Need a concept idea for a nightclub. How to write your own business plan for opening a nightclub. Nightclub: business plan for a profitable establishment

♦ Capital investments in a nightclub: 778,000 rubles
♦ Project profitability: 22%
♦ Payback period: 17 months

With the current fast pace of life, the need for quality rest is becoming increasingly important. Residents of big and small cities want to spend time in a pleasant environment after hard working days, listening to good music and socializing.

For this reason, opening a nightclub is a promising business idea.

In order to plan the activities and development path of the project, it is necessary to draw up nightclub business plan.

This matter can be entrusted to professionals. However, strangers cannot fully understand all the ins and outs of your business.

Therefore, it is better to do it yourself. It's okay if you haven't done anything like this before.

Study the proposed standard plan for a nightclub and create your own according to this scheme.

Nightclub business plan: planning

Project Summary

The summary of the nightclub business plan must indicate who, where and why decided to open the company. You need to answer the questions as briefly as possible: 5-7 sentences. You can expand on this topic in more detail later.

The goals of opening such an establishment may include the following:

  1. Satisfying the needs of residents of the city of N for the existence of a place for recreation and dancing, which provides services at night and at reasonable prices.
  2. Organization of a nightclub with a high level of profitability.
  3. Receiving profit from activities.

You need to return to the goals specified in the club’s business plan from time to time so as not to lose track of the project’s development.

Marketing plan for the development of a nightclub

Market Review:

Reviewing the existing entertainment and leisure market is a top priority.

To get a complete picture of development potential, an entrepreneur must answer several questions in a business plan:

  1. What is the level of competition in the selected city or region?
  2. Which nightclubs are the most popular and why (special features, themes, discounts, promotions)?
  3. Who will be the main clients of the establishment (gender, income, occupation)?
  4. What would be the best location for a nightclub?

Target group:

The public visiting nightclubs is very diverse.

Therefore, accurate data for a business plan can only be obtained for a specific type of establishment. On average the indicators are as follows:

  • age: 15-35 years;
  • income: average and above average;
  • occupation: students, office workers, businessmen;
  • men and women in approximately equal proportions.

Competitive advantages:

As a rule, any city already has operating nightclubs.

To stand out among your competitors, you need to analyze their activities and determine a list of advantages that will favorably highlight the future nightclub against their background.

Opening costs (indicative list)

These are minimum estimated expenses.

To draw up a ready-made list and the cost of the necessary expenses for a nightclub, you should use the tables that are included in a separate application of the business plan.

...the list does not include the purchase price of the premises, since we are considering an example with its rental.

Therefore, the numbers are indicated in another section of the business plan, called “monthly expenses.”

NamePrice, rub.)
Total:RUR 777,230
1. Paperwork, business plan preparation 28 000
2. Repair and decoration of premises 300 000
3. Lighting equipment: 178 730
91 500
30 500
Rotating head
42 700
6 100
Smoke car
4 880
Disco ball
3 050
4. Musical equipment 90 500
5. Furniture 120 000
6. Dishes 60 000

Financial section of a nightclub business plan:

Monthly expenses

Monthly expenses for maintaining a nightclub business plan may include:

  • The cost of renting the premises.
  • Payment of taxes and documentation costs.
  • Payment for advertising.
    It should be especially actively financed before the opening and in the first months of the establishment’s existence.
    But even after reaching a level of stability, there should be advertising.
  • Staff salaries are on average about 35% of revenue.
  • Consumables (dishes, cleaning products, office supplies, ingredients for the bar and kitchen).

Watch this video to learn how to properly manage a nightclub!

Nightclub revenues and payback

To calculate the club’s return on investment in a business plan, it is worth considering that the main flow of clients is recorded on weekends and holidays. There are about a hundred of these per year, and in this case one should expect 70% of the club’s occupancy.

If the “average visitor” check is 650 rubles, for this period alone the revenue will be 9,500,000 rubles. The total for the year is approximately 15,500,000 rubles.

With the deduction of monthly expenses, the net profit for the year will be from 2,759,500 rubles.

Thus, the profitability of the establishment will be at the level of 22%, and the payback period will be 17 months.

Opening your own business is hard anyway. But there is no greater pleasure than working for yourself while doing what you love.

If a purposeful and persistent person sets a goal for himself, he will definitely achieve it. And the best way to design this goal would be a detailed nightclub business plan. An entrepreneur who is ready to pay due attention to it, who will invest all his strength in the development of the project, is guaranteed to achieve success.

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The entertainment industry emerged long before many other types of business. Back in Ancient Rome, a phrase was born that denotes the two main needs of the people: bread and circuses. The most profitable types of business activities are built on meeting these needs. It is impossible to imagine the life of modern youth without nightclubs. Their different incarnations appear like mushrooms after rain, both in the capital and in poor provincial towns. Some end their life’s journey without having had time to really work, while others become truly iconic and legendary places. However, one does not cancel the other.

It is understood that the initial cost of opening a club will be approximately 2.9 million rubles, of which 1 million is the entrepreneur’s own money, and 1.9 million is a bank loan and other type of loan.


A nightclub, an example of the organization of which is described in this business plan, is registered in the form of a limited liability company (one or two founders). The tax system is the simplified tax system (“simplified tax system”) with a deduction in favor of the state of 15% of the establishment’s net profit. OKVED codes are as follows:

  • 93.29 “Other entertainment and entertainment activities.”
  • 93.29.2 “Activities of dance floors, discos, dance schools.”
  • 93.29.9 “Other entertainment and entertainment activities, not included in other groups.”
  • 56.30 “Serving drinks.”

The premises for the location of this nightclub, with an area of ​​350 sq. meters, is rented in the city center and must comply with fire safety rules and SanPiN standards. It is advisable to conclude a lease agreement for three years at once, while paying in full for the first six months. You should also pre-conclude a contract for the renovation of the premises, as well as contracts for the supply of sound and lighting equipment.

The work of the night club is based on providing a whole range of entertainment services, such as:

  • Discos with integrated show programs.
  • Parties dedicated to a specific theme.
  • Organization of the entertainment part of citywide events.
  • Conducting various competitions and creative competitions.
  • VIP zone services.
  • Bar service with a wide range of alcoholic and non-alcoholic drinks.

Since the nightclub will sell alcoholic beverages, you must take care of obtaining the appropriate license in advance. The average cost of a ticket for entry to a regular disco should be set at 200 rubles per person. At the same time, it is necessary to periodically provide clients with various discounts, which will depend on the theme of the relevant events and holiday dates. The planned maximum capacity of the club is 150 people.

How much do you need to invest?

The initial investment in organizing a nightclub is presented in the table:

Marketing plan

Considering the location of the nightclub in the city center, it is assumed that there are convenient access roads to it. To calculate the approximate profit of this establishment, we will take young people from 18 to 30 years old as the main target audience. If the city has educational institutions of secondary and higher vocational education, then most of the nightclub's clients will be students. It is also advisable, if possible, to locate a nightclub in close proximity to large shopping centers. The main musical trends that will be played at discos are planned to be Disco, Pop and Techno (focus on the musical tastes of your target audience, clubs for a narrower audience are also possible - for example, fans of Rap or Rock).

It is necessary to draw up a clear, well-developed plan of action aimed at attracting customers to the club. It should definitely include the following activities:

  • Advertising campaign in all available media - newspapers, magazines, radio.
  • Installation of banners, billboards and banners in the most visible places in the city.
  • Distribution of advertising brochures and flyers, as well as placement of advertisements on information stands.
  • Development of a nightclub website and creation of groups on social networks.
  • Promotion in search engines and purchase of contextual advertising.

The complex of the above measures will ensure the attraction of a large number of clients in the first weeks of the club’s operation.

For nightclubs, peak attendance occurs on Fridays and Saturdays, as well as holidays. On these days of the week, you can count on at least 70 percent occupancy of the establishment. And this is almost 100 people. There are approximately 105 weekends and holidays a year.

Accordingly, if each client leaves an average of 600 rubles in the club, the annual revenue will be 6.3 million rubles. Additional income will come from corporate parties, buffets, competitions and citywide events, which will be held approximately 5 times a month. The revenue from each of them will be at least 45 thousand rubles, and in total for the year - 2.7 million rubles. The planned total revenue of a nightclub in a small town is 9 million rubles.

Production plan

An entrepreneur needs to make the most intelligent use of the entire available area of ​​the nightclub premises. The 350 available square meters should be divided as follows:

  • 150 “squares” should be allocated for a dance floor and a mini-stage.
  • 100 sq. meters to be given to the landing and VIP areas.
  • 50 sq. meters will be occupied by a hall and a dressing room.
  • The remaining 50 “squares” will remain for bathrooms and utility rooms.

The nightclub premises must be equipped with a fire alarm with an emergency fire extinguishing system, and also have an evacuation plan, copies of which must be posted in plain sight. Equipment must be certified and meet safety standards.

The club’s operating hours should be organized in accordance with the norms of logic and common sense, but do not forget to take into account the characteristics of the establishment’s target audience. For example, a nightclub targeting an audience between 18 and 30 years old may adhere to the following operating hours:

  • Friday – Saturday from 21:00 to 05:00.
  • Tuesday – Thursday, Sunday from 20:00 to 04:00.
  • Corporate and themed events can be organized any day of the week.

An example of a nightclub staffing table is presented in the table below.

Job title Number of people Salary, rub. Monthly payment fund, rub. Payment per year, rub.
1 Administrator 1 25 000 25 000 300 000
2 Art Director 1 22 000 22 000 264 000
3 Promoter 1 20 000 20 000 240 000
4 DJ 1 20 000 20 000 240 000
5 Bartender-cashier 2 18 000 36 000 432 000
6 Cleaning woman 1 10 000 10 000 120 000
7 Wardrobe attendant 1 9 000 9 000 108 000
8 Street cleaner 1 10 000 10 000 120 000
9 Security guard 3 12 000 36 000 432 000
10 Accountant 1 15 000 15 000 180 000
TOTAL 213 000 2 436 000

The staff will consist of 13 people - this is the optimal number of employees for a small provincial nightclub. You can, of course, hire several additional employees, but the practical benefits of this step will be much less than the costs of its implementation. For successful business development, it is important not to throw money away left and right, but, on the contrary, to wisely save on unnecessary things and actions. As Benjamin Franklin once said, a penny saved is a penny earned!

Calculations of income and expenses

This section of the business plan calculates the financial costs and potential income from operating a nightclub in a small town.

The monthly expenses of this establishment are as follows:

As a result, we see that the monthly costs of maintaining the functionality of the nightclub will be approximately 600 thousand rubles. Most of the money will be spent on employee salaries (35%), another important expense item is the purchase of quality alcohol for the bar (33%). All other expense items are significantly lower in size than the above items. It is also worth noting the rather large amount of insurance contributions for employees to the Pension Fund and the Social Insurance Fund, amounting to almost 11% of the total.

The profitability of a nightclub in a small town is shown in the following table:

As you can see from the table, the net profit of the nightclub after paying all taxes will be about 1.5 million rubles per year. It is not difficult to calculate that the club will bring its owner approximately 120 thousand rubles per month. Based on calculations, the profitability of a nightclub will be around 20%, which is very good for an entertainment establishment in a provincial town. The nightclub will fully pay for itself in 24 months.

Possible risks

Opening a nightclub in a provincial town is associated with a number of risks that can directly or indirectly “make adjustments” to the development of the business. Below is a sample list of them:

  • Rising inflation rate.
  • The emergence of competitors with greater financial capabilities.
  • Problems with the law due to criminalized club clients.
  • Obsolescence of the concept of the establishment.
  • Decrease in purchasing power of the city population.

In order to minimize the negative impact of the above risks, the owner of a nightclub must always be “on the crest of the wave” and come up with new “hooks” that will catch and retain the club’s clients.

-> Entertainment and hotel business, tourism, catering, beauty, health, medicine

I continue the story about how to open a nightclub.

In the previous article, I told you about how the first nightclubs were opened in our country and showed several successful stories. What has changed since then and how to open a nightclub Today?

Glamor costs money, and in order to open a truly successful, income-generating nightclub, you will have to invest a lot of money. Opening a nightclub will require at least half a million dollars, but the profitability of such a nightclub as a business project will be quite high, all investments made in the club will be repaid with interest very quickly, because on average the profitability of a nightclub ranges from 25 to 55%.

However, the popularity and profitability of the club do not directly depend only on the amount of invested funds. It often happens that a nightclub, in which even less than 50 thousand dollars are invested, brings more profit than a club in which ten times more is invested. The club business begins to flourish and bring good income to the owners through other things. The key to success is in competent business planning and a well-chosen niche and positioning of the future nightclub.

All nightclubs are divided into three conditional categories: closed, democratic youth and thematic - for jazz lovers, rock fans or representatives of sexual minorities, and first you need to determine which direction is closer to you. It is impossible to please absolutely everyone.

How to open a nightclub: where to start?

A good place to start is by studying the market. What nightclubs are there in your city, how many there are, what group of visitors they are aimed at, the number of clubs by district. Walk through similar establishments in the city, try to understand the spirit and atmosphere of a particular nightclub, pay attention to some features inherent in specific clubs. When studying the market for the presence of competitors, you should immediately study their strengths and weaknesses, analyze the services offered and prices.

Walk through restaurants, cafes, bars, and places where there are dance floors. Yes, this is not a club format, but the very presence of a large number of visitors in such establishments is the key to your success, which means such services are in demand in your city and there is still a place on the market. However, strictly speaking, there is always a place on the market in any niche, you just need to find your zest, that little feature that the client will certainly notice and appreciate.

Having studied and understood the market, determine your target audience and think over your pricing policy. Determine the maximum possible number of visitors, the average number of visits and the expected average check - this way you can calculate your future expenses, income and profit.

The next step is to start looking for suitable premises. If you are planning to open a really popular nightclub, then the choice of premises for the nightclub must be approached with special care. The point here is not only the location of the club; it does not necessarily have to be in the city center; the main thing is to remember that the premises for a night club must meet a number of requirements. The basic requirements are very simple: the presence of a large dance hall (or even better, several halls) with proper acoustics and compliance with fire and sanitary standards (or the ability to bring the premises into compliance with these requirements).

Nightclub: there is so much in this sound!..

Once you have decided on the concept of the future nightclub and found a suitable room or site, its design and construction will begin

Even at the stage of construction of a nightclub, it is necessary to invite a specialized company to install light and sound (there are about 50 of them in Moscow). Without sufficient experience, it is almost impossible to purchase and install equipment yourself. Here you need to take into account a lot of different parameters of the room: area, shape, ceiling height, location of tables, stage and bar counter, wall decoration... In a word, if you want to have high-quality light and sound, you cannot do without professionals.

One of the important conditions on which the set of lighting devices depends is the style of the music. For example, for disco music and performances by pop artists, bright colored rays wandering around the hall and mirror balls are used. Youth clubs where trance or rave music is played are preferably illuminated with cool blue and blue colors that whiten people's faces, and also use flashing strobe lights and green lasers.

For a club with a main dance hall size of 120-150 sq. m, it is quite possible to create high-quality light and sound for $15 thousand. In this case, the cost ratio will be approximately the following: two thirds will be spent on light, and one third on sound. Light always costs more because it is more difficult to install. Although sometimes sound equipment for a club turns out to be more important. Let's say when a club specializes in live performances. And then the ratio can be 50 to 50.

When choosing a room for a small club, it is advisable to choose a hall with a ceiling height of up to 4 m, since this directly affects the cost of the purchased equipment. Lighting fixtures that can “pierce” a distance of 4 meters are almost 30% cheaper than more powerful ones, with beams that overcome 8 m. Also, to properly place the light, you need to know in advance whether there will be any show in the club that requires a separate backlight For example, a striptease requires a bright spot fill of the stage with a tracking gun and ultraviolet light.

One of the most important parameters by which light and sound equipment is selected is the uninterrupted operation time of the lamp. If it will be constantly used for more than 12 hours in a row, you should choose equipment with an increased resource. It is better not to give in to the temptation to save money by buying a cheap device in which the lamps are designed for only 150 hours of operation. It would be more correct to purchase a more expensive unit, but with a service life of 2000 hours. Powerful lamps are quite expensive - up to $50, and if you change them often, no money will be enough.

Non-intelligent lighting devices (that is, those that respond only to musical accompaniment) cost on average from $100 to $400, and intelligent ones (their operation can be programmed or adjusted from the remote control) cost at least $500. But for a “simple” club, the first option is quite suitable.

Which technology is better? Not necessarily the most expensive. Well-known Western brands cost 30 percent more than Chinese and Taiwanese devices, but they are usually produced in the same factories. Do not neglect domestic devices. They are often no worse than their foreign counterparts. Moreover, if the Chinese often use plastic lenses, which lose transparency over time, then our factories use only natural glass, plus reliable iron.

If both musicians and DJs will perform at the club, then you will need quite expensive professional sound equipment with a power of 7-8 kW; specialists will help you select it. If live performances are not planned, then you can save 20 percent on a sound system.

Installation of the devices themselves is estimated at 10-15% of the cost of the equipment; it can take up to a week, and this also needs to be taken into account.

The acoustic characteristics of the hall are determined not only by the size of the room, but also by the materials used for interior decoration. Soft chairs and carpets absorb sound, while drywall, mirrors and marble, on the contrary, reflect. But both excessive absorption and excessive reflection of sound are negative phenomena. Therefore, experts try to neutralize them. For sound insulation, special “ecophone” panels are used. But it is impossible to solve this problem completely. Therefore, the club can only be located in non-residential premises. In most cities, by the way, this is even enshrined in law.

It is necessary to select and begin installation of lighting and sound equipment at the stage of rough work, and not when the decoration of the club has already been completed. Otherwise, problems and additional serious costs are inevitable: you will have to hollow out monolithic ceilings, disturb the finishing, change the layout of the premises and do other work not included in the original budget.

However, it is not at all necessary to invest millions in repairs. In many cases, especially if we are not talking about an expensive elite nightclub, everything can be done very stylishly and inexpensively, and the twilight and flashes of light reigning in the hall can hide many of the room’s defects.

The main thing is to have your own style, unique only to this particular club. To do this, it is better to contact a designer who will help you create it.

Thus, one of the most popular Moscow clubs, “Svalka,” gained popularity in the shortest possible time, largely thanks to its original interior: stylish, rough wood stools, equally rough tables, and its original find—real hoods of American cars with headlights flickering in the dark. The no less fashionable place “Propaganda” also saved a lot on the interior, designing it in the “minimalist industrial” style: rough wood and equally rough metal, plus painted brick.

How to open a nightclub: the staff makes it a success

In order for a nightclub to become truly popular, you need not only to advertise it well (which, in general, is understandable), but also to select the right staff who will create a special, specific atmosphere of a nightclub inherent in this particular establishment. Of course, the quality of music and equipment (both musical and lighting) is a very important component of success, but it is the corporate culture of the staff that will create the atmosphere, the aura of the club, and most directly influence the level of income of your establishment.

A lot depends on the guest DJ, who plays the “correct”, fashionable music. In Moscow, a good DJ costs from $50 to $150 per night, unless, of course, he is a star.

No less than the DJ, the club's profit depends on the bartender. It is important that he establishes clear control over the consumption of drinks and the assortment - youth clubs should have a sea of ​​beer at a relatively inexpensive price. He also monitors compliance with the law prohibiting the sale of alcohol to minors.

A reliable security system is something that no nightclub can do without. Her responsibilities include carrying out entrance face control in order to cut off unwanted people, as well as (and this is probably the main task of this service) maintaining order in the club. You can organize a security service yourself, or enter into an agreement with a security agency. In Moscow, professional security services cost $2-5 per hour; five to six people for an average nightclub will be quite enough.

How to open a nightclub: we make money!

The main income of the nightclub comes from two things: the sale of entrance tickets and the bar.

The approximate profit from entrance tickets is not difficult to calculate. An average club can accommodate up to 500 people on a Saturday or Sunday evening. With a ticket price of 100 rubles, the revenue is 50 thousand rubles. On average, a bar brings in about the same amount. The result is 100 thousand rubles at the very minimum. Minus the costs of renting premises, staff salaries, equipment rental, income can range from 20 to 50%. However, taxes must also be paid from this amount. But here everyone gets out as best they can, and it’s impossible to even give estimated costs.

According to the owners of democratic establishments, the key to success is a flexible pricing policy. On weekdays, the number of visitors is usually three times less than on weekends. The worst day is Monday, which is why many clubs have a day off on this day or make entry to the club free.

As for the bar, compared to the store, the markup on drinks varies from 100 to 300%. And here it is important not to overdo it with cheating. If it is very expensive - firstly, they will take it with them or will “get up to standard” in advance and come to the club already “in the firewood”, and secondly, some part of the visitors will simply leave you for more affordable competitors.

How to open a nightclub: promotion

The promoter-distributor (usually also one of the club's visitors) receives up to 10% of the entrance ticket price (each flyer has its individual number), plus free entry to the club.

It is clear that a nightclub is not only about dancing and a bar. When developing your business, you need to think about other possible interests of your visitors. Additional services will not only replenish the cash register of the establishment, but will attract new visitors to it, because the choice of possible leisure activities will be significantly expanded. And if the client wants entertainment other than dancing, he can get it.

Such additional services of a nightclub can be playing machines, billiards, poker tables, karaoke, etc. Little things like this will attract even more clients to you.

And yet, the main thing here is word of mouth, because among young people rumors about a new “cool place” spread faster than on the Internet. If everything is done correctly in your club, it has every chance of success.

Those people who have already decided to create their own business, as a rule, know in advance that they will need to spend their finances. A nightclub is a type of activity that will be beneficial for wealthy businessmen. Indeed, those people who have decent financial capital will be able to open a nightclub. In turn, a nightclub is a fairly profitable and very interesting business that will definitely bring good money to its owner. And if your plans include creating a nightclub, then the business project must be drawn up quite competently. In this article we will talk in detail about how to open a nightclub from scratch.

Business pitfalls

Before you start opening your own nightclub, you should know that there is quite tough competition in this business. Based on this, a large number of such clubs cannot withstand this circumstance and will soon close or sell their business to other people. And the reason is that these entrepreneurs simply do not show the proper skill and desire to conduct such a business and understand how to choose the right potential audience. For this reason, before you start opening a nightclub, you should carefully analyze this market and conduct marketing wisely. Once you have done all the necessary research, you can easily understand who your target audience will be.

According to statistics, approximately 75% of the income of nightlife establishments comes from regular visitors. So, you first need to understand what your future audience will be like. Will it be students, or businessmen, or maybe representatives of some minorities. Your choice determines what kind of interior you need to create in this club and what kind of music to choose for it. You can also easily determine the cost of the drinks offered and the level of service. But we will give you a little advice: you should not open a nightclub that will be alien to you. For example, if a person is straight by orientation and creates a club for gays, then this business will not be able to bring him either success or profit. Therefore, this rule must be remembered.


The first stage in creating your own nightclub is the construction of a future establishment or the search for a ready-made premises. If possible, you can rebuild the club yourself according to the prepared project. But before you begin this construction, you should consider all the options. It may be more appropriate for you to rent or buy out various abandoned establishments. For example, for a future nightclub, you can buy old cultural centers or palaces of pioneers. As a rule, these premises can be found in small regional centers or provincial cities. But if you decide to purchase these establishments in the capital, then you are unlikely to be able to do this.

Very often, the right choice of location for a club affects its future success. It is also necessary to remember that a fashionable nightclub, designed for high society, should be located in the central part of the city. And those establishments that have a more democratic audience are located on its outskirts.

For those clubs that are designed mainly for a youth audience, one of the most important conditions is the convenience of its location. That is, the ability to quickly get to this establishment via the metro, as well as by any ground transport. A nightclub should not be located on the ground floor of multi-storey buildings. And even if you receive the necessary permission from the authorities, and your establishment has excellent sound insulation, the residents living in this house are unlikely to allow you to work peacefully. Unfortunately, most apartment buildings are home to several elderly women who will call the police on a frequent basis. The consequence of this circumstance, as a rule, will be the disruption of parties in your club.

What is needed to create your own nightclub?

  • First, you need to find a building that meets some stipulated rules. The building must: have a large area (the hall where the dance floor will be provided must be at least 300 sq. m.) and high enough ceilings (approximately 3.5 meters) to accommodate lighting and sound equipment.
  • Secondly, it is necessary to complete all documents.

We draw up a business plan

  1. If you want to know how to open a nightclub, then you should take our advice into account and draw up a competent business plan.
  2. Then, you should register your type of activity. You can consider the option of opening an individual entrepreneur or LLC.
  3. The next step is to create a list of services your business provides. For example it could be:
  • Banquet hall for relaxation and conversation.
  • Karaoke room.
  • Restaurant hall.
  • Bar counter.

The list of these services can be expanded if desired, taking into account the requests of your visitors.

If you don’t know how to equip your nightclub, then to equip this establishment you will need to purchase:

  • High-quality sound equipment.
  • Lighting equipment.
  • DJ console.

Interior design of the establishment

If we take into account the interior of the club, then in this case there is no clear opinion on what the room should look like. You can make expensive renovations to your establishment with rich decorations, but you still won’t get customers, or you can spend a small amount of money on interior decoration and still have a huge number of visitors. In this case, it should be noted that most nightlife establishments are engaged in selling the internal atmosphere, and last of all they are engaged in interior design, increasing the variety of dishes and drinks.

Before starting finishing work, you need to create a project necessary for this purpose. In this case, it will simply be impossible to do without the help of specialists (you will spend approximately 3-4 thousand dollars to provide these services). It would be more appropriate to start with the basic concept. This approach in this matter will help you avoid unnecessary expenses. Our specialists will help you quickly obtain the necessary permits and documents needed for the operation of your establishment. These expenses must be included in the business project.

Employees of the establishment

After all the necessary documentation has been received, equipment has been purchased, and the interior arrangement of the premises has been completed, workers should be found. The staff of the nightclub must include:

  • The manager of the establishment.
  • Director.
  • Club administrator.
  • Service staff (waiters - 5-7 people).
  • Cook (5-6 people).
  • Bartender (3-4 people).
  • Cleaning lady (2 people).
  • Worker in the dressing room - (1 person).

But with regards to the security system, in this case there is no consensus. One part of the entrepreneurs forms their own security unit, while the other part recruits security guards from existing organizations in this field. The job responsibilities of security guards include not only maximizing threats and security, but also maintaining proper order in the premises (i.e., eliminating the possibility of selling narcotic substances). And all because many of the club’s clients are completely different personalities.

Undoubtedly, all working employees must be at the level of the given institution or at least have some experience in this area.

Chief worker

According to most experts, the success and success of any night establishment directly depends on the promoter. And if the club administrator does not have the appropriate professional skills in this field of activity, then even a club that has achieved great popularity and fame may suffer from his work. Therefore, a business project to create a night establishment must be drawn up carefully and quite competently. But if you hire a worthless and illiterate promoter, then you should not expect success from this business. Unfortunately, such a specialty as a promoter cannot be acquired at any higher educational institution. It can be acquired and all the necessary skills can be learned only through practice. The main responsibility of the promoter is to attract new visitors. The promoter needs to lead the establishment's activities in the right direction with a clearly defined goal. This specialist must have excellent ability to organize various festive events.

Financial plan

If you decide to organize your own nightclub in a small provincial town, then the initial starting capital will be approximately 11-16 million rubles. This amount includes the following expenses:

  1. Building or premises - from 4,500,000 rubles.
  2. The interior design of the club costs around 600 thousand rubles. Most of the funds will be spent on the purchase and installation of sound and lighting equipment.
  3. Preparation of the necessary documentation - approximately 450 thousand rubles.
  4. Equipment – ​​200-400 thousand rubles.
  5. Salary to employees is 3.5 – 4 million rubles.
  6. Marketing and advertising costs around 150 thousand rubles.

In order for your club to be quickly found by visitors on unlit streets in the evening or at night, you should install a bright outdoor neon sign, which will attract customers to your establishment with its bright and varied light.

One linear meter of neon will cost you approximately $15-45. But according to statistics, there is a small part of nightlife establishments that do not install signs on the façade of the building, so as not to attract any desired visitors. And regular customers already know the location of the club very well. But before you start installing a sign, you should think carefully about what name this nightclub will have? In this case, the decision, as a rule, must be made by the owner of the establishment himself. But we will give one small piece of advice - the name of the establishment must fully correspond to its main activity and direction.


An entrepreneur can easily count on the following profits:

Income from the sale of alcohol and various snacks is 7-9 million rubles per year.

Sales of entrance tickets to the club are 8 million rubles per year.

In addition to everything described above, you can also make a profit from additional services - in the region of 2.5-3 million rubles. For example, you can earn income from your sponsors. In this case, we mean placing advertisements with various alcohol and tobacco products in the club hall, since these products are prohibited from being advertised on public television.

If you want to learn how to open a nightclub from scratch and start your own business, you will have a lot of interesting troubles - starting from choosing the format of the establishment and ending with the development of unique offers, the “tricks” of your company. Another advantage of such an undertaking is that a nightclub can be opened even in a small town, and if you choose a site in a metropolis, nothing prevents you from identifying the target audience of the establishment.

Where to find funds

It is very difficult to say with confidence how much it costs to open a club and how quickly it will pay for itself: everything depends on the contingent and success of the establishment, as well as on the scale and courage of the initial idea.

Even if you open a small dance floor, you will have to invest at least 4.5 million rubles: you will spend approximately 2.4 million on equipment (sound system, system for light shows, furniture, interior items), another approximately 1.9 million rubles will be spent for daily expenses (maintenance of the bar and restaurant, free drinks as a gift for those who bought a ticket). If the club is successful among a wide audience, the business can pay off in just a year, but it would be reasonable to count on longer periods.

If the scale of your undertaking differs even slightly from an ordinary dance floor, you will have to invest 10-15 million rubles into the business.

The establishment will be profitable if at least 10,000 young people aged 16-35 live in the area or settlement. But where will the big money come from to open and promote the club? Enter into agreements with sponsors, especially with suppliers of tobacco products and alcohol: you can be given from 600 thousand rubles to organize one party.

Types of clubs

At the moment, all nightlife establishments are divided into three types: closed, democratic and thematic. So, how to open a club depending on the format of your endeavor?

Closed clubs

These are elite establishments that pay for themselves the fastest, but opening and promoting such clubs will require the most effort. Indoor venues are aimed at young people, so usually the owner of such a club receives revenue not from the sale of tickets, but from the sale of drinks and snacks: a non-alcoholic cocktail here can cost 500 rubles, an alcoholic one – from 2,500. Is it profitable? More than! However, interest in such establishments quickly disappears - within two years you will have to open a club in a new location.

Get ready for the fact that you will always have to keep up the brand: invite the best artists, provide guests with a rich bar selection and introduce the strictest face control - this will encourage clients to get into the premises at any cost.

Democratic clubs

The main audience of such platforms were, is and will be teenagers and students: the target audience is people aged 16 to 25 years. Accordingly, most of them will not be able to pay much for tickets and drinks: for entry you can charge everyone 100-150 rubles, for drinks 90-200 rubles. The organizers of such clubs go for quantity, not quality: turn up the music louder, take care of a catchy advertising campaign - and in one evening you can earn up to 100,000 rubles. By the way, you can ask for a significant price for an entrance ticket (1000-2000 rubles), and then sell drinks to everyone in any quantity.

Thematic clubs

Do you want to attract more regular customers, rather than focusing on one-time visitors? Great idea! However, before opening a nightclub from scratch, you should decide what to give preference to: one particular musical direction or a certain category of citizens.

You can create a rock or pop club, or you can position your establishment, for example, as a platform for people of non-traditional sexual orientation. Oddly enough, almost half of the visitors to such a club are partygoers who do not belong to minorities: they simply like the atmosphere of liberation.

If your gay club is successful, it can bring in up to 60 million rubles a year, but getting into such a business is difficult: you need to have significant connections. But opening the doors of a themed establishment is much easier. However, this is not the best option for a small city - the audience will already be small, is it worth further limiting it?

Room options

A spacious and stylishly decorated room is exactly the component that will make your business successful: a nightclub should be located on an area of ​​at least 500 m2, of which 250 m2 will be occupied by the main dance floor. Under no circumstances should such establishments be organized on the first floors of residential buildings! Even if you manage to officially register the site, the doors of your club will close as soon as complaints from residents are received.

If you are planning to open a business not in Moscow or St. Petersburg, try renting empty premises of cultural centers and cinemas: in large cities, such buildings are mostly occupied. An excellent option is to rent or buy a separate building. But please note: the ceiling height must be at least 4 meters - you will have to hang sound and lighting equipment.


Let's say you've decided how much it costs to open a nightclub, purchasing the necessary equipment and starting renovations to your liking. But don’t forget that you will also have to pay salaries to your employees. Even in the simplest club the following should work:

Ten employees will have to pay at least 200,000 rubles monthly. But it’s worth considering that most workers will work in shifts: first of all, these are waiters, bartenders and cloakroom attendants. As for the security guards, these must be really strong people who can calm down any rowdy guest, so it is better to immediately contact an agency and hire real professionals. People won't want to go to a club where they won't feel safe.

Main dangers

Considering how much it costs to open a nightclub and how much effort you have to put into finalizing every little detail, losing customers and profits would be especially disappointing. Most often, the following factors lead to the failure of novice entrepreneurs.

Incorrectly completed documents

If you do not have notarized documents confirming that the construction or re-equipment of the premises was carried out in accordance with all the rules, the success of the club will be short-lived. Also required: an SES conclusion, medical records of employees, an agreement with a waste removal company, permission to sell tobacco and alcohol, as well as any other goods.

Visitors who are drug addicts

Drug trafficking requires special control from the administration. If higher authorities suspect that one of your clients is involved in the trade of prohibited substances, one fine day people with weapons and in camouflage clothing will burst into your place. One such action will be enough for people to stop being interested in the club, and for you to fall under criminal liability.