Methods of stimulating personnel (methods). Types of staff motivation: how to encourage employees to work more efficiently Work and encourage them to

The better each individual employee works, the more profitable it is for the company as a whole. Nothing contributes more to the effectiveness of people's work than favorable working conditions created for them. Various types of staff motivation are no less important.

You will learn:

  • What are the main types of staff motivation?
  • How to effectively use types of material motivation for staff.
  • What types of non-material motivation of personnel exist.
  • What types of staff motivation are used in different areas of business.

What are the main types of staff motivation that companies use?

Employee motivation is his effort to achieve what he wants through hard work for the benefit of the company.

Hence the conclusion: if the material interest of the staff is directly linked to the interests of the company, then both parties will receive a certain benefit from such a “bundle”.

Depending on the incentives of staff, there are two main types of motivation:

  • Material motivation

Types of material motivation of personnel include salary, various types of bonuses, allowances and additional payments to it. In some cases, participation in the capital of the company. Staff remuneration is usually divided into two parts. Salary (guaranteed part) is payment for the employee’s work itself without assessing his effectiveness. But the quality and speed of the staff’s work, which ultimately gives an excellent result, can be materially noted. And here an individual approach to each employee is very important.

“Equalization” has never justified itself. The same pay for all staff, regardless of work and personal diligence, will cause unnecessary dissatisfaction and even resentment in the team.

Another reason for paying a bonus is one or another achievement (or, for example, even a “record”) of an employee. These include, say, the highest number of clients served per day. Or the work of one of the staff without marriage for a long time.

Material incentives for employees do not necessarily have to be in the form of money. There are other types of incentives and motivation for staff:

  • cellular communications paid for by the company, issuance of a laptop for personal use, provision of company transport;
  • discounted or even free meals, provision of subscriptions to attend certain events, awarding vouchers;
  • in some cases – additional medical insurance for staff;
  • One of the most common motivation options is valuable gifts.

Providing employees with funds or opportunities that, for whatever reason, they cannot afford themselves is not only a good way to motivate staff, but also shows the company in the most favorable light.

  • Non-material motivation

With the help of such motivation, it is quite possible to improve the company's productivity by 20%, or even more.

Non-material types of staff motivation are inherently much more complex and most effective for competent specialists. Such people are well aware of their qualifications, and a high assessment of their work in material terms is no more than an adequate norm for them.

For such employees, the main thing is often not to earn as much money as possible, but to realize themselves in one or another field of activity. Work should be interesting and special for them.

And the motivation for such personnel should also not be ordinary, but, on the contrary, speak about their success. For example:

  • as recognition of services to the company, you can award the employee some kind of honorary title, recognize his services in the local media, or at least mention him at an important public event;
  • allow the employee to participate in the process of making important decisions regarding the company’s affairs.

5 non-material ways of motivation that worked successfully

You can force staff to work better and at the same time save your budget using non-material incentives. Ideas for such motivation were prepared by the editors of the Commercial Director magazine.

What other types of staff motivation exist in an organization?

  • Positive and negative

If certain incentives for an employee are positive, then the motivation, accordingly, will also be positive. With negative incentives, the type of motivation is negative.

Let's look at these types of staff motivation in a little more detail. When staff strives to perform their work so well that they are guaranteed to receive the expected reward, this is positive reinforcement. But there is also a negative one: within its framework, the staff will try not to make mistakes in their work, as this can lead to certain troubles.

It has long been known that in the “carrot and stick” method, the type of staff motivation through the “carrot” is much more effective. Unfortunately, it is not always possible to avoid situations where negative measures simply cannot be avoided. And here you should remember one rule. If you want to achieve a better result, it is better to apply “sanctions” to one of the staff face to face rather than in front of the entire team of employees.

  • External and internal

Types of staff motivation can also be divided into external and internal. The first type of motivation is based on an assessment of the employee’s performance by the company’s management: whether the specific tasks assigned to him have been completed and how well this has been done.

Internal motivation is spoken of when an employee independently evaluates his work, comparing it with the goals set for him.

In general, any good company should try to ensure that its personnel independently analyze and evaluate their activities. Ideally, the self-assessment of the employee’s performance and that of the company’s management should coincide. And the person will firmly know: if he works well, he is praised and encouraged, if he works poorly, he is dissatisfied and punished. Of course, such a staff motivation scheme will only work if the management’s opinion is significant for the employee.

From the above it follows that as motivation you should always notice and celebrate the achievements of one of the staff. Otherwise, the employee’s assessment of his work will, in his opinion, not correspond to the assessment of his superiors. This results in the dissatisfaction of the staff with the management in particular and the company in general.

  • Regulatory and compulsory

“If you can’t, we’ll teach you; if you don’t want to, we’ll force you.” The first part of this famous phrase will precisely refer to the “normal” type of staff motivation. That is, people are motivated mainly with the help of positivity. Persuasion, suggestion, psychological influences, information on the topic and other types of motivation are used.

If the management of a company, in order to improve the efficiency of employees, is forced to resort to direct threats, implying deprivation of any material benefits, this is already a type of forced motivation of personnel.

Stimulation implies a direct impact not on a person, but on the circumstances surrounding him. Certain benefits encourage staff to behave in ways that are beneficial to the company.

Normal and forced are direct types of staff motivation, since they directly affect employees. Stimulation involves indirect influence, through certain external factors.

  • General corporate, group and individual

In general, every large company has created its own, initially prescribed system of types of motivation. But recently, the usual types of staff motivation are increasingly no longer satisfying company management, and the idea of ​​individual motivation of both some important employees for the company and various groups of employees is increasingly being discussed. The idea is based on the understanding that the interests and needs of people can differ significantly from each other, and therefore an individual approach to each of the personnel is desirable.

  • Self-motivation

The basis of people’s self-motivation to work can be different. This includes recognition of the results of work by other people, love for the profession, and much more.

It is very important how the head of the company approaches his work. When he is highly motivated to succeed, then the entire company works with full dedication. In the same way, the motivation of the entire department directly depends on the mood of the department heads.

How to effectively use types of material motivation for staff

1. Remuneration

Salary can be called the main type of material motivation for the personnel of any company. For many, wages are, if not the only source of income, then almost certainly the main one. And in this regard, the mathematics is simple: the higher the income of employees, the better they will try for the prosperity of the company and the less staff turnover will be.

The rate (or net salary) is the minimum wage for staff without additional payments and allowances. The salary for a certain position cannot be lower than the amount established by law.

If it is possible to establish a certain standard for work for a certain period of time, then, as a rule, payments to personnel will be made at the tariff rate. With a salary (in cases where it is not possible to assign a standard for personnel), they pay for the performance of official duties.

2. Awards

A bonus is a very powerful type of financial motivation for company personnel. A company that practices monthly bonuses to staff for certain successes in their activities always receives a specific return from this. The absence of bonuses, on the contrary, often negatively affects the work of staff, since people simply do not have the motivation to work effectively.

3. Percentage

This type of staff motivation is most often found in trade or services. A percentage of revenue means that the faster and better a person works, the more money he will ultimately be able to receive. This also means that staff salaries do not have a clearly defined framework, and everything depends on the professional skills of the employee. By the way, in some companies, instead of a percentage of revenue, they use another type of personnel incentive - they pay a so-called bonus for professionalism. They pay, of course, for a reason, but only after evaluating the employee’s performance.

4. Bonuses

One of the types of staff motivation is various bonuses. True, often, if their amount is initially fixed, bonuses can reduce the motivation of some of the staff. Why try to do more and better if it still doesn’t increase your reward? Hence the conclusion: by making the bonus system more complex, with a quantitatively changing monetary component, you will certainly increase staff motivation to work.

In many companies, in addition to personal bonuses, team bonuses are also common - financial motivation for an entire group of employees for some specific success at work. True, there are some nuances here. A company is an integral and complex organism, all of whose “organs” work in a single rhythm, and the success of one department is rarely possible without the work of another. So sometimes, by rewarding one group of employees, you can simultaneously demotivate another. However, in some cases the merits of a particular department are so obvious that it would be a big mistake not to reward it.

5. Additional payments for working conditions

In some industries, working conditions that are unfavorable and simply harmful to the health of personnel still exist. If it is not possible to bring them to a generally accepted standard, the enterprise personnel should be provided with certain compensation. Basically, these will be longer vacations, free meals at work, some kind of medical and preventive procedures and other types of staff motivation.

If a person works in shifts and the shifts fall in the evening or at night, he must receive a certain additional payment for this. There are also additional payments for the employee’s level of employment and for combining several professions.

6. Sale of part of the shares to employees

Being a shareholder in a thriving company can be very rewarding. And that's not the only thing. When such shareholders are part of the company’s personnel, people will work conscientiously, because the company’s income will be reflected in the value of their shares, and therefore their material well-being.

7. Benefits and discounts

Types of staff motivation, while remaining material, do not necessarily have a monetary form. Such types of motivation are called benefits and are a pleasant addition to social packages from the state and from the company.

Benefits include different types of discounts and benefits both for a company employee and, in some cases, for his family members. Eg:

  • partial or full payment for travel, mobile communications, food;
  • reimbursement to staff for gym memberships;
  • offering non-state pension benefits to staff;
  • addition to honey insurance (for example, dental services, medical examinations and even surgeries);
  • vacation packages;
  • assistance with housing: provision of a service apartment, reimbursement of rent, resolving the mortgage issue;
  • payment for studies.

8. Gifts

Gifts are sometimes beneficial not only to receive, but also to give. For example, gifts from a company to an employee are not only pleasant for the recipient, but also significantly increase the prestige of the company itself. At the same time, the confidence of the company's personnel in management is growing.

Reasons for gifts can be very different: New Year, March 8, other holidays. A separate discussion is the employee’s birthday. Without a specific reason, the company’s management can organize various types of lotteries with valuable prizes. Such motivation not only increases staff morale, but also works to increase employee respect for the company.

9. Fines

From the pleasant to the sharply opposite. Many companies have long established a certain system of personnel fines, when employees for one or another offense are deprived of part of the material reward, or even completely. Fines are also a kind of motivation for staff to do good work, only this is motivation using the “repugnant” method.

For example, violations among personnel entail loss of bonus in full:

  • absence from work without a good reason, unauthorized absence;
  • appearing at work while intoxicated;
  • complete disregard for job descriptions;
  • damage mat. valuables or loss of funds due to negligence;
  • obvious rudeness towards colleagues or clients;
  • theft.

Reduced premium All other types of violations among personnel are punished from 10 to 50%. The list can be long, so here are just a few of them:

  • constant delays;
  • neglect of safety precautions;
  • failure to comply with orders from superiors.

Expert opinion

How to build an effective bonus system

Valery Shagin,

President of MITS, Moscow

One of the types of staff motivation in our company is bonuses. Moreover, the types of incentives were developed by me together with the heads of departments. The system itself is completely transparent: every employee of the company knows for what specific merits he receives a bonus this month and what needs to be done to ultimately receive this or that amount.

Let me give you an example. The bonus for aviation department employees is divided into two components. The first part is calculated from the overall results of the company’s activities, the second is directly related to the work of the department and its sales volume. The entire amount of money is allocated entirely to the department and is given to employees in proportion to their salary. The system, admittedly, is not entirely perfect. It lacks an individual approach to personnel: the contribution to the work of each individual employee is not considered, although it would be correct to use the principle “to each according to his work.”

In another department, the visa department, there is a system for distributing bonuses among personnel of the same type, consisting of two parts. But in the second part there is some gradation of rewards. Bonuses for staff depend not only on how many passports the department issued, but also in which embassies this was done. There is also a gradation according to the “complexity” of embassies. The visa department staff have long needed an increase in wages, which we did with the help of bonuses.

For employees who sell tours, the bonus system is more complex. In this case, the amount of monetary incentives depends only on the success of the employee himself and the amount in percentage terms may vary. If a person has achieved high sales figures, he is entitled to an additional bonus. If, on the contrary, he did not even fulfill the sales plan, no bonus at all. Individual bonuses are awarded to staff after summing up the results of the year - again, directly dependent on the employee’s results. And for excellent performance there is an additional bonus.

The secretariat, accounting and courier service (service departments) receive a stable 10% bonus for the entire company. Of course, in the event that we have achieved positive income in a month. As for couriers specifically, we have introduced an additional type of motivation for such employees. The remuneration is paid if the courier makes more trips per month than he is entitled to on average. Or travels along complex routes outside of Moscow (usually to airports). The bonus is not too big, but in any case it is a good motivation for work.

What types of non-material motivation of personnel exist?

1. Social motivation

Every person belonging to a certain social group strives for recognition on its part. As a matter of fact, the entire system of types of social motivation is built on this.

The desire for stability in our difficult times is becoming increasingly important. What is stability now? This is a stable position in a social group, respect from its members, and the favor of the leader. Nobody wants to lose all this. Therefore, certain types of behavior are fixed in a person (in the work collective - models of labor behavior). The employee’s desire to be recognized by his colleagues is precisely the basis for social motivation. But here a lot will depend on the manager of the company. Formal management without an individual and emotional approach, without the motivation of everyone personally will not win the trust of the employee, will not make him want to fully join the team and follow its rules of labor conduct - and therefore the company’s rules.

Social motivation can be achieved through the following types of encouragement:

  • separating an employee from the team by promoting him or giving him a certain status that distinguishes him from ordinary performers;
  • vesting an employee with new powers - without promotion, within the limits of his position;
  • appointment to various professional committees, along with staff from other departments.

A good type of social motivation is assigning an employee some tasks related to joint activities in a team. For example, posing problems that cannot be resolved without agreement with other people. This will not only expand the number of social contacts of the employee, but will also teach him to compromise when necessary, extinguish emerging conflicts, etc. Such “training” will make it possible to interest the employee in the affairs of the organization, and allow management to evaluate the employee’s efficiency and his importance to the company .

2. Moral motivation

The moral type of staff motivation is somewhat similar to the social one, but it also has its own characteristics. It is also based on the employee’s desire for respect from colleagues and management. But this type of motivation is more related to a person’s personal qualities, his life priorities and moral values.

Not so long ago, large Russian companies began to strive for a corporate culture. This concept itself existed before, but recently it has been given special significance. And this is quite understandable. Only an honest and deeply decent person can be trusted with this or that position in the company, or with this or that important area of ​​activity for the company. An employee who does not have these qualities can easily sacrifice the long-term interests of the company for his own short-term gain.

Types of moral stimulation include:

  • motivationYuin the form of personal recognition, which usually comes from the management of the company. What does this mean? The names of employees whose work has brought particular benefits to the firm are conveyed directly to the firm's senior management - mainly through special reports. In some cases, distinguished employees can personally demonstrate their results to the company's management or important clients of the company, which is a good motivation for their future work. In the future, these employees are not just personally congratulated on holidays and various anniversaries. They enjoy the well-deserved trust of management, which sometimes brings serious preferences;
  • motivationYuin the form of public recognition. It can be of different types. Sometimes these are articles dedicated to the achievements of employees in corporate or even local newspapers, more often - information on “honor boards” known since Soviet times. Employees whose successes they want to especially note are awarded with certificates or memorial signs, and their names are included in special historical lists of the company. Quite often, in addition to public honoring in front of the rest of the company’s personnel, distinguished employees are awarded valuable prizes or a cash bonus. This kind of motivation has a very serious effect on some people.

The most common types of moral motivation of personnel are praise and criticism. It should be remembered that each such method has its own rules. For example, for motivation with praise to be as effective as possible, you need to:

  • Use it not occasionally, but regularly. Any good result of an employee should be noticed and celebrated by management.
  • However, praise can be devalued for a distinguished employee if it is excessive or repeated too often. Conclusion: praise must be given in doses so that motivation does not lose its “workability.”
  • Praise should only be deserved. If you break this rule, the employee may unknowingly reduce the quality of his work (if they praise him for this, it means I’m doing everything as it should be).
  • Praise works well alongside criticism. You don’t need too much of one or the other; it’s best to alternate these two types of staff motivation. If praise works as a stimulus for an employee’s performance, then criticism, on the contrary, suppresses unsatisfactory moments in his work.
  • Sometimes it is useful to praise not after completing a task, but “before”, no matter how strange this type of staff motivation may look. Praising “in advance” will stimulate the employee’s desire to justify the trust placed in him and will make him believe in his own abilities (the management believes). As a result of such motivation, the chance of high-quality performance of the task assigned to the employee will increase several times.

You need to be no less careful with criticism of employees than with praise. The rules for criticizing staff are as follows:

  • Just as one should only praise deservedly, one should only criticize objectively. Unfounded criticism has the most negative impact on the authority of the manager and the motivation of the employee. A person begins to doubt: why follow certain production standards if, as it turns out, this is punishable.
  • The best way to criticize an employee is confidentially, and not in front of all the staff . Humiliating an employee in front of everyone is far from the best motivation to force a person to admit his mistake on his own, and not under pressure from the opinions of others.
  • In certain cases, criticism should not be harsh, but, on the contrary, friendly. What does it mean? Firstly, a person, even when criticizing him for some actions, must be treated with respect. Secondly, you can sympathize with his mistake. Thirdly, express the opinion that this was a mistake, and not malicious intent, and this will not happen again in the future.
  • You can never make unfounded accusations; you definitely need proof of wrongdoing. Any criticism of staff must be clearly reasoned.
  • And at the very end of an unpleasant conversation you definitely need demonstration of willingness to help. An employee should know that they will always be helped to correct the mistakes they make – both management and the entire team. Such motivation often has a much stronger effect on a person than harsh criticism.

3. Psychological motivation

The psychological type of staff motivation is one of the most complex. Every person, to one degree or another, strives for self-realization in a certain field of activity. We need to convince him that he has such an opportunity in this company. Moreover, make sure that the employee feels satisfaction from his work in the company.

There are two types of motivation to stimulate an employee in this particular case:

1) Stimulation by the content of the work.

When work corresponds to a person’s character, his inclinations and desires, this will affect him in the most positive way. If you compare two employees with the same material motivation in the same position, the one who is truly interested in the work will always do the job better.

An important point: a person’s interest in work is subjective or objective. In the first case, this is the influence of many factors, ranging from a child’s dream to the parents’ desire for their son (or daughter) to follow in their footsteps. Interest in a certain profession could be shaped by other circumstances, the most unexpected: a movie you liked, an example from your best friend, even your first love for a girl who, for example, liked the military.

The objective aspects that influence a person’s interest in a certain field of activity are somewhat different. These are, first of all, the abilities and talents of a person, sometimes even hidden for the time being from himself. Ultimately, they are the ones who largely determine the success of an individual in a particular field.

One of the manager’s tasks in this direction is to identify the employee’s interest in a certain type of activity and give him additional motivation. If an employee does not feel a clear passion for his work, this work can be slightly restructured so that it not only becomes a little more interesting for the person, but also guarantees him some success. But the ideal option, which simultaneously benefits both the company as a whole and the employee in particular, would be to find for him a type of activity in which he could realize all his talents and satisfy all his needs. In this case, the employee’s labor productivity will increase significantly. And the more such employees work in a company, the stronger the company is - and not only financially.

2) Stimulating opportunities for personal and professional self-development.

Personal and professional growth of an employee mainly means the development of these qualities under the influence of colleagues. People who are more experienced in certain matters will in one way or another influence the “newcomer”, and first of all, their professionalism. From this point of view, a large company is perhaps the best place for a young specialist to start working.

However, the matter is not limited to professional growth. A team is a group of people who differ in their characters, moral and ethical qualities, goals in life, etc. In order for an employee to feel comfortable at a new place of work, the psychological climate there must be appropriate. A good, friendly atmosphere in the team is not only a motivation for the effective work of the entire department, but also an incentive for an individual employee to perform high-quality work, as well as an impetus for a person’s personal self-development.

Good, smooth relationships among company personnel do not appear by themselves. There will always be a few people who, for one reason or another, do not fit into the team. And in order to smooth out possible “corners” in relationships, many companies have a special HR department. Specialists from this department (as well as the team leader) must take into account literally everything: the individuality of each employee on staff, how he does his job, what kind of relationships develop between employees and why.

Work must be carried out with every employee of the company. A person should not feel separate from the group, like some kind of isolated object. A team is a common whole, a kind of unified organism. And here, as already mentioned, an important role is assigned to the leader of this team. His professionalism, attention to detail and subtle psychological sense will be able to maintain relationships between subordinates at the proper level, as well as give them additional motivation for work.

From all of the above, we can conclude that successful psychological motivation of personnel is the interaction of two factors: a person’s internal desire for self-development and psychological comfort from being in a team.

Expert opinion

What types of non-material motivation of personnel have worked well in practice?

Victor Nechiporenko,

General Director of Information Service “Red Telephone” LLC, Moscow

In our company we use several types of staff motivation:

  • Flexible schedule. Thanks to him, a person can do his own business at any time convenient for him. This is especially convenient for women with their constant household chores. Well, in general: some are more comfortable starting work early, while others are more comfortable finishing it later. For us, the main thing is that workplaces are not empty during the day. Moreover, certain types of work can generally be done at home. For example, this concerns the compilation of databases. A flexible schedule is a type of staff motivation that is, in many ways, a win-win.
  • Opportunity to earn extra money. We do not prevent people from earning extra money in other places. With us, a person works part-time and not full-time - until he finds out for himself in which organization he is more comfortable. However, we also practice another type of combining activities, inviting people to work on specific projects.
  • Personal work area. We can assign some of our staff to work in a separate area. This is a kind of promotion, motivation for further work and at the same time checking whether the employee can cope with the task. Such a person's self-esteem increases and, more importantly, he gains some experience in managing people. This is also good for a future resume: mentioning that you were responsible for a separate project in the company will not hurt anyone. The status of an employee appointed responsible for his area becomes higher, the attitude of colleagues towards him changes, the person grows in his own eyes and, in addition, gains management experience.
  • Nice job title. It costs the company nothing, but it’s nice for the person. Someone considers it more prestigious to be called a “manager” instead of an “operator” - why not? The main thing is that the employee will be happier to work in this “position”. Also a kind of motivation.
  • Participation in important meetings. Of course, it is not at all necessary to invite even a distinguished employee to important negotiations. The motivation here is purely psychological. The knowledge that he is invited to a meeting with clients as a leading specialist increases a person’s self-esteem. In addition, his authority in the eyes of the rest of the company’s personnel is growing.
  • Right of first choice. A very effective form of staff motivation. The best employees are the first to choose certain significant work moments. For example, clients you would like to work with, types of specific activities, vacation times, etc.
  • Personal assistance. Whenever possible, do not ignore personal requests from employees. For example, should you write a review of a diploma or issue the necessary certificate? This will only increase your authority among the company's staff. Once there was a case. The son of one of my employees was threatened with transfer to paid education at the institute. I had to go to the dean’s office and, introducing myself as the guy’s uncle, convince people at the department to allow him to take the exam.
  • Seeking advice. Asking for advice from a knowledgeable person, even if it is your subordinate, does not mean losing your dignity in his eyes. Quite the contrary. By doing this, you will let the employee know that you value his knowledge as a professional and respect him as a person.
  • Public thanks. When people praise not one-on-one, but in front of the entire staff of the company, it always gives a person a feeling of legitimate pride. And besides, it adds weight among colleagues.

What types and forms of staff motivation are used in different areas of business?

  • Types of motivation of IT personnel

For true professionals in this field of activity, interest in the work they do and a high degree of knowledge usually go hand in hand. So it should be borne in mind that such a specialist can simply refuse tasks that are not interesting to him. This is where certain types of motivation should help you.

First of all, of course, financial motivation. High-quality IT specialists are always valued in large (and not only) companies; there is serious competition for the best of them. So it is not surprising that the work of such employees is paid at the highest rate. However, the principle of motivation “our wages are higher” does not always work. Constant bonuses, bonuses and other material benefits “just like that” can often spoil an employee, which will negatively affect his motivation. But when a specialist’s salary is coordinated with the market average, this will only push the employee to work more efficiently - in order to receive the same bonuses and bonuses.

You also need to be careful with the non-material type of motivation of IT specialists, taking into account the specifics of their work. The introduction of various kinds of ratings or titles such as “employee of the month” is unlikely to improve the efficiency of the department. Rather, on the contrary, it will negatively affect both the motivation of the most noted employee and the rest of the team.

But the opportunity for self-development, both professionally and personally, will work well as a motivation for IT staff. Various types of advanced training courses, language courses and others will be welcomed by such professionals.

A work schedule for IT department employees is also a good motivation. If the type of schedule is flexible, adjusted to the wishes of employees, this will definitely affect the efficiency of their work. In addition to a flexible schedule, such specialists can be given special time during which they can work on their creative ideas. Some of the ideas will certainly benefit the company in the future. And the very fact of the opportunity to create something new will play a significant role in motivating an employee.

  • Types of personnel motivation in sales

In the field of trade, one point is extremely important: almost always the amount of profit received by a company depends on the quality of staff work. The more active the employees, the greater the revenue.

Almost always, salaries in such companies are divided into two components: salary and percentage of sales. Or salary and bonus part. The amount of the second component depends only on the employee himself: the more energetically he works, the higher the financial gratitude of the company will be. The progress of the staff is assessed by the manager in accordance with the established sales plan.

In some companies, salary is excluded from wages altogether, and the employee works only for interest. In this case, the motivation of the staff is even more exaggerated, since there is no salary “ceiling” in this situation. It’s just as possible to be left without it altogether.

One of the types of non-material motivation of personnel in trade is training. And this is understandable. The higher the qualifications of the staff, the more goods the employees will sell and the more profit the company will receive.

One of the types of motivation for a trade worker is to transfer him to a better place. Moreover, the “best location” can mean both the amount of revenue of another store, and simply more attractive working conditions. However, personnel rotation between retail outlets can be carried out as planned. An employee who is “accustomed” to one place often begins to work “automatically”, without a spark, which ultimately affects the store’s profit.

Often, sales staff are significantly overworked. And here creating comfortable working conditions for employees will play a huge role in motivation. In particular, a specially equipped place where a person can take a break from his duties for some time.

  • Types of motivation for production personnel

Work in production has always been considered one of the most labor-intensive. Plus, it requires special skills and knowledge from the staff. And over time, production work becomes more and more complex. New technologies are constantly being introduced not only into human life, but also into production: equipment is replaced, some processes are computerized, etc. This means that many employees have to be retrained to work in new conditions.

The type of wages in most industries is the same: salary plus bonus. Bonuses are given to staff for fulfilling a pre-approved plan.

To ensure that the plan is not only fulfilled, but also exceeded, a special employee incentive scheme has been invented. This type of staff motivation operates due to the difference in the cost of work performed. Let's say parts produced under a set plan have the same price. And the details “above the plan” are different, increased. The more a worker produces parts of the second “type,” the greater his material reward will be. Here the motivation for good work is direct.

There can be several types of non-material motivation of personnel in production. One of them involves gratitude from management for the implementation of certain tasks.

Improving working conditions is another effective type of staff motivation. There are many options here: discounted or even free meals in the factory canteen, rest rooms arranged with all possible comfort, comfortable work clothes, payment by the company for mobile communications, etc.

The third type of staff motivation is increasing corporate spirit in production. Various holidays, sports competitions, certain traditions observed in the company - all this significantly increases the motivation of staff to work effectively now and in the future.

  • Types of motivation for remote workers

If a person works remotely, this always carries certain risks: for example, misinterpretation of assigned tasks, violations of work deadlines.

The type of material motivation of such an employee depends on the employer’s attitude towards him. When there is confidence that the employee will not let you down, he is simply given a specific task with a jointly agreed upon deadline for its completion. Work completed on time means financial compensation received in full. The motivation is there.

If you constantly monitor an employee, do not make this control too intrusive. The time that a person spends on drawing up the next report could be more usefully spent on completing his assigned task.

Here is a scheme for working with staff working remotely:

  1. Set a specific and achievable task for the employee, and set a deadline for its completion.
  2. Discuss the assigned work with the employee, listen to his opinion about the work and the timing of its completion.
  3. Come to a general agreement, after which the employee will begin performing the work.
  4. The employee must have access to all necessary types of resources to successfully perform the job.
  5. The employee must provide the customer with reports on the progress of the work. They should not be overly detailed; a report in the form of a short email is sufficient in most cases.

An intangible type of motivation for employees working remotely is to give them the opportunity to integrate into the team over time.

Expert opinion

What types of non-material staff motivation are effective for sales managers

Elena Ivanova,

General Director of the Kofetut chain of coffee and tea stores, Moscow

1. Show employees their importance to the company. One type of motivation is to praise the manager in front of his colleagues, sometimes even to set an example for the rest of the staff. It’s good if you don’t forget about the employee’s birthday and prepare some valuable gift, which will be presented again in front of everyone.

2. Use feedback when communicating with managers. More personal communication with an employee will only benefit him. From time to time you can take an interest in his work affairs and offer him help in some matters. The only thing: do not abuse the manifestation of such attention, do not give the employee a reason to think that he is being controlled.

3. Give manager to feel free. Almost every office worker now has problems with free time. Try not to refuse a person if, for example, he asks to leave early or writes an application for time off. Remember: a rested employee will work much more efficiently in the future.

4. Not provoke conflicts between managers. Competition between employees in a department can sometimes be unhealthy. To avoid unnecessary conflicts, it is useful to divide (for yourself only) managers into categories of experience. For example, distinguish the following types: “beginners”, “merchants” and “experts”. There are not necessarily three types of gradation; there can be more or less. But each category of employee should have its own financial motivation.

Information about the experts

Valery Shagin, President of MITS, Moscow. The MITS (Moscow International Travel Service) company was founded in 1993. MITS is one of the leading tour operators in Russia, specializing in organizing individual tours. Member of the PCT (Russian Union of Travel Industry), IATA (International Air Transport Association). The company has more than 1000 agent firms throughout Russia.

Victor Nechiporenko, General Director of Information Service “Red Telephone” LLC, Moscow. Viktor Nechiporenko graduated from the technical department of the Higher School of the KGB of the USSR in 1977, and from the department of academic training programs of the Academy of National Economy under the Government of the Russian Federation in 2006. Until 1996 he was engaged in research work. She has been teaching at the Department of Developmental Psychology at Moscow Pedagogical State University for 15 years. Likes animals; at one time he kept four cats, two dogs, a squirrel, hamsters, guinea pigs, and fish at home. “Red Phone” Scope of activity: organization of call centers; information and registration services for exhibitions; marketing research; Conducting seminars and trainings on telephone communication and telephone sales.

Elena Ivanova, General Director of the Kofetut chain of coffee and tea stores, Moscow. Elena Ivanova graduated from the Institute of Economics, Finance and Law of Reserve Officers with a degree in law. During her studies, she implemented several trade projects: a network of gas stations, a network of flower salons, a restaurant serving Russian and Georgian cuisine. Has business management experience since 1989. "Kofetut" is a company engaged in the wholesale and retail sale of tea and coffee. The company was founded in 2002. The number of personnel is 20 people.

When recruiting staff, a manager always wants to attract worthy and promising employees whose work will bring benefits and significant benefits. To interest and retain people in your team, you need a competent system of financial incentives.

The law regarding additional payments to employees is laconic - this is mentioned in Article 129 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, where bonuses and allowances are included in the general concept of wages. Encouragement of employee labor is also stipulated in Article 191 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, where the employer is given complete freedom to regulate such payments with internal documents. In other words, bonuses are the employer’s right, not his obligation.

What could be the financial incentives for staff?

Employee labor is a fairly expensive resource for any enterprise, but its importance in the company’s activities cannot be overestimated. A satisfied employee works better, is more productive and more willing to reveal his potential - this requires thoughtful stimulation of his interests.

Types of material incentives for personnel – monetary and non-monetary. Monetary incentives include the following forms:

  1. Wage ().
  2. Bonuses and incentives for achievements in work, additional payments, financial assistance, sometimes a share in profits or share capital.
  3. Allowances and compensations (in this case, the state takes an active part, protecting all kinds of guarantees for difficult working conditions, exceeding labor standards, types of work, pay, vacations, etc.).
  4. Loans and preferential loans to personnel.

Taken together, monetary incentives are the economic motivation of employees, since it is thanks to such incentives that a person’s economic need for food, clothing, household items, and housing is realized.

Non-monetary material incentives are based, rather, on the moral needs of employees. To compensate, you can, for example, pay for cellular communications, provide free meals, issue vouchers to a sanatorium for the whole family, provide a personal car, provide a gym membership or gifts for key dates. In monetary terms, the employee does not receive special payments, but the conditions created for his work are an excellent motive for increasing labor productivity.

All of these methods of influencing an employee’s level of dedication to work are effective. But people are different - everyone has their own needs, interests, internal “levers” for action. At some enterprises, as a form of material incentive, a system of fines and penalties for various offenses is being thought out: being late, smoking in the workplace, oversight, shortcomings, etc. Of course, such measures cannot be applied to employee wages (), but they may well be imposed on bonus payments (deprivation or reduction of them).

At some enterprises, as a form of material incentive, a system of fines and penalties for various offenses is being thought out: being late, smoking in the workplace, oversight, shortcomings, etc.

Regulations on material incentives for employees

Encouraging employees is a voluntary matter for the employer, but the presence of such payments implies the creation and approval of an internal document reflecting a policy that encourages staff. The provision on financial incentives should include:

  1. General information about the company, concepts used in the text, personnel and purposes of creating the document.
  2. Information about to whom, for what merits and with what frequency bonuses are awarded. You can assign personnel to divisions, workshops, departments, groups - depending on the specifics of the company’s activities. Bonuses can be based on the results of the year, quarter, month, amount of work performed, etc. – this also needs to be indicated.
  3. Methodology for determining the size of bonuses. Or an indication that this amount is determined by management depending on the circumstances and is not limited.
  4. The procedure for approving bonuses and deductions (if they are provided for at the enterprise).
  5. Final provisions. You can indicate here who is responsible for monitoring the implementation of this Regulation.

The regulation is signed by management and brought to the attention of employees. Its presence at the enterprise, of course, raises the status of the employer in the person of the staff, since there is no tension in the team, there is clarity, transparency and predictability of payments. Each employee knows what and to what extent he needs to complete in order to receive a bonus. It is better to make changes to the Regulations through an issued order.

Incentive payments in documents

In addition to the Regulations on material incentives for the company's employees, information about possible bonuses and additional payments should be mentioned in the employment contract with each employee () and in the collective agreement, if there is one.

A bonus or incentive salary supplement is income for an employee on which income tax is paid in the amount of 13% (), withheld by the employer. Insurance contributions to the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation, the Social Insurance Fund and the Compulsory Medical Insurance Fund for these payments in favor of personnel are also calculated on the basis of Article 7 of Federal Law No. 212-FZ.

A bonus or incentive salary supplement is income for an employee on which income tax is paid in the amount of 13%.

Payment of the bonuses themselves occurs on the basis of the Regulations developed by the enterprise - once a month or a year, based on the results of work performed or project closure. The bonus fund is included in the wage fund and is taken into account in the cost of goods, works and services as labor costs (). However, for this, documentary evidence of such expenses is required (entries in labor and collective agreements, Regulations, orders).

Improving the financial incentive system

In order for your well-thought-out and approved system of bonuses and incentives for staff to really work, motivating people to do more fruitful work, follow some rules:

  1. An employee’s work must be assessed objectively - remuneration must be appropriate and adequate precisely to his contribution to the overall result, meaningful and fair.
  2. The employee must know how his work will be evaluated and what reward he will receive.
  3. The employee must be rewarded on time.

If there is an oppressive atmosphere, hostility, tension in the team, reconsider your system of material incentives. You can attract an experienced HR manager (or even a psychologist) to your team and entrust him with this work.

Material incentives for personnel can be expressed in monetary and non-monetary form, in the form of bonuses, incentives, allowances, compensation, benefits and various bonuses. By developing a working bonus system for employees, you raise the potential of your enterprise, increase the level of labor productivity and take yourself as an employer to a qualitatively new level.

Constantly stimulated and directed initiative can be your greatest asset.

Managers are offered many ways to create a creative atmosphere in the work team.

1. Take personal responsibility for creating an organizational climate that encourages innovation.

No matter how ardently your subordinates support you, their activity will manifest itself only if they express ±; your personal confidence and interest in stimulating initiative,

2. Be creative. Constantly seek new forms of work organization, striving to maximize creative interaction between workers.

3. Focus your attention on those aspects of organizational culture - traditional procedures and norms - that stifle and limit initiative.

4. Remember that a creative atmosphere will not appear by itself. You must prepare the appropriate soil for it.

5. Create an atmosphere of openness and freedom of communication so that your subordinates would like to share ideas and information with each other and with you. By emphasizing the distance between superiors and subordinates, you will find yourself isolated.

6. Free yourself from the bonds of the old, outdated management system. Don't micromanage.

7. Be prepared to encounter inertia and even resistance. They can be gradually overcome through a methodical and persistent conviction that creative initiative is needed for business.

9. Emphasize those tasks whose solution requires a creative approach.

10. Ruthlessly get rid of the burden of old products, services, events that only consume valuable resources, time and effort, but do not contribute to the development of your business.

11. Distribute time and resources adequately to the requirements of introducing innovations.

12. Orient or train your subordinates to be more receptive to new ideas and best practices.

13. Study and take into account the individual characteristics of your employees. Appreciate everyone's individual abilities.

Treat the employee as an expert in their field.

14. Formulate goals and objectives so that they correspond as closely as possible to the individual interests of the employees who will participate in their implementation.

15. Identify and focus on those incentives that most contribute to the growth of the employee’s self-esteem and his desire to achieve the task.

16. Do everything possible to demonstrate the individuality and competence of employees. The higher the competence, the greater the work motivation, the degree of independence, the value of the labor contribution, flexibility, and area of ​​specialization.

17. Give your employees jobs that give them professional and personal satisfaction. Without this, they won't be truly engaged.

18. Give preference to projects that do not go beyond the professional interests of employees.

19. “Challenge” your subordinates by assigning tasks that require them to be a little more professional than what they have already demonstrated.

20. Guarantee proactive performers that they will be rewarded no worse than last time.

21. Help your subordinates perceive the new job as a challenge to their professional qualities. This will encourage them to work and help them overcome difficulties.

22. Convince everyone that a successful career will shine only for those employees who show creative activity.

23. Encourage pluralism. The working style chosen by a vamp does not necessarily mean the best.

25. Use a greater variety of ways to use labor and material resources to solve problems creatively.

26. Focus your efforts on the end goal, not on the significance of everyone's contribution to its achievement.

27. Formulate the task together with other employees. This will help develop an optimal program for its implementation.

28. Encourage people to return to the same problem again and again until an original way to solve it is found.

29. Set high but reasonable performance standards. Remember, however, that even the most noble goals should not exceed the technical and financial capabilities of the organization.

30. Achieve a relationship where the quality requirement permeates all stages of work.

31. It is impossible to do without monitoring compliance with labor discipline, but ideally it should resonate with the Sense of responsibility of each employee and his self-discipline.

32. Consider how different employees evaluate

your own creative abilities and how

On the 8th they would like to implement them. In every organization

there are proactive, inventive people. Compose from

their numbers are “brain teams” that would help in

searching for original solutions.

33. Search carefully, support and stimulate

Individuals who are naturally capable of creativity.

34. Clearly set the task and roughly outline the desired result. Determine priority areas of work.

Involve the authors of the idea in the work to implement it. Involve other specialists who have extensive experience, can be generators of ideas, or are able to present a particular problem in an original light.

35. Provide leadership by persuasion and indirect stimulation, rather than by direct pressure and orders.

Set clear boundaries for the task, leaving room for a free search for alternative options for completing it.

36. From the very beginning, formulate the problem broadly to allow maximum flight of fantasy STDs. Support more comprehensive and less structured approaches to solving it. Allow for confusion and disorder sometimes.

37. Allow enough time for the idea to be born and mature.

40. Organize work in such a way that creatively active people do not receive new tasks too often. They need time to think. At the same time, do not let them become fixated on one problem.

41. Create favorable organizational conditions for creatively active employees and in every possible way highlight them as a special category of workers performing complex work of paramount importance.

42. Make sure that subordinates have access to the necessary resources, information, and expert opinion that they may need to solve a problem creatively.

43. Encourage business games. Free flight of thought, fantasy, imagination is the basis of creativity. The transition from an atmosphere of isolation to an atmosphere of freedom entails a change in business relationships between employees: from subordination to cooperation.

44. Train yourself and others not to immediately reject an idea, but to first look for the rational grain in it. At first glance, as a rule, a person notices 10%, while simultaneously missing 90% of its advantages.

45. Control the situation in such a way that an atmosphere of mutual respect prevails in the team and that rivalry, suspicion, and distrust arise as little as possible.

46. ​​Designate a separate room where one or more people can retire to clear their minds.

47. Encourage smart risk taking. Without it, the process of creating and implementing innovations is unthinkable.

48. Show greater tolerance for the mistakes and failures of others.

49. Don't punish too harshly. Often the severity of the punishment is several times greater than the amount of reward. And sometimes, paradoxically, the punishment for a mistake exceeds the punishment for doing nothing. At the same time, having stumbled once, a person may lose faith in his abilities. Reward successes and ignore failures as much as possible.

50. Eliminate the fear of being punished if a new, original idea fails completely.

51. Always make it clear that if an idea is not accepted or developed, this does not mean that it is completely lost. There is nothing worse for a creative person than the realization that efforts were wasted.

52. Leaders whose efforts are aimed at avoiding mistakes often “throw out the baby with the bathwater.” Evaluate the originality of the idea. The attitude should always be positive at first. Therefore, when considering a new idea, you must first carefully study all its positive aspects and advantages, only after doing this, figure out how it can be implemented and what difficulties will arise.

53. From time to time, allow your subordinates to carry out their “crazy” ideas without criticizing them.

However, set reasonable boundaries when making poor decisions.

54. Remember that “you learn from mistakes.” Learn useful lessons from everything.

55. Use criticism, even constructive, carefully and in limited doses. Speak calmly and kindly.

56. By your actions and attitude, demonstrate in every possible way that you are “for” your subordinates, and not “against” them. Many managers are so squeezed by instructions, restrictions and demands “from above” that any new idea or proposal is perceived by them as another opus of this kind,

57. Try to be sincere and friendly.

Be curious about your subordinates' impression of you and how you can improve it.

58. Help subordinates work more independently by overcoming their fear and uncertainty.

59. Seek to strengthen power by sharing it. Brainstorm ways to exercise collective leadership.

60. Earn a reputation as a smart, resourceful person, and not just a boss.

61. Be loyal to your subordinates.

nym and find a way to maintain their loyalty to you. Loyalty cannot be achieved through handouts or coercion. This is the result of mutual respect, which can only be earned through daily work together.

G2. Be a person who is nice, pleasant to talk to and demanding of yourself, serious, frank, insightful and insightful depending on the situation. Listen carefully to your subordinates and laugh sincerely with them.

66. Involve creatively active employees as much as possible in the procedure for developing decisions and formulating long-term plans.

07. Increase information sharing within the organization.

68. Stimulate, encourage and develop rather than limit initiative.

69. Ensure that employees always understand the goals and current objectives of the organization, as well as the importance of his own contribution to achieving them.

70. Improve and update methods of material and moral reward for creative contribution and initiative.

The pursuit of power, positions, salaries

sometimes it gives rise to secrecy, opportunism, partisanship, conformism and servility. This undermines the atmosphere of creativity.

71. Improve the procedure for career advancement so that employees of all ranks are promoted solely on the basis of their business merits.

72. Make the criterion of creative activity one of the main ones in the employee reward system.

73. For exceptional success in creativity, provide employees with additional time to rest as a reward.

74. Thank you PERSONALLY for good work. At the same time, emphasize the individual contribution of the employee, and not his entire group or department.

75. Demonstrate your successes publicly and visually, for example, in the form of bright poster diagrams.

76. Organize a certificate or gratitude from the top management of the organization for the special merits of the employee.

77. Ensure that an employee who actively demonstrates his self-confidence gets featured on the pages of your company’s newspaper or even the local press.

78. Develop a communication system within the enterprise. This is a channel for disseminating information about his long-term plans, which pushes the initiative.

79. Create conditions for communication between creatively thinking people, especially on interdisciplinary problems. Bring together workers with different views on the problem and different specializations.

80. Hold joint meetings between management and production staff, where they can openly discuss common issues together.

81. If you make mistakes in your work, mark them down and prepare something like a training session on how to avoid or overcome them.

82. Improve the skills of your employees by organizing experience exchange courses.

84. Conduct meetings and personal conversations to discuss which opportunities should be implemented first, with the obligatory connection of the conversation to the specific idea of ​​innovation.

S5. Barriers between departments should be flexible and easily overcome. This will promote an interdisciplinary approach to problem solving. Do not allow rivalry between subsections.

86. Although “one head is good, two are better” and collective creativity is more productive, do not interfere with the work of a loner who expresses ideas that are contrary to those of the majority.

87. Personalize gratitude and reward for contribution to solving a problem.

88. Welcome and support pluralism of ideas and opinions, regardless of who originated them.

89. Let employees know about complaints or complaints received against them in order to find a compromise together.

90. From time to time, invite specialist psychologists, sociologists, and managers who are professionally involved in creating a creative atmosphere in a team to conduct special training sessions and business games with employees of your organization.

91. Place in leadership positions people who can identify and support the creativity and initiative of others.

92. Improve your creative abilities by attending training classes, reading specialized literature, and participating in business games.

93. Encourage employees to express ideas related not only to their direct responsibilities, but also to a broader range of issues.

94. Create conditions for the immediate translation of initiative into concrete ideas, proposals and actions. You can't sit and wait with your hands folded.

95. Create an organizational mechanism for the development and implementation of innovation ideas.

97. In every possible way support and facilitate the establishment of informal relationships between the top management of the organization and the authors of original solutions.

98. Ask about the mood of employees who recently joined the organization, as well as its veterans

99. Think about how you can revive interest in work

those of employees who feel that they are already full

we gave it our all.

100. Don't consider stimulating creativity

initiatives as some kind of additional trick, making

Make it part of your overall management policy.

According to American experts, these councils will increase the creativity and initiative of workers, will contribute to a creative environment, a friendly atmosphere and, as a result, increase labor productivity.

One of the most important functions of a manager, a leader of any rank, is to encourage employees subordinate to him to work effectively and efficiently to achieve the goals of the organization. To perform this function, the manager can use mechanisms motivation and stimulation. At the same time, the structure of any person’s motives is very complex, and building an effective and balanced incentive system is not so easy. It is important to clearly understand what a motive and an incentive are, how they differ, and what principles should be followed in motivating and stimulating the workforce.

This article discusses the range of issues outlined above.

Concept of motive and motivation

As has already been said, on employee's work activity(that is, the performance of certain expedient operations, rigidly fixed in space and time) can be influenced through motivation and stimulation. Let's look at these concepts in more detail and start with motivation.

Motive (from lat. "motivatio" - "movement") - a person’s conscious internal urge to take some action.

Motivation- the process of inducing a person to perform any activity in order to achieve certain goals.

Motive and motivation are different concepts! Motive is motivation, motivation is the process of motivation.

Motivation is studied in various theories, which can be divided into two large groups of theories of motivation:

2) Process theories of motivation- study the behavior of an individual, what causes this or that behavior, maintains it and stops it (Vroom’s theory of expectations, L. Porter-E. Lawler’s theory of motivation, etc.). About →

Types of motives in work and types of employee motivation

The motives for an employee’s work are numerous and varied. There are always a lot of them. Together they form a motivational structure. Knowledge of the motivational structure allows the manager to develop and/or select tools (incentives) for external influence on the employee.

Motives can be classified according to different criteria. There are motives :

  • biological and spiritual;
  • external and internal;
  • personal and social;
  • short-term and sustainable;
  • conscious and unconscious.

Types of motives in work activity :

  • herd motive - the employee’s need to be in a team, to feel belonging to something in common;
  • the motive of independence is the desire for innovation, risk, new types of activity;
  • motive of self-affirmation - performing difficult work that only highly qualified workers can do or occupying a leadership position that gives a feeling of significance and importance;
  • stability motive - preference for reliable work, with a stable salary, social benefits and guarantees;
  • the motive for acquiring something new is the choice of a job that can provide opportunities to expand experience, acquire knowledge, connections, career growth, etc.;
  • competitive motive - the desire to compete with other employees for the status of the most successful, creative, hardworking, smart, etc.

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Hall of Fame- one of the tools for non-material motivation of employees, appealing to the motives of competition, self-affirmation, and recognition.

In this case, certain types of employee motivation can be distinguished.

Type of motivation- the employee’s steady focus on satisfying a specific group of needs.

Main types of employee motivation:

1. Focus on intangible values ​​( social significance of work, interest in work, self-development).

2. Focus on material values ​​( salary, bonuses, benefits).

3. Balanced motivation ( the employee focuses on intangible values, but does not forget about salary and benefits).

Managing employee motivation and influencing their motives is very difficult. A simpler mechanism of influencing the workforce lies in the use of incentives.

Incentive, stimulation and types of incentives

Close, but still different from the concept of motive, is the concept of stimulus.

Stimulus (from lat. “stimulus” - the metal tip of a pole used to drive bulls) - external influence on a person or group of people, with the aim of inducing some result.

It is important to understand that while a motive is an internal driving force, a stimulus is always an external driving factor. All employees react in their own way to the same incentives, depending on their interests, capabilities, expectations, goals, and motives. The effect of the incentive will be higher, the more it corresponds to the employee’s internal motives.

Stimulation- the process of influencing an employee through environmental factors to increase his work activity.

Classification of the main types of incentives for employees

1. Material incentives:

a) monetary:

  • wage;
  • bonuses and allowances;
  • compensation, etc.

b) non-monetary (benefits - package of social benefits):

  • vouchers to sanatoriums;
  • medical care and insurance;
  • tuition payment;
  • provision of official housing;
  • payment of transportation costs.

2. Non-material incentives:

a) social:

  • opportunity for career growth;
  • prestige of the job;
  • communication in a team.

b) moral:

  • respect for professionalism;
  • certificates of honor, diplomas and titles.

c) creative:

  • the opportunity for self-realization and self-development;
  • creative and interesting work.

Basic principles of employee incentives

For incentives to be effective and efficient, the manager must adhere to a number of specific principles of incentives:

1. Availability- incentives should apply to all employees, everyone should have access to them.

2. Gradualism- remuneration should be increased gradually, smoothly, so that the employee does not receive an unreasonably large reward at once.

3. Tangibility- the incentive must be meaningful and tangible for the employee.

4. Combination of material and non-material incentives- it is necessary not only to issue bonuses, but also to praise employees for their hard work and professionalism.

5. Minimizing the gap between labor results and remuneration for it. The sooner an employee receives money for his work, the better. This way he will clearly understand the relationship between his work and its reward.

6. Carrot and stick policy. In addition to incentives, in some cases it is appropriate to use anti-incentives. Not only bonuses for exceeding the plan, but also fines for failure to fulfill it.

What's interesting is that incentives don't always work. It happens that despite all the efforts of a manager to stimulate employees, the effect of his actions is zero. Here are just a few possible reasons why incentives don't work:

1. Lack of motivation. If an employee is not motivated to achieve results, no incentives will make him work faster and better.

2. Discrepancy between the incentive and the employee’s needs. For example, an employee is absolutely not ambitious and does not care whether he gets on the honor roll or not. At the same time, he would be glad to see an increase in wages. But the manager only talks about the competition for the best employee of the month and not a word about the bonus...

3. Addiction. If bonuses are given frequently and regularly, employees will soon get used to them. The bonus is no longer perceived as an incentive, but is considered as a granted additional payment.

4. Lack of clarity about the incentive system. If employees do not clearly understand for what indicators they are incentivized and how the same bonus is calculated, the incentives will be of little use. Discontent will begin in the team - everyone will think that they work the same or more than their colleagues, but receive less.

Motivation and stimulation of work activity briefly

Many factors influence the work activity of workers. This includes climate, working conditions (room humidity, light level, temperature, etc.), wages, relationships in the team and with management, and much more.

Labor activity– performance by employees of the enterprise of certain expedient operations, strictly fixed in space and time.

The effectiveness of employees' work activities is determined by motivation and stimulation.

Motive- a person’s conscious inner urge to do something.

Motivation- the process of internal motivation to do something.

All motivation theories are divided into 2 groups:
1) Content- consider human needs (for example, Maslow’s pyramid of needs).
2) Procedural- study individual behavior (for example, Vroom’s theory of expectations).

There are motives: biological and spiritual, external and internal, personal and social.

Stimulus- external influence on a person or group of people in order to induce some result.

Stimulation- the process of external influence on an employee in order to increase his work activity.

1. Material incentives:

a) monetary (salary, bonuses);

b) non-monetary (vouchers, official housing, benefits).

2. Non-material incentives:

a) social (career growth, team communication);

b) moral (respect, certificates of honor);

c) creative (the possibility of self-realization, creative work).

Basic principles of incentives:

1. Availability of incentives to all employees.

2. Gradual increase in remuneration.

3. Sensibility of stimuli.

4. A combination of tangible and intangible.

5. Minimizing the gap between labor results and remuneration.

6. Carrot and stick policy.

Proper stimulation of employees, taking into account their motives, will allow the manager to achieve high efficiency of the work team and their interest in achieving the goals of the organization.

Download the cheat sheet on motivation and stimulation:

Galyautdinov R.R.

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Today, stimulating staff to perform high-quality work is inextricably linked with the issue of motivation and management of staff work in the company. The current economic situation places a high level of demands on the work of personnel, and methods that stimulate the most effective approach to work.

Why do you need incentives?

A well-tuned management system involves the development of an effective model for motivating employees on the part of management. Employee motivation refers to material and non-material incentives for staff, used to improve the quality and productivity of employees, plus, in addition to this, attracting new competent specialists to work and retaining them in the company. The main and most common way to motivate staff is remuneration . However, there are also non-material forms of stimulating the work of employees that motivate employees to work effectively without receiving direct financial profit.

Functions of this process

Today, the personnel incentive system is a whole complex of various actions that are used by the management top of the organization in order to achieve maximum efficiency of employees. Moreover, the functions of this system can be divided into: economic, moral and social.

The economic function, from the company’s point of view, is the fact that proper incentives for employees leads to an increase in the efficiency of production processes, as well as an increase in the level of quality of the products or services produced.
From the point of view of the moral function, motivation to work allows the formation of an active life position of workers, and also leads to an improvement in the social climate in the team, provided that the incentive system takes into account the traditions and moral values ​​​​formed by this team.

The social function arises from the formed social distribution in society, based on different levels of income of the population. This state of affairs contributes to the development of a person’s personality and, to a certain extent, shapes his needs.
To put it simply, personnel incentives in an organization can be divided into tangible and intangible. At the same time, the material, in turn, branches into monetary and non-monetary types of motivation. Monetary types include not only wages, but also various percentages of remuneration from profits, as well as loans and preferential loans from the organization.

Main types of motivation

Non-monetary types of material motivation include various types of insurance, medical care, free food, reimbursement of transportation costs, etc. This may also include measures to improve working conditions for workers.

Non-material incentives for staff are represented by improving the employee’s qualifications, various types of internships and business trips, as well as regulating the work schedule and providing additional vacation days.

We can also say that moral incentive for effective work consists in increasing the level of respect from others by providing an appropriate level of position, awards, for quality work.

What is the incentive based on?

The basic principles on which the entire incentive system is built can be expressed by the following criteria:

  1. Availability. This means that incentive conditions should be as clear and accessible as possible for every employee.
  2. Gradually. This criterion reflects the need for a progressive and reasonable increase in incentives for the employee, without sudden inflated jumps that can create unreasonably high expectations among staff.
  3. Tangibility. Despite the need to gradually increase the incentive, different teams will still have their own step level, which will be quite effective for motivating work.
  4. Timeliness. The purpose of this criterion is to minimize the time lag between the receipt of work results and payment for these results. At the moment, the most common example of such actions is weekly payment for work. This practice even allows you to save on the amount of bonuses, since the frequency of payments itself is quite attractive for employees.
  5. Balance. In this case, we mean the use of a reasonable combination of positive and negative incentives for staff. Thus, fear of dismissal or fines can be no less effective if the distribution of bonuses and bonuses is fair and timely.

From all of the above, we can conclude that forms of employee incentives can be in the form of material cash payments, or in the form of benefits and discounts on manufactured products, as well as the availability of health insurance or the so-called social package.

Of course, the main percentage of material remuneration comes from incentive payments to employees in the form of wages.

However, in many successful companies, only seventy percent of an employee's income comes from wages. The remaining interest comes from cash bonuses or year-end bonuses. Some organizations include in this list payments on shares or interest on profits earned by the company.

Other ways to motivate

One of the newest methods of motivation is to stimulate the work activity of staff through their personal participation in generating profit for the company. This is achieved by establishing greater powers for employees in the course of the company's activities.
But this approach, in addition to possible benefits, also brings problems. For example, the level of costs for organizing meetings and discussions of various issues increases. In addition, personal responsibility for decision making becomes less pronounced, which ultimately affects the quality of the work done.

Due to constant changes in the process of economic activity of the company, from time to time it is necessary to improve the personnel incentive system. This is done to ensure that management develops effective approaches and mechanisms for managing employee motivation, allowing the company to maintain productivity and competitiveness in the market.

Recently, company management has been actively studying foreign experience in stimulating personnel with the aim of possible solutions for optimization and implementation of certain methods in their management system. For example, the American incentive system is based on a clear understanding of the company’s strategy and tactics, and on the basis of this information, the development of specific tasks for each department. In addition, communicating to all employees a list of goals and means that they can use to achieve a common goal.

Employees' perspective

The general trend for company owners around the world is to strive to get not an employee, but a partner for their company, whose income directly depends on the labor invested, based on the capital of the enterprise. This is explained by the fact that hired employees do not receive very high salaries due to low labor efficiency, which means low productivity of the company as a whole.

To assess the current situation in the field of work motivation, an analysis of the personnel incentive system is carried out from time to time. Moreover, if the results of the analysis show that the existing system contradicts the behavioral characteristics of the employees who are currently working, then the most reasonable solution would be to replace either the system or the employees.

Different types of employees value different opportunities provided by working in a company: power, monetary compensation, confidence in the future, recognition, authority, etc.
Once it is possible to determine what type of workers make up the majority of the company's employees, specialists involved in this issue will be able to make recommendations on the possibility of creating such working conditions under which the return from employees will be maximum.
The work carried out to improve the employee incentive system will be more effective if the process takes into account the wishes of at least the main specialists who form the main backbone of the team.

So, for example, the list of the main problems that most often concern employees is approximately the following:

  • an unreasonably large difference between the level of salaries among the top and bottom employees of the company;
  • equal pay for different levels of work complexity;
  • unfair system of payment of rewards for invested efforts;
  • unchanged level of wages, despite an increase in productivity, and as a result of an increase in company profits;
  • lack of clear parameters for assessing employee performance;
  • indifference to the level of complexity of the work done by the employee;
  • humiliating actions on the part of management.

Based on the information received about the incentives and motives of work for each category of employees, it is possible to develop the most suitable motivation system for a particular company, which will help maintain the employee’s interest in achieving established indicators, as well as his display of initiative, creativity and interaction with the team. This is precisely the goal of most employee incentive systems, which helps to realize the full potential of the enterprise.