articles. They are posted in information sections of websites and in thematic blogs. They contain maximum useful data for readers on the relevant topic. The main purpose is to increase website traffic and improve its position in search results. A sample informational article is the text that is now in front of you.
  • Product descriptions (product cards). From the name it is clear that such texts are placed on product pages in online stores. Their purpose is to give the visitor information about the product and its features. Example.
  • Texts for the main pages of the site. They are published, respectively, on the main page, in the sections “about the company”, “partners”, “questions and answers”, on service pages, etc. The task of such texts is to build trust in the brand among readers and convince them to contact the company. The sample can be viewed on almost any corporate website, for example.
  • Selling texts. Used to attract users’ attention to the product and interest potential clients. Such materials are published not only on websites. Based on selling texts, commercial offers, brochures, leaflets, emails for mailings, etc. Example.

There are other categories of texts that you will probably become familiar with if copywriting becomes a serious job for you. For example, texts for landing pages, marketing kits, technical, advertising, image (PR) texts, etc.

In addition to dividing by purpose, texts can be classified by type of work. This allows you to clearly understand how copywriting differs from rewriting and web writing.

  1. Copywriting– preparation of advertising texts based on previously conducted marketing analysis. The result of the work is material written for a specific client, taking into account the characteristics of his business. Such content a priori cannot be rewritten.
  2. Rating and web writing– writing unique texts informational nature for printed publications (writing) and websites (web writing). The result of the work is original articles, reviews, methods presented on the basis of one’s own knowledge and experience.
  3. Rewriting– writing unique texts (mainly articles, descriptions) based on information taken from open sources: other sites, magazines, books, etc.
  4. SEO-writing– texts for websites written using keywords. Keywords- these are queries that users enter into the Google and Yandex search bar. Both articles and commercial texts can be SEO optimized.

How to learn copywriting

One of the most common questions is how to learn how to write articles as a copywriter? It would seem that problems should not arise, because at school everyone wrote summaries and essays. But in reality it is not so simple.

  1. Start with rewriting. Just take any text and rewrite it in your own words so as to convey the author’s main idea.
  2. Use the Internet as a source of information. Take someone else’s article, read it and try to write a new text based on it, adding additional data on the topic. Take them from other sites or use your own knowledge.
  3. Write about what you are good at. When preparing an article, be guided by your own knowledge of the topic. Remember that approximately 80% of the content on the Internet is written by incompetent authors, which means that such text may contain factual errors.
  4. Use reputable sources for guidance. These can be the websites of product manufacturers, technical documentation, current SNIPs, GOSTs, laws, regulations, etc.
  5. Structure your text. Use subheadings and lists, break the text into small paragraphs (no more than 5-6 lines), and do not write too long or convoluted sentences. The article should not look like a continuous canvas.
  6. Check technical uniqueness. Texts for websites must be highly unique. Customers usually ask for 85 to 98%. I recommend learning how to work with the Advego Plagiatus program. Many people don’t like her, but, as they say, it’s hard to learn, but it’s easy to fight. Try to get rid of the fragments highlighted in yellow: paraphrase, rearrange words, etc.
  7. Re-read your texts the next day. This helps to spot typos, correct lexical inaccuracies, and get rid of punctuation, spelling and other errors.
  8. Read fiction. Books are subject to strict editing before printing, so they are usually free of any errors. Reading helps to enrich the vocabulary and improve literacy. Try to pay attention to the placement of punctuation marks in complex sentences, find out the meanings of unfamiliar words, write out metaphors - all this will later become the basis for creating beautiful texts.
  9. Read articles and literature on the profession. If you want to learn copywriting from scratch, this article alone will not be enough. The profession requires constant learning, so get ready to regularly visit the blogs of successful colleagues and gain knowledge from their publications and books.

Write several articles on topics that interest you. Read them. Well, do you like it? Give it to your friends, relatives, and acquaintances to read. Do not be offended in any way if a barrage of criticism follows in response - on the contrary, try to catch and take into account every word that you hear from your readers. Don't give up. Each subsequent text of yours will probably be better than the previous one. Practice.

Useful sites and literature for a beginner copywriter

I offer several sites that will help beginner freelancers delve into the profession and understand copywriting.

  • – blog of Daniil Shardakov. It will be useful both for beginners and for those who have already settled into writing and want to move to a higher level - start writing selling texts. The site has a lot of useful articles and training videos.
  • – Pyotr Panda’s project “Panda-Copywriting”. Beginning copywriters love this blog not only because useful information by profession, but also for the portion of motivation that the author adds to each article.
  • – Denis Kaplunov’s project “Copywriting from A to Yu”. The blog is aimed at more experienced professionals, but there is also a section for beginners. Also, if you decide to get serious about copywriting, this site will be a great help.
  • – School of selling texts by Sergei Troubadour. It will be useful for those who want to start with promotional materials. The trainings are paid, but the website has an information section with articles from which you can glean a lot of useful information.
  • – Academy of Correct Copywriters. The main direction is teaching copywriting. Some materials can be obtained for free. An extensive blog with articles is also available.

Of course, these are not all copywriting sites for beginners that are worth visiting to understand the profession and learn how to write good texts. In the process of work, you yourself will find resources that will seem useful and interesting in terms of self-education.

  • “The Living and the Dead Word”, Nora Gal;
  • 50 Writing Techniques by Roy Peter Clark;
  • “Write, shorten. How to create a strong text”, M. Ilyakhov;
  • "The Art of Marketing Messages" by Joseph Sugarman;
  • "Ogilvy on Advertising", David Ogilvy;
  • “How not to eat a dog”, D. Kot;
  • "The Speed ​​Reader" by Tony Buzan.

The first three books teach you to write concisely and beautifully, to avoid bureaucracy and verbal cliches. This is useful for texts of any format. The next three books are devoted to the creation of advertising and selling texts, talk about how to correctly offer a product and manage opinions target audience. And finally last book Almost in a playful way, it teaches you to quickly absorb information by training your memory and thinking.

How to start working as a copywriter for a beginner

So, you have found out what the job of a copywriter is, familiarized yourself with the basic materials on the profession and realized that you want to do this. What's next?

  1. Decide on the direction of future activity: writing (articles) or copywriting ( advertising texts).
  2. Select 1–2 topics that you are well versed in (for writing).
  3. Prepare a portfolio.
  4. Create a copywriter profile.
  5. Compose a short text with which you will contact customers.

And now, in order.

Web writing or copywriting?

Despite the fact that selling texts are paid more than informational ones, the vast majority of beginners start with web writing. Why? Writing articles is easier than writing advertising texts. It makes sense to start with copywriting if you are well versed in marketing, have been involved in sales and know how to influence a person so that he becomes a client. Otherwise, choose writing first.


As in any other profession, there are different niches in web writing - topics. Here are some arguments in favor of choosing a specialization:

  • Preparing articles on a familiar topic takes less time;
  • you can offer expert content that customers are chasing;
  • articles from a specialist are valued not only by clients, but also by readers;
  • you contribute to improvement overall quality content on the Internet.

Write on any topic or go into your own niche - the choice is yours. In the second case, you lose some potential clients, but gain customers who, as a rule, become permanent.

Copywriting also has specializations: commercial proposals, letters for email newsletters, texts for landing pages and others. If you are a beginner, best option– do not spray. Choose one niche and try to master it to the maximum.


Making money as a copywriter on the Internet is almost impossible without a portfolio. Customers prefer to cooperate with those who already have experience. In addition, example texts allow you to understand what results you can expect.

Where can a beginner copywriter get a portfolio? Write some texts and use them as examples. Try to make them as attractive as possible for the reader: structure them, check for errors, including factual ones, get rid of fragments that can be interpreted incorrectly.

Under no circumstances show clients texts that you did not write as a portfolio. The deception will be revealed as soon as the client receives the first article prepared by you. If her style and/or quality does not match the example, the work will most likely not be paid. In addition, you risk earning a bad reputation this way.

Copywriter Profile

Whatever page on the Internet you use as a business card, be it a profile on a social network or on a specialized freelance site, it needs to be designed. The task is to make the account attractive to potential clients; it must be associated with a real person and inspire trust. Otherwise, it will be difficult to get good orders. So, what are we looking at:

  1. Name or nickname. It is better to use your own name, under which the client can find you on the Internet. There is no need to use diminutive forms - it looks undignified. If you are Tatyana Ivanova, indicate so in your profile. No Tanyushka, Tanya4ka, Tatyanka and other word forms. You can also use a pseudonym to work. But in this case, make sure that it appears on all work-related resources. The nickname should be easy to read and well remembered. Again, avoid common nicknames - your name should be associated with a serious person.
  2. Avatar. It is advisable to install your own photo. It should be of high quality and made in a more or less austere environment, and not in the midst of a feast, not on the beach or against the backdrop of grandma’s carpet. If you absolutely don’t want to show your face, you can use neutral pictures. Avoid too bright colors, provocative elements, or images of celebrities.
  3. personal information. This is your mini-presentation. Every potential customer who visits the page sees it. The decision whether to work with you or not will depend partly on what you write about yourself. Try to indicate information that may be of interest to future clients: education, experience (not only work, but also everyday), hobbies. Don’t forget to write why the customer should cooperate with you. From mentioning family details, age, personal preferences and other personal information It's better to abstain.

If you will use a social network page for work, make sure that it is similar to the current one. Fill out the basic fields of personal information, add photos (it’s better if these are your photos, not pictures), friends, and entries on the “wall”, subscribe to various public pages, including those dedicated to copywriting.

The ideal option is to use a real page. Change your account settings so that every registered social media user can write you a personal message. network, and the profile was available for viewing by everyone without exception.

Where to look for orders for copywriters

So, you have decided to take up copywriting, have mastered the basics of this profession and have thoroughly prepared for the job. Now all that’s left to do is find clients. The Internet is full of places where you can meet potential customers. Here are the most common:

Attention! Work for a novice copywriter is offered not only by real customers, but also by scammers whose goal is to get texts for free. Be carefull! Negotiate with the client about an advance, work through an intermediary site, or write no more than one article without payment.

Read about what schemes exist to deceive copywriters and how to avoid becoming a victim of a scammer.

How a copywriter communicates with a customer

To make earning money from articles and copywriting enjoyable, it is important to maintain communication with clients in the right way. It would seem, what problems could there be? However, even experienced freelancers sometimes make mistakes, which puts them under the client’s thumb.

Remember, the client is not your boss. You provide services on mutually beneficial terms. The customer is as interested in your texts as you are in his money. Maintain a partnership, but do not allow the client to treat you as a subordinate. This is true for all freelance copywriters.

Communicate with the customer respectfully and tactfully, but do not curry favor with him and certainly do not put yourself below your partner. The phrase “the customer is always right” is not relevant in all cases.

But what to do if the customer behaves like a boss (orders, puts pressure, allows himself to communicate incorrectly)? In this case, there are three solutions:

  1. Refuse to cooperate at your own loss - without waiting for payment or returning the advance.
  2. Refuse to cooperate by completing the current work.
  3. Continue cooperation if such communication does not hurt your feelings.

Of course, if you refuse a job, you need to inform the client. If the situation has not turned into an open conflict, it is best to refer to employment or other reasons. Simply stopping responding to messages or adding the customer's contact to the blacklist is unacceptable!

No matter how your relationship with the client develops, always communicate extremely politely and correctly - this will preserve your reputation.

How to fulfill orders and what to do with ready-made texts

So, you have found a client and agreed on cooperation with him: we discussed the task, payment, conditions, deadlines and other details of the project. Now it's up to you. Let's assume that you have been ordered information copywriting, how to start working?

  • Read the assignment carefully and make sure everything is clear to you. Find out the meanings of unfamiliar terms. If you have any questions, ask the client.
  • Find out from the customer which website the article will be posted on. Review already published texts to have an idea of ​​the format in which you will be writing, unless otherwise specified in the assignment.
  • Get into the subject. If your own knowledge is not enough to reveal it, find authoritative sources and read them.
  • Outline your future article.
  • Expand each point of the plan. When writing, be specific and avoid verbal constructions that do not carry meaning. Don't go too far off topic.

If the task is to prepare a selling text, read about how to do this.

You can write anywhere text editor. Convenient to register finished work tools MS Word or its analogues. Make sure your document is saved automatically. In Word 2007, 2010 and 2016, you can configure this function by running the following command: File → Options → Saving, check the box next to “Auto Save” and specify the time (I recommend 1 or 2 minutes).

Google Docs tools, which visually differ little from Word, are also popular. Their advantage is that the file cannot be lost or accidentally closed without saving - everything is in your Google account. In addition, you can access documents from any device, i.e. you are not tied to your work PC.

The finished text must be formatted before submission. Break it into small paragraphs, highlight lists and headings using the appropriate MS Word tools. In an SEO article, highlight the keys with a colored marker, unless otherwise specified in the task.

Make the text attractive to read - the client will like it.

How much can you earn from copywriting per month?

This is perhaps the first most popular question asked by beginners. It is very difficult to answer this unequivocally, because financial results depends not only on the potential capabilities of the copywriter, but also on the actual working conditions, in particular:

  • prices for services;
  • number of orders;
  • personal performance;
  • number of working hours.

Theoretically, earnings from copywriting on the Internet can amount to hundreds or even thousands of dollars per month. To see this, just look at the price lists of famous copywriters. For example, at the time of writing this guide, Dmitry Kot charges 8,000 rubles for one selling text, Denis Kaplunov - from $100 to $250, Sergey Troubadour - 6,000 rubles. These are eminent personalities whose professionalism is beyond doubt. Less popular copywriters have more modest prices.

If we talk about working part-time as a copywriter at home by writing articles and non-commercial texts (web writing), then the prices here are much lower. The amount of 400–500 rubles per 1000 characters is considered quite high. However, for example, the Internet marketing agency TexTerra pays its writers from 5,000 rubles per article. Naturally, the quality of such work and the author’s expertise in the topic should be at its best.

I hope I motivated you? Because now we will talk about the real prospects of a newcomer.

Unfortunately, you can’t come into copywriting without experience and immediately raise prices to the level of a pro. Or rather, it is possible, but it will be extremely difficult for a person without a name and reputation to find clients with such conditions. Therefore, your main task at the initial stage is to gain experience, improve professionalism and declare yourself as a specialist.

What price should you tell your clients? At first, until you are sure that your texts are really good, 30–50 rubles. for 1000 characters it will be optimal price. As your professional level, raise the cost of services. But don't stay long in the low price range.

How to accept payment

Before you start working as a copywriter on the Internet, take care of how you accept payments. Clients should not have any difficulty transferring money to your accounts. It is also worth considering that customers may be located abroad.

Here are the main calculation methods:

  • translation to bank card(in the Russian Federation the most popular cards are from Sberbank, in Ukraine – from PrivatBank);
  • transfer to electronic wallet: Yandex.Money, QIWI, WebMoney;
  • instant money transfers: Unistream, Anelik, Western Union, etc.

Make at least one Visa or MasterCard bank card to accept payments in your name, create and identify electronic wallets in all popular payment systems. The more ways you have to get paid for your work, the fewer problems you will have in the future.

Friends! Today I would like to present to your attention an interview with a practicing copywriter, Irina Kapitonova. She completed a copywriting course and in two months was able to not only learn the basics of the craft, but also find customers. Now the girl does not work in a dusty office, but enjoys freedom and her profession.

How did you get into copywriting? Where did it all start? Why did you decide to study
this type of activity? Tell your story

It all started not with copywriting, but with reading adventure novels. They were so exciting to read that I couldn’t even believe that people were making money from it. This is how my interest in texts arose. But anyone who has ever tried to write a novel knows what obstacles there are along the way. However, a rich imagination and dream beckoned and did not give rest.

At that moment I saw a video about copywriting courses. Unusual name It quickly became familiar, and I realized: I want it! Without hesitation, I signed up for the course and began to learn the secrets of mastery. At that moment I had no education as a copywriter or anything else. Only the desire to move forward. Frankly, it was difficult, because it is not always easy to translate an idea onto paper in the form in which it came to mind. Sometimes syntax, punctuation and spelling (to be precise, ignorance of them) interfered with the creative process. I had to ask Yandex.

Copywriting attracted me for many reasons:

  • it allows you to express your talent in writing;
  • you get the feeling that you are doing something useful for people - you are conveying information to them;
  • it’s convenient to work when I want, and not languish in the office like sprats in a jar waiting for the end of the working day;
  • if I go on maternity leave, then I’ll be able to earn money there too, and I won’t have to struggle because of a lack of money;
  • there is still a chance to write a novel.

Where to start for a beginner in copywriting who is just taking his first steps?

There are two ways. Learn the craft either on your own - by reading books, or through courses. The first way is economical financially, but time consuming to master. In addition, you may encounter the problem of self-organization - after all, you will not achieve results soon, especially if you have not written texts before.

Another way is courses. Costly in terms of money, but here you can save time, because... give a summary of a large amount of information. Another advantage of the courses is that motivation increases: after all, the money was spent. Yes, and against the backdrop of classmates
I don’t want to look faded at all, which gives me strength. Whichever of the two roads you take, you will always encounter the need for practice. Perhaps this is one of the main components. The more practice in writing texts, the better the syllable.

In the first stages, copywriting exchanges will help beginners - there you can take assignments for texts. Of course, you won’t earn much on these sites, but the task is different - to gain experience.

In addition, you need to constantly improve your copywriting skills by reading books on the topic.

What difficulties await someone who wants to follow the path of a copywriter? What are you going to face?

Copywriting for beginners is sometimes like Morse code: you want to express a lot, but it’s not clear how, so all sorts of clumsy sentences and individual phrases appear on paper instead of dots and dashes.

It happens that there is no mood, ideas, inspiration... But here there is only one answer for all beginners - experienced authors will support me - take a pen and paper and write or open a Word document and start typing.

What to type if nothing comes to mind?

Express the thoughts that are in your head at the moment - in the end you will find the ideas you need. Sometimes problems arise with grammar because not everyone remembers the school curriculum. There are several options for solving the problem: finally study the rules, use services on the Internet (for example, spelling), ask those who know how to write correctly.

During the internship, you will have to take the topics that are suggested, and they are not always interesting and familiar to the copywriter. In this case, you will have to spend time studying the material and then write your text.

How to learn to write articles?

The secret here is simple: you need to read a lot of materials that you want to write yourself and constantly practice. For example, you are standing in a traffic jam and waiting... Or you can take out a notebook with a pen and during this time write an article on a topic that interests you, or write about this traffic jam and the people in it...

As Malcolm Gladwell says, to become a master of your craft, you need to practice at least 10,000 hours. Of course, at first the texts will be clumsy, but each time they will get better.

Exchanges and sites for copywriting: which ones are worth your attention and time

Making money from copywriting is a reality. Many people start with copywriting exchanges, and when they gain experience and a portfolio, they find regular customers or become officially employed as copywriters. I have passed this stage, but I know that for some
the authors like exchanges, for example, Advego. Earning money on Advego will be useful for beginners. The prices there are not very high - from 30 rubles per 1000 characters, but the goal of a novice author is not money, but experience.

There are 3,248,007 users on the Advego website, which confirms the fame and popularity of the resource.

There is a playground, where beginners can test themselves and offer their texts to customers. The prices are approximately the same.

It’s easy to understand how to become a copywriter from scratch if you constantly study and practice in your chosen direction.

You can also test your skills on. Of course, this is not a specialized site for copywriters, but it’s possible to get orders for texts here. By the way, on any freelance exchange there are orders for content for websites, blogs, online stores and contact groups.

How much can you earn as a copywriter?

This depends on several factors:

  1. work experience;
  2. areas of application of knowledge (for example, they pay more for landing pages than for information texts);
  3. the customer himself (customers offer different payments for work);
  4. knowledge foreign languages(they significantly increase the price tag);
  5. places where you offer your services (on freelance exchanges there is no ceiling on earnings, but on official work you will have a salary).

On the job search site There are advertisements looking for copywriters. The prices there vary: from 10,000 rubles. up to 50,000 rub. from domestic employers:

Earnings largely depend on the activity of the performer when it comes to freelancing. With official employment it is easier - the salary is immediately written in the advertisement or discussed at the interview.

Is it worth learning copywriting and what is the best way to do it?

If a person is inclined to express himself in creativity, if it gives him joy and pleasure to write texts, then it’s worth it. These, in my opinion, are the most important criteria, because if you are simply interested distant work, then you can find many other options.

Sincere interest in the profession and texts is the most important selection criterion. After all, it is not enough to learn how to write materials, because if this craft does not bring pleasure, then a person will give it up anyway. When an employee loves his job, then
performs it better than competitors and will earn much more from it than colleagues in the same field. I think that it is better for beginners to learn copywriting lessons for beginners, for example, at. I was trained by them.

Copywriting training: why Staff Online – there are a lot of offers on the market

This online school will tell you in detail how to learn copywriting from scratch. Not only school graduates or people who have decided to change their field of activity, but also retirees sign up for training. Many of them have no idea how to write a text so that it can bring money and provide a decent level of income.

Some people don’t believe this, but after mastering the lessons, they themselves begin to surprise their loved ones with the fact that they don’t play with marbles on the Internet, but earn money through copywriting. Of the advantages STAFF-ONLINE I can name studying in a team, discussing the work of other students, support from a supervisor, advice on finding a remote employer. In their course, you can’t just watch a video and forget about it, they ask everyone for the result, and if something doesn’t work out, they help you achieve it. Well, the period of training and achieving the first results is short - two months, which is also pleasing.

There are a lot of helpers for beginners in mastering the profession - services for copywriters.

Let's look at some of them as an example.

Believe in your dream and don't give up! Of course, it is not easy for all beginners to write a good interesting text. But great writers did not become like this right away. They spent many hours perfecting the style, keeping notebooks where they wrote down vivid metaphors, synonyms and ideas.

Study as a team, join groups of like-minded people, ask those you trust to evaluate your materials. But do not be upset if the score is not the highest - criticism is useful because it helps to understand what exactly can be improved in the text that is not clear to the reader.

Take an active position in mastering the profession. Just reading books, blogs or watching videos is not enough. You need to practice, maintain, for example, your page on social networks, share your creativity with friends. You yourself will see the reaction to the posts: if your subscribers like them, then likes and shares will appear under the material. This will be a signal that the texts do not leave readers indifferent. Well, then it’s just a matter of small things - a little more and you will become a top copywriter.

Learn how to become a copywriter from scratch - fill out an application for free master classes.

Text— Korolkevich Nina, especially for.

In contact with

This is not surprising, because thousands of sites constantly require new copyright texts. Availability high demand opens up many prospects for people who know how to create them. It’s not difficult to start working as a copywriter directly with customers or on special exchanges. The only question is the level of income. Do you want to earn a lot? Then let's look at how to learn how to approach business correctly and immediately go in the right direction to increase profits.

How to become a copywriter from scratch and start making money from articles via the Internet? To do this you need to go through several stages. It will take some time, during which you can build a reputation on the Internet and begin to focus on several sources of income. By the way, I'll show you clear example crediting money for a completed order.

How long do you think it will take to earn this amount? This usually took me 40-60 minutes. This was, of course, a long time ago. The level of payment did not stop there and went up. Over the same period of time, you could earn about 1.5 times more. Naturally, I’m not a beginner, that’s why these numbers are there. Let me note right away that some copywriters earn much more.

Let's start with a short step-by-step guide for the novice copywriter to put things into perspective. How do you like this idea?

Where to start to become a copywriter: brief step-by-step instructions

The sequence of becoming a successful copywriter can be divided into the following components:

  1. Education. If I went back 6-7 years ago, I would definitely start with. It was just that it took a very long time and was hard to learn from my mistakes, but everything could have been faster. You are very lucky. Today there really are.
  2. Work on “open” exchanges. At first, you can start working on open ones, where beginners can receive their first orders. In progress labor activity Articles will appear. The best of them, with the customer’s permission, can be used to compile your own portfolio. If you decide to become a really good copywriter from scratch and earn high incomes, then it will never be superfluous.
  3. Working directly with customers. Do you have your first income and experience? Why not expand the possibilities? By searching the Internet, you can find sites dedicated to topics in which you are best versed. Their owners can be sent Commercial offer on writing articles, which will already include your prices.
  4. Work on “closed” exchanges. Let me tell you right away that getting there may not be easy. Where to start to get your first job on these exchanges? You will need to prove your professionalism. How to do it? May be required to provide a portfolio, complete test, show customer reviews. In general, any information that confirms that the performer has the necessary skills and approaches the matter responsibly can be useful. If the administration approves the candidacy, then access to orders will be open and you can start working.
  5. Offering freelance copywriter services on your own website.

On this step by step instructions have come to an end. To go in the same sequence or choose a different path is an individual choice for everyone.

I think it’s now quite clear where to start in order to become a successful and highly paid copywriter. Let's move on and look at some tips for beginning copywriters. Despite their apparent simplicity, they can contribute to faster " career growth"and saving time.

Learning to be a copywriter is not very difficult, and becoming a professional from scratch is not such an easy, but quite doable task. For beginners there are some simple tips:

  • Don’t argue or quarrel with the customer, look for an approach. Does negativity produce positive results?
  • Include information in your profiles on exchanges that customers can view. According to it, the customer should immediately understand what exactly the copywriter is capable of.
  • Always try to do quality work, regardless of its cost.
  • Collect a portfolio and, if necessary, demonstrate it to customers as an example of professionalism.
  • Do not stop at the achieved results, strive to get more expensive orders.

Here is a short but extremely important list of tips for aspiring copywriters who want to really achieve good results. It seems that everything is elementary, but in practice such simple nuances are not always observed.

What happens if you argue with employers, don’t create a portfolio, don’t fill out your profile, and periodically do poor quality work? I think the answer is obvious.

So we looked at how to become a successful and highly paid copywriter from scratch who can easily work from home. The main thing is to have a computer connected to the Internet at hand, and the desire and ability to create truly interesting and high-quality articles.

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