The role of physics in the profession. Professions related to physics and their features. History of discovery and development

Extracurricular event in physics “Physics in my future profession.”

Form- TV show “Let them talk!”

Goals: 1) Career guidance for students;

2) Formation of a scientific worldview (show the practical significance


3) Environmental education.

4) Development of interest in physics.

Methods and techniques: formulation of a problem situation.

Visibility: video material.

(...Music, applause from the audience...presenter Andrei Malakhov comes out).

Leading. Good, good afternoon dear viewers, studio! Yes, have no doubt - on the air “Let Them Talk” I am Andrei Malakhov.

The topic of our today's program is “Physics in my future profession.” Before going on air, we conducted a short survey among first-year students of the “Steps” vocational and technical complex. The question was asked: “Do you need physics? And will it be useful in your future profession?” What are the results?

In groups 07 Sh-19, 07 Sh-22, 07 K-4, 100% of students answered affirmatively to the question asked. In group 07 Sh-20 - 96%, 07 K-1 -92%, 07 Sh-21-89%, 07 K-2- 69%, 07 K-3- 68% answered “yes”, the rest answered “no” "

Let's look at a short story.

(The video “Motivation” is shown).

Leading. Is physics needed in the profession of gas-electric welders, electricians, plumbers, and builders? More about all this and more in the near future. Don't switch!

Today in our studio there are people of different professions and specialties. We hope to hear from them where physics is needed in their profession.

I invite the first hero of our program - a gas-electric welder……………

Let's meet!

(The gas-electric welder comes out to the music.)

Gas-electric welder. Hello! By profession I am a gas-electric welder. This profession requires a large supply of skills and knowledge. After all, I have to perform a lot of operations: gas, arc and oxygen welding, metal cutting, pipe bending.

For this I need knowledge from different areas of physics. The basic section of special technology for gas-electric welders is molecular physics, although considerable attention has to be paid to electrodynamics, oscillations and waves, optics and quantum physics, and some transitional problems.

I would like to give an example of joining metals by welding and explain it based on the knowledge that I have from physics. I suggest watching this process and then I will comment.

(Video “Gas-electric welding”).

To join metals that can transform into a plastic state when heated to temperatures lower than the melting point (for example, steel, aluminum), gas-press, resistance and friction welding are used. In this case, the parts at the place of their connection are heated by the flame of gases burned at the exit of the welding torch, either due to the heat generated when an electric current passes through the parts being connected, or due to the heat generated during friction of the surfaces of the welded parts, and then the part are compressed and welded. Why is this happening? The answer is this: when the parts being connected are compressed and are in a plastic state, a film of oxides is squeezed out (removed) from the surfaces of their contact, and at the same time the grains of one part mutually penetrate into the grains of the other. Diffusion occurs. This provides a state in which intermolecular adhesion forces of connecting parts begin to act, sufficient for their strong connection.

As you can see, welding is a physical process.

Leading. Thanks a lot! And I invite the next guest - a plumber…………..

Plumber. Hello! I am a plumbing installer by profession. In my work, knowledge of physics is very necessary. In particular, knowledge from the field of molecular physics, thermodynamics, and mechanics. We have to deal with bending pipes, heating systems (water and steam), and welding.

A number of problems arise that can be solved thanks to knowledge.

This is a special technology problem: why can’t you fill the pipes with wet sand when bending pipes in a hot state? This rule is one of the main ones when hot bending, and its observance will prevent pipe rupture due to steam formation that occurs when wet sand is heated.

Plumbers have to perform a significant amount of work on disassembling, grinding in and assembling fittings of sanitary systems, which serve to control the work and ensure the safety of their operation.

Why is it difficult to disassemble a threaded connection that has been tightly screwed for a long time, even if it is not subject to corrosion? It's all about the diffusion of molecules at the bolt-nut interface.

Complex physical processes operate in the heating system. Sometimes it is not easy to answer seemingly simple questions. For example, does the internal energy of the air in a room increase when heating devices are turned on and the air temperature increases? No. Some of the air escapes out, and the pressure remains constant.

The absolute steam pressure in the boiler is not always determined correctly. Meanwhile, it is equal to the sum of the excess pressure of the steam boiler, determined by the pressure gauge, and barometric pressure.

Thermal processes in heating systems obey the first and second laws of thermodynamics.

As you can see, knowledge of physics is very necessary in my profession.

Leading. Thank you for the informative story, and we meet the next guest - an auto mechanic…………..

Auto Mechanic. Hello! I work as a vehicle maintenance mechanic. We all know that physics is the basis of technology. Most cars use internal combustion engines. Engine operation is based on the following key stages:

1) adiabatic compression;

2) isochoric heat supply;

3) adiabatic expansion;

4) isochoric heat removal.

We are familiar with all these processes - we studied them in physics lessons.

Currently, the boundaries of creativity of young engineers, technicians, and workers have expanded enormously. And these new horizons included problems that seemed to go beyond the scope of the main profession. (At this time, the video “City and Cars” is shown). On the one hand, it’s great that nowadays there are so many different designs of cars - cars, trucks, but how many engines, working every day, “enrich” our air with harmful impurities? Cars pollute the soil. If gasoline with added lead is used, then they pollute the soil with this heavy metal along the road in a strip 50-100 m wide, and if the road goes up and the cars accelerate, then the polluted strip is up to 400 m wide!

Lead, which pollutes the soil, accumulates in plants that animals eat. With milk and meat, the metal enters the human body and can cause serious illnesses.

Used engine oil causes even greater harm to the environment. If it gets into water bodies, then 1 liter of oil can make 1 million liters of water unsuitable for drinking and fish life.

These facts made me think about the question: how to reduce the amount of exhaust gases and engine oil into the environment?

Hydrogen fuel engines have already been developed - they are environmentally friendly, but hydrogen is not cheap.

There is no established technology for extracting hydrogen from water yet. The problems of its transportation have not been resolved. Liquid hydrogen can be stored using so-called ultra-efficient insulation. This means that between the outer and inner walls of the storage facility it is necessary to place about two dozen screens reflecting heat rays, separated from each other by vacuum.

As a young specialist, I see my task in solving these issues. And perhaps it is we, the young, who will be able to ensure the safe existence of humans on our planet.

Leading. Yes, indeed, there is something to think about. We wish you success in achieving your goals. And we meet the next participant in our program - a food production technologist……….

Power Technologist. Hello! I am a food production technologist. It would seem, what relation can physics have to my profession? It turns out that it is the most direct. Let me give you a few examples and you will see for yourself.

The preparation of canned cucumbers, tomatoes, and compotes is based on the phenomenon of diffusion. Salt and sugar molecules penetrate vegetables and fruits and therefore they become salty or sweet.

We all know that fried food (be it potatoes or meat) is always tastier than boiled food. And the taste depends on the temperature of heat treatment. The boiling point of water is 100ºС, and that of oil is 200ºС. Therefore the taste is different.

Is it possible to cook meat high in the mountains? It turns out not, since the boiling point of water depends on pressure. And high in the mountains the pressure is less than at the surface of the earth, and the water there will boil at a temperature of 80ºC, and this temperature is not enough to cook meat. Therefore, in the mountains we will fry meat over a fire.

In which kettle (white or black) will the water cool faster? Of course, in white. After all, white bodies emit energy without absorbing it.

But when we cook buckwheat porridge, we can rarely stir it, but when we cook semolina, this must be done often: otherwise it will burn. Why? Buckwheat has a lower density, that is, the grains are located at a great distance from each other, while semolina has a higher density and can burn to the bottom of the pan.

As has already been said today, physics is the basis of technology. In our work we use various modern electrical appliances - stoves, ovens, microwave ovens, electric fryers, mixers, coffee grinders and coffee makers, which were invented and created by physicists. And in continuation of the topic, the following story.

(Video “Autoclave”).

Leading. Thanks for the information. And we invite the builder here……..

Builder. Good afternoon My profession is a general builder. My work is based on the application of knowledge from all areas of physics. From mechanics, you need to know what gravity, body weight, and pressure force are. Since solid, liquid substances, and gases are used in construction, it is necessary to know their characteristics, such as: linear expansion, viscosity, elastic modulus. This knowledge comes from molecular physics.

We builders use various instruments - a level, a geodetic instrument. As a rule, all these devices are optical. This means that knowledge of the “Optics” section is also necessary.

When driving piles, you cannot do without the law of conservation of energy.

It’s also impossible to do without knowledge of electrodynamics: all construction tools are electric, and in winter, to prevent the concrete from freezing, they use electric heating with electrodes.

We build at great depths using caissons - this is a special structure that contains air inside, and it is possible to carry out construction work on the bottom of the sea. It is only necessary to calculate the pressure of the water column on the caisson itself.

When using materials such as sand and slag, we examine their composition using spectral analysis, as well as for radiation hazards. That is, knowledge of quantum and nuclear physics is necessary.

Recently, composite materials have been widely used. And they will be discussed in the next story.

(Video “Composite materials”).

Leading. Thank you. We invite a participant in our program……….-technician-programmer.

Programmer. Hello! My specialty is software engineer. A modern electronic computer is a complex set of devices that amazes with its technological perfection and variety of physical principles of operation. To represent and process information in a computer, various physical phenomena and processes are used, for example, electric current or magnetic flux. The presence or absence of electric current, voltage levels of different magnitudes or polarities, and magnetic flux values ​​are considered as computer signals.

Computer elements are triggers, semiconductors, diodes, transistors, cores, resistors, and conductors. Information is recorded using magnetic elements. I suggest you watch the story.

(Video “Cathode Ray Tube”)

But liquid crystal displays are already widely used. The principle of their operation is based on the fact that the molecules of liquid crystals, turning in an electric field, reflect and transmit light in different ways. Under the influence of voltage applied to conductors soldered into the screen, an image consisting of microscopic dots appears on it. The result is an image of very high quality, consuming a negligible amount of energy.

As you can see, as a software engineer, I also need knowledge of physics.

Leading. Thank you very much! We meet our last hero - an electrician………

Electrician.Good afternoon! I am an electrician by profession. There is no doubt about whether I need physics. After all, very solid knowledge about direct and alternating electric current is required, knowledge of the characteristics of current - current strength, voltage, conductor resistance, current power.

Very often accidents occur in electrical circuits caused by short circuits that occur during resonance. To prevent this from happening, you must be able to correctly calculate electrical circuits.

If safety precautions are not followed, for example, in high humidity, very serious injuries can occur. Therefore, it is necessary to know how electric current behaves in different environments.

We also constantly deal with electrical measuring instruments, and we need to know how to use them and take readings correctly.

Electrical wiring uses different types of connections. Being able to read schematics and assemble electrical circuits yourself is very necessary. And a small example is in the next story.

(Video “Connection of conductors”).

Leading. Thank you! Thanks everyone. Today we had people from different professions visiting us and, as you can see, they all need knowledge of such a subject as physics. We hope that those guys who found it difficult to answer the question “Do I need physics in my future profession?” will now answer “Yes! Needed!

We wish you success in studying this difficult but interesting subject, and say goodbye to you. Goodbye! All the best!

(To the music, the participants stand up and say goodbye.)

Physics is a sought-after field of knowledge. With every decade, thanks to the development of technology, new professions related to physics appear. Graduates and graduates of technical universities work in various fields from teaching and science to manufacturing and space technology.

Physical disciplines cover a large body of knowledge, without which the development of modern science and the work of industrial enterprises are impossible. Physical science is closely related to other natural science disciplines and is inseparable from production.

Any machine, even the most complex computer or machine tool, operates according to physical laws, thanks to the precise calculations of highly qualified specialists. Any applicant can become such a specialist by choosing a profession that requires physics.

Physical discipline underlies technical progress and solves many problems:

  • search and development of new energy sources;
  • creation of durable, lightweight, cheap building materials;
  • improvement of old and development of new technologies;
  • automation and robotization of production;
  • creation of electronic computer technology;
  • increasing the efficiency of production machines;
  • design of machines, engines, navigation systems, etc.;
  • environmental protection, protection from radioactive radiation, creation of safe living conditions;
  • electrification of industries, roads, agriculture and the country as a whole.

Main directions

Before you figure out which professions require physics, it’s worth considering all its areas. It belongs to the exact sciences, but is closely interconnected with chemistry, biology, ecology, and medicine.

Physical science studies:

  • mechanics;
  • electricity;
  • magnetic radiation;
  • physical properties of metals;
  • semiconductors, conductivity;
  • properties of substances at high pressures;
  • light, optical phenomena, laser radiation;
  • radiation and methods of its use;
  • acoustics;
  • origin and evolution of the Universe;
  • stars, black holes, planets and other space objects;
  • plasma and methods of its use;
  • thermodynamics;
  • elementary particles and quantum fields;
  • nuclear energy problems.

It is quite difficult to cover all physical science. In each section there are a thousand unexplored questions and many narrowly focused qualifications. By choosing one of the areas, you can select specific specialties.

List of professions

Professions that require physics and related disciplines are suitable for applicants with a mathematical mind. Some teachers and parents unmotivatedly believe that technical professions are not for girls.

However, female engineers, technologists, analysts, and designers successfully work at enterprises. Professions related to physics will open up career prospects for girls in the technical field with decent wages.

Not only girls, but also boys have a poor understanding of the role of physics in professional training. What profession should I choose with good grades in physics?


Technical physics comes first. Manufacturing constantly requires specialists who understand new technologies who can improve the operation of factories, increase productivity, and reduce costs without losing product quality.

There are many specialties in technical physics. Work in this area will provide an opportunity to apply the laws of nature and technology in practice. The main profession in this industry is an engineer of a certain qualification. The table describes the most popular areas where a graduate can work.

Job title Responsibilities Where to go to work
MechanicDevelopment of automotive technologies, design of cars, enginesAutomobile manufacturing plant, private companies developing new car models
OilmanDevelopment of oil and gas production systems, improvement of equipment, introduction of new technologiesOil and gas industry
Mechanical Engineering SpecialistDesign and testing of complex machines: rockets, aircraft, orbital stations, satellitesPublic and private aerospace companies
MedicDevelopment and implementation of complex medical equipment: tomographs, spectrophotometers, thermostats, etc.Theoretical medicine, private companies, equipment development
Nuclear scientist, nuclear scientistStudy of the structure of atoms, disposal of nuclear waste, establishment and support of nuclear power plants, nuclear weapons, reactorsMilitary, medicine, industry
AnalystStudying the operating features of any equipment, calculating risksAny industrial enterprise
TechnologistOrganization of production processes, development and implementation of technologies in production, quality control, capacity developmentEnterprise of any industry
ConstructorDesign of parts, machines, equipmentShipbuilding, aviation, instrument-making plants

Note! The specialty engineer-physicist is the general name of a profession that is taught in universities of various fields. Depending on qualifications, a graduate becomes an engineer in the field of nuclear energy, cybernetics, robotics, metallurgy, etc.

The science

The most interesting and progressive specialties are related to the scientific field. With the development and requirements of scientific knowledge, their list is constantly growing. Graduates who want to engage exclusively in scientific activities enter graduate school after graduation.

As a rule, already from their student days, ambitious students begin to work on one problem and continue the research in their professional activities, becoming experts in a certain field.

If an applicant is concerned about the problems of modern science, is fascinated by theoretical calculations and experiments, and is fascinated by space issues, then science will be the right choice.

Scientific professions related to physics:

  • an astronomer studies the structure, origin, evolution of the Universe;
  • astrophysicist studies the structure of celestial bodies, chemical composition, properties of stars, the sun, nebulae, black holes, etc.;
  • a biophysicist studies physical and chemical processes in all living organisms at all levels of organization, the influence of various phenomena on a living organism (vibrations, sound, radiation, etc.);
  • a mathematician makes calculations, designs, and solves practical problems related to physical phenomena.

Take note! Physicist is a scientific worker, a scientist who deals with problems in various fields. Often the work involves calculations, experiments, developing hypotheses, or finding errors in the scientific works of colleagues.

Other industries

If you major in physics, choosing who to work with won’t be difficult. Physical and exact sciences do not imply any restrictions in finding a job. If you don’t want to go to a factory, and science doesn’t appeal to you, there are other areas where technical education will be useful.

Here is a list of several professions related to physics:

  • teacher at school or university;
  • laboratory assistant;
  • energy drink;
  • adjuster of high-precision instruments;
  • meteorologist;
  • nanoengineer;
  • junior researcher;
  • geophysicist;
  • gemologist (gem specialist);
  • composite materials specialist;
  • science popularizer, science journalist.

Advice! You can get a specialty in physical disciplines at technical universities that offer vocational training for applicants. These are not only leading universities in Moscow (MSU named after M.V. Lomonosov) and St. Petersburg (SPbSPU), but also any technical universities in the country (Ural Federal University named after B.N. Yeltsin, Southern Federal University, KFU, TUSUR, etc.).

Physical disciplines

Regardless of further professional activity, general physical disciplines are taught in technical universities of different directions:

  • theoretical course;
  • applied course;
  • higher mathematics;
  • quantum mechanics;
  • radiophysics;
  • electronics;
  • optics;
  • nanotechnology;
  • structure of a real crystal;
  • properties of polymer materials and semiconductors;
  • molecular structure of bodies.

Useful video

Let's sum it up

Physics plays a significant role in professional activities. Studying at physics and technology universities will provide a reliable future, because Not a single factory can do without technical specialists. With knowledge of physical disciplines, you can freely choose who to work and what to do throughout your life.

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Physics is the science of nature in the most general sense. She studies mechanical, electrical, magnetic, thermal, sound and light phenomena. Physics is called “fundamental science.” Therefore, its laws are used in almost all areas: medicine, construction, all areas related to technology, electronics and electrical engineering, optics, astronomy, geodesy, etc.

Physics in construction

Building physics studies in detail the phenomena and processes associated with the construction and operation of buildings and structures. These phenomena and properties are characterized by physical quantities. Construction activity is inextricably linked with certain environmental conditions: temperature, humidity, air composition, density of matter.

First you need to study the area where construction will take place. This is what surveyors do. Engineering geodesy studies methods and means of geodetic work in the design, construction and operation of various engineering structures. Geodesy problems are solved on the basis of the results of special measurements performed using geodetic instruments, since it is necessary to evaluate the site of the proposed construction. it is necessary to obtain information about the terrain. All these calculations serve as the basis for the design of structures and buildings. And here you can’t do without the laws of physics!

Physics in the profession of Architect

The profession of an architect involves architectural design at a professional level. The specialist’s responsibilities include organizing the architectural environment, designing buildings and developing space-planning and architectural solutions.

In architecture, the laws of physics are of great importance, which help to consider the role of the concepts of STABILITY, STRENGTH, RIGIDITY OF STRUCTURES, as well as the role of floors and foundations in the construction of buildings, deformation of structural elements and calculations. Using the laws of statics when

Physics in the medical profession

Currently, the line of contact between physics and medicine is extensive, and their contacts are constantly expanding and strengthening. There is not a single field of medicine where physical instruments are not used to identify diseases and their treatments.

The most important part of the human body is the circulatory system. The action of the human circulatory system can be compared to the operation of a hydraulic machine. The heart works like a pump that pushes blood through the blood vessels. When the heart contracts, blood is pushed out of the heart into the arteries and passes through valves that prevent it from flowing back into the heart. Then it relaxes and during this time it fills with blood from the veins and lungs. The discovery of simple ways to measure blood pressure has made it easier for doctors to recognize diseases that indicate abnormal blood pressure.

Physics in the profession of a cook

Very important branches of physics for a chef are molecular physics and thermodynamics. As they say, a good result cannot happen by chance... So, to cook a good steak, you need to put it in a hot frying pan and add a small amount of fat or oil.

The oil will plug the holes in the meat and it will cook juicy.

Physics in the photography profession

The profession of a photographer is closely related to the science of Physics.

Concepts such as focus, lens, etc. belong to this profession.

The main element of the equipment is the lens. Without it, there would be no microscope, no telescope, no glasses... And this means that many people over 50 could not read, biologists could not study the cell, and astronomers could not study space.

Physics in the profession of nuclear engineer

Here physics is used to solve problems of nuclear energy enrichment.

Nuclear physicists, together with atomic physicists, study the structure of the atom and the processes in it and often make great discoveries.

Physics in the profession of petroleum engineer

The use of internal combustion engines, the development of mechanical engineering, and the aviation industry became possible with the discovery of more and more oil fields. Huge oil reserves allow the development of industry.

In this profession, researchers are discovering new ways to improve oil and natural gas production.

Physics in mechanical, aviation and rocket engineering

A designer of rockets, space stations, satellites, anti-missile systems must know physics and understand the essence of physical processes...

Informatics and computer technology specialist

In modern life, a lot of information technology tools have appeared with which you can create presentations for lessons, recreate experiments and scientific discoveries of ancient scientists, and all this with the help of animation, raster and vector graphics, and video. All these methods make life much easier for modern teachers and lecturers.

The impulse turns into numbers, numbers into binary code... that's why physics is present in computer science.


The elective course “Physics in Professions” may be of interest to children who are interested in physics, but still have little idea of ​​their future profession and what role physics will play in it.

This course makes an attempt to show the use of physics knowledge in certain areas of human professional activity. The course program includes issues of practical application of the laws of physics in medicine, meteorology, military service, electrical engineering, and cooking.

Each section of the program contains the following parts: Theoretical material, related demonstration and frontal experiments, homework, excursions.

In addition to the content itself, there is an appendix to the program, which includes a list of references used and a selection of tasks for each section of the program.

The course is designed to work with students with basic training in physics. The content of the course expands and deepens students’ knowledge in several sections of physics, these are “Mechanics”, “Electrical Phenomena”, “Atmospheric Pressure”, “Technology and the Environment”.

In the process of work, the teacher, taking into account the desire of the children, can make adjustments together with them, giving preference to certain topics, experimental work, and come up with and carry out creative tasks. The most effective, efficient way to activate thinking is classes in which students can see the impact of physics on production and on the development of technology. The development of the study of electricity, the study of the properties of semiconductors, the development of nuclear physics, polymer physics, etc. achievements in the field of energy, communications, in solving the problem of automation and production management, in creating materials with predetermined properties, in solving the problem of space exploration, in medicine, etc. are due.

To do this, the following provisions should be disclosed throughout the elective course:

Knowledge about nature arises as a result of practical activities, observations, experiments, and production activities. Consequently, practice is the source of knowledge development;

The correctness of knowledge about nature is verified by experiment, the use of scientific knowledge in production activities;

The needs of practice and production are the driving force behind the development of science; they transform production, exerting a huge influence on it. Currently, science has become a direct productive force.

Comparing the reasons for the development of various branches of physics, we can conclude: science develops under the influence of the needs of practice and production; practice is the driving force of knowledge. Therefore, the leading task of this elective course is to create an orientation and motivational basis for choosing a physics and mathematics profile of study, as well as systematically expanding the scientific and technical horizons of schoolchildren, explaining the close connection between the laws of physics, modern science and technology with production.

The main form of conducting classes is the lesson.

The course can be studied at any time of the year.

Forms of control and evaluation of students can be different - oral questioning, written work, testing, written reports on experiments done, quizzes, etc.

For each student, the completion of the course can be the completion of a creative task: a report on an excursion, a home-made device, a recorded interview with a representative of a profession, an essay, the design of an illustrated album about the role of physics in a given profession, thematic problems compiled independently or selected from manuals, a selection of material from periodicals on the topic: “Physics in the profession”, development and demonstration of simple experiments on the chosen topic.

I . Physics in military profession. (6 hours)

Mechanical motion, inertia, interaction of bodies, force, mass, density, pressure in military equipment. Law of conservation of energy, law ofimpulse storage in military equipment. Jet propulsion. Complex prosanta cars. Characteristics of military equipment - maneuverability, mobilityagility, agility. Characteristics of combat helicopters and aircraft,

Demonstrations :

Frontal experiment :

Calculation of ground pressure of various types of military equipment of the timesWWII (based on illustrated handouts).

Observation of changes in the volume and pressure of air when it is compressed.

Home experiment :

II. Physics in chef profession . (6 hours)

boiling point of liquids (water, oil). Convection, thermal conductivity, radiation in cooking. Grill oven. Evaporation and boiling in progresscooking.

Electrical conductivity of various liquids (pure, salty and sweet water). Current sources from vegetables and fruits. Electrical and fire safetywhen cooking. Thermal expansion in the kitchen.

Demonstrations :

Comparison of the heat capacities of water and sunflower oil

Detecting the electric current generated by vegetables whenusing a sensitive galvanometer.

Dependence of the resistance of a salt water jet on its length and thickness.

Homework :

Determination of the specific heat capacity of a saucepan.

Find measuring tools used in cooking at homefood, determine their division price, measurement limits,measurement error.

Taking into account the energy value of products, create a menu belowand a high-calorie breakfast.

Making a whistle for a kettle.

E excursion :

Dining room

III. Physics in meteorologist profession . (6 hours)


scales for measuring temperatures. Liquid barometer and barometer-

Insects and plants-barometers. Clouds and precipitation. Atmosphericelectricity. Weather according to folk traditions. Humidity, its value in human life.

Demonstrations :

Various thermometers, barometer, psychrometer.

Air cooling during expansion.

Frontal experiment :

Thermometer graduation.

Measuring atmospheric pressure in the basement and on the fourth floor schools.

Observation of energy release during crystallization of hyposulfite(sodium thiosulfate).

Homework :

Observation and explanation of the physical laws of formationclouds, rainfall, frost formation.

Making a simple homemade barometer.

Making a homemade hygroscope.

Making a homemade weather forecasting device.

IV. Physics in electrician profession . (6 hours)

trization. Static electricity. Grounding, current sources - first and modern.

Electrical circuit. The effect of electric current on humans and electrical safety. Conductors and insulators. Types of consumer connectionsnia. Switches and fuses. Short circuit and overloadpi. History of the origin of the light bulb, different types of

Demonstrations :

Electrification of various substances.

Conductors and non-conductors of electricity.

Operating principle of a fuse.

Heating a carbon rod with electric current.

Frontal experiment :

Assembly and testing of the operation of a simple galvanic cell.

Study of serial and parallel wiring cov.

Determining the power consumed by a light bulb

Homework :

Making the “Electrostatic Dance” toy.

Making a homemade voltaic pole.

Making homemade devices, models, toys usingtion of electrical circuits.

V. Physics in medical profession . (6 hours)

Use of knowledge about the structure of matter in medicine. The role of diffusionits separate parts.

person. Tonometer. Thermal processes in human life. Ka zor.

lenses, magnifiers, microscopes, ophthalmoscope (eye mirror). Fiber optics in the diagnosis of gastrointestinal diseases.

Demonstrations :

Expansion of gas when heated.

The action of the tonometer.

Action of the light guide.

The operating principle of a medical can.

Boiling of water at reduced pressure.

Decrease in liquid temperature during evaporation.

Frontal experiment :

Homework :

Find available medical devices at home and explain the principles py their actions.

Make a checklist of a few tips for preserving your vision.

Collective work: Design of the album “Physics in Medicine”.

Excursion :

FAP VI . Reserve.(5 hours)


to the program “Physics in the profession”

Physics in the military profession

A group of aircraft simultaneously performs aerobatic maneuvers while maintaining a given formation. What can you say about the movement of an airplane?tov relative to each other?

In blasting technology, they use something that burns at low speed.Bickford cord. How long should you take the cord to catch the rebound?press at a distance of 300 meters after it is lit? running speed 5 m/s, and the flame spreads along the fuse cord with speed 0.8 m/s.

Soviet nuclear submarines in 1966 were the first in the world to operatecompleted a circumnavigation of the world underwater and in 1.5 months, neverrising to the surface of the ocean, about 40,000 passed km. From what how fast were they moving?

Combat strikes on military and industrial targets in Berlinwere first inflicted in August 1941 by aircraft -DB-3 torpedo bombers (designed by S.V. Ilyushin). Maximumthe speed of aircraft of this type is 500 km/h Duration of the effective flight part of the day (night) 7 hours, distance from the airfield 1600 km to the target. Could the operation be completed within one nights?

The skydiver lands at a speed of 10 m/s. Draw graphicallyski speed of a skydiver.

Why, when turning various transport and military equipment inDo drivers slow down cars?

Cargo is being dropped from a flying plane. Will he fall to the ground under meostomy of throwing? If not, where will it move relative to this? places and why?

The shrapnel bullet of a 76 mm cannon has the shape of a ball with a volume of 1.15 cm 3 . Such bullets are made from lead with an admixture of antimonyto give them greater hardness. Determine the mass of all bulletsshrapnel, if there are 25 of them, and the alloy density is 9.5 g/cm 3 .

The plane is standing on the runway. What forces act on airnew liner? What is their resultant? Why? Explain in black terms The same.

A ship's anchor weighing 1.5 tons is lifted using a winch, whichparadise develops a traction force of 20,000 N. What is the resultant force atanchored? What is its direction? What is the movement of the anchor -uniform or uneven? Why?

Various alloys andmetals. These substances have high requirements forstrength. The property of a metal to resist penetration by anothermetal is called hardness. Hardness is determined usingsteel ball. What pressure does the ball produce on the surface of the steel under the influence of a force of 1500 N, if the area of ​​the imprint leavespossible with this ball is equal to 0.01 mm 2.

The weight of the famous Soviet T-34 tank is 314,000 N, lengththat part of the caterpillar that comes into contact with the road surface 3.5 m, its width is 50 cm. Calculate the pressure of the tank on the ground, compare it withthat you produce when you walk.

According to military rules, a soldier in full equipment mustproduce pressure on the soil no more than 6 * 10 4 Pa. What is the mostit can have a huge mass together with equipment if the area of ​​support boot size 200 cm 2.

The gun barrel weighs 110 kN. Projectile weight 54 kg. Projectile speed ymuzzle cut is 900 m/s. Determine the initial speed of freedoma significant rollback of the gun barrel at the moment the projectile leaves.

An anti-aircraft projectile fired in a vertical direction reachedreaching its maximum height, it exploded. In this case, three wasps were formedpeg. Two of them flew apart at right angles to each other, andthe speed of one of them, weighing 9 kg, equal to 60 m/s, and the other, by mass 18 kg - 40 m/s. The third flew off at a speed of 200 m/s. Define gra physically the direction of flight of the third fragment. What is its mass?

A projectile that received an initial velocity when fired from a gun 280 m/s, flies vertically upward. At what height is its kineticis energy equal to potential?

Physics in the profession of a cook

Qualitative problems: problem book M.E. Tulchinsky No. 347, 349, 364,366, 368, 375, 401,411, 412, 433, 450, 455.

And also the following:

Which water, raw or boiled, is more likely to boil if before heatingwas their temperature the same?

Why do they blow on it to cool hot food?

Glasses often crack when hot water is poured into them. WhichIs the glass more likely to crack, faceted or smooth?

Why is the handle of a frying pan made of wood or plastic?

Why does the kettle “sing” before it boils?

Can you see steam?

Why does bread go stale?

Why should vegetables be cooked in a covered pan?

9. Why does the temperature of the water decrease when salt is added to water?

10. Why, when you turn on an electric stove, its coil quickly heats up?lies, and the wires supplying voltage do not heat up as much as Is it noticeable?

Calculation problems - problem book V.I. Lukashik No. 798, 803, 808, 811(b) 889, 812, 815, 895, 876, 898, 877, 840 (about gas)

Physics in the profession of meteorologist

Benefit S.D. Abdurakhmanova Page 78№№ 1, 3,4; Page 79 Nos. 1, 2, 3, 4; Page 81 No. 4; Page 83 No. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 9,10, 11,12, 13; Page 84 Nos. 14 - 35; Page 92 No. 7.

Physics in the electrical profession

Problem maker V.I. Lukashik from the sections “Electrification of Bodies”, “Information aboutatomic structure”, “Electric current”, “Electrical circuit”, “Sequentialand parallel connection of conductors", "Operation and current power", "Thermal action of current."

Problem solver M.E. Tulchinsky section “Electricity”.

Physics in the medical profession

What kind of water - warm or cold - is it better to take the medicine to speed up?understand its effect (so that it is absorbed faster). Why?

If the effect of the drug needs to be accelerated, then in what form is it better?Should I recommend that the patient take it in the form of tablets or drops? By what?

What is the advantage of inhalation over other methods of oral administration?us human medicinal substances?

On what physical phenomenon is the use of ointments, iodine andother external medications?

Human red blood cells are discs with a diameter of approximately 7 * 10 6 m and a thickness of 10 -6 m. In blood volume 1 mm 3 contains about 5*10 6 such disks.

A) If the body of an adult contains 5 liters of blood, how muchdoes it contain red blood cells?

b) The mass of a hemoglobin molecule is about 6.8 * 10 5 amu How much mo hemoglobin molecules must be contained in one red blood cell if we are to
assume that red blood cells consist entirely of hemoglobin?

(1 amu =1.66*10 -27 kg)

6. It is known that the normal value of maximum blood pressure for an adult is 110 - 120 mm. rt. cm What is the value of this pressure in Pa?

7. Ultrasound with a frequency of 800 kHz - 3 MHz propagates almost linearly, is well recorded and absorbed by body tissues. What lengthswaves correspond to ultrasonic data frequencies?

8. When considering which object - close or distant - does the lens become more convex? How does its optical power change? Sdeplease provide an explanatory drawing.

9. Optical power of the lens in a relaxed state 20 diopter What's it like focal length of such a lens?

10. The recipe says +1.5 diopter Decipher what kind of glasses these are and for whichtype of vision defect.

11. In front of you are glasses of the same type and size. On one recipe for theseglasses were written +1.5 D, and on the other +3 D. How, using radiationlamps, select glasses that correspond to the prescription +1.5 D? Which glasses have masIs there more glass?

12. What is the similarity between an eye and a camera? What is the difference between them? Bybuild the course of the rays.

Used Books:

Ts.B. Katz “Biophysics in physics lessons.” Moscow. Education. 1988

IV. Sotnik “Career guidance for students when teaching physics.” J-l “Physics at school” No. 1 1985

MM. Balashov “About Nature”. Moscow. Education. 1988

The science. Encyclopedia. Moscow. "Rosman" 2003

EAT. Minsky "It's always fun for everyone." Young guard. 1969

“Clock-clack, hammer...” Kyiv. "Veselka" 1988

S.D. Abdurakhmanov “Research work in physics in rural schools.” Moscow. Education. 1990

EM. Bravermann "Evenings in physics in high school." Moscow. Education. 1969

ABOUT. Kabardin "Optional course in physics." Education. 1978

M.A. Alekseev “Physics for young people”. Moscow. Education. 1980

11. Peter Turvey "Habitual things and their structure." JSC "Norint"

1995 The Leningrad Gallery Foundation.

12. IL. Yufanov "Entertaining evenings in physics in high school." Moscow. Education. 1990

13. AT . Glazunov “Political education and career guidance of students in the process of teaching physics in high school.” Moscow. Education. 1985

14. A. S. Ivanov “The World of Mechanics and Technology.” Moscow. Education. 1993

15. IN AND. Lukashik “Collection of problems in physics”. Moscow. Education. 1996

16. M.E. Tulchinsky “Qualitative tasks”. Moscow. Education. 1975

17. A.V. Chebotaryov “Education of students and preparing them for work when teaching physics.” Moscow. Education. 198


Number of hours




Physics in the military profession

Mechanical motion, inertia, interaction of bodies, force, mass, density, pressure in military equipment.

Law of conservation of energy, law ofimpulse storage in military equipment.

Jet propulsion.

Complex pro anti-tank guided missiles, water jet engines santa cars.

Characteristics of military equipment - maneuverability, mobilityagility, agility.

Characteristics of combat helicopters and aircraft,height and flight range, take-off weight, maximum combat load.

Physics in the profession of a cook.

Energy value of food products (internal energy, cocontained in products). Different thermal conductivity and different temperatureboiling point of liquids (water, oil).

Convection, thermal conductivity, radiation in cooking.

Grill oven. Evaporation and boiling in progresscooking.


Electrical conductivity of various liquids (pure, salty and sweet water). Current sources from vegetables and fruits.


Electrical and fire safetywhen cooking.


Thermal expansion in the kitchen.


Excursion to the dining room

Physics in the profession of meteorologist.


Observing changes in atmospheric pressure for prediction weather.


The history of the thermometer and its various types. Variousscales for measuring temperatures.


Liquid barometer and barometer-aneroid. The need for weather information for people of various professions.


Insects and plants-barometers.


Clouds and precipitation. Atmosphericelectricity. Weather according to folk traditions.


Humidity, its value in human life.

Physics in the electrical profession.


Beginning of the study of electrical phenomena. Harmful manifestations of electricity trization.


Static electricity. Grounding, current sources - first and modern.


Electrical circuit. The effect of electric current on humans and electrical safety. Conductors and insulators.


Types of consumer connectionselectricity. Wires and their insulation. Basic elements of power supply nia.


Switches and fuses. Short circuit and overload pi.


History of the origin of the light bulb, different types oftemporary light bulbs. Electricity production and consumption.

Physics in the medical profession.


Use of knowledge about the structure of matter in medicine.


The role of diffusion significant processes in the metabolism between the organism and the environment, as well as betweenits separate parts.


Atmospheric pressure in medicine. Operating principle of devices forblood collection, syringe, medical jar. Blood pressure measurementperson. Tonometer.


Thermal processes in human life. KaLorimetric measurements in the diagnosis of certain diseases. Teplovy zor.


Visual defects. Glasses. Optical instruments: conventional and binocularlenses, magnifiers, microscopes, ophthalmoscope (eye mirror).


Fiber op tics in the diagnosis of gastrointestinal diseases


Excursion to the FAP








2. “Physics in the profession of auto mechanic”


One of the most necessary professions of our time is the profession of an auto mechanic.

Road transport plays an important role in providing passenger and freight transportation. The world's car park is expanding every year, and a car mechanic is for a car like a doctor is for a person: he treats and carries out preventive measures. And in an accident, one of the reasons is simply a malfunction of the car.

6) Fundamentals of mechanics, thermodynamics, heat engineering.

4. Physics in the design of a car

The car is literally packed with advances in physics:

For example, the operation of an engine is carried out thanks to the law of thermodynamics: gas produced by combustion of fuel expands and moves the piston.

A) Maintain electrical safety.

When working with 220-380 Volt equipment, use rubber gloves, a mat, and watch

The insulation is in good working order and the humidity in the rooms should not exceed 60%.

B) For welding and drilling work protect your eyes from chips and light with a shield,

Wear gloves and protective clothing and, if possible, a respirator

B) When working with a battery and a soldering iron have protective equipment on hand

Exposure to acids

D) When working with lifts and jacks install safety trestles.

19. Auto mechanic is a necessary profession! It is impossible for an auto mechanic to work without knowledge of physics. Physics

Plays a major role in the profession of auto mechanic.