How Putin's propagandists Aram Gabrelyanov and his son Ashot grabbed a mineral resource. How Putin’s propagandists Aram Gabrelyanov and his son Ashot grabbed a mineral resource - What are your next steps?

The other day, Anonymous International posted a new batch of letters from Aram Gabrelyanov’s file (details about the first batch), from which we learn some new details about his raider takeover of a business, foreign real estate, Navalny’s hacked correspondence and some other topics.

Interview with a businessman who became a victim of this raider takeover.

Another story is connected with the penthouse that Gabrelyanov was looking for for himself in Cap Antibes (as follows from the correspondence). Then Gabrelyanov responded to the publication, stating what the penthouse will give to the one who finds it. He also wrote that this is about “correspondence between my wife and a travel agent who was looking for a villa in Antibes for his grandchildren’s summer vacation”. But, based on other letters, it follows that there was talk of a sale, and the cost varied from 2 to 6 million euros.

Moreover, he and his wife looked at another apartment in another NATO country - in the USA. More specifically, in California, for 3.9 million euros:

On Twitter, Gabrelyanov responds to someone “by the way, I don’t have any real estate abroad!” Why should I be afraid, did I steal something?” And on Facebook he formulates it more vaguely: “I earned a lot, I pay all taxes. So the subtext is, stick luxury real estate abroad..."

Even if we assume that Gabrelyanov did not buy an apartment either on the Cote d'Azur or in California, he still has foreign real estate. As follows from one letter, he has an apartment in Paris, registered offshore:

Despite all this, Gabrelyanov presents himself as a great patriot: “If you find a compromise where I betrayed my family, children, my Motherland, my president, those whom I consider my true friends, write.” The Russian president, as you know, is also a big fan of luxury real estate, so in this sense, Aram Gabrelyanov and Vladimir Putin really have no differences. But still, the luxurious official and unofficial residences of the president are located in Russia, and not in those countries that have imposed sanctions against Russia and which are regularly the object of harsh criticism from Gabrelyan’s publications.

And here is another interesting letter in which Aram Gabrelyanov discusses the hacking of Yulia Navalnaya’s mailbox with the general director of the MIT company Alexander Shelukhin (who also served as a voluntary advisor to Deputy Mayor Alexander Gorbenko). It was MIT, by order of the mayor’s office, that became the organizer in support of the mayor’s office in dozens of different media (including Gabrelyanov’s), which, however, did not stop Gabrelyanov from later publishing in his publications an “order” from the Presidential Administration against Gorbenko himself (including the story about , how the mayor’s office allegedly sponsored Navalny). But in 2013, things were still good between Gabrelyanov and Gorbenko; Navalny was their main common enemy. “Anonymous International” suggests that MIT could be behind the hacking of Navalny’s email (implemented, it is believed, in Germany by hacker Sergei Maksimov, who poetically called himself the “Hacker Hell”). True, there is no confirmation of the involvement of the mayor’s office in this hack, and the hack itself occurred back in 2011, long before the elections, when Sobyanin was unlikely to be very interested in Navalny’s mail.

There are other interesting details in the new portion of correspondence. It turns out that during the mayoral election campaign in Moscow in 2013, notes on behalf of candidate Nikolai Levichev (who for some time replaced Sergei Mironov as chairman of A Just Russia) were written by Gabrelyanov’s ex-employee Samvel Nalbandyan, and Gabrelyanov gave him wise advice: less criticize Sobyanin and more - Navalny. It is difficult to say how these wise advice influenced the result, but in the end Levichev then took last place and lost his chairmanship in the party.

So far, only one bid of 10 bitcoins (about $6.5 thousand) has been made on the lot with Gabrelyanov’s correspondence, and Gabrelyanov himself promised 1000 bitcoins for reliable information about those who are behind the Anonymous International. This amount is equivalent to $645 thousand, and the willingness to part with it so easily only adds credibility to the information published in this array.

As The Insider learned, the CEO of the publishing house “News Media” Aram Gabrelyanov, his son Ashot, as well as a number of his partners, were involved in the case of the illegal alienation of shares of a mining company with a market value of more than a billion rubles. The arbitration court has already recognized the fact of “illegal alienation of shares” and now investigators are working on a criminal case in which the participants may face a criminal sentence.
The plot of this story is very simple. In 2009, the Gabrelyanovs’ company TIG Mineral Resources Company Ltd, registered in Cyprus, bought a 49% stake in Tseomax LLC, an enterprise that mines zeolites in the Oryol region. The second (and main) owner of Zeomax was a Russian company - the Alsiko industrial group.
Zeomax had 2 main assets:

  1. OJSC Melor is a company engaged in the extraction of minerals. The main asset is a license for the Khotynets zeolite deposit, as well as a large number of various equipment (tractors, bulldozers, excavators, dump trucks, etc.). The market valuation of 100% of the company’s shares as of August 2012 (Otsenshchik LLC) is 889.5 million rubles.
  2. OJSC Promzeolite is a plant that processes zeolite ore mined by OJSC Melor and produces finished products from it (products for pets, fertilizers, building materials). The enterprise includes several production and warehouse buildings, a lot of industrial equipment and machinery. The market valuation of 100% of the company’s shares as of August 2012 (Otsenshchik LLC) is 121.7 million rubles.

After some time, Aram Gabrelyanov, representing the Cyprus company TIG Mineral Resources Company Ltd, began to be indignant that the company was not making a profit. He wrote several letters to representatives of the Alsiko Industrial Group with a proposal to either buy out his share, or, conversely, transfer the company to him for management and the shares to be his property, for which he promised to pay in 5 years (letter of share buyout: 1, 2; letter of transfer of shares: 1, 2, 3). He argued that he could manage industrial assets much more successfully. The Alsiko Industrial Group was not satisfied with both of these options - there were no funds to buy out Gabrelyanov’s share (and Alsiko did not take on such obligations), and Alsiko would transfer the company into ownership and management to him, without any specific obligations and guarantees. " also considered unacceptable. Representatives of Alsiko tried to find a compromise - they offered to directly head Zeomax LLC and even give a majority on the board of directors of Zeomax LLC, but still not give up their share in ownership. Gabrelyanov was not satisfied with these compromises; he wanted to be the owner.
In January 2013, the management of Alsiko suddenly discovered that the shares of two industrial enterprises - Melor OJSC and Promtseolite OJSC - no longer belonged to their subsidiary, Zeomax LLC. As it turned out, Gabrelyanov managed to win over two members of the board of directors of Zeomax LLC - (Valery Bagdasarov and the former general director of Zeomax Alexey Tarasov), and then pull off a scheme when (as they claim in Alsiko) using forged documents and Bypassing the procedures established by law, the company's shares were sold at 250 times below book value and 600 times below market value. Two industrial enterprises with equipment and real estate were sold for 1.8 million rubles - that kind of money cannot buy even one excavator. First, the shares were sold to Bagdasarov and his closest relatives (daughter and mother-in-law), and then resold to Gabrelyanov’s company - TIG Mineral Resources Company Ltd. Documents approving the alienation of shares were signed (except for Bagdasarov and Tarasov) by Gabrelyanov’s son Aram, Ashot Gabrelyanov, and the financial director of Aram Gabrelyanov’s structures, Andrey Mushkin.
According to Alisko, at the same time the same group of people (Tarasov, Bagdasarov and Andrey Mushkin) made a number of attempts to alienate other property of Alsiko (patents, trademarks, cash, cars) - in total, about 120 million rubles . Assistance in attempts to alienate trademarks from Rospatent, as follows from the discovered documents, was provided by a high-ranking official of the Presidential Administration, Anatoly Emelianenko, who, by an amazing coincidence, also turned out to be the godfather of Bagdasarov’s grandson.
The criminals transferred a number of assets to a Russian structure, Tseotreyresurs LLC, which belongs to Sofia Ashotovna Mirzoyan, presumably Gabrelyanov’s sister (the same one to whom, according to the Unified State Register of Legal Entities, Gabrelyanov’s media business, News Media OJSC, is registered). Many employees of Alsiko were transferred to the same structure, including the former general director Tarasov, and it was announced by the financial director of Gabrelyanov’s structures, the same Andrei Mushkin, who took an active part in the alienation of property from Alsiko to the Cyprus company TIG Mineral Resources Company Ltd. Thus, the entire Alsiko zeolite business came under the control of structures associated with Gabrelyanov.
The management of Alsiko leads documentation confirming the preliminary conspiracy of all these defendants. On the evening of February 5, 2013, at a meeting of another structure of the Alsiko Industrial Group, Alsiko-Resource LLC, a new general director was appointed instead of Tarasov, and the very next morning the Alsiko company gained access to all the documentation and managed to partially transport it to another office. At the same time, according to Alsiko, documents were uncovered that clearly confirm the preliminary conspiracy of the above-mentioned group of persons to seize the assets of Alsiko (preparations for which began almost six months before the events described). Two days later, on February 7, the company’s office was forcibly seized by the Alfa-Sigma private security company. Videos from surveillance cameras of this seizure have been preserved and the management of Alsiko claims that it clearly shows that Bagdasarov and Tarasov personally supervised the seizure. Alsiko suggests that these incriminating documents were the real purpose of the seizure. It is also curious that Samvel Mirzoyan (it is believed that Gabrelyanov’s nephew, the son of his sister Sofia Ashotovna Mirzoyan, who once worked for the newspaper Zhizn, who once worked for the newspaper Zhizn) was present at the seized office of Alsiko. Alsiko, citing Gabrelyanov’s friends, says that he is a former boxer , but this is doubtful, because in the “King of the Ring” show Samvel Mirzoyan suffered a crushing defeat from Nikita Dzhigurda). Samvel Mirzoyan, in a private conversation, proposed to Alsiko programmer V.I. Volnov. connect the company’s electronic payment systems (during the takeover of the company, they were blocked to prevent the theft of funds from current accounts). The programmer refused, after which the invaders began making payments by contacting banks directly. In this way, during the seizure over several days, Tarasov withdrew about 6.73 million rubles from the company’s accounts, including 5.47 million rubles. to the accounts of Melor OJSC and Promtseolite OJSC, whose shares had already been transferred to Gabrelyanov’s structures by that time.
And that is not all. The Alsiko company, of course, began to seek the return of assets through the courts. On November 1, 2013, Alsiko had an important court hearing scheduled with the Gabrelyanovsky offshore TIG Mineral Resources Company Ltd. In preparation for the court hearing, on October 31, the director of Alsiko took home some documents related to the case, including the originals, to present them to the court for review. When he arrived at the house and got out of the car, two unknown men attacked him, beat him and stole a briefcase with a laptop and documents related to this case. A criminal case has been opened into the attack under article “robbery”, but the perpetrators have not yet been found, and some of the original documents have been lost. The connection between the attackers and Gabrelyanov has not yet been established, but Alsiko does not believe in the “random” nature of this event.
However, by the decision of the Moscow Court of Appeal dated July 21, 2014, all agreements on the alienation of shares of Melor OJSC and Promtseolit ​​OJSC from the balance sheet of Zeomax LLC to Bagdasarov and his relatives were declared invalid. The court's decision entered into legal force.
In addition, Alsiko spent more than a year seeking to initiate a criminal case. However, the Internal Affairs Directorate for the Central Administrative District of Moscow repeatedly refused, citing that it could not find and interview the above-mentioned persons involved in the alienation of Alsiko property (although they were not hiding, it was well known where they live and work). But the same Department of Internal Affairs for the Central Administrative District almost immediately opened a case against one of the subsidiaries of the Alsiko group - Alsiko-Agroprom LLC, according to the same Bagdasarov. “Alsiko-Agroprom” has nothing to do with the events described above, and the basis for initiating the case was the fact that more than three years ago “Alsiko-Agroprom” made a payment for actually supplied chemical raw materials to the address (as later, during the investigation, it turned out) shell companies. The management of Alsiko-Agroprom LLC did not know about this nature of this company and did not check it, because the deal was carried out under the leadership of Bagdasarov himself and this shell company was proposed by him.
In general, since the 90s, the tactics of raiders have been known - after seizing enterprises, it is necessary to initiate criminal cases against the managers so that they cannot conduct active resistance to the invaders. Gabrelyanov’s employees Mushkin and Bagdasarov wrote a large number of statements to the “Alsiko” authorities to the Ministry of Internal Affairs and the Investigative Committee, and they were drawn up very carelessly: for example, it was stated that some individuals gave cash to the “Alsiko” structure in the amount of 35,116,818.78 rubles and 4,115,207.4 (not a penny more, not a penny less - evident from judicial acts!). Moreover, these amounts were transferred without any documents (receipts, etc.) in the Alsiko office on December 31, 2011, on the New Year's holiday, when the entire office center was closed and security services confirmed the absence of any visitors at all. The Presnensky District Court and the Moscow City Court also did not consider these statements convincing.
But while representatives of Alsiko are “drowning” in courts, interrogations and searches, the illegally alienated enterprises continue to work for the new owners, although not as successfully as Gabrelyanov expected - revenue at the enterprises has decreased significantly.
In the end, Alsiko managed to ensure that a criminal case regarding the theft of shares was nevertheless initiated, but for some reason it was combined with the same case No. 530257 for Alsiko-Agroprom and is being conducted by the same Department of Internal Affairs along the Central Administrative District, without giving it any movement.
If, nevertheless, the criminal case is brought to court, then it will not just be about the illegal alienation of shares (which has already been proven), but about raiding and the participants may face real sentences.
The Insider spoke with a representative of the injured party, Alsiko director Alexander Kazachenko, about some details of this case.
— Alexander, initially the conflict with Gabrelyanov arose due to the fact that he was dissatisfied with the lack of profit. Why, in fact, was there no profit?
“We found this out later; an independent audit showed that money was being withdrawn from the company through transactions with shell companies. This was done by the operational management of the company in the person of Alexey Tarasov, we only found out about this when we got access to the accounting department. I think Gabrelyanov did not know anything about these schemes, although his employee, Andrey Mushkin, partially participated in these schemes, we have documents about this. In addition, Gabrelyanov was dissatisfied with the fact that the project was not developing fast enough, although we tried to convince him that this was still an industrial production, it was not the same as publishing a newspaper: today he printed it, sold it tomorrow and the money came back. This is, after all, a plant, it has a certain payback period and depreciation. But he was not satisfied with the current growth rate.
— When did you realize that Gabrelyanov entered into an open conflict only after you discovered that you had already lost your shares?
“There was no conflict as such, we just realized this only a few months later when we asked the registrar for an extract that our company was no longer the owner of the business, and before that everything was going as usual.
— What was the role of Gabrelyanov Jr.?
— From the very beginning, Ashot Gabrelyanov was the Chairman of the Board of Directors of Tseomax LLC, and it was with him and Andrey Mushkin that we conducted most of the negotiations when their company TIG Mineral Resources Company Ltd entered the business. He approved business plans, budgets and other management documents, and chaired meetings. And also, in the end, it was he, together with Mushkin, Bagdasarov and Tarasov, who signed illegal documents according to which the alienation of shares from Tseomax LLC was approved. It’s personally difficult for me to imagine that Ashot Gabrelyanov and Andrey Mushkin could do anything serious in this business without the knowledge and sanction of Aram Ashotovich.
— And after the transfer of shares, the business began to belong to Gabrelyanov Sr.?
- The shares of these two industrial enterprises were transferred to a Cyprus company - TIG Mineral Resources Company Ltd. It was from this company that Aram Ashotovich had a dialogue with us when he bought a share in the business. Also, we have documents confirming that the representatives of this company in Russia with shareholder rights are Ashot Gabrelyanov and Andrey Mushkin.
Some of the other assets of Alsiko were transferred to the Russian LLC Tseotreidresurs, which is owned, according to the Unified State Register of Legal Entities, by Sofia Ashotovna Mirzoyan, who, we assume, is Gabrelyanov’s sister. She also owns, according to the extract, 99% of the shares of News Media OJSC (Aram Ashotovich himself, being the general director, has 1% of the shares) and other media structures of Gabrelyanov. That is, this is such a basic figure in Gabrelyanov’s business, the holder of his assets.
It was against this company, Tseotreyresurs, that Mushkin, Bagdasarov and Tarasov made three attempts to steal all Alsiko trademarks, about 82 signs. The attempts failed only thanks to the vigilance of Rospatent. Other Alsiko property was also transferred to this company, and also a number of Alsiko employees, mainly sales divisions, were lured to this company in order to continue the same business.
However, it is possible that the stolen shares have already been resold (this often happens in raider schemes). In any case, on Thursday, October 16, four more people showed up at the next trial along with Gabrelyanov’s lawyers (one of a marginal type, reminiscent of a homeless person), who stated that they were the owners of the shares alienated from Zeomax.
— Bagdasarov was your partner in Alsiko. How did he behave after the theft of shares was discovered?
“He stopped being a partner long before these events; more than five years ago he sold his shares, remaining just a hired manager. But, being an employee of the company, he had the opportunity to know everything from the inside and be well prepared. And after these events, he simply ran away abruptly, stopped coming to the office, to work, and even threw small personal items in his office - books, souvenirs, notebooks. A few days later, with the help of mutual friends, they managed to call him and invite him to a meeting to explain the situation, but, unfortunately, he ran away again and was apparently afraid to appear, since he had nothing to say in his own defense. The registrar, who had formalized the alienation of shares in violation of the law, also resigned. And Mushkin, Gabrelyanov’s employee, comes to monthly meetings, but behaves very unconstructively. For example, at some meetings he declares, “That I am not me, but simply look like my photo in my passport and cannot confirm my credentials.” And this despite the fact that Mushkin knows me well and is shown the entire volume of necessary documents for confirmation. Mushkin himself no longer shows any of his documents.
— Why were the Central Administrative District Internal Affairs Directorate so reluctant to take your application?
“They took the complaint normally, they just couldn’t initiate a criminal case for about a year. We were refused four times and were not helped with complaints to the prosecutor's office of the Central Administrative District, nor to the Moscow prosecutor's office, nor deputy requests, nor complaints to the security service, nor complaints to the reception of the Ministry of Internal Affairs - the Internal Affairs Directorate for the Central Administrative District still refused, citing the fact that they could not find for interrogation of Bagdasarov and his relatives who participated in the alienation of shares. Although they weren't hiding. Bagdasarov himself, in front of witnesses, said, literally word for word, the following: “I have enlisted the support of influential people and I am conducting the investigation in the Central Administrative District in a controlled manner.” We are ready to confirm this statement in court. Then, when we managed to transfer the case to the Moscow Department of Economic Security, Bagdasarov and Mushkin were quickly “found” and interrogated. The case was sent to the Main Investigation Department of the Moscow Ministry of Internal Affairs, but then sent back to the Internal Affairs Directorate of the Central Administrative District, where it is still stuck; they have not yet answered our questions. But the main thing is that a criminal case has already been initiated.
— If the court found the alienation of shares illegal, then control over the company and its assets should be returned to you?
— Yes, but this does not happen automatically; to restore property rights, separate lawsuits are needed, and things are going slowly, because, for some reason, we always lose in the first courts. In higher instances, where there are already more qualified judges, we win, but from our point of view, the legal issues here are quite simple, the violations of laws are obvious, so the behavior of the first instance judges causes us some surprise - some decisions, in our opinion, are obviously illegal . Not relating to the complainants in general, we were forced to pay attention to the behavior of some judges - both the leadership of the Arbitration Court and the qualification board.
— What is happening with production at the moment?
— Gabrelyanov convinced us that under his control production would go better, but everything turned out to be exactly the opposite. They lured several of our traders who had a client base, rented a separate office, moved there, but, according to our data, they never became profitable, the company’s turnover decreased significantly, and a number of key markets were lost.
— Have you already contacted other media?
— Various media outlets have approached us, including large federal ones, but they all ask for significant money for publications. But we don’t do this on principle - we are ready to discuss, we are ready to provide materials, but we will not order or pay for anything.
Separately, I want to emphasize that our situation is not perceived politically as an attack on the progressive and patriotic leaders of News Media OJSC - there is no politics in this situation, we have always been far from this and we are patriots ourselves, no less than some.
— What are your next steps?
— According to the law, members of the Board of Directors of the Company, as individuals, if their decisions caused damage to the Company, are obliged to compensate for the losses caused to the Company. Among those who voted illegally for the alienation of the assets of Zeomax LLC at a price almost 600 times lower than the market price are Ashot Gabrelyanov, Andrey Mushkin, Valery Bagdasarov and Alexey Tarasov. Now they should be prepared for billions of dollars in claims, and we are actually already preparing these claims.
Aram Gabrelyanov refused to comment to The Insider on the situation with the illegal alienation of shares, citing the fact that he had been “out of business for a long time” and suggested calling Andrei Mushkin. Andrei Mushkin first announced his readiness to comment on the situation, but since Monday (October 13) he could not send any explanations, and on Friday (October 17) he said that he would not give any comments, except that he considered “all the accusations that sound false.” “and that he has evidence of this, but he does not want to provide it and is only ready to contact law enforcement agencies if the material contains false information. The Insider is ready to supplement the material with a comment from the accused party as soon as she deigns to provide it.

His son Ashot, as well as a number of his partners, were involved in the case of the illegal alienation of shares of a mining company with a market value of more than a billion rubles. The arbitration court has already recognized the fact of “illegal alienation of shares” and now investigators are working on a criminal case in which the participants may face a criminal sentence.

The plot of this story is very simple. In 2009, the Gabrelyanovs’ company TIG Mineral Resources Company Ltd, registered in Cyprus, bought a 49% stake in Tseomax LLC, an enterprise that mines zeolites in the Oryol region. The second (and main) owner of Zeomax was a Russian company - the Alsiko industrial group.

Zeomax had 2 main assets:

OJSC Melor is a company engaged in the extraction of minerals. The main asset is a license for the Khotynets zeolite deposit, as well as a large number of various equipment (tractors, bulldozers, excavators, dump trucks, etc.). The market valuation of 100% of the company’s shares as of August 2012 (Otsenshchik LLC) is 889.5 million rubles.

OJSC Promzeolite is a plant that processes zeolite ore mined by OJSC Melor and produces finished products from it (products for pets, fertilizers, building materials). The enterprise includes several production and warehouse buildings, a lot of industrial equipment and machinery. The market valuation of 100% of the company’s shares as of August 2012 (Otsenshchik LLC) is 121.7 million rubles.

After some time, Aram Gabrelyanov, representing the Cyprus company TIG Mineral Resources Company Ltd, began to be indignant that the company was not making a profit. He wrote several letters to representatives of the Alsiko Industrial Group with a proposal to either buy out his share, or, conversely, transfer the company to him for management and the shares to be his property, for which he promised to pay in 5 years (letter of share buyout: 1, 2; letter of transfer of shares: 1, 2, 3). He argued that he could manage industrial assets much more successfully. The Alsiko Industrial Group was not satisfied with both of these options - there were no funds to buy out Gabrelyanov’s share (and Alsiko did not take on such obligations), and Alsiko would transfer the company into ownership and management to him, without any specific obligations and guarantees. " also considered unacceptable. Representatives of Alsiko tried to find a compromise - they offered to directly head Zeomax LLC and even give a majority on the board of directors of Zeomax LLC, but still not give up their share in ownership. Gabrelyanov was not satisfied with these compromises; he wanted to be the owner.
In January 2013, the management of Alsiko suddenly discovered that the shares of two industrial enterprises - Melor OJSC and Promtseolite OJSC - no longer belonged to their subsidiary, Zeomax LLC. As it turned out, Gabrelyanov managed to win over two members of the board of directors of Tseomax LLC - (Valery Bagdasarova [on the picture] and the former CEO of Tseomax Alexey Tarasov), and then pulled off a scheme where (as Alsiko claims) using forged documents and bypassing the procedures established by law, the company's shares were sold 250 times below book value and 600 times below market. Two industrial enterprises with equipment and real estate were sold for 1.8 million rubles - that kind of money cannot buy even one excavator. First, the shares were sold to Bagdasarov and his closest relatives (daughter and mother-in-law), and then resold to Gabrelyanov’s company - TIG Mineral Resources Company Ltd. Documents approving the alienation of shares were signed (except for Bagdasarov and Tarasov) by Gabrelyanov’s son Aram, Ashot Gabrelyanov, and the financial director of Aram Gabrelyanov’s structures, Andrey Mushkin.

According to Alisko, at the same time the same group of people (Tarasov, Bagdasarov and Andrey Mushkin) made a number of attempts to alienate other property of Alsiko (patents, trademarks, cash, cars) - in total, about 120 million rubles . Assistance in attempts to alienate trademarks from Rospatent, as follows from discovered documents, was provided by a high-ranking official Presidential Administration [head Sergey Ivanov - Ruspres]- Anatoly Emelianenko, who, by an amazing coincidence, also turned out to be the godfather of Bagdasarov’s grandson.

The criminals transferred a number of assets to a Russian structure, Tseotreyresurs LLC, which belongs to Sofia Ashotovna Mirzoyan, presumably Gabrelyanov’s sister (the same one to whom, according to the Unified State Register of Legal Entities, Gabrelyanov’s media business, News Media OJSC, is registered). Many employees of Alsiko were transferred to the same structure, including the former general director Tarasov, and it was announced by the financial director of Gabrelyanov’s structures, the same Andrei Mushkin, who took an active part in the alienation of property from Alsiko to the Cyprus company TIG Mineral Resources Company Ltd. Thus, the entire Alsiko zeolite business came under the control of structures associated with Gabrelyanov.

The management of Alsiko provides documents confirming the preliminary conspiracy of all these defendants.

On the evening of February 5, 2013, at a meeting of another structure of the Alsiko Industrial Group, Alsiko-Resource LLC, a new general director was appointed instead of Tarasov, and the very next morning the Alsiko company gained access to all the documentation and managed to partially transport it to another office. At the same time, according to Alsiko, documents were uncovered that clearly confirm the preliminary conspiracy of the above-mentioned group of persons to seize the assets of Alsiko (preparations for which began almost six months before the events described). Two days later, on February 7, the company’s office was forcibly seized by the Alfa-Sigma private security company. Videos from surveillance cameras of this seizure have been preserved and the management of Alsiko claims that it clearly shows that Bagdasarov and Tarasov personally supervised the seizure. Alsiko suggests that these incriminating documents were the real purpose of the seizure. It is also curious that Samvel Mirzoyan (it is believed that Gabrelyanov’s nephew, the son of his sister Sofia Ashotovna Mirzoyan, who once worked for the newspaper Zhizn, who once worked for the newspaper Zhizn) was present at the seized office of Alsiko. Alsiko, citing Gabrelyanov’s friends, says that he is a former boxer , but this is doubtful, because in the “King of the Ring” show Samvel Mirzoyan suffered a crushing defeat from Nikita Dzhigurda). Samvel Mirzoyan, in a private conversation, proposed to Alsiko programmer V.I. Volnov. connect the company’s electronic payment systems (during the takeover of the company, they were blocked to prevent the theft of funds from current accounts). The programmer refused, after which the invaders began making payments by contacting banks directly. In this way, during the seizure over several days, Tarasov withdrew about 6.73 million rubles from the company’s accounts, including 5.47 million rubles. to the accounts of Melor OJSC and Promtseolite OJSC, whose shares had already been transferred to Gabrelyanov’s structures by that time.

And that is not all. The Alsiko company, of course, began to seek the return of assets through the courts. On November 1, 2013, Alsiko had an important court hearing scheduled with the Gabrelyanovsky offshore TIG Mineral Resources Company Ltd. In preparation for the court hearing, on October 31, the director of Alsiko took home some documents related to the case, including the originals, to present them to the court for review. When he arrived at the house and got out of the car, two unknown men attacked him, beat him and stole a briefcase with a laptop and documents related to this case. A criminal case has been opened into the attack under article “robbery”, but the perpetrators have not yet been found, and some of the original documents have been lost. The connection between the attackers and Gabrelyanov has not yet been established, but Alsiko does not believe in the “random” nature of this event.

However, by the decision of the Moscow Court of Appeal dated July 21, 2014, all agreements on the alienation of shares of Melor OJSC and Promtseolit ​​OJSC from the balance sheet of Zeomax LLC to Bagdasarov and his relatives were declared invalid. The court's decision entered into legal force.

In addition, Alsiko spent more than a year seeking to initiate a criminal case. However, the Internal Affairs Directorate for the Central Administrative District of Moscow repeatedly refused, citing that it could not find and interview the above-mentioned persons involved in the alienation of Alsiko property (although they were not hiding, it was well known where they live and work). But the same Department of Internal Affairs for the Central Administrative District almost immediately opened a case against one of the subsidiaries of the Alsiko group - Alsiko-Agroprom LLC, according to the same Bagdasarov. “Alsiko-Agroprom” has nothing to do with the events described above, and the basis for initiating the case was the fact that more than three years ago “Alsiko-Agroprom” made a payment for actually supplied chemical raw materials to the address (as later, during the investigation, it turned out) shell companies. The management of Alsiko-Agroprom LLC did not know about this nature of this company and did not check it, because the deal was carried out under the leadership of Bagdasarov himself and this shell company was proposed by him.

In general, since the 90s, the tactics of raiders have been known - after seizing enterprises, it is necessary to initiate criminal cases against the managers so that they cannot conduct active resistance to the invaders. Gabrelyanov’s employees Mushkin and Bagdasarov wrote a large number of statements to the “Alsiko” authorities to the Ministry of Internal Affairs and the Investigative Committee, and they were drawn up very carelessly: for example, it was stated that some individuals gave cash to the “Alsiko” structure in the amount of 35,116,818.78 rubles and 4,115,207.4 (not a penny more, not a penny less - evident from judicial acts!). Moreover, these amounts were transferred without any documents (receipts, etc.) in the Alsiko office on December 31, 2011, on the New Year's holiday, when the entire office center was closed and security services confirmed the absence of any visitors at all. The Presnensky District Court and the Moscow City Court also did not consider these statements convincing.

But while representatives of Alsiko are “drowning” in courts, interrogations and searches, the illegally alienated enterprises continue to work for the new owners, although not as successfully as Gabrelyanov expected - revenue at the enterprises has decreased significantly.

In the end, Alsiko managed to ensure that a criminal case regarding the theft of shares was nevertheless initiated, but for some reason it was combined with the same case No. 530257 for Alsiko-Agroprom and is being conducted by the same Department of Internal Affairs along the Central Administrative District, without giving it any movement.

If, nevertheless, the criminal case is brought to court, then it will not just be about the illegal alienation of shares (which has already been proven), but about raiding and the participants may face real sentences.

The Insider spoke with a representative of the injured party, Alsiko director Alexander Kazachenko, about some details of this case.

— Alexander, initially the conflict with Gabrelyanov arose due to the fact that he was dissatisfied with the lack of profit. Why, in fact, was there no profit?

“We found this out later; an independent audit showed that money was being withdrawn from the company through transactions with shell companies. This was done by the operational management of the company in the person of Alexey Tarasov, we only found out about this when we got access to the accounting department. I think Gabrelyanov did not know anything about these schemes, although his employee, Andrey Mushkin, partially participated in these schemes, we have documents about this. In addition, Gabrelyanov was dissatisfied with the fact that the project was not developing fast enough, although we tried to convince him that this was still an industrial production, it was not the same as publishing a newspaper: today he printed it, sold it tomorrow and the money came back. This is, after all, a plant, it has a certain payback period and depreciation. But he was not satisfied with the current growth rate.

— When did you realize that Gabrelyanov entered into an open conflict only after you discovered that you had already lost your shares?

“There was no conflict as such, we just realized this only a few months later when we asked the registrar for an extract that our company was no longer the owner of the business, and before that everything was going as usual.

— What was the role of Gabrelyanov Jr.?

Ashot Gabrelyanov from the very beginning he was the Chairman of the Board of Directors of Zeomax LLC, and it was with him and Andrey Mushkin that we conducted most of the negotiations when their company TIG Mineral Resources Company Ltd entered the business. He approved business plans, budgets and other management documents, and chaired meetings. And also, in the end, it was he, together with Mushkin, Bagdasarov and Tarasov, who signed illegal documents according to which the alienation of shares from Tseomax LLC was approved. It’s personally difficult for me to imagine that Ashot Gabrelyanov and Andrey Mushkin could do anything serious in this business without the knowledge and sanction of Aram Ashotovich.

— And after the transfer of shares, the business began to belong to Gabrelyanov Sr.?

- The shares of these two industrial enterprises were transferred to a Cyprus company - TIG Mineral Resources Company Ltd. It was from this company that Aram Ashotovich had a dialogue with us when he bought a share in the business. Also, we have documents confirming that the representatives of this company in Russia with shareholder rights are Ashot Gabrelyanov and Andrey Mushkin.

Some of the other assets of Alsiko were transferred to the Russian LLC Tseotreidresurs, which is owned, according to the Unified State Register of Legal Entities, by Sofia Ashotovna Mirzoyan, who, we assume, is Gabrelyanov’s sister. She also owns, according to the extract, 99% of the shares of News Media OJSC (Aram Ashotovich himself, being the general director, has 1% of the shares) and other media structures of Gabrelyanov. That is, this is such a basic figure in Gabrelyanov’s business, the holder of his assets.

It was against this company, Tseotreyresurs, that Mushkin, Bagdasarov and Tarasov made three attempts to steal all Alsiko trademarks, about 82 signs. The attempts failed only thanks to the vigilance of Rospatent. Other Alsiko property was also transferred to this company, and also a number of Alsiko employees, mainly sales divisions, were lured to this company in order to continue the same business.

However, it is possible that the stolen shares have already been resold (this often happens in raider schemes). In any case, on Thursday, October 16, four more people showed up at the next trial along with Gabrelyanov’s lawyers (one of a marginal type, reminiscent of a homeless person), who stated that they were the owners of the shares alienated from Zeomax.

— Bagdasarov was your partner in Alsiko. How did he behave after the theft of shares was discovered?

“He stopped being a partner long before these events; more than five years ago he sold his shares, remaining just a hired manager. But, being an employee of the company, he had the opportunity to know everything from the inside and be well prepared. And after these events, he simply ran away abruptly, stopped coming to the office, to work, and even threw small personal items in his office - books, souvenirs, notebooks. A few days later, with the help of mutual friends, they managed to call him and invite him to a meeting to explain the situation, but, unfortunately, he ran away again and was apparently afraid to appear, since he had nothing to say in his own defense. One day, Ashot Gabrelyanov contacted the management of Alsiko by telegram, in which he appointed a general meeting of Tseomax LLC, but did not personally appear there, sending his representative to the meeting. Thus, Alsiko is unable to have any dialogue with representatives of TIG Mineral Resources Company Ltd; we are forced to follow the only possible legal path - to continue judicial practice and draw the attention of law enforcement agencies to the illegal nature of the activities of a number of individuals. The registrar, who had formalized the alienation of shares in violation of the law, also resigned. And Mushkin, Gabrelyanov’s employee, comes to monthly meetings, but behaves very unconstructively. For example, at some meetings he declares, “That I am not me, but simply look like my photo in my passport and cannot confirm my credentials.” And this despite the fact that Mushkin knows me well and is shown the entire volume of necessary documents for confirmation. Mushkin himself no longer shows any of his documents.

— Why were the Central Administrative District Internal Affairs Directorate so reluctant to take your application?

“They took the complaint normally, they just couldn’t initiate a criminal case for about a year. We were refused four times and were not helped with complaints to the prosecutor's office of the Central Administrative District, nor to the Moscow prosecutor's office, nor deputy requests, nor complaints to the security service, nor complaints to the reception of the Ministry of Internal Affairs - the Internal Affairs Directorate for the Central Administrative District still refused, citing the fact that they could not find for interrogation of Bagdasarov and his relatives who participated in the alienation of shares. Although they weren't hiding. Bagdasarov himself, in front of witnesses, said, literally word for word, the following: “I have enlisted the support of influential people and I am conducting the investigation in the Central Administrative District in a controlled manner.” We are ready to confirm this statement in court. Then, when we managed to transfer the case to the Moscow Department of Economic Security, Bagdasarov and Mushkin were quickly “found” and interrogated. The case was sent to the Main Investigation Department of the Moscow Ministry of Internal Affairs, but then sent back to the Internal Affairs Directorate of the Central Administrative District, where it is still stuck; they have not yet answered our questions. But the main thing is that a criminal case has already been initiated.

— If the court found the alienation of shares illegal, then control over the company and its assets should be returned to you?

— Yes, but this does not happen automatically; to restore property rights, separate lawsuits are needed, and things are going slowly, because, for some reason, we always lose in the first courts. In higher instances, where there are already more qualified judges, we win, but from our point of view, the legal issues here are quite simple, the violations of laws are obvious, so the behavior of the first instance judges causes us some surprise - some decisions, in our opinion, are obviously illegal . Not relating to the complainants in general, we were forced to pay attention to the behavior of some judges - both the leadership of the Arbitration Court and the qualification board.

— What is happening with production at the moment?

— Gabrelyanov convinced us that under his control production would go better, but everything turned out to be exactly the opposite. They lured several of our traders who had a client base, rented a separate office, moved there, but, according to our data, they never became profitable, the company’s turnover decreased significantly, and a number of key markets were lost.

— Have you already contacted other media?

— Various media outlets have approached us, including large federal ones, but they all ask for significant money for publications. But we don’t do this on principle - we are ready to discuss, we are ready to provide materials, but we will not order or pay for anything.

Separately, I want to emphasize that our situation is not perceived politically as an attack on the progressive and patriotic leaders of News Media OJSC - there is no politics in this situation, we have always been far from this and we are patriots ourselves, no less than some.

— What are your next steps?

— According to the law, members of the Board of Directors of the Company, as individuals, if their decisions caused damage to the Company, are obliged to compensate for the losses caused to the Company. Among those who voted illegally for the alienation of the assets of Zeomax LLC at a price almost 600 times lower than the market price are Ashot Gabrelyanov, Andrey Mushkin, Valery Bagdasarov and Alexey Tarasov. Now they should be prepared for billions of dollars in claims, and we are actually already preparing these claims.

Aram Gabrelyanov refused to comment to The Insider on the situation with the illegal alienation of shares, citing the fact that he had been “out of business for a long time” and suggested calling Andrei Mushkin. Andrei Mushkin first announced his readiness to comment on the situation, but since Monday (October 13) he could not send any explanations, and on Friday (October 17) he said that he would not give any comments, except that he considered “all the accusations that sound false.” “and that he has evidence of this, but he does not want to provide it and is only ready to contact law enforcement agencies if the material contains false information. The Insider is ready to supplement the material with a comment from the accused party as soon as she deigns to provide it.

The unprincipled LifeNews propagandist Aram Gabrelyanov found himself at the epicenter of a rather funny scandal. In fact, speaking of this, this is not even a scandal, but a childish response. Flowers... Unfortunately for Mr. “propagandist”, the berries will come later. It is unlikely that Aram Gabrelyanov himself will suffer from the correspondence opened by hackers; whether LifeNews will lose is clear.

The other day, Anonymous International posted a new batch of letters from Aram Gabrelyanov’s file, from which we learn some new details about his raider takeover of a business, foreign real estate, Navalny’s hacked correspondence and some other topics.

Aram Gabrelyanov found himself at the center of a scandal due to an attempt to illegally take over a large mining enterprise in the Oryol region. The unsealed correspondence of the LifeNews slave sheds light on some details of this case.

Let us recall that in January 2013, the owners and management of the Alsiko company discovered that the shares of their subsidiary Tseomax, using forged documents and bypassing the procedures established by law, were sold for next to nothing to Gabrelyanov’s structure. A company with two valuable assets (JSC Melor and JSC Promtseolite) associated with the mining and processing of zeolite ore were sold 250 times below book value and 600 times below market value - for only 1.8 million rubles, then there is a price for which you cannot buy even one excavator. As it turned out, Gabrelyanov managed to win over two members of the board of directors of Zeomax LLC (Valery Bagdasarov and former CEO of Zeomax Alexey Tarasov).

Documents approving the alienation of shares were signed (except for Bagdasarov and Tarasov) by Gabrelyanov’s son Aram, Ashot Gabrelyanov (for a long time it was believed that the Kremlin project would go to him) and the financial director of Aram Gabrelyanov’s structures, Andrei Mushkin.

Alsiko director Alexander Kazachenko began suing the stock thieves, and on the eve of an important court hearing, two unknown men attacked him, beat him and stole a briefcase with a laptop and documents related to this case. And yet, Kazachenko’s court won - on July 21, 2014, all agreements on the alienation of shares of Melor OJSC and Promtseolit ​​OJSC from the balance sheet of Zeomax LLC to Bagdasarov and his relatives were declared invalid. The court's decision entered into legal force.

In the correspondence posted by Anonymous International several details of this case can be found. So, for example, in August, CFO Mushkin offers Gabrelyanov to sell their zeolite business for $35 million. This is 777 times more expensive than the price at which Gabrelyanov himself took possession of the shares a few months earlier.

And here is another letter, from which it follows that Gabrelyanov also “dumped” Valery Bagdasarov (Rachikovich is his patronymic) who helped him in the scam involving the alienation of shares:

Another story is connected with the penthouse that Gabrelyanov was looking for for himself in Cap Antibes... We will tell you about this soon.

Here's an example from real life. In 2012, a subsidiary of the ALSICO Industrial Group, TSEOMAX LLC, through the illegal alienation of 100% of its shares, immediately lost two of its industrial enterprises in the Oryol region engaged in the extraction and processing of zeolites - Melor OJSC and Promzeolite OJSC. According to experts, the total market value of the enterprises at that time was more than one billion rubles. True, the “loss” was not discovered immediately, but only several months later, when ALSICO management requested extracts from the official registrar and discovered that the business no longer belonged to them. Even more interesting details emerged during the trial. It turned out that former employees of the company and business partners, including the famous media tycoon Aram Gabrelyanov, were behind the “mysterious disappearance” of assets.

“In 2009, the Cypriot company TIG Minerel Resource Company Ltd., whose interests in Russia are represented by Aram Gabrelyanov’s son, Ashot Gabrelyanov, and an employee of his media holding, Andrei Mushkin, bought a 49% stake in TSEOMAX. But, apparently, this was not enough for them - they wanted to become full-fledged owners of the entire business, so after some time Aram Gabrelyanov, on behalf of TIG Minerel Resources Company Ltd., wrote to the management of ALSICO with a proposal to give his share to him for management, promising to pay off in a few years,” says General Director of the ALSIKO group Alexander Kazachenko.“But since there were no agreements with him on the transfer of our share of assets and he did not give us any specific guarantees, we refused him. And soon we learned that both industrial enterprises of ZEOMAX no longer belong to us.”

As the court later found, the company’s shares, using forged documents and bypassing the procedures established by law, were sold to former ALSICO shareholder Valery Bagdasarov and his daughter Sabina Danielyan for a ridiculous amount of 1.8 million rubles. which is almost 550 times lower than the actual market value. But here’s what’s interesting: the documents on the alienation of assets were signed by Ashot Gabrelyanov and Andrey Mushkin. Further events developed as follows: after some time, the Bagdasarov family resold the shares they had acquired so inexpensively to that same Cypriot offshore, but for $2 million. And his representatives, having almost immediately gained control over OJSC Melor and OJSC Promtseolite, tried to resell these enterprises at their real value for $35 million. This often happens in raider schemes. However, the new offshore business owners were prevented from realizing their plans by the court, which imposed a ban on further resale of the assets of the seized companies. It also became known that the same group of people participated in the seizure of other ALSICO property.

A spoke in the wheels

The management of ALSICO, of course, began to seek the return of the enterprises through the courts. But this turned out to be not so easy.

“Our opponents, apparently implementing well-known raider tactics, wrote statements against ALSICO to law enforcement agencies, including the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the Investigative Committee and even the FSB,” continues Alexander Kazachenko. “They spoke openly about their high patrons. But after all the checks, it turned out that the statements were false. They also tried to mislead the courts. Nevertheless, we managed to prove that we were right. The courts, including the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation, recognized the transactions on the alienation of shares as invalid; they directly indicated that the documents were fake. They also confirmed the damage caused to enterprises by the invaders’ actions—about 500 million rubles. But so far we have not been able to return the seized assets.”

As it turned out, recognition of the illegality of the alienation of shares does not automatically return control over the companies to the rightful owners. To restore ownership, you need to reclaim property from someone else's illegal possession. And these are separate claims.

“Now we are dealing with them, but they continue to put a spoke in our wheels. Thus, in relation to our enterprise “ZEOMAX”, we believe that a false debt to third parties was fabricated in the amount of more than 300 million rubles, - says Alexander Kazachenko. — At the same time, our opponents, without our participation, although we are the owners of a controlling stake, held a meeting of the founders of TsEOMAX and transferred the registration of the company from Moscow to Orel. Apparently, there they expect to find support from former government officials and influence the outcome of the process. In addition, in Moscow courts they are already known as raiders - court decisions directly indicate this. But we hope for the triumph of justice.”

All these actions, ALSICO is confident, are carried out with one goal - to cause damage and bankrupt ZEOMAX. There will be no place to return the stolen enterprises. In the meantime, representatives of the injured party are “drowning” in the courts, illegally alienated enterprises continue to work for the new owners, although not so successfully.

“The first two years, according to our data, things weren’t going well for them. At first, in order to ensure uninterrupted shipment of goods, they lured several traders from ALSICO, but still lost some key markets and a number of partners,” says Alexander Kazachenko.

Seeing your business being “killed,” the interlocutor admits, was hard. In the Khotynetsky district of the Oryol region there is a unique deposit of zeolites. But to master it, it took a lot of effort, money and time. Everything had to start from scratch: they explored the deposit, developed it, then built a plant - all this in an open field. And only a few years later the first products appeared. Every year production volumes grew, enterprises developed.

But it turns out that if someone likes your business, it will be taken away at any moment. And this is in the 21st century! We have a stable country in which you can and should plan your future, develop your business, believing that a person with high patrons will never come and take away what he liked with impunity. After all, this causes great harm, first of all, to the business climate in Russia.