Promotions in the hairdressing salon for clients. Promotions and discounts in beauty salons in September

A woman's beauty is her weapon. Preserve beauty and even increase it special procedures will help, which are now offered in a wide variety by many salons and beauty centers. All of them are aimed at maintaining a well-groomed appearance, correcting existing imperfections in the hair, face and body.

You just need to select the appropriate procedures and visit them regularly, which becomes quite accessible thanks to special coupons from They guarantee special offers on the most popular salon services.

Hairdressing services

This includes all types of services. Starting from model, fashionable and classic haircuts, all kinds of coloring and ending with restorative procedures to improve the structure of the hair, accelerate its growth, add volume, straighten or curl. If you want to radically change your look or strengthen your hair and restore it, resorting to therapeutic salon procedures, then our beauty coupons for you!

Spa services

The rhythm of life in a modern city deprives us of energy and strength, which is why salons are especially relevant. A modern resident of a metropolis simply needs such procedures as aromatherapy, massage, body wraps, a visit to the hammam and many others. All of them are available at great discounts and special offers!

Figure correction

It becomes easier to have an ideal figure, because all kinds of salon procedures are aimed at correcting body imperfections, tightening the skin, toning it and reducing fat. Cavitation, pressotherapy, myostimulation, wraps, LPG procedures and much more will make you even more beautiful!

Manicure and pedicure

Healthy and well-groomed fingernails and toenails are no longer a luxury, but an integral part of any woman’s image! Using coupons, you have access to all kinds of services at a discount, from classic and familiar (for example, trimmed manicure) to modern hardware. The variety of coatings will also pleasantly surprise you.

Other beauty salon services

To maintain your image of a fatal seductress, beauty salons offer services in the field of hair removal, tattooing and nail services.

Beauty becomes more accessible

On our website you will find coupons for visiting various services from beauty salons up to 90% discount.

Sales Generator

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From this article you will learn:

  • How to prepare to attract clients to a beauty salon
  • What methods to use to attract clients to a beauty salon
  • What are the best ways to attract clients to a beauty salon?
  • What are some unusual ideas for attracting new clients to a beauty salon?
  • What mistakes should not be made when attracting clients to a beauty salon?

The main condition for the development and establishment of a successful business is the presence of a large number of clients. Beauty salons that have recently opened are trying to attract as many visitors as possible. Since the number of such organizations in our country increases every year, the competition between them becomes tougher. There is no point in refusing to open your own business because of this. However, you will have to take the issue of attracting clients to your beauty salon seriously.

What to do before attracting clients to a beauty salon

  • wealthy businesswomen;
  • women of different social classes, of any age category;
  • men's beauty salon.

Depending on the target audience, you can determine the prestige of the salon and how to advertise it. You must understand what to focus on in business and adjust the price for promoting beauty salon services.

Only when you have a clear idea of ​​your client, start producing promotional materials. Flyers, billboards, and advertising videos should be aimed strictly at the buyer.

So, when your target audience is housewives, then the advertising message should be addressed to ordinary girls: they want to be beautiful and well-groomed. Advertising distribution channels for such clients: shops, shopping and entertainment centers, elevators of multi-storey buildings, etc.

If your clients are successful businesswomen or socialites, then the advertising campaign will be completely different from the one described above.

Basic methods of attracting clients to a beauty salon

Establishing a trusting relationship with the client in the salon business is the main task of the manager. It is important that both the craftsmen and the establishment itself have a good reputation. When a beauty salon just opens, the manager’s goal is to tell your potential clients that your company even exists and to make visitors convinced of your professionalism.

Informing potential clients and attracting attention

But even if your company has been on the market for a long time, some potential visitors probably haven’t heard of it, especially if it is located away from areas with high traffic. You can inform future visitors about the existence of your beauty salon using classic methods of attracting customers:

Quality and range of services

Even if your advertising campaign is perfectly thought out and its budget is huge, it will not bring the desired result if the services sold are of low quality and customers do not feel comfortable in your establishment. Therefore, if the salon has been open for a couple of months, but the flow of clients is still insufficient, it means that either you have unqualified staff or a low level of service.

Before you start attracting clients to a beauty salon, make sure that the services provided meet the needs of a modern woman. For example, at present there is no division of hairdressers into male and female hairdressers. The specialist must be multidisciplinary, and at the same time periodically take advanced training courses, participate in trainings, and professional competitions.

When opening your own beauty salon, it is important not only to provide the services of a hairdresser, makeup artist, or nail technician, but also to perform medical procedures. By offering body, hair, hand, and face care, you will give the consumer more than your direct competitors.

As for the premises in which the salon is located, clients may be put off by the following factors:

  • dirt in the room, broken air conditioners;
  • craftsmen work on old equipment;
  • The chairs are placed near open windows through which customers can be seen by passers-by. Every person wants to be in complete privacy during cosmetic procedures;
  • Beauty salon employees do not inspire confidence; they eat at work. It is best when a special tea area is created in the hall, where the visitor and the master can enjoy a cup of aromatic coffee while waiting, for example, while having their hair dyed.

Compliance with sanitary standards is your main task if you want to attract a flow of clients for manicures. To ensure that visitors not only come to you regularly, but also recommend your salon to their friends, it is worth providing high-quality services in a comfortable environment. Let this be a kind of business card of your beauty salon.

Attracting clients using the Internet

Masters who receive clients at home are a real problem for beauty salons, since they take away some of the consumers. However, this situation can also be dealt with by competently attracting clients to a beauty salon via the Internet. Just implement and use the methods below.

To attract customers to a beauty salon, make a mark on Google, Yandex, Wikimapia maps. This will make it easier for customers who use targeted apps to find your company.

Formation and support of a permanent client base

To ensure the effective functioning of the salon, it is important to form a base of regular customers. Considering the fierce competition that exists in this area, only high-quality service will not be enough. You will have to not only always be in trend, own the latest salon services, but also remind consumers of your existence.

To provide effective advertising to attract customers to a beauty salon, you will have to: firstly, encourage a random visitor to give you their contact information; secondly, make sure that he comes back to you again. You can collect contact information using various techniques.

  1. Registration of a discount card. Is your client waiting for a master or undergoing a procedure? Ask her to fill out a small form - for this she will receive a permanent discount on beauty salon services. If the visitor does not want to do this, provide him with a temporary discount card. And then ask to register on the website (when it is convenient for the client) to receive a permanent card with a cumulative discount system.
  2. Lottery with a drawing for a free course of procedures. Typically, under such conditions, each client agrees to leave his contact information.

When a visitor finds you via the Internet, you already have his contact information. You just need to remind the client about yourself after a certain period of time. Do this with:

  • SMS reminders that it is time for a repeat procedure. For example, a client had her hair dyed in your salon. After a month, you can remind her that it’s time to touch up the regrown roots;
  • email messages about new types of procedures and promotions;
  • personal call with an individual offer.

When attracting clients to a beauty salon, remember that one regular visitor brings more profit per month than ten one-time visitors. When you have regular clients, word of mouth begins to work: they recommend your salon to their friends, acquaintances, and relatives.

Submit your application

A beauty salon can suffer big losses when the master quits and takes away most of the client base with him. To eliminate this possibility, motivate the craftsmen to work for you, make sure that the beauty salon administrator has direct contact with clients.

The responsible administrator is truly the face of the company. This person will resolve controversial situations, monitor the work of the craftsmen: do they comply with sanitary standards, do they communicate politely with clients. And it is the administrator who must prevent the masters from luring away visitors when services are provided privately at home.

Customer contact information must be stored in an electronic database. Only the administrator and owner of the beauty salon should have access to this information. It is clear that the master can ask the client for a phone number personally. However, even when the client leaves, you will have the opportunity to win him back: just offer more favorable conditions in the SMS campaign.

6 ways to attract clients to a beauty salon

Method 1. Online recording service

Are you looking for modern methods of attracting clients to your beauty salon? Install a button or widget on your website, using which a person can sign up online - this will allow you to promote your services with the greatest efficiency.

Thanks to this service, a person can sign up for a procedure at any time, even at night. Otherwise, the beauty salon will lose 30% of potential clients.

In addition, such an online booking button will make the procedure for booking a visit simple and understandable for both the administrator and the visitor. The ultra-modern online booking method GBooking has many advantages compared to traditional services, namely:

  • the ability to sign up online 24 hours a day, 7 days a week;
  • the administrator immediately receives a notification about the recording;
  • simple and intuitive recording process not only for the administrator, but also for the client;
  • information for visitors is structured;
  • The record button can be placed on the websites of partner companies.

Method 2. Expanding the range of services

What else can be done to attract customers to a beauty salon? Methods that have worked well can be either qualitative or quantitative. For example, maximizing the range of services offered will help you attract the interest of regular customers. As a result, you will also get new visitors thanks to word of mouth.

Despite the existing competition in the salon business, you must create new services, the appearance of which for the first time in your establishment must be informed to clients. For example, burning hair with fire is a procedure that is not often seen, but there is a high demand for it.

Method 3. Advertising in the media

  • TV commercial aimed at a large number of possible visitors at once. The main advantages of this type of advertising: double impact - visuals and sound track; large audience coverage, personal nature of communication; The impact of a television commercial is comparable to personal sales over the phone.
  • Newspapers and magazines are widely used, but such advertising will be budget-friendly compared to a TV commercial. Visually, an advertisement in a newspaper does not look so attractive; it is difficult to stand out against the general background of identical information.
  • Radio- advertising is ideal for companies that already have a large base of regular customers. The main advantages: efficiency, you can contact a specific target audience, cost savings when creating a radio advertising video, ease of making changes.

Method 4. Promotional gifts

Is your goal to show the salon’s prestige and attention to visitors? Then use promotional souvenirs, your customers will be 100% satisfied. Souvenirs are divided into:

  • branded souvenirs: keychain, badge, fountain pen, etc.;
  • serial souvenirs: printed branded calendars;
  • gift souvenirs: nesting dolls, wood products, panels, metal embossing and the like.

Method 5. Advertising in the cinema

Another method of attracting customers to a beauty salon. The main advantages of advertising in a cinema:

  • this type of information is not subject to restrictions that apply to TV advertising;
  • you can select any video;
  • increased quality and memorability.

Method 6. Advertising in the elevator

Another effective way to attract customers to a beauty salon is to place advertising in the elevator. The popularity of this type of ad is explained by the following:

  • does not interrupt the movie, like advertising in a cinema;
  • doesn't sound like an annoying slogan on the radio;
  • not annoying like a flash banner on the Internet.

How to properly conduct promotions for beauty salons to attract customers

Why do you think that in some cases promotions and discount offers do not bring the expected effect? The fact is that such events are not always timely and in demand, while getting privileges is almost impossible. Let's give an example of a current promotion in the summer to attract customers to a beauty salon: as a gift for a standard haircut - applying a moisturizing mask to your hair.

Most beauty centers offer birthday discounts to their clients: this promotion is valid for several days after the holiday. However, such a discount will be of interest to a very small number of visitors, because women mostly prepare for the significant date in advance. On the contrary, after a birthday, when the entire budget is spent on the celebration, such clients are in no hurry to visit your salon.

The solution is to hold such promotions before the holiday (in extreme cases, before and after the birthday). This way you will not only attract clients to the beauty salon, but also motivate visitors during the celebration to advertise your salon to their friends.

  1. Promotion “Bring a friend”- let your client come to the procedure with her friend. Then they will both get a discount.
  2. Discount for photos- the client receives a discount if he provides you with photographs before and after the procedures. They can then be posted on social networks and added to the salon’s portfolio.
  3. Purchasing a range of services- increase the average bill by stimulating customers to purchase new services: purchasing a second service at a discount. For example, your client goes to the salon for a haircut, but gets her manicure done elsewhere. You can give her a discount on the services of a nail artist when she makes an appointment for a haircut. Show the client that in your beauty salon you can get the full range of services that are needed.

Offer promotions exclusively for procedures that are in demand, such as haircuts, manicures, hair coloring, eyelash extensions. It’s not a good idea to provide a discount on tattooing or laser hair removal, since such clients will happily take advantage of the advantageous offer, but a repeat procedure will not be required soon - so these people are unlikely to come to you again in the near future.

Advertising to attract customers to a beauty salon should be consumer-oriented. Let's assume that you have a premium establishment that sells quite expensive services. In this case, you should not reduce the price of procedures too much: then visitors who are not your target audience will come to your salon. They simply cannot become your regular customers. All this will only lead to the fact that your specialists will be overloaded for some time with a large flow of visitors.

8 unusual ideas for a beauty salon to attract customers

  1. Happy hours. When implementing such a promotion, announce the upcoming event on social media pages in your city. If the user reposts, he is guaranteed to receive a gift. So, when purchasing one service from your salon, the client can take advantage of a 50% discount on the second (an alternative option is that the service is provided free of charge).

Regarding the promotion announced on social networks, motivate the client with the opportunity to receive a classic manicure for free if he gets a haircut in your establishment. This way you will not only attract customers to the beauty salon, but also achieve a viral effect - users will repost your posts to receive a discount or gift.

  1. Reviews from happy clients. Take pictures of visitors to your salon after a haircut, with a new hairstyle, or a manicure. Let a satisfied customer write a review, then you can post it along with a photo - on the website or on social networks. Your future clients will look to positive reviews as proof that you can provide high-quality services. This way you will achieve the creation of a trusting relationship between the salon and potential clients.
  2. Photos of clients at the event. For example, a client did your holiday manicure or wedding hairdo. Arrange with the visitor to send you a photo from the event as proof that the client was satisfied with the service provided by the salon.

  1. Ask visitors scanQR coupon in your salon using a special mobile application. This way the client will be able to purchase two procedures for the price of one. But what is the advantage for the salon? It will automatically get into customers' smartphones! Now you can communicate with them, promptly informing them about ongoing promotions. And this means only one thing: the client will come to your salon again.
  2. Discount card in the mobile application. The modern consumer no longer wants to carry a lot of discount cards with him all the time. This may work to your advantage. Just provide the client with something new - a loyalty program. As a member, the visitor will come to you again, and again, to receive a certain service.

Often in the salon business the following unpleasant phenomenon occurs: the master quits and takes all his clients with him. This is exactly what can be prevented if you use a loyalty program. It doesn’t matter whether the master took the client or not. In any case, the salon has the opportunity to contact the person via telephone. By communicating even with a departed visitor, offering him new services, it is quite possible to attract a client to the beauty salon again.

  1. Birthday discount. An action as old as time remains as effective as ever. Within 5 days from the name day, the client will be able to receive all salon services at a good discount.
  2. Try conduct seminars for the fair sex on nail art or on the topic “Facial skin care in winter.” By providing useful information to the visitor and teaching him how to take care of himself, you ensure that customers are attracted to the beauty salon, and also increase your sales of cosmetics.
  3. Calendars with useful tips for women. Another proven method of attracting customers to a beauty salon. Give various organizations (where the majority of employees are women) calendars that potential visitors will want to keep. Involve kindergartens, schools, hospitals, clinics, dental offices and the like.

How can you ensure that your calendars stay with your clients for a long time? Post photos of celebrities, as well as important recommendations for self-care. This could be advice from the stars on how to moisturize your skin in the summer, and so on.

How to attract hundreds of new clients to a beauty salon in one day

Are you sure that your specialists are true masters of their craft, and that your beauty salon occupies a leading position in your area? In this case, you will have 500 new visitors in one day, at a cost of 2,000-3,000 rubles to attract customers.

Intrigued? Just follow the instructions further down in our article. You will be surprised how easy it is for you! This idea of ​​acquiring 500 new clients in one evening may seem extraordinary, but it will bring you a lot of profit. Just enjoy the process and strive to get the maximum benefit from each visitor.

Step 1. In the morning, the masters will work with the models for 2.5 hours. Let stylists create creative haircuts and color hair. Remember that the styling should also be suitable for your potential clients. Do you have makeup artists, nail technicians, cosmetologists? They should also be involved in the action. Hold a competition between employees for the title “Best Master” - this will be an effective advertisement for attracting clients to the beauty salon. Remember that every specialist must work with full dedication, since the result of his work will be evaluated by potential clients.

Step 2. So, the models are ready. Now everyone, both masters and girls, must wear T-shirts with the salon logo. We attach an A4 sheet to the back of the models, on which we indicate the name of the master working with them. It is important that each employee has a branded badge with a name. All is ready? Then let's get to the most interesting part.

Step 3. We leave the salon and move to the point with the largest concentration of people in your area. For example, to a large shopping center or to a place with huge traffic. You don’t have to enter the shopping center, just sit next to it. It doesn’t matter what kind of place it will be, the main thing is that as many passersby as possible see you. So, you have reached your goal, let's start organizing the team.

Step 4. Position the models so that passers-by can clearly see them. Ask the craftsmen to correct the work if necessary. We pick up a megaphone, and employees can communicate directly with potential clients. Your goal is to get passersby to vote for the stylists whose work they like best. The event participant selects a model, then you ask her to turn her back so everyone can see the name of the artist who worked with her. After that, you give the person a voting form and a pen, he fills it out: enters the name of the master and his contact information. The form can now be placed in the voting box. Those people who vote will be able to participate in a drawing for a “Free day at the beauty salon” coupon.

Step 5. Use a megaphone to inform passersby that they have a chance to win a coupon for a free day at the beauty salon, which usually costs $200. They are simply required to fill out a form and vote, which will entitle them to participate in the drawing. While you are playing the role of presenter, the masters should talk to passers-by, answer their questions about what prize the winner receives - let the employees describe in detail how the free day at the beauty salon will go. At the end of the competition, the winning artist is awarded a prize. It is important that each voting participant receives a business card with the name of the beauty salon specialist whom the person preferred. Warn the artists and models that if they want to have a snack (or smoke), they can do so at a certain distance from the event venue, having first thrown a jacket over it so that the branded T-shirt is not visible. Bring umbrellas with you in case the weather turns bad.

Step 6. What will one such day of the promotion give you? At least 500 contacts of potential clients. You can contact them by email to inform them which master won the competition, and also give them a coupon for 150 rubles as a token of gratitude for participating in the event. Important! Be prepared for the fact that within three weeks many new visitors will come to you, and among the employees there will be a person with the title “Best Beauty Salon Master”.

Attracting clients to a beauty salon through your own website

Using a website, you can do more than just obtain contact information of potential clients. It should be used, first of all, to convert potential visitors into regular ones. To do this, use the information received (email, phone number) as efficiently as possible.

How to make website conversion higher? That is, how to turn website visitors into real clients? You can achieve this with the help of bonuses: a 40% discount on haircuts on Tuesdays, a free manicure when coloring, and so on. The task is to evoke positive emotions in the user of your site, only then can you really achieve an increase in sales.

To ensure that customers are attracted to the beauty salon, the site should provide visitors with information on the following points:

  • list of services provided;
  • cost of work;
  • qualification of masters;
  • ways to register for procedures;
  • the exact address of the salon and how to get to you.

It is critically important how competently this information is presented to the user. When creating website content, follow the basic rules.

To achieve increased brand awareness, you need to place the logo at the top of the page.

Place information on how to contact the salon administrator in a visible place. It is better if it is a telephone, as well as a call for feedback - to the left of the logo (observing the principles of eye movement).

Tell us about the ongoing promotions: create a promotional area on the website where you will post information about promotional offers, important events, call this section “Special Offer”, for example.

If you are not ready to regularly post news on the site, it is better not to do it at all. Dating last year will scare off a potential client.

In the case where the salon sells many modern services with unfamiliar names for the client, it is not recommended to place a long list on the main page. It is best to break it down into several areas that the client can easily navigate.

Remember the price. The client should not call you to clarify such issues - he simply will not want to cooperate with you. Create a catalog of services provided with their description, cost of work, duration of the procedure. This way, you won’t automatically attract clients who can’t afford to visit your salon, which means you’ll make your administrator’s already hard work easier.

Provide the visitor with information about the competence of your craftsmen. For this purpose, the website should have a personal page for specialists where their portfolio and existing certificates will be posted. By communicating with clients at this level, you will make them more loyal to your salon.

So, the site visitor realized that your specialists are highly qualified specialists, now he needs to book a time for the procedures as quickly as possible. For this purpose, there is an online registration form through which you can select the day of the week, hour, provide your contact information and leave a comment.

Involve social networks - let your website be integrated with them. Try to hold as many promotions as possible, exhibit the works of masters, communicate with users. Let your salon have not only as many happy clients as possible, but also flashes of selfies.

It’s not enough to just make a website; you need to constantly devote time to promoting it. Otherwise, it will occupy far from leading positions in the search engine. This means that no one will visit the web resource, and it turns out that the costs of its creation were wasted. Read on to learn how to promote a beauty salon website.

  • Promotion in search engines using keywords. For this purpose, you will need to post content (articles) on the site that contains the most frequent queries from search engines. For example, “nail extensions in Yekaterinburg”, “modern hair styling in Moscow”, “wedding hairstyle in Rostov” and the like. The frequency of use of the key phrase determines the traffic to the beauty salon website.
  • Publication of information about ongoing promotions on partner websites. This includes both placing banners and exchanging clients. Your partners can be massage parlors, cosmetology clinics, that is, all companies with which you have a common target audience. When choosing a partner company, consider site traffic. Analyze how many unique visitors appear daily. Work with a women's forum in your city. Lead a discussion, post useful articles, unobtrusively recommend skin care cosmetics, as well as various procedures that you have in your beauty salon, do not forget to also promote your website.
  • Register on directory sites. They are divided by region, and can be used to provide advertising to attract customers to a beauty salon.
  • When negotiating with partners and paying for services, draw up an agreement on placement for a specified time period (not the number of clicks). You can offer your partner a permanent discount on hairdresser services. By doing this, you will avoid unnecessary costs, but at the same time receive a flow of new customers. Also indicate the testing period for your partner’s site.

5 main mistakes in attracting clients to a beauty salon

  1. Want to scare away all your customers? Then be too intrusive: It’s clear that when a business woman comes to you for a haircut, unobtrusively offer her a manicure. But you shouldn’t congratulate her cat on her birthday or send 10 emails every day inviting her to come for a massage with huge snails. This kind of persecution, like in Hollywood horror films, will make even a regular customer leave you.
  2. Avoid your clients in a non-work environment. The success of your salon is definitely not guaranteed if you run away from clients after meeting them by chance on the street or in a store. Of course, it is necessary to maintain subordination: greet tactfully and smile in a friendly manner, that’s all that is required of you when you meet a client in an informal setting.
  3. You can resort to any methods of attracting clients to a beauty salon, but they will not work if you - mess and unsanitary conditions. Agree, the salon will receive a “chic” reputation when the master, not following simple sanitary standards, introduces an infection by simply shaving the back of the client’s head with a clipper.
  4. Trying to please absolutely all clients of the beauty salon, spending all your time, money and nerves on it. Of course, you can close the establishment 30 minutes later than expected if you need to complete customer service. However, when you work without rest, and because of your busy schedule, you have stopped seeing your family, then maybe it’s enough to take clients on weekends, offering them a 50% discount? No one will appreciate this approach or give you a reward for increased performance to the detriment of their interests.
  5. Neglect professional development. Do you think that all kinds of trainings are a waste of time? Still doing the classic blood red manicure? Are you generally aware that your competitors have mastered the technique of painting, sculpting and other nail art? You don’t need to go to a fortune teller to understand: in the near future, all your clients will happily run to their direct competitors who will offer them cutting-edge new products.

10 Great Movies and Books on How to Get Clients to a Beauty Salon

We offer you the 5 best works on how to make advertising to attract customers to a beauty salon. Read on to stay one step ahead of the competition:

  1. "How to win a client" R. Neil.
  2. "There is no end to clients" M. Port.
  3. "20 best ways to attract customers" O. Karnaukh.
  4. How to attract clients to a beauty salon. Practical guide "S. Petrov.
  5. “Customers for free. 110 ways to attract them for free "A. Parabellum, E. Kolotilov

Do you like educational literature and videos? Pay attention to the masterpieces of world cinema, which contain secret information on how to attract clients to a beauty salon, improve marketing and increase sales:

  1. "The wolf of Wall Street".
  2. "The Armory Baron"
  3. "Boiler room."
  4. "Bully Tommy".
  5. "Smoking here."

We all love gifts. We all love to spend less and get more. And we want to have such holidays as often as possible. Better yet, every day! This is why clients love the various discounts and promotions that beauty salons give them. And the more discounts you give, the more your clients love your salon. And how nice it is to hear: “Oh, how I love this salon “N”! There are always discounts! But - attention! Do not forget that any reduction in the calculated price is a lost profit, which means a direct loss to the salon. Therefore, before you announce a discount, justify it, calculate it and, if necessary, put it into operation.

System of bonuses, discounts and promotions in beauty salons

In order to justify the system of bonuses and discounts in a beauty salon, you need to know what discounts there are in beauty salons and what they are for.

First of all, these are generally accepted “discounts of good form” that most salons use. They are made:

  • at the opening of the salon(as options: on opening day, the first week after opening or the first month (but this is the maximum).

An example of our salon: A month before the opening of the salon, we notified promising clients (residents of nearby houses) about the imminent opening of the salon. Advertising was sent to mailboxes and a banner was hung on the wall of the salon. The information indicated: the opening date of the salon, contact phone number and conditions of the promotion: by signing up in the first 10 days, the client received a 20% discount, in the second 10 days - 15%, in the third 10 days - 10%. The discount was given only by appointment.

What is this discount for? A primary customer base is being formed, and the workdays of the craftsmen are being filled.

  • on the client's birthday(options: for one service (given for one day or several days), for any services (but only those that the client does on one day).

An example of our salon: In our salon, this discount applies to a week: three days before the birthday, the birthday itself and three days after. Our client can take advantage of a big discount (25%), but only for one service on any of these days).

What is this discount for? Customer loyalty increases.

What other discounts are there in beauty salons?

  1. advertising discount (new salon, new service, new specialist, attracting new clients to an already operating salon)
  2. seasonal discount (to improve revenue in the low season). You cannot make discounts on haircuts and hair coloring, since these are the most popular services, clients will come to them anyway
  3. discounts for regular customers (the goal is to increase customer loyalty). Can't make discounts for haircuts and hair coloring
  4. subscription (package) discounts to pay in advance for a full course of procedures.
  5. apologetic discount (when the client suffered in one way or another due to the fault of the salon: the technician was late, other complaints; paid in full at the expense of the offender).

Why do we need discounts / bonus system in a beauty salon

With the help of discounts, promotions and bonus systems in beauty salons, you can achieve various results:

1. Attract as many customers as possible

2. keep loyal customers

3. unload the warehouse, especially if you want to update the mall

4. increase turnover, for example, by offering clients to additionally purchase appropriate products (say, for the care of colored hair) at full price or also at a discount, and so on.

But you still don’t need to get carried away with discounts. To give a discount to a client in a beauty salon, you must have a good reason: a sale of leftovers, the introduction of a new service for your salon, the expiration date of cosmetics, or something else. Otherwise, the salon will not receive a profit from your promotion, but losses.

How to calculate discount

So, we took the first step - we justified our discount promotion. Now we need to calculate it. There is a certain amount that the salon must receive in order not to go into a loss. This is the cost of materials + payment for the work of the master + a certain amount from the salon’s expenses (taxes, utility bills, security, telephone, other monthly expenses). The rest is income. So you can reduce it by giving discounts to customers. Do this without fanaticism, otherwise you will be left in the dust.

I'll give you an example. Everyone knows the LPG body contouring procedure. The cost for this service in our city ranges from 2,000 to 2,800 rubles. One salon made a promotion: 70% discount on LPG! That is, instead of 2500, the cost is 750 rubles. And the end of the action is not expected. At least the administrator doesn’t know about it, but he thinks that the promotion will last a long time... The joy of customers can be understood: during the high season there is an unrealistic discount! But will the manager be happy? The work of a cosmetologist, which must be paid, the cost of consumables (slippers, sheets, diaseptic used to treat the couch) + depreciation of the device itself. All this is more than 750 rubles. Then the question is: who is this action designed for? If for new clients, then it would be enough to give a discount only on the first procedure, but not on the entire course of 10 procedures. The salon positions itself as an organization of a fairly high level. And the prices are appropriate. Who is eligible for such a big discount in a beauty salon? If for clients of the salon, then they are able to pay at the usual cost. If this is a desire to attract less affluent segments of the population, then again the question is - why? They still won’t become regular customers, their income is not the same... And in general, it is incomprehensible that management wants to make this procedure cheap in the spring - during the high season! People would have come to them anyway, because in the spring everyone is trying to lose excess weight and regain an attractive, slim figure. It would be logical to make a discount on this procedure during periods of reduced demand. In general, the action is not fully thought out. Therefore, it is unlikely to be effective.

Reasonable approach to discount

What kind of discount can you give at a beauty salon to at least stay afloat? The maximum discount for a salon that generates a stable income is 25%. Try to use this discount to a minimum. Even your friends, try to give a discount of no more than 20%. The most popular discounts are 5%, 10% and 15%. But in order to assign them, you must definitely calculate - what will you have left over? For example, your warehouse is overstocked, and you decide to make a promotion on shampoos and conditioners. Something like “You buy shampoo, conditioner is discounted...!” The whole question - with what? You think: yeah, we bought this air conditioner for 300 rubles, made a trade markup of 30%. Now we will sell at cost! Wonderful! Write an ad indicating a 30% discount. Trade is in full swing, you are unloading the warehouse... At the end of the month you are counting... And you don’t understand how you get a minus in air conditioner sales instead of zero? You sold it for as much as you bought it for! But we had to count first. Look here: purchasing an air conditioner costs 300 rubles + 30% markup = 390 rubles. And now subtract 30% from 390. Get 273 rubles. All profits received from the sale of shampoo will be used to pay off the shortfall for the sale of conditioner. 27 rubles shortfall from one bottle of conditioner. That is, you not only give the client something, but also pay extra from your own pocket. How can a client not love such a salon! It's just a shame that it won't last long. So, think, dear directors, before you announce any discounts in your beauty salon.

Who pays for the discounts?

And finally, about who bears the burden of discounts. It would be correct, of course, if the discounts come at the expense of the salon. The master does his job anyway. Why should he get less for it? Just because the salon decided to hold a promotion? But what do we actually get? But in reality, salons force craftsmen to participate financially in their actions. That is, a manicure cost 380 rubles, and the master received 40% from it, they made a promotion, and the master receives his 40%, but not from 380, but from 300 rubles. For masters, this is palpable. But the salon is not able to offer discounts to attract customers alone. Especially now, in a crisis. What to do? Agree! Explain to the specialists that yes, you will receive less from the service during the promotion in the beauty salon, but the salon will also receive less. But, firstly, it’s only for two weeks, and secondly, because of the promotion, there will be more clients, and if we serve them well, then they will become our regular clients and bring us constant income.

So, let's look at the results. In order for a discount promotion to give a positive result, you need to pay attention to:

  • justified reason for introducing a discount
  • calculating maximum and minimum discounts
  • establishing a time frame for the promotion (the promotion must be limited in time!)
  • calculation of the effectiveness of the action after its implementation.

Based on these points, it will be possible to judge the need for such promotions in your beauty salon.

Four-hand manicure and pedicure, all types of hair removal, creative haircuts, straight razor shaving, facials and body wraps - the best deals from 23 salons and barbershops in Moscow in the Time Out review.

In the beauty salon on Trekhgorka, throughout April there is a 10% discount on Inoa coloring from L'Oreal Professionnel and 15% on one-time styling and makeup. Until the end of May, the eyebrow microblading procedure can be done by paying 14,500 rubles instead of 20,000 rubles.

From April 25 to May 1, in all Kynsi salons, when you sign up for the “Radiance” express facial treatment (RUB 3,500), you will receive a relaxing massage of the neck-collar area as a gift. And when purchasing cosmetics from the St Barth Caribbean line, the same “Shine” procedure will be a bonus.

Another April birthday boy - the salon will celebrate his birthday for three whole days: April 8, 15 and 22. On these dates, everyone who signs up for a haircut or coloring will receive a Kérastase hair strengthening treatment as a gift. There are also discounts on the purchase of home care products: 5% on one product, 7% on two and 10% on three.

There is a 50% discount on photorejuvenation procedures using the Palomar Starlux 500 device and photoepilation of any area. The promotion is active until April 30th.

All April on weekdays from 8:00 to 11:00 in the salon you can get Oribe hair care and styling for only 1000 rubles. The service is called “Rapid Lift” and must be booked in advance. In addition, until the end of May, a four-hand manicure and pedicure here will cost 3,000 rubles, and with any hair coloring or manicure, you will be offered eyebrow correction and tinting as a gift.

This barbershop has significantly reduced prices. Now a men's haircut, straight razor shave or close head shave costs 1,500 rubles, a haircut with a clipper costs 700 rubles, styling costs 500 rubles, and gray camouflage costs 1,100 rubles.

Until the end of April, you can do one of three procedures at half price: a half-hour manual massage for 850 rubles, an LPG massage (35 minutes) for 990 rubles, a spa program in a collagen capsule (35 minutes) for 750 rubles. In addition, the salon has a “Styling + Makeup” promotion: the option with daytime makeup will cost 2,500 rubles. instead of 3000 rubles, with evening - 4800 rubles. instead of 5600 rub.

Every Monday in April there is a 10% discount on all barbershop services. Thus, a haircut or shave on sale costs 1,600 rubles, and beard modeling costs 800 rubles.

When you order a facial treatment using Wamilles cosmetics (from RUB 4,200), you will receive eyebrow coloring and correction as a gift.

Here, until April 30 inclusive, you can get contour plastic surgery for RUB 15,100. instead of 17,000 rubles, laser blepharoplasty for 14,700 rubles. instead of 16,000 rubles, chemical facial peeling for 3,700 rubles. instead of 4,500 rubles, intimate rejuvenation for 35,600 rubles. instead of 40,000 rubles, laser hair removal of legs for 7,600 rubles. instead of 8900 rub. and laser hair removal of the back (for men) for RUB 7,100. instead of 10,300 rub.

All month in the nail studio on Yakimanka, during manicures, pedicures and spa treatments, clients get their hair braided and beautifully styled as a free bonus. And in the studio on Lesnaya from 10:00 to 12:00 and from 15:00 to 17:00 there is a 20% discount on all services - you just need to sign up for them in advance.

Often, salons hire trainees to hone their skills not on mannequins, but on real clients - the cost of their work is much cheaper. There is just such a newcomer working at Chypre, Dan, who is also the commercial director of the barbershop. His price list: classic haircut - 1200 rubles, mustache and beard cutting - from 400 rubles. up to 600 rub.

From April 10 to April 30, when registering for eyebrow correction and coloring, the client receives a coupon with a 15% discount on manicure. You can use the bonus until the end of spring.

With a one-time purchase of a course (10 sessions) of Body Sculptor pressotherapy, which works to eliminate cellulite, swelling and reduce volumes, the cost of one procedure is 1000 rubles. The special price is valid until the end of April.

Only in April, when undergoing any two facial procedures at the beautician Jancy Thomas, the skin care around the eyes "Netra" will become a gift.

Until the end of spring, the clinic offers a 40% discount on all types of hair removal. So, laser treatment of bikini and armpits, taking into account the discount, will cost 3,500 rubles, and lower legs - 8,000 rubles. (plus light therapy for the face as a gift). The Fractora PF-resurfacing procedure, which removes stretch marks on the body and tightens the skin on the face, neck and décolleté, now costs 20,000 rubles. (plus LED facial therapy as a gift). In addition, all new customers receive a bonus card for a 5% discount, which is activated after the first visit.

Until the end of the month, when you sign up for epilation of two zones, you pay 10% less. Treatment of armpits and deep bikini costs 6,500 rubles. instead of 9,000 rubles, and three zones (armpits, deep bikini and shins) - 12,000 rubles. instead of 17,200 rub. Until the end of May, a set of services - makeup, evening styling and manicure with Vinylux coating - will cost 10,000 rubles. provided that two people sign up at once: for example, friends or mother and daughter.

Until April 30, inclusive, in any studio of the Linline network, laser qool hair removal of the bikini zone costs 5500 rubles. instead of 6500 r.

On April 15 and 16, the salon will host Kérastase days: on these days there will be a 15% discount on all skincare procedures using the brand’s cosmetics, as well as on the purchase of their products. All visitors will be treated to champagne and sweets.

Throughout April, the salon runs the “Happy Days” promotion on Mondays and Tuesdays - the cost of all services, including the purchase of a gift certificate for 5,000 rubles, becomes 15% lower.

The first training session on bicycles is free, but if within five days after this visit you buy a subscription (clip card) for 5 classes (4,038 rubles), 10 (7,650 rubles) or 20 (13,600 rubles), you will receive 10% discount. And if you bring a friend, an additional free training session will be a bonus.