Integration of educational areas. Multimedia presentation "safety and traffic rules" Program on traffic rules in dow with presentation

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ABC OF SAFETY ON THE ROAD Completed by: teacher Kochkarova Raisa Muratkhanovna MADOU No. 5 “Scarlet Flower”

Dear Guys! I invite you to take a fascinating journey to the country of traffic rules and road signs!!! Forward!!!

Well, here we are on the road! How many cars are there!!! How to cross the road correctly so as not to break the rules? Always look for the pedestrian crossing sign!!! A zebra will come to our aid. You often see its white stripes on the road at pedestrian crossing points. This is a ground pedestrian crossing. Next to it you will always see either a traffic light or a “pedestrian crossing” sign.

And if you see a traffic light near a pedestrian crossing, always remember the rules!!!

When starting the transition, look left, then right. Make sure there are no cars!

It happens that there is no zebra in the place where you need to cross the road. What to do? Then you should look for overhead or underground pedestrian crossings.

You can only walk on sidewalks, roadsides, and pedestrian paths. If they are not there, then you can walk along the edge of the roadway, but only facing moving cars.

When at a stop, cross the road only when public transport leaves the stop. If the traffic does not leave, you must move away from the stop to a safe distance so that you can see the cars driving to the right and left.

You cannot play on the roadway, as you may not notice an approaching car. You can only play in specially designated places - in courtyards, parks, squares. When leaving the entrance, be attentive and careful.


On the topic: methodological developments, presentations and notes

The presentation will help make the lesson more fun....

Presentation of a short-term project in a senior group

"Safe roads for children"

Completed by the teacher

Orekhova N.A. MKDOU d/s No. 2 “Swallow”



Preschool children do not have that protective psychological reaction to traffic conditions that is characteristic of adults. Their thirst for knowledge, the desire to constantly discover something new, often puts the child in front of real dangers, in particular on the streets. Left to their own devices, children pay little attention to the real dangers on the road. This is explained by the fact that they do not yet know how to properly control their behavior. They are unable to correctly determine the distance to an approaching car and its speed and overestimate their own capabilities, considering themselves fast and dexterous. They have not yet developed the ability to anticipate the possibility of danger in a rapidly changing traffic environment. Therefore, they serenely run out onto the road in front of a stopped car and suddenly appear in the path of another.

The formation of children's skills of conscious safe behavior on city streets is realized through the active work of all project participants.

It is known that habits established in childhood remain for life, therefore one of the important problems in ensuring road safety is the prevention of children's road injuries in preschool institutions. It is necessary to familiarize children with the rules of the road and develop the skills of proper behavior on the road from a very early age, since the knowledge acquired in childhood is the most durable; the rules learned by the child subsequently become the norm of behavior, and their observance becomes a human need.

Therefore, studying the Rules of the Road is one of the main tasks today, and work on a project dedicated to the study of the Rules of the Road will contribute to this.

Project participants




By number of participants: group (senior group children)

By time: short-term (three weeks)

The nature: within the preschool educational institution

Project type:

Objective of the project:

developing safe behavior skills for children on the roads

  • Create conditions for children to consciously study the Rules of the Road;
  • generalize and expand children's knowledge about traffic rules;
  • introduce the concept of “distance” and “safe distance”;
  • increase your child’s level of knowledge on safe behavior on the streets and roads.
  • promote the formation of an attitude towards safe behavior on the roads;
  • develop motivation for safe behavior on the roads;
  • develop in children the ability to determine a safe distance in various traffic situations.
  • educate law-abiding road users;
  • optimize work with parents of children of senior preschool age to study and consolidate knowledge about traffic rules using a variety of methods and techniques;
  • encourage parents to be an example for their children in following traffic rules;
  • to generate interest among parents in jointly teaching their children safe behavior on the roads;
  • Establish warm, informal relationships between parents and parents and teachers.

Preparatory stage

Main stage

The final stage

The project includes three stages:

Expected result:

Children: By the end of the project the child should:

know the “stop-look-cross” algorithm for crossing the road;

  • be able to choose a way to cross the roadway, distinguish between pedestrian crossings (ground, overground, underground, regulated, unregulated) and traffic control devices (traffic lights, traffic controllers), as well as road signs;
  • know the rules for crossing the roadway at regulated and unregulated pedestrian crossings,
  • improve children's research activities;
  • developed knowledge about road signs;
  • compliance with basic traffic rules,
  • Parents:

  • close cooperation with teachers;
  • expanding the pedagogical literacy of parents on the issues of safe behavior of children on the roads.
  • Teacher:

  • increasing safety knowledge;
  • relationship with parents to create joint projects.

1. Preparatory stage.

  • choice of topic and its relevance;
  • goal formulation and definition of objectives;
  • selection of material on the Project topic:
  • - selection of methodological, popular science and fiction literature, illustrative material on this topic,
  • - selection of toys, attributes for play and theatrical activities according to traffic rules.
  • - selection of information for the parent corner;
  • - musical selection of songs;
  • -selection of didactic, story-based games, physical exercises;
  • drawing up a plan for the main stage of the Project;
  • survey of children.
  • Working with parents:
  • Conversation with parents about upcoming work on the project.
  • Announcement of the start of the project and its tasks.

Stages of work on the project:

2. Main stage

Conducting a series of classes on traffic rules:

  • "Children's behavior in public transport"
  • “Crossroads. Getting to know the driver's job"
  • "I'm walking down the street"
  • "Road signs",
  • "Safe behavior on the street"

Introduction to fiction:

E. Zhitkov “Traffic Light”, S. Mikhalkov “My Street”, “Uncle Styopa” N. Kalinin “How the Guys Crossed the Street”, V. Sirotov “Your Comrade Traffic Light”, P. V. Ivnev “How the Street Talks”, I Seryakov “The Laws of Streets and Roads”, A. Ivanov “How Inseparable Friends Crossed the Road”, L. Galperstein “Barrier”, G. Yurmin “Curious Mouse”.



books, albums, drawings

Guessing riddles about transport, road signs, and traffic rules.

  • "Road Safety"
  • “Always remember road signs”;
  • “Be careful, road! ";
  • "Transport on city streets";
  • "Rules for passengers";
  • "Rules of conduct for pedestrians"
  • "School of Pedestrian Sciences"
  • "Road Violations"
  • "History of Transport"
  • "Driver's work"
  • "How to behave on the bus"
  • "Special purpose vehicles"
  • "Adjuster".


  • “What would happen if all the road signs disappeared? ";
  • “What would happen if there were no traffic rules?”;
  • "Stories in Transport";
  • "An interesting incident on the road."

Writing creative stories:

Didactic games:

“Road signs”, “Traffic light”, “Guess it”, “Our street”, “Logical path”, “Put a road sign”, “Be careful”, “Lay it out correctly”, “Find out by description”. “Arrange the signs” (games with an intersection layout), “Dial the number correctly,” “Find the same sign,” “Collect the sign.”

Games (role-playing, didactic, outdoor)

  • Outdoor games: “Gestures of a traffic controller”, “Stop”, “Traffic light”. “Traffic Controller”, “Red, Yellow, Green”, “Skillful Pedestrian”, “Best Pedestrian”, “Traffic Signals”, “Pedestrians and Cars”, “Road Signs and Cars”, and others.
  • Role-playing games: “Be careful of the street!”, “Ride the bus”, “Traffic rules”, “Car”.

Artistic and creative activities:

  • drawing "Road signs",
  • application “Road signs”, “Modes of transport” (collective works),
  • designing “My Street”,
  • collective work “Town Streets” (made of sand),
  • modeling: “Funny traffic light”, “Cars”.

Open event

"Safe distance"

3. Final stage

Joint event with parents “Road safety or competent pedestrian”

Exhibition of joint work by parents and children on traffic rules:

"School of Pedestrian Sciences"

Summing up the results of the work, we can say: developing safe behavior skills in preschoolers is a long and labor-intensive process, but very exciting and educational not only for children, but also for adults. I would like to hope that work in this direction will bring good results in the future, and the knowledge acquired by the children will help them avoid troubles on the road.

thanks for


List of materials used:
  • - Policeman;
  • Avdeeva N.N., Knyazeva N.L., Sterkina R.B. Safety. A textbook on the basics of life safety for children of senior preschool age. – SPb.: “CHILDHOOD-PRESS”, 2003.
  • Polynova V.K. Fundamentals of life safety for preschool children. Work planning. Conversations. Games - St. Petersburg: LLC PUBLISHING HOUSE "CHILDHOOD-PRESS", 2010
  • Complex classes for children 4 – 7 years old / author - comp. O.F. Gorbatenko. Ed. 2nd, add. – Volgograd: Teacher, 2013
  • Open events for older children. Educational field “Artistic and aesthetic development”. A practical guide for senior educators, methodologists and teachers of preschool educational institutions, parents, tutors. – Auth. – comp.: Adzhi A.V., Kudinova N.P. Voronezh: LLC "Metoda", 2014.
  • I.Yu. Bordachev’s visual didactic manual “Road Signs” for children 4 – 7 years old Publishing house “MOSAIKA-SINTEZ”, 2013
  • Krutetskaya V.A. My first road alphabet in pictures. – St. Petersburg: Publishing House “Literature”, 2012.
  • Saulina T.F. Three traffic light signals: Familiarization of preschoolers with the rules of the road: For working with children 3-7 years old. – M.: MOSAIC – SYNTHESIS, 2010.
  • To publish information about children, written permission from parents (legal representatives) was obtained.
  • The author of the photographs is N.A. Orekhova.

“Rules of the Russian Road” - Transition. Safety belt. Traffic safety. The main road. Motorway. Dangerous form of transport. Crosswalk. Cyclists. Gas station. If you drive recklessly, they will carry you quietly. A pedestrian crosses the roadway. Research. No one is safe from theft. Technical inspection. A pedestrian. The pedestrian is obliged to obey the requirements of road signs.

“Children's traffic rules” - Children about the rules of the road. Traffic rules are worthy of respect. Teamwork. How and where to cross the road. Why can't you cross the road at a zebra crossing? Why you can't cross the road at a red light. The most common causes of road accidents. The young pedestrian will follow the example of his parents.

“Rules for safe behavior on the road” - Schoolchildren are guilty. Rules of behavior on the street. Child. Remember the safety rules for young pedestrians. Objective of the project. The main causes of road traffic injuries. Street. First, find out whether the street is one-way or two-way. Accidents on the roads are an accident. Rules of behavior on the road.

“Traffic rules at school” - Detachment of young traffic inspectors “DOZOR”. Competition "Traffic Rules Expert". The best letter was from Denis Masterov. 1. Conduct games with preschoolers on traffic safety “Jolly Traffic Light”. Ex: I saw a traffic light, And crossed the zebra crossing, So I took into account the rules. Master's work: We encourage everyone to knowledge, Never lose heart!

“Traffic rules” class 5 - Does a pedestrian have the right to cross the road. Is it possible to cross the road outside a pedestrian crossing? Which sanctions does the traffic police inspector have the right to apply? What does the term "road" mean? Where can you cross the roadway? Purpose of information and directional signs. Should the driver always show a light signal?

“Traffic rules training” - A system of methodological work with teachers on the topic “Rules of safe behavior on the road.” A system of working with middle-aged children to familiarize themselves with traffic rules. Games that form ideas about traffic signs. Methodological recommendations: Formation of safe behavior skills in preschoolers on the streets and roads.

Inna Atajanova
Presentation “Traffic rules. Integration. Safety"

In the last decade, the problem of increasing security road traffic is one of the national priorities of the state policy of the Russian Federation, and teaching children the rules safe road behavior is included in the basic educational programs of preschool education.

Our kindergarten is located in a microdistrict with heavy traffic Therefore, the need to teach children traffic rules is dictated by life itself.

Federal target program "Increase security road traffic in 2013-2020” consolidated the basic principles, defined the rights and responsibilities of road users, and considered the basic requirements for driver training. The provision on mandatory training of citizens on road rules is included in the relevant state standards.

The work of teachers with children on this problem should not be limited to verbal instructions. “This is possible, but this is not”. The main goal is to develop the skills of conscious behavior in children, where the key word is "conscious"

The main directions of work of teachers in studying Traffic regulations:

Information and educational;

Cognitive and research;

Visual and informational

To conduct classes and conversations with children, the necessary conditions: in the methodological office there is a selection of methodological literature, sets of road signs, posters, and methodological developments. The groups have traffic rules corners, educational didactic games, attributes for role-playing games, and albums. Teachers systematically subscribe to the newspaper "The Good Road of Childhood", use newspaper materials to work with children.

When working with children, teachers use toys of various types of transport. A bank of lesson notes, entertainment, a card file of outdoor games has been collected, and there is a selection of teaching materials from an electronic magazine "Bulletin of Education".

This year we created a mini-library with a selection of children's fiction on studying traffic rules, literature with methodological recommendations for parents. The library is a hit with children and adults.

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There is an information stand for parents on learning the rules of the road, created Internet- page on the preschool educational institution website traffic safety.

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The preschool educational institution has a special room for studying traffic rules. Here are collected road signs, models of the microdistrict, works of children and parents, posters, newspaper files "The Good Road of Childhood". Teachers conduct classes here, children play, draw, and make crafts.

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An annual work plan for studying traffic rules has been drawn up. It includes work with teachers, parents and children. The plan is drawn up taking into account the implementation of the program "The Adventures of Traffic Light".

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Work planning is carried out by the commission for road safety. The commission develops scenarios for events, sums up the results of competitions held among children, teachers, and parents. Currently, in collaboration with traffic police officers, work is underway to create a modern auto town on the kindergarten site.

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A road passport has been developed security. Teachers of preparatory groups use it in classes with children, introducing children to dangerous areas on the way to kindergarten.

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Children are provided with educational classes, targeted walks, reading fiction, themed leisure and entertainment, and various types of didactic games.

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In the summer, we hold holidays and entertainment in kindergarten, where our children teach fairy tale characters the rules of the road, and teachers create game situations to master this knowledge.

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Our children participate in activities to study traffic rules in the neighborhood. This is a promotion "Walking Bus", promotion "Buckle up and smile", « Safe way to kindergarten» .

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A detachment of young assistant traffic inspectors has been created at the preschool educational institution. Yupid members often speak to preschool children on topics "Glow in the Dark"- about the need for reflective elements on clothing, especially in the dark, in explain in an interesting way, why wear flickers during excursions and walks outside the preschool educational institution. The performances are thematic in nature and correspond to the seasons.

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Working with parents is diverse. These are not only well-known forms of work in the institution, but also the family experience of parents, joint work on making crafts for participation in the exhibition. At meetings we make sure to recognize active parents and present them with certificates and letters of gratitude.

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Our preschool educational institution works in close cooperation with representatives of the traffic police. They present information at parent-teacher meetings, participate in events with children, and advise teachers.

In terms of implementing continuous connections between the preschool educational institution and the school, the YID teams of school No. 7 act in front of the children.

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All adults must remember that the best example for a child is us adults. And if we ourselves break traffic rules, then our children will also break them, no matter how much we convince them not to do so. Be your children's best teachers!

Publications on the topic:

Report on the work of a road safety teacher “Traffic rules. Integration. Safety"“Traffic regulations. Integration. Safety" As the chairman of the commission "For traffic safety" in our preschool institution for several years now.

Experience in working with traffic rules. Integration. Safety"“Traffic regulations. Integration. Safety". The goal of the work is to teach preschool children safe behavior in life, on the road, and in culture.

Presentation “Fabulous Security” Talking about rules with children is not easy. Rules are clear guidelines that limit children's desires and freedoms. Only the right one.

Presentation of the traffic rules competition “Integration. Safety" On October 31, a zonal competition took place in Art. Bokovskaya, where there are 15 teams from the Rostov region, including my presentation. All teams presented.

Presentation on the topic:

“Traffic rules corners in preschool educational institutions.

Information materials for educators"

Prepared by: Shabunina O.V.

Teacher of MBDOU No. 28

Safety corner in kindergarten

In every preschool educational institution it is recommended to register information corner .

"Safety Corner" presents

consist of exhibition stands (one or

two or three), on which are located

  • informational,
  • reference,
  • statistical,
  • analytical,
  • educational,
  • visual materials to promote road safety.

To attract the attention of parents when decorating a corner, it is recommended to use bright, attention-grabbing slogans, for example:

  • “Attention – we are your children!”
  • “The child has the right to live!”
  • “It’s stupid to save your time at the expense of the child’s life”
  • “The price of haste is the life of your child”

Design of an exhibition stand promoting road safety

The material presented at the stands must be divided into categories, for example:

  • "Attention, children!";
  • “What dangers may there be on the way to kindergarten”;
  • "For you, parents!" and etc.

Considering the important role of parents in teaching children traffic rules, the corner for parents should contain:

  • Information about the state of road traffic injuries in the city
  • Causes of road accidents involving children
  • Recommendations for parents on teaching children how to behave safely on the road.
  • List and description of games aimed at consolidating children’s existing knowledge of traffic rules
  • Children's stories about behavior on the road when driving to kindergarten and back with their parents
  • Children's drawings

Group road safety corner

It should contain:

  • Visual and illustrative material (illustrations: transport, traffic lights, road signs; plot pictures with problematic road situations).
  • Printed board games (cut-out pictures, puzzles, games with rules - “walkers”, lotto, dominoes, etc.).
  • Tabletop crossroads (small road signs, various toy modes of transport, toys - traffic lights, figures of people).
  • Attributes for role-playing games with a road theme (baton, whistle, caps, road signs, traffic light model).
  • Children's fiction by topic.
  • Designers.
  • A guide and games for teaching children traffic rules.
  • Safe routes “Home - kindergarten”, developed for each child (senior preschool age).
  • Ongoing exhibitions of drawings and crafts on the topic of traffic rules.
  • Photo album “My street”, “My yard”.

  • Vehicles set
  • Illustrations depicting vehicles
  • Red and green mugs
  • Attributes for the role-playing game "Transport"
  • Pictures for the game to classify modes of transport
  • “What do passengers travel on?”
  • “Find the same picture.”
  • The simplest layout of a street, where the sidewalk and roadway are marked;
  • Layout of a transport traffic light (planar).

Junior group

Middle group

For the guys middle group The conversation about the pedestrian crossing and its purpose, right-hand traffic on the sidewalk and roadway will be new.

The road safety corner must include:

  • Battery operated traffic light with switching signals
  • Didactic games:

"Find your color"

“Assemble a traffic light”, etc.

  • Card files of riddles and poems about transport

Senior group

The following should appear in the road safety corner:

  • Crossroads layout. It is desirable that this model has removable objects, then the children themselves will be able to model the street.
  • Set of road signs
  • Didactic games: “What do the signs say?”, “Guess the sign”, “Where is the sign hidden?”, “Crossroads”, “Our street”
  • Traffic controller gesture patterns
  • Didactic game “What does the rod say?”
  • Attributes of a traffic police inspector: baton, cap.
  • Safe routes from kindergarten to home

IN preparatory group

guys encounter problematic situations on the roads (so-called road “traps”)

  • A file of “dangerous situations” is being compiled
  • A window is being organized for issuing driver's licenses to those who have passed the traffic rules exam.
  • It is good to have a flannelgraph in all groups
  • Didactic games become more complex

Preparatory group