How to write a letter to Governor Andrey Vorobyov. How to write a letter to the governor

We will start with tips on how to write a letter to the governor not with the content of the letter, but with its form. It’s not for nothing that they say that you meet someone by their clothes.

Stage one. We are preparing a letter to the governor

Often, in personal communication and on the Internet, you can come across complaints that “they didn’t even read my letter,” “I never received any answer,” etc. Is this due to the irresponsibility of officials or are there other reasons? In any case, if you are writing a letter to a government official, you need to start with preparation, and only then move on to the design and content, which will be discussed below.

First of all, keep in mind that we already live in the 21st century and letters of this kind are strongly recommended to be typed on a computer and printed. Such a letter has a much higher chance of being read by an official than one written by hand, even if it is in beautiful handwriting and without errors. You don’t have a computer, ask your family, friends or acquaintances to type and print. The next point is that it is best to write a letter to the governor or other high official on a special form, which can either be taken from the secretary’s reception or printed from the website (now this is sometimes also possible). If all the above conditions are met, we move on to the next stage.

Stage two. Formatting a letter

Here it is advisable to recall the classic - A.P. Chekhov: “brevity is the sister of talent.” In this case, however, it is not talent, but the ability of the letter to be read. Believe me, no one will read your lengthy complaint or request, spread over 3-4 or more sheets. A good complaint should be short. It is better if it is one A4 sheet, in the worst case - two, but no more. If extended wording is required, make an attachment and at the end of the letter write: “Attachment” and indicate the number of attached sheets. If the official considers this necessary, he will definitely inquire about this material.

Now let's create the title page. In the upper right corner we write the position of the person in the dative case and then in the dative case his last name, first name and patronymic. For example: “To the governor of such and such region, Vasily Petrovich Pupkin.” Be sure to check the correct title of the official's position. After this, indicate your last name, first name and patronymic in the genitive case. Let’s say: “from Pyotr Vasilyevich Zanudin.” Next, leave a small space and write in the center of the sheet: “Dear Vasily Petrovich!” - and below we state our complaint or request. At the end, be sure to put a number and signature. Now let's talk about how to write a letter to the governor in terms of content.

Stage three. Contents of the letter and its sending

After the design is completed, we begin writing. Be sure to keep your complaint as short and to the point as possible. There is no need to write that such and such an official told you such and such. You just need to write: “As a result of my appeal to such and such, I was denied such and such.” And be sure to attach written evidence of application and refusal. Officials only believe in papers, so attach copies of all documents relevant to the case to your application.

By the way, do not forget to staple all attachments (appeals, responses, checks, etc.) - preferably with a stapler. After that, pack it together with the letter in an envelope and seal it. Remember: a letter designed in this way with substantial attachments that are factual evidence of your fight for justice has a much higher chance of being considered. After writing a letter to the governor, do not forget to make a copy of the letter - just in case. And the last thing: write correctly, without mistakes, at least spelling ones.

According to the Law of the Moscow Region dated April 23, 2013 No. 41-2003-OZ “On the Governor of the Moscow Region”, and the Constitution of the Russian Federation, the governor is the highest official of the region, which means he can be contacted when it was not possible to achieve a solution to the issue at the local level . Residents of the Moscow region can appeal the inaction of local authorities, report facts of corruption, infringement of civil rights and freedoms by sending a letter to Andrei Yuryevich Vorobyov.

How to complain

You can contact Andrey Yuryevich at one of the following authorities:

  1. Directly to the reception A.Yu. Vorobyov.
  2. To the reception office of the Government of the Moscow Region.
  3. To the governor's contact center.

A complaint drawn up in compliance with all legal requirements is guaranteed to be considered by the governor. Contact our portal's lawyers for help! Specialists will provide free assistance and help in writing an application.

You can contact the governor regarding violations of law and order in the region by choosing any convenient method:

  1. Sending a letter by mail.
  2. Electronic appeal (via online reception or e-mail)
  3. A personal meeting.
  4. Phone call.
  5. Video message.
  6. Social network.

Reception of the Governor's Administration

You can write a letter to Andrey Yuryevich Vorobyov at the address: 143407, Moscow region, Krasnogorsk-7, Stroiteley Boulevard, 1.

Lawyer's recommendation: to ensure that the request does not get “lost” along the way and that it is possible to track compliance with the deadlines for its processing, it is recommended to send a letter with a notification and a list of attachments. After the receptionist receives the correspondence, the addressee will have a counterfoil, which can later serve as evidence if the case goes to court.

The governor should do so only after your appeal to other regional authorities has not been considered or has not brought the desired result.

As the highest official of the regional executive branch, the governor will consider a complaint against representatives of regional authorities or municipal institutions. You can also turn to him for help in any specific case. For example, report an emergency situation in your home, to complaints about which the local housing and communal services do not respond in any way. Or resolve the issue of obtaining disability, which was illegally denied.

How to properly file a complaint to the governor?

In order to be guaranteed to receive a response from the governor to your letter, in this case it is best to type the text on a computer. After all, such a concept as legible handwriting is different for everyone and is very subjective. It can be printed either on a regular A4 sheet or on a standard form, which is located in the governor’s reception room.

The complaint to the governor should look like this:

  1. In the upper right corner of the document the position and full name are indicated. recipient, then full name. sender and his contact information (residence address, email, telephone).
  2. Next, in the center of the sheet there should be an address to the governor, for example: “Dear Boris Petrovich!”
  3. Next, you need to outline the essence of the complaint or your problem, referring to the articles of the current legislation. And also a clearly formulated request to the governor.
  4. An application in which you need to indicate documents substantiating the legitimacy of the applicant’s position and send copies of them along with the letter. This will make it possible to avoid extending the period for consideration of the complaint, which may be required to contact other structures in order to obtain the necessary information. By the way, it is 30 days.
  5. Date and signature of the applicant.

Important! In order for the complaint to be read, its main part must be written as briefly and concisely as possible. A vague description of the problem with an abundance of irrelevant facts will reduce the likelihood of familiarizing yourself with it to zero.

Also, simultaneously with a complaint to the governor against a regional body or official, you can file an administrative complaint in order to appeal the decision he made or his inaction.

How can I contact the governor?

You can send a complaint to the governor by registered mail, having previously found out the exact address of the regional administration on the website or in the help desk.

In addition, no one forbids you to personally visit the governor’s office and submit a complaint to its representative.

The next way is to leave a request on the regional administration website, which has special forms for emails, including to the governor. As a rule, the number of characters in such an appeal should not exceed two thousand. You can familiarize yourself with the rules for writing and sending emails directly on the website.

Important! The email must not contain spelling, punctuation or lexical errors. Otherwise it will be rejected and sent back to your email address.

You also have the right to post an open one on the administration website. The likelihood that the governor will see her is minimal. But in this way you can draw attention to your problem. Especially if it concerns many residents of the region. The public outcry received through a large number of comments and reviews will greatly help speed up the solution to the problem.