1c enterprise 8 transport logistics. Transport, logistics programs for accounting automation in transport, logistics and forwarding companies. Who can use the product

Among the wide variety of electronic services that offer modern transport companies (including courier services, forwarding and logistics companies) to improve their work, speed up the process of issuing documents, optimize the recording of important data, etc., products of the 1C brand stand out especially . Today they are widely used in their activities by both companies performing cargo transportation in the CIS, and local enterprises operating within individual regions and even cities.

A number of the company’s solutions are characterized by versatility and can be used by representatives of the transport sector on a general basis. We are talking, in particular, about “1C: Accounting”, “1C: Trade and Warehouse”, “1C: Salary and Personnel”, “1C: Integrated Automation” and other popular software configurations. Other developments are of an industry nature and are suitable exclusively for representatives of this industry. “1C: Transport logistics, forwarding and vehicle management” is a product from this category. With its help, you can control current orders, track multimodal transportation, organize the work of personnel, build a work plan with third-party companies, create tenders, select contractors, create waybills, send data to other services, plan international cargo transportation, etc. The software provides options for calculating the salary, recording financial flows, warehouse accounting and other activities taking place at the enterprise.

1C tools help optimize document flow

Logistics enterprises and transport companies are very dependent on high-quality document flow. Shipment of products, acceptance of goods, transfer of funds and receipt of money for services rendered - all these processes require appropriate documentary support. 1C services such as “Corporate Document Flow” and “Document Flow” help provide official documents for each of the stages of an enterprise’s activities. With their help, you can quickly create the necessary documents for a specific operation, maintain a database of accounts, acts, applications and other corporate documents, and also, if necessary, export data to files for reporting.

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The main software and information product - 1C logistics transportation management - is becoming increasingly popular and indispensable for modern transport companies. It was originally designed for competent automation of transported cargo and goods, to significantly increase the level of profitability of the manipulations performed.

Application of collateral

1C logistics for transportation management is directly aimed at such modern companies that strive to optimize their processes as efficiently as possible and manage their processes in the best possible way. The following companies use the program:

  1. Transport companies providing transportation by all categories of modern transport, that is, producing mixed types of road transport.
  2. Professional transport or logistics departments of various modern production and trading organizations that ensure the delivery of goods from suppliers to customers.
  3. Department of control over the quality delivery of products when working with leading suppliers. Thanks to this, you can effectively plan overall professional trade and production work.

The program is widely used by the sales department, whose employees need to plan and comfortably control the processes associated with the shipment of products from the warehouse. For those companies that deliver goods and cargo to customers, this is very important software. The program is able to relieve employees and company management from numerous problems.

Main purposes of the software

Without proper, well-structured accounting, modern transport logistics may face certain risks and problems that require their mandatory elimination. By using this program, you can solve the problem of inefficient use of car models and categories due to the lack of algorithms associated with the selection of accounting operations for the most efficient use of lifting properties. Without proper software, the company completely lacks control over the location of the vehicle and its movement and over the general condition of the cargo during transportation. It is possible to completely eliminate the lack or complete absence of the necessary information between the numerous divisions of companies that carry out transportation.

Using the program you can select an available vehicle

The rapid pace of growth and increase in the overall flow of cargo, as well as the need to increase the level of customer service, lead the company's management to the realization that it is necessary by all possible means to minimize material costs that are directly related to the transportation of goods. The use of 1C logistics for transportation management will allow you to quickly and professionally minimize various logistics shortcomings and costs of transport companies.

The program allows you to edit and set a route

Basic functionality

The transport delivery program provides the optimal opportunity, immediately after its installation and launch, to automate the following functions that are important for each enterprise as efficiently as possible:

  • Registration and general control over the careful fulfillment of various needs during the delivery of goods;
  • Competent management of various tasks related to the delivery of cargo - its registration, control over the processes carried out;
  • Transport logistics is managed as competently as possible - formation of a competent flight and route tracking;
  • Control over resources and careful control over the thorough execution of requests;
  • Visualization of information data on special electronic media.

The program provides an ideal opportunity to establish optimal analytical professional reporting to assess the main key indicators of the level of professionalism and efficiency of the transportation processes carried out. If desired, you can display all accumulated statistical data on the media and analyze them.

Important! The system allows you to organize functional professional jobs that are intended for purchasing managers, sales managers, qualified logisticians, dispatchers, as well as heads of main logistics departments.

Construction of analytical reporting

The ability to visualize collected information on electronic maps makes it possible to significantly improve the work experience of professional dispatchers. You can make it more accelerated, which is quite important in the process of drawing up the route for each specific vehicle. Based on the information data obtained, the following factors can be analyzed, such as:

  1. Fulfilling various needs for competent transportation.
  2. Carrying out tasks for cargo logistics along pre-designated links in the route chain.
  3. The actual implementation of transport flights.
  4. Full satisfaction of various professional requests for the issuance of cars.
  5. General analysis of material costs associated with cargo delivery.
  6. Analysis of the main technological, technical and general qualitative indicators of the overall profitability of car operation.

Using the program, you can see the loading of the vehicle and decide at what point it will be possible to reload

The 1c tms logistics system for transportation management includes all information data and analytical functions that allow you to evaluate key indicators of the level of efficiency of transportation. This can be done using the obtained statistical data, which have been accumulated in the information base with different levels of detail.

Summing up

The 1c bit program for transport logistics management is characterized by the presence of certain subsystems. One of them provides a unique opportunity to register all road trips at a high professional level in order to carry out tasks of different levels of complexity for the rapid transportation of goods and high-quality control over flights. Logistics center employees can create a flight for subsequent transportation with full compliance of the process with pre-established requirements.

The use of software allows you to organize transportation activities as efficiently as possible. This is an ideal opportunity to carefully control all logistics processes and minimize material costs. Based on this, it is possible to reduce the cost of services for the delivery of goods and make processes more efficient.

The transport industry is very diverse in terms of services provided. The activities of carrier enterprises are associated with geographical distribution and a complex system of routing and logistics. In modern conditions of industry development, automation of transport companies is a necessary condition for successful business. This is explained, first of all, by the requirements of market operators, as well as the high level of competition. In addition, logistics has recently become the basis for the efficiency of transport services.

The prompt passage of cargo, building the optimal route, tracking the status of orders, full control of cargo transportation and many other operations simply cannot be tracked without the use of a modern information system. Achieving maximum efficiency and business mobility is possible as a result of automating all activities based on a specialized system.

Vehicle operation accounting

The presence of industry-specific features of various categories of transport companies allows us to identify specific objects for automating vehicle accounting. Typical industry modules of information systems for carriers include:

  • transportation management (logistics department);
  • Dispatching service;
  • maintenance and repair management.

A feature of the business of transport companies is the continuity of the work process. That is why it is so important for department managers to have up-to-date information on order fulfillment. An information system certainly helps with this.

Successful business is possible with the industry solution “”, which solves the problems of logistics, optimal resource planning, providing powerful support for making the right management decisions, which allows the company to reach a new level and compete with dignity.

The industry solution "" is intended for motor transport enterprises doing business in the field of taxi transportation.

The system, created on the basis of the 1C:Enterprise 8 platform, guarantees reliability, industry-specific functionality and scalability, as well as integration with other 1C products - for example, accounting programs or solutions for maintaining personnel records and payroll.

Every company involved in the transportation of goods needs high-quality automation of transport processes. Today this is possible thanks to 1C programs for transport.

These software solutions were developed by 1C company specialists for efficient business management in transport organizations. Using 1C programs for transport, users can:

  • Monitor the availability of transport and drivers;
  • Automatically calculate delivery routes;
  • Take into account all possible costs for the organization’s transport;
  • Keep records of requests for cargo transportation for all types of transport.

At the 1C:Franchisee Victoria company you can buy the following 1C programs in the field of transport:

  • "1C:Vehicle Management 8". A specialized solution for automating operational and management accounting in organizations and enterprises involved in road transport. In addition, the program is suitable for motor transport departments at manufacturing and trading enterprises where vehicles are used for personal needs. On the 1C:Franchisee Victoria website you can purchase several supplies of the software product: Standard and PROF.
  • "1C: Transport Enterprise Management 8". A software solution is necessary for complete automation of accounting in large transport organizations and companies. The software solution is also suitable for enterprises engaged in passenger transportation, as well as for freight forwarding organizations. The software product is available in several packages: for 10 users + client service, license for remote office and license for laptop.
  • " ". The software solution is developed on the basis of the 1C:Enterprise 8 technology platform, therefore it is suitable for automated management of business processes of all transport logistics departments.

You can buy 1C programs for transport on our website at an affordable price. The 1C:Franchisee Victoria company is the official representative of the 1C company in Moscow, therefore we offer clients only licensed programs.

In addition, you can order updates, maintenance, configuration of 1C programs and other services. Our specialists have been certified by 1C and also have many years of experience working with programs. You can also visit our 1C courses and learn all the secrets of working with 1C software products.

Majority transport companies Every day they receive and process a huge number of a wide variety of documents, both created by the organization itself and received from outside.

Transportation of goods is accompanied by a large number of different documents, such as contracts, invoices, invoices, certificates of work performed and others. Moreover, any delays or inaccuracies that arise when working with them directly affect the quality of transport services. And the large volume of document flow, the need to quickly obtain up-to-date information and the presence of geographically remote company divisions make traditional technologies for working with documents ineffective.

For these reasons, electronic document management for transport companies is one of the most effective tools for increasing the efficiency of an organization.

The integration of the electronic document management system allows organizations to implement it into an existing 1C:enterprise program using their IT specialists. At the same time, automation of work with documents allows not only to significantly increase the efficiency of any transport company, but also to automate the organization’s standard business processes in a short time, thereby reducing costs and guaranteeing the delivery of cargo at the right time and place.

Electronic document management for transport companies will help solve the following problems:

Establish document flow between employees, departments, branches

  • Automate 95% of typical business processes
  • Create an electronic archive of documents
  • Build an effective system for monitoring employee performance discipline
  • Increase the level of information security
  • Increase transparency of document flow
  • Will reduce cases of document loss
  • Reduces search time
  • It will speed up the process of cargo clearance and, as a result, improve the quality of service.

Electronic document management for transport companies allows you to quickly and conveniently solve transport logistics problems. Any employee will be able to have up-to-date information and interact with other departments while simultaneously working with them in the system.

When registering orders, it will be possible to organize transportation according to specified conditions, the same for everyone. All calculations and calculations will be automatically generated according to the rules, tariffs and formulas already specified in the program.

Thanks to easy search, you can easily find a driver, vehicle or customer information using any known criterion.

Electronic system document flow for transport companies built in such a way that it can:

  • Notify the client in a timely manner about the existing debt
  • Notify about order creation
  • Monitor the activities of each employee
  • Upload accounting documents for specific orders for a certain period of time
  • Automatically issue an invoice for payment
  • Upload visual analytical, summary or statistical reports into MS Excel on orders, clients, contractors and thereby enable company management to analyze work for a certain period of time.

However, we should not forget that the introduction of electronic document management for transport companies will allow the employees themselves to quickly and efficiently solve production problems by searching for the necessary information in almost any document to which the employee has access.

Currently, the following programs are suitable for solving the above problems:

  • EDMS "Corporate Document Flow"
  • 1C: Document flow Corp
  • Analytics: Document flow
  • 1C: Corporate document management

The capabilities of some software products are described in detail on this site.

We invite you to watch videos about the electronic document management system

On our website you can find videos about the electronic document management system. We invite you to familiarize yourself with the possibilities of document flow based on 1C:Enterprise using real examples of its use..

The videos will be useful to company managers, specialists, consultants and anyone interested in new technologies.