What is the authoritarian style of manual. Control styles, their characteristics. Characteristic Democratic Management Style

A properly defined and successfully used management style allows you to most successfully use the potential of all employees of the enterprise. Using the installed management style, satisfaction with the work and performance of employees is achieved.

The management style is a way to whom the manager manages subordinate to him by employees, as well as independent of the specific management situage, a sample of the behavior of the head. With the help of the installed control style, job satisfaction can be achieved and the performance of employees can be encouraged. At the same time, the optimal control style does not exist and talk about the advantage of a particular control style, you can only for a specific management situation.

Distinguish the following control styles:

Quest orientedwhich needs to be done, at the same time, according to the bizani, head:

    hurts insufficient work;

    encourages slower employees to make more efforts;

    gives special importance to the volume of work;

    manages the iron;

    draws attention to the fact that his staff work with full return;

    encourages employees by pressing and manipulating to even greater efforts;

    requires greater returns from low-speed employees.

The studies of Halpina-Wiener and Peltsy show that such executives:

    often more positively characterized by their superiors than personal-oriented leaders;

    it is positively evaluated by their employees if the leaders have the effect of "upstairs".

Personal orientedAt which employees with their needs and expectations are in the spotlight. By bizani, head:

    draws attention to the health of employees; cares about good relations with their subordinates; drawn with his subordinates as equal;

    supports its employees in what they do or should do;

    starting for its employees.

The head who manages, focusing on person, cannot, however, to immediately count on the full satisfaction of the staff. For this, the impact and respect of the head "Upstairs" is important, on the basis of which he is able to defend the interests of employees.

Three problems inherent in the management style:

1. Results that must be achieved using management style contain several components that cannot be collected together.
2. The absolutization of the management style is considered as a method with which labor productivity increases.
3. The management situation is seen as unchanged, while over time it may change and the manager must respectively change its attitude to individual employees.

Control styles can be single and multidimensional. The control style is one-dimensional, if one evaluation criterion is considered. One-dimensional are authoritarian, corporate and other management styles, and the first and second styles polarly differ from each other.

Authoritarian management style. With this management style, all production activities are organized by the head without the participation of subordinates. This control style can be used when solving current tasks and assumes b aboutwe have a long distance in the formation between the head and subordinate, as well as the material motivation of employees.

Head By virtue of its legitimate authorities, leads subordinates and expects obedience from them. He makes decisions without justifying them before subordinates, while it comes from the fact that he is unlike subordinates aboutself-understanding and knowledge of the case, which, of course, should not be. Decisions of the head have the nature of the orders that should be unconditionally implemented by subordinates, otherwise they can expect sanctions towards themselves;

The head keeps the distance in relations with subordinates, informs them about the facts that they must know to fulfill their tasks. He controls "whether his orders follow and how much. Signs, emphasizing the position of a person in the eyes of his people around him (for example, a car), support the reputation of the leader's power.

    high consciousness;

    high self-control;


    good decision-making ability;

    punch ability.

Subordinates - Addressing orders. According to "Theory x. and xY:

    middle man is lazy and, as far as possible, leans from work;

    workers are disabled and afraid of responsibility and wish to be led;

    pressure on subordinates and sanctions need to achieve the goals of the enterprise;

    strict management subordinates and private control over them are inevitable.

At the same time, the management style motivation of subordinates is often limited, because the manager is separated socially, reports, as a rule, less interesting work subordinates and supports in them the fear of threatening sanctions. Subordinates become indifferent in relation to the leader, as well as to the enterprise. Information they mined because of informal paths supplied by the head of informational barriers.

    recognition of the head of the only instance;

    recognition and execution of orders of the head;

    the absence of the desire to have the right to control the right.

The disadvantages of authoritarian style lie in the weak motivation of the independence and development of subordinates, as well as in the danger of erroneous solutions through excessive requirements of managers regarding the number and (or) quality of work.

Corporate management style. With a corporate management style, production activities are organized in the interaction of the head and subordinate. This control style can be used when prevailing the creative content of work and involves an approximately equal level of education of the head and subordinates, as well as the intangible promotion of the employee.

Typical signs of corporate management style:

Head Manages subordinates, including them in the decision-making process, for which it is responsible. He expects from his subordinate specific assistance, makes decisions taking into account their proposals and objections. He delegates his powers as possible, and manages only if necessary. At the same time, he recognizes the ability of subordinates and is aware of what he cannot know everything and foresee. Only the result of the work is controlled, self-control is allowed.

The manager not only informs in detail about the actual state of affairs, which should be known to perform tasks, but also informs other information about the enterprise. Information serves as a means of control. The head does not need signs that emphasize his position in the eyes of his people around him.

Requirements for the corporate manager manager, corky:


    confidence in employees;

    refusal of individual privileges;

    the ability and desire to delegate authority;

    service supervision;

    control of results.

Subordinates Considered as partners capable of independently performing "daily work". When evaluating subordinates, at the same time of the guide, most often proceed from "Theory w. Theory hu.According to:

    reluctance to work is not congenital from nature, but by the consequence of bad working conditions that reduce the natural desire to work;

    employees take into account the target settings, possess self-discipline and self-control;

    the goals of the enterprise are achieved by the shortest way through the monetary promotion and provision of individual development;

    with a favorable experience, employees are not afraid of responsibility.

The active position of the subordinates increases their motivation, which entails the improvement of labor results.

Requirements for corporate manageable subordinates, corkscu:

    the desire and ability to bear personal responsibility;


    use of control rights.

The advantage of corporate style is the adoption of expedient solutions, the high motivation of employees and the unloading of the head. In addition, the development of employees is maintained. Disadvantage - Corporate management style can slow down decision making.

Management of the method of delegation of authority. Such management is a technical technique in which competences and responsibility for actions are transmitted, as far as possible, employees who accept and implement decisions. Delegation can be directed to any field of activity of the enterprise. However, it should be abandoned to delegate typical management functions, as well as tasks with far-reaching consequences. When delegating authority, the load from the manager is removed, its own initiative of employees is maintained, their labor motivation and willingness increase responsibility. In addition, employees should be trust in decision-making for their own liability.

In order to successfully apply the management of delegation, it is necessary:

    delegation of task staff;

    delegation of competencies;

    delegation of employees of responsibility for action;

    the elimination of the possibility of recalling delegated authority or transfer them from one employees to others;

    establishment of the procedure for regulating exceptional cases;

    the elimination of the ability to intervene the manager in the correct actions of the employee;

    the obligation of the head of the head in case of error and obtaining results settled in a special order;

    acceptance of responsibility by management;

    creating an appropriate information system.

Transferred tasks must comply with employee abilities, be mostly homogeneous completed in shape. Delegated competencies and responsibility for actions should correspond to each other in terms of volume.

Benefits Management method of delegation:

    unloading a manager;

    the possibility of rapid adoption of competent solutions; employees are transferred competencies and the responsibility of the conistence;

    promoting the development of its own initiative, work motivation from employees.

Disadvantages of managing the method of delegation:

    the head delegates the smaller number of interesting tasks as possible;

    hierarchical relations may be approved;

    strong orientation on the tasks, and not for employees;

    establishing hierarchical relations "horizontal".

Why are the leaders insufficiently delegate authority?

1. The fear of the fact that the subordinates are not competent competently carry out instructions (make mistakes).
2. Difference in relation to the competence of subordinates.
3. The fear of the fact that subordinates too quickly acquire high competence.
4. Concerning the loss of his value and the bonds associated with it.
5. Feeling loss of own authority or status.
6. The fear of what the manager himself will lose control over this issue.
7. Fear before risk.
8. The reluctance to give the work that the manager himself speaks well.
9. Inability to advise subordinates and manage them.
10. Lack of time to advise subordinate and manage them.

Why are the subordinates are not ready to bear responsibility?

1. Insufficient self-confidence.
2. Information deficiency.
3. Fear of possible criticism.
4. Insufficient positive response to successfully completed orders.
5. Insufficient motivation of the employee.
6. Negative workplace atmosphere.

How to delegate?

1. Carefully select the tasks to be delegated.
2. Carefully choose a person who delegate.
3. Delegate mainly "final results" instead of accurate methods for performing the task.
4. Being ready to make mistakes and what needs to be forgiven.
5. Give enough powers to perform the task to the end.
6. Inform others to delegate and to whom.
7. Delegate gradually and complicate delegated tasks.

The use of one or another style, as well as its results depend on many factors. This is primarily complete mastering one of the leadership styles, the predisposition of the team to perceive sometimes imposed on top of the control style and manual. When mastering management science, it is very important to avoid errors. Analysis of the activities of the leaders of different levels and various enterprises allowed specialists to identify the most frequent mistakes allowed by managers. Ten major errors in managing staff management of the PA enterprise can be formulated as follows;

1. The desire to do everything yourself.
2. The inclination to give the opportunity to go as a woman.
3. Prejudice against certain employees.
4. Frozen, schematic or doctrine installations.
5. Excessive susceptibility to other, including critical, opinion.
6. Self-satisfaction or arrogance.
7. Immunity to the proposals of employees.
8. The obvious disrespect of the personality of the employee, for example, the admissibility of criticism with others.
9. Explicit distrust of employees.
10. Insufficient sequence in action.

Conversely, the experience of prosperous enterprises showed that the leaders of these enterprises are significantly more:

1. Valid the knowledge of the case;
2. belong to people as equal;
3. Requests fairly;
4. Detect errors objectively;
5. Reliable and loyal;
6. Listen to opinions that differ from their;
7. Progress is valued;
8. have the authority of business connoisseurs;
9. Loose bias;
10. Transfer criticism;
11. Capable to change than the chiefs of small enterprises.

Management style or manual is the most important factor in management at the enterprise. Properly defined and successfully used style allows you to most successfully use the potential of all employees of the enterprise. That is why in recent years, many firms pay such significant attention to this issue.

Priority goal: Unquesting submission.

The main purpose of the policy (authoritarian) management is to achieve unquestioned subordination. Supporters of this management style give preference to orders and orders and are not prone to dialogue with employees. Such leaders carefully control the work of subordinates and sternly report them for mistakes, completing it with a hidden, and sometimes obvious threat. Motivation methods are used mainly, one: the head draws the subordinate negative consequences that are waiting for them in the event of non-fulfillment of its orders.

Directive (authoritarian) management style is most effective

  • when it comes to solving unambiguous, rectilinear tasks;
  • in a crisis situation;
  • when the retreat from the instructions of the leadership threatens serious problems;
  • when communicating with non-advisory workers (if other approaches did not affect).

Directive (authoritarian) Management style is the least effective

  • when it is trying to apply to solve ambiguous tasks - the more complicated the task, the lower the effectiveness of this style (up to the point that the riot in the collective is possible);
  • in the long run;
  • when the manager deals with targeted and talented workers.

Effective use of the directive (authoritarian) style

  • Learn more about your work even more. You should be aware of the duties of employees more than they know. Your opinion on a specific working question should have a priority over all others.
  • Give clear orders. You want to act exactly and clearly - now it's not time to chat in the back.
  • Be decisive. You are responsible for making decisions, you carry main responsibility here and therefore should report subordinates about your desires by all means - verbal and non-verbal.
  • Install clear criteria for assessing the quality of work. You want people to clearly understand what you need from them.
  • Control the work of subordinates. Always be aware of what is happening. Enter procedures that allow you to always have access to the information necessary to evaluate the zeal of each employee and its employment achievements.
  • Pay attention to all cases of non-compliance with the rules. Let them understand what behavior cannot be considered satisfactory. Interest on strict compliance with the rules operating in the organization.

"Each broom is in its own way" - in this folk saying the idea of \u200b\u200bthe diversity of the types of personality of managers and their management styles is hidden. Carefully observing the work of several managers in the team, you can see the difference in the formation of working relationships. The head directly affects the results of the company's activities. This fact can be explained why some companies are closed, while others live and thrive even in crisis times.

The personality of the head, management styles and the results of the company - these things are closely related. Combining several ways to leadership, you can approach the ideal result. After all, the style of the head and the efficiency of management is inseparable things. If you are the boss, then you are important to understand what kind of person you are. So you will understand your strengths and weaknesses, and you can achieve higher results.

Quick description of the style of the manual

The control style is a complex of management relations and subordinates and the effects of these two groups on each other. The performance of subordinates, the atmosphere in the team and its ability to achieve their goals and tasks depends on the quality of these relations. Styles of the head in the management team can be five species.

The famous American-German psychologist and writer in the 30s of the last century published and allocated three style of the leadership, which later became a classic. A little later, they were added more inconsistent and situational. After examining a table with a brief controller, you can find yourself and immediately go to reading the desired section. And it is better to read all the material - in life you will have to face different people, and it is better to be prepared. What are the managers' management styles?

Brief control styles
Like a leaderPositive traitsNegative qualities
AuthoritarianTakes responsibility, quickly makes decisions, clearly sets the tasksDoes not tolerate critics, does not like resistance, does not take into account the opinion of others, it puts the interests of the case above people
DemocraticWorks in the team, open to new ideas, takes into account the opinion of the collective, allows others to take responsibilityA lot is advised, can delay with the decision, can give the authority not in those hands
Liberal AnarchicalNo pressure on employees, good-natured atmosphere in the team, allows creative approach to solving problemsConfrangues the laziness and moral decomposition in the team, lets managerial entips, weak control (provocation of theft and non-fulfillment of obligations)
InconsistentNot foundNo clear goal, no clear tasks, no understanding, decomposing the atmosphere in the team, low results, no money
SituationalHigh-quality employee management is included in the situation, always knows how and what to do, no pets and antiheroes, helps to develop, grows leaders, encourages a creative approach to businessOver the years, it becomes liberal and loses a grip, unprincipled workers sit on the neck, it does not know how to rest, works "wear"


(from lat. Auctoritas - power, influence) - the domineering, not loving to discuss, so that he objects, and the more resisted. If the boss refers to such a type of people, then the management style of the head is authoritarian. This species refers to one of the three classic.

Characteristic of the managerial

This style of management of the head - authoritarian - justified in stressful situations: wars, crises, epidemics, and so on, because such a person acts quickly and responsibility takes over. In conversations rigid and irreconcilable. Authoritarian leaders are closed to the highest levels of power and successfully maintain the situation. Such a guide style is distributed in Russia to a greater extent than the rest. This can be fully justified in large companies, factories, creative teams and army. Negotiations on purchases or coordination are carried out in a rigid mode, in an atmosphere, opposed to the limit.

The authoritarian manager collects all the power in his hands and does not allow anyone to even encroach on it. Subordinates are under rigid control and constantly pass various checks. But the authoritarian style is divided into two more models: exploitative and benevolent.

"OPERATION" fully justifies its name, it is right "Pablo Escobar" in the company. Such a manager squeezes all the juices from his subordinates, the interests of people do not consider, the opinion of someone does not interest him completely. It can be stimulated by workers threats, blackmail, fines and other persecutions.

Never admits even the slightest independence in making decisions or perform tasks. Everything must be done exactly as "Operator" said. Any authoritarian leader constantly publishes orders, decrees and other rulings. Everything is wedgered by seals, paintings and dates. On the issue of fulfilling the tasks, it is extremely demanding and impatient, although it is capable of concessions, if not under emotions. If the head is not in the spirit, he can say and do anything, and then apologies can not be waiting. At the same time, it is not necessary to confuse such behavior with manipulative techniques, when all emotions are just the "theater" - authoritarian leaders love to use it. Subordinates are deprived of the opportunity to show the initiative.

The "benevolent" style management style creates a more friendly atmosphere if it can be called. Such a leader is already interested in the opinion of subordinates, but it can do in its own way, even if the opinion was expressed correct. In general, such a boss communicates with subordinates condescendingly, "in Oeta", it may arise, but dry and literally for a second, and then it will immediately recall that the subordinate is now at work, and his experiences are not interested in anyone. Do not think that the second model is very different from the first - with all its benevolence, this is still authoritarian leader: Hard, domineering and demanding.

Any of these types loves diplomas, signs, prints, painting, abbreviations and cuts. All this should be large, smeared, imperial. Such leaders are people with a paranoid pattern of personality - power-loving, incredulous and bipringent. As a rule, workaholics who do not know how to relax, loving and capable of imposing their own opinion and will surround.

Relationships with subordinates

If in relations with subordinate "benevolent" manager builds a distance that cannot be passed to anyone, then the "exploiter" becomes intergalactic. The conversation is built in ordinary coarse form. Employees are suppressed and deprived of motivation, while high risk of conflict development in the company. Criticism, even constructive, absent as a concept.

Ask such a manager about the personal not everyone has enough spirit and this is justified - "Pablo Escobar" does not want to know anything about subordinates, but to think about the difficulties of his employees - especially since. The ability to get something even for the enterprise is almost zero if the autocrat himself did not speak about it. And if he said earlier, he will decide when, who and what to receive. It is useless to argue with such a type - he has an excellent hardening in his hard negotiations, and his subordinate cannot be contacted. If the subordinate will continue to insist, it will quickly receive a fine or reprimand, and at the same time still have to perform instructions. To show emotions to such a leader is useless - he will look at a person like a carpet. Empathy zero.

The "benevolent" type can listen to the subordinate, but this will have to immediately move to the essence of the case and do not pull the rubber, otherwise everything - "Your time it happened," and with your question it will be possible to get to him only in the next life. It happens that the manager can even give advice. "Fale" can provide a vacation, departure for urgent affairs, or getting over the laid - but for this you need to "protect" his idea to him, how to sell it an idea about why he should do it for you. But even if everything is brilliant, there is a big risk that the manager will do in its own way, and it is impossible to learn the causes of the decision.

Solving tasks

The "exploiter" and "benevolent" everything is simple - everyone should work without rest and break and fold life for the benefit of the company. Those who disagree with this are declared "enemies of the people" and must leave the company.

Subordinates are obliged to perform decrees beyond. The faster and better duties are performed, the greater the success of the enterprise. And the more new tasks autocrat will lay on the shoulders of subordinates. In solving problems, authoritarian leaders do not have any principles - the goal justifies funds. This should be remembered because, the greater the level of the influence of the autocrat, the hardest it will act.

Method of communication

With such managers, it is not worth it with such managers - it is not worth it in two scores. Let not today, but tomorrow, and then will not last. The autocrat's intrigue can be used as much as possible so and in this direction are not worth competing. By the way about competition - it is the rustling of an authoritarian (and paranoid, too), it is better not to get up on his way. Why? Because there are no principles, and to achieve the goal of the autocrat justifies any means. Attempts by suggestion are falling around - the autocrats of Zero Suggestion. The best approach is cooperation. So they will flow easier, and the possibility of career growth will appear on the horizon. Examples of managers: Donald Trump, Joseph Stalin, Adolf Hitler.


The style of work and management of the Democratic leader is mirrored with authoritarian. Such a style of work implies a uniform distribution of responsibilities and responsibilities between employees of the company. Democrat head collects a subordinate command to which you can rely. Such a command that solves the task and launches even complex projects, and for this you do not need to force or intimidate employees. At the same time, the responsibility will still be, because the Democrat is not a liberal-constituent man, but a leader aimed at a specific result.

Democratic managers also achieve large altitudes in business and politics, as well as authoritarian. Only they create a more benevolent atmosphere than autocrats.

Characteristic of the managerial

People with pronounced, but not put on their ego, not put on their ego. A democratic leader is a peaceful warrior: it does not begin the war first, but if they attacked, it will have to answer throughout the rigor of the law. Such a manager of the head of the head creates a friendly atmosphere in the team and helps to take care of the staff with solving problems with some shares of a creative approach. Such a leader can, without any complaints, consider the issue of ferut, help or buy new equipment for the company. If your ideas or requests to provide an evidence base, then the manager can be inclined to accept a positive solution on your issue.

Relationships with subordinates

Comrade, business relationships that can flow into friendly, although it is rare. Whatever the styles of the head of the manager, do not forget that this is the leader, and do not need to move the borders. Democrat manager uses a human approach to subordinate, enters their position to a certain limit, easily suits motivational contests or gifts for overfulfing plans.

Best of all people with such a management style feel in mid-level positions, for example, head of department or head of the city district. Even in companies with an authoritarian management style, in the departments with a democrat manager there is a "its atmosphere" - the authority of the head of the department is higher than the leader of the organization.

Of the minuses, you can note the following: Democrat can play "Frie", and then disputes and conflict situations will arise, instead of work. Focus displacement with achieving goals for increased attention to employees does not bring the team to achieve goals. The Democratian, in this case, loses the authority and the level of influence on the team, but his sleeve will still have a bonus in the form of a fine or order, although such bosses rarely use it.

Solving tasks

The problem of tasks is reduced to the fact that first the collective efforts are developed by the action plan. After that, performers are selected taking into account skills and abilities. Without any resistances, such a leader invites a third-party expert to the team and listens to his opinion. By the way, it is not prohibited to express your opinion from the subordinates, because the head is concerned about the achievement of the result, and is aware that the risk of missing something important.

Planning the execution time lays the reserve plan over time, because it takes into account the likelihood of mistakes from staff, and still need time to fix them. If difficulties arise in the course of performing work or the opportunity to do everything differently, the head is quite easily rebuilt on the situation, although it does not very much.

Method of communication

Democrat leader chooses a generally accepted style of communication. You can go to the office and "steal" a little time. She listens to the opinion of personnel, especially if the words are supported by the facts and numbers - it is worth using. It is not necessary to put pressure on such a manager - it is though soft, but grows as a bamboo, and if he is very pressing, he will answer seriously. Whatever the leader, styles and management methods will have a different one. The best way to communicate is cooperation. It is necessary to act as part of the task, without breaking the deadlines. If you can improve or remake the job - you need to immediately contact the boss, keep it up to date. Examples of personalities: Vladimir Putin, Evgeny Chichvarkin, Lavrenty Beria.

Liberal Anarchical

This control style is similar to a democratic, but there are differences. It is characteristic that the head, putting the task clearly and clearly, setting the timing and speed of execution, is moving into the background. Thus, it allows subordinate to act independently, while almost without limiting in the means and methods for performing tasks.

Liberal style is suitable for control at the same time it is not necessary that it will be a team of songs and dance, and the editors of the magazine, and the design bureau, and other similar teams.

Characteristic of the managerial

Liberal style can be divided into two directions: anarchist and expert. In the first case, the head is weak in nature, non-conflict, conformist. He postpones the decision of important issues until the last moment or is trying to completely remove the responsibility by shifting it on the shoulders of deputies or subordinates. Such a leader can sit in the office for days and not to go to the employees - let them work.

The second type is more suitable for the role of an expert or invited manager for temporary tasks - it gives instructions, how and what to do, how and in what time frame. The rest of the work does not climb, the subordinates do not twist, only if the situation came out of control. Authority keeps at the level of its expenses, knowledge and skills in the current work.

Relationships with subordinates

The Liberal expert adds benevolent, informal and strong relationships. In such groups, leaders grow, which later either take power from Liberal, or go to new teams - as practice shows, these are authoritarian leaders.

The work of the subordinate leader-Liberal almost does not interfere, providing the highest possible freedom of action. Subordinates supplies information, tool, trains and instructs, reserves the right of the final decision.

Solving tasks

Do not think that the liberal leader will sit in his "sink" and not show the nose. It happens, but it does not characterize all liberal leaders. On the contrary, the popularity of this method of management of people is growing in the current situation. This is especially noticeable in scientific, creative or other teams, where there is a high level of knowledge, competence and experience - a high-class specialist does not tolerate a slave relationship, as well as excessive guardianship.

In the relationship "Head and Organization", the management styles of "Liberal" are well known. Soft control, trust, cooperation and cooperation - here are the foundations of the liberal style of the management company. There is no bad way of managing people, there is only incorrect use of tools in their hands. The definition of the management style of the manager is worth starting as early as possible - it will be easier to adjust the setting or quickly find a new job.

Method of communication

The liberal manager does not attach much importance to the chosen method of communication, because the impact of this on the result of work is minimal. With the head itself it is to communicate, based on the objectives of communication and what type of personality from the leader. Control styles can be different - either an anarchist or an expert. It is not necessary to worry much if you suddenly called the boss on "you" - he will correct you, but will not punish the penalty like authoritarian. Examples: Roman Abramovich, Robert Kiyosaki.


The name speaks for itself - there is no sequence and logic in any. Such a boss moves from one control style to another, but it does in inexperience, and this is the difference from situational style.

Characteristic of the managerial

Today is such a manager authoritarian leader, and tomorrow is an anarchist with a developed connoisseable character of work. The results of the work of such a team are extremely low, and there are all the chances to spoil the work of the enterprise or even ruin it. If the manager has experience in such a position, but he adheres to an inconsistent work style, it can be called sudden, weak managers who cannot achieve goals.

Relationships with subordinates

The team of an inconsistent manager is dissatisfied with his governing, does not know what can be expected from the head, besides, everything weakly imagine the ultimate goal and its growth opportunities. Relationships are very tense, all this causes a negative atmosphere in the team. High probability of pioneering, intrigues and scandals.

Solving tasks

It is impossible to achieve goals with such a manager, because it is vaguely represents how the team should work. The solution to the tasks is shifted to deposits and subordinates, and then takes on themselves. Then some tasks are canceled, replaced with new ones and so on. This style of management of the head creates troubles and anarchy.

Method of communication

The same ambiguous and depends on the state of affairs in the company and the mood of the chief itself. Today it can tell stories about how he spent the weekend, and tomorrow play the role of an authoritarian "Pablo Escobar". Subordinate with developed leadership and manipulative skills can be able to knock out such a manager for a long time. And then from your own chair. Examples: Such people rarely achieve serious heights, but there is still a bright example - Mikhail Gorbachev.


The management style, in which the relationship policy is adjusted to the current state, is called situational. This is the optimal way to manage people and enterprises - in crisis times it helps to get together, and with a market rise to strengthen competitive advantages.

Do not confuse a situational approach and doubliness of the head. In the first case, the boss chooses the style of communication on the basis of the behavior of a particular person or group of persons, in order to maximize the work as well as possible. In the second case, the boss takes different positions on the basis of its benefit.

Characteristic of the managerial

These are experienced managers with many years of experience, worked on different in several areas. In some people, management skills are laid by nature - these are the so-called managers from God. But the talent is replaced with zealous and permanent learning. Knowledge of how now to influence the person, comes with experience. This is one of the most acceptable ways to lead the team. With inept attempts to copy the style there is a danger that the head will turn into a conjunct train, which says what is at the moment.

Relationships with subordinates

It is confidential, openly and easily - the team constantly the feeling that the work is literally burning in their hands, and the manager always knows what to do, how to punish and cheer up the team. In view of great practical experience, such leaders truly see the subordinates through and possess the gift of foresight. Such bosses enjoy the authority in the team.

A situational leader knows how it is better to communicate with this group of subordinates or the only worker. In which case can be silent or even to conbeet, but it only seems to be a fair look that the head gave slack.

Solving tasks

The resolution of disputes, problems and tasks goes quickly and professionally. An experienced leader is able to quickly debug most of the workflows, and if force majeure happens, people are appointed to correct the situation, based on the abilities and experience of workers, and not personal preferences.

In general, the manager himself is more like a shadow - he is hiding and only engaged in work. He has no favorites, and if there is, then you can guess for a long time who awarded such a role. The explicit negative does not show, on the contrary, with each problematic worker such a manager is trying to find a common language. Thanks to the experience, it is often possible. It seems that such a person does not think about himself: where is all the "Wishlist" and other complexes? On this question, the situational manager will only smile and lifting shoulders.

Rarely when such a managers is not a workaholic.

Method of communication

Like a liberal expert, a situational manager chooses a simple style of communication. Despite the high rank, such people are simple and open, and often optimistic and endowed with a sense of humor. It is often included in the position of the employee and can help, going beyond working relationships. With age, the managers become too kind and lowered, sometimes they can lose a grip than unprincipled workers. But the team usually stands by the Mountain for the leader, and if they see meanness towards their patron, then measures immediately take action.

Examples: Most of the military, directors and managers of factories and military and post-war factories, such as Konstantin Rokossovsky, Ivan Romazan, Abraham Zavenyagin and others.

What style is you?

No matter how much the manager led, it is worth remembering that the individual head of the head of the manager consists of the features of the upbringing and character of a person, so you should not hang labels.

Management as the implementation of the individual style of the head is a complex and multifaceted process, accompanied by a high level of stress, psychological and physical loads. The formation of the head takes a long time, takes away the mass of time and strength, and is associated with a high risk. Therefore, support from higher level managers is needed, and permanent learning.

What if you found yourself in this list? Take your strengths and concentrate on their strengthening and development. Weaknesses should pay considerable attention - problems are growth points. The faster to review the attitude towards your negative features, the faster and better will be becoming the formation of you as a manager.

What if you found your leader in the list? Now you know how it is better to build relationships, and what moments should be avoided.

The management style is very often not accepted by the head deliberately, he comes from his personal ideas about the leadership, from its nature, temperament, from the knowledge gained about the director's post. Many social factors also affect the management style. Many times came across directors, and features with the directories, which in 3-5 years of management become real self-directions and were tyranpared by the whole team. Unfortunately, the province simply repletes by such directors. And in the capitals they are not uncommon. In order to correct the style, you need to know, and which control styles are allocated in the practice of management, and how they affect the overall work of the enterprise.

Why did the work style of the director study, this question may occur only in amateurs that do not seek to develop that their enterprise never goes anywhere in life. This is a terrible mistake, tremendous error! Business can present serious surprises, no one has canceled the inner revolutions. And the external influences of competitors, new legislative initiatives of the state are transferred with success only when the team is standing for its director and goes after it, without discussing the details. With what style of manual you can achieve such an effect? This will be discussed in this article.

So, the management of the following management styles are distinguished: authoritarian, democratic, liberal anarchic, inconsistent, situational.

Authoritarian style is also called dictatorial, directive. The head in the team under this style behaves hard, it establishes a certain framework of work and very strictly controls their execution. Solutions at such an enterprise are accepted by the director alone, there are no discussions with top management, each of the managers works only in their narrow niche, no one can arouse in understanding the whole process. Moreover, the authoritarian leader consciously takes on many functions so that no one can give anymore and qualify for his place. In the case of an individual entrepreneur, none of the relatives or business heirs is not allowed to leadership.

All decisions made are not to be discussed, the strict control of their implementation is established, if something is not fulfilled, severe administrative measures are taken. The personality of man, employee, goes to the background. The effectiveness of the method is high only if the director receives an enterprise to manage the enterprise in which there is no order, discipline, there is no profit and due sales. At first, when the company will go to good indicators, it is such a style that will allow us to clean up. In any other case, authoritarian style harms a company than benefits.

This management style suppresses the initiative, creative abilities of employees, innovations very slowly and ineffectively. In an authoritarian style, erroneous single-bias solutions are often taken, which are understandable only to one person. Employees are made passive, growing dissatisfaction with the place of work, the company, its position, position, colleagues, all the case and the common system. All the more in such a team begins to flourish, podhalimage, intrigue, gossip, people experience constant stress. As a result, people or leave this place, or begin to root often, or simply turn into adaptents and are engaged only by extracting personal benefits at work. It is necessary to own this style of management to the director only when all sorts of cataclysms occur, emergency situations.

Democratic management style

At the same time, the head must be a highly professional manager, a psychologist, a teacher, a manufacturing. He, of course, decides on its own, but suits general discussions. Moreover, he himself considers the final solution and before, and after universal discussions. The decisions made are clear to all employees, even during their implementation, initiative proposals are made, adjustments are made. Execution control is carried out not only by the head, but also employees. From the director, subordinates see understanding, goodwill, the desire to develop their personalities with the company. The head of the democratic management style is observing the inclination and talents of employees, trying to teach, send, right up to change the type of activity and position.

This style is quite effective, promotes the healthy growth and development of the field of activity of the company. The productivity of labor increases, sales volumes, employees are made initiative, active, they turn into a real command. One danger is in this control style - when weakening control, it can go into an anarchy. The manager must closely, so that the discipline does not break in order to be organizational order in the team. The head in this management system should be a very professional, efficient, sample in everything for his subordinates.

Liberal Anarchic Style

This is the most neutral control style, you can even say connivor. It is in him developing democracy, behind which no one observes and builds her framework. In this atmosphere, everyone express their opinions, defend their point of view, and do not hear others. And even if a certain policy is taken to a general solution, each continues to act at their discretion. The head of the liberal-democratic style does not have the necessary professional and psychological knowledge and skills, does not hide this, does not enjoy respect.

And besides, such a manager little concerns that they treat it so, he does his affairs, no one does not touch anyone, and everything is comfortable from this. It turns out that the tasks are put, performed, the result is, but all this is complete, and often the movement leads not exactly where it was planned, and not even there. The psychological climate in such a team does not contribute to work, it is unfavorable for creativity, to establish order. In such companies, they are very rarely engaged in motivation, there is no elbow sense of other team members. There is no benefit from such a style for any situations, only harm to work.

Inconsistent style

The leaders who "suffer" with such a style are inclined to jump from one style to another. They are starting to strictly control the work, they release control so much that the subordinates begin to organize complete self-government and anarchy. But sometimes a healthy democracy comes in such a team. Such rolls are one, then in the other side of the company instability in the market, ensure inconsistent implementation of all planned actions, non-compliance with the company's policies.

The effectiveness of the management is low, and most often so manage unprepared impulsive people who studied when the management, but did not die. The team with such management always has many conflicts, service or personal problems.

Office in the situation

The most effective management style is situational. The head applies in the company those methods and methods of management that this employee or a group of employees needs, but best, if at one level of development will be the whole team. Therefore, gaining employees for the first time or by conducting a re-set, we must try to make such a level of development specialists so that they are all about the same stage of production development.

If the team is at a low level of development, that is, they do not want to work and do not know how to do this, then it is best to apply the following actions: Give out clear and hard instructions, say in detail them what to do, constantly control each step. If something goes wrong, then indicate errors and even punish the conscious failure of the instructions. If something is good, then praise employees, encourage.

The second level of the development of the collective, that is, the average is characteristic of the state when the desire to work has already appeared, but there is no sufficient experience for the qualitative fulfillment of all responsibilities, but there is a desire and effort, good faith. In this case, the manager must be a mentor, the advice, which gives recommendations to ensure that employees can manifest the initiative, independence and creativity. Control over the tasks must be permanent. The team should present mutual respect and goodwill, psychological aspects acquire an important role in the activities of the head. But with such democratic manifestations, it is necessary to clearly give orders and require rigidly and strictly execution.

A good level of development of the collective suggests the existence of work experience, a fairly good organization of labor, the cohesion of all team members. In such a team, consultations, advice and hearings are constantly being held, the initiative is encouraged, comments and clarifications from subordinates are accepted into work and are noted awards. The workers are entrusted with a large proportion of responsibility, they are given the opportunity to take advisory independent decisions.

And the last, the fourth level of development of the collective is characterized by a great desire to work and the creative approach to work in the team of professionals. In such a team, the authority of the manager at any time can easily be assigned to employees, the problem is set in front of them, refer to the goals, then the opinions about the pathways are taken. The head in such a team is best to provide the rights to solve the problems of top managers, controlling only key points. You can not interfere in affairs, you just need to support employees and help them.

E. Boggoreva

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The head at all levels of the management system of the organization acts as a leading person, since it determines the focal point of work of the team, selection of personnel, psychological climate and other aspects of the enterprise.

Guide - The ability to influence individuals and groups, encouraging them to work on achieving the objectives of the organization.

One of the most important characteristics of the work of the head is the style of management.

Manual style - manner of behavior of the head in relation to subordinates to have an impact on them and induce to achieve.

The head is the leading and organizer in the management system. Management of groups and teams is carried out in the form of leadership and leadership. These two forms of management have a certain similarity.

One of the most common leadership theories is theory of Leadership K. Levina (1938).

It highlights three leadership style:

  • authoritarian The style of leadership is characterized by rigidity, demanding, uniqueness, prevalence of power functions, strict control and discipline, orientation on the result, ignoring social and psychological factors;
  • democratic Leadership style - relies on collegiality, trust, informing subordinates, initiative, creativity, self-discipline, consciousness, responsibility, promotion, publicity, orientation not only for results, but also on how to achieve them;
  • liberal The style of leadership is distinguished by low demanding, connivance, lack of discipline and demanding, passivity of the head and loss of control over subordinates, providing full freedom of action.

Research K. Levin gave the basis for the search style search, which can lead to high and satisfaction performers.

Significant attention to the study of the leadership styles was paid in the works of R. Lykert, who in 1961 proposed the continuum of the styles of the guidelines. Its extreme positions are a leadership, focused on work, and leadership concentrated on a person, all other types of leadership behavior are located between them.

According to Lykert's theory, four leadership style distinguish:
  1. Exploitative and authoritarian: The head has clear characteristics of the autocrat, does not trust the subordinate, rarely attracts them to decision-making, and tasks forms themselves. The main stimulus is the fear and the threat of punishment, the reward is random, the interaction is built on mutual distrust. And are in confrontation.
  2. Paternalist-authoritarian: The head favorably allows subordinates to take limited participation in decision-making. The remuneration is valid, and the punishment is potential, and the other is used to motivate workers. The informal organization partly opposes the formal structure.
  3. Advisory: The head adopts strategic decisions and, showing confidence, tactical decisions delegates subordinates. The limited inclusion of workers in the decision-making process is used to motivation. An informal organization does not coincide with the formal structure only partially.
  4. Democratic The leadership style is characterized by complete confidence, it is based on a wide involvement of personnel to managing the organization. The decision-making process is dispersed in all levels, although integrated. The flow of communications is not only in vertical directions, but also horizontally. The formal and informal organization interacts constructively.

R. Lykert called Model 1 task-oriented with a rigidly structured control system, and a model 4-oriented relationship, which is based on a brigade organization of labor, collegial control, and general control. According to R. Lykerta, the latter approach is the most efficient.

Control style selection

Management style - represents a manner of the behavior of the head in relation to the subordinate, which allows you to influence them and force what you need at the moment.

Control styles are under the influence of concrete conditions and circumstances. In this regard, you can highlight "one-dimensional", i.e. Conditioned by one, in some way, and "multidimensional", i.e. Taking into account two or white circumstances when building the relationship "Recommissioner-subordinate", management styles.

"One-dimensional" control styles

Operations of the head of the head with subordinates

Democratic style Office

Liberal style Office

Decides making decisions

Sole solves all questions

Taking decisions, consults with the team

Waiting for instructions of the manual or gives the initiative to the hands of subordinates

The way to bring solutions to performers

Orders, manages, commands

Offers, asks, claims subordinates

Asks, stacing

Distribution of responsibility

Fully in the hands of the head

In accordance with the powers

Fully in the hands of performers

Attitude to the initiative

Suppresses completely

Encourages, uses in the interests of

Gives the initiative to the hands of subordinates

Afraid of qualified workers, trying to get rid of them

Picks up business, competent workers

Selection of frames is not engaged

Attitude to knowledge

Believes that everything knows

Constantly learns and requires the same from subordinates

Replenishes your knowledge and encourages this line from subordinates

Communication style

Rigidly formal, uncommunicative, observes the distance

Friendly set up, loves to communicate, positively goes to contacts

It is afraid of communication, communicates with subordinates only on their initiative, allowing familiar communication

The nature of the relationship with subordinates

By mood, uneven

Smooth, friendly, demanding

Soft, undemanding

Attitude to discipline

Hard, formal

Supporter of reasonable discipline, performs a differentiated approach to people

Soft, formal

Attitude towards the moral impact on subordinates

He considers the punishment by the main method of stimulating, encourages elected only on holidays

Constantly uses different incentives

Uses encouragement more often than punishment

The prerequisite for the resolution of various "one-dimensional" styles of the control was the theory of "x" and "y" Douglas Mc Gregor. So, according to the theory of "X", people are initially lazy and at the first opportunity to avoid work. They completely absent ambition, so they prefer to be managers, do not take responsibility and seek protection in strong. What would make people work, you need to use coercion, total control and threat of punishments. However, according to Mc Gregor, people are not in nature, but due to the difficult conditions of life and labor that began to change for the better only from the second half of the twentieth century. In the favorable conditions, a person becomes who he really is, and his behavior is already reflected by another theory - "y". In accordance with it, in such conditions, people are ready to take responsibility for the case, moreover, even strive for her. If they are attached to the goals of the company, willingly be included in the process of self-government and self-control, as well as in creativity. And such an introduction is

the function is not forcing, but remuneration associated with achieving the goals. On such employees, the head, professing democratic style, is based on.

The characteristic of the "one-dimensional" styles of control was suggested by the domestic researcher E.Starobinsky.

"Multidimensional" control styles. "Theory X" and "Theory Y"

In 1960, Douglas McGregor published his point of view on the bipolarity of opinions on how to manage people. "Theory X" and "Theory of", presented in the book "The Human Side of the enterprise", won wide recognition from managers.

Theory H.

  1. A man initially does not like to work and will avoid work.
  2. A person should be forced, control, threaten the punishment to achieve the objectives of the organization.
  3. Middle man prefers to led them, he avoids responsibility.

Theory of U.

  1. The work is also natural as a game for a child.
  2. A person can carry out self-government and self-control. The award is the result associated with the achievement of the goal.
  3. Middle man seeks responsibility.

Thus, two views on the control are formed: an authoritarian look, leading to direct regulation and hard control, and a democratic view that supports delegation of authority and responsibility.

Based on these theories, others are developed, which are different combinations of the above. In Western business, also popular theory of "Management Lattice"developed by R. Bleik and J. Mouthon. They pointed out that labor activity unfolds in the power field between production and man. The first power line determines the attitude of the head to production. The second line (vertical) determines the attitude of the head to a person (improving working conditions, accounting for desires, needs, etc.).

Consider various guide styles shown in Fig. 10.

Fig.10. Styles of leadership
  • Type 1.1 - the manager does not care about anything, it works so as not to be dismissed. This style is considered purely theoretical.
  • Type 9.1 - Hard administration style, in which for the manager the sole purpose is the production result.
  • Type 1.9 - Liberal or passive style of manual. In this case, the leader focuses on human relationships.
  • Type 5.5 is in the middle of the management grid. With this compromise, average labor results are achieved, there can be no sharp breakthrough forward. At the same time, such a guide style contributes to stability and conflict.
  • Type 9.9 is considered the most efficient. The supervisor tries to build the work of his subordinates so that they see in it the possibility of self-realization and confirmation of their own significance. The objectives of production are determined in conjunction with employees.

Situation Marketing Concepts

Attempts to determine the universal style of leadership failed, because The effectiveness of the leadership depends not only on the management style of the head, but also from very many factors. Therefore, the answer began to look for within the framework of situational theories. The main idea of \u200b\u200bthe situational approach was the assumption that management behavior should be different in various situations.

The model describing the dependence of the guide style from the situation was offered in the 70s. T.Mitchel and R. Chouse. Basically is based on motivational expectation theory. The performers will strive to achieve the objectives of the organization when there is a link between their efforts and the results of work, as well as between the results of work and remuneration, i.e. If they get some personal benefit from this. Mitchell and House model includes four control style:

If employees have a great need for self-esteem and belonging to the team, then the most preferable is considered "style support".

When employees seek autonomy and independence, it is better to use " instrumental The style ", similar to the production-oriented production and technical conditions of production. It is explained by the fact that subordinates, especially when nothing depends on them, wanting to fulfill the task, prefer to point out that they would indicate that and how they need to do, and created Required working conditions.

Where subordinates tend to high results and are confident that they can achieve them, apply a style oriented to " participation"Subordinates in decision-making most of all correspond to the situation when they seek to realize themselves in management activities. The manager at the same time should share information with them, to widely use their ideas in the process of preparing and making decisions.

There is still a style oriented on " attainment"When the head puts the performers to the performers, ensures the conditions necessary for work and expects independently without any coercion of the task.

One of the most modern is the model of the guide styles proposed by American scientists V. Verman and F.Yetton. They, depending on the situation, the characteristics of the team and the characteristics of the problem itself, divided managers for 5 groups on leadership styles:

  1. The manager himself makes decisions based on available information.
  2. The manager informs the subordinate the essence of the problem, heers their opinions and makes decisions.
  3. The head sets out the problem of subordinates, summarizes the opinions expressed by them and with their account takes on its own decision.
  4. The head together with the subordinates discusses the problem, and as a result we produce a general opinion.
  5. The manager constantly works in conjunction with the group, which or develops a collective decision, or takes the best, regardless of who is his author.