How much does a track fitter earn - Report on income. Profession Pathfinder (tracker). Irreplaceable railroad worker Job duties track fitter 2 grade

The manual has been prepared in accordance with the qualification characteristics of the profession "Pathfinder of the 4th grade" of the Unified Tariff and Qualification Handbook (ETKS) and an approximate curriculum and program for professional training of workers in the profession of "Pathfinder" (code 14668), approved by the Vice President JSC "Russian Railways" 09/02/2009, determining the mandatory volume of educational material for each student and the pedagogically expedient sequence of its study.
All comments and suggestions on the content and design of the book will be accepted with gratitude.

From the author
Qualification characteristics of the track fitter of the 4th grade
The professional training program for the fitter of the path of the 4th category
Topic 1. The structure and content of turnouts and blind intersections
1.1. The main types of connections and intersections of paths, turnouts and blind intersections
1.2. The main elements of a single ordinary turnout switch, diagram and securing against theft
1.3. Centralized turnouts
1.4. Defects and damage to elements of turnouts, reasons for their appearance. Operating instructions
1.5. Malfunctions of turnouts. Ensuring the safety of train traffic for faulty translations
Questions and study assignments for topic 1
Topic 2. Standards and tolerances for the content of turnouts
2.1. Standards for the arrangement of turnouts, blind intersections of crosspieces and blind intersections
2.2. Adjustment of the gaps in the movable cores, the fit of the witches, the size of the gap between the linings and the wit or movable core
2.3. Norms and tolerances of the content of conversion curves by ordinates
Questions and study assignments for topic 2
Topic 3. Track arrangement. Maintenance of level crossings
3.1. Crossings and other crossings
3.2. Classification and procedure for determining the category of crossings
3.3. Device and equipment of level crossings
3.4. Content of transfers
Questions and study assignments for topic 3
Topic 4. Measuring devices and instruments
4.1. Travel templates and calipers. Universal template
4.2. Practical work
Questions and study assignments for topic 4
Topic 5. Mechanized travel tool
5.1. Electric Rail Drilling, Rail Cutting and Rail Grinding Machines
5.2. Rules for the operation of travel electric tools, safety measures
Questions and study assignments for topic 5
Topic 6. Technological processes of track works
6.1. General requirements for the production of work within railway stations
6.2. Production technology of work with a single change of transfer bars, change of vane beams on centralized turnouts
6.3. Work technology when changing individual
metal parts of turnouts
6.4. Aligning the turnouts in the longitudinal profile and level
6.5. Manufacturing technology for mounting and dismantling the crossing decking
6.6. Manufacturing technology for the bulkhead of the insulating joint. Features of the production of work on a continuous welded track
Questions and study assignments for topic 6
Recommended reading

Kreinis Z.L. “Guide to the path fitter. Professional training of track fitters of the 2nd - 6th grade:

Available: 180 pcs

Kreinis Z.L. A guide to the path fitter. Professional training of track fitters of the 2nd - 6th grade: study guide. 2016 - 685 p.

Kreinis Z.L. Path fitter's guide. Professional training of track fitters of the 2-6th grade.
000 "Publishing house" Autograph "

The questions of the structure, maintenance and repair of the railway track, the formation of the force interaction of the track and rolling stock, the features of the structure and maintenance of the track on the sections of high-speed train traffic are considered. The article provides information on the standards for the construction and maintenance of the rail track, defects, damages and deformations of the elements of the railway track, methods and methods of their prevention, detection and elimination; the technologies of repair and track works, issues of ensuring the safety of train traffic and personal safety in the production of track works are considered.

The Educational-Methodological Center received a new edition: A MANUAL TO MONTER OF THE WAY. PROFESSIONAL TRAINING OF THE WAY MONTER OF THE 4TH DISCHARGE. Tutorial. Author Kreinis Z.L. 2013 .-- 132 p.

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Path fitter's guide

Path fitter's guide

UDC 625.172 (035)
Kamensky V.B., A guide to the road fitter, Moscow: Transport, 1992, 223 p.
Provides information on the structure, maintenance and repair of the railway track; possible malfunctions, methods of their detection, prevention and elimination are described; the rules and technology of the main track works are stated, information is given about the machines, mechanisms and tools and measuring devices used in this, ensuring the safety of train traffic and safety measures.
For track fitters.
Il. 233, tab. 32.
Reviewer Ch. Yuri N. Maiboroda, engineer of the track service of the Moscow road
Head; edited by L.P. Topolnitskaya
Editor A.S. Yanovsky

In the system of railway transport, one of the leading places is occupied by the track facilities, which account for more than half of the fixed assets. The annual costs associated with running the track are very significant. They can be reduced by introducing advanced technology and rationalizing production.
The most important duty of employees of the track economy is to ensure the uninterrupted and safe movement of trains with established speeds and to meet the growing needs for transportation of the national economy.
Track fitters are the leading profession of the track industry, whose skill, experience and knowledge largely determines the successful solution of the problems facing the railway transport.
The material included in the book is designed primarily for track fitters who are busy with the current maintenance and repair of the railway track in various conditions of the network roads.
The manual contains the information necessary for the track fitter in practical work, as well as in self-preparation for obtaining a higher qualification category. This material can also be used by workers of track distances and track machine stations, conducting technical training with track fitters.
The basis for the selection of the material placed in the book was the Tariff and qualification reference book of jobs and professions of workers engaged in construction and repair and construction work in the part related to the track fitters of the IV category, and an approximate educational, technical study program track fitters, track distances and track machine stations, developed by the Ministry of Railways.

book A guide to the path fitter. Professional training of a track fitter of the 5th grade

Path fitter's guide. Professional training of a track fitter of the 5th grade

  • [Transport / Profession Guides
  • | August 8, 2015]

Title: A guide to the path fitter. Professional training of a track fitter of the 5th grade
Author: Kreinis Z.L.
Pages: 148
Format: PDF
Size: 82.6 Mb
Quality: Normal
Russian language
Year of publication: 2013

When creating the textbook, the author took into account that the groups of students in the profession of a fitter of the 5th grade are completed from persons with a secondary (complete) general education.

PROGRAM advanced training in the profession of a path fitter


1 PROGRAM advanced training by profession Pathfinder Qualification: 5th grade Code of profession: Duration of training: 200 hours-5 weeks

2 EXPLANATORY NOTE This curriculum and programs are intended for the professional training of grade 5 track fitters. Groups of trainees for the profession of track fitter of the 5th grade are completed from persons with the profession of track fitter of the 4th grade, respectively. The amount of theoretical knowledge and practical skills provided by the programs meets the requirements of the qualification characteristics of the All-Russian Classifier of Workers' Professions, Employee Positions and OK Tariffs, approved by the Gosstandart of Russia, 367; The collection of tariff and qualification characteristics of the professions of workers employed in railway transport, published in 1999 by the Ministry of Railways of the Russian Federation, and provide for the acquisition by students of the knowledge and skills necessary for the full development of the profession. The working programs define the required volume of educational material for each student, and outlined a pedagogically expedient sequence of its study. The work programs of theoretical and industrial training include materials on new equipment and technology, issues of traffic safety, labor protection and material savings, the study of advanced techniques and methods of work. For the purpose of deep study of academic subjects, enhancing the cognitive activity of students and the development of their technical thinking, teachers widely use visual teaching aids, technical teaching aids, provide for independent work with reference technical literature. Accounting for progress in all subjects is carried out through the ongoing and periodic examination of the knowledge and skills of students. Persons who have successfully completed a full course of theoretical and industrial training, pass a qualifying exam in the following subjects: - Construction, maintenance and repair of the railway track. -PTE, instructions and traffic safety. -Occupational Safety and Health. 2

3 Qualification 5th grade QUALIFICATION CHARACTERISTICS Profession path fitter Description of work. Performing complex works on erection, dismantling and repair of track superstructure. Should know: construction arrangement, maintenance standards for continuous welded track and turnouts; rules for the production of installation of continuous welded track; requirements for the quality of laying the superstructure of the track. Work examples. Selection of rails along their length and checking their laying along the square and gaps. Adjustment of the position of the ends of welded rails of continuous welded track with screw ties. Replacement of a defective section of a continuous welded track. Adjustment of the rail and sleep grid in terms of hydraulic devices on track sections with reinforced concrete slabs and blocks. Measurement of the track position and alignment of rail lines along track width and level on track sections with reinforced concrete slabs and blocks. Adjustment of the path in heaving places. Discharge of thermal stresses on the continuous path. Correction of the subsidence of the path by filling. Installation and dismantling of leveling devices. Installation of anti-theft devices. Single replacement of the elements of the rail and sleeper lattice on the sections of the continuous track. Replacing a defective section of a rail string. Adjustment of turnouts and blind intersections by pattern and level. 3

4 TRAINING PLAN of vocational training profession Pathway fitter, rank assigned after graduation - 5th grade type of training - advanced training Number of training hours 200 hours, including theory 120 hours, practice 80 hours. Study load 40 hours per week. Name of disciplines Total hours including p / p theory practice 1 General technical course 1.1 Labor protection Total: 22 2 Special course 2.1 Structure, current maintenance and repair of the railway track 2.2. PTE, instructions and traffic safety Total: 90 3 Industrial training Final (qualification) exam 8 8 Total:

5 Thematic plan p / p Name of the theme of the program Number of hours 1. Labor law standards 2 2. Labor protection requirements and labor protection organization 2 3. Employees' rights to labor protection 2 4. Compulsory social insurance against accidents at work and occupational diseases 5. Safety of work 4 6. General safety measures during work and 2 being on railway tracks 7. General issues of electrical safety 2 8. Safety requirements for the elimination of emergencies and 2 emergencies 9. Fire safety Provision of first (pre-medical) aid to victims 2 TOTAL 22 Program Topic 1. Labor legislation Labor legislation and other regulatory legal acts containing labor law norms. (Constitution of the Russian Federation, Labor Code of the Russian Federation, Federal Law "On Compulsory Social Insurance against Industrial Accidents and Occupational Diseases", Regulations on the discipline of railway workers, Regulations on the specifics of working hours and rest time, working conditions of certain categories of railway workers transport directly related to the movement of trains, etc.). Labor Relations. Labor contract. Collective agreement. Working hours and hours of rest. Restricting the use of women's labor. Features of labor regulation of employees under the age of eighteen years. Features of labor regulation of transport workers. Bodies of state supervision and control over compliance with legislation on labor protection. Public control over labor protection. Monitoring the state of labor protection at workplaces at Russian Railways. Topic 2. Labor protection requirements and organization of labor protection State regulatory requirements for labor protection. The effect of local regulations containing labor law norms adopted by the head. Internal labor regulations. The concept and tasks of labor protection. The basic rights and obligations of the employee. The main rights and obligations of the employer. Responsibility for violations of legislation in the field of labor protection. Labor protection requirements for production facilities, office, household premises. Requirements for the organization of the workplace. Occupational safety management system in the organization. five

6 Main directions in work on labor protection. Labor protection committees (commissions). Organization of work of authorized (trusted) persons for labor protection of trade unions and other representative bodies authorized by employees. Protection of labor rights of workers by trade unions. Development and approval of labor protection instructions for employees. Certification of workplaces for their compliance with the requirements of working conditions and labor protection. Financing measures to improve labor conditions and safety. Occupational safety training and testing of knowledge of the occupational safety requirements of the organization's employees Types of briefings and their timing. Topic 3. Workers' rights to labor protection Obtaining information on labor conditions and labor protection at the workplace. Guarantees of the workers' right to work in conditions that meet the requirements of labor protection. Compliance with the regime of work and rest. Provision of means of individual and collective protection. Sanitary and household services, equipment of sanitary facilities (for eating, rest during working hours). Norms and conditions for the free dispensing of milk (other equivalent products), as well as detergents and neutralizers. Mandatory and periodic medical examinations of employees with harmful and unfavorable working conditions. Compensation for hard work and work in harmful or hazardous working conditions. Labor protection guarantees for certain categories of workers. Labor protection for women, workers under the age of 18, people with disabilities. Dangerous and harmful production factors. General information about hazardous factors of the working environment. The concept of the maximum permissible concentration of harmful substances. Measures to protect employees from exposure to hazardous and harmful production factors. Overalls, safety footwear, protective and safety devices as means affecting the state of industrial injuries, occupational morbidity and reducing the impact of harmful factors. Requirements for personal protective equipment. Types of workwear, special footwear; washing and repairing, as well as the rate of their issuance and storage procedure. Control over the state of the working environment and normalization of its parameters. Identification and tracking of the impact of harmful production factors. Optimization of the mode of work and rest under the influence of harmful production factors in the workplace. The severity and intensity of the labor process. Principles of classification of working conditions. Assessment of the severity of workers. Assessment of labor intensity of workers. Identification and prevention of occupational diseases. Treatment and prophylactic protection. Social protection of industrial victims. Topic 4. Compulsory social insurance against industrial accidents and occupational diseases The main causes of occupational injuries and occupational diseases. Definition of the basic concepts: "injury", "accident", "occupational disease". Conditional division of accidents. The concept of the types of incidents leading to an accident (classifier). Causes of injury: technical, organizational, personal. 6

7 Procedure for investigating and recording industrial accidents. Actions of managers and specialists in the event of an accident. The procedure for documenting and investigating industrial injuries. Registration of materials for investigation of industrial accidents and their accounting. Measures for the prevention of injuries and morbidity. Compulsory social insurance against industrial accidents and occupational diseases. Compensation for harm caused to the health of an employee in the performance of his labor duties. Types of insurance payments to an employee. Medical, social and professional rehabilitation of industrial victims. The order of investigation and registration of occupational diseases. The main technical measures for the prevention of industrial injuries: the device of fences, the installation of safety and interlocking devices on the equipment, as well as alarm devices. Rational arrangement of workplaces; compliance with the requirements and norms for the arrangement of equipment, the organization of walkways and driveways, the laying of materials and products. Providing workers with safety devices. Application of warning systems about the approach of rolling stock to the place of work on railway lines and stations. The introduction of new technology, mechanization, automation of production and modern means of preventing injuries. Respiratory protection means, their classification. The duration of the filter cartridges, the color of the boxes of gas masks, depending on their purpose, the procedure for using them. Types of eye damage. Eye protection. Safety glasses, their types. Head protection products, requirements for them. Face protection equipment (shields, masks). Hand protection (gloves, mittens). Hearing protection. Dermatological agents (creams, detergents, pastes, ointments), methods of their use. Fall protection equipment. Topic 5. Safety of work The main provisions of the Safety Rules for the operation of the contact network and power supply devices for the automatic blocking of railways from TsE-750, Safety instructions for electricians of the contact network from TsE-761, Rules for the device and technical operation of the contact network of electrified railways from TsE -868, Instructions for signaling on the railways of the Russian Federation from TsRB-757. Study of labor protection instructions for the type of work performed or position, profession. Safety rules and regulations, issues of industrial sanitation, sanitary rules for a specific production process, workshop, site. The nature of accidents, their causes and preventive measures. The main features of the work performed. Service passage route. Safe operation of equipment, tools, devices, inventory, vehicles, safety and protective devices. Process safety. The procedure for registration of admission to work with increased danger. Works by order, alongside-admission, flow charts for the safe production of work. Maintenance of production and auxiliary premises. 7

8 Safety requirements for various production factors. Hazardous production factors typical of the use of specific materials and technological processes. Possible occupational diseases. Measures to reduce the influence of harmful production factors of working conditions on the body of workers. Compliance by workers with personal hygiene requirements, the use of appropriate safety devices, overalls and other personal protective equipment. Labor safety requirements in the production process. Ensuring industrial safety. Analysis of occupational hazards for a specific profession. Workplace preparation. Safety precautions before starting work. Safety measures during the production of work. Safety measures at the end of work. Topic 6. General safety measures during work and walking on railway tracks General safety requirements for railway workers while on the tracks during the performance of official duties. Crossing the railway tracks using pedestrian tunnels, bridges, service passage routes, marked with the "Service passage" sign. Schemes of service routes to work places. Passage between uncoupled cars, locomotives, electrical and locomotive sections. Rules and schemes for safe passage through the path. Crossing the car brake platforms. Arrangement of exits from service and technical premises located near the tracks. Security measures when passing rolling stock. Rules for going out of the way during work in the event of a train approaching. Safety measures if an employee is caught between two trains moving on adjacent tracks. Occupational safety measures taken before starting work on railway tracks. Passage along the railway tracks from the meeting point to work and back. Rules for fencing a walking group of workers day and night. Safety measures in the performance of work on railway tracks and the rules for fencing work sites on railway tracks and stations. Dangerous factors associated with working in a zone of limited visibility and hearing and the need to repeatedly cross paths; security measures. Safety measures in the performance of work on sections with high-speed train traffic. Safety when working on tracks in winter conditions. Signal clothing, signal accessories, information and communication means during the work on railway tracks. Preventive painting of structures and devices located in the area of \u200b\u200brailway tracks. Safety measures for the transportation of workers by road transport, economic trains. Measures taken to safely carry out work near or in direct contact with moving or ready-to-move rolling stock, railway construction machines. The main provisions of the information system "Man on the way". Topic 7. General issues of electrical safety Electrical safety, electric current, voltage, electrical installation, electrical room, electrical equipment. The concept of electric current and why electric current is dangerous (lack of color, smell and other external signs of its presence). The effect of electric current on the human body. Types of electric shock. Types of electrical injuries by degrees 8

9 defeats. Factors affecting the degree of electric shock. Current strength. Current type (direct or alternating). AC frequency. Danger of electric shock in various electrical networks. Duration of exposure to current. The path of electric current through the human body. Human electrical resistance. Cardiocycle phase. Physiological and psychological state of the victim. The location of points of contact with the source of tension on the body. Touch voltage and step voltage. What determines the step voltage. Rules for leaving the current spreading zone. Induced voltage and the danger of its impact on workers. Measures to ensure electrical safety in industrial and household premises. Classification of premises in relation to the risk of electric shock to people. Basic protective measures. Protection against touching live parts by means of their fencing, insulation, blocking, as well as the location of live parts at an inaccessible height. Protective grounding, grounding. Protective shutdown, the use of undervoltage, insulating bases in rooms. Features of the use of a rail line as a protective grounding in railway transport. Protection against atmospheric electricity. Warning signaling, inscriptions and posters used to prevent electrical injuries. Personal protective equipment. Electrical protective equipment. Basic and additional electrical protective equipment. Safety posters and signs. Qualification groups for electrical safety. Personal electrical safety measures. Basic electrical safety measures near the contact network of electrified railways. Safety measures in the event of a break in the contact wire. Electrical and non-electrical personnel. The procedure for finding (performing work) of non-electrical personnel in electrical installations. Security zone of overhead and cable lines and safety measures when performing work within their boundaries. Safety measures when performing work on rolling stock, including lifting to its roof. Works on rolling stock, on electrified lines and at the intersection of railway tracks with overhead power lines. Fire safety of electrical installations. Sources of ignition in electrical installations. Electrical safety measures when extinguishing a fire. Fire extinguishers allowing to extinguish fire on electrical equipment up to 380 V without removing the voltage. Electrical safety measures when extinguishing fires near the contact network of electrified railways. Topic 8. Safety requirements for the elimination of emergencies and emergencies. Types of hazard. Classification of dangerous goods. General Conditions of Carriage. Preventive measures for the transport of dangerous goods. Basic requirements for safe work in the elimination of the consequences of crashes and accidents with dangerous goods. Carrying out emergency recovery work. First (pre-medical) aid to the injured and medical and preventive measures in the lesion focus. Special instructions for the elimination of emergencies with dangerous goods of certain classes. Localization of contamination, neutralization and degassing in the contamination (contamination) zone. Actions of employees in case of emergencies (derailment of rolling stock, spill and scattering of hazardous and harmful substances, detection of violation of the integrity of the superstructure of the track, breakage of the contact wire, fire, other natural disasters, terrorism). Topic 9. Fire safety The main regulatory legal documents containing the requirements of the fire 9

10 security. Features of fire hazard at railway transport enterprises and in transport construction. Organization of the fire safety system at the enterprise. Causes of fires in production. Dangerous factors of fire. Ignition sources and flammable media. Fire development. Fire prevention. Fire protection measures for production facilities. Requirements for compliance with the fire regime in industrial, warehouse, office premises and buildings, on bridges and in tunnels, during technological processes of transportation of goods and passengers by rail. General information on fire extinguishing: extinguishing with water, foam, carbon dioxide compounds, powders, combined compositions. Fire fighting equipment: fire trucks, fire trains. Primary fire extinguishing means, fire-fighting water supply, automatic fire detection systems, water, foam, gas and powder fire extinguishing installations. Personal protective equipment for the respiratory and visual organs of a person from dangerous fire factors. The order of actions of employees in case of fire. Responsibilities of employees upon detection of signs of fire. Responsibilities of managers and officials in case of fire. Actions in the event of a fire on rolling stock on the stretch. Procedure for detecting a fire on tracks within railway stations. Extinguishing a fire in a railway industrial enterprise. Topic 10. Provision of first (pre-medical) aid to victims General principles of first (pre-medical) aid to victims. First aid medical supplies. Contents of a medical kit. Determination of the victim's condition. First (first aid) aid for industrial injuries and poisoning. Liberation of the victim from the action of traumatic factors. First aid (first aid) for foreign bodies, injuries, compression of extremities, bleeding, fractures, bruises, sprains, sprains, burns and frostbite. First (first aid) aid to persons affected by electric current, lightning. First aid methods for the victim. Methods for artificial respiration and external heart massage. First (first aid) aid in case of poisoning with carbon monoxide, food poisoning, in case of poisoning with gas fractions during accidents with dangerous goods. First (first aid) aid for heat and sunstroke, epileptic seizure. Rescue of the drowning. First (first aid) aid for poisoning, animal bites, as well as snakes and insects. Carrying and transportation of the victim (transport immobilization). ten

11 p / n Thematic plan Topic name 11 Number of hours 2.1 Track management system on railways Construction, maintenance and repair of continuous welded track Construction and maintenance of turnouts Track correction in the depths 16 Total 60 Program Topic 1 Track management system of the Russian Federation Railways Studied Regulations on the system of track management on the railways of the Russian Federation, approved by the Ministry of Railways of Russia, Topic 2 Construction, maintenance and repair of continuous welded track Design of continuous welded track. Requirements for the plan and profile, subgrade and superstructure of continuous welded track. Loading, transportation and unloading of whips. Stacking of the lashes, securing the lashes during laying. Rail rod marking. Supervision of sections of continuous welded track during the period of extreme rail temperatures. Control over the theft of whips and changes in the temperature regime of their operation. Features of the production of work on the current maintenance of the continuous welded track. Restoration of the integrity of the rail string and its temperature regime of operation. Welding with pull-up and pre-bending of the welded part of the string. Discharge of temperature stresses in the rails. Forced entry of rail strings into the calculated temperature range. Topic 3 Construction and content of turnouts Turnouts for sections of the track with high-speed train traffic. Features of turnouts type P65, grade 1/11, type P65, grade 1/18, type P65 with flexible points and crosspieces with continuous rolling surface. Characteristics of new projects of turnouts according to the main differences: flexible points, counter-rail assemblies, turnout switches, counter-rails-protectors, cross-pieces with a movable and rotary core, reinforced concrete beams, elastic fasteners. Adjustment of the turnout switch in plan. Work performance technology. The composition of the brigade. The applied tool. Safety requirements for work. Work place fencing. Track width adjustment on the turnout switch. Work performance technology. The composition of the brigade. The applied tool. Safety requirements for work. Work place fencing. Correction of conversion curves by ordinates. Measurement of the ordinates of the conversion curve. Work performance technology. The composition of the brigade. The applied tool. Safety requirements for work. Work place fencing. Setting the cross curves in the correct position in the plan. Cross-line breakdown by ordinates. Work performance technology. The composition of the brigade. The applied tool. Safety requirements for work. Work place fencing. Practical work 1

12 Measuring the ordinates of the conversion curve on the turnout switch and comparing them with the design ones. Topic 4 Correction of the path in the depths The reasons for the appearance of the depths. Varieties of the abyss. Technical requirements for path correction in the depths. Abyssal materials. Ways to correct the path in the depths. Temporary taps Requirements for the state of the track before the train passes at the place of work Measuring work when correcting the path in the depths. Correcting the path in the depths. Production technology for the growth and settlement of depths up to 50 mm in height and more than 50 mm in height. The composition of the brigade. The applied tool. Safety requirements for work. Work site fencing. 12

13 Thematic plan p / p Name of topics Number of hours 1. Rules of technical operation of the railways of the Russian Federation 6 roads of the Russian Federation 6. 4. Regulations on the discipline of workers in railway transport of the Russian Federation. Job description for a locomotive brigade 5. Federal Law "Charter of Railway Transport 6 of the Russian Federation" Total: 30 Program Topic 1. Rules for the technical operation of the railways of the Russian Federation General duties of railway workers. Structures and devices of the locomotive economy. Inspection of structures and devices, their repair. Wheelsets. Brake equipment and automatic coupler. Maintenance and repair of rolling stock. Dimension. Train movement. Topic 2. Instructions for ensuring the safety of train traffic during track works General provisions. Fence signals. Hand beeps. Traffic lights. Signal signs and signs. Signals used in shunting work. Signals used to indicate trains, locomotives and other moving units. Alarms and special indicators. Topic 3. Regulations on the discipline of railway workers in the Russian Federation It is studied in full. Job descriptions of railway workers. Topic 4. Rules for the carriage of dangerous goods. Concepts of dangerous goods and their classification. Danger signs. Preparation for the transportation of dangerous goods. Regulations for the carriage of dangerous goods. Escort of dangerous goods. Regulations for the carriage of liquid dangerous goods. Regulations for the carriage of dangerous goods of class 1 (explosive materials). Safety rules and procedures for the elimination of emergency situations with dangerous goods. Emergency card and its contents. Study of the Safety Rules for the Carriage of Dangerous Goods by Rail of the Gosgortechnadzor of Russia approved by the resolution of the Gosgortechnadzor of Russia from

14 Topic 5. Federal Law "Charter of Railway Transport of the Russian Federation" Classification of traffic safety violations in train and shunting operations on railways. Instructions on the procedure for the official investigation of traffic safety violations in train and shunting operations on railways. General Provisions. The order of official investigation of crashes and accidents. The order of registration and analysis of the results of the official investigation of crashes and accidents. The order of official investigation, registration of results and analysis of cases of marriage in train and shunting work. Control over the departure of rolling stock for repair and the extent of its damage in case of crashes and accidents. Regulations for the actions of employees associated with the movement of trains in emergency situations. Measures to prevent recurrence of traffic safety violations. Orders of Russian Railways and the railway on measures to prevent violations of traffic safety. Their main content and meaning. General provisions of the Federal Law "Charter of Railway Transport of the Russian Federation". The Instruction on ensuring the safety of train traffic during the production of track works, approved by the Ministry of Railways of Russia dated December 30, 1997, is being studied.

15 Thematic plan p / p Topic Name Number of hours 1.1 Briefing on labor protection and ensuring safe 2 production of track works 1.2 Mastering the methods and techniques of performing track work 38 tracks of the 5th grade 1.3 Performance of works of track fitter of the 5th grade in the team 40 Total 80 Program 1 Briefing on labor protection and ensuring the safe production of track works Familiarization with the basic safety requirements when installing a continuous track, when replacing and adjusting turnouts. 2 Mastering the methods and techniques of performing the track work of the track fitter of the 5th grade. Instruction on labor protection. Familiarization with the safety rules for train traffic when performing work on the maintenance and repair of the track and during loading and unloading operations. Practical acquaintance with the rules and technology for performing track works, provided for by the qualification characteristic for a track fitter of the 5th grade. 3 Performance of work of a 5th grade track fitter as part of a brigade Independent performance of a set of works stipulated by the qualification characteristics for a 5th grade track fitter, in compliance with technical requirements and current production standards. fifteen

16 Literature 1. Federal Law of 17-FZ “On Railway Transport in the Russian Federation”. 4. Federal Law of 18-FZ "Charter of Railway Transport of the Russian Federation". 5. Order of the Minister of Railways of the Russian Federation from the city of 4C "On further improvement of the prevention and elimination of emergencies in railway transport." 6. Order of the Minister of Railways of the Russian Federation from the city of 28C "On the procedure for testing knowledge of the Rules for the technical operation of the railways of the Russian Federation, other regulations of the Ministry of Railways of Russia and the Regulations on the discipline of railway transport workers of the Russian Federation." 7. Order of JSC Russian Railways from the city of 2191r “On approval of the Regulation on the organization of testing knowledge of the safety requirements for train traffic by employees of the open joint-stock company Russian Railways. 8. Regulations on the system of track management on the railways of the Russian Federation from city. 9. Rules of the Ministry of Railways of Russia from the city of TsRB-756 "Rules of technical operation of railways of the Russian Federation". 10. Rules of the Ministry of Railways of Russia from the city of POT RO-32-TsP "Regulations on labor protection during the repair and maintenance of railway tracks and structures." 11. Electrical safety rules for employees of Russian Railways when servicing electrified railways, approved by an order from the city. Regulations on labor protection during work in protective forest plantations of railways of branches of Russian Railways, approved by an order of Russian Railways from the city of y2404r. 13. Instruction of the Ministry of Railways of Russia from the city of TsRB-757 "Instruction for signaling on the railways of the Russian Federation." 14. Instruction of the Ministry of Railways of Russia from the city of TsD-790 "Instruction for the movement of trains and shunting on the railways of the Russian Federation." 15. Instruction of the Ministry of Railways of Russia from the city of TsP-544 "Instruction on the maintenance of the roadbed of a railway track." 16. Instruction of the Ministry of Railways of Russia from TsP-774 "Instruction on the current maintenance of the track." 17. Instruction of the Ministry of Railways of Russia from the city of TsP-485 "Instruction for ensuring the safety of train traffic during track works." 18. Instruction of the Ministry of Railways of Russia from the city of TsP-566 "Instruction for the operation of railway crossings". 19. Instruction of JSC "Russian Railways" from the city of "Instruction on the procedure for preparing for work in the winter and the organization of snow fighting on the railways" 20. Instruction on labor protection for track fitters at JSC "Russian Railways", approved by order from the city of 2671r. 21. Instruction on labor protection for workers engaged in the creation and maintenance of protective afforestation of the railways of the branches of Russian Railways, approved by the order of the city 2595 RUR 22. Instructions for ensuring the safety of train traffic and safety measures on avalanche-prone sections of railways dated June 13, 1979. 23. Typical instructions of the Ministry of Railways of Russia from TOI R-32-TsP "Typical instructions on labor protection for trackmen of railway tracks, artificial structures and track fitters, 16

Name: Path fitter's guide. Professional training of a track fitter of the 5th grade
Kreinis Z.L.
Publisher: M .: Publishing House "Autograph"
Year: 2013
Pages: 148
ISBN: 978-5-906088-05-5
Format: PDF
The size: 82.6 Mb
Language: Russian

The means and methods of production of track works are considered in accordance with the duties and the required level of training of the track fitter of the 5th grade.

The manual has been prepared in accordance with the qualification characteristics of the profession "Track fitter of the 5th grade" of the Unified Tariff and Qualification Handbook (ETKS), an approximate curriculum and a program for professional training of workers in the profession "Track fitter" (code 14668), approved by Russian Railways »02.09.2009, defining the obligatory volume of educational material for each student and the pedagogically expedient sequence of its study.
When creating the textbook, the author took into account that the groups of students in the profession of a fitter of the 5th grade are completed from persons with a secondary (complete) general education. Notaries at the Mendeleevskaya metro station In Moscow, near the Mendeleevskaya metro station, there are 14 notary offices. There are 6 notaries working after 6 pm on weekdays, 6 notaries working on Saturday and no notary working on Sundays. Below [...]

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  • Section `` Railway transport`` Section `` Sea and river transport`` ((ETKS # 52))

    § 38. MONTER OF THE WAY (2nd grade)

    2nd category

    Description of works. Performing the simplest work during the installation, dismantling and repair of structures of the track superstructure. Replenishment of ballast in sleeper boxes to the norm. Replacement of ballast in sleeper boxes up to the foot of the sleepers. Removing debris from under the rail. Branding of wooden sleepers. Coloring of track and signal signs. Sorting and stacking of old wooden sleepers. Rail link numbering. Fastening bolts and screws in sleepers with a socket wrench. Completion of embedded and terminal bolts. Removal and installation of shields of a snow protection fence. Driving stakes when laying out and leveling the track. Loading, transportation and unloading of fasteners. Clearing snow from the path manually. Manual laying of sleepers and fastenings. Antiseptic treatment of sleepers and beams manually. Installation and rearrangement of road signs and snow protection fences on the stretch. Cleaning of ditches, drainage and upland ditches. Cleaning fasteners and rails from dirt and fuel oil. Cleaning the tracks from debris. Removing vegetation from paths.

    Should know: road signs and signals; types of basic materials for the device of the upper structure of the track; general provisions for the construction of the upper structure of the track and subgrade and the requirements for their operation; the name of the main elements of the superstructure of the track and subgrade; methods and techniques for performing the simplest work during the installation and dismantling of structures of the superstructure of the track.

    (next) -\u003e

    Path fitter 2nd category Description of works. Performing the simplest works during installation, dismantling and repair of structures of the superstructure of the track and underground metro lines.

    Path fitter 2nd category Must know: road signs and signals; types of basic materials for the device of the upper structure of the track; general data on the construction of the superstructure of the track and subgrade and general requirements for their operation; methods and techniques for performing simple work during the installation and dismantling of structures of the superstructure of the track; the name of the main elements of the superstructure of the track and subgrade; standard instruction on labor protection.
    Work examples. Ballast filling into sleeper boxes. Removing debris from under the rail. Branding of wooden sleepers. Painting of track and signal signs, reinforced concrete and wooden posts at the crossing. Stacking old sleepers. Track numbering. Tightening and unscrewing bolts and screws in sleepers with a socket wrench. Completion of terminals with terminal bolts and washers. Dismantling of rail joints. Removal and installation of shields of a snow protection fence. Driving stakes when laying out and leveling lines. Loading, transportation and unloading of fasteners. Clearing snow from the path manually. Manual laying of sleepers and fastenings. Antiseptic treatment of sleepers and beams manually. Installation and rearrangement of road signs and a snow fence on the stretch. Cleaning of ditches, drainage and upland ditches, rails on the stretch and their lubrication. Replacement of ballast in sleeper boxes up to the foot of the sleepers.

    The name of the organization APPROVED THE WORKING INSTRUCTIONS The name of the position of the head of the organization _________ N ___________ Signature Explanation of the signature Place of preparation Date TO MONTER OF THE WAY (2nd DEGREE)


    1. A track fitter is hired and dismissed by order of the head of the organization on the proposal of __________________________________.

    2. The track fitter obeys ___________________________________________.

    3. In his activities, the path fitter is guided by:

    The charter of the organization;

    Labor regulations;

    Orders and orders of the head of the organization (direct manager);

    This work instruction.

    4. The path fitter must know:

    Track signs and signals;

    Types of basic materials for the upper structure of the track;

    General rules for the construction of the superstructure of the track and subgrade and the requirements for their operation;

    Methods for performing simple work during the installation and dismantling of track superstructure structures;

    Name of the main elements of the superstructure of the track and subgrade.


    5. The road fitter is entrusted with:

    5.1. Execution of works during the installation, dismantling and repair of structures of the upper structure of the railway track and surface metro lines.

    5.2. Ballast packing in sleeper boxes.

    5.3. Removing debris from under the rail.

    5.4. Branding of wooden sleepers.

    5.5. Painting of track and signal signs, reinforced concrete and wooden posts at the crossing.

    5.6. Stacking old sleepers.

    5.7. Rail link numbering.

    5.8. Tightening and unscrewing bolts and screws in sleepers with a socket wrench.

    5.9. Completion of terminals with terminal bolts and washers.

    5.10. Dismantling of rail joints.

    5.11. Driving stakes when laying out and leveling lines.

    5.12. Loading, transportation and unloading of fasteners.

    5.13. Clearing snow from the track and manually placing sleepers and fasteners.

    5.14. Antiseptic treatment of sleepers and beams manually.

    5.15. Installation and rearrangement of road signs and snow protection fences on the stretch.

    5.16. Cleaning of ditches, drainage and upland ditches, rails on the stretch and their lubrication.

    5.17. Replacement of ballast in sleeper boxes up to the foot of the sleepers.

    3. RIGHTS

    6. The path fitter has the right:

    6.1. Require the passage of periodic briefings on labor protection.

    6.2. Have instructions, tools, personal protective equipment necessary for work and require the administration to provide them.

    6.3. Get acquainted with the internal labor regulations and the collective agreement.

    6.4. Make proposals for improving the technology of work.

    6.5. ________________________________________________________________. (other rights taking into account the specifics of the organization)


    7. The path fitter is responsible for:

    7.1. For non-performance (improper performance) of his work, within the limits determined by the current labor legislation of the Republic of Belarus.

    7.2. For offenses committed in the course of carrying out their activities - within the limits determined by the current administrative, criminal and civil legislation of the Republic of Belarus.

    7.3. For causing material damage - within the limits determined by the current labor, criminal and civil legislation of the Republic of Belarus.

    The name of the position of the head of the structural unit _________ _______________________ Signature Signature decoding Visa With the working instruction _________ _______________________ familiarized Signature Signature decoding _______________________ Date

    Road worker of the 2nd category.

    Description of works. Performing the simplest work during the construction, repair and maintenance of highways, artificial structures on them and sidewalks.

    Must know: types of basic road building materials, pavement structures and artificial structures on the roads. Methods for the preparation of asphalt concrete, cement concrete, bitumen-mineral and other mixtures. Techniques for dealing with ice and snow drifts. Traffic Laws.

    Work examples. Distribution of road building materials in the construction and repair of road bases and pavements. Hand trough cleaning after earth moving machines. Header of rail forms. Manual disassembly of substrates, coatings and curbs. The device and repair of a solid mat. Sifting sand, gravel and crushed stone by hand on portable screens.

    Road worker of 3 categories.

    Description of works. Performing simple work during the construction, repair and maintenance of highways, artificial structures on them and sidewalks.

    Must know: basic properties of road building materials. Rules for the construction and repair of unpaved and unpaved improved roads, sidewalks and foundations for asphalt concrete and cement-concrete pavements. Rules for the use of power tools used in the construction and repair of roads. Techniques for disassembling and trimming coverings and bases using mechanized tools. Methods of elimination of the consequences of destruction and restoration of pavement. Methods for preparing the base of a rail-form during the construction of cement-concrete roads. The basics of the drainage device.

    Work examples. Arrangement and profiling for rolling on lighthouses, lighthouse rails, templates of road bases made of sand, gravel, crushed stone. Grading of unpaved and unpaved improved roads. Installation of road signs. Installation and repair of drainages. Patching of improved dirt roads, gravel, crushed stone surfaces, as well as repair of dirt roads with separate maps. Dismantling pavements and foundations using power tools. Arrangement and repair of matting in a cage. Arrangement of foundations for laying side stone. Construction and restoration of ditches, drainage and upland ditches in compliance with longitudinal slopes and transverse profiles.

    Trail tracker of the 2nd category.

    Description of works. Performing the simplest work during the installation, dismantling and repair of structures of the superstructure of the track and underground metro lines.

    Must know: road signs and signals. Types of basic materials for the upper structure of the track. General data on the construction of the superstructure of the track and subgrade and general requirements for their operation. Methods and techniques for performing simple work during the installation and dismantling of superstructure structures. Name of the main elements of the superstructure of the track and subgrade.

    Work examples. Manual placement of sleepers and fasteners. Tightening and unscrewing screws in sleepers with a socket wrench. Antiseptic treatment of sleepers and beams manually. Completion of terminals with terminal bolt and washers. Dismantling of rail joints. Installation and rearrangement of road signs and snow protection fences. Layout along the line of porcelain insulators and brackets. Cleaning of ditches, drainage and upland ditches. Routine care and maintenance of turnouts. Cleaning and lubrication of rails and turnouts (except centralized). Cutting out the ballast from the sleepers to the sole of the sleepers.

    Trail tracker, 3rd grade.

    Description of works. Execution of simple works on installation, dismantling and repair of structures of the superstructure of the track and underground metro lines.

    Must know: all kinds of track superstructure materials. Track maintenance standards with wooden sleepers. Rules for adjusting structures of the superstructure of the track (except for high-speed sections and sections on reinforced concrete). Methods and techniques of work with the use of manual electrified and pneumatic general-purpose tools and hydraulic devices. Maintenance rules for hydraulic devices. Methods for slinging rails, packages of sleepers and beams. Rules for fencing work sites with established signals. Methods and techniques for performing work during the construction of the subgrade using hand tools and devices.

    Work examples. Loading, unloading and laying out sleepers, beams, rails, links of rail and sleepers and turnouts using cranes. Adjustment of sleepers along the diagram. Drilling holes in sleepers with electric drills. Installation of rail joints. Removal of the contact rail boxes. Dismantling of anti-theft devices. Single change of elements of the rail-sleeper lattice. Unloading ballast from gondola cars. Dismantling of a wooden crossing flooring with removal of counter rails. Dismantling the fastening unit of the subway contact rail. Adjustment of rail clearances with hydraulic spreaders. Adjustment of the rail-and-sleep grate in terms of hydraulic straightening devices. Measurement and adjustment of the track gauge according to the template. Manual adjustment of the position of the rail tracks in height and level. Installation of paired sleepers and beams. Fencing of work sites with signal signs. Ballast prism mandrel. Cleaning and lubrication of centralized turnouts. Fastening the bolts. Finishing crutches. Repair of sleepers on the way. The device of slots and slag cushions. Cutting out the ballast below the foot of the sleepers. Laying links on the roadbed using track layers. Servicing of the tie-rod assembly line.