How much does a junior teacher earn - Vacancies and salaries. Orders to increase the salaries of teachers When in Bashkiria they will increase the salaries of teachers

The work of a teacher in the Russian Federation is paid entirely from the state budget, with the exception of work in private kindergartens. But today there is much less work in commercial organizations if we compare the number of vacancies from private and public employers.

Already in 2017, the increase in the salary fund for teachers is systematically stopped; now the incomes of educators remain at a relatively low level. In general, educators could not boast competitive salaries even among their closest colleagues. One can only guess how much teachers' salaries will be increased in 2018. Most of the salary fund was spent on raises for subject teachers. Until now, whether educators’ salaries will be increased in 2018 remains relevant and quite pressing for specialists in this field.

Increase in salaries for teachers in 2018

In terms of salaries, the year can be called a year of disappointment for educators. Hopes for wage indexation were in vain; in fact, they did not happen. The prospects for the future growth of teachers’ salaries are also quite vague. Will teachers' salaries be increased in 2018? We can expect qualitative changes in a positive direction.

On the topic “teacher salaries in 2018,” the latest news is as follows: officials promised to index and increase the salary. This year there is nothing to please specialists in material terms. According to the government, there is virtually no money in the current budget to index teachers’ salaries.

Indexation of salaries for teachers in 2018

The indexation of salaries for teachers will definitely take place in 2018 in accordance with the tasks that the President officially set for the government:

  • reduce queues at nurseries and kindergartens;
  • annually index salaries for teachers in preschool institutions. Unfortunately, by mid-2017 the tasks cannot be considered fully completed. The current state of affairs has provoked the departure of a large number of young specialists from the profession.

In order to significantly improve the financial situation of educators, it is necessary to allocate several trillion rubles. It is unknown whether the Government was able to allocate such an amount to the salary fund. According to the current situation, we can note only the minimum indexation for each teacher of 200 rubles. The salary level also depends on the region. Salaries in Moscow are the highest due to various bonuses. In general, the amount varies from 20 to 50 thousand rubles. If we are talking about a provincial rural kindergarten, the salary here will not rise above 12 thousand rubles, with rare exceptions. Some sources suggest that educators from the provinces will improve their financial situation by 200 percent. The salary of a teacher in 2018 will become higher due to a large number of special allowances. According to other data, the indexation of teachers’ salaries in 2018.

Salaries of teaching assistants in 2018

An increase in the salaries of teachers in 2018 is quite possible, but what about their assistants? The position of an assistant teacher cannot be called quite in demand and prestigious. Salaries here are quite low and the issue of increasing the income of these specialists has always been relevant. With a high workload, the salary for the position currently varies from 6 to 15 thousand rubles. In Moscow, these figures are slightly higher - up to 20 thousand rubles. According to the government, salaries will be indexed in 2018. We can hope for a 3-5 percent increase in salaries for teaching assistants.

You might be interested.

Private and public preschool educational institutions, as well as pedagogical specialists, are always in demand by society. Therefore, the number of kindergartens increases every year. First, working parents can confidently entrust their children to qualified professionals. Secondly, it is in the conditions of kindergarten that a child goes through one of the important stages in the development of his personality: here he acquires knowledge about the world around him, norms and rules of behavior in society.

A child’s comfortable stay, the implementation of the educational process, in a preschool educational institution is ensured by the joint efforts of: the head, senior teacher, music director, psychologist, speech therapist, physical development instructor, teacher, junior teacher, cooks, nurse, caretaker, housekeeper.

This is what the management structure of a preschool educational institution looks like

Great responsibility for the formation of a small personality rests with the kindergarten teacher. However, emotional and heartfelt attachment to children alone is not enough. There are many criteria according to which the head of the preschool educational institution appoints people to this position. The educator is responsible for the care, supervision, training and development of children of toddler and preschool age.

The teacher must have not only pedagogical knowledge, but also be competent in the field of child psychology. After all, a small person is just beginning to explore the objective world, the sphere of living and inanimate nature, learning to build relationships with peers and adults, and making his first attempts at creative activity.

At the same time, the teacher is obliged to lay in the child’s mind the correct ideas about the world around him, as well as to ensure development in such areas as cognitive-speech, communicative-personal, artistic-aesthetic and physical.

High demands are placed on modern educators: they must have a higher pedagogical education in the specialty “Preschool Pedagogy and Psychology”, strive for self-development and advanced training, and know the Federal State Educational Standard for preschool education. Working with a large number of children is unthinkable without an assistant teacher.

He carries out sanitary and hygienic measures in the group, taking into account the age of the children, organizes work to help them learn self-care skills, and provides all possible assistance to the teacher in carrying out health procedures for children.

The senior educator determines work goals, plans, organizes, and controls the activities of teaching staff.

Average salary of teaching staff in Russia

Although the teaching profession is considered one of the most in demand, sometimes it is not always possible to attract valuable employees to this position due to low salaries.

In general, the average salary of preschool education employees in Russia in recent years varies from 4 thousand to 40 thousand rubles. According to the latest data, the monthly average salary of teachers in 2019 in some large and small localities is (in rubles):

  1. Moscow – 8.000–42.000.
  2. Odintsovo – 23.000.
  3. St. Petersburg – 8,000–40,000.
  4. Tolyatti – 9.000–12.000
  5. Voronezh – 6.150-12.000
  6. Krasnodar – 13.000
  7. Krasnoyarsk – 9.000–23.000
  8. Novosibirsk – 14.800.
  9. Leningrad region - 24,000.
  10. Sverdlovsk region – 21,000.
  11. Magadan region – 26,000.
  12. Kaluga region – 25,000.
  13. Yekaterinburg – 16.000–17.000.
  14. Perm – 11.000–13.000.
  15. Moscow region - 14.000.
  16. Altai Territory – 13,000–15,000.
  17. Altai Republic – 17.000–19.000.
  18. Simferopol – 10.000–12.000.
  19. Sevastopol – 19.000.

In villages, the average salary of a teacher does not exceed 10 thousand rubles.

Teacher assistants are mainly students who work part-time in their free time, or women with specialized secondary education. The salary of an assistant teacher is lower. In particular, in a Moscow kindergarten it ranges from 5,500 to 18,000 rubles, in St. Petersburg - from 7,000 rubles.

Salary for an assistant teacher in a kindergarten

In the Kirov region, a nanny receives 6,600 rubles, in the Krasnodar Territory - 8,500 rubles. However, private kindergartens located in other regions provide the opportunity for teacher assistants to receive a salary of up to 21,000 rubles.

The position of deputy head of VMR in Russia is highly paid in Moscow and the Moscow region. The salary is 35,000 rubles. and 32,500 rub. respectively. In second place is Kirovsk, in third place is the Magadan region. For senior educators in Russia, as of November 21, 2017: 43.7% of employers offer salaries from 13,000 to 24,700 rubles; 31.1% of offers with a salary from 1,300 to 13,000 rubles; and 19.9% ​​with a salary from 24,700 to 36,400 rubles.

Among the teaching positions that are paid at high rates in Russia is the specialty “boarding school teacher.” The average salary is 26,667 rubles.

Often teachers are on duty at the boarding school at night. For this, a 20% increase in salary is given. A teacher's work lasting more than ten hours a day is paid twice as much. It is these accruals that significantly increase the level of wages of teachers in orphanages.

The salaries of teachers working with children of toddler and preschool age in Russia, regardless of teaching experience, are lower than the salaries of teachers working in schools. In this regard, the problem of increasing the degree of financial support for preschool educational institutions employees is very relevant today.

On the issue of increasing wages for teaching staff involved in preschool education

Teachers' salaries were indexed in 2018. For this, from the state. 180 billion rubles were allocated from the treasury of the Russian Federation, and 340 billion rubles from the regional budget. By order of the President of the Russian Federation, the salary for educators working in extended day groups was increased by only 6-8%, and for teachers - 5.5%.

This is despite the fact that actual inflation, equal to twelve percent, is twice the premium. The expected significant increase did not occur. Periodically, the salaries of teaching staff at all levels of education are indexed in accordance with changes in the country's economy.

An increase in the salary of an assistant teacher is made if the employee has worked for five years in a preschool educational institution. The minimum incidence rate of children per month is also taken into account.

However, recently the staff of kindergartens has been reduced. This is due to a shortage of funds in the state budget. At the same time, the workload on staff remains, and the profession of educator among young people continues to be unclaimed.

Teacher salary calculation

In order to calculate the salary of a teacher, you need to know the size of the base salary, teaching general and continuous work experience, additional education, quarterly bonuses, incentives, regional - northern and district allowances ranging from 15 to 35%, qualification category (second, first, highest ). These factors are determined by local governments.

In this regard, they are different in each individual region. The tariff for qualification is calculated depending on the qualification group. The lowest is ninth. In this regard, young teachers receive much less than experienced specialists.

The following factors influence the increase in salary:

  • working hours up to 12 hours for five days a week (if the teacher works in two shifts, replacing another employee);
  • conducting club work and additional classes;
  • night shifts in boarding schools;
  • organizing and conducting classes for children to learn foreign languages;
  • work in specialized groups (speech therapy, ophthalmology) - 15-20% bonus;
  • part-time job with another position – 10% increase in salary.

Employees of private preschool institutions and children's development centers who recruit small groups have the largest sums of money.

Increase in salaries for teachers in 2019 in Russia

According to representatives of the government apparatus, most of the finances go to the formation of salaries of workers in the social and educational spheres. Despite the fact that the authorities regularly increase the income of public sector employees, information about whether the salaries of educators will be increased in 2019 is of interest to everyone. After all, several years ago the authorities promised to significantly increase salaries for preschool education workers.

The ability to raise other people's children is not given to everyone. Not everyone can boast of tolerance towards children. Therefore, it is difficult for teachers who work not at the behest of their hearts, but out of financial need, to achieve success in this profession.

It is simply necessary to index the salaries of educators in 2019, because today their professional activities are paid extremely low. It is impossible to fulfill your functional duties with pleasure for 15 thousand rubles.

According to “official” statistics, a teacher, regardless of region, on average earns at least 25 thousand rubles per month. But practice shows something else; in most regions, teachers receive 9,000-16,000 rubles.

Where else to go

  • In our kindergartens in Chelyabinsk, everything depends on the heads and methodologists, I don’t know why. If you like me, you will get 16 thousand, but a simple teacher gets 11 thousand. You also need to buy manuals and other materials important for work. If you need something, they say right away - work with your parents, collect money from them. We are being set up.

  • Groups overcrowded with children (30 people per teacher), miserable wages, an eternal shortage of nannies, working in two shifts. It seems that a teacher is the most unnecessary profession. The main thing is that the salaries of deputies and officials increase, otherwise their well-fed faces will suddenly lose weight. And they need to work day and night for the “good” of the people.

  • I agree with Anastasia’s opinion. We buy with our own money all the teaching materials for the work, as well as everything that the group requires, even electronic thermometers. They incentivize this with points, but this is wrong. Before the award, like chained people, they run around in groups and look for something to attach themselves to, so that there will be a remark. As a rule, they “suck it out of your finger.” Thankless and disrespected work.

  • And the manager didn’t give a damn about the collective agreement, which says everything that was stated in the Agreement dated December 23, 2016. Everything is perfect for GIT; for the education department, deceiving teachers with payment is a complete saving; and we are shamed for not understanding the difficult situation in the country. But we are not even allowed to read the regulations on incentive payments, thanks to which there is open manipulation of educators.

    • Let me ask you how you are not familiar with the provisions on the distribution of incentive payments? When you sign the order for incentive payments, doesn’t it indicate the basis for establishing the payment? When applying for a job, aren’t you asked to familiarize yourself with the local regulations in force in the institution? I myself am involved in the distribution of compensation and incentive payments and I am interested in how this process is carried out in other institutions.

      • And I will answer you, it is difficult to manipulate several people, but it is very easy to manipulate a mass. Our entire city gives part of the salary to the manager, but no one can declare their rights, much less be outraged publicly! Finding a job is difficult. As a result, our salary slips are very beautiful, but we get pennies.

        In our kindergarten, incentives are distributed by the head and methodologist. At the meeting, one asked: “When will a distribution commission be created?” The manager quickly covered her mouth, screamed, and stomped her feet. People, I have never seen such savagery, for my favorites - that’s all, for the rest - what’s left. And they don’t forget their loved ones. Such a kindergarten is located in the Krasnoyarsk Territory, ZATO village Solnechny, No. 4 “Zvezdochka”.

      • In our kindergartens, the criteria for evaluating the work of teachers were drawn up by a group of managers (because, according to the economist, they manage the kindergarten’s incentive fund and themselves are involved in the distribution of the incentive fund. The stricter the criteria, the greater the savings, the more targeted the fund). They tried to create such criteria so that the teacher would not have the opportunity to give himself an extra point for his work. And in fact, there really is nothing to put on your score sheet. Incentives - pennies.

      • Our commission distributes the bonus, but still submits it to management for review. And there are their own amendments. Here as everywhere else. The favorites always get the most. No one explains to whom how much they gave less or more for what. Only in a hurry the orders will be given for review in a month. Everyone can familiarize themselves with the regulations. Information at the stand. What does familiarization with the Regulations change?

        They often offer to simply sign in the journal that they have read it. Or just in a table that you attach to just about anything. Most often in hindsight. And God forbid you ask a question. I work in a correctional group with mental retardation, the last graduating class had 21 children, this one has 17. The salary is less than in the mass group. And at least ask...

        Evgeniya, what are you talking about?! After merging with the school, we see nothing. It's the same in our garden. They signed for the collective agreement for us or under the pretext “if we don’t like it, we’re free,” although we didn’t see it in person. How and for what points and incentives are awarded is also not known... This year the “supervision and care” column was changed to “incentive payment” outside the budget. The salary was raised, all additional payments were cut. We know what it takes to participate in competitions, olympiads, additional training, etc. points are awarded, but this year the bonus was awarded once, on Teacher’s Day. They charge money “erroneously”, then force them to return it - they made a mistake from above... In this case, a payslip is issued with this amount, i.e. they are not afraid of anything. The commission for the distribution of incentives existed only for the first year. Further - as more as the management wants. When employees request income certificates, completely different amounts appear there. Teachers are also charged mythical amounts by the end of the school year and then asked to return... First, by cutting 3 teachers into two groups under the guise of a schedule, they “raised” our salaries... now we got to the nannies - the salary was raised in April and one nanny is split between two groups or goes to school to wash the floors, etc. Garden in Moscow.

    • New employment contracts should have been concluded with you, which should specify all the criteria for which they are paid. When people know less, they are easier to deceive. You need to know your rights.

  • This is fine. This is capitalism, the labor market. There will be no one willing to work for pennies, wages will rise. Otherwise, it will be necessary to close kindergartens, and this will create social tension with all that it entails. In the meantime, there is a queue of people who want to receive “at least some money”, why should you pay more? You yourself chose the executive and legislative authorities, so everything is fine! My sister is a teacher, salary is 9 thousand rubles.

  • I work as a teacher in the municipal kindergarten Ivanovo (June 2017)
    The salary is net 11,500.
    It is impossible to survive, only my husband supports me.
    I worked 12 years ago in Moscow - it was much easier, now it feels like we are teaching at a university, constantly gluing something, cutting out things, competitions, holidays, performances - I no longer have the strength. If we don’t do it, we won’t receive incentives, because... salary is about 4738 rubles!
    In quiet times, we don’t raise our heads from plans, they demand everything in electronic form + we are preparing materials for classes, there are 25 hyperactive kids in the group, and the salary doesn’t even think about getting up.

    I’m thinking about leaving, because the work is very hard, and, unfortunately, you can’t survive on the love of children!

  • I work as a teacher in Rostov. The teaching experience is 30 years, the highest category, and the salary is 16 thousand net, for young educators - 11-12 thousand. How can you live on such a salary? The cry of the soul - why is the work of a teacher assessed so low, while at the same time you dedicate a decent amount of your health to preschool education? At the same time, having earned a pension of 7 thousand for 30 years of experience. Shame, there is deception everywhere! Although the pay in the region and incentives are decent. And here is a city of a million! The desire to work in kindergarten completely disappears! It's better to become a nanny.

  • June 2017. Perm region. With a high school diploma, I worked as a teacher for 3,200. I have no time for children at all, because... The teacher is constantly pulled, in addition, the parents say to his face: “You are a servant!” I also carried my work home and until late at night there were only plans and plans, cutting, pasting, entertaining in every possible way, and we got a hat from our parents and bosses. Now it seems like 10,260 - of which 1,500 is tax = 8,500 rubles in hand. It’s the same with the work of a teacher, the parents are even more aggressive, because everyone wants 5, sometimes they sit in class, “check” how the teacher conducts the lessons, so that they can crap behind their back. The salary of a nanny in a kindergarten is also 10,260, the work is physical, but there is less responsibility and she does not carry work home, and her salary is no different from the salary of a teacher.

  • Teacher in the Saratov region, in the city of Marks. With clean hands, 11,000 rubles. It’s impossible to work: points, paint, whitewash, wash, three. There is a lot of paperwork, no time for children.

              • That's for sure.

              • Let the hell out of this job all at once, let the parents raise them themselves and stay at home! Maybe then the government began to think about it, but what to think about...

              • The job of a teacher is thankless, hard work.
                There is no need to make enemies out of parents!
                Girls, this is your protection, you need to tell them about your difficulties.
                When parents find out that their children were stuffed into a group (violating sanitary standards), like a herring in a jar, it will become clear why they are overexcited and sick. When they find out your salary, they will carry the paper themselves.
                And they don’t care about the kindergarten administration, let them be afraid. Only then will they begin to restore order.

              • I read the reviews and was shocked. I am from Kamchatka, I work as a teacher. My salary is 8110, salary is 30,000. But they provide for us, money is allocated for the project. material, teaching literature (although I buy a lot myself), art materials, etc... But the salary is not exceeded, with a salary of 7000, with a salary of 8110 I get all the same 30,000. But our prices are wow, that these 30,000 are not enough... I don’t know how nannies and single mothers live... It’s absolutely brutal...

              • (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || ).push());

              • This is exactly how it should be, but we will not live to see it. Bureaucrats believe that Russian women are two-core. We are ashamed of our children, we cannot provide for them, what are they to blame for?

              • I agree with all the comments. Teachers are the most miserable profession. I think no one will ever hear us unless we all ring the bells of justice together.

              • Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug, Tazovsky, Far North. The salary is 5500, both for the teacher and for the social worker. teacher Young teachers are paid 12-14 thousand. A loaf of bread is 50 rubles. Milk - 90 rub. kg of meat - 500 rub. Parents and bosses do not value young people at all. After 2 months work, health problems began due to nervousness. Gone. Nothing to regret.

              • Voronezh region. The same. We survive. There are many children in groups. There are even more requirements for the quality of OOD, plans and everything else. It seems that educators owe everything to everyone, but no one owes them anything.

              • Shame on the deputies! They can receive a salary from the budget in the amount of 300,000 thousand rubles. But there is no money for kindergarten workers. They themselves would work with 25 or more children for that salary. Deputies, look where the money from the budget goes. The Central Bank is rescuing banks that have transferred all the funds into their pockets abroad, and kindergarten workers receive poverty wages.

              • After all, no one will read these comments, these cries of the soul! People studied, getting an education, constantly some kind of advanced training, additional tasks and assignments, endless checks, daily hassle “how to finish the day without an emergency” and in the evening “thank God, everyone is alive and well”!
                After two shifts I have no strength to look after my own children. But there are not enough teachers, there are no nannies. Parents are unhappy. Why did you need to study at the university to stand in the market? And who should I complain to? The king is far away, God is high...

              • Dear teachers, music directors and other preschool workers! Low bow to you for your hard labor! Fight for yourself, declare yourself, write collective letters to the president about your miserable salary, your administration, to the Ministry of Education, look for all possible ways, achieve a decent standard of living. You deserved this long ago, not the deputies and officials.

              • Girls, you are right! I have been working as a teacher for 11 years, I am 62 years old. Before that she worked as an accountant. It's a thankless job. There are 30 children in the group, and there is a constant shortage of nannies and teachers. The demands are exorbitant, but there is no help. The union remains silent, only collecting monthly dues. The deputies should be put on our salary and pension. Let's see how they sing then!

              • Tver region Ped. experience - 21 years. The same problems - salaries from 10-13. Purchasing the necessary materials for working with children. Repair of the garden, playground equipment, equipment on the site - at the expense of the parents. How long will this chaos continue throughout Russia?

              • I'm also a teacher. I have been working for 17 years. I am a third generation teacher. Altai region. I live in a village. I get 11,000. In general, we have undergone optimization: one manager for 6 gardens, and the managers remained her assistants. Now, in order to receive additional payments, you need to remain silent. If you go around and figure out why and how, you are morally oppressed, they ask your parents to write complaints against the teacher, and all that. But I remember how since childhood I dreamed of being a teacher. And now I regretted 1000 times that I went. My mother worked for 45 years in a kindergarten, there was still the USSR, she received 80 rubles, and we had everything we wanted, we went on vacation every year, but now? They want us women to work until we are 65! Girls, it’s scary, will we live to a happy old age with our stress, psyche, and health? And our state, excuse the expression, doesn’t give a damn how you live on a meager pension; no person, no problem. But I was born in the USSR, and I could not remain silent, I was taught to be fair and honest. Dear teachers! Patience, love! If we are united, we may achieve something, but otherwise there is no point. We need fair trade unions, but they don’t exist!

                I have been working as a teacher for more than 30 years in a correctional kindergarten for children with disabilities, autism, and Down syndrome. Salary 11,000 - 15,000 rubles. And incentive pay is like this: if the manager likes it, it will be 4000 rubles, if not, then it will be 1500 rubles. enough. I was on sick leave or on study leave - that means nothing at all.

              • How can I tell the president what a disgrace is happening in preschool education? There are also children with disabilities. In my group, a girl is mentally unbalanced. Beats everyone. It's worth crying. Why should normal children suffer?

              • Derbent. The average salary of a teacher as of May 2018 is net 9,800 rubles. Incentives depend on the manager - from 900 to 2,500 rubles. And if you are on sick leave for several days, you will be left without incentives at all.
                And how much is required: daily plans, statements, open classes, etc.

                July 2018. Salary in Krasnodar is about 19,000 rubles. in your arms. There are 60 children in my group, with 31 beds. There are 44-48 per teacher. Age - 4 years. What kind of educational activities can we talk about?

              • I have been working in Tatarstan near Kazan in a kindergarten for more than 13 years. 2 years ago our salaries were raised, but rates were cut. Those. we work 6 hours a day. Result: salaries have decreased (15 thousand in hand), and most importantly, we do not have teaching experience, because Almost all of us work at 0.83 rates. There is no hope for the trade union or the government, everyone knows very well about the current situation, but no one wants to see our problems!

              • September 2018, Lipetsk. Salary - 10-11 thousand. The manager says that if our government needed us, they would give us a good salary. Otherwise, she doesn’t violate anything, she pays her salary, and the amount of incentives is her business.

              • In our kindergarten, junior teachers have had their minimum wage increased since September of this year (17,000); teachers have the same salary, some even less. They asked where they would get the money for promotion? We were told from your incentives. It turns out that our salary will be even lower. Where's the justice? You work like a horse, not only are you at work, but you also come home and prepare for the next working day.

              • Katerina, I completely agree with you. We have the same situation. Kindergarten, Perm city. They also say that the government has rated you this way, you don’t provide paid services, incentives are a minus, etc. We received 10,000 final salary and 5,000 advance payment, that’s it, don’t wait any longer. There is no bonus for Teacher’s Day or New Year. So you’re thinking about how to live on, plus I work for two gardens, because it’s easy to hang yourself at one rate.

              • Tears are welling up because of what is happening in our country! Is it true! Recently on the radio I heard a statement from one “deputy”: “The state does not ask you to give birth to children and should not help you, but the parents themselves should.” Here is the answer to your guesses about the uselessness of children by the state. Dear Russia, what are they doing to you?! I myself worked as a teacher for 2 shifts, and when I took a paycheck, I also took a pill under my tongue, because I couldn’t calm down without a pill. This salary—12,000—for such colossal work was so morally crushing. And I studied for 8 years. First at college for 4 years, then at university for 4 years. This, of course, is nothing to be proud of. And it’s really the manager who decides. It would be better if they gave everyone a fixed 25,000, and the younger ones 20,000. Everyone would perform their duties better, and the money wouldn’t end up where it’s not needed! The country would have healed more calmly and confidently. Lord, save Russia from thieves...

              • I read them all and am overcome with horror. What will happen next? I'm from Kamchatka. Experience - 9 years. We try the same thing, we work day and night, sometimes cutting, sometimes using glue, sometimes teaching roles. Girls, I want to wish you before the New Year - may your cherished wishes come true! Hold on!

              • Hello site users! I agree with every word, colleagues.
                In our preschool institutions in the Sverdlovsk region, the city of Kachkanar, the situation is exactly the same.
                After the transition to autonomous provision of wages, as already written above, management establishes
                some get a bigger piece, some get a minimum. You need to participate in all competitions, and one point is 200-300 rubles. If there are debts on parental fees, there are no points. We also work without nannies and 12-hour shifts.
                I would like to believe that someday our hellish work will be appreciated. After all, we have such a complex and important mission.
                Irina 45 years old

              • Yes, teacher assistants in kindergarten have had their salaries increased since February 2019, but they immediately started cutting their salaries, that is, they leave the assistant alone for two groups, plus she must stay for dinners. That is, arrive at 8 o'clock in the morning and before 7 o'clock in the evening. Working for two groups is very, very, very difficult. The first to be laid off were pensioners, but even the younger ones themselves decided to go for layoffs; out of 11 groups, only three assistants remained, and that was forced due to family status. This is the kind of salary increase that awaited us for workers in Mitino kindergartens 1900.

              • And I can boast that in our kindergarten the incentive fund is distributed by a commission, the manager has no favorites, we do not collect money from parents, and the salary at the end of the year is above the target value. KARELIA, NATALIA, 45 YEARS OLD

Representatives of the legislative sphere claim that the salaries of educators will definitely increase in 2019. It is too early to say how drastic the changes will be. Increased wages for kindergarten workers have been promised for many years, and the issue is important and open to Russian society.

Due to the unstable economic situation in Russia, there are no 100% guarantees regarding salary increases in other areas of activity. It became known that indexation will return, although it will significantly hit the budget treasury. However, officials are willing to take risks.

The size of indexation, according to expert forecasts, will reach no more than 10-12%. Perhaps this figure will double if wages increase next year. But, unfortunately, there is no official version about the increase in labor prices.

Educators' expectations

Based on the latest news, the salary of kindergarten teachers will increase significantly, but it should not be expected until October 2019. The fact is that the indexation of the base salary planned by management will be carried out at the end of the current year, and a clear coefficient will be announced only in a few months.

By the way, so you understand, indexation is compensation to minimize the financial losses that an employee suffers due to inflationary processes. The indexed salary represents a direct increase in the employee's monthly income.

The government plans to introduce a slightly updated method of calculating average income in each region of the country, but the noticeably increased amount is likely to be artificial. Those. the salary will increase, bonuses and allowances will be removed and as a result the person will receive the same money that the state previously paid. But this is one of the experts’ versions.

Point system in Moscow and other Russian cities

The size of wages is significantly influenced by a certain point system, which was introduced in Russia several years ago. Its essence is that the teacher is awarded points for additional work in hours, for example:

  1. Preparation of various events.
  2. Organization of holidays.
  3. Performance and participation in competitions.
  4. Conducting additional classes, etc.

In appearance, the system looks quite correct and attractive, but there are certain pitfalls here.

The base pay for a teacher is obscenely low and kindergarten workers have to work a huge amount of extra hours to bring their salary closer to a sufficient level, and this significantly affects the quality of their work. Children are given much less allotted time and this is sad.

Teacher's salary in Russia yesterday and today

The average salary of workers in the Russian education system is 25,797 rubles per month (2018), but you can find out what the growth of a teacher’s income in previous periods looks like from the table below:

Unfortunately, small towns and villages are much less fortunate, where the basic salary of a teacher is considered one of the lowest in the country, according to studies by statistical agencies.

Working with young children is labor-intensive and requires patience, creativity, and psychological skills. We hope that in the future the state will evaluate the work of educators more prudently, otherwise where will these people get the strength, interest and inspiration for their work.


  • According to the current Labor Code, the position of a junior teacher is hard work, and a 10% bonus is given to the salary for it.
  • In specialized institutions (for children with poor health, in an ophthalmological or speech therapy kindergarten), as a rule, a higher base salary is assigned or bonuses are prescribed in the contract.
  • In 24-hour kindergartens, 15 to 20 percent is added to the salary for night shifts.
  • The salaries of teachers and their assistants in language preschool institutions are 15% higher.
  • Depending on the region, employees are entitled to additional northern bonuses, the coefficient ranges from 15 to 35%.
  • For success in work, a bonus may be awarded at the discretion of the administration.
  • Some types of allowances are provided only in highly specialized child care institutions and cannot always be assigned.

Teachers' salaries in 2018

Upper limit (in rubles) Moscow 20000 35000 Tula 11000 31000 Chelyabinsk 14000 20000 Perm 16000 25000 Tomsk 15000 25000 Saratov 10000 17000 Krasnodar 17000 32000 Statistical data for 2017 on salaries of teachers in different regions of the Russian Federation Region Lower limit (in rubles) Upper limit (in rubles) Moscow 30000 15000 Tula 15000 29000 Chelyabinsk 21000 28000 Perm 24000 34000 Tomsk 20000 36000 Saratov 15000 23000 Krasnodar 25000 40000 Average percentage of wage indexation for teachers from 201 2 years to 2017 and forecasts for indexation as of January 1, 2018 As can be seen from Based on the above statistical data on the salaries of teachers in various regions of the Russian Federation, from 2012 until the issuance of Presidential Decrees on increasing salaries for public sector employees, until 2017, salaries were indexed by an average of 30 percent.

Increase in salaries for teachers in 2018 in Russia

Moreover, given the almost beggarly salaries of teachers. How much do kindergarten teachers earn in Russia? According to statistics from the internet portal, in 2017 the average salary of a teacher did not rise above 15 thousand rubles, falling in some months to 12-13 thousand.

The distribution of average earnings of educators by region shows that in the Moscow region the average income of educators is almost twice as high as the national average and is close to 30 thousand rubles. Then follows the Leningrad region and the northern regions.
Teacher assistants earn an average of 10 thousand rubles a month, in the Moscow region - 25 thousand. Teachers in private kindergartens, according to portal statistics, earn more than their colleagues in government institutions (which is understandable) - the national average their salary is 23,375 rubles.

Teacher's salary in 2018: latest news


So now the salary of educators plays a special role in social issues and problems. Interestingly, this is not the worst of the situations. After all, it’s even worse for teachers in villages.


There they can count on a bare monthly salary with an insignificant bonus. What changes can we expect in 2018? There is no need to prepare specifically for anything.

However, there is still hope for improvement in issues related to geopolitics, economics, and even the salaries of workers in the regions of the Russian Federation. After all, before this they couldn’t even carry out wage indexation.

But for the coming time, there are still promises both on indexation and on the issue of increasing pensions. And when exactly the salary of a junior teacher will increase in 2018 in Russia should still be clarified. But here you can calm down only when the indexed salaries arrive in your account.

Increase in the salary of a junior teacher in 2018 in Russia

Of course, all representatives of this specialty want to know what the salary increase for educators will be in 2018. The role of preschool teachers in modern society It is impossible to do without preschool educational institutions in the modern world.
Accordingly, the profession of a teacher is one of the most in demand today. In order for parents to go to work safely, they have to send their child to kindergarten.

Not everyone can hire a nanny, invite a grandmother, or stay at home with a baby, but without income. Specialists in kindergartens complement parental education, since with these people children begin to explore the world and adapt to social life.

Educators need to have sincerity and kindness, since they are the ones who will give children warmth in the absence of moms and dads around almost all day.

Teachers’ salaries in 2018: will there be an increase and by what percentage?

In principle, the situation with preschool education in the country can hardly be called normal - queues that you need to get into almost before the child is born, staff turnover in the teaching staff due to low salaries... The state seems to be the last to think about the social importance of kindergartens turn, if you think about it in principle. Salaries of kindergarten teachers in 2018: what indexation is planned, will the life of teachers become better. Content:

  • Increase in wages for preschool workers in 2018
  • How much do kindergarten teachers earn in Russia?
  • Who else will have their salaries increased in 2018?

Increasing the salaries of preschool workers in 2018 The latest news regarding the indexation of wages for kindergarten teachers came along with the submission of the country's budget for 2018 to the State Duma.

Teachers' salaries in 2018

ensuring safety (it is necessary to protect life and health the entire time the child is in kindergarten, including the junior teacher is obliged to provide pre-medical care);

  • cleanliness of the premises (wet cleaning, change of linen, sanitation of toys);
  • organizing meals for children (distributing food, carrying it from the kitchen, setting the table);
  • organization of sleep (changing clothes, putting them to bed and ensuring peace and quiet while children rest);
  • participation in health-improving activities (preparing a group for a walk or to the pool, organizing hygiene procedures, hardening under the supervision of a medical professional);
  • participation in the educational process (for example, prevention of bad habits and identification of behavioral deviations).

An assistant teacher has a lot of responsibilities, but with some skill, you can easily get everything done in a working day.
Junior kindergarten staff are not always hired with a pedagogical education. Most often, this type of work is chosen by young mothers who have no one to leave their children with, and the waiting list for a child’s place is still long. Or someone really likes to tinker with babies, that is, they follow their calling. Read also: Forecast for oil prices in 2016 in Russia True, you shouldn’t count on a significant salary.

rub. around the country. Moscow and St. Petersburg are distinguished by the large incomes of kindergarten workers; there, the income of a senior teacher can reach up to 30, and up to 40,000 rubles.

What is the salary of a junior teacher in 2018?

Read also: Calculation of vacation pay in 2016 if you haven’t worked the full year. Will kindergarten staff be laid off? Over the past 2 years, optimization on a serious scale has taken place in the budgetary environment; more than one thousand citizens have been left without their jobs. And all this was done in order to redistribute the money saved on the fired units to the necessary needs for the life support of municipal enterprises and add some amounts to the salaries of the personnel that remained. They still cannot fire staff endlessly, otherwise there will simply be no one to do the work. Those employees who do not work very efficiently and professionally, as well as retired employees, can be asked to write a letter of resignation. Since the payment for the work of a teacher is not expensive, few people agree to this activity.
Based on this Regulation, we can briefly formulate the scope of work of the future assistant educator:

  • ​ Help senior staff organize daily activities with children;
  • ​ ensure the safety of children, be able to provide first aid;
  • ​ Monitor the cleanliness of the rooms: do wet cleaning, change bed linen, sanitize game items;
  • ​ organize children's sleep;
  • ​ participate in health-improving activities, for example, organizing hygiene procedures, preparing for walks, etc.;
  • ​ take part in educational processes.

An increase in the salary of a junior teacher in 2018 in Russia will definitely occur, since tariff rates will also increase, and a revision of bonus amounts is planned.

But the treasury is now experiencing a shortage of finances, and this affects the situation with state employees, who have nowhere to give salary increases. The publication of the “Decree” occurred 5 years ago, since then little has changed for the better. The planned increase in the incomes of workers in a budgetary environment should be completed in the 18th year. There are quite a lot of people who represent the government structure, various municipal organizations and departments, respectively, but since with the crisis the budget is replenished slowly and in missing portions, there are not enough funds in the federal treasury for everyone. Therefore, they began to increase salaries for medical staff, teachers and structures responsible for the country’s security. Whether the turn will come to kindergartens and what will happen to teachers’ salaries next year is impossible to answer unequivocally at the moment.

Teachers' salaries in 2018


Because what will actually happen to teachers’ salaries will be known later. So, for Moscow and other regions the difference can reach a fourfold proportion. Teachers in the capital have the opportunity to enjoy all sorts of bonuses, the amount of which together with the salary reaches 20...40 thousand rubles.

Thus, for rural educators the figure can barely reach 8...13 thousand. A bright future for educators Everything stated above can be called a misunderstanding. The problem was reviewed by experts. State employees, including teachers, can be provided with allowances in the proportion of 200% of the current 100%.
So, even with the current minimum wage, people will begin to receive no less than sixteen thousand rubles.

Increase in salaries for teachers in 2018 in Russia


In villages, the increase in salaries for teachers in 2018 in Russia will be decided in the form of bonuses, which is increasingly being covered in the media. It is interesting that there is other information regarding the size of the increase. It is represented by an indexation value, that is, 4%. And if now the salary is about eight thousand, then 320 rubles will be plus this amount next year.

So, in anticipation of a significant increase in income, educators may not receive any, but be content only with what indexation of educators’ salaries will provide. Only the moment by which the surcharge is implemented will determine the surcharge and its size. Rewarding in a new way The experience of rewarding has already shown itself at a time when the computerization of educational institutions was being implemented.
Now the base part should be increased.

Teacher's salary in 2018: latest news

Increase in salaries for educators in 2018 In terms of salaries, the year can be called a year of disappointment for educators. Hopes for wage indexation were in vain; in fact, they did not happen. The prospects for the future growth of teachers’ salaries are also quite vague. Will teachers' salaries be increased in 2018? We can expect qualitative changes in a positive direction. On the topic “teacher salaries in 2018,” the latest news is as follows: officials promised to index and increase the salary. This year there is nothing to please specialists in material terms. According to the government, there is virtually no money in the current budget to index teachers’ salaries.

Increase in the salary of a junior teacher in 2018 in Russia

Over time, there is the possibility of obtaining pedagogical education and promotion to a teacher or transfer to a private preschool institution:

  • with more than three years of work experience, category 1 is assigned;
  • The 2nd category is received by junior teachers who have worked in kindergarten for more than a year.

The possibility of salary growth is very attractive to applicants for the position of assistant teacher, since on average across the country workers with this specialty do not receive more than 6-10 thousand rubles. In Moscow and the region, as a rule, this amount is slightly higher, but does not differ much from the national average - 12,000 rubles. At the same time, as public sector employees, junior teaching staff are entitled to a number of benefits and compensations.

Read also: Will the salaries of justices of the peace be increased next year? How is the salary of a junior teacher calculated? The salary consists of several factors.

Teachers’ salaries in 2018: will there be an increase and by what percentage?

The scope of the study is limited to the salaries of teachers working in municipal educational institutions, since the salaries of private workers are not subject to indexation by the authorities. The salaries of teachers are regulated by the following regulations:

  • Labor Code of the Russian Federation: Article 129 and Article 135.
  • An employment contract or collective agreement between an employee/group of employees and the employer, as well as other intra-organizational regulatory documents: Charter, wage scale, and so on.
  • Orders of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation (in particular, order number 1600 and order number AF-947) and the Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation.
  • Decrees of the President of the Russian Federation.

Teachers' salaries in 2018

Indexation of salaries for educators in 2018 Indexation of salaries for educators will definitely take place in 2018 in accordance with the tasks that the President officially set for the government:

  • reduce queues at nurseries and kindergartens;
  • annually index salaries for teachers in preschool institutions. Unfortunately, by mid-2017 the tasks cannot be considered fully completed. The current state of affairs has provoked the departure of a large number of young specialists from the profession.

In order to significantly improve the financial situation of educators, it is necessary to allocate several trillion rubles.
It is unknown whether the Government was able to allocate such an amount to the salary fund. According to the current situation, we can note only the minimum indexation for each teacher of 200 rubles. The salary level also depends on the region.

We should not forget about the enormous responsibility for the life and health of children, and not just for their upbringing, which is borne by representatives of this profession. Therefore, no one will cut teachers. Junior kindergarten staff It is worth mentioning separately about junior kindergarten teachers who have a heavy workload.

Today, nannies have an even more difficult time, because their responsibilities have only been added. Every parent wants it. So that their child grows up in a group where there is a comfortable and calm atmosphere. The assistant teacher monitors order and harmony in the children's environment, sanitary and hygienic standards, helps the children change clothes, and sets the table.

Before they can be hired as a nanny, women undergo interviews with the head of the preschool institution, where, in addition to talking and telling about themselves, they get acquainted with the job description.

What is the salary of a junior teacher in 2018?

And they must also be patient in order to calmly deal with a whole group of noisy kids throughout the working day, help them get dressed, answer any question, etc. A preschool employee must improve, increasing his qualifications and level of knowledge, and hone his professional skills. An increase in salaries for teachers in 2018 is expected in Russia, because the latest news provides information about the indexation of salaries for all public sector employees, including preschool teachers.

It is not yet clear whether educators will get 200% income next year and a percentage increase in income. This topic can be revealed more precisely only at the end of the current annual period. The authorities are aware that government staff do not receive fair wages.

And therefore they are trying to do something to improve the material well-being of the state’s workers.


After all, to obtain the incentive part you have to work hard, and indexation does not apply to it, and coefficients are also not applied. During 2012-14 there was a dramatic change. A form for calculating bonus points has been created for teachers.

For each point earned, a coefficient was used by which the result of the work received was multiplied. To accumulate points, you need to do extra work regularly. To do this, you should write plans, often in your free time.

Children in the group are engaged in a variety of activities, performing various tasks. Plus, you need to monitor the quality of your work so that additional activities do not come at the expense of the main ones. Then the teacher’s salary for 2018 in the Russian Federation will look more attractive.

The preparedness of preschoolers to start in a general education institution also depends on this.