Warehouse program my warehouse. MyWarehouse is a proper business organization. Name of retail price in MySklad

Partnership formats:
1. Standard affiliate program:
  • 40-50% discount on all tariffs and options of MyWarehouse;
  • Payment from the client for MyWarehouse is accepted by the partner;
  • The partner earns additional money from integrations, equipment connection and support;
  • Partner contacts are posted on the MyWarehouse website.
2. Referral (affiliate) program:
  • MyWarehouse pays 25% of all customer payments within 12 months;
  • The partner’s task is to register a client using a special link;
  • Payment for the service is accepted by MySklad.
What do we offer:
  • Modern cloud service operating 24x7x365;
  • Cash register software for compliance with 54-FZ;
  • Flow of orders for trade automation;
  • Up to 50% discount on all MyWarehouse tariffs and options;
  • Complete with customer services and products;
  • 24/7 support by phone, e-mail and website;
  • A product that is easy to learn and does not require investment in the accumulation of expertise;
  • The opportunity to bring tangible benefits to a large number of small and medium-sized companies, regardless of their geographical location.
What our partners say about us:

Cooperation with MySklad was a pleasant surprise and, historically, determined the direction of our enterprise’s work. For us, as an integrator, MoySklad is an excellent niche product. On the one hand, the service satisfies the needs of our clients with its functionality, on the other hand, it allows us to connect the service data with any other SaaS products, which allows us to do magic in automating our clients’ business processes. Thank you for that. We are working.

- Evgeniy Derkach, ciframe.com

The MoySklad service allows us to give our clients the opportunity to “get started quickly,” i.e. get “warehouse out of the box” without any unnecessary difficulties. We are always happy to provide clients with any assistance in developing MyWarehouse, because... You have a pretty good API that is constantly evolving.
Plus good technical support and quick response from the partner department to all wishes and tasks.

- Anton Bodryshev, design2u.ru

I approached the issue of choosing an accounting system very thoroughly, since before that I had extensive experience working with serious imported products, such as NetSuite, SAP, Oracle. When I first connected to MyWarehouse, I was pleasantly surprised by the convenience and thoughtfulness of the interface and the almost limitless possibilities for implementation and expansion. And all this in the cloud - it was exactly what I was looking for. A month later, I began to conduct and control my business in MySklad, and then I began to recommend the system to my dealers. So I had a desire to become a partner of MySklad and start connecting and implementing the service in Belarus. I like promoting MySklad, as it is a really great solution.

- Mikhail Lastochkin, martlet.by

In this article we will look at how to set up interaction between your online store on AdvantShop and the MoySklad system.

  1. Setting up synchronization
  2. The most common errors and questions that arise during work

The "MoySklad" module ensures the interaction of the store with the MySklad system and automatically uploads data from the "MoySklad" system to the store and uploads orders from the store to the "MoySklad" system.

Reverse synchronization, i.e. so that goods are unloaded from the store to MyWarehouse automatically, is not available.

There is only a one-time loading of goods from the store to MyWarehouse for the case when the goods were initially added to the store. We'll look at this in the section “Setting up synchronization: Products are loaded into the store, MyWarehouse is empty.”

Description of the MySklad module settings

Let's look at the basic module settings that are necessary during operation.

Section "Product items"

Property synchronization type

“Add/Update to a product from MySklad” - if it is set to add, then only those that came from MS will be added or updated (i.e. those that did not arrive will not be deleted).

“One to one with MySklad” - if the option “One to one with MoySklad” is selected, then first all the properties that the product had are deleted, then those that came from MS are added.

"Do not synchronize" - properties from my warehouse will not be received.

Product Description Sync Type

“Do not synchronize” - the description that you added in my warehouse will not be uploaded to the store. Required when the description is added directly to the product in the store.
If you unload a description from my warehouse, it will overwrite the data in the store.

“Upload only when creating a product from MyWarehouse” - when creating a product with an added description, this description will be unloaded. Further updating of the description will not occur, even if the description is changed in my warehouse.

“Always” - the description will always be updated; accordingly, if there are any changes, they will be added to the store.

Activate product

“Do not activate” - when creating a product in my warehouse, with the settings set, it will come to the store inactive. Accordingly, the store will look empty.

“Only new” - if the “Only new” option is selected, the activity is set only for new products (i.e. if we update and manually turn off some products, then they remain turned off)

“When comes from MyWarehouse” - if the “When comes from MyWarehouse” option is selected, the product is always set to active when added and updated.

Currency of imported goods

If you need to upload goods in different currencies to the store, then you need to add the currency to https://online.moysklad.ru/app/#currency as in the store, the name and codes must match.
You need to hover over the account icon in the upper right corner, go to Settings - Currencies - click on the button as shown in the figure (see Figure 1).

Figure 1. Currency settings

Figure 2. Adding a currency

In the product card, an additional choice of currencies will appear next to the price.

If it is necessary for the price to be uploaded for a product in a different currency, i.e. in the store, in the administration panel, the product should have a currency set, for example, the euro, then the price that should be unloaded is entered in the product card in My warehouse (see Fig. 3).

Figure 3. Selecting a currency in the product card

In the module settings, select “Take from the base retail price of the product” (see Fig. 4).

Figure 4. Setting up currency on the module side

The base retail price also applies when there are goods in different currencies, i.e. Some goods must be unloaded in euros, others in rubles.

If all goods are in euros or dollars, or any other currency, then the corresponding currency is set in the module settings.

Deactivate goods that did not arrive (deleted) from MyWarehouse- if an item has been deleted in my warehouse and this option is enabled, the item will become inactive in the store, but will not be deleted.

Delete modifications that did not arrive (deleted) from MyWarehouse- if modifications were deleted in my warehouse, then when this option is enabled in the store, they will also be deleted.

Remove modifications that are not available- if there is a zero balance in my warehouse for some item, then this modification will be removed from the store.

Activate new categories from MySklad- when adding new categories in my warehouse and when uploading to the store, they will immediately be active if this option is enabled.

If there is no need for new categories to be immediately visible in the store, i.e. were active, then this option is not used.

Update only products (no leftovers)- it happens that there is a need to unload goods from my warehouse, but without taking into account the balances.

Very often this happens when a product is out of stock, but it can be brought from another warehouse, and there is no need to show a zero quantity of the product in the store.

Installation of goods to order if not in stock- if the goods are not available at my warehouse, but they can be ordered, including this option, the store will tick the item “to order”.

Do not change the modification article to the product article if there is 1 modification
Do not update the quantity of products- all parameters will be uploaded, only without quantity.

Do not update prices (costs) of products- the cost of the goods will not be uploaded to the store.
Sometimes it is required if in my warehouse the prices are indicated only for accounting, or wholesale, but in the store they should be retail.

Section "Other"

Accept product catalog and balances in a zip archive- outdated setting, not currently used.

Name of retail price in MySklad

By default, MS has three types of prices: “retail” (in my warehouse it is called “sale price”), “purchase”, “minimum”.

Two are unloaded into the store: retail and purchasing (see Fig. 5).

Figure 5. Price types in my warehouse

For the sale price, or retail price, you can add another price with a different name. It will be uploaded as retail, for example, “Retail price”, if it is specified in the synchronization settings (see Fig. 6).

Figure 6. Setting the price for synchronization

In the module settings on the store side, it is better to always leave this “Retail price” field empty.

Name of characteristics in MySklad

Here by characteristics we mean modifications Color And size, i.e. These are the characteristics depending on which the balances may change.

By default, the store has two characteristics: Color and Size. In my warehouse they may be called differently.

To upload product modifications from the "MyWarehouse" system to the store in the module settings in the "Name of characteristics in My Warehouse" section, in the "color" and "size" fields (these are store properties), indicate the name of the modifications that the products have in my warehouse (this is either also color/size, or taste/weight, etc.) (see Fig. 7).

Figure 7. Modification upload settings

Compliance of properties with product characteristics:

To upload such properties, you need to create additional fields on the side of my warehouse, Products - Goods and Services - Settings (see Fig. 8).

Figure 8. Setting up additional fields in my warehouse

The weight of the item is not unloaded from the "Weight" field in my warehouse. To unload weight, you need to add an additional field in the product card, for example Weight of product (see Fig. 9).

Figure 9. Adding an additional field

In the module settings, specify the name of this field “Product weight” (see Fig. 10).

Figure 10. Field name on the module side

In the product card, this parameter will be indicated in the Weight field.

Dimensions - this field displays the dimensions of the product: height, width, length.
Just as in the case of weight, a field is added to my warehouse; the name of this field must be specified in the module settings.

Manufacturer - in my warehouse it can be called anything. Those. as with weight and dimensions, you need to add an additional field. It will be uploaded to the store in the parameter in the product card Manufacturer.

Discount - uploaded to the product card in the discount parameter. On the side of the module, you need to enter the name of the discount field from my warehouse (similar to the weight, dimensions and manufacturer).

Gtin - uploaded to the Code of international marking and accounting of logistics units field in the product card. Just as in the case of the parameters Weight, Dimensions, to unload this parameter from my warehouse, you need to add a field; on the side of the MyWarehouse module, specify the name of this field.

Properties that do not need to be loaded - If any properties do not need to be loaded, list them in this field - each on a new line.

All described settings are presented in the figure below (see Fig. 11, 12)

Figure 11. Additional fields in my warehouse

Figure 12. Specify the names of the fields on the module side

Setting up synchronization


When working with the service, priority is given to my warehouse, i.e. data on the catalog structure, product names, balances, modifications must come from the MyWarehouse service.

Why is it important to carry out the first synchronization correctly and without errors?
During the first synchronization, such parameters as the product article in the store and the external code of my warehouse are merged.
The unique field of goods in the store is the article, in my warehouse - the external code.

If there is no correspondence between the external code and the article in the database, then errors such as duplication of goods, orders, substitution of other product names in orders in my warehouse will appear in the future.

The first thing you need to do is set up the "MyWarehouse" module in the store. In the administration panel, menu item Store - Modules - "MyWarehouse" - Settings. In the window that opens, check the “Module activity” box and make the necessary settings (see Fig. 13).

Figure 13. Module activation

To implement data exchange in the "MyWarehouse" system, you need to create synchronization (in the upper right corner, by the user's sign, select "Settings" in the pop-up menu)
(see Fig. 14).

Figure 14. Setting up synchronization on the side of my warehouse

On the page that opens, go to the “Online stores” tab, then “Add a store” - select “AdVantShop” from the list (see Fig. 15).

Figure 15. Adding a store

Next, in the site address field, enter “domain/Modules/MoySklad/1c_exchange.ashx”, for example, mysite.com/Modules/MoySklad/1c_exchange.ashx.
In the login field, enter the password field and enter the information to log into the online store administration panel, then click “check connection” - the message “connection established successfully” should appear.
(see Fig. 16,17).

Figure 16. Adding settings

Figure 17. Checking and saving settings

Option 1. The store is empty and not filled with goods, the goods are loaded into MySklad

An ideal option for working with my warehouse when there are no goods in the store and unloading occurs initially from my warehouse

After you have set up synchronization, you need to unload the goods in the store. On the side of my warehouse, set the time for unloading goods according to the schedule, then click “unload now”
(see Fig. 18).

Figure 18. First synchronization

This way the goods will be unloaded into the store.

It is also important to pay attention to the following settings:

  • from which warehouse to unload (see Fig. 19 below, point 1)
  • what group of goods, i.e. You can upload a specific category (see Figure 19, below, point 2)

But, it’s important! in this case, only one category will be uploaded to the store

Price - what price will be uploaded to retail. if there are no different prices, then you don’t have to write anything (see Fig. 19 below, point 1).

Figure 19. Additional settings for synchronization

Option 2. Products are loaded into the store, MyWarehouse is empty (used only once, to fill my warehouse)

So, MyWarehouse is empty. To upload goods from the store to MyWarehouse, go to the module settings in the store to the “Unloading goods” tab and click Export goods from the store (see Fig. 20).

Figure 20. Forming a file on the module side for uploading to my warehouse

Figure 21. Importing a file into my warehouse

After the file has been downloaded, a window like this will open: (see Fig. 22)

Figure 22. Summary of the downloaded file

Here you need to make the following settings:

Change the encoding to Utf-8 (see Figure 23).

Figure 23. Selecting file download encoding

In the first column, which is called “do not load”, select Groups (see Fig. 24)

Figure 24. Setting the option for downloading categories

Select which warehouse you are loading the goods into and click the green “Load goods” button

Figure 25. Boot process

After the goods are loaded, they will appear in the Products - Goods and Services section, in the form (catalog structure) as they are in the store (see Fig. 26).

Figure 26. File download result

Go to the Data Exchange - Synchronization tab. We set the settings for the unloading time, from which warehouse to unload, if the store has goods with modifications, indicate “Unload taking into account modifications”
(see synchronization settings).

On the side of the module in the store, it is also important to immediately set all the settings in accordance with their description, which is necessary. Then save the settings and click "Upload now"

After the goods have been unloaded, your store is synchronized with the MyWarehouse system.

Order synchronization

To set up order synchronization, you need to go to MyWarehouse Data exchange - Synchronization - Order synchronization, set:

If the “Copy order numbers from the store” option is not selected, then the number will be the same as in the store; you can also add a prefix if synchronization occurs across several stores (see Fig. 28).

Figure 28. Uploading the order number

Description of module settings for order synchronization

Order synchronization type

Only new ones (when creating an order)- the order will be unloaded, but if it changes in the store, for example, a change in status, a change in product, etc. changes will not be uploaded

Full (for any changes to the order)- any changes will be transferred to MyWarehouse

In order to upload additional fields such as payer address, payment method, and issue payment, on the side of my warehouse it is necessary to add additional fields Sales - Customer Orders - Settings (see Fig. 29).

Figure 29. Setting up additional fields in orders

Add a field with the required name (pay attention to the type of field being added) (see Fig. 30).

Figure 30. Adding additional fields for orders

The following fields will appear in the order; when synchronizing orders, they will be filled in with information from my warehouse accordingly (see Fig. 31).

Figure 31. Added fields in the product card

Synchronization via MoySklad API

Using the API, you can synchronize data across contractors. To do this, you need to specify the login and password for my warehouse on the store side in the module settings (see Fig. 32).

Figure 32. API synchronization for uploading counterparties

For counterparties, the update occurs immediately after a change in the store. The name, email, phone number, and administrator comment are changed. A unique field for counterparties is CustomerId.

Changes to counterparties are not transmitted from my warehouse.

Also, from MyWarehouse you can transfer changes in order status, i.e. On the side of my warehouse, the status of the order was changed, the same status will be displayed for the order in the store. If such a status does not exist in the store, it will be created. According to the status API, synchronization occurs every 15 minutes.

Frequently asked questions and errors

1. When synchronizing in MS, you need to specify the full address "mysite.com/Modules/MoySklad/1c_exchange.ashx". If synchronization fails and gives an error, check whether the address, login and password are correct.

2. Photos are not uploaded from My Warehouse. There is no such possibility, since this is not provided for in the technical documentation of MoySklad. There is also no way to upload a photo via a file from the store to MySklad

3. If goods in the store are transferred through export in the module from the store to MyWarehouse, then after transfer and synchronization you need to check the category in the MS “Products from the store”. You need to add it to the archive so that it does not come to the store again. In my warehouse, go to category editing mode and click “Archive” (see Fig. 33).

Figure 33. Adding categories to the archive

5. Residues need to be changed only in the MS, since it is directly intended for this.

6. If it is necessary to upload a specific category to the store, then this one category will be uploaded to the store, i.e. the structure that exists in my warehouse is unloaded.

7. Duplicate goods may arise due to goods received from previous orders, if the store and MyWarehouse were not synchronized, or due to incomplete synchronization. To avoid duplicates due to orders, you need to add the category “Products from the online store” to the archive. If synchronization is incomplete, you need to look at why this situation arose. If you renamed the external code, then it needs to be changed both in the store and in my warehouse. If there is no external code, you need to register the required one yourself in the store. This can be done through the Database. To do this, you need to contact technical support by email support@site

It's better not to change the external code!

8. If a modification was created in my warehouse manually, it was not indicated in the external code (see Fig. 34).

Figure 34. Adding a modification manually

This modification will come to the store with an automatically generated external code, which will be generated according to the article number with the addition of numbers (see Fig. 35).

Figure 35. Modification display on the magazine side

This can be corrected by specifying an external modification code in my warehouse and registering the same modification article in the store manually. In automatic mode, the external modification code will not change; this is a feature of working with modifications in my warehouse.

9. If you need to upload goods in different currencies to the store, then you need to add the currency to https://online.moysklad.ru/app/#currency as in the store, the name and codes must match. In the settings, select Take from the retail price of the product. A very common mistake is choosing the Euro or another currency in the module settings: all prices change to this currency.

10. Important!!! Photos of goods are not uploaded from my warehouse, since this is not provided by the API on the side of my warehouse.
You can upload photos for products by creating a zip archive of the photo and uploading it through the administration panel along with a csv file, which will indicate the product article and the name of the photo data.

11. Error 500 during synchronization occurs when:

  • The store address in the synchronization section is incorrect
  • The login and password are incorrect
  • due to module malfunctions, in this case you need to contact our support by email support@site and provide access to the MyWarehouse system and the store administration panel

Service MyWarehouse is a full-featured trade management and warehouse accounting system distributed under the SaaS, or Software as a Service, model.

No additional components are installed on the user's computer - after making a payment and using the digital signature certificate, the user logs into the system and can immediately begin working. The service is updated automatically and unnoticed by subscribers: new features become available simultaneously to all subscribers and without any participation from implementation specialists.

As TAdviser told in 2011 Dmitry Kabatov, director of business development for the My Warehouse service, “Our service cannot be called a WMS system, although it has some WMS functions, such as address storage and automatic calculation of the provided safekeeping services. In general, our service performs the same tasks for clients, like 1C: Trade Management. Only we have a simplified, lightweight version in the form of an Internet service,” he noted.

Who is the service intended for?

In March 2018, MoySklad launched the “Cashier Only” tariff specifically for “second wave” entrepreneurs: small businesses that should start using online cash registers in 2018. The “MoegoSklada” tariff is intended only for new users of the service. It has been added to the line of existing tariffs - no changes will occur for existing clients of the company.

Availability on the Bento Cloud platform

2017: A mobile version of the MySklad software was created

According to the developers, users of MySklad can now link the warehouse, back office with the online store website and the VKontakte community. After completing the integration procedure, product items with a photo and price will appear in the associated VKontakte community.

"MySklad" and "ATOL: Your Store" are integrated

After completing integration with the platform, MoegoSklad users can make calls to mobile and fixed-line phones in a number of countries around the world, including Russia and. The new feature is available when connecting the CRM module and allows you to make calls directly from the browser without installing additional programs or extensions.

The VoxImplant platform supports WebRTC technology - an open standard that is being developed by a community with the participation of Google, Mozilla, Cisco and other prominent players in the Internet and telephony market. Calls via WebRTC are already available in the latest versions of Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, Opera, and Yandex Browser browsers.

The new opportunity will allow companies engaged in trade to complete the migration of their business to the cloud. CRM in MySklad is fully integrated with other system capabilities and allows you not only to record the history of relationships with clients, but also to process customer orders, work with suppliers and maintain full document flow.

Since October 2012, 38 thousand calls were made from MyWarehouse with a total duration of more than 75 thousand minutes.

2013: MyWarehouse is available to users of the Rostelecom cloud platform

The online trade management and warehouse accounting service MoySklad announced in April 2013 the start of sales on the Rostelecom platform, providing access to cloud services to commercial organizations and government agencies.

Internet service MoySklad is a convenient program for business that works online. The low cost of use, affordable even for small businesses, is combined with ample opportunities for effective business management:

  • Trade management, warehouse accounting, production and finance;
  • Work with clients and suppliers (CRM);
  • Automation of retail outlets;
  • Accounting and printing of all necessary documents.

Check out our advantages! Access from anywhere there is internet. If you don’t buy the program, a small subscription fee, from 240 rubles per month, includes user support. Quick start - no installation or implementation required. Trial period - sign up and try it now, it's free.

Overview of MySklad capabilities

Wholesale and e-commerce

Goods and services. Customer orders: processing, statuses, product reservation, import from an online store. Contracts. Price management: price lists, price categories and discounts. Multicurrency: purchases and sales in different currencies. Issuing invoices, printing invoices and certificates of completed work. Sales statistics.


Seller's workplace: registering sales, calculating change, returns, closing a shift, works from any computer, laptop, netbook or tablet. Summary report on retail outlets. Barcode scanners, printing price tags and labels. Offline mode and connecting a fiscal registrar.

Printing documents

All necessary documents and unified forms: invoices, sales receipts, invoices, TORG-12, TTN, acts, invoices, cash orders and many others. Automatic numbering, mass printing, document archive, sending by email. Own document templates.

Purchasing and warehouse accounting

All warehouse operations: acceptance and shipment of goods, movement, inventory, write-off and capitalization. Cost calculation. Remains and turnovers. Warehouse status planning and automatic orders to suppliers. Printing warehouse documents: M-11, INV-3, TORG-16, MX-1, etc. Support for multiple warehouses, batches, serial numbers, customs declaration, characteristics, packaging and barcodes.

Money and debt

Control of mutual settlements with buyers and suppliers, reconciliation reports. Bank and cash desk: registration of payments, including in foreign currency, printing of payment orders, cash orders. Import of statements from a client bank. Reports: mutual settlements, cash flow, revenue by retail outlets.

CRM, or working with the client base

Accounting for clients and contracts, a convenient directory of contractors and contact persons, custom fields. Integration with e-mail and SMS mailing services. Sales department management: tasks and reminders. All client data on one screen: relationship history, archive of exposed documents, current debt and total sales.

Analytical reports

Turnover, warehouse balances, sales statistics and profitability by product. Summary report on retail outlets. Dashboard or “Executive Screen”. Flow of funds. Debts and mutual settlements. Automatic sending of reports by email.

Hardware integration

Labels and price tags. Barcodes: support for scanners, printing and generation of EAN-8, EAN-13, Code128, etc. Android application “Data entry terminal”. Integration with the fiscal registrar and cash register.

Manufacturing and assembly operations

Technological maps and production operations. Assembly and disassembly into components. Automatic write-off of materials and calculation of the cost of manufactured products. Production orders: planning of raw materials and supplies requirements.

Access control, divisions, branches

Managing user rights: rights to menus and functions, roles, division of access for users from different departments, the ability to hide unnecessary menu items and the cost of goods. Support of several legal entities. persons, branches, warehouses or points of sale in a single system. Prohibition of changes in closed periods.

Data exchange

Export data to 1C:Accounting (version 8). Easy to set up synchronization with an online store on 1C-Bitrix, inSales, WebAsyst, Shop-Script, Amiro.CMS, UMI.CMS, HostCMS, Ecwid, Simpla. Web services for importing orders and exporting balances for integration with other engines. Import of goods from Excel and Yandex.Market. Integration with e-mail and SMS mailing services.


Additional fields for reference books and documents. No programming. User directories. Own templates for printed forms and reports. Qualified support service assistance in setting up the service for your business processes.

Simple and intuitive interface. It seems to have sufficient functionality that will satisfy many, but, as always, the devil is in the details (more on them below).


  1. Strange concept of reserve. You may not have the product in stock at all (its balance is 0), but it will be reserved in the order. Okay, MS has his own understanding of “reservation” and you can actually get used to it.
  2. You will not be able to place an order to a supplier based on the balance of goods in the warehouse (taking into account, of course, the minimum balance) and the reserved goods. You will have to make TWO orders. The first one will replenish the minimum balance, and the second one will bring the “available” amount to zero. In MS you cannot place an order by applying logical “AND” to the filter - you cannot generate a list by “less than irreducible available” and “negative available”. Example: you sell felt boots (with a minimum 10), bast shoes (5), galoshes (0), while 3 pairs of bast shoes and 3 pairs of galoshes are reserved in orders, then if the warehouse is empty (all shoes were sold out early) it is impossible to order 10 to the supplier at once pairs of felt boots, 8 (5+3) pairs of bast shoes and 3 (0+3) pairs of galoshes. There is only one solution - manually joining two tables, for example, in Excel. Because MS rarely allows you to upload leftovers to Excel if there are over 20,000 products in the catalog - tested by our own experience and solved using the excel macro crutch.
  3. Incomprehensible division of sales and shipment. Again, here the MC has his own understanding, and again you can get used to it. I don’t fully understand, but it seems like a sale is for an individual (you can print a cash receipt), a shipment is for a legal entity (you can print an UPD).
  4. Based on 54-FZ (the implementation of the requirements of which MS is so proud), a cash receipt must be for any sale to an individual. But a cash receipt can only be printed from a sale in the Cashier.MySklad application. Why then is the sale created in the main web application? You cannot make a sale from a customer order in the main application and print a receipt. Moreover, when selling in the main interface, you will not be able to print a cash receipt in the Cashier.MySklad application. Only when creating a sale in this application.
  5. Based on the previous point, imagine what difficulties there will be when working with an order of several dozen (not even hundreds) items, in which sales occur in parts. There are 70 items in the order, but we are currently selling 30 of them? No problem, just manually delete the remaining 40 products (sarcasm).
  6. Technical support. Many others have already written this before me, they will probably mention it after me, but I only confirm that it is weak. Recently a chat appeared, and at least some sense of dialogue arose. At the same time, many questions are not given a competent, qualified answer. Example: we are interested in the very fact of the possibility of connecting MSPOS-E. We are waiting for an answer like “yes/no” or “possible/impossible”. But they send us a link to a description of connecting another model. We repeat our question again. They answer that it is impossible. Well, why can’t you give a short, competent answer right away? They are also wasting their time.

There are other disadvantages, some may be more significant for some and insignificant for others - all this comes up during the work process. A little higher, I just cited what has been deposited over the past month.