Agusha promo codes for yogurt. Some advantages from Agushi. Guaranteed prizes from Agusha

The manufacturer of children's food products Wimm-Bill-Dann launched a large-scale promotion on September 15, 2016. As part of the advertising campaign “Only Pluses from Agusha,” the organizers give useful prizes for children and parents. To become a participant in the promotion, buy products with promotional symbols, find codes, register them on the page and pick up gifts.

Where to find promotional codes and how to register them correctly

The 2016 “Only Pluses from Agushi” promotion involves company products with appropriate markings on the label. Unique promotional codes are located on stickers or internal parts of packages, depending on the type of product. The table below lists promotional products from Agusha and the locations of the codes.

Name of product Where to look for the code
Fruit cottage cheese The code is located on the inside of the label
Soft cottage cheese
Drinking yogurt The code is located under the drain label inside the package
Kefir Biolact
Fruit purees
Meat purees
Fruit and milk purees
Dry cereals The code is located under the round sticker
Liquid porridge
Baby juices
Compotes and fruit drinks
Sterilized milk

To register collected codes, create an account or log in to the organizer's website. Next, fill in the following information in your Personal Account:

  • your name, age and gender;
  • email address and place of residence;
  • the number and age of your children.
  • If you enter false information about yourself or do not fill out the form, the organizer has the right to refuse to give you prizes.

Register the codes “Some advantages from Agusha” in your personal account in the upper right corner of the page. To protect themselves from abuse and fraud, the organizers introduced the following restrictions:

  • each participant can enter no more than 40 codes per week;
  • during the entire promotion period, the participant can use no more than 340 codes;
  • You cannot enter more than 7 codes per minute;
  • If the code is entered incorrectly 5 times in a row, the participant is blocked for 1 day.

If you register 40 promotional codes in a week, you will receive 1 more bonus. It is exchanged for an OZONE certificate worth 70 points.

All about gifts from the “Only Pluses from Agusha” promotion

The organizer of the event “Some Pluses from Agusha” provided 4 types of prizes: mobile top-up, guaranteed bonuses from partners, gift certificates and gifts of the 4th category, which are raffled off between participants. To receive them after registering on the site, keep your purchase receipt for Agusha promotional products, stickers and labels with promotional codes.

Guaranteed prizes from Agusha

The organizers offer to exchange each of the promotional codes for topping up your mobile phone account with 5 rubles or for electronic bonus certificates. Partners of the 2016 Agusha promotion provide the following prizes:

  1. 1 month of free “Children’s subscription” on the MEGOGO portal;
  2. netPrint service gives you printing and delivery of 10 of your favorite photos;
  3. a certificate for a bonus of 500 rubles in the Lamoda online store for a total order amount above 2,500 rubles;
  4. certificate for the first GetTaxi order for 300 or 500 rubles, depending on the region;
  5. any book from the liters promotional catalogue;
  6. electronic code for a certificate from the development portal “Umnitsa”. When ordering goods over 2,000 rubles, you receive a discount of 400 rubles, and when purchasing goods costing over 2,500 rubles, your discount will be 700 rubles.

Guaranteed gifts are activated on the pages of event partners.

Cumulative prizes

The promotional codes collected from Agushi promotional packages can be used to receive cumulative gifts, which are divided into 2 groups:

70 codes are exchanged for a certificate of 300 rubles from the Ozon store for the purchase of children's goods.

By collecting 100 promotional codes, you can receive one of the material gifts of your choice:

  • toy piano;
  • funny towel;
  • backpack for children;
  • a set of limiters for home safety.

Prize drawing "Agusha"

The drawing of the main gifts as part of the “Some Pluses from Agusha” event is held weekly until December 16, 2016. To create an application for participation, register 4 codes for dairy and fruit products during the week. The winner will receive a set of bags for walking with the baby and/or the educational game “The World in the Palm of Your Hand.”

A participant is allowed to send up to 5 applications for the drawing per week. Each of them is used only 1 time. You can receive a bonus additional application by sharing the news about the Agusha 2016 promotion on social networks.

All data on registered and used promotional codes is available in the user’s Personal Account. There is also a separate “My Prizes” tab with statistics about activated, ordered and won gifts.

More detailed information about the 2016 promotion “Some advantages from Agusha » search the following links.

From September 15, 2016, buy Agusha products with information about the promotion, register codes and receive guaranteed prizes!

In order to take part in the promotion:
Buy Agusha products in promotional packaging;
Look for the code under the label and register on the website
Copy codes and receive guaranteed gifts!

Products participating in the promotion:
Children's cottage cheese "Agusha" pear from 6 months;
Children's cottage cheese “Agusha Ya Myself!” strawberry-vanilla from 6 months;
Drinking yoghurt "Agusha" apple-pear from 8 months;
Juice "Agusha" apple-pear clarified from 4 months;
Puree "Agusha" pear-apple from 5 months.

PRIZES TO EVERYONE for 1 code - more than 3,000,000 gifts.
First category prize:
5 rubles per phone number
“MEGOGO” – electronic code for receiving a subscription to the package
services (1 month “Children’s subscription”) on the website
“netPrint” – an electronic code for printing and delivery of 10 photos (any of the Participant’s choice) measuring 10 x 15 cm through the netPrint digital photo printing service, on the website
“Lamoda” – electronic code for receiving a discount certificate
500 rubles when purchasing goods
“GetTaxi” – electronic code for obtaining a certificate for the first
trip 500 rubles for Moscow and St. Petersburg or 300 rubles for the regions
“LitRes” – code for receiving an e-book (any one of the Participant’s choice) from the catalog Promotions for 1 code per product
“Umnitsa” - an electronic code for receiving a certificate of 400 rubles when purchasing services from 2,000 rubles and an electronic code for a discount of 700 rubles when purchasing services from 2,500 rubles on the website
Second category prize: OZON certificate with a nominal value of 300 rubles
Third category prize: towel, children's backpack, children's piano, set of restraints of the Participant's choice
Prize of the fourth category: a set of two bags for walking or a set of educational games for children “The World on the Palm” from the Partner “Umnitsa”

Tax on winnings

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Tax on lottery winnings as in force in 2019. The law is paid both upon receipt of winnings in the form of a sum of money, and upon delivery of it in material form. The tax on winnings in the incentive lottery is 35% of the winnings. Moreover, if the value of the winnings does not exceed 4,000 rubles, the citizen is exempt from paying tax. In other cases, only the value of winnings exceeding 4,000 rubles is taxed. (for example, if the winner won a TV worth 25,000 rubles, the tax will be charged only 21,000 rubles).

It was no coincidence that the Agusha action 2016 interested me. While on maternity leave, I had nothing to do and began to take an active part in various events, and I admit, this gives certain results. I have already won a card for 5,000 rubles; free liters books in the Prostokvashino promotion, money for cellular communications. I recently started buying “Agusha” children’s dairy products for my son; before that he didn’t want to eat them. And there was an inscription on it "Prize for every participant!"

As it turned out, I was already registered in the Agulife system. My phone was already linked there, which, of course, unpleasantly surprised me. Apparently, this is the result of registering in one of the promotions (Nescafe, Prostokvashino or Twix, I have not registered anywhere else) or in the DetStrana community, although I did not indicate my phone number there. This is perhaps the most big minus- the organizers still give out personal data. Well, at least I wasn’t smart enough to write down all the data, and that’s good news.

I am not fully a member of the Agulife community itself; there is a moms’ magazine, communities, competitions and other information. I just go into my personal account and enter the codes from the Agushi packages.

Briefly about the promotion:

  1. The Agusha promotion for everyone is held from April 1 to September 30, 2016. But codes can only be registered until June 30, 2016.
  2. Not all Agusha products participate in the Agusha 2016 promotion, but only yoghurts. The cost of one yogurt ranges from 30 to 50 rubles. They are marked “Prize for each participant.” At least, that’s what I understood from the Agushi products I purchased.
  3. A prize is awarded for each code. That’s why Akiya is called a prize for everyone. This can be 5 rubles for cellular communication to the attached number or an liters e-book, which you choose yourself from the proposed list

  4. Once a week a tablet is given away, but it’s hard to believe that I’ll win it. There were 2 more prizes that could be obtained for accumulated points: a children's piano and a children's phone, but they ended last week.
  5. My prizes

    Who might be interested in Agusha's "Prize for Each Participant" campaign?

  • mothers on maternity leave whose children love Agusha dairy products participating in the promotion. You can receive money for cellular communications as a gift, thereby returning part of the purchase, or receive free e-books.
  • liters users who would like to add free books to their electronic library. I took two books by the now popular Metlitskaya as a gift. If you don’t have children yet, you can treat yourself, your loved ones, to these children’s yoghurts!

The promotion didn't end yet Agusha "Prize for each participant", a new campaign has begun "Only advantages from Agusha."

In principle, the meaning of the promotion is the same - purchase Agusha brand products with promotional advertising, register promotional codes and receive gifts.

The first promotional code entered brought as much as 5 rubles to the phone, as they say, a trifle, but nice. Although I enter promotional codes solely for the sake of free liters books.

Here are a few books that you can get for free by activating the promotional code you received as a gift from Agusha.

Briefly about the conditions and registration ✓

Agusha promotion 2016

Official website and mechanics of the promotion:

Registration of codes on

Name of the promotion:

"A prize for everyone"

Promotion prizes at

At the time of publication of the announcement of the promotion it is still unknown

Deadlines for registration and participation on

  • Promotion dates: from April 1, 2016 to September 30, 2016
  • Code registration period: from April 1, 2016 to June 30, 2016

Products participating in the promotion on

  1. Classic cottage cheese “Agusha” (for feeding children from 6 months).
  2. Drinking yoghurt apple-pear “Agusha” (for feeding children from 8 months).
  3. Strawberry-vanilla cottage cheese “Agusha Ya Myself!” (for feeding children from 6 months).
  4. Drinking yoghurt apple-banana “Agusha I Am Myself!” (for feeding children 3 years old).

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Briefly about the conditions and registration ✓

Agusha promotion 2016

Look for the code inside!

Official website and mechanics:

Register code on

The name of the new promotion from Agusha

Unknown yet (announcement)

Prizes of the Agusha 2016 promotion

Not yet known

Deadlines for registration and participation on

To participate in the promotion on

  1. Look for the code under the label and register on the website!
  2. Copy codes and receive guaranteed gifts!

Territory of the event:

Russian Federation and Kazakhstan

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