Business plan workshop powder painting. Business on powder painting. Your business on powder painting of metal products

* The calculations use average data in Russia

Market Overview Powder Coloring Metal Products

Currently, their powder painting or polymer coating is becoming an increasingly popular way to ultimately processing ready-made metal products of any type in many industries.

But not every company, producing, metal industrial products, is equipped with appropriate equipment: some lacks production areas, some do not want to invest in additional equipment, and some - to hire additional workers, besides, accordingly qualified, or retrain already working.

Be that as it may, often the painting of the finished metal product is engaged in a third-party specialized organization, which is essentially not producing anything, but quite profitable to draw attention to the novice businessman.

Indeed, providing services in the color of metal products, the leadership and owner of such an enterprise are not at all risking invested means: without work, the organization of this type will definitely not remain, moreover, many complex production issues are like, as in what volumes to produce, where to implement The uninterrupted work of the plant or factory - in this type of business simply do not arise - it is enough just to replenish the reserves of powder dyes and other consumables and comply with the terms of contracts with clients.

In principle, not only a novice entrepreneur will cope with such uncomplicated tasks, for the first time hearing about the chambers of powder staining and polymerization furnaces, but also a third-party manager, which can be hired to not be engaged in such, in essence, minor issues.

In general, in this, as in some other types of business types, the entrepreneur requires only an enterprise itself: to buy equipment, hire workers and provide advertising and marketing policies. But even these, in general, elementary things can be trusted by professionals: managers, advertising and personnel professionals, etc. The main thing is to have an appropriate start-up capital, which will serve as an investment in the opening of the business, and, having flocked for some time (from six months to a year), during which the break-even point will be overcome, to work on expanding this business or live Earlier - to whom soul.

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200 000 rubles. a month, having fun!

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It should, however, remember that the services in coloring with powder dyes and polymerization are strongly oriented for the most part rather for the presence of relevant customers than other factors: geographical position, settlement value, etc.

For confident work and successful development, it is necessary to have a sufficient number of manufacturing enterprises that produce such goods that come to the final consumer or in painted form, or with the applied layer of polymer (polymers) to the surface (and sometimes both processes: powder painting and formation of polymer coatings on metal products).

So before investing in the organization of the business of powder painting, it is not easy to ask, but carefully examine the issue of the presence of manufacturers of appropriate metal products in the region.

It is not necessary to hope for private orders, even in large cities: Yes, individuals sometimes resort to such services (especially car owners), but even on mass minor orders, the company will not last long - he needs more serious production volumes.

Only the presence of a large number of manufacturers of metal products that require powder painting can give business on painting the right to exist.

Of course, there is also a factor of customers from other regions, but it is most likely not to count on this: firstly, in neighboring regions there may be similar enterprises, the benefit of their discovery is not associated with large capital investments and costs, and secondly, so large-scale An advertising campaign that will help manufacturers of metal products from another region to learn about your company will cost incommensurable with the effect obtained.

Ready ideas for your business

So a way to get customers from other regions There is only one: to provide your own field presence, that is, to open up its enterprises in powder painting of metal products in these regions.

Powder painting equipment

The most important equipment in the enterprise in powder staining of metal products is, of course, the camera of powder staining. And not even one, but several: depending on the planned production volumes and approximate dimensions of the stained objects: the model size of the working space (DHSHB, mm) is approximately 2000x1100x1700, but special cameras will need for staining of large-sized products: up to 11 m long, up to 2 height , 5 m.

The powder staining chamber with the recovery system is designed to apply a polymer powder coating on the metal surface of the product. It is a metal frame, covered with steel sheets with a polymer coating.

The heat recuperator serves to capture the powder paint that has not mastered the products. The powder paint on the filters of the recuperator is reset into the bunker, the paint from the bunker (screening) can be returned to the dye cycle.

Ready ideas for your business

As can be seen, the powder staining camera is not a technically complex design and its value depends directly from its size: the standard chamber costs from 60 thousand rubles, the chambers of specific (non-standard) sizes are somewhat more expensive. However, there are both cheaper - so-called single-position (i.e., calculated on service with one employee) or dead-end cameras are roughly twice as cheaper (about 30-35 thousand rubles) specified.

Actually, the dyeing paint sprayers are used directly tools intended for applying powder paint to products in an electrostatic field, or automatic application chambers.

The sprayers differ only in the size of the paint powder container: small manual with a container capacity up to half-liters and portable cartridges with a tank of up to 50 liters.

Usually, several copies of each type are acquired: at a minimum, one manual for each employee plus several spare and interchangeable (using simultaneously dyes of several colors) and 3-4 (on the enterprise of the average production, more precisely, the services provided) of manual spraying plants.

The cost of the first type of sprayer is about 9-11 thousand rubles, the installation will cost about 4.5 thousand euros (which in terms of rubles at the current rate is about 190 thousand rubles). The domestic equivalent will cost about 50 thousand rubles, but the quality of such a product and its work may be low.

The automatic application of the application is, in fact, the chamber of powder staining, equipped with built-in sprayers: staining of metal products in such a cell does not require the direct presence of a person in them.

Ready ideas for your business

Usually, the manual sprayers are used for small parts, or small in terms of orders, as well as for painting parts into different colors, while the automatic camera can quickly and evenly paint one color one large or slightly smaller details. So it is advisable to complete the enterprise also 2-3 automatic cameras.

The cost of each of them is approximately 100 thousand Ukrainian hryvnias (UAH), which, in terms of rubles at the current exchange rate, is about 370 thousand rubles.

For polymerization - the formation of polymer coatings on the already painted metal products - special furnaces of polymerization are used.

There are furnaces of three types: electrical, gas and infrared. The most common - electric separately cost from 130 to 130 thousand rubles. (deadlock) or from 280 to 535 thousand rubles. (passing option), however, when you acquire some automatic paint chambers, you can do without these costs: many of them are like a mini-line, or a complete cycle machine and are completed with embedded polymerization furnaces.

However, one or two separate furnaces are still worth it: in some cases, the painting of the product is not required - only polymerization (for example, when the manual color is passed earlier or order only for polymerization, i.e. providing customer with already painted parts).

As mentioned above, all chambers are mandatory connected to recuperators - special devices that allow you to collect powder paint, which have not mastered the surface of the product.

Each recovery will cost about 90 thousand rubles, which significantly increases the chambers of powder staining (both simple and automatic; however, in some models of the latter there is a built-in recuperator), however, without using the recuperator, you will not be able to assemble the product Paint, and, therefore, reuse it.

The loss of paint will cost a decent amount - quite comparable to the cost of the recuperator. In addition, it is possible to organize the fence and supply of powder paint directly from the bunker immediately to the spray setting, i.e. arrange a closed cycle coloring.

In addition, for sampling and transporting products in all technological cycles, the sector of powder staining in mechanized or manual mode, the plant for powder staining of metal parts requires its own transport system.

It consists of transport carts, monorails, supports, struts, carrying columns, transport drives, cross-moving units, longitudinal and transverse farms and beams, carriats, traverse, etc. Standard details for this system.

Accordingly, mechanical (manual, in which parts move along the shop of muscular power of employees) The transport system will cost only 25 thousand rubles. However, it is suitable only to small businesses that are not taken as for the color of large parts and large orders or limited in production facilities.

Middle and large firms require an automatic transport system, the organization and installation of which will cost at least 110-175 thousand rubles.

Supplemental equipment can be attributed to the additional equipment (cost - about 35 thousand rubles), intended for sieving (separating a large fraction and extraneous inclusions from the main composition of the material) of fine bulk products, in this case - powder paint with lumps and secondary paint (discrade ) and industrial water-freezes for its collection (10-19 thousand rubles).

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Situation in the market

The times were taken when the paints were perceived exclusively as liquid materials, with all their disadvantages: smell, toxicity and fire hazard. This idea has changed about 40 years ago with the appearance of a fundamentally new type of paint and varnish materials - powder paints. These paints do not contain solvents and other liquid components, they are technologically, provide practically waste-free coating technology. This technology quickly gained recognition on thousands of enterprises. Now only the listing of all areas of its use will take a very long time.
In the Soviet Union, it was distributed in the early 80s of the last century. In those days, only enterprises-giants could boast their own "powder" line.

Now the methods of powder painting are improved. According to experts, the application of powder paint for the current technology costs 5-10 times cheaper than before. Therefore, in the world, the "dry" painting slowly displaces "liquid".
Most often, the "powder" lines establish enterprises that produce some metal products. They paint, mainly products of their own production. But firms engaged exclusively painting, too, a lot.

Advantages and disadvantages

The technology of coating using powder paints compared with staining with liquid materials has many advantages:
. Powder paints are supplied to the consumer in the ready-to-use form. It does not require their preparation, mixing, dilution, mixing, viscosity regulation;
. Obtaining coatings, as a rule, is limited to single-layer application, while liquid paints require several layers, the coating production cycle longer;
. The paint utilization is easily ensured and its almost complete return to the production cycle. Thus, a higher economy of production is achieved;
. Energy consumption for coating production is reduced due to the absence of solvents (energy is not required to evaporate solvents, ventilation costs are reduced);
. It is possible to mechanize and complete automation of the coating production process, which reduces the number of personnel and save production areas;
. Usually the highest quality coatings and the best operational properties are achieved.

Currently in industry in terms of technology, economics, ecology, powder paintwork materials are almost no alternative.

Personnel firm

To learn to paint not difficult to configure items, the work is enough to one week. For comparison: to become a high-class malarier on a hundred (where liquid paints are used), it takes several years.
A brigade of an ordinary paint site consists of one or two people (painter + assistant). Depending on the volume of production, the number of employees may increase to 4. The hardest thing in the work is to prepare the product to painting and loading and unloading operations.

Calculation of the payback period of a set of equipment for applying polymer coatings on the example of a standard powder complex (oven (3000x1800x1600), a spraying chamber (3000x1800x900) and lower transport system).

Approximate calculation for polymer coating services

Name of material Units. change Price Note
Polymer coating
White Spirit







The price of USR. VAT INCLUDED

Price with VAT

Price with VAT

Price with VAT

Name Norm Cost Amount (rub.)
Polymer coating
White Spirit









Total materials
Transportation costs 8%
Salary workers
Deductions for social. Needs 27.5%
Overhead costs 150%
VAT 18%
Cost of Painting 1 kV / m
Market price Painting for 1 kV / m









Calculation of the payback period of equipment
Estimated data:
the average production area of \u200b\u200bstaining-1870 kV / m per month

Indicators 1 month. 2 months. 3 months 4 months 5 months. 6 months
Investment for the purchase of a set of equipment (rub.)
Number of shift
Painted area in M-C
Profit (rub.)
Balance of financial flow with a growing result (rub.)



















Marketing direction

Powder paints in the consumer market - the fastest growing segment in the structure of all paints and varnishes.
Appointment of thermoplastic and thermosetting powder paints: transport and agricultural engineering, machine tools, pipes, parts of cars and motorcycles, bicycles, instrument making, electrical, radio and electronic industry, transformers, condensers, instruments, tools, production of consumer goods, household appliances, refrigerators , water heaters, air conditioners, heating radiators, vacuum cleaners, metal furniture, parts of sewing machines, gas and electric stoves, washing machines, construction, facing facade tiles, asbetic, ceramic, tile, production of consumer goods, decorative ceramic products, plastic products and etc.

Technology and production

The process of staining with powder paints standard includes the following steps:
. surface preparation;
. powder paint;
. Coating formation (curing / polymerization).

Preparation of the surface:
The surface preparation technology before painting is practically no different from the technology used in traditional methods of applying paintwork materials - degreasing, etching, surface phosphating is also used here.
For non-corrosive surface, there is enough degreasing by wiping with a material moistened with an organic solvent or annealing.
- Application of powder paint:
Most powder coatings are obtained by the method of electrostatic spraying.
Electrostatic application of powder paints is based on the message of electric charge powder particles.

The essence of this method consists in the following: particles of powder paint, passing through the sprayer, the electrostatic (negative) or tribostatic (positive) charge and are applied to the surface of the product with a uniform layer, since the product is grounded and has an electrical charge of the same polarity.

The powder during electrostatic application is distributed evenly on the flat surfaces of the product and a somewhat thicker layer on sharp corners and the edges of the product, which improves the quality of the coating.
- Formation of the coating:
The process of the coating formation occurs in the curing furnace (in the polymerization chamber) is independent of the method of application of powder paint.
After applying the powder paint, the painted product is placed in the furnace and withstand at a temperature of 120-250 ° C for 10-20 minutes.
When heating, the paint melts and evenly spreads over the surface of the product, forming a thin and durable film with a thickness of 60-80 microns.
The most common method of curing powder paints - by heating the products by a conventional method, providing for the full warming of the entire product to the desired temperature.
Low-temperature curing method (at 120-130 ° C) is used for painting products sensitive to high temperatures. But this curing method is applicable only to epoxy powder paints.
The IR curing method of powder paint allows in a short time completely heat the product to the desired temperature, which significantly reduces the dimensions of the equipment and reduces the process.
But this method is suitable only for products of simple configuration that do not discard the shadows, and also provides for the selection of a special paint recipe.

- Polymerization furnace. Operating temperature range: from +25 to +250 ° C. Furnace with digital control unit.
- spraying chamber, intended for staining with powder polymer paints.

- Transport system (lower, top).
- Sprayer
- Compressor

Power of the company:
One brigade in shift (10 hours) can paint from 50 to 250 m², depending on the size and shape of the part.

With their help, paint medical equipment, roofing materials, household appliances, objects from ceramics, plaster and glass, furniture. Among motorists are becoming increasingly popular with powder painting of discs. Business Organization These work in specialized centers today are quite expensive. If you want to try yourself in this matter, then if you have financial resources, you can easily begin. Of course, the powder paint line (automated system) is far from everyone, but thanks to our recommendations you can replace some elements in the first time by other instruments. Start with small products. It can be plaster statuettes, ceramic dishes and a lot more. Try to start painting something in your home (start with the fact that it is not sorry to spoil).

New business ideas

Actually powder painting, which is carried out in the chamber with the help of special pulverizers. 5. Formation of the coating. After painting, the polymerization of the product in the furnace is carried out.
The preparation of the preparation The product is heated and the paint turns into a film. Duration and temperature depend on the type of product. After this processing, it is dried and painting is completed.

Scope This method is used for adhesive, aluminum, galvanized products. Apply it in various fields: from medicine before automotive industry.

It allows you to paint even clay and tree. The organization of its case despite the fact that the start of the business will require a lot of funds, such services are also quite expensive. Therefore, costs will accumulate quickly. You can start with small products in a small garage.

And when the necessary skills and funds appear - go to more serious orders.

Powder coloring - Are there any prospects for this business?

For production, where over the year covers more than 50,000 m² of surfaces, use the streaming technological lines of the powder painting. Despite the difference in the production volumes, equipment in both cases is equally and differs only by power.
A set of main equipment for powder painting includes (prices are indicated for January 2017):

  • A spraying chamber (from 100 thousand rubles) and the recuperator (from 80 thousand rubles). Special camera where the main paint application process occurs.

    The camera is equipped with filters and a recuperator for capturing non-axial paint and returning it to the production cycle. As a rule, the walls of the chamber are covered with a special antistatic.

  • Sprayer and feeder for powder painting (from 60 thousand rubles).

    The sprayer is designed to apply paint to the painted product.

Your business on powder painting of metal products

The powder painting is becoming increasingly popular. What is it? This is a modern technology designed to obtain high-quality decorative and protective coatings.

The paper uses polymer powders (hence the name - "powder"). They turn into the coating due to the effects of high temperatures.

Because of this feature of the procedure, the most common powder painting of metal and glass is the most common. Advantages This process has a number of positive parties.

These include: - efficiency. The fact is that such paint can be used again if it does not settle when spraying on the treated surface. Thus, material losses are no more than 5%.

By the way, this indicator for ordinary paints will be 8 times higher - about 40%. Also in this case, there is no need for solvents.

- Easy application.

business plan

Most often, the method of electrostatic spraying is used to apply paints. In this case, pistols for powder painting are used.

Such tools are also called sprouters or applicators. This device is a pneumatic sprayer, with which the electrostatically charged substance is applied to the part, pre-grounded.

Coating formation Go to the next stage of work. Paint is applied, now you need to form a coating. First of all, the product is sent to the furnace for polymerization. Such chambers may be different: vertical, horizontal, again, deadlock or passing, single and diverse. Mentioned powder painting equipment ensures the heating of the surface to a certain temperature - 150-220 OS. Treatment lasts about half an hour, resulting in a film.

Business plan: powder painting of metal products.

Instead, at first, a cyclone type of vacuum cleaner can be used. In this case, it is necessary to pre-check the power of the power supply in the room and ensure that grounding is present. If you plan to work with large-sized products, it is also worth thinking about purchasing a transport system. In it, the processed parts move on special trolleys that move along the rails.

In this way, the line of powder painting is built. Such equipment improves the performance of the process, ensuring its continuity.

Technology powder coloring The work process itself is divided, as it was already possible to understand, into several stages:

  1. We will tell about each stage separately. Preparation of the product, or rather its surface, to processing.
  2. Application paint in powder.
  3. Polymerization, i.e.

Fans of exotic can open an interesting business on Powder Painting - With it, they make a high-quality decorative painting of various surfaces from glass and metal. What are the advantages and how to organize a business on powder painting, read on in our material.

Benefits of powder painting

1. Efficiency. Powder painting does not require solvents. In addition, if it does not set out when spraying, it can be used to re-procedure. Due to this, it is possible to reduce the loss of up to 5%.

2. Easy to use. Powder paint is fully ready for use and easily removed from the equipment.

3. Speed. You can not wait for the fabric to the furnace before placing products until the powder paint dries.

4. Durability. When applied, an elastic polymer layer is formed, which are perfectly engaged with a painted surface, protecting it from corrosion, electricity effects.

5. Ecology. No solvents - no harmful substances at painting.

6. Decorativeness. Powder painting can be performed in any shade and any texture.

How to make business on powder painting

If there is no possibility to organize a large-scale painting enterprise, you can restrict ourselves to manual painting. In any case, it will take a separate room, special equipment.

Powder painting equipment

1. Camera. Powder painting takes place in a special chamber - it is thanks to her can again collect unused paint for a re-cycle. The size of the chamber is selected for the needs of the enterprise.

2. Oven, gun. In the initial stages, instead of the furnace, you can use the oven, but for large-scale production it is necessary to purchase special equipment. Instead of a pistol, you can use a filter compressor for high pressure.

3. Recovery, transport system. The heat recovery is necessary for collecting unused paint. Can be replaced by a cyclone type vacuum cleaner. The transport system will be needed to work with large powder painting objects. In any case, the room must be the corresponding wiring and grounding.


1. Preparation of a product under powder painting is the most time-consuming and responsible process. The old paint, traces of corrosion and other substances are mechanically or chemically removed. The choice of method and means depends on the type of product on which it will be conducted powder painting.

2. To isolate the product and better clutch with paint, chromatation and phosphating are carried out. For steel, iron phosphate is used for electroplating - zinc, aluminum - chrome, manganese. Oxides are removed by chemical and abrasive cleaning. After that, it is necessary to rinse it well.

3. Passivation - processing of chromium and sodium nitrate compounds. Then the product is washed and dried.

4. Actually powder painting, which is carried out in the chamber with the help of special pulverizers.

5. Formation of coating. After painting, the polymerization of the product in the furnace is carried out. The preparation of the preparation The product is heated and the paint turns into a film. Duration and temperature depend on the type of product. After this processing, it is dried and painting is completed.

Application area

This method is used for adhesive, aluminum, galvanized products. Apply it in various fields: from medicine before automotive industry. It allows you to paint even clay and tree.

Organization of your business

Despite the fact that the start of the business will require a lot of funds, such services are also quite expensive. Therefore, costs will accumulate quickly. You can start with small products in a small garage. And when the necessary skills and funds appear - go to more serious orders. Over time you will be easier to develop your business on powder painting.

What is the article?

Many enterprises producing metal products use the services of third-party organizations to paint them.

This is due to the lack of special equipment or the reluctance to hire additional staff for such work, and when there is a demand, then there is also creating your business.

Anyway, the demand for the services of painting metal products in many regions of our country is quite high.

Where to start opening a workshop for powder painting of metal products

Open your business in business on the powder painting of products under the power even a novice entrepreneur.

In fact, his tasks are reduced to the organization of the production process (searching for a suitable room, purchasing powder dyes, customer search, marketing policy development).

How much money is needed to organize a business on powder painting of metal products

To open an organization specializing in powder painting of metal products, you do not need large investments.

You can start in this area of \u200b\u200bbusiness with minimal investments from 200 thousand rubles.

However, before launching such a business, it is necessary to carry out a marketing study, which allows you to understand the level of demand for the services of powder painting.

In the region where the production workshop is planned to be opened, enterprises producing metal products in large volumes should be.

Otherwise, the businessman may have problems finding customers.

Of course, at the initial stage you can perform small orders of individuals. However, the profit in this case will be minimal, and the full payback of investments will have to wait for several years.

That is why for a successful start, you need to find large orders and cooperate with customers long-term.

What equipment to choose for powder painting

As for the equipment, the entrepreneur will need to purchase several powder staining cameras.

It is advisable to acquire models with automatic sprayers. In this case, the loss of consumables when performing painting works will be minimal.

The cost of the chamber of powder staining depends on its dimensions and technical characteristics. Models of standard sizes are about 60 thousand rubles.

For painting small parts, it is also necessary to purchase manual sprayers.

To attract clients, the enterprise can also provide services for the polymerization of painted metal products.

In this case, the entrepreneur will need to invest some funds in the purchase of a special oven.

How much can you earn on the powder painting of metal products

The workshop on the powder painting of metal products can bring up to 90 thousand rubles a monthly profit (depending on the amount of orders performed).

What kind of OKVED must specify when making the services of powder painting of metal products

When opening the workshop for the powder painting of metal products, the code of the All-Russian classifier 25.61 is indicated, used for the activities related to the processing of metals and apply paint coating on them.

What documents are needed to open

Since this type of activity oriented on large manufacturers should immediately issue a legal entity. The package of documents is provided to the tax service and includes: a copy of the applicant's passport, the Charter, the agreement of all founders for the opening of activities, the receipt for the payment of the state registration payment.

What taxation system to choose to open activity

USN with a rate of 6% is optimal when organizing LLC. It is distinguished by simple accounting and does not require strict cost control.

Do I need permission to open a business

Licensing activities are not subject to. Receive permissions are necessary at the SES and the fire inspection. But to design a package of documents, the workshop premises must comply with all legislative standards.

Technology powder painting of metal products

Organization of business powder painting of metal products belongs to the simplest activities with which a novice entrepreneur can cope without much trouble. It takes only to rent a room (or re-equip one's own), acquire equipment, conduct an advertising campaign in accordance with the task.

To open the painting shop it is worth analyzing the demand of the service, namely, it is necessary to determine what companies it is necessary. The peculiarity of this business is to provide services to large producers, as private clients have very little activities.