Business plan for poultry farming at home. Poultry farming as an affordable home business

Attention! The free business plan offered for download below is a sample. A business plan that best suits the conditions of your business must be created with the help of specialists.

Poultry farm business plan

Even in my deep childhood, I really liked to go to the village to my grandparents. They raised chickens, turkeys and geese. They earned their living by selling eggs and, on special orders from friends or just fellow villagers, bird carcasses.

I loved helping my grandfather feed the animals and collect the eggs! At such moments I felt as if I had been entrusted with a super secret mission.

Time passed, my grandmother and grandfather died long ago, but these memories from childhood did not leave me all my life.

And so, when I crossed the threshold of 30 years, and at work my boss again completely undeservedly reprimanded me regarding the supposedly pulled out of thin air report for last month, which I had been working on for a week, I realized that enough was enough.

Then he slammed the office door for the last time.

It was necessary to urgently decide something and change your life. But how? Where to go? Where can I find a job that will give me pleasure, but at the same time guarantee me a stable income with which I can feed my rather large family?

There were clearly more questions than answers. On this sad note I went to bed, and when I woke up I realized that all night in my dream I had been walking around my beloved village and feeding my grandfather’s birds.

I decided that my grandfather himself wanted me to continue his business and realized that I wanted to open a poultry farm and nothing more.

It took more than one month of hard work to achieve the desired result.

It was necessary to start somewhere.

Remembering the basics of entrepreneurship, which we had studied for half a semester at the university in the first year, I realized that I needed a business plan and, like all normal Russian people, I went looking for it on the Internet for free.

But free, as they say, is just a fig and butter. I got it even without oil. Everything that was on the Runet was outright nonsense. I realized that things wouldn’t work that way and began to look for people who would write it for me for money.

Of course, I found such masters. But the price tag of 40-50 thousand rubles made me smoke almost a pack of cigarettes. I was not ready to pay so much money for such basic work, and a business plan was needed in any case.

And I, like a true man, decided that I would do everything myself. Thank God the head is growing from the right place. I didn’t remember at all how business plans were written, although this was 100% discussed in the same basics of entrepreneurship. Well, no problem.

I found a template on the Internet, paid 350 rubles for it, and didn’t regret it for a minute! Not only did I finally remember at least some of what I was taught at the university, but I also wrote my own business plan, which, as you can see, works, because it was on this basis that I opened my poultry farm.

Don’t be afraid to try to write yourself, there’s nothing super complicated about it. If you have trouble with numbers, ask an economist you know or any student of the Faculty of Economics, preferably in an older course, and he will write down all the numbers for you. After all, spending 350 rubles instead of 50 thousand is cool!

Is not it so?

Subsistence farming Poultry farming

Some useful information and a brief presentation of the poultry business plan:

Poultry farming business plan for business development


We present to you a business plan for creating a Poultry Farm.

Project objectives:

  • Complete satisfaction of the live poultry and fresh egg consumer market;
  • Creation of a profitable enterprise;
  • Obtaining a stable, monthly profit.

The project will be financed using a loan issued on a commercial basis in the amount of 1,125,000 rubles at 17.5% per annum, which is the initial cost of the project.
The amount of accrued interest will be equal to 76,650 rubles.
The conventional life cycle of the project is 2 years.
The project will begin to pay off approximately 2 months after its launch.
The total expected income for the conditional life cycle will be about 171433602.08 rubles.


To open a project such as a poultry farm, several conditions must be met:

  • Mandatory presence of a water tower;
  • Electrical substation;
  • A room for breeding birds, equipped with a variety of cages, feeders, drinking containers, etc.;
  • A plot of land that will accommodate all production.

Don't forget that if you plan to supply your products to stores, you need to register as a legal entity, otherwise stores will not have the right to cooperate with you.

Types of birds, and the return of each of them

1. Geese:
a) The approximate weight of a commercial carcass is from 5 to 10 kg.
b) Each goose produces about 600 grams of down, at a cost of $40 per kilogram.
c) The sebaceous gland of a goose, needed in the production of cosmetics, costs from 2 dollars.
d) 1 kg of litter daily.
e) From each goose you have 40 flight feathers.

2. Turkeys:
a) Marketable carcass weight – 8-18 kg
b) Turkey farming is considered much more profitable than, for example, pig farming. When breeding turkeys, all expenses will pay off in about 1.5 months.

3. Ducks:
a) The duck grows up within 50 days
b) The weight of a commercial duck is 2-2.5 kg
c) Adult ducks of certain breeds lay a huge number of eggs: up to 140 eggs per year
d) From a normal, adult duck with a brood, closer to autumn, it is realistic to get 100-120 kg of meat.

4. Chickens:
a) The chicken begins to lay eggs at the age of 40-50 days.
b) During the year, one chicken lays about 220 eggs, while some breeds lay up to 300.
c) On average, a chicken will lay eggs for about 5 months, then it can be put under the knife and the carcass can be sold.

Table No. 1. Potential of poultry farming services in Russia

At the moment, there are a great many small enterprises that are engaged in breeding birds and selling eggs. The vast majority of these companies do not feel competition, since this market is difficult to saturate.

This business quickly pays for itself, functions perfectly with a small amount of investment, requires a business plan in order to follow detailed guidelines, with all calculations, deadlines, and risks.

Table No. 2. Growth of poultry market participants in Russia

Optimally speaking, all costs for equipment will pay off literally in a year, then you will receive only net profit.

Moreover, the profit will be many times higher than the initial investment, and well-established production will allow you to receive considerable amounts of stable income.

The most profitable for this business are wholesale buyers. For long-term cooperation with them in the future, you can come up with various bonus programs and discounts.

In the country's agronomic sector, one of the leading positions is occupied by the poultry sector, namely the breeding of laying hens. Experts believe that raising these birds is a profitable type of business, because eggs are one of the key products on store shelves and never go stale.

But before you start organizing your own business, you need to familiarize yourself with all the nuances of this, at first glance, simple matter.

When starting to implement your own business idea, it is first recommended to prepare a step-by-step business plan. This will not only help you anticipate problems that may arise in the future, but will also help you obtain a loan from a bank. With a well-drafted business plan for a beginner, a farmer will be able to calculate the initial costs and payback periods.

Before you start developing your business, you need to calculate all the costs.

Raising chickens can be done both in urban and rural areas. To build a chicken coop, you don’t need a lot of space; a small area is enough, which makes it possible to organize a business in the city.

Of course, in rural conditions it is much easier to find extra territory for birds to walk and construction of a comfortable poultry house.

Important. If expansion is planned in the future, it is better to officially register your farm or become an individual entrepreneur, which will significantly simplify the certification procedure for egg products. You should know that in this case you will need to regularly send reports to the tax service and pay taxes.

Next, the novice businessman needs to decide how the laying hens will be kept: cage or floor. Depending on the chosen method, the cost of equipping the chicken coop will be calculated. Floor housing is more preferable for laying hens and is less expensive, since there is no need to buy special racks for cages and develop a system of drinking bowls and feeders.

Floor keeping of laying hens is more preferable for chickens.

You can rent, buy, or build a chicken coop yourself. Almost any barn-type room is suitable for arranging a poultry house if the walls are carefully insulated. During construction, you can use available materials: wooden boards, slate or cinder block. The chicken coop should be well insulated with sawdust or straw, and in winter a layer of insulation about 15 cm thick is laid on the floor. In a warm room, chickens will produce eggs all year round.

When arranging a chicken coop, you should pay attention to some requirements, compliance with which will lead to highly productive activity of laying hens:

It is necessary to maintain the optimal temperature for the birds in the chicken coop.

Attention. Critical temperatures for laying hens are considered to be 27 degrees in the summer and sub-zero temperatures in the winter. If the temperature drops sharply, the bird may get frostbite, and if the temperature is too high, it will stop laying eggs.

When organizing a home chicken breeding business, you should take a responsible approach to choosing a breed. Experienced entrepreneurs believe that in order to obtain high-quality egg products it is necessary to purchase representatives of egg crosses.

The most popular type of egg production is the Leghorn breed, which boasts an annual productivity of 300 snow-white eggs weighing from 55 to 58 grams. Some poultry farmers prefer the equally profitable Loman Brown layer hens, which annually produce about 320 light brown eggs.

Often, chickens of the Hisex egg cross, known for its White and Brown varieties, are chosen for rural farmsteads. These birds have an average build, weighing no more than 2 kg and annually lay about 300-320 eggs weighing 65-70 grams. It is noteworthy that the eggs of Hisex White laying hens contain a minimum of cholesterol and are classified as dietary.

Leghorn chickens are one of the best laying hens for commercial keeping.

Among the huge number of productive breeds, there are several more that deserve respect:

  • Neugenbraun – 351 eggs weighing 61.5 grams;
  • Isa Brown - 342 pieces weighing 61.6 grams;
  • – 336 eggs weighing 61.9 grams;
  • Super nick and Tetra - 330 eggs weighing 62 grams;
  • Bovans - 326 pieces weighing 62.7 grams.

Egg-laying chicken breeds are distinguished by early maturity and begin laying eggs at 4 months of age. This period lasts about 2 years, after which it is rational to get rid of the birds and replace them with young stock.

Before purchasing young animals, you should understand all the details and details. Even for a beginner it will be feasible to keep about 500 laying hens, but for the first time it is better to purchase only a few dozen. The number of purchased birds must be calculated based on the dimensions of the chicken coop and living conditions.

To develop your business, it is better to purchase raised pullets.

When kept on the floor for 5 individuals, 1 square meter is enough. meters, and with a cage for 8 heads, 1 cage should be provided. It is important to remember that in a chicken coop there must be at least 1 male for every 10 females.

Purchasing laying hens for eggs as a business is more profitable than purchasing meat and egg or meat breeds. To reduce costs, you can purchase chicks at 2-3 months of age, but in this case there is a high probability of error since clear differences in sexual characteristics begin to appear only at 2-3 months.

It is also possible to purchase grown young animals up to 5 months of age, until they begin the process of laying eggs. You should buy birds from trusted and reliable sellers, after reading reviews about them. Chickens must be vaccinated.

To maintain good health and high productivity of chickens indoors, it is recommended to maintain a certain temperature regime from -2 to +27 degrees.

The walls in the chicken coop are regularly treated with lime.

Most farmers involved in breeding laying hens choose factory-made combined feed as the basis of nutrition. Prices for it may vary in different regions, but on average the cost varies between 9-20 rubles per 1 kg. The birds are fed twice a day, the daily norm for one individual is about 120-150 grams. It is necessary to add 50 grams of grain crops to the daily diet: oats, corn, wheat.

For egg-laying breeds, it is unacceptable to eat various kitchen waste, since an unbalanced diet can reduce the productivity of a laying hen by almost half.

It is better to give preference to ready-made combined feed for laying hens.

In the summer, the diet of quons must include fresh greens and root vegetables, which can be grown in the same area. It is commendable if birds have the opportunity to walk and independently obtain food in the form of insects and worms.

Important. To strengthen the birds' immunity and prevent the development of diseases, it is necessary to dilute the daily menu with vitamin supplements and minerals in the form of chalk, eggshells, table salt or crushed shell rock.

The chicken breeding business will be successful if the laying hen that hatches the chickens and the rooster are accurately selected. A strong and active male is capable of producing healthy, high-quality offspring.

When choosing young hens, you need to inspect its comb: if it is large in size and rich red in color, then this is a good laying hen. In addition, the chicken must have a calm disposition, then she will not leave her nest. A large soft belly indicates the fertility of the quonk - she is able to provide a lot of warmth to the chicks and will become a caring mother.

A good laying hen has a bright red comb and earrings.

You need to select eggs for laying that are clean and of the correct shape. After the chicks hatch, they need to be helped to get rid of the shell and return to the nest under the hen. They will have to spend about 40 days next to their mother, or until they are sold.

Buying chickens on the market is always accompanied by the risk of buying crosses that are productive only in the first generation. In such a situation, you should not expect high egg production from their offspring. The best option would be to get the chickens yourself.

In most cases, natural incubation is used to hatch young animals, when the hen herself creates favorable conditions for the development of the embryo in the egg, during the hatching period she helps the chicks hatch together, warms them with her warmth, protects them, obtains food and teaches the primary skills of searching for it.

If the natural characteristics of a hen do not allow her to become a good mother, then... The incubation period lasts approximately 21 days, and the survival rate is about 80 out of 100 individuals.

Typically, offspring are hatched using an incubator.

Of this number of hatched chickens, about 8-10 will be sick and weakened, and will subsequently die. The percentage of females and males is 50 to 50. It is these calculations that must be taken into account when preparing the analysis.

Chicken diseases are the main risk in this business. To prevent the loss of a certain number of laying hens, it is recommended to seek help from specialists. They will help you choose the necessary feed to raise strong birds, vitamin supplements and premixes that can prevent the development of serious diseases.

It is regularly necessary to consult with a veterinarian on current issues and call him to the site at the slightest suspicion of illness. It is also important to hire employees who will monitor the cleanliness of the chicken coop, or do it yourself.

The most dangerous diseases of chickens are Newcastle disease (pseudoplague), infectious bursal disease, Marek's disease, smallpox, colibacillosis and others.

Outbreaks of infectious diseases can lead to the death of the entire livestock.

For the purpose of specific prevention of many diseases, bird vaccination is used. You should be aware that some vaccines are given every year (for example, against infectious bronchitis or salmonella), while others are given once in a lifetime (for coccidiosis or infectious laryngotracheitis).

Attention. In the event of an outbreak in unvaccinated livestock, the bird dies after 2-3 days; in such cases, the mortality rate reaches 70-100%.

The fundamental point of a business plan for organizing a household for raising laying hens is an outline with calculations of profitability, payback periods and estimated income.

  • The average cost of a two-week chicken is 100 rubles, which means it will take 5,000 rubles to buy 50 chickens.
  • With a mixed type of nutrition, one chicken eats about 36 kg of grain or feed per year, therefore, 1,800 kg are needed for the entire flock. The average price for one kg of mixed feed is 10 rubles, which means that annual expenses on dry food will be 18,000 rubles. Plus all kinds of vitamin complexes and premixes, the total comes out to about 20,000 rubles.

The average cost of a laying hen chicken is 100 rubles.

Not taking into account the costs of building and equipping a chicken coop, maintaining 50 birds will require about 20,000 rubles annually.

With the right diet and careful care, one laying hen can produce up to 250 eggs annually. From 50 chickens you can expect 12,500 pieces, or 1,250 dozen. Due to their naturalness and usefulness, domestic eggs are highly valued by consumers, so the cost of one dozen varies between 60-100 rubles.

By setting up sales points for products from 50 heads, you can receive from 75 to 25 thousand rubles annually. Taking into account all expenses, the net annual profit will be about 55-105 thousand rubles. Profit can also be made from the sale of chicken manure, which is a good fertilizer, feathers and dietary meat.

Is it profitable to create a mini poultry farm at home?

Homemade eggs are in greater demand compared to factory eggs, so the business of breeding laying hens is an extremely profitable niche. The minimum profitability of a business plan for raising chickens for selling egg products exceeds 200%.

We offer you to watch a short video about breeding laying hens for eggs as a business.

A mini-poultry farm created at home will not only quickly recoup the initial investment, but will also bring good profits. Given the high demand for organic food and low initial investment, organizing a household will be a good way to improve your financial situation.

The demand for inexpensive food products is always high. Therefore, your own small chicken farm can become a very profitable business. After all, from this bird they get two popular products on the market: eggs and tasty dietary meat.

Where to begin?

In addition to concentrates, chickens must receive green and succulent feed. These can be cabbage and beet leaves, carrot tops, quinoa, and nettles. You also need to give grated carrots, beets, apples, zucchini, etc.

In addition, care should be taken to ensure that chickens receive a sufficient amount of beneficial microelements. For laying hens, for example, calcium is very important. Its deficiency in feed can be compensated for with chalk or grated shell rock. Add a little salt to the chickens' feed. Various vitamin supplements are also used. The latter are usually bought ready-made in bags. There are additives on sale today that are designed specifically for laying hens, broilers and young animals.

Where to sell products

Breeding chickens for beginning farmers is therefore a good business. Its advantages, among other things, include the ease of implementation of the finished product. Eggs and meat can be donated to shops, cafes, canteens or even restaurants. Some farmers open their own retail outlets. But in this case, of course, you will have to pay additional rent. If the livestock is not too large, you can also sell meat and eggs simply on the market.


As you can see, a mini chicken farm can become a truly profitable business. Such a business does not require large initial investments. Actually, caring for the bird itself is not particularly difficult. However, of course, the technology for raising chickens must not be violated under any circumstances. The lack of necessary equipment in the barn or the use of low-quality feed will most likely cause loss of hair, decreased productivity, and, consequently, lack of profit.

Chicken meat and eggs are considered one of the most popular and sought-after food products in Russia. They have very great biological value for the human body. From an economic point of view, selling these products is quite profitable. Today there are many large chicken meat producers on the market, some of them successfully export their products to many countries around the world. For such companies, this business brings very good profits.

However, there are other options for making money in this industry. One of them is the organization of such a type of business as opening your own mini-poultry farm. With the right approach to business, this type of entrepreneurial activity can become very stable and profitable.

To be successful and productive in this area, you need some special knowledge in the field of poultry farming, patience, responsibility and a well-written business plan.

The main essence and beginning of this business

According to recent forecasts by the Ministry of Economic Development of the Russian Federation, the number of consumers of chicken meat and eggs in the country will constantly increase. The number of national producers of this type of product in the domestic market is also increasing. This is due, first of all, to a reduction in imports of chicken meat to Russia. Therefore, with the right and responsible approach to the functioning of a mini-poultry farm, this type of activity can become very profitable. According to many analysts and experts in the industry, the profitability of this poultry business is 58-60% on average.

Before implementing this type of activity in practice, you must have a well-thought-out and formalized business plan. It must necessarily include the following items:

  • construction of a future poultry farm of a certain size;
  • features of the premises and equipment for the farm;
  • search and organization of supply of young chickens;
  • presence of feeding structure;
  • financial side of the project and investment plan;
  • technological basics for poultry keeping.

When it comes to raising chickens, you can start by purchasing a small number of young animals. To start this type of business, the optimal number would be 1000 birds. Your initial costs, not counting the construction of the farm itself and the lease or purchase of land, will be as follows:

  • 86,000 rubles for the purchase of egg-laying chickens and broilers;
  • 110,000 rubles for the construction of specialized cells;
  • 61,000 rubles for the purchase of additional equipment;
  • 52,000 rubles for renovation of the premises.

Thus, the amount of your initial investment in this type of business will be 309,000 rubles. This is provided that you start with a number of young animals of 1000 heads. Below, in this article, calculations of the profitability of this type of activity will be given. But first you need to clarify and analyze all the stages of work on organizing the production of chicken meat and eggs, which should be included in your business plan.

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Primary stages of activity

When building and organizing a poultry breeding business, there are many central points included in the business plan, from which it is worth starting the relevant work. First, you will need to decide on the organizational and legal form of your future enterprise. Most experts recommend registering such a company in the form of a peasant farm, or peasant farm for short. The choice of this form is due to such important points as the minimum number of documents and costs for registration.

The best option for paying taxes would be the Unified Agricultural Tax regime. In Russia its value is 6%. Unified agricultural tax stands for unified agricultural tax. One of the main features and conditions of this rate is that 70% of your basic income will come from the sale of agricultural products.

Next, your business plan must include all the nuances associated with the construction of an enterprise. The land on which the mini-poultry farm will be located will need to be registered as a permitted use. This plot can be your property, purchased or leased. The main thing is that the purpose of the land corresponds to the objects of agricultural purpose. Another mandatory condition will be the location of your mini-farm at a distance of at least 350 m from residential premises.

The next step is to qualitatively analyze your own starting resources. you must clearly know all your capabilities with which you plan to start this type of activity. If you have some practical experience and knowledge in the field of poultry farming, then in the first stages of the business you can get by with a minimum amount of labor. Otherwise, you will be required to hire several highly qualified specialists from this field of activity.

You also need to decide on your own financial capabilities to launch your project. If you do not have enough start-up capital, then perhaps you should try the following ways to attract the necessary resources:

  • state program to support farmers: the amount of investment in your business can be about 1.5-2 million rubles;
  • bank lending on preferential terms: there are financial institutions that offer specialized loans for the development of agricultural enterprises at 11-12% per annum;
  • state support program for beginning entrepreneurs in the amount of 350,000 rubles.

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Production and organizational stage

The main activities in which your mini-poultry farm can specialize can be:

  • production and subsequent sale of meat products and chicken eggs;
  • raising poultry (chickens) using an incubator.
  • For these purposes, experts recommend acquiring the following breeds of chickens:
  • broilers, the live weight of which can reach 5-6 kg;
  • early maturing hens that can produce up to 220 eggs per year.

In order to start a poultry farming business with 1000 young birds, you will need a premises with an area of ​​110 sq.m. Experts recommend keeping chickens in specialized cages, which are usually installed in 2-3 tiers. They can be purchased from manufacturers or made independently. This can significantly save space for raising poultry. In accordance with the stocking norm, there should be 5-6 heads of young animals per 1 sq.m. in a cage.

On your farm you can independently engage in poultry reproduction. For this purpose, specialized incubators are used. There is a fairly large selection of this type of product on the market, both imported and domestic. Most experts recommend buying Russian equipment. The ILB brand incubator has proven itself well in practice. It holds more than 700 eggs, and the incubation period for chickens is 22-23 days.

A prerequisite for proper keeping of poultry indoors is control over the maintenance of a microclimate that meets the standards. For chickens that are over 55 days old, +18 degrees will be enough to keep them. Chicks that are only a few days old should be kept indoors at a temperature of +33 degrees. Because of this difference in the regime, different age categories of birds must be kept in different compartments and rooms.

The lighting system is very important in poultry farming - for young animals that are not yet 3 weeks old, it is recommended to keep the lights on around the clock. After this period, as the bird grows, this period is reduced to 17-18 hours. The basis of chicken feed is grain products - wheat and corn. Various mixtures of flour and cereals, which are rich in all kinds of vitamins and easily digestible proteins, are added to the diet. To properly maintain all the main stages of poultry production, a minimum of 3-4 workers is required.