Business plan for a gas filling station. How to open a gas station in Ukraine. Business profit

One of the pressing questions among entrepreneurs is how to open a gas station and how much it costs. After all, the number of motorists on Russian roads is only increasing every year, and due to savings, such fuel turns out to be more profitable. It is not surprising that alternative varieties of them began to appear more and more often.

In order to avoid risks and serious losses, it is important for a novice entrepreneur to familiarize himself in advance with the peculiarities of organizing and running such a business, as well as the various requirements from regulatory services when opening a gas station. Only after describing in detail all the actions and drawing up a business plan can you begin to implement the project.

Prospects and benefits

The relevance of gas refueling is obvious:

  1. With the constant rise in gasoline prices, it is becoming less and less profitable to use it for cars. Therefore, people are more likely to retrofit their vehicles with LPG.
  2. The cost of such fuel is significantly lower, which is convenient for a businessman, because purchasing it does not require spending huge sums.
  3. Equipment for storage and refueling is also cheaper than gasoline counterparts.
  4. Even with competitive stations, you can count on growing demand and continued high profits.

But for a gas filling station as a business to become a successful project, you need to think through the main details:

  • place to place it;
  • prices and privileges for regular customers;
  • additional services that can be provided at the gas station;
  • fuel quality;
  • advertising development strategies undertaken.

Imagine in detail how the whole process will take place at the gas station. For example, first the passengers leave the car. To do this, you can think of a comfortable area for them to relax or even open a cafe or store. Will the owner of the car perform all actions independently or with the help of an employee? How to arrange transport in a queue so that it is convenient for everyone, access roads and much more.

What documents will be required?

One of the most difficult stages, even for experienced entrepreneurs, is the process of registration and execution of all papers in government agencies. Moreover, to open a gas filling station there must be a lot of them:

  1. Register with the tax service as an individual entrepreneur or LLC. The second option in this case is preferable, since you will be able to expand your business in the future, hire any number of staff and receive high incomes. At the same time, indicate the correct OKVED codes depending on the chosen main and additional activities.
  2. If you are leasing a suitable plot of land, then be sure to draw up a long-term agreement for several years with a fixed price or maximum limits. When purchasing it, always keep proof of ownership documents with you.
  3. The site itself and the future gas station must comply with fire safety standards. Therefore, their verification is necessary both when choosing a site and to permit the start of activities after completion of all preparatory work.
  4. The desired construction project is developed with a designer or architect, which must then be approved by Rospotrebnadzor. This organization issues a permit, without which no work on the development of the site can begin.
  5. You will also need to coordinate your actions with the sanitary-epidemiological station, environmental service and traffic police. After thorough checks, they issue a conclusion on the possibility of opening a gas station.
  6. If the territory of the gas station is supposed to provide additional services, the presence of a cafe or store, then you will have to draw up a number of documents for retail trade, opening a catering establishment, etc.
  7. It is mandatory to obtain a license to store and sell fuel. This document is issued by the Ministry of Energy.
  8. Try to think in advance about the type and quality of fuel you will offer at the station. Then enter into an appropriate contract for its supply, preferably for a long time.

When everything is ready and the gas station is built, you will have to undergo an inspection by regulatory authorities, who will certify the workplace and the safety of the entire territory and equipment. Only after this can you conduct profitable and legal activities.

Such difficulties and precautions are due to the fact that gas is a rather dangerous product. And when selling it and even storing it, you must strictly follow all the rules, be extremely careful and monitor the operation of the gas station in a smooth manner. This is the only way to count on business success.

Site selection

One of the most important factors that directly affects the profitability of this type of business is the location of the future gas station. Here you need to take into account many criteria at once:

  • Proximity to highways and key roads with constant traffic.
  • The area is large enough to accommodate all the equipment and several customers in line.
  • Availability of convenient access roads for cars and trucks.
  • There are no various flammable objects nearby.
  • It is prohibited to install a gas station near nature reserves, farmland and other ecological zones.
  • There may be a regular gas station and auto repair shop nearby.
  • There should be no direct competitors in neighboring areas.


Considerable expenses will be required to purchase special containers and equipment for storing and selling goods. Let's list what you need to open a gas station:

  1. Gas cylinders.
  2. Dispensing station.
  3. Tanks.

It is very important that the equipment supplier guarantees the safety of every element. For an entrepreneur starting a business from scratch, it is advantageous that gas installations are much cheaper than gasoline ones.


The main choice is whether to buy propane or methane. Each of them has its own advantages. The first is liquid gas, which is more affordable, but equipment for its storage will cost much more than for methane. But that, in turn, has a high price for ordinary users.

To decide what exactly to trade, it is advisable to study the basic demand and market. And this should be done before purchasing tanks and dispensing units, since they differ significantly from each other. It is important that the gas supplier is responsible, does not violate the agreed deadlines, does not unexpectedly raise the price of the product, and provides a high-quality product. The success of your business largely depends on this.


Since the gas station will operate around the clock, it is necessary to organize two or even three shifts. Each of them employs a cashier and 1-2 fuel attendants. There can be one administrator, whose schedule is standard - daytime on weekdays. If the gas station is organized as a legal entity, then it is advisable to additionally use the services of an accountant (outsourcing) so that all reports are correctly compiled.

To ensure safety, a special inspector is hired to monitor the tanks, the filling process and the installations. It is important that all employees are selected with the utmost care. And although any knowledge or specialization is not required in this case, you need to pay attention to accuracy, responsibility, absence of bad habits, etc.

If there is supposed to be a store or cafe, then the staff increases accordingly. You also need to ensure that the gas station area is promptly tidied up and is always clean. To do this, you can hire a cleaner for several hours a day.

Franchise business

One of the options for organizing a business is franchising, that is, a turnkey gas station. In this case, an already well-known brand offers you training, assistance in completing documentation, ready-made equipment and a permanent gas supply contract. The advantage is that you do not have to conduct separate advertising activities. The name alone will inspire confidence in most car enthusiasts.

The only disadvantage of a franchise is the constant payment of mandatory contributions. But they often pay for the effort and money you would have spent organizing everything yourself. For a new entrepreneur, this is usually a better deal than correcting your own mistakes, which are often made at different stages.

You can download it here for free as a sample.

Financial issue

Both the initial and subsequent costs of opening and maintaining a gas station are significant. The profitability of the business is considered not very high, since payback occurs no earlier than in 2-5 years. And yet, this business is quite profitable and profitable, since after the expiration of this period you can count on constant high incomes every month.

Every month you will need to replenish fuel supplies, pay for staff, taxes and advertising. Usually this is about 400,000 rubles. The profit margin and payback rate will depend on many factors:

  • how much gas costs on the market and your prices for drivers;
  • well-chosen place for refueling;
  • the emergence of new routes in the area;
  • level of competition;
  • provision of additional services;
  • economic crisis in the country;
  • quality of the fuel provided;
  • various bonuses, promotions;
  • operating mode.

In general, experienced entrepreneurs talk about monthly income of 1 million rubles. This will make it possible to cover current expenses and gradually return the initial investment. But even with such indicators, the payback period will not occur earlier than in two years.

Video: gas station franchise.

“How to open a gas filling station in Ukraine” and “Turnkey gas filling station price” are the most common queries in Ukrainian search engines regarding the rapid development of the autogas market. From this article you will learn about the cost of all stages of creating such an attractive type of business for Ukrainian entrepreneurs and answer the main question for yourself - “How to open a gas filling station in Ukraine?”

"How to open a gas filling station in Ukraine" or "Turnkey gas filling station price"

Greetings, dear readers! My name is Alexey Shevel. For more than 4 years I have been building propane-butane gas supply systems, as well as gas filling stations or so-called automobile gas filling points (AGPP). During this time, I have accumulated significant experience in the design, construction and commissioning of gas filling stations, which I will share with you in this article.

Entrepreneurs who are interested in the gas filling business for the first time will receive a comprehensive answer to the question “How to open a gas filling station in Ukraine?” and find out what the price of a “Turnkey Gas Filling Station” is.

AGZP project implementation plan

The project to open a gas filling station is being implemented in the following order:

  1. Purchasing or leasing a land plot for AGZP placement.
  2. Conducting engineering-geological and engineering-geodetic surveys at the construction site.
  3. Obtaining initial data for project development.
  4. Development of a project for a gas filling station and passing a comprehensive examination of project documentation.
  5. Development of documentation not included in the project and additional approvals of documents developed as part of the gas filling project.
  6. Obtaining a Permit for the construction of an AGZP/AGZS station from the State Architectural and Construction Inspectorate (GACI).
  7. Purchase and installation of gas module equipment.
  8. Obtaining a Certificate for a completed construction project from State Civil Aviation Inspectorate.
  9. Training.
  10. Commissioning of a gas filling station to the State Labor Service (State Labor Service of Ukraine).
  11. Carrying out commissioning works for AGZP/AGZS.
  12. Examination of the gas filling station owner's ability to perform high-risk work and operate high-risk equipment.
  13. Obtaining 2 permits from the State Labor Service: 1st - for high-risk work; 2nd for the operation of high-risk equipment (yes, these are two different permits).
  14. Purchase and registration of a cash register with the tax authorities.
  15. Voila! You are the owner of a legal gas station and can work peacefully.

The advantages of such a PLAN:

  • legal operation of a gas filling station in accordance with the current legislation of Ukraine;
  • absence of penalties from supervisory authorities;
  • the opportunity to eliminate illegal competitors nearby (if you have gone all the way to legalization, and a makeshift gas station has appeared 20 meters (or maybe 1 km) from your gas station, then just one call “where to go” and tomorrow your careless competitor will, at best, lose his module with gas, and in the worst case, he will also pay a huge fine).

Disadvantages of such a PLAN:

  • significant lead time for launching a gas filling station (ideally 6 months);
  • significant financial investments in project documentation, comprehensive examination, additional documents (except for the project), various approvals, etc. and so on.;
  • significant payback period for cash investments.

Immutable laws of gas stations

  1. An automobile gas filling point/station, or simply a gas filling station, is an object of increased danger (Law of Ukraine “On High-Danger Objects”, Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine dated July 11, 2002 No. 956 “On the identification and declaration of safety of high-risk objects”).
  2. AGZP is a construction project of the V category of complexity (Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine dated April 27, 2011 No. 557 “On approval of the Procedure for classifying construction projects into the IV and V categories of complexity”, paragraph 6, subparagraph 1).

If any specialist tells you that gas refueling modules do not belong to the CC3 responsibility class of construction/reconstruction projects and, accordingly, do not require project development, passing a comprehensive examination and obtaining a Construction/Reconstruction Permit from the State Architectural and Construction Inspectorate, ask him to comment on this - "DABI imposed fines in the amount of 3.2 million UAH for the illegal operation and operation of gas stations in the Kyiv region."

Each owner of a gas filling station/network of filling stations follows his own plan for the construction and operation of a gas filling station/gas filling station, but today only the 14-point PLAN I described above is 100% compliant with the current legislation of Ukraine.

  1. Purchase or lease of land to locate a gas filling point/station

I will not describe the process of purchasing or leasing a plot of land in all details. I will only dwell on the nuances relating specifically to gas filling stations.

According to the Classification of types of designated purposes of land (KVTsNZ), approved by Order No. 548 of July 23, 2010 of the State Committee of Ukraine on Land Resources, for the construction of a gas filling station, the land plot must have code KVTsNZ - 12.04 “For the placement and operation of buildings and structures of motor transport and road facilities."

Also, in order to smoothly go through the entire path of coordinating gas filling stations/gas filling stations with supervisory and controlling authorities and to minimize “unnecessary issues”, it is advisable to indicate in the lease or purchase and sale agreement the specific intended purpose of the land plot - “Construction of an automobile gas filling point/station/complex.” Many entrepreneurs do not do this because they are not sure what they will build on their site tomorrow: a gas station, a store, a car wash or a service station.

  1. Conducting engineering-geological and engineering-geodetic surveys at the gas filling station construction site

In accordance with clause 4.1 of DBN A.2.2-3-2014 “Composition and content of design documentation for construction”, the development of design documentation without engineering surveys is not allowed.

Therefore, you need to contact a specialized company and order engineering-geological surveys at the construction site (2 wells will be drilled and a geological section drawn) and a topographic survey of the land plot M 1:500. This will be the initial data for developing the project.

I recommend doing geology without fail. Save $300, and then it turns out that under the gas module there is a two-meter hole filled with construction waste (there have been cases). Rainfall - subsidence - gas pipeline rupture - propane-butane leak - explosion.

  1. Obtaining initial data for the development of the AGZP/AGZS project

Art. 29 of the Law of Ukraine “On the Regulation of Urban Development Activities” states: - the main components of the initial data are “Urban planning conditions and restrictions on the development of a land plot” and technical conditions.

Urban planning conditions are issued in the department of urban planning and architecture of the city council on the basis of an application and a package of documents (clause 2.2 of the Procedure for issuing urban planning conditions and restrictions on the development of a land plot, their composition and content, approved by Order of the Ministry of Regional Development of Ukraine dated July 7, 2011 No. 109) within 7 working days free of charge.

List of technical conditions required for the design of a gas filling station (AGZP) and the regulatory authorities that issue them:


Those. conditions




1 Road transport requirements Directorate of Preventive Activities of the National Police (formerly traffic police) About 300 UAH.
2 Water supply and sewerage Vodokanal For free
3 Electricity supply Oblenergo For free You will need to pay for connecting to the power grid (from 2600 to 5100 UAH for each kW, a total of 8 kW is needed)
4 Radio and telephone installation Ukrtelecom About 2000 UAH. Yes, in Ukraine we have such requirements for gas filling stations that it is necessary to obtain technical specifications
5 External lighting Municipal utility company of the city council For free
Storm sewer
Removal of household waste
6 Assignment for the development of the section “Engineering and technical measures for civil defense” State Emergency Service For free
  1. Development of a project for a gas filling station and passing a comprehensive examination of project documentation

Based on the collected initial data, the design organization develops a project for the construction of a gas filling station according to responsibility class CC3 and conducts a comprehensive examination of it in a certified expert organization.

To successfully pass the comprehensive examination and further approvals, the gas filling project must include the following sections:

  1. Explanatory note.
  2. General plan.
  3. Electrical solutions.
  4. Technological section.
  5. Architectural and construction solutions.
  6. Organization of construction.
  7. Lightning protection.
  8. Occupational Safety and Health.
  9. Electrochemical corrosion protection.
  10. Environmental impact assessment.
  11. Identification of a high-risk object.
  12. Calculation of the complexity category of an object.
  13. Automatic gas alarm.
  14. Engineering and technical measures of civil defense (civil protection).
  15. A system for early detection of emergencies and accidents, as well as notification in case of their occurrence.
  16. Fire protection system.
  17. Emergency containment and response plan.
  18. Declaration of industrial safety.

If you are offered to complete a turnkey gas filling project (AGZP or AGZS) with expertise, for only 20-30 thousand UAH, please specify:

  • what sections will be included in the gas module project?
  • what class of responsibility will be assigned to the facility (gas filling point/station)? On what basis?
  • Will a comprehensive examination of the project be carried out or only on labor protection?
  • THE MOST IMPORTANT:What inspections will this design documentation and expert opinion protect you from?


a gas filling project consisting of 10 sheets of explanatory note + 5 drawings and an industrial safety (occupational safety) examination will not save you from an inspection by the State Emergency Service or from an unscheduled inspection by the State Architectural and Construction Inspectorate.

Such a project is a waste of money and guaranteed fines from inspectors.

  1. Development of documentation not included in the project and additional approvals of documents developed as part of the gas filling project

To open a gas filling station in Ukraine, it is necessary to develop and approve the following documentation:


Title of the document


Basis for development of the document


1 Identification of a potentially dangerous object Registration in the State Emergency Service of Ukraine Order of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Ukraine dated February 23, 2006 No. 98 “On approval of the Methodology for identifying potentially dangerous objects”
2 Passport of a potentially dangerous object Registration of documentation in the insurance fund, obtaining a certificate of a potentially dangerous object Not carried out as part of a gas refueling project
3 Identification of a high-risk object Registration with the State Labor Service of Ukraine
4 Declaration of safety of a high-risk facility Examination in a certified expert organization, registration in the State Labor Service of Ukraine Law of Ukraine “On High-Danger Objects”, Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine dated July 11, 2002 No. 956 “On Identification and Declaration of Safety of High-Danger Objects” The document itself must be completed as part of the AGZP/AGZS project
5 Emergency Localization and Elimination Plan (ELP) Coordination with the State Emergency Service of Ukraine Law of Ukraine “On High-Danger Objects” The document itself must be completed as part of the AGZP/AGZS project
6 Engineering and technical measures of civil defense (civil protection) Coordination with the State Emergency Service of Ukraine The document itself must be completed as part of the AGZP/AGZS project
7 System for early detection of emergencies and accidents, as well as notification in case of their occurrence Expertise in the State Emergency Service of Ukraine The document itself must be completed as part of the AGZP/AGZS project
8 Scheme of transport and pedestrian connections Coordination in the Department of Preventive Activities of the National Police (formerly traffic police) The document itself must be completed as part of the AGZP/AGZS project
  1. Obtaining a Permit for the construction of a gas filling station from the State Architectural and Construction Inspectorate (GACI)

After completing the project for the construction of a gas filling station and receiving a positive conclusion from a comprehensive examination, you need to obtain a Construction Permit from SASI.

I will dwell on this issue in more detail in the next article. Here I will only add that it is necessary to collect a package of documents (a project, an expert opinion, orders for the appointment of responsible persons, certificates, a general contractor’s license for the construction of objects of responsibility class CC3, etc.) and, together with the application, submit it to the State Architectural and Construction Inspectorate of Ukraine (Kiev) - Permits for the construction of objects of responsibility class СС3 are issued only by the central SASI in Kiev.

True, this is only true in theory. In fact, this process can drag on for months, or even years. And all because corrupt officials are fighting corruption.

  1. Purchase and installation of gas filling station equipment

So, the long-awaited permit from State Automobile Inspectorate is in hand - you can build. At this point, you have already decided on the supplier of equipment for gas refueling (AGZP gas module) and they have produced it.

The installation of the AGZP is carried out by the general contractor in accordance with the design documentation.

The object is built!

You are exactly halfway to getting an answer to the queries - “How to open a gas filling station in Ukraine?” and “Turnkey gas filling station price.”

  1. Obtaining a Certificate for a completed gas filling station at GASI

“Turnkey gas filling station” means putting a facility into operation in accordance with the current legislation of Ukraine. Therefore, we receive a Certificate from SASI.

The story is the same as with the Permit: we submit an application + Certificate of readiness of the facility for operation to the central State Automobile Inspectorate in Kiev and after 10 working days (as it is written in the Law) we have in our hands a Certificate for the built gas filling station.

  1. Training

Gas filling station personnel must be trained in labor safety standards and have the appropriate certificates. Ideally, the training should be completed by: the owner of the gas station (director); shift supervisor (engineer); three operators.

Training can be completed either at advanced training institutes, or at training centers under the State Labor Service of Ukraine, or wherever you find it.

Training is carried out according to the following regulatory documents:

NPAOP 0.00-1.76-15 “Safety Rules for Gas Supply Systems”;

NPAOP 0.00-5.11-85 “Standard instructions for organizing the safe conduct of gas hazardous work”;

NPAOP 0.00-1.59-87 “Rules for the structure and safe operation of pressure vessels.”

  1. Commissioning of AGZP to the State Labor Service (State Labor Service of Ukraine)

This stage of the “Turnkey Gas Refilling” project consists of the following steps:

  1. Registration of a propane-butane storage tank with the State Labor Service of Ukraine (regional department).
  2. Registration of a project for a gas filling station (AGZP or AGZS) with the State Labor Service of Ukraine (regional department).
  3. Preparation of executive and technical documentation.
  4. Calling a gas technical inspector from the State Labor Service of Ukraine to a facility to accept gas equipment into operation is carried out only on the basis GASI certificate for a completed construction project. Signing of the Acceptance Certificate for gas equipment for comprehensive testing (commissioning) (Appendix “Y” to DBN V.2.5-20-2001 “Gas supply”).
  1. Performing commissioning work on gas equipment.

The Certificate of Acceptance of Gas Equipment for Comprehensive Testing (Commissioning Work), signed by the gas technical inspector of the State Labor Service of Ukraine, gives you the right to drain gas into the container and carry out commissioning work on the AGZP in general and the gas dispenser in particular.

Next, gas is ordered, poured into the AGZP tank, the operation of shut-off and safety valves and instrumentation is checked, and the gas dispenser and cash register are configured.

  1. Examination of the enterprise-owner of a gas filling station for the ability to perform high-risk work and operate high-risk equipment

  2. Obtaining 2 permits from the State Labor Service

The gas module equipment is subject to Art. 21 of the Law of Ukraine “On Labor Safety” and Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine dated October 26, 2006 No. 1107 “On approval of the procedure for issuing permits for performing high-risk work and for the operation (use) of machines, mechanisms, and equipment of high danger.”

Therefore, the owner of the AGZP module (legal entity or individual entrepreneur) must have 2 permissions from the State Labor Service to legally work:

  1. To perform high-risk work (gas-hazardous work - loading and unloading liquefied propane-butane gas).
  2. For the operation of high-risk equipment (pressure vessel - container with propane-butane).

These permits are issued by the State Labor Service of Ukraine (regional departments) free of charge within 10 working days from the date of the applicant’s application based on a positive examination conclusion of the gas filling station owner’s ability to perform high-risk work and operate high-risk equipment.

But I hope you understand that free cheese is only in a mousetrap.

Expertise of the enterprise is carried out by Expert Technical Centers at the regional departments of the State Labor Service of Ukraine. The cost of this examination is from 35 thousand UAH.

  1. Purchase and registration of a cash register with the tax authorities

Purchase and registration of a cash register with the tax authorities. All!

  1. Voila! You answered the question “How to open a gas station in Ukraine?”

After completing all 14 points of the PLAN, you finally become the owner of a legal gas filling point or station. Now all you have to do is register ownership of the constructed object. But this is at your request and in general this is a completely different story.

Work calmly and earn money!

You are not afraid of any inspections by regulatory authorities: neither State Automobile Inspectorate, nor the State Labor Service, nor the State Emergency Service, nor the tax office!

So, you have received the answer to the question - “How to open a gas station in Ukraine?”

The most interesting question remains: the PRICE of a turnkey gas filling station – ?

GAZ GRAND LLC implements turnkey gas filling projects at the following price list:


Stage name Price, UAH. Stage implementation period


1 Obtaining initial data for project development: urban planning conditions and restrictions, technical conditions of the Ministry of Emergency Situations, technical conditions for power supply, etc. 0* 3-10 weeks *As a rule, the Customer receives it independently at the location of the gas station. We can take it upon ourselves. The cost of services is hourly: 250 UAH/hour + travel allowance 300 UAH/day + travel and accommodation.
2 Engineering-geological surveys at the construction site 25 000 2-4 weeks
3 Development of a working draft for responsibility class CC3 with all necessary sections 4-6 weeks
4 Comprehensive examination of design documentation 4-5 weeks
5 Development and approval of a package of documents for the State Emergency Service and the State Labor Service (PLAS, approval of the PLAS, Identification of a potentially dangerous object, Passport of a potentially dangerous object, Declaration of Safety and approval of these documents in the DSNS and the State Labor Service) 50 000 12-16 weeks
6 Technical supervision of construction 10 000 -
7 Author's supervision of construction 10 000 -
8 Obtaining a construction permit from State Civil Aviation Inspectorate 56 000 4-8 weeks Ideally
9 Sale of gas modules/gas filling stations from 227,000 - The price includes the entire set of equipment for the full operation of the AGZP
10 Commissioning works from 11 000 2 days
11 Obtaining a Certificate for a completed construction project from State Civil Aviation Inspectorate 56 000 4-8 weeks Ideally
12 Personnel training (training for workers and directors) 2 weeks
13 Registration of containers and the project in the State Labor Service, preparation of as-built documentation, signing of the form “U” act and putting the facility into operation according to the State Labor Service 3-4 weeks
14 Expertise of the enterprise for the possibility of performing high-risk work and operating high-risk equipment 35 000

3-4 weeks

Separate agreement with the expert center
15 Preparation of a package of documents for successfully passing the examination of the enterprise (orders, instructions on labor protection for the enterprise) 48 000
16 Obtaining 2 permits to perform high-risk work and operate high-risk equipment 30 000 2-3 weeks
17 Purchasing a cash register and registering it with the tax authorities from 35 000 1 Week
TOTAL: 853 000

*As a rule, the Customer receives the initial data independently at the location of the gas station. We can take it upon ourselves. The cost of services is hourly: 250 UAH/hour + travel allowance 350 UAH/day + travel and accommodation.

I hope in this article I have fully answered the search queries: “How to open a gas station in Ukraine?” and “Turnkey gas filling station price.” You can contact us to find out what documents are needed to open a gas filling station in Ukraine, taking into account your individual project.

Dear reader, I draw your attention to the fact that different companies involved in the construction of gas filling stations have different meanings of the phrase “turnkey”. Therefore, I recommend using this article as a guide to starting a Gas Refilling business, as well as for communicating with contractors, designers and equipment suppliers for gas filling stations/gas filling stations.

  • Market situation
  • Prospects
  • Purchase of equipment
        • Similar business ideas:

Business related to motor transport has always been considered quite profitable. Particularly profitable in this industry are gas stations. And if with gasoline everything is more or less clear and the market is firmly occupied by large players, then with gas filling stations the situation is somewhat different. Almost any small enterprise can operate successfully with only one or two gas stations at its disposal. And the fact that the number of customers at gas stations will grow is a fact, observing how rapidly gasoline prices are rising. In Thailand, for example, every taxi driver is already “on gas”, it seems that in Russia such a situation is not far off...

Market situation

According to experts, the market for gas filling stations in Russia continues to develop rapidly. In particular, a number of factors contribute to the development of the gas station network in our country, including:

  • The growth of the country's GDP and its economy contributes to the construction of new roads, which entails the emergence of corresponding roadside services: cafes, hotels, service stations and, of course, gas stations.
  • In Russia, the fleet of cars and trucks continues to grow, by an average of 5-7% per year. It is logical that the increase in the number of cars also contributes to the increase in the number of gas stations.
  • The saturation of gas stations in our country lags far behind the leading countries of the world. Thus, in Russia there are about 3,500 gas filling stations, while in the United States the number of gas filling stations exceeds 45,000.
  • In the USA, the number of cars per gas station is more than 7,000, while in Russia this figure hardly exceeds 3,000 cars.

The development of the PGS market makes it attractive for various types of investments. The emergence of new stations today occurs mainly through the purchase of land plots and the construction of gas stations on them. Sales of operating stations occur extremely rarely, which indicates the sustainability of the business.

The largest market players today are: SG-trans OJSC, Kubangazifikatsiya LLC, Gazenergoset OJSC, Oka-Propan-NN LLC, Akoil LLC, 21 Century LLC, Siberian Gas Company OJSC , ZAO MNK-Gazozapravka. Yes, their share accounts for about 50% of the entire liquefied petroleum gas retail market. The remaining part of the market is occupied by small businesses and private gas stations.

Today, there are three main methods of filling with liquefied gas: pump, pump-compressor and pump-vapor. The first option, pump, is the simplest and cheapest way to refuel. With the pump method, liquefied gas is pumped from a thermally insulated container under high pressure using a pump and enters the cylinder. The most expensive, but at the same time the most effective method is the pump-evaporation method. Here, in addition to conventional pumps, the gas supply system includes electric heating and evaporation units, which allow pumping gas under high pressure even at temperatures below - 20 degrees.

How much money does it take to open a gas station?

If you decide to open your own gas filling station, keep in mind that the cost of starting a project can exceed 5 million rubles, and in some cases even 7-10 million rubles. Most of the funds will be spent on the purchase of land and equipment. Some of the funds will be spent on approval of the project in various authorities. The purchase of just one modular gas filling station with a double-walled underground capacity of 10 m3 and a two-gun fuel dispenser will cost more than $100,000.

When constructing a gas filling station, car traffic passing by this site should be taken into account. In this regard, it is best to place gas stations on federal highways connecting two large cities or adjacent to large populated areas. In general, before building a gas station, it is recommended to seek help from specialists, for example, the Russian Roadside Service Association. Anyone who understands this matter will tell you that first you need to carefully study the car traffic and the number of competitors in the next few kilometers. Vehicle traffic is measured quite simply - they place a person on the highway and for 20 - 30 minutes he counts the number of cars passing by. Then the resulting figure is multiplied by coefficients corresponding to the time of day (there is a coefficient for morning, afternoon and evening, since the flow of cars at different times is very different).

Do I need permission to open a gas station?

To locate any gas station, the legislator has requirements - the distance from the nearest residential complexes, which must be at least 500 meters. In general, the construction of an autogas plant is quite a paper-intensive business. Let's start with the fact that the sale of liquefied petroleum gas is subject to mandatory licensing. The license for the right to operate explosive objects is issued by Gosgortekhnadzor. At the same time, only legal entities can receive it, that is, an individual entrepreneur will not qualify, you will have to open a limited liability company.

Other documents required when opening a gas station include: an approved copy of the gene. land plan, topographic survey of the site, construction permit from the local administration, architectural examination of the future facility, technical design of the gas station, characteristics of the geologically occurring rocks in the gas station construction area, hydrological examination of the site, as well as an agreement on garbage and solid waste removal.


Some experts consider the gas station market to be quite complex. And what makes it difficult, first of all, is the fact that it is heavily dependent on regional gas suppliers. If some large supplier, from whom you successfully purchase gas, wants to come to your region centrally with its network of gas stations - what will you do? It will, of course, be impossible to compete with him on price. And it’s good if you manage to recoup the money invested in the business, but if you don’t, that’s your problem. By the way, there is no need for such pessimistic sentiments, if you decide to open a business, open it, because a well-organized business can almost always be sold at a profit...

Opening a gas station: the main stages of organizing a business

The success of this area of ​​commercial activity largely depends on a properly drawn up plan for opening a gas station. First of all, a new entrepreneur must assess the prospects for business development. To do this, you need to study the situation on the liquefied gas market, collect all available information about potential competitors and prepare a detailed business plan, taking into account the technical parameters of the future gas station. If the analysis showed that gas sales are a profitable business in your region, then you can begin to address the following issues:

  • Legal registration persons and preparation of the necessary documentation.
  • Purchase of equipment and construction of gas filling stations.
  • Recruitment of personnel (gas station employees must have appropriate certificates).
  • Concluding contracts with liquefied gas suppliers.

It is imperative to draw up a list of additional services (store, car wash, etc.) that will attract new customers, helping to increase the profitability of this business.

How much profit can the owner of a gas station receive?

The costs of running a gas station include:

  • staff salaries;
  • purchase of liquefied gas;
  • payment for electricity;
  • administrative costs;
  • taxes.

The total amount of gross expenses of the gas station is 8 thousand dollars per month. During this period, customers of the gas station will buy fuel for 17 thousand dollars, that is, the company’s profit will be at the level of 9 thousand dollars per month.

Purchase of equipment

One of the most capital-intensive expense items for a business plan for opening a gas station is the purchase of equipment. Experienced entrepreneurs recommend using the services of leasing companies to resolve this issue. This will significantly reduce the amount of start-up capital required to open a gas station.

The list of equipment for gas filling stations includes:

  1. station control system;
  2. tanks for liquefied gas;
  3. columns;
  4. fire-fighting stands;
  5. operator furniture;
  6. cash machine.

In addition, the business organizer needs to resolve the issue of providing additional services (for example, buying equipment for a car wash).

OKVED and taxation regime

For retail trade in liquefied gas, the OKVED code is 47.30.12. But registration documents must also indicate additional areas of commercial activity and their codes, according to the all-Russian classifier. Owners of gas filling stations, when preparing documents for their business, as a rule, choose the general taxation regime. This is due to the legislative nuances of VAT payment/refund.

Gas refueling today is a fairly cost-effective and popular option for your own business. At the same time, it requires serious starting capital and is unlikely to be suitable for a beginner. So, we will find out below how to open a gas station, what is required for this, and how long it will take to recoup your investment.

How much does it cost to open a gas station?

Opening a gas station is practically no different from a regular one. The main difference lies in the purchased equipment, which must be checked by specialists from the Ministry of Emergency Situations. To open a gas station, first of all, you will need to create a business plan. It should take into account all expenses, and add a small reserve for unexpected costs to the resulting amount. The following is an approximate calculation:

  1. . Decide for yourself whether you want to buy or rent a plot of land for your business. Each option has its pros and cons. For example, paying monthly rent can be a burden, especially at first. In addition, the owner of the site can demand his property from you at any time, if the rental period has not been agreed upon in advance. One way or another, the cost of renting is much cheaper than buying, and is about 3 million rubles.
  2. Construction . The cost of construction depends on your project and the desired size of the gas station. In addition, the price will be affected by the availability of additional services for customers, for example, a minimarket, tire service (see), etc. The average construction cost ranges from 6-8 million rubles.
  3. Documentation . One of the most important points, since opening a gas station without proper permits and confirmations is simply impossible. Collecting documents is not only lengthy, but also an expensive process, which, depending on the region, may require from 500,000 to 1,500,000 rubles.
  4. Equipment and raw materials . The internal arrangement of your organization is carried out almost before the opening. It requires another 3 million rubles.

14 million rubles is the average cost to open a gas station. To this figure you can add about another 1 million rubles as an amount for additional unforeseen expenses, for example, if the profit received at first is not enough to purchase raw materials or pay rent, etc. In addition, it is important to take into account the staff salary, which averages 25,000 rubles per person. Thus, if the staff consists of 5 people, this is already 100,000 rubles monthly.

We collect the necessary documents

Proper documents are the most important thing you need to open your gas station. Collecting documents is a procedure that requires visiting a number of different organizations, collecting additional papers and, of course, a lot of time. You can do this yourself or entrust the entire process to document collection specialists who, for a small amount, will do everything for you in a short time.

If you still decide to collect it yourself, then here are the documents you need to open your own gas station:

  • First, you need to register as an entrepreneur. The ideal option is to register an individual entrepreneur: it ensures minimal taxation, is processed quickly and on favorable terms. In addition, there is the option of registering a legal entity, i.e. companies. The procedure takes place at the tax office. Here you will also need ones that correspond to the type of your activity.
  • One of the important documents is a lease agreement for a gas station or a document confirming ownership. It will need to be presented in almost all organizations in the future.
    Pay special attention to the fact that the selected site must comply with fire safety standards, which can be obtained from the relevant authority. Without this, your gas station will be built illegally.
  • Then you need to prepare a project for the gas station itself. First, you work out the details together with the designer, after which you submit the finished work to Rospotrebnadzor. Specialists must give written permission to construct the facility. Without this, it is prohibited to proceed with further actions.
  • Also, before opening a gas station, you will need to obtain a number of permits. To do this, we contact the following authorities: sanitary and epidemiological station, fire and environmental services. Additional permissions will need to be obtained if you provide additional services to clients. For example, if a food outlet or minimarket is opened on the territory of a gas station, a permit to sell products will be required.
  • A special license will be required to store fuel and sell it. This document is prepared by the Ministry of Energy.
  • Then, to open a gas station, you will need to find a suitable fuel supplier. A fixed-term or open-ended contract is concluded with him, which should always be at your fingertips.

Before the opening of gas stations represented in your organization, check for their compliance with existing standards.

Should we give preference to franchising?

Franchising is a fairly modern and profitable option for starting a business, which allows a novice businessman to work under a brand that has already made a name for itself. A number of other advantages are also noted:

  1. Help in discovery from knowledgeable specialists. You will be able to receive advice from experienced people on all issues related to starting a business.
  2. There will be no need to create your own business model - they will provide you with a ready-made one.
  3. Obtaining fuel from a trusted supplier.
  4. The average cost of start-up capital is reduced, if only because you will no longer need to additionally advertise, find a suitable fuel supplier, etc.

The main disadvantage of this method is that you will have to give part of the proceeds (see also) to the company that provided the franchise. Despite this, franchising is considered more profitable than independent work.

One of the pressing questions among entrepreneurs is how to open a gas station and how much it costs. After all, the number of motorists on Russian roads is only increasing every year, and due to savings, such fuel turns out to be more profitable. It is not surprising that, along with classic gas stations, alternative varieties have increasingly begun to appear.

(adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || ).push()); In order to avoid risks and serious losses, it is important for a novice entrepreneur to familiarize himself in advance with the peculiarities of organizing and running such a business, as well as the various requirements from regulatory services when opening a gas station. Only after describing in detail all the actions and drawing up a business plan can you begin to implement the project.

  • Prospects and benefits
  • What documents will be required?
  • Site selection
  • Equipment
  • Fuel
  • Recruitment
  • Franchise business
  • Financial issue
  • Reviews

Prospects and benefits

The relevance of gas refueling is obvious:

  1. With the constant rise in gasoline prices, it is becoming less and less profitable to use it for cars. Therefore, people are more likely to retrofit their vehicles with LPG.
  2. The cost of such fuel is significantly lower, which is convenient for a businessman, because purchasing it does not require spending huge sums.
  3. Equipment for storage and refueling is also cheaper than gasoline counterparts.
  4. Even with competitive stations, you can count on growing demand and continued high profits.

But for a gas filling station as a business to become a successful project, you need to think through the main details:

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  • place to place it;
  • prices and privileges for regular customers;
  • additional services that can be provided at the gas station;
  • fuel quality;
  • advertising development strategies undertaken.

Imagine in detail how the whole process will take place at the gas station. For example, first the passengers leave the car. To do this, you can think of a comfortable area for them to relax or even open a cafe or store. Will the owner of the car perform all actions independently or with the help of an employee? How to arrange transport in a queue so that it is convenient for everyone, access roads and much more.

What documents will be required?

One of the most difficult stages, even for experienced entrepreneurs, is the process of registration and execution of all papers in government agencies. Moreover, to open a gas filling station there must be a lot of them:

  1. Register with the tax service as an individual entrepreneur or LLC. The second option in this case is preferable, since you will be able to expand your business in the future, hire any number of staff and receive high incomes. At the same time, indicate the correct OKVED codes depending on the chosen main and additional activities.
  2. If you are leasing a suitable plot of land, then be sure to draw up a long-term agreement for several years with a fixed price or maximum limits. When purchasing it, always keep proof of ownership documents with you.
  3. The site itself and the future gas station must comply with fire safety standards. Therefore, their verification is necessary both when choosing a site and to permit the start of activities after completion of all preparatory work.
  4. The desired construction project is developed with a designer or architect, which must then be approved by Rospotrebnadzor. This organization issues a permit, without which no work on the development of the site can begin.
  5. You will also need to coordinate your actions with the sanitary-epidemiological station, environmental service and traffic police. After thorough checks, they issue a conclusion on the possibility of opening a gas station.
  6. If the territory of the gas station is supposed to provide additional services, the presence of a cafe or store, then you will have to draw up a number of documents for retail trade, opening a catering establishment, etc.
  7. It is mandatory to obtain a license to store and sell fuel. This document is issued by the Ministry of Energy.
  8. Try to think in advance about the type and quality of fuel you will offer at the station. Then enter into an appropriate contract for its supply, preferably for a long time.

When everything is ready and the gas station is built, you will have to undergo an inspection by regulatory authorities, who will certify the workplace and the safety of the entire territory and equipment. Only after this can you conduct profitable and legal activities.

Such difficulties and precautions are due to the fact that gas is a rather dangerous product. And when selling it and even storing it, you must strictly follow all the rules, be extremely careful and monitor the operation of the gas station in a smooth manner. This is the only way to count on business success.

Site selection

One of the most important factors that directly affects the profitability of this type of business is the location of the future gas station. Here you need to take into account many criteria at once:

  • Proximity to highways and key roads with constant traffic.
  • The area is large enough to accommodate all the equipment and several customers in line.
  • Availability of convenient access roads for cars and trucks.
  • There are no various flammable objects nearby.
  • It is prohibited to install a gas station near nature reserves, farmland and other ecological zones.
  • There may be a regular gas station and auto repair shop nearby.
  • There should be no direct competitors in neighboring areas.


Considerable expenses will be required to purchase special containers and equipment for storing and selling goods. Let's list what you need to open a gas station:

  1. Gas cylinders.
  2. Dispensing station.
  3. Tanks.

It is very important that the equipment supplier guarantees the safety of every element. For an entrepreneur starting a business from scratch, it is advantageous that gas installations are much cheaper than gasoline ones.


The main choice is whether to buy propane or methane. Each of them has its own advantages. The first is liquid gas, which is more affordable, but equipment for its storage will cost much more than for methane. But that, in turn, has a high price for ordinary users.

To decide what exactly to trade, it is advisable to study the basic demand and market. And this should be done before purchasing tanks and dispensing units, since they differ significantly from each other. It is important that the gas supplier is responsible, does not violate the agreed deadlines, does not unexpectedly raise the price of the product, and provides a high-quality product. The success of your business largely depends on this.


Since the gas station will operate around the clock, it is necessary to organize two or even three shifts. Each of them employs a cashier and 1-2 fuel attendants. There can be one administrator, whose schedule is standard - daytime on weekdays. If the gas station is organized as a legal entity, then it is advisable to additionally use the services of an accountant (outsourcing) so that all reports are correctly compiled.

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To ensure safety, a special inspector is hired to monitor the tanks, the filling process and the installations. It is important that all employees are selected with the utmost care. And although any knowledge or specialization is not required in this case, you need to pay attention to accuracy, responsibility, absence of bad habits, etc.

If there is supposed to be a store or cafe, then the staff increases accordingly. You also need to ensure that the gas station area is promptly tidied up and is always clean. To do this, you can hire a cleaner for several hours a day.

Franchise business

One of the options for organizing a business is franchising, that is, a turnkey gas station. In this case, an already well-known brand offers you training, assistance in completing documentation, ready-made equipment and a permanent gas supply contract. The advantage is that you do not have to conduct separate advertising activities. The name alone will inspire confidence in most car enthusiasts.

The only disadvantage of a franchise is the constant payment of mandatory contributions. But they often pay for the effort and money you would have spent organizing everything yourself. For a new entrepreneur, this is usually a better deal than correcting your own mistakes, which are often made at different stages.

Here you can download a free business plan for a gas filling station as a sample.

Financial issue

Both the initial and subsequent costs of opening and maintaining a gas station are significant. The profitability of the business is considered not very high, since payback occurs no earlier than in 2-5 years. And yet, this business is quite profitable and profitable, since after the expiration of this period you can count on constant high incomes every month.

Every month you will need to replenish fuel supplies, pay for staff, taxes and advertising. Usually this is about 400,000 rubles. The profit margin and payback rate will depend on many factors:

  • how much gas costs on the market and your prices for drivers;
  • well-chosen place for refueling;
  • the emergence of new routes in the area;
  • level of competition;
  • provision of additional services;
  • economic crisis in the country;
  • quality of the fuel provided;
  • various bonuses, promotions;
  • operating mode.

In general, experienced entrepreneurs talk about monthly income of 1 million rubles. This will make it possible to cover current expenses and gradually return the initial investment. But even with such indicators, the payback period will not occur earlier than in two years.

Video: gas station franchise.