What should a population manager do? Profession client manager. Features of working with corporate and key clients

A customer service manager must be in any company engaged in trade, advertising or other activities. He finds clients for the firm and works with them. Such a manager must have the ability to attract and retain a client through negotiations. This requires certain knowledge and skills - the ability to establish contact with a potential client, create conditions favorable for concluding contracts, finding the best solutions, etc. He also needs to understand the basics of entrepreneurship and how to run a business.

Most enterprises have special job descriptions, and there is such a document for customer service managers. It establishes the basic duties, rights and responsibilities of each person holding a given position. Manager must be familiar with the instructions and follow all specified conditions. The document is approved by the chief executive of the organization and supported by his signature.

What is the purpose and main provisions

A manager belongs to the management team of a company. The main task when holding this position is finding clients and servicing them. The manager needs to convince each individual client that all his needs will be taken into account. Any potential buyer requires an individual approach. Provided that the specialist works correctly, the client will cooperate with the company in the future.

The manager is also obliged to participate in summing up the results and determine the prospects for interaction with the buyer in the future. If it works effectively, then over time it should develop a customer base.

Job Description for First Time Sales Manager. They provide general concepts and list the functions performed by a specialist. The position of Account Manager is considered a managerial position. This employee must have a secondary or higher education in economics. It is also desirable to have additional qualifications in management and some experience in the entrepreneurial field.

Appointment and dismissal from a position is carried out only by the manager.

A manager must have knowledge of all the necessary laws; he should understand the basics of market economics and business theory. He will also need knowledge of marketing and management, drawing up a business plan, the ability to classify goods and establish business contacts. The general rules state that this specialist must establish competent interpersonal communication, knowing the basics of psychology and the rules of business etiquette. The ability to work with the technology necessary for communication is of no small importance.

The manager reports to the chief executive of the organization and the director. During his forced absence for a valid reason from the workplace, his duties may be performed by another official. This employee is responsible for the obligations assigned to him.

Rights and obligations

A customer service specialist has the right to decide how to find and establish business partnerships with customers. He also independently manages all the funds allocated to him for work. The manager acts on behalf of his company during negotiations and signs documents to the best of his competence. He gets acquainted with the organization's decisions regarding issues that arise in the course of work.

The client manager has the right to demand from his managers those documents that he needs to perform the work.

He also has access to papers that spell out his duties and rights, and the conditions for maintaining the quality of performance of his duties.

At each enterprise, such a specialist performs certain duties. This:

  1. Conducting analysis and study of all possible clients, taking into account their requirements.
  2. Using various methods to find buyers and clients by placing advertisements, attending presentations and exhibitions.
  3. Assessing the reliability of future business partners and their capabilities.
  4. Conducting negotiations and identifying customer preferences with their help.
  5. Meetings with potential partners, concluding contracts and discussing their terms.
  6. Maintaining connections with existing clients and working with them.
  7. Elimination of emerging problems.
  8. Creation of profitable offers for the most promising clients in the form of special conditions, discounts, etc.
  9. Communication with business partners, identifying their requirements and complaints.
  10. Creating a customer base and making adjustments to it.
  11. Analysis of the implementation of similar work in competing companies.


The client manager is responsible in case of failure to fulfill the duties specified in the instructions or any violation thereof. He is also responsible for the damage caused to the company in the course of his work and the offense committed by him. The enterprise may also provide for punishment of the manager for failure to fulfill sales plans or insufficient replenishment of the client base. Punishments for an employee should not go beyond the limits established in Russian legislation.

A customer service manager is an important employee in every organization, as he is responsible for finding and attracting customers. He also retains the company’s existing partners by all means. All his duties and rights are specified in a special job description, which must be present at the enterprise.

Working with clients involves a range of actions aimed at forming a positive impression on the client of the company and its services or products. Working with clients leads to the ultimate goal - attracting profit to the company. That is why it is important to timely regulate the duties and responsibilities of a customer service manager.

The name of the specialty “customer service manager” speaks for itself. A specialist whose job responsibilities include contact with a client, and, accordingly, searching for him, attracting him to the company, and providing full support during the contact - this is a customer service manager.

The company's profit and its image depend on his work.

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It is the customer service manager who is responsible for the attitude towards the company, for the desire of customers to return to the services of a particular company, for recommendations and feedback from customers to their environment about the experience of working with the organization.

Manager's duties and rights

The functionality of a customer service manager is quite broad and depends on the professional orientation of the company in which he works, the organizational structure of the enterprise and other factors. In general, the responsibilities and rights of a client manager can be formulated as follows:

  1. The account manager searches for clients through various channels. Analyzes the market for the services provided by the company, identifies the target audience of the company and each specific product or service. Monitors competitors.
  2. A specialist attracts potential clients to his company and creates interest in it. This is done through calls, meetings, advertising campaigns, presentations and other actions leading to the final goal.
  3. Processes incoming traffic of interest to the organization. Finds out the needs of customers with a formed interest in the company. He studies the reasons for contacting his company.
  4. Account manager makes a deal. Sells a product or service, monitors the client’s receipt of the product or service in full and within the agreed time frame. Prepares necessary documents.
  5. The customer service manager creates a positive image of the company in the eyes of customers. Takes all necessary actions so that the client purchases a product or service from him and his company again next time.
  6. The manager has the right to use the resources of the enterprise to achieve professional goals. To perform high-quality work, a specialist must have skills, know the theory of sales, understand the products and services offered by the company, and be competitive in comparison with specialists of this level from other companies. In light of this, a specialist has the right to count on periodic training at the expense of the employer.

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Depending on the specialization of the organization for which the sales manager works, the functions may be broader or more limited.

The maximum requirements for the range of work performed by a specialist are specified in his job description.

The job description for a customer service manager can be downloaded

What is a job description for a customer service manager and why is such a document needed?

A job description is a set of duties and powers of an employee in a detailed description. It describes point by point each action of a manager that he must perform, the rights that he can use and the responsibility for violating these points.

The obligation to fulfill the job description is prescribed in the employment contract.

The job description of a customer service manager describes all the employee steps necessary to work with a client. It includes points about finding a client, about documentary work, and about the entire cycle of transaction support.

What types of clients are there and how to establish contact with them?

The rights of an employee specific to this position boil down to training opportunities, methods and opportunities for obtaining information, and communications with company departments.

Work instructions are necessary for the manager to understand his functionality, powers and responsibilities.. The instructions reflect step by step the entire operating principle of the manager.

Responsibilities are a work algorithm for a manager to achieve the required result. Over time, an employee’s list of obligations may increase, and then changes and additions are made to the job description.

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Instructions are also needed to clearly determine whether the manager has performed or not performed his functions.

Based on the job description, the manager’s supervisor sees the employee’s suitability for the position held.

Who draws up the job description and when?

Job descriptions are drawn up for both occupied and vacant staff units. It is compiled not for each employee, but for the position as a whole.

The development of a job description for a customer service manager, depending on the structure of the organization, may be carried out by: HR department of the enterprise, legal department, head of customer service department. The subtleties of the profession, the required business qualities, responsibilities and necessary rights are known and understood to a greater extent by the head of this department.

Because of this, instructions drawn up by other departments must necessarily be consistent with it.

The job description must be approved by the head of the enterprise or the director of the organization, based on the goals of his employees, the principles and capabilities of the company.

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Main sections and requirements for the design of instructions

The job description looks standard and includes five general sections:

  1. General provisions. The first paragraph indicates all general issues related to the position: the purpose of this document, the procedure for appointment to the position, subordination of the staff unit, qualification requirements, mandatory documents for study and execution, and others .
  2. Job responsibilities. It describes step by step what a manager should do: does his position involve searching for clients, calling clients, meetings, or going on business trips. Drawing up documentation, product presentation, review of product testing and other actions required by the specifics of the organization.
  3. Rights. Displays a list of actions that an employee can take to successfully achieve their goals. The client manager has the right to count on professional training, can make decisions within his competence, make proposals to improve the quality of client service, and others.
  4. Service connections. The section describes the relationship between the manager and the divisions and departments of the company that are aimed at obtaining better results. The method of communication, the timing of responses to requests, the time for submitting applications and other necessary aspects of interaction are described.
  5. Responsibility. Types of liability for failure to comply with job descriptions are prescribed with references to legislation.

These sections are the necessary skeleton of the instructions. Based on them, the manager understands what the employer expects from him, and the manager evaluates his work.

However, the instructions can be supplemented with other points that allow you to more specifically perform the work and make an assessment. For example, a separate paragraph introduces “the procedure and criteria for employee certification,” “working hours,” and “the competencies required by the employee.”

A job description is drawn up on company letterhead with details. The name of the organization, assigned number, date and city of signing are indicated. The title of the document must be reflected - “Job Description”.

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The document is approved by the signature of the head of the organization and, after review, is signed by the employee. If changes are made, the employee must be re-read and signed.

The nuances of drawing up a job description in the service and sales sector

A customer service manager is the employee who conveys the image of the company. Therefore, it is important to clarify in the job description how the manager should introduce himself when calling, how he should dress, and what tools the employee can use to resolve conflict situations.

An account manager in sales requires knowledge of the product being sold, the ability to demonstrate its strengths, and knowledge of sales theory. All this should be reflected in his job description.

A customer service manager in the service sector will be successful and effective if the client contacts him and his company again. That is, the manager’s task is not so much to find a client, but to create a client’s need for the services of a specific company.

In addition to communication skills, the manager must know the basics of advertising and be able to correctly develop a customer loyalty program. These nuances are also reflected in terms of responsibilities and rights in the job description of a customer service manager.

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A high-quality and detailed job description is the key to a successful professional relationship between employer and employee.

If you want to learn more about the profession of a customer service manager, then watch this video:

Customer service manager is a position typical for enterprises in various industries and areas of business activity. This could be trade (where his main task will be to find clients and work with them), advertising activities (where an individual approach to each client is especially required), etc.

It is not so important what this position will be called - “client manager” or “service manager”, the main goal is for the client to be confident that his problems and needs are understandable and solvable. The benefit to an enterprise from the client’s feeling of confidence in personal attention and partnership is obvious - he will strive for cooperation, thereby increasing his own and the enterprise’s well-being.

The customer service manager not only offers options for forms of cooperation, but also accompanies joint work, participates in the discussion of the results, and evaluates the prospects for further interaction. The key to successful work as a customer service manager is an individual approach to each customer and a focus on long-term cooperation based on mutual trust and respect.

An important role in working in this position is played by the manager’s compliance with the ethical code of conduct - in the “race” for the client, one should not forget about the rules of good manners. At the same time, it is necessary to convince the client of the prospects for cooperation, without violating the basic principles of business ethics: correctness, unobtrusiveness and patience.

In finding such a “golden” mean, the human factor and the personal characteristics of the manager are of particular importance. He must have good erudition, be able to make decisions in non-standard situations, negotiate and analyze information received about a potential client, delve into the needs of clients in order to draw up a list of services and forms of cooperation in a form that will satisfy them as much as possible. He should be sociable and strive to improve his professional level.

The job description below is aimed at customer service managers in the field of product sales and trade.


I. General provisions

1. A customer service manager belongs to the category of managers.

3. The account manager must know:

3.1. Legislation regulating issues of business activities.

3.2. Market economy, entrepreneurship and the basics of doing business.

3.3. Fundamentals of marketing (the concept of marketing, the fundamentals of marketing management, methods and directions of market research).

3.4. Theory of management, macro- and microeconomics, business administration.

3.5. Assortment, classification, characteristics and purpose of the goods (products) offered.

3.6. The procedure for developing business plans and commercial terms of agreements and contracts.

3.7. Rules for establishing business contacts.

3.8. Rules of official etiquette when negotiating with clients.

3.9. The theory of interpersonal communication.

3.10. Fundamentals of sociology and psychology.

3.11. Methods of information processing using modern technical means of communication and communications, computers.

6. During the absence of the customer service manager (vacation, illness, etc.), his duties are performed by a person appointed in the prescribed manner. This person acquires the corresponding rights and bears responsibility for the improper performance of the duties assigned to him.

II. Job responsibilities

Account Manager:

1. Analyzes the audience of potential clients, identifies client needs, their level and focus.

2. Develops methods for finding clients, plans work with clients, draws up schemes for approaching clients.

3. Directly searches for clients in all available ways (by placing advertisements, participating in exhibitions, fairs, presentations, sending proposals via communications, e-mail, faxes, etc.).

4. Predicts the business reliability of potential clients, their financial and material security.

5. Organizes and conducts preliminary negotiations with clients interested in proposals (accepted an offer, etc.), clarifies the needs of each specific client and prepares an offer addressed to a specific client.

6. Meets with clients, convinces clients of the profitability of the offer, offers draft contracts for discussion and approval, takes part in work to reconcile disagreements, and concludes contracts on behalf of the enterprise.

7. Offers clients ways to resolve issues that were not agreed upon during negotiations and issues that arose after the commission of legally significant actions.

8. Maintains constant contact with existing clients, organizes work with them according to established business schemes.

9. Develops schemes for relationships with the most profitable and promising clients (offers of special contract conditions, discount systems and individual services, accelerated deadlines and special conditions for fulfilling contractual obligations, etc.).

11. Ensures that the interests of clients are observed when the terms of contracts are fulfilled by the divisions of the enterprise.

12. Establishes feedback with clients (studies their requirements for products (goods, services), establishes the reasons for client dissatisfaction with joint work, analyzes client complaints and takes all measures to resolve them and maintain business relations).

13. Forms a customer data bank (customer database), makes changes to it in a timely manner.

14. Studies and analyzes the policies of competitors in relationships with clients.

III. Rights

The Customer Service Manager has the right to:

1. Independently determine forms of work with clients and ways of establishing business connections.

2. Manage the financial resources entrusted to him (for entertainment expenses).

3. Sign and endorse documents within your competence.

4. Get acquainted with the documents defining his rights and responsibilities for his position, criteria for assessing the quality of performance of official duties.

5. Request from the management and specialists of the enterprise divisions information and documents necessary to fulfill his official duties.

6. Require the management of the enterprise to provide organizational and technical conditions and prepare the established documents necessary for the performance of official duties.

IV. Responsibility

The Account Manager is responsible for:

1. For improper performance or failure to fulfill one’s job duties provided for in this job description - within the limits established by the current labor legislation of the Russian Federation.

2. For offenses committed in the course of their activities - within the limits established by the current administrative, criminal and civil legislation of the Russian Federation.

3. For causing material damage to the enterprise - within the limits established by the current labor and civil legislation of the Russian Federation.

A customer service manager is a profession that requires a high level of knowledge in building dialogues with customers, establishing relationships between management and their partners, and, in some cases, maintaining the company’s prestige at the proper level. Among other things, responsibilities may also include monitoring the level of services provided to the requirements of the end user.

At the same time, it does not really matter what the name of the profession sounds like; the presence of the responsibilities of this type of profession outlined in the job description remains unchanged. However, they may vary depending on the specifics, because there are such areas as advertising, customer service, selling company services and others.

Starting a career from this position will be a good start for developing negotiation skills and studying business from the inside, which will allow you to realize yourself well in the future as a specialist in various fields of work.

Features of workers in this field

Psychologists have developed a certain type classification people of this profession:

  1. Melancholy– the result of communication with such a manager is the client’s contradictory impression that the conversation regarding the content of the contract will never come to a logical conclusion. This leads to the conclusion of an agreement without carefully studying its terms.
  2. Erudite– communication with such a company employee makes an impression on the client, which characterizes him as competent in many issues. This leads to the conclusion of a deal, relying on the authority of the manager and his knowledge of the subject of the agreement.
  3. Executive– whose actions are consistent with the provisions of the instructions.

Depending on the type and areas of activity of the enterprise, the most suitable type of employee is determined based on the above characteristics. However, the greatest preference is usually given to the third type.

Scheme of work

Regarding the work scheme, we can say that it can be built on communication with an already established circle of clients, among whom VIPs occupy a special place. (working with them carries an increased level of responsibility and, as a consequence, a higher prestige of the position held), as well as with new ones that appear in the process of work of a particular enterprise. At the same time, the work in most cases is concentrated on finding new horizons for the implementation of the company’s services.

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Demand for the profession in the labor market

The demand for the profession tends to increase, since a specialist in this field can be realized both in a company engaged in trade, advertising, and in providing various services to different segments of the population.

Regarding job responsibilities

Their circle is directly dependent on the specifics of the type of activity of a particular company.

But it is still possible to distinguish among them most characteristic, among which:

The above approximate formulations of the range of responsibilities of a client manager can be used when drawing up a job description for a specific enterprise, taking into account the specifics of the activity.

If assigned responsibilities as a low-level manager, the authority to organize the work of subordinates is also assigned.

Requirements for candidates

The main requirements for candidates for the position of customer service manager are focused on the presence of such key skills:

Salary level

Salaries vary from 30 to 100 thousand rubles and depend on the location of the company and its scale, however, almost all companies have bonus programs and bonuses.

The average salary reaches 50 thousand rubles. The main document confirming the existence of labor ties with the employer’s company is, as a rule, .


Getting a job in this field of activity is not particularly difficult, since the range of requirements and expected responsibilities is not particularly specific. However, most employers want people with education on their team. But this is not a cliché, since often communication skills and knowledge of computer programs and office equipment are quite enough to get a job.

Features of the work of a sales manager are discussed in the following video:

The Customer Success Manager is directly related to building the right dialogues and connections. Sometimes the prestige of the organization depends on the person in this position. Quite often, managers must monitor the level of services provided. Indeed, in different companies the specifics of this profession may be different, depending on the variety of areas.

General information about the position

For example, advertising, sales of services or maintenance. It’s good when a person begins to build his career from such a position. Here he gains good negotiation and business analysis skills. These skills will be useful in the future to specialists in various fields of activity.

When a manager fulfills all his duties and the clients love him, he is considered a boon for the organization. A professional in his field works for the well-being of the company. A person in this position not only participates in negotiations. He additionally:

  • performs certain work;
  • advises clients;
  • monitors the provision of services.

A manager must not only fulfill his duties, but also have certain individual qualities of a different nature:

  • knowledge of psychological issues;
  • knowledge of clients' philosophy;
  • knowledge of mathematics and marketing.

In addition, a person in this position must have personal qualities. In some situations, depending on the specifics of the enterprise’s activities, other requirements may be set. Failure to comply with them may result in liability. In most cases, companies try to hire people with higher education in economics for such positions.

It usually takes place within the employer's enterprise. Experience is preferred when applying for this position. A candidate will be gladly hired if he has already worked in a similar position for three or five years.

What does an employee need to know?

It should be understood that the candidate for this position must have the appropriate education. It could be:

  • economic;
  • legal;
  • psychology.

Most companies pay special attention to the education of their employees, so they constantly send people to improve their skills. For this purpose, special trainings or courses are conducted for them.

Although the candidate must have an education, he must know:

A person in this position must have excellent erudition and communication skills. The main qualities of this profession are the ability to persuade. The manager must also be able to listen while maintaining politeness. Therefore, a person in this position is required to:

  • good resistance to stress and performance;
  • lack of conflict;
  • negotiation skills;
  • ability to quickly analyze information and make decisions;
  • good learning ability;
  • ability to find a common language;
  • have the gift of persuasion;
  • aspirations for career advancement;
  • the ability to replay the situation in the interests of the company;
  • ability to work in a team.

In addition to all the above qualities, a person in this position must have a presentable appearance, since he is the face of the enterprise. Therefore, you will have to buy business-style clothes. The manager must have good speech, because he will have to talk a lot with clients. And it’s always a pleasure to communicate with a competent person.

Employee Responsibilities

When applying for this position, a person must understand that he will have to do a large amount of work. It may differ depending on the type of activity of the organization, but have the following main directions:

  • Analysis of the locality to determine the group of potential clients. Also study their needs by category.
  • Organization and planning of work activities with an existing client base.
  • Planning methods for further communication and tactics of behavior in order to obtain benefits for the enterprise.
  • Organization of events to attract client flow.
  • Negotiating with future clients and convincing them to contact this company.
  • Presentation of goods or services.
  • Providing an agreement for reviewing and agreeing on protocols of disagreements.
  • Development of a program for further relations with existing and V.I.P. clients.
  • Analyze customer relationships to identify dissatisfaction.
  • Compilation and further continuation of the customer base.
  • Ensuring the interests of clients, but not to the detriment of the company.
  • Recommendations for goods and services.
  • Establishing feedback in order to determine the causes of dissatisfaction.
  • Conclusion of contracts.
  • Drawing up reports on the work done and the wishes of clients.
  • Organization of work activities of subordinate employees, if this occurs.
  • Interaction with other structural divisions.

The responsibilities indicated above are prescribed in the manager’s job description. They are compiled taking into account the specifics of the organization in which the person works. It is not necessary to list all of these points. Each organization, at its own discretion, has the right to add the necessary points to the document.

Employee rights

An account manager has many responsibilities in their area of ​​work. They are important not only for the employee himself, but also for the efficiency of the organization as a whole. After all, attracting a large flow of customers brings big profits for many companies.

And if a manager performs his duties productively, he stands out as one of the valuable employees. In addition, he is valued in the company as a professional in his field.

In addition to the above responsibilities, a person in this position also has his own rights:

  • Independence in decision-making on the development of methods for attracting and interacting with clients.
  • The ability to manage money that is allocated to resolve current issues in the field of organizing customer acquisition.
  • Signing the required papers, as well as making changes to them.
  • Answer questions from specialists in various fields regarding the circumstances of the cases.
  • Solving problems within competence.
  • Demand from management, as well as other specialists of the organization, conditions for safe and productive work, as well as the performance of duties.

All of the above rights of an employee in this position are also specified in detail in the job description.

Manager's Responsibility

As in any other position, managers also make mistakes. Failure to fulfill duties and allowing negligence entails liability. When working with clients, it is easiest for a person to make a mistake, so you should be extremely careful.

A manager may be held accountable for the following offenses:

  • failure to comply with the scope of instructions;
  • damage to the company;
  • failure to comply with labor standards;
  • violations committed during the labor process, in particular violation of the law.

The amount and type of liability to which the employee is held depends on the circumstances of the case and the scale of the damage. The responsibilities to which an employee may be held are also specified in the job descriptions as a separate paragraph.

A customer service manager, regardless of the specifics of the enterprise’s activities, always has a wide range of powers. When an employee of this position does not fulfill his duties or violates the law, he is held accountable.

In contact with