How to come up with an effective and memorable company name that will contribute to achieving commercial success. How to come up with a brand name: ideas, examples. Name for a brand of clothing, food, children's goods Exciting names of the organization

Every time we are faced with the need to purchase something, be it clothes, equipment, a car or groceries, we think about who we will buy from. And in our minds we involuntarily reproduce the name of a company or brand, or rather a brand that is so well remembered and evokes the necessary associations.

What is a brand?

There are many stories when companies with a sonorous name appeared, and the buyer immediately remembered it. But most often the name arises due to certain rules that are related to psychology, grammar, phonetics and vocabulary, because there is even a whole direction in creating a brand name - naming.

On the one hand, it seems that coming up with a name is a simple task, but it’s not for nothing that they say: whatever you name the boat, that’s how it will float! And the meaning in this saying is very deep.

The word “naming” first appeared not in the 21st or last century, but back in the 19th century, when economic competition began to develop and manufacturers fought for their customers.

Today this is a special area in which many books have been written, and first of all this is due to the fact that the competition is very strong, and therefore you need to be the best in everything, having a unique and original name.

A brand is not just a name, and not even just a brand name, as is often thought, it is something more, because it includes both a name and auditory and visual components. When a person hears the name of a brand, he immediately has a sympathy or antipathy.

A few rules for coming up with a company name

Naming is a whole science, and therefore it has long ago developed rules on how to come to a unique and original name. To understand what to create, you need to imagine that a person can know no more than 10 names from one product line, and right off the bat he will name one or two brands, and the store can offer dozens of products.

The name of the new brand should be etched in the memory of future consumers and correctly direct them to associations. This means that the title must indicate:

  • what idea does the company have;
  • for whom this brand was created;
  • What are the motivations to purchase the product?

At the same time, you need to choose a name for the brand so that it does not carry negativity, does not offend anyone and does not misinform customers.

It is worth remembering the legal side and checking on official websites and portals whether this name already exists. Although there are companies whose legal entity can be called anything, but the trade name is different. This is often done by companies that have several areas of their activity, where goods or services are in no way related to each other.

Most often, the name for your company is based on the following:

  • names (children, loved ones, your last name);
  • direction of services (plumbing, windows, products);
  • geographical objects or category name (such and such a plant, such and such a store).

But, as a rule, such names are too simple and little remembered, although they may be partly unique, so it is worth using not only the rules, but also tips to make them beautiful and original.

A brand is the name of a company, which can be contained in one word, phrase or abbreviation. There are several things to think about here:

  1. Phonetics - the word should be rhythmic, sonorous and easy to pronounce, and also differ from the names of competitors.
  2. Phonosemantics - when a person pronounces a name, it should evoke certain associations, i.e. if he says “products”, then he should think not about furniture, cars, but about food.
  3. Vocabulary - in addition to the fact that a word needs to be easy to pronounce, it can just as easily be written down without being tormented, for example, by the question of which syllable to put emphasis on.

At the same time, you should be careful about such a concept as fashion. After all, today some words are in fashion or trending, but in five years they will be replaced by others, and the new generation will no longer understand what the name says. We must not forget that the first thing the client will encounter is the name, and he should like it.

Another rule on how to come up with a brand name is to test it on your acquaintances and friends. Ask them if it is easy to read, if the person understands what it is about, what associations arise. You need to check at several levels: stylistic, phonetic, visual.

Perhaps words will be chosen for the brand name (after all, it is a very melodic and sonorous language), but only a small part of the population knows Italian and will be able to immediately understand what this company is associated with. Now, if the company is somehow connected with Italy, for example, it is a travel company that creates and selects tours to the named country, then you can safely use Italian as the name.

Don't forget to check the name in search engines. The lower the search result, the better, because this way associations will arise specifically with your company, and not with several dozen others.

Several stages

There are certain rules for coming up with a business name, and they should be followed during the brand creation process. It also consists of several stages:

  1. Goal setting is an analysis of the target audience in order to understand how it reacts to certain phrases phonetically and aesthetically.
  2. Development - you need to come up with several options, then carry out semantic and phonetic analysis, which will help eliminate several proposed options at once.
  3. Assessment and approval - after the chosen option, it is necessary to carry out an objective assessment based on such criteria as perception, compliance of the name of the company’s activities with modern concepts, as well as the status of the company. A company that produces building materials cannot choose the name “Antoshka” for itself, since it is not reputable, but for a store in a residential area it is perfect.

Common mistakes

Often people think that coming up with a name is a matter of minutes or hours, and they make certain mistakes by choosing a name that is not related to either strategy or positioning. The most common errors are:

  • Wrong association - before choosing words for a brand name, ask yourself what you would imagine if you were in the customer's shoes.
  • Inconsistency with the title. For example, what can you imagine hearing the name “the best among...”, but instead the client sees a tattered door and a tiny office where one person works.
  • Difficult name and pronunciation. The simpler the better, and today it is gaining momentum. If a whole sentence is hidden in the title, then the potential client will definitely not like it.
  • Doubles. It’s very easy to come up with a name by changing one letter in a word, but sooner or later the client will realize that he is being deceived and is not providing the quality he expects. So they once decided to come up with a name for it by taking the famous Adidas brand and replacing the letters to make it Adimas and Abibas. This option only causes criticism and is suitable for increasing short-term capital.

Should I entrust this task to professionals?

The science of naming was invented for a reason, which is why today there are various agencies that create brands for various companies. These could be PR or branding agencies.

But before entrusting the matter to professionals, it is worth giving them a clear technical task, providing some information about the company and expressing your wishes.

Specialists will come up with a brand in several stages: generate options, carry out selection, test the selected ones, carry out legal verification and registration.

Ideas for a brand name may be different, but professionals know which ones will be successful.

How to come up with a name yourself

Naturally, someone will prefer to do this task on their own and think about how to come up with a brand name, because only the owner himself knows well what he does and how best to present it to the consumer.

But this still requires the work of not just one person, but a team. Together with her, you will need to brainstorm, work through many ideas and options in order to subsequently choose the best one.

Help with creation

How to come up with a brand name - on your own or entrust it to professionals? Everyone decides for themselves what to do, but it is worth remembering that there are several good programs that can help in this important matter. There are several name generators that suggest several directions, but this does not mean that what the generator suggests should be used immediately, because someone else can take this option.

Here are some online generators:

  • earn24;
  • "Brand generator";
  • "Megagenerator";
  • "English-language online generator."

They are quite simple to use - they show you all the steps and offer several options.

Successful examples

If you study brand names in completely different areas, you can replace some of the trends and principles by which names are created.

Below are successful examples of well-known brands not only in a certain country, but throughout the world:

  • First name, last name - “Heinz”, “Mercedes”, “Alenka”.
  • Names related to geography or natural phenomena - "Lightning", "Bangkok Bank".
  • Description of activity - “SurgutNefteGas”, “Apple Computers”.
  • Historical figures - “Count Orlov”, “Lincoln”.
  • Rhyme and rhythm - “Coca-Cola”, “Chupa-Chups”.
  • Mythology - Mazda, Sprite.
  • Acronym (word from the first letters, part of a word) - “MTS”, “VAZ”.

When registering a business activity, you must give your brainchild a name.

In official documents, an individual entrepreneur indicates his last name and initials as his name, although he has the right to name his product, service or place of provision as desired. But the legal entity obliged have a proper name that appears in all official papers.

And you need to choose a name before the documents are submitted for registration, so as not to write in the first phrase that comes up later. The issue of the name of the organization is too important, because it is the business card, the face of the enterprise, which largely determines the percentage of its success.

What nuances exist in choosing a name for an organization, what needs to be taken into account and what mistakes to avoid, what creative techniques can you turn to? We will also highlight the question of how experts can help with this problem.

10 ideas on how to name your company

If you decide to name your brainchild yourself, we can recommend several proven approaches to this strategy. Each of these approaches has many successful names that have become legends in the business world.

  1. Proper name and its variations. An enterprise is, to a great extent, the personality of its owner, so often a good option would be to give him your first name, last name, or combine them in any whimsical way. For example, Ford, Heinz, Proctor and Gamble, Casio are the surnames of the founders, and Adidas is an abbreviation for the home abbreviation of the owner’s name (Adi Dasler). You can also use colloquial versions of names: the workshop “U Petrovich”, the hairdresser “Natashenka”.
  2. Word combinations. Words and their parts are arbitrarily divided, combined, combined in various variations. This is how the name of the Pampers brand was created (the first letter of the Proctor surname, the middle of the Gamble surname, the end of the word Diapers - “diaper”). This technique also includes dividing a familiar word into several significant ones with a capital letter in the middle (thrift store “Bulavka”, beer bar “UsPey” with an image of a lush mustache on the sign).
  3. Phonetic approach. The use of alliteration, onomatopoeia, and playing with rhymes and rhythm have a positive effect on the perception of the name. For example, “Coca-Cola”, “Chupa-Chups”, toffee “Kis-kis”, the Twitter network (in English imitates the chirping of a bird), “Agusha” (kids say “agu”).
  4. Associations, allusions, hints. A double meaning in a name is always attractive because it allows consumers to feel like they are part of the solution to the mystery. This approach can be either simple and somewhat primitive (the beauty salon “Aphrodite”, the wedding salon “Hymen”), or more sophisticated (for example, the chain of stores “Seven-eleven”: in addition to the successful combination of rhyme and rhythm, there is information about their working hours).
  5. Analogy. The correct stereotype is the key to unconsciously attracting potential consumers. Most people think in templates, and a well-chosen option contributes to quick recognition and easy memorability of names. You can use the names of planets, rivers, mountains, animals, mythological and literary characters, etc. For example, Puma, Jaguar, Fujifilm (in honor of Mount Fuji), as well as simpler options such as the “Three Fat Men” plus size clothing store, “Onegin” cafe, “Aibolit” veterinary clinic, etc.
  6. From part to whole, from whole to part. In philology, this technique is called metonymy; it is very popular in naming. For example, “Empire of Sushi”, “Kingdom of Sweets”, “World of Fur Coats”, “Kingdom of Batteries”. Return reception - “VIP massage” salon, “Your comfortable robe” store, “You, beloved” jewelry store, etc.
  7. Veiled translation. Words translated from another language can become a sonorous and beautiful name with a secret meaning. This is how many well-known brands were born, for example, Daewoo - from Korean “big Universe”, Samsung - in Korean “three stars”, Nivea - in Latin “snow-white”, Volvo - in Latin “I’m going”. Panasonic is made up of three linguistic roots: “pan” is Greek for “all”, “sonus” is Latin for “sound”, and “sonic” is the English word for “noise”, that is, a general translation of “all sound and noise”.
  8. Direct indication of the type of activity. It may simply be contained in the name, for example, the company "Invest-Stroy", the bank "Credit", the travel agency "Thirst for Travel", or use an associative approach and metonymy, for example, the bag store "Kangaroo", the furniture factory "Stool", the taxi "Wheel" "
  9. Additional endings. Sonorous additions to familiar words can sometimes enliven a name and give it credibility. For example, the ending “off” is added to the owner’s surname to make it “aristocratic”: “Smirnoff”, “Davidoff”, etc. Adherents of the Western style of business often add solid English endings “promotion”, “style”, “corporation”, “food”, etc. to the names of companies. You can add to the name of a product or service some word that characterizes it from a value perspective, for example, legal advice "Femida-Garant" or detergent "Pasta-moment".
  10. « If only you knew what kind of rubbish...“Sometimes successful names are born literally by chance, without any connection with the activities of the company. The most famous example is Apple, Steve Jobs' favorite fruit. The Shakespeare fan, the creator of AVON, gave the company this name in honor of the river on which the birthplace of the great writer stood. The Starbucks coffee chain has nothing to do with stars and dollars, its creator simply loved the book “Moby Dick”, the hero of which Starbuck often drank coffee. The Adobe River flowed behind the house of the company's founder. Kodak is a made-up word that begins and ends with the founder's favorite letter. A beautiful word can simply be heard somewhere, composed or borrowed.

What can and cannot be used in a company name

By becoming the “godfather” of a legal entity, an entrepreneur can be free in his imagination: any name can be assigned to the company, if this does not contradict the legally established requirements that are declared in the Civil Code of the Russian Federation and Federal Law No. 14 of February 8, 1998 “On OOO". They can be divided into mandatory, optional and prohibitive.

The name of the LLC must include:

  • an indication of the form of ownership and organization of activity, that is, the name must be preceded by JSC or LLC, and in the full form of the name the abbreviation must be deciphered;
  • the full name is only in the state language, and the abbreviated name can be written in a foreign language, but exclusively in Cyrillic.

At the request of the entrepreneur, in the name of the company you can:

  • use words of other languages ​​in Russian transcription;
  • reflect the field of activity or prefer an associative or neutral name;
  • use abbreviations, abbreviations, made-up words, that is, use a wide arsenal of verbal creativity;
  • give a name that already belongs to an organization from another region, if the latter is not protected by a trademark.

When naming a company, the law prohibits:

  • include words or their forms that hint at any government bodies, for example, “parliament”, “ministry”, “federal”, etc.;
  • use words and derivatives from them that denote the name of our country and its capital (or rather, this can be done by first obtaining a special permit and paying a state fee);
  • use words-names of other states or international organizations (for example, the name of the store “Clothes from Italy” or the pharmacy – “WHO” will not be registered, even if the creative owner came up with the idea of ​​encrypting the phrase “All about health”);
  • copy or include in the name well-known brands or words similar to them in any combination (for example, you should not try to register the company that produces the Saratov Sprite drinks);
  • offend or hurt the feelings of any categories of people by choosing obscene, immoral or inhumane names (you should not call the club “Curse on Christianity”, even if it is the name of a Nietzsche book, a store for the disabled “Hercules” or a ritual agency “Future”);
  • call the LLC simply by type of activity (even if your imagination fails, the registration authorities will not allow LLC “Public catering” or “Transportation”).

How the pros work

Specialists in naming– a special industry at the intersection of copywriting, advertising and marketing – we are happy to help an entrepreneur who is serious about choosing a name for his company. Brand managers, unlike “mere mortals,” use not only imagination, but also the achievements of psychology, linguistics and analytics.

They know exactly the basic requirements, developed by extensive experience, for the name of an enterprise, product or service.

  1. The name should correspond to your positioning as an entrepreneur (for example, if you focus on reliability, it is acceptable to include the word “guarantor” in the name, and if you focus on speed of service - “moment”, “moment”, etc.).
  2. Short and sonorous names are much better than complex and difficult to pronounce names.
  3. Care must be taken that the name is easy to read and does not raise doubts about pronunciation, stress and spelling.
  4. Too “clichéd” names will depersonalize your company and negatively affect your position in Internet search results when entering a query.
  5. Ambiguity is the enemy of a good name (as we remember from Greene, the Disgust Cafe did not prosper).
  6. If you plan to expand to the international market, you need to check the name for a foreign “user-friendly” (for example, a company selling products named after the owner “Semen” will be doomed in the English-speaking segment, since “semen” is translated from English as “sperm”) .
  7. Avoid similarities with the names of well-known brands.

Naming professionals operate according to a complex algorithm, highly valuing their services, but at the same time guaranteeing the satisfaction of the owner. As for the success of the chosen name, there is a lot of chance involved.

What do namers do when creating a name for an organization, product or service:

  • analyze the market, especially competitors;
  • thoroughly study the target audience;
  • determine the idea and values ​​of the named enterprise, product or service, its message, “mission”;
  • generate a large number of name options;
  • weed out those that are not suitable in terms of phonetics, stylistics, semantics, associations, and degree of memorability;
  • check the remaining names for uniqueness;
  • testing options on the target audience;
  • provide the remaining few options for the customer to choose from.

FOR YOUR INFORMATION! For an additional fee, the range of services may include the development of an appropriate domain name, a visual component of the brand, and consultation on trademark registration.

Brand. Brand

Method #2 - Name

Method No. 3 - Last name

McDonald's restaurant chain

Method #4 - Nature

Internet hypermarket "Platypus"

Method #5 - History

Method #6 - Mythology

Mikhail Goncharov,

Method #7 – Compound Word

Method #8 – Acronym

Method #9 – Quote

For hobbyists, the product brand does not matter much. They are often indifferent to which company produces cardboard blanks. The main thing is that the product is of high quality and satisfies the need for creativity. This gives the Leonardo company scope to create its own brands, bypassing the difficult path of dealership of international brands. Read more naming, which is part of branding and dedicated to the development of commercially effective names for brands, has at least 30 main methods. It is worth noting that the brand name should not only please its owner, but also evoke the associations necessary for positioning among the target audience and be based on iconic symbols and established concepts. All this is achieved through appropriate research. In addition, the brand name must be protectable. Before investing money in promoting a brand, it is important to clearly understand that the latter has exclusive rights in relation to the relevant goods and services.”

Today, businessmen are more willing to pay good money for professional naming - the development of a commercially effective name for a trademark. But before you pay money to naming specialists, you can try to come up with a name yourself. Often, the result of such an amateurish approach, after an examination carried out by reputable branding specialists, is considered very successful. Vadim Gorzhankin, General Director of PR & Brand of the Krasnoye Slovo agency, an expert in the field of marketing communications, talks about the 10 simplest methods for developing a name for a brand that can be adopted by every businessman.

Method No. 1 - Toponym (geographical name)

Pay attention to where your business is located or where your product or key ingredient comes from. According to this principle, such brands as the Rublevsky meat processing plant, Essentuki mineral water, Klinskoye beer, Vologodskoye butter, Finlandia vodka, Ochakovsky kvass, Shatura furniture, Winston cigarettes, liqueur were created Malibu, telecommunications company Nokia.

Method #2 - Name

One of the easiest ways to name a company or product is by the person's name. Based on this principle, such brands as chocolate “Alenka”, beer “Afanasy”, frozen semi-finished products “Daria”, men’s magazine “Maxim”, women’s magazine “Liza”, car “Mersedes”, chain of dry cleaners and laundries “Diana”, fast food products were created. preparations of "Alexandra and Sophia".

We initially planned that the brand would be a first-price product in its price segment. This is where the name came from, which seems to say “put me on the end”. And our main task is to participate in promotions, this is the peculiarity of promotion.

Method No. 3 - Last name

Along with the name, the surname can be the basis of the brand. As a rule, the brand name becomes not just a surname, but the surname of the company founder. For example, the Ford automobile concern, A. Korkunov chocolate products, Bochkarev beer, Smirnoff vodka, McDonald's restaurant chain, Levi's jeans, Brooke Bond tea, Jacuzzi hydromassage equipment ", Martini vermouth, Boeing airplanes, Parker pens, sportswear manufacturer Adidas.

Method #4 - Nature

Nature can be a source of inspiration not only for artists and musicians, but also for naming specialists. It is worth noting that often an animal, plant or natural phenomenon is associated with the properties of a product: the Grad multiple launch rocket system, the Sapsan high-speed train, the Utkonos online hypermarket, the Kangaroo chain of salons for children and expectant mothers, cars Jaguar, Puma sportswear, Alligator car alarms.

Method #5 - History

Often, a significant historical event or character becomes the name of a brand. It is worth noting that the exploitation of history is especially often used to form restaurant names. Examples include the Moscow restaurants Godunov, Pushkin, Graf-Orlov or Petrov-Vodkin. Many examples of “historical naming” are found in other areas of business: Napoleon cognac, Stepan Razin beer, Belomorkanal cigarettes, Lincoln cars, the Borodino trading and production group of companies.

Method #6 - Mythology

Naming specialists have not ignored mythology, which has become one of the most productive sources for brand names. For example, the Mazda automobile concern received its name in honor of the Zoroastrian god of life named Ahura Mazda, and the idea for the name of the drink “Sprite” was born in the 40s of the 20th century. At that time, baby Sprite was especially popular in advertising campaigns - an elf with silver hair and a wide smile, who wore a drink cap instead of a hat. A little later, his name became the name of a new carbonated drink - “Sprite”.

Mikhail Goncharov, On the network development strategy in the new market

– How did you translate the name of the network?

– We did not translate the name of the network in any way; the spelling will be in Latin transcription – Teremok. It doesn’t bother anyone that the phones are called Apple. There is a pharmacy chain called Duanereade in the USA, you can’t even read it. In America, strange names do not bother anyone. And we can tell you that there is a fairy tale in Russia about a teremok.

Method #7 – Compound Word

Quite often, a brand name becomes a compound word formed by adding two words together. For example, commercial bank Alba Bank, Aeroflot airline, cellular operator BeeLine, Volkswagen automobile concern, Aquafresh toothpaste, Sunsilk hair care product line, MasterCard credit cards, TV channel Euronews, weekly socio-political magazine Newsweek.

Method #8 – Acronym

An acronym is an abbreviation formed from initial letters, parts of words or phrases, pronounced as a single word rather than letter by letter. Example: the abbreviation “GUM”, derived from “Main Department Store”, is pronounced as a single word gum, and not ge-u-um. i.e. not by letter. Well-known acronyms include the name of the musical group “ABBA”, formed from the first letters of the names of its members: Agnetha, Björn, Benny, Anni-Frid, or the name of the automobile brand “VAZ” (Volzhsky Automobile Plant).

Method #9 – Quote

A well-remembered brand name, due to its consolidation in the minds of consumers, can be a name or expression from a work of mass artistic culture: cinema, animation, music, literature, etc. Examples include brands such as Prostokvashino dairy products, the White Sun restaurant Deserts", a chain of leather and fur stores "Snow Queen", a chain of stores of building materials "Old Man Hottabych".

We held a master class at the Leonardo hobby hypermarket. Is it always necessary to create your own brand?

For hobbyists, the product brand does not matter much. They are often indifferent to which company produces cardboard blanks. The main thing is that the product is of high quality and satisfies the need for creativity. This gives the Leonardo company scope to create its own brands, bypassing the difficult path of dealership of international brands. Read more naming, which is part of branding and dedicated to the development of commercially effective names for brands, has at least 30 main methods. It is worth noting that the brand name should not only please its owner, but also evoke the associations necessary for positioning among the target audience and be based on iconic symbols and established concepts. All this is achieved through appropriate research. In addition, the brand name must be protectable. Before investing money in promoting a brand, it is important to clearly understand that the latter has exclusive rights in relation to the relevant goods and services.”

retail, brand, business https://www. 2020-03-27 2020-03-28 https://www.

The name of a company is an important component of its success and image. The need to choose it appears along with the formation of a new business. Anyone who wants to create their own business faces the question: ? But even after solving it, many important tasks remain. One of them is choosing a beautiful LLC name that will bring it success and prosperity. It should evoke positive emotions, be easy to remember and have the resources to become a brand. Having come up with a successful name for a company (construction, legal, furniture or any other), the owner will create an intangible asset, which over time will begin to work for its creator and generate income for him.

How to come up with a brand name?

A brand (from the Old Norse “brandr”, that is, “burn”, “fire”) is a successful trade or service mark that enjoys a high reputation, widespread popularity among consumers, and also creates a holistic image of a product or service in the mass consciousness. This term can denote a name, sign, design, product, service to identify them from competitors' offerings. It has a unique name and its own symbol.

Enormous amounts of money are spent on creating, improving and distributing brands, and the rights to use them become a source of large financial income, because almost every business creator is confident that a catchy logo and a successful name are one of the most reliable guarantees against failure in competition. To a large extent, this is true, so choosing a beautiful company name is a very important mission. When creating options, you need to take into account that it is formed as a commercial offer based on a clearly positive image of the product, offering unique opportunities to satisfy consumer needs.

By coming up with a successful LLC name, it will be possible to save time at the stage of transforming a small business into a large one. But if it is planned, for example, without prospects for development throughout the country, then the requirements for the name can be slightly reduced and be guided by general rules. It will be useful to organize a survey among potential clients and hear their opinion about the names in the owner's list of proposals.

Advice: A brand is not a product. The name should not describe its essence or characteristics, but only reveal and show its differences from similar offerings from competitors.

The company needs to be named in a way that represents its value and creates a strong connection between the buyer and the product or service. Almost any name can be used to create a successful brand, as long as constant efforts are made to give it a unique meaning. For example, Coca-Cola reflects the composition of the drink, Marlboro - the area. The name must have a connection with the specifics of the product or service, be focused on the prospects for their development and not depend on the product situation at the time of creation. What are the principles for choosing the right brand? Let's look at them in more detail:

  1. It is necessary that it does not directly describe a product or service, because such a name should distinguish, and not describe them (the latter function can be successfully performed by advertising and marketing; there is no need to duplicate this information in the name). In addition, a descriptive name limits the possibilities of its promotion, especially if competitors begin to copy the product. Over time, this will lead to the transformation of the true trade name into an unbranded product (as was the case with the first penicillin-based antibiotics - Vibramycine, Terramycine). But modern drugs for treating, for example, ulcers are already produced under different brands protected by a patent: Zantac, Tagamet.
  2. A successful company name may not be related to the characteristics of the product (as is the case with Apple). This approach will only emphasize its long-term uniqueness.
  3. When choosing a name, it is important to consider the time factor. The name should remain relevant over time. List of examples of unsuccessful names: Radiola (from Latin the root of the word translates as “heat”, and the product sold is associated with household appliances that do not rely on heating), EuropAssitance (indicates a close connection with a certain region and interferes with distribution throughout the world), Sport 2000 (linked to the year creates the impression of an old-fashioned product), Silhouette (translated as “silhouette”, the idea of ​​​​drinking yogurt for health benefits, rather than weight loss, is now being promoted). This rule is especially relevant when choosing a name for LLCs selling equipment related products.
  4. The name should not interfere with development in an international format. For example, Nike cannot be registered in some Arab countries; consumers sometimes confuse the products of the American company CGE with the offerings of its competitor, GE (General Electric).

Nowadays, individual approaches to creating a brand name are especially popular: syllables from surnames, names of founders, combining the creator’s surname with the prefix K°, off, displaying the subject of the product in the name without direct mention - let’s compare drops for nasal rinsing based on sea water Dolphin and many others names that emphasized the aqua root, the theme of the sea and merged together - Aquamaris, Aqualor, Morenasal.

Advice: in order to direct your thoughts in the right direction or see examples of beautiful brand names, you can use special sites with free “generators” of proposals, which provide a whole list of proposals. Another way out is to contact special agencies (they deal with naming, that is, they select good names), which will help name the company correctly and beautifully, and offer creative ideas.

How to choose a name for a company that brings good luck?

When choosing a beautiful name for your company (for example, construction, legal, furniture), you must first of all focus on the consumer and his reaction and emotions. It’s worth coming up with ones that will be understandable to the target audience. To confirm the success of a potential name, you can conduct a short consumer survey.

When choosing a successful name for an LLC, first of all you need to focus on the general principles of choice:

  1. The company names in the proposed list should not evoke unpleasant, ambiguous, confusing associations (Vityaz flower shop, Elena the Beautiful cafe).
  2. It does not necessarily contain information about the type of service or product. But it is imperative that the name be easy to pronounce and evoke positive emotions in the consumer.
  3. It is better to name the company so that it does not feel tied to a geographical point. This will allow you to expand development prospects at any time without renaming.
  4. If the name is a foreign word or includes their roots, it is important to know exactly the meaning and possible interpretation of the name (the Chevy Nova was not sold in the South American market due to the translation “does not go”; subsequently the name of the model sold in this region was renamed).

What not to do:

  • call the enterprise (construction, furniture, legal) by name, surname. Problems with a possible sale may arise, personal negative associations of clients may form;
  • come up with a name that is complex or contains a negative meaning;
  • The name of the LLC should not be formulaic, based on hackneyed phrases;
  • in accordance with Art. 1473 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, the name of a company cannot contain even abbreviated names of states, official names of Russian federal government bodies, local governments, public associations, or contradict public interests, principles of morality, and humanity.

Unlike the brand name, the name of a company that does not pretend to develop on a very large scale can reflect the type of activity (for example, “Breeze” is a company engaged in the production and repair of air conditioners). But here it is important to feel the line. Names that are difficult to pronounce and remember will not bring good luck to the owner (Stroypromconsult, Moskavtotransservice). But, for example, in the title you can safely use words that directly indicate the characteristics of the product.

Advice: the name of the organization can include the words Russian Federation, Russia and derivatives from them, but only after obtaining special permission. For this you will need to pay an additional state fee.

Transport company name - examples

The name of a successful transport company must comply with the general principles of choosing a beautiful name and differ from the names of competing companies. You can play on an English word, for example, arrive (arrive), artway (art, road), combine initials or parts of surnames, names of co-owners. It is also important that it is easy to pronounce and sound beautiful (AvtoTrans, AvtoGruz, VestOl, Rota Leasing, TransLogistics, TRUST, Zodiac Avtotrans, Azimuth, TransAlyans, Inteltrans). To create an original LLC name, you can focus on the following list of directions:

  • connecting parts of names and prefixes auto, trans - RusAl, AlRosa;
  • play with associations with the road, speed – Traektoria, Smart transportation;
  • use a metaphor (use in a figurative sense based on comparison, similarity) or play on a word, for example, Avis, that is, bird;
  • come up with derivatives of “transport, express, speed”;
  • use an abbreviation, for example, MTL (Management Transportation Logistics);
  • come up with a new word (neologism).

In any case, you need to name a company (construction, legal, furniture, etc.) in such a way that the name is easy to pronounce, euphonious, not interpreted ambiguously, and also does not have floating stress and negative associations in sound and sense, and evokes pleasant visual comparisons.

Construction company name - examples

The name of a successful construction company should form associations in the consumer’s mind with reliability, comfort, and be easy to understand. Examples: Cozy House, ReMake, Domostroy, StroyServis. It is necessary to avoid names that are similar to the names of competing companies and abbreviations. But the name of the LLC can display the profile of the work or service. Sample list: RegionStroy, StroyMaster, Reliable House, StreamHouse, MegaStroy, GarantElite, ComfortTown. Another option is to play with the word (StroyMigom, Stroy-ka, PoStroy), add a prefix (Derwold&Co). Recently, more and more company creators are opening their own businesses online, but the importance of a correct and beautiful name does not change. building materials are available through advertisements, including online, on special websites.

Law firm name - examples

The name of a law firm must instill trust, confidence in competence, and a sense of reliability. It is advisable that it is not long and is well remembered, for example, “Right”. Often owners decide to combine parts of surnames or names, including foreign ones. Here is a list for example: SayenkoKharenko, White&Case, Yukov, Khrenov and Partners, Spencer and Kaufmann. You can also use a foreign base, which will be revealed in the slogan (the name Avellum, combining the first letter of the Greek alphabet and vellum, denoting parchment for legislative acts).

List of useful tips:

  • the name of the LLC should be sonorous, easy to understand and pronounce;
  • It is advisable that the name of the law firm does not contain more than 3 words;
  • for work in your homeland, it is best to come up with a name in Russian, or in Latin, and only after that should you consider options in English;
  • when using neologisms (new words), it is advisable to include a decoding, for example, in the company’s slogan, in order to form positive associations and outline the scope of the company’s activities;
  • if the name consists of several words, their abbreviation must be harmonious;
  • It’s better not to use legal terms, they sound banal and almost all hackneyed;
  • If you use a common name, there may be problems with trademark registration.

The name of a law firm should be a mirror reflection of the professionalism and personal values ​​of its owner and employees. It is also worth paying attention to the graphic design of the logo and color scheme.

Furniture company name - examples

When choosing a name for a successful furniture company, it is worth focusing on certain aspects: style, luxury, leadership, comfort, all of them should evoke positive associations. You can also focus on geography (Eden). If the profile allows, you can play with the English glass (mirror, glass) - Sunglass, Glass Tower. The basis for the name “furniture” is always suitable - Mebelink, MebelLux, MebelStyle or an emphasis on the type of activity of the enterprise, positive associations, for example, Interior, Empire, Formula of Comfort, Triumph, Residence, Soft Line, Formula of Furniture. Another way out: add the prefix K°, use symbols (Furnish & Ka, Glebov and Co., Prima-M). You can also play on the word a little: MebelYa, MyagkiyZnak, Mebelius, Mebelion or use the English base - MebelStyle, IC-Studio. Sometimes the name of the LLC includes a surname or name (Furniture from Petrov).

Accounting firm names - examples

The name of such a company must be perceived positively, inspire confidence and indicate the reputability of the company. You cannot play on humorous names (for example, BUKA - BukhAccountingConsultingAudit). The company must be named so that the name indicates the type of activity and creates a positive image (ExpertPlus, Garant, AuditService, Your Accountant, Azhur, Chief Accountant, Referent, Accountant, Balance, Accounting and audit with a guarantee of results). You can play with English words and prefixes, for example, Account, TaxOff.

Recently, abbreviations are often used - BOND (Accounting Reports and Tax Returns), connecting parts of the surname or names of the owners, of course, if the name turns out to be euphonious. By creating your own business, you can do it without any problems. You need to register on the state portal, fill out the form using step-by-step instructions. Then you will receive a letter in the mail with the date when you can pick up the certificate from the tax office.


Let's look at the most common questions from users.

Is it possible to name a store after a cartoon (for example, Barboskins)?

A good name is the basis for building a successful business. Its creation can be entrusted to a specialized company, but you can actually do it yourself, of course, having studied the theory and some practical aspects. The choice of name must be approached responsibly, because if you make a mistake, it will negatively affect the image of the organization and the volume of profits.

Many retail outlets are named after cartoon characters, but there is not always a legal basis for this. When choosing a name, it is important to first clarify whether it is subject to copyright (according to Article 1259 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation). It is worth considering that such objects also include adaptations of another work, its components (names of characters, geographical places invented by the author), if they are the result of a creative process. But at the same time, copyright does not extend to ideas, concepts and implementation principles.

Important: if an entrepreneur decides to name a store after a cartoon or a character, it will be illegal, even if the copyright is not registered. But if the owner uses the cartoon plot and creates his own character based on it, there should be no complaints against him. But you cannot use the name of a character or cartoon (for example, Barboskins, Fixies, etc.) in its original form for the name of a store.

Where can I read about copyrights? What is possible and what is not?

Detailed explanations regarding copyright objects, protected results of intellectual activity and means of individualization can be found in Art. 1259, 1225 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, clarification of various points - in other articles of Chapter 70 of this Code. A lot of useful information and practical advice are posted on legal forums and websites where questions are asked to lawyers.

If an entrepreneur works as a legal entity and plans to seriously engage in his business, experts recommend registering the exclusive right to use the business name. The procedure and practical nuances are described in Art. 1474 Civil Code of the Russian Federation. An individual entrepreneur cannot have a company name; in documents he is listed as an “individual entrepreneur”. But if desired, a person has the right to register exclusive rights to a service mark or designation to individualize the services provided. You cannot use names that are identical to an already registered one, confusingly similar to it, if entrepreneurs work in the same field.

To avoid unpleasant situations and losses, it is worth checking at the initial stage whether the name is available in the Unified State Register of Individual Entrepreneurs or the Unified State Register of Legal Entities, and agree on the granting of rights to use the name of the cartoon character with its author. If this is not done and you rush to start activities without preliminary agreements, the owner of an already registered name, literary, cartoon character or his heirs have the right to demand not only a change in the name, but also compensation and compensation for losses incurred.

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It won’t even be able to fully function without a beautiful name. Choosing one is not an easy task, because you need to take into account a large number of nuances that will largely ensure the success of the business. The name of any company (construction, legal, furniture) should be euphonious, easy to pronounce and evoke positive associations. To get professional help in creating a successful company name, you can contact special naming agencies, use name generators on special websites that will show an approximate list of proposals.

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A trademark is something that can qualitatively distinguish your business from competitors. But among the many different names, you need to choose one that is interesting, creative, associated with your activity, and even well remembered. Yes, the task is not easy. Many who decide to register their trademark have the same question: “How to choose a trademark name?”

To be honest, there are a lot of tips, recommendations and hints on the Internet that could theoretically help you choose a brand name. But the problem is that most of these tips are ineffective and very rarely connected with reality. In this article, we have collected only practical recommendations that we use ourselves or our business partners. So, 9 simple and clear ways that will easily help you decide and choose the optimal name for your brand.

1. Toponym or geographical name
Very often, trademarks give the name of the region where the production of a particular product is based. You can also pay attention to where your business is located; perhaps the name of a town, district, region will be quite interesting, and you can choose it as a trademark. According to this principle, such brands as the Rublevsky meat processing plant, Essentuki mineral water, Klinskoye beer, Vologodskoye butter, Finlandia vodka, Ochakovsky kvass, Shatura furniture, Winston cigarettes, liqueur were created Malibu, telecommunications company Nokia.
Also, well-known producers of mineral waters “Borjomi”, “Mirgordskaya”, “Morshinskaya” followed a similar principle and chose the name of the region where the water is extracted as a trademark.
The method is not complicated, but with the right approach it can give a very good effect.

2. Name
Very often a name is used as a brand name. But, as a rule, the name is not chosen by chance, but the name of the founder or some important person in the company serves as a brand. Based on this principle, such brands as chocolate “Alenka”, beer “Afanasy”, frozen semi-finished products “Daria”, men’s magazine “Maxim”, women’s magazine “Liza”, car “Mersedes” were formed.
By the way, you can use more than one name, but a component of several. For example, a company that supplies and installs large electrical installations is called “AnRi”, which is a component from the names of two co-founders - Andrey and Rita. Creative, interesting, sounds unusual, and carries meaning.

3. Last name
Along with names, the surnames of company founders are also widely used to name brands. As a rule, the surname itself should be interesting, not widespread, should sound unusual and attract attention. The world famous automobile concern Ford is named after its founder Henry Ford. Bochkarev beer, Smirnoff vodka, the McDonald’s restaurant chain, Levi’s jeans, and Brooke Bond tea were also named according to this principle.
At the moment in Russia, perhaps the most popular brand that bears the name of the founder is Tinkoff. Oleg Tinkof is a legend, and as he himself says, a brand man. But in truth, his name is already associated not so much with Oleg, but with the companies that bear that name.

4. Nature
Since time immemorial, nature has been the best inspiration for artists, musicians and other creative individuals. But you don’t have to limit yourself to this, and today specialists in selecting names for trademarks very widely use various natural phenomena, the names of plants, animals, and other representatives of flora and fauna. Sometimes the name can be changed, made more interesting, creative, so that it sounds unusual and attracts attention. Although unaltered natural phenomena also often serve as the basis for brand names. This is how the high-speed train is named “Sapsan”, the online hypermarket “Utkonos”, the network of salons for children and expectant mothers - “Kangaroo”, cars “Jaguar”, sportswear “Puma”, car alarms “Alligator”.

5. History.
It is not uncommon to use some historical events, famous personalities in the past, the names of iconic people or places that somehow changed the course of history to name trademarks. It is worth noting that very often historical names are used in the restaurant and hotel business. Examples include the Moscow restaurants Godunov, Pushkin, Graf-Orlov or Petrov-Vodkin. Many examples of “historical naming” are found in other areas of business: Napoleon cognac, Stepan Razin beer, Belomorkanal cigarettes, the Bolshevik confectionery factory, Lincoln cars, the Borodino trading and production group of companies.

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6. Mythology
Specialists in selecting names for trademarks did not ignore mythology. To be honest, the myths of various peoples of the world are just a golden fleece for various kinds of names. The names of gods, the names of fictional states, the names of various kinds of heroes and anti-heroes - they all sound interesting, unusual, many are widely known, and therefore are ideal for trademarks. For example, the Mazda automobile concern received its name in honor of the Zoroastrian god of life named Ahura Mazda, and the idea for the name of the drink “Sprite” was born in the 40s of the 20th century. At that time, Coca-Cola advertising campaigns featured Baby Sprite, an elf with silver hair and a wide smile who wore a drink cap instead of a hat. A little later, his name became the name of a new carbonated drink - “Sprite”. There is a famous Ukrainian wine “Golden Amphora”. In general, if you take a closer look, many brands have borrowed their names from ancient, Egyptian and Asian mythology.

7. Compose two words.
Among trademarks you can often find those that consist of two words. This is a common practice that allows you to create a unique, but at the same time quite attractive name. It often happens that a certain word is already taken, is already in use, but if you add it logically, approach the name creatively, you can get a rather interesting trademark.
For example, commercial bank Alba Bank, Aeroflot airline, cellular operator BeeLine, Volkswagen automobile concern, Aquafresh toothpaste, Sunsilk hair care product line, MasterCard credit cards, TV channel Euronews, weekly socio-political magazine Newsweek.

8. Acronym
Acronyms are abbreviations formed from the initial words of a name. Acronyms were used very often in the Soviet Union, and even now many are familiar. VAZ, ZAZ, KAMAZ are the names of cars formed from the first letters. For example, VAZ - Volzhsky Automobile Plant. Also known as acronyms is the name of the musical group “ABBA”, formed from the first letters of the names of its members: Agnetha, Björn, Benny, Anni-Frid.
In the IT field, a well-known brand that was named based on acronyms is IBM (International Business Machines). Nowadays, acronyms are quite popular, because they allow you to significantly shorten the company name, down to 2-3 letters. In the future, this name can also be used as a domain name, which will be incredibly convenient.