Nursery rhymes about a bird. Short poems about birds. N. Rubtsov “Sparrow”

Poems about birds, poems about a tit, poems about a sparrow, poems about a chaffinch, poems about a starling, poems about a lark and others birds .

Poems about birds for preschoolers

The flocks of birds have flown away,

The forest is covered in snowdrifts down to the branches.

That's when we waited

Our northern guests.

The winter forest does not sleep, but slumbers,

All wrapped in silver.

Without leaving this land,

Many birds remain here.

Bullfinch sitting on a branch

In a pink vest

And the woodpecker in bright red

Satin cap.

Jays flash in the distance -

Blue cowgirls.

They came to us with the winds

Flocks of bright waxwings.

The waxwings have arrived

They sang the song of the north.

The bushes turned red

Not from the morning dawn.

These red lanterns

The bullfinches lit up.

Field lark,

There is no more wonderful singer!

In an open field is your house.

There is a song in a clear sky.


What are the sparrows singing about?

On the last day of winter?

- We survived!

- We survived!

- We are alive, we are alive!

The finch has warmed up

Chaffinch: - Ping! Ping! Ping!

Take off your fur coat! Throw it off! Throw it off! —

The finch began to sing -

The finch has warmed up!

All around -

But on the hill - no!

The rooks saw it.

Everyone screams

Like a sailor from a ship:

The nimble tit is jumping,

She can't sit still,

Jump-jump, jump-jump,

Spun like a top.

I sat down for a minute,

She scratched her chest with her beak,

And from the path to the fence,

Tiri-tiri, shadow-shadow-shadow.


Sparrow in a puddle

Jumps and spins.

He ruffled his feathers,

The tail fluffed up.

Good weather!


Come on over!

Dear little starling,

Come finally!

I built a house for you -

Not a birdhouse, but a palace!




Below my window

Made a nest -

And sings to himself


Red spring



It's already warm. And sometimes

A noisy scream is heard from the garden.

There's a crowd of sparrows there

They shout on the branches: “Chick-chirp!”

The birds out of the clouds are happy

The sun will appear for them for a moment;

They meet this ray

With a cheerful cry: chik-chirk!

That ray whispers to them that the earth

Everything will soon become like a flower garden,

Drown in the green fields...

And louder you can hear: chirp-tweet!

Sparrow wanted to swing

Our little sparrow swings

On a visit to a thin blade of grass


Sat on the very top -


“Rock me, little epic,

throw it up!..”

A blade of grass sways in the wind.

Oh how the sun shines brightly

Oh, how fun it is when in the world

You are a sparrow, a blade of grass,

The starlings have arrived

A tall maple awaits guests -

The house on the branch is fortified.

The roof is painted,

There is a porch for singers...

You can hear the chirping in the blue sky -

A family of starlings is flying towards us.

We got up early today

We were waiting for the birds yesterday.

Security guards walk around the yard,

Chases cats out of the yard.

Folk nursery rhymes about birds for children

The birds were flying

They're not big.

How they flew

All the people looked

How they sat down

All the people were amazed.

The birds have arrived

Small birds

Everyone was flying, everyone was flying,

They flapped their wings.

They arrived on the path -

The grains were pecked.


He sat down on a branch.



Pounds bitches.


Big head

I was sitting on a branch,

He turned his head.

She fell into the grass,

She fell into a hole.

Cuckoo, cuckoo, cuckoo,

Fly quickly to the forest,

Cuckoo, cuckoo, cuckoo,

- Geese, geese!

- Ha! Ha! Ha!

- Do you want something to eat?

- Yes! Yes! Yes!

- Well, fly!

- No! No! No!

Gray wolf under the mountain

Sharpenes teeth

He wants to eat us!

- Well, fly as you wish.

Just take care of your wings!

Nice crow bird

She's not fit to be a singer.

How he opens his mouth is a nightmare,

All you can hear is: “Kar-kar-kar!”

You, white-sided magpie,

Teach me to fly

Not high, not far away,

Just see the sun!

- Duck and meadow duck,

Gray and field,

Where did you spend the night?

- Under the bridge, bridge,

Under a willow bush;

I'm already walking, like a duck,

I drive small children

And I, like a duck, will swim,

I'll take the little kids.

- Tit bird, where have you been?

- I flew through the gardens,

I've been here and there.

— Tit bird,

Who is your sister?

The gray geese were flying,

They sat quietly on the lawn,

They walked around, pecked,

Then they quickly ran.

You, swallow,

You, killer whale,

Take the keys

Fly to the sky

Lock in the winter

Unlock summer!

A swan floats along the river,

Above the bank the little head is carried.

He waves his white wing,

He shakes some water onto the flowers.

Larks, larks!

Come and visit us

Bring it to us

Summer is warm,

Take it away from us

The winter is cold.

Andrew the Sparrow!

Don't chase the pigeons

Chase the tick

From under the sticks;

Don't bite the sand

Don't dull your toes!

A sock will come in handy

Pecking the spikelet.

Poems by Russian poets about birds for children

O. Vysotskaya “Guests”

For guests

Kostya pours millet.

Pouring water onto a saucer -

Let them get drunk.

Guests drinking

Do not want,

Not given

These are the guests

On Kostya’s window!

Sasha Cherny “Woodpecker in the oak all the time”

The woodpecker in the oak tree goes on and on...

Oak creaks:

- What's that knocking sound?

L. Charskaya “Look...”(excerpt)

Look... On a linden branch

The finch sings a song...

He's about to catch a midge

And it will carry it into its nest.

V. Zhukovsky “Bird”

The bird flies

The bird is playing

The bird sings;

The bird was flying

The bird was playing

The bird is gone!

Where are you, birdie?

Where are you, singer?

In the distant land

You're building a nest,

That's where you eat

Your song.

E. Moshkovskaya “The finch got warm”

- Kick! Ping! Ping!

Take off your fur coat! Throw it off! Throw it off!

The finch has sung - the finch has warmed up!

E. Moshkovskaya “Snow all around”

There is snow all around.

But on the hill - no!

The rooks saw it.

Everyone screams

Like a sailor from a ship:

V. Zhukovsky “Lark”

In the sun the dark forest glowed,

In the valley thin steam whitens,

And he sang an early song

Sings, sparkling in the sun:

Spring has come to us young,

I'm here singing the coming of spring...

A. Block “Crow”

Here is a crow on a sloping roof

So it has remained shaggy since winter...

And there are spring bells in the air,

Even the crow's spirit took over...

Suddenly she jumped to the side with a stupid leap,

She looks down at the ground sideways:

What is white under the tender grass?

There they turn yellow under the gray bench

Last year's wet shavings...

The crow has all these toys,

And the crow is so happy,

It’s spring, and it’s easy to breathe!..

O. Vysotskaya “Bird House”

The spring sun will melt a little

There's snow in our yard,

Bird houses - birdhouses

We'll make it out of boards.

Knock-knock with a hammer,

We are building, building a bird house!

It's warm and cheerful outside,

Ice breaks in the river

We hung a bird house

On a birch branch.

We are waiting, we are waiting, birds, we are waiting,

Fly to your new home!

I. Turgenev “Tit”(excerpt)

I hear a titmouse ringing

Among the yellowing branches;

Hello little bird,

Herald of autumn days!

Even though he threatens us with bad weather,

Even though he is our prophet of winter -

Breathe with blessed happiness

Sasha Cherny "Sparrow"

Sparrow, my little sparrow!

Gray, nimble, like a mouse.

Eyes - beads, paws - apart,

Paws - sideways, paws - askew...

Jump, jump, I won’t touch you -

You see, I crumbled the bread...

Push the crow with your beak,

Who asked her here?

Jump closer, come on, come on,

So, like this, just a little more...

The wind is throwing snow, you bastard,

Both on the back and on the chest.

Make friends with me, birdie,

We'll live in a house together,

Let's sit side by side under the view,

Let's learn the alphabet...

Closer, well, a little more...

Furh! ran away... what an impudence!

Ate all the grains, ate all the crumbs

And he didn't say thank you.

Sasha Cherny “There is shaggy snow on the fence”

There is shaggy snow on the fence

It lies in a thick bed.

The little jackdaws suddenly swooped in...

Wow, what a serious look!

They walk sideways along the fence,

Heads bent,

And to each other soon, soon

They grab the beak with their beak.

Why are you quarreling, little birds?

Is there not enough room for you around?

On the top of a birch tree,

On the porch and under the porch.

Oh, if only I were a jackdaw myself -

I would wave through the window

And a fun dive

Drowned in the blue sky...

S. Mikhalkov “Starling”

Lives under our roof

Unrecognized artist

And all day long we hear

Artistic whistling.

There are still fogs in the fields,

The dew still shines,

And he, waking up early,

It's already whistling.

He doesn't whistle for glory,

Not for any good,

And just looking at the sky,

From the heart! Just!

He plays roulades

For a few minutes...

Without demanding a reward

For your talent and work.

N. Rubtsov “Crow”

Here is a crow sitting on the fence.

All the barns have been locked for a long time.

All the convoys have passed, all the carts have passed,

It's time for bad weather.

She's fussing about on the fence.

Woe to her. Real grief!

After all, the crow doesn’t have a grain.

And there is no defense against the cold.

N. Rubtsov “Sparrow”

A little alive.

Doesn't even tweet.

The sparrow freezes completely.

As soon as he notices a cart with luggage.

From under the roof he rushes towards her.

And he trembles over the grain, poor thing,

And flies to his attic.

And look, it doesn’t become harmful

Because it's so difficult for him...

A. Maikov “Swallows”

My garden is withering every day;

It is dented, broken and empty,

Although it is still blooming magnificently

The nasturtium in it is a fire bush...

I'm upset!

Annoys me

And the autumn sunshine,

And the leaf that falls from the birch tree,

And the late grasshoppers crackle.

Out of habit, I’ll look under the roof -

Empty nest above the window:

I don’t hear swallows speaking in it,

The straw has become weathered in it...

And I remember how they fussed

Two swallows building it!

How twigs were held together with clay

And they carried the fluff into it!

How joyful their work was, how clever!

How they loved it when

Five small, fast heads

They began to peek out from the nest!

And talking all day long,

We were talking like children...

Then they flew, flyers!

I haven't seen much of them since!

And now - their nest is lonely!

They're on the other side -

Far, far, far...

Oh, if only I had wings!

B. Mayakovsky “We are waiting for you, comrade bird, why don’t you fly?”(excerpt)

The cry is rushing

from all over,

the cry is rushing

all the way:

- Spring came!

Give me starlings.

Welcome, starlings!

In the best place

the best grove

hang out

living space is ready.

And the little bird

with a big appetite.

for feeding and grain,

Sasha Cherny “Storks”

At the top of the elm tree,

Over someone else's nest,

Lanky stork

He guards his house.

And in the nest of the spouse

With three chicks...

The wind blew from the meadow:

Isn't it time to go fishing?

Trembling red leg,

The stork raised its beak:

Listens carefully

Curving my neck...

Whoosh! Flew up from the top of my head

And flies to the meadows.

Terrified frogs

They jump to the stacks.

Tsap! Carry it like a rag

In the clear blue.

He will give the elder a paw,

The youngest will give two...

And in the evening, all at once,

As soon as the heat subsides,

He's from the top of the elm

He will chatter with his wife:

“The night goes by, tra-ta-ta,

Sleep! Tra-ta, ta-tan!

Like two soldiers

They beat the drum.

And the barboska is in the booth

Pokes his nose into his chest:

“R-r!.. Not for a minute

They won’t let you sleep!”


Stork to our swamp

Flies to... (hunt).

Perched on a bitch -

And shouts: ... (“Kuk-ku, kuk-ku!”).

The bird eats midges

Like an arrow she... (flies).

Woodpecker with chisel beak

He is building a house with one...(window).

The sparrows have arrived

Crumbs, grains, all... (ate).

Pied magpie,

The bird has a long... (tail).

During the day, when it's light,

The owl flies into... (hollow).

Little bird

Her name is... (titmouse).

In a pink vest

The bullfinch is sitting on... (branch).

Our vocal feathered neighbors brighten our everyday lives not only with their singing, but also with their very presence. And they are simply amazing. Birds can live high in the mountains, in hot deserts, in fields and forests, and even next to us, in polluted cities and megalopolises.

They share airspace with airplanes and keep their nests inaccessible. Wise, harmless, proud and so alluring birds...

Birds have inspired and continue to inspire poets and writers from all countries to create brilliant poems and stories. Today we invite you to a poetry evening dedicated to birds. Let's tell the children about birds in rhyme and read and discuss children's poems about birds together.

Poems about birds for children

About migratory birds, about sedentary birds and forest birds, there are beautiful lines about all of them from wise authors who know how to observe and notice. Poems about birds for children will help you get to know them better and learn better about their mysterious life)))

Bird feast

Leaves fall from the branches.
The rains never stop pouring.
Flocks of birds fly away
heading south.
But the rock dove remained
winter on bare branches.
Up and down the trees
A flock of tit birds is jumping.

The crossbill bird huddles in its nest,
and the crow is at the window.
Help the birds meet the day,
when spring comes.
Take a walk along the edges,
give them feeders.
Even from the north the bullfinch
will fly to this feast.
Tatyana Bokova

* * *

The nimble tit is jumping,
She can't sit still,
Jump-jump, jump-jump,
Spun like a top.

I sat down for a minute,
She scratched her chest with her beak,
And from the path to the fence,
Tiri-tiri, shadow-shadow-shadow.
A. Barto

The little gosling is missing

Geese walk in the morning
Across the wide yard
They worry, they scream,
The goslings won't count...

Ha-ha-ha! go-go-go-go!
There is no gosling alone...
- Didn't he run into the woods? -
The cockerel tells them.

No; wasn't it carried away by a kite? -
Duck argues - flat nose.
And the turkey: - Baldy-baldy!
Look near the water.

The white geese have converged
We trudged along the road.
The black raven has arrived
He sat higher up on the fence:

Carry-carr! I saw it myself
The wolf ran like a gosling.

How can we help the trouble now?
Geese with grief - march to the water
And they set off on the waves...

Lo and behold, the gosling is there too!
The geese began to cackle at once:
- How dare you leave us?

And the gosling: - Ho-ho-ho!
Water is my favorite thing.

R. Kudasheva

The starlings have arrived

A tall maple awaits guests -
The house on the branch is fortified.

The roof is painted,
There is a porch for singers...
You can hear the chirping in the blue sky -
A family of starlings is flying towards us.

We got up early today
We were waiting for the birds yesterday.
Security guards walk around the yard,
Chases cats out of the yard.

We wave our hands to the starlings,
Drumming and singing:
- Live in our house!
You will feel good in it!

The birds began to approach,
We flew to the yard,
We couldn't resist
They shouted in unison: - Hurray!

Amazing thing:
The whole family flew away!

A. Barto

Ten birds - a flock

Sing along, sing along:
Ten birds are a flock.

This bird is a nightingale,
This bird is a sparrow.
This bird is an owl
Sleepy little head.
This bird is a waxwing,
This bird is a crake,

This bird is a birdhouse
Gray feather.
This one is a finch.
This one is a swift.
This one is a cheerful little siskin.
Well, this one is an evil eagle.
Birds, birds - go home!

I. Tokmakova


White doves
They flew to the ice hole.
They need some ice water
I want to get drunk -
Just a drop of one,
So as not to catch a cold.

M. Plyatskovsky


White dove,
Blue skirt,
I walked on water
I got my skirt wet.
Rock Dove says:
- Oh, you harmful puddle!
And he says to the dove:
- Oh, you, my poor!
Nina Orlova

* * *

Bullfinch sitting on a branch
In a pink vest
And the woodpecker in bright red
Satin cap.
Jays flash in the distance -
Blue cowgirls.
M. Plyatskovsky


Only morning comes in the garden,

Before I even wake up, I hear:

On the branch it gets louder, sometimes quieter

The finch sings uncontrollably.

Bathed in the scarlet dawn,

Clicks his tongue

As if the best in the world

He had breakfast

Like a worm!

Timofey Belozerov


By the side of the road
A long-legged stork walks.
The best of fathers
Looks for food for the chicks.


The stork is long,
The stork is thin,
The house was built without a porch.
Look - a little stork
He was born just like his father.
He still looks like his mother
She works until late.
Give them, woodpecker, a telegram,
Congratulate them on their housewarming!
Victor Bokov

* * *

They came to us with the winds
Flocks of bright waxwings.
The waxwings have arrived
They sang the song of the north.
G. Ladonshchikov


Past rock pigeons
A sparrow flies by.
Sparrow is so tiny!
Looks a little like me.
Smart little chick
Fidget and fighter.
And a fervent cry rings out:
- Chick-chirp and chick-chirp!

* * *

The sparrow jumped around the garden bed,
Nearby, a cat played hide and seek with him...
- The cat can't catch me
I'm nimble on the fly.

Jump and jump, what a bird,
Everything doesn't sit still.
In appearance there is no one braver than him,
A sparrow jumps briskly.

Along the paths, along the paths
A gray sparrow jumps.
What is he looking for? Looking for crumbs
For yourself and for the children.
M. Petrov


Sparrow in a puddle
Jumps and spins.
He ruffled his feathers,
The tail fluffed up.
Good weather!
Agniya Barto


Poor, poor sparrow,
He sits and cries
Because beat the thief
His name means.
It's not his fault at all
Which is a bit of a thief.
These janitors and cats,
Yes the boy is evil
They don't let you peck a single crumb
Someone feeds the pigeons -
Don't get lost, sparrow!
Bread crumb on the fly - grab it!
And on the branch, feast.
Ekaterina Zhdanova

* * *

The bushes turned red
Not from the morning dawn.
These red lanterns
The bullfinches lit up.

L. Tatyanicheva


I'll go to the water now.
Who's swimming in the pond?
By the bushes where the forget-me-nots are,
Ducks are guarding the fish.
Nearby is a brood of ducklings,
All the ducklings want to eat.
Telling them something
Ducks quack: - Quack-quack!

* * *

Field lark,
There is no more wonderful singer!
In an open field is your house.
In a clear sky - a song.
V. Berestov


It's raining, it's pouring everywhere.
The chicks are happy in the nest:
- Mom will sit at home,
It won't fly away anywhere!
Grigore Vieru


Comes to visit us with spring,
A black line flashes in the sky.
Fast bird, tail like an arrow,
Deftly hunts for midges.

Tatyana Koval


In the sun the dark forest glowed,
In the valley thin steam whitens,
And he sang an early song
In the azure the lark is ringing.
He is vociferous from above
Sings, sparkling in the sun:
Spring has come to us young,
I'm here singing the coming of spring...

V.A. Zhukovsky


What, cuckoo, are you cuckooing?
Making everyone sad?
Maybe you miss the chicks?
You look for them - KOO-KOO, KOO-KOO.

Tatyana Koval


Sometimes close, sometimes far away somewhere
Walks all over the forest.
And summer quietly blooms
Under this cute

Smells a little like overheated tar.
Having exposed his face to the breeze,
I'm lying blissfully under the Christmas tree
And I listen

“Kuk-ku, kuk-ku!”

E. Blaginina

Two blackbirds

You see, they are looking from the nest
Two young blackbirds.
The beak will show the first blackbird,
And the second one will show his nose

S. Marshak


The blackbird is as black as coal.

A blackbird is like a black raven.

Only the beak is a different color -

It's orange...

Exactly in the beak

A drop of dawn

The Night Bird holds it tightly.

Svetlana Pshenichnykh


Here is a crow on a sloping roof
So it has remained shaggy since winter...
And there are spring bells in the air,
Even the crow's spirit took over...

Suddenly she jumped to the side with a stupid leap,
She looks down at the ground sideways:

What is white under the tender grass?
There they turn yellow under the gray bench
Last year's wet shavings...
It's all the crow's toys,

And the crow is so happy,
It’s spring and it’s easy to breathe!..

A. Blok


What kind of bird
What kind of bird
To our front page
Arrived and sits;
Sharp beak
Early in the morning
It's like he's doing exercises
Is our tree being hollowed out?
then you, bird,
Crazy -
Are you still knocking and not singing?
At dawn
Every now and then
Don't you let the boys sleep?
– And I wasn’t crazy at all:
Singing songs is not our business,
I’m sitting here, knocking:
You will
Very boring,
If suddenly I become silent.
And she fell silent...
But in the morning
The bark is falling again,
The same knock is heard again:
Knock Knock!..
Knock Knock!.."
- Is it you again, buddy?
- Who else? - Woodpecker answered.
Sergey Kozlov


Alena Poletaeva

The sun began to set,
Birds flew into their nests.

Their chicks live there -
Mom and Dad are looking forward to it!

Early in the morning, at dawn,
All the children wake up.

And from the forest flocks of birds -
They fly off to work.

To feed your children, -
Don't be lazy!

Magic bird

Alena Ranneva

I made a Magic Bird
You can make friends with her!
She just flies to it,
Who is kind and honest.
To someone who knows how to work,
Those who are not afraid to face trouble.
A bird flies to him,
Whose heart strives for courage!
The song is about that bird,
And what is this bird's name?
Which drives away bad weather?
They call her the BIRD OF HAPPINESS!

Boris Shmukler

Birds are not at all out of boredom
They release sounds into space.
They communicate with singing,
They fight while singing.

A drum beat is heard.
The woodpecker taps, taps, taps with its beak.
With a strong beak at lunch
Preys on tree eaters.

White stork very clearly
He clicks the rattle with his beak.
Clicking will help him,
Because he can't sing.

The cuckoo cuckooed
Ku-ku-ku and ku-ku-ku.
She wished me many years
I’ll tell her: Mercy side!

The crow croaks,
Perched on a lantern.
Like a guardian of the articles of law
Preaches morality.

Pigeons coo among themselves,
I can't hear any songs.

Hoots and laughter are heard,
The timid person is overcome with fear.
Do not be afraid. This is a squeal -
The owl gives a voice.

The gift of an orator is like a share
Receives a parrot.
The meaning of “tribune” does not waver,
Repeats everything he hears.

Only small birds sing beautifully:
Orioles, starlings, tits.
The gift of singing is also recognized
Canaries, that from the Canaries.

Mischievous sparrows
They jump like clockwork.
On paths and on branches
Chick - they chirp like children.

Sweet-sounding nightingale.
There is no more audible singer in the forest.
He has a cascade to his name
The most masterly roulades.


Vitaly Filenko

The sun has just warmed up,
The bird flew in to visit.
A bird sat on a pole
She opened her mouth.
She clicked her beak
She clicked her tongue.
Fut - fut - fut - fut
Flew a long way.
Ew - eew - eew - eew
I'll make a nest here.
Fiu - fiu - fiu - fu
I'm calling my female.
Fiu - fiu - fiu - fey
Come here quickly.
And all morning long
This bird sings to us.

Educational Riddles About Birds

Galina Tomashevskaya 2

Birds are different
they don't hide it.
There are lazy people, parasites;
There are also those who are afraid.

Fighters and bullies,
very quick to fight.
If you hear the word "hit"
this is brother (?) sparrow.

We don't get bored without the birds
we often don’t notice them,
But when they suddenly fall silent,
silence hurts our ears.

A forest without birds is clear
will look dangerous!
May it always be among the branches
the nightingale chirps to us!

There are still birds in the world -
we can be proud of them!
Bird of peace and freedom,
all nations know it.

They give her grain and crumbs
even from a small palm.
A symbol of life for people -
There's a flock (?) of pigeons in the sky!

These birds, as always,
looking for “brushwood” for the nest.
There will be mother birds
carry eggs there.

To feed the chicks,
they need to catch midges.
They don’t know themselves
the harvest is saved.

In plants, like doctors -
Rooks are working (?) everywhere.

Who lives in a nest on a branch
and doesn't eat candy?
He flies through the gardens
and finds food there.

Those who harm the tree
They eat our apples
They know he won't wait,
underground will do.

Who is this fellow?
We call him (?) starling!

There are many smart birds
for all the paws of the craftswomen.

Black in color, with a sharp eye
And with very rare agility;
thief and cunning, does little good.

In cities where people are crowded,
wonderful place!
Bread, cutlets, pasta -
everyone will find themselves (?) crows.

Bird chores

Igor Shevchuk

Here are the chicks
Well done -
Everything is at your fingertips!
Mothers and fathers feed
The tribe is young.

Mom - give it!
Dad - give it!
The children's mouths opened.
No matter how much you put it in your mouth -
Another squeak on the branch.

Whatever you give -
It will only triple...
One thing on my mind: when
Will this all close?

The kids appeared in the nest

Inna Dementieva

The kids appeared in the nest,
They haven't fledged yet.
Caring mother in the morning
They will be fussed over.
First, the children will be pacified,
Then it will fly for food.
Here's a worm, and here's a bug -
The lunch porridge is delicious.
He who sleeps sits with hunger.
The one who has eaten is already asleep.
The chicks sit quietly -
Gluttonous fellows.
There is downy litter in the nest,
They huddle together back to back.
Mom flies all day long
The nest is protected from cats.
And in the evening a caring mother
He will look at the children with a gentle glance,
And the children will sleep soundly
Without fear. Mom is nearby.

How do birds walk?

Lera Murashova

Birds live in the city
in the morning they sing songs,
they fly the same
but they walk differently.

Pigeons walk on foot
sparrows run in a jump,
and the crow - sideways, sideways,
with a turn and a jump!
And the wagtail shakes
up and down its narrow tail.

Where do the birds rest?

Luda Pavlova

The sparrow's house is on a branch,
For pigeons, the home is the roof,
The song canary has a cage.
A siskin sleeps in thick pine needles at night.

The cuckoo's home is a dense forest,
For a nightingale, home is a green bush,
And for the mighty eagles it’s steep,
For all crows - tree crowns.

House for penguins - South Pole,
The house for swifts is an air dome,
The ducks need tall reeds,
And for woodpeckers - those are branches or hollows.

The swamp is for long-legged herons,
Rowan in the cold - waxwings,
Flamingo pink - shallow,
Crossbills - where there are pine and spruce cones.

Everyone has a place in the world -
Where he rests wonderfully.

Bird choir

Lyudmila Gulieva

Near the house, in the yard
The birds are singing at dawn!
This is how you greet the sun,
They don't know fatigue!

At three o'clock in the morning they sing
And they don’t let me sleep!
-Have the birds woken up yet?
And why can’t they sleep?

All sparrows, tits -
Wonderful singers!
Starlings, then - Zyryanki
They are echoed early in the morning!

I rub my eyes sleepily:
- Where is the lark?
He flies high
And whistles at me!
Under the window - an excellent choir -
The Philharmonic is not a yard!

Closer to people

Lyudmila Zaikina 2

A loud knock-knock sound is heard.
Nearby, a branch cracked loudly.
This is a woodpecker - "cleaning" the forest -
There is a benefit and he will eat it himself.

They arrived in a lively flock -
The waxwings whistled.
The bullfinches made a circle,
Suddenly they sat down on a rowan tree,

There is a trace of berries in the snow,
Like a garnet bracelet.
A magpie makes noise in the forest
Everyone fell silent - Alarm!

Only breaks the silence
Field mouse in the leaves.
Everyone fled to the village,
It's hard here without food.

There, near the school, there is one for the birds,
Crumbs of bread and wheat.
They are not afraid of the cold,
There is always food nearby

Where do the birds spend the night?

Lyudmila Tchannikova


Did you know,
Where do the birds spend the night?
Street sparrows,
Pigeons, tits?

As soon as it gets dark they are gone!
Where is their housing and overnight stay?
In terrible frosts,
In snow, blizzards and thunderstorms?

To us from the dawn side
They arrive in the morning.
Seeds are pecked in the gardens,
They fly merrily.

Flying away to wintering grounds
Birds in different directions:
Cranes and kingfishers,
Seagulls, swallows, starlings,

Ducks, swans and geese,
Nightingales vagrant -
You can’t count everyone, but everyone will return,
Migratory birds.

Pigeons - they sleep on the roofs
Near pipes and in different niches.
Jackdaws and crows -
On the trees, in the crowns.

Tender birds are dozing
In these snowy whirlwinds.
Before going to bed they make noise,
They look at the world from above.

Sparrows sleep in the bushes
On dried leaves,
On frosty mounds,
Hiding in the leaves.

Sleeping on spruce branches
Jays, bullfinches, tits.
Putting beaks in the wing,
They are warm together in a flock.

Capercaillie, black grouse
Burying themselves in the snow
And pikas, kinglets
They sleep in hollows like moths.

Birds sleep sensitively in winter,
They wake up at dawn.
If you're lucky, they'll find a hollow,
It's luxurious and warm there!

We will accustom the birds to the feeder,
Treating them with millet,
To listen again in the spring
Bird songs outside the window.

We'll give them seeds
So as not to starve,
So that many years and winters
They flew in to visit.

We are waiting for you

Lyudmila Skripchenko

Birds, birds, come!
And choose apartments,
Who is the birdhouse, who is the hollow,
To keep you warm!

Build nests from branches
Bring your kids out
Make us happy with your song
Every day and every hour!

Line the nests with down
And cover it with a leaf,
So as not to get wet in the rain,
We are looking forward to seeing you!

Like our yard

Margarita Biryukova

Like our yard
The game goes on all day:
Fidgety jackdaws
They're playing catch-up

Sparrows - in leapfrog
In plain sight of passers-by,
In jumping ropes,
Hide and seek...

And the tits are mischievous
They love to sing and have fun!
They are not lazy all day
Sing and ring: “Ting-Titen!”

And the starlings are great -
First class singers
To us from all over the world
They brought a lot of songs!

Well, the doves are cooing
On the path at the gate,
Couples dance tenderly
They dance together...

And white-sided magpies
Children are given lessons -
In the mornings and evenings
They teach bird languages:

Click your beak and chatter,
To chatter, chatter,
A hundred times tongue twisters
Repeat without hesitation...

Only the gray crow -
Very important person!
He sits as if on a throne,
Next door on the balcony -
Keeping a strict appearance
He keeps order here...

Grandma and I to the noisy birds
Shredded from the window
Sweet bun with raisins,
And they poured in millet.

And they said to them and their grandmother:
"Chicks-chicks! Goo-goo!
Hey, fly here everyone!
Delicious food awaits you!"

Bird floors

Marina Savchenko

Forest bird houses -
Everyone is on different floors.
Who is in the hollow, and who is lower,
Under a bush or just like that.
Robins hide in burrows.
Among the branches is a bunting's nest.
Bluebird's House
You won't find it without difficulty.
And on the third floor -
The feathers are already being cleaned -
Oriole and wren,
And you have no idea.


Natalya Rozbitskaya

The early bird will wake up,
The bright dawn will smile,
Admire the flower
Let him whisper with the leaf.
He will play with the wind in the field,
Snooping among the branches,
The lovely one will sing a hymn to the sun...
May you have a wonderful day!

I want to be a bird

Olga Alieva 3

Mom with her daughter
She was walking in the yard.
- I want to be a titmouse -
The girl said.

If you wouldn't scold me,
That my knees are knocked down
And what on a sunny day
The head is open.

And I would go to bed
Under the maple leaf
And there is no need to force
Brush my teeth.

I would be at breakfast and lunch
I picked up the crumbs
And then you would have me
She didn’t force me to eat.

And I wouldn't rush
IN kindergarten sleepy.
I want to be a titmouse! -
The child says.

About the chick

Olga Borisova 5

The chick fell from the nest,
Because it's too small
Mommy bird is all worried:
Poor chick on the road!
Screaming, he spins around his feet.
So that at least someone can help
I'm in a hurry for the adults
I ask you to help the baby.
My elder brother is clever and brave
The first one came to the rescue
Careful, don't rush
He delivered the baby to the nest.
Mother bird rejoiced!
Chirped cheerfully
And now for our joy
Sings so loudly in the morning.

Cozy nest

Olga Borisova 5

A little birdie is building a house
Yellow-breasted Titmouse
He carries blades of grass in his beak,
There are fluffs from dandelions,
Petals from flowers
And reeds and leaves.
Everything will be useful at work
The bird is diligently building a nest!
Soon there will be chicks in it
Yellow-faced youths
The bird needs to work hard
So that the chicks don’t catch a cold,
To keep them warm
Both cozy and light.
This bird knows for sure
Builds a strong home for children!

Rare birds

Sasha Bogdanov

Just listen, there is a bird,
Not a black whale, not a gannet, not a harrier, not a cormorant.
There is a spy bird and a fellow traveler bird,
Robber, police officer, dragoon, captain.

And among the birds there is a secretary and an official,
There is a plowman and a mower, a dressmaker and a weaver,
Shepherd and riverman, fisherman, translator,
The stove-maker and the fireman, and the trumpeter bird.

Famous people of pop power,
They live with the bird's surname. Finally,
There are Shulyak, Smut and Barnabas birds.
And even imagine, there is a Krivets bird.

There is a German and a Goth, a Kyrgyz and a Pole,
There is a Muscovite bird and there is a Siberian bird,
Soldier and soldier girl, and quickly found out
That there is a grenadier, but there is no grenadier.

There is a pika bird and a screeching bird,
Roarer, squeaker, laugher and barker,
Closer and dandy; check, I'm not lying,
A whistler, a mockingbird and even a fighter.

There is a bird called a jew, and a bird called a coven,
A toadstool, a buzzard, and, guess what, a fool.
And also kavyka, chechotka, lamb,
And the sivka, and the murrelet, and the cricket bird!

There is a snowflake bird, a tulip, a rhinoceros,
There is a crowbar, a hatchet, a staple, a float.
And there is tyranny, need, cardinal,
And this, believe me, is far from the end.

Let's start the edible topic with lentils,
There is a puff pastry, not to be confused with a jay, compare.
There is a sour cream bird. funny birds
What do you and I know about them?

Well, here's the ending, sorry for the intrigue,
Learn a poem with bird names.
So many of them are included in the Red Book,
When you grow up, will you help save them?

Where are the bird's ears?

Tatiana Kazirina

All people have ears
Birds and animals have it.
Where are the birds' ears?
Maybe on the top of your head?
Maybe they hid under the feathers
Well, I'll check now...
I searched a hundred tops
The birds don't have ears anywhere!

In the nest

Tatyana Ryzhova 5

It’s cramped in this apartment for us:
We are... one, two, three, four.
Mom feeds very tasty -
We don't fit right in!

We present to your attention poems about birds for little ones And older children. These simple rhymes allow you to broaden your child’s horizons and help give the child an idea about the world of feathered animals. They are very easy to remember and can be useful in organizing a matinee in kindergarten.

A bird sat on the window

A bird sat on the window.
- Sit a little longer!
Sit down, don't fly away!
Flew away... Ay!

About the sparrow

You won't freeze, little sparrow,
Without boots, without coat?
- Don't worry! I'm used to it!
Tick-tweet! Chick-chick-chirp!

Sparrows are playful

...Sparrows are playful,
Like lonely children,
Huddled by the window.
The little birds are cold,
Hungry, tired,
And they huddle tighter.
And the blizzard roars madly
Knocks on the hanging shutters
And he gets angrier...
S. Yesenin


Sparrow jump-jump-jump!
I'm used to moving quickly.
The call of the sparrow choir,
The courtyard serves as their arena.

The trees have blossomed -
Covered with birds.

That's how the sparrows chirp,
Like kids in kindergarten...

We saw a bullfinch
Or was it dawn?


Scarlet tassel dawn
Paints the chest of a bullfinch.
So that in frosts and snowstorms
He didn't freeze in the snow.


Thirty degrees below zero.
Everything around is white and white.
The bullfinch sat on a birch branch -
Red-breasted is warm.
And, the brave one began to sing,
He glorifies the dawn with song.
You know, it’s not for nothing that the tie is scarlet
Given to the bullfinch from birth.
(Yu. Nikonova)


You're not too lazy to hit a woodpecker with your beak
All day, all day!
Knock-Knock! Knock-Knock!
Come out of the crack, bug!


The rook is beautiful, brilliant and important,
Looks like he's been coated with wax.
The garden also flew over the arable land:
He is terribly happy about spring!


Where are you hiding, cuckoo?
In the thicket of the forest? At the edge of the forest?
Or the bitch over there?
And she answered: - Peek-a-boo!


The stork is a fairytale bird,
It would be nice to be friends with her!
The stork loves to live on the roof,
Don't scare the bird away, be quiet...


Herons, where do you live?
- Beyond the river, in the swamp!
There is knee-deep water here
And there is always plenty of food.


Yurok is not the least bit tired -
By evening he became faster!
Besides, our little brat is caring,
And he stores midges for future use.


The emu is slender and tall,
Hides his head in the sand.
He's a little afraid
Don't scare this bird!


Swan is a bird, swan is a peahen,
Proudly looks left and right.
Among the birds, like a foreigner:
Simply royal posture!


They shouted:
- Turkey! Get ready to head south!
And the turkey to them:
- Kha-kha-kha! What kind of nonsense is this?

About the turkey

Look what a hero Turkey is -
I'm all for the turkey poults!
She will spread her tail, burst into color,
Everyone stares at him with caution.


The ducks have come to the meadow.
Worm ducks found:
- That's luck, quack-quack-quack.
We came here for a reason!

Pansy ducks
(N. Polyakova)

At our Anyutka's
Screaming ducks.
Yellow, tiny,
And the eyes are like beads.
Pansy ducklings
Doesn't let me go to the pond.
“What if,” he says, “
I won’t find them later?
What if they get sucked in
In some kind of pool?
What if they, little ones,
Will they drown?
Ducklings in the trough
Water has been poured.
Anyutka shouts:
- Get out, get out, here! –
And, stupid
Anyutka is ready to cry,
When underwater
A duck is hiding.
Pansy ducks
Small but dexterous
They dive and swim
Like floats.


Where have you gone, my goose?
- Don't worry! I'll come back!
I want to see ha-ha,
To other shores!


Important pied cockerel
Proudly wears a comb.
He always gets up at dawn.
Calls everyone to work:
"Slothless people, stop sleeping!
It's time to greet the sun!"
Sang a sonorous song
And he flew into the chicken coop.
He didn't get enough sleep
Got up too early in the morning.


golden comb,
Oil head,
Silk beard,
Go out to the window:
I'll give you some peas.


From distant southern countries
A toucan came to the zoo.
- To inform you, knock-knock, I’m glad:
I am the woodpecker's brother!


Oh, how many birds there are in the world:
Parrots and tits,
Kingfishers and crossbills,
Pelicans and blackbirds.

There are sparrows,
There are flamingos and nightingales.
Pigeons, cuckoos,
Little warblers.

Crow, falcon and owl
(she sits in the hollow during the day)
The woodpecker is knocking on the trunk,
A quail is calling in the field.

You know, there are so many of them!
We can't count them all!
They make us happy with singing
And wild plumage!

Winter guests

We made feeders
For hungry winter birds:
- Come to us, girlfriends,
Flocks of frisky tits!

Bullfinches, following them
Hurry to our window!
We'll feed you lunch -
There is also millet and millet.

Jackdaw, black as soot,
We won't drive away.
Let's say to the trickster sparrow:
- Just don't steal.

And the chattering magpies
Know, they shout:
- And me! And I!
Gather at the feeding trough,
All feathered friends!
(Yu. Nikonova)

To all the guys

Tame birds in winter!
Let it come from all over
They will flock to you like home,
Flocks on the porch.
Train your birds in winter
To your window
So that you don’t have to go without songs
Let's welcome spring!
(A. Belyakov)