Is it profitable to be a detective now? Invasion of skyscrapers. Is it profitable to buy apartments on the “primary” market now? Main stages and features of activity

Recently, this type of income as private detective activity has become increasingly popular. However, this segment of the service market is more developed in Western countries, but in our country it remains quite free, since there are very few real professional detective agencies. As a rule, some services of this kind are provided by law firms or security companies.

If you have an analytical mind and a love of detective work, then you can try to apply your talents in business. Just keep in mind that you will still need a lot of knowledge, skills, abilities, absolute dedication and a high level of professionalism.

Main stages and features of activity

Experts say that there is very little competition among detective agencies. Moreover, organizing this business will require relatively small investments, and the profit can be very, very substantial. At the same time, it is worth noting that this activity itself is specific, so starting to earn money will not be as easy as it seems.

What should you pay attention to?

In 1992, the law “On private detective and security activities in the Russian Federation” was adopted. Having studied its provisions, you will be able to decide on many questions before opening a detective agency in Russia.

A private detective may not provide the entire range of possible services, however, he is still allowed some things:

  • collect information and information on civil cases (personal observation of objects, telephone or oral interviews);
  • engage in the same collection of information and its analysis for business negotiations (in order to determine how reliable or creditworthy the partner is, etc.);
  • investigate the circumstances of illegal actions in business activities (unfair competition, deliberate disclosure of official or commercial secrets, etc.);
  • check vehicles, real estate, land plots;
  • work with archives, study documents;
  • find out personal data (biography, characteristics, confirmation of nationality, etc.) for individuals, if they have their written consent;
  • conduct various search operations (for people who are considered missing, lost or stolen property);
  • collect some information on criminal cases (in some cases).

There are separate provisions on services for protection purposes:

  • protect people's life and health;
  • protect entrusted property (possibly during transportation);
  • advise and conduct training for clients on issues of lawful protection from unlawful attacks;
  • design, install and maintain fire alarm systems after commissioning;
  • ensure order in places where public events are held.

Some nuances

The activities of detectives are in many ways similar to the activities of law enforcement agencies, however, as a private investigator, you will not be able to have all their privileges and capabilities. By law, you do not have the right to install wiretapping or hidden cameras, as well as other tracking devices on private property (in apartments, houses, cars, personal belongings, equipment, etc.). The most you can do is take a photo or video, and even then not always. In other cases, you will just have to look for witnesses. Sometimes your activity may be positioned as an unauthorized intrusion into someone’s privacy, so you should be prepared for any difficulties and surprises.

However, some clients demand that they break the law. If you decide to take this step, then you should be aware that you are acting unlawfully; moreover, it will be impossible to demonstrate evidence obtained by criminal means anywhere.

Many private detectives have connections in law enforcement agencies and courts. Using acquaintances, they can quickly obtain the information they are interested in (for example, who owns a certain car or something like that) or find out the decisions of the examinations.

Please also note that an employee of a detective agency is quite limited in the means of his own protection and has no more rights than any other citizen of the country. That is, you can try to protect yourself with a gas spray, body armor, or even a baton if it comes to such self-defense, but you are not allowed to use firearms or bladed weapons. Only security guards can have a license for such types of weapons.

Where to begin?

  1. Decide on the types of activities that you are really ready to take on (business intelligence, working with jealous husbands and wives, searching for missing people, debt collection, debt collection, legal advice, etc.).
  2. Prepare and complete all necessary documents to obtain permission to open an agency. Complete the required commissions and special training if necessary.
  3. Think about where you can place your office and equip it with everything you need.
  4. If necessary, hire assistants or other employees.
  5. Organize advertising for your agency so that people know about your services.

How to open a private detective agency: legalization of business

Any business starts with registration. If you are not registered with the tax service, then you will need to register (possibly as) and select a taxation form (or). You also need to pay a state fee and pay for the license itself.

You will need to prepare documents at the internal affairs bodies. They will fill out special application forms and write an application; you will also need to provide two photographs measuring 4*6 cm.

In addition, you must have:

  • copies of the document that proves your identity (passport);
  • copies of a document that would confirm that you have a completed legal education (if this is not the case, then you need to undergo special training to work as a private detective). However, if before this you have worked for at least three years in a unit of operational or investigative bodies, then this length of service in your work history will be sufficient;
  • detective work can only be carried out by a person who is in good health, so you will have to undergo a medical examination to determine your suitability for this profession, as well as visit drug treatment and psychoneurological dispensaries so that they will issue you a certificate that you are not registered with them;
  • You will also be asked to provide a full report on those communication means (plus special technical or other means) that you plan to use in your work. That is why it is important to decide in advance on the specifics of the activity and assess how much and what you really need. Calculations will be required in writing;
  • as a private detective, you are subject to compulsory insurance (in cases of injury or other harm to health, as well as death during detective activities).

If you break the law, your license may be revoked. The Department of Internal Affairs refuses to obtain a license:

  • those who have not yet turned 21;
  • those who have not passed a medical examination or are registered for problems with drugs, alcohol, mental illnesses and disorders;
  • those who have had a criminal record (for an intentional crime) or who are currently charged (until this issue is resolved in court);
  • former employees of authorities (law enforcement, courts or prosecutor's office), if they were fired due to compromising actions or offenses.

In our country, unfortunately, there are mostly lone detectives who have a license and registration as a legal entity. Whereas the world detective practice has huge detective corporations, whose representative offices are scattered across different countries. According to the law, you can also then organize “detective associations with the status of legal entities” and open your branches or offices in any other regions. As you can see, there is room for improvement.

Where and how to settle?

You may not need to set up a large office at first unless you plan to hire other employees right away. The agency can be located in a small, cozy room in a fairly crowded place, preferably closer to the city center.

In the office you will receive clients and negotiate with them, so try to make the environment personable and respectable. You may have to make some repairs. It would be good if, in addition to the meeting room, there would also be a room or hall for waiting for clients. At the start, 15–20 square meters will be enough for you. m area.

For arrangement you will need:

  • tables, chairs or armchairs;
  • cabinets (to store client files, magazines and other working documents);
  • reception desk (depending on the situation);
  • a good computer or laptop with special software;
  • Internet access and telephone line, several mobile numbers;
  • printer, scanner and copier (possibly in one device), fax;
  • high-quality equipment for filming (camera with a good long-range lens, video camera), voice recorder;
  • safe.

All other special equipment: bugs, mini-cameras and other “spy” equipment can be purchased, but remember that using this is prohibited by law.

In some cases, you may need disguise clothing, special props or makeup. A fairly large expense item is car rental, as well as personal protective equipment (body armor).

Personnel and work organization

At first, you can start working on your own, but then it is still better to hire several assistants (up to 4-5 people). Experts say that former law enforcement officers can best handle this type of work.

Sometimes you will have to resort to the services of professional actors if you need to conduct some kind of surveillance or find out certain information (old ladies on a bench, random passers-by, potential clients for the company being audited, etc.).

In Western countries, there is a more developed tendency for narrow specialization in work, when a person is an excellent expert in one field. By recruiting a team of such experts, you can create an excellent detective agency. However, our situation leaves much to be desired. Almost always, you will have to try on a lot of different roles and be at the same time: an analyst and operative, a strategist and tactician, a technical specialist, a subtle psychologist or a diplomatic negotiator and a brave fighter, a photographer and cameraman, a driver, an expert and a criminologist... It’s not for nothing that many detectives publish a lot for themselves different business cards, because the detective rarely introduces himself - the real one, basically, he has many faces.

You will have to listen a lot, but that is not the main thing. The main feature of a detective is the ability to listen and hear, look and see exactly what is needed. You must not just dump information on the client, but analyze and process it, establishing chains of events and possible connections between disparate facts.

Sociability, courage, resourcefulness, analytical skills, ingenuity, the ability to transform, self-confidence, developed intuition, activity - these are the necessary qualities of your employees.

You can do your accounting yourself or outsource it to companies that handle reports remotely.

How to introduce yourself?

After opening an agency, the first serious problem is finding clients. Since no one knows about you yet, it may not be easy for you, because a reputation in this business, like in any other, needs to be developed. It is difficult to advertise yourself through public and well-known means, because you (and your employees) should not be known by sight to the general public: how will you then infiltrate or quietly collect information?

You can create a website on the Internet and thematic groups on social networks, which simply describe the types of services provided.


It is believed that this business can be very profitable. Do the math for yourself: one day of your observation of someone will cost 150–200 USD, and for collecting information about the required person you can get up to 1000 USD, for a company - several times more expensive. The wider the range of your services, the more opportunities and income you have.

Estimated costs (figures in dollars):

Before you open a detective agency, you should understand that in this business, investments, in fact, do not play any role. To get started, you will need about $10,000–12,000, and you can return 70% of this amount and become profitable in the first year of operation. However, everything depends only on you and your professional skills.

Buying a brand new home today is not easy, because there is so much choice (see infographic). “2018 broke all records: developers built 10.6 million sq. m. m, whereas a year ago it was 8 million sq. m. m,” said AiF Head of the analytical center CIAN Alexey Popov. “New Moscow remains the leader.”

There are so many “newcomers” in the city that buyers are increasingly less likely to look at options in the immediate Moscow region (there, mainly the urban districts of Lyubertsy and Krasnogorsk, as well as the Leninsky district, are of interest).

By the way, according to statistics, only 8% of primary housing apartments are bought by residents of other regions. Everything else is sorted out by citizens with metropolitan registration. But this does not mean that Muscovites are crazy and have nowhere to put their money. Every second buyer considers only inexpensive options. But there are few of them in the metropolis.

In ZAO and SWAO there are no projects at all with an average price of less than 160 thousand rubles per sq. m. m, and apartments costing 160-180 thousand rubles/sq. m will not reach 11%. In the north-west, look for new buildings cheaper than 180 thousand rubles / sq. m. m practically meaningless. Therefore, if you are choosing an exclusively budget option, it makes sense to take your time with the choice. The fact is that last year the capital's developers received a lot of construction permits for future use and in the next 5 years houses will grow like mushrooms.

Will prices for new buildings decrease?

What will happen to real estate prices? Perhaps, due to the high demand for meters, they will climb up and, even after receiving a favorable mortgage loan, few will be able to afford to move to a new building?

According to Head of the analytical center "Real Estate Market Indicators IRN.RU" Oleg Repchenko, mortgages will become more expensive, and in order to maintain demand for apartments, developers will be forced to reduce prices: “According to our forecasts, within two years average prices may lose up to 20%.” The competition is high, plus the buyer is spoiled for choice. For example, people are ready to consider the first floor only at a good discount, and even then only after analyzing the improvement plans for the entire area. People are especially interested in new metro stations (which is always a big plus) and planned roads (which does not always please buyers).

And finally - about unusual apartments at high altitude. This year, construction of a building begins in the capital, which should become the tallest in Europe - 403.9 m. This is a skyscraper in the Moscow City complex, where 88 of the 109 floors will be given over to housing.

The capital authorities have issued a permit for the construction of a new 104-storey residential complex in the Moscow City International Business Center

It is worth knowing that the law provides private investigators with very few tools to work with. They have the opportunity to take photographs, interview witnesses, study documents and archives. The use of any other methods is prohibited. However, the demand for the services of private detective agencies is growing every day. This may be due to a high level of people’s mistrust of government authorities or a desire to maintain privacy. Whatever happens, it is worth noting that today this business can bring quite a good income to its owner.

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How to open your own private detective agency?

Speaking about how to open a detective agency, it is worth knowing that first of all, an entrepreneur will need to study the legal side of this issue. This will be the Law on Private Security and Detective Activities. Currently, approximately 150 private agencies are successfully operating in Moscow. It is important to note that each of them works quite “quietly”.

It is worth noting that a private detective can also provide detective services if he has a license that gives him the right to provide such services. The detective has every right to carry batons, gas canisters and even body armor as protection. However, it is important to remember that purchasing and carrying weapons is prohibited.

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What services are in great demand today?

The main assistants of a modern detective will be his own head and a laptop.

Quite often in films you can see that the detective bureau is monitoring the unfaithful wives or husbands of clients. However, in life everything is not like that. Most often you have to observe business partners and competitors. For example, before concluding a very important deal, one of the partners wanted to find out the information he was interested in and turned to a private investigator. The cost of such services will cost the client approximately from 100 to 5000 dollars. The amount will depend on how valuable the information was received.

Detectives who have been working on the market for quite a long time report that the direction of such services is constantly changing. More recently, there was a period when most of the orders consisted of determining nationality (during a boom in emigration to Israel). After that there were a large number of cases of stolen cars. Nowadays, foreign citizens are increasingly using the services of a detective to check the reputation of their Russian brides.

Today, each detective agency occupies its own niche in the market. Therefore, when collecting information on how to open a private agency, it would not hurt for an entrepreneur to think about what the company can specialize in better than its competitors, be it business intelligence or searching for missing people.

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Search for employees and remuneration

At the moment, the detective agency is a small business, and it will remain so for a long time. In order to start operating your own detective agency, an entrepreneur will need to hire about 4 people. It is important to note that most often detectives are members of the same family.

After the agency has existed for some time and becomes successful, people who previously worked in government security companies may begin to look for work with you. It is worth understanding that, firstly, such people will want high payment for their work, and secondly, the number of employees of 4 people is necessary and sufficient to ensure the productive work of the agency. At first, there is no particular need to expand your staff of workers.

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Possible methods of work for experienced detectives

It is worth knowing that each detective has his own methods of work. However, in many ways the detective is an actor. In order to obtain the necessary information, quite often you have to transform into someone. Most often, the detective carries with him a number of different fake business cards.

Detectives almost never have to work openly, nor do they have to introduce themselves. This is due to the fact that in this profession the most important thing is to work carefully so as not to let the customer down.

Quite a lot can be found out with the help of cunning. For example, if a client is receiving threats over the phone, and the operator refuses to provide subscriber information, it will be enough to simply call the number from which the threats were previously received and threaten that his phone will be disconnected due to non-payment of international bills. Most likely, the person the detective called will be confused and give an address to which bills can be sent, which will then give up the office. The professionalism of a detective lies in his ability to deftly find out all the necessary information.

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Possible fees that professional detectives can receive

From 100 to 250 dollars can be received for providing complete registration data of the Russian company of interest, all information about its managers and founders (the deadline can be from 3 to 5 days);

A detective can receive an additional fee from 500 to 1000 dollars for determining the actual address of the office of interest, the number of employees, rental conditions for premises, for conducting an audit of accounts receivable, and checking the director (photo, place of registration, personal information, mobile and home telephone numbers). The period for completing this task is 7-12 days;

From 2000 to 4500 dollars the detective will be able to earn additionally for providing information about branches, affiliates and subsidiaries, annual turnover and balance sheet, information about customers and suppliers (list), credit assessment, detailed verification of two founders or managers (their immediate relatives, availability of property , criminal connections, handwriting and signature samples, past illnesses, shares and interests in other enterprises, military service, and so on).

In addition, information can be provided about the terms of the contract with one of the business partners, a sample letterhead, and so on. The period required to complete such a task is approximately 20-25 days.

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* The calculations use average data for Russia

The profession of a private detective is romanticized by cinema and literature, but in real life such activity is far from the work of fictional characters. But at the same time, more and more people now need the services of private investigators, who can often solve two types of problems at once: those that law enforcement agencies do not deal with at all and those that law enforcement agencies cannot solve. For a population that is limited in its capabilities, turning to a detective becomes the only salvation.

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However, the detective himself does not even have the right to carry a firearm. Therefore, you should immediately forget about shootouts, fights and other heroism; however, only children imagine the image of a detective in this way. A private detective in Russia is a person who can perform a certain list of services that do not involve the use of weapons. You won't have to hunt drug dealers. But in case of a truly out-of-the-ordinary situation, the detective can have a gas can or baton with him, and also provide himself with body armor. On the other hand, this is why even a person who is not too fond of dangerous situations can become a private investigator.

You can become a professional private detective only after registering as an individual entrepreneur. You can, of course, open a legal entity, but in any case you will have to obtain a license not for the entire enterprise, but for each specific employee. Or rather, the employee himself will deal with this issue for himself. Registration is carried out at the local tax authority, requires payment of a state fee (and other bureaucratic minor expenses) and takes about a month. Activity code – (OKPD 2) 80.30 Investigation services.

An important step is obtaining a license for your activities. As already noted, it is issued to each specific applicant; you cannot open a detective agency, get a license for it and start accepting people from the street. If an entrepreneur works on his own, then he is dealing with this issue only for himself as an individual. At the same time, the licensing authority will consider the possibility of issuing a license only in a few cases:

    If the candidate has worked for at least three years in investigative or operational agencies.

    If the candidate has a legal education.

    If the candidate has completed special courses in detective work.

You also need to submit certain documents, such as:

    A copy of the Certificate of assignment of OGRNIP.

    A copy of the document confirming registration with the tax authority.

    Copy of TIN.

    A copy of the extract from the Unified State Register of Individual Entrepreneurs.

    Copy of the passport.

    Copy of medical certificate (F No. 046-1).

    A copy of the work book.

    A copy of a diploma of legal education or a document confirming special training to work as a private detective.

    A copy of the receipt confirming payment of the state fee for consideration of the application and provision of a license.

To obtain a medical certificate, you will have to visit more than one doctor, because the licensing authority carefully checks, in particular, the mental health of the future licensee. But you will also have to visit a narcologist, as well as many other doctors who will determine your level of health. After this, you must undergo fingerprint registration. That is, a private investigator forever transfers information about his fingerprints, but if he previously worked in law enforcement agencies, then he has probably already completed such registration. Finally, you need to pass a special test for professional aptitude, which asks questions that are closely covered in training courses for private detectives. As for persons with a legal education or former employees of certain structures, they are considered to know the answers by studying theory or work experience. Moreover, such checks will be carried out regularly, because the license is issued for a period of 5 years. The period for making a decision on issuing a primary license cannot exceed 45 days. The licensing authority is the Ministry of Internal Affairs. Yes, a license will not be issued if:

    The applicant is under 21 years of age (18 is still too young to become a detective).

    The applicant is registered in a mental, drug or alcohol dispensary.

    The applicant has a criminal record or is under investigation (a license may be issued if the charges are dropped).

    The applicant was dismissed from law enforcement service due to serious misconduct (as the law states “on compromising grounds”).

    The applicant works or worked less than a year ago in law enforcement agencies that supervise the activities of private detectives and security agencies (after a year, you can apply for a license).

Companies specializing in this can help in obtaining a license, but in this case everything depends on the future licensee himself, and the office can only help in resolving bureaucratic issues. In order not to waste a lot of time, you should think about studying either at the Faculty of Law or taking private detective courses in advance. For people who want to become entrepreneurs, but have dreamed of becoming detectives since childhood, now there is an opportunity to make their dream come true. There would be money, because the courses, naturally, are not free.

As is clear from all of the above, registration, registration and licensing will take at least 2 months, during which you can already begin searching for premises for your office and employees. In general, private detectives are people who want to work alone, and without a permanent location of their office. That is, all negotiations with clients take place somewhere on neutral territory. However, today the client wants to see the level of the enterprise, and it is important for the agency to consist of more than one person. This is just an indicator, prestige, while the visitor’s issue can really be resolved by one person, but it is important for the visitor that the agency has greater capabilities. Again, in culture the image of the detective is invariably created as a lone person, but the person who goes for real help is based on practical considerations.

Therefore, it is better to find an office, rent it if you do not have your own premises. This may be a small room and not necessarily in the city center, but not on its very outskirts. Interestingly, not too many agencies are involved in private investigation. In a city with more than one million inhabitants, there may be 1-2 agencies, in the capitals - a little more than 10. But these are the private detectives themselves, whose competition is from some of the security agencies offering related or similar services. But still, the sphere of private security companies is direct security, not investigations. The office itself does not have to be large; the main thing is a reception room equipped with the necessary equipment. During work, you will need to spend a lot of time on the Internet, and you also need to store your own information databases not on a flash drive, so each employee needs a personal computer and Internet access. The area of ​​the room is from 20 m2, and in fact it is a simple detective’s office.

To inform the population about your activities, it is best to advertise on the Internet and place ads on thematic portals. Regular ATL advertising (local radio and television, print media) can also be effective. The target audience of a private detective is people who are disappointed in the actions of law enforcement officers (for example, they go to a detective for help in finding a stolen vehicle), and people whose question the police will not take on at all (a classic example is determining the fidelity of a spouse). At the same time, according to the law of the Russian Federation, the activities of a private detective are strictly regulated, and he does not have the right to enter a home or collect personal information without the knowledge and permission of the person himself. As you know, in this country everything is allowed that is not prohibited, therefore, having a legal education, you can “balance on the brink”, engaging in almost illegal activities. The key phrase is almost that if you exceed your duties, you can answer in an administrative or criminal case.

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You need to understand exactly what can be done and what cannot be done. Fortunately, everything is relatively clearly stated in the law, but we must not forget that laws are constantly changing. So, just recently the licensing rules changed, and licensees had to get it again. A private detective, among other things, can perform the functions of a security guard, protecting citizens and property, as well as the functions of a lawyer, advising on issues relevant to his profile. The general list of the main activities of a detective looks like this:

    Collection of information on civil cases on a contractual basis with participants in the process; Here we need to emphasize that there must be an agreement. That is, it is impossible to obtain information about another person without his consent, but this information can be obtained by any other legal means. Handing it over to the customer is also not a crime.

    Market research, collecting information for business negotiations, identifying uncreditworthy or unreliable business partners; Everything here is relatively clear, the main thing is not to break the law and remember that almost no one will voluntarily transmit information. Moreover, legal entities are more careful than individuals.

    Establishing the circumstances of the unlawful use of brand names and names in business activities, unfair competition, as well as disclosure of information constituting a trade secret; here, in general, the detective comes to the defense of justice.

    Finding out biographical and other personal data about individual citizens (with their written consent) when they enter into employment and other contracts; This is done if the employer seeks to screen applicants for the positions they offer. To act within the law, you need to ask the customer for a form on which the applicant signed the agreement to verify it.

    Search for missing citizens; here, too, everything is relatively clear, and this activity closely intersects with the work of the police. They seek such help precisely in the event of inaction by law enforcement agencies.

    Search for property lost by citizens or enterprises, institutions, organizations; This is precisely where the search for a stolen car comes in, although this is also the work of the police.

    Collection of information on criminal cases on a contractual basis with participants in the process; here it is important to notify the investigator in this case within a day. At the same time, you cannot obtain the same powers as employees of the prosecutor’s office or the police.

    Search for a person who is a debtor in accordance with a writ of execution and his property. Often such services are ordered by collectors or banks, and the detective himself will receive money for catching the debtor; he will not have to collect the debt.

    Search for a child using a writ of execution containing a requirement to select or transfer the child; This includes all possible disputes regarding a common child, for the resolution of which it is necessary to find a parent or both parents, the child himself and all interested parties. It is possible that some of them may be outside this country.

At the same time, private detectives can also establish external surveillance of the object, because filming and recording is prohibited only on premises. A private detective can also offer the “anti-detective” service, that is, save his client from wiretapping or surveillance (by legal means, of course), help him figure out who is collecting information about him and why. If a detective, in the process of obtaining a license, indicated the need to use technological means, then he can not only use them in his work, but also neutralize them for his client. At the same time, in a private investigation agency it is very good to have a legal consultant who will help the office itself in case of problems, and will advise clients on issues of interest to them. You may also need a programmer who can collect a lot of information about the desired user from the network. And it doesn’t hurt to have a competent economist on staff who will help solve problems related to fulfilling orders from entrepreneurs and organizations. Legal entities in general will be almost the main clients of a private detective.

The license gives the right to work throughout the country, so you should not miss the chance to take on a business that is taking place in another city. Some agencies cooperate with global detective organizations (a sort of private Interpol), and therefore it is better for a detective to have a foreign passport and the ability to quickly obtain a visa to any country. The client's order may well also involve long-term business trips on the other side of the world; However, the work of a detective also consists of routine work and sorting through old archives. Fighting crime around the world is certainly a lot of fun, but that's more typical for movie characters, and being a private investigator doesn't always require you to travel outside your own country.

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A detective agency may be an extension of a detective's private practice, in which case he will need trusted assistants who are also licensed to practice detective work. They go to the licensing authority office with certificates from their employer, where they go through the procedure for obtaining permits. It’s not worth hiring people who haven’t even been trained. And, of course, not everyone is given detective talent, and even a police officer who has worked for many years may not be suitable for such work. But licenses are not required for support staff; this applies to economists, lawyers and programmers who sit in the office.

The cost of private detective services is usually quite high. And although in most cases the work of a detective does not involve a risk to life, he should not expect to sit quietly in the office either (at best, in the archives, this is required for, for example, establishing nationality). Surveillance and monitoring are paid by the hour; searching for things or people costs a fixed amount. At first, you may have to set a small price for your services, but as soon as you manage to gain popularity in the city, you can adjust the cost in your favor.

But in addition to the risks of being caught and sent into the forest to dig his own grave, a private detective also has quite economic risks. In small towns, it is unlikely that you will be able to make good money from such activities, because in a year you will only be able to receive an order from some jealous spouse. In large populated areas, the demand for detective services will be from legal entities; You just need to remember that the detective who has taken on the order can no longer begin to act against his client. That is, by allowing yourself to be outbid, you will not only have to sacrifice your reputation, but also, it is possible, that you will have to answer according to the law. Such work is suitable for a very small number of people, but you can do it if you have other passive sources of income (for example, from your own other business or pension in the case of former law enforcement officers), perceiving the private practice of a detective as a profitable hobby.

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Not everyone can engage in private investigation in Russia. There are several important conditions that cannot be circumvented.

Firstly, a candidate for Sherlock Holmes should not have mental disorders, alcohol or drug addiction.

Secondly, he must have a legal secondary or higher education or have experience in law enforcement agencies.

Thirdly, he must have an impeccable reputation and a “clean” biography - no convictions for an intentional crime, no dismissals from public service due to discreditable circumstances, no investigative or judicial proceedings, albeit unfinished, at the moment.

Moreover, if a detective candidate served in a body that controlled or carried out licensing work, then he will also not be issued a license until the expiration of a year from the date of dismissal. This is clearly an anti-corruption measure to prevent former employees from issuing licenses they like.

The future detective must register as a private entrepreneur. He will receive a license for five years, but must annually submit a medical certificate confirming the absence of mental illness and drug and alcohol addiction.

By the way, his license may not be renewed if during the inspection it turned out that his activities threaten the safety of citizens. That is, the detective tried to use force to encourage his interlocutors to be frank. And this is unacceptable. After all, for an ordinary citizen, a private detective is not an official representative of the authorities; we are not obliged to answer him anything, much less provide assistance.

If I want, I talk to this person, no means no. Even a private security guard at his facility has more opportunities - at a minimum, he has the right not to let a person who seems suspicious to him, say, into a store, club or office.

A real private detective is different from “detective Gurov”. He is not allowed to detain anyone

Let us remind you that a real, and not a movie, private detective in Russia is very different from “detective Gurov.” He is prohibited from pursuing a criminal with a weapon or detaining someone. He can use weapons only on the same basis as any citizen of Russia - for hunting, sport shooting and self-defense.

He has the right only to collect information and analyze some facts for his client. If during the investigation he discovers the fact of murder or robbery, he is obliged to inform the police. And continue the investigation only with the permission of the police.

What is a private detective allowed to do in Russia? As a rule, Russian private investigators collect or make various inquiries. For example, about possible heirs of a deceased relative, about potential competitors or partners, they are searching for missing people.

This mainly involves work in archives, long and complex correspondence. “Delicate” orders to identify adultery are not uncommon. But here everything must be done so that the detective himself is not accused of disclosing personal information or intruding into private life. It happens that private detectives have to identify office thieves, insiders, “sent Cossacks” from competitors.