Presentation on the theme of vampires. Presentation for the birthday of A.V. Vampilov. Chekhov's traditions in the play

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Alexander Vampilov became Alexander because the year of his birth (1937) marked one hundred years since Russia lost Pushkin - the boy’s father was a literature teacher, and how could he have called his son anything else?.. After graduating from school, Vampilov entered to the Faculty of History and Philology of Irkutsk University, from which he graduated in 1960. Vampilov’s work was cut short by a tragic accident. Two days before his 35th birthday, on August 17, 1972, Vampilov and his friends went on vacation to Lake Baikal. The boat caught on a snag and capsized. Vampilov decided to swim to the shore. He reached it, touched the ground with his feet, and at that moment his heart could not stand it. An unfinished work remained on his desk - the vaudeville “The Incomparable Tips”...

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By the age of 35, Vampilov had written five plays, the same number as Chekhov. It had already been staged in many provincial theaters, and he became a fashionable playwright in Moscow and Leningrad. Alexander Vampilov did not live to see his Moscow premieres, which he dreamed of more than anything else in the world, exactly a month ago. Only a year will pass, and he will become the “leader of the repertoire”; there will be almost no theaters left in the country where Vampilov’s plays are not performed. The Ermolova Theater and Sovremennik, the Moscow Art Theater and the Bolshoi Drama Theater will include him among their title authors.

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Alexander Vampilov is one of those rare names and phenomena in Russian literature (I would also include Nikolai Rubtsov here) for whom loud public words seem small and overwhelming. They are of a different measure. Before talking about Vampilov, I would like to remain silent - both over his fate, which during his life was not spoiled with recognition, which ended his life early, and before meeting his heroes, standing in the direction where it is not crowded with crowds, because goodness, light, conscience and hope there are quiet, unearthly and convincing. Valentin Rasputin

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Prove that the presented skit is a vaudeville? What's so funny about the situation? The dialogue between Nakonechnikov and Eduardov includes singing and dancing. What role do they play in the play? Can the characters’ judgments and actions be considered frivolous and vaudeville?

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What is vaudeville exposition? What is her role? An old barbershop in a big city. A small room, part of which is curtained with a curtain. Three work chairs, mirrors, a hanger by the door, a table nearby for newspapers and two chairs for customers waiting in line. Summer day, afternoon. The door to the street is wide open. Somewhere nearby they are playing a monotonous pop tune. Lounging in one of the chairs was a simple-minded young man in a white jacket. This is the master of the Tips establishment. Worn out by the heat and forced idleness, yawning from time to time, he leafs through a thin book with color pictures. At that moment, Dutov appears, a man of about sixty, corpulent, balding, wiping sweat from his forehead and neck.

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At what point does the thought of changing profession appear in the hero’s head? What stages does it go through? I see you're lucky... (Not right away.) Listen, how is talent defined? Who defines it? How to say?.. At first nothing. Then this and that... (Breathes heavily.) Now - I don’t know... In short, I’m tired... (Not right away.) What to do? Where to go? Three years... I settled here after the army. Originally from the village. I have only seven classes... EDWARDS. So try it. Suddenly - talent. TIPS. Do they pay for this? How to write them - plays? What should I write about? Mikhail Nakonechnikov. Playwright. Don’t you know this?....Well, nothing. You'll hear more.

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Alexander Vampilov (1937 – 1972) playwright who played a significant role in modern theater

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A. Vampilov entered literature young and remained young in it. “I laugh at old age, because I will never be old,” Vampilov wrote in his notebook. And so it happened: Vampilov died a few days before his 35th birthday. On August 17, 1972, on Lake Baikal, the boat at full speed hit a driftwood log and began to sink. The water, cooled to five degrees by the recent storm, the heavy jacket... He almost swam... But his heart could not stand it a few meters from the shore...

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His writing destiny may have been predetermined: “Dear Tasya! – Vampilov’s father turns to his wife in anticipation of his birth, “...I’m sure everything will be fine.” And there will probably be a robber son, and I’m afraid that he might not be a writer, since I see writers in my dreams. In a dream, with Lev Nikolaevich Tolstoy himself, I was looking for fractions, and they found ... "
August 19, 1937: “Well done, Tasya, she finally gave birth to a son. My premonition was justified... son. No matter how I justified the second... I, you know, have prophetic dreams.”

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Biography of Vampilov.
Alexander Valentinovich Vampilov was born in the village of Kutulik, Irkutsk region, on August 19, 1937. His father, Valentin Nikitich Vampilov, a talented teacher, a bright, outstanding personality, was arrested shortly after the birth of his son on January 17, 1938, and on March 9 of the same year was executed by the verdict of the “troika” of the Irkutsk regional department of the NKVD.

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The year of Vampilov’s birth was the year of the 100th anniversary of the death of Pushkin, in whose honor he was named Alexander.

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Anastasia Prokopyevna had four children in her arms, the eldest of whom was seven years old. “After the death of my husband,” she says, “I remained to work as a mathematics teacher in the same school in the village of Kutulik, where we started teaching together. For twenty-two long years I lived with my children in the village, in a barracks-type log house. The house stood in the schoolyard - that’s where Sasha grew up. Kutulik rightfully considered his homeland...”
From her, from her mother, a person of amazing kindness and purity, Sanya, as his family called him, adopted his best qualities. V. Rasputin dedicated the story “French Lessons,” published on the anniversary of his friend’s death, to this woman who experienced so much.

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In the homeland of the playwright.

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At school, he did not stand out in any way among his friends, of whom he always had many. He got straight A's in literature and didn't get along well with the German language. I was immediately interested in music, sports, and the drama club. He went on hiking trips for several days or simply went on a boat or bicycle to a neighboring village with a drama club or football team, he loved to travel. He collected stray dogs around the area and fed them. He played the guitar well and sang a little, and was fond of classical music.

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In the fall of 1965, Alexander Vampilov was recommended to the Writers' Union.

During his literary work, A. Vampilov wrote about 70 stories, sketches, essays, articles and feuilletons. In 1965, A. Vampilov wrote the comedy “The Eldest Son” (the first title was “The Suburbs”).

In 1968, the playwright completed the play “Duck Hunt”.

At the beginning of 1971, A. Vampilov completed work on the drama “Last Summer in Chulimsk” (first title “Valentina”).

With great difficulty, the plays of the young author made their way to the audience and brought him wide fame. But during his lifetime, Vampilov never saw a single play of his on the capital’s stage. Vampilov writes mainly about the intelligentsia, drawing attention to their problems. Has the intelligentsia retained its high purpose? Does she follow cultural traditions? What are its goals and ideals in the modern world? Does the “eternal” questions still torment her? What does freedom mean to her?

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On August 17, 1972, two days before his 35th birthday, Vampilov and his friends went on vacation to Lake Baikal. When the life of Alexander Vampilov was tragically cut short, an unfinished work lay on his desk - the vaudeville “The Incomparable Nakonechnikov”... In 1987, the name of Alexander Vampilov was given to the Irkutsk Theater for Young Spectators. There is a memorial plaque on the theater building.

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“Community for mutual assistance of teachers website” “Dedicated to our fellow countryman Alexander Vampilov...” August 19, 1937 – August 17, 1972 Completed by students of grade 6 B: MBOU Irkutsk Secondary School No. 46 Victoria Glushkova, Anastasia Kordub, Sergey Podberezin. Heads: MBOU Irkutsk Secondary School No. 46. Teacher of Russian language and literature Khrapkina Larisa Anatolyevna, Head of the library - Turanova Irina Nikolaevna.

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In 2011, our wonderful city celebrated its 350th anniversary, in connection with this we decided to talk about a man whose name is known not only to our fellow countrymen, but also far beyond the borders of Russia. Goal: To get acquainted with the life and work of playwright Alexander Vampilov. Visit memorable places in Irkutsk and the Irkutsk region associated with the name of playwright A. Vampilov. Meet and expand your knowledge with a wonderful person who personally knew the entire Vampilov family. Visit the Vampilov House-Museum Foundation and meet its organizer G.A. Soluyanova. Lay flowers at the monument.

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Alexander Valentinovich Vampilov (1937-1972) is a famous playwright and writer. He was born in the village of Kutulik, Alar district, Irkutsk region, where he spent his childhood and youth. In 1960 Graduated from the Faculty of Philology of Irkutsk State University. In 1958 The newspaper “Irkutsk University” published his first story “Coincidence of Circumstances”, signed with the pseudonym “A. Sanin”. Since this year, A. Vampilov’s stories and sketches have been published in the Irkutsk newspapers “Irkutsk University”, “Lenin’s Testaments”, “Soviet Youth”. 1959-1964 worked in the Irkutsk newspaper “Soviet Youth” as a literary employee, head. department, executive secretary. 1965-1967 studied in Moscow at the Higher Literary Courses. Accepted into the USSR Writers' Union. 1969 for the first time in the country on the stage of the Irkutsk Drama Theater. Okhlopkov’s play “The Eldest Son” was staged. August 17, 1972 A.V. Vampilov died tragically. Baikal took him on the eve of his 35th birthday. He has written six plays: “A House with Windows on a Field” (1963), “Farewell in June” (1964), “The Eldest Son” (1965), “Duck Hunt” (1967), “Provincial Anecdotes” (the first is “Twenty minutes with an angel” – 1962, the second – “The story with the master page” - 1968), “Last summer in Chulimsk” (1971). Not so much, it would seem. But talent is not measured by the number of compositions. Vampilov created his own theater, his dramaturgy entered the repertoires of theaters around the world and became a milestone in the development of the national theater. In November 1972, A. Vampilov was awarded the Irkutsk Komsomol Prize. I. Utkina (posthumously). In honor of the playwright's 50th birthday on May 8, 1987. The Irkutsk Theater for Young Spectators is named after him. In his native Kutulik, a Vampilov museum and a library were created, the fund of which was donated by the Union of Writers of the USSR. She bears his name. On August 17, 1973, a monument was unveiled at the grave of A. Vampilov and a memorial plaque was installed on the house where he lived (Irkutsk, Dalnevostochnaya St., 57 “a”). There is a memorial plaque installed on the house where the playwright lived.

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I. Memorable places of Irkutsk and the Irkutsk region associated with the name of the playwright. Cheremkhovo Maternity Hospital In 2007, on the occasion of the 70th anniversary of the playwright in the city of Cheremkhovo, Irkutsk Region, a memorial plaque was installed on the building of the maternity hospital in honor of Alexander Vampilov.

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St. Far Eastern, 57 a. Text of the first white marble memorial; plaque installed before 1978: “In this house lived the famous Soviet playwright, laureate of the Prize named after. I. Utkina Alexander Vampilov (1937-1972)"; lost. The text of a black dolerite plaque installed in October 1987: “The playwright Alexander Vampilov lived here from 1967 to 1972. 1937-1972". Vampilov Alexander Valentinovich (1937-1972). ;

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The street is named after Alexander Vampilov Once Vampilov said: “I laugh at old age, because I won’t be old.” He left before he reached Pushkin's age. Vampilov joked: “If my Irkutsk remembers me, let it name some dead end, dead end, after me.”

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Microdistrict "Pervomaisky" A. Vampilova Street

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Theater for Young Spectators named after A. Vampilov. In 1987, the name of Alexander Vampilov was given to the Irkutsk Theater for Young Spectators. There is a memorial plaque on the theater building. Currently, the theater building is undergoing major renovations, so it has been temporarily removed.

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Monument to Alexander Vampilov. September 20, 2003 in Irkutsk, in the park of the Drama Theater named after. Okhlopkov, a monument to A. Vampilov, the work of the Moscow sculptor Mikhail Pereyaslavts, was unveiled. The idea of ​​the monument belongs to the Irkutsk poet Gennady Gaide.

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Motor ship "Alexander Vampilov" The name of Alexander Vampilov was given to the motor ship that plows the expanses of Lake Baikal.

During his literary work, A. Vampilov wrote about 70 stories, sketches, essays, articles and feuilletons. In 1965, A. Vampilov wrote the comedy “The Eldest Son” (the first title was “The Suburbs”).

At the beginning of 1971, A. Vampilov completed work on the drama “Last Summer in Chulimsk” (first title “Valentina”).

II. Trip to Kutulik. Before the trip. We are ready for a long journey. House-museum in Kutulik (November 2010) In the house, at the address: Kutulik village, Alar district, Irkutsk region, st. Sovetskaya house 35, lived our fellow countryman, the great playwright A. Vampilov. The central library of the Alar region is named after A. Vampilov.

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From the history of the museum. September 1973 The Small Teachers' Council of the Kutulik Secondary School approved the Council for organizing the museum of a former school graduate, playwright A.V. Vampilov, it included: 1. Kopylova A.P. – mother of the playwright, mathematics teacher at KSU, honorary member of the council. 2. Somov A.F. - head teacher. 3. Toktonova K.N. – teacher of Russian language and literature, class teacher A. Vampilova from grades 8-10. 4.Solomeina Yu.B. – mathematics teacher, chairman of the council. 5.Laeva G.S. – teacher of Russian language and literature. 6. Students of grades 6-7: Bargueva Anna, Udaltsova Marina.

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Yulia Borisovna Solomeina The creator and curator of this modest museum is Yulia Borisovna Solomeina. As a girl, she ran after the company of her older sister, Vampilov’s classmate. Anastasia Prokopyevna taught her mathematics and remained forever for Yulia Borisovna a person of genuine intelligence. The museum was created as a consolation for the mother during her life and in memory of her after her death. A lot of effort was devoted to creating and preserving this quiet monastery. In 1997, on the occasion of A. Vampilov’s 60th birthday, the museum became state-owned and a director, caretaker and cleaner were appointed. Currently the museum is a branch of the district museum. Let the small museum in Kutulik live as long as the memory of Alexander Valentinovich Vampilov. Living memory.

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Such a long childhood... (The early and school years of Alexander Vampilov) The writer’s mother is Anastasia Prokopyevna Kopylova. The writer’s father is Valentin Nikitich Vampilov. Grandmother Alexandra Afrikanovna Medvedeva and Anastasia Prokopyevna with their children Galya, Volodya, Misha and Sasha.

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Pedigree of A. Vampilov on the paternal and maternal lines. Childhood and school years.

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Senior classes

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Vampilov and Irkutsk From 1955 – 1960. Student, Faculty of History and Philology, ISU

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Labor practice on a collective farm Student production “Letters to the Turkish Sultan” “Three Heroes” “Hunters at a Rest”

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Work in the newspaper "Soviet Youth"

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Student years in Irkutsk

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Memorial apartment of A. Vampilov.

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The Vampilovs' kitchen The bed of Alexandra Afrikanovna's grandmother. In the Vampilovs' kitchen.

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In the Vampilovs' kitchen.

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Living room of the Vampilovs.

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Living room of the Vampilovs.

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Vampilov and the theater No sooner had the soil cooled down on Vampilov’s grave than his posthumous fame began to gain momentum. His books began to be published (only one was published during his lifetime), theaters staged his plays, directors began filming films based on his works. Posters in Hungarian, Polish, Lithuanian and other languages ​​of the world.

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At the stands, guests can see books and photographs of famous actors who played the roles of heroes of his works.

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Books of reviews about the house-museum of A. Vampilov. What an interesting meeting this was! We moved very quietly from one exhibit to another, afraid to disturb the silence reigning here. Only after the end of the excursion did we ask our questions and receive complete answers to them. And finally, we left our review of what we heard and saw in the book for visitors.

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“Great impression! A. Vampilov became even closer and dearer. It’s good that the memory of him is alive…” V. Ineshin, artist and journalist In order to touch history, it was worth visiting A. Vampilov’s museum. Years will pass, and grateful descendants will come here, just as today they come to Yasnaya Polyana, Tarkhany and other places where our brilliant compatriots were born. Thanks to everyone who carefully preserves this heritage. Joseph Kobzon, People's Artist of the USSR, M.A. Men's deputy city ​​of Moscow 06/25/04. We say a huge thank you to the people who preserved this amazing corner for us, where a curly-haired guy named Alexander Vampilov was born, raised and entered the big world. Pupils of 5B class of boarding school No. 46 in Irkutsk.

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Place of death of A. Vampilov Baikal, its whims and luxury of colors became a special love. Here Vampilov visited friends’ dachas, fished, rested and worked. Here his earthly path was interrupted, and his name and portrait remained forever on the stele facing the mouth of a fast river, running, according to legend, from a strict father. We were very touched by the last minutes of the playwright’s life. On August 17, 1972, two days before his 35th birthday, Vampilov passed away. This is how Yuri Nagibin describes what happened: “Glebushka (Pakulov) is not to blame for Vampilov’s death; it’s just that the power of life turned out to be stronger in him. When their boat capsized near the shore, Glebushka began to scream heart-rendingly and the people who happened to be on the shore came to his aid. Proud Vampilov was silent, and his heart broke in the icy water. First of all, we must save the one who is silent....” According to the description of witnesses to the incident, the boat in which Vampilov and Pakulov were caught on a snag and capsized. Pakulov grabbed the bottom and began to call for help. And Vampilov decided to swim to the shore. And he reached it, touched the ground with his feet, and at that moment his heart could not stand it. The memorial stone was installed in 1992, on the 20th anniversary of the writer’s death.

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Monument at the grave of A. Vampilov August 19, 1937 August 17, 1972 Anastasia Prokopyevna Kopylova was buried next to her son (1906 - 1992). A few days later, A. Vampilov was buried at the Radishchevsky cemetery. His family, friends and complete strangers came to say goodbye to him. And here, in the cemetery, two strange events occurred, which many interpreted as mystical. Firstly, his friends forgot with them the ropes with which they should lower the coffin into the grave. As soon as this was discovered, they rushed to the cemetery watchman, but he was not there. They began looking for him throughout the cemetery and eventually found him. By the time he returned to his hut, by the time he got the ropes, by the time they were brought to the grave, probably about an hour had passed. And all this time the coffin with the deceased stood on the edge of the grave, waiting for... That’s when someone in the crowd said: “Sanya doesn’t want to go to his grave so early...” These words were remembered once again by everyone present a few minutes later. When they tied the coffin with ropes and began to lower it into the grave, it suddenly turned out that the hole was too small...

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Meeting with Soluyanova G.A. The Irkutsk Regional A. Vampilov Foundation turns 15 on July 31, 2011. Meeting with Soluyanova G.A. It was very interesting; we asked many questions, to which she gave detailed answers. We learned a lot from her conversation about childhood, youth, about things that we could not read anywhere. These were the memories of the playwright's sister, whom we could not meet because she was not feeling well and was not dating anyone.

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Results No sooner had the earth cooled down on Vampilov’s grave than his posthumous fame began to gain momentum. We are proud to live in the city of Vampilov. Irkutsk is the city of Vampilov. The playwright made him famous and remained in his history. In the process of working on the work, we met many wonderful people who expanded our knowledge about the life and work of our fellow countryman, playwright Alexander Vampilov. We are grateful to Yulia Borisovna Solomeina, Galina Anatolyevna Soluyanova and many others who are selflessly devoted to their work. Thanks to them, the name of Alexander Vampilov continues to live in our hearts. Vampilov did a lot in his short life. Unable to cope with the Baikal wave, he passed away very early, but left us his creations, which we will get to know in the future. The Russian genius has long crowned those who live little...

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List of used literature 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. Shaposhnikov V. Vampilov’s phenomenon // Sib. gas. – 1993. – Sep. (No. 38). – P.10. About the work of playwright A. Vampilov (1937-1972). Rumyantsev A. “A. Vampilov: student years”//East Siberian book. ed. Irkutsk, 1993. Streltsova E. “Captive of duck hunting.” publication of the State Enterprise “Irkutsk region. printing house No. 1", 1998. Tendentnik N. "In the face of truth" / Essay on the life and work of Alexander Vampilov, Irkutsk, 1997. Gushanskaya E. "Alexander Vampilov." Essay on creativity. Leningrad. - Sov. writer, 1990. Rumyantsev A. See Russia with your heart. - Irkutsk, 2007. Almater Alexander Vampilov (articles and materials) ISU graduates about Vampilov “... and asked where the university is” Vampilov A.V. Duck Hunt: Plays. - Irkutsk: East Siberian Book Publishing House, 1987, 368 pp., ill., photo. Vampilov A.V. Coincidence of circumstances: Stories, essays, plays. - Irkutsk: East Sib. books published, 1988 - 448 pp., ill. The world of Alexander Vampilov: Life. Creation. Fate: Materials for the guidebook.-/ Comp. L.V. Ioffe, S.R. Smirnov, V.V. Sherstov; Will join. Article by V.Ya. Kurbatov. - Irkutsk: Publication of the State Enterprise "Irkutsk Regional Printing House No. 1"., 2000 - 448 pp., ill. Streltsova E.I. Captivity of duck hunting. - Irkutsk: Publication of the State Enterprise “Irkutsk Regional Printing House No. 1”., 1998 - 376 pp., ill., photo. Vampilov in memoirs and photographs. - Irkutsk: Publishing house of the magazine "Siberia" together with LLC "Pismena"., 1999 - 352 p.

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Alexander Vampilov (1937 – 1972) playwright who played a significant role in modern theater

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A. Vampilov entered literature young and remained young in it. “I laugh at old age, because I will never be old,” Vampilov wrote in his notebook. And so it happened: Vampilov died a few days before his 35th birthday. On August 17, 1972, on Lake Baikal, the boat at full speed hit a driftwood log and began to sink. The water, cooled to five degrees by the recent storm, the heavy jacket... He almost swam... But his heart could not stand it a few meters from the shore...

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His writing destiny may have been predetermined: “Dear Tasya! – Vampilov’s father turns to his wife in anticipation of his birth, “...I’m sure everything will be fine.” And there will probably be a robber son, and I’m afraid that he might not be a writer, since I see writers in my dreams. In a dream, with Lev Nikolayevich Tolstoy himself, I was looking for fractions, and they found it...” August 19, 1937: “Well done, Tasya, she gave birth to a son after all. My premonition was justified... son. No matter how I justified the second... I, you know, have prophetic dreams.”

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The year of Vampilov’s birth was the year of the 100th anniversary of the death of Pushkin, in whose honor he was named Alexander. This year, father, Valentin Nikitich, subscribed to the complete works of his favorite poet: for children. And the residents of Kutulik, one of the most remote Siberian villages in the Irkutsk region, remembered for a long time the evening at the club, where the school director, literature teacher V.N. Vampilov, selflessly read them the poems of the great poet. But in my father’s prophetic dreams there was not only light. According to popular belief, round - fractions - mean tears: they shed in 1939, when my father was arrested on false charges and shot at the age of 40.

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Anastasia Prokopyevna had four children in her arms, the eldest of whom was seven years old. “After the death of my husband,” she says, “I remained to work as a mathematics teacher in the same school in the village of Kutulik, where we started teaching together. For twenty-two long years I lived with my children in the village, in a barracks-type log house. The house stood in the schoolyard - that’s where Sasha grew up. Kutulik rightfully considered it his homeland...” From her, from his mother, a person of amazing kindness and purity, Sanya, as his family called him, adopted his best qualities. V. Rasputin dedicated the story “French Lessons,” published on the anniversary of his friend’s death, to this woman who experienced so much.

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At school, he did not stand out in any way among his friends, of whom he always had many. He got straight A's in literature and didn't get along well with the German language. I was immediately interested in music, sports, and the drama club. He went on hiking trips for several days or simply went on a boat or bicycle to a neighboring village with a drama club or football team, he loved to travel. He collected stray dogs around the area and fed them. He played the guitar well and sang a little, and was fond of classical music.

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I read a lot. I wrote poems during my school years, but never showed them to anyone. Hid it. Under an oath, Sanya read to his friends: The flowers of my spring have long since faded. / I stopped feeling sorry for them, / they burned me with their fire, / And I decided: they won’t burn anymore. / And I forgot about them. My efforts / Have returned peace and grace to the soul - / It is pleasant to experience the suffering of love, / And yet it is more pleasant to forget the suffering. He was a permanent member of the editorial board of the school newspaper and drew well. Sociability, disposition towards people, trustfulness and openness - traits of his character, he always loved life and people

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“After school, I remember, I left without regret, I was eager to go to the city... But, moving away, didn’t I begin to return here more often in my thoughts?” - we read in Vampilov’s essay “Walks along Kutulik”“I think that after the death of the Vologda poet Nikolai Rubtsov, literary Russia did not have a more irreparable and absurd loss than the death of Alexander Vampilov. Both of them were young, talented, had an amazing gift to feel, understand and be able to express the most subtle and therefore unknown to many movements and desires of the human soul,” V. Rasputin wrote with bitterness and pain.

A.V. Vampilov. Life and art. Guzenkova M.N. Years of life

  • VAMPILOV, ALEXANDER VALENTINOVICH (1937–1972), Russian playwright, prose writer, publicist.
  • 09/17/15
  • Alexander Vampilov was born on August 19, 1937 in the regional center of Kutulik, Irkutsk region, into an ordinary family. His father, Valentin Nikitovich, worked as the director of the Kutulik school (his ancestors were Buryat lamas), his mother, Anastasia Prokopyevna, worked there as a head teacher and mathematics teacher (her ancestors were Orthodox priests). Before Alexander was born, the family already had three children - Volodya, Misha and Galya.
  • Several months after Alexander's birth, his father was arrested following a denunciation and shot in 1938 near Irkutsk.
  • House-Museum of A.V. Vampilov in the village of Kutulik.
Studying at the University
  • After graduating from school, Vampilov entered the Faculty of History and Philology of Irkutsk University, which he graduated in 1960. During his studies, he published essays and feuilletons in university and regional newspapers under the pseudonym A. Sanin. Under the same pseudonym, his first book of humorous stories, “Coincidence of Circumstances” (1961), was published. In the early 1960s, he wrote his first dramatic works - one-act joke plays “Angel” (other name: “Twenty Minutes with an Angel”, 1962), “Crow Grove” (1963), “House with Windows in the Field” (1964) and etc.
  • Irkutsk University
Early works
  • Vampilov's early works were based on strange, sometimes funny incidents and anecdotes. The heroes of stories and sketches, finding themselves in these strange situations, came to reassess their views. Thus, in the play Twenty Minutes with an Angel, the action of which takes place in a provincial hotel, a kind of test of the characters takes place for their ability to be selfless, as a result of which it turns out that only death is selfless in this world.
"Provincial jokes"
  • In 1970, Vampilov wrote the play “The Story with the Pageant,” a parable about fear based on the story of hotel administrator Kaloshin’s encounter with his own death. The story with the pageant, together with the play “Twenty Minutes with an Angel,” made up a tragicomic performance in 2 parts, “Provincial Anecdotes.”
  • A scene from a play based on Vampilov's early works. Sovremennik Theater
"Farewell in June"
  • In 1965 he graduated from the Higher Literary Courses at the Literary Institute. A.M. Gorky in Moscow. While studying, he wrote the comedy “Fair” (other name: “Farewell in June”, 1964), which was highly appreciated by playwrights A. Arbuzov and V. Rozov. Its hero, the cynical student Kolesov, came to the conclusion that money is not omnipotent, and tore up his dishonestly obtained diploma. In the play, the image of an angel, which runs through Vampilov’s dramaturgy, again appeared, the meeting with which transformed the hero. The presence of a higher power in the world was a constant theme in Vampilov’s work.
Vampilov – heir to the classics
  • Returning to Irkutsk, Vampilov continued to work as a playwright. His plays were published in the magazines “Theatre”, “Modern Drama”, “Theater Life”, and were included in the repertoire of the best theaters in the country. Critics talked about the “Vampilov Theater” and saw in the characters of his plays, extraordinary people capable of high spiritual rise and at the same time weak by nature, the heirs of the classical heroes of Russian literature - Onegin, Pechorin, Protasov, Laevsky. They represented both modern “little people” (Ugarov, Khomutov, Sarafanov, etc.) and female types.
"Eldest Son"
  • In 1967, Vampilov wrote the plays “The Eldest Son” and “Duck Hunt,” in which the tragic component of his drama was fully embodied. In the comedy The Eldest Son, within the framework of a masterfully written intrigue (the deception of the Sarafanov family by two friends, Busygin and Silva), the conversation was about the eternal values ​​of existence - the continuity of generations, the severing of emotional ties, love and forgiveness of close people to each other. In this play, the “metaphor theme” of Vampilov’s plays begins to sound: the theme of the house as a symbol of the universe. The playwright himself, who lost his father in early childhood, perceived the relationship between father and son as particularly painful and acute.
"Duck Hunt"
  • The hero of the play “Duck Hunt” Zilov became the victim of a dark friendly prank: his friends sent him a cemetery wreath and telegrams of condolences. This forced Zilov to remember his life in order to prove to himself that he was not dead. The hero’s own life appeared to him as a meaningless pursuit of easily accessible pleasures, which was in fact an escape from himself. Zilov understood that the only need in his life was duck hunting. Having lost interest in her, he lost interest in life and was planning to commit suicide. Vampilov left his hero alive, but the existence to which Zilov was doomed evoked both condemnation and sympathy from readers and viewers. “Duck Hunt” became a symbolic play of dramaturgy in the late 1960s.
  • Zilov - K. Khabensky. MHT.
"Last summer in Chulimsk"
  • In the drama In the drama Last summer in Chulimsk (1972) Vampilov created his best female character - the young worker of the provincial tea shop Valentina. This woman strove to preserve the “living soul” within herself with the same tenacity with which throughout the play she tried to preserve the front garden, which was continually trampled by indifferent people. (1972) Vampilov created his best female image - the young worker of the provincial tea shop Valentina. This woman strove to preserve the “living soul” within herself with the same tenacity with which throughout the play she tried to preserve the front garden, which was continually trampled by indifferent people.
  • Vampilov’s work was cut short by a tragic accident. Vampilov drowned in Lake Baikal on August 17, 1972.
  • Monument to A. Vampilov in Irkutsk
  • Memorial stone at the site of death
Posthumous fame
  • No sooner had the earth cooled down on Vampilov’s grave than his posthumous fame began to gain momentum. His books began to be published (only one was published during his lifetime), theaters staged his plays (The Eldest Son alone was shown in 44 theaters across the country), and studio directors began filming films based on his works. His museum was opened in Kutulik, and a Youth Theater was named after A. Vampilov in Irkutsk. A memorial stone appeared at the site of the death...
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