Russian folk crafts. Folk arts and crafts of Russia Folk crafts DIY crafts

Folk art is not only history, but also modernity. Handmade jewelry and headbands using the sewing technique will make you unique.

Folk art - what is it?

Folk art or decorative and applied art is a multifaceted concept. It belongs to the field of decorative art and includes:

  • the creation of artistic products that are used in private life in society;
  • artistic processing of utilitarian objects (furniture, utensils, fabric, vehicles, tools, toys, jewelry, etc.).
Folk arts and crafts use various materials:
  • ceramics;
  • metal;
  • glass;
  • tree;
  • textiles, etc.
The work is carried out using casting, forging, inlay, chasing, carving, painting, engraving, embroidery, etc.

Folk arts and crafts arose a very long time ago. This is one of the main areas of creativity of the people. In our time, interest in this type of self-expression has not only not decreased, but has even increased. There are many types of handicrafts that are also part of arts and crafts, check out some of them.

Handmade jewelry: master class

Modern decorative and applied art also includes the creation of jewelry. Having made such a miniature, you will be sure that it was made in one copy and no one will have a second one exactly the same.

On it, on a white background, is a pink tulip. To make a miniature you will need:

  • acrylic paints of the following colors: ocher, carmine, light green, black, titanium white;
  • plastic blank;
  • tassel (from column);
  • palette;
  • jar of water.

In this case, the craftswoman made costume jewelry from Cernit plastic, using the white Blanco Opaco color - it makes beautiful shining products.

A round brass base was taken for the form. The plastic needs to be rolled out on this form with a rolling pin, baked at 110° C in the oven for 15 minutes. Then take it out of there, when it cools down, take it out and sand it with 600 grit sandpaper - then the paint will adhere better.

Now you need to put everything you need for painting in front of you and you can start.

Squeeze a little of each color onto the palette. On the tip of the brush, mix white with carmine to obtain the desired shade and consistency, dilute with a small amount of water. Use this color to draw the outline of the future flower.

With light strokes you will outline the locations of the two outer petals, the third - the central one and the stem. This is how an object of modern folk decorative applied art is then made.

Mix white and ocher, add a little pink paint, and mix. Paint the bottom layer of the petals with this soft peach color. Now drop some green paint into the same paint mixture, mix, draw the outline of the stem.

Here's how to make handmade jewelry next. Mix white and carmine on your palette to create a richer pink. Use it to color the petals. In this case, it is necessary to repeat the pattern of veins in the center of the flower and on the edges of the petals. At the next stage, you need to repeat this procedure, but add only a little water.

Next, mix ocher and green acrylic, add water, apply this substance to the leaves. But they should not be too bright so that the main attention goes to the flower. At the bottom the petals are a little more saturated in color, at the top - less so.

Taking carmine and black in equal proportions, add a little water. After mixing, use this mixture to indicate the shades of leaves and petals.

To further highlight the petals at the bottom center, the edge of the stem, also mix carmine and black, but add only a little water. Put green in this palette, sketch the leaves at the base.

Drop a little water into black acrylic paint and apply a few horizontal strokes with micro strokes on the veins at the bottom of the petals, at the base.

All that remains is to add literally a drop of green paint to the whitish mixture, draw veins at the bottom of the middle central one and a little on the leaf.

This is what handmade jewelry you will get.

Now check out how girls decorated their heads in the old days. The next master class will help you make the Arkhangelskaya headband.

How to make a festive headdress for Russian girls?

This piece of ancient clothing is made using the “linen sewing” technique. It involves embroidering on a cotton cord with pearls in 2-3 rows. It is sewn onto the base using transverse stitches, and pearls are placed in the resulting hollow (beads are now more often used). As a result, pearls or beads will “lie” evenly and neatly. And the contours of the pattern are decorated with gold or silver cord.

Here's what you'll need to make an antique headband:

  • white cotton fabric;
  • blue and white silk;
  • white cord (soutache);
  • canvas;
  • small white beads;
  • large rhinestones - 2 white and 3 blue, medium: 2 blue and 3 light yellow;
  • small rhinestones - 9 blue, 3 yellow and 3 green;
  • cardboard;
  • beading needles;
  • 2 pearl threads 30 cm each;
  • white threads;
  • large hoop or wooden stretcher;
  • scissors.

Such folk art is typical for the northern peoples; it was there that “sewing on linen” originated.

Stretch the canvas onto a hoop or stretcher. Place a white cotton cloth on top of it.
A layer of blue silk fabric is placed and secured on top of it - this is a 21x40 cm rectangle. Sew it onto this cotton fabric with a basting stitch, which will need to be removed after finishing the work.

On this blue silk fabric, use thin chalk or a special water-soluble marker to draw the outlines of the ornament. You can do this with a simple pencil, since you will still cover this sketch with a cord (soutache), stitch it using a “forward needle” stitch.

The stitches should be small. Decorate the cord at the bottom with two white and three blue large rhinestones, and at the top sew three yellow and two blue ones.

Sew the soutache along the outline of the rhinestones. And place pearls along the white halo. Use it to border the rhinestones in a circle located in the rosettes. And fill the lower sockets of the ancient headdress with a cord.

There are two rosettes left unfilled; they need to be lined with stylized flower petals. To decorate the top of the headdress, place soutache flowers around a medium-sized rhinestone. Then, also using a cord, make branches and leaves out of it.

The ornament is decorated with soutache, now you need to sew beads on it. To do this, string five or six pieces onto a thread and place such fragments on the cord. And you need to secure it with transverse stitches of two or three beads. This is done like this: after you have attached six or seven pieces, thread the needle through the last couple of sewn beads.

Make sure the rows are even, follow them strictly to the cord. You need to stretch the thread well so that the beads adhere well to each other.

When you finish making the ornament, remove the work from the hoop or stretcher. You need to cut out a three-layer kokoshnik, adding 5 cm to the seams, so that the finished headdress measures 40x21 cm.

Cut the bottom of the headdress according to the pattern in semicircles. Sew a cut-out blue silk lining to the top and bottom of the decoration. At the same time, the sides remain free. Insert a rectangle of cardboard into this gap to give rigidity to the structure.

Two ribbons 18 by 90 cm are cut out of white silk fabric, and we process their edges with an overcast stitch.

On the front part, to the sides, sew two silk ribbons measuring 18x90 cm (after having sewn their edges). These elements are folded and attached using a “forward needle” seam.

Beaded threads are sewn to the bottom of the bandage, under each rosette of five.

Now you have an idea of ​​how folk arts and crafts developed the principle of making and decorating headdresses. It’s not for nothing that such headbands are called “Arkhangelsk”, since soutache sewing is typical for these northern places.

DIY Khokhloma painting

This is also a folk art craft that originated about 300 years ago. Then in the village of Khokhloma, in the Nizhny Novgorod region, craftsmen created a craft. They made wooden dishes and painted them in a certain way. Floral patterns in gold and red tones are applied to a black background. This painting began to be called “Khokhloma”.

How to decorate a chalkboard in the kitchen?

Try to plunge into this folk art craft by making a board for the kitchen, but which will be painted with Khokhloma in a modern way. For this, the decoupage technique is used.

To implement this idea, buy napkins with a Khokhloma pattern or decoupage paper with this type of image, you can download it from the Internet. Blanks for boards can be taken ready-made, unpainted, or made with your own hands using a jigsaw from plywood 3–4 mm thick.

Here is a list of what you need:

  • blank for boards;
  • pencil;
  • carbon copy;
  • awl;
  • scissors;
  • sandpaper;
  • PVA glue;
  • furniture varnish.
Remove only the top part from the napkins; that’s all you need. If you have printed an image, use thin paper; before gluing it to the board, the edges on the back side need to be sanded for a better fit.

If you use a napkin, then grease the board with glue. If you took paper, then coat it. Glue any of these blanks to the front side of the board. When the glue dries, coat the paper base with varnish in 2 layers.

Once it's dry, you can hang the board in a prominent place in the kitchen to admire this work of art.

Khokhloma painting will also allow you to create a box.

Painting the box

Feel like real craftsmen who are close to folk arts and crafts. Paint a wooden box with Khokhloma. For such creativity you will need:

  • acrylic paints intended for working with wood;
  • masking tape - narrow;
  • wooden box;
  • background bronze or gold paint;
  • wood varnish;
  • three squirrel brushes - No. 1–3;
  • soft brush for applying varnish;
  • pencil;
  • sandpaper;
  • tracing paper

Wood paint can be purchased at an art supply store, as can varnish, which can be applied with a brush or in aerosols.

If the wooden box is not new or has uneven surfaces, go over them with fine sandpaper.

Now apply 2 layers of background paint to the entire box. But first, wait until the first one dries. Proceed to the next stage only when the second layer is completely dry.

Don’t waste time while this is happening, you will have time to draw the design you like or come up with on tracing paper. You need to depict the main details, you will apply the small ones directly to the box.

When the background paint on it is completely dry, attach tracing paper with the image of a floral pattern on top using tape. Then this pattern will be fixed and will not move. To transfer the outline to the box, follow the lines of the design on the tracing paper, pressing lightly. Then the image will be imprinted on the box.

Taking a brush number one and black paint, trace the image on the box.

Glue tape around the perimeter of the lid; it will prevent black paint from getting in here. And with it you will paint over the background. You will do it with a brush number 3.

Peel off the tape only when the paint is dry. Then you can start the creative part, drawing flowers and berries.

To draw currants evenly, dip the back of a pencil with round edges into the paint and apply it, like a seal, to the surface of the box.

All that remains is to depict the grass, add some flowers, tendrils, droplets, dots on the strawberries, and highlights. Once it's all dry, apply two or three coats of varnish, letting each one dry.

The box is ready! That's how beautiful it will turn out. If you liked making boxes and decorating them, check out how to make a candy box. At the same time, have a sweet snack to increase your productivity and want to make beautiful objects with your own hands right now. Such folk art is more modern, but creating such objects is no less interesting.

Candy box

If you liked making the box, as a bonus - another product, but edible. To make it we take:

  • crepe paper;
  • wooden skewer;
  • colored cardboard;
  • candies;
  • PVA glue;
  • double sided tape;
  • scissors.

First you need to hide the tails of the candies so that the edible elements look good. Remove these parts by gluing them to the base with tape.

Cut a strip from the cardboard. Its height is the height of the candies without the “tails”. Diameter is arbitrary. If it is about 8 cm, then you will need 300 g of sweets.

Roll this blank into a cylinder and secure with a stapler. Attach it to the cardboard, circle, cut out a circle that needs to be glued to the cylinder.

Attach double-sided tape to the box, but do not remove the top protective film yet. You will remove it gradually, gluing candies.

When you attach them all, all that remains is to wrap this beauty with a ribbon, leave the product as is, or decorate it with paper roses. To do this, cut a 5 cm wide strip from the crepe paper across the grain. On one side, wind it onto a skewer. To create a petal shape, stretch in the center.

Place caramel in it, wrap it with paper, grabbing the “tail” of the wrapper to form a rose. Secure it with floral tape, tying it at the base. Three roses will be enough.

Such modern folk art will certainly delight a child or an adult with a sweet tooth and will become an original gift.

If you want to see with your own eyes how to make a Khokhloma box in ancient traditions, then we suggest watching the video tutorial.

Here's how to make a wooden round box.

Folk crafts– this is a section about the work of teachers with children of preschool and primary school age in teaching the traditions of folk arts and crafts. Notes for classes in artistic creativity, master classes, materials for introducing children to folk crafts, and research projects on Russian history are posted here.

Arts and crafts

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Russian culture cannot be imagined without folk arts and crafts - decorative and applied arts, passed on from generation to generation, carry historical information about the life, customs, and traditions of the Russian people. And not only! Products of Russian folk crafts are real works of art, representing aesthetic and cultural value.

Children like Filimonov toys, Khokhloma painting, Gzhel and other crafts. They take on painting, sculpting, weaving, and embroidery with pleasure. Creative work using traditional folk techniques teaches one to be patient - to create an independent product requires painstaking work. Familiarity with folk crafts gives an idea of ​​different materials, methods of processing them, and artistic techniques for decorating household items, interior design, clothing, and toys.

Preschoolers often learn folk art through stylized crafts. However, such activities do not reduce the aesthetic impact on the child. Folk crafts allow a child to express his own attitude towards a toy, plate, matryoshka or other object that is created with his own hands. Development of fine motor skills, color perception, imagination, skills in working with tools - folk crafts provide wide scope for development and education.

Handmade is an excellent option for realizing your own creative ideas and ideas. Handmade objects all over the world have a high value, as they are exclusive and are able to express the feelings of the author, as well as his attitude towards things around him. The popularity of handmade is also due to the fact that it is able to create an object not only from scrap materials, but also taking into account the individual wishes of the creator or customer.

Handmade is an excellent option for realizing your own creative ideas and ideas.

An item created with one’s own hands has a significantly higher price than one produced in large numbers in production.

  • This is due to the fact that handmade does not imply the possibility of creating identical objects, which means that the value of handmade work mainly lies in its exclusivity. Even if the same object is created again, it will differ from the previous one in some details, since a person is not able to exactly repeat the previous copy.
  • have their own energy;
  • endowed with character and soul;

have an individual history of creation, which is directly related not only to the author, but also to the customer.

  • Also, the value of handmade work is due to:
  • longer time costs for the manufacture of an individual item;
  • careful elaboration of the image;
  • individual approach to each object;

using more expensive materials.

The most important advantage of things made by hand is that they do not tend to lose their value, as is the case with industrial production. On the contrary, exclusive items only become more expensive over time.

Pincushion box: handmade (video)

DIY crafts for the home: does it make sense?

Before starting to decorate their own home, many people wonder: is there any point in decorating it with handmade items or is it easier to go to the store and buy all the necessary things? The answer to this question is ambiguous. On the one hand, if household members have a sufficient amount of free time that they are willing to spend on handmade items, then, undoubtedly, it makes sense. After all, this will allow you not only to decorate your home, but also to create a special atmosphere in it, and perhaps even implement special functionality in some things. By the way, such a trend of needlework as decorating and bringing back to life old things that have lost their visual appeal is gaining great popularity.

On the other hand, if household members have almost no extra time, there is practically no point in making home decor elements yourself, since their creation requires a lot of time. If, nevertheless, in such a situation there is a desire to decorate your home with the author’s exclusive things, it is better to order them from any author who can implement any proposed idea.

Folk crafts: can they be brought to life?

If you have certain materials, you can bring to life any folk craft. It is worth considering that in this matter, not only the material base is important, but also the process of acquiring certain skills that will allow you to master folk crafts in all details. To begin with, it is advisable to start with creating lighter things, involving the use of simplified schemes and techniques.

If you have certain materials, you can bring to life any folk craft.

It is possible to implement the work of professionals at home if you follow several important points.

  1. Before manufacturing a product, it is necessary to carefully study the technology of its creation.
  2. For the item, you need to purchase materials that are used in the work by professionals.
  3. To create the desired thing you need to go gradually, gaining experience on simpler objects.
  4. When creating items for the home, you need to be careful, and in most cases this is helped by perseverance and patience.

Now the most popular items created by professionals and available for making at home are:

  • weaving baskets and bread bins;
  • grass weaving;
  • wax casting;
  • candle making;
  • wood carving;
  • clay crafting;
  • embroidery;
  • Crochet;
  • painting on wood and ceramics.

Crafts made from paper, ceramics, natural materials: ideas

It’s interesting that handmade items made from paper, natural materials and ceramics can be created not only as part of children’s creativity, but also be self-sufficient works of art.

So, to decorate your home, you can make paper crafts using the following techniques:

  • applique;
  • openwork cutting;
  • papier mache;
  • scrapbooking;
  • collage;
  • modeling;
  • quilling;
  • norigami;
  • kirigami;
  • picture made from paper napkins;
  • iris folding;
  • decoupage and 3D decoupage.

It’s interesting that handmade items made from paper, natural materials and ceramics can be self-sufficient works of art

An excellent option is to combine several techniques within one work; for example, a painting made using the iris folding technique is perfectly complemented by decorative quilling elements.

Ceramic craft ideas for the home

Various figurines are made mainly from ceramics and used to decorate the home. However, in addition to these decorations from ceramics, you can create:

  • original flowerpots and pots for house plants;
  • vases;
  • dishes;
  • piggy banks;
  • caskets;
  • organizers and stands;
  • photo frames

In addition to modeling from clay, entire works of art can be created from finished ceramic products.

    1. From clay pots you can make fancy butterflies and various insects that can decorate your home lawn.
    2. A tall clay pot can serve as an excellent table for placing tea utensils on it.
    3. Several ceramic pots, fixed together, left on top of each other and topped with a tray, will create an elegant stand, and a lower version of the leg will serve as an excellent option for a feeder.
    4. If you have a country veranda near the house, you can use pots and an old chandelier to create a sophisticated stand for flowers that will literally drop their foliage from the ceiling, creating the image of a garden.
    5. From the remaining pieces of tile you can make chic coasters and cups. However, in this case, you will need to glue some soft material to the bottom of the tile to prevent scratches on the table and other furniture.
    6. A tiled table or mirror looks great. Such interior items will add grace and nobility to your home.
    7. Ceramic tiles can serve as a basis for creating paintings, replacing canvas. For painting on ceramic tiles, it is best to use acrylic paints.

Ideas for crafts made from natural materials

Due to the increasing importance of the environmental theme, the greatest popularity is observed in the manufacture of crafts from natural materials. It is interesting that such ecological handicraft can consist not only in creating children's crafts, but also in making things for household use.

  1. You can make beautiful birdhouses from fallen or wind-broken branches. By the way, hanging feeders outside the window of the house will allow you to enjoy beautiful birdsong every day.
  2. Decorations for decorating tableware can be made from straw, dried cereals, herbs, branches, and acorn caps; for example, a tea set decorated with natural materials looks impressive.
  3. To decorate empty shelves, you can create topiaries, photo frames, or decorate a vase from chestnuts, acorns, pine cones, leaves, and flower petals.
  4. Bright dried autumn leaves can form spectacular pictures.
  5. A napkin holder decoration can be made from hard natural materials.
  6. Chestnuts, acorns and cones will be excellent materials for making candy bowls.
  7. Sand can be used to sprinkle the body of the future product. With such a base, decoration with shells looks impressive.
  8. Cones are often used to create decorative baskets.
  9. Eggshells pre-colored with food coloring can create an amazing relief painting. Such needlework can also serve as a basis for decoupage. In this case, the object contains not only an image, but also an interesting texture.

Due to the increasing importance of the environmental theme, the greatest popularity is observed in the manufacture of crafts from natural materials

Crafts made from natural materials are especially popular on the eve of the holidays.

For example, the following selection will help you decide on a gift:

  • by March 8, various candlesticks, photo frames and “ecological bouquets” are often made;
  • natural decor is often used to decorate a wedding hall and accessories, for example, a wish journal can be decorated with leaves and petals;
  • for the New Year, candlesticks, wreaths, and various designer Christmas decorations are made based on pine cones, chestnuts, and dried leaves;
  • For Easter, you can put together a picture made from pieces of eggshells or prepare stands for painted eggs from acorn caps.

DIY crafts made from natural materials (video)

Now the era has come in which the place of “machine stamping” is gradually being replaced by designer items. This creative direction is called handmade. The popularization of handmade creativity is due to the fact that in the process of creating this or that little thing, the author puts his soul into it, as well as his individual idea.

Hello, dear readers! Today I propose to get acquainted with the developing lotto "Folk Crafts"

Game "Folk Crafts". Educational game for individual and group lessons with children from 4 years old.

Manufacturer: LLC "Educational Games"

Purpose of the game.

Getting to know the outside world - studying folk crafts. Game contents

: 12 sheets containing 7 lotto cards and 56 small cards with images of folk crafts. .

Before starting the game, cut the sheets along the dotted lines.

How to play

The greatest developmental and educational effect of a didactic game is achieved with the participation of an adult - he explains the rules of the game, talks about possible options, monitors the progress of the game, leads the game if several children participate in it, or participates in the process as a player.

  • For classes to be successful, you need to follow a few simple rules:
  • choose a game in accordance with the child’s age capabilities - tasks that are too simple or too complex are equally uninteresting for him;
  • find the right time to play when the child is full, happy and not busy with something important to him;
  • It is better not to make gaming material freely available; take it out only for activities, otherwise the child may lose interest in it;

finish the game before it gets boring.

And don't forget to create incentives in the game. The simplest of them are praise or a small prize. Remember that motivating children largely depends on your imagination and creativity. Don’t be afraid to come up with your own new versions of games; every time you can come up with something new in an already familiar game. Also give the children the opportunity to come up with their own games with cards, which will be especially interesting to play!

Purpose of the gameGame 1. Lotto “Folk Crafts”

. 3familiarity with various folk crafts; development of attention.

The game can be played both at home in a child-adult pair, and in a group of children (2-7 people). Each player gets one large card. The corresponding small picture cards are turned over on the table, images down, and shuffled, or laid out in a stack. The presenter takes out one card at a time and asks the children to guess who has such a card.Adult

. Look carefully, your pictures show elements of painting of various folk crafts. Let's play lotto - everyone must collect on a large map all the small pictures depicting the products of this craft. The winner is the one who collects all his pictures first. Be careful, take your time and try not to make mistakes! Let's start the game. Who needs such a picture? What does this picture look like? Etc.

At the end of the game, the adult sums it up, naming the types of crafts. It is also useful to ask children what types of crafts they collected - this way the names of folk crafts are better differentiated and remembered.

In the future, you can ask children to collect pictures for two large cards, which is more difficult.

Purpose of the game. Consolidating knowledge about Russian folk crafts; development of attention and memory. Select two pictures that depict the products of each of the folk crafts presented in the game - 14 cards in total. Mix the pictures on the table, then ask your child to choose pairs of similar pictures. When the pairs have been selected, ask them to remember and name the folk crafts whose products are shown in the pictures. This game can be played with several children - in this case, several sets of pairs of pictures are prepared and the one who is the first to sort their pictures into pairs wins.

Game 3. “Memory”

Purpose of the game. Consolidating knowledge about Russian folk crafts; development of attention and memory.

Prepare small cards for the game: how many players - so many sets of cards, mix the cards and lay them out on the table face down to hide the image (you can also play on the floor, sitting around the cards in a circle). An adult explains to the children the essence of the game and gives them one sample card (you can give the name of the craft as a task, but this is more difficult).

The game can be played both at home in a child-adult pair, and in a group of children (2-7 people). Each player gets one large card. The corresponding small picture cards are turned over on the table, images down, and shuffled, or laid out in a stack. The presenter takes out one card at a time and asks the children to guess who has such a card.. Each of you must collect your own pictures - 4 in total (or 5, 6, 7, 8), all images on which relate to one of the folk crafts.

To collect cards, you can take turns trying to turn over one of the cards and look at the image on it: if the card fits, the player takes it for himself, and if not, he puts it face down again. All players try to remember where the cards are. Then the next participant chooses one of the cards, etc. The winner of the game is the one who collects all his cards first. This is the most attentive player, he doesn’t just try to turn over and look at pictures, but remembers the location of pictures that have already been turned over and looked at. The difficulty level of this game can be easily varied by changing the number of cards in the game. For example, at first you can ask players to collect 4 cards, then 5-7.

Game 4. “Guess by the name”

Purpose of the game. Consolidating knowledge about Russian folk crafts and their names.

Place 7 small cards in front of the child, depicting products of various folk crafts. Offer to choose a suitable picture based on the word - title.

Adult. I will name the folk craft, and you find and show the desired picture. Gzhel. You chose correctly - well done. Khokhloma. Gorodets painting. That's right - here it is. Kargopol toy. No, this is a Filimonov toy, but this is a Kargopol toy. Etc.

Game 5. “Who is first”

Purpose of the game. 3strengthening knowledge about Russian folk crafts; development of attention and reaction speed, all cards are used in the game - the number of trades studied according to the number of players.

In this competition game, the winner is the one who finds and collects all his cards the fastest; for this, all the cards are shuffled and laid out on the table or floor with the images facing up. The start of the game is given by a signal from an adult. At the end of the game, the host asks the players to show their pictures in order to check the correctness of the game task and name the type of folk craft.

Game 6. “Sorting”

Purpose of the game: consolidation of knowledge about Russian folk crafts and their names.

The game is played with one child. Cards are laid out on the table or floor with the images facing up, the child is asked to sort the pictures by craft - lay them out in rows or piles. When all the pictures are sorted, ask the child to name the types of folk crafts.

The difficulty level of this game can be flexibly varied by increasing or decreasing the number of cards in the game; you can invite the child to sort the pictures by laying them out on large lotto cards. This game can be played at speed - use an hourglass or set an alarm clock for 2-5 minutes.

Additional games

With game cards you can come up with many other useful and interesting games. Let's give a few examples to awaken your creative imagination.

Game "Pictures and Names"(develops attention and thinking, reading ability). Give two players a set of pictures (one small picture from each trade) and signs with the names of the trades. Ask to choose a name for each picture - place a card next to the picture. The one who completes the task first wins.

Game "Fourth wheel"(develops attention and thinking). Lay out four cards in front of the child: three pictures with images of one folk craft, one picture with images of another craft. Suggest removing the extra picture. Continue the game with other cards.

Game "Lay out a row"(develops attention, consolidates ideas about folk crafts and their names). Using small cards, invite your child to lay out a series of pictures under dictation: name the types of folk crafts one by one, and the child selects the appropriate pictures and puts them in a row. In this game you can use a different number of pictures: one from each trade, or several from each trade.

Scans of cards

Handmade is an excellent option for realizing your own creative ideas and ideas. Handmade objects all over the world have a high value, as they are exclusive and are able to express the feelings of the author, as well as his attitude towards things around him. The popularity of handmade is also due to the fact that it is able to create an object not only from scrap materials, but also taking into account the individual wishes of the creator or customer.

Handmade is an excellent option for realizing your own creative ideas and ideas.

An item created with one’s own hands has a significantly higher price than one produced in large numbers in production.

  • This is due to the fact that handmade does not imply the possibility of creating identical objects, which means that the value of handmade work mainly lies in its exclusivity. Even if the same object is created again, it will differ from the previous one in some details, since a person is not able to exactly repeat the previous copy.
  • have their own energy;
  • endowed with character and soul;

have an individual history of creation, which is directly related not only to the author, but also to the customer.

  • Also, the value of handmade work is due to:
  • longer time costs for the manufacture of an individual item;
  • careful elaboration of the image;
  • individual approach to each object;

using more expensive materials.

The most important advantage of things made by hand is that they do not tend to lose their value, as is the case with industrial production. On the contrary, exclusive items only become more expensive over time.

Pincushion box: handmade (video)

DIY crafts for the home: does it make sense?

Before starting to decorate their own home, many people wonder: is there any point in decorating it with handmade items or is it easier to go to the store and buy all the necessary things? The answer to this question is ambiguous. On the one hand, if household members have a sufficient amount of free time that they are willing to spend on handmade items, then, undoubtedly, it makes sense. After all, this will allow you not only to decorate your home, but also to create a special atmosphere in it, and perhaps even implement special functionality in some things. By the way, such a trend of needlework as decorating and bringing back to life old things that have lost their visual appeal is gaining great popularity.

On the other hand, if household members have almost no extra time, there is practically no point in making home decor elements yourself, since their creation requires a lot of time. If, nevertheless, in such a situation there is a desire to decorate your home with the author’s exclusive things, it is better to order them from any author who can implement any proposed idea.

Folk crafts: can they be brought to life?

If you have certain materials, you can bring to life any folk craft. It is worth considering that in this matter, not only the material base is important, but also the process of acquiring certain skills that will allow you to master folk crafts in all details. To begin with, it is advisable to start with creating lighter things, involving the use of simplified schemes and techniques.

If you have certain materials, you can bring to life any folk craft.

It is possible to implement the work of professionals at home if you follow several important points.

  1. Before manufacturing a product, it is necessary to carefully study the technology of its creation.
  2. For the item, you need to purchase materials that are used in the work by professionals.
  3. To create the desired thing you need to go gradually, gaining experience on simpler objects.
  4. When creating items for the home, you need to be careful, and in most cases this is helped by perseverance and patience.

Now the most popular items created by professionals and available for making at home are:

  • weaving baskets and bread bins;
  • grass weaving;
  • wax casting;
  • candle making;
  • wood carving;
  • clay crafting;
  • embroidery;
  • Crochet;
  • painting on wood and ceramics.

Crafts made from paper, ceramics, natural materials: ideas

It’s interesting that handmade items made from paper, natural materials and ceramics can be created not only as part of children’s creativity, but also be self-sufficient works of art.

So, to decorate your home, you can make paper crafts using the following techniques:

  • applique;
  • openwork cutting;
  • papier mache;
  • scrapbooking;
  • collage;
  • modeling;
  • quilling;
  • norigami;
  • kirigami;
  • picture made from paper napkins;
  • iris folding;
  • decoupage and 3D decoupage.

It’s interesting that handmade items made from paper, natural materials and ceramics can be self-sufficient works of art

An excellent option is to combine several techniques within one work; for example, a painting made using the iris folding technique is perfectly complemented by decorative quilling elements.

Ceramic craft ideas for the home

Various figurines are made mainly from ceramics and used to decorate the home. However, in addition to these decorations from ceramics, you can create:

  • original flowerpots and pots for house plants;
  • vases;
  • dishes;
  • piggy banks;
  • caskets;
  • organizers and stands;
  • photo frames

In addition to modeling from clay, entire works of art can be created from finished ceramic products.

    1. From clay pots you can make fancy butterflies and various insects that can decorate your home lawn.
    2. A tall clay pot can serve as an excellent table for placing tea utensils on it.
    3. Several ceramic pots, fixed together, left on top of each other and topped with a tray, will create an elegant stand, and a lower version of the leg will serve as an excellent option for a feeder.
    4. If you have a country veranda near the house, you can use pots and an old chandelier to create a sophisticated stand for flowers that will literally drop their foliage from the ceiling, creating the image of a garden.
    5. From the remaining pieces of tile you can make chic coasters and cups. However, in this case, you will need to glue some soft material to the bottom of the tile to prevent scratches on the table and other furniture.
    6. A tiled table or mirror looks great. Such interior items will add grace and nobility to your home.
    7. Ceramic tiles can serve as a basis for creating paintings, replacing canvas. For painting on ceramic tiles, it is best to use acrylic paints.

Ideas for crafts made from natural materials

Due to the increasing importance of the environmental theme, the greatest popularity is observed in the manufacture of crafts from natural materials. It is interesting that such ecological handicraft can consist not only in creating children's crafts, but also in making things for household use.

  1. You can make beautiful birdhouses from fallen or wind-broken branches. By the way, hanging feeders outside the window of the house will allow you to enjoy beautiful birdsong every day.
  2. Decorations for decorating tableware can be made from straw, dried cereals, herbs, branches, and acorn caps; for example, a tea set decorated with natural materials looks impressive.
  3. To decorate empty shelves, you can create topiaries, photo frames, or decorate a vase from chestnuts, acorns, pine cones, leaves, and flower petals.
  4. Bright dried autumn leaves can form spectacular pictures.
  5. A napkin holder decoration can be made from hard natural materials.
  6. Chestnuts, acorns and cones will be excellent materials for making candy bowls.
  7. Sand can be used to sprinkle the body of the future product. With such a base, decoration with shells looks impressive.
  8. Cones are often used to create decorative baskets.
  9. Eggshells pre-colored with food coloring can create an amazing relief painting. Such needlework can also serve as a basis for decoupage. In this case, the object contains not only an image, but also an interesting texture.

Due to the increasing importance of the environmental theme, the greatest popularity is observed in the manufacture of crafts from natural materials

Crafts made from natural materials are especially popular on the eve of the holidays.

For example, the following selection will help you decide on a gift:

  • by March 8, various candlesticks, photo frames and “ecological bouquets” are often made;
  • natural decor is often used to decorate a wedding hall and accessories, for example, a wish journal can be decorated with leaves and petals;
  • for the New Year, candlesticks, wreaths, and various designer Christmas decorations are made based on pine cones, chestnuts, and dried leaves;
  • For Easter, you can put together a picture made from pieces of eggshells or prepare stands for painted eggs from acorn caps.

DIY crafts made from natural materials (video)

Now the era has come in which the place of “machine stamping” is gradually being replaced by designer items. This creative direction is called handmade. The popularization of handmade creativity is due to the fact that in the process of creating this or that little thing, the author puts his soul into it, as well as his individual idea.