US Central Intelligence Agency. CIA school training program WikiLeaks has already collected all the best stories

The CIA has made declassified documents freely available on its website, including reports on UFO and telepathy research. The results obtained under the Stargate program, within the framework of which the CIA “tested” Uri Geller, the famous British psychic who became famous for publicly bending teaspoons and even tablespoons with his gaze and stopping the hands of the Big Ben clock, became public knowledge. " in London, made stopped alarm clocks go on all over the world.

From declassified documents it follows: Uri Geller demonstrated his abilities to CIA scientists who experimented with him at the Stanford Research Institute in August 1973. The purpose of the experiments was to determine whether the subject actually had telepathic abilities, and whether these abilities could be used for intelligence purposes.

To begin, the scientists randomly selected a word from the dictionary. The choice fell on the word “firecracker”, which they drew. Geller, sitting in another room, received this information telepathically. And he said that he “sees” something cylindrical making noise. But in the end, I drew not a firecracker, but a drum.

The first picture mentally sent to Geller from the CIA

This is what Geller accepted and drew

The CIA guy drew a bunch of grapes. The “telepath” stated that he “sees” many, many round drops. And I drew a very similar bunch - both the intended and the reproduced ones had the same number of berries. There were 24 of them.

Below - "transfer" from the CIA, above - "reception" by Geller

The experiments continued in the same spirit for a week. Uri Geller drew many pictures sent to him in his mind. And I reproduced most of them correctly. At least plot-wise. He depicted a dove and a kite in a very similar way. His camel was a bit of a letdown - instead of a two-humped creature, Geller drew a horse.

CIA scientists suggested that the subject does not mechanically copy the lines of the picture “sent” to him, but reproduces it after processing the information received in his brain.

Picture sent from the CIA

Geller's drawing

The CIA concluded: telepathy is a real phenomenon. Nevertheless, the Stargate program was closed. The experiments ended in 1998. According to the official version, the abilities of psychics disappointed the intelligence officers.

After all, it was assumed that telepathy could be used to covertly transmit information without any technical means - simply from one person to another. But the accuracy of the “reception” - especially from long distances - turned out to be low. The same Geller was unable to draw a suspension bridge, the image of which was “transferred” to him from another city. Although he correctly reproduced the outlines of one of the elements - a curved rope.

Bridge "transferred" from the CIA

This is how the image of the bridge reached Geller.

Another attempt - to portray the devil - almost failed. The result was a set of different items. But among them there was a trident, which was in the original picture.

The devil mentally “sent” to Geller

Geller has only a trident left from the devil

How can one not agree with the CIA and not believe that telepathy still exists. And Uri Geller, who has demonstrated very convincing results, owns it to some extent.

A page from a previously secret CIA report on the results of experiments with Uri Geller

Journalists contacted Uri Geller, who now lives in Israel. And he said that the CIA had declassified only a small part of the documents that related to his work for the secret services.

I did a lot of things for the CIA,” Geller said. - One day they asked me to go to the Russian embassy in Mexico City and erase - remotely - floppy disks obtained by Russian agents.

“I was present not far from the places where politicians were holding important negotiations on nuclear deterrence,” the “telepath” confesses. - And he inspired: sign, sign!

According to Geller, one of the foreign intelligence agencies asked him to mentally stop the heart of a pig. Which is what he did, for some reason assuming that the far-reaching goal of this experiment was to remotely kill Andropov, who at that time headed the KGB.

And during the Cold War, it was “tested” in a nuclear laboratory to see if it could influence the rate of nuclear reactions.

Allegedly, the Americans had the idea of ​​telepathically influencing Soviet atomic bombs in order to explode them remotely.

Young Uri Geller: the photo was taken exactly the year he joined the CIA

Geller did not say how such strange experiments ended.

But he said that he was not at all embarrassed, to put it mildly, by the cool attitude of the skeptics - especially when he bent spoons. They say that the image of an eccentric magician served as an excellent cover for his main activity - espionage: both for the CIA and the Mossad.

Secret instructions of the CIA and KGB for collecting facts, conspiracy and disinformation Popenko Viktor Nikolaevich

CIA School Training Program

The above generally outlines the training program for future CIA agents at Camp Peri, describes the main working methods of operational officers and gives a general idea of ​​some of the technical devices and devices they use in intelligence activities. Now let’s look at each topic separately, give specific examples of the agent’s actions in a given case, and present the main examples of technical means and methods of working with some of them.

As already mentioned, the training course at Camp Peri is divided into three main disciplines - intelligence, conspiracy and paramilitary operations (it should be noted that this division is to some extent arbitrary, and in practice they are often intertwined).

1. Intelligence service includes various ways the agent collects information and transmits it, including:

Working with sound recording and transceiver equipment (tape recorders and radio stations);

Installation of various eavesdropping equipment (microphones-bugs);

Photo and video shooting (under different lighting conditions), copying documents;

Recruitment of new informants (agents);

Production of keys;

Penetration into closed premises (including burglary) to obtain information;

Secret opening of postal correspondence (letters, packages, etc.).

2. Conspiracy is a set of measures taken by an agent to keep his intelligence activities secret. It provides for certain actions on the part of the agent to ensure his safety and his behavior in the event of a threat of arrest (and after it):

Message encryption;

Using books to encrypt secret information;

Secret writing;

Production of microfilms and microdots (using special photographic equipment);

Use of secret telephones (telephone taps with closed numbers, through which an agent can convey an oral message at any time);

Storage of encrypted messages and their transmission;

Ways to detect surveillance and avoid it;

Change in appearance;

Equipment of caches for the transfer, receipt and storage of intelligence materials;

Development of conditions for appearances (secret meetings with other agents);

Mentally “getting used to” your biography - a legend (which the agent must memorize in all its details before being deployed);

Using mail and postal channels of the host country to send messages to secret addresses;

Encrypted radio communication; - methods for identifying double agents; - methods of resisting an arrest attempt; - ways to escape from prison.

3. Psychological and paramilitary operations(active actions with the use of weapons, explosive and incendiary devices, psychotropic drugs), which include the organization of riots, strikes, rallies, conspiracies, riots, political intrigues, sabotage, sabotage, neutralization of undesirable persons, coups d'etat.

This text is an introductory fragment. From the book Japanese Manual for the Training of Tank Units, 1935. author Ministry of Defense of the USSR

CHAPTER 1 BASICS OF TRAINING I. Tank1. Places for the commander and other members of the tank crew23. The positions of the commander and other crew members when outside the tank are shown in Fig. 1. The tank commander, artilleryman and machine gunner line up on the line of the front edge of the tank at such an interval.

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The training process The daily routine was normal, but strict. At six o'clock in the morning the command sounded: “Company, rise! Line-up for the morning hour of physical activity in one minute! Uniform number three.” Overboard - minus fifteen. Winter. I'm still sleeping, but my body is working automatically -

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Purpose of training As you saw from the epigraph to V. Dymich’s article, Hitler believed that “the art of air combat is truly a German privilege. The Slavs will never be able to master it.” Actually, Hitler made mistakes quite often, but, perhaps, he never made such a mistake as in

From the book The First Snipers. "Sharpshooter Service in the World War" author Hesketh-Pritchard H.

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Appendix No. 2 Program of studies at the school of reconnaissance, surveillance and sniping in the 1st Army From this program, the head of reconnaissance in battalions can extract everything necessary for training in the battalion while it is in reserve, depending on the duration

From the book Snipers of the First World War author Hesketh-Pritchard Major X.

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CHAPTER VII Training at the 1st Army School Teaching a soldier to shoot well at 17 days is not an easy task. The sniping school in the 1st Army was established for the purpose of training officers and non-commissioned officers, who in turn were supposed to serve as instructors in their units, and therefore the courses

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Chapter 41. At the embassy school... The embassy school, which we once turned into a barracks, was full of border guards. They have done a great job of furnishing themselves, even getting themselves a shower room. I immediately remembered the cantankerous old lady policewoman. He’s probably worried: there are dirty people all around

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At the 1st Naval Special Secondary School on July 27, 1940, when I returned home from duty on the Ucha River, my father said that he had listened on the radio (we had a small detector receiver) to a speech by the People's Commissar of the Navy Kuznetsov, who spoke about opening in

From the book of Zhukov. Portrait against the background of the era by Otkhmezuri Lasha

About teaching methods For professional reasons, I have always been interested in the issue of marksmanship and, in particular, the methods of mastering it. I collected information by any available means, and around 1997 I began to be interested in one circumstance: more and more often

From the author's book

At the non-commissioned officer school In March 1916, the training of the squadron in which Zhukov was enrolled ended. It lasted eight months, three months longer than infantry training. This is a luxury that the tsarist army should not have allowed itself in the situation in which

From the author's book

At the Higher Cavalry School In the fall of 1924, Zhukov first came to the former capital. In the photograph we see him in winter uniform, wearing a Budenovka with a red star on his head. He is 28 years old. He wears a small mustache trimmed with a brush. His shoulders are broad and his facial features are coarse.

Translation from English.


To US President Barack Obama

The White House

1600 Pennsylvania Avenue NW

Washington, DC 20500


US Secretary of Defense Chuck Hagel,

1400 Defense Pentagon

Washington, DC 20301-1400

To CIA Director John Brennan

Central Intelligence Agency

Washington, D.C. 20505

Dear Mr. President, I am sending you the strategic plan for the war with Russia that I developed in addition to the materials previously provided to the CIA. I want to emphasize that I still do not intend to take part in CIA operations to spy on US senators and congressmen and political assassinations.

The strategic task of the United States is to destroy Russia as the main geopolitical enemy through its dismemberment, the seizure of all resource zones and the transition to governing the country through a government of liberal puppets. No fronts, no strategic operations and bombings. The main instrument of aggression is a coordinated lightning attack on Russia by NATO troops, primarily special forces and the “fifth column”. Russians must quickly find themselves in a new country - the Union of Independent States of Russia. The passive majority will remain silent, just as during the collapse of the USSR. Iraq, Libya and Syria are not only a redivision of the world and a war for oil, but also testing grounds for a war with Russia.

Phase I of the war (information)

1. Discrediting President V. Putin as a fascist dictator.

2. Encouraging corruption and direct purchase of the political elite in Moscow and the regions.

3. Creation of the image of Russia as a fascist state. The fascist state of Russia is a threat not only to Europe, but to the entire world community.

The artificial fascistization of Russia's image in the eyes of the West should be carried out by liberal politicians, writers, and public figures through compromising the role of the Soviet Army and people in the main historical event of the 20th century - the victory in World War II. The war was a clash between two fascist dictators - Stalin and Hitler, and in today's Russia, President Putin has revived the dictatorship, the state fully supports Nazism, the superiority of the Russian nation, and declares its role in world politics as one of the leading nuclear powers. Russia's national security strategy allows for the possibility of launching a preventive nuclear strike, which poses a mortal danger to world civilization. The people of Russia need to bring democracy.

Source: US State Department, CIA

II phase of the war (economic)

A complete economic and political blockade of Russia, provoking a sharp drop in world oil and gas prices in order to cause a crisis in the government and economy of the Russian Federation.

Source: US State Department, CIA, governments of NATO member countries, Saudi Arabia and other “oil” and “gas” countries.

Answer: Secretary of State D. Kerry, CIA Director D. Brennan

III phase of war (special and military operations)

1. Ukraine’s entry into NATO, the deployment of American bases there. Even if Ukraine does not become a NATO member, it must make its territory and airfields available to NATO.

2. Complete reorientation of the vector of radical Islam towards Russia.

3. Anti-fascist (not “color”) revolution, which will be supported by the world community.

4. The revolution escalates into a full-scale civil war. A sharp surge in provoked interethnic clashes.

5. NATO's lightning-fast military operation after communications in the army are disabled, with a peacekeeping function - to stop the civil war. In fact, in Moscow and St. Petersburg it will be incited by special forces. Disorganization of the system of state and military administration, a powerful attack on all types of electronic communications.

On day X, the army is paralyzed through purchased generals in the Ministry of Defense and the General Staff; the generals must directly declare their refusal to obey the orders of the Commander-in-Chief, who has become a fascist dictator, and their intention to maintain neutrality. This has already been tested in Ukraine - the special services and the army did not interfere in the “orange” revolution of 2004. There will be no mobilization. President Putin's order to launch a nuclear strike on the United States will be sabotaged. Also, through purchased leaders in the Ministry of Defense and intelligence services, Russia’s “asymmetric response” will be blocked - terrorist attacks using miniature nuclear charges on US territory and sabotage by special forces.

6. On the same day, all major Western media report the agony of the bloody regime of dictator Putin. On the same day, in Moscow and St. Petersburg, groups of radical youth should storm government buildings with human casualties.

CIA, CIA(English) Central Intelligence Agency, CIA) is an agency of the US Federal Government whose main function is to collect and analyze information about the activities of foreign organizations and citizens. The main organ of US foreign intelligence and counterintelligence. The activities of the CIA are associated with the possibility of its official non-recognition.

The CIA headquarters, called Langley, is located near McLean, Fairfax County, Virginia, located near Washington.

The CIA is part of the United States Intelligence Community, which is headed by the Director of National Intelligence.


The responsibilities of the Director of the CIA include:

  • Gathering intelligence information through human networks and other appropriate means. However, the CIA director does not have police, law enforcement, or subpoena powers, and does not perform internal security functions;
  • Collate and evaluate received national security-related intelligence and provide intelligence information to appropriate authorities;
  • General direction and coordination of national intelligence collection outside the United States through Intelligence Community intelligence sources authorized to collect information, in coordination with other departments, agencies, and instrumentalities of the United States Government. This requires ensuring the most efficient use of resources, as well as taking into account potential threats to all persons involved in intelligence collection;
  • Perform other similar functions and responsibilities related to national security intelligence activities as directed by the President or the Director of National Intelligence.

Unlike similar structures in many other countries, the CIA is officially a civilian organization. In this connection, the agents of this organization do not have military ranks, and intelligence collection is carried out by employees who have received tactical training.

Operationally and tactically, the most prepared unit is the Special Activities Division. Consisting primarily of experienced veterans of such special forces of the US armed forces as Delta Force, Navy SEAL, etc.


Management and Directorates

The structure of the CIA as of May 2009 looked like this:

  • The Intelligence Directorate processes and analyzes received intelligence information. The head is the director of intelligence.
  • The National Secret Service (formerly the Directorate of Operations) solves problems related to the collection of information by human intelligence, organizes and conducts covert operations. The head is the director of the national secret service.
  • The Scientific and Technical Directorate conducts research and development of technical means of collecting information.
  • Supply Directorate. Head - Purchasing Director.
  • The Center for Intelligence Studies maintains and studies historical CIA materials. Head - Director of the Center for Intelligence Studies.
  • Office of the General Counsel. The head is the chief legal adviser. Employees of this department monitor compliance by employees of the Office with the Constitution and laws, applicable rules and regulations.
  • Office of the Inspector General. The head is the Inspector General. Appointed by the President with confirmation by the Senate. Independent from other departments and offices, reporting directly to the Director of the CIA. Conducts inspections, investigations and audits at CIA headquarters, in the field, and in the agency's overseas offices. Every six months he prepares a report for the CIA director, which he submits to the Intelligence Committee of the US Congress.
  • Public Relations Office. Head - Director of Public Relations.
  • The Office of Military Affairs provides intelligence support to the US military.

Structure of the CIA Cyber ​​Intelligence Center

In March 2017, the Council on Foreign and Defense Policy published a report prepared by PIR Center consultant Oleg Demidov and dedicated to the largest CIA data leak. An IT expert studied an array of data published on the WikiLeaks website and found out how the cyber unit of the intelligence service is structured and what it does.

According to data obtained by WikiLeaks, the CIA's work to develop its own cyber capabilities is concentrated within one of five directorates - the Directorate of Digital Innovation. Its key structure is the Center of Cyber ​​Intelligence, whose competence included the development of the department’s published “knowledge base” on cyber weapons and the direct development of the latter.

The activities of the Cyber ​​Intelligence Center are divided into three main areas: Computer Operations Group, Physical Access Group and Engineering Development Group. It was the latter that was involved in the development, testing and maintenance of the software contained in the leak.

Specific areas of software development were distributed between two subgroups and their nine departments within the Engineering Development Group. Among them are the Mobile Devices Branch (used vulnerabilities for smartphones), the Automated Implant Branch (exploited vulnerabilities in PCs), the Network Devices Branch (responsible for creating network attacks on web servers) . Projects of the Embedded Devices Branch included the development of means for exploiting vulnerabilities in the software of various smart devices, including televisions.

In 2013, the amount of funding for the Cyber ​​Intelligence Center was $4.8 billion, and the number of its employees was 21 thousand people. Thus, the CIA can be considered the operator of the world's largest program for developing a state cyber arsenal, Demidov notes.

The WikiLeaks report also notes that the US intelligence structure has a unit dedicated to developing malicious software exclusively for Apple products. WikiLeaks explains that the share of phones running iOS on the global market is not so large - only 14.5% versus 85% of phones running Android. However, iPhone devices are very popular among politicians, diplomats and business representatives.

It also follows from the released documents that the American consulate in Frankfurt am Main is a CIA “hacker center” overseeing the regions of Europe, the Middle East and Africa.



Mike Pompeo appointed Secretary of State, Gina Haspel heads CIA


Vault 8 leak

Even if the owner of a third-party computer discovered that his device was running an implant - malware that extracts information - thanks to Hive, the user could not connect his work with the CIA. When the computer owner checked which servers on the Internet the implant was transmitting information to, Hive masked the software’s connection with the department’s servers. In essence, the tool is a hidden communication platform for CIA malware, through which it sends extracted data to the agency and receives new instructions, writes WikiLeaks.

At the same time, when the malware is authenticated in the CIA server system, digital certificates are generated that simulate the ownership of the software by real-life manufacturers. Three samples present in the source code published by WikiLeaks forge certificates from Kaspersky Lab in Moscow, purporting to be signed by a trusted Thawte Premium Server certificate in Cape Town. If a user who discovers an implant is trying to figure out where traffic is going from his network, he will think not of the CIA, but of the said software manufacturer.

The Lab responded to the WikiLeaks publication with the following comment: “We have reviewed the claims that were published on November 9 in the Vault 8 report and can confirm that the certificates imitating ours are not genuine. Kaspersky Lab keys, services and clients are safe and have not been affected.”

Server system

Hive performs a series of operations using implants running on the computer, with each operation recorded in an innocuous-looking front domain. The server on which the domain is located is rented from commercial hosting providers as a virtual private server (VPS). Its software is customized to CIA specifications. These servers represent the public façade of the CIA's server system, and then forward HTTP(S) traffic through a virtual private network (VPN) to a hidden server called Blot.

If someone visits a cover domain, it shows the visitor completely innocent information. The only troubling difference is an infrequently used HTTPS server option called Optional Client Authentication. Thanks to it, authentication is not required from the user viewing the domain - it is not mandatory. But the implant, having contacted the server, must pass through it so that the Blot server can detect it.

Traffic from the implants is sent to the implant operator's control gateway called Honeycomb, and all other traffic goes to the front server, which delivers innocuous content available to all users. During the implant authentication process, a digital certificate is generated, which imitates that the software belongs to real-life manufacturers.

Development of 137 AI projects

The Central Intelligence Agency does not have time to process large amounts of data and relies on artificial intelligence (AI). US intelligence is actively working on 137 AI projects, CIA Deputy Director Dawn Meyerriecks noted in September 2017.

AI offers intelligence agencies a wide range of capabilities, from weapons for the battlefield to the ability to recover a computer system after a cyber attack. Most valuable to intelligence agencies is the ability of AI to detect significant patterns in social networks.

Intelligence has previously collected data from social media, said Joseph Gartin, head of the CIA's Kent School. The innovation lies in the volume of data processed, as well as the speed of information collection, Gartin emphasized.

In 20 years, it will take 8 million analysts to manually analyze images from commercial satellites, said Robert Cardillo, director of the National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency. According to him, the goal is to automate 75% of assigned tasks.

Tool for outputting data via SMS

In mid-July 2017, the Wikileaks website published information about another tool for surveillance in cyberspace, developed and actively used by the CIA. This time we are talking about the HighRise program, which was disguised as the TideCheck application.

Documentation obtained by Wikileaks states that the tool must be downloaded, installed and activated manually; in other words, to carry out a successful attack, you must either have physical access to the device or somehow get potential victims to install the application themselves.

The second scenario is very unlikely: the user is required to open the TideCheck application, enter the password “inshallah” (“if Allah wills”) and select the Initialize option from the menu. After this, the program will automatically launch and run in the background.

This program itself does not cause any harm. Most likely, it was used by the CIA agents themselves as a gateway through which data taken from smartphones belonging to surveillance targets (and already infected with other malware) were redirected to CIA servers in the form of an SMS message. The SMS channel was used in cases where Internet connections were unavailable.

At a minimum, a significant portion of these spyware programs for various platforms have already appeared in one way or another in Wikileaks publications as part of the Vault 7 campaign.

The latest currently known version of the HighRise program - 2.0 - was released in 2013. It only works under Android versions 4.0-4.3. Since then, Google developers have significantly strengthened the security of their operating system, so that HighRise will not run on later versions.

Cybercriminals are successfully writing malware for new versions of Android, so it would be logical to assume that the CIA already has something similar to HighRise, but successfully functioning under later versions of the mobile OS, says Ksenia Shilak, sales director at SEC Consult. - In any case, the leaked tool could theoretically be adapted for Android 4.4 and later versions and used for criminal purposes.

Symantec: CIA hacking tools were used for 40 cyberattacks in 16 countries

In April 2017, the antivirus company Symantec named the approximate number of cyberattacks carried out using hacking tools used by CIA employees and which became known from materials on the WikiLeaks website.

According to Symantec, over several years, at least 40 cyberattacks in 16 countries (including countries in the Middle East, Europe, Asia, Africa, and the United States) were carried out using programs that were previously declassified by the WikiLeaks organization.

Symantec did not disclose the names of programs that could be used by the CIA or others for cyberattacks.

Cyber ​​espionage in the CIA was carried out by a special group, which Symantec dubbed Longhorn. Its participants infected the computer networks of government agencies of different countries; the systems of telecommunications and energy enterprises, as well as aircraft manufacturing companies, were also infected. The toolkit announced by WikiLeaks was used, according to Symantec, from 2007 to 2011.

Vault 7 leak is the largest in the department's history

For example, the documents reveal details that the CIA stores information about many 0-day vulnerabilities in products from Apple, Google, Microsoft and other large companies, putting the entire industry at risk.

The papers also talk about the Weeping Angel malware, created by the Embedded Devices Branch (EDB) of the CIA, with the participation of specialists from their British MI5. With its help, intelligence agencies can infect Samsung smart TVs, turning them into spy devices. And although installing Weeping Angel appears to require physical access to the device, the malware provides intelligence agencies with a variety of capabilities. Here are just a few: Weeping Angel can extract credentials and browser history, and intercept WPA and Wi-Fi information. The malware is able to inject fake certificates to facilitate man-in-the-middle attacks on the browser and gain remote access. Weeping Angel can also give the impression that the TV is turned off, when in fact it continues to work, and the built-in microphone “listens” to everything that is happening around.

The documents mention Samsung F800 TVs, and also indicate that CIA developers tested firmware versions 1111, 1112 and 1116. Most likely, Weeping Angel poses a danger to all models of the Fxxxx series.

The papers also indicate that, under the auspices of the CIA, a wide variety of mobile malware was created for iPhone and Android. Infected devices almost completely come under the control of government hackers and send data about geolocation, text and audio communications, and can also secretly activate the device’s camera and microphone.

Thus, it is reported that in 2016, the CIA had at its disposal 24 zero-day vulnerabilities for Android, as well as exploits for them. Moreover, the CIA finds and “works on” vulnerabilities both independently and receives them from its colleagues, for example, the FBI, NSA or the British Government Communications Center. It is zero-day vulnerabilities that help intelligence agencies bypass the encryption of WhatsApp, Signal, Telegram, Wiebo, Confide and Cloackman, since data interception occurs even before encryption has started.

Prime suspect

In the case of the largest data leak in CIA history, known as Vault 7, a prime suspect has emerged. As The Washington Post reported in May 2018, citing court documents, he is former CIA officer Joshua Adam Schulte.

According to the documents, classified intelligence materials describing its hacking arsenal were stolen while the suspect was still working for the CIA. “The government immediately obtained sufficient evidence to initiate an investigation against him. Several search warrants were issued to search the defendant's residence, the documents state.

Be that as it may, according to the documents, the evidence received was not enough to bring formal charges. The suspect was charged in another, unrelated case of distributing child pornography. Due to a lack of evidence implicating the CIA in leaking classified documents, a former intelligence officer was charged with operating a server containing 54 GB of child pornography).

According to defense lawyers, Schulte did manage a public server, but had no idea that there were illegal materials on it. As a result, the accused was found not guilty.

Until 2016, Schulte worked in a group of development engineers at the CIA. Thanks to his official position, he had access to thousands of intelligence documents, which were transferred to WikiLeaks in 2017. OS Windows.

Grasshopper contains a set of modules from which you can assemble a customizable implant virus. The virus behavior model is set depending on the characteristics of the victim’s computer. Before the implant is implanted, the target computer is examined to determine what version of Windows is installed on it and what security software is used. If these parameters match the virus, it is installed on the device. When installed, the implant remains invisible to such well-known antivirus programs as MS Security Essentials, Rising, Symantec Endpoint and Kaspersky Internet Security.

One of Grasshopper's sustainability mechanisms is called Stolen Goods. According to the documentation, the basis for this mechanism was the Carberp program, malware for hacking banking networks. Carberp was allegedly developed by Russian hackers, CIA documents say.

Borrowing the Carberp code was made possible due to the fact that it was posted in the public domain. The CIA claims that "most" of the code was not useful to them, but the persistence mechanism and some components of the installer were taken into service and modified for the agency's needs.

Reaction of the CIA, vendors and countries
The CIA refused to confirm the authenticity of the documents released by WikiLeaks, saying only that the agency collects information abroad in order to “protect America from terrorists, hostile countries and other adversaries.” At the same time, the department categorically rejected suspicions of spying on citizens.

The official representative of the Russian Foreign Ministry, Maria Zakharova, said that the actions of the CIA, if the WikiLeaks information is correct, pose a danger and could undermine trust between countries. Moscow calls on US intelligence agencies to give a full response to WikiLeaks accusations about American intelligence hackers.
The Chinese government is also concerned about leaked CIA cyber intelligence materials and calls on the United States to stop spying on other countries and cyberattacks, Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesman Geng Shuang said.
In turn, the new head of the German Foreign Ministry, Sigmar Gabriel, where, according to the WikiLeaks report, the CIA hacker center is located, said that the German authorities prefer to consider this information as rumors.
Technology companies Apple, Samsung and Microsoft responded to the release of confidential intelligence agency documents by saying that most of the vulnerabilities identified in the report have been addressed in the latest versions of their operating systems.
The developers of the Notepad++ text editor also announced the elimination of security holes used by the intelligence service. Along with Google Chrome, VLC Media Player, Firefox, Opera, Thunderbird, LibreOffice, Skype and other programs, this software was on the list of vulnerable applications that the intelligence service hacked using the Fine Dining system. To the user, the agent appeared to be launching a video program (for example, VLC), showing slides (Prezi), playing a computer game (Breakout2, 2048) or even running an antivirus program (Kaspersky, McAfee, Sophos), while in reality it was a “distracting” application displayed on the screen, the computer system is automatically infected, viewed and extracted information
Reaction to the leak of secret CIA documents

As reported by Reuters, citing unnamed Cisco employees, after the leak appeared, company executives immediately brought in experts from their various projects to figure out how CIA hacking techniques work, help Cisco customers fix their systems and prevent criminals from using the same cyber techniques. Around the clock for several days, Cisco programmers analyzed CIA hacking tools, fixed vulnerabilities and prepared notifications for the company's customers about possible risks when operating the equipment. It is noted that more than 300 models of Cisco products were at risk of hacking.

CIA spokeswoman Heather Fritz Horniak did not comment on the Cisco case when asked by Reuters and only noted that the agency had a “goal to be innovative, advanced and at the forefront of protecting the country from foreign enemies.”

  • 47% of applications analyze and transmit location information to third parties;
  • 18% share usernames;
  • 16% forward to an email address (