Irina Gekht: “The Russian village is one of the main points of growth of the domestic economy. Women will save the village Meeting of the rural women's committee

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Irina Gekht, senator from the Chelyabinsk region, deputy chairman of the Committee on Agricultural and Food Policy and Natural Resources Management of the Federation Council of the Federal Meetings of the Russian Federation.

Tell us about the committee. Who is the initiator of its creation?
The proposal to create a committee was enshrined in the final resolution of the meeting between Federation Council Chairman Valentina Matvienko and female heads of rural settlements in 2016. The idea of ​​its creation is quite logical: in Russia, women head almost every third agricultural enterprise and occupy 30% of municipal positions. One in four family livestock operations is headed by a woman, and nearly a third of the beginning farmers who have received government grants over the past three years are women. There is a World Association of Rural Women in the world, that is, at the international level this topic is quite advanced.
Today, the Rural Women's Committee is an effective communication platform where experiences and best practices are exchanged, pressing problems are discussed and legislative and executive authorities are involved in solving them, both at the federal and regional levels. This young organization directs its activities to the development of rural areas and the creation of conditions for improving the standard of living of the rural population. In addition, the committee immediately became actively involved in the preparation of the second Eurasian Women’s Forum, which will be held in 2018, where the problems and achievements of rural women will be given a separate platform. In December, the first meeting of the Rural Women's Committee was held at the Ministry of Agriculture of the Russian Federation. There were representatives from more than 30 regions of Russia. The second was also supported by the Ministry of Agriculture of the Russian Federation and the government of the Lipetsk region. Issues of supporting agriculture, developing small businesses and cooperation in rural areas, rational environmental management and improving the environmental situation in the Russian outback were discussed. Today, the Russian village is one of the main points of growth of the domestic economy. The main thing is to create and increase human capital in the countryside - the main wealth of the country. And this is possible with the support of the state through various federal and regional programs.

From 2014 to 2020, the federal target program “Sustainable Development of Rural Territories” is being implemented. What positive changes have there been in two years?
About 38 million people live in rural areas, this is a quarter of the country's population. But every year the number of population outflows from villages and villages is growing. People do not want and cannot live where there is no school, hospital, where there is no comfortable life. The engineering infrastructure of rural areas deserves special attention. Only 75% of rural schools are fully equipped, only 60% of households in rural areas have access to the Internet, only 36% of rural settlements have running water, the level of gasification in only 14 subjects of the Federation is 80%. Improving the quality of life in rural areas is the most important state task, and this is precisely the main goal of the federal program. If we represent it in monetary terms, then it is about 134 billion rubles. federal budget.
In 2016, the total funding for the program amounted to 23.4 billion rubles. As a result, 494 thousand square meters were put into operation in the village. m of housing, living conditions were improved, including by young families and young professionals. This is very important, because the village needs competent, qualified personnel. 1.2 thousand km of gas distribution networks, 1 thousand km of local water pipelines, 540 km of public roads with hard surfaces were put into operation.

The current project, in addition to the areas of housing construction and social infrastructure development that have proven their effectiveness, provides for a new area of ​​grant support for local initiatives of rural residents. At a meeting in the Lipetsk region, we discussed the development of rural settlements and the experience that women who lead them have. In addition, we visited several settlements that participated in the program for sustainable development of rural areas and looked at how the allocated funds work and how effective these settlements are. Among the leading agricultural enterprises in the Usmansky, Dobrovsky and Zadonsky districts of the Lipetsk region are “Strawberry Field” in the village of Poddubrovka, “Polyana” in Nikolskoye. The delegation visited the Preobrazhenskoye rural settlement and assessed the men’s farming experience. The head managed, in the absence of any industry, to make his rural settlement prosperous. Eco-tourism is developing, all social infrastructure is present, procurement activities are very developed, for example, berry picking. This rural settlement has been given to us as an example for a long time, so everyone was interested in learning about its experience.

Based on the results of the work of past years, the Russian Ministry of Agriculture compiled a rating of regions implementing the program. The leaders are Perm Territory, Adygea, Mordovia, Bashkortostan and Chechnya. The relevance of the program is evidenced by the fact that 81 regions submitted application documentation for participation in the selection of regional programs to provide subsidies from the federal budget to regional budgets in 2017 within the framework of the Federal Target Program. In the summer of 2016, the Russian Ministry of Agriculture and the Federation Council came out categorically against its early termination, and in the end it was preserved.

What opportunities for the development of rural settlements, in your opinion, does cooperation provide and does the program contribute to its development?
Today, small farms face a serious problem - marketing their products. Therefore, today, support for cooperation in rural areas is more relevant than ever. Next year, funding will be doubled to 1.5 billion rubles for these purposes. The authorities expect to create up to 1,500 cooperatives in rural areas, uniting small farms, to ensure the sale of their products. It is even proposed to make the number of cooperatives a criterion for which the heads of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation will be responsible.
After all, the development of consumer cooperation and personal subsidiary plots is a real mechanism that compensates for the growth of unemployment and social tension in the countryside.
Agricultural cooperation today works with small forms of management, personal subsidiary plots, and involves them in economic turnover. Cooperation activities are sometimes unprofitable and even unprofitable, primarily because they are concentrated in rural areas, often in remote and hard-to-reach areas, and require support at the state and municipal levels, not only financial, but also informational and legal. It is important to consider cooperation as an institution for the social development of municipalities and regions. The interests of agricultural cooperatives need to be defended through improving legislation at the federal level, creating favorable conditions for their involvement in solving government problems in the field of import substitution and ensuring the country's food security. bool(false)

On December 9, the first meeting of the Rural Women’s Committee under the Interdepartmental Coordination Council on Sustainable Development of Rural Territories was held at the Russian Ministry of Agriculture.

The meeting was attended by the Deputy Chairman of the Committee on Agricultural and Food Policy and Environmental Management of the Federation Council of the Federal Assembly, Chairman of the Rural Women's Committee Irina Gekht, Deputy Minister of Agriculture of the Russian Federation Ivan Lebedev, Director of the Department of Rural Development Vladimir Svezhenets, Chairman of the Public Chamber Commission on Agricultural Issues complex and development of rural areas Evgenia Uvarkina, State Duma deputy Svetlana Maksimova, as well as heads of rural settlements and heads of agricultural enterprises from more than 30 regions of Russia.

Deputy Minister of Agriculture of the Russian Federation Ivan Lebedev on behalf of Alexander Tkachev, head of the Russian Ministry of Agriculture, greeted the committee participants. In his address, he noted the importance of women leaders heading local governments and agricultural organizations in the preservation and development of rural areas, as well as creating comfortable living conditions in rural areas.

“The Russian Ministry of Agriculture pays special attention to the creation of modern social and engineering infrastructure in the village. For this purpose, there is a program for sustainable development of rural areas. The regions are provided with support in solving a whole range of issues related to the creation of a comfortable living environment in rural areas - this is the construction of housing, schools, first aid stations, clubs, sports grounds, as well as the development of engineering infrastructure, construction of highways,” noted Ivan Lebedev .

During the meeting, it was noted that by the end of this year, the Russian Ministry of Agriculture plans to put into operation about 500 thousand square meters. m of housing, including more than 300 thousand for young families and young professionals, 11 schools, more than 90 first aid stations, 9 clubs, equip 18 sites for housing development with social and engineering infrastructure, increase the length of gas supply and water supply networks in in general, more than 2 thousand km, and also to lay over 500 km of roads.

“Our Committee is a platform for discussing issues of supporting rural women, ensuring their rights and interests. Women make up the majority of the country's rural population and they, like no one else, know the problems of rural areas. We are open to cooperation and invite all interested organizations to work together,” noted Irina Gekht.

Director of the Department of Rural Development Vladimir Svezhenets spoke about measures for the sustainable development of rural areas, support for small businesses, as well as plans for the development of agricultural cooperation.

The meeting participants expressed confidence that the Rural Women's Committee will become an effective communication platform that will provide an opportunity to exchange experiences, best practices, discuss pressing problems and involve legislative and executive authorities at both the federal and regional levels in solving them.

Following the meeting, the Committee’s work plan for 2017 was approved.

Women head almost every third agricultural enterprise, occupying 30 percent. municipal positions, make up the majority of education, health, and social service workers working in rural areas, noted Galina Karelova.

The Federation Council hosted a meeting of the Rural Women's Committee under the Interdepartmental Coordination Council on Sustainable Development of Rural Territories of the Russian Ministry of Agriculture.

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The meeting was chaired by the Deputy Chairman of the Federation Council Committee on Agricultural and Food Policy and Environmental Management Irina Gekht.

The Deputy Chairman of the Federation Council addressed the meeting participants with a welcoming speech Galina Karelova. “Today we can confidently say that women play one of the main roles in the development of agriculture in the Russian Federation,” said the Vice-Speaker of the Federation Council.

According to her, women head almost every third agricultural enterprise and occupy 30 percent of municipal positions; make up the majority of education, health, and social service workers working in rural areas. “Rural women are great workers. Their work is special, and requires not just a lot of knowledge, but great endurance, fortitude, and the ability to combine their work with housekeeping, caring for home and family. Thank you so much for everything you do,” she said G. Karelova.

The Vice-Speaker of the Federation Council thanked those present for their active work on the development of women's entrepreneurship in rural areas. She noted that the activities of the Rural Women's Committee are focused primarily on the internal audience, activation and support of women's businesses, support for women's public organizations, volunteers, and those involved in social entrepreneurship. “Thanks to this work, the enormous potential of women working in rural areas has been revealed. We have witnessed many bright and interesting initiatives, and the Ministry began to look differently at the role of women in the agricultural sectors,” the vice-speaker emphasized.

Anticipating the discussion of the topic of development of rural, landscape, agritourism in the Russian Federation , Galina Karelova noted that this direction has very great prospects. “The demand for these types of tourism among both Russian citizens and our foreign guests is growing. At the same time, the niche for business today is relatively free. Its development can become a good source of income for rural families, a powerful point of rural growth. Who else but rural women, with their knowledge of the features and beauty of their region, knowledge of crafts, culinary secrets, ability to preserve traditions and natural activity, take this matter into their own hands.”

Galina Karelova gave the example of the Novosibirsk region, where in just one year the volume of tourist services increased by 1.3 billion and amounted to more than 7.5 billion rubles.

The Vice-Speaker of the Federation Council noted that the Federation Council pays great attention to both the development of inbound tourism and the topic of women's entrepreneurship and is ready to consider new initiatives to support them.

In its turn Irina Gekht noted that the women's issue is being actively promoted in Russia. “Recently it has been receiving more systematic support at the state level, at the highest level. Last year, the President of the Russian Federation proposed a set of measures to improve the situation of women, children, families, the so-called demographic package, which has already received its legislative codification within the Federal Assembly,” the senator said.

She also recalled that the head of state supported the idea of ​​​​adopting a National Women's Strategy, initiated by the Federation Council. A corresponding Decree of the President of the Russian Federation was issued. On March 14 of this year, a decree of the Government of the Russian Federation was issued, which approved a specific action plan for the implementation of the National Women's Strategy, which was distributed to you. There were no such strategic documents in Russia, she emphasized Irina Gekht.

The senator also noted that the activities of the Federation Council are aimed at enhancing the women's movement and supporting women's businesses.

Director of the Department of Rural Development of the Ministry of Agriculture of the Russian Federation Vladimir Svezhenets informed about the directions of grant support for local initiatives of citizens living in rural areas.

Representative of the Federal Tourism Agency of the Ministry of Culture of the Russian Federation Lyusine Matosyan spoke about the state and prospects for the development of rural tourism in the country.

During the meeting, issues of development of agricultural and ecological tourism, the experience of foreign countries in the use of natural and recreational resources, as well as measures to support small businesses in rural areas were discussed.

Members of the Federation Council, representatives of federal ministries and departments, municipalities, scientific and public organizations took part in the discussion.

The final meeting of the Rural Women's Committee on sustainable development of rural areas in 2018 was held at the Ministry of Agriculture of the Irkutsk region. The meeting was held under the leadership of the chairman of the rural women's committee, the Irkutsk regional public organization "Russian Union of Rural Women" Nina Suvorova. Participating in the event were First Deputy Minister of Agriculture of the region Natalya Zhilkina, Deputy Minister of Construction and Road Facilities of the region Evgeny Lipatov, Head of the department for organizing the assignment of regional payments of the Ministry of Social Development, Guardianship and Trusteeship of the Angara region Irina Gaevaya, members of the Committee from 14 municipalities of the Irkutsk region.

The meeting participants discussed with representatives of the regional Government issues of social support for rural residents and improvement of rural areas, and also outlined the main directions of the Committee’s work in 2019.

– Issues of developing rural areas and improving the lives of their population are among the priority areas of work of the Ministry of Agriculture of the Irkutsk Region. To quickly and effectively solve problems, we try to conduct direct dialogues with village representatives, involving specialists from other departments in this work. One of the ways of such interaction is the Rural Women's Committee. This is a communication platform for the exchange of experience, discussion, comprehensive and targeted solutions to pressing issues of rural life,” noted Natalya Zhilkina.

Irina Gaevaya informed the meeting participants about social contracts implemented by the regional Ministry of Social Development to provide social assistance to people who find themselves in difficult life situations. Changes to the state social assistance program were prepared and introduced on behalf of the Governor of the Irkutsk Region Sergei Levchenko. In particular, the region’s budget provides subsidies for the organization and further development of private farming, sewing production, the purchase of greenhouses and planting material, tools for various types of work, equipment for collecting and processing wild plants, and undergoing vocational training or retraining.

Evgeny Lipatov explained the mechanisms for implementing measures to build roads in rural areas. He said that the department, together with local governments, is addressing issues of ensuring transport accessibility in remote areas, including between settlements that do not have year-round connections via paved roads. In addition, attention is paid to organizing access roads to remote peasant (farm) farms, and roads leading to gardening are being repaired. In order to receive a subsidy for the construction or repair of a road from the regional or federal budgets, local governments need to prepare the necessary documents and submit them to the Ministry of Construction and Road Facilities of the Irkutsk Region.

Nina Suvorova told members of the Rural Women's Committee about the projects of the Irkutsk regional public organization "Russian Union of Rural Women", which received grants from the Provincial Assembly of the Irkutsk Region, and encouraged them to take an active part in them. The projects will be implemented in 2019. One of them is “With a Russian song from village to village,” which is aimed at supporting the social function of the Russian family. The authors of the idea intend to exchange creative heritage (singing traditions) between individual settlements. The goal of the second project, “Peasant Dynasties of the Baikal Region,” is to increase the social significance of peasant labor. During the implementation of the projects, various creative events, cultural events and competitions are planned.

Plans for 2019 include active joint work of the Rural Women’s Committee with representatives of state and municipal authorities. On-site events are planned to inform the rural population about government support measures. Work will continue on information and legal support for citizens who have opened their own business with the help of social contracts. It is planned to organize accessible trading places for the sale of agricultural products, including the possibility of holding regular weekend fairs with the participation of local producers.