Leads for business affiliate program. CPA networks - what is it? Lead generation scheme with fixed payment per lead

What's happened CPA networks (affiliate networks), let's figure it out. CPA is an abbreviation for “Cost Per Action”, which means cost per action.

They also use the abbreviation PPA - “Pay Per Action”, which translates as payment for action.

It turns out that CPA networks are affiliate programs that pay for performing certain actions. This is a completely different scheme of interaction between advertisers and advertising platforms. If traditional schemes involve advertising for a certain time or payment is made for the number of clicks and/or impressions, then in the CPA model payment is made for a specific action. This action is called "Lead".

What are Leads, lead generation.

As I said above "Leads", is a specific user action on the site. Let's take a more specific look at what a lead is and what they are. Here are examples of the most popular leads in CPA marketing:

  • adding a product to the cart on the store website;
  • purchase of any product;
  • registration on the site;
  • registration in an online game;
  • reaching a certain level in an online game;
  • filling out some form;
  • application for a loan or credit card;
  • etc.

As we see, there are many payment options for a lead. The process of generating a “lead” is also called conversion, i.e. performing an action. You can also come across such a concept as lead generation. What is lead generation? This term essentially refers to the process of generating leads.

A very important feature of lead generation is that the source of traffic is not important to the advertiser. This can be almost any method of collecting traffic, from context to doors. In lead generation, the conversion itself is important, i.e. the final result, for example, the purchase of a product.

What is an offer?

We come to the next concept “Offer”. It is closely related to CPA networks. What is an offer, literally, this is a “proposal” (from the English “Offer”). Those. advertising position (offer) for which the advertiser will pay money.

You see, each of these offers is a separate offer. And the payment goes for the specified action (lead). Typically, offers are divided into several categories:

  • gaming offers;
  • banking offers;
  • product offers;
  • mobile;
  • trips;
  • and some others.

Any CPA affiliate program has a detailed description of each offer. What traffic can be used, what they pay for and the amount of royalties, which regions the offer is valid for, etc.

What is fraud, holding, lending, eCPC, CR.

Let's touch on a few more important terms used in CPA networks. By understanding their meaning, it will be easier for you to understand everything.

Fraud(fraud - fraud) - these are any ways to deceive an affiliate program. This could be boosting with low-quality traffic (for example, tasks from axleboxes), registration using your own ref link, etc. If you try to deceive the affiliate program and the advertiser, you will be banned when the deception is discovered.

Hold(hold - delay) is the period for which the money you earn is frozen in the affiliate program to check the quality of traffic. Those. if the affiliate program rules say “hold 10 days,” this means that you can withdraw earnings only 10 days after the lead was made. Usually, if you work with affiliate marketing for a long time and show good traffic, your hold time can be reduced, down to zero.

eCPC(Estimated Cost Per Click) - the average cost of one click. This figure is taken for the entire affiliate program over the past 24 hours for each offer separately. Those. Each offer will have its own eCPC indicator. Since eCPC shows the average earnings per click, you can easily estimate your capabilities for each offer. Let's say you can get game traffic for $0.01 per click. And in the CPA affiliate there is a gaming offer that shows eCPC=$0.05. Then, accordingly, it will be profitable for you to send traffic there for 1 cent and receive five. Of course, provided that the traffic is thematic.

CR Conversion Rate—offer conversion rate. This is the relationship of actions to transitions.

Leding(Landing Page) - a special landing page where the advantage of a product or service is beautifully described. Well-designed landing pages improve conversion rates because... encourage the user to take action.

It is imperative to understand that eCPC and CR indicators very much depend on two factors: the source of traffic, its quality and subject matter, as well as the quality of the landing page. Therefore, do not think that you will get exactly these indicators when working with the selected offer.

Earning money from CPA affiliate programs

Question making money on CPA affiliate programs is very relevant now. This direction is developing rapidly and will be in trend for a long time. Many novice webmasters make the same common mistake. They limit themselves to hanging banners of one or another offer on their website and that’s the end of it. This is fundamentally wrong. Only large portals with large volumes of traffic can afford this approach.

To make money on CPA networks, you don’t have to sit on your butt. We need to look for traffic sources. First of all, this is traffic arbitrage, about which I wrote a separate article, arbitration. It is imperative to use all possible sources of attracting visitors, such as teaser traffic and advertising on social networks.

Making money from CPA affiliate programs is not as easy as some webmasters make it out to be on their blogs. You will have to sweat and experiment, spend a certain amount of time and money. It won't work right away. Most likely, you will work at a loss for the first month or two until you find your working offer-traffic combination. But when you find your niche, you can make good money or even get rich. Yes, yes, just to get rich. TOP advertisers earn indecently large sums from CPA networks. Look below at the screenshot of your maximum earnings in Admitad over the past 24 hours. I've come across people who don't believe in earnings of this size, well, that's their problem.

I have not yet achieved such success, but there are some positive results, screenshot from Admitad.

The best CPA affiliate programs

Now it's time to run through the list of CPA networks that I myself work with. These are the leaders of the Runet and I recommend that you work with them.

Admitad is a very popular CPA network that has been operating since 2010. It has a very nice interface and convenient statistics. The network offers more than 500 different offers, which are divided into categories: finance, internet services, online stores, mobile offers and online games. Minimum for withdrawal is 300 rubles, paid to Webmoney, Bank, PayPal. In the header of the Admitad website, it shows the maximum earnings for the past day.

AD1 is another very large CPA network that offers about 200 different offers. Earnings are paid on WebMoney, minimum for withdrawal is 800 rubles. There is no hold in this affiliate program, which is undoubtedly nice. Some categories of offers are presented that are not available in other networks. These are coupons and discounts, goods by mail, services and services.

Leads is a CPA affiliate program that works exclusively with banking offers. A large number of offers from leading domestic banks are presented (there are also neighboring banks). If you are aiming to work specifically with the banking sector, then be sure to work with this affiliate program. At the moment, fifty proposals from banks have been submitted. Payments occur 2 times a month on Webmoney, minimum for payments is 300 rubles.

I will list the main points that you should pay attention to when choosing one or another offer in CPA networks.

1) traffic control - create separate links or sub-accounts for each traffic source. This way you will see which traffic is converted into leads and which is not.
2) study the offer before work - see what traffic sources are allowed and what geolocation. Otherwise, you can only waste traffic in vain.
3) try different types of traffic for one offer, some may work, but some may not.
4) test new, not yet hackneyed offers. Do not get into very competitive niches, such as loans, without experience.
5) keep an eye on CPA promotions; some advertisers offer favorable working conditions for a short period. For example, 100% confirmation of quality applications.
6) do not try to deceive the affiliate program and the advertiser. Sooner or later you will be identified and your account will be banned.

(1 ratings, average: 5,00 out of 5)

Legal affiliate programs with payment for Leads, that is, applications, are becoming more and more profitable when making money on the Internet. This is a white-hat way to monetize sites, and this kind of traffic will only increase.

This is due to the fact that it is much easier to get legal advice on the Internet without leaving your home. This is as convenient as possible both in terms of saving time and personal comfort, since you don’t have to go anywhere or negotiate. You can get the same information from a qualified specialist at home.

By the way, the price of such a consultation is lower than offline due to the absence of rental rates and so on. At the same time, the quality of the service remains the same.

Legal affiliate programs for making money on the Internet

With the help of legal affiliate programs, you can monetize not only thematic traffic, but also traffic related to business and real estate. That is, such offers can be placed on websites of related profiles, and in the same way you can make a profit from them.

At different times, from 2 to 5 specialized systems for making money on traffic of this kind worked simultaneously. Now there are only 2 standalone systems, that is, independent systems, which pay consistently and guarantee excellent profits.

They can also be found as part of CPA networks, but their functionality is not up to the mark. In any case, I will also mention such solutions that are present there at the time of writing this post.

Payment for leads

Leads are applications for legal services, and payment is made for them. The rate depends on the user's geography. The largest ones, which allow you to earn the most money on the Internet, are Moscow and St. Petersburg.

The important point is that small cities do not take part in this at all, since they are unprofitable for the advertiser. In reality, only both capitals and a dozen or one and a half large metropolises remain.

Each application goes for moderation and, after its approval, goes to one of the advertisers of this lawyer affiliate program. Upon the occurrence of this fact, money is credited to the webmaster’s balance.

When paying for applications, the latter may not be counted in certain cases:

  1. Wrong region.

  2. Incorrect phone number.

  3. This is not a legal question.

And now I will move directly to the description of the systems themselves, their capabilities and available promotional materials.


Of the two advertising systems I offer, it has the greatest geographic and promotional coverage.

(!) Remember that as applications increase, you can ask for higher lead buyout rates.

Traffic allowed:
  • Your sites

  • Doorways

  • Contextual advertising - consult with the manager!

Average cost per lead:
  • Moscow –100-135 rubles

  • St. Petersburg – 80-100

By the way, Crimea has now begun to be accepted.
Screenshot of some regions, large list:

The average for the system is around 80, but in reality the regions are at the level of 60. But they always increase it when they start pouring. They are very loyal to webmasters.
There are 5 landing pages available in Leadia, which you can put on your domain and promote them in search engines or upload them directly (context). Here is one of them:

A database of keywords is available for dora - 54,000 keys.
The minimum for withdrawal in automatic mode is 500 rubles on WebMoney. On Thursdays.


This legal affiliate program is geo limited to:
  • Moscow and Moscow region – 200 rubles

  • St. Petersburg and Leningrad region – 100 rubles

(!) But, as you can see, you can sell leads at a higher price.
Online consultants are available in different colors and with different faces:

You can put a call back form:

There are two landing pages, here is one of them:

But Leetero has a lot of banners of various sizes.
Minimum withdrawal fee – 200 rubles webmoney upon request. You can connect a bank transfer.

CPA networks

I looked at the offers now and was surprised by such a turnover. In reality, the only options available are:
Military Medical College (assistance to conscripts) – 7OFFERS

There is an interesting option here - Unified State Register of Legal Entities - receiving extracts from - MIXMARKET

  • 40 rubles for ordering a paid online service

  • 240 rubles for a 24-hour subscription to the portal’s paid services

I will supplement this post with relevant information on the topic.

Which affiliate program to choose and which affiliate programs are the most profitable? I often hear and read questions like this in personal messages - for many beginning arbitrage traders this is one of the main difficult tasks to solve.

In this short article I will tell you what to pay attention to and how to understand what will give you more profit and which affiliate programs are better to earn money on.

Which offer is profitable?

First, you need to decide on the criteria for the profitability of the offer.

A partner’s earnings are calculated using the formula:
(commission * number of confirmed applications) - the cost of attracting traffic.

Let's go through the components:

  • Expenses.
    With increasing competition, the cost of a click on popular advertising platforms increases, and accordingly, the cost of one buyer increases. Each source has its own tricks for reducing the cost of a click and reducing the cost of advertising - read the articles in the sections, apply and optimize costs..
  • Leads.
    How many sales will be made largely depends on your actions - on the choice of traffic source, accuracy of reaching the target audience, quality of ads, landing page conversion, setting campaign parameters and other factors. But, no matter your efforts, you will not earn anything by driving at least tons of traffic to your landing page if the offer is not in demand and is not interesting to people. Check demand in Yandex Wordstat or Google Trends, look at the conversion data (CR) in the offer card.
  • Affiliate commissions.
    This is a fixed amount or percentage of the sale by the advertiser, and practically does not depend on your desire. And the size of the royalties directly affects the profitability of advertising - if an affiliate pays little money for one lead, not every campaign will be able to turn into a plus, much less earn good amounts from it - the profits will not cover the costs of attracting traffic.

We conclude: the criteria for assessing the profitability of an affiliate program are how well it converts traffic into sales and what is the amount of the affiliate remuneration.

The most profitable affiliate programs.

  • commodity;
  • information products - courses, trainings, coaching;
  • services;
  • games;
  • banks and credit organizations;
  • adult and so on.

Let's consider what fits the conditions of benefit in them.

Product affiliates.

Affiliate fees for most offers of CPA networks average 500-700 rubles. What is the maximum cost per click that we can afford without losing money?

Traffic of different quality comes from different advertising platforms, and the landing page conversion fluctuates due to this. Let’s take, for example, not the highest indicators: a partner’s commission of 600 rubles and a landing page CTR of 1%, and look at the picture

Every hundred clicks on an advertisement will bring one sale and 600 rubles into our pocket. If the cost of a visitor is 6 rubles, we will break even - costs will be equal to income. And for profit, we need an average click less than 6 rubles, or a better landing page conversion.

All this is possible if the competition for the offer is not off the charts, but it requires certain conditions: an inexpensive source of traffic, very precise targeting of the target audience or rush demand for the offer.

There is a big question about cheap sources - competitors are not asleep and where it is good today, tomorrow it will be like everywhere else. Catching an interesting product when demand is on the rise is a great success, but wow offers do not last long, and there is no question about stability.

Another option is to sell expensive products, such as iPhones, genuine leather bags, watch brands, and the like. For these offers, the commission is 3-5 thousand rubles, and in theory they should more than recoup the advertising costs. But in such affiliate programs, the sales conversion is low: you need to know what platforms the target audience lives on and try to convince them of the benefits of your offer.

So, are there no profitable offers among product affiliate programs? Yes, and with stable demand, and with themeasier to work with. I described how and which affiliate program to choose among the products.

Gaming and gambling affiliate programs.

Gambling is a love of gambling that turns into pathology, that is, addiction. One of the most profitable affiliate programs with gambling and a very decent reward for attracting new participants is. Payments are in American rubles, and here is an example of the earnings of some webmasters

Agree, not bad.

It's worth checking out.

In a separate paragraph, I decided to highlight high commissions - 1000-2000 rubles.

The main feature of the program is that they pay for a targeted call. That is, an interested person attracted by you called to clarify the details - you were counted as a lead and awarded a reward. Naturally, it is necessary to attract the most targeted traffic - but this is the whole job of an affiliate marketer.

The topics of the offers are very different, from financial to medical, but the main and most profitable ones are real estate and cars. The topic is very worthwhile, you can make good money here. The only thing is that when registering, they ask you to provide screenshots of your work in other affiliate programs. Although this is all drawn at a time, if there is nothing to show.

Information products.

There are a great variety of topics on educational materials to suit every taste: from growing cucumbers to treating stuttering. And each product has its own audience who want to learn secrets from experts, that is, the sales conversion is quite high.

You can find profitable affiliate programs for information products in aggregators like,. On my own behalf, I can offer several good proven affiliate programs, where the materials are highly converting, with a good commission:

Promoting information products requires a slightly different approach. For a long time I myself worked exclusively with merchandise, and was not particularly interested in this category. But one day I came across an offer to learn the tips and tricks of making money on affiliate programs of educational products, and I took part in a training from an expert in this field.

Let me sum it up.

I did not consider other categories - the principle of determining the criteria for the profitability of an offer is the same. From my experience, the most profitable affiliate programs are in information products - you just need to get involved once, get results, and everything will go from strength to strength.

In this article, you will learn what lead generation is, how to start making money by selling leads, what are the earning schemes in this topic, how much can a beginner really earn, and we will also analyze several of our cases.

    • (Video tutorial on the board) What is lead generation and how to make money by selling leads
    • How much can you earn from lead generation?
    • 3 deadly mistakes of a former lead manager
    • 5 ways to make money from leads
    • 4 Benefits of Making Money from Lead Generation
    • How can a lead manager find his first lead generation client right now?
    • Which traffic channels should you start with?
    • A step-by-step algorithm for making money from leads in any niche

Leads- These are applications from potential customers to purchase any product or service. For example, there may be leads in the information business - these are subscribers to some free courses. Or it could be applications for installing windows, viewing an apartment before purchasing, etc.

The more expensive the product or service, the more business owners are willing to pay for advertising. Why? Because in real life, advertisers buy advertising on TV, radio, and somewhere else, but it doesn’t work very well, and its results are very difficult to measure. The maximum you can get is ROI - return on investment, how much money you invested in advertising and how much you earned.

Therefore, when you come with an offer to provide ready-made warm clients, you solve the main problem of the business and in 8 cases out of 10 you will receive consent. This is how the magic of lead generation begins :)

(Video tutorial on the board) What is lead generation and how to make money by selling leads

Watch my detailed video about what lead generation is, how a beginner can make money, where to find advertisers and where the most interesting money is made.

How much can you earn from lead generation?

Case - 413% and 619,000 rubles + Caribbean cruise on the Amazon Business affiliate program

Here are our results of work on one of the affiliate programs, traffic was bought for money from various sources and monetized for a percentage of sales + the organizers announced a competition and additional prizes for partners who take the first 5 places.

As a result, sales of 619,759 rubles were generated in 2 weeks, the affiliate commission amounted to 203,000 rubles, and traffic costs were about 105,000 rubles. ROI - 200%.

Sales did not stop there and continued by inertia for several more months.

How much can you really earn at the start, without a big budget?

As a rule, beginners can earn from 30 to 100 thousand per month. But there is one peculiarity - they all make common mistakes.

3 deadly mistakes of a former lead manager

Mistake #1 - Fanaticism associated with free traffic

Newbies are constantly being taught topics like “1001 ways to get traffic for free.” There really are free traffic channels, and the advantage of them is that there are a lot of them.

But the downside here is also significant - There is really little free traffic. You will spend a lot of time to get a very small flow of leads, during this time, your competitor, even with a small budget of 5 - 10,000 rubles, will be in profit, and then will be able to reinvest the income back into traffic

The move is to attract investors with money, a maximum of traffic channels, attracting external traffic contractors, credit cards with a grace period (without experience you shouldn’t do this :-)

I have already shown that with a budget of 100,000 rubles, it is possible to earn 200,000 - 400,000 rubles in net profit. Therefore, the sooner you master this simple rule and normal traffic channels, the faster you will earn money.

Mistake #2 - Increasing traffic to an affiliate program

Let's look at it with an example. Let's say I need to get 1000 subscribers in a project Investment territory(this is one of our investment projects).

I find a freelancer who is willing to generate these leads. The average cost of a lead in the information business is from 30 to 100 rubles. That is, for 1000 leads I will pay him up to 100 thousand rubles. Agree, not bad money.

What can a freelancer do? He can simply increase traffic - make 1000 fictitious emails, subscribe to our project from them, and as a result I will waste money. The freelancer received all the payment and formally completed his work.

Mistake #3 - Spam

This scheme is also quite common among novice traffic specialists. Databases of email addresses on a specific topic are purchased or downloaded for free, and then inexpensive advertising mailings are sent based on them ( There are plenty of offers on the Internet)

This is easy to track, we are fighting this very hard and we advise you to do the same.

5 ways to make money from leads

There are 5 lead generation schemes. I advise you to move from one scheme to another as you gain experience. Watch the video from my computer screen demonstrating figures for various areas of earnings (they have one thing in common - they use the lever of paid traffic):

50 ways to make money on the Internet Study the full version of the course on making money on the Internet

There are 3 lead payment models you can use:

  1. CPA - Cost Per Action— when you receive payment for any action of a visitor: his application, registration, etc. Essentially, this model includes the following two models: CPL and CPS.
  2. CPL - Cost Per Lead— when you receive payment directly for the application (for example, 100 rubles for a visitor to add an item to the cart).
  3. CPS - Cost Per Sale— when you receive payment for a sale (that is, for example, 1000 rubles from a purchase).

Lead generation scheme with fixed payment per lead

The simplest scheme to start with is the option in which you get fixed money for leads(for example, for registration, for subscriber). When you don't have enough experience, this is the best way.

The work model is simple:

  1. Take one of the inexpensive and massive traffic channels, in which target leads are purchased (they are most often cold and not motivated to buy, but their cost is much lower than hot clients, for example, for the same commercial requests in Yandex Direct)
  • paid advertising in VKontakte public pages
  • advertising in Instagram magazines
  • advertising in paid newsletters
  • Specific sites are selected for the target audience(groups, accounts)
  • Several different creatives are being created(advertising posts), which are tested on a small amount of traffic. The goal of this step is to find 2-3 creatives that will work best and, accordingly, will provide the maximum number of inexpensive leads.
  • The final step is scaling- a series of posts for several weeks in large thematic communities is purchased.
  • If you have a good reputation, most often you will be able to agree on a test budget, for example 15,000 - 50,000 rubles to make creatives and tests and understand at what price you can generate leads and what markup you can make to your client. On average, for large volumes it is 10-20 rubles per lead (in the example of information business).

So for every thousand leads you will receive 10-20 thousand rubles. In fact, getting 1000 subscribers is not that difficult if you buy them and extremely difficult if you get them for free.

By the way, one of the options to receive very cheap traffic and, accordingly, leads is teaser advertising. Many people underestimate this advertising channel, although if you approach the issue of clearing junk traffic correctly, you can receive very large amounts of cheap traffic from teaser networks.

How to earn up to $500 per lead

In the West, a widespread scheme is paying for calls and for qualified leads, that is, those that meet certain criteria or needs (for example, they have a certain disease or have investment experience).

As you gain experience, it makes sense to pay attention to Western affiliate programs, since there is simply a huge selection of affiliate programs and the market volume is tens and hundreds of times larger than the Russian advertising market. True, the cost of advertising is also proportionally higher :)

Some advertisers are willing to pay up to $500 per lead (example from offervault.com):

Scheme “Percentage of sales”

When you feel that you have gained experience and you already have a small amount of money to purchase paid traffic, you can proceed to the second scheme - when you receive a fixed percentage of sales.

In the previous scheme, you received a fixed payment for leads and most often were not responsible for the result - whether they would buy or not. In this situation, the traffic was probably not the most targeted; the task was to generate the cheapest leads possible.

And when you begin to take responsibility for sales, you begin to think about who will buy and find more targeted traffic. There's a lot more money here. In large niches, this can be hundreds of thousands of rubles and even in some cases millions of rubles in the form of commission interest.

Here is a screenshot of the partner account of one of the article projects. Traffic is directed from it for the Territory Investment affiliate program.

According to the traffic draining scheme, each ad impression is considered a transition. In fact, each site visitor brings in more than 1 ruble in profit just through this affiliate program. The monthly attendance of the project is more than 250,000 visitors.

Leads for expensive goods and services in real business

There is a myth that the more expensive a product or service, the more difficult and expensive it is to find leads for it. This is due to the fact that there is usually more competition for tasty pieces, but when it comes to leads, the market is practically free, since nerd techies don’t like to wear something over their panties and come out from behind their computers, but potential clients are willing to pay a lot of money for real applications.

Lead generation is a market of intermediaries- those who know how to talk well with business owners and package their offer in an understandable form for techies and set up an affiliate program in which everything will be clear to both first and second.

For example, if you submit an application for windows, you will be paid 200-300 rubles, and if you submit an application for the purchase of a house, then you will be paid 2 and 3 thousand, and 5, and 10 - in Moscow and Moscow Region much more. How about 2-3% of sales? Which is more profitable? Depends on how much time and money you can spend in each niche.

But there are some nuances here. You must take calls yourself, because if you blindly trust partners, then in most cases applications “fail”, they will not be taken into account, they are not pressed, they are forgotten, no one calls them back, etc.

So you just lose money. Therefore, within 2-3 minutes after receiving the application, you must call the client back yourself. If you are willing to do this, your income will increase 10 times. This strategy always pays off!

The coolest scheme is when you offer a test drive to several future partners:

  1. collect a list of potential partners in the niche and conduct initial negotiations(it is advisable that you already have applications from real clients, so as not to be idle talk)
  2. create a lead generation system(traffic channel + capture page + phone + application accounting)
  3. call all received applications yourself
  4. hand over ready-made applications to your future partner for testing(actually buyers), having previously agreed on the initial conditions
  5. Based on the results of the test drive, you discuss detailed conditions with all potential partners and start working with those who have better conditions and higher conversion rates.
  6. optimally - create competition between all partners by saying that you will only end up working with one company that has the best sales numbers
  7. in the future, you agree with your partner that you will take on the entire advertising and lead generation system, support the main website and advertising landing pages in return for a share in the business.

No one will refuse a partner who, over a long period of time, removes a huge amount of pain and brings clients.

Remember, lead generation is a skill that really gives you a ticket to serious money.

Leads to your business

Often, beginners think something like this: why do I need a partner if I can do everything myself. My advice to you: don’t leave your core competency.

By engaging only in lead generation, you are not tied to any business or place; you can easily travel, work from home, and you just need to open your computer to earn money.

I left offline business towards online business models because they allow me to get much more money in wider markets and give me the mobility I need.

By the way, if you have not yet chosen which method of earning money is best for you, First, study the methods that we have selected, and you will be able to generate money themes yourself

4 Benefits of Making Money from Lead Generation

  1. You don't need to create your own product and website(the advertiser has already taken care of this, as well as creating an advertising page to land visitors).
  2. Fast money. The reward is accrued immediately for a simple action (an order placed but not yet paid, a subscription to the newsletter), usually on the same day and is paid twice a month.
  3. Easier to find advertisers. They are more willing to pay for leads than just for site visitors, because in this case they are actually the target buyers. The entire search usually comes down to writing or calling 5-10 companies to whom you offer your services on a pay-per-result basis!
  4. Fast start. To get started, you just need to study just 1-2 sources of cheap traffic and resell it to advertisers in the form of leads.

How can a lead manager find his first lead generation client right now?

Start with subscribers in the information business with a payment of 30-100 rubles per lead.

You can write to the head of the advertising department in our educational projects (to vip@site with a note for Alina), describe what channels you plan to use, offer a small number of leads for a test, for example via your affiliate link(so that you receive a commission on sales).

By the way, payments from this affiliate program are daily, as they say, we tried for ourselves, too, since we ourselves work with it all the time.

Which traffic channels should you start with?

Your key competency, which you should work on every day, is the ability to make traffic.

100 traffic sources Get 90% off our Traffic Seminar

If it works well, we continue to increase the volume; if the result does not suit you, we either finalize the advertising campaign, or move to another traffic channel or work with another partner.

Then look at which channel gives the best efficiency, and pour it in full - to make sure that your partner receives the maximum amount of traffic, and you receive the maximum money. Google Adwords, Yandex.Direct and definitely retargeting are most suitable here.

A step-by-step algorithm for making money from leads in any niche

This step-by-step algorithm for making money from leads is described in detail in our course 100 traffic sources. We specifically made it inexpensive so that you can get started in the topic of lead generation as quickly as possible, earn your first money and get serious results.

What you can do right now:

      1. If this is your first time on this site, take our free video course - how to start making money on the Internet from scratch and find out 50 ways to earn money, including earnings from Facebook, VKontakte and other social networks
      2. Watch our video case (above the page) and choose for yourself at least 1 way of earning money that you will start working with in the near future (today/tomorrow)
      3. Download the detailed combat checklist “100 traffic sources”