A conspiracy for a product that is not for sale. To sell stale goods. How to make a sale successful

A trade plot helps to improve your trading turnover or successfully carry out an important deal that promises to bring you big profits.

For the successful implementation of the rites, they must be taken into account. Trading rituals are best performed in the morning or afternoon, and it should be remembered that this must be done before sunset. At the same time, trade conspiracies are effective only during the growing moon. The best days for conducting rituals for successful trading are Wednesday and Saturday.

It is very important to remember that luck will turn to you when you conduct an honest business and treat your competitors kindly. Otherwise, there may be unpleasant consequences.

If trade is your main activity and provides you with income that allows you to lead a decent life, then you need to say a conspiracy every day when you go to work.

A conspiracy to brisk trade

A conspiracy for good trading is common among sellers, read in the morning, before a working day:

I'm going to trade!

Good young man to meet!

A good fellow will come and take my goods!

No loss, profit, on the threshold!

God will help me in this!

Conspiracy for successful trading

I am a merchant, my crown is with me.

As bees fly to honey, so everyone looks at my goods.

They want to take.

Salt Conspiracy

The rite with salt is recommended to be performed seven days in a row on the way to work. Every time you leave the house, you need to take a harvest of salt with you. Before reaching a few tens of meters to the workplace, salt must be thrown over the left shoulder.

For a successful trade, I pronounce the magic words, the Servant of God (given name), I speak salt with them!

Where magic salt falls, profitable clients will come to me that way!

All of them will like my product and none of them will leave without a purchase, everyone will be satisfied.

The field of how the salt will be thrown out and the words spoken, you need to go further to work without looking back.

good sales spell

Take the highest denomination coin in your wallet. Before the working day starts and you start trading, you need to pronounce the magic text, and then put the charmed money under your right heel in your shoes. Here are the words of the spell:

All the merchants came to me in the morning,

My product was praised

Clients were lured.

Buyers line up

All my goods were taken apart.

Boxes are rich - full of bins.

As soon as the working day is over, take out the coin and take it to the church as a donation. This will be your ransom for conducting a magical ritual.

Conspiracies in the workplace

Conspiracy for money

The simplest conspiracy to trade is carried out with the help of money received from the first thing sold in a day. After the buyer leaves, you need to fan all the goods with the money received from him.

At the same time, touching them to every thing and saying:

What I touch with the proceeds, I promise to sell today.

One merchant bought, enriched me,
The second one is already underway, it will bring a lot of money.

A conspiracy for a handkerchief

Wipe your face with a handkerchief, standing facing the product, reading the plot:

I give tribute to trade roads.

As you accept my sweat, so send me good luck!

So that trade goes uphill, customers go in droves,

Yes, everyone bought, they did not spare money, they did not leave without purchases.

Carry a handkerchief with you all day.

Conspiracy for good trade in the store

Take a small amount of water into a white vessel and read the words of the conspiracy over it:

Lord of hosts, help you servant of God (Name) in the bargain, help him in the purchase, help in the sale and exchange.

Protect me from envious eyes, from the looks of evil, from damage, from ruin and loss, from all pretense of evil.

As bees fly to sweet honey, so let money buyers all run to me, let them praise my goods, let others talk about them, let them turn to me more than once or twice, let them often cross my threshold.

I lock my words, I throw the key from it into the blue ocean.

No one can open that lock, my conspiracy cannot be interrupted.

Let it be so.

Amen. Amen. Amen.

Ritual with a banknote

This magical rite can be performed on any day of the week except Saturday, as well as except for the days that fall on the numbers 13, 22 and 27.

  • To conduct the ceremony, come to your outlet in the evening (you must be alone), pick up a paper bill of small denomination.
  • Now take a red thread and measure the length of the bill on it 49 times, cut off the resulting length and wrap the segment around the wrist of your left hand.
  • While winding the thread around your hand, read the words of the conspiracy:

I am money, I am trade, I am profit, I am luck, I am a deal.

And you have a deal, you have a product, you have a change.

May it come true what is said.

Amen. Amen. Amen.

Conspiracy for successful trading

Put on yellow clothes, take millet in your hands, pour it from hand to hand, saying:

Gold-gold, be friends with me
like ice and water
Like a nightingale with spring, like dew with grass!
I'm not a merchant - a morgash,
and the merchant is well done,
I sell for honor
I hang in excess, I measure with powder,
I cut with an increase, pour with the remainder.
Be in my barn a treasure, oh well,
yes, ergot in everything, without archers, without ruin,
Without intoxication and without burnout in all the days and years of my bazaar.

Conspiracy for good earnings

If someone left change, do not use it at work, but take it home in the evening. At home, by candlelight, read the words of the spell for surrender:

Full month, middle month and young!

Folk me a treasure from a penny.

How my mother gave birth to me, swaddled me in the first diaper,

So you, the people, have a big treasure for me!

You need to repeat the words of the prayer three times, after which the money should be put into the wallet and kept there like a talisman.

Conspiracy for water

You need to take water in a saucer for a conspiracy and put your ring there, you can engagement or just a loved one.

Twist it with the ring finger of your right hand around yourself and at the same time around the plate, saying

As the mill turned, the grain was ground day and night, so let my money and my goods turn day and night. Let them not lie in a bag, but circle the world, meet other money, bring other money to me.

Like bees on honey flying squirrels - so everyone looks at my goods, like moths fly into the light - so money goes to me.

Amen. Amen. Amen.

Then put on the ring and do not take it off as much as you can, preferably a week. Throw out the water in the latrine.

You know, magic includes not only general sections that help a person create a happy life for himself. There are rituals and rites, so to speak, of special use. These include spells for trade. Analyze your life experience, how often do you sell something? Previously, this section of magic was of interest only to merchants and clerks. Everything has changed a bit. A lot of people are trying to sell their services, signing up for various product distribution firms, and so on. That is, the spell for trade is becoming increasingly relevant and in demand. Let's get to know them. And let's start with how exactly this magic is applied.

spell to trade

Let's not delve into philosophy. In this area, it is simple. It is necessary to strive for those who need your product. It is not permissible to argue in terms, if only to sell someone. Believe me, the result will be temporary, not bringing success. But the correct alignment of the magic line will allow you to develop the idea, create a strong aura of a good seller.

Let's list the restrictions. You can’t use rituals for trading with thoughts about:

  • fear of loss;

  • lack of confidence in oneself and one's abilities;

  • hatred towards customers, any kind of dissatisfaction with their behavior or worldview.

It turns out that you should create in your head an ideal buyer who is looking for exactly your product. There are plenty of these around. They will be grateful for the services rendered or the things offered. And more than once they will come to you. Create pleasant energy conditions for them with the help of a trade spell. They will definitely show up.

Full moon trading spell

Everything described is not yet a magical rite. This is a preparation process. It should be noted that it is not required. If you don't want to work with your worldview, leave preparation aside. Of course, you will get certain results from the rites without it. But they, you need to understand this well, will be much lower.

A little-known rite with thyme. You need to prepare the grass, buy incense in the Temple. Bring all this to the workplace at night. It is necessary to smoke a product or a price list of services, work tools or a room with smoke. Choose what affects trading.

Take a metal bowl. Place a piece of incense and chopped thyme there. Set it on fire so that everything starts to smolder. Smoke the selected things (room) by casting the spell three times. It is allowed to repeat the ceremony for three days, while the moon is in its prime.


“The merchant praises the merchant, but does not overpraise. The buyer brings me down, but will not exceed. Whoever needs the goods is friendly with me! Close ties are illuminated by heavenly forces! For me - profit, for the buyer - joy. Amen!"

coin trading spell

In this ceremony, the main thing is to choose a coin. She should just come to you. Just don't pick up on the street. This is generally a bad idea. With a coin thrown on the street, as a rule, negative energy is given. For the ceremony, sellers should take the money that the client left as a tip on Friday or did not take for change.

The coin should be placed in a saline solution for a couple of hours. Then rinse it in running water. This removes negative energy. Read the following words on it:

“There is a coin - a magnet. She beckons money. Wherever I put it, I serve myself there. Generous people will trample, my faithful goods. Amen!"

Take the coin to the workplace.

Spell to Trade in Salt

On Thursday, on the growing moon, these words:

“In the sea cliffs, on black clouds, the working people extract salt in labor and sweat. He buries his kindness in salt. I take that salt with my hands, fall asleep under a stone. Whoever passes through it will find my goods. Work people in the heavens. Invite people under my canopy. Just as food is not the same without salt, life is empty without my product. Amen!"

Carry salt with you to work and sprinkle it in front of the counter.

Good trading spell

“David, the king of the Jews, rewarded me with wisdom and patience, equipped all the merchants with me. Meet, greet, offer goods. Everyone will choose their own, and the income will be mine! Amen!"

Good trading spell

The same is said in the morning any day. The words are:

“In three directions, on large hills, the monks dressed up, sued the devil for a chest of good, gold and silver. The devil strove to deceive them, wrongly divided the good. Yes, the monks are not fools, the devil got cuffs. While the argument was going on, my Angel passed by. He took the chest, but gave it to me for trade. As long as I'm guarding the chest, I won't be in debt to the devil. To me a merchant, a good businessman. To me fat, there will be a gift in the chest! Amen!"

The most powerful trading spell

This ceremony is held only on Tuesday. You need to stand to the east, cross yourself. So say:

“Eastern winds, flowing waters, clear light will fall. I'll just pray to God. A rich merchant will fly in, bring rich gold. Let's get along with the merchant, with a generous young man. Amen!"

So that the energy of the spell does not go into the wind, you need to recite it on any thing that you wear all the time. Women often tell fortunes about jewelry. Basically, it doesn't matter. At least for a pin. But then carry it with you all the time.

Spell to sell goods

This is a well-known rite for sellers. As the first buyer leaves you money, don't put it with the others. Swipe them through the product. And so say:

“Damn cunning deception to me to profit in my pocket. I open the gates, all the money is here for me. Amen!"

Only after these words can you put money in the usual place.

There is also a rule: try to refuse the first buyer who gives small money. If this happened, then you can rest on this day, you still can’t see good luck. The larger the bill, the more profitable the day will be. Therefore, it is desirable to have some amount at the very beginning of the day. Since, having refused a large bill due to the impossibility of giving change, you close your roads for this day.

In life, it often happens that a person who is engaged in trade is faced with a depressing situation: the goods are of high quality and are inexpensive, but there are no buyers. In business, luck is indispensable. A conspiracy for good trading will help to grab luck by the tail.

Basic Rules

There are many prayers and conspiracies for the brisk sale of goods. But in order to apply them, you need to know and follow certain rules.

  1. It is advisable to read a plot for good trading during daylight hours.
  2. It's good that the moon is "old" (unless otherwise noted).
  3. For rituals, it is a good idea to choose Wednesday or Saturday, unless otherwise indicated in the instructions for a particular practice.
  4. You have to understand the words you are saying. And not just ramming them is pointless.
  5. It is necessary to believe in a positive outcome of magical actions. If a person does not believe in magic, then he does not need to do anything.

At home, conspiracies for successful trading are rarely read. As a rule, this happens at work: in a store or any other outlet.

Mandatory purchase spell

It is necessary to draw some water into a white container, and read the words of the spell over it:

“Lord of hosts, help the servant of God (name) in bargaining, help him in buying, help in selling and exchanging. Protect me from envious eyes, from the looks of evil, from damage, from ruin and loss, from all pretense of evil. As bees fly to sweet honey, so let money buyers all run to me, let them praise my goods, let others talk about them, let them turn to me more than once or twice, let them often cross my threshold. I lock my words, I throw the key from it into the blue ocean. No one can open that lock, my conspiracy cannot be interrupted. Let it be so. Amen. Amen. Amen".

After that, sprinkle all the corners in the room using the charmed water.

The ritual is often not performed. Enough 1 time per week. In this case, the day of the week, time of day, which moon (waxing or waxing) do not play a special role.

If the seller wants the potential buyer not to leave the store "empty-handed", he can perform the ritual in front of this person. Only he should not see or hear anything, which is difficult.

Therefore, there is another version of the rite.

As soon as a potential buyer entered the premises, he was greeted warmly and smiled. Next, you need to rub your hands, and say in a whisper (in the event that the client cannot hear), or mentally, these words:

“Take my goods, Take it, it is inexpensive, Take it, you need it, Take it, you want it. Take my goods, give me your money. Take my goods, give me money. Amen".

"Get cheap!"

About myself:

“You take what is mine, you give what is yours. Amen".

Rite with a trifle

This will require money.

A strong conspiracy to trade is obtained when small money left by buyers is used. As a rule, people easily part with a trifle when buying.

For the ritual, small coins are needed. The seller during the day needs to collect coins in a separate bag and store it in a special place. You can't spend.

“A full month, a clear month, an average month, a young month. Bring me a servant of God (name), a month, from one penny a whole treasure. As my mother gave birth to me, the servant of God (mother's name), as she swaddled me in the first diaper, so I encircle, but not with a belt, but with a tueska of gold and silver. My will is strong, my word is strong, everything will come true, what I said. Amen. Amen. Amen .

The coin plot is repeated three times. Not less.

Then they put away the change in the wallet, and do not spend it. This is a guardian. In theory, the ritual has a powerful force. But often one cannot do without magical practice. It is necessary that a person knows how to handle energy. Therefore, for the best result, it is advisable to involve a specialist.

The second option is to train on your own for 3-5 days.

To success with a coin in your shoe

This is one of the strong conspiracies for successful trading.

Take the highest denomination coin in your wallet.

Before the working day starts and you start trading, you need to pronounce the magic text, and then put the charmed money under your right heel in your shoes.

Here are the words of the spell:

All the merchants came to me in the morning,

My product was praised

Clients were lured.

Buyers line up

All my goods were taken apart.

Boxes are rich - full of bins. Amen.

As soon as the working day is over, take out the coin and take it to the church as a donation. This will be your ransom for conducting a magical ritual. Do not hesitate, your profit will start to grow, and success in trading will come.

Ritual with a bill

They spend it by choosing any of the days of the week, except for Saturday, as well as those days that fall on numbers: thirteen, twenty-two, twenty-seven.

In the evening, you need to return to your store. No outsider should be around. Take a paper bill in your hands. The value may be small.

After that, take a red thread. Measure on it the length of a paper bill forty-nine times. Cut off the resulting length. Wrapping the wrist of the left hand with a red thread, read the following magic words:

“I am money, I am trade, I am profit, I am luck, I am a deal. And you have a deal, you have a product, you have a change. May it come true what is said. Amen. Amen. Amen"

Conspiracy on the days of church holidays

Although the church does not approve of such magical fun, a successful trade plot is often read on major church holidays.

The seller, before going to sell the goods, should take the prosphora (pre-purchased specifically for the ceremony) in his left hand.

Then cross with your right hand. Read 12 times the words for the ceremony:

“Lord God, help Your servant (name). As it is true that there were twelve apostles, so it is true that I will sell all my goods. As your teaching is true, so it is true that I will get a good profit. As your Son Jesus Christ correctly said, it is so true that my product is good, that the buyer will like it. May it come true what is said. Amen. Amen. Amen".

Ritual for good luck in wholesale sales

If you are a wholesaler, or your business is such that you sell a large number of items to each customer, this ritual is for you.

You should have a container of holy water handy. It is necessary to say a spell on the water:

“Deeds, Lord, are all done, spoken by Your pure lips. Nothing can happen in this world without you, I believe in You alone, Lord, I trust in You alone. Help me, O God, your sinful servant (name). I live by trade alone, it gives me food and maintenance for my family. Lord of Heaven, help me make deals, help me make a profit, protect me from failure, protect me from losses and losses. In the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen. Amen. Amen".

Good deal spell

There is no need to worry about concluding a large-scale deal if you read these magic words above the financial documentation or above the entire product:

“Gold is bright, gold is bright, you pour to me like peas in a bin, like barley on a threshing floor. Bright gold, stick to my hands, like small flies to sweet honey, like night butterflies to bright light, like green grass to the sun. Gold is bright. You pour into my pockets without counting, without any measure, handfuls, but large handfuls. Gold, you stay close to me. Like ice is always next to water, like a sonorous nightingale with a warm spring, like earth with grass.

I’m not a merchant, I’m not a morgash, I’m a good merchant, I sell by honor, I hang it in excess, I measure it with powder, I cut it with an increase, I pour it with the rest. May there be treasure and treasure in my barn, and a golden warehouse. May I have ergot in everything, may there be no loss or ruin in anything. There will be no intoxication and burnout during all the days of my trade and bazaar. In the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen. Amen. Amen".

Ritual with a prayer to Seraphim of Sarov

This conspiracy for good luck in trade is considered ancient and effective. It consists of two stages:

you need to read a prayer to Seraphim of Sarov (there are many prayers to this saint, you can choose the one that suits you best);

It is important to follow the rule here. When you read a prayer, you must sincerely, from the bottom of your heart, imagine how your cherished desire is being fulfilled. Do you dream of successful trading, don't you? Do not dream at this moment about something extraneous. Then the ritual won't work. You need to focus only on excellent trading and nothing else. As soon as you pray to Seraphim of Sarov, start reading the plot:

“The Lord’s work, His pure lips will pray for me, a slave (name). My Lord, God, by faith help my soul, multiply my deeds for trade: in buying and changing, and in everything that an honest merchant lives with, than he earns bread for himself and his family. In Your name, Lord, my bargaining is going on. Your protection will be for me and my cause. Let it be so. Amen. Amen. Amen"

Hex on salt

A conspiracy for salt is used so that there is no end to buyers.

While at home, take all the salt that is in the salt shaker. In the morning, before you open your store (or outlet), hold it in your hands. Pronounce:

On foot, on wheels, come all here.

Here you have a place, food and water

Your money to me, my goods to you

As soon as you open the store, give up the price to the first person who wants to buy your product.

For sugar

One of the most powerful conspiracies that you need to read for good luck in trading and any business related to sales is known from Vanga's book. You have to read for sugar. Preferably Wednesday. Repeat the next day.

A conspiracy for sugar is pronounced in a store or in a stall.

To perform a magical rite for trading from Vanga, you will need red clothes. It could also be an accessory. The main thing is that you wear something red. It is no coincidence that in old images you can see merchants in red shirts or boots. It is the red color that tends to literally attract money. Vanga advised people involved in trade to always wear red clothes.

So, you must choose a red item. Even the use of a small handkerchief is allowed. It is necessary to sew a piece of sugar into it using red threads. Bring it to the store and say:

I sew, I sew, I sew luck!

Good luck will always be with me,

In summer and winter, let it not dry out, let it not break out,

It will come in handy everywhere, in business in trade,

I should not share with anyone, but be proud of my trade!

Let it be so! Amen!

The next day, repeat the spell, and then carry the charmed thing with you daily.

Rite with poppy

Lay out the handkerchief on the counter. Sprinkle poppy on it. And say 9 times:

How unmeasured and countless poppies,

So there will be so many buyers for my product.

All those who step on scattered poppy seeds,

Be sure to buy my goods for themselves and friends.

I exchange goods for money with profit, I glorify God.

Then every day until the full moon before the start of the working day, you should scatter poppy seeds near your outlet. It is necessary to "sow" where buyers go. People, when they walk on a charmed poppy, will begin to show increased attention to your product and will not leave without a purchase. So the number of your customers will increase significantly!

For bread

When it became necessary to sell all the goods in the shortest possible time and with a large profit, we must proceed as follows.

You need to bring rye bread (1 slice) with you. As soon as you come to the place where you sell the goods, say the magic words on the bread for an excellent trade (3 times).

The grain fell into the ground, grew up as a sprout,

It turned golden as an ear, turned into bread.

As I have plenty of bread in the fields, so I have money to the sky.

As bread grows, it is eared, so my money grows and increases.

In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Then eat bread.

To holy water

A conspiracy for water that has been consecrated is read at a trading place if you are sure that it has an evil eye or damage. And that sorcery of white magic is necessary for trading to be successful.

Take a glass. Pour water into it. Throw a coin of any denomination there (they used to always use a nickel), and read such a conspiracy on holy water:

The abstinence of the teacher reveal the truth to your flock of things,

For this sake, you acquired high humility,

Rich in poverty, father priest Nicholas,

Pray to Christ God that our souls be saved

O great intercessor, the bishop of God, most blessed Nicholas,

Even sunflower shining miracles,

calling thee a quick hearer is,

You always anticipate and save and deliver them,

And take away all kinds of troubles,

From God given you miracles and gifts of grace! Amen.

Installation of protection from competitors

Successful trading is often helped by plotting against competitors. When an entrepreneur is doing well, there is sure to be someone who envy someone else's luck. So it was and always will be. Competitors can simply "burn" with envy, or they can seriously mess up by using certain magical actions.

Therefore, you must be able to protect yourself. In this case, they use not just a conspiracy, but the manufacture of a talisman against damage and the evil eye in trade.

You will need: handkerchief, pin and comb. The main thing is that these items are not in use, that is, they must be new. You must say these words to them:

"Oh my God,

I stand before you

Please keep me strong

defend with this amulet.

I ask the holy army

Protect me from evil spirits:

Ivan the Long-suffering

Ivan the Theologian

Ivan Postitel,

Ivan the Baptist

Ivan the Headless

Michael the Archangel

Nicholas the Wonderworker,

Archangel Gabriel,

Praskovya the Great Martyr.

Faith, Hope, Love

and their Mother Sophia.

I stand under your protection

For you to protect me.

In the Name of the Father and the Son

and the Holy Spirit. Amen".

From the evil eye in trade

Do you want you to always have a queue of people who want to buy your product, and customers become regular? You need to protect yourself from envy and the evil eye.

Such a charm of trade must be done on the 19th day of the month. To do this, you need to have an ordinary penny. If you perform this simple action, be sure: you are not afraid of the evil eye and damage, and there will be no end to buyers!

Take a penny in the palm of your hand. Cross yourself with them. After that, cross all the goods and the counter. Then read a strong conspiracy for successful trading that will save you from someone else's negative impact:

"I'll go to the open field,

I will pray to the Lord God.

There are 3 roads on the way

On which the holy Apostle steps.

How evil does not touch him,

Does not touch the body or the face,

Not to the point, not to the word,

Not at holy feet

So that no one touches my money:

Neither people are evil, nor

envious eyes.

So that they don’t yell and gasp at them,

So that they were not asked, they did not judge me,

Like a holy apostle

Blessed by God.

Endowed with holy power

So to me, O God, grant three holy powers:

One next, one behind

And the third force ahead.

In the name of the Father and the Son

and the Holy Spirit. Amen".

Getting rid of stagnation in trade

If you are worried about the lack of buyers, you need to take a large bill. Then calculate the seller who has no end of those who want to buy his goods.

Approach this person and ask to exchange this bill for small ones. As soon as he starts to change, say to yourself:

I change the emptiness, I exchange the maet. Take stagnation for yourself, and my product is not simple, but my product is golden, everyone likes it, everything is going well with me. All with my goods, and I with the profit and gain. Amen.

Important! See that the "stagnation exchange" is carried out at a seller whose product is the same as yours. For example, you sell clothes, which means that you can exchange a bill at the same seller. The ritual will not be valid if you sell products, but exchanged a banknote from someone who sells non-food items.

Another nuance: you need to change the banknote from the same seller no more than once a month. If you change all the time with the same person, you can take on not only his trading success, but also troubles. Therefore, at least one month, try to "change the stagnation" at different merchants.

Talisman pouch for brisk trading

If your goal is to sell goods in a short time, you need to read 3 times while at home before going to the store (or outlet):

I go to trade, to sell goods. And you come up to me, take my goods, pay with money. Whoever approaches me will not leave without shopping. I go with the goods, I will return with the fat. Truly so.

Then find the green bag. Put there: 5 whispers of mint, 10 - basil, 3 - salt (large).

You must take three apples. Clear them. Dry the peel and chop. Put it in a bag. “Send” there: 1 white metal coin and 3 copper coins. On the bag you should say the following words:

Deeds behind, deeds ahead, profit in the middle.

You need to make sure that the bag hangs in the place where the trading process is carried out. As soon as the week begins, you need to take the bag in your palms, squeezing what is inside it with your fingers, repeat the words of the conspiracy. You already know them.

Coin-amulet from financial collapse

Do you want to be financially successful in the future? Then proceed as follows. You need to purchase a green candle. Light it up. Take a bowl (it doesn't have to be deep) and pour water into it. Throw in a copper coin. Drops of wax should fall on a coin lying in the water. At the same time, say these words:

How soft turns to hard

thus my wealth will be established and multiplied.

From day to day, from week to week,

from year to year, from now until the end of time.

After that, pour the charmed water on the ground, and put the coin in your wallet. It will protect you from financial troubles.

Muscat beads to increase company profits

Do you want your company to have no end to customers, and profit to please you? Then take three nutmegs. Drill holes in them. You need to string them on a green thread. Tie the ends with a triple knot. The resulting necklace should be hung on the door of your organization. The consequences will be most favorable.

Incense for personal shopping charm

Entrepreneurs whose personal charm and gregariousness have an impact on business would do well to do the following ritual.

It is necessary to heat dark honey (a small amount) on a small fire. Then you need to add 3-5 pinches of chopped basil leaves to it. If the leaves are not at hand, use basil essential oil.

When you bathe in the bath, add 1 tablespoon of the resulting product to the water.

There is another version of this ritual.

Basil, bergamot oil, sandalwood must be combined in a 1: 1 ratio.

It is necessary to drop this composition on the door handle of the office (shop, institution). When people take hold of the doorknob, they will be "charged" with your magical impulse. Then partners will not refuse you to conclude deals, relations will be friendly, and cooperation will be fruitful. Buyers won't leave empty-handed.

Just do not forget after you drop the oil on the door handle, wipe it with a cloth so that it is not greasy. Do not worry: the magical properties from this will not disappear.

Do not be afraid of the negative consequences of a trade conspiracy. If you do not damage other sellers and do not sell obviously low-quality goods, they will not be.

Trade has always been considered one of the most widespread areas, and each of us is somehow involved in this area. Even if a person does not work directly behind the counter, then the sale of personal belongings, a car, an apartment or some other property is a common thing. Despite the most different "hypostases" of traders, they are always united by one single desire - to sell. And you want to do it with maximum benefit for yourself. In trade, as in many other areas, along with business qualities, experience and professionalism, there is luck and luck. A strong conspiracy to trade, like other rituals for good luck in this matter, are designed to increase trade, increase profits and speed up all these processes as much as possible.

Prayers and conspiracies for trade, like other types of magic, have their own distinctive features and characteristics. In particular, this concerns the organization of the process of performing the ritual.

  • It is very important to take into account the time for performing the ritual for trading.
  • It is best to do the strongest trade plot during the daytime: at dawn, at noon, or before sunset.
  • Spells and prayers for success and good luck in the trading field should be performed during the waning month.
  • Like many others, strong rituals to get rid of something (in this case, we get rid of the goods) must be performed at this time.
  • A good trade plot should be read on Wednesday or Saturday if you are performing any specific rite.
  • If this concerns a simple spell or reading a prayer, then it is advisable to do it immediately after a successful transaction.
  • There must be faith in the effectiveness of the ritual.
  • Whatever ritual you do, whether it be prayers for successful trading, rituals for money or rituals for a mirror - the success of the entire event directly depends on your belief in the effectiveness of magic.

As you can see, conspiracies for successful trading are not so difficult to make. The rules and recommendations are quite simple, and following them will make the rituals not only effective, but also effective.

It remains only to choose the right spell - and conquer new customers.

Ritual for successful trading

A conspiracy for successful trading will help to establish a workflow, increasing profits from the sale and attracting new buyers. It is very important to perform this ritual during the waning month: at other times, the ritual may not work. To do this, you will need an old rag.

In the daytime, dust off your workspace with a rag, saying:

“Dashingly poor, famously unsaleable, don’t touch me, don’t touch my goods!
Get away from me, get away from here through the water, through the forest, through the swamp,
Do not call me with you, take the dead cancer and lie under the snag.
So that I do not know poverty, my goods do not stale,
I send poverty and poverty away, I sweep away all misfortunes and failures with a rag!
Power, water, language.

This ritual attracts good luck in trade transactions, and begins to act immediately after execution.

Ritual for money

This conspiracy for good luck in trading should be performed directly in the hall where the goods are located. For its implementation, you will need a coin of medium denomination, which must first be dipped in eucalyptus oil.

In the center of the hall, read the conspiracy to trade:

“I give tribute to trade roads.
As you accept my money, so send me good luck!
So that trade goes uphill, customers go in droves,
Yes, everyone bought, they did not spare money, they did not leave without purchases.

Just try to make sure that if someone picks up a coin, then this person was a client. Do not clean it yourself.

The rite of baptism of goods

If things are not going uphill, and the goods are not for sale, conspiracies for successful trading will help correct the situation. This rite is very powerful and should be performed at dawn before the store opens. To do the ritual, you will need a small mirror. The handbag option is also perfect.

Holding a mirror in your right hand, cross each counter with it three times, while repeating the words of the spell:

“I baptize goods, I baptize for sale!
To see your product as in a mirror,
So much prettier and the client liked it!
So that the first one who comes - buys, the second - buys,
The last one also bought!
And no one left me without a purchase!”

As a rule, this is enough to attract good luck and sell goods.

Salt trading conspiracy

It is advisable to make a conspiracy for good trading using salt in the first months after the start of trading activities.

At this time, you are building the energy field of your business, attracting good luck and wealth. You need to perform this ritual for seven working days in a row.

When going to work, take a harvest of salt with you and, not reaching a few meters from the entrance, throw it over your left shoulder with the words:

“I’m reading a conspiracy for trade, I’m talking salt!
Where the salt falls, customers will come to me!
No one will leave without a purchase, everyone will leave happy!

When you throw away the salt and say the magic words, go to work without looking back. This conspiracy for trade begins its action almost immediately, and the first results will be noticeable within the next few days.

However, to consolidate, you need to repeat the ritual for another six working days in a row.

Rite of Surrender

Sometimes it happens that the buyer leaves you change. Naturally, these are not large sums, but a trifle. But if you read a correct and effective plot for good trading on this trifle, then this money will attract new buyers, and, accordingly, new money.

If someone left change, do not use it at work, but take it home in the evening. At home, by candlelight, read the words of the spell for surrender:

“A full month, an average month and a young one!
Folk me a treasure from a penny.
How my mother gave birth to me, swaddled me in the first diaper,
So you, the people, have a big treasure for me!

You need to repeat the words of the prayer three times, after which the money should be put into the wallet and kept there like a talisman. This trade plot will help improve your financial situation, attract new customers and good luck in business.

Conspiracies for successful trading are considered an effective and efficient method to attract good luck in this business. It is best to perform such rituals and read prayers during the waning month. The choice of rituals for good trading is very wide: this is the magic of a Siberian healer, and spells on a mirror, and strong rituals for money.

It is very important to believe in the successful resolution of all problems and the high efficiency of magical influence. Otherwise, magic can not only not work, but also harm your affairs.

In the layman's view, the use of magic is associated mainly with love, hatred and other passions. However, in reality, magic is often used not only to bewitch someone or take revenge on someone, but also to solve quite practical material issues.

A conspiracy to trade is one of such rites of white magic. It helps to improve the turnover in the store or in the market in general, or to successfully complete some specific, especially important transaction that promises to bring you big profits.

Features of the rites

Like any other rites, trade conspiracies have their own characteristics. For the successful implementation of the rites, they must be taken into account. Trading rituals are best performed in the morning or afternoon, and it should be remembered that this must be done before sunset. At the same time, trade conspiracies are effective only during the growing moon.

The best days for conducting rituals for successful trading are Wednesday and Saturday. There are also many conspiracies that you need to read immediately before the transaction. This will provide her with the most favorable conditions in terms of receiving money. Whatever love spell for trade is carried out, the main factor in its success is faith in magic.

simple rituals

Simple rituals for trading are very much in demand. They allow you to quickly improve your financial affairs with ease of execution. Surely you will find acquaintances whose business did not bring profit and, in the end, went bankrupt, although they put all their strength and soul into it. At the same time, there will be those whose trade is flourishing, although they made no more effort than the first. Usually they themselves attribute their success to their business talent, the right choice of direction, good timing, etc. In fact, the success of many of them is due to the use of magic.

Using the first proceeds

The simplest conspiracy to trade is carried out with the help of money received from the first thing sold in a day. After the buyer leaves, you need to fan all the goods with the money received from him.

At the same time, touching them to every thing and saying:

“What I touch with the proceeds, I promise to sell today.
One merchant bought, enriched me,
The second one is already underway, it will bring a lot of money.

water incantation

And here, for example, is another conspiracy to trade. It can be done if, on a new moon, put a glass of water near the window, through which the crescent of the young moon is visible.

Over this water, say:

"The moon will charge the water, bestow its power."

In the morning, take and bring the charmed water to your store or outlet and sprinkle the goods with it.

While repeating the words:

“The moon will go up - my trade will grow,
It will rise many times and never fall.
An honest person will go for my goods, he will willingly carry the money.

If performed correctly and you have at least minimal magical abilities, this rite will help you increase turnover and increase profits. The above plot to trade is aimed at improving trade in general.

For a big deal

If a certain big deal is very important to you and you want to use magic to increase the chances of its successful completion, then you will need another conspiracy. It can be used if the negotiations take place in your premises or where you have access.

Grasp the back of one of the chairs or armchairs and say:

“Whoever finds himself on this chair will agree with me in everything.
Will not be stubborn, the word "no" will be forgotten.
Our contract will wave, it will bring good profits.

Later, during negotiations, offer your partner this particular chair. When discussing the terms of the deal, you will notice that he has become much more accommodating. It is important not to mix up the chairs. If you yourself mistakenly sit on a charmed chair, you can imperceptibly and unexpectedly agree to many conditions that are convenient for him, and not for you.

If you are engaged in trading at a professional level, then you simply cannot do without magic. It is necessary to periodically conduct special rituals in order to maintain the attractiveness of the product in the eyes of buyers.

For a successful trading business

Using a special ceremony, you can establish a successful workflow, attract customers and increase profits from the sale of goods. For the ritual you will need a new rag. She needs to brush off the dust from the working counters and utter the magic words.

They sound like this:

“Dashingly poor and unsaleable, bypass me, the Servant of God (proper name) and not only don’t touch me, but don’t approach my goods either. Go away through the dense forest, through deep water, then into the marshy swamp. Wherever you are, do not call me to you, be friends with good cancer and always lie under a snag. And I will not know poverty, and my goods will not be stale. I send poverty and poverty to distant lands, with a magic rag I sweep away all failures, bad luck, and misfortunes forever. My word is strong and strong. As she said, it will happen. Amen".

The rag should be hidden and periodically, when you feel that things in the trading business have worsened, you should wipe the counters with it. There is no need to say anything during this process.

With salt

As you know, salt is used in many magical rites and trade conspiracies are no exception. This natural attribute will help to successfully establish the trading process if the ceremony is performed in the first months after the start of trading activities. The charmed salt will help create the necessary energy around the goods being sold.

The rite with salt is recommended to be performed seven days in a row on the way to work. Every time you leave the house, you need to take a harvest of salt with you. Before reaching a few tens of meters to the workplace, salt must be thrown over the left shoulder.

“For a successful trade, I pronounce magic words, the Servant of God (proper name), I speak salt with them! Where magic salt falls, profitable clients will come to me that way! All of them will like my product and none of them will leave without a purchase, everyone will be satisfied. Amen!"

The field of how the salt will be thrown out and the words spoken, you need to go further to work without looking back. The results of such a ceremony become noticeable almost immediately, and the sale of goods in the store will increase significantly.

As you know, in the trading business, competition is always very high. Moreover, honest methods are not always used to fight. The envy of competitors is also dangerous, since such an impact can upset the energy balance and scare off buyers at a subconscious level.

In this regard, if you suspect that failures in the trading business are associated with the envy of competitors, special rituals should be performed in order to put reliable protection against external negativity. The conspiracies used in such rituals are very effective, so trade is established in a very short time.

Strong option

To conduct a strong ceremony, you must first prepare:

  • Handkerchief;
  • English pin;
  • Crest.

These attributes should be new and you should not use them for their intended purpose in the future. Having retired to a separate room, prepared things should be put in front of you.

“I appeal to you, Lord Almighty, I, the Servant of God (proper name). I bow before you and trust in you. I ask you to put protection around me from the envy of enemies, to protect me from an evil eye. I ask, all your heavenly army, to protect me from all evil spirits. I will rise, the Servant of God (proper name) under the protection of heavenly powers, angels and archangels, and kneel before the Lord God. Protect me and protect me, and I will glorify you. Amen".

Conspired things should always be carried with you and not given to anyone and not used for their intended purpose. Moreover, the pin does not need to be pinned to clothes, it is better to just carry it in your purse.

It often happens that when a business is successful, competitors can jinx the profits. This will lead to the fact that the product will not be sold at favorable prices, which will lead to a decrease in income.

During the waning moon, you need to turn your face to the east side and say these words:

“I, the Servant of God (proper name), will go out into a clean wide field, kneel down and pray to the Lord God. There are three roads on the way, the holy Apostle goes along them. No evil approaches him, nor does human envy touch his body or face. He is free in his deeds and words, he goes on a straight path and knows no obstacles on his way. So let the unkind glance of the human touch neither my business nor my money. So that my enemies do not yell and gasp at my product, and do not praise it with an unkind feeling in their souls. So that they, my competitors, do not judge or discuss me. As a holy Apostle, endowed with holy power, Lord Most High, grant me three powers to protect me from all sides. One force to always walk next to me, another to pave the way for me, and a third to cover me from behind. Amen".

For the sale of stale goods

You should know that with the help of magic, you can sell the most non-trading goods that are stale in a warehouse or on a counter. To improve trade, use an effective ritual for the sale of stale goods, which is carried out in the forest. There you should find a large anthill. From it you need to scoop up a little needles from which it is built, but at the same time you need to try not to damage the dwelling of insects much. Such natural material must be put in a bag and brought to the place where the stale goods are stored.

Needles from an anthill should be sprinkled with goods, saying the following magic words:

“How many ants I brought here from the forest, so send me, the Servant of God (proper name), Lord God, so many buyers. Let them need my product, and they will be satisfied with it. Amen".

Goods sprinkled with needles from the forest should lie down all night. The next morning it needs to be shaken up and put up for sale. Most likely, much will be realized on the same day.

Morning ritual for income

If trade is your main activity and provides you with income that allows you to lead a decent life, then you need to say a conspiracy every day when you go to work.

The magic words sound like this:

“Send me Saint Nicholas the Pleasant trade profitable and successful. Amen".

It is very important to remember that luck will turn to you when you conduct an honest business and treat your competitors kindly. Otherwise, there may be unpleasant consequences.