How to motivate employees and improve the quality of their work. Parents consider the quality of the school’s work to be the most important. Wishes of students of advanced training courses

Wishes of students of advanced training courses

From March 28 to May 29, 2015, advanced training courses were held on the topic “Inclusive education of students with disabilities and disabilities using e-learning, distance learning technologies” within the framework of the project “Development and testing of a model of an educational and methodological center providing higher education for people with disabilities and persons with disabilities with various nosologies"

Today we would like to present the wishes of the participants of advanced training courses.

Aleksandrova L.A., National Research University Higher School of Economics, senior researcher

1) It would be nice if it was possible to look at the lists of all the resources you specify for registration in order to avoid repetitions. Or - to have a list by name, where it would be indicated where a particular listener has already registered, and what he still needs to complete

2) I would like to be able to participate online in most events during advanced training

3) I would like to have access to viewing, and possibly selective participation (as a guest) in students’ distance learning classes, which is currently unavailable

4) I would focus the work to a somewhat greater extent on the problems of inclusive education of students with disabilities

5) I would shorten the general, methodological part of the seminar a little or provide presentations (or a full-screen display of diagrams drawn by the presenter)

Ananyeva E.V., Moscow State Pedagogical University, senior lecturer

it would be ideal if remote participants could join the game

Akhmetgaleeva Z.M., Kemerovo State University of Culture and Arts, Associate Professor of the Department of Pedagogy and Psychology

It is advisable to schedule classes for a week, even two, in advance. This is necessary in order to plan your time and avoid overlaps.

Batdyeva O.D., Karachay-Cherkess State University. U. D. Alieva, specialist of the Department for CMEA and MS

We hope for further cooperation to improve the learning conditions for students with disabilities and persons with disabilities.

Boyko Tsyndym, Moscow State University. M.V. Lomonosov, applicant for the Faculty of Pedagogical Education

More active inclusion of teachers and students with disabilities in the work of the seminar, training on interaction.

Vtorov K.V. Russian Orthodox Institute, Head of IT Department

1. Please make it possible to download course recordings.

2. It would be interesting to listen to a seminar or training for technical specialists. This would probably be interesting for administrators working in the field of education. It would be easier to search, purchase and set up classrooms for teaching students with disabilities and disabilities. Because if you can still find something for the visually impaired on the Internet or on sale. For example, it is already more difficult for the hearing impaired; most often the links lead to some “short” sites where it simply says “Call to order.” But the subject matter is not really described, or there is a huge selection of everything, but what and for what is not clear.

Dikopoltsev D.E., Federal State Institution Research Institute of the Federal Penitentiary Service of Russia, leading researcher

More detailed instructions about the electronic dean's office, which will cover all stages of not only registration but also work in it.

Zhdanova S.N., Orenburg State Pedagogical University (OGPU), Professor of the Department of Social Pedagogy and Sociology of OGPU

In-person meetings are necessary for distance education programs - motivation increases, passion for the process increases!

Zhukova N.V., FDO MSUPE, student

So that you could accept questions online from remote listeners?

Zagarina A.I., Private Educational Institution of Higher Education "Samara Humanitarian Academy", senior teacher, project activity coordinator

I would like to see an additional seminar or a series of master classes organized in the summer, as well as advanced training courses on the implementation and implementation of inclusive education in universities in a region closer to the center of Russia, in which those who, financially or otherwise unable to take part in previously organized events or took part in them in absentia. Also, I would like that for remote and correspondence participation certificates would also be issued or sent by mail, since at present each such document is very relevant when passing a competition for a position, etc.

Zaguzina N.N.,Private educational institution of higher professional education "Nevsky Institute of Management and Design", head of the distance learning department

It is possible to decide on the topic of the speech in advance and send it to you, and you will select speakers in advance.

Zinkevich V.O., Russian State Pedagogical University named after A.I. Herzen, master’s student

Notify in advance about webinars.

Kalistratova T.V., Federal State Autonomous Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education "Ural Federal University named after the first President of Russia B.N. Yeltsin", chief specialist in the organization of educational work

from my point of view, what is more important are practical classes, information seminars on the regulatory framework of inclusive education, how to actually work with students with different nosologies, what documents to prepare and have for regulatory organizations

Kasimova S.K., Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education Astrakhan State University, Associate Professor of the Department of Biology, Deputy Dean of the Faculty of Biology

If possible, obtain a long-term program in advance.

Kizyma E.S., Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation, assistant

More time for preliminary study of the proposed material

I would like to wish prosperity to your team, which is truly the forward of inclusive education in our country.

Kozhalieva Ch.B., Moscow City Pedagogical University, Institute of Psychology, Sociology and Social Relations, teacher

Communicate “live” more often with people who have completed the “school” of organizing training, logistical support for the education of persons with disabilities

Kozlova I.L., ANO VPO "Orthodox Institute of St. John the Theologian", Head of the educational and methodological department, senior lecturer of the department of political science, state-religious relations and sociology of religion

I would like to learn more about technical means for communicating with blind-deaf people, as well as about the available opportunities for them to receive higher education.

Korobeynikova K.A., Regional Center for Promotion of Employment and Adaptation to the Labor Market of Higher Professional Education Graduates, Deputy. head of RCSTV

I wish success and good luck in achievements to both students and teachers. This is a great thing!

I would like the state to pay more attention to such organizations, schools and education in general, because this category of citizens needs it.

I wish you success in achieving the goals of this area. More students who want to get an education and realize themselves. I wish the workers patience and strength to continue their work.

Don’t forget about those listening to the broadcast, because there are still significant problems with sound and video.

Korotkina E.D., Tver State University, Associate Professor

I would like to clarify who exactly you can contact for advice on working in the electronic dean’s office.

Kreslavskaya E.E., MGBOU MK, teacher

I wish all the organizers patience, unquenchable enthusiasm and understanding. Probably, such courses should be extended over a longer period of time so that students have the opportunity to choose a convenient mode.

Kuzmina I.V., Astrakhan State University, Associate Professor of the Department of History of Russia

I would like to have the opportunity to continue communication in the future, maybe at the Moscow State University of Psychology and Education.

Open access to materials (broadcasts, recordings, lectures, etc.) at a convenient time.

Le-van T.N. RUDN University, researcher

I would like to receive information from course organizers about ranking information (events, including past ones) in order to set priorities in accordance with your time and capabilities.

Big request:

1) Provide information more systematically and less frequently via email. Already confused in events and requests. There was one good letter with a list of events. The rest causes a feeling of communication noise, I don’t even want to understand (Sorry for the frankness). Perhaps it is worth using some kind of marker system so that the listener understands what category of information it is, whether it is repeat or new, etc. Understand us too, training goes in parallel with the performance of basic job responsibilities.

2) Designate the minimum that course participants must learn during the courses. I'm diving into the problem from scratch. There is a great desire and need, but there is no opportunity to participate so intensively in everything and watch all the videos of all events.

3) Is it possible for course participants to participate in everything to a minimum and study the material in the first half of the training, and from mid-May to become more involved? There is so much to do so far that I feel completely overwhelmed by time and fear that I won’t be able to do anything at all during my studies.

4) I would like to know at the initial stage what the control measures will be at the end of the course. On what basis will certificates be issued? Perhaps the control will be too difficult for me, and then I will refuse to participate in the program now, so as not to waste the already small resources of time and effort.

Lekhanova O.L., Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education "Cherepovets State University", Associate Professor of the Department of Defectological Education

Health to the organizers to withstand the colossal amount of workload

Lipunova O.V., Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education "Amur Humanitarian and Pedagogical State University", head. department

Ability to view videos if necessary

Molchanova E.V., Kaluga State University named after K.E. Tsiolkovsky, senior lecturer

I would like the full-time format of the advanced training program to take place in Moscow, since this option is more accessible in all respects.

Ozerchuk A.P., Humanitarian Pedagogical Academy of Yalta, assistant of the department of social pedagogy

Meet more often and share experiences. Thank you for the master classes!

Pervushina N.D., State Budget Educational Institution Secondary School 489, speech therapist teacher

What is the test deadline? It is advisable, if possible, that assignments are not given on weekends.

Ryabova E.V., Astrakhan State University, senior lecturer

There was a lot of talk about networking. I believe that it is necessary to closely cooperate in the inclusive education system, exchange experiences and jointly improve the consciousness of our society

Serebrenikova Yu.V., Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education "Am State Pedagogical University", Associate Professor

adjust the login system for training seminars

Simonova T.N., Astrakhan State University, professor

Wishes - to consolidate the best experience and distribute it to the maximum possible number of universities;

publish a collection of methodological materials on organizing support for inclusion in higher education

Starovoit N.V., IKBFU I. Kant, head Inclusive Education Laboratories

More methodological materials to support the education of students with disabilities in universities

Tuleikina M.M., Amur Humanitarian and Pedagogical State University, teacher

If possible, when organizing broadcasts (webinars) online, take into account the time zone of the Far Eastern region.

Usacheva I.V., International Institute of Reading named after A.A. Leontiev, director

hold a joint meeting with a symposium on the topic “Teaching the ability to learn in inclusive education” with the Section of Psychology, Philosophy and Pedagogy of Reading of the RPO, which is holding its anniversary conference dedicated to the 20th anniversary of the International Institute of Reading. A.A. Leontyev (at a time convenient for the parties). And in general, use the arsenal of all scientific and methodological material developed by scientists and teachers of the Section and the Institute over 20 years.

Falakheeva T.D., Amur Humanitarian and Pedagogical State University, Associate Professor

Good health to all lecturers and participants, positive emotional mood

Tsygankova M.N., RGSU, teacher

I would like to have clear information: what are the mandatory conditions for obtaining a certificate?

Chekhonina O.B., Moscow State University, Associate Professor

1. Because There is a distance learning course, I propose to post in it one by one links to all Google forms that require filling out. I think this would be convenient, because... in the course, the student has the opportunity to track the progress of the work (and in the mail, due to the volume of incoming correspondence, it is sometimes difficult to track whether the sent task has been completed).

2. I propose to create a Google Sheet with a schedule of upcoming events and provide a link to it in the Distance Learning Course. This will allow students to plan their time in advance and adjust current affairs (so as not to miss classes on the PDA).

I would also like that somewhere in the electronic course there was information about the exact dates of placement of assignments in the course and the date of completion of the CCP (since from the end of May to July I conduct summer field practices with students and I would like to create a practice schedule taking into account the events , as well as complete the necessary tasks before the start of practice).

Shilova O.R., Moscow State University of Psychology and Education, associate professor

I would pay more attention to familiarizing myself with certain groups of disabled people (with the invitation of our students with relevant health restrictions and disabilities)

Yaroslavtseva E.I., Institute of Philosophy RAS, senior researcher

Prepare a presentation with symbolic material and show it in P\P on the screen in the absence of an interactive whiteboard. An even more convenient option is to create a drawing on a tablet while the image is broadcast on the screen.

Motivation does improve basic job performance. A highly motivated employee actually performs better. Organizations whose employees perform well generally perform better, and changing employee attitudes increase company profitability. We offer you several ways to increase motivation and improve the quality of work of employees that have proven themselves in practice.

1. Recognize that subordinates may be motivated by something not directly related to their work. Dynamic employees with significant growth potential tend to be passionate about sports, hobbies, or other non-work related activities. These outside interests should not conflict with work. You can leverage your employees' desire to excel in an area they are passionate about to fuel their growth and motivation in the workplace.

Recognize that they are living people with their own interests. Find out what makes them tick. Help your employees with their activities and take an interest in their achievements. Your positive attitude towards your subordinate's hobbies will definitely affect his work. Thanks to the support of management, this situation becomes doubly advantageous: the more success an employee achieves in life, the higher the quality and productivity of his work.

2. Teach your subordinates to measure the degree of success of the work done. Employees who continually monitor their performance are able to notice and document their own growth. They create rating tables for themselves and mark their victories and defeats better than the leader himself.

How to achieve this? Any performance goal can be measured in a simple rating system. If the task does not involve expressing the result in numerical form, create a scale for assessing labor productivity.

3. Track your motivation level. In most organizations, managers have no idea about the actual level of motivation of their subordinates. Company surveys of employee job satisfaction do not include motivation assessments. If you start measuring your motivation, you'll likely soon learn how to manage it. Without data on your motivation level, you will never be able to improve this indicator.

Periodically measure employee motivation. Let junior managers also regularly monitor changes in the motivation levels of their subordinates.

4. Find out from your subordinates what they would like. Different employees have different goals and desires, which means they need to be provided with different opportunities for work and professional growth. You cannot motivate specific people with general programs. To increase motivation, it is necessary to find an individual approach to each subordinate.

One way to do this is to delegate authority, goals and objectives to each employee when developing an overall plan or project. Another way is to give subordinates the opportunity to independently develop their own strategic goals and plans.

5. Ask employees about the results of their work. The more information, the higher the motivation. It is for this reason that a good leader strives to increase communication within the organization. Try to talk less about yourself and ask others more about their work.

Ask your subordinate questions aimed at getting him to think about the work he has done and report on specific results. Questions “What results did your team achieve yesterday?” or “How many calls have you been able to handle in the last hour?” stimulate an increase in the employee’s level of self-information. And possession of information promotes internal motivation.

6. Explain to your subordinates the reward system you have adopted. Arbitrariness in incentives and rewards leads to cynicism, not to increased motivation. If a new program is taken out of thin air, employees begin to feel that managers do not respect them. Show respect to employees and, if necessary, thoroughly explain to employees the nature of the new incentive program; its goals and objectives. Provide clear answers to subordinates' questions about how this reward system can affect their current activities.

7. Increase interaction. In many organizations, managers and their subordinates are too busy and therefore rarely see each other. They have almost no opportunity to communicate. To increase the intensity of contacts between the organization's management and staff, you can, for example, draw up a plan for meetings and events so that managers find themselves at the same time and in the same place with their subordinates. Organize work in the office in such a way that managers interact with ordinary employees more often. You can't increase the motivation of someone you rarely see.

8. Create an idea bank. What do your subordinates think? They may have good ideas, but most employees believe that no one cares about their ideas. At the same time, most managers would like their subordinates to share their ideas and fresh thoughts with them, it’s just that managers are bad at asking. Most often, they interrupt the subordinate or reject his proposals out of hand. Such managers immediately deprive employees of self-confidence and cannot achieve their goals themselves.

Is it possible to avoid this? The easiest way to solve this problem is to create a special notepad, folder, file, mailbox on the wall, etc. and enter ideas from subordinates into it. Managers who set themselves the task of filling out at least a page of such a notebook or file a day very quickly develop the skill of listening carefully to employees who “suddenly” have a lot of ideas.

9. Motivate with knowledge. To achieve professionalism in any job, an employee must strive to become the best in his specialty. A person who is passionate about learning will definitely grow in his position and develop additional skills. Therefore, you can use knowledge and learning as a reward and motivating factor.

What's the best way to do this? There are many ways. Send for additional training, conferences and training those employees who have achieved significant results in their work and whose successes have been recognized by their colleagues. Make additional knowledge an advantage to inspire employees to continue learning. Invite your subordinate to choose the training course himself and provide him with the opportunity to study for free. Knowledge is a powerful motivating factor; it is surprisingly cheap compared to its true price!

10. Reward individuals for the collective contribution of the group. In this era of teamwork, people often feel that their individual contributions go unrecognized. Companies are more willing to recognize the successes of the group as a whole. However, the manager needs to encourage team members also on an individual level. Only in this way can he increase their personal motivation.

This can be achieved, for example, by challenging managers or team leaders to report weekly on the key accomplishments of individual members. With the help of such reports you will be able to summarize the results at the end of the reporting period. Strive to ensure that immediate managers and colleagues recognize the contribution of individual employees to the common cause.

11. Encourage positive communication between subordinates. Personal positive assessments of employee performance are an effective motivating factor. A corporate culture that supports the desire to give each other positive feedback on the results of each completed task increases the level of motivation and productivity.

How can this be achieved in practice? First, you can develop a culture of mutual recognition among subordinates by developing a rewards program that rewards employees based on the results of a survey of their peers. When employees begin to recognize and reward each other for their successes, their motivation levels will increase significantly.

12. Find out if the subordinate is suitable for his job. Trying to motivate an employee who doesn't like his job won't work. However, when faced with a lack of motivation among subordinates, many managers focus on the work they do rather than on the people themselves. Changing the work parameters of employees can lead to a significant increase in motivation.

First of all, make sure that the tasks match the employee's qualifications. Otherwise, break the work into a series of small but meaningful tasks, or spend more time explaining and supporting. If you're looking to improve motivation and productivity, you'll need to make some changes to most of the tasks you assign to your employees.

13. Look for people who are intrinsically motivated. When companies hire workers, they are most often interested in their level of competence, rather than their attitude towards work. However, attitude determines motivation, which in turn has a major influence on the employee’s desire to learn and perform well. Why not start recruiting employees who are highly intrinsically motivated? It is much easier to train a motivated employee than to motivate a qualified specialist.

Hire people who have previously demonstrated high levels of optimism, enthusiasm, motivation to work, and a desire to grow. To identify such attitudes, you can use an interview or references from a previous job.

14. Reward subordinates in smaller amounts, but more often. It is common practice in most companies to give employees valuable rewards and pay large bonuses based on the completion of a project, quarter or year. Award ceremonies for the best employees are rare and attract the close attention of all company employees. But they usually have less of an impact on motivation than smaller, more frequent rewards.

Plan your expenses for awards and incentives so that you reward your subordinates more often. As a result, the connection between work and results will become more obvious to them. Employees will feel more likely to succeed. If you do use large rewards, have them preceded by a series of smaller rewards. This will allow you to focus the staff's attention on the gradual improvement in the quality of work, rather than on the reward itself.

15. Motivation by control. Managers are convinced that control is their prerogative. But in reality, control has a motivating effect. The main idea of ​​this method is to provide employees with the opportunity to independently make decisions on all issues that do not require centralized control.

Allow staff to independently make changes to any aspect of their work environment that does not pose a threat to the safety and image of the organization. For example, delivery workers are allowed to wear headphones while working and listen to music of their choice. Many companies allow you to decorate your workplace. By giving your employee more independence (within reasonable limits), you can achieve increased motivation.

16. Ask questions that require a detailed answer. In surveys and research, the most common questions that can be answered are yes or no. Such questions are processed in order to obtain numerical results of the study. However, in a normal conversation, questions that require a set number of answers seem rude and indicate your desire to control the interlocutor. They signal that you are not interested in the other person's answer or opinion. At the same time, managers constantly use questions in conversations with subordinates that require an unambiguous positive or negative answer. Ask open-ended questions more often, and your subordinates will feel that you treat them with respect. As a result, their motivation will increase significantly.

Try asking questions that start with “Why?”, “How?”, “Could you tell me about...”, “What did you mean when...”. And don't forget to listen to the answer.

17. Make assignments clearer. The subordinate must be clear about what he is doing, why he is doing it, and how well he is doing his job. Research has shown that task clarity has a greater impact on sales force motivation than experience or commission size. This principle applies to other specialties as well. You can achieve greater results if you help employees see their personal contributions to the common good, and if employees feel confident that their work is evaluated regularly, promptly and accurately.

16. Your suggestions, comments and wishes to improve the activities of the department.

Parents proposed to provide more information about the services and specifics of the activities of the Municipal Clinical Center for Sons and Sons “Harmony” and the specialized department, and also suggested solving the problem with transport in order to fully provide services in rural areas.

Thus, based on the survey, we were able to find out the respondents’ opinions about the presentation and quality of services provided by the specialized department. All parents note the positive dynamics in children with developmental disabilities; they also note the need for social rehabilitation and the demand for a specialized department of social and medical services for families with children with disabilities, a team of social workers.

2.2.3 Development of a summer camp program for children with disabilities, as well as their healthy brothers and sisters, “Sunny City”

Together with the department’s employees, a summer camp program for children with disabilities, as well as their healthy brothers and sisters, “Sunny City”, was developed.

This program will help children with disabilities in mastering moral values, new social roles, and in gaining experience in amateur performances and self-organization. Also mastering such tasks as fostering honesty, courage, will, perseverance in achieving goals, and a sense of camaraderie. Children will become more creative in their approach to tasks, learn to express their thoughts and feelings in a socially acceptable form, empathize with their neighbors, listen to their interlocutor, become familiar with the rules of good manners, and creative activities will contribute to the development of children’s creative potential and the revelation of their creative abilities. Attention will become more stable and performance will increase. Children will be able to fully feel comfortable and safe, receive psychological and pedagogical assistance, acquire new skills, new friends (Appendix No.).

The department mainly serves children of preschool and primary school age. This age is favorable for the development of the foundations of ecological culture. Cognitive focus on studying the world around us, active assimilation of universal human values ​​and norms of behavior. Nature itself determines the social purpose of childhood - the child’s adaptation to nature and society.

The summer camp program for children with disabilities, as well as their healthy brothers and sisters, “Sunny City” was held at a specialized department from 01.08 to 25.08.2008, the camp was attended by 8 children with disabilities and 7 healthy children.

As a result of the summer camp, all children experience improved communication skills (communication), liberation, a decrease in the threshold of anxiety, and the ability to navigate in various situations. Children began to respond adequately to increased attention from others. Acquired the simplest skills and abilities to develop speech based on familiarization with the outside world. There was an improvement in the development of fine motor skills, cultural behavior skills in public places, self-service and self-control skills, accessible work skills, and an enriched vocabulary. The children took an active part in the conversations and carried out all the tasks proposed by the camp organizers with enthusiasm and pleasure. Throughout the entire shift, a feeling of mutual support and mutual assistance was observed among healthy and disabled children. The program can also be used by other institutions in this area.

2.2.4 Development of a program of individual lessons in the direction of social rehabilitation in a specialized department of social and medical services for families with children with disabilities, by a team of social workers for parents with children with disabilities

One of the areas of work of a social work specialist is social rehabilitation. The direction of social rehabilitation is individual lessons. Individual lessons are some kind of joint educational, developmental activity carried out with a specific person. Individual classes are considered very effective, since all the attention of the specialist is directed to a specific person (child), this is the difference from group classes. Together with the specialized department of social and medical services for families with children with disabilities, a team of social workers, during my pre-diploma internship, we developed a program of individual lessons with a child with disabilities (Appendix No.).

The purpose of this program is to provide comprehensive rehabilitation services. We set ourselves the following tasks:

· development of communication and relationship skills;

· development of general and fine motor skills;

· speech development;

memory development;

· development of basic types of movements.

In the period from April 16, 2008 to August 30, 2008, individual lessons were conducted with S.A., born in 2005. A disabled child is brought up in a dysfunctional, large family. A mother with a low pedagogical level cannot teach her children due to her employment. There is no educational system in the family, and children’s leisure time is not organized. The child does not have toys or educational aids. The emotional atmosphere of the family is negative; there are constant scandals in the house between the mother and the older children and between the older children and the younger ones.

A diagnosis of S.A.’s personal characteristics was carried out. The diagnostic results are as follows: the child’s development lags behind his peers, his vocabulary is poor (4 words 0 mother, woman, uncle, Sasha). Cultural and hygienic skills are not developed, he does not know how to undress and dress, he needs the help of an adult. Fine motor skills are not developed and do not grasp small objects well. He gets along well with peers, is sociable, and follows the instructions of an adult. Basic types of movements are not developed: he cannot play with the ball, walking skills are not developed.

According to the diagnostic results of S.A. a program of individual lessons has been developed. From April 16 to August 30, 2008, individual classes were conducted according to the drawn up plan. After a course of rehabilitation classes, a re-diagnosis of the acquired knowledge and skills was carried out, which showed positive dynamics. Development of fine motor skills: the child learned to hold a pencil, draw simple elements, and grasp small objects (mosaic, construction set). Fingers have become more flexible (he performs various exercises like an adult). Development of basic types of movements: learned to walk straight without deviating to the side. Maintains the indicated direction of movement, the step has become more uniform and rhythmic, but the movements of the arms in time with the walk are not coordinated. I learned to jump on two legs, jump over objects, play with the ball, pass the ball to an adult, roll, throw. Maintains balance when running. Development of cultural and hygienic skills: washes hands, face, uses a towel. Fastens zippers and buttons without the help of an adult. Uses a handkerchief and neatly folds outerwear. Development of creative abilities: learned to hold a pencil, brush, draws pictures without a plan with the help of an adult. Trained in the simplest modeling techniques (sausage, bagel, etc.) Development of cognitive processes: distinguishes red from other colors, recognizes domestic and wild animals in a picture. The vocabulary has increased. There was an interest in looking at pictures and books. The attention span has increased; he can study for 10 minutes without being distracted.

The result of this program is that the child is adapted to the conditions of kindergarten. Mom was given advice on creating a nurturing environment at home. This program can also be used by other institutions to work with children with disabilities.

The hypothesis of this work was completely confirmed. Children with disabilities, with the assistance of specialists from a specialized department of social and medical services for families with children with disabilities, a team of social workers, showed positive changes in development and integration into society. This work showed the need for social rehabilitation.


Childhood disability differs significantly from adult disability, and a person disabled since childhood differs significantly from a person who has become disabled as an adult.

Accordingly, the childhood and adolescence of a child with disabilities, the formation of his personality, his rehabilitation and adaptation in society are key for his fate, future life, the formation of his inner world and his own “I”. The role of the family and parents is great in this, and they must be in close contact with a specialist in the social rehabilitation of children with disabilities. All methods and technologies of social rehabilitation contribute to choosing, together with parents, one line of social rehabilitation. The limited experience gained by the department’s specialists in working with such families indicates the low legal, medical, psychological and pedagogical literacy of parents and the need for systematic, systematic work with parents and children. Social work with families should be informal and versatile; this will help children with disabilities in social rehabilitation. Thus, children and parents are jointly trained in independent living skills.

The role of a social work specialist is to assist families raising children with disabilities, and his main goal is to help children with developmental disabilities, if possible, compensate for the impairments, develop abilities and use their own resources to live a full life. Our assistance should be aimed at making the world around us understandable for children with disabilities.

Today, the topic of social rehabilitation is very relevant, as there is a tendency to increase the number of children with congenital or acquired diseases, especially at an early age. If a child with disabilities has a family and has the opportunity to be raised in it, then it is not advisable to isolate him from it, from society, but to find a more acceptable way out of the current situation.

The hypothesis of this work was completely confirmed. Children with disabilities, with the assistance of specialists from a specialized department of social and medical services for families with children with disabilities, a team of social workers, showed positive changes in development and integration into society. This work showed the need for social rehabilitation. We have completed all the assigned tasks in this work.

Social integration is a kind of result of social work with a child with disabilities who was deprived of the opportunity to live and develop equally in society, and social integration is achieved through social rehabilitation.


1. Bezlepkina L.F. The family needs support. – M.: Education, 1986. – 285 p.

2. Vlasova T.A. About children with developmental disabilities./ T.A. Vlasova, M.S. Pevzner. M.: Education, 1973. - 175 p.

3. Kholostova E.I. Social rehabilitation: textbook. allowance / E.I. Kholostova, N.F. Dementieva. – 2nd ed., – M.: Publishing and trading corporation “Dashkov and K”, 2003. – 340 p.

4. Kovalev S.V. Psychology of the modern family. - M.: Education, 1988.– 208 p.

5. L.E. Nikitina. Social teacher at school. - M.: Academic Project. 2003. – 112 p.

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7. N. Volodina. Rehabilitation of those who did not “fit into the standard.” – M.: Enlightenment. 1997. - 115 p.

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9. S. Romanovskaya. Using games in the social rehabilitation of children with

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10. Yu.V. Vasilkova. Methodology and work experience of a social teacher: textbook.

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11. Yarskaya-Smirnova E.R. Social work with disabled people./ E.R.Yarskaya-

Smirnova, E.K. Naberushkina - St. Petersburg: Peter, 2004. - 316 p.

12. Akatov L.I. Social rehabilitation of children with disabilities. textbook aid for students higher textbook establishments. – M.: Humanitarian Publishing Center VLADOS, 2003. - 368 p.

13. Vikhorev D.I. Problems of education and adaptation of disabled children in Russia

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20. Eskov G.S. Your rights, man. - M.: INION RAM, 1993. – 56 p.

21. Federal Law of November 24, 1995 N 181-FZ "On social protection of disabled people in the Russian Federation" // Collection of legislation of the Russian Federation dated November 27, 1995. N 48, art. 4563.

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25. Dictionary - reference book for social work / ed. E. I. Kholostova. M.: Jurist, 1997. – 367 p.

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From the USSR. If necessary, contact colleagues and the administration of the institutions where the child is admitted. The experience of creating and operating the SS&R in Pskov has shown that work to support families raising a child with developmental disabilities is in demand. During the year and a half of the Service’s operation, 48 families living in the city of Pskov and the Pskov region used its services. All families who applied...

The center is at a high level. We examined the medicinal, sociocultural, and garden therapies used in the center, which play a significant role in the social rehabilitation of children and adolescents with disabilities. We got acquainted with the work of the “Bereg” club, which promotes the development of skills of effective social behavior in the external environment; studied non-stationary...

Some skills to help a child and their episodic, irregular use in practice, fetishization, knowledge of certain types of rehabilitation and denial of others. 2.2 Implementation of social work technology with families of children with disabilities The birth of a weakened, sick child, as a rule, changes the way of life and the psychological climate in the family. All family members and mother...