How to open a fitness club: a ready-made business plan with calculations. Ready-made business plan for a fitness club with calculations: how much does it cost to open in a small town Organizational plan for a fitness club example

Dear visitors, below is an example of a business plan for a gym with economic calculations. The calculations are made by specialists with extensive experience working in an Excel file, so the calculations can be adapted to any business plan of another gym or fitness club. After reading the document, you can download the file with calculations below. If you have any questions, ask them directly in the comments, in the VKontakte group, or by writing to us by email.


Goal: “Opening a gym in a residential area of ​​the city of Perm”

Objectives: “Providing a newly built area of ​​the city with high-quality fitness services.”

Initiator of the project

The initiator of the project is a former trainer of one of the large fitness clubs in the city, who has both extensive experience in this business and experience in competing in bodybuilding competitions, including successful ones (taking prizes).

Investment costs

To reduce opening costs, premises for a gym are rented with a long-term lease agreement. All other expenses amount to 4,500 thousand rubles, we will conditionally divide them into 3 parts:

  • Registration of a legal entity - 10 thousand rubles;
  • Renovation of the premises - 2,000 thousand rubles;
  • Purchase of simulators - 2,000 thousand rubles;
  • Purchase of other equipment and furniture - 500 thousand rubles.

Project financing

Project expenses will be 70% financed by obtaining a bank loan for up to 5 years at 15% per annum with an annuity repayment period, the remainder will be financed from the project initiator’s own funds.

The apartment of the project initiator will be provided as collateral for the loan.

Payback indicators

According to the payback model for the gym, the efficiency indicators of the investment project are:

  • Simple payback period - 5.7 years;
  • Discounted payback period - 7 years;
  • NPV - 1,632 thousand rubles;

When constructing the model, a forecast period of 10 years with inflation of 11% was taken, and a discount rate of 13.5% was used for calculations.

Equipment suppliers

A large Moscow company with more than 20 years of experience in this business and experience in interacting with other Perm gym clubs was selected as equipment suppliers.


The gym will provide the most common types of services in this business; conditionally, all services can be divided into the following groups:

  • Gym services - individual classes;
  • gym services - classes with a trainer;
  • group fitness classes.


Practice shows that by ordering a business plan from specialists, you will save time, increase the quality of the finished document by 4-5 times and increase the chances of receiving investment by 3 times.

Investment plan

Investment size

According to the cost estimate, the total investment for opening a gym is 4,510 thousand rubles. The bulk of the expenses goes towards renovating the premises and purchasing exercise equipment.

Thanks to an agreement with the landlord of the premises, the hall is provided with rental holidays for the amount of repairs carried out.

A breakdown of investment costs is presented in the table below:

expenditures Qty price Sum
Registration of a legal entity 10 000
Room renovation 333 sq.m. 6,000 rub./sq.m. 1 600 000
Fire extinguishing system 200 000
Video surveillance system 100 000
Security and fire alarm 100 000
Exercise equipment
Treadmill 4 150 000 600 000
Ellipsoid 2 50 000 100 000
exercise bike 2 50 000 100 000
Dumbbell set 2 100 000 200 000
Abdominal bench 1 10 000 10 000
Bench for working with dumbbells 1 10 000 10 000
Other simulators 1 980 000 980 000
Other equipment
Cash machine 15 000
Manager desk 50 000
Sofas for clients' relaxation 150 000
Lockers for changing clothes 285 000
TOTAL 4 510 000

Investment payment and work plan

Below is a schedule of work to open the gym:

Below is a payment schedule for investment expenses:

Name of works 1 month 2 months 3 months 4 months 5 months 6 months 7 months 8 months 9 months 10 months 11 months 12 months
Registration of a legal entity 10
Room renovation 400 400 400 400 400
Purchasing training equipment 1000 1000
Purchasing furniture 250 250

Production plan


To open a gym, it is planned to conclude a long-term lease agreement for premises in a residential area of ​​the city of Perm. Within the framework of this agreement, rental holidays are provided for the amount of funds invested in repairs, which provides additional benefits to the project.

The plan diagram is shown in the figure below:

The room consists of:

  • hall - where the manager and reception will be located;
  • 2 changing rooms, showers and toilets - men's and women's;
  • Gym;
  • Hall for group classes;
  • Room for cleaning equipment - utility room;
  • Office space - for the director and accountant when they arrive, as well as for the locker room, meals and other needs of managers.

Working hours

The gym will be open from 8-00 to 20-00, which will allow early morning exercise for those who would like to have time before work, and in the evening for those who can only do it after work.

Manufacturing process

  1. To start going to the gym, the client needs to purchase a membership subscription (this can be a subscription for a year, a month, or a one-time subscription for one lesson).
  2. To visit a gym or group exercise hall, the client checks the opening hours of the gym, takes sportswear with him, approaches the manager, who checks his membership and lets him in.
  3. The client goes to the locker room, where he changes into sportswear.
  4. Then the client goes to the training room (if necessary, a trainer is invited for individual training).
  5. After class, the client goes to the locker room, washes, changes clothes and goes home.

Cost of services

Taking into account the specifics of the gym, only the group of services, including the services of trainers, has direct costs for services:

  • Gym services (individual classes) - no direct costs;
  • gym services (lessons with a trainer) - 500 rubles/lesson;
  • group fitness classes - 700 rub./class.

Marketing plan


Despite the fairly significant amount of investment to open a gym, their number in the city is quite large. In the city, according to the 2GIS database, there are about 300 such establishments (fitness clubs, gyms, etc.). There are both small players and fairly large chains of fitness clubs on the market (Colosseum, Alex-Fitness, Gold's GYM and others).


The most interesting places for such halls have already been taken; all that remains is expansion into new areas of the city, which is what has been done. The proximity of the hall to the places of residence of potential clients allows them to go specifically to these establishments.

Assortment and prices

In order to establish a pricing policy, a study of the fitness services market was conducted and the most frequently requested services in similar gyms were selected, as well as their prices. The result of the study is presented in the table below:

According to the project, our gym will operate in the middle price segment. This is due to the presence of a fairly small hall, as well as inexpensive finishing materials inside and inexpensive (but professional) exercise equipment.

The table below presents revenue by type of service, as well as information on the variable cost of services and the share in the revenue structure:

Services list Price per lesson cost price Profit from the service Share in revenue
Gym services - individual classes 300 0 300 52%
Gym services - classes with a trainer 1 200 500 700 14%
Group classes* 3 000 700 2 300 34%

* - the average group size will be 10 people

Volume of sales

The fitness services business is highly seasonal. The greatest peak in sales of services occurs precisely in the months of late winter and early spring, when people begin to prepare for the beach season - they go on a diet and begin training. Summer is the lowest point in sales, when all clients go on vacation, to the country, or just spend warm summer days on the beach.

The graph below shows seasonality indices for the fitness services market:

As we can see from the graph, the greatest peaks of active demand for fitness services (including gym services) occur in the months after the new year, when people begin to actively prepare for summer. When planning our sales and staff work, we will definitely take this factor into account and will not send people on vacation at this time.

In addition, below is a schedule for the project reaching its optimal sales volume:

Thus, we see that the time to open the gym will be about 1 year and the time for the gym to reach its projected optimal sales volumes is 1 year. Based on this, we must understand that only two years after the start of investment, the hall will operate at full capacity.

Advertising strategy

The previously indicated schedule for reaching the optimal sales volume cannot be achieved without appropriate advertising support. For this purpose, a marketing plan was developed, which we present below:

  • production and placement of a bright sign that will glow at night;
  • design of the façade of the premises and the entrance area in the colors of the brand;
  • decoration with balloons in the first month of opening the gym;
  • distribution of leaflets and business cards in the first 2 months of the hall’s operation;
  • advertising in elevators of nearby buildings during the first year of the hall’s operation.

Organizational plan


To simplify accounting, organize a business and make a profit, the gym will be registered to an individual entrepreneur - the initiator of the project. In order to minimize taxes, it is planned that the base for income tax will be 15% of the income minus the expenses of the enterprise.

Personnel and staffing structure

The staff and their remuneration are presented in the table below:

Job title Qty salary Sum Prize
Director 1 20 000 20 000 10% of profits
Manager 2 15 000 30 000 3% of sales
Trainer 5 2 000 10 000 70% of the cost of classes
Cleaning woman 1 15 000 15 000
TOTAL 75 000

The position of director will be performed by the project initiator and individual entrepreneur.

The reporting structure is presented below:

Financial plan


To build a payback model for opening a gym, we will assume that the annual inflation rate will be 11% per annum.

In this case, the discount rate will be 10%.

Taking into account the fact that the enterprise will be on a simplified taxation system and the basis for collecting income tax will be “income minus expenses”, the tax collection indicators will be as follows:

  • income tax - 15% of income minus expenses;
  • Personal income tax - 13%;
  • There is no VAT;
  • Contributions to social funds - 34.2%.

Project payback indicators

, from which the company will begin to make a profit. This volume is 324 thousand rubles. per month.

Project sustainability analysis

Based on the same data and model, an analysis of the sustainability of the business was carried out under the influence of various factors (changes in prices, changes in expenses, changes in wages).

From the table we see that the most influential factor on the project’s payback indicators are prices for services. Thus, if prices decrease by more than 20%, the project becomes unprofitable within the period under review.

Risk analysis

We will divide all possible risks into 4 groups - social, technological, economic, political.


One of the important social factors is the birth rate. Thus, with a decrease in the birth rate, the settlement of a new area will occur at a lower rate and, accordingly, we may not receive the amount of revenue that we had planned.


Here we do not see a single risk that could significantly reduce the revenue of our company.


One of the economic risks is placing another fitness center in close proximity to our gym, especially one owned by a major federal player. This will reduce the price level to such a limit that it will be more profitable for us to close. However, most likely this will not happen, since for this it will be necessary to select large areas and, most likely, drive other tenants out of their already established places.

Another strong risk leading to a decrease in enterprise prices is the emergence of an economic crisis in the country, which will lead to a decrease in the purchasing power of the population.


We will include an increase in the tax burden on enterprises as a political risk. However, as we have already seen in the analysis of the sustainability of the enterprise, they will not be able to radically affect the return on investment of the project, but will only slightly reduce its profitability.


Calculations for an example business plan show that the project is profitable and will be of interest to private investors and credit institutions for investment. The initiator of the opening of the hall has extensive experience in this business, the location and staff have been successfully selected, the payback indicators have a large margin of safety. The opening risks are minimal or have little impact.

If you support the idea of ​​a healthy lifestyle, and you have the resources and time to do so, do not miss the opportunity to familiarize yourself with useful instructions on how to create a competent business plan for a fitness club - the basis of your business for many years to come. Forward and upward!

Niche overview

Recently, a sports lifestyle has become very popular, especially in Russia. Thanks to sports, people look better, get sick less, and they have a new, healthy hobby.

Halls with “walking distance” are popular, which means that the enterprise must be opened in densely populated residential areas or in the city center. More than a third of the fitness business and the largest cash turnover are located in Moscow. Before opening your own sports club, understand what audience you are working with.

The target audience

Not only men, but also women engage in sports. This means that in addition to the gym, there must be a room for classes such as Pilates, yoga and others.

Plus, add a massage room, where manicure services will also be offered. You can open a diet bar that will serve a variety of sports, fortified cocktails or fresh juice. Together with a massage and manicure salon, the bar will bring its share of income.

So, let us consider with you a variant of a business plan for a fitness center in a residential area of ​​​​an ordinary, large metropolis. We do not recommend that you open next to an already existing club, since, most likely, it has already taken over all the clients.

Payback plan

According to any business plans in publications, the club begins to pay off only after 2 years of operation, so please be patient and have money.

So, the minimum costs at the start of the project:

  1. initial capital ≈ 1 million 100 thousand rubles;
  2. monthly expenses ≈ 380 thousand monthly;
  3. monthly income ≈ 150 thousand rubles.

What constitutes the monthly expenses of a fitness club:

  1. rent for the premises ≈ 150 thousand rubles;
  2. employee salary ≈ 150 rubles;
  3. monthly advertising budget ≈ 50 thousand rubles;
  4. other expenses ≈ up to 30 thousand rubles.

Total monthly expenses will be about ≈ 400 thousand rubles.

Planned income

When your customer base reaches at least 50-100 people, you can talk about income that will eventually pay off your costs and bring profit, about 200-300 thousand rubles monthly.

On average, one of your clients pays 2-5 thousand rubles monthly. That is, having 150 members of a fitness club, you can count on dirty income of 300-750 thousand rubles. It is clear that the prices are not for Moscow, but for a city with a population of a million people or more.

Registration of a legal entity

Keep in mind in your business plan that to open your own sports club you need to register as an “individual entrepreneur”, or a more respectable LLC, which is expensive in terms of maintenance and associated hassles. To open a fitness club, individual entrepreneur documents are quite sufficient. Registration of an individual entrepreneur will cost you about 5 thousand rubles, in time - 2-3 weeks.

All worries about registering a legal entity can be outsourced (to companies that deal with registration and support of companies), which will save time on more important matters, of which there are plenty.

Club premises and equipment

Selecting a room

After registering a legal entity, start looking for suitable premises for your future fitness club.

As soon as you find a suitable option, sign up for a lease of at least 5 years, since within a year your business may not even begin to generate the desired profit. Additionally, landlords may offer your space to someone else for a higher fee. So sign all the necessary long-term lease agreements.

Minimum premises requirements

  1. the room must have an area of ​​at least 250 m²;
  2. a bathroom must be installed, and the building itself must comply with fire safety;
  3. Every good fitness club should have 2 locker rooms - men's and women's, lockers, shower rooms, toilets, as well as a staff room.

250 m² per month will cost you approximately 70-150 thousand rubles - depending on the city and region.

It is important to understand at the stage of a business plan for a fitness center that the guarantee of demand is not only a variety of professional sports equipment, competent instructors and popular programs, but also an excellent type of premises, that is, a cool renovation - from 300 thousand rubles.

Plus, add a conclusion from the fire station, a conclusion from the SES, as well as their constant visits and interest in your case. At the very least, be aware of “surprise” expenses.

Club sports equipment

Sports equipment or inventory is the most expensive item in your fitness studio business plan. You can’t skimp on it, because this is the basis of your idea of ​​a gym.

If we are talking about group training for women, then you will need:

  1. step platforms (their number depends on the area of ​​the hall);
  2. aerobic balls;
  3. balls of various types;
  4. a large number of dumbbells of different weights;
  5. gymnastic equipment, such as horizontal bars and parallel bars;
  6. a row of Swedish walls;
  7. a set of several dozen jump ropes;
  8. rugs and mats - for yoga classes, at a minimum.

Treadmills and exercise bikes are, of course, wildly popular in clubs as a cardio workout tool to burn calories. However, their cost is quite steep. For example, the price of the simplest treadmill is about 20,000 rubles. And for the hall you will need at least 3-4 pieces. Exercise bikes in the same price range.

As for sports equipment for men, then, as they say, there is no limit to perfection.

The most basic:

  1. racks and benches for strength exercises with weights;
  2. several vultures;
  3. sets of pancakes of different weights;
  4. prefabricated or fixed dumbbells.

Special exercise machines for bodybuilding cost incredible amounts of money, there are a great many of them, but you are unlikely to compete with a full-fledged gym, this is still a different area. Just pay attention to the base, plus we recommend getting a pear.

Treadmills, exercise bikes, cardio equipment, complexes for strength exercises, a complex for gymnastic exercises, dumbbells, barbells, balls, mats and much more - up to 500,000 rubles.


Approximate staff of a standard fitness club:

  1. 3-5 coaches/instructors with experience, preferably having a certain rank in the sports field;
  2. 2 reception staff, consultations and conclusion of contracts;
  3. 1 permanent club administrator;
  4. 2 massage therapists, manicurists (optional, depending on demand);
  5. 2 cleaners working in shifts.

Of course, for the first time the club develops, you can take on some work yourself, attract relatives and friends. This is a very reasonable option, allowing you to free up some of the funds for other needs, for example, attracting new clients.

From 200 thousand rubles will go towards salaries per month. At first, you yourself should be in the gym to check how the work is going. A fitness trainer must have all professional qualities. Create a club schedule. Create various programs, for example, for weight loss, for men, for women, strength training, martial arts and much more.

Find out the demand of competitors in your segment - evaluate the programs in other clubs personally

Promotion plan

First of all, you need to make a bright sign directly on the club building. There are truly a great many ways to attract clients. But advertising must be included in the business plan, focus on competitors in fitness, but do not chase after every opportunity, it is vital to save at the start.

Order mailing of leaflets in your area, make yourself known on social networks, buy advertising on large city billboards, arrange a bright opening with free visits. The best advertising has always been and remains - this is the opinion of living people, your visitors. Make sure that they always receive special attention from the staff.

Pay special attention to the possibility of advertising on the Internet - actively use Yandex.Direct, targeted advertising on VKontakte, buy posts in popular communities in the city.

A great idea when starting out is to use coupon services.

At first, in the first year of operation, you will have 100 regular customers with subscriptions. Prices for subscriptions vary, a six-month subscription costs from 7-12 thousand rubles, this is the minimum. It turns out about 1.5+ million rubles per year.

A fitness club is a seasonal business. In summer there are fewer visitors and many people leave. There is always a big influx after the New Year, when so many people are going to start life “from scratch” by signing up for the gym.

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Roman Agarkov especially for

No one doubts that the demand for fitness culture among the population is growing. Therefore, creating a business in this industry would be a good idea. Having made an informed choice, the main thing is to correctly design a fitness club from scratch, with its step-by-step implementation.

Running a gym is a very interesting and profitable venture. It's about much more than helping other people realize their weight goals, you can also maintain your weight and stay in shape forever. We presented a ready-made sample business plan for a fitness club with calculations, description of the facility, payback and other indicators.

It is pertinent to state that the project may be a bit capital intensive as you will have to purchase all the valuable and vital fitness club equipment that will benefit your business. It will also be necessary to hire the best trainers who can help people achieve their goals quite quickly and systematically.

The training business is gaining more ground in recent times, just as it did in the 20th century. People are now more aware of the immeasurable benefits they receive when they join a gym. It is now obvious to many people that they can stay healthy, improve their lifestyle and live longer if they exercise regularly.

Statistics show that the number of people who visit fitness clubs is constantly growing, and the fact that the gym is now closer to residential areas makes this possible. In addition, with an increase in the flow of trainees, the income of the sports complex increases.

Some people join fitness clubs not because they don't have the money to buy some basic equipment. Because exercising regularly requires discipline, and that's part of what they want to get when they exercise under the guidance of an instructor.

The next factor in the emergence of gyms is the increase in the number of obese people. Being obese is a risk to your health, so people with this problem who really want to stay healthy visit gyms that are near them.

There is also a category of people who visit fitness centers for other reasons. Some people join the gym mainly to control their weight through proper workout, while others join the gym to train and increase their biceps (muscles), for cardio sessions, etc.

Researchers, engineers, health and fitness professionals are always improvising and inventing fitness equipment that can help people and gym athletes achieve their goals. While gym equipment can be expensive, the truth is that most of it will last a long time if used correctly. Besides the fact that purchasing any equipment for is an investment that is worth the time.

A fitness club business plan requires sufficient cash to equip the gym to meet the standard expected by exercisers. The fitness industry is showing no signs of going out of fashion these days and the number of people signing up for workouts will continue to grow and this will of course translate into more money for the business owner.

The trend in the fitness industry is that if a fitness club is located in a residential area or in a place where people can easily access without much stress, chances are the gym will enjoy high patronage.

Like other business companies, they are looking for ways to increase their market share:

  • They are going to make deals with universities and also offer home services.
  • They also offer pro bono services for a certain period of time and then gradually introduce fees. This conversion is very beneficial to some loyal members.

When drawing up a business plan for a fitness club from scratch, it is necessary to take into account that as gyms grow, it is necessary to develop new offers or install new facilities that will help attract more people. It's no surprise that some fitness centers now have juice bars in their facility to encourage people to adopt a healthy lifestyle. In other words, it is critical that fitness clubs continue to improvise if they want to grow their business and generate targeted revenue.

The fitness club's target market crosses people from different walks of life. The fact that people sign up for fitness clubs for a variety of reasons makes marketing an interesting business.

The target market for gyms and fitness centers can be divided into three groups:

  • First group- these are people who strive to maintain weight through proper training under the guidance of a qualified instructor.
  • Another group of people - these are those who are interested in building their biceps (bodybuilding).
  • Third group of people- these are those who simply want to sign up for cardio sessions under the supervision of a qualified trainer. These sessions are a combination of light weights, treadmills and bicycles.
  • Corporate managers.
  • Business people.
  • Housewives.
  • Sportsmen and sportswomen.
  • Pupils.
  • Students.
  • People of different ages.

Competitive advantage

It is fitting that our fitness club is located in the city center in a densely populated residential area. This will obviously give us an advantage over our competitors. We also have a team of highly trained professionals who will work with all of our clients to achieve their goals or enroll in our gym. Finally, our membership package is one of the best, anyone who lives in the city can get it - it's cheap and affordable.

We will continue to work hard to ensure continuous improvement of our facility and delivery service. In fact, for , our services will have no analogues.

Marketing plan

Our marketing strategies will be aimed at achieving specific goals that support the strategic goals of the organization. The truth is that everything we do will be aimed at creating new distribution channels, increasing sales and increasing market share. We will use improved services and capabilities to ensure that we win new customers and retain old members.

Our marketing strategies will be consistent across the marketing mix and we will consider product improvement, promotion and price. As part of the gym club business plan, our sales and marketing strategies will focus on promoting our gym to attract people to enroll and become members of our gym.

Our unique selling proposition is that we are well positioned and people can easily access our facility, our prices are affordable and we have a complete package for families.

Parts of the fitness club and sales strategies we will take:

  • Opening of a fitness club with a big party.
  • Advertise in daily newspapers, local television stations and local radio station.
  • Promotion through our official website and all available social media platforms.
  • Continuously improve the performance of our brands.
  • Use experts to make our brands people's first choice.
  • Provide a consistent customer experience to all our members; making our first impression positive for those who use our fitness club for the first time.
  • Use attractive manual accounts to create awareness as well as referrals to our fitness club.
  • Adopt a direct marketing approach for courier mailings.
  • Place our advertising banners in strategic places.
  • Create a loyalty plan that will reward our loyal members, especially those registered as a family.
  • Also to participate in road shows in the area to raise awareness of our fitness club.

Approximate data:

  • Monthly income – 958,000 rubles.
  • Net profit - 341,105 rubles
  • Initial costs – 1,921,200 rubles.
  • Payback period is from six months.
This business plan, like all others in the section, contains calculations of average prices, which may differ in your case. Therefore, we recommend that you make calculations for your business individually.

In this article, we will talk about this type of business as a fitness club and will try to write a detailed business plan for a fitness club with calculations.

Market analysis

Institutions in the fitness industry are becoming increasingly popular today. This is due to people’s desire to be healthy. And if at the time of the appearance of the first such clubs these were premium-class establishments, today almost any person has access to such services.

In Russia, classes in fitness clubs appeared only 20 years ago. At the same time, people are more willing to go to Russian establishments than international ones, whose share is only 1% of the total number of fitness centers.

Every year the number of clubs increases by 20%. This is due to the desire to be like their European neighbors. Today, there is an increased demand for the services of fitness clubs. Because being healthy is fashionable.

According to the results of research conducted by analysts, it turned out that most often people go to such establishments to become even more beautiful and well-groomed. The next factor of motivation – psychological tone – lags behind almost twice. But in third and fourth places are improving physical fitness and spending free time, respectively.

As it turned out, most often women visit fitness clubs. Their total share is 70%, that is, more than 2 times more than men.

If we talk about age characteristics, more than 50% of visitors are young people aged 18 to 24 years.

Most often, fitness clubs are visited by people with average incomes, less often by wealthy people. It is also interesting that people with no income make up a quarter of all visitors.

It is also noteworthy that most often people with higher education go to such institutions.

Based on the data obtained, it is possible to draw up portrait of a potential buyer: for the most part, these will be young women (18-34 years old) with average income, having some kind of education; their main goal will be the aesthetic component. Also, these will be men of approximately the same age who are interested in their health and increasing their physical capabilities. Thus, we can conclude that when developing a business plan, you need to pay most attention to people with an average level of income.

If we talk about competitors, these will primarily be well-known chains of fitness clubs. To a lesser extent, competition will come from single establishments. Firstly, they will not be able to serve a large number of the population, and secondly, hardly anyone knows about them either. Therefore, the main competitor will be the well-known branded places that have already captured part of the market. They will have to fight with the help of lower prices, the qualifications of workers, and the quality of services provided.

I would like to note that the Russian market for fitness services has enormous potential, because not so many people go to clubs today - there could be a lot more of them.

The most profitable niche would be family fitness. Firstly, this industry is not yet so developed. Secondly, several family members will be immediately involved. The main income will presumably come from gym users. This type of service is in the highest demand among consumers today.

SWOT analysis


Use of modern concepts and techniques.

Good location of the club.

High quality equipment.

Relatively low cost.

Weak sides:

Narrow range of services provided.

The need for large financial investments in opening and advertising.


Offering lower prices than competitors.

Finding your regular customers by attracting them.

Further development, which will allow opening a network of fitness centers.

Attracting those trainers who already have their own client base.


Rapid growth in the number of competitors.

Economic instability.

Low level of attendance.

The emergence of serious network fitness clubs that are already known to consumers.

Opportunity Assessment

The fitness center's operating hours will be as follows:

Total: 80 hours per week.

In principle, there is no seasonality in demand for this type of service, except that in the summer the number of visitors decreases slightly.

In the future, you can increase demand and attract new customers by expanding the range of services and providing related services (selling sports nutrition, branded sportswear, opening a bar).

Organizational and legal issues:

  1. You need to start with a choice. For the first time, you can limit yourself to registration or LLC. The first option is the most attractive due to the simple registration procedure and loyal taxation methods. In addition, opening an individual entrepreneur most often involves working with individuals, rather than legal entities. The OKVED codes, most likely, in cases of opening fitness centers will be as follows:
  • 04 – Health and physical education activities.
  • 61 – Operation of sports facilities.
  • 62 – Other activities related to sports.

Special attention should be paid to this point. All types of activities must be reflected in an extract from the ERGIP (for private entrepreneurs) or from (for LLCs).

  1. Passing an inspection at Rospotrebnadzor (permission is not required to start work). They check the existing documents for ventilation, air conditioning, housing office documents (if necessary), as well as medical records of workers in contact with visitors.
  2. Passing a fire inspection. Here you also need to prepare for their arrival. There must be emergency exits and fire extinguishers.
  3. You don't need to obtain any licenses either. This can be done to create a more trusting relationship on the part of clients.
  4. Choice of taxation system. As a rule, they choose. The tax is paid either 6% of total income, or 5-15% of the difference between income and expenses (the percentage is set separately for each region, but most often it is 15%).
  5. We also recommend accepting payments from our clients by bank cards. To do this, you need to open a bank account. By the way, we wrote an article about.

It is worth remembering that for each visitor to the gym there is 6 m2, and for fitness or aerobics - 2 m2.

Rented premises:

This will be a commercial space. It is best to choose one of two options:

  • city ​​center (plus the number of visitors, minus the high cost of rent);
  • residential area (plus an affordable price, but the level of visitors will be lower than in the first option).

There must be room in the locker rooms for shower equipment.

Calculation of room area:

  • halls for fitness and aerobics – 2 m2 *15 people = 30 m2;
  • gym – 6 m2 *15 people = 90 m2;
  • locker rooms – 2 pcs.*25 m2 = 50 m2;
  • reception, corridors = 50 m2.

Total: 200 m2.

Made based on an average attendance of 15 people.

Description of service

In the fitness center you can visit:

  • gym (continuous work, that is, 80 hours a week);
  • aerobics (20 hours per week);
  • step aerobics (10 hours per week);
  • yoga (15 hours per week);
  • dance classes (20 hours per week);
  • strength training in the fitness room (15 hours per week).

Registration can be made by phone or directly on the fitness center website. In addition, visitors can take advantage of free Wi-Fi and bottled water.

In the future it is planned to expand the range of services. These could be not only new types of group activities, but also other activities.

The gym also offers personal training sessions.

To attract more clients, it is worth choosing experienced people when hiring. It is desirable that they have their own customer base, which will provide part of the flow of visitors.

Marketing plan

It is worth thinking about the cost of the services provided. It should be a competitive price, but not too low. Attention should be paid to the appearance of the halls and the entire fitness center, as well as the quality of the equipment and the professionalism of the working trainers.

Ideas for later opening a herbal bar or massage parlor would be interesting.

  • distribution of leaflets, flyers;
  • advertising on the Internet (social networks, contextual advertising, etc.) and the media;
  • signs;
  • SMS mailings;
  • advertisements on radio and television (if finances allow);

You can also attract with various promotions - for example, free admission on holidays or on a birthday. In short, there are a huge variety of tools to influence potential clients.

In general, it’s worth thinking about prices in advance, calculating the cost of club cards, and ways to promote them.

It will be important to create your own website before opening. And at the same time make it not only beautiful, but also informative and convenient for the client. You can add feedback forms, surveys, the possibility of discussions, online purchases, bookings, and viewing the completion of a particular lesson by visitors.

You definitely need to choose your own strategy. After attracting part of the population, it is worth thinking about marketing moves that can bring other segments of the population to the fitness center.

Calculation of planned revenue

Price per lesson (1 hour, unlimited gym) Number of classes per month Occupancy (maximum 15 people) Total income
Gym 200 rub. 160 10 320,000 rub.
Aerobics 250 rub. 80 9 180,000 rub.
Step aerobics 300 rub. 40 9 108,000 rub.
Yoga 250 rub. 60 8 120,000 rub.
Dance classes 250 rub. 80 7 140,000 rub.
Power training 250 rub. 60 6 90,000 rub.
Total RUB 958,000

Monthly income will be 958,000 rubles.

Production plan

To begin work, it will be necessary to carry out repairs and installation of equipment. The renovation will include bringing the premises into proper shape, installing showers, mirrors in the halls, installing lighting fixtures, air conditioners, fire extinguishers and more. The total cost will be 1,000,000 rubles.

Equipment will be needed mainly for the gym. This also includes equipment for exercising in the fitness room, including mats, special balls, step platforms, and weights. The total cost will be 600,000 rubles.

You will also have to buy furniture:

  • table (1 piece);
  • chair (10pcs);
  • benches (33pcs);
  • lockers (30pcs);
  • reception desk (1 piece);
  • chairs (2 pieces).

The total cost will be: 65,800 rubles.

You will also need to purchase the following equipment:

  • laptop (1pc);
  • music center (2 pieces);
  • printer (1pc);
  • refrigerator (1 piece).

Total: 55,000 rubles.

Job title Number of staff units Payment method Salary (including insurance contributions and taxes) General payroll
Administrator 2 Salary 25,000 rub. 50,000 rub.
Trainer at the gym 4 Percentage of revenue (10%) 32,000 rub. 128,000 rubles
Aerobics and dance trainer 1 Percentage of revenue (10%) 32,000 rub. 32,000 rub.
Yoga trainer 1 Percentage of revenue (15%) 18,000 rub. 18,000 rub.
Step aerobics and strength trainer 1 Percentage of revenue (15%) RUR 29,700 RUR 29,700
Cleaning woman 2 Salary 15,000 rub. 30,000 rub.
Total: RUR 287,700

Trainers in the gym work in teams of two. They help visitors.

Administrators and cleaners work in shifts.

All trainers must have qualifications and experience. It is desirable that they be known to a wide range of people in the city. It is also possible to combine work with other types of employment.

Classes may vary in schedule from month to month.

Salaries are paid twice a month - in the middle and at the end of the month.

The responsibilities of the administrator include receiving phone calls, processing applications from the site, filling it out, processing documents and accepting funds.

Organizational plan

1 month 2 month 3 month
Individual entrepreneur registration 6,800 rub.
Conclusion of a lease agreement +
Competitiveness analysis + + +
Advertising 100,000 rub.
Website creation 15,000 rub.
Repair and refurbishment 1,000,000 rub.
Furniture RUB 65,800
Purchasing the necessary equipment 600,000 rub.
Purchase of equipment 55,000 rub.
Buying a cash register 15,000 rub.
Internet connection 600 rub.
Installation of furniture and equipment
Personnel search, training
Ordering clothing with company logos 45,000 rub.
Purchasing water supplies 3,000 rub.
CCTV installation 15,000 rub.
Total RUB 1,921,200

The lease agreement should not be concluded for a year; the money invested may not pay off. It is best to negotiate a job for the long term. Preferably 5 years. Finding such a tenant will not be easy, but it is still possible. It is worth considering the option of a small increase in the rental price, as a last resort.

Financial plan

Income (monthly) – 958,000 rubles.

Initial costs – 1,921,200 rubles.

Periodic costs (calculated per month):

Profit before tax will thus be equal to – 958,000 – 556,700 = 401,300 rubles.

We calculate taxes using the formula 0.15*(Income - Expenses) – 0.15*401,300 = 60,195 rubles.

Net profit will be - 401,300 - 60,195 = 341,105 rubles.

Payback period – 1,921,200/341,105 = 5.63. Consequently, the project will pay for itself in six months.


Risk Probability of occurrence Ways to avoid Possible threats
Crisis, economic instability, rising inflation Average Insurance, purchase of necessary supplies Decrease in profits, possible losses
Changes in legislation Low Detailed drafting of constituent documents, including the charter The need for re-registration, paperwork, suspension of activities
Changing the ideology associated with a healthy lifestyle Low Developing a client base, massive advertising Declining demand
Increased competition High Development of new methods, improving the quality of services Declining profits
Equipment breakdown High Timely inspection, purchase of additional units Decrease in the quality and quantity of services provided
Incompetence of workers Average Completing training, obtaining certificates, constantly attending seminars and master classes Decrease in quality of service, number of clients
Obsolescence of equipment Average Purchase of new equipment, replacing it with the most technologically advanced Decreased quality of services provided, lack of competitiveness
Bad placement High Conducting marketing and geomarketing research Profit is less than expected, decreased profitability and payback

The most important thing to remember is that you cannot skimp on repairs and equipment - these are one of the most important components of success.

According to marketers, any fitness center pays for itself in less than 2 years. If, of course, the work was done correctly.

Don't stop there - expand, open another fitness center, add new services (swimming pool, sauna, massage, beauty services, etc.). Fame among consumers will be free advertising. People will want to come to you because they are already convinced of the quality of services provided in the fitness center.

Important: Remember that you can independently create a business plan specifically for your business. To do this, read the articles:

One last request: We are all human and can make mistakes, leave something out, etc. Do not judge strictly if this business plan or others in the section seem incomplete to you. If you have experience in this or that activity or you see a flaw and can add to the article, please let me know in the comments! This is the only way we can jointly make business plans more complete, detailed and up-to-date. Thank you for your attention!