Officer instructions in personnel inspector. Official instructions Inspector on personnel Official instructions for personnel inspector

Personnel Personnel Management Company - Main Responsibility inspector of the personnel department (or personnel inspector)But in a small organization, it can also be involved in solving other staff management tasks. Most of the items in the proposed sample of the official instruction of the personnel department is devoted to maintaining, accounting and storing labor books, which is not surprising, because they still remain the main "labor" document of employees.

Job Inspectors of the personnel department
(Official instructions for personnel inspector)

Surname I.O. ________________
"________" _____________ ____

1. General Provisions

1.1. The personnel department inspector refers to the category of specialists.
1.2. The personnel department inspector is appointed and exempt from it by order of the Director-General on the submission of the head of the personnel department.
1.3. The personnel hospital inspector obeys directly the head of the personnel department.
1.4. A person who meets the following requirements is appointed as an inspector of the personnel department: Higher Professional, work experience in the relevant area for at least a year.
1.5. During the absence of the inspector of the personnel department of his rights and obligations, they move towards another official, which is announced in the order on the organization.
1.6. The personnel department inspector should know:
- legislative and regulatory acts relating to the organization of office work in the organization and accounting of the personal composition, registration of pension affairs, maintaining and storing labor books and personal affairs of employees of the organization, preparation of affairs to surrender to the archive;
- labor legislation;
- the structure and staff of the company;
- personnel workshop, accounting procedure for the movement of personnel and reporting;
- the procedure for establishing the name of the professions of workers and posts of employees, the general and continuous experience of certain work, benefits and compensation, the design of pensions to employees;
- The procedure for maintaining a bank data bank company.
1.7. The personnel department inspector is guided in its activities:
- legislative acts of the Russian Federation;
- Regulations on the personnel department, the Charter of the Organization, the rules of the internal labor regulation, other regulatory acts of the Company;
- orders and manual orders;
- This official instruction.

2. Official duties of the personnel department inspector

The personnel department inspector performs the following job responsibilities:
2.1. He carries out control over the timely execution of orders, orders and orders of the head of the personnel department.
2.2. He accounts for accounting for the company's personnel, its divisions in accordance with the unified forms of primary documentation.
2.3. Declarations, translation and dismissal of workers in accordance with the labor legislation, the provisions and orders of the company's head, as well as other established personnel documentation.
2.4. When taking a job, introduces the provisions on discipline in the organization, about working time and rest time, keeps records and issuing official certificates.
2.5. Directors on instrumentation on safety, industrial sanitation and fire protection, rules and regulations of labor protection.
2.6. Forms and conducts personal affairs workers, contributes to changes related to labor activities.
2.7. Prepares the necessary materials for qualifying, attestation, competitive commissions and submission to employees to promotions and awarding.
2.8. Fills, takes into account and keeps employment records, it is calculated by the employment experience.
2.9. Records in employment records about promotions and awarding staff.
2.10. There is a certificate of the present and past work activities of employees to submit to other institutions.
2.11. Leads strict accounting of labor books and liners, register acceptance and issuing labor books and inserts to them.
2.12. Makes information on the quantitative, qualitative composition of employees and their movement to the Bank's Personnel Bank, monitors its timely update and replenishment.
2.13. He accounts for the provision of holidays to employees, monitors the preparation and compliance with the schedules of regular holidays.
2.14. Regulates pension insurance cards, other documents necessary for the appointment of pensions to employees of the enterprise and their families, establish benefits and compensation.
2.15. He is studying the movement and causes of fluidity of personnel, participates in the development of measures to reduce it.
2.16. Prepares documents upon the expiration of the established periods of current storage to the deposit to the archive.
2.17. He carries out control over the state of labor discipline in enterprise divisions and observance by employees of the rules of the internal and labor regulations.
2.18. Headers of violations of labor discipline and controls the timeliness of adoption by the administration, public organizations and labor collectives of relevant measures.
2.19. Performs other official orders of the head of the personnel department.

3. Rights of the personnel inspector

The personnel inspector has the right to:
3.1. To know the draft decisions of the enterprise management concerning its activities.
3.2. Request information and documents necessary to fulfill its official duties from the structural divisions of the enterprise.
3.3. Subject to the management of the proposal to improve work related to the obligations provided for by this Instruction.
3.4. Require from the management of the enterprise to ensure the organizational and technical conditions and the design of the established documents necessary for the performance of official duties.

4. Responsibility of the personnel inspector

The personnel department inspector is responsible:
4.1. For non-fulfillment and / or late, negligent fulfillment of their official duties.
4.2. For non-compliance with existing instructions, orders and orders for the preservation of commercial secrets and confidential information.
4.3. For violation of the rules of domestic labor regulations, labor discipline, safety regulations and fire safety.

What is the post of personnel inspector

Personnel inspector (personnel inspector) is a specialist who maintains and records documents relating to the labor fate of each employee in the enterprise. The position of the personnel inspector exists in almost all organizations. If, at the same time, this position is not highlighted in a regular work unit, then anyway, the inspector functions perform any employee, since without work on accounting, storage and execution of personal labor documents for each member of the team cannot do. In addition, personnel inspectors can perform specially hired people from companies that provide assistance in this area on the basis of services on the provision of services.

Due to the fact that the position of the personnel inspector is so common and important, the definition of the spectrum of requirements for employees performing its functions, as well as the definition of the circle of responsibilities, which this worker will perform. It is for this that is the official instruction in the personnel inspectors (inspector of the personnel department).

Structure and content of official manual inspector

There are no legislatively established requirements for the form of official instructions on personnel inspectors, therefore it is enough for its compliance with the general rules adopted for this kind of documents in accordance with the customs of office work. The lack of the form established by the legislation allows each employer to contribute to their job descriptions, characteristic of work in this organization, changes.

In general, the job instruction for the personnel inspector looks like this:

Do not know your rights?

  1. In the upper right corner of the first page of the document, information is indicated about the approval date of the job instruction and the position of the head who approved it, and is also affixed by its signature. There may also be made marks about the coordination of job instructions with various organizations of the organization, although sometimes they are located at the end of the document.
  2. The first section of the instruction describes the general provisions: information on the requirements for the candidate for the post of personnel inspector, a list of documentation that the employee should know. In the same section, the position of the Personnel Inspector position in the general organizational and staff structure of the enterprise is determined, and the rules for the reception / dismissal of the employee are established, replacing it during the absence and submission to the immediate superiors.
  3. Next is the section on the official rights and obligations of the employee (sometimes these are two independent sections), which provides for both standard rights and obligations, lawful for the employee of this position and the rights and obligations associated with the specifics of a particular enterprise. In addition, the list of rights and responsibilities of the personnel inspector may vary depending on the type of position that the employee occupies (for example, the Junior Inspector, the Senior Inspector and Head of the Department).
  4. The official instruction is completed by the employee's responsibility section for the improper performance of its labor functions and marks for familiarization of employees with its terms. However, this section may be absent, since most of the issues are governed by the relevant local acts of the enterprise and the norms of labor, administrative and criminal law.

Requirements for the personnel inspector

The first requirement for the candidate for the post of personnel inspector, as a rule, concerns education and experience in this position. Since to obtain the profession of the personnel inspector, it suffices to complete the relevant courses, then higher education is usually not required - only evidence of the end of the courses. The condition relating to the work experience may vary from the complete absence of such (for example, for the junior personnel inspector) up to 3-5 years of experience at the specified specialty (for the head of the personnel department).

Another important requirement for the candidate for the post of personnel inspector - knowledge of legislation, the norms of personnel office work and internal documents of the enterprise, among which are usually mentioned:

  • labor legislation;
  • rules for labor protection;
  • legislation on personnel issues and methodical materials on conducting personnel document management;
  • organizational and staff structure of the enterprise;
  • the procedure for maintaining and storing labor books, personal care of employees;
  • the procedure for maintaining the enterprise personnel database;
  • the procedure for establishing the names of professions and staff posts;
  • rules for calculating work experience, benefits, compensation, destination pensions.

Also, the applicant may require:

  • knowledge of the foundations of office work;
  • the ability to work with a large amount of documentation;
  • knowledge of a computer and basic (necessary for work) programs;
  • other requirements caused by the specifics of a particular enterprise.

What are the duties and rights of the personnel inspector

The main circle of official duties of the personnel department includes:

  1. Personnel Personnel Management, including:
  • documentary registration, translation and dismissal of employees;
  • registration and maintenance of personal files of employees;
  • accounting of the personnel of the enterprise in accordance with the established forms of primary documentation;
  • registration, filling, accounting and storage of workers' labor books.
  • Preparation required by the management of materials for certification of employees, holding contests, as well as promotion and awarding workers.
  • Timely replenishment and adjustments to the company's database for employees.
  • Drawing up vacation schedules and working hours accounting tables.
  • Registration of the necessary labor documents, certificates and extracts required by employees for submission to various government agencies.
  • Other duties to which can be assigned, for example:
    • coordination of job descriptions;
    • preparation of documents for the archive;
    • interaction with the structural divisions of the organization;
    • compliance with labor discipline.

    In addition to the above, each employer can enter the official duties of its Other personnel inspector, necessary precisely in his organization, the functions of the employee.

    As for the official rights of the employee as an inspector of the personnel department, they flow out of the duties and are aimed at facilitating the execution by the employee of his labor functions. For example, to official rights in this case can be assigned:

    • the right to get acquainted with the decisions of the leadership regarding personnel issues;
    • the right to receive information from the manual and employees necessary for work information;
    • the right to make a proposal for improving personnel work.

    In conclusion, it remains to be said that the main requirement for the compilation of this instruction is, in fact, only as a specific definition of the circle of responsibilities and requirements for an employee in this position. She approved by the head of the enterprise, the employee meets it under the signature when signing the employment contract. Sample Official instructions on frames on frames can be downloaded on our website.

    Official instructions of the personnel inspector determines the labor relationship. It contains rights, functional responsibilities, employee responsibility, rules of classes, liberating it from office, order of submission, education requirements, experience.

    The document is developing the head of the company's division. Approves the Director-General.

    The standard form provided below can be used as an example when preparing the official instructions of a personnel department, a senior personnel inspector.

    Sample sample job search inspector

    І. General provisions

    1. Personnel inspector belongs to the category "Specialists".

    2. Personnel inspector directly submits the head of the personnel department.

    3. A person who has a higher education and experience of similar work for at least one year is appointed to the post of personnel inspector.

    4. During the absence of a personnel inspector, its functional responsibilities, responsibility, the rights are transferred to a different official appointed in the prescribed manner.

    5. Appointment or liberation from the position of the personnel inspector is made by order of the Director General of the Organization.

    6. The personnel inspector is guided in its activities:

    • legislative acts of the Russian Federation;
    • the rules of the internal employment regulations, other guidelines of the organization;
    • orders, manual orders;
    • Charter of the organization;
    • this official instruction.

    7. The personnel inspector should know:

    • labor legislation;
    • organizational structure of the organization;
    • regulatory legal acts that relate to the organization of office work in the company, accounting for the staff of personnel, registration of pension affairs, storage, management of labor books, personal affairs of employees of the company, prepare cases for transfer to the archive;
    • reporting standards, recruitment workshop;
    • the procedure for conducting information databases containing information about the personnel of the organization;
    • rules for establishing the name of professions, staff posts, general, continuous experience, benefits, compensation, pensions to employees.

    ІІ. Official duties of the personnel inspector

    The personnel inspector performs the following job responsibilities:

    1. Considers the personnel of the organization's divisions in accordance with the unified forms of primary documentation.

    2. Controls the timeliness of the execution of orders, orders, instructions of the head of the personnel department.

    3. Informs when admission to work on the leading, disciplinary provisions of the organization, about the time of work.

    4. Consides and issues official certificates.

    5. Takes, translates, dismisses employees in accordance with the labor legislation of the Russian Federation, orders, the provisions of the organization's head, other established personnel documentation.

    6. Prepares materials for attestation, qualification, competitive commissions.

    7. Represents employees to promotions and recovery.

    8. Sends to instructing safety regulations, labor protection standards, industrial sanitation, fire protection.

    9. Registrars, keeps, takes into account laborbooks and inserts to them, calculates work experience.

    10. Forms, conducts personal affairs of employees, contributes to their employment add-ons.

    11. Records information about promotions, recovery of workers in labor books.

    12. issues certificates of employment of employees at the request of other organizations.

    13. Consides and makes up the order of vacation workers.

    14. Controls compliance with schedules of regular vacations.

    15. Wars information databases containing information about the organization's personnel. Watch out for their timely update.

    16. He examines mobility, causes of personnel dismissal. Participates in the development of measures to reduce them.

    17. Givens disorders of labor discipline. Controls the timeliness of adopting measures to prevent and eliminate their causes.

    18. He has a personal file archive. Prepares documents for transfer to the archive after the expiration of their storage time.

    19. Prepares documents for receiving pensions to employees of the organization and their families.

    20. Prepares the established reporting on working with personnel.

    21. Controls labor discipline in the divisions of the organization, compliance with the rules of the internal labor regulation.

    ІІІ. Rights

    The personnel inspector has the right:

    1. Do not fulfill your job responsibilities when hazardous to life or health.

    3. Sign documents within its competence.

    4. Present the interests of the organization in the prescribed manner.

    5. Adjust proposals for encouraging, recovering employees after agreement with the direct supervisor.

    6. To communicate with personnel the structural divisions of the organization for personnel, related issues.

    7. Receive the necessary information to execute its functional duties.

    8. Inform the immediate supervisor about the identified deficiencies in the organization's activities. Advance proposals for their liquidation.

    9. Receive information on the decisions of the Organization's management regarding the activities of the personnel and work department.

    10. Take independent decisions within our own competence.

    11. To send proposals to the leadership to improve your activities and the organization's work.

    12. Require from the leadership of creating normal conditions to fulfill their official duties, the safety of material values, documents.

    ІV. A responsibility

    The personnel inspector is responsible for:

    1. Unlawful handling of personal information, commercial secret, disclosure of confidential information.

    2. Inadequate performance of its functional duties.

    3. Quality of conducting personnel office work organization.

    4. Violation of the norms of business communication, etiquette.

    5. Violation of the requirements of the Organization's Guidelines.

    6. The consequences of their decisions, independent actions.

    7. Unauthorized representation of the interests of the organization.

    8. Violation of the provisions of labor discipline, fire protection, the rules of the domestic labor regulation, safety standards.

    9. Causing damage to the organization, its employees, counterparties, state.

    The casual duties of the personnel regulations are regulated by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation in the decision of 21.08.1998. It contains in detail the areas of responsibility of the specialist, the limits of subordination, the regulatory framework is considered, the necessary personnel officer, the order of delivery and documentation. A single qualification directory determines 17 professions, which, in the performance of official duties, are focused on the job description of the personnel worker. The structure of the department regulating the activities of employees is reflected in the corresponding position "On the personnel department".

    Specialist of the personnel department - duties

    Official instructions of a personnel department established the procedure for labor relations, the range of responsibility assigned to the employee of the function to it requires the necessary level of education and subordination. A person with sufficient training, education and experience of at least 12 months is counted to those skilled in the art.

    For the development and content of the instructions, the head of the personnel service is responsible, and it is approved by the head of the company. It reflects all the official responsibilities of the personnel specialist. Their composition, rules of execution, the powers are detailed by the enterprise's administrative acts, internal regulations, federal and regional regulations. They consist in performing the following tasks:

    • documentary registration of the reception and dismissal of employees, transfer of personnel to other regular units according to the norms of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation and managing orders;
    • accounting for activities and changes in personal data of employees of all levels - from the director to the guard - in accordance with the standards of accounting documents, with amendments to information bases;
    • collection of data for certification and advanced training;
    • development of the mechanism of encouragement and recovery;
    • drawing up and maintaining personal cases, collecting and processing personal data;
    • registration of labor books - making records, registration, accounting and storage;
    • formation of work experience;
    • vacation monitoring and control over the execution of the schedule;
    • timely selection of documentation for the archive and its design;

    The activities of the personnel specialist involves access to confidential data - personal matters, commercial secret. If the employee's actions caused property or financial damage to the Organization, it will be held accountable for legislative standards.

    Specialist in personnel can perform their official duties overtime. According to Art. 152 TK RF, the overtime rate is established by the enterprise.

    Personnel Inspector - Official Responsibilities

    As it is in a single qualification directory, applicants with secondary education are considered to the post of personnel inspector, the availability of professional experience does not matter. The entire scope of official duties of the personnel inspector is defined in the internal instruction. It includes the execution of office work:

    In addition to the office work, the responsibility of the personnel inspector provides for the selection of employees for vacancies in accordance with professional requirements and level of communicability. Personnel places ads in the press, Internet portals, transfers an application to the employment center, conducts an interview. Its task is not just to choose a professional, and find a person who will easily enter the team and will not become a source of conflicts. The leadership may provide for the obligation of the competition inspector among applicants. Selection activities and passage control are in the competence of personnel.

    Responsibilities of the head of the personnel department

    Only an employee with a diploma on higher education can lead the personnel with a diploma on higher education in a similar position. His candidate is determined only by the head of the company. Steering activities are carried out on the basis of the Company's internal charter, strictly within the framework of Russian labor and civil law and in accordance with the official instruction of the personnel worker. Reported by the head OK only to the highest management of the company.

    The duties of the head of the personnel department are imputed as follows:

    • development of a personnel policy;
    • assessment of the needs of the organization in renewal of personnel;
    • staff management according to authority and competence;
    • methodic and informational support of certification, organization and analysis of its results;
    • debugging processes of translation, dismissal or reception of personnel;
    • correctional activities;
    • regular monitoring of execution of official duties by experts;
    • control of the execution of orders for awarding and promotion.

    The official duties of the personnel-chief are the implementation of measures for the establishment of working discipline, an increase in the motivation of the collective. The head is engaged in the preparation, approval of service information intended for the director. In the competence of the authorities - counseling staff on current personnel issues.

    The professional level of the head OK shows the knowledge of the labor and civil legislation of the Russian Federation, the methods of evaluating employees, the structure of the enterprise, the requirements for the design of documents, regulations of fire safety and labor protection.

    Instructions with duties of personnel - chief, inspector or specialist - signed by the applicant when receiving work. The document is drawn up for each category of employees according to the standard sample.


    (name of company)



    (legal entity body (founders)


    (Face authorized to assert

    JOB DESCRIPTIONpersonnel inspectors 00.00.0000 № 00


    job description)


    (signature) (surname, initials)

    I.. General provisions

    1. Inspector on personnel refers to the category of specialists.

    2. A person who has an secondary vocational education is adopted for the personnel inspector without presenting requirements for work experience or primary vocational education, special training on the established program and work experience for at least 3 years, including at least 1 year .

    3. Personnel inspector accepted for the post and exempt from office director Organizations.

    4. The personnel inspector should know:

    - legislative and regulatory legal acts, methodical materials on the maintenance of documentation on accounting and movement of personnel;

    - labor legislation;

    - structure and states of the enterprise;

    - the order of registration, maintenance and storage of labor books and personal affairs of employees of the enterprise;

    - the procedure for establishing the names of professions of workers and posts of employees, general and continuous experience, benefits, compensation, pensions to employees;

    - the procedure for taking into account the movement of personnel and the compilation of established reports;

    - the procedure for maintaining a data bank of the enterprise personnel;

    - basics of office work;

    - means of computing equipment, communications and communications;

    - the rules of the internal labor regulation;

    - rules and norms of labor protection, safety, industrial sanitation and fire protection.

    5. In its activities, the Inspector for Personal Conduct:

    - the legislation of the Russian Federation,

    - Charter of the organization,

    - orders and ordersworkers who are subordinate under this Instruction,

    - this official instruction,

    - The rules of the internal employment regulation of the organization,

    - __________________________________________________.

    6. Inspector on personnel submits directly to the head of the personnel department.

    7. During the absence of a personnel inspector (business trip, vacation, illness, etc.)his responsibilities performs the person who appointed director of the organization in the prescribed manner, which acquires relevant rights, duties and is responsible for the execution of duties assigned to it.

    8. __________________________________________________________.

    II.. Official duties.

    Personal inspector:

    1. He accounts for accounting for the personnel of the enterprise, its divisions in accordance with the unified forms of primary accounting documentation.
    2. Receives reception, translation and dismissal of workers in accordance with the labor legislation, the provisions and orders of the head of the enterprise, as well as other established personnel documentation.
    3. Forms and conducts personal affairs workers, contributes to changes related to labor activities.
    4. Prepares the necessary materials for qualifying, attestation, competitive commissions and the submission of workers to promotions and awarding.
    5. Fills, takes into account and stores employment records, the employment experience is calculated, issues certificates about the real and past work of employees.
    6. Records in labor books about encouraging and awarding work.
    7. Makes information about the quantitative, qualitative composition of employees and their movement to the Bank's Personnel Bank, monitors its timely update and replenishment.
    8. He accounts for the provision of holidays to employees, monitors the preparation and compliance with the schedules of regular holidays.
    9. Regulates pension insurance cards, other documents necessary for the appointment of pensions to employees of the enterprise and their families, establish benefits and compensation.
    10. He studies the reasons for the flow of personnel, participates in the development of measures to reduce it.
    11. Prepares documents upon the expiration of the established periods of current storage for deposit to the archive.
    12. He carries out control over the state of labor discipline in the divisions of the organization and the observance by employees of the rules of the internal labor regulation.
    13. Makes up established reports.

    14. Complies with the rules of internal labor regulations and other local regulatory acts of the organization.

    15. Complies with the internal rules and norms of labor protection, safety, industrial sanitation and fire protection.

    16. Provides compliance with cleanliness and order at its workplace,

    17. Performs within the framework of the employment contract of the order of workers who are subordinated under this Instruction.

    1. __________________________________________________________________________.

    III. Rights.

    The personnel inspector has the right:

    1. Submit to the director of the organization's proposals:

    - to improve the work related to the obligations provided for by this Instruction,

    - about the promotion of subordinate to him distinguished workers,

    - on bringing to the material and disciplinary responsibility subordinate to him workers who violated industrial and labor discipline.

    1. Request from the structural divisions and employees of the organization the information necessary for him to fulfill its official duties.
    2. Get acquainted with the documents defining its rights and obligations on the position of office, the criteria for assessing the quality of performance of official duties. Get acquainted with the draft decisions of the management of the Organization regarding its activities. Require the management of the organization to assist, including the provision of organizational and technical conditions and the design of the established documents necessary for the performance of official duties. Other rights established by the current labor legislation.

    IV. A responsibility.

    The personnel inspector is responsible in the following cases:

    1. For improper performance, the failure to fulfill its official duties stipulated by this official instruction is within the limits established by the labor legislation of the Russian Federation.

      For offenses committed in the process of its activities, within the limits established by the current administrative, criminal and civil law of the Russian Federation.For causing material damage to the organization - within the limits established by the current labor and civil legislation of the Russian Federation._____________________________________________________________.

    The job instruction is designed in

    according to____________________________

    (Name, number and document date)



    ____________________________________ (signature) (surname, initials) 00.00.0000.


    Head of the legal department


    (signature) (surname, initials)