Organizational personnel management system (HRMS). Organizational design of the management system. Personnel and clerical support of the personnel management system (HRMS) Types of goals of the organization's management system SUP

Topic No. 2 . Organization of personnel management service at the enterprise.

    The essence, goals and objectives of the enterprise personnel management service.

    Structure of the enterprise personnel management service.

    Enterprise personnel management system.

    The main functions of a personnel manager.

Security questions on the topic:

    What is HR service?

    What is the ultimate goal of the HR function?

    List the main tasks of the personnel management service.

    What are the dynamic and static functions of enterprise personnel services?

    What concepts of the relationship between enterprise management and personnel currently exist?

    What concept should business leaders follow to achieve the greatest success?

    Define the organizational structure of the personnel management system.

    What determines the role and place of the HR service in the structure of the entire organization?

    What pattern is observed in world practice regarding the work of the personnel management service?

    What does the structural model of personnel management depend on?

    Name the types of personnel management structures at enterprises.

    Describe the linear structure of personnel management at enterprises.

    Give the concept of the functional structure of personnel management in enterprises.

    What is the headquarters structure of personnel management at enterprises?

    What are the advantages and disadvantages of the linear structure of personnel management in enterprises?

    What are the advantages and disadvantages of the functional structure of personnel management in enterprises?

    What are the advantages and disadvantages of the headquarters structure of personnel management of enterprises?

    In what case is it economically feasible to create a HR manager position?

    What levels of management exist in the organizational structure of an enterprise?

    How can you determine the size of the HR department?

    Name the divisions included in the personnel management service.

    What activities does the Recruitment and Personnel Accounting Department carry out?

    What are the functions of the health and safety department?

    Which department's tasks include training, retraining and advanced training, career planning and adaptation of employees?

    Which department develops a management strategy, analyzes human resources, forecasts personnel needs, and evaluates personnel?

    Define a personnel management system.

    What is the subject of the personnel management system?

    What subjects are classified as internal subjects of personnel management?

    What subjects are classified as external subjects of personnel management activities?

    Name the objects of the SUP.

    List the principles of personnel management.

    Describe the principles of progressiveness, scientificity and consistency.

    Name the main functional elements of the enterprise personnel management system.

    List the components of the complex of subsystems of the personnel management system in the organization.

    Expand the functions performed by the recruitment and personnel accounting subsystem.

    Why is there a subsystem for ensuring normal working conditions?

    What are the functions of personnel assessment and development management?

    Expand the concept of “HR manager”.

    What is the main goal of an HR manager?

    Name the key roles for the profession of HR manager.

    Describe the three groups into which the 11 key areas of competence of an HR manager are combined, c.

    Which group includes HR manager performance, self-confidence, and persistence?

    Which group includes the listening and communication skills of an HR manager?

    Which group includes the HR manager's ethics, conscientiousness and prudence?

    List the key competency areas of an HR manager in descending order of importance.

  1. The essence, goals and objectives of the enterprise personnel management service.

The personnel management service is a set of specialized structures and divisions of an enterprise (organization) together with the officials employed in them, designed to manage personnel within the framework of the chosen personnel policy of the enterprise.

Since only fruitful joint activities of the team guarantee the success of the company, then ultimate goal management services staff ohm is the organization of work with personnel, taking into account the goals and objectives of the enterprise, the maximum convergence of the expectations of the enterprise and the interests of employees.

Main tasks of the management service staff ohm :

    Providing the organization with highly qualified, well-trained and motivated employees;

    Effective use of the performance, qualifications, practical experience and skill of all employees in the organization;

    Achieving maximum responsiveness of employees to the goals and needs of the organization, bringing together the interests of employees and the company’s expectations related to professional activities;

    Ensuring complete satisfaction of employees with the results of their work;

    Systematically communicate the organization's policies and the own policies of human resource management services to employees and ensure that goals are achieved.

Among the functions of human resources services of an enterprise, dynamic and static functions are distinguished.

    Dynamic – are associated with the formation of the quantitative and qualitative composition of the enterprise’s personnel (selection, admission, dismissal, certification, advanced training, promotion, organizational and professional movements);

    Static – are less formalized (rationing, payroll calculation, production accounting).

Dynamic HR functions are a priority.

Currently, there are three concepts of the attitude of enterprise management to personnel:

    personnel - the basis for the costs of the enterprise;

    personnel are the asset of the enterprise;

    personnel is an impetus for the development of the enterprise.

The greatest successes are achieved by enterprises whose managers are adherents of the third concept. In this regard, the status of the personnel service is changing, the functions of which have expanded from purely accounting to management.

  1. Structure of the enterprise personnel management service.

The organizational structure of the personnel management system is a set of specialized functional units and officials interacting in the process of justifying, developing, making and implementing decisions regarding personnel management.

The divisions perform various functions; their totality constitutes the personnel management service (personnel service). The role and place of the personnel management service in the structure of the entire organization is determined by the role and place of each specialized unit of this service, as well as the organizational status of its immediate manager.

The level of authority of the personnel management service depends not only on its managerial powers, but also on the level of special knowledge of employees, the usefulness of the service in terms of its positive impact on the labor process.

Therefore, in world practice, the following pattern is observed: personnel management services begin their activities as headquarters units with exclusively accounting functions, and then, as its personnel potential develops and its positive impact on the production process becomes more and more obvious, the personnel service is endowed with managerial powers and begins to directly participate in the management of the organization.

The structural model of personnel management depends on the capabilities of a particular organization, primarily financial. With a small number of personnel and, therefore, low overall labor intensity of the functions of the personnel management service, the execution of specific functions can be entrusted to a specific specialist, and not to the entire department.

Types of personnel management structures at enterprises:

    linear structure represented by line managers who work directly with employees producing products or providing services. The area of ​​responsibility of such managers is the direction of personnel actions, control and general management.

    functional structure represented by functional managers who are highly qualified in their specific field of activity. Functional managers include specialists who independently manage engineering, technical, economic planning, social and other functional services (chief specialists, heads of departments, bureaus, heads of sectors, groups, etc.).

    headquarters structure is a separate unit (service/headquarters) for personnel management, engaged in consulting the manager, developing principles for working with personnel, specific programs and organizing personnel events (HR managers). , Such headquarters do not have the right to make decisions.

Let us consider the types of personnel management structures in more detail.

The linear organizational structure of the personnel management service has the simplest forms of communication between the subject and the objects of management; Each division is headed by one manager who performs all management functions. Each employee of the department and the organization as a whole is directly subordinate only to the specified manager and carries out only his orders. An example of this type of construction is presented in Diagram 2.1.

Scheme 2.1. Linear organizational structure of the HR service

The functional organizational structure of management is formed where the functional division of labor appears. This is the most common type of HR organizational structure. This type of structure helps to increase the efficiency of personnel management by attracting more qualified management specialists in a specific area of ​​their activity. Control bodies are created for individual functions. An example of constructing a functional organizational structure of a personnel management service is presented in Diagram 2.2.

Scheme 2.2. Functional organizational structure of the HR service

The headquarters management structure is a combination of linear and functional types of structures. With headquarters management, the line manager has a so-called headquarters, consisting of various functional bodies, units, departments, groups or individual specialists corresponding to a specific management function. The headquarters is designed to competently develop management problems and issue recommendations to the manager. Headquarters include planning, dispatching, economic and other services.

Scheme 2.3. Headquarters organizational structure of the HR service

Each type of personnel management structure has its own advantages and disadvantages, which are systematized in Table 2.1.




    receiving tasks and orders by an employee from his immediate supervisor

    o the manager must have comprehensive knowledge of all managed objects, which is difficult to achieve in the conditions of dynamic development of the production market

    full responsibility of each manager for the results of the work of his subordinates

    ensuring unity of personnel management from top to bottom



    allows you to achieve results through specialization

    often leads to a violation of the unity of management and a decrease in the responsibility of performers for the quality and timing of work, since an individual performer can receive different tasks from functional services

    allows senior management to focus on

strategic issues

    flexibility in market conditions

    easily responds to changes by creating new units



    providing competent advice to the manager with the involvement of specialists and experts in certain fields.

    there is a separation of the management apparatus from production

    freeing line managers from excessive workload.

    there is a delay in the development of control commands

    insufficiently clear responsibility, because the person preparing the decision does not participate in its implementation

    increase in the number of staff for personnel management, and therefore the cost of its maintenance

To build the organizational structure of the personnel management service, in addition to traditional types, other well-known management structures can be used: matrix, product, process, corporate, informal, etc. Thus, when using an informal type of organizational structure, it is not the forms of division of labor that are taken into account, but socio-psychological factors of the personality of workers, their abilities and relationships with each other in the process of work. Informal personnel management structures increase the interest of workers in the results of their work, create additional conditions for achieving greater satisfaction in work and thereby ensure higher efficiency of functioning of both the personnel management system itself and the entire system of organizing the production of products and the provision of market services.

World experience in personnel management shows that the real need for creating independent structured personnel management arises when there is a staff size of 50-70 people. In this case, creating the position of HR manager is economically justified.

The main issues that need to be addressed when creating a personnel management service:

    Definemanagement level in the organizational structure of the enterprise where personnel management is supposed to be implemented:

    the highest level (corporate) provides for the performance of basic functions by the top management of the enterprise;

    the middle level of management provides for the joint implementation of functions by the head of the personnel department and line managers;

    The executive level involves the implementation of personnel work (documenting labor relations) and the resolution of individual issues (recruitment, conflict resolution) by ordinary employees of personnel departments.

Determine the number personnel management services. Even in the largest corporations, no more than 150 people work directly in personnel management services.

In a simplified manner, the number of workers required to carry out recruitment and personnel accounting work can be calculated using the formula:

Where T– total labor intensity of work calculated according to standard standards

per year (quarter), h;

H P – number of personnel of the enterprise;

Payroll– wage fund for the corresponding calendar period.

In world practice, there are national standards for the ratio of the number of personnel service employees and the number of personnel:

  • Russia - 50-100 people.

    per one HR employee;

    Germany - 130-150 people;

    France - 130 people;

    USA - 100 people;

Japan - 40 people

    According to foreign literature and expert estimates, the total number of personnel management employees is approximately 1.0 - 1.2% of the total number of employees.

Determine the main tasks solved by the personnel management service.

    The average statistical structure of tasks in the activities of personnel management services:

    solving procedural problems (recruitment, selection, orientation, assessment, discipline) – 33%;

    compensation and benefits – 28%;

    labor relations – 10%;

    training, advanced training – 1%;

others – 28%.

The name of the units included in the personnel management service depends on the external environment, the nature of the organization’s activities, and its goals and objectives. An approximate list of possible divisions is presented in Table 2.2.

Table 2.2. Composition of the HR service


Activities carried out

Recruitment and Personnel Accounting Department (HR Department)

Recruitment, selection of personnel, registration and accounting of admissions, dismissals, relocation, information support of the personnel management system

Department of Labor and Social Relations

Analysis and regulation of conflicts in an organization, their management, socio-psychological diagnostics, analysis of intra-company communications, development of provisions of a collective agreement

Occupational Health and Safety Department

Compliance with the requirements of psychophysiology and labor ergonomics, safety precautions, catering, management of housing and public services, development of culture and physical education, development of medical programs

Personnel Training and Development Department

Training, retraining and advanced training, career planning, employee adaptation

Department of incentives and remuneration

Labor rationing, development of staffing schedules, tariff agreements and schedules, remuneration systems, use of moral incentives, management of work motivation

Department of planning (forecasting) and personnel marketing

As well as the following divisions: department of labor organization and wages, department of labor regulation, department of scientific organization of labor, etc.

All personnel service specialists must know and be able to work in one of the personnel programs: “BOSS-PERSONNEL”, “1C-salary-personnel”, “Parus”.

Managing people always pursues certain goals. Target is an ideal mental image of the result of an activity.

The main goal of personnel management is the formation, development and implementation with the greatest efficiency of the organization's intellectual resources, its human capital. This means improving the work of each employee so that he optimally increases and uses his labor and creative potential and thereby contributes to the achievement of the goals of the enterprise, as well as supporting the activities of other employees in this direction. To achieve this goal, a number of local goals and means are being implemented. The tree of personnel management goals includes a number of levels.

Purpose of personnel management reflects the desired state of the control system and must meet a number of requirements:

be loaded, but doable, achievable;

do not contradict the objective laws of development of nature and society;

be consistent in terms of deadlines, resources and performers;

ensure the concentration of forces and resources on the most promising areas of development;

be defined unambiguously and be understood by the performers.

All these requirements must be fully taken into account in the goal-setting process, i.e. during their formation and production. Goal setting should be carried out by defining specific parameters, in particular the subject of achieving the goal, unit of measurement, quantity (quality) and time.

At the enterprise (organization) level, production, commercial, economic, scientific, technical and social goals are determined.

Production and commercial goals are determined by the production and sale of products (services) necessary for society.

Economic goals in a market economy are associated with making a profit from the results of economic activity.

Scientific and technical goals require the introduction of scientific and technological achievements into production and ensuring a certain level of product quality, i.e. at least compliance with established standards.

Social goals– these are goals related to personnel management. These goals can be divided into four groups, each of which includes subgoals.

Management by goals improves work motivation, promotes mutual understanding between managers and subordinates, and increases operational efficiency. However, it faces certain problems. In particular, personnel policy is designed to ensure a balance between the economic and social goals of the organization. The economic goals of an organization require maximizing profits and minimizing costs. However, achieving these goals is impossible without solving social problems, i.e. taking into account the needs, interests and requirements of employees to the enterprise (organization), which are associated with certain costs.

The most important management system tasks personnel are:

Helping the company achieve its goals;

Effective use of staff skills and abilities;

Providing the company with qualified and motivated employees;

Increasing the level of job satisfaction for all categories of personnel;

Improving personnel motivation systems;

Maintaining a favorable moral climate;

Development and maintenance at a high level of a system of advanced training of personnel and professional education;

Management of intra-organizational personnel movement for the mutual benefit of workers and administration, society;

Career planning - promotion;

Improving methods for assessing personnel performance and certifying management and production personnel, communication between personnel management and all employees;

Providing a high standard of living that makes working in this company desirable.

Personnel management has two directions: strategic and tactical. As part of the first, it is designed to help ensure conditions for competitiveness and long-term development of the organization based on regulating relations between the organization and employees within the framework of business strategy. Within the framework of the second, current personnel work is carried out: the status and planning of personnel requirements; development of staffing schedules; personnel assessment and selection; planning upcoming personnel movements and layoffs; advanced training, retraining, etc.

HR system is a set of principles and methods of personnel management of workers and employees in an organization. The management system includes the following subsystems: analysis of work processes and their planning; human resource planning; recruitment, selection and orientation of employees; performance assessment, practical training and advanced training, promotion; compensation and benefits; safety and health; labor Relations; discipline, control and evaluation of personnel actions; work schedule schedule; working conditions. Features of the personnel management system: PM is activity-oriented (practical actions, special attention to solving work problems), PM is individual-oriented (everyone is considered as an individual with individual needs), PM is future-oriented. The goals of the PM: helping the company achieve common goals, effectively using the skills and capabilities of employees, providing highly qualified and motivated employees, striving for the fullest satisfaction of employees with their work, for their self-expression, developing and maintaining a high level of quality of life, communication with all employees, assistance in maintaining a good moral climate, governing the movement for the mutual benefit of individuals and the company. The organization's personnel management system consists of the following areas: personnel policy– leadership style; philosophy of the organization; internal labor regulations; collective agreement; personnel selection serves as a methodological tool for a systematic approach to solving problems of improving the management system. The systematic approach guides the researcher towards the disclosure of the management system as a whole and its constituent components: goals, functions, organizational structure, personnel, technical management tools, information, methods of managing people, management technology, management decisions; to identify the diverse types of connections between these components and the external environment and bring them together into a single holistic picture. The external environment for personnel management is not only other subsystems of the management system of a given organization (for example, the subsystem for managing external economic relations, etc.), but also external organizations (suppliers and consumers, higher organizations, etc.). Decomposition method allows you to break down complex phenomena into simpler ones. The simpler the elements, the more complete the penetration into the depth of the phenomenon and the determination of its essence. After dismemberment, it is necessary to recreate the personnel management system as a single whole, i.e. synthesize. In this case, the decomposition modeling method is used, where models can be logical, graphical and digital. Sequential substitution method allows us to study the influence on the formation of the SUP of each factor separately, under the influence of which its condition developed, excluding the actions of other factors. Factors are ranked and the most significant are selected. Comparison method allows you to compare the existing management system with a similar system of an advanced organization, with the standard state or the state in the past period. It should be taken into account that comparison gives a positive result provided that the systems are comparable and homogeneous. The boundaries of comparability can be expanded by eliminating incomparability factors. Dynamic method provides for the arrangement of data in a dynamic series and the exclusion of random deviations from it. Then the series reflects stable trends. This method is used in the study of quantitative indicators characterizing the PMS. Structuring method goals provides quantitative and qualitative justification for the goals of the organization as a whole and the goals of the personnel management system in terms of their compliance with the goals of the organization. Analysis of goals, deployment of them into a hierarchical system, establishment of responsibility of departments for the final results of work, determination of their place in the production and management system, elimination of duplication in their work are an important prerequisite for building a rational personnel management system. When structuring, interconnection, completeness, and comparability of the goals of different levels of personnel management must be ensured. Expert-analytical method improvement of CP is based on the involvement of highly qualified specialists in CP and management personnel of the enterprise in the improvement process. When using this method, it is very important to develop forms of systematization, recording and clear presentation of expert opinions and conclusions. Using this method, the main directions for improving personnel management, evaluating the results of the analysis and the causes of shortcomings are identified. However, it does not always have high accuracy and objectivity due to the fact that experts do not have uniform assessment criteria. This method is most effective for multi-step examination. Normative method provides for the use of a system of standards that determine the composition and content of functions according to the management program, the number of employees by function, the type of organizational structure, the criteria for constructing the structure of the management apparatus of the organization as a whole and the management system (controllability standard, degree of centralization of functions, number of management levels, units, size of divisions, the order of subordination and interrelation of divisions), division and cooperation of labor of managers and personnel management specialists of the organization. Parametric method- establishing functional dependencies between the parameters of the elements of the production system and the personnel management system to identify the degree of their compliance. Functional cost analysis method allows you to choose an option for constructing a management system or performing a particular personnel management function that requires the least cost and is the most effective in terms of final results. It allows you to identify unnecessary or duplicative management functions, functions that for one reason or another are not performed, determine the degree of centralization and decentralization of personnel management functions, etc. Principal component method allows you to reflect the properties of dozens of indicators in one indicator (component). This makes it possible to compare not many indicators of one PMS with many indicators of another similar system, but only one (1st, 2nd and 3rd components). Balance sheet method allows you to make balance comparisons and linkages. For example, the results of processing photographs of the working day and technological maps for performing management operations and procedures are compared with the actual working time for their implementation. Correlation and Regression Analysis (CRA)- establishing a linear relationship and close relationship between parameters (number of personnel and factors influencing it). The mathematical apparatus of KRA is discussed in detail in statistics. Experienced method is based on the experience of the previous period of this SUP and the experience of another similar system. Method of analogies consists in the use of organizational forms that have proven themselves in functioning PMSs with similar economic and organizational characteristics in relation to the system under consideration. The essence of the analogy method is to develop standard solutions (for example, a standard organizational structure for personnel management) and determine the boundaries and conditions of their application. Block method typifications of subsystems of linear-functional and program-targeted structures - are linked together with original organizational decisions in a unified organizational personnel management system. The block method speeds up the process of forming a new personnel management system and increases the efficiency of the system at the lowest cost. Creative meeting method involves a collective discussion of the directions for the development of the management system by a group of specialists and managers. The effectiveness of the method lies in the fact that an idea expressed by one person causes new ideas from other participants in the meeting, and they, in turn, generate further ideas, resulting in a flow of ideas. The purpose of the creative meeting is to identify as many options as possible for ways to improve the management system. Collective notebook method (“bank” of ideas) allows you to combine the independent submission of ideas by each expert with their subsequent collective assessment at a meeting to find ways to improve the personnel management system. Test question method is to intensify the creative search for a solution to the problem of improving the personnel management system using a pre-prepared list of leading questions. The form of questions should be such that they contain a “hint” about what and how should be done to solve the problem. The 6-5-3 method is intended to systematize the process of finding ideas for the development of a management system. The essence of this method is that each of the six members of the expert group writes three ideas on a separate sheet of paper and passes them on to the rest of the group members, who, in turn, write three more ideas based on the already proposed options, etc. At the end of this procedure, 18 solutions will be written on each of the six sheets, and there will be 108 options in total.- a means of studying all possible combinations of organizational solutions proposed for the implementation of individual personnel management functions. If we write down all the functions in a column, and then next to each function we indicate, line by line, all possible options for its implementation, we will obtain a morphological matrix. The idea of ​​this method is to break a complex problem into small subtasks that are easier to solve individually. It is assumed that the solution to a complex problem consists of solutions to subproblems. The greatest effect and quality of the personnel management system is achieved when the system of methods is used in a complex. The use of a system of methods allows you to look at the object of improvement from all sides, which helps to avoid miscalculations.- assumes the most efficient and economical organization of the management system, reducing the share of costs for the management system in the total costs per unit of output, and increasing production efficiency. If, after carrying out measures to improve the management system, management costs have increased, they should be offset by the effect in the production system obtained as a result of their implementation. Progressivity- compliance of the EMS with advanced foreign and domestic analogues. Prospects- when forming the management system, the development prospects of the organization should be taken into account. Complexity- when forming a management system, it is necessary to take into account all factors affecting the management system (communications with higher authorities, contractual relations, state of the management object, etc.). Efficiency- timely decision-making on the analysis and improvement of the EMS, preventing or promptly eliminating deviations. Optimality- multivariate development of proposals for the formation of a management system and selection of the most rational option for specific production conditions. Simplicity- the simpler the soup, the better it works. Of course, this eliminates the simplification of the control system to the detriment of production. Scientificity- the development of measures for the formation of the SUP should be based on the achievements of science in the field of management and take into account changes in the laws of development of social production in market conditions. Hierarchy- in any vertical sections of the management system, hierarchical interaction must be ensured between management links (structural divisions or individual managers), the fundamental characteristic of which is the asymmetrical transfer of information “downward” (disaggregation, detailing) and “upward” (aggregation) through the management system. Autonomy- in any horizontal and vertical sections of the management system, rational autonomy of structural units or individual managers must be ensured. Consistency- interaction between hierarchical units vertically, as well as between relatively autonomous units of the management system horizontally, must be generally consistent with the main goals of the organization and synchronized in time. Sustainability- to ensure the sustainable functioning of the EMS, it is necessary to provide special “local regulators”, which, if they deviate from the given goal of the organization, put one or another employee or department at a disadvantage and encourage them to regulate the EMS. Multidimensionality- PM, both vertically and horizontally, can be carried out through various channels: administrative and economic, economic, legal, etc. Transparency– The PMS must have conceptual unity and contain a single accessible terminology; the activities of all departments and managers should be built on common “supporting structures”. Comfort– The management system should provide maximum convenience for the creative processes of human justification, development, adoption and implementation of decisions. Principles that determine the directions of development of the management system Concentration - is considered in two directions: 1) concentration of efforts of employees of a separate unit or the entire MPS to solve the main problems and 2) concentration of homogeneous functions in one unit of the MPS, which eliminates duplication. Specialization - division of labor in the management system (the labor of managers, specialists and other employees is allocated). Separate units specializing in performing homogeneous functions are being formed. Parallelism - involves the simultaneous implementation of individual management decisions, increases the efficiency of the management process. Adaptability ( flexibility) - adaptability of the control system to the changing goals of the control object and its operating conditions. Continuity- assumes a general methodological basis for carrying out work to improve the management system at its different levels and by different specialists, and their standard design. Continuity- no interruptions in the work of employees of the control system or departments, reduction in the time spent keeping documents, downtime of technical controls, etc. Rhythm- performing the same amount of work in equal periods of time and regularly repeating the functions of the program. Straightness- ordering and purposefulness of the necessary information to develop a specific decision, which can be horizontal or vertical (relationships between functional units and relationships between different levels of management). Principles of effective operation of the EMS: principle of purpose – through the achievement of common goals, each employee achieves his goal; principle of legal security management decision - compliance with legislation, labor relations, organizational and administrative documents, exclusion of discrimination, etc.; scientific principle – apply scientific approaches to problems; professionalism – adequate education, experience, etc.;– the ratio of centralization and decentralization; humanism– individual approach to the individual; ensuring the moral and psychological climate in the team - taking into account temperament, intellectuality, emotionality, volitional qualities, level of self-control, etc.; compliance with the work and rest regime - organizing work to reduce unit labor costs; advanced training– step-by-step industrial training; automatic replacement of missing– retraining of personnel;

optimization – automation of managerial work, implementation of scientific and technological progress. Not a single organization (both a formal commercial structure and an informal public association) will be able to form, much less continue to exist, if its purpose is not defined - that for which this organization is being formed and will operate in the future. The definition of a goal can be given in two ways - for external observers, participants, users of the organization's products and for its own participants, employees included in the functioning process. Mission. We are seeing more organizations begin their presentations and advertising campaigns with a mission statement - a statement that reveals
the raison d'être of the organization, the specifics of its activities and basic social obligations. An example of this kind of statements could be the following: Our goal is to make the world smaller (telecommunications company), Together with us into the future (computer equipment), Normal equipment - for a comfortable life (household appliances), etc. Thus, a mission is an idea of ​​strategic goals, and in this sense - about the future into which the client, the partner of a particular organization, is invited.
The next important element, without which no organization can exist, is its structure. The structure of an organization is understood as its architectonics, the presence of individual parts and the relationships between them, the degree of rigidity/flexibility of the organizational configuration, the types of interactions between internal elements. In the literature and management practice, three main types of organizational structures:

  • linear;
  • functional;
  • adaptive.

Linear organizational structure, which is often called pyramidal, bureaucratic, is strictly hierarchically organized, characterized by a division of areas of responsibility and unity of command.
There are two subtypes of linear organizational structures: flat and high, differing in the number of hierarchical levels in relation to the total number of employees. Advantages of linear organizational structures:

  • a clear system of mutual connections;
  • speed of reaction in response to direct orders;
  • consistency of actions of performers;
  • efficiency in decision making;
  • clearly expressed personal responsibility of the manager for decisions made.

The main problem of organizational structures of this type is the limited number of subordinates who can “lock in” to one leader, that is, the limited range (sphere) of control.
The span of control is determined by the number of connections in the department (organization). The effectiveness of management activities depends on the type and number of connections, the number of which invariably grows with the increase in the number of employees, which significantly complicates the activities of the manager.
Types of connections:

  • direct singles between subordinates;
  • cross between subordinates;
  • direct between the leader and any combination of subordinates.

The greater the number of connections and the more informal they are, the same must be the range of control to maintain effective control over the structure. Therefore, when implementing complex activities that require employees to have a large number of approvals, clarifications, and consultations from the manager, a narrow range of control and a high (multi-level) organizational structure are required. Functional organizational structure is built on the principle of distributing functions within the organization and creating end-to-end substructures for managing functions.
Often a functional organization exists simultaneously with a linear one, which creates double subordination for performers. Functional units receive the right to give orders within their competence to both lower-level units and equal in status, but included in the implementation of common functions. Advantages of functional organizational structures:

  • deeper elaboration of decisions in functional areas;
  • high competence of specialists responsible for performing functions;
  • freeing line managers from some of the tasks solved by functional managers.

One of the functional structure options is divisional(departmental), which can be built according to product, regional (geographic), consumer (a group of consumers with common properties) principles.
The main problems of functional organizational structures include a focus on the implementation of mainly fixed functions, a lack of innovation and flexibility when the situation changes both in the organization and outside it. Adaptive organizational structure - flexible structures that can change (adapt) to the requirements of the environment (by analogy with living organisms). It is adaptive organizational structures that are able, using all the effective aspects of linear and functional structures, to function successfully in a constantly changing world.
The following types are distinguished adaptive organizational structures:

  • project - a temporary structure created to solve a specific problem. The meaning of this structure is to gather all specialists into one team to solve the problem, implement the project efficiently and in a short time, after which the project structure is dissolved;
  • matrix - functional-time-target structure. This is a special type of organization, entirely built on a project type, operating for a long time, which is typical for organizations that constantly exist in project form.

Management for individual areas of the organization’s activities is built vertically, and project management is carried out horizontally. For matrix structures are characterized by the creation of connections between specialists, the organization of work on certain tasks, regardless of position in the organization or involvement in a specific unit. Advantages of a matrix organizational structure:

  • intensifying the activities of managers through the creation of program units and a sharp increase in contacts with functional units;
  • flexible use of the organization's human resources. The disadvantages of this type of structure are the complexity of the structure itself, caused by the imposition of a large number of vertical and horizontal connections, as well as the difficulty of managing the organization in a situation where there is no unity of command.

Technology is a method of converting raw materials into the desired products and services, a mechanism for an organization to transform the initial elements of labor into final results, which are the purpose of the organization's activities. In history, one can distinguish several levels of manufacturability that production went through. The first level is pre-technological, in which each product was created as unique.
The second level was associated with the introduction of standardization and mechanization. It began with the production of the first small arms - muskets and was intended to reduce the cost of production due to the interchangeability of individual elements. The consequence of this was the development of specialization in production. Both individual performers, divisions, and firms included in the technological process were subject to specialization.
The next level was associated with the emergence of conveyor assembly lines at the beginning of the twentieth century. In the first assembly lines, the worker did not have his own workstation and followed the product. This continued until the moving conveyor was invented, which provided a separate workplace for each performer, past whom the objects of labor themselves moved. The introduction of moving conveyors by Henry Ford allowed the production cost of cars to be reduced tenfold.
For personnel management, it is important to take into account that the type of technology used sets several important parameters that determine the characteristics of the performers themselves, including the type of joint activity characteristic of a particular technology, which indirectly affects the selection of people with special mental properties and characterological characteristics.
The type of joint activity is a way of interaction within the framework of a collective solution of tasks or problems. The type of joint activity describes the way collective work is organized. L.I. Umansky described three types of interaction.
The collaborative-interacting type is characterized by the obligatory participation of everyone in solving a common task, the intensity of the work of the performers is approximately the same, the features of their activities are determined by the leader and, as a rule, are insignificant. The effectiveness of the overall activity equally depends on the work of each participant. An illustration of this option for organizing joint activities can be the joint movement of heavy objects.
The joint-sequential type differs from the joint-individual type in the time distribution, as well as the order of everyone’s participation in the work. The sequence assumes that first one participant is involved in the work, then the second, third, etc. The characteristics of each participant’s activity are determined by the specific goals of transforming means into results, characteristic of this particular section of the technological process. So, for example, when making boards, first someone cuts down a tree, then someone transports it to the factory, then someone separates the trunk from the branches, then someone measures the trunk and calculates how many and what size boards he can get and what should be the cutting pattern, and only then the trunk goes for sawing. A typical example of a jointly sequential type of interaction is a conveyor belt, when the product of the activity of one of the participants in the process automatically passes to another and becomes an object of labor for him.
The joint-individual type of activity is distinguished by the fact that interaction between labor participants is minimized. Each of the performers performs their own amount of work, the specifics of the activity are determined by the individual characteristics and professional position of each. Each of the participants in the process presents the result of labor in the agreed form and in a certain place. Personal direct interaction may be practically absent and carried out in indirect forms (for example, through modern means of communication - telephone, computer networks, etc.). What unites different performers is only the object of labor, which each participant processes in a specific way. Examples of this type of activity are individual carrying of heavy loads or independent analysis of different aspects of the same phenomenon by different specialists.
Recently, a special type of joint activity has begun to be identified - co-creative. This type of organization of collective activity originated in the fields of science and art, where participants in a scientific or creative project created something completely new, often unique, that could not be created according to existing rules and technologies. In these teams, a special type of activity is created - co-creation, when each participant in the process is an equal creator of something new. The laws of creativity require that every vision, even the craziest, be taken into account, because in the cauldron of general discussion a discovery can emerge from the most absurd idea. This type is characterized by the special activity of each of the participants in the interaction process, namely: activity in terms of increasing their own professional competence through participation in collective activities. On the one hand, the features of the jointly creative type of activity provide the opportunity for each participant to try different ways of activity, to enrich themselves with ways of working inherent in other specialists and areas of work, and on the other hand, the synergistic (mutually enriching) effect gives a powerful impetus to the development of the group itself performing the activity . Moreover, the peculiarity of this type of activity is that the traces of the individual contributions of the participants are fundamentally inseparable.
The peculiarity of everyone’s participation in a co-creative type of activity also lies in the fact that members of such a team have the opportunity to work in completely different professional positions and perform different collective roles depending on what task the group is currently facing. Therefore, these groups usually have high flexibility, variability in both composition and internal structure, depending on the assigned tasks and the conditions for their implementation. An example of this type of activity is the work of creative teams, in which everyone is given full opportunity for their own self-expression and, nevertheless, the goal of the group as a whole is achieved - the creation of a new, culturally valuable work or product. Features of personnel operating in different types of interaction. People working in a situation of joint-interacting activity are characterized by a high orientation towards collective goals, commitment to the authority of the leader, orientation towards group morality (norms and values), as well as traditional ways of behavior. A member of an organization with this type of technology is characterized by high commitment to the group, and the most severe punishment will be expulsion from the group of his own kind.
Employees of an organization with a jointly sequential type of activity are characterized by high technological discipline, adherence to the norms and rules formulated in instructions, regulations and other regulatory documents. This kind of technology is typical for complex industrial production and manufacturing.
Participants in the process of joint-individual activity are characterized by high initiative, passionarity, result orientation and individual achievements. Such specialists put their own goals and values ​​at the forefront, tend to independently develop ways to achieve goals and are able to act effectively in a situation of intra-organizational competition. This kind of technology is typical for modern high-tech industries, complex technologies that require very high training. Work teams working in such technology may have problems organizing common activities between various specialists who know their own business well, but are little focused on understanding the specifics of their colleagues’ work, concentrating more on the problems of their own activities than on the problems of the organization as a whole. Participants in co-creative activities are characterized, as we noted above, by a special orientation - an orientation towards professional development. It is fundamentally different from the aspirations of participants in joint-individual activity; in this case, we are talking not so much about deepening within the framework of one problem or specialty, but about working in the border areas of human activity. A professional, unlike a specialist, is capable and even strives to go beyond the boundaries of his specialty and work using the tools of other specialists, which allows him not only to find new things, but also to deepen his understanding of problems. Thus, participants in the co-creative type of activity have a pronounced orientation towards cooperation with specialists in different fields, flexibility in changing positions, and focus on individual development. For teams working in this type of activity, the main value is achieving new knowledge, creating conditions for individual development, and respecting the rights of each participant. In contrast to the jointly interacting type of activity, in organizations of the jointly creative type it is impossible to solve problems by a majority vote and introduce a dictatorship of the majority. Problems must be resolved by consensus, and the final decision must necessarily leave the possibility of realizing the legitimate interests of the minority; their rights can never be violated.
By finance we will understand all the money and other funds that an organization has or can attract to carry out its own activities. It is customary to distinguish three main functions of finance:

  • distribution;
  • stimulating;
  • test.

An important parameter for the efficiency of an enterprise and a condition for successful business development is material and financial balance. Activities related to financial management of a company - financial management - are aimed at developing and implementing effective programs for the use of financial resources in achieving the goals of the company. It is possible to identify financial management goals that complement the goals of the organization as a whole. Such goals, for example, could be:

  • profit maximization;
  • achieving a sustainable rate of profit during the planning period;
  • increasing the income of the management team and investors (or owners) of the company;
  • increase in the market value of shares, etc.

The term "handling" originally meant the ability to break horses and control them. The English word "manage" comes from the root of the Latin word "manus" (hand). Then this word began to denote the ability to wield weapons and drive chariots.
The modern concept of “management” means the process of coordinating various activities taking into account their goals, conditions of implementation, and stages of implementation. Speaking about management as an element of an organization, we must first determine what tasks management performs in a particular organization and how it does it, that is, understand which areas are the subject of coordination and regulation and how this coordination is carried out.
The goals and objectives of management activities were discussed in sufficient detail in the previous chapter. Therefore, we will focus on those types of management that can be implemented in an organization.
The type of management is a characteristic of how management decisions are made (managerial form) and how they are implemented (control lever). Types of management, of course, must correspond to the culture of the organization, and therefore, to the characteristics of the personnel who work in it. One of the significant reasons for management inefficiency is the mismatch between these organizational parameters. What types of management can be distinguished?
The first type is characterized collectivist a managerial form that presupposes sole decision-making by the leader of the team, its leader. This management form corresponds to an organic organizational culture, in which the organization’s employees are obedient performers included in a family type of relationship. The main control lever in this case is the authority of the leader. Authority presupposes a large advance of trust on the part of the team. An authoritative leader receives almost unquestioning obedience, based on the acceptance of his opinion as the most correct, thoughtful and beneficial for employees. If a leader acts in accordance with the norms of the team, formulated in the form of traditions and rules of behavior, then he is perceived as a “correct”, effective leader who enjoys the trust of his subordinates. However, the advance of trust is not endless. If a leader begins to violate established norms and violate traditions, then he can be “overthrown.” Advance payment for violation of norms, or idiosyncratic credit, is different for each leader. If the manager has greater authority, he can violate the rules more significantly and over a long period of time; if the authority is less, then the patience of the employees will expire sooner, and he will be replaced.
The next type is characterized by a market management form. When using it, decisions are made in accordance with the laws of the market, and the market is the main measure of their effectiveness. The main lever of influence on personnel is money, which is quite consistent with the consideration of personnel as subjects of the labor market. A leader will seem strong and effective if he can provide his employees with remuneration corresponding to the effort expended, and more favorable financial conditions than another leader. This management form corresponds to an entrepreneurial organizational culture, in which there are, as a rule, active, passionate employees focused on such promotion in position, which will be associated with an increase in responsibility, the volume of work performed, and a corresponding increase in the level of remuneration.
Another type of control is associated with bureaucratic management form. In this case, decisions are made, as a rule, by a senior manager. The main lever of influence on subordinates is force, often based on the use of direct influence methods (orders, punishments). The main measure of the effectiveness and success of a leader is the degree of his influence on his subordinates. In this type of management, we will call a strong leader one whose orders are not discussed, but are immediately executed. This type of management form is characteristic of a bureaucratic organizational culture, which is characterized by the presence of technologically disciplined employees who strictly carry out their functions and the orders of their superiors.
A relatively new type of management that has emerged in a participative organizational culture is characterized by democratic managerial form. This type of management is associated with the use of law as the main lever of control. A participative organizational culture is characterized by the presence of professionals, on the one hand, focused on achieving results (gaining new knowledge), on the other hand, striving for their own professional development. Achieving such goals in a group that includes differently oriented, active, passionate individuals is impossible unless certain rules of behavior are established - laws. But these laws must be democratic and ensure both the achievement of the interests of the law-abiding majority and the respect for the legal rights of the minority.
Recently, researchers have begun to mention another new, emerging type of management, characterized by interactive management form. This type of management is characterized by the distribution of management functions, which can be effectively implemented only with the active, equal participation of all management subjects. Its main feature is the use of knowledge as the main control lever. It is possible to talk about the emergence of such an approach to management in the case when effective management activities cannot be carried out without using the knowledge of many different professionals who have their own specific ideas and facts that describe the managed reality. In this approach, a holistic view of the managed object, its state, ways of change and stages of achieving the goal will not be complete if at least one vision is lost. An example of such management is the work of a management team at the state level, which should include professionals who can see the largest number of aspects of decisions made, predict their consequences and minimize possible damage.

Relationship between organizational cultures, management forms and types of joint activities

Type of joint activity

Management form

Control lever









By personnel we will understand the totality of all human resources that an organization possesses. These are employees of the organization, as well as partners who are involved in the implementation of certain projects, experts who can be involved in conducting research, developing a strategy, implementing specific activities, etc.
It is the organization of effective personnel activities that is the main concern of the organization’s personnel management and, accordingly, the personnel manager. To achieve this goal, it is necessary to have a good understanding of the following characteristics of the organization’s personnel:

  • features of individual behavior;
  • features of group behavior;
  • behavioral characteristics of managers and members of the management team.

Features of individual behavior determined by many parameters, including:

  • individual abilities, inclinations and talent - predisposition to implement any activity, orientation towards its implementation;
  • the specifics of motivation - the specifics of human needs, an idea of ​​the goals of professional activity;
  • individual values ​​- general beliefs, faith, worldviews, ideas about the world;
  • demographic - gender and age characteristics;
  • national and cultural characteristics - methods, rules and norms of behavior learned through experience that determine specific human reactions in specific situations.

Features of group behavior are associated with many parameters, including the main ones:

  • features of corporate culture - values, rules of behavior characteristic of a particular workforce;
  • phenomena of group dynamics - the stage of development of the team, features of leadership, way of behavior in a conflict situation.

Peculiarities of behavior of managers are one of the most complex problems, since the managers themselves can be considered as:

Topic 1. Enterprise personnel as an object of management. Labor resources and employment problems. Basic concepts of personnel management.

The labor market is competitive when it is filled with young people who are looking for work based on their own vision of future professional prospects.

The labor market, based on general ideas about labor, can be either legal or illegal.

The legal labor market is a system of state and non-state organizations involved in employment, as well as the entire population of people officially looking for work.

The presence in the labor market of people looking for work, as well as those who are in the process of moving from one job to another, indicates the presence of open hidden unemployment.

Depending on the time interval, unemployment can be:

long-term (4-8 months);

long-term (8-18 months);

stagnant (over 18 months).

UP – personnel management

HRM – human resource management

UTD - labor activity management

SPP – production process management

In Russia, the subject of management can be an employee as an individual, as well as a group of people as a collective. The object of management can be an individual or a team under the specific conditions of professional activity.

The corresponding manager of the level he manages, based on his job responsibilities, can also act as a subject of management.

During the management process there is a continuous influence of the subject on the object.

SUP HR service

Personnel management in organizational structures usually reflects the specifics of the activity, the set of professional qualities of the personnel, existing traditions associated with the corporate management structure, etc.

During the work process, the employee needs to understand that:

His work is adequately assessed in material terms.

He is publicly recognized in the OS.

Sanitary and hygienic standards meet the requirements of the standards.

There are prospects for career growth.

There is an opportunity to continue improving your professional qualifications.

Optimal, from the employee’s point of view, relationships in the team have been established.

It is possible to influence, at least at the private level, decisions made in a democratic management style.

Topic 2. The place and role of personnel management in the management system of organizational structures.
The essence and objectives of management Principles and methods of personnel management

The role of personnel management in the organizational structure depends on the changing socio-economic situation, the adopted strategy, and the qualifications of personnel.

Based on this, we can say that personnel management is a set of activities of OS employees aimed at organizing the existing potential.

Based on this, control levels in the OS can be determined. These include administrative, economic, production and personnel management itself.


Organization of production efficiency based on the strategy being implemented in the market.

Increasing the efficiency of social protection of personnel, based on the capabilities of the organizational structure.

Optimization of relationships within OS teams at various levels.

Reinforcement of employees in the OS, based on their professional and moral qualities.

Coordination of production and social objectives in the process of strategy implementation.

Improving the efficiency of personnel management taking into account the use of new technologies.

Creation of necessary conditions for advanced training and retraining of personnel.

Implementation in practice of the long-term prospects for selection and hiring of personnel laid down in the OS strategy.

Identification of critical areas of contradictions or conflicts between employees.

There are two groups of principles in personnel management:

Principles related to the very process of forming a personnel management service.

Principles characterizing the very system of functioning of personnel management.

The principle of the primacy of personnel management functions characterizes the presence of management subsystems in the operating system.

The principle of optimizing the ratio of OS activities in the market, technological capabilities and the number of personnel that the OS needs to have. The implementation of this principle is based on the distribution of functions between the creation of a personnel management system and the organizational foundations of the formation of the enterprise.

The principle of the optimal process of job performance simulations.

The principle of economy. Usually it involves the effective construction of a management system, taking into account a possible reduction in the costs of its organization, based on the strategy adopted in the operating system. The implementation of this principle is based on the fact that the costs of creating a management system cannot exceed the costs associated with the marketing department; At the same time, the head of the company must think about what priorities he sees in the future in building the company.

The principle of progressivity. When creating a management system, a manager must try to implement in practice advanced personnel management technologies recognized in his field of business; create your own, specific management technologies with the help of your qualified managers.

The principle of hierarchical subordination.

The principle of prospects. When creating a management system, the manager must try to create a management system that would take into account the prospects for the development of the operating system itself.

The principle of science.

The principle of autonomy. During the implementation of any strategy, taking into account the trust of management in the personnel management service, as well as the job responsibilities of the service, the service itself should have the opportunity, in the person of the manager and specialists, to make decisions independently, without consulting with senior managers. This working condition allows the members of the Board of Directors to feel their own self-sufficiency and responsibility for the decisions made; the latter gives reason to assume that the management of the service, within its competence, bears full responsibility to the OS for the final result of the activities of its specialists. The control over the activities of specialists must be recorded by the manager of the management system in his work notes, adjusting, if necessary, the technological process of implementing management.

The principle of consistency.

The principle of efficiency.

Optimization principle.

The principle of comfort.

The principle of concentration.

The principle of specialization (division of labor).

Direct flow principle. Continuous receipt and exchange of operational information between the PMS employees regarding current and future issues.

The principle of adaptability.

The principle of continuity. When organizing a management program, succession involves the transfer of knowledge on essential management positions from a more experienced manager to less experienced ones.

Basic methods of UE.

System analysis method.

Method of expert assessments.

Method of creative meetings and scientific discussions.

Method of control questions. The PMS specialist, on a predetermined problem and with the notification of the relevant manager, prepares a list of problematic issues, distributing them among the relevant employees of the department.

Morphological method. Involves a set of combinations, understandable to all members of the management system, of categories of management activities

Topic 3. Organizational structure of the management system.
1. Construction of the structure of the management system. 2. Distribution of powers between members of the Board of Directors.

In the initial period of the company's activity, the management system, having already a staff of employees, as a rule, acts as the headquarters link of the entire operating system. Over time and as the company operates in the market, the management system acquires executive and distribution functions and is directly involved in managing the activities of the entire company.

The management system must take care to build a communications management system at its levels.

Types of connections:

Linear management communications.

Functional management connections.

Co-executive management relations.

Functional service connections.

Linear communications involve direct management of subordinate units by the manager. In this case, the line manager is the one who manages, and, consequently, performs tasks by the personnel subordinate to him, based on the rights granted to him, mandatory and delegated powers.

Functional connections are designed to provide methodological support and support for the tasks performed by personnel, including possible options related to consulting, as well as control of line managers and their subordinates. Functional connections also ensure the process of distribution and redistribution of management functions between managers with the subsequent determination of the main directions of their activities.

Co-executive connections involve combining the functions performed by a manager within the framework specified by the top manager in the direction of implementing management decisions.

Functional service connections involve the allocation of subjects in the management system who are engaged in the preparation, analysis and research of the information received, the development of proposals aimed at improving the activities of the operating system and the subsequent transfer of the data bank both directly to the manager and, by special order, to the direct or direct managers.

Providing management decisions may depend on:

elements of the structural structure of the company;

financial opportunities related to the management activities of the PMS;

the position occupied by the management of the management system;

personal ambitions of line and functional managers related to their direct participation in PM.

Initial stage of activity: SUP - headquarters version:


Deputy directors

in Marketing

Deputy directors

Deputy production director

Deputy director of administration

Production planning department

Accounting department

Planning to build an OS

Position of the management system in terms of subordination to the director of the company:

The rights and powers of the head of the management system are limited, based on the job responsibilities of the head of the management system.

This position indicates the role that the company’s management assigns to the management system.

The steering functions of the management system may be limited directly to personnel activities related to the preparation of relevant documents, as well as the selection and hiring of personnel.

Multifunctional company:

Product department A

Product department B

Production manager

Sales manager




Incentive and remuneration sector

personnel analysis and accounting

Selection and hiring of personnel.

Training, retraining, certification, personnel control, formation of a socio-psychological climate.

Analysis and evaluation of personnel performance, development of a tariff schedule, economic incentives for labor, control over the payment of social benefits.

Social statistics of the company’s personnel potential by gender and age professional characteristics, as well as preparation of proposals for optimizing intra-company communication.

Ensuring technical safety, sanitary and hygienic standards, organizing sports work, analyzing injuries in the environment, preparing proposals for improvement in this area.

The head of the personnel department is the chief specialist, 4 people are subordinate to him (senior specialist, senior inspector, inspectors).

The senior specialist is responsible for the formation of a general data bank on socio-professional, gender, age, etc. characteristics of the personnel. His work is related to timekeeping and subsequent transfer of data to accounting.

The activities of three inspectors are designed to ensure the implementation of formal technology for hiring and dismissal, transfer to other divisions of the company, maintaining work books, personal files, military registration, medical insurance, medical examination and issues of division of labor in the company.

The personnel development department employs 5 managers. 2 managers are responsible for selecting and hiring personnel, organizing interviews, technical preparation of documents related to this process, organizing advertising, and searching for potential OS employees in universities. The 3rd manager is responsible for personnel certification. 4-1 manager is engaged in work related to staff motivation, working in the field. The 5th manager is responsible for determining the categories of personnel, forming a staffing structure, and preparing proposals to increase wages for certain categories of personnel, based on length of service, quality of work, and profitability of production.

The head of the management system has the right, either initially, or based on the changing situation, to determine for any manager of the development department an additional direction in the work, for the optimization of which the latter bears full responsibility to the operating system.

Basic requirements for a memo based on the results of a manager’s work in a specific division of the company:


Specificity in the material presented.

Laconic wording.

Conciseness of the text (2-3 pages).


When developing proposals, determining specific deadlines for implementation.

When developing proposals related to finance, consultation with relevant specialists is mandatory.

Levels of control:


Head of the relevant department.

Deputy Head of the SUP.

Head of the SUP.

Commercial Director.

Organizational structure of the enterprise (option):

Topic 4. Organizational construction of management in the structures of market relations
Management bodies of individual private enterprises. Management bodies of other forms of ownership

Characteristics of the management bodies of the private sector.


governing body

Number and

terms of election

Who shapes

Who is appointed

Functions performed

1 2 3 4 5
Owner. He establishes the laws of the private sector At least 1 person before stopping work on the market Owner Executive Director. Head of department Creation of a charter, formation of an authorized capital, plans and reports, creation and liquidation of an enterprise
Family Council By mutual agreement Founders Chairman of the Board or Executive Director Charter, authorized capital, amount of contributions, reports, plans, creation and liquidation of OS.

Organization of management of a general partnership.

The partnership includes general partners who bear full joint liability for the obligations of the partnership with all their property with the right to a casting vote at the general meeting, as well as participant-investors who bear obligations on deposits, do not take part in business activities and do not have a casting vote on general meeting.

1 2 3 4 5
General meeting At least 2 legal entities and individuals Legal entities and individuals Governing body

Charter, agreement, definition of warehouse and authorized capital, balance of profits, losses, creation and

liquidation of the enterprise

Partnership of Faith
General meeting of the general partnership and commanders At least 2 individuals or legal entities, determined by the charter Full comrades Chairman of the board (council, if defined by the charter) Charter, authorized capital, amount of contributions, plans, reports, creation and liquidation
Governing body 1-2 people for 1-2 years Full comrades Executive Director, Head of Division Personnel policy, finance, personnel management, social policy
Director By decision of the general meeting General meeting or board All staff OS management during the period between general meetings of comrades
Audit committee In accordance with the charter, there can be at least 3 people for a period of 1-2 years Full comrades Chairman Internal audit of the partnership


General meeting

Governing body



Lawyer-consultant personnel officer

Repair and restoration department

City transportation department

Out of town transportation department

Limited Liability Company


governing body

Number and

terms of election

Who shapes

Who is appointed

Functions performed

1 2 3 4 5
General meeting of founders, the highest legislative body At least 1 legal or natural person Founder President (Chairman of the Board)

Adoption and amendment of the charter, determination of the authorized capital, the amount of contributions of participants.

Reports before the general meeting

Governing body According to the charter, but not less than 3 people if the LLC has more than 10 people General meeting Executive Director, Head of Division Development of a management strategy, organization of a personnel management service, implementation of personnel issues, ensuring financial activities, ensuring personnel policy
Director By decision of the meeting of directors General meeting All staff Operational management of the company in the period between the work of the general meeting and the board

Organizational structure of LLC management

Board of Management

Governing body


Secretary, Legal Consultant HR Officer

Topic 5. Personnel policy of the enterprise.
Recruitment and selection of personnel. Technology of personnel recruitment in OS.

Personnel selection includes:

1. Requirements for a candidate to occupy a position. For these purposes, the following can be worked out in advance: job descriptions, qualification cards, competence cards.

Job responsibilities are a kind of functional characteristics of the workplace and regulate the procedure for the employee to perform duties, for the results of which he is responsible to the line manager.

Job responsibilities:


legal liability.

In practice: the general block - what it is responsible for, the private block - what it is obliged to do.

Job responsibilities are drawn up by the line manager, individual positions are recommended by the head of the line manager; signed by the line manager.

In proportion determined by the specific situation. On the other hand, strategic management requires constant management methods that make the leader’s behavior stable and predictable. Figures 3, 4, 5, 6 show classifications of management methods. Figure 3. Classification of administrative methods of personnel management Figure 4 - Classification of elements regulated by economic methods...

Unfortunately, this does not happen in all modern organizations, especially at the lower levels of the hierarchy - at the level of workshops, teams, groups. This significantly reduces the effectiveness of personnel management in the organization as a whole, since managers are the most important instrument for implementing personnel management methods, and insufficient attention on their part to these issues is transformed into...

Determined by the actual operating conditions of corporations. They, in turn, are largely determined by the current mechanism of state-monopoly regulation. Personnel management in Japanese management Japan is a special country, unlike any other; and those countless techniques that are actively being developed and applied by specialists in scientific personnel management in...

Stages for the formation and implementation of a personnel marketing plan. The general methodology of personnel marketing is based on the basic principles of the theory of “production” marketing. The basis of the concept of personnel management of an organization currently consists of the increasing role of the employee’s personality, knowledge of his motivational attitudes, the ability to form and direct them in accordance with the tasks, ...


Topic 1. Enterprise personnel as an object of management.

1. Labor resources and employment problems.

2. Basic concepts of personnel management.


The labor market is competitive when it is filled with young people who are looking for work based on their own vision of future professional prospects.

The labor market, based on general ideas about labor, can be either legal or illegal.

The legal labor market is a system of state and non-state organizations involved in employment, as well as the entire population of people officially looking for work.

The presence in the labor market of people looking for work, as well as those who are in the process of moving from one job to another, indicates the presence of open hidden unemployment.

Depending on the time interval, unemployment can be:

Long-term (4-8 months);

Long-term (8-18 months);

Stagnant (over 18 months).

UP – personnel management

HRM – human resource management

UTD - labor activity management

SPP – production process management

In Russia, the subject of management can be an employee as an individual, as well as a group of people as a collective. The object of management can be an individual or a team under the specific conditions of professional activity.

The corresponding manager of the level he manages, based on his job responsibilities, can also act as a subject of management.

During the management process there is a continuous influence of the subject on the object.

SUP HR service

Personnel management in organizational structures usually reflects the specifics of the activity, the set of professional qualities of the personnel, existing traditions associated with the corporate management structure, etc.


During the work process, the employee needs to understand that:

1. His work is adequately assessed in material terms.

2. He is publicly recognized in the OS.

3. Sanitary and hygienic standards meet the requirements of the standards.

4. There are prospects for career growth.

5. There is an opportunity to continue improving your professional qualifications.

6. Optimal, from the employee’s point of view, relationships in the team have been established.

7. There is a possibility of influencing, at least at the private level, decisions made in a democratic management style.

Topic 2. The place and role of personnel management in the management system of organizational structures.

1. The essence and tasks of management

2. Principles and methods of personnel management


The role of personnel management in the organizational structure depends on the changing socio-economic situation, the adopted strategy, and the qualifications of personnel.

Based on this, we can say that personnel management is a set of activities of OS employees aimed at organizing the existing potential.

Based on this, control levels in the OS can be determined. These include administrative, economic, production and personnel management itself.


1. Organization of production efficiency, based on the strategy being implemented in the market.

2. Increasing the efficiency of social protection of personnel, based on the capabilities of the organizational structure.

3. Optimization of relations within OS teams at various levels.

4. Reinforcement of employees in the OS, based on their professional and moral qualities.

5. Coordination of production and social objectives in the process of implementing the strategy.

6. Improving the efficiency of personnel management, taking into account the use of new technologies.

7. Creation of the necessary conditions for improving qualifications and retraining of personnel.

8. Implementation in practice of the long-term prospects for selection and hiring of personnel laid down in the OS strategy.

9. Identification of critical areas of contradictions or conflicts between employees.


In personnel management there is two groups of principles :

1. Principles related to the very process of forming a personnel management service.

2. Principles characterizing the system of functioning of personnel management itself.

The principle of the primacy of personnel management functions characterizes the presence of control subsystems in the OS.

Optimization principle the ratio of OS activities in the market, technological capabilities and the number of personnel that the OS needs to have. The implementation of this principle is based on the distribution of functions between the creation of a personnel management system and the organizational foundations of the formation of the enterprise.

The principle of the optimal process of job performance simulations.

The principle of economy. Usually it involves the effective construction of a management system, taking into account a possible reduction in the costs of its organization, based on the strategy adopted in the operating system. The implementation of this principle is based on the fact that the costs of creating a management system cannot exceed the costs associated with the marketing department; At the same time, the head of the company must think about what priorities he sees in the future in building the company.

The principle of progressivity. When creating a management system, a manager must try to implement in practice advanced personnel management technologies recognized in his field of business; create your own, specific management technologies with the help of your qualified managers.

The principle of hierarchical subordination.

The principle of prospects. When creating a management system, the manager must try to create a management system that would take into account the prospects for the development of the operating system itself.

The principle of science.

The principle of autonomy. During the implementation of any strategy, taking into account the trust of management in the personnel management service, as well as the job responsibilities of the service, the service itself should have the opportunity, in the person of the manager and specialists, to make decisions independently, without consulting with senior managers. This working condition allows the members of the Board of Directors to feel their own self-sufficiency and responsibility for the decisions made; the latter gives reason to assume that the management of the service, within its competence, bears full responsibility to the OS for the final result of the activities of its specialists. The control over the activities of specialists must be recorded by the manager of the management system in his work notes, adjusting, if necessary, the technological process of implementing management.

The principle of consistency.

The principle of efficiency.

Optimization principle.

The principle of comfort.

The principle of concentration.

The principle of specialization (division of labor).

Direct flow principle. Continuous receipt and exchange of operational information between the PMS employees regarding current and future issues.

The principle of adaptability.

The principle of continuity. When organizing a management program, succession involves the transfer of knowledge on essential management positions from a more experienced manager to less experienced ones.

Basic methods of UE.

1. System analysis method.

2. Method of expert assessments.

3. Method of creative meetings and scientific discussions.

4. Method of control questions. The PMS specialist, on a predetermined problem and with the notification of the relevant manager, prepares a list of problematic issues, distributing them among the relevant employees of the department.

5. Morphological method. Involves a set of combinations, understandable to all members of the management system, of categories of management activities

Topic 3. Organizational structure of the management system.

1. Construction of the structure of the management system.

2. Distribution of powers between members of the Board of Directors.


In the initial period of the company's activity, the management system, having already a staff of employees, as a rule, acts as the headquarters link of the entire operating system. Over time and as the company operates in the market, the management system acquires executive and distribution functions and is directly involved in managing the activities of the entire company.

The management system must take care to build a communications management system at its levels.

Types of connections:

1. Linear management connections.

2. Functional management connections.

3. Co-executive management relations.

4. Functional service connections.

Linear communications involve direct management of subordinate units by the manager. In this case, the line manager is the one who manages, and, consequently, performs tasks by the personnel subordinate to him, based on the rights granted to him, mandatory and delegated powers.

Functional connections are designed to provide methodological support and support for the tasks performed by personnel, including possible options related to consulting, as well as control of line managers and their subordinates. Functional connections also ensure the process of distribution and redistribution of management functions between managers with the subsequent determination of the main directions of their activities.

Co-executive connections involve combining the functions performed by a manager within the framework specified by the top manager in the direction of implementing management decisions.

Functional service connections involve the allocation of subjects in the management system who are engaged in the preparation, analysis and research of the information received, the development of proposals aimed at improving the activities of the operating system and the subsequent transfer of the data bank both directly to the manager and, by special order, to the direct or direct managers.

Providing management decisions may depend on:

Elements of the structural structure of the company;

Financial opportunities related to the management activities of the PMS;

The position taken by the management of the management system;

Personal ambitions of line and functional managers related to their direct participation in PM.

Initial stage of activity: SUP - headquarters version:

Position of the management system in terms of subordination to the director of the company:

The rights and powers of the head of the management system are limited, based on the job responsibilities of the head of the management system.

This position indicates the role that the company’s management assigns to the management system.

The steering functions of the management system may be limited directly to personnel activities related to the preparation of relevant documents, as well as the selection and hiring of personnel.

Multifunctional company:

1. Selection and hiring of personnel.

2. Training, retraining, certification, personnel control, formation of a socio-psychological climate.

3. Analysis and assessment of personnel performance, development of a tariff schedule, economic incentives for labor, control over the payment of social benefits.

4. Social statistics of the company’s personnel potential by gender and age professional characteristics, as well as preparation of proposals for optimizing intra-company communication.

5. Ensuring technical safety, sanitary and hygienic standards, organizing sports work, analyzing injuries in the environment, preparing proposals for improvement in this area.

The head of the personnel department is the chief specialist, 4 people are subordinate to him (senior specialist, senior inspector, inspectors).

The senior specialist is responsible for the formation of a general data bank on socio-professional, gender, age, etc. characteristics of the personnel. His work is related to timekeeping and subsequent transfer of data to accounting.

The activities of three inspectors are designed to ensure the implementation of formal technology for hiring and dismissal, transfer to other divisions of the company, maintaining work books, personal files, military registration, medical insurance, medical examination and issues of division of labor in the company.

The personnel development department employs 5 managers. 2 managers are responsible for selecting and hiring personnel, organizing interviews, technical preparation of documents related to this process, organizing advertising, and searching for potential OS employees in universities. The 3rd manager is responsible for personnel certification. 4-1 manager is engaged in work related to staff motivation, working in the field. The 5th manager is responsible for determining the categories of personnel, forming a staffing structure, and preparing proposals to increase wages for certain categories of personnel, based on length of service, quality of work, and profitability of production.

The head of the management system has the right, either initially, or based on the changing situation, to determine for any manager of the development department an additional direction in the work, for the optimization of which the latter bears full responsibility to the operating system.

Basic requirements for a memo based on the results of a manager’s work in a specific division of the company:

1. Efficiency.

2. Specificity in the material presented.

3. Laconic wording.

4. Conciseness of the text (2-3 pages).

5. Targeting.

6. When developing proposals, determining specific deadlines for implementation.

7. When developing proposals related to finance, mandatory consultation with relevant specialists.

Levels of control:

1. Self-control.

2. Head of the relevant department.

3. Deputy head of the SUP.

4. Head of the SUP.

5. Commercial director.

Organizational structure of the enterprise (option):

Topic 4. Organizational construction of management in the structures of market relations

1. Management bodies of individual private enterprises.

2. Management bodies of other forms of ownership


Characteristics of the management bodies of the private sector.


governing body

Number and

terms of election

Who shapes Who is appointed Functions performed
1 2 3 4 5
Owner. He establishes the laws of the private sector At least 1 person before stopping work on the market Owner Executive Director. Head of department Creation of a charter, formation of an authorized capital, plans and reports, creation and liquidation of an enterprise
Family Council By mutual agreement Founders Chairman of the Board or Executive Director Charter, authorized capital, amount of contributions, reports, plans, creation and liquidation of OS.

Organization of management of a general partnership.

The partnership includes general partners who bear full joint liability for the obligations of the partnership with all their property with the right to a casting vote at the general meeting, as well as participant-investors who bear obligations on deposits, do not take part in business activities and do not have a casting vote on general meeting.

1 2 3 4 5
General meeting At least 2 legal entities and individuals Legal entities and individuals Governing body

Charter, agreement, definition of warehouse and authorized capital, balance of profits, losses, creation and

liquidation of the enterprise

Partnership of Faith
General meeting of the general partnership and commanders At least 2 individuals or legal entities, determined by the charter Full comrades Chairman of the board (council, if defined by the charter) Charter, authorized capital, amount of contributions, plans, reports, creation and liquidation
Governing body 1-2 people for 1-2 years Full comrades Executive Director, Head of Division Personnel policy, finance, personnel management, social policy
Director By decision of the general meeting General meeting or board All staff OS management during the period between general meetings of comrades
Audit committee In accordance with the charter, there can be at least 3 people for a period of 1-2 years Full comrades Chairman Internal audit of the partnership


Limited Liability Company


governing body

Number and

terms of election

Who shapes Who is appointed Functions performed
1 2 3 4 5
General meeting of founders, the highest legislative body At least 1 legal or natural person Founder President (Chairman of the Board)

Adoption and amendment of the charter, determination of the authorized capital, the amount of contributions of participants.

Reports before the general meeting

Governing body According to the charter, but not less than 3 people if the LLC has more than 10 people General meeting Executive Director, Head of Division Development of a management strategy, organization of a personnel management service, implementation of personnel issues, ensuring financial activities, ensuring personnel policy
Director By decision of the meeting of directors General meeting All staff Operational management of the company in the period between the work of the general meeting and the board

Organizational structure of LLC management

Closed joint stock company.

AOZT forms management organizations that are designed to ensure consistency in management related to ensuring management within the framework of the respective equity contributions of shareholders who bear full responsibility to the contributions of other AOZT participants.

Topic 5. Personnel policy of the enterprise.

1. Recruitment and selection of personnel.

2. Technology for hiring personnel in the operating system.


Personnel selection includes:

1. Requirements for a candidate for the position. For these purposes, the following can be worked out in advance: job descriptions, qualification cards, competence cards.

Job responsibilities are a kind of functional characteristics of the workplace and regulate the procedure for the employee to perform duties, for the results of which he is responsible to the line manager.

Job responsibilities:


Legal liability.

In practice: the general block - what it is responsible for, the private block - what it is obliged to do.

Job responsibilities are drawn up by the line manager, individual positions are recommended by the head of the line manager; signed by the line manager.

Qualification card:

Compiled in advance in the OS for a specific position, this is a document that reflects some parameters. It includes:

Employee education;

Work experience in the relevant position before hiring in the OS;



Profession and qualifications.

Competency card:

Technology for implementing an employee’s professional skills in a specific area;

Personal qualities of the employee;


Leadership quality;

Communication skills;

Technology of adaptation in a team;


Religious affiliation.

2. Attracting candidates.

Attracting candidates to the OS can be done as follows:

1. Search inside the OS.

2. Selection with the help of employees.

3. Selection using self-appointed candidates.

5. Public and private agencies.

6. Internet.

7. Work in universities of the city.

Personnel selection.

Personnel selection in the OS may include:

1. Primary selection.

2. Interview.

3. Making inquiries about a potential client.

4. Interview with the head of the structural unit.

5. Tests.

6. Making a hiring decision.

Primary selection.

Usually includes an analysis of the list of candidates for filling a vacant position, taking into account the requirements.

The main goal of selection is to screen out candidates who do not have the minimum set of characteristics to fill the position.

When proposing primary selection for implementation, the HR manager must have an idea of ​​the budget, the adopted strategy, corporate culture, and the significance of a particular position for the operating system.

For the most common methods:

1. Analysis of personal data.

2. Testing.

3. Sometimes expert support.

Analysis of personal data involves isolating from the general array of available characteristics about candidates the most important from the manager’s point of view and which can be a control lever for line managers.

Analysis of personal data allows you to compare the actual data of the candidate with your own model of the position.

Questions in the questionnaire can be included in sufficient quantity, but their amount for subsequent analysis must correspond to the time that the manager may have to analyze them.

This method is quite cheap, but very limited in evaluation.

Tests have two types:

According to general social and psychological parameters;

In the field of a narrow profession.

The complexity of the tests depends on the position and on the corresponding set of profiling questions, the answers to which are associated with the market activities of the OS.

When testing, it is necessary to take into account the psychological state of those answering the questions, observe them and, unnoticed by the latter, the manager formalizes his own impressions.

Handwriting research. This method is based on a theory that explains the emphasizing features of a person.


The main purpose of the interview is to identify a limited number of candidates with whom the OS could cooperate.

Goal: assessing the degree to which the candidate matches the portrait of the initial employee for the company, his ability to grow professionally, and his ability to adapt to a new situation.

The EMS worker is called upon to focus attention on the general and specific personality traits of a potential employee.

The interview technology may depend on:

OS tradition;

The adopted strategy;

Manager's personality;

Tasks set by the manager;

The candidate’s own ambitions, etc.

The results of the interview must be documented.

Basic questions that a manager should receive answers to after the interview:

1. Will the candidate be able to perform the future job?

2. Will he, in principle, do the job efficiently, taking into account the requirements of the OS?

3. Is the candidate suitable for the job?

Interview technology:

One on one;

Collective character;

With the participation of members of the Board of Directors and the administration.


Minor decorations;

No bright colors;

Business suit;

No miniskirts;

In her hands is a small handbag;

Small notebook with pen;

Not bright tights.

No crossed arms;

No legs crossed;

Doesn't extend his hand first;

If you extend your hand across the table, then approach the manager from the side that is convenient;

Business suit (not bright colors)

If the manager is a woman, then enter with a respectful look;

It is better to refuse the offer to smoke.

After the interview, the manager can make additional inquiries about the candidate. Main sources:

1. Selective opinion of colleagues.

2. Instructions from your previous place of work.

3. If necessary and possible, from internal affairs bodies, tax police.

4. Information about the candidate from those people whose names and surnames are provided by the candidate himself.

Interview with line manager.

The interview is conducted with the future manager in the presence of a member of the Management Board. The first solves problems related to the professional assessment of the candidate and his capabilities to perform future tasks. He is also called upon to personally assess the degree of possible professional compatibility of the candidate with the team, as well as the likelihood of his successful adaptation. The SUP representative solves the usual problems: selection, hiring of personnel.

In addition, the line manager usually:

1. Provides information about his unit.

2. Information about the qualitative characteristics of the vacant position.

3. Information about the upcoming performance of relevant functions.

4. Information about the mode and work schedule.

5. Information about the remuneration system.

6. General traditions of the unit.

7. Social protection system.

Both the CMS representative and the line manager must prepare in advance for the meeting with the candidate; based on this, the following stages of interview preparation are distinguished:

1. Actually preparing for the interview.

2. Creating an atmosphere of mutual trust.

3. Intensive exchange of information between the parties.

4. Conclusion.

5. Analysis and evaluation of the interview results.


The following are usually involved in the hiring decision:

SUP HR Manager;

Head of the SUP;

Line manager;

One of the functional managers in charge of the direction in which the potential candidate will work;

One of their top managers;

Personnel commission, if it is specially created in the OS.

Decision is made:

Employment history;




Application for admission.

List of standard documents for admission and registration for work:

Personnel records sheet;

Personal application for employment;

Employment history;

Original and copy of diploma;

Characteristics from the last place of work;

Two photos;

Job responsibilities;

A contract that specifies the rights, duties and responsibilities of the parties.