Yarn as a business: production, trade. How to open a store from scratch? Doing a yarn business yourself How to start a knitting yarn production plant

  • Features of yarn sales
        • Similar business ideas:

The demand for yarn in our country is growing steadily. The yarn is widely used in the production of woven and knitted products, such as clothing, knitting threads and rope products. The growing demand for yarn is also associated with the fashion trend for knitting various things, both by hand and by machine.

Investments in the creation of a mini-factory for the production of yarn are quite justified, despite the existing competition from both domestic and foreign manufacturers.

Yarn production is precisely that branch of light industry that completely depends on the level and direction of development of the country’s agriculture. This industry is developing successfully in those countries where agriculture is aimed at developing cotton growing, livestock farming, flax growing, and sericulture, that is, those areas that serve as the main sources of raw materials for the production of yarn.

Success and popularity of domestic yarn

Despite the great popularity of yarn from foreign manufacturers, our domestic yarn is not lost at all and successfully finds its buyer. Russian factories today produce quite diverse and high-quality products that successfully compete with global yarn manufacturers.

In our country, according to various sources, over 200 enterprises are engaged in the production of yarn. Among them there are also large players, such as the Pekhorskaya Factory or the Trinity Worsted Factory. These are enterprises with more than a century of history, which managed to stay afloat during the difficult crisis years, and due to the modernization of production, they became leaders in the field of production of household goods, among which yarn production is the main activity.

How much money do you need to start a business to open a sewing workshop for the production of yarn?

The starting investment for opening a mini-factory for the production of yarn ranges from 3 to 4 million rubles, excluding the construction of premises. At the same time, the main costs (up to 80%) go to the purchase of equipment for yarn production.

To organize an enterprise with a capacity of 5 tons per month, a production facility with an area of ​​at least 300 m2 is required. You will also need a warehouse with an area of ​​40 m2 and a production base building with an area of ​​30 m2.

At the same time, at least 7 people must be involved in the yarn production process, including management personnel.

The monthly profit of such a mini-factory ranges from 150 to 200 thousand rubles. Naturally, such profitability indicators are possible when producing competitive products (price, quality).

What equipment to choose for a sewing workshop for yarn production

The basic set of equipment for the production of yarn includes beating machines, plucking machines, pinching and oiling machines, dyeing machines, mechanized storage sheds, carding machines, twisting and winding machines.

You can purchase equipment both from Russian companies and from foreign manufacturers. Many offers can be found from Chinese manufacturers, and their price range is quite wide. To select equipment, it is better to personally visit the manufacturer’s office. For start-up factories with limited capital, you can consider offers for used equipment.

Raw materials used for yarn production

The raw materials for the production of yarn are fibers of animal and plant origin: wool, down, cotton, flax, lavsan, viscose and even bamboo (cotton accounts for almost 50% of the world's textile fiber consumption). The raw materials entering the factory must be cleaned of impurities, leveled, and only the fibers required in size and properties must be selected. In other words, the raw material is subjected to a number of processes: scuffing, leveling, loosening, carding, twisting, banding and spinning. The end result is a yarn that satisfies all requirements, including textile feel, airiness, breathability, elasticity, etc. Also during production, various additives can be used to make the yarn more convenient for further use.

Which taxation system to choose for a sewing workshop for the production of yarn

When choosing the legal form of a yarn production workshop, the best option is a limited liability company. A legal entity has a more respectable status, which will allow you to establish contacts with many counterparties. The simplified tax system, 6% of revenue or 15% of profit, is suitable as a taxation system.

The main cost item will be the payment of wages to the company's employees. You should not skimp on moral and material encouragement for good work performance. Finding and retaining good employees in times of “staff shortage” is one of the most important tasks of any manager.

Features of yarn sales

When selling yarn, it is important to remember that the product has little seasonality in sales. In autumn and winter, yarn sells better than at other times of the year. At the same time, it is important to alternate the range of products - in winter, wool and acrylic yarn should be produced, and in summer, cotton and viscose.

Step-by-step business plan: where to start a yarn production business

Before starting a yarn production business, you need to decide what kind of yarn you will produce, since it is better to start the business by opening a small enterprise and producing a small range of products. After this, you can begin to draw up and implement a business plan. You will need to choose a premises, register your business with the tax authorities and complete all documents, draw up a financial plan and calculate all risks; purchase equipment and raw materials, recruit personnel, resolve issues with product sales.

How much can you earn from yarn production?

A small yarn production workshop can earn a monthly profit of 200-250 thousand rubles, but only if the prices are competitive and the quality is high. On average, such production pays for itself in 2-2.5 years.

What documents are needed to open a yarn production business?

To register an LLC you must:

  • application in form P11001;
  • receipt of payment of state duty;
  • decision of the founders;
  • Charter in 2 copies;
  • certificate of registration of ownership;

In addition, you will need permits from Rospotrebnadzor, administration, SES and fire supervision. To confirm product quality, it is better to develop technical specifications.

Which OKVED code should I indicate when registering a yarn production business?

The OKVED code can be specified as 17.1 - Spinning of textile fibers.

Yarn production technology

Yarn production involves several stages. First, there is a primary sorting of the raw materials, then it is cleared of impurities and, for greater elasticity, it is treated with an oil medium. After this, a second cleaning takes place, the raw material is combed, wound into bobbins and the final twisting of the threads takes place.

Work should bring profit and pleasure at the same time. Therefore, if knitting is your favorite hobby, then why not organize a good business. You can choose the creation of hats as an area of ​​activity. But it is profitable to engage not in consumer goods, but in the manufacture of products from wool, cashmere, merino wool, but not from acrylic.

High-quality yarn not only provides an attractive appearance to the product, but also guarantees uniqueness and a long period of wearing with proper care. After all, everyone wants to be different and stand out from the crowd in some way. An accessory such as a hat made of reliable materials will look good and attract the attention of others.

Room for work.

It is necessary to rent a room that will become not so much a place for organizing the work of workers, but an exhibition center. It’s an excellent marketing ploy to rent a store that has knitted hats for sale. At the same time, the knitters are working. Focusing on the next direction, you need to rent about 20-30 square meters of space.

Such a store can be rented either on the territory of a shopping center or rented as a separate room. But, transparent windows of a rented location in a large shopping center will initially attract the attention of passers-by, and high traffic will provide a high level of potential customers. It is important to have communications in order to create the right lighting both for attracting goods and for the work of knitters.

The store must meet both sanitary standards and fire safety rules. The rental cost will be about $500, but the price can vary greatly depending on the size of the city, traffic and the location of the shopping center.

Tools for work.

To perform various knitting techniques, the following tools are needed:

1. Knitting needles (sets of 2-5 units, which differ in both thickness and material of manufacture) - from $5 per set;
2. Circular knitting needles of different thicknesses - from $3;
3. Curved knitting needles - $6;
4. Hooks of different thicknesses (play an auxiliary and main role) from 1 to 5 $;
5. Sets of pins - $1.2;
6. Tapestry needles - from $2;
7. Devices for making pompoms - from $3;
8. Markers - from $2.5 per set;
9. Row counters - from $1;
10. Device for braiding cords - from $1.5;
11. Device for making flowers - about $5;
12. Rings - from $0.5;
13. Thread separator - $1.5.

When purchasing a whole set of knitting tools, you will need to invest at least $300. It is worth noting that in the future it will be possible to buy a knitting machine, but this one will be more useful for creating other accessories and things.

Yarn for knitting.

To make warm hats, it is best to use wool, which is now available in a wide range from domestic and foreign manufacturers. Merino wool has impeccable characteristics and, despite the small thickness of the yarn, can be used even in severe frosts.

Alpaca hats are very pleasant to the body and are also hypoallergenic. Warm alpaca wool hats are best for children. Cashmere yarn has a pleasant texture and attractive external characteristics. Mohair is a traditional yarn for making hats. Lightweight and beautiful products effectively protect your head on the coldest day.

It is better to buy from one proven and reliable supplier. Wholesale quantities will allow you to get a discount and save on shipping. In total, about $1.5 thousand must be allocated for yarn. After all, the types of knitting threads described above have a high cost, but have better characteristics.


To work, you need a team consisting of 2-3 knitters and 1 fashion designer. The main work will be done by knitters - creating hats; the fashion designer will be designing new models. It is important that staff have at least some proof of completion of courses or special education. You also need 2 sellers. Women with experience and knowledge of the characteristics of materials. Salary will be divided into basic and bonus. The second part will depend on the quality and quantity of products created and sales success.

In total you need to count on $2 thousand.

It is worth starting your marketing activities by creating a website and promoting it. You can start with a page website and then transform it into an online store. Also used as advertising will be a bright store sign, a decorated window display, signs in a shopping center, signs and external advertising. It is worth renting an advertising area in fashion or knitting magazines. In total, about $400 is allocated for marketing to get started. Later, you can hold promotions, make discount offers, and create a discount system for customers.

Basic costs.

The list of main costs for creating and establishing a business will include:

1. Rental of premises - $500;
2. Tools - $300;
3. Purchase of yarn - $1.5 thousand;
4. Staff - $2 thousand;
5. Advertising - $400.

The total cost of starting capital is about $5 thousand.

Profit and payback.

The cost of one product will depend on the quality and type of knitted cap. So, a simple knitted product made from high-quality mohair will cost on average about $80. An intricate hat will cost around $140. As a result, business profitability reaches 30%. One knitter can create about 10 hats per month. Thus, with a 100% sale, you can achieve a net profit of about $3-4 thousand. Payback will take place in 6-18 months.

Clients and development options.

Our clients are people who want to be unique and wear quality items: women, men with above-average incomes. Options for development may vary. It is logical to create scarves for hats and mittens. You can also switch to sweaters and dresses.

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Often, while engaging in a handicraft hobby, a person becomes interested in yarn as a business. At the same time, you can engage in production or trade. We will describe how to open a store from scratch, because it is much easier than organizing a full-fledged workshop for creating high-quality products.

(adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || ).push()); Many women, becoming interested in knitting, eventually want to independently offer others an interesting and varied product that may be of interest to similar needlewomen. And if you focus on the narrow specialization of the store, then in a short period you will be able to achieve full payback and win the competition in the market.

  • Business Features
  • Registration questions
  • Premises and equipment
  • Product range
  • Opening hours and personnel
  • Marketing strategy
  • Yarn production as a business
  • Financial part
  • Owner reviews
Business Features

If previously, hand-made knitted items were mostly a necessity, since the stores had a small selection of beautiful clothes, today it has grown into a pure hobby.

Women do knitting and other types of needlework simply for pleasure or to create unique and inimitable products. And although the number of people interested in such activities has decreased, it still interests a significant part of the population of our country.

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For the most part, yarn is purchased by young mothers on maternity leave or women aged 40 years and older. Another group of buyers are people who knit original items to order, which is how they make a living. This is the main target audience that you should target when organizing a business selling yarn.

Given the relatively high interest of the population in such products, the number of stores with a high-quality and varied assortment for knitting is at a minimum. Especially in medium-sized and small cities, it is very difficult to find a specialized retail outlet where you can choose the appropriate material. Therefore, competition in this business is considered low, which gives the novice entrepreneur a special advantage.

Registration questions

Where to start organizing yarn trade as a business? You should definitely register with the tax service as an individual entrepreneur or LLC. Individual entrepreneur is suitable in most cases, as it allows you to significantly reduce the requirements and tax rates for the entrepreneur.

But if you want to develop the project in the future and open new retail outlets, it is advisable to immediately register a legal entity. It will remain the only possible option if several people act as financial partners.

In this case, you can choose a simplified or general taxation system depending on the level of expenses and income. It is better to calculate in advance what will be more profitable in practice in your case. OKVED codes must correspond to the types of proposed activities. To open a yarn store, just indicate 47.51 - retail trade in textile products at specialized points of sale.

But if you decide to combine business with an atelier, trade in knitted goods from the public, distribution of accessories or other related products, then you will have to add the appropriate codes. It is better to select in advance all available for a given activity, so that over time you have room to develop the project.

When opening a store, you will definitely need to coordinate your actions with regulatory authorities - the fire inspectorate, the sanitary-epidemiological station, Rospotrebnadzor and the city administration. It’s better to ask local services in advance what requirements they have for organizing a retail outlet in this area, so that you can immediately prepare everything properly.

Premises and equipment

Pay special attention to choosing the location of the future store and its design. So, the best place for placement is:

  • A shopping center where you can rent a separate room for goods or give preference to a small island - in this case you will face a high fee for space, but this will provide you with a large number of potential customers without unnecessary advertising costs.
  • A store with a separate entrance on the ground floor of a residential building or among other retail premises on the street - such rent will cost much less, but you will have to think about how to attract buyers.
  • The location close to schools, kindergartens and other similar institutions will ensure an influx of young mothers and grandmothers, who are precisely the interested clients of your destination.
  • Choose a room that is convenient for your main customers to visit. Thus, it is desirable that there are no high steps, that there is space for strollers, etc. It is better to lay out goods that young mothers buy more often closer to the exit, so that they do not have to spend a lot of time searching for the right material.

    When decorating your store, try to create a cozy home environment. Trade equipment and room sizes need to be chosen wisely. Yarn is a fairly compact product that does not require much space. The main thing is to provide convenient shelves that are easy for customers to access.

    Remember, not all clients like to turn to consultants for help, so the goods should be laid out conveniently and sorted correctly. It would be nice if an example of a knitted item from them hangs next to a rack with a certain type of thread to clearly demonstrate the result.

    Since it is impractical to immediately display a large number of threads on the sales floor, you will need to additionally organize a utility room for storing supplies. It should be dry and warm, as well as clean.

    Product range

    Yarn can be wool, synthetic, mixed, etc. Please note that the thickness of the threads may also vary. There are also many colors and other characteristics by which buyers choose the product they need. It is advisable to have in stock not only popular products, but also other options, so that customers can find something that is not available in similar stores.

    The wider the range, the more popular your store will become in a short period of time. In addition to yarn, you can also sell related products - buttons, knitting needles, hooks, pins, needles, various accessories and decorations for finished products.

    Please note that foreign-made knitting yarn is in greater demand than domestic ones. Therefore, you can set a higher markup on it. To win competition in the market, it is advisable to offer customers only high-quality products. Even if it is a Russian manufacturer, it must be a recognizable brand.

    Also in the store you can sell finished products created right here in a separate studio or accepted from needlewomen on commission. This way, you will increase interest in the product by showing what can be done from it. In addition, sometimes various catalogs, diagrams, and training materials for beginners are displayed on the shelves.

    In order for such a business to be as profitable as possible, it is advisable to find reliable suppliers of goods in advance. It is necessary to establish contacts with yarn factories both abroad and in our country. Thus, you can purchase products in bulk at the lowest cost and make a significant markup on the product. Usually it is 50-70%.

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    Opening hours and personnel

    To ensure high-level sales, it is better for the store to be open 7 days a week. The standard schedule assumes working hours from 8.00-9.00 until 20.00 or even 22.00. This way, you can adapt to all your customers and give them the opportunity to buy yarn when it is convenient for them.

    To do this, you will have to hire at least two sales consultants. In order to save money, you can perform their function yourself, then you will have to pay the salary of only one shift worker. The salary level is set according to the “rate + percentage of sales” system. Thus, you will interest employees in attracting customers and increasing the number of goods sold.

    Marketing strategy

    The development of any business, its success, profitability and profit of the owner directly depend on the number of customers and sales level. To do this, especially at the start, you need to spend money on advertising. Today you have a huge number of ways to attract customers:

    • Place advertisements in local media - newspapers, magazines, television, radio.
    • Use printed products - business cards, flyers, leaflets, etc.
    • Spend money on more expensive but noticeable advertising - banners, photos on public transport, etc.
    • Create a website or online store where you can view a product in a relaxed atmosphere, learn about its characteristics, cost, or even place an order for home delivery.

    You should not spare money on advertising, since it is thanks to it that you will attract a sufficient number of customers at first. And then, when selling a quality product at an affordable price, information about the store will quickly spread among your potential audience through word of mouth.

    An interesting modern way is to conduct master classes. To do this, you need to invite an experienced needlewoman who will teach those wishing to perform certain patterns and various techniques, which are quite difficult to master on your own from a book. Also periodically use marketing tricks - promotions, bonuses, holiday discounts, etc.

    Even if there is competition in a large city, thanks to such means you can attract quite a lot of customers, which will make your business profitable and profitable in a short time. The main thing is not to skimp on high-quality and targeted advertising. If you don’t know which of the above will be more effective, then you can use the help of special agencies that, for a fee, will take your project to a new level.

    Yarn production as a business

    This direction is considered more complex and costly. It’s not enough to understand the variations of threads, but you need to have a good understanding of what yarn is made from, where to buy raw materials, how to process them, etc.

    To start such a project you will need much more money than to open a specialized store, since you will need to purchase expensive equipment. At least 7 people will work in such a mini-factory, which will also result in high costs.

    Yarn is made from cotton (about 50%), flax, lavsan, viscose, bamboo, wool, down, etc. If you decide to open a yarn production workshop, it is advisable that the region has enough raw materials for its production. Therefore, such factories are opened only in places where agriculture is highly developed, since they are closely related to each other.

    The income of such a business depends entirely on the sale of finished products. To compete with foreign suppliers, as well as more well-known domestic factories, you need to create truly high-quality products at a low price. Otherwise, the whole project will be a failure.

    Financial part

    Even if you are not going to take out a loan from a bank, but have the entire amount available to organize the business, it is advisable to draw up a business plan with calculations in order to navigate the initial costs and payback period of the project.

    But that is not all. It must be taken into account that large sums will also be spent on maintaining the store every month.

    Since you are unlikely to reach a high level of sales in the first months, you need to set aside a certain amount in advance for maintaining the store for several months in advance.

    When you reach an income of about 400,000 rubles per month, which is considered the average for this area today, you will be able to recoup your initial investment within three months.

    Video: how to open an online store for handicrafts?

    There are many types of yarn, both natural and synthetic. But the most popular remains spinning thread made from natural raw materials. It is more often used for the production of various fabrics, elements of a person’s wardrobe, and even for the manufacture of household products. Natural raw materials are mainly used in the production of knitting yarn.

    Of course, the leading place in this market remains with large factories focused on the production of wool products. But there remains a large market niche for small enterprises, whose products are more diverse both in the properties of the goods produced and in the raw materials used.

    Every day in our country the number of people who are interested in knitting is increasing. At the same time, the demand for yarn, both for machine knitting and hand knitting, is also growing rapidly. Moreover, now many knitting enthusiasts are well versed in the difference between high-quality material and mediocre products. Only those enterprises in the weaving industry are leaders in sales where strict quality control of products has been established and where the latest clothing fashion trends are taken into account.

    Our business assessment:

    Starting investment - 2,500,000 rubles.

    Market saturation is average.

    The difficulty of starting a business is 6/10.

    Properties of yarn and its types

    To make knitted or woolen products, the yarn used must be of very high quality, which is the case with most natural products. A very common technology for the production of wool yarn, the raw material for which is wool that has not been processed in advance.

    The main types of untreated wool used for the yarn making process are:

    • sheep wool, which has such properties as elasticity and softness, high ability to retain heat;
    • goat wool, which has unique properties of lightness, fluffiness and softness;
    • down of domestic rabbits, characterized by its lightness;
    • llama or alpaca wool, unsurpassed in its properties;
    • camel wool for making bedspreads, various warm clothes, and mittens.

    In some places, dog hair and deer hair are also used in home yarn production. Masterfully performed work, taking into account all the requirements of the technology for producing yarn from these animals, then allows you to sew or knit warm outerwear.

    Wool as a raw material for spinning greatly depends on the habitat of the animals and their breed. This, first of all, is reflected in the physical properties of the product, determining the quality category of future products. Usually, to improve the physical properties of natural yarn, synthetic components are added to it.

    Another use for ready-made threads is knitting and crocheting from ribbon yarn. Ribbon yarn production involves the production of ribbon-shaped threads, both narrow and wide. Products obtained by knitting from ribbon yarn benefit externally and visually. They can be externally voluminous and can have an unusual visual effect. This knitting goes well with openwork and satin stitch in knitting styles.

    Yarn production equipment

    If you focus on medium or large volume production of knitted yarn, you will need expensive and complex equipment that can only be operated by trained operators. The main equipment at such an enterprise will be draw frames for the production of yarn, inclined type cleaners, scattering machines, storage devices, spinning, winding and carding units. A circular knitting machine, carding and versing machine may be required. To give the product the color requested by the customer, you need to have a separate painting chamber with good ventilation and special equipment.

    To accommodate all this equipment, you will need a serious production base with warehouses. In addition, an administrative building will have to be built. You can buy equipment for the production of yarn on a smaller scale by negotiating with its suppliers on Internet sites. And each ordered device must fully meet the requirements, both in terms of performance and product properties. After all, it will be an integral element of the entire production line for the manufacture of finished goods.

    Industrial yarn manufacturing technology

    The raw materials for the production of natural yarn are sheep and camel wool, mohair and goat down, flax, alpaca and cotton, viscose, nylon and lavsan. And in advance, without waiting for the opening of your yarn factory, you need to establish relationships with future suppliers of raw materials, carefully consider the delivery schedule and negotiate the cost of all related services.

    The completed process of making wool yarn consists of several basic steps:

    • primary raw material sorting;
    • washing and cleaning it from impurities;
    • processing the material with an oil medium for greater elasticity;
    • secondary cleaning with combing and twisting in the form of woolen tops;
    • rewinding onto bobbins;
    • final twisting of the yarn.

    To dye threads, high quality dyes are required. The properties of knitting threads are usually assessed visually; they are not divided by grade. The technical documentation specifies all the necessary parameters that the finished product must meet. Poorly painted areas, corkscrew and knots, oil-based contamination and different color shades are considered unacceptable product defects.

    The purchase of raw materials for spinning production is possible both at domestic and foreign enterprises. And the sale of finished goods is carried out both in retail and wholesale trade structures. After all, the demand for natural goods in Russia is growing every year.

    To open yarn production in Russia on a large scale, an entrepreneur will need at least 25 million rubles. This does not even take into account the costs of wages to workers, taxes and other deductions. But in business it is not necessary to immediately set such a high bar. If you start with a small factory, it will turn out to be a quickly profitable business. After all, high quality yarn is invariably in great demand in our market.

    Cotton yarn

    The main raw material for the production of cotton yarn is fiber obtained from cotton. Depending on the method of production, this yarn is divided into hardware, cardan and combed. Hardware-type yarn is obtained by processing short-staple cotton. This raw material, mainly tow, must have a short fiber length. This product is characterized by a fleecy surface, increased friability and low tensile strength. Along their length, the threads of the finished yarn have heterogeneity both in diameter and in other properties.

    Cardan cotton yarn, for the manufacture of which medium-length fibers are used, has greater strength. It has less looseness and hairiness, and more strength.

    Combed yarn, which is made from long cotton fibers, has the best properties. When combing, these fibers are further straightened and oriented parallel to each other until they are completely adjacent. According to its properties, combed yarn is less fleecy and porous than other types. It has great tensile strength, is thin and smooth.

    For sewing knitted products, yarn with a thickness of no more than 29 tex is used. If the product must have a fleece, then the thickness usually reaches 80 tex. But stockings and socks from cotton raw materials are made with a thickness of raw materials from 6 to 50 tex.

    Also, the production of cotton yarn is classified according to the method of twisting it. It can be caned when the fibers are pre-connected two at a time into one thread or more without the use of twisting and twisted in several folds. Often, for sewing knitwear, shaped cotton yarn is used, which is twisted both in a spiral and in loops and knots.

    Organization of yarn production

    Even despite great competition, investors do not avoid investing in yarn production. This applies to both domestic and foreign businessmen. But the production of this product directly depends on the direction and level of agricultural development of the region in which it is planned to organize production. The most rapid development of this industry is observed in those countries or regions in which the main direction of agriculture is cotton production, livestock farming, flax farming or sericulture. After all, it is these areas of activity that provide high-quality raw materials for the production of yarn.

    Domestic products are in no way inferior in popularity to products from foreign manufacturers; there is always a consistently high demand for them among consumers. In addition, Russian yarn factories produce a very wide range of products. Russian yarn is good for making woven knitwear, for rope production and for hand knitting. Having asked yourself how to organize the production of knitted yarn, you should not be afraid of large participants in the market for the sale of this product. Almost every business finds its niche in the product consumption market. When opening a spinning mill, the initial investment will be about 2.5 million rubles without calculating the cost or renting premises. Usually about 80% of primary expenses are spent on equipment.

    In order to organize an enterprise with a productivity of up to 5,000 kilograms of products per month, you will need a room with an area of ​​at least 300 square meters. To this should be added a small room for storing goods and an administrative and utility room. All together it will take up a little less than 400 square meters of area.

    For the stable operation of this enterprise, it will be necessary to hire about 6 service and management personnel.

    Equipment for a yarn production business can be purchased from both domestic manufacturers and Chinese suppliers. It should be noted that the cost of this equipment differs greatly with similar performance parameters. Therefore, it is better to rely on the experience of people who are already involved in this business. You can also hear a lot of useful information when visiting the office of an equipment manufacturer.

    There is nothing reprehensible in doing an analysis of used equipment if the capital for opening an enterprise is limited. For a spinning mill, the legal form of an LLC is more suitable, since such a legal entity has a fairly solid status that allows you to easily establish relationships with reliable suppliers of raw materials and companies selling finished products.

    You should not be stingy when providing material and moral encouragement to your employees for high performance in their work. After all, it is not easy to keep good employees in a company, and even more difficult to find replacements for them.

    We should not forget that yarn as a product has seasonal demand. In winter and autumn, warm varieties of fabrics are more in demand, but in summer there is a high demand for the production of cotton yarn and viscose.

    Yarn production is a complex, complex process that involves a lot of different equipment, but the basic operations are performed on spinning machines. Similar equipment for the production of yarn is produced in two types: spindle and spindleless.

    Types of Spinning Equipment

    Spindle machines belong to the old type of equipment, they are also called ring machines, according to the principle of their operation, the roving is unwinded from the bobbin and enters the drafting apparatus, where pairs of ribbed cylinders rotate.

    Passing between the cylinders, the roving is stretched and twisted, winding around a cartridge placed on a spindle. The disadvantage of this equipment, which forced us to think about the development of spindleless technologies, is the achievement of maximum spindle rotation speeds.

    If the speed increases further, the yarn will begin to tear during the winding process; therefore, spindleless hydromechanical, pneumomechanical, electromechanical, and also hydrodynamic machines were created.

    Advantages of pneumomechanical machines

    Among others, the most widely used are pneumomechanical machines, in which the roving is divided into individual fibers using combing rollers. As a result, streams of fibers are carried away by air through a special pipe into a chamber with rapid rotation.

    It provides up to sixty thousand revolutions per minute, making this yarn making equipment super efficient. This speed is necessary to create centrifugal forces and throw special recesses in the middle - gutters - towards the walls. In the troughs, the fibers are arranged in rings and then pulled through a special hole in the central chamber.

    At the same time, the rotation of the chamber ensures that the fibers are twisted and the finished yarn is obtained. Such technological features allow rotor-mechanical machines to produce three times more yarn than their ring counterpart, producing bobbins weighing up to one and a half kilograms, while ring machines create bobbins weighing only 140 grams.

    In addition, thanks to pneumomechanical machines, noise in workshops is reduced. Such advantages of new equipment significantly speed up the production process, which makes it possible to process more raw materials, spending less energy and getting greater returns. As a result, more and more enterprises are switching to pneumomechanical equipment.