Own parking as a business. What is needed to open a parking lot? How to open a parking lot from scratch business plan

Car parking is one of the simplest types of business, but stable and quite scalable. The business plan for opening a parking lot that we have drawn up clearly shows the simplicity of this niche. You do not need to purchase a lot of expensive equipment and hire a large staff.

Basically, parking lots provide only one service, security and storage of cars. You can connect some additional services. For example, together with partners you can always open a service station or a car wash. The whole benefit lies in the fact that the target audience of such services gathers in your territory. Don't forget that you can make money by installing coffee machines, for example.

What services can be provided:

  • car storage;
  • storage of motor vehicles;
  • bicycle storage area;
  • on-site warehouse for seasonal tire storage.

Instructions on how to open and what you need to do it

You can walk through nearby courtyards and alleys and estimate how many cars are parked there. Of this number, many will become your clients. If you don't have a covered area in your parking lot, which is most likely the case, we recommend getting one. For example, a similar area and inspection pit for cars will be convenient for your clients whose car has broken down.

Opening stages:

  1. Analysis of the area where it will open.
  2. Conclusion of a territory lease agreement.
  3. Parking equipment.
  4. Hiring employees.

Stage 1 - registration and preparation of documents

You will need a minimum amount of documentation to organize such an enterprise. Do not forget that chemicals or flammable lubricants should not be stored in your parking lot. Financial responsibility when organizing this business should come first.

Required documents:

  • individual entrepreneur registration certificate;
  • concluded rental agreements;
  • certificate from the fire service.

Stage 2 - search for premises

The room will most likely be an open area. It is important for you to make parking closer to residential or office premises so that people do not have to walk for a long time from home or office to get their car. We also recommend equipping the parking lot with video cameras along the entire perimeter of the territory. Often, as additional security, dogs are used that are released at night. The minimum parking area must be 500 square meters and must be surrounded by an all-metal fence.

Stage 3 - purchase and installation of necessary equipment

There shouldn’t be any particular difficulties with purchasing equipment; you only need a little bit of it. This parking lot business plan does not include construction costs, such as a fence to enclose the area. It is better to look for the territory with the expectation that it is already fenced.

  • barrier (from 55,000 rubles);
  • round parking mirror (from 5,000 rubles);
  • security booth (from 160,000 rubles).

Stage 4 - selection of employees

The number of security guards depends on how many shifts you do and how you distribute your work hours. In the list below, we have indicated one employee and his monthly salary.

Who is needed - a security guard - a parking attendant (from 30,000 rubles).

Stage 5 - promotion and advertising

If you find an area for cars that is close to residential buildings, it will be easier for you in terms of advertising. You can freely put up advertisements on houses and people will already begin to realize that it is possible to leave a car overnight under guard. Also, if the parking lot is located close to office buildings, you can always hand out leaflets to people leaving it.

Financial plan

To answer the question of how to organize a parking lot, evaluate your capabilities. The main expense, in our case, is land rent. If you can somehow, for example, through a tender, buy it, you can open a parking lot almost from scratch.


  • personnel (30,000 rubles);
  • territory rental (from 100,000 rubles);
  • equipment (220,000 rubles).

Total: 350,000 rubles.

Possible risks

We've answered some questions about how to open a parking lot from scratch, so it's worth mentioning the risks. The main and quite significant risk in this business is the lack of clients. If the business is unprofitable and the territory is leased, this may lead to the closure of the enterprise.

Video “Opening of parking”

From this video, you will learn the basic investment figures, as well as some requirements for activities.

You can often see how a piece of land, which just yesterday was just a city wasteland, today is already surrounded by a fence, above it there is a booth with a guard, and cars are parked on a gravel-covered area. The implementation of an idea such as opening a street parking lot does not require special knowledge or high costs. It can hardly be considered as a business for the future, but it provides an opportunity to accumulate a certain amount of primary capital.

What is the difference between a parking lot and paid parking?

Despite the fact that in everyday life the names parking, parking, and parking are often used as synonyms, from a legal point of view these are completely different concepts. Moreover, the definitions of these objects are contained in various regulatory documents.

  • Parking lot is an open area or part of a building, a separate structure intended for storing motor vehicles (Regulation No. 795 of November 17, 2001).
  • Parking is a designated place for organized parking of vehicles, paid or free (by decision of the land owner), which is part of the road or adjacent to it, or to other objects of the road network (clause 21, article 1 of the Town Planning Code).

The key difference is the mention in the first case of the word “storage”, which implies different responsibilities for the entrepreneur providing parking services and leasing a parking space. We will talk about this in more detail below, but for now we note that there are several types of parking:

  • An open parking lot is a surface area with a fence, spaced or common entry/exit area. At the same time, at least half of the outer surface of the fence consists of open openings. A security point with alarm systems, time recording, and primary fire extinguishing equipment is being set up.
  • Closed parking lot - equipped with a canopy to protect it from snow, or using modular prefabricated structures. Requires significant investment, the cost of space is higher. Fire requirements for such a structure are higher.
  • Parking in a building (parking) - can be attached, built-in, underground, free-standing, multi-level and even mechanized. Such construction is carried out according to a special project agreed with the architecture department.

A new entrepreneur has little choice. Most often we are talking about opening an ordinary open parking lot, so we will talk about the legal and economic side of organizing just such a business with a small initial investment.

Types of parking lots and parking lots according to the Methodological Recommendations of the Ministry of Construction and Housing and Communal Services, 2017.

Selecting a location and designing a land plot

Possible options

In this regard, only one thing can be said: paid parking lots are in demand everywhere. The number of cars is tens of times greater than the capacity of parking areas in any city. Many people prefer to park their car in a safe place for little money rather than find it with a scratched bumper or broken glass after spending the night in a yard or in a narrow alley. The question is where you will find a vacant lot for parking and whether you can rent it.

  • The central part of the city. In megacities this is almost impossible, but in medium-sized cities it is quite possible. As a rule, in places left for the development of “new” urban centers. It is especially beneficial if there is an existing shopping center or other large facility nearby. Renting land for a parking lot will be expensive.
  • Sleeping areas. In old yards there is absolutely no place to park a car, which is the reason for constant scandals with mothers of children walking in the yard, with the management company, HOA and further down the list. In the area of ​​the new building there are quite a lot of empty lots, and even more cars. If you can find a convenient place, the parking lot will definitely not be empty.
  • Outskirts and suburbs. The biggest advantage is cheap land. At the entrance to the city, open parking will be in demand among truckers. Setting up a site for trucks is a little more difficult. If a residential area is being built nearby, a parking lot for cars will bring a stable income for a long time.

Rent of private and municipal land

The number of required documents, approvals and permits directly depends on who owns the land. There are two options here: renting from a private owner or from the city municipality (administration). In the first case, such a plot is usually leased by a developer for a temporary period, and here you should not count on a long-term lease agreement. Most often, a plot is provided for 11 months (so as not to be registered with Rosreestr) with subsequent extension for the same period. In addition to the contract, you may only need to obtain permission from the administration to arrange a parking lot on private land, and then, provided that this is provided for by local regulations.

If the land is state-owned (municipal), first of all, you need to find out whether there are any Rules for the placement of parking lots in a particular city. In most cases, such documents exist, and they spell out the entire procedure for registering a plot for these objects and the necessary documents. A typical set of requirements is given below (may vary by region).

  • Preliminary agreement with the land management committee on the possibility of providing the selected site for rent.
  • Parking lot placement project completed by a licensed organization and agreed upon by:
    1. with Rospotrebnadzor, if it is located near residential buildings;
    2. utility services, if water supply, heating pipes, etc. run underground;
    3. Traffic police, when the parking lot is located in close proximity to road infrastructure;
    4. with the Department of Architecture and Urban Planning.
  • Permission from the Municipal Administration, issued after the presentation of the project and positive conclusions.

After this, a tender will be announced for the land plot, as expected, and it is possible that you will have competitors. Please note that many regional documents establish procedures only for public lands, without affecting the interests of private owners.

Sanitary standards and fire safety

The main document that regulates the rules for arranging parking lots is CODE OF RULES SP 113.13330.2016. It was developed in accordance with the Technical Regulations on the safety of buildings and structures (No. 384-FZ 0t 12/30/2009) and on fire safety requirements (No. 123 dated 07/22/2008). Most of the recommendations relate to building structures. There are not many restrictions for open parking lots:

  • the minimum distance from the gate (barrier) to the street is 20 m, the intersection is 50 m, the stop is 30 m;
  • the presence of a fence and equipped entrances (exits) at the parking lot;
  • the width of the passage between the vehicle lines is not less than 7 m;
  • checkpoint for parking lots accommodating 50 vehicles or more;
  • fire extinguishing equipment, garbage container.

In terms of the size of the parking lot and the number of cars, you need to focus on SP 42.13330.2016, and fire safety standards for parking lots are regulated by clause 6.11 of SP 4.13130.2013. Open areas do not require the installation of smoke removal and ventilation systems, but there must be an equipped place for fire tools, fire extinguishers, and protective equipment.

Are approvals needed?

Technical documentation is required to be agreed upon during the construction of capital facilities. This is usually done by the organization carrying out the project. If an open parking lot is planned, where there will be only temporary structures without a foundation, that is, in fact, just a fenced plot of land, there is nothing to agree on. However, when leasing state land, a project may be required in this case as well.

Car park services are included in the classifier section “Warehouses and auxiliary transport activities”. They do not belong to, therefore there is no need to notify Rospotrebnadzor about the start of activities, as well as the Ministry of Emergency Situations (fire supervision). It turns out that no approvals are needed, with the exception of the permission of the municipality.

This does not mean that the departments that control sanitation and fire safety will not come to your parking lot to inspect it. Most likely, this will be done in the first 1–2 months after opening. To avoid regulations, it is advisable to adhere to the joint venture and, before constructing a parking lot, obtain advice from designers regarding possible claims

Site development and equipment

  • Leveling and covering the site with PShchS, gravel with bitumen impregnation, asphalt chips.
  • Fencing the parking lot around the perimeter, installing gates (barriers).
  • Installation of a heated trailer, a cabin for security guards,
  • Connection to the electrical network (availability of other power sources).
  • Installation of lighting devices (lanterns, spotlights).

It is necessary to consider a communication and security alarm system. CCTV cameras will provide control not only over the parking area, but also over the work of employees. In addition, in the event of an emergency, this will help to find the perpetrators, and in any case will save you from accusations of improperly organizing the security of the cars entrusted to you.

Rules for the provision of services

The main regulatory act that regulates the relationship between the parking lot (its owner) and consumers of the service is the Rules, approved by the Post. Right No. 795, they need to be studied first. In a controversial situation, the court always bases its decision on this document. It contains the following basic rules.

  • All information about the entrepreneur, Rules for the provision of services, work schedule, price list must be in a visible place.
  • A written storage agreement is concluded between the service provider (car park) and the customer, which, among other things, indicates the make, registration plate of the car, and the price of the car as agreed by the parties.
  • The client is issued a pass for a long period of time. If the car costs less than a day, it is permissible to issue a receipt, token, or receipt indicating the car number. If they exist, the contract is considered concluded.
  • In case of damage, theft of parts, or theft of the car, a report is drawn up. The owner of the parking lot is obliged to compensate for losses within 10 days. The service consumer has the right to demand full compensation for the cost of the property.

Brief business plan (financial part)

To open a business, it is most profitable to register an individual entrepreneur, especially since the activities of parking lots fall under UTII. OKVED code - 52.21.24 according to the OK 029-2014 classifier (NACE Rev. 2) as amended in 2018. Let us give an example of a financial calculation showing what basic expenses and incomes need to be taken into account when drawing up a business plan.

Key indicators of the parking lot:

  • Area - 25 acres (2,500 sq.m.).
  • Number of parking spaces - 100 pieces.
  • Occupancy per day - 70 units.
  • The cost of the service is 60 rubles/day.
Initial Investment Amount, rub. Fixed costs per month Amount, rub.
Registration of individual entrepreneurs, organizational expenses 5 000 Rent of a plot (municipal land) 25 000
Ordering a project for an outdoor parking lot 40 000 Salary to employees 3x 10,000 = 30,000
Site preparation (sand, crushed stone, bitumen impregnation) 700 000 Payment for electricity and communication services 3 000
Security cabin, toilet 200 000 Solid waste removal 1 000
Fences, gates 150 000 Taxes (UTII) 3 500
Lighting (lanterns) + electricity supply 50 000 Contributions to the Pension Fund for employees 9 000
Furniture, telephone, fire extinguishing equipment 10 000 Payment for outsourcing accounting services 5 000
Video equipment 90 000 Reserve 10 000
Total 1 245 000 86 000

*Prices may vary by region

In the example given, annual expenses are about 1,032,000 rubles per year, and parking lot income is 1,512,000 rubles per year. The investment will pay off in 2.5 years in the optimistic case. This must be taken into account when concluding a lease agreement for a land plot.

Risks and responsibility for the safety of cars

The main risks when opening a parking lot are short-term rental contracts and the possibility of loss (damage) of a car left in storage. You can find yourself in a situation where they refuse to renew the lease even before the business has paid off and started making a profit.

It cannot be ruled out that the car will be accidentally or intentionally damaged, or even stolen from the parking lot. Its cost will have to be reimbursed. Many entrepreneurs try to evade responsibility by declaring that they do not provide parking services, but simply provide a parking space. But if it comes to court, the winnings, as a rule, remain with the owner of the car.

The fact is that the provision of a temporary parking space is also formalized in an agreement, and it must stipulate that there is no liability for storage. It is clear that in their right mind none of the clients would sign it. It happens that a notice is posted in the parking lot stating that it is not responsible for the safety of vehicles. However, this is not taken into account by the court, since it is a violation of the Rules.

In conclusion, we note that cases of compensation for losses by parking lots are rare. Moreover, almost every car today is equipped with an alarm system. The risk is minimized with the help of reliable security, liability insurance, and concluding an agreement with a private security company. As for rent, you need to research the prospects in advance using all possible sources. If you open a parking lot in a good location for 5-6 years, it will bring good income. In fact, this requires only initial investments; it requires almost no expenses for ongoing maintenance.

Recently, the number of cars has been steadily increasing and it is becoming increasingly difficult to find a place to park them. on the side of the road is not always possible, and cars left there are not only at risk of theft, but also occupy the roadway, condensing the flow of traffic and creating traffic jams.

The widespread organization of paid parking will help solve this problem. These parking lots can be organized both in the open air (open type) and in special structures. These can be underground parking lots or parking complexes consisting of several levels. These complexes can accommodate thousands of parking spaces. The construction of paid parking lots near shopping centers or other cultural and entertainment establishments (cafes, restaurants, nightclubs, shops) is especially relevant. When building such establishments, parking should initially be included in the project plan, thereby relieving the owner of the need to deal with this in the future.

If the rented territory of a cafe or other establishment does not allow you to allocate a separate parking space, then you can organize parking spaces on the side of the road (within the municipal parking lot). To do this, you will need to contact the municipality with this request and wait for a response. If it is positive, then: the number of parking spaces, their location, how cars are parked and operating hours. In this case, visitors will be able to leave their cars for free, and the owner will pay the rent.

If there is sufficient territory, it will be possible to equip it for full parking. To do this, you will need to go through a series of administrative offices (land resources department and prefect), after which you can begin construction.

Each parking lot must be fenced and have parking spaces marked. The development process and procedure must also be coordinated with local authorities.

Another way to organize parking is to change the layout of the roadway, creating a “pocket”. In this case, all work, since the parking lot will be part of the road.

Organization of paid parking

Recently, it has become very profitable to invest money in the construction of parking lots. The most important thing before starting construction is choosing the right location. Here two options can be equally beneficial. The first option is to build a parking lot in the city center, where the concentration of cars is higher and there are few parking spaces. But it is often not possible to buy or rent land in the city center and the cost there is much higher than in residential areas. The second option is to build a parking lot on the outskirts or in residential areas. there is less here, but cars will be parked here not for an hour or two, but for a long period.

The next thing you need to decide on is the type of parking. They come in three types:

  1. . This is the simplest parking option that does not require large investments. In this case, the cars are located in a protected, fenced area, but they are exposed to harmful environmental factors. The cost of a parking space in this case will be minimal.
  2. Closed parking lot. There are several options here: underground parking, multi-level above-ground parking. The largest number of parking spaces can be obtained by combining these options. These options will require a larger investment than a guarded open-air parking lot, but the cost of a parking space will be higher.
  3. Automated parking complexes. These complexes are distinguished by a fully automated process of delivering a car to a parking space. Another advantage is the minimum number of maintenance personnel and guaranteed protection against theft.

After purchasing a plot of land and choosing the type of parking lot, you must obtain permission from the local municipality for construction. When submitting an application, you will need to indicate the type of parking and the building plan.

Construction and equipment of parking

To equip open parking lots you will need:

  • pave the area. In accordance with the standards, asphalt in parking lots must be coated with a special mixture that prevents the absorption of petroleum products;
  • fence off the area. At the entrance it is required to install a security point and equip the entrance and exit with barriers. The security point must be heated and have electricity. It must also be equipped with furniture and a telephone;
  • supply electricity and install lighting around the perimeter and in the parking lot;
  • install . This will reduce the burden on security guards and increase the level of security of the parking lot;
  • if possible, equip the parking lot with canopies to protect cars from rain and snow;
  • apply markings for parking spaces and equip them with numbers. The optimal width for a parking space is about 7 meters.
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Do you want to organize a successful and almost passive business that does not require large initial investments? Do you think this is impossible? You are wrong. Such a business is opening a car parking lot. In large cities, there is an acute shortage of parking space almost everywhere. Therefore, parking services will always be in demand. Let's look at how to open a parking lot from scratch and what is needed for this.


According to statistics, over the past 10 years the number of cars in Russia has increased by 65 percent - in 2016 their number reached 57 million. This means that every third Russian has his own vehicle. Moreover, most of these cars are registered in large cities - in Moscow and St. Petersburg alone there are about 8 million of them. That is why in big cities there are constant traffic jams for many hours.

Parking is a profitable and promising business

Car owners have nowhere to store them - there is not enough space in their yards for everyone, and the security situation on Russian streets is not the best. Therefore, parking lots will always be in serious demand, regardless of the time of year and economic situation. The main thing is to choose the right parking place and arrange it. The ideal option is considered to be residential areas, areas in front of office centers or near markets.

Note: There should be no competitors near you. The specifics of this business are such that the client will always go where it is cheaper, so you will have to constantly reduce prices.

Types of parking

Have you decided to open a parking lot? First, decide which parking lot would be best to organize. There are five main types of parking:

  1. Classic ground open type.
  2. Ground closed type.
  3. Underground.
  4. Single level parking.
  5. Multi-level parking.

Which parking lot should you choose? It all depends on the location of your site and your financial capabilities.

Open parking

The most common are classic open parking lots. Setting them up requires virtually no money; they can be opened in any available space in the shortest possible time. To make such a parking lot safe, it should be fenced off, lights and video surveillance installed. Open parking lots do not protect cars from snow and dust, but they cope well with their main task - storing the car in a convenient place that is protected from intruders. People are attracted by low parking prices and are happy to leave their cars overnight and even buy monthly passes.

Open parking is a great option for a novice businessman

Covered parking

Such sites usually have a roof and are sometimes surrounded by walls. They reliably protect the car from dust, rain, snow, and hail. But such a parking lot as a business requires more investment - you will have to build a metal canopy, which will cost a significant amount. However, the cost of parking in such places is usually 50-100% higher than in open ones.

Read also: How to open a car service center from scratch: what you need, where to start

Underground and multi-level parking lots

This type of parking is quite specific. Their organization requires serious money and complex construction work. Such parking lots are usually built near shopping centers, near large office buildings or companies. For an ordinary entrepreneur, this type of parking is practically inaccessible and unprofitable.

What to choose?

The easiest way is to organize a classic open parking lot for 100 cars. For this you need a plot of at least 2500 m2. What is the beauty of this option? The fact is that this project can be implemented literally in a month. From the very first day of operation, your investment will begin to pay off. So where to start taking action? Proceed step by step:

  1. Find a good plot of sufficient size. It is desirable that it be located next to the highway and it would be easy to build access to it.
  2. Contact the municipality and register the plot for rent. It is best to arrange a long-term lease for 10 years or more.
  3. Obtain the appropriate permits to open a parking lot from Rosportebnadzor and various public utilities.
  4. Fence the area with a lattice or metal fence, and connect it to electricity.
  5. At the entrance, install a barrier and a guard booth.
  6. Organize high-quality lighting and video surveillance at the site, storing recordings for several days.
  7. Cover the ground with crushed stone or asphalt to prevent tire punctures and mud in the area.

Note: from the security guard's booth there should be a good view of the entire site. It should be warm and comfortable, because people will have to spend a long time there.

Opening of covered parking

If you have good start-up capital or the opportunity to receive investments, then you can opt for indoor parking. It has the same requirements as an open one, but it will be necessary to build an appropriate structure to protect cars. The easiest and cheapest way is to build a regular metal frame and cover it with a metal profile.

Underground parking will require serious investment from you

Such parking will significantly increase your income, especially in winter. Many car enthusiasts who leave their cars under their houses still move them to closed parking lots in winter. Some people don’t use their car at all in winter, leaving it parked for 2-3 months.

Note: According to the law, the distance from the parking lot to residential buildings must be more than 50 meters. At the same time, the width of the car rows inside the parking lot is at least 7 meters.

We will not consider other options, since they require really serious investments and connections.

Opening a parking lot is a really worthwhile idea. Such a business brings considerable income and the possibility of expansion if it is designed and thought out correctly and wisely. If you have an idea, but you are not yet sure how exactly it can be implemented, we offer you a short article-guide on how to open a parking lot from scratch.

Choose your option

One of the most important factors was and remains the location of the parking lot. Why? The thing is that it affects the cost of the place and its occupancy. There are several options:

  1. Close to multi-family developments and residential areas

This option most often guarantees a large and constant flow of clients. Look for a plot of land in a residential area, close to new buildings with underdeveloped infrastructure. Then the area will cost less, and there will be much more options for vacant lots that have not yet been noticed by developers.

  1. Downtown

Renting or buying land in the very center will cost you a lot. Such a site is owned or leased. Be prepared for the fact that finding a suitable option will be very difficult.

  1. On the outskirts or outskirts

This is the most accessible and cheapest option. If it is municipal land. Then you can also save money, because it costs less than private property. But, you must understand that profits are also low, except in rare cases.

Requirements and standards for open parking

As you know, the most economical option is open parking lots, because they do not require particularly large investments. To open a parking lot for at least a hundred spaces, you need an area of ​​2,500 m2. But that's not all. You also need to be guided by the basic requirements for open parking. Necessary:

  • Install wall fencing;
  • bring down all communications;
  • install a video surveillance system throughout the territory to resolve any disputes regarding the safety of cars and their damage;
  • install a barrier at the exit with a guard at the checkpoint. The security guard's post must have a view of the entire territory, be insulated, have furniture and a telephone;
  • the asphalt must be coated with a special solution that prevents the absorption of petroleum products;
  • 24-hour parking must have lighting throughout the entire territory.

According to the rules for open parking lots, the parking lot cannot be overloaded: there must be a certain distance between vehicles, indicated by the rules. Any violation of the regulations will lead to irreparable consequences.

List of required documents

In order to open a parking lot, it is necessary to register a legal entity or individual entrepreneurship. After which you receive permission, as well as the right to rent space in a certain part of the city. In fact, this is one of the most difficult questions, because most often each plot has its own owner.

After this, you prepare the necessary design documents for opening the parking lot. They begin to be drawn up after the conclusion of an agreement for the right to lease a parking lot. All documentation must be agreed upon with local authorities and submitted to the Land Committee.

You will receive all permitting papers after construction. In most cities, regulatory authorities impose a number of requirements for the impregnation of asphalt, gearboxes, etc.

How much do you need to invest?

One of the main nuances that interests everyone is the amount of capital investment. If you are planning to start such a business and have already learned how to open a parking lot, you definitely need to calculate the costs so as not to leave the business halfway.

Let's calculate together how much all this will cost you:

  • Rent of territory for parking – from 15,000 rubles;
  • materials for flooring on the ground - from 5,000 rubles;
  • installation of fencing, purchase of security devices - from 30,000 rubles;
  • installation of a gearbox – from 50,000 rubles;
  • advertising – from 1,000 rubles;
  • consumables – from 10,000 rubles;
  • unforeseen expenses - from 5,000 rubles;
  • Security guard's salary - from 15,000 rubles.

So, the minimum amount of your expenses will be 130,000 rubles. But the payback of the project and your annual income will be influenced by factors such as location, level of service and number of seats. But more on that a little later.

Parking staff

Those who are seriously thinking about how to open a parking lot from scratch need to take care of the staff. The number of guards can be from 2 to 6, depending on the size of the territory. Management must be approached responsibly, only then will the project be profitable.

Don't be afraid to fire employees with bad habits. Don't let them use your clients' cars, turn the parking lot into a meeting place, etc. Install a video surveillance camera in the security guard's booth: he will be more restrained, and you will be calmer.

Your income

Parking costs will vary in different regions of the country. Average figures are around 120 rubles per day. Thus, the average monthly revenue of a parking lot with 100 spaces will be 360,000 rubles, subject to full occupancy. This means that the initial investment will pay off in the shortest possible time.

With a good location, the high profitability of the business will allow you to recoup your initial costs in the first year.

Although, it is worth considering that opening a parking lot also has its pitfalls.

  • First, To complete all the documents quickly, you need good specialists or great connections. The former will organize all the work correctly, the latter will do it quickly.
  • Second, Responsible and reliable parking attendants are something to take care of. By the way, finding them nowadays is quite difficult.

We have revealed to you the secrets and nuances of such a business. It's up to you to decide whether to take it on or find a simpler option. But keep in mind that the simpler the choice, the fewer problems and hassles and, naturally, the lower the income. If you try, then for the sake of something worthwhile, and not for the sake of an ordinary business with many competitors growing like mushrooms after rain.

Check out bank offers

RKO in Tochka Bank. Open an account

More about the current account

  • Opening an account is free in 10 minutes;
  • Maintenance – from 0 rubles/month;
  • Free payment cards – up to 20 pcs./month.
  • Up to 7% on account balance;
  • Overdraft possible;
  • Internet banking – free;
  • Mobile banking is free.
RKO in Raiffeisenbank. Open an account

More about the current account

  • Opening an account is free in 5 minutes;
  • Maintenance – from 490 rubles/month;
  • Minimum commissions.
  • Registration of salary cards is free;
  • Overdraft possible;
  • Internet banking – free;
  • Mobile banking is free.
RKO in Tinkoff Bank. Open an account

More about the current account

  • Free opening of account in 10 minutes;
  • The first 2 months are free of charge;
  • After 2 months from 490 RUR/month;
  • Up to 8% on account balance;
  • Free accounting for individual entrepreneurs on Simplified;
  • Free Internet banking;
  • Free mobile banking.
RKO in Sberbank. Open an account

More about the current account

  • Opening an account - 0 rub.;
  • Maintenance – from 0 rubles/month;
  • Free “Sberbank Business Online”;
  • Lots of extra services.

More about the current account

  • 0 rub. opening an account;
  • 0 rub. Internet banking and mobile banking for account management;
  • 0 rub. issuing a business card for depositing and withdrawing cash at any ATM;
  • 0 rub. first deposit of cash into the account;
  • 0 rub. tax and budget payments, transfers to legal entities and individual entrepreneurs in Alfa-Bank;
  • 0 rub. account maintenance if there is no turnover.
RKO in the Eastern Bank. Open an account

More about the current account

  • Opening an account is free;
  • Reservation in 1 minute;
  • Internet banking and mobile application are free;
  • 3 months of service free of charge;
  • after 3 months from 490 rub./month.
RKO in LOKO Bank. Open an account

More about the current account

  • Opening an account is free;
  • Reservation in 1 minute;
  • Maintenance – from 0 rubles/month;
  • Cash withdrawal from 0.6%;
  • Free terminal for acquiring;
  • Internet banking and mobile application are free.
RKO in Expert Bank. Open an account

More about the current account

  • Account maintenance - from 0 rub./month.
  • Cash withdrawal (up to 700 thousand rubles) - free
  • Up to 5% on account balance
  • The cost of payment is from 0 rub.
RKO in Unicredit Bank.