What can you come up with for a client’s day? What kinds of promotions are there to attract customers? How to come up with a promotion to attract customers: step-by-step instructions


By “Promotions” we mean any events that are held with the aim of attracting, luring and selling goods. After all, the goal of any action, no matter what you call it, is increasing store sales and profits, it doesn’t matter, momentarily or in the future. Is not it? We will not now touch on specific recipes and stock scenarios - there are infinitely many of them and each type of trading has its own approach. We will not argue whether shares are needed, whether they are useful and whether they pay off. We will focus on tips that a store should consider before holding a promotion.

Does your store need a Promotion?

What promotions should you hold in your store for the New Year?
TorgSoft users often turn to us for advice on what promotion to organize and how to make the program automatically calculate discounts on the promotion. “Buy for this amount, you will also receive this gift”, “Discount on the second item in the receipt”, “Discounts on everything up to ...”, “Three for the price of two” and similar conditions can be implemented in the TorgSoft program. There is a video on this topic: How to set up a Promotion in the Torgsoft program.

It makes sense to hold an action in order to:

Notify about the opening of the store;
- “Get famous” at the local level: create a news story and get on local TV channels or the press;
- Entertain clients; create or maintain interest in the store by attracting new and cajoling old customers;
- Advertise a new product;
- Just remind yourself;
- Get rid of stale goods;
- Increase sales as a short-term measure;
- Stand out among competitors.

All these areas complement each other, and they can and should be combined.

What promotion can you come up with for the store?

Very often, when thinking through a promotion, the store manager or owner gets into a stupor: “What can they come up with?” All ideas seem either banal, or stupid, or repeat competitors...

No need to worry too much! There is almost always the right solution - this is people’s love for a freebie, a balloon, savings... That is, a gift, a second item at a reduced price, a coupon for a gift or a discount, finally. As a rule, discount coupons for a certain amount or gift work better than a discount.

Spread your advertising networks wider!

The idea of ​​cross-promotion can come to the rescue. This is when you agree with another non-competing store or with some establishment to use each other's goods or services as part of a promotion. That is, about mutual advertising. The main thing is that your customer audiences at least somehow overlap. How to present this to customers?

Very simple: “When you purchase a business suit, we give you a coupon for dry cleaning from our partner - the “Kroshka Enot” dry cleaner..

Or a discount coupon for dry cleaning services. In the same way, the following can cooperate: a jewelry and women's clothing store; clothing and shoe store; clothing store and fitness club, beauty salon, pizzeria, cinema, etc.

Another example. One children's store held a drawing of prizes among customers, the main prize of which was a family photo session from a professional photographer. Throughout the promotion period, an advertisement for his photo studio hung in the store. Isn't it mutually beneficial cooperation?

“Well, who would fall for this?”

This section is a continuation of the previous one. Remember: no need to match all the shares to your liking!
Maybe it seems stupid to you to give, for example, a cheap belt for jeans. And I personally saw that it worked! The same can be said about the assortment. Owners of clothing, shoe, and jewelry stores will agree that you cannot select goods for the store based only on your taste.

Even moreover, if you don’t like the action and you think “I would never fall for that!” - with a high probability this may be a sign that people will like the promotion. Why? Because you are NOT the target audience! If you sell a product to the “common” people, then you have different views. And therefore you are the owner of the store, and they are your customers.

Example. One store, wanting to get rid of outdated models of summer T-shirts and flip-flops, decided to give them out as gifts with jeans. September was approaching, and it was necessary to clear the warehouse for the autumn assortment. Everything flew apart: jeans, T-shirts and flip-flops. Of course, the purchase price of these “gifts” was included in the jeans.

Come up with a reason for the action!

If you offer discounts -
explain why this is suddenly such generosity. Otherwise, people may be wary and assume that your product is either of poor quality, expired, or such that no one needs it.

In clothes, shoes and other seasonal goods, this is the easiest thing to do. A change of collection and the end of the season are excellent and understandable reasons.

For almost any store, holidays are also a good reason. Well-known and professional, local events (City Day, for example), birthdays and store openings, sales due to relocation, opening of a new department, the onset of spring (winter, autumn).

For other products, the pretext for the promotion may be “outdated models,” models from the previous year or season, damaged packaging, or “sale of leftovers.” As you can see, there is no reason not to drink, that is, to hold a promotion :)

And remember that promotions that are too complicated stress people out, are not easy to understand and implement, and therefore are not as effective.

Advertise the promotion so that people want to take advantage of it

Don't forget to notify people about the promotion. This needs to be done both inside the store (right above the product covered by the promotion) and outside - by placing a banner, a pillar, or placing a promoter. You can also inform by e-mail, SMS (Distribution of e-mail and SMS to the customer base from the program), or by posting to mailboxes, as well as on social networks or on the website.

Make sure that sellers clearly and clearly know the terms of the promotion, and do not forget to remind them about it right at the checkout. Don't save money! A white piece of paper on the doors with a handwritten inscription “We have a promotion...!” - this is not advertising, but what the hell.

Be specific in your advertising

Avoid meaningless phrases like “Special offer.”

Be specific: tell the person exactly what you want from him.“Exchange this flyer for a gift”, “Take this coupon for 50 UAH. and use it to buy a phone of any model!”, “Come with a friend and get two pairs of jeans for the price of one!”.

If you are making a banner, make sure that the letters on it will be readable from the roadway (so that people in transport or on the other side of the street can see it). If you are making a leaflet, a large format is not always effective. A5-A6 is better, it’s easier to take, easier to give and cheaper to make. And don’t forget to indicate the timing of the promotion and store contacts.

Use Promoters Correctly

Here are the top three mistakes that make promoters completely ineffective: Standing in the wrong place at the wrong time and saying the wrong thing (or saying nothing at all). We wrote a separate article about how to work with promoters, because it is a very pressing topic.

Prepare your salespeople

To ensure that money for advertising, promoters and leaflets does not go in vain, make sure that sellers are interested in the success of the promotion.
It makes sense to stimulate employees: set a sales plan, give a % of its completion, or a bonus for over-fulfillment. After all, they will have to not only smile more and convince customers of the benefits of the offer, but also experience more workload. It may be worth introducing fines for employees for negligent behavior during the event.

Analyze the results and carry out promotions regularly

A special mode will help you calculate the result of the promotion "Analysis of the use of discounts" accounting programs "TorgSoft". From it you can find out: what products were most popular during the promotion period, how much you earned and how much you lost on discounts; which promotion turned out to be the most popular (if the store has several promotions at the same time), the sales volume of each employee during the promotion period.

Revenue amount- not the only indicator of the effectiveness of the action. After all, there is also a conversion indicator - how many people who received the leaflet entered the store. Even if they didn’t buy now, they learned about your store - this is also a result.

If you have a visitor counter installed, you can determine the conversion by dividing the number of visitors by the number of sales per day. It is more difficult to find out how many people who saw the banner visited the store. You will also probably have a certain percentage of visitors who came through word of mouth, mailing lists, or learned from the Internet.

The best way to find out these parameters is to ask customers: “Where did you hear about the promotion?”

By the way, in the TorgSoft program you can set up a survey, and then after each sale the program will remind the seller what to ask the buyer. And at the end of the promotion period you will be able to see how the answers were distributed. Having determined the most popular channel, improve it, and also use it in the future for advertising your store.

It is difficult to immediately say whether the action will be successful - you need to try, observe, measure, and try again!

P.S. Among the “promotions” you can highlight promotional events - when you hold sweepstakes, attract promoters, artists, clowns or even a celebrity, give out gifts or “samples” (product samples). A kind of cheerful buzz around the store, in honor of the opening or birthday of the store. Such events are called BTL promotions. It is better to organize them with the involvement of specialized agencies.

Good luck to you!

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It would seem, how can reducing prices be beneficial for a store? Oddly enough, it is discounts that often give the highest sales turnover and good profits. You just need to come up with ideas that would be truly effective.

The fact is that many offers remain unattractive for the buyer, and therefore do not bring the expected surge in sales. At the same time, the store owner himself, with tears in his eyes, takes away a percentage of the discount from his profit. It’s worth thinking about this a little more so that the shares please both the buyer and the business owner.

We organize effective sales and promotions

It's no secret that often the promotions offered are actually dummies. An example of such a proposal would be pre-raised price, but later reduced, allegedly as part of a sale. There are other schemes that only create the appearance of a profitable deal. This may seem like a clever move, but in fact, such offers can only work once or twice, and regular customers who know the range and cost well will not buy into them.

Creating the appearance of discounts or unprofitable offers leads to a decrease in customer loyalty to the service. Therefore, it is important to come up with promotions to attract customers that will be truly effective and beneficial for everyone.

One of the most common types of promotions is sales at reduced prices. Although the profit from each sale will be lower than usual, the volume of purchases will increase, so the store benefits from such offers. In addition, attention to it increases, new clients appear who can become regular ones. And the store itself receives additional discounts from suppliers for increased purchase volumes.

Marketing promotions in online stores they require planning at what cost the price reduction will occur.

Real discounts

Either the site itself or the supplier can give in on price.

  • Discount from trade margin. Let's say that a store makes a markup on a product of 20%, then you can offer it at a promotion with a 10% discount. This method is not suitable, for example, for electronics, since in this sector the markups are not large, and the discount will be hardly noticeable.
  • Discount due to supplier offer. Often suppliers make seasonal price reductions, which will allow you to organize a sale promotion. This practice is typical for the sale of clothing, accessories, and outdoor recreation products.
  • Price reduction due to the supplier and own markup. You can negotiate with the supplier to reduce the price, in turn the store will also reduce the cost of the goods. Thus, you can achieve very affordable prices, which will lead to active sales. Suppliers are often willing to accept such offers for a short period of time, since prolonged work on such terms will reduce the competitiveness of other trade participants.

When it is clear at what expense the discount will be, you need to come up with promotions to attract customers. Spontaneous proposals on their own don’t work well, so you need to latch on to a specific idea. This is worth talking about separately.

Justification of the discount for the client

A profitable offer with a low price is always a little off-putting; the client simply doubts why it’s suddenly so cheap. Therefore, attracting customers to an online store with the help of discounts and bonuses is always timed to coincide with holidays or other events.

  • Very big discount, but there are no buyers. It is necessary to describe why the product is offered at such a low price. An example is the liquidation of an old collection, a total update of a store’s assortment, or the liquidation of a supplier’s warehouse.
  • Late promotion. Stationery supplies are popular in August-September, TVs sell well in the fall, when people stay at home more often, and bicycles are popular in the spring. At other times, even a very favorable price may not interest the client.
  • Minor cost reduction. If the product cost 350 rubles, and now it’s 340, then such an offer will simply be ignored.

Often, for an offer to work, the client needs demonstrate not the discount itself in %, but the real benefit is in money. For example, 5-7% may seem unattractive, but in sales of household appliances this amount can be significant. In this case, it is worth separately indicating the amount of benefit from the purchase.

Justification for discounts such as linking dates and numbers works well. For example, on Valentine’s Day you can offer a 14% discount on gifts, or a promotion for the store’s birthday “for 5 years, 5% discount.” During the holidays, people are generally willing to spend more, so it's easier to push them into impulse purchases. This is a time you simply cannot miss.

Promotional options are very popular when the client earns bonuses for himself. For example, additional discounts are given for filling out survey forms on the website or for picking up goods from the office.

Examples of promotions to attract customers

The first thing you should start from when coming up with the next action for a project is its goal. There are other goals besides increasing sales. It is necessary to retain existing customers and attract new ones; to do this, you need to register interest in the store.

Promotions aimed at increasing sales volumes and Attraction of new clients, are always limited in time. Offers that are designed to maintain interest over the long term.

You can often find very unusual types of promotions in stores, but generally there are several types of offers.

Sale of past collections

Such offers are typical for clothing sales. It is advisable to get rid of the word “discount” in them. Terms like “total liquidation” work well; such phrases indicate that the price simply won’t be lower.

You need to be careful with sales. There is no problem if summer clothes are offered at a discount, and the store has also received the autumn-winter collection of the same brand. The product will not compete with each other. But if there is a fresh summer offer product and model of the previous year with a large difference in price, a new collection may remain unsorted on the shelves, especially if it is offered in one section of the site.

Motivation to buy more in a short time

Promotions are very effective, the duration of which is very limited, and the purchase involves a larger volume for less money. An example of such a promotion is the 2+1 free offer. In fact, this is a discount of 1/3 of the cost, and the client purchases 3 items at once at a price lower by 33%, and not just one with a reduced cost.

Short-term promotional codes

To receive bonuses in the form of a promotional code, they use advertising on third-party sites or social networks (examples of such coupon services are http://biglion.ru/, http://kuponogolik.ru/, https://kuponoid.ru/, etc. .). This type of offer works best with a youth audience. Suitable for almost any type of product and helps attract new customers.

Birthday discount

Birthday discount shopping is a great way to retain existing customers. Many people specifically wait until the holiday to buy certain products that they have noticed for a long time. There are also those whom the offered discount encourages to make a previously unplanned purchase. A birthday discount is an excellent example of a permanent, long-term promotion aimed at maintaining loyalty to the store.

Since information about the client is stored in the database, a few days before the holiday, the buyer is notified about the proposed bonus in the form of an SMS message or mailing. The buyer must be notified in advance, and the promotion itself must be valid for several days before and after the birthday. People are making plans for the holidays and need time to make purchases.

Subscription discount

This type of offer is aimed at attracting new customers. By agreeing to a subscription, the client receives a discount on their first purchase, so they are more likely to make it.

Discount on your next purchase

Another way to retain customers. Having made a purchase once, the second time the buyer will again prefer this particular store, because he already has a discount here. If a client purchased something twice in one place and was satisfied, then in the future he will buy here himself, and also recommend the site to others, because his purchases were profitable.

Bag as a gift

As everyone has known for a long time, the engine of trade is advertising. Of course, advertising should not be “anyhow”, but one that engenders in the souls of potential buyers the seeds of demand for a product of a certain brand or store, and in addition, diligently and carefully cultivates these seeds right up to the moment of making a purchase. Advertising must also maintain the buyer’s loyalty to its product, so that, other things being equal, he chooses the advertiser’s product. All over the world, to create and maintain “love” and customer commitment to their product, clothing stores and boutiques conduct promotions, and these promotions can be either standard (simple, but working) or quite original. Let's consider both those and other options.

When opening a new clothing store, of course, it is simply necessary to conduct an advertising campaign with the goal that your potential customers will simply found out about availability such store. In this case, the simplest promotions that a newly opening clothing store can carry out are all kinds of discounts, gifts, and discount cards for new customers.

Two for the price of one

You can run promotions such as “two for the price of one”, “three for the price of two”, “discount on things with a red price tag”, “discount of so many percent for buyers, for example, with a green bag” (while selling these same green bags at attractive prices), “prices without extra charge for certain goods”, “we trade at a loss, offering you prices 2 times lower than the purchase price for such and such a product”, “fill out the form at the checkout and receive a discount card as a gift” , “happy hours in the store - a discount of so many percent, for example, from 11 to 12,” etc. In fact, there are a lot of options for promotions. A standard promotion would be attractive promoters handing out flyers with a discount coupon for your store. We talk about “standard” promotions, meaning they are simple and effective. That is, you can adopt any of the above options and get positive effects. Of course, it is worth carrying out advertising campaigns using the support of well-known media in your region (radio, newspapers, television, Internet portals).

Unusual promotions

Now let's look at the option of how you can conduct an unusual advertising campaign that would attract the largest number of potential and actual customers to a clothing store or boutique.

An example of a short-term and effective advertising campaign is a promotion held in one of the large Vilnius stores of expensive denim clothing. Having announced in advance that customers who came to the store without pants at a certain time would have the opportunity to choose stylish jeans for free, the store management received the result in the form of a queue of young guys and girls in their underpants lined up at the store doors at the right time. Since the promotion lasted only 10 minutes, the store didn’t really lose out on free jeans, but more about this promotion and the store itself there were long conversations, and the “wave” of buyers for “paid” jeans was quite long. By the way, does this incident remind you of anything? Many years ago, the Euroset mobile phone store held an even more shocking promotion: customers who came to the store completely naked gave me a brand new mobile phone.

People are sometimes ready for madness

Thus, we can conclude that “people are ready to do a lot for free,” they are even ready to do crazy things. Start an original, even crazy, flash mob advertising campaign, connect the media to this event, especially the Internet, television, so that this campaign is written and talked about beforehand and subsequently, so that there are photographs and videos - and your clothing store will be talked about for a long time they will talk. Word of mouth works clearly and effectively; as experience shows, people trust rumors even more than openly presented information. Loud and scandalous advertising campaigns eventually become urban legends, and the name of the store that staged a grandiose flash mob becomes recognizable and attracts the attention of visitors.

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From time to time, websites run advertising promotions to attract customers. Even if a company offers the consumer some kind of discount, it is not at all a fact that this promotion will attract the customer’s attention. Why? How do stores usually reason when giving a customer a discount? A simple example. Gave a 10-15% discount to visitors and sit, sip coffee and don’t forget to count the money from sales. But it was not there.

In fact, if you follow this principle, store sales will tend to zero. Competition is growing every day. And there is less and less creativity, and advertising campaigns are no exception. Everyone gives a 10-15% discount for selection and waits for something, working at a loss. But there is a discount! What promotions are needed then to increase sales?

Promotions to attract customers

1. Express savings as a percentage and in rubles

Let's consider an example: the company decided to hold a promotion to attract attention: “Gives a 15% discount on a product that costs 7,590 rubles.” It may seem that the prospect of saving 15% will help attract a client and increase sales.

What really? The client does not see his benefit: 15% is how much in rubles? Correct answer: 1138.50 rub. But do you think customers will calculate this themselves to understand how much they are saving? Most won't bother with this. Rather, they will look for another store where it is clearly and specifically indicated how much they can save. Fortunately, there is a lot of choice now.

The solution is obvious: To attract, indicate exactly how much the client saves when purchasing a product in the store. Agree, “savings - 1138.50 rubles.” sounds clearer and more interesting than “some 15% discount.”

2. Short deadline

The shorter the duration of your promotion, the better for increasing sales. What does the client think when the company decides to hold a promotion that is valid for 1-1.5 months? “I’ll have time, what’s the hurry. I have a whole month ahead of me.” It’s not hard to guess that the client will simply forget about the interesting promotion. And the company will wait for him to remember about the excellent offer and hurry up to place an order.

Promotion to increase store sales

This promotion is very popular among car sellers to increase sales. An example of an attraction method: On the last day of the month, car buyers can receive a RUB 5,000 discount. True, there are no cheap cars available, but there is one in a more expensive configuration. With a discount it will cost the same as a cheap one without a discount.

And another interesting condition of the promotion: the sale must be completed today, before the last day of the last month ends. Many customers are aware of the tricks of sellers, but still fall for these promotions.

Example of a promotion: Today is SALE! TODAY ONLY... Bring this car home in time for dinner. The keys are in the ignition, the tank is full, she's waiting for you!

Time is a tool for creating scarcity. Phrases like “Offer valid for a limited time” create the effect of time pressure. This helps attract customers to the store.

3. Prepayment

Does the company provide prepayment services? A client who is ready to pay 100% immediately should be given a discount.

4. Pre-order

Another situation: soon some new goods or services should go on sale in the store. But you can start actively promoting them now. Warm up your customers' interest in upcoming new products, including through interesting promotions. Example: take and provide a discount to those customers who placed an order for a new service/product before the start of sales.

5. Rationale

Any promotion launched by the company must be “transparent”. “What’s the point of such generosity,” the buyer might think. Perhaps they are selling him another product that has been left behind or is not in demand? And no one wants to be a donkey.

To prevent this from happening, it is important to justify your interesting promotions. Example: “In honor of a holiday”, “For the company’s birthday”, “Store opening”, “Seasonal discounts” or something else.

6. Gift

A discount is good, but a gift is better. It is more tangible and understandable for the client.

Marketing campaign for stores

Example: “When purchasing in our store for an amount of 6,900 rubles. one of four exclusive shower gels as a gift” (Fig. 1)

Fig. 1 A discount is good, but a gift is better

7. Club cards

Pamper your regular customers. Don't forget about them. They are your loyal fans, cheerleaders. They need to be treated with care. Come up with some special, interesting promotions for them. Available only to them. Show that they belong to a privileged, exclusive club.

8. 1 purchase = 10 gifts

Be more creative in your sales. Come up with new formats for promotions.

Promotions for stores

Example: Provide a discount when purchasing a larger volume (Fig. 2). Or make not one gift, but several - a kind of set. “For any purchase over 3,000 rubles. in the period from June 1 to June 10, you receive 10 gifts."

Fig. 2 A discount for the volume of a one-time purchase encourages buyers to purchase a larger “batch” of goods

9. Cumulative discounts

This type of promotion will help attract new customers and form a base of regular ones. It will be more difficult for the client to leave and make a purchase from someone other than you. You thereby “softly” tie him to your company.

10. Related products

Make an interesting promotion not for the main product, but for some related product. Thus, the sale is no longer just one product, but a complete set. At the same time increasing store sales.

11. Only one pair left in your size

An artificial shortage in a store is created very simply. When we see the phrase “Only one pair left in your size” or “Last set left in stock,” we subconsciously feel that we better hurry up and make a purchase. Artificial scarcity is good for attracting attention and increasing sales.

Example of a promotion for travel agencies

“Buy now! Only 2 tickets left at this price!

Thus, if there is a shortage of any product, its value in our eyes increases and we want to get it even more. The product becomes more valuable and desirable to us.

12. Expensive things can’t be bad.

The promotion is that the more expensive the product (and therefore less accessible), the higher its quality. We subconsciously prefer expensive goods. Our subconscious tells us: expensive means good!

13. Sorry, but you can't have it.

Another promotion is to introduce restrictions from time to time. When something cannot be obtained, then real scarcity begins. The more inaccessible the goal, the stronger the desire to achieve it. As a result, the stricter the prohibitions in stocks, the more we will strive to circumvent them.

Bottom line: The value and desirability of any thing often depends on how difficult it is to obtain. Limited products or promotional periods create a subconscious fear among visitors that they may be late. And this forces them to act.

Promotions to attract customers: 3 important rules

  • The promotion must justify your costs. Don't work at a loss.
  • Don't sell discounted items en masse. On the one hand, you will get more attracted customers, but you are sure that they will buy your product without a discount. Introduce promotions proportionally - only for a limited set of goods.
  • Make new promotions on different products at different periods of time. And watch the reaction of buyers.

Efficiency of the actions carried out

Take a look at your stocks and adjust them based on the recommendations outlined. Using the 13 examples of the best options outlined in the article.

Successful promotions to you!

P.S. Do you want to increase sales without increasing your advertising budget? Then this is the place for you - Increase conversion

The article was written for the magazine “Marketer”

Read other useful articles

The fact that “advertising is the engine of trade” is obvious today. Promotions and interesting marketing activities are an important tool for winning over customers. Each company, depending on its area of ​​activity, scale and direction, resorts to a variety of moves. Many organizations periodically organize promotions to attract customers, which stimulate sales and general interest in the services provided by a particular company.

Algorithm for developing an advertising campaign

Advertising moves can be different; they provide an opportunity not only to stimulate interest in your product, but also to better study the needs of the buyer, his desires, and build a model of his potential audience. You need to know how to come up with an interesting offer that will interest a wide range of potential clients.

Selecting the target audience

Before introducing a system of bonuses, discounts and other events, it is important to draw a portrait of a potential buyer - what interests he has, what priorities he sets for himself when making a purchase. Perhaps this is an elderly person who wants to find goods at low prices, or a girl who is looking for how to.

Only by analyzing the possible behavioral reactions of your customers can you achieve the desired results and increase sales. It’s hard to believe, but even large companies sometimes skipped the step of analyzing their potential audience, resulting in millions of losses.

Max Factor, Revlon and Avon tried to enter the Asian markets. Naturally, a large budget was spent on promoting their products, holding promotions to attract customers, and opening sales points. But as it turns out, Asian women have completely different requirements for foundation; wearing perfume throughout the day is considered vulgar, and they have completely different requirements for the decorative line. As a result, the stores gradually closed, and the well-thought-out campaign had to be curtailed. As we see, even a large budget for promotion will not give the expected results until the target audience is carefully analyzed and studied. Even marketers of large corporations sometimes forget about this.

Strategy Development

Each potential buyer pursues his own interests, but they all boil down to a simple formula - “buying a quality item/service at a reasonable price.” At the same time, bonuses, promotions, discounts, a guarantee for the purchased product, etc. are welcome. But it is often difficult to determine a clear audience, since it may consist of different target groups and categories. In this case, the main task is to choose the right strategy, to draw up.

Both a housewife who makes clothes and a student can come for a washing machine (phone, computer). A pack of washing powder as a gift will not please a man who has never washed his clothes, and a free ticket to a football match will not arouse much enthusiasm in a woman. In this case, it is important to find common ground of interests of all potential clients and offer them a really attractive bonus (for example, headphones as a gift with a new tablet will be appreciated by everyone without exception).

Following the tastes and interests of different people is troublesome and expensive, but in conditions of fierce competition it is important.

What promotions can you come up with to attract customers?

Good quality, large selection, fast service are key factors in any business. But all of them can be undervalued if you do not allocate funds to advertise your products or services. Therefore, businessmen and managers often have to come up with a variety of promotions to attract customers that would increase traffic, and with them the profit margin.


Bonuses, souvenirs, promotions, and accompanying little things as a gift will indicate a respectful attitude towards the buyer and will cheer him up. Most likely, the next time he searches for a product, he will turn to the same store that specializes in the necessary products. And although everyone has long known that the cost of a gift is already included in the price of the main product, a small trifle is so nice.


The discount system is a common and popular method of attracting customers. This alluring word affects people differently, but most of them will definitely want to study the proposed product item and become familiar with its characteristics. The discount system varies:

  • seasonal discounts;
  • reduction in prices for collections of previous seasons;
  • discounts for the buyer's birthday;
  • incentives by attracting buyers;
  • incentives through making a purchase for a certain amount;
  • discounts on a certain series, group of products;
  • savings cards (loyalty system).


Visually attractive prices are an integral attribute of any retail outlet. Psychologists have proven that a buyer is attracted by a price tag that he visually likes (99.90 rubles or 59.90 rubles). Naturally, 10 kopecks will not affect his budget, but on a subconscious level, these figures seem more profitable than 100 or 60 rubles.

Non-standard solutions

Bonuses, discounts and small gifts are a common and widespread sales optimization tool. It’s difficult to surprise a “spoiled” buyer who is more interested in something than discounts on the next line of products.

Many companies (both large and small) often resort to non-standard approaches, forcing many to learn about their activities and use the services offered and buy goods.

One day, an expensive denim clothing store in Vilnius published information that customers who come to the store without pants during a certain period of time will be able to pick up and receive jeans for free. As a result, at the appointed time, a line of young people in only their underwear lined up outside the store. The promotion lasted 10 minutes, during which time several dozen boys and girls received free jeans, and the store gained popularity, attracted the press, and had a line of buyers already buying paid items.

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Promotions to attract customers are an important tool of the internal policy of each company. What to choose (standard or non-standard approaches) depends on the specifics of the company itself, but they are needed to increase the flow of customers and optimize sales.

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