What is worth starting a business. Business from scratch - a difficult beginning. What to open a business

To date, the development of its own business is a popular way of earnings. New enterprises appear almost every day.

But not everything is so simple, because before you open your business, you need to get acquainted with all its subtleties, which is quite a few.


This term has several main values:

  • First of all, it is a tool that allows you to achieve the best result, while spending the minimum amount of time and energy.
  • Competent time distribution aimed at achieving the best result.

The purpose of self-organization is to master the methodology and sequence of the organization of a life process, improving the skills by self-study, self-control, and so on.

This concept consists of the following elements: susceptibility to analyzing and monitoring their actions, focus, the ability to independently make decisions, susceptibility to criticism, predicted skills, etc.

It is self-organization that plays a final role in the event that you decided to open your own business. For example, for the future entrepreneur, who studied all the "dark corners" of his case, must be all cloudless, but if he does not know how to correctly expect his time, resources, negotiate, his business can go collapse.

That is why, first of all, you need to be able to organize yourself and set up to work if you want to succeed.

Profitable ideas for their business

The most important thing in business is to start, that is come up with an idea that will really make profit and pleasure from its development. Suppose you have the idea, but then the question arises about how to make sure that your idea really has the right to exist.

Below are several tips:

  • Ensure that your products or services provided customers will acquire again and again, and not once. This moment is one of the most important conditions for long-term success in the world of small businesses. For example, in the opinion of some specialists, it is better to deal with the maintenance of laptops than their sale.
  • Make sure your will be high enough. Few organizations are able to withstand competition for a long time, if their main dignity consists only in the presence of the cheapest service. When you are accepted for the development of some business, you need to follow the flow of finance.
    In the event that you have a low profitability ratio, and you "leave" by selling large volumes of products, you will need a large capital, participating and fully consumable for one production cycle, which can support you at the very beginning when income is low .
  • Carefully select the team, since the embodiment of the idea of \u200b\u200blife is an equally important stage than its creation. The coherent team will enhance your chances of success.

Below are a few topical ideas for the start of small business.

Own car wash

This idea is quite popular, as car lovers are now a lot. The main advantage is that this type of business does not require serious investments, in other words, almost anyone can do it.

Online store clothing for people with non-standard sizes

It often happens so that a person simply cannot pick up the clothes to taste, which would be to him or she fit. Or, as it often happens, ordering clothes on the Internet, do not guess with sizes, etc.

Therefore, the Internet Atelier who sew clothes by consumer standards are becoming increasingly popular.

On the next video, it is told about four ways to start your business from scratch and about several interesting ideas for business:

In the process of examining the market, you need to understand that your task is in the first stage is clearly formulate portrait of your buyer. During the analysis, it is necessary to define the criteria by which you will learn your consumer.

As a rule, under the criteria imply:

  • age;
  • finance, which he has;
  • profession, etc.

Information about the potential buyer is needed so that in the future as little as possible contact with those who are not going to acquire your goods. Formation of the buyer's image is recommended to start with specialized media or from the Internet.

As a rule, you need to conduct a survey of those suitable under the requirements you have described. This is an excellent tactic to get really valuable information. In order to save their time, you can use the services of experts.

The accumulated information will be useful in solving such tasks as:

  • determining the amount of products sold;
  • drawing up the intended customer relationship to the product, their estimate of the profitability of your products.

Close attention should be paid to the accumulation information about competitors in your business field. There will also be no extra and information about the products produced by the "opponent". With this information you can work out the features of your products or services provided.

A trial presentation of products to potential buyers can be especially profitable, as well as further tracking the reaction both on the products provided and its description on your part. The product demonstration can be carried out even without the presence of a sample, for example, using a website on which products will be placed, a list of properties and characteristics.

Lack of initial capital is the leading reason, because of which most people are not able to start their business. As a rule, the problems of this kind are solved with the help of a loan. But it is worth remembering that the loans do not give everyone and that they need to be given.

To get a loan, you will need to try hard. The key point in the design process is the presence of property, for example, real estate or vehicle, which can be sold to repay the debt. Plus for you there will be a good credit history.

Place a bank loan does not mean to enlist the initial capital with the smallest interest rate. As a rule, the percentage increases by banks to 23-27%.

In the end, the loan design is not the only way to receive money. You can also ask for money in duty among familiar, friends or parents.

Positive and negative issues of registration of loans

Pros can be selected as follows:

  • It is a loan that will give you the opportunity to solve most of the issues of financing in a small time.
  • Credit calculation can be quite long-term. You will be able to fully pay off the loan not in one clearly a certain day, but to pay money by parts, for several months or years.

Minuses of registration of loans for business are:

  • All loans for commerce have high rates. When taking into account the number of all credit payments, the bank profitability just running business is likely to be recession, and the company may well incur losses.
  • Payment schedules on issued loan funds have a rigid framework, which can create trouble to institutions that are focused on seasonal income.
  • Almost all types of issuing loans to business involve the presence of a deposit.

So, getting borrowed funds on business has more good negative sides than positive. But still, today, without issuing credits, a large number of young businessmen cannot do.

Organizational moments

Commerce is usually strongly connected with the external environment and dependent on it. In the course of work on business, many factors inhibiting its development are affected. Of these, three groups can be distinguished:

  • wearing general economic features;
  • regional;
  • private.

Commerce difficulties can be described by separation into subgroups:

  • organizational nature, which rely on legal registration and registration of a bank account;
  • material nature, such as deficiency of premises for production and equipment, low-qualified specialists;
  • the financial plan subgroups include difficulties with the collection of initial capital.

Organizational questions are key to business development, play an important role in the management of the enterprise. To the step-by-step embodiment of a commercial business plan includes such problems of an organizational nature as:

  • retained room;
  • drawing up documentation;
  • purchase of those equipment and materials;
  • counting costs, etc.

The tasks of an organizational nature in the process of creating their own case are, among other things, a range of designated works, consideration of admissible risks calculated to the smallest detail. The result of a loyal approach to creating a business will serve as a guarantee of good work of all areas of the work started.

Advertising publications in the media are the most famous and affordable information source of potential manufacturers. You can still consult with a person dealing with such a business, but if you do not compete with him. Also, different exhibitions can also serve as a source. It is there it is very convenient to make business dating.

Below are some tips on working with manufacturers:

  • do not refer to the cost of products in the price list as the final;
  • intermediaries will lure you with discounts, so do not be afraid to ask questions;
  • as a rule, the size of the discount depends on the purchased batch of the product;
  • be prepared to confirm your solvency by providing banking recommendations;
  • most intermediaries will make you a proposal to work on advancement. In such a situation, demand discounts.

Evaluation of competitors

Evaluation of competitors is a very important point that deserves increased attention if you are going to open your business. Therefore, you need to collect as much information about competing enterprises.

To make it easier for you, advise to create separate cards for each competitor. In this card, bring the most important items in your opinion.

To get the necessary information about the competitor, it is best to visit it yourself and be confident in the accuracy of the data. For example, if your competing enterprise is a cafe, then you need to go there, something to order. Pay attention to personnel service, price list, interior and menu.

A lot of small businesses be roasted, not "living" and years, only because they did not consider the necessary to evaluate competitors.

Advertising and marketing

When implementing your business, you can not do without advertising. It is needed to attract consumers. In order for advertising to be effective, you need to adhere to the basic marketing principles below:

  • Adaptation. In other words, adaptation of production to the necessary market criteria, demand flexibility, etc.
  • Innovation and originality - This is a composite advertising concept, covering the activities relating to the sale and production.
  • Planning. It is in no contradiction for the first principle of marketing and is an extremely important stage. Without planning in advance and without calculating possible actions, you can spend a lot of time wasted and not achieve the desired result.

Different marketing programs consist of certain strategies aimed at implementing the goals that were delivered to a commercial institution. As a rule, it is advertising that attracts the largest number of customers. It, subject to proper implementation, guarantees the sale of products and the further development of the enterprise.

We all know that in the capitalist world it is impossible to live without money. More precisely, then without a certain amount of them, which will be sufficient to meet at least the basic needs of a person in food food and roof over his head. For me, this is a very simple and enough cynical fact that should be taken as a given, because the world is so arranged.
I will be present - Vitaly Larin, a valid businessman, I want to tell my story, how to start my business from scratch.
Realizing that you need great earnings, I began to reflect on how and where I get the amount of money that would allow me and my loved ones to live in prosperity.
The first thing I came to mind is to get on any job as a hired employee. As for me, this is the easiest of the earnings and it is quite good because it has a number of advantages:

  1. Speaking essentially, you do not earn money, but your boss, because the main entrepreneurial load falls on it;
  2. The hired worker does not risk anything other than its time, the maximum salary for the last month of work;
  3. If you do not like the work, you can always quit and search for something better - everything is enough work.

As can be seen, there is really easy to be a worker, from the point of view of obligations assumed. And it would be possible to say that this is just a great way of earning, if not a huge minus - salaries to employees give out the boss and their size is almost always insufficient. That is quite normal - the larger the salary of the worker, the less profit from the employer.

And what to do the worker if it really does not suit the monthly salary or does he just want more? The answer is very simple - he must become a boss. Of course, this path is more complicated, but the benefit of this kind of activity with interest compensates for all difficulties:

  1. First, you decide what, how and when to do.
  2. Secondly, you will be financially independent.
  3. Thirdly, the opening of own business is an excellent incentive for self-development and self-realization.

And frankly, everything will be not so difficult if you know in advance what and how to do. It is with this that I will try to help you, describing how I decided to start my business from scratch that it took me for this and what could be required from you if you decide to become an independent entrepreneur.

I want to be a boss!

Frankly, I quite quickly discarded the path of a simple worker and decided to become a boss, since I didn't want to work for 10-14 hours a day and get a small salary for it.

In addition, I was always frightened by the idea that I was deprived of premium or fingered on whims of the authorities, it was at that moment when I urgently need money. What happened to me.
Realizing this, I started a vigorous study of everything that concerned how to start a business with minimal starting capital and with even less experience of independent entrepreneurship.

Here I was a little lucky, possessing very extensive and deep knowledge in the economy, I clearly understood that the generally accepted opinion about what needs to be engaged in any production, in order to earn a lot - this is a big stupidity. Money in modern capitalism is earned in two ways - by speculation and through the provision of services.

Here you should mention that I used your economic deposits mainly to predict currency exchange rates of the CIS countries. Thereby had a stable additional earnings, trading binary options.

This may seem complex activities that partly the truth. However, if you figure it out in this matter, even the newcomer is quickly aware of one thing - in the long run, the dollar price can only grow, because the world financial system is so arranged.

Consequently, the one who wants to earn on binary options should be entirely predicted how much the dollar will rise in the near future. What is done through technical analysis will be trained to be easy if you are perfected and patient.

Tips for experienced - 7 basic principles from those who started their work with a pure sheet and achieved success!

1 . Henry Ford - Founder of automotive brand Ford: "Everything can always be done better than it has been done so far."
In other words, you always have it possible to start your business from scratch in any field of activity.

2. Ilon Mask - Founder and head Spacex and Tesla Motors: "Carefully study science - learn to reason, according to the fundamental principles, and not with the help of the analogies."
The cosmos discoverer, as a market for commercial activities, speaks of a simple law - you can not copy the success of another person without realizing that it has become its reason.

3. Steve Jobs -founder and Apple leader: "It makes no sense to hire sensible employees, and then tell and order that they should be done. We hire smart, educated and experienced employees so that they say and pointed out what to do to us. "
If you need to hire a person, then take only sensible people and do not stand over the soul, commanding them.

4. Grant Cardon - The founder of What Ever It Takes Digital Network and the best author describing the methods and methods of sales according to the newspaper NEW York Times: "The best attachment you can do is to invest in yourself."
So the grandmother Grant said, and one famous grandfather said something similar: "Learn, learn and learn again." And I fully agree with them - a businessman should develop, much reading, improving its qualifications and communicating with successful people.

5. Mairi Kay Ash - Founder and head of the company Mary Kay Cosmetics: "If you think you can do what they conceived, you can. However, if you doubt and not sure, you can not. "
The most successful business woman of the 20th century speaks of confidence, without it you will specify at the first difficulties.

6 . Bill Gates -coordinator Microsoft: "Your most unsuccessful customers are your richest source of knowledge."
In business is important not only the experience of success, but also experience of failures. Realizing this and analyzing your mistakes, you will understand what you should not do, and where you can do much better.

7. Much a lot of broken entrepreneurs : "You should not take money on credit if you gathered to start a business from scratch. Also, do not use the funds for this that were intended for the formation of children, treatments or payments for mortgage. "
You must be aware of all risks and understand that there is always a possibility of failure. Therefore, you should not go to your bank.

Dream! Dare! Rejoice!

So, I decided to become an entrepreneur. But can I, if I have a businessman's chambers?
It seeks the answer to this question: "How to start a business from scratch," I read a lot of literature and several autobiographies of successful businessmen. And that's what I understood:

  1. First, you need to thoroughly go to the question of choosing the sphere of your activities.
  2. Secondly, without strong motivation and readiness to overcome the difficulties in any way do.
  3. And, thirdly, it is always necessary to put clear tasks - the overall good and happy life is not a goal of a business, its main task is to extract profits from its activities.

Motivation is 95% of success!

At first I decided to deal with my motivation. For this, I asked myself the following questions:

1. What do I want from life in a material plan?
My answer: apartment, car, many, many books and wealth for your loved ones.

2. Can I get what I want through business?
Answer: Yes.

3. Are there any simple or rapid ways to achieve the tasks set, except for personal business?
Answer: You can try to win in the lottery, but I hardly be lucky.

4. Can I independently make difficult decisions or did I shift these solutions in the past?
Answer: Yes, I got used to this from early childhood.

5. How fast do I make decisions?
Answer: With a little delay, I love to think about everything, but I do it quite quickly.

6. Do I have enough strength in order to overcome possible difficulties?
Answer: 100% I'm not sure, but I definitely do not like to give up.

As for me, this is the answers of the average person, except that I want to have a big collection of books with the works of philosophers and key scientific figures.

You should also ask yourself these questions and think about the answers thickening. I remember that it is not worth lying or an intense - you do it for yourself, and no one knows about it.
Since at this stage you, as I should find out what motivates you.

It may be a desire to buy a car that you dreamed from childhood, an apartment for your family, the opportunity to travel or a strong desire to prove to yourself and all the surrounding that you are capable of more than all your life to stare at work from 8 to 18:00.

Speaking, in fact, the reason for your "Want !!!" Not significant. The main thing is that this was a desire with three exclamation marks - the strength of motivation and its constant is important.

My main "I want !!!" - These are books, every time overcoming difficulties, I thought about a new rare edition or a whole series of books. What gave me a stimulus to continue after the first difficulties with suppliers appeared and then when I just got tired of daily minor troubles.
By the way, I spent my first serious profits on the cycle "Philosophical Heritage" from the publishing house. As far as I remember, it cost me two or two and a half thousand dollars.

What do you buy for money from your first revenue?

What makes a profit - business ideas!

I realized that I had enough incentives, start my business from scratch, I switched to the next stage - a business idea. With my resources and opportunities (no experience, no connections, there is almost no money) I picked up the following options.

1. Technology and consultation.
This is a good look of earnings, if you are well versed, in anything, and you can train these other people. In addition, he does not require a lot of money. Let me explain on two examples as people earn in this area.

Example №1. You are a professional plumber, a locksmith, a welder of the highest discharge, working in the bese and you are not satisfied with your salary. I would have bought a good camcorder in your place and removed several educational videos as you repair or do something.

Further, I would create your channel on YouTube and laid out the video captured there. After through social. Networks and profile forums began to advertise their training. If you do it systematically and do it well, then over time you have a sufficient number of subscribers and your YouTube channel will start making a profit.

Later, gaining considerable popularity (from 20 thousand subscribers), you can engage in hidden advertising, using or mentioned in video specific tools, brands or store name.
You may have a thought, they say it is not necessary for anyone, but you are mistaken! I myself recently changed the reinforcement in the drain tank, guided by the video instruction. In addition, doing this business, you do not need to leave your main work.

Example №2 . I have a friend named Eugene, proud owner of the Red Diploma of the Psychiatrist of one of the famous universities specializing in human archetypes and family psychology.

So, two years ago, when he granted the economic crisis of 2014, she lost most of their customers, as people began to save on everything and on its services in particular. And she has two little children in her arms and a husband who has a big chance to lose their work.

Realizing the deployment of their situation, she decided to take everything into their hands, opening his little business to conduct seminars. For this, she called his colleagues and alogs, found among them those who also experienced financial difficulties, and invited them to their home on a cup of tea.

At the meeting, Eugene told about his situation and suggested them to unite to create a firm for training and counseling people by conducting seminars. But she did it with the mind, in advance to find out:

  • How much such teachers earn;
  • How many competitors will have;
  • How much is the rental of premises with an open area for lectures;
  • As from a legal point of view to issue such activities;
  • What is in demand among the local population, which problems in them.

In other words, Eugene offered not an idea, but a normal business project with a sufficient justification. Several of her colleagues decided to try and after a couple of weeks of preparation, they conducted the first seminar on the topic "How to survive the crisis."

I will miss the details of how they were preparing for the seminar, as these things are individual. I will only say that a year later, their little "troupe" began to invite to other cities. And this speaks about many.

2. Trading on the Internet.
This is probably the easiest way to earn money. All this is the usual purchase and sale of goods (speculation) only in this case, customers come not in your store, but to your site.
Consequently, for such activities you need:

  1. Analyze the possible options regarding what you will trade;
  2. Establish Jur. face;
  3. Create your website or page in social. networks where you will offer your goods to visitors;
  4. Find suppliers and make the first purchases;
  5. Advertise your store and goods by all available means;
  6. Make the first deal and continue in the same vein, increasing the pace.

So a medium or large online store is created. But there is another version of speculation on the Internet - trade in Avito or Oh. These are web portals on which people hang out ads about what they want to sell or want to purchase.
For such trafficking, you need to do only four things:

  1. Understand what you will trade;
  2. Sign up to AVITO.ru and / or in a similar site;
  3. Post an announcement that you sell;
  4. Wait for the buyer and make a deal.

As you can see, it is not difficult and accessible to everyone. The only difficulty is to understand what you will trade. But given the audience of such sites that make up tens of millions of people, it is best to choose, then what you know. And doing business exactly on this.

3. What I can do, then I do, but without bosses!
This section includes all types of entrepreneurial activities for the provision of a wide variety of services. For example, if you are a repairman of gas equipment and work on an intermediary company, then you can refuse too much and directly communicate with your customers.

I will give an example from personal life. I have a familiar Victor, who used to worked as an auto mechanic to a large PBX, he earned relatively well, but he pulled him on his own car. And after another conversation with the boss, he was angry and quit.
When anger was held, he was slightly frightened and even thought about the humiliating return on the PBX with which he quit with all the assumed pathos of an offended employee.

But he can say lucky. One of the managers of the construction company, which often repaired its technique at the PBX mentioned, was surprised that there is no Victor. Remembering the professionalism of my friend, he found him and suggested that he repaired several cars on their stations. So the next private entrepreneur appeared.
I probably had a wrong. Viktor was not lucky - it was completely his merit.

5. Banal, but very simple earnings on the Internet - Advertising!
Surely you have already understood everything about what I will write from the header. Yes - this is a trite, yes - this is done to all who are not too lazy, yes - you got this advertisement. But it brings money and considerable. Therefore, this method of earning is suitable in a category how to start your business from scratch.
So what is needed for a beginner advertiser?

  1. First, you need to create a place where advertising will be placed - a page in social. Network, blog or your site.
  2. Secondly, it is necessary to attract as many people as possible, which will regularly visit your website or page - create an interesting and constantly updated content.
  3. Thirdly, after you need to find advertisers and make them the appropriate proposal to advertising their goods and services on your portal.

The last item can be done independently, but you can use special advertising banners from online search engines. After placing them on a page, you will make a profit without applying any effort to search for the advertiser.
This is one of the easiest ways to earn money, but he has one substantial minus - great competition. What is natural - the easier it is to enter the market, the more wishing to enter it.

6. What can you earn if you have a lot of money?
The above options approached me and may be suitable for you if you have little experience and there is practically no money. However, if your resources are not so limited as mine, you probably need to consider other, more costly options.

  1. Startups - It is rudely speaking, earnings on business ideas of other people. There are two types of them: the first - search for people with ideas and the realization of their ideas; The second is to make a mediator between people with ideas and investors.
  2. Classic production - This is the creation of goods by processing any raw material. For example, creating clothes, cast-iron skin or children's toys.
  3. Agriculture - If you do not consider the cultivation of mushrooms in the basement, it is a difficult and very expensive thing that requires very specific knowledge that you will grow.
  4. Prey - This is the withdrawal of fossil resources from the depths of the Earth. It is difficult, expensive, requires connections.

Which of me is an entrepreneur. And which one of you?

So, we determined that we have a reason and motivation to start your business from scratch, and we considered possible options for how to earn.
The next our step is to allocate the most suitable for us among the types of entrepreneurial activities.
For this, I used one method borrowed from psychologists. It consists of the following actions:

  1. We take a piece of paper and divide it vertically into three parts: My advantages, minuses, and what I have enthusiasm. Regarding the last, this is what you can do for a long time, and it does not cause you negative emotions. Fill all graphs.
  2. After, in the same way, divide the face A4 in MS Word and send it to all your relatives, druses, one-logbooks, colleagues, customers. At the same time politely please spend a little time and fill out a document with all seriousness and honesty. Justifying the request that you solve your destiny or, as an option, it is necessary to participate in the training seminar.
  3. After receiving the answers, analyze them by highlighting repeating. Capture the result received with your answers.

This simple method will allow you to understand how you see yourself and how others perceive you. Among the answers, we are most interested in the observation of people that you are interested in the fact that you are enthusiastic. Having found it, you will understand what you should do.

Given the receipt of answers, my skills and education, I came to the following conclusion:

  1. The only services that I can provide is the teaching of philosophy or consultation from an economist.
  2. But to make money on a purchase and sale I am not new. For several years I worked in a construction company, doing wholesale. And judging by the reviews of my colleagues and former customers, I did it well.

I decided to become a speculator. Meet the best sense of the word.
After reading the many stories of the success of entrepreneurs and tips on how to start your business from scratch, I picked up for myself the simplest and at the same time with it the most budget option for the start of business is an online store selling clothes and shoes.

And that's why:

  1. First, the cost of opening such a store is very small. It is enough to buy a office equipment, open an IP and make a small stock product.
  2. Secondly, the ease of entering the market in combination with the simplicity of management. Of course, there is competition in this segment, but it does not satisfy all existing demand. And the Office comes down to technical solutions, sobering in which a sufficient one once.
  3. Thirdly, shoes and clothing use stable and sustainable demand. I decided to trade with that clothes that we are considered to be branded, although in fact it is not. That is, this is what we have from $ 50, and in Europe from 5 euros.

Using a scientific method for creating a business from scratch.

You probably already understood that I have a technical education, and I love philosophy. Because you are unlikely to surprise my approach to the process of creating your business.

To achieve your mercantile problems, I applied a scientific method of knowledge to solve the tasks. Which has proven its effectiveness for another 2 thousand years ago and is successfully used to this day.

It consists of 5 steps:
1. Determination of the task, goals or problems.
2. Observation.
3. Extension of the hypotheses as to how to perform the task or solve the existing problem.
4. Experience, that is, the implementation of the hypothesis in practice.
5. Summing up: if the goal is achieved, then it leads to the end of the process; if not, go to the first item and begin a new cycle.

Next, I will tell you how the scientific method is to adapt to open a business. But at first I will advise you to read the book of Robert Piercine called "Zen and the art of care of a motorcycle." This is a bestseller, the best-selling book of American literature of the last century, which, according to many people and publications, like The New York Times is one of the top 100 books of world literature.
In this case, it will be useful for you for two reasons:

  1. There is much told about how to apply the scientific method of knowledge in everyday life;
  2. Also in the book there is a whole chapter about the upset.

Regarding the latter, this is an old word combining three concepts: will, desire and enthusiasm. The book describes how to work with an entrance so that it does not disappear, and you have always had a motivation to do what you need.

Step is the first - understanding of the problem.

Where to take money to start your own business? It is with this problem that 95% of novice entrepreneurs are facing! In the article, we revealed the most relevant ways to obtain starting capital for the entrepreneur. We also recommend carefully examine the results of our experiment in the exchange earnings:

After you and I decided exactly what business is best to open, we must take the next step - to put clear and very specific goals. Both intermediate and finite.
In my case, this is a monthly stable profit from 2 thousand US dollars, buying an apartment, creating a collection of books.

At the same time, such a profit should be obtained already one year after the opening of the business, the apartment planned to buy a maximum in five years, and the book collection should be replenished monthly.
As you can see, according to the scientific method, the goals should not only be allocated, it is also necessary to put a temporary framework for achieving them. Without making it, you always have a reason to postpone something important for later.
Regarding the ultimate goal, then I have the prosperity and well-being of my family. You may have something similar or something more specific. For example, earn $ 222 million and retire. You can also be involved in becoming a leader in its market segment.

Step Second - Observation (Market Analysis)

After setting the goal, it is necessary to understand the environment in which we will act, allocation of subjects and objects, the cause and consequence in it. What in our case will be marketing market analysis.
In other words, it is necessary to conduct a study on their own or contact the marketing campaign. During which we must understand the following:

1. Who is our consumer and what needs him;
2. What's with competition;
3. What we will sell are specific items of goods or services.
4. Where we will take the goods if we trade;
5. What are the benefits of our product and what advantages in my organization compared to competitors;
6. How to attract customers and how to stimulate sales, increasing the average check;
7. How to build up the number of regular customers;
8. In which legislatively legal field, we will act.
9. Who is most successful among my competitors and why.
10. What is the stability of the market, and what are the risks in this field of activity.

In my case, the answers will be as follows:

1. Women from 15 to 45 years old wealth, men from 20-35 years old, parents and guardians of children from 15 to 18 years of average. Their need for which I focus is the purchase of brand, high-quality clothing at low prices.

2. My competitors are divided into two types: shops and private sellers trading over the Internet, as well as ordinary boutiques. I decided to select customers in the latter.

3. Sport shoes and clothing from eminent sports brands, budget category. And the outerwear is mostly female from famous brands. I can't remember exact names, it was a year and a half ago, and fashion as you know a strongimed.

4. Powered goods almost directly directly from manufacturers and on their own forces were transported, also bought goods with large discounts on Aliexpress and similar portals.

5. Our main advantage is the price. We also offered a lot of discounts for customers and made generous checks of coupons for free shopping in our store.

6. Customers were decided to attract via the Internet and acquaintances. In addition, opposite several boutiques, we bought banners and showed a couple of products that are sold in boutiques near and with us. By comparing prices. Very effectively, but there may be problems with the owners of boutiques.

7. We attracted regular customers with the quality of service and its speed, as well as promotions and discounts.

8. To open a business, it was necessary to establish an IP and hire a contractor to provide accounting services. In general, nothing complicated.

9. The most successful competitors are boutiques in crowded sites (their success is not repeat) and several online stores working for a long time. The latter enjoyed success, thanks to excellent (I would say expensive) advertising. They also had a huge assortment and large seasonal discounts. Of this, we first adopted only seasonal discounts and some positions of their sales tops.

10. Given that our segment is budget clothing and shoes, it can be said that the market is very steady and demand is always. But the risks are present, for example: overlapping the border for trucks, changes in legislation in terms of duties and rules of rastamiz. I can argue, you will have something similar in many positions. And as any novice entrepreneur you will earn in the market, offering, too, but: cheaper, faster and better. All as Jerld Ford said.

Step Three - prediction and hypotheses extension. Business planning!

Considering what our environment, you can proceed to lay the foundation - creating a business plan. This is a fundamental document for any enterprise. Since it is prescribed that, how and what to do in one way or another. In other words, these are the instructions on which you will act by opening your business. As a rule, the business plan consists of the following sections:

1. Description of goals, tasks, media, current state.
2. Description of what you will do, what services or goods your company will offer customers.
3. Marketing part. How you will sell to whom you will sell and what ways., Including advertising and other marketing tools.
4. From where you will take the goods or how you will create services for sale.
5. Organizational part. It describes everything about the personnel and technical points of your activity.
6. Budget. More precisely, its planning is several years ahead.
7. Methods of control and methods for summing up results.
8. A description of critical situations, such as ruin or the onset of force majeure.
9. What ways, if necessary, the organizational and legal form of your business will change.
Make a business plan It is necessary that the most likely development options will be prescribed in it, as well as extreme options. With the addition of instructions for action to each of these options.
It is important to note that the business plan is very often a document of internal (secret) use. You understand yourself - you should not disclose your action plan with potential or existing competitors.

Step fourth - Practice!

This step I will not paint greatly because the scientific experiment in our case means the implementation of the business plan in practice. And everyone at this stage will have their own personal and unique experience. I will describe only the basic parts.

With legal issues, I did not want to contact, therefore I used the services of the company that specialize in this. Their employees opened the IP and engaged in my accounting.

It was more than one and a half years ago. There were no problems with the tax service and other state structures, therefore to refuse to cooperate and hire a staff accountant I have no desire. After the creation of the IP, I bought the necessary office equipment and made an office at home. I also hired assistant. Locking it with a successful competitor, offering partnership if the store starts to make a profit.

By the way, it helped me a lot, both with the creation of a client base and with the search for suppliers. And frankly, at first I was subordinate, and my future junior partner is a boss. What probably saved me from many growth problems.

In parallel with the decision of legal and technical issues, I also started a small advertising company. Which basically consisted of distribution cards on the Internet.

On the one hand, celebrities were shown in everyday clothes, and on the other - the photo with the assortment of boutiques. At the same time, on the image, price tags showing how much the purchase of clothing celebrities cost and how much she stands in boutiques. And at the bottom of the picture small slogans like "feel the difference" or "not all that is gold, which is expensive."

Such pictures we placed on boutique banners. What gave a two-way effect. We have added clients, but here the owners of these boutiques "noticed" and decided to "help." After sending us to a cup of coffee, tax and fire services were fun.

Step Fifth - Preliminary Results and Changes to the Primary Plan of Action.

This step, according to the scientific campaign, is carried out to monitor the effectiveness of the fulfillment of the tasks and drawing up the conclusions about the success of hypotheses.
In business, this is a compilation of quarterly, semi-annual and annual reporting. What is necessary for understanding the overall situation and control the level of sales, profitability, availability of goods in warehouses, etc.

The report must compare it with the forecasts described earlier in the business plan. If there is a variant of the development of events, then you need to continue to do everything, since it is written in the instructions. However, if the results achieved and the state of affairs go beyond the projected - it is necessary to make adjustments to the planned action plan.

This requires once again to compare the tasks and its resources, because sometimes everything changes so much that you will not have the opportunity to make a profit even with the optimal development of events. In addition, sometimes there are risks that outweigh the possible benefits - it means that you need to close your business and start from scratch in another market segment.

In my case, everything was very successful. Having organized everything and buying goods, my store began work.
My friends and acquaintances who knew that I did not deceive them were the first customers. After the familiar acquaintances came, and then their acquaintances and so in an ordinary way, my shop found the backbone of the client base. Which we gradually grow up with time, thanks to advertising and satisfied customers.

After a year and a half, my online store stopped to be only mine - I had two partners. What made it possible to increase the turnover, and more importantly - it freed a lot of time I can spend on what I like.
I did not change my development plan for the online store, it still works.

A big problem - where to take money on start-up capital?

As you can see, my example was very simple and easy to repeat it. The only thing you may have difficulties are the formation of starting capital.

Frankly, it is the money to create your business that are the main obstacle for most new beginnings. For this reason, I missed this moment in the description of my experience of a novice entrepreneur.

However, I did it not to get around this item, but in order to give her more attention, allocation of a whole section.

Where can I get the right amount?

First, let's consider all possible options where you can at least be theoretically get money for starting capital.

1. First option - take a bank loaneither lend money to relatives, friends or private lenders. I will write about it in more detail below the text.

2. The second option - use of personal funds and savings. As for me, this is the best option if you have free money or accumulation without a certain purpose of use.

3. Third option - search Investor. That is, you need to find someone to give you money to implement your business plan. A good option, but, as a rule, you lose some of the control over your business before it is discovered.

If you want to find an investor, you can contact special structures involved in startups or put your business plan for one of the sites involved in crowdfunding.

Crowdfunding is a group financing of anything on a voluntary basis.

In the CIS, these are platforms such as Kickstarter and BoomStarter. By the way, having posted your idea for one of these sites, you can understand how realize it is and how they believe investors. Large and small.

4. Fourth option - earn. It's hard to add something to add just to work and accumulate funds until they become as much as you need to open a business.

5. Fifth option - sell \u200b\u200bunnecessary Property, but this without which you can do. For example, a house in the village, cottage, car or unnecessary decoration. In this case, we have a good weighing and think about whether it is worth risking what you already have.

6. Sixth option - few people know, but there are many international funds who finance free Miscellaneous origin. As a rule, it is all connected with the environment, the fight against poverty, the development of society and the like.

If your business project directly or indirectly affects these goals, then you can get a grant for creating your business.

How to start your business from scratch without loans?

Remember the tips from those who created their business from scratch? Among them there is one who says that you should not take a loan for the formation of starting capital. This is really not worth making novice and that's why:

  1. First, without experience in a novice entrepreneur, the risk of ruin is very high. Taking a loan, you take on financial obligations that will remain, even if you are prit.
  2. Secondly, loan payments will eat the lion's share of your revenue, which will prevent your development or will deprive you at all.
  3. Thirdly, taking money on credit, you at a greater account becoming controlled by the creditor.
  4. Fourth, the need to pay money monthly monthly to the creditor, almost always adversely affects the emotional state. Due to which the quality of the decisions taken is reduced.

Where did I get money?

Calculating in the business plan, how much money I need at the initial stage: about 10 thousand dollars on solving technical tasks, about 5-10 thousand dollars on promotion and about 3-5 thousand dollars to live until the store is not Start profit. I realized that I lack half of this amount - 10-15 thousand dollars.
I did not want to take a loan - it is unlikely that it will be given it without collateral, and if they give it, then the interest rate will eat all the profits.

There was another option with loans to relatives, but as smart men talk on television screens "Modern economic realities did not allow this idea, and therefore it is necessary to look for other options to achieve the optimal development of this situation." So I decided to go on a proven track - I began to more actively trade on binary options.

For those who do not know what it is - will explain. Binary options are a kind of product tool for the purchase of goods with a predetermined time of their execution on a pre-prescribed value in the cost contract. With such trade, the trader receives profit if the movement of the value of the goods is correctly determined.

In other words, if you bought an option for Rosneft shares for $ 100 with a forecast upward, and until the execution of the contract, the price of these shares increased by 40%, then you will receive a profit of $ 40. If the cost of shares fell - you lose $ 100 completely, or most of them, depending on where and on what conditions you trade.

As you can see, earnings on binary options are reduced to predicting the movement of the value of goods. And this is not really so difficult. In addition, the trading can be repurchased by a third party in which the percentage of successful transactions on binary options is quite high - 85-95%. And just make a profit as with investments, but faster.

Examples of successful stories from newcomer-entrepreneurs who built their business from scratch!

To summarize my beautiful words and the praise itself, I will probably not. Let me better tell you another two stories of successful business launch from scratch, which can serve as a visual example for you and perhaps you repeat them.

Masha, who was able!

I have an excellent familiar Masha, who received a cum of historian-ethnologist a couple of years ago. To the question why he and how she will make money, Masha has always answered - I like it, and the money is somehow split.

So, after graduating from the institute, she settled to work as a waitress, because of what many had fun in her. And what to smear - I often did it often. And at least she would have henna, she was always fun and confident. That we were written off on her friendly character. But after some time we understood how we were all wrong. It turned out that in her adorable head all this time was buried the grandiose intent, which she gradually embodied in secret from all of us.

The essence of her idea was simple - find those who make authentic things of the XVI-XIX century and find those who need them. You will say that it's easy and that's all under power! However, having done so, you just show that you do not know what we are talking about.
Yes, there are many copies and surrogates of old things, but really genuine, authentic articles of antiquity are very, very little. It's like rod trading - there are genuine swords from the masters of their case, the manufacture of which the month is left, and sometimes years. And there are simple stamped copies in souvenir shops.

We continue the story. On the execution of his plan from Masha left a little more than one year. During this time, she traveled to the darkness of the towns and villages, where she crossed the Kuznetsov and masters of needlewoman who are doing everything in the old man. When they were gathered enough, Masha arranged an exhibition from these products, inviting the press representatives there, owners of companies involved in organizations of various solemn events. In addition, there were many lovers of historical reconstructions.

At the exhibition, our heroine offered everyone to try everything with extraordinary generosity with an extraordinary generosity distributed her business cards "representative of the best masters of needlework and blacksmithing." As a result, the idea was successful. Six months later, she put this thing, what is called "on the flow". And now he fats over us, sometimes.

From Photoshopper to the head of the art studio.

The second story will be about a simple guy named Dima. He did not stand out for nothing and lived a quiet calm life, working in a photo studio, getting good money for it. Dima as they say, was a professional "photospeaker." But as it often happens, he was not lucky - he met my girlfriend Alla. I love her finish, but frankly, such a "saw" still need to search. Yes, and her requests are not small.

And when they all became serious, she began to sow him the brain conversations about the future, about children and the fact that you need to strive for more, and therefore earn more. Dima as a true man, of course, for a long time resisted. Somewhere week, but in the end unconditionally capitulated.

At first he began to work out on Freilance, performing orders that received on profile stock exchanges. And very quickly money has become added. Literally after two months of work, the free mercenary has increased its salary in two or three times.
During this time, Dima acquired regular customers and began to cooperate with several such as he freelancers, only those were engaged in programming and copywrites. Together they took sites from time to time for one customer.

Surely you already understood what is going on. Yes - Alla achieved his own and Dima opened an art studio.
What happened next I will not tell, as they say, this is a completely different fairy tale, but with Heppi Endom.


I will probably end my story with one of my favorite quotes: "In baseball, as in business, there are three types of people: those who are creating what is happening; Those who look at what is happening and those who are surprised that this is, in general, is happening. " It said the famous basketball coach Tommy Lasuda.
Of course, he spoke of his own - about baseball. But, as for me, this is the best farewell to a novice entrepreneur. How to start your business from scratch you have learned, now act!
Be anyone who surprises, not those who are surprised!

Business planIn essence, it is information about a business project and how it will function for a certain period, let's say in three years. This is a kind of enterprise activity program, which is developed on the basis of marketing research.

On average, such information fits 15-30 pages, and begins with a "summary", which indicates: the location of the business, the target consumer of the service or product, the beginning of the functioning, the total opening costs, payback period and information on which funds from the invested Own, and what borrowed.

The next planning step and clause number 2 - This is a "service / product description", which will form the basis of the business, plus that priority for investors, a description of its distinctive features.

Following point №3 - "Organizational Plan," where data is indicated on the founder and business manager, organizational and legal form of activities, the structure of the enterprise, the number of employees involved in the first 6 months of work, the functional responsibilities of the personnel, the work of labor and the form of labor relations with employees.

The next stage of the business plan becomes paragraph number 4 "Marketing Plan"which schematically looks like this: market study - sales - profits. The main tasks, such an item is the analysis of the market (market volume), including the analysis of competitors, the search for suppliers and reserve sources of raw materials and materials, the orientation of the result for the consumer's requirement, ways to sell goods, sales growth. And also, work on a positive reputation of the company, the search for additional service services, an advertising company (types of advertising actions, quantity, deadlines, cost) and methods of improving the quality and reduction of the cost of product / service.

At this stage, you need to remember about a valid assistant - arch-analysis. This is a kind of planning method that reveals and indicates the strengths of the enterprise (for example, the low cost of the product, innovation of the service), weaknesses (for example, the lack of their own commercial premises), risks and dangers (for example, the release of new competitors). This analysis will help estimate external and internal enterprise factors and make an objective picture for business planning and successful project promotion, while lowering calculated risks.

At this stage it is also important to clearly represent your client: his age, lifestyle, the level of wealth, since the orientation of the result should be aimed primarily at the need of your client.

The next planning point is paragraph number 5 "Production Plan"which includes all data on the size of the lease of production and commercial premises (for a month and a year), equipment (or its value), the amount of costs for the technological process, as well as planned sales volumes.

And the last point of the business plan becomes paragraph number 6 "Financial Plan"which indicates a total consumption on business project, income per year, rating rating and payback period. It is important to note that the term of one year is considered a good payback period.

Special attention should be paid to the fact that the main efforts and costs will come up for the first year of your business project. For the first six or nine months, there is also a complicated, even turning, psychological period and professional burnout. Often business projects end up failureSince their creators overestimate them at start-up and underestimate after their work. Therefore, it is important to understand that any purpose is better to break on the scenes, for example, in one year, to which and make your business plan.

Own business is the path of a self-sufficient person who knows how to make difficult decisions and the main thing that can respond for their desires and actions, and even more precisely, having the courage to take responsibility for their own life.


In business, as in life, there are its own (often very cruel!) Rules dictated by existing reality, namely:

A) search for starting capital.

You can divide the problem into several subcategories:

  1. Own funds.
  2. Borrowed funds.
  3. Third-party investment (incorporation).
  4. Without capital investments (business from scratch).

To begin with, consider solutions to the problem. At this stage, you can neglected the concretization of your business project. The search for the necessary material base is relevant regardless of the type of activity you are going to do. We will analyze the selected questions detail:

Own funds:

You are in any case the main investor. Therefore, the money you received in a credit organization, or accumulated as a result of a long and painstaking work, will be your own. It is worth considering that both money as such and material values \u200b\u200b(it can be equipment, tools, raw materials) are assets that are just the desired share capital.

To dispose of them competently and prettily - your main task. At the same time, it is necessary to take into account the following pattern - in the first three months after the organization, more than 30% of commercial structures cease their existence. This means that you at this time need to be especially careful and try to spend your capital with the least risks and losses.

Unreasonable spending are able to destroy your brainchild and in the next half year (according to statistics, 9-month-old turns over and every fourth enterprise from newly created). The second year after the official registration overcomes only the miserable 10% of the initial number of officially registered projects. Finally, by the end of the third year, only 1-2% of the biennium overcoming biennium survives.

In practice, this means that only 1/100 of all business projects confirms its vitality! Just remember this. Risks lose their money in organizing their own business 99%! And this is the harsh truth of life that takes place. To avoid mistakes, you need to evaluate the consequences of the decisions made in detail, and in the long run. And this is not at least everyone.

Borrowed funds:

Speaking about the borrowed funds, we mean something more than a banal loan that you must pay independently (initially laying interest and other costs in the cost of goods and services produced by your company). Borrowed funds are funds that are subject to mandatory return or redemption.

It may be leasing, rent, and other forms of non-bank borrowing. Speaking of honor, this is the most unprofitable and often deadlocking path of becoming a newly created enterprise. The fact is that receiving specific equipment in leasing or rent, you will not be able to predict not only the profit gain, but you can not even calculate the total turnover of funds. And this is some time after the date of the repayment of the next payment, or the payment of the rent) can turn into irreparable financial losses.

Roughly speaking, you purchase equipment for the production of foam concrete blocks on leasing. The cost of the line of about 300-500 thousand rubles. Monthly payment 10 000 rubles. But you did not take into account the fact that in this area people use wood for construction, which is a lot and which if not cheaper than the goods you produce, then at least enjoys well-deserved popularity.

Yes, undoubtedly, in a year (and perhaps half a year), you will convince potential customers in the profitability of housing construction from foam concrete blocks. But at the same time, your outstanding obligations (including penalties, interest per overdue payments, etc., etc.) will be the same stone on the neck, which will drown you in the debt. This is only an illustration, and nothing more. And yet she is taken from life.


The path for Russia is practically non-implemented, due to the small confidence of potential investors to the ambulance of novice businessmen. Even such giants as Gazprom or Sberbank place their shares with considerable difficulty, which can be said about the beginning of the entrepreneur. And, nevertheless, trying to. The main thing is not to overdo the promises. Any interest rate above 5% per month will not cause greed, but fear for their money.

However, LLC (limited liability company) can be a reasonable way out, since such a form of economic activity allows for existence to 50 founders. This, of course, in the future thoroughly connects your hands, since all decisions are taken collegially through the vote of all participants of the LLC, but allows you to attract significant funds without significant efforts that are required when organizing OJSC or CJSC.

Without capital investments:

The path to implement your ideas and is simple and to the same as complex. It all depends on your personal professionalism. Since all the work you have to do yourself. In this case, you should pay attention to the World Wide Web.

The Internet allows you to start a business from scratch, or to reduce your costs for the maximum possible minimum. The bid will have to make your own talents and hard work. Although under certain circumstances, the original idea, multiplied by titanic efforts, as a result, cost as much as assets cost several million dollars.


Success in business is 90% original idea.
A beginner businessman, reading this statement, can interpret it completely becoming, the point is not that the business idea should be so original that it did not occur to anyone before you, but that it should be implemented at the right time and in the right place.

Ultimately, any business is the satisfaction of the needs of potential customers. Regardless of the specificity of these needs. It is enough to recall the indicative example of the USA - a certain lady organized a company whose employees teach babies to the pot (!). She became a millionaire!

C) business idea:

  1. Production sphere.
  2. Services sector.

Production area:

The first way is considerable costs, long payback period and at the same time reliability and stability. In addition, the key to the means of production (machines, equipment) is a good way to replenish working capital. In general, a mentioned deposit as a tool for financial infusion needs to be remembered that the acute shortage of working capital is characterized by a business that works in the field of production, especially since this car is very heavy and vague.

The market offers a sufficient amount of ready-made solutions for this kind of business, ranging from equipment for the disposal of automotive tires, and ending with lines for the production of chips and fried seeds. The latter, by the way, a very promising direction, since in today's Russia there is no monopoly control over this market segment.

This is all the more relevant (the choice of a ready-made commercial solution) Since the companies implementing such equipment perform and commissioning and service is such.

That is, you can start working almost immediately after the equipment is fulfilled by your counterparty. The only thing you should draw your attention is the geographic location of your company. Such a plan, business projects have limited location and are tied directly to market sales markets. This is primarily associated with the limited capacity of ready-made production lines.

Services sector:

People will always need hairdressers, shoemakers, key business masters (!).
Ideas what is called eternal. Nevertheless, a lot of people set up this path organize hundreds of jobs and provide themselves with stable and very good incomes. Success (or failure) In this field, it often lies in the trifles, which can only see the talented and attentive person.

So, for example, in Moscow there is a network of hairdressers the main labor force of which are people ... who have paid money for their training to hairdressers. Thus, the owner of this company received not only the opportunity to significantly reduce the fee for its customers, but also to fully get rid of themselves from problems with payroll payments to his employees - still ... he simply pays them nothing!

And the money received from the "disciples" fully cover its costs for renting premises, the acquisition of modern equipment and consumables.
What is not an example of a non-standard approach to solving a standard task!


Russia is a country of corruption, bribes and rack.
Neither more and no less. If these phenomena call you disgust, you'd better not see the business. You simply will eat. Approximately how large predatory fish devours its less aggressive and less toothy relatives. Alas, this is the dialectic of Russian business. Perhaps after a couple of dozen years, the situation will change, but today there is no alternative to this definition of the state of affairs.


  1. Immunity to psychological pressure and manipulation.
  2. The ability to say "no".
  3. Do not trust anyone, even yourself (!). Often the person lives, gives out the desired for the actual. The result is a loss of everything that constitutes basic vital values. So people "Games in Business" are contraindicated categorically.
  4. Readiness to be in complete loneliness. Let's talk frankly - the loss of money (wealth) is almost definitely a loss of family and friends.
  5. Readiness to be a dishonest man. Honesty in business has one feature - no need to deceive yourself. With all the rest, it will take place and semi-truth. The person who smiles to you and eats your bread today - tomorrow it can be your executioner. There is no friendship in the world of money!
  • Impartiality.
  • Ability to be silent in any circumstances.
  • Castle self-control.
  • The ability to lose with a smile. (A businessman who does not know how to part with small, will never have a lot!).

The psychology of the businessman is a safe, which is designed not to confront the external enemy, and in order to outward the emotions and weaknesses that can make it vulnerable to competitors and envious.

Especially since Russia is the country of slaves - after the Soviet empire collapsed, the spirit of collective slavery would not have escaped to the end and it would probably be necessary for one more decade that it happened. Therefore, it is not worth counting on the loyalty of those who work for you - they can armalabie and ...

However, as they say this is a completely different story.
Do not believe those who represent state power. For them, the businessman is a potential criminal (often this is exactly the case), so any proposals of "cooperation" on their part may well be provocations - stay from officials away - it will be easier to live.


Summing up a certain intermediate result, it can be said that the business begins with awareness and thinking about three main points: money, idea, psychological setting.

The right approach to resolving each of these components largely determines your business stability in the business world. Be careful, be literate, be impenetrable - and you will get everything!

Good jobs!

Many wonder: "I want to start my business, but where to start?" Understanding that it takes a lot of time and strength to this business, people leave this unless dream. It is much easier for them to work for 8 hours, go home, watch TV, throwing higher legs, drink with friends beer and not think about. It is not so easy to have its own business, he takes everything free time and makes it forcing his development around the clock. But there are those who attract their work, as this is the independence and implementation of their own ideas.

New type of business projects

Starting a matter, you need to understand how to start your little business. To date, around the world, such a kind of start-up became popular. This activity has a small history with short-term development. This concept arose only when a large number of IT companies began to appear around the world that served the narrow-profile needs of various large and middle-class businesses. These firms differ from their "brothers" by looking for free places in the market. They do it in order to introduce their experimental and advanced technologies.

Many do not part with their thought: "I want to open my business, where to start?" They think, reflect on and actively begin work. And it turns out. For example, trade in various goods and services through the social network. Such a boom began only a couple of years ago, but made great interest among people who are actively involved in these projects. Thanks to such conditions, you do not need to spend your money on a disadvantageous and expensive retail. You do not need to pay a large amount for renting rooms, utilities and salary with your subordinate. You only need to create a page on a social network and download the necessary pictures with goods, their prices, after which to tell a large number of people. And in social networks, such a system is perfect as "sarafined radio." Your friend took advantage of your commodity, after which he told his friends. And your case will quickly bring good income.

How to open a small business, where to start?

To obtain a loan, it will not matter whether it will be a traditional scheme or startup - you can use banks that finance private entrepreneurship. Unfortunately, interest for business is too high, and not everyone will decide on such an adventure. Reflecting on the proposal of its services, you need to know where to start. First, this is the analysis. Everyone needs to be learned about their industry: what new technologies are that today is going on in the selected sphere. For example, the future businessman is confident that his goods cost five kopecks, but if it is properly developed and present to people, he will cost thousands. Only after such an analysis startup is an excellent scheme for opening your business.


It is necessary to answer another important question: "How to start a business from scratch?" Ideas can be different, perhaps it will be what you can make hands, or what you want to do. For example, franchising is when an entrepreneur buys the right to work under any brand. In addition, you will receive from the owners help when opening and constant quality control of products. Remember that there are some successful international and domestic companies operating on the franchise system. For example, the most recognizable fast food restaurant is McDonalds, which has a large number of outlets around the world. The owner of this network will qualitatively follows the entire product and the good work of its employees, so that you, coming to some country, felt the same taste of "Coca-Cola", "Burger" or ice cream. All cashiers and the waiters of McDonalds are the most benevolent people around the world. This is achieved by their branded greeting "Free Cashier" and a proposal for coffee a cake, which cannot be broken, as this is part of the system.

Among the domestic projects of the franchise, there are restaurants such as "Yappean", "Celentano", "Cartoil Hut". They have hundreds of sales points in our country and the same as in McDonalds, a unified set of dishes, marketing and design.

What to open a business

The future entrepreneur is constantly thinking about this question: "I want to open my business, where to start me?" For example, you can open a hairdresser, a restaurant or store, having bought franchising. Before discovery, it is necessary to thoroughly conduct an analysis of the market, competitors and the work of the opening establishments. Will the selected service (product) be in demand, whether the acquired franchise will be competitive among other representatives.

Business dating

When opening a business can help business dating. Most often have to solve issues through acquaintances who work in state bodies. Such links can help for opening and developing business. It is also important to also give full information to future consumers about your services and products. For example, you make concrete blocks, and for this you need to know about all future buyers in order to offer products at an attractive price.

Study of the Area

To date, you can easily open your business. Business ideas for beginners can be different. You can choose and start very quickly, as many are tired of what they live and work like everything. People want something new, unique goods. They want to differ from their neighbors in everything: clothes, lifestyle, habits, priorities. Therefore, it became fashionable to open small private shops with products from farms or special beauty salons only for men.

You can also notice such places to relax as a coffee shop. Barista, working in such an institution, knows its visitors. Someone loves coffee, and someone - cappuccino on Mondays, Fridays and Sundays, and there are those who prefer a favorite dish on holidays. Such an individual approach to its customers is the key to the success of your business. Therefore, asking the question: "I want to open my business, where to start, I do not know? - To begin with, it is worth studying the territory. Then you can understand what it is not enough for people.

Choosing a business idea

Where else to look for ideas? Of course, in the industry in which you are well versed. For example, you used to work in the field of clothing purchases for a major network store. And now you understand that it is time to start a business with minimal investments. To do this, you can find ideas in everyday life. On the Internet, full offers for the sale of clothing. Perhaps in your area too little children's things, and they are expensive.

In addition, not many can afford shopping in America or Europe, where the quality product is worth a penny. If you are wondering: "I want to open my business, where to start not imagine?" - An excellent option will be the creation of your own online clothing store, in which you can buy high-quality children's things at low prices.

Travel business

This type of activity becomes popular among entrepreneurs. Newbies want to open a tourist business, where to start, they do not know. Despite great competition, this type of activity attracts its economy at the first stage. If you decide to open your travel agency, you need to know about some rules.

Tourism legislation allocates three types of licensing activities:

  • Travel agent.
  • Tour operator activities.
  • Timesher.

To open this type of business, you need to follow some of the requirements that are registered in the Regulations on the Licensing of Tour Operator and Travel Activity. To do this, you will need a room that can be rented and hired employees. The license is issued both on a conventional individual entrepreneur and on a legal entity (CJSC, LLC, etc.). For registration you need to pay a state fee in the amount of 400 rubles. After that, you need to assure a copy of the passport and your signature in the notary, which costs about 600 rubles. Be sure to make the seal to which about 200 rubles will leave, and get statistics codes to pay in the state piggy bank.

Do not forget about the certificate for booking and selling air transportation. Conditions for certification are established by federal aviation rules. They include requirements for personnel, premises, security and reservation systems. If you want to sell yourself flights, then you should sign an agreement with the airline and get a certificate.

After all necessary operations need to find customers. Advertising will help here. To date, there is a huge number of advertising agencies. To somehow stand out from a huge number of proposals, to begin with, define the target audience for your travel agency. If you sell sea cruises at a high price, then advertising in a cheap newspaper will not bring you customers. You need to choose business editions or glossy magazines. A good effect is brought by special catalogs about tourism and recreation. Before advertising in such publications, you need to come up with and develop your memorizing corporate identity.

What you need to open a business

Before you start your business, you need to choose the scope of activity. After the idea is fully studied and ready to incarnate, it is necessary to register its organization. For small businesses, registration of an individual entrepreneur (IP) is suitable. This form of taxation allows you to hire up to 10 employees. In addition, you can register up to six additional types of your activities. But remember that there are some license necessary.

Business plan

Business ideas for beginners exist diverse, and they all require the necessary tool - a business plan. Properly compiled this document will help in the future of your organization. It should include the foundations of the study of competitors, consumers and the market. In addition, it should include a full marketing plan for which your product will move.

Business ideas for a certain amount

Do you have a free amount of money you want to invest in your business? Open a business per 100,000 rubles - it is easy. For example, if you know how to do good photos, it will be an excellent idea. To date, it became popular to be a photographer at weddings, various celebrations and individual surveys. To do this, you need to purchase:

  • Good camera.
  • Tripods.
  • Lighting technique.

On 100,000 rubles you can purchase coffee machines and put them in those places where they will be popular. These can be institutions, hospitals, parking, etc. Do not forget that they will have to solve some issues related to rental, permanent maintenance of the machine, etc.

For girls, the workman in manicure is perfect. This amount will go to study, advertising and purchase of the necessary materials.

Another option is a small studio on tailoring. To open such a business, you need to properly dispose of the means. To do this, you need to purchase samples of materials and equipment. If you have a small apartment, then remove the room. If you do not have sewing skills, then hire employees and be sure to advertise.

Your profitable business depends on the organization. You can arrange as written above, but you can sign contracts with employees so that they can work on their machines. And you will only find customers and take your percentage for it. Usually do in and small hairdressers. Thanks to this option, you do not have to spend money on advertising. If you think well, then each problem has its own solution. In any case, business is a big risk.

Business projects

"Where else can I find business ideas for beginners?" - you ask. Many inexperienced entrepreneurs help their more mature "colleagues", which are already successfully developing their business. Thanks to their advice, you can make a first business plan of your own business or find a franchise. Experts recommend to bypass the types of activities that are widespread. For example, such as manicure salons. The best choice will be those that have small competitiveness.

Great type of activity - sales as small business. Where to start depends on each specific case. For example, for sale jewelry, it is necessary to find a wholesale seller who has prices lower than others. In addition, and on the Internet you can easily earn. Many prefer stock trading, such as Forex. If it is a thick forest for you, you will have to spend time on learning.

To understand which business can be started by you, then for a start, appreciate your own strength. Being a good player in hockey, you will not be able to win in a bowling game, based on the fact that these two types of activity are sport. The passion for business depends on what you understand what you know, where you know all the subtleties of the market and are sure that you yourself will be given to your business by 100%. Remember that the profit does not immediately come. Perhaps will pass for some time. It may be a month or two. This is especially true of primary business in which minimal funds are invested. Given these conditions, as well as applying tips, you will turn your job into a profitable enterprise. Potential customers will be constant for you.