Methods for implementing a PR campaign “Be confident in your future! Youth as the target audience of consumer advertising in youth magazines Target audience youth

The fast food segments are based on three main pillars that cannot live without each other - communication (marketing), product and technology. And if in other segments of public catering they are sometimes not paid close attention, here the future of the business depends on them, so neglecting them is like death. Moreover, everything begins and ends with communication. It begins with the selection of a product, which must subsequently be “wrapped in technology” and ends with the communication of promotion to pre-selected target audiences.
Now many businessmen are puzzled, and some have already begun implementing fast food projects for young people. At first glance, everything is very simple, if you think that young people do not change and what we ate at twenty years old, they eat the same. Whereas modern youth are already people from another planet, and before starting to implement their plans, they should answer a number of questions for themselves. Below I offer questions, the answers to which will lift the veil of the real life of people from eighteen to twenty-seven years old. What is interesting is that young people of this age now have no national differences, that is, their preferences are the same for all continents, with the exception of the taste preferences inherent in each region separately.
1. What is the basis of nutrition for modern youth?
2. What average bill can they afford?
3. What are the characteristics of the perception of the youth target audience?
4. Why is the burger theme a favorite now and what else can it be replaced or continued?
5. What do the youth audience associate themselves with and what do they not associate themselves with?
6. Where does this target audience spend most of their time?
7.What is the target audience’s leisure time and where do they spend it?
8. What can provide additional income for this target audience?
9.What values ​​are especially characteristic of this target audience?

Now I will briefly answer these questions so that those who are thinking about creating such projects do not step on a rake.
1. The basis of nutrition is the most simple dishes that do not cause great difficulties for consumption. The simpler the better. The less you chew, the better.
2. The average score of this target audience is the lowest of all possible, since this target audience is very dependent on the welfare of their parents and cannot afford more due to their low financial situation.
3. This target audience prefers short text messages (teasers) and reacts vividly to the language of signs, gestures, symbols, color schemes, and lighting messages. He loves the brevity of names, laconism, and their inherent slang. Rejects large texts, long messages, traditional communications.
4. The basis of large-scale “burgerization” is the maximum ease of use of the product. You can eat it with one hand, and hold your smartphone with the other hand and continue communicating with the world. This does not require traditional cutlery, the food is as digestible as possible, that is, it does not need to be thoroughly chewed and no additional effort must be spent on it. The burgers are nutritious and clear in their ingredients. This topic now and in the future can be continued by noodle shops, minced chicken products, rice dishes, and so on, which are gaining momentum in popularity.
5. The youth audience buys what is similar to them. If there is a salesperson behind the counter who is a generation older than them, they will deny it because it does not fit into their view of the world. Rejection is more likely than acceptance.
6. Basically, this target group spends time communicating with their own kind (educational institutions, companies, working with people like them) or on social networks, communicating with short text messages in instant messengers.
7. Have fun in places that correspond to new youth trends. Traditional holiday destinations are being denied.
8. Additional income can be provided by delivering the product to your home or any other places. This audience does not like to move; they prefer being in a safe, understandable place to active recreation.
9. Core values ​​- speed (applies to everything), safety, compliance with the trend.
Likewise, questions need to be answered before implementing projects for all other target audiences.

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1. Theoretical and methodological aspects of studying leadership among youth

2. Specifics of the emergence of youth leadership

2.2 Formation of youth leadership at the regional level (using the example of the urban district of Yelets)

2.3 Qualities of a youth leader from the perspective of sociological research

3. System and technologies for training youth leaders

3.1 Features of the implementation of the youth leader training system in the public life of the city of Yelets

3.2 Project to create a system of youth leaders




Relevance. Among the many problems facing researchers of social phenomena, the important issue is the formation and development of youth leadership, and to be more precise, the formation and development of the youth leadership system as a resource for the development of civil society. When addressing this issue, one should take into account the very nature of youth leadership in the conditions of modern civil society, its goals, objectives, conditions of emergence and consequences of existence.

If we talk about the relevance of this problem, then youth leadership was and is an important aspect of the development of civil society as a whole. The changes that began in the country back in the 80s, which subsequently led to a change in the social system, greatly changed the living conditions of the population. Russia is making an attempt to take the path of civilizational development, to form some new rules and foundations, as well as to fully form a civil society and a rule-of-law state. The institutions of the legislative, executive and judicial powers are being transformed. influenced the formation of the personality of modern youth. As a result, the problem of creating a new youth leadership system arose, since the USSR system was no longer suitable in any way. The transformations that took place during and after the collapse of the USSR opened up broader development paths for society, although, frankly speaking, there was a lot of negative stuff. Among all the negative trends for young people, positive ones also appeared, for example, ideological freedom appeared, that is, paths opened into the spiritual, economic and political spheres, in other words, freedom to choose one’s life path appeared, which is not unimportant for the formation of an individual’s leadership qualities.

Object of study - youth leadership.

Subject of study- specifics of the creation and functioning of the youth leadership system.

The hypothesis of this study is the assumption that the political processes that took place in the country during the collapse of the USSR radically changed ideas about youth leadership in general. Life situations in times of crisis required young people to demonstrate leadership qualities to a greater extent than was the case before.

Purpose final qualifying work is the creation of a system for training youth leaders as a resource for the development of civil society.

Tasks works:

1. Analyze the theoretical aspect of studying leadership among youth.

2. Consider the problems of the emergence, development and functioning of youth leadership.

3. Develop a draft system for training youth leaders.

The degree of development of the problem. In preparing the conceptual part of the work, the results of studies of youth leadership were used by authors such as: Adrov V.M. (Education and the problem of leadership), Williams K. (Youth in post-communist Russia and Eastern Europe), Ilyinsky I.M. ("Youth and youth policy”, “Youth of Russia: trends, prospects”), Lisovsky V.G. (Spiritual world and value orientations of the youth of Russia), Shpakova R. (Types of leadership in the sociology of M. Weber). The theoretical provisions of these authors made it possible to reveal the concept of youth leadership, describe its functions and formation mechanisms, and reveal the social essence of the phenomenon of youth leadership as a social phenomenon.

The following methods were used in the final qualifying work:

Descriptive-narrative is a type of scientific method, which is a system of procedures for collecting, primary analysis and presentation of data and their characteristics. The descriptive method has application in all disciplines of the social, humanitarian and natural science cycles. The extremely wide use of the descriptive method within the boundaries of scientific research is determined by the multi-stage methodology of modern scientific knowledge, in the hierarchy of which the descriptive method occupies a primary position (after observation). In my work, I used the descriptive-narrative method throughout to tell the essence of any phenomena in research work.

The method of analysis is a dialectical way of approaching the study of economic processes in their formation and development. Like other research methods, the analysis method has its own characteristics: it uses a system of indicators that describes the research as extensively as possible throughout the entire process, there is also a detailed study of the reasons for these changes, and, not least important, an explanation of these reasons and a search for relationships between them. I used this method in the first chapter, where I looked at different types of leadership, and also in the second chapter, where I analyzed the problems of forming a youth leadership system.

The synthesis method is essentially a combination or connection of different elements of the object or phenomenon being studied into one whole system. This method of synthesis is the opposite of the method of analysis, but they still have a strong connection with each other. Methods of analysis and synthesis are constantly used by humans in everyday life, since the basis of our behavior is the analytical and synthetic activity of the brain. Using this method, I brought together the various conclusions in the chapters and summarized the work in the conclusion.

Also, the work used methods of deduction and induction, based on obtaining a general conclusion based on its particular characteristics, or, conversely, from the general to the specific. I used these methods in structuring the work and considering some questions regarding the entire study.

This work contains a social project called “I am a leader.” In it, I proposed the idea of ​​​​creating a system of youth leaders with the help of specially staged events.

The work consists of 3 chapters. The first chapter is called “Theoretical Aspects of the Study of Youth Leadership.” It describes the methods by which the study of this problem was carried out, and also examines leadership as a concept, its goals, types, functions, and who a “leader” is. The second chapter is entitled “Exploring the Emergence of Youth Leadership.” This chapter examines in detail the problems of forming a youth leadership system, the formation of youth leadership at the local level (using the example of the city of Yelets), and also presents the results of a sociological study on the topic “Qualities of a leader.” The third chapter is called “Planning a system for training youth leaders.” It examines in detail the feasibility of introducing a system of training youth leaders into the public life of the city of Yelets, and also presents a project called “I am a leader.”

Theoretical significance final qualifying work is predetermined by the objective need for a comprehensive analysis of youth leadership and the creation of a system for training youth leaders.

1. Theoretical aspects of studying leadership among youth

1.1 Methodology for analyzing leadership among youth.

“Leadership is a mysterious, elusive quality. Its existence is easy to recognize, difficult to describe, even more difficult to use in practice, and it is no longer possible to create this quality in others,” wrote D. Campbell. In fact, no other topic related to the organizational and social behavior of people has aroused or continues to arouse such great interest among sociologists, psychologists, philosophers and other specialists in the field of humanities. And this is not surprising: the behavior of leaders, their decisions affect the fate of many millions of people, which gives the problem of understanding and explaining the phenomenon of leadership a truly global, philosophical character. On the other hand, all people are elements of various organizations - members of work collectives, clubs, councils, commissions, etc. By participating in the management of an organization or submitting to the decisions of leaders, people experience the influence of leaders.

In modern conditions, the political and economic state of society and work collectives depends more than ever on the decisions made by leaders. The problem of leadership is especially relevant in Russia, when the success of liberal reforms and prospects for economic development depend more than ever before in the history of the country on the level of competence, training, personal qualities and morale of leaders at all levels - both from the president and to the young promising leader of a small group .

There are many ways to study the phenomenon of leadership, particularly youth leadership. Below are described those that were used in this work.

The descriptive method is a type of scientific method that is a system of procedures for collecting, primary analysis and presentation of data and their characteristics. The descriptive method has application in all disciplines of the social, humanitarian and natural science cycles. The extremely wide use of the descriptive method within the boundaries of scientific research is determined by the multi-stage methodology of modern scientific knowledge, in the hierarchy of which the descriptive method occupies a primary position (after observation).

The descriptive method traditionally has several procedural characteristics, the proper use of which guarantees the result of this method:

1. The most important and first thing to do when using this method is to collect complete information about the object or phenomenon being studied, that is, its signs, features, characteristics that distinguish it from others and setting a course for studying this phenomenon or object.

3. The collected material is processed according to types, categories and groups of information.

4. A deeper analysis of already structured information occurs.

Dictionaries are often created based on this method.

Typically, this method is a preparatory stage, since its essence is in-depth collection of information. Also, this method has already established, already considered traditional, norms of application:

1. Strict substantive design of the selected object or phenomenon is required.

2. It is also important to maintain consistency in the description of objectively specified features, parameters and characteristics (qualitative, quantitative) of the material that are consistent with the research task.

3. It is also very important to adhere to order during the secondary processing of collected information on the problem under study.

Although this research method is independent, and often it is the reason for the success of the work as a whole, most often it is used to prepare basic information where other methods are already used. In other words, this method can be a supplier of information for all further research work. It sometimes happens that the material collected using this method can form the basis for conducting research on unrelated topics. This method is not established, but changes with the course of history. Over time, this method has expanded both in terms of the scope of the area in which it can be applied, and in terms of the tools that can be used in its implementation.

The method of analysis is a dialectical way of approaching the study of economic processes in their formation and development. Like other research methods, the analysis method has its own characteristics: it uses a system of indicators that describes the research as extensively as possible throughout the entire process, there is also a detailed study of the reasons for these changes, and, not least important, an explanation of these reasons and a search for relationships between them.

As an independently existing method, analysis involves the following elements:

Goals and objectives of the analysis;

Objects of analysis;

Systems of indicators with the help of which each object of analysis will be studied;

Description of methods for studying the objects under study;

Sources of data for analysis;

Instructions for organizing the analysis;

Instructions for formatting analysis results;

Consumers of analysis results.

The method of synthesis (from the Greek - connection) - essentially represents a combination or connection of different elements of the object or phenomenon being studied into one whole system. It turns out that the method of synthesis is the opposite of the method of analysis, but still they have a strong connection with each other.

Methods of analysis and synthesis are constantly used by humans in everyday life, since the basis of our behavior is the analytical and synthetic activity of the brain.

The method of synthesis, if considered as a cognitive operation, has several different forms. Any educational process, including research, is based on a tandem of methods of synthesis and analysis. Any empirical data from the study of any object or phenomenon goes through a process of synthesis during their theoretical generalization. In theoretical scientific knowledge, the method of synthesis appears in the form of interconnection of theories related to one subject area; as a unification of competing, in certain aspects, opposing theories; in the form of constructing deductive theories, etc. The dialectical method of ascending from the abstract to the concrete as a way of constructing theoretical knowledge about complex developing objects is also one of the forms of the synthesis method: the resulting concrete knowledge about the object under study is a synthesis, the unity of its diverse abstract definitions .

There is also a social project in the work.

Today, scientists cannot say exactly when social design arose as a type of activity. One of the first social projects can be considered the project of the philosopher Plato called “State”.

Scientific literature provides 2 points of view on this issue:

Social engineering is called social because it deals with social problems and challenges;

Social design deals with the development of social phenomena, processes, systems, organisms. (Antonyuk G.A. Social design and management of social development. - Minsk, 1986. - 259 p.)

When implementing a project, it is necessary to take into account the following features:

A social project has its own external environment in which it arises, develops and lives;

-;a project, like any system, consists of elements that are connected by certain connections;

The composition of project elements may change throughout its life cycle.

The project belongs to the class of open systems for a number of reasons:

Any project needs information; timely exchange of information makes the project viable;

Input parameters can be specified in implicit form and can be perceived ambiguously by the project as a system;

At the output of the project, the desired and expected results can be obtained with varying degrees of probability;

The processes within the project as a system are not constant; their direction, speed and intensity can change in accordance with the interests of achieving the goal.

1.2 Features of leadership as a phenomenon of civil society.

What is meant by the word “leadership”:

People and organizations that have succeeded more than others. For example, an industry leader;

A leader who is responsible for the business he leads;

Leadership as a life strategy, that is, a set of human choices and decisions based on initiative and responsibility.

All three of these understandings of leadership are closely related.

If we understand “leadership” from a philosophical point of view, then:

in relation to power, leadership implies a long-term, rather than sporadic, exercise of power, usually associated with the personal characteristics of the subject-leader.

There are many more definitions of the concept of “leadership”:

· Leadership is the ability of one person to captivate many with a cause or idea.

· Leadership is the willingness to bear responsibility not only for oneself, but for an entire group of people.

· Leadership is the active pursuit of success.

· Leadership is the ability to organize interaction with people in such a way that each of them sincerely wants to achieve the goal set by the leader.

· Leadership is strength of character + the will to win + a wonderful gift of persuasion.

· Leadership is the ability to interact positively with those who are weaker in spirit, with equals and with the strongest.

Thus, the following famous people spoke about leadership:

An army of rams led by a lion will always win over an army of lions led by a ram. (Napoleon Bonaparte)

With a good leader who talks little, when his work is done and his goal achieved, people will say, “We did it ourselves.” (Lao Tzu)

The desire for leadership is a manifestation of a person’s creative instinct. (Friedrich Nietzsche)

When you become a captain, keep the sailor within you. (Vladimir Vysotsky)

Leadership is a very broad concept and can be applied to almost all areas of life. Here are examples of how the concept of “leadership” is used in everyday life:

· In politics. Every successful politician is a leader of a certain group of people; The larger the group, the luckier the politician.

· In entrepreneurship. At the head of every successful business is a leader - a person who set a goal and managed to captivate his subordinates with it.

· In sports. Every sporting competition is nothing more than a race for leadership in the form of a gold medal, cup or certificate of honor.

· In family relationships. The question “who is the head of the family?” - there is a question about leadership.

· In other situations, mainly of an extreme nature. In unforeseen situations, a leader spontaneously emerges in any group of people - since only an organizing principle (leadership) can ultimately lead to control over the situation.

A leader (from the English leader - leader, leader) is a person who takes on the role of head, leader of any social group, political party, organization, society as a whole.

We can also say about a leader that this is a person who, due to certain reasons and circumstances, is endowed with a certain amount of authority in order to formulate and express the interests and goals of other people, to mobilize them for certain actions. A leader is the first, the main one, someone they follow, someone they look up to, who determines the behavior of others, that is, in an ideal situation, he is a reflection of the society he represents.

A leader can also be in a pair - the one who leads the other, whose behavior determines the behavior of the follower.

A leader in a team is the one who leads the team, the one whose authority in the group is greater than that of others, and whom this group trusts most. He usually appears in a situation where society needs a leader. We can conclude that a leader is a group role created primarily by the needs of others. A leader is not something external and alien to the group: the group needs a leader, it is looking for someone to appoint to this role, to whom to give this status.

There are a number of qualities that will help a person become or be selected as a leader, such as courage, energy and the ability to impress.

The group seeks and recognizes as a leader only those who initially have some social status. Not everyone with high status will become a leader, but someone with low status will never become one and will not be recognized as a leader. Among high-status people, a leader can most often become the one who meets certain expectations of the group and gives it what it wants. Although among the leaders there are those who know how to speak beautifully, they do not always follow their word.

The very status of a leader, his skills and abilities are usually attributed to leadership resources, that is, to what can be learned from leaders.

Based on this, we can say that political leadership is a process of interaction between people, during which authoritative people endowed with real power exercise legitimate influence on society (or part of it), which voluntarily gives them part of its political powers and rights.

If we turn to modern political science, there are a number of definitions of the concept of “political leadership”:

· this is power that is exercised by one or more individuals with the aim of inducing members of society to action;

· this is a relationship between people in the process of common activity, during which one party ensures the dominance of its will over the others;

· this is the constant legitimate influence of authorities on society, an organization or a group;

· this is a special type of entrepreneurship carried out in the political market, in which political entrepreneurs, in a competitive struggle, exchange their programs, solutions to social problems and proposed methods for their implementation for leadership positions;

· it is a symbol of community and a model of political behavior of a group, capable of realizing its interests with the help of power.

The ability to lead requires a person to have the following qualities:

· intelligence,

· intuition,

· argonizer abilities,

· willingness to take responsibility,

· ability to please the public,

· oratorical skill.

The Italian philosopher Niccolò Machiavelli (1469-1527) in his work “The Prince” very clearly wrote the basic requirements for a person who wanted to become a political leader: he needs to be able to avoid hatred and inspire trust; regardless of his actual actions, he must be presented to the people as an example of nobility and virtue; he must be ready, if necessary, to act quickly and brutally; depending on the situation, he must change his management style - either cunning like a fox, or strong like a lion.

In modern political science, there are the following types of leaders:

1) a leader-standard-bearer, who is distinguished by a special vision of reality, an attractive ideal, a dream that can inspire the broad masses;

2) a servant leader who, in his activities, focuses on the needs and requirements of his followers and voters and acts on their behalf;

3) a leader-trader who is able to attractively present his ideas and competently convince citizens of the superiority of his ideas over the ideas of others;

4) firefighter leader , which is focused on the most pressing, burning problems and whose actions depend on the specific situation.

Typically, these types of leaders in real life are not found in their pure form: specific leaders often have a combination of 2 or more types.

Now it’s worth noting who a “youth leader” is.

You can be a leader at any age, from 15 to 65 years old. But both have many differences. These differences lie not only in the circles of people they know and their age circle of contacts in general, but also in the stability of their worldview and the politics of their behavior in any particular social group.

A youth leader is a person who defends the interests of people in the same age category to which he belongs. The values ​​of young people differ significantly from the principles of life of the older generation. Young people strive to relax, have fun, their main goal is often to receive a charge of positive energy, with which they are able to “infect” their entire environment. Such a person is most capable of representing and protecting the interests of the younger generation. At its core, this should be a bright personality, with the ability to attract others to him, with good command of speech, in order to be able to communicate with his peers and people of the older generation. Most often, such individuals have more information about current events than their environment, which helps them solve important issues.

For the majority of already mature leaders, the result is most often important, in contrast to their young colleagues who concentrate on the very process of achieving their goals.

Proof of this are youth congresses, forums, and meetings. Although their purpose is clearly visible, these goals are largely symbolic.

It turns out that young people are people who are at the stage of developing their own individuality, so it is fundamentally important for them to be able to communicate with people like them. Through this, they can identify the traits that make a particular person stand out from the crowd, and therefore develop a personality that stands out from the rest. The modern availability of information and the possibility of comparison greatly contribute to this. Absurdity and dissimilarity from everyone else in youth society is only welcomed, and therefore it is not uncommon for extraordinary individuals who have already earned authority among the majority of people and can defend their point of view to act as leaders. Although more mature citizens condemn such extraordinary personalities and consider them unprofessional.

Recognition - whoever achieves it gets the opportunity to direct people in a certain direction, which can lead to incredible results. Such a person has good intuition and can rally an entire group of people to achieve a common goal. And the goal could be the opportunity for young people to gather in an informal setting. This is precisely the goal that most organizations pursue, namely to be able to organize events.

To summarize, we can conclude that a youth leader is a person chosen by young people of approximately the same age as them, who has a certain charisma, oratorical abilities, and authority among these young people.

2. Studying the emergence of youth leadership

2.1 Problems of forming a youth leadership system

This is not the first time in the last century that Russia has experienced a time of large-scale social upheaval and change. Despite its own experience and the historical experience of other countries, Russian society is on a difficult and dangerous path of total social change.

The changes that began in the country back in the 80s, which subsequently led to a change in the social system, greatly changed the living conditions of the population.

The overwhelming majority of the population was deceived by their own state: the financial situation of a huge part of the population worsened; Privatization turned out to be an anti-people action; social stratification has increased; national conflicts began; Crime began to rise, and the level of culture, education, health care and science began to fall - in such a social environment, the political and moral principles of a new society began to take shape. Russia is making an attempt to take the path of civilizational development, to form some new rules and foundations of a market economy, as well as to fully form a civil society and a rule-of-law state. The privatization of state and collective property and its transition to private ownership is increasing. The institutions of the legislative, executive and judicial powers are being transformed. The process of forming a multi-party system is starting. The need is being realized for a decisive renewal and passing of the old rules already built in society, which have led to a growing gap between society and the modern level of other countries. In economic and sociocultural terms, renewal means, first of all, the broadest introduction of private property and market relations, which was limited by the state system, tuned in the direction of socialism both in ideology and in practice. This indicates that the system of socialization of society as a whole is undergoing a radical change: the sphere of interpersonal relations, which were defined as “socialist,” is sharply decreasing, and the sphere of commodity-money relations is increasing. In terms of values, this is accompanied by the expansion of entrepreneurial, pragmatic directions, which receive proportionate assistance from reform circles.

Such changes necessarily entail the undermining of existing moral values ​​and norms, which is expressed both in the “decline of morals” and in the growth of criminal, selfish, corrupt relations.

The growing division of the country's population into classes intensifies the contradiction between different types of sociality. Such a division, on the one hand, is necessary for the establishment of market relations. On the other hand, the uncontrolled process of division leads both to a sharp stratification of the country's population into rich and poor, and to a rapid increase in quantitative disproportions - between a relatively small percentage of the super-rich and an actively growing number of poorer layers - with a small middle class.

This problem is not only economic and moral, but also sociocultural, since the consequence of such stratification is not only quantitative disproportionality, but also the subsequent hereditary nature of mass poverty - against the backdrop of the growing well-being of the few layers that have inherited their privileges and for whom reforms provide favorable conditions for further advancement. The sharp difference in income is accompanied by a breakdown in the social security system, which immediately affects the formation of healthcare and paid education. The dissatisfaction of the increasingly poorer sections of the population, who “have nothing left to lose” and who feel “robbed to the bone” and victims of deception, will certainly harm stability in society. The advantages of the elite, which strives to get rich at any cost in the shortest possible time, are felt as illegal, acquired through the appropriation of public property, and not accumulated through self-restraint and proactive expansion of social production.

The negative consequence is the undermining of incentives for those segments of the population who no longer find a single chance to get out of the quagmire of poverty. Relying on a small group of enterprising private owners as a social foundation for reforms and providing them with good assistance will certainly undermine the entire modernization system. A significant proportion of the population develops a feeling of a certain detachment from the rest of society, which reduces the range of activity in society and violates its human potential. The very wide openness of the population facilitates the process of receiving the achievements of other countries, especially highly developed ones. But the downside is that too much openness leads to the erosion of one's own cultural heritage by transferring too much elements of foreign cultures. Such illiterate copying of a foreign culture results in spiritual and social discord, which in turn gives rise to a reaction of rejection. This inevitably leads to increased contradictions between social and class groups, the center and the provinces. At the end of the 20th century, Russia is experiencing revolutionary movements that go hand in hand with the destruction of many positive achievements and successes of past generations. Lost values ​​are not filled with anything, this leads to an increase in negative reactions in society. Our interaction with the eastern regions has been going on for several hundred years; this has already become the most important component of our socio-cultural and geopolitical structure. On the other hand, we were constantly in contact with Western civilizations, thereby combining both principles of completely different cultures, while giving rise to many acute contradictions. In these contradictions, the Russia we see today emerged.

These are precisely the sociocultural conditions we now have in the Russian Federation.

In the processes described above, young people stood out, which is due to the following factors:

Youth is the most mobile segment of society;

Young people occupy a fairly high proportion of the country's total population. As of January 1, 2002, there were 36 million young citizens living in Russia, or every fourth resident.

The transformations that took place during and after the collapse of the USSR opened up broader development paths for society, although, frankly speaking, there was a lot of negative stuff. Among all the negative trends for young people, positive ones have also emerged, namely:

Ideological freedom appeared, that is, paths opened into the spiritual, economic and political spheres, in other words, freedom to choose one’s life path appeared;

Although young people encountered some difficulties during the collapse of the USSR, a significant part of young people look into the future calmly, but without much hope (33%), with hope and optimism (40%). In other words, society at that moment had a psychologically stable generation that was aimed at stable development and creation. According to self-assessment obtained through sociological research, about 54% of young people consider themselves to be the driving force behind fundamental changes in society.

Research conducted during that period showed that young people gave a positive assessment of the trend of change towards a market economy. Young people have adapted much better and easier to new economic conditions. About 35% of the total number of young people (32 million people aged 15-29 years) have already opened their own business, more than 30% of those surveyed would like to start entrepreneurship. Young people value economic freedom very highly. such personality qualities as entrepreneurship, pragmatism, ability to take risks, etc. . A young person must psychologically prepare for uncertainty, for possible multiple changes in specialty, that is, to be a universal worker who can perform excellently in non-standard situations (creativity, activity, non-standard thinking, etc.). Today, in such a social, economic, cultural and political situation, a certain natural selection is taking place, that is, some of the leaders are selected from the general mass of people. This is how the personality of a leader is formed. Requirements for an employee in the current situation in Russia are constantly changing, this is especially noticeable in the economic sphere. There is a need to constantly learn or relearn; this requires quick thinking and psychological stability from the individual. Western culture imposes economic freedom, autonomy and independence of the individual from the rest of society, including parents. All of the above makes a person with leadership qualities a very necessary person in society. The conclusion suggests itself: the upbringing of a person should be aimed at developing in him an individuality capable of fighting the world around him and interacting with it; it is very important to devote time to developing the individual’s entrepreneurial spirit and innovative thinking in stressful situations.

Features of the youth audience

In order to show a complete and adequate picture of modern youth, it is worth turning to developmental psychology - this is a branch of psychological science that studies the facts and patterns of development of a healthy person, the age-related dynamics of his psyche. Candidate of Psychological Sciences I.V. Shapovalenko divided the general definition of youth into age stages: adolescence (adolescence) and youth. Thus, by delving into the psychoanalysis of these subtypes, one can trace the development of personality and identify the main trends in changes in moral, cultural and social values ​​in a person. Determine the main guidelines of modern media targeting youth audiences.


Adolescence usually corresponds to the chronological age from 10-11 to 14-15 years. One of the main psychological symptoms in this age period is a sense of adulthood. The basic needs of a teenager are the desire to communicate with peers (“grouping”), the desire for autonomy and independence, “emancipation” from adults, and recognition of their rights by other people.

A person's adolescence is closely connected with the level of socio-economic development of society, with the characteristics of historical time, with the social position of adolescents in the adult world and with the specific circumstances of the life of a given teenager. Sigmund Freud said that puberty, a surge of sexual energy, shakes the previously established balance between personality structures, and childhood conflicts are reborn with renewed vigor. Inflated aspirations and not always adequate ideas about one’s capabilities lead to numerous conflicts between a teenager and his parents and teachers, and to protest behavior.

The teenager continues to be a schoolchild, educational activities remain relevant, but psychologically recede into the background. The possibility of wide communication with peers determines the attractiveness of activities and interests. At 14-15 years old, a teenager strives to demonstrate his capabilities, to take a certain social position, which meets his need for self-determination. The reaction of infatuation reflects the characteristics of the internal structure of a teenager’s personality. Passion for sports, desire for leadership, gambling, and a passion for collecting are more typical for teenage boys. Activities that are motivated by the desire to attract attention (participation in amateur performances, a passion for extravagant clothing, etc.) are more typical for girls. Intellectual and aesthetic hobbies, reflecting a deep interest in a particular subject or phenomenon (literature, music, fine arts, technology, nature, etc.), can be observed in adolescents of both sexes.

Imitation of external signs of adulthood: smoking, drinking alcohol, using cosmetics, exaggerated interest in gender issues, copying methods of entertainment and courtship, imitating adults in clothing and hairstyle, chasing beauty standards - this is a superficial idea of ​​adulthood in a teenager. Stereotypes of behavior are intensively acquired in both boys and girls.

The problem of infantilism at the teenage stage of socialization is a frequent occurrence. Main characteristics of this type of teenager:

1. Irresponsibility, unwillingness to take responsibility for one’s actions.

2. Self-affirmation at the expense of others

3. Suggestibility. Uncritical perception of social ideas. It is easy to tune into a certain wave, and public opinion is an attribute of suggestibility.

4. Hypercriticism. Total negativity of any teachings. Tendency to extreme all-or-nothing viewpoints.

By the end of adolescence, a fairly developed self-awareness develops. There is a gradual transition from assessment borrowed from adults to self-esteem; there is a desire for self-expression, self-affirmation, self-realization, self-education, to the formation of positive qualities and overcoming negative ones.

Knowledge of age characteristics helps media editors take into account the interests and meet the needs of young audiences. Depending on the age at which the publication is intended, the editors determine its content, structure, form, and volume. The socio-psychological characteristics of readers are also taken into account.

In adolescence, the orientation towards cognitive interests dominates. In publications for teenagers with a variety of topics, the process of differentiation according to the interests of the audience is especially noticeable. This is due to the fact that children have a need for knowledge, an interest in various fields of activity, branches of material or spiritual production - science and technology, literature and art, business, sports.

At this age, teenagers begin to be interested in various aspects of adult life: news from the world of show business, love, sex, fashion, culture, especially pop and rock music. Recently, individual media outlets have begun to cover “difficult” issues more freely. In addition, publications that copied the adult tabloid press appeared and quickly gained popularity among teenagers.

Youth as psychological age.

The boundary between adolescence and adolescence is quite arbitrary from 15-16 to 21-25 years. The criterion for achieving adulthood in human society is mastering a culture, a system of knowledge, values, norms, social traditions, and preparedness to perform different types of work. Sociological theories of youth consider youth primarily as a certain stage of socialization, as a transition from dependent childhood to independent and responsible activity of an adult with decisive determination2 on the part of society.

R. Havighurst identified the following age-related tasks during growing up:

1. Acceptance of one’s own appearance, awareness of the characteristics of one’s body and the formation of skills to use it effectively (in work, sports, etc.);

2. Assimilation of a male or female role (formation of the individual structure of one’s gender behavior, one’s “image” of a gender role, the internal position of a man or woman; for example, for a girl this could be the image of a “Turgenev girl”, an “in” girl or a “fatal” beauties");

3. Establishing new and more mature relationships with peers of both sexes;

4. Gaining emotional independence from parents and other adults;

5. Construction of an internal system of values ​​and ethical consciousness as a guide for behavior;

2. Determination - definition of an object according to conditional parameters, its classifying individual characteristic.

6. Preparation for a professional career, training is aimed at obtaining a profession (at a university or directly at the workplace, and even at school - with a differentiated attitude to different academic subjects, when attending preparatory courses);

7. Preparation for marriage and family life, acquiring knowledge and social readiness to accept the responsibilities associated with partnership and family;

8. Formation of socially responsible behavior, civic activity (including political, ideological, environmental, etc.).

But along with the elements of adult status, the young man still retains a certain degree of dependence coming from childhood: this is both material dependence and the inertia of parental attitudes associated with leadership and submission. The ambiguity of the position of youth in the family and society and the different levels of demands placed on them brings this period closer to adolescence, and is reflected in the uniqueness of the psyche. According to D.I. Feldstein, in adolescence, the nature of development is determined by work and learning as the main types of activity.

Adolescence is a time of serious preparation of boys and girls for adult life and the desire to better understand themselves, the complex area of ​​human relations. In publications for this age group, attention is drawn to a large number of columns that analyze the psychological, moral and ethical problems of modern society. Young people strive for self-expression, to demonstrate their individuality. Therefore, magazines for her pay great attention to the lifestyle of modern youth: they give practical recommendations from psychologists, sexologists, makeup artists, designers, cooks, stylists and fashion designers.