What does your professional achievements mean. Examples of human life goals. Meaning of Labor Activities for Man

Greetings to your blog site. Professional achievements for a resume play a particularly important role. Thanks to this characteristics, the potential employer will be able to assess the effectiveness of your work, and decide whether you come to work at its enterprise.

A completely different question - how to describe the example of your achievements in the resume in such a way as not to get a refusal? Examples of real characteristics will be discussed in detail below.

What is "professional achievements" and why write about them?

Professional achievements are your successes and merits that you have achieved, and which have received throughout the time of work in a certain field of activity. It is quite logical that such characteristics cannot be the same for all professions, so each applicant applying for a specific position is obliged to be able to indicate only the information about himself as a specialist who will be useful. Only properly presented data on personal achievements in the summary will be interested in the employee of the personnel department and the management of the company.

Why write about profits?

Why indicate in a summary examples of personal achievements? There are several important reasons for it.

  1. The characteristics described by you, as a professional, will help the head of the company to understand how much you succeeded in your profession. You not only work and brilliantly perform your official duties - You are conducting an enterprise to prosperity and leadership among many competitors. Each boss wants to see such an employee within the walls of his company.
  2. An example of your achievements in the summary significantly increases the pride of the potential employer. Each boss wants his company to receive a profit with minimal expenses, so that old customers remain, and new ones - incessantly came. Alone, one person physically cannot handle everything, especially if he leads a large company. Therefore, he needs a real pro, and this is - you!
  3. An example of personal achievements Summary characterizes you as a targeted and responsible employee. Simple instructions of your personal qualitiesAs, for example, "purposeful", "mandatory", "responsible" is just a set of empty words, nothing, in essence, do not prove. But if you give a specific example of your success and achievements in the summary, your candidacy will certainly be interested in the company's administration.
  4. If you specify examples of your professional achievements in the summary, the head will be able to understand how positive is the dynamics of your career growth. It is for this criterion that the boss will evaluate your hardworking, professionalism, readiness for further self-development. It will be a good chance for you to get not only the desired position with high salaryBut also be able to count on raising over time.

As can be seen, leading a sample of achievements in working for a summary, you can draw attention to your candidacy, and significantly "overtake" other applicants for the desired position.

Basic rules of description

An example of achievements in working in the summary must be able to properly present. To do this, follow the main rules.

  1. Let's make more specifics. Do not describe the basic principles and methods of our work. When bringing examples, specify your most significant professional achievements. Do it as follows: "Rose sales percentage at ...%," "accelerated the time of completing the task on ... minutes / hours / days," "trained ... workers", etc. And it doesn't matter at all, in which units you measure your achievements - the main thing Create clear numbers. If it is problematic, try clearly, but concisely outlined the essence of the work done.
  2. Bind your basic professional achievements to a specific place of work. As a rule, in summary, potential employees indicate 2 - 3 firms where they worked earlier, and lead a brief list of their merits.
  3. Prove that you meet the post on which you are trying to get a job. If you used to work as an economist, look for work on this criterion. Do not claim the place of the chief accountant with skills and experience in whom they have worked earlier. A sample of your achievements of an economist in a resume for the position of chubbuch will be more than inappropriate. Most likely, you immediately get a refusal to the company's head.

Question. So, what examples of achievements can be specified in the summary? It all depends on what place you are applying for. If this is a head office, take care to describe your characteristics from the point of view of the head. If we are talking about a regular ordinary employee, stick to this line, not anywhere from it.

Examples of personal achievements for different professions

What are the achievements to write in the summary? Examples for different professions are shown below.


Accountant is a very responsible and difficult position requiring accuracy, responsibility, pragmaticity. Consequently, both the professional characteristics of this specialist should be at the highest level.

Examples of professional achievements in the resume for accountant are as follows:

  • automation of accounting calculations and subsequent reduction of the state of economists;
  • successful passage of 10 (or more) tax audits;
  • full update by company;
  • creation of 3 - 5 publications for accounting magazines or newspapers;
  • there is a certificate or diploma confirming the qualification "Chief Accountant" and PR.

Another good example of what achievements can be specified in the accountant's summary - the number of successfully passed external audits. If you have such an experience, be sure to write about it in your characteristics.


What to write in the achievements of the teacher's resume? An example is described below:

  • the presence of an honorary certificate for labor services in pedagogical activities;
  • successful holding 10 open lessons;
  • participation in 7 district, regional, all-Russian conferences on pedagogy;
  • organization and maintenance of various learning circles.

Also good example Achievements at work is to carry out conferences or webinars on the exchange of pedagogical experience.


Of course, here professional achievements will directly depend on the medical sphere in which the person works, and the degree of its qualifications. For each direction of medicine there are some of their own, special, nuances that are important to indicate in the characteristic if you wish to get a new job.

So we will consider the achievements that can be specified in the summary, on the example of the ENT doctor:

  • conducted 50 successful operations on the LOR-organ;
  • posted and published 200 articles for magazines and newspapers "Health";
  • created and defended scientific work "Innovative methods for the treatment of scleroma", for which he received a degree of associate professor of medical sciences;
  • for 5. recent years trained 45 doctors in the Interns;
  • conducted 8 webinars on otorhinolaryngology;
  • he took part in 15 conferences, 3 of which are international.

Note. Very good if you specify in your resume invention of a new medical device, instrument, fixtures. Moreover, it should be not only designed by you, but also paid. You, in turn, should be a confirmation of licensing your development. However, it is necessary to indicate this in the summary only if this achievement really takes place in your medical practice!

Sales Manager

If you are applying for a sales manager, please specify your achievements in the resume as follows:

  • raised sales level by 30%;
  • over the past six months, have attracted 50 new partners / clients;
  • for the year he trained 15 new employees;
  • over the past 3 years, organized 35 shares and discount programs, thanks to which they attracted 200 new regular customers.

Examples can be guided by an innumerable amount. But one you must clearly remember: Only the truth, and no distortion of the facts! Remember that the head of the company can at any time require evidence that you are really successful in your field of activity, and if you admitted a little about yourself, your deception will be quickly disclosed.


Officers can be divided into 2 groups: small and large caliber. To the first category, we will draw administrators, supervisors, the same managers, etc. To the second group, you can apply directors, general directories, presidents of firms, etc.

Consider examples of professional achievements in the resume for the head, taking as a basis the position of the Director of the Logistics Department:

  • over the past 2 years, it has developed 5 schemes of new routes for quick shipping from ... to ...;
  • automated the inventory system, due to achieving a faster implementation of this process (it took 5 hours earlier, now - 1-2 hours);
  • completely updated softwareThanks to which it was possible to increase the speed of the selection with ... before ... lines per hour.

So, we led real examples of professional achievements from the summary of applicants. Of course, you should not copy everything in a row to your characteristic. Previously described samples will help you only focus on how to correctly fill in the graph with the professional achievements in your " business card" Nevertheless, the rest is in your hands, so do not miss the opportunity to get the work of your dreams, correctly and competently compile resume!

You may have heard that the summary should list your achievements, and not your job responsibilities. That's it the best wayTo demonstrate what you have achieved at last work places, as well as show potential employers that you can do for them. But many forget to include the "Professional Achievements" section in the summary. How to write it so as to most interest the personnel and get the desired post? Read further to find out all the subtleties.

Communication and difference between duties and achievements

A simple example. Yours main duty - organization and conduct of events. Then your achievement can be: "Collected more than 200 thousand rubles. with 100 visitors when holding a charity evening. "

Why is it so important? A person who reads your resume, you need to know more about you. Personnel and so know what responsibilities are assumed to be a specific post. When you list obvious facts, you only spend a precious place in your resume, as well as the attention of the decision maker. Each phrase about you should have a specific purpose, namely, to prove to the employer that you are the best candidate for the post.

Sphere of trade

Today it is not so difficult to make a product, how to sell it. Therefore, specialty associated with trade is in great demand, and offer applicants to the prospects for high earnings and career growth. What professional achievements in the Seller's resume will help you get the desired post?

An important rule

Can't confirm - do not write. Recruiters often complain that applicants for the position of the seller are very much instilled in their resume. If you ask for evidence of your brilliant success, you should be able to get or another document from a former employer who will confirm your words.

The main achievement of any seller

For young professionals

If you can not yet say that your activity has significantly affected the company's turnover, you can still find something in the section "Professional achievements" in the resume. Examples:

  • "Developed a presentation" Economy at the enterprise for not economists "and presented it with leadership, and then other employees, in order to improve the understanding of the demands of the accounting and analytical department."
  • "He analyzed the financial statements over the past 18 months, revealed formatting errors and created a universal temporary template template."

Accuracy and accuracy

Professional achievements in the summary of the accountant are also directly related to the numbers, as well as a larger role playing time and accuracy. Therefore, their list may look like this:

For those who want to become an employee of a financial and credit institution

Again, professional achievements in the resume are associated with numbers and money. But in addition to this, the applicant is important to show that he can work with people, has leadership qualities, but it is a team player. After all, the bank is big companyconsisting of a variety of departments throughout the country, and all of its employees should work simply.

Therefore, here's how you can describe your professional achievements in the summary. Example:

  • "In the first six months after the employment, I sold more financial services for 20% than was put in terms of sales, due to the careful study of the needs of customers and working with regular customers."
  • "Provided an increase in the volume of mortgage lending to business, which led to an increase in the profit of the Bank's branch by 2%"
  • "For 2014, increased the client base by 10% with the help of telephone calls potential customers, and promoting the recommendation of the Bank's services to existing clients. "
  • "He trained a group of 5 new employees with the rules for documenting loans issuing."
  • "Worked with 3 VIP clients of the Bank, with a total turnover on their accounts in the amount of about 7 million rubles."
  • "He took direct participation in the design of 5 new credit packages in order to attract more potential borrowers."

But it is not possible to formally approximately to fill the "Professional Achievements" section in the summary. Example: You can enable such a fact as "organized corporate Picnic By 120 people with departure to the suburban sanatorium. " It would seem that this achievement has very little attitude towards your professionalism, but in fact it will demonstrate to a potential employer that you have excellent organizational abilities, support corporate cultureand have excellent relations with the team, which is very valued in

For servants of themis

The specialty lawyer is always of great popularity. For the frames to notice you among a heap of other applicants, approach to filling out the "Professional Achievements" section in the Summary of the Lawyer. Avoid generalized phrases and give specific facts. Use the model "Problem - Action - Result."

How exactly to apply it when you describe professional achievements in the summary? Example: Instead of the phrase: "I fulfilled the legal study and compiled a statement from the claimant to make a decision by the court," describe the situation as follows: "The claim in dealing with the claimant, as a result of which the health was damaged, which is estimated in the amount of more than 100 thousand rubles. The court satisfied the demands of the victim. " The second wording much more fully reveals your role in the case and shows your competence.

If you do not have loud victories in court, and you work as a regular lawyer at the enterprise, then concentrate on the benefits that the company received from your actions: contracts for large amounts decorated under legislation and with the greatest benefits for your enterprise; successful decision controversial situations with suppliers, etc.

Revaluation of values, or accounting for achievements in your life

From time to time it is useful to ask yourself a question: what did I get? The question is not idle, as it helps to comprehend, which has already been done and what is still to be done. If the achievements are not so much, as I would like, it can serve as a reason to start changing something in life.

Important achievements in life can be divided into two conditional categories: public and personal.

Public achievements are what is valued in society, talks about the success of a person (Gold Medal at school, a prestigious university diploma, a status post, material well-being).

Personal achievements are those acts for which we respect themselves.

Very and very controversial question, which is more important - public recognition or personal satisfaction from his life. It is also important.

Achievements that are visible to all

Remember the Soviet Cinema, which has become a classic, and the phrase from this film, who went into the people: "Athlete, Komsomolka and just beauty"? There are achievements for which we are evaluated in society. These criteria for success can be attributed to education, career, social status man. It so happened that we live in society and play according to the rules that the society dictates us.

Important achievements in life include education. But here there is one "but": the resulting education can be considered an achievement, provided that the person studied independently (and did not buy sessions and exams) and as a result acquired a profession that will bring revenue to him in the future. If the diploma needs "just so that it was", then this is a dubious achievement.

Another important achievement in life is a successful person in a professional plan. If a person is engaged in his favorite case, which brings him not only income, but also a sense of satisfaction is, of course, the criterion of success.

Social status The concept is quite ephemeral and you can argue for a long time on the topic that in our society are all equal, but in real life all wrong. If a person is respecting in the professional community, has a good reputation in its circle of communication - this is also a certain achievement in life.

Dangerous, deadly way - to consider its material well-being in life with its important achievement. There is always someone who is richer than you, and therefore, their own material benefits will not be so pleased. And at the same time, probably not quite the right step Ignore material success.

Personal achievement counter

With personal achievements, everything is easier and more difficult at the same time. Here everyone for itself determines that it is important for him. It turns out a personal value scale, and what is important to you, it will not necessarily be in priority for others.

Create a harmonious family - someone quite true exactly that considers it an important achievement in life. And for someone, an important achievement in life is to learn how to prepare Spanish dishes, visit Kilimanjaro or lose weight by 20 kilograms.

We are all different, and someone to important achievements refer to the purchase of an expensive car, and someone is their spiritual self-development.

For successful man Mandatory personal achievement should be a desire to learn, find out new. And it's not just about professional activity, you can learn and "personal" things: learn to forgive and, as a result, become generous, learn how to restrain the emotions - and at the expense of this ability with honor to leave the most difficult life situations.

List personal achievements (for example, to start a photo album with photos of your triumphant moments in life) - this is an excellent training sense of confidence. And when there is a feeling of pain and confidence in your abilities, it is much easier to reach new heights.

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(While there is no estimates)

If you list in a summary of the Accounting Accountant, which took place at previous places of work, this will significantly increase the professional value of this candidate in the eyes of the personnel, which takes out a resume for a potential employer. We tell about what accounting achievements can we talk, give examples, and what to do if there were no achievements.


By general rule Professional achievements in a resume Accountant are the results of this specialist in past posts, which:

  • they talk about the successful performance of professional goals and tasks;
  • reflect the economic benefit received by the enterprise where he worked.

It is important to understand that not so much duties and functions, but to achievements in the consummation of an accountant along with the description professional experience They distinguish your candidacy from competitors to the position in question.

Thus, as examples of professional achievements in the summary for an accountant, not just the functions that he successfully performed, but:

  • special actions overlooking the general work framework;
  • labor results that can be measured (i.e. they are convincing).

How to act

First of all, the obligations and achievements in the summary of the accountant must be clearly divided and prescribed in different sections.

In the section "Achievements" it is necessary to describe the achieved successes on the accounting field. It must be done as specifically as possible. At the same time, it is desirable to use some counts.

Always easier to the Chief Accountant. Achievements in the summary in the occupation of such a position can usually do not cause difficulties. More complicated - novice specialists or accountants in lower positions. How to be in this case?

In the end, you can lower the block with examples of achievements in the summary of the accountant. And the duties in this document will then play a decisive role in considering such a resume. However, you should not hurry in this case: letters, diplomas, etc. - is also achievements! About this next.


We list the most common examples of the achievements of the accountant in Summary:

  • successful passage of tax inspections, insurance premiums, labor issues, etc. With mandatory (!) An indication of their quantity (you can specify the types of taxes);
  • successful passage of litigation (tax, insurance premiums, labor issues, etc.);
  • successful passage of external audit;
  • transition to a new version of accounting software;
  • transition to a more profitable and convenient to the company accounting software;
  • increased documency efficiency due to its transfer to electronic form (including document exchange purposes);
  • automation of calculations, which allowed to reduce the staff of economists to 2 times;
  • maintaining several legal entities at the same time, which are on different tax modes, systems;
  • career growth within one company;
  • availability of diplomas, diploma, awards, certificates, etc. related to the accounting profession;
  • availability of publications on accounting topics, interview.

As an example of achieving in the summary of the chief accountant, other people's mistakes can also be identified and eliminated.


I revealed the fact of improper calculation of the cost of products, because of which the sale price was overestimated, which made goods less competitive. The elimination of this error made it possible to make the revaluation of the cost and successfully resume sales.

One of the problem points for applicants is the Count "Achievements". It is not necessary to listen to the installation laid since childhood, that it is not good to boast, it's not the case. It is better to see examples of professional achievements in the summary and repel from them, focusing on your personal experience.

Possible options

It is almost unrealistic to find a sample of achievements, but there are highlights that can be focused when filling in the specified graph. For example, such wording will be suitable for the sphere of trade:

  • increased sales in excess of the established norm by 15% over the past six months of work as a seller;
  • retained all major customers in the crisis period;
  • ensured the expansion of the market for the development of a network of branches in district centers, which contributed to an increase in the company's profits by 11%;
  • dismantled a niche previously engaged in competitors in large trading networks, increasing sales by 1.3 times;
  • developed a new customer search tactics, which allowed the year of work to attract more than 50 new customers, 6 of which are large;
  • repeatedly based on the results of organized surveys included in the top three leaders in the quality of customer service as a call center operator.

For people whose work is associated with papers, keeping accounting, such as planning can use such an example:

  • the post of chief accountant successfully passed 3 tax audits;
  • accelerated the workflow in the enterprise by introducing and developing together with the E-Base Programming Department;
  • organized a successful transition of a large enterprise with version 1C: Accounting 7.7 at 8.3;
  • found a discrepancy in the cost of products, because of which its price was ingraded and did the product uncomfortable, the error correction led to the revaluation of the cost and renewal of sales;
  • rose the effectiveness of the planned department of 80% by implementing the automation of calculations, this allowed to reduce the staff of economists by 2 times.

Specialists in sphere computer technology Depending on their specialization, you can choose what to write, from such a list:

  • increased the efficiency of the company by establishing the operation of the servers, due to this the number of emergency failures decreased by 3 times;
  • spent effective analysis technical support companies and was able to reduce 20% of the funds allocated for the acquisition of new technology;
  • the team under my leadership was developed online store company and will be promoted to the tops of search engines;
  • created a program that allows you to optimize document flow in the enterprise;
  • provided the possibility of control, limited access to resources, the subject of which is not related to professional activities.

Competent wording

Pointing your achievements, do not forget that they should reflect not your daily duties, namely what goes beyond their borders. They should show that the specialist has shown the initiative or fulfilled the directions of the manager who went beyond its previous experience.

Describing the achievements It is important to understand that the potential employer must see the problem and your actions. The result is also important.

For example, this formulation is traced in such variations:

  • introduced a system of satellite control over trading agents, which made it possible to increase sales efficiency by 23% per year;
  • i taught for 2 weeks of new employees so that it allowed them to immediately go to the company's level established in the company;
  • conducted customer service training, explained the main functions of the manager, thanks to this, the number of purchased tourist tours increased by 18% compared with the same period last year;
  • the management of the delivery department was able to reduce the time of processing of orders by 2 times using the introduction of the logistics system and staff training;
  • organized and conducted a full-scale study of the ferocular products market in the city, which made it possible to introduce a new product;
  • he conducted successful negotiations, thanks to which the supplier provided a discount, and the company was able to save more than 7% of the amount allocated to installing new software.

Such formulations give the future employer to see your achievements in work, for the summary, they must be formulated briefly and clearly.

Is it worth adding yourself merit

If you want to get a position, then you will consider the employers' selection of professionals. If you have nothing to brag, you drastically change the scope of activities or work for the first time, then it is better to miss this graph at all.

Note, any achievement recruiter is able to check, be it:

  • increase sales by 40% due to changing the negotiation strategy;
  • introduction of automation of accounting on retail outlets;
  • development of new products for the post of technologist;
  • introduction new system Stimulating labor that improves the performance of workers.

The employer is unlikely to want to take a person who attributed to himself the non-existent achievements in the summary, thereby trying to increase the likelihood of employment.

Blurred phrases in the resume

Recruiter wants to see real achievements in a resume, not general formulations. There is a list of phrases, which is better not to use. Among them:

  • improving the efficiency of the department;
  • created new department and set up his work with "0";
  • conducted the training of new employees;
  • qualitatively performed his work;
  • for 4 years, there has not received a single spike;
  • ensuring sales growth in the established region;
  • keeping accounting on the fixed area.

Such formulations will not attract personnel. They just make it clear that a person went to work and made entrusted tasks. These are not at all the achievements that you can specify in the summary and to which the employer should pay attention. This graph requires specifics with an indication of implemented programs, interest increasing sales, the number of clients raised, the level of growth in the profit of the enterprise, which can be attributed to the list of your achievements.