Campaigning the settlement for the choice of a management company. How the competition for the selection of a management company is held: the procedure and rules for selection under the current Housing Code. Voting procedure when choosing a management company

Initially, the developer deals with the management of home ownership.

He receives permission to put the house into operation, then within 5 days from that moment, he chooses the Criminal Code at his discretion, with which for 3 months.

At the same time, the local government, within 20 days from the moment the MKD was put into operation, notifies that the house will be put up for an open tender for the choice of the Criminal Code. Within 40 days from the notification of the event, the local government body must hold this tender and inform all equity holders of its results within 10 days from the date of its completion.

Management activities are assigned to or by the local government of the company, since not all apartments are inhabited and there are few owners to vote for the Criminal Code.

Grounds for the competition

The first reason for holding an elective competition is the delivery of an apartment building for direct use or operation.

When the construction phase is completed, and the owners have received their documents and the long-awaited keys, the law sets a certain period for the tenants to choose the management method.

The second reason arises from the failure to fulfill the will of the legislator. If, within the allotted period of one month, the tenants still do not choose a management method, the local administration takes this issue under control and helps tenants decide on a management method.

If the owners refused the services of one management company, they will need a new organization serving the common property. Thus, a change in the organization for managing an apartment building can also be considered a reason.

Reference! The law provides for situations when she breaks the contract herself. In this situation, it is also necessary to choose a new management company for an apartment building.

Competition rules

Regulatory acts

If representatives of the local government are present at the meeting and competition, then a large role in the regulation of the event is assigned to local regulations ... In each municipality, they have their own, but they do not contradict the basic law.

To get acquainted with the acts of your municipal formation, you should go to the city administration website.

In addition, when conducting a competition, it is important to be guided by the articles of the Housing Code, as he says. The rules for holding a tender for the selection of a management company, adopted by the Government Decision No. 75 of February 6, 2006 - main source, in accordance with which the whole procedure takes place. Read in advance all the nuances spelled out in this act.

IN last years the legislative system of our country is being reformed more and more often, and the Housing Code has not been spared the innovations. Some articles reveal themselves more fully in the Federal Law No. 38 of April 5, 2013. The act refers to the changes that have been made to the Housing Code, and also provides some comments on the articles.


Participants in the competition are, on the one hand, the electors, that is, the residents of the house and the local self-government body (SRO), and on the other hand, the applicant or applicants for the compulsory management of the entire house.

The number of applicants is not limited, the main thing is to familiarize tenants with their participation in the auction in advance.

Competition subject

The subject of the competition is the right to manage the house and common property, which will be expressed in the conclusion of an agreement between the parties for a limited or unlimited period.

Also, the subject can be attributed to cash, which will be managed by the Criminal Code, providing reporting to residents.

Bargaining subject

The subject of bargaining is the payment for the activities of the management company, as well as its capabilities in property management. So, if one management company assessed its services and work at a certain amount, another can lower the bar and thus will be more interesting to the owners.

Reference: during the auction, management companies acquaint the owners with the results of their work at other sites, talk about possible prospects for cooperation and a program of action for the first time.

How is the winner determined?

If the initiators of the competition are the owners of an apartment building, then the winner is determined by voting.

The competition can be:

In both cases, the results obtained are summarized and a management company is appointed. But there is one "but".

If the total of the votes cast for the winner still does not reach the fifty percent mark, the company with the most votes will not pass the competition. Unanimity of owners required, which manifests itself in voting, where more than half of all votes were cast for one applicant.

All or more than two thirds of all owners must be present at the competitive selection. In the absence of 2/3 of all residents of the building, the competition cannot be considered objective and the management company cannot be elected.

If the initiator of the competition is the local government, it itself appoints the Criminal Code or sums up its vote to the votes of the residents.

Selection timing

The Criminal Code must be elected within a month from the date of putting the house into operation. If this does not happen, the self-government body has the right to help tenants make their choice for another month. In this way, the whole procedure for appointing a management company should not take more than two months.

Who is entitled to initiate a tender?

A competition to select a management company for an apartment building under the current Housing Code can only be initiated by:

  1. Residents who choose a management company immediately after the delivery of a new building.
  2. Local government body - within a month, the administration should receive information about the organization serving the house. If this does not happen, the local self-government body independently initiates the election of the management company by competition.

Itself the management company has no right to invite tenants to meetings, arrange meetings and meetings.

How to choose a management company for an apartment building?

When choosing a management company, homeowners need to be critical in order for the organization to suit all owners.

All residents of the apartment building must be warned about the choice in advance, for this, an evening round of apartments (when all tenants return from work) or informing by phone / SMS / announcement at the entrance to the house is most suitable.

Application for participation

Applications for participation are submitted on behalf of the management companies. They should indicate the name of the management company, the person in charge, the program under which the cooperation should take place, conditions and contact information. You can accept an unlimited number of applications.


The notice of a tender for the selection of a management organization must comply with a number of rules, and, first of all, it must be available to every owner.

Here the main ways to notify the owners:

  • personal notification of each owner by visiting the property;
  • publishing information about the meeting in local media;
  • publication on the website of the local government;
  • notification by invitation to the mailbox;
  • placement of information at stands in each entrance;
  • calling each of the owners.

Voting procedure when choosing a management company

The first step is for the owners to familiarize themselves with all applicants for the position of the management company before the start of voting.

For this the time and date of the meeting is determined, and the information is posted on a common standwhere all owners have access. It is also possible to invite each owner to a meeting personally.

Without exception, all management companies can acquaint the owners with the terms of their cooperation through personal communication, distributing leaflets, publishing articles on Internet resources.

On the day of the competitive selection, representatives of management companies, as well as most of those living in the house, must appear. Representatives of organizations once again familiarize tenants with their conditions, offering certain clauses in the contract. Then the voting begins, which can be both open and closed.

If the initiator of the open competition on the selection of the managing organization is the body of the municipality, then information about the meeting should also be conveyed to the owners, but the meeting will also require the presence of representatives of local governments.

Important! In the absence of a unanimous vote, it is the representative of the local government that appoints the Criminal Code.

Opening of envelopes and consideration of applications

Applications are considered carefully and discussed directly at the meeting. A list of the most worthy and trustworthy candidates is formed from them, from which the winner is selected.

The moment of opening the envelopes with applications is recorded in the minutes of the meeting. Owners can ask questions to representatives, trying to get the most complete information.

Conducting a competition and summing up its results

The competition for the selection of the managing organization for the apartment building is held immediately at the meeting, after all candidates have been presented.

When all votes have been entered into the protocol, the result is announced. If the voting took place in the format of ballots, the papers are not thrown away, but remain in order, if necessary, to confirm the legitimacy of the victory of one or another management company.

When the winner is announced, the prospects of the future agreement are discussed with him, a document is drawn up and signed. The rest of the applicants who did not get the required votes leave the meeting.

Sample minutes of the general meeting

Examples of drawing up a protocol general meeting as selected by the management company are presented below.

How does the administration choose the Criminal Code?

reference: if the tenants have not independently elected the management company within the specified period (one month), then the selection and appointment of a manager is entrusted to the district administration

In this case, the specialists appoint a competition among the management companies (both parties are required to inform about the competition - the owners of the apartment building and all managing organizations that can participate in it).

Administration actions in this process:

The developer can conclude a management contract with the management company no later than five days after the apartment building is put into operation. Residents of the house have the right to leave the same company within a month after putting the house into operation.

Conclusion of a management agreement for an apartment building

The final stage of the competition is. As a rule, it is drawn up in the presence of representatives of the owners and the management company.

Once again, all the details are discussed, the period of interaction, possible reasons termination of the contract. After that, the contract is certified by a notary and signed by the parties.

The contract is signed in duplicate - one will be kept by the management company, the other by the owner's representative.

Residents can write down their wishes for property management, but be sure to coordinate this with a representative of the organization. As soon as the contract is signed, the management company can start its direct duties.

What are the violations?

Violations of the choice of the Criminal Code are associated with the election process itself:

Any violation of the selection process entails not only dissatisfaction with the tenants of the selected management company, but jeopardizes the financial side of cooperation.

To appeal the violations revealed, apartment owners do the following:

  1. a statement on the discovery of a violation;
  2. collect signatures from residents of consent and participation in the prosecution;
  3. collect the necessary evidence. This can be video filming of the voting process, ballots, disruptions in the operation of the management company, etc.

Persons who have discovered violations must apply to the prosecutor's office or to the district court.

The competition for the selection of the managing organization for an apartment building is not as difficult as it might seem at first glance. Remember your rights as an owner, and then no one can infringe on them.

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An attempt to organize a partnership of real estate owners (TSN, formerly HOA) for Ekaterinburg woman Victoria Dubova ended in criminal prosecution.

It's about signatures

We have already written about the nine-story building on Cherepanova Street, 12 in the Zarechny microdistrict ("RG-Week" dated 09/07/2016). Let us recall what is the essence. Some of the owners expressed their distrust in the Verkh-Isetskaya management company, which in 2012 replaced the risers in the house, but did not inform people that they would have to pay for it out of their own pockets. In 2015, the tenants challenged the minutes of the meeting, according to which they allegedly gave the go-ahead for an interest-free loan of 6 million rubles from the Criminal Code, and in 2016 the asset of the house decided to completely abandon its services.

They tried to do everything according to the law: they held a meeting, and it was estimated that 57 percent were for partnership. Victoria Dubova, elected as the chairman of TSN, with a calm soul handed over the documents to the tax office for registration. It was May 18, and on the 25th a criminal case was opened under Part 3 of Art. 327 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation: provision of knowingly false information. Victoria was accused of tricking her into obtaining signatures on some of the ballots.

On December 29, the magistrate of the Verkh-Isetsky judicial region Shchelkonogova delivered a verdict that shocked all the chairmen of the TSN in Yekaterinburg with whom we had a chance to communicate: Dubova was found guilty of a crime and was fined 10 thousand rubles. Having shoveled over the 20-page conclusion, you understand that there are only four signatures: one woman voted for her mother and neighbor, having previously learned their opinion, the other signed with the condition: "If the majority is in favor, then so will I." The third claimed that she filled out some papers at Dubova's request, although eyewitnesses say that the ballots were handed over not to her, but to her mother.

"I don't read papers"

How can you shift all responsibility to the chairman, because she did not hold the meeting alone! And she did not participate in the counting of votes - the counting commission did it! In addition, 3-4 canceled ballots are negligible and do not affect the result, - Igor, the head of another TSN, is indignant.

It turns out that in order to initiate a criminal case, it does not matter how many signatures are invalidated, a criminal record can be earned even for one. The court believes that the initiator of the meeting, going around many apartments, may forget some important details, but the owners cannot.

True, they do not always realize where and for what they are ticking, they confuse notifications with ballots, the whole family votes on one sheet. “I don’t remember what I signed”, “To be honest, I don’t care”, “I never read papers” - you listen and it becomes scary how low the level of legal literacy of the population is. We could be convinced of this personally already at another process, civil, where the protocol of the general meeting of residents of the house on Cherepanova Street, 12 of May 2016, was challenged.

The lawsuit on behalf of the three disgruntled owners was filed by a lawyer of the Verkh-Isetskaya Criminal Code - by proxy. The company not only invited witnesses, but also ordered a handwriting examination in a private firm, and was also ready to pay for another one - for 23 apartments. According to the calculations of the Criminal Code, only 48.4 percent of the votes were cast for TSN.

They compared the signatures on the ballots with the statements to the management company and realized that some of them did not match. I myself have repeatedly submitted papers to the Criminal Code on behalf of my grandmothers-neighbors, and no one asked me for a passport. This is not a state institution, - says Ekaterina Burneiko, a resident of the house.

According to the opinion of the State Housing Inspectorate (GZI), there were no comments on the voting procedure. Residents know about the court, if they wanted to declare a violation of their rights, they would have done it long ago, - said lawyer Lyubov Nikolaeva, who defends the interests of TSN. - We are not against examination, but not private, but state, when samples of signatures are taken directly in court. None of the 23 declared people appeared in court.

The witnesses who came, admittedly, also did not inspire absolute confidence. Those who are in conflict with "Verkh-Isetskaya" over debts or are dissatisfied with it testified in favor of Dubova. According to others, who once quarreled with Vika or negotiated a restructuring with the Criminal Code, they were not given voting sheets at all, or the signatures on the ballots were not put by their hand. However, everyone has been warned about criminal liability for false testimony, and we have no reason, for example, to suspect of a violent fantasy of the spouses, who said that the day before they were subjected to moral pressure in the Criminal Code, they called Dubova a fraud.

There is no agreement in the tenants

Verkh-Isetsky District Court in conducting forensic examination refused, nevertheless on February 13, judge Ardasheva invalidated the minutes of the general meeting. Victoria intends to appeal this, as well as the verdict in a criminal case. The girl admits that she is very tired of proving the legitimacy of TSN and her innocence, but still hopes for justice. In general, this seemingly fragile young mother has a very strong character. Perhaps she was somewhere wrong from the point of view of lawyers, somewhere she underestimated the complexity of working with neighbors, but we did not see the criminal in her. The Ministry of Construction of the Russian Federation, adopting on 25.12.15 Order No. 937 "On Requirements for the Protocols of General Meetings in Apartment Buildings", tried to protect citizens from raiding in housing and communal services, but it turned out that the state machine hit them themselves. Because tenants do not have such a staff of lawyers as in the Criminal Code, such funds for experts, there is, in the end, complete unanimity. It is especially difficult for houses like the one on Cherepanova 12: 670 apartments, over 1000 residents. Judging by the small verbal skirmish before the court, mainly elderly people are against TSN. They are not always happy with the Criminal Code, but they believe that changes will only make things worse. For - a generation younger.

The fact that Vika is supported by a very narrow circle is not true. I, as the eldest at the entrance, handed out ballots, this guy filled it out right in front of me, and now he assures me that he didn’t do it ?! - Tatiana Porseva is at a loss. - Are we ready to repeat the vote? We hope this is not required.

For those who are just thinking about creating a TSN, we advise you to weigh your strengths, finances and the level of trust of the owners well. There is no guarantee that the neighbors with whom you have always politely greeted will not lose their memory and conscience tomorrow, the dear grandmothers will not change their minds, because they were promised to fix the tap. Record every legally significant moment in the photo and video, so that people then do not have the opportunity to abandon their words. And most importantly - do not forget about legal education of tenants.

Do not expect indulgences and do not treat TSN as a trial ball: it will work out - well, it will not work out - well, okay. Housing and communal services is a business, and those who are already there will defend their market share in every possible way, treat those who are trying to create TSN as competitors. And therefore, use all the opportunities: legal, financial, influence on tenants. The business environment is by its very nature very tough, no one will just give up a penny.

Direct speech

Elena Malakhova, CEO of Verkh-Isetskaya Management Company:

I started working for the company in 2011, when the state of the networks in Zarechny was close to emergency. Such large houses as at 12 Cherepanova are not included in any major overhaul program - by the year they were built. In addition, the law provides for at least three types of work. For 19 entrances, the amount is huge - this has never happened in Yekaterinburg!

We began to study the experience of our colleagues. We found a way: to direct the difference between what citizens pay for heat according to the standards and the readings of the general house meter for repairs. Most of the houses agreed. This is how the wording about an interest-free loan from the management company was born. According to the Zhilkodeks, the owners, who did not agree with the renovation, had the opportunity to challenge everything in court within six months. Nobody applied. And then it started: "We thought it was free." Show me the store where I'll get pipes for free! In 2014, some owners demanded to return money to them for saving heat. And we have already settled with the contractor! Plus, the laws have changed, the Criminal Code has lost the right to charge fees for overhaul. Therefore, we have billed these amounts as reimbursement for the repair of common property. We agreed on the wording with GZI.

When we talked with the tenants, the majority were against the HOA. According to statements - 300-400 people, more came to the meetings. After the court proceedings are over, we will initiate an extraordinary general meeting at 12 Cherepanova, where the owners will choose a competent council of the house, which, together with the specialists of the Criminal Code, will work in the interests of the residents. There is a task to enter the elevator replacement program, to deal with interpanel seams. We have no right to dictate to people whom to vote for. If they again elect Dubova as chairman of the council of the house - no question, we will cooperate, because constructive work on the maintenance of an apartment building does not imply emotions.


As the "RG" was told in the Office of the Prosecutor General's Office for the Ural Federal District, an audit was carried out in the wake of our publication in September. The actions of the Verkh-Isetskaya Management Company (setting out the amounts for replacing the risers as debts) were recognized as legal. But on February 6, 2017, four orders to refuse to initiate a criminal case were canceled. Recall that Victoria Dubova a year ago complained about the illegal, in her opinion, actions of the Criminal Code: hacking e-mail, posting leaflets against TSN and the dissemination of information discrediting her honor and dignity. The police did not notice any signs of a crime then. Now a new test lies ahead.

Changing the management company is one of the most popular reasons for calling a general meeting. And, as practice shows, the transition from one Criminal Code to another does not always go smoothly. Those who disagree with the voting results are challenging the protocol in the courts. And often the servants of Themis recognize the assembly as illegitimate. The reason for this is all sorts of violations of the procedure for the gathering of residents. To talk about how to properly change the Criminal Code or create a homeowners association, "Gorodskie Novosti" carefully studied the current housing legislation, and also talked with experts. The algorithm of actions of the owners, if they decide to abandon the services of the previous managers, is spelled out in the Housing Code (Housing Code of the Russian Federation). And the change of the Criminal Code and homeowners association possible only with the decision of the general meeting. And in order for people's decision to be legitimate, you need to follow the following rules.

1. Any owner or group of owners can initiate the general meeting. At the same time, last year, amendments were made to the RF Housing Code, according to which residents have the right to delegate the organization of the general meeting to their Criminal Code, HOA or ZhSK. It is necessary that the owners who have at least ten percent of the votes, ask the managing organization in writing. In the appeal, it is necessary to indicate the issues to be included in the agenda of the meeting. Residents have 45 days from the date of receipt of the appeal to convene and hold a meeting. “The most cynical residents can ask their Criminal Code to hold a meeting to terminate the contract with itself and choose a new company, and housing dwellers have no right to refuse this,” Roman Kazakov, chairman of the People's Control in Housing and Communal Services public movement, emphasizes.

Sometimes only after changing the management company positive changes appear in the management of the house.

2. The initiator of the meeting draws up an agenda, chooses the form of holding and notifies the owners of the meeting no later than ten days before the date of its holding. Within the specified period, a message about the holding of the general meeting must be sent to each owner by registered mail or handed over personally against signature. As experts say, it is often the failure to comply with this requirement that the decision of the people is recognized as illegal. Every time a meeting needs to be held, handing an advertisement to each owner personally is problematic, but the law provides a way out of the situation.

3. The most realistic form of holding a general meeting is in person and in absentia. Thus, if it was not possible to reach a quorum in person (less than half of the residents came to the meeting), there is no need to initiate a new meeting, but you can immediately start absentee voting. Only owners can express their attitude about certain issues on the agenda, people simply registered in the apartment do not have the right to vote.

Important! The general meeting is not entitled to make decisions on issues not included in the agenda, as well as change it.

4. Depending on the issues raised, the number of votes for a decision may be different. So, if we are talking about the reconstruction of a house, then people should speak for it unanimously, if maintenance is required, then two-thirds of the votes are enough, most issues, like changing the management method, are decided by a simple majority (50 percent plus one vote).

Unfortunately, such excitement happens only around social protection, as practice shows, no more than 10 people come to the meeting. The initiators have to catch the rest of the owners on a door-to-door basis.

Important!The decision of the general meeting is mandatory for all owners of premises in an apartment building, including those residents who did not participate in the vote.

5. The results of the general meeting are recorded in minutes.

Important! The decisions and minutes of the general meeting of owners of premises in an apartment building are official documents. For their counterfeiting, criminal liability is provided.

6. Within ten days after the meeting, the initiator of the gathering is obliged to transfer a copy of the minutes to his management company, HOA or housing cooperative. Managing organization in turn, it is obliged to transmit a copy of this protocol to the housing supervision service within five days. In addition, the initiator is obliged to notify the owners of the voting results within ten days.

The minutes of the general meeting must be submitted for execution to the Criminal Code.

Important!If several copies of protocols from the same house for meetings with a similar agenda get into the construction supervision within three months, then this will be the basis for an unscheduled inspection.

7. Thus, the decision of the general meeting comes into force at the moment when the document is checked by the housing supervision service. Consequently, the contract with the previous Criminal Code will be terminated at the moment when the house is excluded from the license.

8. If, based on the results of the general meeting, residents decided to conclude an agreement with a new management company, then, in fact, this is where the participation of initiators in the process of changing the company ends. The new organization itself requests the technical documentation for the house from the previous one, the funds accumulated on the account of the house, and also concludes contracts with resource supplying organizations. If, based on the results of the vote, a decision is made to create an HOA, then before the partnership starts managing the house, it must be registered. To do this, the elected board pays the appropriate fee, notarizes the registration application, which is written on a special form (it can be obtained from the tax service), and, together with the charter approved at the meeting, submits for registration to the nearest FTS inspection.

Important!When state registration The HOA also presents the minutes of the general meeting of owners, at which decisions were made on the creation of the partnership and on the approval of its charter, as well as information on the persons who voted at the general meeting for the creation of the partnership of homeowners, on the shares owned by these persons in the right of common ownership of common property in apartment building.

On a note

How best to formulate a clause of the protocol on informing owners about general meetings and their results

"Determine that the notification of the owners of the premises about holding general meetings will be carried out by placing a notice on information stands, notice boards, driveways and other places accessible for the owners to see in the entrances and (or) outside the entrances, but within the boundaries of the adjacent territory.

Determine that informing the owners of the premises about the decisions made by the general meeting of owners will be carried out by placing an appropriate announcement or a copy of the minutes of the general meeting on information stands, notice boards, driveways and other places available for the owners to see in the entrances and (or) outside the entrances, but within the boundaries of the local area ".

To this topic

What must be included in the meeting announcement

1) information about the initiator;

2) the form of the meeting (in person, in absentia or in absentia voting);

3) the date, place, time of this meeting or, in the case of holding this meeting in the form of absentee voting, the date of the end of the adoption of decisions by the owners on the issues put to a vote, and the place or address where such decisions should be submitted;

4) the agenda;

5) the procedure for familiarization with information and (or) materials that will be presented at this meeting, and the place or address where they can be viewed.

Where to get comprehensive advice on organizing and holding a general meeting.

"City News" on one map has collected all the consulting centers operating in Krasnoyarsk on housing and communal services. The services of all these institutions are free of charge. The municipal authorities and state authorities are marked in red, the resource centers for work with homeowners' associations and the development of local self-government are in blue, and public organizations are in green.

MKU "Office for work with homeowners associations and the development of local government"

Resource Center "Office for Work with Homeowners' Associations and Development of Local Self-Government"

St. Oktyabrskaya, 3, tel. 277-58-29

St. 40 years of Victory, 4, tel. 225-02-14

St. Kirov, 2, tel. 227-28-85

St. Youth, 39, tel. 264-60-38

St. Pionerskaya Pravda, 8, tel. 260-00-71

Public movement "People's control in housing and communal services"

Contacts: st. Gorky, 10, tel. 288-16-10, website: NKZHKH.RF, e-mail: [email protected]

Opening hours: Monday - Friday, from 9 to 18 hours, lunch break from 13 to 14

Department of Housing and Communal Services Administrations of the Central District

Contacts: Prospect Mira, 63, tel. 227-94065, website:, e-mail: [email protected]

Opening hours: Monday - Friday, from 9 to 18 hours, lunch break from 13 to 14

Consulting and legal center on the organization of the provision of housing and communal services to the population under the Ministry of Housing and Communal Services of the Territory

Alexander Grigoriev(INN: 720304084519) for the second time he is going to deceive his voters as a deputy of the Tyumen Duma, and the owner of the Management Company "Universal"... The entrepreneur passed the primaries on June 3 organized by the city party organization "United Russia"... He is going to run in 21 single-mandate constituencies of the city of Tyumen. Earlier, Grigoriev had already been elected a deputy of the Tyumen Duma in the fifth convocation of the city assembly in the same district. However, it is unlikely that this deputy of Grigoriev brought real benefit to the townspeople who voted for him.

Alexander Grigoriev

Campaign grid of Alexander Grigoriev

In this matter, one should take into account the professional specifics of the activities of Alexander Voldemarovich Grigoriev, which fits perfectly into the campaign process. The thing is that Grigoriev is 100% the owner of an ordinary city management company. This means that he has a ready-made campaign net at hand. Moreover, almost all his adult life, Grigoriev worked in the housing sector, and is well versed in the intricacies of management apartment buildings and the specifics of relationships with people. Alexander Grigoriev became the director and owner of Universal Management Company eight years ago, having made his way from an ordinary plumber to the company's commercial director in 2003. Having headed LLC UK "Universal" in 2010, he was almost immediately elected to the Tyumen Duma with the help of gullible voters and administrative resources.

First, about the administrative resource. In any city or region, the housing and communal services industry is considered a strategic direction in the economy and people's livelihoods. Which is very important for the authorities. Therefore, any enterprise working in this area is an important tool for the authorities, not only in economic matters, but also an important politically. It is no coincidence that Alexander Grigoriev, in addition to being the owner of the company, is also a member of the United Russia party, and generally a “valuable for the city” person. Its value is partly due to the fact that he has in his hands a reliable propaganda tool, which he has successfully used already once, and is going to use it again. And the party in power in this case will get its own man in the City Duma, and will increase the percentage of its "success" in the elections, which will then allow it to report to the party bosses. And for this to happen, both the ruling party and Grigoriev himself are going to use ordinary townspeople whose homes the company serves.

This is the very campaign grid. As a rule, it consists of ordinary employees of the "manager" - locksmiths, plumbers, foremen of operational areas. But the most valuable thing is the activists of the house councils, the elders at the entrances and just active residents who expect to receive some preferences from the management company for their activity. At the same time being the leaders public opinion in your house, staircase, or staircase. Preferences, as a rule, relate to issues of house management, repairs in entrances, etc. But it also happens that some particularly active citizen will have a loggia glazed over for free, or the plumbing will be repaired.

“And some - especially trusted persons, have the authority to sign acts of delivery and acceptance of any work on home improvement (for example, roof repair). In this case, the funds collected from residents are debited from the house's account, and the specially authorized person receives a bonus from the Criminal Code. Only the rest do not know about it, for example, if the work was not completed in full, or not at all, ”the Charter said. there is no interlocutor from among the owners of the house, which serves the MC "Universal" Alexander Grigoriev.

Some of these people are engaged in campaigning on a professional basis. Since the management companies in the face of constant competition for the right to manage the housing stock simply hire "special people" for money to campaign in their favor. All of them constitute the backbone of Alexander Grigoriev's campaign grid.

"The fruits of agitation"

Considering that the company currently has 169 apartment buildings with a total area of \u200b\u200b67557705 square meters, one can imagine what a huge propaganda force it is. However, any campaigning has the opposite effect. Especially when you consider that most of the management companies in Tyumen, included in the list of the ten largest, can hardly be called bona fide housing and communal services companies. MC "Universal" takes 8th place in this rating. Social media users are extremely negative about her. Maintenance of houses is accompanied by huge additional fees in the form of illegal charges, a large number of accidents, and poor quality work of employees. In 2016, LLC "MC" Universal "topped the list of 20 companies debtors for consumed heat before heat supply organization "Heat of Tyumen". In 2017, the debt amounted to 58 million 013 thousand 979 rubles. In 2017, 14 apartment buildings refused the company's services. Here are just a few reviews from the consumers of Universal Management Company services, and by the way, from the city voters:

Owner Ilya: “In January 2018, a line appeared in the receipt for general house needs of 2,000 rubles, allegedly a debt for 2015. How can there be a debt if I paid monthly for water for general needs of 17,18,12 and 5 cubic meters. No renovation works do not produce, it flows in the basement, the cold water and hot water supply risers constantly fail, flooding the lower floors.

GZI closes her eyes as usual (write, we will answer). How much you can steal. The entrance and staircase are in a terrible state. Olympic street, 12а ".

The owner Lyubov: "12 February 2018 at 13:10 Quality of service:" Street, 30 years of Victory 115 looked, and cleaning was not done for months. It doesn't even sweep, let alone wash. "

Owner Alexander: “The company is very bad. I've been calling the Housing and Utilities Department for a week. Nobody picks up the phone. I decide to contact the housing inspection of the Tyumen region ", - say homeowners on the website of LLC UK" Universal ".

Meanwhile, the revenue of Alexander Grigoriev's company in the last reporting year alone amounted to 339 million rubles... Its cost is 9 million 400 thousand rubles with the authorized capital of 10 thousand. So it turns out that the candidate for the Tyumen Duma, and the owner of the Universal Management Company, Alexander Grigoriev, is robbing consumers of the company's services, and is going to deceive his voters, as he already did during his first deputy term.